rails engines

Rails Engines

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Rails Engines

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Hi, I’m Josh

I work here ->


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We Build Ruby AppsAnd a bunch of other stuff

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We also do design

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We also do design

The designers had NOTHING to do with my slides.

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Here’s the Problem

Even custom applications want to be able to manage their static pages

Think Contact Us, Team Bios, etc.

Wordpress, Drupal even Locomotive are great but heavy weight

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What we needed

A mini-cms

Uses our existing rails views

No subdomaining, feels like part of the app

Works with our authentication setup

Great for 4 or 5 pages of content

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OptionsHigh Voltage


Great for devs, not great for the customer

Locomotive Engine


Awesome but heavyweight, assumes their template style

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WARNING: Not even close to finished

Works w/ devise

Mounts in another application

Inherits that application’s layouts

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But how?

Rails Engines

obviously, otherwise this talk wouldn’t make much sense

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What are Rails Engines?Lesser known feature, started in Rails 3.0

Mini-application that can be added to a larger rails app

Replace plugins

Are a subset of Railties, so you can use railtie stuff (like generators, rake tasks, etc.)

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Code reuse

Share functional components

Share business logic



Open Source part of a private app

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Creating an Engine2 Ways

Rails 3.1 or greater

> rails plugin new

Rails 3.0

Use enginex by Jose Valim


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$> rails plugin new depot_engine --dummy-path=spec/dummy --skip-test-unit --mountable --skip-bundle


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rails plugin new depot_engine

dummy --skip-test-unit --mountable --skip-bundle

Creates a new Rails Engine with the name DepotEngine

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rails plugin new depot_engine --skip-test-unit --mountable --skip-bundle

Creates a fake rails app in the RSpec path


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rails plugin new depot_engine


Sets the engine to be “mountable” as opposed to “full”

Full - the parent inherits routes from the engine and can directly access it’s components (controllers, models, etc.)

Mountable - the engine’s namespace is isolated and draws its own routes. It mounts at a path:

mount DepotEngine::Engine => “/store”, :as => “store”

dummy--skip-test-unit --skip-bundle

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Setting Up RSpec

Add rspec-rails to development dependencies in gemspec

bundle install

rails g rspec:install

Set rspec as test_framework in engine.rb


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Testing through dummy rails plugin new automatically creates a dummy app

Rails.application is available to test initializers

Rails.application.routes will get you dummy app routes

More in a bit

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Depot as an Engine

Depot application


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Migration Pitfalls

You have to use the engine name everywhere

rails g migration add_foo_to_engine_name_table_name

To copy migrations into dummy app cd into dummy and run

rake engine_name:install:migrations

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Asset Pipeline PitfallsAssets have to be preceeded by engine_name in view helpers


Copy assets group in Gemfile from normal rails app into Gemfile in engine, then bundle install in dummy app

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View Hints

You can reference parent via main_app helper

i.e. link_to “Home”, main_app.root_path

Use the parent’s layouts by adding layout “application” to ApplicationController in engine

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View Hints

In parent app use engine_name.path_helper to link into engine

link_to “Store”, depot_engine.root_path

You can override views by putting them in


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Rake Tasks

Rake tasks can be added in lib/tasks

Show up in parent application

Can be run in rails engine via app namespace

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Other Stuff

Custom Rails Generators

Injecting routes into the parent

Config options


etc. etc.

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Exstatic - Authorization

Uses a config option to call an authentication method

Setup in initializer


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Exstatic - Generators

Used for migrations but no longer needed

You can however setup a rails_engine:install to automate setup

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Exstatic - Dynamic RoutesCan add routes directly into parent app


Can also ensure you aren’t overwriting a route that is defined by parent


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Gems I “borrowed” from



High Voltage
