raising daughters by shaykh 'alee al-haddaadee

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  • 7/29/2019 Raising Daughters by Shaykh 'Alee Al-Haddaadee



    Raising Daughters by Shaykh 'Alee al-Haddaadee

    Source: http://www.subulassalaam.com/articles/article.cfm?article_id=115#.UTs1N9YyZfQ

    All praise is due to Allaah and may the Salaat and Salaam be upon His servant and messenger

    Muhammad, his family and companions.

    To proceed:

    Noble reader, each and every one of you is surely going to be resurrected after his death, and

    questioned and taken into account for his actions in the life of this world. Amongst the issues

    that a servant would be questioned about, is his family and children, how did he look after and

    raise them. Concerning this, the Messenger - - said:

    "A man is a care taker of his household and will be questioned about them. A woman is also a

    caretaker in her husband's household and will be questioned about that."

    The topic of upbringing and raising children is an extensive one, so I will limit this essay to raising

    daughters specifically, due to their great importance and wide ranging effect on society - in

    manners and behavior. For indeed when a girl grows up, she becomes a wife, a mother, a

    teacher in addition to other responsibilities that await her in life. If she is rectified, a lot of other

    affairs would be rectified as a direct result, and if the she is ruined, a lot of affairs would also be

    consequently ruined.

    The following concise essay will revolve around the following points:

    The Virtues of Having Girls and the Falsity of Pre-Islaamic Ways.

    Being Kind to Daughters Methods and Examples.

    Choosing a Good Mother.

    Choosing a Good Name.

    Providing for their Physical Needs such Food, Clothing and Medicine.

    Being Generous, kind and Merciful to Them.

    Being Just Between Them and their Siblings whether they are Boys or Girls.

    Bringing them up Islamicaly and getting them Accustomed to this while they are Young.

    Teaching and Preparing them for a Married Life.

    Being keen on Marrying Them to Men of Good Religion and Character.

    Visiting them and Enjoining Ties with them after they get Married.

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    Methods of Protecting them from the Dangers of Present day Society.

    The Uprightness and Righteousness of the Parents.

    Supplicating for Her.

    Continuously Advising and Directing Her.

    Directing Her to Choosing a Good Friend.

    Preserving the Home from the Mediums of Destruction.

    Carrying Out the Obligations of a Guardian.

    Maintaining Family Bonds.

    The Ideological Warfare.

    The virtues of Having Girls and the Falsity of Pre-Islaamic Discrimination.

    If we look at the Book of Allaah the Glorified, we find that He strongly rebukes pre-Islaamic

    ways; that a man is displeased when he is given the glad tidings of a daughter, his face darkens

    while he is in as state of grief, he feels shy amongst his people so he avoids them out of

    embarrassment. He contemplates whether he is going to bury her or leave her upon hawn.

    Allaah strongly criticized them from this practice.

    There are, however, remnants of these pre-Islaamic ways that still live in the hearts of some

    men, especially if a man's wife keeps giving birth to girls. Even though a woman is just like the

    earth in this case, in that it grows whatever the farmer plants in it, with some men, it has

    reached the point where he would divorce his wife after she gives birth [to a girl] we seek

    refuge with Allaah from such ignorance and cold heartedness.

    During the pre-Islaamic era, women had no status at all, a man would bury his daughter and yet

    raise his dog and feed his farm animals. Allaah falsified this lowly ideology and raised the status

    of the woman to its natural level, a level that suits her and enables her to carry out her

    obligations, the rights she has over others and others have over her. He addressed the woman in

    the same way He addressed the man in obligations and prohibitions, and He specified the

    woman with some rulings that concern her specifically, rulings which suit her natural state.

    Having children is something that is predestined, it is in Allaah's Hands, He blesses whom he

    wills with girls and blesses whom he wills with boys. He blesses others with both boys and girls

    and tests others with neither. Allaah the Elevated states:

    {To Allaah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He

    bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He

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    wills. Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren whom He wills. Verily, He is

    All-Knower and is Able to do all things.} [Ash Shooraa: 49-50]

    Contemplate over how he mentioned girls first before boys; this is an admonishment to those

    who belittle the status of women and consider them to be insignificant.

    So be pleased with whatever Allaah has decreed, for you do not know where goodness lies! How

    many fathers were contented by the tidings of a boy, who later only became a calamity for him,

    a cause for the decrease of his wealth and a continuous source of worry and misery for him. And

    how many a father was discontented by the news of a daughter while anticipating a son, and

    this girl became not only a helping hand, but a merciful heart and continuous source of support

    throughout his life. From here we understand that contentment, in reality, is not due to having a

    boy or a girl, it is only realized if the child is righteous, whether it is male or female. Allaah the

    Elevated said in describing the servants of al Rahmaan:

    {And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the comfort of

    our eyes, and make us leaders of the righteous. } [Al Furqaan: 74]

    Being Kind to Daughters Methods and Examples

    My Muslim brother; if Allah blesses you with daughters, be diligent in carrying out their

    rights,.This includes raising them, providing for them and properly interacting with them, all the

    while anticipating the reward from Allaah. Do you know the amount of reward you will receive

    by doing so? If you do this, you will be together with the Prophet- - in the

    afterlife, for a Hadeeth it states:

    "Whoever raises two girls until they mature will be together with me on the Day of Resurrection

    - and he joined two of his fingers side by side."

    [Collected by Muslim]

    He- - also said:

    "Whoever is tested with something by daughters and is good to them, they would be a

    protection for him from the fire."

    [Collected by both Bukhaaree and Muslim]

    There are many ways of being good to daughters amongst them:

    Choosing a good mother; This is the first step in being good to your offspring, because a

    righteous mother is one of the causes of righteous children In Shaa Allaah. How many a child

    has Allaah preserved due to the righteousness of his or her parents[1].

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    Choosing a good name; since the name of a child has an effect on him/her. Names have

    different rulings, amongst them are those that are permitted, recommended, disliked and

    prohibited. Today, the majority of people look for modern names, paying no attention to their

    meanings or rulings.

    How many girls have names with bad meanings? How many girls have foreign names while theirparents are Arabs in Arab countries?

    Providing for their physical needs such as food, clothing and medicine.

    Being diligent in this affair is from the causes of entering Jannah; an extremely poor woman

    entered upon 'Aaishah may Allaah be pleased with her with her two children. 'Aa-isha said:

    "She asked me but I didn't have anything except one date at the time, so I split it between the

    both of us and gave her one half. She didn't eat any of it, but left with both her daughters." The

    Messenger - - arrived and I told him about this, he said:

    "Indeed Allaah has obligated the entrance to Jannah for her, and prohibited the Hellfire from

    touching her because of that." [Reported by both Bukhaaree and Muslim]

    Being Generous, kind and Merciful to Them.

    When Fatimah used to enter upon the Prophet - , he used to say: "Welcome my

    daughter." One day he went to lead the prayer while carrying his granddaughter Zaynab; while

    prostrating he would put her down, and while standing he would carry her. It may have been

    that there was no one to look after her at home at the time so he took her with him. Or it may

    be that he wanted to legislate this and have people take him as an example may Allaah's

    Salaat and Salaam be upon him.

    The Prophet - - was the most merciful of people to children in general, whether

    they were boys or girls; he would kiss them, rub their heads, supplicate for them, and play with

    them. There is a great deal of good in this.

    The older a daughter becomes, the more she would need to feel respected and appreciated. If

    you provide this for her, she would feel that she is an important member of her family, in her

    own parent's home, and this would help her greatly in stability and steadfastness.

    If however, she feels belittled and neglected, that she is not addressed except with orders and

    prohibitions; only asking her to carry out chores and so on, this would only make her hate herhome and family, and Shaytaan may start whispering to her. She would then start looking for

    care and love in impermissible methods, which would lead her to destruction. Only Allaah knows

    where she would finally settle.

    Being Just Between Them and their Siblings whether they are Boys or Girls.

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    There must be justness between her and the rest of her siblings whether boys of girls. Indeed

    the feeling of being oppressed, and inclining to others more than her would plant the seeds of

    hatred towards her parents, as well as animosity towards those amongst her brothers and

    sisters who have been preferred over her. So fear Allah and be just with between your children.

    When providing for them, [wealth should be spent] according to need. As for 'Hibah' (the giving

    of wealth without compensation) then the male receives twice the amount of the female, and if

    a parent were to give it equally then this is good.

    Bringing them up Islamicaly and getting them Accustomed to this while they are Young.

    Raising her in an Islamic manner and familiarizing her with it from an early age; raising her with

    the etiquette of taking permission, the etiquette of eating and drinking, and the etiquette of

    clothing. Making her memorize whatever is easy from the Quran and legislated supplications.

    Teaching her ablution and prayer; ordering her to do so at seven and obligating it upon her at

    ten. Indeed if she is brought up upon goodness, she would be comfortable with it and love it,

    and it would be easy for her to abide by it and stay firm upon it.

    Teaching and Preparing them for a Married Life.

    Educating and preparing her for what she needs after she moves on to married life; the

    etiquette of interacting with a husband and carrying out the responsibilities of a home, such as

    cooking and cleaning and so on. Indeed there are families which neglect this. If a girl moves on

    to married life, while she isn't proficient at cooking, cleaning or interacting a husband may

    have little patience, he may have a short temper, problems may arise in a short time and may

    end up in divorce.

    Being keen on Marrying Them to Men of Good Religion and Character.

    Getting her married when she reaches the age of womanhood, and a man of righteousness,

    trustworthiness and good mannerisms asks for her hand in marriage, while you are pleased with

    him, indeed this is one of the greatest forms of goodness, because delaying a woman from

    marriage is from the greatest causes of deviation from the correct path, especially in this time


    Her guardian should facilitate the affairs of marriage, such as dowry and other requirements, all

    this encourages those who are interested in stepping forward for her, and consequently for her

    sisters after her.

    Muslim families must beware of delaying the marriage of a girl with the justification of

    completing education, or that she is still young and other such unfounded excuses, because this

    is an affair that would have a negative impact on society with evil consequences.

    Visiting them and Enjoining Ties with them after they get Married.

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    Ties should be maintained with her and she should be visited after she gets married, and one

    should search for what she may need and resolve any problems she may have. Her happiness

    and distress should be shared with her. The family must beware, especially the mother, from

    directly being involved in her daughter's life, for excessive involvement in what does not

    concern her may harm her daughter's marriage.

    Methods of Protecting them from the Dangers of Present day Society.

    It should be known to you my Muslim brother that we live in an era where there is a lot of

    Fitnah, and the paths to evil and misguidance have been facilitated in a manner unprecedented

    to that of previous eras. This only emphasizes your responsibility, and necessitates that you

    double your efforts in raising, advising, directing and taking precautions.

    The steadfastness of the parents and their righteousness. For indeed the righteousness of the

    parents is a reason that Allah preserves their progeny. As Allah the Elevated stated in the story

    of Musa and al-Khadir:

    {So they set out, until they came to the people of a town, they asked its people for food, but

    they refused to offer them hospitality. And they found therein a wall about to collapse, so al-

    Khidh restored it. [Musa] said, "If you wished, you could have taken for it a payment."}

    Al-Khadir later explained the reason why he restored the wall without payment:

    {And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a

    treasure for them, and their father was a righteous man. So your Lord intended that they reach

    maturity and extract their treasure, as a mercy from your Lord.}

    So Allah preserved these two boys due to the righteousness of their father.[2]

    Being diligent in the affair of Du'a, for indeed it has a tremendous effect. The prayer of parents

    and their invocation to Allah for the rectification of their children is a cause and door for


    Amongst the beautiful narrations in this affair is that al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad the Imaam of the

    Haram in Makkah at his time said:

    "O Allah, I keenly try to raise my son 'Alee correctly, but I am unable to do so, so raise him for


    So the boy's state changed and he became from amongst the most righteous people of his time.

    He died while praying Fajr as the Imaam read:

    { If you could but see when they are made to stand before the Fire and will say, "Oh, would that

    we could be returned [to life on earth"} [Siyyar 'Alaam an-Nubalaa: 8/390]

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    The Messenger - - taught us to seek refuge from Fitan, likewise parents must

    teach their children Du'a and say what would benefit them of it. When Allah tested Yusuf

    'Alayhi as-Salam with the Fitnah of those women, he said:

    {"My Lord, prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. And if You do not avert

    from me their plan, I might incline toward them and [thus] be of the ignorant." So his Lordresponded to him and averted from him their plan. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.}

    Allah mentioned in responding to the Du'a, that He is the Hearing, the Knowing, so that the

    believer may know that when Allah knows the truthfulness of a person's Du'a, then indeed his

    Lord is close, responsive.

    Continuously advising and cautioning her with an appropriate manner, whether directly or

    indirectly depending on the situation. For indeed hearts become heedless, and they are awoken

    through advice and reminders; indeed the reminder benefits the believer.

    Keeping the mediums of corruption out of the home, for indeed a lot of satellite channels and a

    lot of internet websites destroy more than they build, and they harm more than they benefit,

    and they corrupt more than they rectify. How many a noble person was lost because of them,

    and how many a viewer became tarnished. So safety is by staying away from them, and there is

    nothing equal to safety. If these mediums are present within the home, then the father should

    not allow these mediums to be used by his family unrestrictedly; watching whatever they want

    and visiting websites whenever they please, because by doing so they only harm themselves


    Likewise is the case with smart phones, for they are no longer only used for making calls, theyare used for much more. The device is now also a voice recorder, a camera, a media player, and

    it is often used to propagate evil.

    Being true to the obligation of responsibility, the father's keenness over the well being of his

    daughter and his continuous care is a cause for her steadfastness. Just as negligence and laxity

    are a cause for her corruption. So carry out your responsibility like a man. Do not allow your

    family to go out uncovered, adorned and to mix with non-Mahram men, or to travel without a

    Mahram. Women usually do this if they see irresponsibility and negligence from the part of their


    Be extremely cautious of weakening the bonds of family ties, for a lot of families today complainabout weak bonds between family members. Each member is busy with their own affairs. The

    father is in a valley on his own, the mother is in a valley on her own, and each child is in their

    own world. There is no doubt that such distance will later cause major problems, starting small

    but slowly growing with the passing of time, until the time comes when things explode, the

    family wakes up but only after it is too late.

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    Do not think my Muslim brother, that the only danger threatening the Muslim woman, is moral

    deviation resulting in illicit conduct, the use of drugs and other such substances? Rather, she is

    also threatened by another danger; an ideological danger. She is liable to fall victim to and and

    be involved with one of the seventy two destructive sects that the Messenger - -

    foretold of. How many women today believe in the way of the Khawaari, which they pass on to

    their husbands, children and students? How many women hold the creed of the Sufiyyah, and

    are involved in their gatherings and parties which have no evidence from Allah to back them,

    and other affairs that contradict the Sunnah. This necessitates that father takes caution and is

    aware of the sources of knowledge that feed the hearts and minds of his family.

    I pray to Allah for the guidance and rectification of Muslim men and women, to settle their

    affairs, as I ask him to grant the young Muslim women success in adhering to their religion, to be

    steadfast upon the true and correct methodology, and to safeguard them from both the

    apparent and hidden Fitan of misguidance, and all praise is due to Allah alone.

    [1] This advice is directed to men, for women it would be choosing a good father for their

    daughters e.t.c.

    [2] Refer to Preserving Our Children for more on this topic.
