ramayanam by rajaji

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  • 8/9/2019 Ramayanam by Rajaji



    Written and retold by Rajaji

    The Ramayana is undoubtedly the most popular and timeless Indian epic read and loved

    by all. The term 'Ramayana', literally means the march !ayana" o# Rama in search o#

    human values. As a literary $or%, it combines the inner bliss o# &edic literature $ith the

    outer richness o# deliht#ully pro#ound story tellin.

    This story o# (ri Rama by the reat sae &almi%i is re#erred to as theAdi Kavyaor the

    #irst epic poem. About the &almi%i Ramayana, ($ami &ive%ananda has said) No

    language can be purer, none chaster, none more beautiful, and at the same

    time simpler, than the language in which the great poet has depicted the life of

    Sri Rama.

    The characters and incidents in Ramayana provide the ideals and $isdom o# common

    li#e, and help to bind the people o# India. *niversally rearded as one o# the $orld's

    important literary $or%s, Ramayana has had a pro#ound impact on the art, culture,

    #amily relations, ender, politics and nationalism in the Indian sub continent. The

    everlastin value o# this epic tale has been e+tolled throuh the centuries, and it has

    helped in moldin the indu character larely.


    0. T/ -N-/1TIN

    2. (A3/ &I(WAMITRA

    4. TRI(AN5*6. RAMA 7/A&/( M/

    8. RAMA (7AY( T/ MN(T/R(

    9. (ITA

    :. ;A3IRATA AN< T/ (TRY = 3AN3A

    >. AA7YA

    ?. T/

  • 8/9/2019 Ramayanam by Rajaji


    0>. T T/ =R/(T

    0?. A7N/ ;Y T/M(/7&/(

    2@. -ITRA5*TA

    20. A MT/R'( 3RI/=

    22. I. A -ARNI&A7

    8?. T/ TI

  • 8/9/2019 Ramayanam by Rajaji


    :@. RA&ANA'(

  • 8/9/2019 Ramayanam by Rajaji


    ;rahma %ne$ that he had ranted to Ravana the boon prayed #or by him that he should

    be invulnerable and invincible aainst

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    &is$amitra, $hile he $as %in once $ent out $ith his army and chanced to visit

    &asishtha's ashrama. The rishi cordially $elcomed his royal uest and his hue entourae

    and e+tended to them all hospitality so sumptuous that the 5in $ondered $here all the

    rich abundance came #rom in a #orest hermitae.

    Cuestioned by him, &asishtha called his co$ (abala and e+plained that she $as the

    #ountain o# un#ailin plenty.

    /+pressin ratitude to the sae, 5in &is$amitra said) You must ive me this co$ as

    she $ould be more use#ul $ith me than $ith you. (uch thins o# po$er and $ealth by

    riht belon to the 5in.

    No$ &asishtha could not part $ith the divine co$. e ave many reasons and as%ed the

    5in not to press his reFuest. ;ut the more un$illin &asishtha $as to ive the co$, the

    more eaer the 5in became to possess her.

    =ailin in his e##orts to tempt or persuade the sae to part $ith the co$, &is$amitra

    became anry and ordered his men to seie the co$ by #orce.

    (abala could not understand $hy she $as bein rouhly handled and she $as un$illinto o a$ay #rom the sae and his ashrama. (heddin tears, she $ondered ho$ she had

    o##ended &asishtha that he should stand by and loo% on $hile she $as bein draed

    a$ay. The co$ easily put to #liht the soldiers and souht re#ue at the #eet o# the sae.

    Moved by the piteous appeal o# his beloved co$, $ho $as li%e a youner sister to him, the

    sae said) ;rin #orth soldiers to resist &is$amitra's men.

    (abala instantaneously did so, and the aressors $ere soon $orsted. Wild $ith rae,

    &is$amitra ot into his chariot and, ta%in up his bo$, rained arro$s on the soldiers

    brouht #orth by the co$, but their strenth $as ine+haustible, and the royal #orces

    su##ered utter de#eat. The sons o# &is$amitra no$ chose &asishtha himsel# as their taret,

    only to be reduced to ashes.

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    &is$amitra had but one more $eapon in his armory, and that $as the most po$er#ul o#

    all, the ;rahmastra. As he hurled it aainst &asishtha the $orld became $rapped in

    loom as in some hue eclipse, and the very immortals trembled $ith #ear. ;ut the

    terrible astra itsel# $as mered in the rishi's sta##, ma%in both it and the holy man lo$

    $ith the lory they had absorbed.

    &is$amitra stood daed. penly acceptin de#eat, he said) # $hat use is the

    5shatriya's miht in arms With but a sta## in his hand, this &asishtha has nulli#ied allmy $eapons. 7ord (iva has indeed #ooled me. There is no alternative #or me but to

    become a ;rahma Rishi li%e &asishtha. (o sayin, he $ithdre$ #rom the #ield o# battle

    and proceeded south #or more riorous tapas.

    =or years and years &is$amitra $ent throuh terrible austerities. 1leased $ith his

    perseverance, ;rahma presented himsel# be#ore him. Advisin &is$amitra that, as a

    result o# his tapas he had risen to the position o# a rishi amon %ins, ;rahma vanished

    #rom the scene.

    &is$amitra $as disappointed that all his penance could et him only the status o# Raja

    Rishi. Not content $ith anythin but the hihest the ran% o# a ;rahma Rishi, he subjected

    him sel# to still more riorous austerities in order that he miht be ac%no$leded an

    eFual o# &asishtha.


    That $as the time $hen the #amous %in o# the (olar dynasty, Trisan%u, $as reinin,

    $ho $as so much in love $ith the beauty o# his body that he could not bear the thouht o#

    partin $ith it at death and desired to ascend to heaven in that very body.

    &asishtha, his preceptor, $hom he approached #or help in realisin his $ish, advised him

    to ive up attemptin the impossible.

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    enter heaven in your o$n body. And in this very chandala #orm you shall reach heaven

    despite your 3uru's curse. # this you may be sure.

    And he made arranements #or a reat and unprecedented yaa.

    &is$amitra directed his disciples to invite all the saes and, their disciples #or the

    proposed yaa. A#raid o# sayin No to $hat $as more or less a command, all the rishis

    areed to be present.;ut the sons o# &asishtha declined the invitation and made merry about a yaa at $hich

    the o##iciatin priest $as a once uponGaGtime 5shatriya and the yajaman a stin%in


    This reply, duly conveyed, enraed &is$amitra $ho e+ploded into a curse that

    &asishtha's sons do die and be reborn #or seven enerations in a tribe iven to eatin

    do's #lesh.

    The sae then bean the yaa. /+tollin Trisan%u's eminent virtues, &is$amitra souht

    the help o# the other rishis in e##ectin the bodily translation o# Trisan%u to heaven.

    Well a$are o# the sae's mihty po$ers and #ulminous temper, the invitees lent theirsupport, and the yaa $ent on. It reached the stae $hen the ods $ere invo%ed to

    descend and accept the o##erins. ;ut no od came. It $as clear that &is$amitra's yaa

    $as a #ailure. And the rishis, $ho had attended the ceremony, lauhed $ithin themselves

    at &is$amitra's discom#iture.

    Wild $ith rae, &is$amitra held the ladle o# hee over the #lames and said) Trisan%u,

    here behold my po$er. I no$ trans#er #or your bene#it all the merit I have earned. I# my

    austerities have any value, they should li#t you to heaven in your physical #rame. I care

    not i# the

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    A#ter many years o# austerities, ;rahma and the

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    the universe. Then at the prayer o# the panicGstric%en ods, ;rahma aain appeared

    be#ore him, and hailed him as ;rahma Rishi) All hail, ;rahma Rishi, I am pleased $ith

    you. ;lessed be your li#e. &is$amitra $as happy.

    ;ut humbly he said) o$ can I be happy unless #rom &asishtha's lips I hear that I am a

    ;rahma Rishi

    &asishtha smiled rememberin his #iht $ith &is$amitra, and said to him) You haveachieved the #ruit o# your reat austerities. Indeed you are a ;rahma Rishi, my brother.

    There $as joy all round.

    This $as the story o# the sae that arrived suddenly at

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    In midstream, the princes heard a noise and as%ed &is$amitra $hat it could be. e

    e+plained to them that it $as the sound o# the (arayu #lo$in into the 3ans. The princes

    paid silent homae to the con#luence o# the t$o holy rivers.

    A river or a hill, a tree or a cloud, indeed any object o# beauty may raise one to

    contemplation o# the (upreme ;ein and silent $orship o# im. In particular, sacred

    rivers, temples or imaes, $hich have #or enerations been the objects o# devotion and

    $orship, possess this po$er in a special deree, in virtue o# the sacred thouhts they have$itnessed and absorbed as arments retain per#umes.

    avin crossed the 3ana, &is$amitra and the princes made their di##icult $ay throuh

    a dense #orest made dread#ul by the reverberatin roar o# $ild beasts.

    This, &is$amitra said, is the

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    The prince at #irst thouht o# cuttin o## the limbs o# the monster and sparin her li#e.

    ;ut Tata%a attac%ed #iercely and, risin in the s%y, she rained stones on Rama and

    7a%shmana. The t$o princes de#ended themselves aainst the attac%. The #iht continued

    and &is$amitra cautioned Rama aainst delay in dealin the deathGblo$ to the monster.

    (he deserves no sympathy, he said. The sun is about to set and remember that at

    niht Ra%shasas ro$ stroner.

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    &amana. In this holy place I live. And here the Ra%shasas come and obstruct our $orship

    and our austerities. Your comin here is to end this evil.

    (o be it, said Rama.

    The arrival o# &is$amitra and the t$o princes $as a sinal #or rejoicin at the ashrama.

    The rishis o##ered $ater and #ruits accordin to custom. Rama told &is$amitra that he

    miht bein the preparations #or his yaa immediately and &is$amitra too% the vo$sthat very niht.

    3ettin up very early the ne+t mornin, the princes $ent to &is$amitra and as%ed $hen

    the Ra%shasas $ere e+pected so that they miht hold themselves in readiness to receive


    &is$amitra $as under a vo$ o# silence, and could not ans$er, but the rishis, his jouniors,

    told the princes that they should be ceaselessly viilant #or si+ nihts and days to

    sa#euard the sacri#ice.

    The princes, #ully armed, %ept viil #or si+ days and nihts. n the mornin o# the si+th

    day Rama told 7a%shmana) ;rother no$ is the time #or the enemies to come. 7et us be$ary.

    /ven as he $as sayin this, #lames shot up #rom the sacri#icial #ire, #or Ani, the 3od o#

    =ire, %ne$ that the Ra%shasas had arrived. As the rites $ere bein per#ormed, there $as

    heard #rom the s%y a reat roar.

    Rama loo%ed up and sa$ Maricha and (ubahu and their #ollo$ers preparin to sho$er

    unclean thins on the sacri#icial #ire The army o# Ra%shasas covered the s%y li%e a reat

    blac% cloud.

    Rama said, 7oo% 7a%shmana, and let o the Manavastra at Maricha. As $as intended,

    it did not %ill Maricha, but $rappin him up in resistless #orce hurled him a #ull hundred

    yojanas near the sea.

    With the Aneyastra Rama %illed (ubahuH and then the t$o princes utterly destroyed the

    entire army o# Ra%shasas.

    The s%y $as briht aain. &is$amitra $as supremely happy at the completion o# his

    yaa. I am rate#ul to 5in

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    Dana%a, %in o# Mithila, $as an ideal ruler. e $as a much revered #riend o#

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    their reFuest and she d$elt $ith them. *ma, the youner, $on the #avor o# (iva and

    became his spouse.

    (aara, a #ormer 5in o# Ayodhya, had no son #or a lon time. With his t$o $ives, 5esini

    and (umati, he $ent to imalaya and per#ormed tapas. (ae ;hriu, pleased $ith the

    %in, blessed him and said) You $ill et a number o# children and $ill acFuire undyin

    #ame. ne o# your $ives $ill ive birth to an only son, and throuh him your lineae $ill

    be continued. The other Fueen $ill bear si+ty thousand stronGarmed sons.

    (aara's $ives bo$ed lo$ be#ore the sae and as%ed $hich one o# them $ould et an only

    son and $hich the si+ty thousand children. (ae ;hriu as%ed each o# them their o$n


    5esini said she $ould be satis#ied $ith one son $ho $ould continue the lineH (umati chose

    the other alternative. ;e it so, said the sae.

    (atis#ied, the %in and his $ives too% leave o# the sae and returned to Ayodhya. In

    course o# time, Asamanjas $as born to 5esiniH (umati ave birth to a #issiparous mass

    $hich divided out into si+ty thousand babies. This army o# children $as $en ta%en care

    o# by nurses.

    Years rolled byH and $hile the si+ty thousand re$ into stron, handsome princes,

    Asamanjas turned out to be a cruel lunatic. e induled in the pastime o# thro$in little

    children into the river and lauhed merrily as they struled and died.

    Naturally people hated this maniac and banished him #rom the country. To the reat

    relie# o# all, Asamanjas' son, Amsuman, $as the opposite o# his #ather and $as a brave,

    virtuous and amiable prince.

    5in (aara launched a reat horseG sacri#ice and prince Amsuman $as in chare o# the

    sacri#icial horse, but Indra, in the uise o# a Ra%shasa, manaed to carry o## the animal.


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    5in (aara $aited in vain #or the return o# the princes $ho had one in search o# the

    sacri#icial horse.

    A#ter some days he called his randson, Amsuman, and said) I am an+ious to %no$ $hat

    has happened to the princes $ho $ent to 1atala. You are braveH o thither, $ellGarmed

    and #ind out $hat has happened and come bac% cro$ned $ith success.

    Amsuman $ent closely #ollo$in the path o# the princes and reached the nether $orld$here he sa$ and paid salutations to the mihty elephants standin uard at the #our

    Fuarters. These uardians o# the Fuarters uttered encourain $ords and said he $ould

    succeed in his mission.

    When in due course Amsuman entered and $ent round 1atala he $as delihted $hen he

    #ound the sacri#icial horse rain contentedly there, but $as perple+ed and distressed

    $hen he sa$ heaps o# ashes all over the place. -ould they be all that remained o# his

    valiant uncles

    3aruda, the birdG%in, brother o# (umati, (aara's second $i#e, $ho chanced to be there

    told Amsuman) Those ash heaps are all that is le#t o# the si+ty thousand sons o# (aara

    $ho $ere consumed by the $rath#ul lance o# (ae 5apila.

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    ;hairatha rene$ed his tapas and continued lon $ithout #ood or $ater, and at last $on

    (iva's race. (iva appeared and said to ;hairatha) I shall #ul#il your $ish. I shall

    receive 3ana on my head. May her race be upon you.

    When Mahadeva promised help to ;hairatha, 3ana bean her descent as ordered by

    ;rahma. In her arroance, she thouht she $ould #all on Mahadeva's head and s$eep

    him a$ay to$ards 1atala.

    The threeGeyed 3od decided to teach 3ana a lesson. And the moment he $illed it, the

    #lood o# $aters that #ell on his head $ere held by his matted hair as in an in#inite

    receptacle. 3ana tried her best but not a drop could emere #rom the tanled mae o#

    (iva's matted loc%s.

    This $as a lesson to 3ana to be sure, but a heartGbra%in disappointment to ;hairatha.

    There $as nothin #or him but to propitiate (iva $ith tapas. This he did to such ood

    purpose that (iva too% pity on him and ently let out the $aters o# 3ana in ;indu (aras

    #rom $here they #lo$ed do$n in seven small separate streams.

    Three o# them #lo$ed $est and three eastH and the seventh river #ollo$ed ;hairatha $ho

    $as #ull o# joy at the approachin salvation o# his ancestors.

    3ana #ollo$ed ;hairatha's triumphal chariotH the $aters danced and shone li%e

    lihtnin #lashes as the river made its course and the

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    Ahalya, entered it disuised as 3autama and approached the lady $ith urent

    solicitation. (he $as not deceived by the impersonation, but vain o# her beauty and proud

    that it had $on her the love o# the lord o# the celestials, she lost her judment and yielded

    to his desire. When the sin had been sinned, realisin its heinousness and the #ierce

    spiritual enery o# her betrayed husband, she $arned Indra o# his terrible peril and

    beed him to be one in the instant. Indra $as #leein in uilty panicH but un#ortunately

    #or him he almost bumped into the rishi $ho $as just returnin #rom his ablutions, clad

    in $et arments and radiatin spiritual lustre. 1retence $as hopeless be#ore that allG

    seein $isdom and Indra bo$ed in abject supplication, and thre$ himsel# on the mercy

    o# the rishi. The sae loo%ed at him $ith $rath and loathin and cursed him) '7ust#ul

    beast as you are, dead to all truth and rihteousness, may your manhood #all a$ay #rom

    you.' Indra at once became an eunuch and $ent bac% to the

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    the la$ o# 5arma admits o# no distinction bet$een the

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    Dana%a then ordered his men to brin the bo$ $hich $as %ept sa#e and sacred in an iron

    bo+. It $as brouht on an eihtG $heeled carriae and draed li%e a temple chariot

    durin a #estival.

    ere, said Dana%a is Rudra's bo$ $orshipped by me and my ancestors. 7et Rama see

    this bo$.

    A#ter obtainin permission #rom &is$amitra and the 5in, Rama stepped out to the ironbo$Gcase, $hile all eyes $ere #i+ed on him in $ish#ul e+pectation. penin the bo+, he

    li#ted the bo$ e##ortlessly, as i# it $ere a arland o# #lo$ers, and restin one end o# it

    aainst his toe, he bent and strun it and dre$ the strin bac% $ith such irresistible #orce

    that the mihty bo$ snapped $ith a crash li%e a clap o# thunder. And there #ell #rom

    heaven a sho$er o# #lo$ers.

    Dana%a proclaimed) My beloved dauhter shall be $edded to this prince.

    &is$amitra said to Dana%a) (end your s$i#test messeners to Ayodhya to ive the ne$s


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    &is$amitra may be said to be the #oundation o# the rand temple o# Rama's story. A#ter

    Rama's $eddin in Mithila, $e do not see him aain. It should be noted that characters

    that play a leadin role in one canto o# &almi%i almost #ade out in subseFuent cantos.

    &is$amitra $ho dominates the ;ala 5anda does not appear aain. (imilarly, 5ai%eyi

    and 3uha are prominent only in Ayodhya 5anda. The same thin can be said o# ;harata

    $hom $e do not come across in the chapters intervenin bet$een the -hitra%uta meetin

    and Rama's return to Ayodhya.

    The poet hardly brins ;harata be#ore our eyes durin the period o# Rama's distress. The

    characters in &almi%i Ramayana !unli%e those in the Mahabharata and in ordinary plays

    and novels" do not present themselves o## and on. -ritics should bear this eneral

    characteristic o# &almi%i's epic in mind.


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    1arasurama spo%e in a loud and arroant tone. To him Rama replied in courteous

    manner, yet in #irm tones) (on o# DamadaniB You have been vene#ul because your

    #ather $as %illed by a %in. I do not blame you #or that. ;ut you cannot put me do$n as

    you have humbled others. 1lease ive me your bo$.

    (o sayin, he too% the bo$ and arro$ #rom 1arasurama. e strun the bo$ and settin

    the arro$ to it, dre$ the strin. Addressin 1arasurama, he said $ith a smile) This

    mihty &aishnava arro$ placed on the strin cannot be put bac% idly. It must destroysomethin. Tell me, shall it destroy your po$ers o# locomotion, or $ould you rather that it

    consumes the #ruits o# your tapas

    As the son o#

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    sometimes as seen and admired by others. Thus and in many other $ays he d$ells on the

    Fualities that made Rama the ideal man.

    Rama's race#ul #rame and virile beauty, his strenth, his courae, the purity o# his heart,

    his per#ect li#e, his compassion, s$eetness o# speech, his serenity, his deep $isdom and his

    states manship $ere admired by the people and made them eaerly loo% #or$ard to his

    becomin %in.


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    ardly had Rama returned home $hen (umantra called in haste and told him that his

    #ather $ished to see him. As%ed #or the reason, (umantra could not tellH he only %ne$ he

    had been enjoined to #etch the prince at once.

    Rama thouht) The 5in must have ta%en counsel over the coronation ceremony and

    perhaps met $ith some di##iculty. ;ut $hatever happens is #or the best. Rama $as not

    eaer to assume authority, but loo%ed on it as only a duty to be done. I# the 5in $anted

    him to ta%e it up, he $as ready to do so. ;ut i# the 5in $anted him to ive it up, he $aseFually $illin. In this mood, Rama $ent to his #ather.

    MANTARA'( /&I7 -*N(/7

    T/ 5in embraced Rama, seated him beside him on the throne and said) I am old. I

    have enjoyed my li#e as a man and a %in. I have dischared all my duties to my

    ancestors. There is nothin le#t #or me to do. My only desire is to install you on the throne

    o# our #athers. 7ast niht I had bad dreams. Those $ho read, the #uture advise me that a

    reat sorro$, even death, may overta%e me very soon. ence I $ish to have the

    coronation per#ormed tomorro$. Tomorro$, the readers o# the stars say, is auspicious.

    (omethin $ithin me says, '

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    themselves in readiness to proceed to the palace and in e+pectation o# the auspicious call.

    ;ut the summons that came $as o# an entirely opposite nature.

    In accordance $ith the practice in royal households, Cueen 5ai%eyi had a $oman

    companion and con#idential servant. (he $as a hunchbac% named Manthara. ;ein a

    distant relation o# the Cueen, she claimed reat intimacy $ith her.

    Manthara is one o# the best %no$n characters in the Ramayana. /very man, $oman andchild in our land %no$s and detests her, as the cause o# Rama's e+ile,

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    5ai%eyi thouht Manthara, li%e any other o##icious personal attendant, $as

    inratiatinly jealous in her mistress's interests. o$ could this $oman understand the

    oodness o# Rama, or a##airs o# (tate And so she thouht her #oolish #ears $ould be

    banished i# she sa$ that her mistress $as happy at the event. 5ai%eyi's mind $as still

    uncorrupted. (he had the culture o# her noble lineae and $as not easily amenable to lo$


    This but increased Manthara's rie#. (he #lun a$ay the nec%lace and said) Woe to you,stupid $oman. All is lost and stupidly you lauh $ith joy. o$ can you be blind to the

    mis#ortune that is comin to you Am I to lauh or cry at this #olly Your rival, Rama's

    mother, has conspired to ma%in him 5in. And you jump $ith joy. Insane $omanB What

    $ould be ;harata's state $hen Rama reins Would not Rama #ear and ever loo% upon

    ;harata as a danerous enemy Rama %no$s human nature. e %no$s that ;harata

    alive $ould be a constant threat to his po$er and there#ore must be %illed.

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    Fueens had lon been childless. The 5in too% a third $i#e #or the sa%e o# proeny. /ven

    then his $ish #or a son to be born $as not #ul#illed. Many years passed.

    A#ter the reat sacri#ice $as per#ormed, all three $ives bore children. The son o# the

    Cueen /minent, Rama, $as the eldest amon #our sons. e $as also reat in virtue, #ully

    eFual to the burden o# 5inship, acceptable to ministers, citiens and vassal princes. o$


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    the battle#ield, ently removed the arro$s #rom his body and revived him and saved his

    li#e. ave you #orotten all this And $hat did be tell you then e told you in ratitude)

    'As% me #or t$o boons. I shall ive you anythin you $ant.' Then you ans$ered) 'I shall

    as% #or my boons later. I $ant nothin no$.' Then he promised, did he not, 'You $ill have

    your t$o i#ts $henever you $ant them' You told me all this lon ao yoursel#. You may

    have #orotten it, but I have not. The time has arrived to et him to redeem his promise.

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    e entered 5ai%eyi's chamber to tell her the happy ne$s and spend in pleasant tal% the

    niht be#ore the coronation. The junior Fueen's residence $as a beauti#ul palace $ith

    lovely ardens and tan%s, birds playin in the $ater and peacoc%s dancin $ith tails

    spread out and trees resplendent $ith briht #lo$ers. In

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    3uile#ul $ic%edness and trust#ul mis#ortune $ere reachin the clima+ in their uneFual

    encounter. The 5in's s$earin in the name o# Rama #illed 5ai%eyi $ith supreme deliht.

    (he $as no$ sure that she had $on, #or the 5in $ould never brea% a promise coupled

    $ith that beloved name.

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    What harm has Rama done to you as he not loo%ed upon you as his o$n mother I

    thouht you $ere a $oman. I no$ see you are a venomous serpent brouht #rom #ar a$ay

    and cherished in my bosom only to stin me to deathB

    5ai%eyi $as unmoved and spo%e not a $ord.

    The 5in $ent on) n $hat prete+t can I banish Rama, $hom all the people love and

    praise I may lose 5ausalya and survive. I may lose the pureGminded (umitra andsurvive. ;ut i# I lose Rama, I cannot live therea#ter. Without $ater, $ithout sunliht, I

    may live #or a $hile, but never $ithout Rama. /+pel #rom your mind this sin#ul thouht.

    With my head bo$ed at your #eet, I be o# you. ave you not said many a time, 'T$o dear

    sons I have. And o# them Rama, the elder, is dearer to me' In decidin to cro$n Rama,

    $hat have I done but carry out in action your unspo%en $ish Why then do you demand

    these cruel boons No, no, it cannot be really that you mean this. You are only testin me

    to #ind out i# I indeed love your son ;harata.

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    name o# ;harata. It $ill be $ell and ood i# you #ul#il your promise and banish Rama to

    the #orest. /lse, I shall end my li#e.

    With this #irm declaration, 5ai%eyi stopped.

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    Thus delirious and conscious by turns, the poor old man su##ered aony, a %in $ho had

    reined #or si+ty thousand years.

    1ity me, 5ai%eyi, he said. =oret the harsh thins I uttered .in aner. I be you in the

    name o# the love you bore me. You may ta%e it that I have iven the %indom to you. It is

    yours. And you can ive it $ith your o$n hands to Rama and see that the coronation oes

    throuh. The Raja (abha has decided and I have announced to the elders and to Rama

    that his coronation is to ta%e place tomorro$. 7et not this announcement become #alse.ave pity on me. 3ive the %indom as you o$n to Rama. The #ame o# this mananimous

    i#t $ill last as lon as the $orld endures. My $ish, the people's $ish, the /lders' $ish,

    ;harata's $ish, they are all that Rama should be cro$ned.

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    e turned to 5ai%eyi and said) Mother, this is indeed strane. No matter ho$ anry he

    $as, my #ather $ould spea% s$eetly to me. ave I $ithout %no$in it o##ended him in

    any matter as some sudden sic%ness struc% him do$n as someone spo%en rudely to


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    Am I not his son, bound to do his behest What lory or $hat joy can I loo% #or e+cept to

    ma%e ood his $ord o$ did I deserve it that my #ather should avert his #ace #rom me

    and re#rain #rom spea%in lovin $ords to me My rievance, i# at all, is that he did not

    send #or me straiht and ive me his command. I shall o to the #orest this very day, $ith

    no reret. (end s$i#t messeners at once to #etch ;harata home.

    The 1rince's #ace lo$ed li%e a sacri#icial #ire burstin into #lame as the hee is poured

    into it. 5ai%eyi #elt lad at her apparent success. (he could not loo% into the #uture and itssorro$, #or $hat reater rie# can come to a $oman than the scorn o# her o$n son

    3reed deceived her into #olly. It prevented her #rom understandin ariht the mind o# her

    o$n son ;harata.

    7i%e a captive elephant hemmed in on all sides,

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    When 5ausalya heard this, she #ell on the round li%e a plantain tree suddenly cut do$n.

    7a%shmana and Rama ently raised her.

    (he clun to Rama and cried) Is my heart made o# stone or iron that I still live

    7a%shmana could not bear the siht o# the Cueen's rie#. Anrily he spo%e) This old

    5in has pronounced on Rama a doom that is reserved #or the most $ic%ed evilGdoers.

    What sin or crime has Rama committed Not even his $orst enemy could #ind any #aultin Rama. The dotin old man has lost his senses over his youn $i#e and is not #it to be

    %in any more. o$ can a %in listen to a $oman and violate dharma /ven your

    enemies, B Rama, $hen they loo% at you bein to love you, but this dotard o# a #ather

    sends you to the #orest. 7oo% here, brother, let us toether thro$ out this 5in and ta%e

    chare o# the %indom. Who $ill dare oppose us I shall ma%e an end o# anyone $ho

    dares. nly ive me leave and I shall do this sinleGhanded. A youn brother to become

    5in and you to o to the #orestB The $orld $ould lauh at this absurdity.

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    a son must obey his #ather. You should sho$ that you too are #ree #rom any sense o#

    injury. nly so can $e brin him mental relie#. e ave us the li#e that $e hold and $e

    should ive him peace o# mind. e is a#raid about the other $orld. We should #ree him

    #rom this #ear. (o #ar, $e have never iven him cause #or sorro$ or dissatis#action. No$

    $e have become the cause o# a reat #ear in his mind about $hat is to happen to him in

    the other $orld. We can easily relieve him. Instead o# doin this, are $e to add to his

    troubles =or this reason my mind has altoether turned a$ay #rom the coronation and is

    intent on the journey to the #orest. My sole desire no$ is to o to the #orest and see that

    ;harata is cro$ned. This $ould please me best. I# I delay, 5ai%eyi $ill ro$ suspicious.

    ence I should o to the #orest this very day and brin peace to her mind. Rid o# the #ear

    o# the sin o# brea%in a promise and assured o# my $illin and cheer#ul acceptance o# his

    command, our #ather $ill be happy. And $e should not be anry $ith 5ai%eyi either. as

    she not been %ind to us all these years That she should suddenly conceive this idea is

    surely the $or%in o# #ate. We should not blame her #or it. ne proposes somethin and

    #ate decides other$ise. In this, 5ai%eyi is but a passive instrument in the hand o# #ate.

    ur little mother $ill have to bear the rievous burden o# the $orld's blame, but our love

    #or her should remain the same as ever. I#, be#ore this, there had been evil in her thouht,

    her conduct $ould have sho$n it. There is no doubt that some hiher #orce has made hersay suddenly and harshly, 'Rama, o to the #orest.' ther$ise ho$ could a hihGminded

    $oman $ho so #ar loo%ed upon us as her o$n children no$ behave so braenly be#ore her

    husband Who can oppose destiny /ven stead#ast saes have s$erved suddenly #rom

    their tapas. o$ can poor 5ai%eyi hope to resist #ate 7et us resolve #irmly to chane this

    sorro$ into joy. That $ould be a proo# o# our nobility and courae, 7a%shmana. With the

    blessins o# my mothers and elders, I shall o to the #orest. ;rin here the $ater, the

    $ater #rom the 3ana #or the coronation. I shall use it #or ablution be#ore departin #or

    the #orest. No. no, that $ater belons to the (tate and is intended #or the coronation. o$

    can $e touch it We shall o to holy 3ana ourselves and #etch the $ater #or my ablution.

    ;rother, be not sad thin%in o# %indom or $ealthH li#e in the #orest $ill be my hihest


    (o Rama revealed to his brother his inmost thouhts. In these passaes &almi%i uses the

    $ord daiva. In (ans%rit literature, daivam means #ate.

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    be $hen you have reined as %in #or many years and then entrusted the cro$n to your

    sons. That $as the $ay o# our ancestors. I# anyone Fuestions your %inship no$, I stand

    here to annihilate him. Are these t$o shoulders merely #or beauty This bo$, these

    arro$s and this s$ord hanin on my side are they mere decorations r do you thin%

    they are theatrical eFuipment put on #or sho$ I a$ait your orders. 3ive me the $ord

    and test my pro$ess.

    Rama ently paci#ied 7a%shmana's rae $hich $as #lamin up into a con#laration. Aslon as our parents are alive, said Rama, it is our duty to obey them. I cannot dream o#

    disobeyin my #ather. It is our prime duty to do his biddin and enable him to #ul#il his

    plede. What joy is there in ettin a %inship a#ter insultin our parents and slayin

    ;harata, the embodiment o# dharma

    And he $iped $ith his hand the tears #rom 7a%shmana's eyes. When Rama did this,

    7a%shmana re$ calm #or the a##ectionate maic o# Rama's hand could $or% $onders.

    (ITA'( R/(7&/

    What too% place in the inner apartments o# the palace $as not yet %no$n to the to$nG

    people. ;ut Rama #or his part lost no time in preparin #or #orest li#e.

    e $ent to Cueen 5ausalya to receive her blessins be#ore leavin the city. 5ausalya said

    to him aain) o$ can I stay in Ayodhya a#ter you are one It is best that I o $ith you

    to the #orest. # course, she %ne$ that her duty $as to serve her husband in his old ae

    and share his sorro$ in Ayodhya. And yet her mind $as no$ so con#used by rie# that she

    did not see thins clearly.

    ;ut Rama $ould not hear o# it and put her in mind o# her duty to be $ith the heartG

    stric%en old 5in in his sad solitude.

    (he reconised the justice o# this counsel. (he ave him her benedictions in s$eet $ords

    diluted $ith the salt o# bro%en tears.

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    (atruhna are dear to me. You $ill loo% upon them as your brothers. -onduct yoursel# as

    be#its your royal race and your o$n nature. Avoid e+tollin me so as to ive possible

    o##ence to other ood men. I must o to the #orest today. 5eep your mind steady and


    When (ita heard this une+pected speech, her love #or Rama mani#ested itsel# as aner

    that he should #or a moment conceive that she could consent to part #rom him and live in

    com#ort in the palace $hile he $as a homeless $anderer in pathless #orests. A #inespeech you have made %no$er o# dharma. It is to me a strane doctrine that a $i#e is

    diverse #rom her husband and that his duty is not hers, and that she has no riht to share

    in it. I can never accept it. I hold that your #ortunes are mine, and i# Rama has to o to

    the #orest, the command includes (ita also, $ho is a part o# him. I shall $al% in #ront o#

    you in the #orest $ays and tread the thorns and the hard round to ma%e them smooth

    #or your #eet.

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    =illed $ith boundless rie# and indination, the people said to one another) What %ind

    o# a 5in is this $ho sends so noble a prince to the #orest And their (ita $al%s a princess

    that should command the service o# the royal chariot. -an she bear the heat and the rain

    o# the #orest This is monstrousB We shall o then to the #orest too. 7et us ather up all $e

    have and et a$ay to the #orest $ith these princes. The #orest $here Rama d$ells shall be

    our Ayodhya. 7et these houses here hence#orth deserted be in#ested $ith sna%es and rats.

    7et 5ai%eyi rule over the ruins o# Ayodhya. Wild beasts and vultures o# the #orest $ill

    come to stay here. This $ill become a #orest, and the #orest $ill become Ayodhya.

    Rama heard people tal%in thus, but too% no notice. At the entrance to 5ai%eyi's palace,

    Rama sa$ (umantra seated sorro$ #ully aside in a corner. Rama tenderly spo%e to him)

    The three o# us have come to meet the 5in. (umantra, crave leave #or us to enter his


    (umantra $ent, in accordinly to announce them to the 5in. What a siht met him

    thereB 7i%e the sun in eclipse, li%e an oven #illed all over $ith ash, li%e a tan% one dry,

    the 5in $as stretched #lat on the #loor, his lory one and his #ace shrun%en and

    distorted $ith anuish.

    (umantra, his voice tremblin $ith rie# and his hands clasped toether, said) The

    1rince $aits at the entrance and see%s audience to ta%e your blessins be#ore he ives

    a$ay all he has to the ;rahmanas and starts #or the

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    =ather, send #or ;harata at once and #ul#il the promise you have iven to mother


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    When he reained consciousness, he loudly reviled 5ai%eyi, but she only smiled

    scorn#ully. (he surely $as not responsible #or (ita oin to the #orest. The princess souht

    her o$n pleasure by oin to the #orest $ith her husband and $ould not be dissuaded.

    7o$erin his eyes as he $as leavin, Rama said) =ather, I leave behind my mother

    5ausalya, blameless and tenderhearted lady, bere#t o# her son in her old ae. This sudden

    #ate is bitter to her as death, but she consents to live only #or your sa%e, to share your

    sorro$ and console you. (he is incapable o# harborin an un%ind thouht to$ardsanyone, and she has never be#ore #elt the pan o# such poinant partin. ;e %ind to her

    $hen I am no loner here and, $hen I return a#ter my lon e+ile in the hope o# puttin

    my head on her #eet, let me not hear that she has died o# sorro$. Thus Rama spo%e,

    unable to bear the thouht o# his mother's rie#. As Rama $ent out spea%in thus,

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    ive it to us $as Rama born. We shall ain these i#ts i# $e meditate on the 1rinces and

    Dana%i in the bar% habiliment as they le#t the city.

    The cro$ds in the street cried to the charioteer) 3o slo$, o slo$. 7et us have a loo% at

    Rama's #ace. Alas, Alas, $ho could send such children to the #orest o$ could their

    mothers endure this sorro$ and survive 7oo% at &aidehi's #ace. (he is indeed blessed.

    And 7a%shmana is happy to have such a brother to $hom he can ive devoted service. e

    is indeed a hero and a %no$er o# dharma. (o the people o# the city tal%ed amonthemselves as they #ollo$ed the chariot. And their rie# s$elled li%e a #lood.

    Rama $as sayin to the ood charioteer, =aster, #aster The people $ere sayin, slo$,

    slo$. And the cro$d became bier and bier. (umantra manaed someho$ to ta%e the

    chariot out o# the press o# the mournin to$n $here, in addition to the loud sorro$ o# the

    cro$ded streets, the houses $ere #ull o# mournin $omen and children.

    The 5in stepped out o# 5ai%eyi's apartment and loo%ed at the departin chariot. A lon

    time he stood there $atchin the cloud o# dust as thouh he sa$ in it the beloved #orm o#

    Rama. When even this $ent out o# siht, he #ell do$n, moanin. 5ausalya and 5ai%eyi

    sat on either side.

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    protected by the moonbeams as an in#ant is by its lovin mother. (hed all an+iety over

    your heroic son. No #oe can en counter him and escape $ith li#e. ur Rama is endo$ed

    $ith all auspicious Fualities. Your hero son $ill surely return to Ayodhya and ascend the

    throne. The 7ord o# the $orld, and no other, is Rama. (ita is $ith him, and (ita is no

    other than the 3oddess 7a%shmi. Rama $ill return and ascendin the throne $ill #ill $ith

    deliht the %indom $hich no$ laments his e+ile. You sa$ the rie# o# the citiens as they

    $atched his departure. My heroic son, the devoted 7a%shmana, armed $ith bo$ and

    s$ord, has one $ith him to uard his person. No harm, no daner can approach Rama.

    You $ill see $ith your o$n eyes Rama returnin a#ter #ul#ilment o# his vo$. ;elieve me,

    Rama $ill return, beauti#ul li%e the #ull moon, and touch your #eet $ith joy and devotion.

    You $ill then shed tears not o# rie# but o# joy.

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    ;harata's nobility and oodness. e $ill assuredly tend our parents $ith true a##ection.

    (umantra, o, loo% a#ter the horses.

    Then, Rama o##ered the evenin prayers by the river and said) 7et us #ast on this #irst

    niht o# our #orest li#e, 7a%shmana. Your presence by my side rids me o# all care.

    7a%shmana spread some rass on the round #or Rama and (ita to sleep on but he

    himsel# spent the niht in viil tal%in $ith (umantra.7on be#ore da$n Rama rose #rom sleep and told (umantra) The citiens $ho have

    #ollo$ed us, #atiued by their lon journey, are #ast asleep. I am deeply moved by their

    a##ectionH but I cannot permit their love to #orce me to o bac%. 7et us there#ore, move on

    even no$, $hile they are yet asleep.

    The horses $ere harnessed and the chariot slo$ly crossed the river. (tandin on the

    southern ban%, Rama told (umantra)

    I# you ta%e the chariot to the other shore, $here the people are asleep, and drive it #or a

    little distance to$ards Ayodhya and then brin it bac% to this side, $e can proceed on our

    journey be#ore they $a%e up. They $ill see the trac% o# the chariot oin to$ards the city,and thin%in that $e have returned home, may themselves o bac%. *nless you do this

    the cro$d $ill o on #ollo$in us.

    (umantra did this and, $hen the chariot returned, the three ot into it aain and

    proceeded south$ards.

    A7N/ ;Y T/M(/7&/(

    The citiens $ho had slept on the ban% o# the Tamasa $o%e up in the mornin and loo%ed

    round. They $ere surprised to see that Rama and the chariot had disappeared. They

    #ollo$ed the trac% o# the chariotG$heels but $ere disappointed to #ind that it $as lost in

    the main road to the capital.

    They returned home to their o$n houses and souht satis#action in revilin 5ai%eyi.

    Without Rama, the city $as bere#t o# beauty and $rapt in loom.

    (umantra and the princes had crossed the Tamasa lon be#ore da$n and travelled #ar

    into the #orest. -rossin several streams, they approached the southern boundary o# the

    5osala country. As they journeyed on, Rama said to (umantra) I $onder $hen I shall

    hunt aain in the #orest o# (arayu. Is huntin ood #or princes 1erhaps, it is, in


    Thus conversin on many matters, they $ent #or$ard. When they reached the southern

    boundary o# the %indom, Rama stopped the chariot and #acin north to$ards Ayodhya,

    bent his head in a prayer, sayin) , je$el amon citiesB ancient capital o# the

    I%sh$a%usB (hall I #inishin my penance in the #orest, live to see my #ather and mother

    and you 3rant me that supreme joy.

    The chariot reached the ban% o# the 3ana. They proceeded alon the ban%, admirin

    the beauty o# the river. =indin a spot o# surpassin charm, Rama said) We shall spend

    the niht here.

    *ntyin the horses, they sat under a tree. 3uha, the chie# o# the reion, havin learnt

    already #rom his men that Rama $ould be comin there, came #or$ard $ith his retinue

    to reet Rama and 7a%shmana.

    e had unbounded love #or the royal #amily and #or Rama. ;ein the chie#tain o# the

    tribes $ho d$elt on the ban%s o# 3ana, he $as a man o# reat prestie and po$er. Rama

    and 7a%shmana rose to reet 3uha, even $hile the latter $as still at some distance #rom

    them. 3uha $elcomed them $ith a hearty embrace, sayin) Reard this land as your

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    o$n. This place is as much yours as is Ayodhya. Who can hope to have a uest li%e you It

    is indeed my ood #ortune.

    3uha had prepared a lavish entertainment. e said, =eel per#ectly at home and happy

    in my %indom. You may spend all the #ourteen years $ith us here. You $ill not lac%

    anythin I assure you. 7oo%in a#ter you $ill be a pleasure and privilee to me. ;e

    racious enouh to accept my hospitality.

    Warmly embracin 3uha aain, Rama said) ;rother, I %no$ ho$ deep is your love #or

    me. Your $ish is itsel# as ood as hospitality rendered. I am bound by my vo$s and must

    re#use anythin more. I have come to d$ell in the #orest and not to enjoy li#e as a

    chie#tain's uest. These horses are my dear #ather's #avorites. 1ray #eed them $ell. We

    shall be content $ith simple #ood and rest #or the niht.

    They lay under the tree #or the niht. 3uha and 7a%shmana %ept a$a%e, conversin $ith

    (umantra. (aid 3uha to 7a%shmana) ;rother, do o and rest. There is a bed made

    ready #or you. My men $ill %eep care#ul $atch. None dare do anythin in the #orest

    un%no$n to me. ave no an+iety reardin Rama.

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    $ell and ive a li%e messae to my stepmothers, especially to 5ai%eyi, lest she should

    thin% $e have parted in aner.

    Tell the Maharaja that it is my earnest prayer that he should hasten $ith the installation

    o# ;harata, so that he may be a com#ort to him in our absence.

    ;ut (umantra, unable to restrain his rie#, burst out) o$ am I to return and $ith $hat

    $ords can I ive com#ort And $hen he loo%ed at the empty chariot, he $ept and said)o$ shall I drive this chariot that stands desolate $ithout you

    nce aain Rama spo%e $ords o# com#ort and courae to (umantra and ured on him

    the duty o# patience, and sent him home.

    3uha, said Rama, I could indeed spend #ourteen years in your %indom as you desire.

    ;ut $ould that be #ul#illin my vo$ I have le#t Ayodhya to #ul#il my #ather's plede. I

    must there#ore lead the li#e o# a tapasvi. I must not touch dishes daintily coo%ed and

    served. We have to live only on #ruits, roots and permissible %inds o# meat such as $e

    o##er in the sacri#icial #ire.

    -om#ortin 3uha thus, the brothers ot their loc%s matted $ith the mil% o# the banyan.They helped (ita into the boat and then ot into it themselves. 3uha bade the boatmen to

    ro$ it across.

    The boatmen too% them Fuic%ly across the river. At midstream (ita o##ered a prayer to

    the oddess o# the river)

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    They spent that niht under a banyan tree and le#t early ne+t mornin #or ;harad$aja's

    ashrama $hich they reached at sunset.

    1arta%in o# the hospitality o# the sae, they besouht him to tell $here they could spend

    the years Fuietly in the #orest and on his advice and $ith his blessins le#t #or -hitra%uta.


    Rama spent the niht in ;harad$aja's ashrama. 3ettin up in the mornin, they paidtheir respects to the Maharishi and, ta%in leave o# him, set out #or the -hitra%uta hill.

    The muni treated them a##ectionately as i# they $ere his o$n children and sent them #orth

    $ith his blessins a#ter e+plainin to them the $ay they should ta%e throuh the #orest.

    The three #ollo$ed his toporaphical instructions closely and in due course came upon

    the river 5alindi. They constructed a ra#t $ith los and bamboos and creepers o# the

    #orest and on it 7a%shmana made a seat #or (ita $ith little t$is and leaves on $hich she

    sat. The passae o# the river $as accomplished in sa#ety.

    In midstream (ita o##ered salutations to the river oddess and prayed that Rama miht

    #ul#il his vo$ and the three be enabled sa#ely to return home.A#ter crossin a #e$ more streams, they came to a bi banyan tree $hich had been

    described by ;harad$aja. And under this tree (ita aain o##ered prayers sayin) 3rant,

    holy tree, that my husband may complete his vo$ and that I may see aain the Fueens

    5ausalya and (umitra.

    Rama as%ed 7a%shmana to $al% in #ront $ith (ita behind him $hile he himsel# #ollo$ed

    in the rear. Whatever, #lo$er or #ruit she as%s #or on the $ay, he said, et it #or her

    and %eep her spirits up.

    As (ita $ent she sho$ed an eaer curiosity, as%in about #orest trees and creepers and

    $as lost in admiration at the manyGsided beauty o# #orest li#e.

    They reatly enjoyed the journey and rested #or the niht on the ban% o# a river.

    ere and in other places, &almi%i describes ho$ Rama and 7a%shmana secured #ood by

    huntin. e ma%es it Fuite plain that they had to subsist larely on meat. (ome ood men

    are troubled by this. ;ut meat $as not prohibited #or 5shatriyas. Indeed, it has al$ays

    been the rule in India to permit any #ood leitimately obtained and consecrated as a

    sacri#ice. Rama $as a 5shatriya and he lived in the #orest in the 5shatriya $ay, thouh


    The #ollo$in mornin Rama $o%e up 7a%shmana and said) 7isten, the birds are

    sinin to the mornin sun. It is time #or us to start.

    The popular story that 7a%shmana spent the $hole period o# #orest li#e $ithout #ood or

    sleep is not #ound in &almi%i. (ometimes, even, throuh #atiue 7a%shmana did not et

    up Fuite early in the mornin and Rama had to rouse him #rom slumberB

    They per#ormed their ablutions and $orship and resumed their journey in the path

    indicated by ;harad$aja. The season $as summer and the trees and plants $ere ablae

    $ith multi colored #lo$ers. The branches bo$ed under the $eiht o# #ruits and blossoms.

    Rama pointed out the beauty o# the #orest to (ita #rom time to then, sayin as they

    $al%ed) o$ beauti#ul is the #orest unspoilt by human inter#erenceB 7oo% at the

    beehives hanin thereB 7oo% at the round entirely covered $ith #allen #lo$ersB 7isten to

    the birdsB o$ beauti#ully they sin to one another and live in joyB 7i#e $ould indeed be

    pleasant i# $e could al$ays enjoy such sihts and sounds.

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    Then they sa$ at a distance the -hitra%uta hill. They $ere lad and bean to $al%

    bris%ly to$ards it. o$ beauti#ul this reion isB e+claimed Rama. The #orest here has

    #ine edible roots and #ruits. The $ater is clear and s$eet. Rishis d$ell in ashramas in this

    #orest and $e may most certainly live happily here in their holy company.

    They proceeded to put up an ashrama there #or themselves. 7a%shmana $as a clever

    $or%man. e soon constructed a stron hut, $hich $as $eatherGproo# and made it

    com#ortable and convenient. (inleGhanded, he completed the mud hut $ith $indo$s anddoors all made o# bamboos and junle material.

    5amban and &almi%i vie $ith each other in their accounts o# this episode. 5amban says

    that $hen 7a%shmana had completed the structure, Rama embraced him $eepin and

    as%ed him) When and ho$ did you learn all this ne can imaine the scene.

    Rama, his eyes #illed $ith tears o# joy, said, accordin to 5amban) The #lo$erG so#t #eet

    o# the 1rincess o# Mithila have traversed the hard #orest #loor. I# her #eet have done a

    $onder, $hy, 7a%shmana, your hands too have $rouht a miracle o# houseGbuildinB I

    have seen today the ain that is in mis#ortune.

    ere, beside the lovely -hitra%uta hill, on the ban% o# the river Malyavati, in that cottaethe three youn people lived, #ree #rom care, per#ormin their daily devotional routine.

    They #orot that they $ere in e+ile and spent the time happily, li%e Indra in eaven

    surrounded by the ods.

    The happy li#e in -hitra%uta is a $onder#ul bac%round to set o## the later su##erins and

    sorro$s o# the three.

    A MT/R'( 3RI/=

    (umantra and 3uha stood $atchin the three #iures as lon as they could. When they

    disappeared #rom siht, they $ere pluned in sorro$ and $ent bac% to 3uha's to$n.

    A#ter a $hile (umantra returned to Ayodhya.

    As the charioteer approached the city, he #ound it desolate and devoid o# the usual

    cheer#ul bustle o# urban li#e. As soon as he crossed the #ortressGate and entered the city,

    his chariot $as surrounded by a cro$d eaerly as%in) Where did you leave Rama

    o$ $as he $hen you le#t him

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    ashamed o# it no$

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    my li#e, has been $renched a$ay #rom me and banished. I live here alone, old, helpless

    $oman, $ithout the love o# my lord or the siht o# my only son. Was ever a $oman le#t

    more desolate ;ut you, are you not delihted $ith $hat you have done It is enouh #or

    you that 5ai%eyi and ;harata are happy. You need not entertain any #ear that Rama $ill

    mar that happiness, even i# he returned #rom the #orest a#ter #ourteen years. e $ill not

    touch the %indom once ruled by ;harata. The tier does not touch the leavins o#

    another animal's. 7i%e a #ish, eatin its o##sprin, you have %illed your o$n child.

    Touched to the Fuic%, the 5in even in the intensity o# his anuish turned to his $i#e $ith

    a humble prayer #or #oriveness $ith clasped hands.

    ave pity on me, 5ausalya, he moaned. You have been %ind and #orivin even to


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    o# the pain be#ore you o.' I %ne$ that i# I pulled out the arro$ #rom his body, his pain

    $ould end indeed, but so $ould his li#e in a ush o# blood. My hand re#used to do the

    deed. =or a $hile I stood, not %no$in $hat to do. Then, the youn ascetic said) '

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    not see you. My siht is one.

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    o# (hastras or epics, nor any listeners. 1eople $ill no more sleep $ith doors open. -ulture

    $ill decline and soon disappear. 1enances, vo$s, enjoyments, learnin, all depend on the

    %in's protection. The beauty o# $omen $ill vanish. The sense o# security $ill be lost.

    Men $ill eat one another up as, #ish do. -ruelty and misery $ill ro$ apace and lay $aste

    the land. =or ood to prosper and evil to be restrained, a %in is essential.

    Thus &almi%i describes at lenth the daners o# anarchy throuh the mouths o# leaders in

    that assembly.

    It loo%s as i# a reat dar%ness has enveloped the land, they said.

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    The messeners must have been at their $its' end #or an ans$er. The best they could

    ma%e $as) tier amon men, all are $ell $hose $el#are is dear to you. 7a%shmi, the

    oddess o# sovereinty, $hose abode is the lotus, $oos you. 3et into your chariot $ithout

    loss o# time. There $as an enimatic thouht in this reetin, #or accordin to them

    ;harata $as to be installed on the throne.

    The prince too% leave o# his uncle and rand#ather #or returnin home and preparations

    $ere made #or his departure. The old %in and Yudhajit collected rare and valuablethins o# their country to be sent as i#ts to 5in

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    noonday sun. No mis#ortune dare come near you. (on, stron o# limb and braveGhearted,

    stands up.

    ;harata's mind $as immaculate, spotless. e did not see all that 5ai%eyi had put in this

    her appealB A#ter lamentin lon, he ot up and said) When I $ent to my uncle's house I

    had hoped that Rama's installation as Yuvaraja $ould come o## soon and that on my

    return I $ould see the reat #estive ceremonies. o$ di##erently have thins turned outB

    o$ am I to bear this calamity No more shall I see my #ather's '#ace. What did he dieo# o$ did he et the illness And I $as not by his side $hen he lay sic%B It $as iven to

    Rama to tend him in his last moments. o$ a##ectionate the 5in $as to$ards meB I#

    some dust settled on my body, he $ould $ipe it $ith his hand. And ho$ so#t and pleasin

    $as his touchB And it $as not iven me to serve him in his need. ;ut mother $here is

    Rama erea#ter he is both #ather and preceptor to me. I must see him at once and %iss

    his #eet. e is no$ my sole re#ue. What $as my #ather's last messae to me I $ant his

    very $ords.

    5ai%eyi's ans$er had to be consistent both $ith truth and her desins. (he $as pulled in

    contrary directions by her culture and her ambition. (he #ound $ords $hich conveyed

    that the 5in did not thin% o# ;harata in his last moments. (he also $ished to preparehim #or the rest o# the ne$s. (he said) Your #ather breathed his last cryin, 'a, Rama,

    a, 7a%shmana, a, Dana%i.' These $ere his last $ords. e died sayin) It is not iven

    me to live to see Rama, 7a%shmana and (ita return. appy they $ho $ill see their


    7istenin to this, ;harata athered that Rama and 7a%shmana too $ere absent #rom the

    5ins side. is rie# increased and he as%ed 5ai%eyi) Where $ere they What business

    too% them a$ay #rom our #ather's side durin his last moments

    opin to paci#y him, 5ai%eyi said) My son, Rama put on the arments o# an ascetic

    and, ta%in 7a%shmana and (ita $ith him, $ent to the

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    No$ ;harata understood everythin and realised the enormity o# the harm $rouht by

    his mother. ver$helmed by rie# and near, he could not control himsel#. At the thouht

    o# $hat she had done and the eternal in#amy she had incurred, his rie# re$ $ild and he

    hurled cruel $ords at her.

    What have you done he cried.

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    The 5ausalya and ;harata portrayed by 5amban embody a culture. May these heroic

    #iures and that culture live #orever in the land o# ;harataB The obseFuies o# the dead

    5in $ere duly per#ormed. &asishtha and other learned men and elders o##ered rave

    shastric consolation to ;harata and (atruhna. =ourteen days a#ter the 5in's demise,

    the ministers called the Assembly and addressed ;harata thus)

    The 5in has one to the $orld above. Rama and 7a%shmana are in the #orest. The land

    is no$ $ithout a %in. It is riht that you should assume the rule at our reFuest. Thepreparations #or the coronation are all complete. The citiens and ministers are a$aitin

    your acceptance. This is your %indom la$#ully descended #rom your ancestors, It is #or

    you to be anointed and rule rihteously over us.

    ;harata $ent $ith #olded hands round the materials athered #or the coronation and said

    in rave tones to the assembled elders) I do not consider it proper that you should as%

    me thus to accept the %indom. Accordin to the custom o# our house, the throne belons

    to the eldest son. With all respect to you, I have decided to o to the #orest and brin

    Rama bac% to Ayodhya $ith 7a%shmana and see that Rama is cro$ned. 1lease et ready

    the men and materials #or this purpose. 1repare the road #or the journey. 7et laborers be

    mobilised #or it. It is my #inal and irrevocable decision not to accept the cro$n.

    7istenin to the prince's $ords, the $hole assembly $as beside itsel# $ith joy. They

    applauded ;harata's suestion. The army and a bi retinue $ere ot ready to

    accompany the prince to the #orest. Cuic%ly an army o# $or%ers $ith their tools $ent

    #or$ard to prepare the road.

    Men $ho %ne$ the #orest, pioneers $ho could di $ells and canals, builders o# ra#ts and

    boats, carpenters and enineers, $or%ed enthusiastically, because they $ere enaed in

    ettin beloved Rama bac%. -ulverts $ere built, trees #elled, a broad road #or the prince

    and his retinue $as soon laid. *ps and do$ns $ere levelled, marshes drained, restinG

    places #or the army and #acilities #or drin%in $ater and all other conveniences $ere soon

    made ready.

    Thouh thus preparations $ere made #or ;harata's journey to the #orest, &asishtha and

    the other ministers #ormally summoned the Assembly aain. They did not ive up their

    desire to et ;harata to aree to be cro$ned. They sent messeners to ;harata palace and

    invited him to the all. They approached him $ith music playin on many instruments.

    All this pained him.

    e stopped the musicians and sent the messeners bac% and told (atruhna) Why

    should they still persist in tormentin me $hen I have re#used the %indom This is the

    result o# our mother's intriue. My #ather has one to eaven leavin me to bear all this

    alone. The land needs a %inH $ithout one it dri#ts li%e a rudderless and derelict ship. Wemust soon et Rama bac%.

    The Assembly sat eaerly loo%in #or the entrance o# the blameless prince. e entered the

    all as the #ull moon rises in the s%y e bo$ed to the elders and sat do$n.

    &asishtha said) This %indom has been iven to you by your #ather and your brother

    Rama. Accept it and protect us accordin to ancient custom.

    ;harata's heart $as #ar a$ay $ith Rama. Tears #ell #rom his yes. The youn prince $ept

    aloud in the midst o# the royal Assembly and in a voice strulin $ith tears, he

    addressed $ords o# respect#ul reproach to the preceptors)

    o$ can you as% one o# my race and upbrinin to usurp $hat belons to another #arnobler and more $orthy than I -an any son o#

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    riht#ul %in. e is #it to be soverein in the three $orlds. (tandin here I pay my homae

    to Rama there in the #orest. e is the 5in, not I.

    The Assembly burst into tears o# joy $hen they heard ;harata spea% thus.

    And ;harata continued) I# I am unable to persuade 5in Rama to aree, I shall stay

    there per#ormin penance. It is your duty, /lders, to use every means to brin Rama

    bac%. I shall do all I can to ma%e Rama come bac% to Ayodhya and ma%e him 5in.e then ordered (umantra $ho $as standin near him to hasten the preparations #or

    oin to the #orest. The city rejoiced in anticipation o# Rama's return, #or all #elt sure that

    nothin could resist the #orce o# ;harata's duti#ul love.

    ;ARATA (*(1/-T/