ramadan project, day 8: spoonful of joy · ramadan ramadhan life project if we ponder upon these...

Ra Ramadhan Life Project Wednesday, July 17 2013 | 5:00 PM To keep the motivation high in the m will not stop till we meet Allah SWT The three esse The love of Allah SWT; His fear: fearing His punishme Hope from Him. What does t mean when we say SWT – the love is the head and to con love: It completes the out of magnifying What does it mean to m It is an SWT with majesty and feeling humbl There are different level When we look around us there are m Allah SWT, mocking the commands which results in this outer actions. 1. Moderation: SWT in following the commands H forbade. These commands are not jus statements of Allah SWT and His commanded by Allah SWT – I will n the straight path – following the comm amadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy month of Ramadhan we need boosters and our and with that motivation we need energy to kee ential movements for the heart are: ent; and ? It means nobody deserves full love an ntinue we see that the power of magnifying and picture of - it means my heart is g Him. magnify and exalt? action of the heart and it comes from knowing le in front of Him – it is different from fear. ls of : many things which make us sad – people around of Allah SWT; making fun of hijab or beard – we need to magnify the commands of Allah He ordained or abstaining from the things He st ordinary commands of people but they are the messenger. The reality of is that we not do more or less and that brings moderation in mmands and not be extremist ( )or too Page 1 journey to Allah SWT ep us going. d magnify except Allah exalting is the basis for attached to Allah SWT g the greatness of Allah d us who under-estimate this is all lack of h e e e do only whatever is n the religion and be on easy ( )on

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Page 1: Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy · Ramadan Ramadhan Life Project If we ponder upon these two ayahs of the Kingdom – to honour somebody and dead from the life and He is the


Ramadhan Life Project

Wednesday, July 17 2013 | 5:00 PM

To keep the motivation high in the month

will not stop till we meet Allah SWT

The three essential

• The love of Allah SWT;

• His fear: fearing His punishment

• Hope from Him.

What does t mean when we say

SWT – the love is the head and to continue


It completes the

out of magnifying

What does it mean to magnify

It is an

SWT with majesty and feeling humble

There are different levels

When we look around us there are many

Allah SWT, mocking the commands

which results in this outer actions.

1. Moderation:

SWT in following the commands He

forbade. These commands are not just

statements of Allah SWT and His

commanded by Allah SWT – I will not

the straight path – following the commands

Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy

month of Ramadhan we need boosters and our

and with that motivation we need energy to keep

essential movements for the heart are:

punishment; and

? It means nobody deserves full love and

continue we see that the power of magnifying and

picture of - it means my heart is

magnifying Him.

magnify and exalt?

action of the heart and it comes from knowing

humble in front of Him – it is different from fear.

levels of :

many things which make us sad – people around

of Allah SWT; making fun of hijab or beard –

we need to magnify the commands of Allah

He ordained or abstaining from the things He

just ordinary commands of people but they are the

messenger. The reality of is that we

not do more or less and that brings moderation in

commands and not be extremist ( )or too

Page 1

journey to Allah SWT

keep us going.

and magnify except Allah

exalting is the basis for

attached to Allah SWT

knowing the greatness of Allah

around us who under-estimate

this is all lack of




we do only whatever is

in the religion and be on

easy ( )on

Page 2: Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy · Ramadan Ramadhan Life Project If we ponder upon these two ayahs of the Kingdom – to honour somebody and dead from the life and He is the


Ramadhan Life Project

the commands. Follow what the Prop

by doing what was not done by him

In Islam we have boundaries – we cannot

our boundaries and the one exceeding

2. To magnify

certain rules – everything sun, moon,

complaining against weather, sun heat,

and not accepting them the way they

even their actions are decreed by Allah

means Allah SWT permitted it to happen

decree. Their hearts are not filled with

want the things according to their desires.

The joy is in magnifying Allah SWT

Allah SWT.

3. the third

magnifying Allah SWT because of His

How to magnify Allah

If we want to

level except Himself – all the means

Majesty of Allah SWT. prayer, fasting,

Allah SWT make them work for us.

No one from His creature has any

Greatest and everybody in the universe

Greatest. Don’t think that we when we

us is when He accepts our worship and

to magnify Allah

ordained, decreed or commanded are

Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy

Prophet Muhammad SAW did – don’t try to show that

– this is not in fact this is under-estimating

cannot exceed them nor do less than the obligations.

exceeding these boundaries meaning no .

magnify the universal decree of Allah SWT – the universe

moon, earth, seas, stars, weather and also human beings.

heat, moon are actually lacking the in the

are. Every atom or

Allah SWT who is the Most Great and the Most Wise.

happen then who are we to complain or give suggestions

with resulting in arguing, complaining,


SWT in your heart, feeling content, happy and satisfied

third level is magnifying Allah SWT Himself and

His Greatness and Majesty nobody deserve to be magnified.

Allah SWT?

to reach to Allah SWT and His pleasure then no

are useless without Allah SWT Himself SubhanAllah

fasting, spending, taking care of people are all means

favour upon Allah SWT because He is the

universe has favours from Him because He is the

we worship then that is a favour from Allah SWT

and honour us to be able to worship Him.

SWT we need to magnify His symbols and

are the symbols of Allah SWT – Masajid, the Quran,

Page 2

that you are more pious

estimating Allah’s commands.

obligations. The obligations are

universe is going under

beings. People who are

the decree of Allah SWT

or moving thing, creature

Wise. If it has happened it

suggestions or reject the

disputing because they

satisfied with the decree of

and includes level 1 & 2 -


no one can take us to this

SubhanAllah – this shows the

means but they are useless till

SWT but His favour upon

and anything Allah SWT

Quran, study circles, Hajj,

Page 3: Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy · Ramadan Ramadhan Life Project If we ponder upon these two ayahs of the Kingdom – to honour somebody and dead from the life and He is the


Ramadhan Life Project

Umrah, Makkah, Hadith Nabi SAW,

magnify them it means we magnify Allah

That is why Allah SWT tells us in Surah

Allah SWT telling us that to magnify

SWT has magnified that place then we

We need to purify our inner-self to have

Sahabah preceded all the Ummah because

Only Allah

and worshipped

The greatest zulm people do is that

people to elevate, magnify and respect

magnifying Allah SWT. It is only when

the people honour us. Nobody deserves

should not expect anything from anyone

One of the greatest zulm is that when

become attached to other people being

afraid of them rather than Allah SWT

SWT in their hearts but people like them.

When we know who is Allah SWT then

greatest – all the people’s affairs in His

wills anything He will say Be and it will

Allah SWT says in Surah Ale Imran

Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy

SAW, hijab, prayer, Adhan – all are symbols of Alla

Allah SWT.

Surah Hajj Ayah 30:

That [has been commanded], and whoever honors the sacred

ordinances of Allah - it is best for him in the sight of his Lord. And

permitted to you are the grazing livestock, except what is recited to

you. So avoid the uncleanliness of idols and avoid false s

magnify Allah SWT is to magnify the symbols of Allah

we also magnify the sacred boundaries.

have that power to worship and fly to Allah SWT

because of the worship of their hearts and this is our

SWT deserves to be magnified and loved and only

worshipped and that is .

that they love and demand and expect from

respect them – their hearts will be free from

when we magnify Allah SWT that He makes

rves to be magnified except Allah SWT, we need

anyone except Allah SWT.

when people magnify other people and

being it their sheikh or teacher and are

SWT because they do not magnify Allah


then we will magnify Him because He is the

His hands ( ); if Allah SWT

will be ( )

Ayah 26 & 27:

Page 3

Allah SWT and when we

That [has been commanded], and whoever honors the sacred

it is best for him in the sight of his Lord. And

permitted to you are the grazing livestock, except what is recited to

you. So avoid the uncleanliness of idols and avoid false statement,

Allah SWT – because Allah

SWT with our hearts. The

our challenge.

only One to be attached

need to watch ourselves; we

Page 4: Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy · Ramadan Ramadhan Life Project If we ponder upon these two ayahs of the Kingdom – to honour somebody and dead from the life and He is the


Ramadhan Life Project

If we ponder upon these two ayahs of

the Kingdom – to honour somebody

and dead from the life and He is the Only

When we know that the seven heavens

whole universe is like a mustard seed

why don’t we magnify Him; everybody

and still we don’t magnify Allah SWT

Allah SWT says in Surah Nuh Ayah

that you are still not magnifying and exalting

the signs of Allah SWT.

Allah SWT

Allah SWT

perfect Power.

Now we see the power


Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy

Say, "O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give

sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty

away from whom You will. You honor whom

and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all]

good. Indeed, You are over all things competent.

You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the

day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of

the dead, and You bring the dead o

You give provision to whom You will without account."

of Surah Ale Imran then we will magnify Allah

is in His Hands and to humiliate someone, bringing

Only Provider and the Sustainer.

heavens and the earth, the

seed in Allah’s Hands then

everybody will return to Him (

SWT – we will be standing in front of Him for recompense

Ayah 13 that what is the matter with you

exalting Allah SWT despite seeing all

SWT also says in Surah Zumur Ayah 67 that people

SWT by not magnifying Him because they know


power of - magnifying Allah

Page 4

Say, "O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give

sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty

away from whom You will. You honor whom You will

and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all]

good. Indeed, You are over all things competent.

You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the

day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of

the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And

You give provision to whom You will without account."

SWT because He owns

bringing life from the dead

) for recompense


people are under-estimating

know Allah SWT and His

Page 5: Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy · Ramadan Ramadhan Life Project If we ponder upon these two ayahs of the Kingdom – to honour somebody and dead from the life and He is the


Ramadhan Life Project

When we magnify Allah

a blink of an eye we

When we magnify

and obey Him and

When we magnify

we will know that

It will make a person

do it with excellence

is like giving a gift to someone as great

excellence in ibadah.

Power of

given. We don’t

everybody else and we cannot put anyone

Pleasure my priority.

We will

One who

in the heart if we are taking our sins lightly.

May Allah SWT fill our hearts with His

Ramadan Project, Day 8: Spoonful of Joy

Allah SWT it will make us more attached to Allah

we will be detached from Him.

magnify Allah SWT then it will make us to worship Him

and lower ourselves in front of Him – this is the power

magnify Allah SWT then we humble ourselves in front

He is the only One Able to be magnifies and worshipped.

person for the One who is the Most Greatest and

excellence – Ihsaan – nothing we need to beautify more

great as Allah SWT so we will try to give the best

is that we are giving the rights of Allah SWT

don’t under-estimate the rights of Allah SWT

anyone in front of Allah SWT – that will make

will not look at how small is the sin but we will

who we are disobeying – it is an indicator of lack


His love and magnifying Ameen

Page 5

Allah SWT and not be for

Him and humble ourselves

power of

front of Allah SWT because


that will motivate us to

more than our ibadah. It

best we have in the form of

SWT the way they should be

and then the rights of

make Allah SWT and His

will see how Great is the

lack of Allah SWT