raffia hat and bag in crochet

Head to the Beach Raffia Hat and Bag Crochet 1962 Really Special Vintage Patterns

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Page 1: Raffia Hat and Bag in Crochet

Head to the Beach Raffia Hat and Bag Crochet 1962

Really Special Vintage Patterns

Page 2: Raffia Hat and Bag in Crochet

© Copyright Pamela Walker 2010 Really Special Vintage Patterns 1

Raffia Hat and Beach Bag 1962


the hat: 7 hanks of Hawai Seiden-bast Raffia (obtainable from the Needlewoman Shop, Regent Street, London, WI), a Phantom crochet hook size 10 (3¼ m.),millinery wire;

the bag: 18 hanks, a crochet hook size 10 (3¼ mm. 4 ½-in.) screw rings. 2 (16-in) lengths of ⅜-in. wooden or plastic dowelling.

MEASUREMENTS—Bag: 14½ deep by 18 ins.

TENSION—9 h. tr. and 6 rows to 2 ins.

STITCH—Entire hat and bag are in h. tr. with bobble stitch borders, instructions for which are given when worked.

HAT—Work 3 ch. and join with a sl. st. to form a circle.

Base round. * Straw (called s.) round hook once, insert hook through ring, draw s. through, s. round hook, draw through 3 loops on hook (called 1 h. tr.), rep. from * 7 times more and join to first st, with sl. st. (8 h. tr.).

1st round—1 ch., * 2 h. tr. into first st., 1 h. tr. into next st., rep. from * 3 times more and join to first st. with sl. st.

2nd round.—1 ch., * 2 h. tr. into first st., 1 h. tr. into each of next 2 sts., rep from * 3 times more and join with sl. st.

3rd round.—1 ch, * 2 h. tr. into first st., 1 h. tr. into each of next 3 sts., rep. from * 3 times more, join with sl. st.

Work 5 more rounds in this way, increasing 4 sts. and having 1st. more between inc. each time.

Page 3: Raffia Hat and Bag in Crochet

© Copyright Pamela Walker 2010 Really Special Vintage Patterns 2

9th round.—3 ch * s. round hook twice, insert hook into next st,, draw loop through, ( s. round hook, draw through 2 loops) 3 times, * * s. round hook twice, insert hook into same space, draw loop through, ( s. round hook, draw through 2 loops) twice, rep, from ** 4 times more (6 loops on hook). s. round hook, draw through 6 loops 2 ch, miss next st. rep. from * to end, join to first bobble with sl. st. (20 bobbles.)

10th round —3 h. tr. into each 2 ch space, 60 sts.

Place a coloured marker at this point and carry through work to mark beg. of rounds

Now work in continuous rounds to avoid joins.

11th round - * 1 h. tr. into each of next 9 sts, 2 h. tr. into next st., rep, from * 5 times more.

Work 3 rounds in this way, increasing 6 sts. and having 1 st. more between inc. each time, 84 sts.

15th round — * 1 h. tr. into each of next 11 sts., 2 h. tr. into next st., rep. from * 6 times more (7 sts, increased).

Work 3 rounds, increasing 7 sts. every round.

19th round— * 1 h. tr. into each of next 13 sts., 2 h. tr. into next st., rep. from * 7 times more (8 sts. increased).

Work 4 rounds, increasing 8 sts every round.

24th round— Like 9th.

25th round— 2 ch. * insert hook through loop immediately to right of first st. of bobble, draw loop through, insert hook through 3 ch. space, draw loop through, s. round hook, draw through 3 loops, 2 h. tr. into same 3 ch. space, rep. from * to end. Join to first st. with sl. st. (Note— This tightens previous row and pulls bobble sideways.)

26th, 27th and 28th rounds—Work in h. tr. increasing 8 sts. evenly spaced each round. Fasten off securely,

Fringe. Cut 5-in. lengths of straw, * Take 2 strands, fold in half, insert hook through first st. and draw fold of strands through, draw 4 strands through the loop, pull to tighten knot, rep. from * round edge.

Sew wire along inside ridge on each side of bobbles.

BAG—Work front and back—

Beg. at side edge. Work 147 ch. loosely.

1st row—1 h. tr. into 5th ch. from hook (counting loop on hook as 1 ch.), 1 h. tr. into each ch. to end, (144 sts. including turning ch.), 2 ch., turn.

2nd row—1 h. tr. into each st. to end, 2 ch., turn,

Rep. 2nd row, 12 times more.

15th row 3 ch., work bobbles as in 9th round of hat, 2 ch., turn.

16th row.—2 h. tr. into first 3 ch, space, * insert hook through same space and draw loop through, insert hook through ch. loop immediately to the left of bobble, draw

Page 4: Raffia Hat and Bag in Crochet

© Copyright Pamela Walker 2010 Really Special Vintage Patterns 3

loop through (3 loops on hook), s. round hook, draw through 3 loops. 1 h. tr. into 3 ch. space, rep. from * to end, 2 ch., turn,

Work 24 rows in h. tr.

Rep. 15th and 16th rows.

Work 13 rows in h. tr. Fasten off.

Work gussets. Work 18 ch. Work 1 h. tr into 5th ch. from hook, 1 h. tr. into each ch. (14 sts. including turning ch).

Work in rows of h. tr. for 14 ins.

Work another piece in same way.

To MAKE UP—Fold main part in half width-wise and mark centre point at each side.

Pin centre of starting line of gussets to each marker, pin bag round 3 sides of gusset. Cut 5-in. lengths of straw and join gusset and bag together with tassels, as on hat, working through both thicknesses.

Over sew dowelling to bag tops with straw, drawing stitches close together to completely cover wood.

Work handle. Cut 6 lengths of straw, 120 ins, long.

Fold in half and make a three- fold plait.

Knot ends, leaving 2-ins, for tassel, trim.

Screw 1 ring to each end of dowelling.

Slot the handle through four rings and join tassels on one side,