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  • 7/22/2019 Raj Senani



    Active Elements for Analog Signal Processing:

    Classification, Review, and New Proposals

    Dalibor BIOLEK1, Raj SENANI2, Viera BIOLKOV3,Zdenk KOLKA3

    1Dept. of EE/Microelectronics, UD Brno/Brno University of Technology, Kounicova 65, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic2Division of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

    3Dept. of Radio Electronics, Brno University of Technology, Purkyova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic

    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Abstract. In the paper, an analysis of the state-of-the-artof active elements for analog signal processing is

    presented which support in contrast to the conventionaloperational amplifiers not only the voltage-mode but alsothe current- and mixed-mode operations. Several problemsare addressed which are associated with the utilization ofthese elements in linear applications, particularly in

    frequency filters. A methodology is proposed whichgenerates a number of fundamentally new active elementswith their potential utilization in various areas of signal



    Active element, current conveyor, operationalamplifier, OTA, CDBA, CDTA, filter.

    1. IntroductionThe demand for electronic circuits with extremely low

    supply voltages and power consumption belongs toimportant and long-term trends which affect thedevelopment of microelectronic technologies [1]. In manyapplications, additional requirements appear, particularlythe extreme speed or the accuracy of signal processing.Simultaneous fulfillment of the above demands isproblematic and the trade-off solution should be used inpractice.

    In the last two decades, the evolution of modernapplications of analog signal processing has followed thetrends of so-called current mode [2], when signals,representing the information being processed, are in theform of electric currents. In contrast to the conventionalvoltage mode, which utilizes electric voltages, the current-mode circuits can exhibit under certain conditions amongother things higher bandwidth and better signal linearity.Since they are designed for lower voltage swings, smallersupply voltages can be used. Simultaneously with the

    development of current-mode applications, the mixed-modecircuits are also analyzed because of the necessity of

    optimizing the interface between the sub-blocks, which areworking in different modes. The mixed-mode operation andeven the comeback to the conventional voltage mode alsohave another justification: it appears that some generallyaccepted statements about the advantages of the currentmode probably have no real basis [3].

    However, the criticism of [3] not withstanding, thecurrent-mode techniques have given way to a number ofimportant analog signal processing/signal generatingcircuits as is evident from a vast amount of literature oncurrent-mode circuits and techniques published in therecent past (see[1]-[110] and references cited therein). Dueto the advances made in integrated circuit (IC) technologyduring the last two decades, circuit designers have quiteoften exploited the potential of current-mode analogtechniques for evolving elegant and efficient solutions toseveral circuit design problems. As a consequence, thecurrent-mode approach to signal processing has often beenclaimed to provide one or more of the followingadvantages: higher frequency range of operation, lowerpower consumption, higher slew rates, improved linearity,and better accuracy.

    Approximately since 2000, the number of papers,particularly in high-impact international journals from thefield, dealing with new circuit principles of active blocksfor fast analog signal processing, has continuously beengrowing. Besides classical active filters, the targetapplications of the blocks include advanced fully-integratedinput blocks of modern communication circuits. With theexception of DC-precise low-pass filters, the requirementson DC precision of the new blocks are not so relevant incomparison with the requirements on their speed.

    In the case of oscillators and other generators, someadditional requirements regarding their precision (linearity,offset, etc.) have appeared. For non-linear circuits such asrectifiers of weak signals, precise comparators and Schmitttriggers, shaping networks, etc., the demands for accuracycan be considerable.

    The initial set of active elements for analog signalprocessing is currently evolving in two directions.

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    The first direction is represented by modifying thebasic elements such as VFA (Voltage Feedback Amplifier),CFA (Current Feedback Amplifier), OTA (OperationalTransconductance Amplifier), and particularly currentconveyors (CC). The important motivations for suchmodifications consist in the effort to increase the

    application potential of the element. Simultaneously, thiselement should have a simple internal structure in order toretain low power consumption and high-speed operation.The electronic control requirements can also be animportant motivation for modifying the circuit principle.

    The second direction of the evolution of the activeelements is characterized by the appearance of entirely newelements which extend the original VFA-CFA-OTA-CCset.

    There are three motivation objectives for this paper:

    1. Mapping the state-of-the-art of the active elements

    for analog signal processing. Today, there is suchan amount of fundamentally different activeelements that it may be often confusing also forworkers in the field.

    2. Addressing several technical problems notfrequently analyzed in the literature which areconnected with the implementation of current-mode circuits.

    3. Outlining another potential direction of generatingactive elements which would combine the featuresof basic elements from the VFA-CFA-OTA-CCset.

    The paper layout corresponds to the above objectives.Section 2, which follows this Introduction, contains asummary of hitherto developed and employed types ofcurrent conveyors, combinations of conveyors and otheranalog blocks, and elements which extend the originalVFA-CFA-OTA-CC set. Ommited in the text, except forone clause in Section 2.2, is the well-known informationabout conventional operational amplifiers (OpAmps).Section 3 addresses the problem of analog control of theparameters of active elements as well as the problem ofutilizing current signals, flowing through the working

    impedances of the circuit. Also errors which take effectthroughout the process of replicating the currents arediscussed. In Section 4, with the utilization of theconclusions from Section 3, a practicable method forgenerating novel active elements is suggested with regard toseveral simple criteria.

    2. The State-of-the-Art2.1 Current Conveyors

    The current conveyor (CC) is the basic building blockof a number of contemporary applications both in the

    current and the mixed modes. The principle of the currentconveyor of the first generation was published in 1968 byK. C. Smith and A. S. Sedra [4]. Two years later, todayswidely used second-generation CCII was described in [5],and in 1995 the third-generation CCIII [6]. However,initially, during that time, the current conveyor did not find

    many applications because its advantages compared to theclassical operational amplifier (OpAmp) were not widelyappreciated and any IC implementation of CurrentConveyors was not available commercially as an off-the-shelf item. An IC CC, namely PA630, was introduced byWadsworth [7] in 1989 (mass produced by PhototronicsLtd. of Canada) and about the same time, the now wellknown AD844 (operational transimpedance amplifier ormore popularly known as a current feedback op-amp) wasrecognized to be internally a CCII+ followed by a voltagefollower (for instance, see [8]). An excellent review of thestate-of-the-art of current-mode circuits prior to 1990, wasprovided by Wilson in [9]. Today, the current conveyor isconsidered a universal analog building block with widespread applications in the current-, voltage-, and mixed-mode signal processing. Its features find most applicationsin the current mode, when its so-called voltage input y isgrounded and the current, flowing into the low-impedanceinput x, is copied by a simple current mirror into the zoutput.

    Since 1995 in particular, we have witnessed manysuccessive modifications and generalizations of the basicprinciple of CCII in order to use this circuit element moreefficiently in various applications. A summary of thebehavioral models of selected conveyors is in Fig. 1.

    The demand for a multiple-output current conveyorled to the DO-CCII (Dual-Output CCII), which providescurrents Iz of both directions, thus combining both thepositive and the negative CCII in a single device [1]. Ifboth currents are of the same polarity, the conveyors are ofthe CFCCIIp or CFCCIIn types (Current Follower CCII),where the symbolpor nmeans positive or negative currentconveyor [10]. Another generalization is represented by theso-called DVCCII (Differential Voltage Current Conveyor)[11], in which the original voltage input y is split intoa pair of inputs y1and y2. The voltage of the x terminal isthen given by the voltage difference of the voltage inputs.

    This offers more freedom during the design of voltage- andmixed-mode applications. DVCC with the complementarypair of z1 and z2 terminals is known as DVCCC(Differential Voltage Complementary CC) [11]. Asa special case of DVCCII for y1 grounded, the ICCII(Inverting CCII) is described in [12]. On the contrary,DDCC (Differential Diference CCII) [13] is an extension ofDVCCII: Voltage at the x terminal is given bya combination of voltages at three terminals y1, y2, and y3.Splitting the zterminal of DDCC into a pair of zterminalswith currents Iz = Ix yields DDCCC (DifferentialDiference Complementary CC) [14]. Another

    generalization of the classical CCII is DCC (DifferentialCurrent Conveyor) [15], in which thexinput is replaced by

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    the pair of x1and x2. The current through the zterminal isgiven by the difference of currents through the x1 and x2terminals. MDCC (Modified Differential CurrentConveyor) [15] is a simplification of DCC on theassumption that signal (voltage) at theyterminal is zero.

    In [16], Zeki and Toker proposed the Dual-X Second-Generation Current Conveyor (DXCCII) which isa combination of CCII and ICCII. Instead of a single x-terminal, DXCCII has two terminalsxpandxnas outputs ofnon-inverting and inverting unity-gain amplifiers with theirinputs connected to y terminal. Copies of xp and xnterminal currents are provided atzpandznterminals.

    FDCCII (Fully Differential CCII) [17] is an importantgeneralization of the conventional CCII. The x, y, and zterminals occur here in pairs. The basic circuit equations ofthe CCII are now valid for differences of voltages orcurrents which correspond to these pairs. FDCCII is thus

    designed for applications with fully differential architecturefor fast signal processing. In [18], this type of conveyor iscalled FBCCII (Fully Balanced CCII).

    The so-called modified CCII (MCCII) is published in[19]. Its special internal structure provides such anoperation that the current through the z terminal does notdepend on the direction of current Ix, i.e. Iz= abs(Ix). Thisfeature can be used with advantage to implementeconomically full-wave rectifiers [19]. Joining two currentconveyors CCII- yields the so-called Operational FloatingConveyor (OFC) [20]. OFC is a universal differential-inputdifferential-output building block, enabling current-,

    voltage-, and mixed-mode applications. An extremeembodiment of universality is the so-called UCC (UniversalCurrent Conveyor) [21]. By means of this element, one canimplement all the above types of current conveyor.However, such universality is at the cost of non-optimalparameters for a concrete application.

    A modification of the third-generation currentconveyor is described in [22]. The so-called MCCIII(Modified CCIII) is equipped with a couple of z1 and z2terminals. Currents through these terminals are of oppositedirections and the following equalities hold: Iz1 = -2Ix,

    Iz2= Ix. Unequal values of the currents enable the design of

    interesting applications [22].The non-zero x-terminal impedance is an important

    parasitic parameter of the current conveyor, whichnegatively affects its behavior, particularly in filteringapplications [2], [23]. However, this phenomenon isparadoxically utilized in a new type of conveyor, namelyCCCII (Current Controlled Conveyor) [24-26], where theresistance of x terminal is controlled electronically via thebias current. It can be shown that this active device can beused in filters whose parameters may be controlledelectronically [27]. Such a feature has been inherent in theso-called gmCfilters, i.e. filters, compounded only of OTAs

    and capacitors.

    Another method for controlling electronically theparameters of applications employing current conveyors isbased on conveyors with variable current gain Iz/Ix. In [1],such a conveyor is identified by the abbreviation CGCCII(Current Gain CCII). The current conveyor of such a type,concretely CCII-, was formerly manufactured by lantec

    under the code EL2717 [28]. In [29], the variable gain isimplemented via transforming current Iz into voltage bymeans of resistors, and via back transformation of voltageinto current by means of electronically gm-controlled OTA.The most recent solution is characterized by digital controlof the gain, utilizing the so-called CDN (Current DivisionNetwork) [82] and DCCF (Digitally Controlled CurrentFollower) [30].

    2.2 Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps), FTFN,and Hybrid OpAmp-CC Elements

    68 years have elapsed since the design of the firstoperational amplifier (OpAmp) [31] and 56 years since themanufacture of the first commercial OpAmp [32]. Overtime, the OpAmp internal structure has been modified andtwo basic OpAmp types Voltage Feedback Amplifier(VFA) and Current Feedback Amplifier (CFA) have beenoutlined. However, the well-known input-output behaviorof the ideal OpAmp in the linear regime is still the same:zero differential input voltage, zero input currents, andextremely high signal gain. Such characteristic propertiescan be smartly modeled via a pair of nullator and norator,called nullor [33]. According to [34], the amplifier is calledoperational if it can simulate with the assistance of the

    negative feedback the nullor action at its input and outputgates.

    Fig. 2 gives the behavioral models of well-knownamplifiers and related hybrid elements.

    In modern mixed systems, which combine analog anddigital parts on a chip, the question of the imunity of analogcircuits to digital noise is of much importance. The analogsubsystems should therefore be designed with a fullybalanced architecture. Such architecture is attained inseveral steps which can be characterized by theabbreviations DDA (Differential Diference Amplifier),FTFN (Four Terminal Floating Nullor), OFA (Operational

    Floating Amplifier), DDOFA (Differential Diference OFA),and FBFTFN (Fully Balanced FTFN).

    The principle of the DDA was published for the firsttime by Sckinger in 1987 [35]. In contrast to theconventional OpAmp, DDA has four high-impedanceinputs pp, pn, np, and nn. Whereas the OpAmp amplifiesthe difference voltage Vp-Vn and provides the equalityVp=Vn with the help of negative feedback, the DDAresponds to the generalized difference voltage (Vpp-Vpn) (Vnp-Vnn), and maintains the equality Vpp-Vpn= Vnp-Vnn viathe feedback. Among other things, this principle enables animplementation of applications with high signal dynamics

    with a minimum number of additional elements and without

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    the necessity of satisfying the limiting matching conditionsbetween the parameters of such elements [36].

    The need for the floating output in some applicationsled to the design of monolithic floating nullor [37]. Fromthe point of view of classical works of Tellegen [38] and

    Carlin [33], it is a four-terminal floating nullor (FTFN).Considering the output voltage and current to be dependenton the external circuits, the FTFN output impedance is notspecified and it is given secondarily by the concrete FTFNimplementation.

    A number of papers have dealt with the FTFNimplementation [37, 39, 40]. A general implementation hasbeen described by Huijsing in [41] under the notationOperational Floating Amplifier (OFA). Compared to theconventional OpAmp, OFA has a pair of output terminals.The current, coming into one of them, flows out of theother. In the ideal case, this element can be represented by a

    bipolar-output operational transconductance amplifier(BOTA) with the transconductance approaching infinity. Inthis case, the output impedances are theoretically infinite.However, most FTFN implementations are based on theconventional OpAmp with the output terminal labeled w,and the current, flowing through this terminal, is replicatedby current mirrors to another output terminal, labeled z[42,43]. The outputs are then asymmetrical, with low (w) andhigh (z) impedances. The difference, compared to theBOTA concept, is obvious: in the case of BOTA, bothoutput signals are derived symmetrically from the inputdifference voltage. Now only the signal of the wterminal isderived from the input voltage, whereas the signal of the z

    terminal is a consequence current replica of the signalof the wterminal. Such an FTFN implementation is calledOFA (Operational Floating Amplifier, see above) if thecurrent copy is in opposite direction to the original current,or OMA (Operational Mirrored Amplifier) [44], possiblyPFTFN (Positive FTFN) [45] if both directions areidentical. Increasing the universality can be achieved byincreasing the number of current copies. This kind ofcircuits is called FiTFN (Five Terminal Floating Nullor)[46] or, more generally, MO-FTFN (Multi-Output FTFN)[47]. For example, the extension to a couple of bipolarcurrentsz+a z-is done in [48]. Other attempts to increase

    the universality resulted in the TFTFN element (Tunablecurrent gain FTFN) [49, 50].

    Combining the advantages of the fully balanced inputof DDA and the symmetrical output of OFA results in theDDOFA (Differential Difference Operational FloatingAmplifier) [51] element, which has four high-impedancevoltage inputs and two high-impedance current outputs.The FBFTFN (Fully Balanced Four Terminal FloatingNullor) [52] with inputs xp, xn, yp, ynand outputs zp, zn, wpand wnrepresents the completion of the balanced structure.Circuit equations of the FBFTFN are analogous toequations of common FTFN but the differential variablesVxd=Vxp-Vxn, Vyd=Vyp-Vyn,Izd=Izp-Izn,Iwd=Iwp-Iwnfigure hereinstead of the original variables Vx, Vy, Iz, and Iw. Anexshaustive bibliography on FTFNs and their applicationsin circuit analysis and design, covering the period 1961-2000, has been presented in [53].

    OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier) [54]belongs to the most widespread active elements for on-chipimplementation of fast frequency filters. It acts as a voltage-controlled current source with the possibility of electronicadjustment of transconductance gm. Recently, the MO-OTA(Multiple Output OTA) has appeared as a generalization ofBOTA (Bipolar OTA) and its applications in economicalbiquadratic filters [55], [56]. However, the drawbacks ofsuch applications are not sufficiently emphasized. Some ofthem are referred to in [57]: the MO-OTA applicationsembody relatively high sensitivities to the attainablematching error of the current gains of the current mirrorsthat form the multiple output of the OTA. An error of about1%, which is common for todays CMOS technologies,often causes unacceptable deviations of circuit

    characteristics from those that were designed.Another building block for current- and mixed- mode

    signal processing, the conventional TransimpedanceOperational Amplifier (TOA) [2], is a combination of theCCII and the voltage buffer amplifier. The well-knownCFA (Current Feedback Amplifier) has an identical internalstructure. In a popular CFA from Analog Devices Inc.,namely AD844, the z-terminal of the internal CCII+ isbrought out which provides more flexibility in its use inseveral applications [58]. However, in CFAs from othermanufacturers (for instance [59]), the z terminal of theinternal CCII is not led out of the device in order to

    maximize the parasitic transimpedance and thus thebandwidth. In slower applications, where higher stability is









    ..... A(Ip-In)A



    V- =V+












    (p) (q)

    Fig. 2 (p)-(q).Operational amplifiers and hybrid elements (continued from the previous page).

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    required, the VFAs (Voltage Feedback Amplifiers) can bepreferably employed.

    Requests for the electronic control of conventionalOpAmp parameters enforced designing the CC-CFA(Current-Controlled CFA) [60]. The parasitic x-terminal

    resistance of the current conveyor, which forms the inputpart of the CFA, is controlled electronically via the biascurrent. Some interesting variants of CFAs have also beenproposed such as Differential Voltage CFA (DVCFA) [61]and its further generalized form, namely the DifferentialDifference Complementary Current Feedback Amplifier(DDCCFA), as in [62]. Note that DVCFA and DDCCFAare DVCC+ and DDCCC elements, complemented byunity-gain voltage buffers.

    A special OpAmp type, which is not commerciallyavailable, is the so-called TCOA (True Current OperationalAmplifier) [63, 64]. It works analogously to theconventional voltage-feedback amplifier but with currents,not voltages. It consists of two low-impedance inputs, + and-, and an arbitrary number of high-impedance currentoutputs. The output currents, which can be of bothpolarities, have identical values, which are given by theformulaIout= A(I+- I-). For ideal TCOA, the current gain

    A is infinite. Due to the negative feedback, the inputdifference current is adjusted to zero analogously to thedifference input voltage of VFA. The TCOA can be easilyobtained, e.g. from the CDTA element (see Section 2.3)with openzterminal.

    Note that the TCOA concept was published already in

    the eighties of the last century. Details are given in [65] byBruun. In addition, the difference-input double-outputcurrent amplifier is described here, consisting of a currentdifferencing unit and of a high-gmOTA. Thus the amplifierstructure corresponds to the CDTA element (see Section2.3).

    A systematic OpAmp classification according to thetypes of signal at their input and output gates (voltages,currents, voltage and current) is proposed in [34]. Ninetypes of OpAmps are assigned to nine existingcombinations. Eight of them are represented by concrete,already defined types of active element. A special type ofoperational amplifier, called CFB OTA (Current-FeedbackOperational Transconductance Amplifier) [66], is assignedto the combination of hybrid input (voltage and current)and current output. In fact, this OpAmp is a second-generation current conveyor with double current output z+andz-, thus DO-CCII.

    The fact that the advantages of the current conveyorconsist in the speed, caused by a simple circuit architecture,whereas the strong point of the conventional OpAmp is theaccuracy, which is caused by the effect of negativefeedback, is utilized in the circuit element called OC(Operational Conveyor) [23], [67], [68], which iscompounded of one OpAmp and one CCII. The OpAmpfeedback is fed from its output through the y-xgate of the

    CCII to the inverting OpAmp input. As a result, theinfluence of the nonzero resistance of x terminal issuppressed. In reality, this effect works only within theOpAmp bandwidth. In order to minimize the problems withstability, the OpAmp should be of the voltage-feedbacktype. The advantages of such an integration of two different

    circuit principles are demonstrated in several papers forcircuits in the small-signal linear regime such asinstrumentation amplifiers and filters [67-69], and also fornonlinear applications, namely rectifiers [70].

    2.3 Other Active Circuit ElementsModels of active elements described in this Section

    are shown in Fig. 3.

    In 1992 and 1999, two papers were published whichintroduced new circuit elements OTRA (Operational

    Transresistance Amplifier) [71] and CDBA (CurrentDifferencing Buffered Amplifier) [72]. The latter is alsoknown as DCVC (Differential Current Voltage Conveyor)[73]. CDBA, a generalization of OTRA, is a universalelement for filter design, primarily for voltage-modeoperation. Numerous papers were published about CDBAapplications [74-80]. Some of the applications profit fromthe basic CDBA feature, i.e. the non-problematicimplementation of both noninverting and invertingintegrator as a building block of filters of arbitrary order.

    CDBA contains the so-called CDU (CurrentDifferencing Unit) and the voltage unity-gain buffer.

    Basically, CDU is a current conveyor of the MDCC type: Ithas two low-impedance terminals, pand n. The differenceof currents Ip and In flows out of the z terminal and thecorresponding voltage drop on the external impedance iscopied by the buffer to the w output. That is why theadditional impedances are necessary for implementing thefeedbacks from the voltage output to the current inputs. It isinconvenient from the point of view of simplicity and lowpower consumption. Another drawback is the impossibilityof direct electronic control of circuit parameters such asthat for the OTA-based applications. This problem issolved via two different approaches. The CC-CDBA(Current Controlled CDBA) is described in [81]. The non-

    zero parasitic resistances of pand nterminals of the CDUare controlled electronically via bias currents. The pand nterminals thus act as voltage input terminals. These voltagesare then transformed into currents, whose values areelectronically controlled. In fact, this approach representsa transition to a pure voltage mode. Another solution isdescribed in [82] from 2008 in the form of a new circuitelement called DC-CDBA (Digitally Controlled CDBA).The output current of the current differencing unit ismodified in the CDN (Current Division Network), whosecurrent output is connected to the zterminal of the voltagebuffer input. The CDN block works as a current attenuatorwith digitally controlled attenuation. Such a concept ofcontrolling the parameters seems to be optimal, because

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    in contrast to the analog control a greater accuracy of theparameter race of more active elements in the applicationcan be guaranteed.

    In the paper [83] from 2003, the CDTA (CurrentDifferencing Transconductance Amplifier) active element

    was described for the first time. The input part of theCDTA is formed much like for the CDBA by thecurrent differencing unit (CDU). It is followed by themultiple-output OTA. The difference of currents Ip and Inflows out of the z terminal, causing a voltage drop on theexternal impedance. This voltage is then transformed viathe internal OTA back into the currentIx. From the point ofview of currents Ip, In, and Ix, the circuit operates as acurrent-mode amplifier. Its gain is given by the product ofexternal impedance and internal transconductance. Whenthe z-terminal voltage is maintained within relatively lowlevels, then the circuit operation approaches the idealcurrent mode. In principle, CDTA applications do not

    require the use of external resistors, which are substitutedby internal transconductors. Analogously to the well-knowngmC applications, the CDTA-C circuits are formed byCDTA elements and grounded capacitors. Such structuresare well-suited for on-chip implementation.

    In the last decade, lots of papers about the CDTA andits applications have been published in international

    journals and at conferences [84-97]. Within the frame ofEUROPRACTICE, the very first CDTA chip in CMOStechnology has been fabricated [98].

    The authors of papers [99-101] performed

    a generalization of the CDTA element. Their modificationis called CCCDTA (Current Controlled CDTA). It is ananalogy to CCCDBA, where the electronic control is basedon the dependence of parasitic input resistances of the CDUon the bias current. The above mentioned drawbackconsists in moving the circuit operation to the voltagemode.

    Note that the CDU, which is an important componentof the above elements, is a special case of DCCII with theyterminal grounded, i.e. MDCC withz2terminal omitted.

    GCMI (Generalized Current Mirror and Inverter)[102] is an element which is in a certain sense a dual

    element to the CDU. GMCI has x, z1, andz2terminals andits equations are as follows: Iz1 = aIx, Iz2 = bIz2. Usuallya=1, b=-1. Then GMCI is reduced to current mirror andcurrent inverter, jointly excited from the low-impedance xterminal. This element has been published formerly underthe name DOCF (Double Output Current Follower) [103].

    A novel circuit element, CTTA (Current-ThroughTransconductance Amplifier), is described in [104]. Incontrast to the CDTA, its input block is the so-called CTU(Current Through Unit). The pair of input terminals servesas a voltage short circuit. The terminal current is copied tothe output terminal. The CTU is designed as an ideal

    current sensor because it converts a current flowing through

    an arbitrary branch to its copy, which flows to anindependent load for subsequent processing.

    The CTU can be theoretically synthesized from theFTFN after connecting its input and output gates in parallel.However, among other things, the parasitic gate

    impedances as well as impedances of the individualterminals can cause a serious realization problem, becausea part of the current sensed can leak through them out of theCTU.

    In respect of the difficulty of practical implementationof the CTTA, a simplified version called CCTA (Current-Conveyor Transconductance Amplifier) has been describedin [105]. Instead of the CTU, the well-known CCIII(Current Conveyor of the third generation) is used here,enabling also the current sensing. In [106], a generalizationto the so-called CCCCTA (Current Controlled CCTA) isgiven, where the above principle of electronic tuning of theparasitic resistance of thexterminal is utilized.

    3. Several Application ProblemsExploiting modern active elements in concrete

    applications can bring several problems. Below, threeproblems will be noted which occur in varying degrees inlinear frequency filters: The problem of the so-calledparameter racing, the problem of output currents intoworking impedances, and the problem of the so-calledimpedance effect of current mirrors.

    3.1 Problem of Parameter RacingThis problem appears in the course of electronic

    control of filter parameters. The control can be performed,for example, by modifying the OTA transconductance orthe x-resistance of current conveyor via the bias current.Typical representatives of active elements which enablesuch analog control are OTA, CDTA, CCCII, CCCDTA,CCCCBA, and CCCCTA. The quality of the control offilter parameters such as 0and Qof a biquad depends onthe accuracy of the agreement of the characteristics ofcontrolling elements, e.g. the gmversus the bias current etc.Analog control methods often lead to unacceptable

    inaccuracies.An implementation of digitally controlled elements on

    the chip or an implementation of such a method directlyinto the active element seems to be a good solution. Atypical example is the DC-CDBA, in which the CDN(Current Division Network) [82] is used for the gaincontrol. We can analogously define, for instance, the DC-CDTA element with digitally controlled current of the zterminal. Similarly, the DC-CTTA, DC-CCTA, or DC-CCIIelements can be defined (see Fig. 3 (g), (i), (l), (m)).

    The above mentioned DCCF [30] in Fig. 3 (o) appearsto be a perspective independent active element with

    digitally controlled parameters.

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    3.2 Problem of Output Currents IntoWorking Impedances

    This problem will be illustrated on examples of twouniversal 2nd-order filters with OTAs and CDTAs.

    A universalg


    current-mode biquad, based on twointegrators in the feedback loop, can be made up of twoOTAs [55]. Fig. 4 shows the flow graph which correspondsto the well-known KHN (Kerwin, Huelsman, Newcomb)filter structure. The appropriate implementation is in Fig. 5(a). It is obvious that the node, to which the non-invertinginput of the first OTA is connected, serves as the summingnode for adding up the currents according to the formula

    IHP=Iin IBP ILP. (1)

    The problem consists in that when currentsIBPandILPcan flow from the OTA outputs directly into independentloads without affecting the filter parameters, the currentIHP

    flows through the working capacitor C1into the ground andthus it cannot be directly sensed for additional utilizationwithout disturbing the circuit parameters.





    1 1





    Fig. 4.Flow graph of KHN structure.






    gm1 gm2

    - IBP -ILP







    gm1 gm2

    -IBP -ILP



    -IBP -ILP


    Fig. 5.(a) OTA biquad designed from the flow graph in Fig. 4,(b) method of providing HP output.

    Such a problem is commonly solved by an auxiliarycircuit which reconstructs the IHPcurrent according to Eq.

    (1). The solution is in Fig. 5 (b). However, it has twodrawbacks: 1) A copy of the input current Iin must be

    produced. 2) The IHPcurrent is reconstructed with an errorwhich depends on the concordance rate of the outputcurrents of each of the multiple-output OTAs, as well as onthe error of the copy of the input current. As a consequenceof the first drawback, the circuit must be extended with anauxiliary circuitry for making the copy of Iin current, and

    thus the original feature of only a two-element con-figuration is lost. The second factor results in parasitictransfer zeros appearing in the HP transfer function andthus in frequency response degradation in the low-frequency region [57].

    Note that theIHPcurrent into an independent load canbe obtained after augmenting the circuit in Fig. 5 (a) by onemore OTA, which will serve for summing the currentsaccording to (1) [56].

    The next circuit in Fig. 6 (a) is a modification of thetwo-CDTA biquad from [96]. A problematic availability ofthe output current I

    HP is again the case. The I

    BP current

    flows also through the working capacitor, but it can besensed and conveyed into an independent load from theadditionalx+output of CDTA No. 1.

    C1 C2







    z x-


    n z x-






    C1 C2







    z x-


    n z x-


    IBPx+x+x- x+

    C1 C2



    z x-


    n z x-









    Fig. 6. (a) CDTA-based biquad [96], (b), (c) two methods ofproviding HP output.

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    A solution, consisting in the reconstruction of IHPcurrent according to (1), is shown in Fig. 6 (b). Except thatit is sensitive to the accuracy of acquired copies of currents

    IBP,ILP, andIin, it calls for the utilization of another, alreadythe fourth current output of the CDTA1.

    Another method of obtainingIHPcurrent for supplyingan independent load, described in [89], is given in Fig. 6(c). Now, however, two copies of input current arerequired. The circuit analysis also confirms large transferfunction sensitivity to the matching errors of these copies.

    It seems that a more advantageous method could bemaking a copy of the z-current directly on the chip withinthe CDTA. This option is discussed in Section 4.

    Note that the z-current copy technique cannot beused for circuits with OTAs. Obtaining the currents for theindependent loads can be implemented via increasing thenumber of active elements in the feedback loop. However,

    this is accompanied among other things by addingundesirable parasitic poles to the transfer function and bya deterioration of the dynamic properties of the entire filter.In this case, a possible solution can be high-impedancesensing of voltage across the working impedance and thefollowing reconstruction of the current flowing throughanother impedance by means of an auxiliary circuit [107].

    3.3 Problem of Impedance Effect of CurrentMirrors

    This effect appears when current mirrors delivermultiple copies of current to different parts of the circuit.Current outputs of MO-OTA or CDTA or the above copiesof thezterminal are typical examples.

    Ix I'x

    Yx Y'xYL Y'L

    IL I'L

    Ix Ix

    Gx GxCL

    IL I'L =Ix



    Fig. 7.Problem of impedance effect of current mirrors.

    A simplified small-signal model of a pair ofsimultaneously controlled sources is shown in Fig. 7 (a). In

    the ideal case, both sources have identical values of internalcurrents Ix = Ix and internal admittances Yx = Yx. In

    a concrete application, these sources generally work intodifferent load admittances YL and YL. Currents throughthese loads will thus be different. The resulting error is nowdetermined not only by the tracking errors of currentmirror, but also by the different character of the loads ofindividual current outputs. The frequency dependence of

    such an error is evident.Analyses of OTA and CDTA filters in Fig. 5 (a) and 6

    (a) lead to the conclusion that multiple current outputs ofa concrete element work partly into a pure capacitive load,partly into low-impedance pand n inputs of the CDTA orinto an unspecified independent load which is usually oflow-impedance in the current mode. The case of a pair ofidentical current sources working into the capacitive loadand into the short circuit is illustrated in Fig. 7 (b). It isobvious that currents into both loads will be virtuallyidentical only at frequencies above the cutoff frequency

    fm = Gx/(2CL). For frequencies approaching zero in the

    filter in Fig. 6 (a), the attenuation of current through C1willincrease indefinitely (the high-pass filter), but a copy of thiscurrent, which would be performed via the conventionalcurrent mirror, will exhibit finite attenuation below theparasitic cutoff frequency.

    The above effect of low-frequency parasitic transfersto HP and BP outputs can be inferred from the simulationresults in a number of papers dealing with universalbiquads. Let us mention [108] at least. This effect is ratherhidden in frequency plots with linear vertical axis. Moreevident modifications can be observed in phase responses[109].















    Fig. 8. Alternative method of providing the copy of z-terminalcurrent.

    For gmC filters, the impedance effect of currentmirrors can be reduced only by means of careful design ofcurrent mirrors with extremely high output resistances.Outstanding results can however, be achieved in filtersemploying CDBAs or CDTAs, utilizing the principle inFig. 8. The current Iz is flowing through an auxiliaryresistor R, and the corresponding voltage drop is

    transformed into a current via an OTA. ResistanceRshouldbe sufficiently small. Otherwise, its voltage drop would

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    decrease the voltage dynamic range of the active element.The current copy now is tracking the original currentbecause it is directly derived from it. More implementationproblems, associated with the voltage and current offsets ofthe auxiliary OTA, with the influence of the common-modeparasitics, and with providing the equality gm= 1/Rneed to

    be solved.

    4.Searching for Novel Circuit ElementsWhy search for other circuit elements? Currently there

    are at least five different rational motivation factors:

    Efforts to increase the universality of a circuitelement while preserving the simplicity of itstopology.

    Elimination of parasitic effects, some of which

    were discussed in Section 3. Need for analog or digital control of element


    Efforts to design elements, enabling applicationswith a minimum number of these elements andwith a minimum number of other additionalelements.

    Efforts to have a trade-off between required speedand accuracy.

    Fig. 9 summarizes several suggested principles of

    novel circuit elements which reflect the above motivationfactors.

    The ZC-CDBA and ZC-CDTA (Z Copy CDBA and ZCopy CDTA) elements reflect the demand for higheruniversality of the conventional CDBAs and CDTAs. Nowa copy of the current through the z terminal is available atthe zc terminal. This copy can be implemented either bya current mirror with high-impedancezcterminal or by thetechnique from Fig. 8. An example of the utilization of ZC-CDTA is in Fig. 10. Thanks to the Iz current copy, theproblem of the output current of high-pass section of theuniversal biquad from Fig. 6 (a) is easily resolved.

    The CDeTA (Current Differencing externalTransconductance Amplifier) is based on the CDTA, butnow the transconductance of the internal OTA is defined byan external two-terminal circuit. The CdeTA is inspired bycommercial OTA MAX435 [110], which works ona similar principle. Considering the external two-poleimpedanceZeand the impedanceZz, connected between the

    z terminal and the ground, the circuit current gain will begiven by the ratio Zz/Ze. CdeTA can be used, for example,for the synthesis of generalized immitance converters oratypical filters, when the two-pole Ze can be a SMD-typecoil, X-tal, etc. ReplacingZeby short connection andZzby

    open connection yields the TCOA (True-CurrentOperational Amplifier).

    The CDCC (Current Differencing Current Conveyor)is proposed as a generalization of the CDeTA. The basicidea starts from the observation that OTA can beimplemented by the 2nd-generation current conveyor andone resistor. The admittance of a two-pole connectedbetween thexterminal of the CCII and the ground serves as

    the generalized transconductance. In this case, theoperations of the CDCC and the CdeTA are similar.However, CDCC is more universal because of its iterminal, which can be used as an additional current input.

    Comparing the CDBA and the CDTA, both containinga CDU, from the point of view of the universality of theinput/output configurations, we can conclude that thedifference inputs are a necessity for the CDBA while forthe CDTA they only improve its universality: For theCDBA, which has only a single-polarity output, the CDU isthe only instrument for the choice of the sign of transferfunction and of the feedback type (positive, negative). The

    CDTA has a difference input and also a two-polarityoutputs, such that the p and n inputs need not be usedsimultaneously in a number of applications: the negativefeedback from the x+ output to the n terminal can besubstituted by connecting the x-and p terminals. Then theCDTA structure can be simplified, replacing the CDU by asimple current follower or inverter. For most applications,a pragmatic requirement of such a simplification isa sufficient number of current outputsx+,x-, because someof them are necessary for implementing the feedbackconnections. The appropriate simplified circuit elements arecalled MO-CFTA (Multiple-Output Current FollowerTransconductance Amplifier) and MO-CITA (Multiple-Output Current Inverter Transconductance Amplifier). Thegeneral notation of these elements, MO-CCTA (Multiple-Output Current Copy Transconductance Amplifier), whichcomes into consideration when it is not specified whetherthez-current is a copy or the inversion of the input current,is in collision with the formerly introduced notationCurrent Conveyor Transconductance Amplifier [105]with the same abbreviation. For example, one can showa simple implementation of a quadrature oscillator based onfirst-order all-pass filter with only one MO-CFTA, oneresistor, and one grounded capacitor. It is well known thata similar implementation with CDTA or CDBA requires

    a floating capacitor [95].The universality of these elements can be increased by

    means of the above described methods: completion of theIzcopy, the gm control by an external two-pole, and OTAreplacement by the CCII. The last option is shown in Figs 9(g), (h) in the form of MO-CFCC and MO-CICC (Multiple-Output Current Follower/Inverter Current Conveyor).

    The methodology described, which uses the CDU orCF or CI as the input unit, and the following simple blockssuch as voltage buffer, OTA, and CCII, represents an opensystem: Let us continue with the variation that the input unitwill now implement voltage and not current differences.

    The differential-input OTA is a simple element for realizingthe voltage difference. Simultaneously, it can provide the

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    C1 C2




    z x-


    n z x-

    x+x+zc zc


    Fig. 10.Universal biquad employing ZC-CDTA elements.

    possibility of electronic control. The behavioral models ofthe suggested elements VDBA (Voltage DifferencingBuffered Amplifier), VDTA (Voltage DifferencingTransconductance Amplifier), and VDCC (VoltageDifferencing Current Conveyor) are shown in Figs 9 (i), (j),and (k) . Multiple copies ofIzcurrents are indicated here inorder to increase the universality of these elements. Thus,according to the proposed methodology, the aboveelements should have the ZC (Z Copy) attribute. Some ofthem have an interesting application potential: for example,the floating loss-less inductor can be simulated only by oneVDTA and one grounded capacitor.

    The universality of the above elements, which utilizeOTAs or voltage buffers as output devices, can beincreased by using the availability of differential input oroutput. Examples are given in Fig. 9 (l)-(o). CDDIBA(Current Differencing Differential Input BufferedAmplifier) is an extension of CDBA obtained by adding the

    negative high-impedance input of buffered amplifier.Similarly, CDDITA (Current Differencing DifferentialInput Transconductance Amplifier) uses a differential-inputOTA instead of a single-input OTA employed in theconventional CDTA. CDDOBA (Current DifferencingDifferential Output Buffered Amplifier) providesdifferential output voltages whereas CDDIDOBA (CurrentDifferencing Differential Input Differential OutputBuffered Amplifier) is a combination of the CDDIBA andCDDOBA elements. Note that this methodology can alsobe applied to other circuit elements such as CFA, OTRA,CTTA, CCTA, CFTA, CITA, VDBA, VDTA, etc.

    The last four circuit principles, indicated in Figs 9 (p),(q), (r), (s), represent attempts to find a trade-off betweenspeed and accuracy. That is why they combine the fast andaccurate elements, namely OTA, CCII, and CDU, with theconventional OpAmp in order to achieve their optimalinteraction. The CVTA (Current Voltage TransconductanceAmplifier) is primarily designed for current excitation intothe iinput. Connecting vand iterminals via a two-pole andthus closing the negative feedback loop will maintain thezero potential of the iterminal. If a capacitor serves as sucha two-pole, the circuit will operate, regarding theIxoutputs,as a current integrator with electronically controlled timeconstant. The user can also utilize a copy of the inputcurrent via the current sensing technique. A voltageequivalent of the output current is available at the low-impedance vterminal.

    CVCC (Current Voltage Current Conveyor) increasesthe application range of the CVTA, replacing the OTA bythe multiple-output CCII. In the CVBA (Current VoltageBuffered Amplifier), the voltage at the v terminal is only




    Io =Iv





    _ +OPA








    Io =Iv

    x ...

    _ +









    x z-





    Io =Iv


    _ +OPA






    (p) (q) (r)CDOA















    Io =Iv


    _ +OPA










    Io =Iv_ +








    (s) (t) (u)Fig. 9 (p)-(u).Proposed novel circuit elements (continued from the previous page).

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    buffered and its copy appears at the w terminal. There isa difference between connecting the load to terminals wandv: The current, sensed from the oterminal, is not/is affectedby the load in the first/second case.

    The last principle, denoted CDOA (Current

    Differencing Operational Amplifier), combines the inputCurrent Differencing Unit and the conventional OpAmp.For example, loading the z terminal by groundedimpedance Z1 and applying the second impedance Z2between the wand nterminals, the voltage at thezterminalis transferred to the woutput with gain Z1/Z2and currentIpwith transfer Z2. Figs. 9 (t) and (u) show some of thepossible generalizations of CVBA, applying the concept ofdifferential input and output.

    Note that the proposed methodology generates morecircuit principles than those in Fig. 9. In addition to thebasic variants, we can include the ZC method, i.e. thecopies of I

    zcurrent (which can be of the follower, ZF or

    of the inverter, ZI types), the method of analog or digitalcontrol, thus CC or DC types, the method of externalcontrol of the transconductance, i.e. e for the OTAsubblock, and the approach of differential inputs andoutputs. Future research will examine which of thesuggested principles can find wider practical application.

    5. ConclusionThe summary of current active elements for analog

    signal processing, given in the introductory Sections, shows

    the comprehensiveness and the variety of the circuitprinciples used today. The reason consists in the variety ofspecific requirements, imposed on the analog subsystemsworking in various operating modes and under theirinteraction with digital circuits: high dynamic range, noiseimmunity, low supply voltage and power consumption, highlinearity and high bandwidth, low nonlinear distortion,specific impedance levels, etc. The development of newcircuit elements over the last ten years, for example CDBA,CDTA, ICCII, FDCCII, MCCIII, CCOA, DDOFA,FBFTFN, CFA-OTA, CC-CFA, CCTA, CCCDTA,CCCCTA, CTTA, CCCDBA, DC-CDBA, CMI, DCCF,etc. shows that the procedure of finding new circuit

    elements is up-to-date. The paper suggests a methodologyfor prospective continuation of this process, which is basedon the concurrence of simple building blocks such as CDU,CF, CI, OTA, voltage buffer and OpAmp.


    Research described in the paper was supported by theCzech Grant Agency under grants Nos. 102/08/0784 and102/08/0851, and by the research programmes of BUT

    Nos. MSM0021630503, MSM0021630513, and UD BrnoNo. MO FVT0000403, Czech Republic.


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    About Authors...

    Dalibor BIOLEK received the M.Sc. degree in ElectricalEngineering from the Brno University of Technology,Czech Republic, in 1983, and the Ph.D. degree inElectronics from the Military Academy Brno, CzechRepublic, in 1989. He is currently with the Department ofEE, University of Defence Brno (UDB), and with theDepartment of Microelectronics, Brno University ofTechnology (BUT), Czech Republic. His scientific activityis directed to the areas of general circuit theory, frequency

    filters, and computer simulation of electronic systems. Foryears, he has been engaged in algorithms of the symbolic

    and numerical computer analysis of electronic circuits witha view to the linear continuous-time and switched filters.He has published over 250 papers and is author of a bookon circuit analysis and simulation. At present, he isprofessor at the BUT and UDB in the field of TheoreticalElectrical Engineering. Prof. Biolek is a member of the

    CAS/COM Czech National Group of IEEE. He is also thepresident of Commission C of the URSI NationalCommittee for the Czech Republic.

    Raj SENANI received B.Sc. from Lucknow University,B.Sc. Engg. from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute,Kanpur, M.E. (Honors) from Motilal Nehru NationalInstitute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad and Ph.D. inElectrical Engg. from the University of Allahabad. He iscurrently Head of Division of ECE and the InstituteDirector at NSIT, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology,New Delhi, India. Professor Senanis teaching and researchinterests are in the areas of Bipolar and CMOS analog

    integrated circuits, Current-mode Signal processing,Electronic Instrumentation, Chaotic nonlinear circuits andTranslinear circuits. He has authored or co-authored over100 research papers in various international journals. Heserved as an Honorary Editor of the Journal of theInstitution of Electronics and TelecommunicationEngineering (IETE), India, during 1990-1995, in the area ofCircuits and Systems and has been a Member of theEditorial Board of the IETE Journal on Education since1995. He has been functioning as Editorial reviewer fora number of IEEE (USA), IEE (UK) and other international

    journals. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for

    the Journal on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,Birkhauser Boston, (USA) since 2003 and an HonoraryEditor of the IETE Journal of Research since January 2007.

    Viera BIOLKOVAreceived her M.Sc. degree in ElectricalEngineering from the Brno University of Technology,Czech Republic, in 1983. She joined the Department ofRadio Electronics in 1985, and is currently working as aResearch Assistant at the Department of Radio Electronics,Brno University of Technology (BUT), Czech Republic.Her research and educational interests include signaltheory, analog signal processing, and digital electronics.

    Zdenk KOLKA received the M.Sc. and Ph. D. degree in1992 and 1997 from the Brno University of Technology,

    Czech Republic. Currently he is professor at theDepartment of Radio Electronics, Brno University ofTechnology, also in the position of deputy head of thedepartment. He reads lectures in the subjects "Computer-Aided Circuit Design", "Computer Systems andApplications", "Computer and Communication Networks".Areas of his research interest include linear and nonlinearcircuit modeling, numerical methods and circuit simulators.He has experience in professional integrated circuit designat the American company AMI Semiconductor, now ONSemiconductor. He was involved in the development of

    several methods for approximate symbolic analysis basedon the simplification of circuit model.