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  • 7/25/2019 Ramazan Gunlu Postdam Paper


    Politics, Democracy and Civil Society: Local Governance in Mugla, Turkey

    Ramazan Gunlu1


    Democracy and civil society relations in local politics may display signifcant dierenceswhen metropolis, big cities and small or-medium size cities are considered. In Turkey,through the years o !""#-!""$, several changes have been made in the legislationrelated to local governance within the ramework o the reconstruction o administration.The local elections which were last held in !% &arch !""$ in Turkey are to be renewed in!% &arch !""%. The implementation process o the new arrangements has createdchanges in the dynamics o local politics and democracy in Turkey, and has obligatorilyempowered and activated civil society organizations under the new legislative measures.

    In this paper the interaction between local political social actors is discussed within theconte't o changing state-society relations in Turkey rom the (%%"s on. In this paper,)ithin the ramework o a study carried out in the regional city o &ugla, civil societystructure and its transormation is investigated and its eect on local politics is evaluated.&ugla is a centre which shares many o the issues also e'perienced at state level whenmanaging regional governance where local politics has a strong and powerul dynamics.

    This paper aims to highlight such issues by placing emphasis on the local politicalrelationships with civil society and nongovernmental organizations *+s during thelocal election process. In order to analyze the situation o the actors created by the newlegislation, a data set is defned and coded and interviews carried out with the heads oorganizations in their relations with the local political sphere, while local political actors

    are analyzed comparatively.

    In this analysis, the eect o local social problems on the political actors are identifed bycomparing the characteristics o governance politics within the local political sphere toitsinstitutional results, and characteristics o the legislative measures arranging the politicalsphere in Turkey are analyzed and evaluated within a national and global conte't.

    "ey#ords: Democracy, Civil Society, Local Governance, Turkey

    (/ssist. 0ro. Dr. 1amazan unlu, &ugla 2niversity 3conomics and /dministrative4ciences, Dept. 0ublic /dministration, 5otekli 5ampusu, &ugla, Tel. ""%" !6! !((($7(,8a'9 ""%" !6! !!#:""$, gunlu;mu.edu.tr


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/25/2019 Ramazan Gunlu Postdam Paper


    Democracy has turned into being one o the most spoiled concepts.

    democracy? concept to assess

    civil liberty, political participation, opportunities and limitations on social

    and political activists. The Democracy problemati@ue emerges in a

    comparison between ancient reek democracy and representative

    democracy. Aet the )estern 3uropean democracy would be incomplete

    unless it is conceptualized without considering its historical aspects.

    The political

    weight o military? is one o the most debated issues in Turkey under the

    !&achpherson *(%:$9 : points out that democracy was a bad thing or ("" years agoE ithas become a good thing or the ollowing 6" yearsE It becomes too vague within the last6" years.

    #&orlino pointed out that >The inclusion o Turkey in this group o countries has alreadyprompted debate, and other analysts, especially Turkish scholars, place it amongst theminimal democracies, stressing the great and now longstanding airness o the electoralprocedure, or which 8reedom

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    3uropean 2nion harmonization process. This act is interpreted as

    limitation o rights and liberties in civil society.

    /dvocates o a more powerul governmental capacity or assurance o

    liberties, on the other hand, underline the inrastructural capacity whererights are bases upon *8ukuyama, !""69 ((:E &orlino, !""%9 !:", !%#-

    !%$. Though the governmental capacity is deemed as the assurance o

    rights, human rights going beyond the borders o nation-state have

    become de acto-de ure reerences as global norms.

    )hile rights and liberties provide an assurance in uncovering potentials o

    civil society, their utilization depends on the capacity o institutions which

    lay actual oundations or them. Besides the civil society is the domain o

    potential and actual actors within socio-ormation o historicity through

    sensitivity to religiousFcultural, ruralFurban, socioeconomic partitions, and

    internalFe'ternal eects. Today, this domain continues to be shaped on a

    national basis under the matri' o globalization and a range o actors

    *political, technological, economic, cultural *5riesi et al., !""79 %!#.

    /gainst nation-state practice, construction o 3uropean political domainhas become evident as a global act. Though the historical awareness has

    been a part o 3uropean consciousness and activities, the rise o populist

    right-wing can be e'plained starting rom the losers o globalization.

    0artitions through national culture and economy are transerred through

    the stage *darstellung o globalization onto the 3uropean political domain.

    /ccordingly the political space is restructured not only with its historical

    and actual aspects but also with the change o socio-spatial relations. Thisis the e'istence o a new political space, and it changes perception and

    assessment o personality and identity *Gaeyrynen, !""#9 #CE 5riesi et al.,

    !""79 %!$, %!%, %#C-%#:, %$%-%6(. Gariety o identitiesH being a

    prere@uisite or the progress o capital in globalization process should be

    interpreted rom this point o view.

    /gainst the polarizing and peripherizing eects o globalization, regional

    convergences indicate socio-spatial change. This, at the same time, is the


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    e'pression o politicization o the space where political elites placed

    themselves on the sae side through cooperation against marketization

    and degradation o world system *Gaeyrynen, !""#9 $(, $#-$6. 0olitical

    organization o the space changed enlightenment sources o subects and

    political activists. In spite o global inormation ow, national political

    elites, political parties and non-governmental organizations still @uarrels

    within national borders *5oopmans and 0etsch, !""#9 #". )hile

    supranational communication oreshadows new subects and activity

    potentials in supranational space, this space is reshaped under interaction

    o historical conrontations.

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    society is the feld where political subects transormed or re-generated

    under orce and violence together with moral and intellectual leadership.

    This, on the other hand, is related to building o a certain polity and

    citizenship orm. This is the struggle o political subect on the base o

    autonomy9 this struggle is legitimized in the process o political subectsH

    evidencing their grievance or government positions through their political

    ormulations with global reerences o >humanity? and >human rights?.

    Thus hegemony, counter-hegemony and opposing hegemony orm modes

    o e'istence o civil subects in civil society *Kentner, !""69 C#C-C#:, C$#E

    0ozo, !""C9 6:-6%E 1anciere, !""C9 C(-C#.

    +owadays the civil society is o prime importance in conunction withdemocratization problems. >Livil society is generally conceptualized as the

    social space in which a democratic polity is enacted.? The separation

    between public and private space play a crucial role in shaping the

    political culture in every country. This act revealed the cultural aspects o

    democracy. /n active citizen is considered as the re@uisition o a

    participatory political community democracy. Democracy and civil

    participation have come out to be undamental aspects o civil society andtransormative politics. Identity conte't which turned into being a matter

    o participation become a part o democracy problem *Berezin, (%%C9 #-6.

    The concept o civil society as the current and the potential is to become

    clearer in the e'planation o Lo'. >Livil society, in ramsciHs thinking, is

    the realm in which the e'isting social order is groundedE and it can also be

    the realm in which a new social order can be ounded. M civil society was generating a orce within itsel thatwould ultimately destroy and change it?. /le'is de Toc@ueville observed


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    this civil society orce in municipalities and in volunteer organizations as a

    limitation o government and potential or reedomization. ramsci, on

    the other hand, dealt with class allies within themselves. The composition

    o leadership and grassroots movements would be realized as a hegemony

    struggle by means o organic intellectuals *Lo', (%%%9 7-C.


    lobal change process carries the set o concepts *privatization,

    localization, autonomy, participation, transparency which will acilitate

    e'pansion o capital. )orld Bank, 3LD and 2nited +ations have been theinstitutions which served or world-wide popularization o these policies.

    )orld Trade rganization organizes the scope o this process as an

    interstate organization. overnance can be e'pressed as the

    >commoditization o politics? standing in the center o the set o concepts

    mentioned above *uler, !""#aE &ahon and &cbride, !""%9 :$E unlu,


    3uropeanization concept comprises all-round inventor aspect o 32

    *3uropean 2nion analysis. The relation between the 32 and national

    authority levels has become an important agenda o country-oriented

    researches. /ccordingly eects o the 32 inputs on domestic polity reveal

    themselves in the rise o multi-level governance literature within the 32

    system *1osamond, !""C9 !$".

    Though the governance embraces the politics in *social dialog model,societal subects gain specifc political ability within the network model

    through neo-corporatist positioning. It is assumed that network-type

    organization with the ability o detecting the political problems and

    changing its own course can acilitate >return? o political domain *1ay et

    al., !""#9 #%, $(, 66.

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    Transparency is one o the eatured terms in governance concept. This

    term becomes attractive with actual practices. 3uropeanization? process o public administration. 4o long as the e'pertauthority moves higher up, aecting the policy at 3uropean level has

    become a matter o national policy. In this respect, 32 regulations have

    gained importance in national policies*

  • 7/25/2019 Ramazan Gunlu Postdam Paper


    made to include governmental process *)hitman, !""#9 !77, !7%-!C".

    Though the participation o civil society actors is the most emphasized

    matter, those which participate into 3uropeanized public domain are

    maintaining their traditional participation structures. Thereore, decisions

    made at a 3uropean level represent the consensus o party elites

    *5oopmans, !""C9 !"$, !"7E 0oguntke et al., !""C9 C6"-C6(, C7$-C76.

    3lectricity and gas sector is regulated at 32 level by Directive !""#.

    &ember countries establish energy regulation authorities by mimetic and

    normative enorcement. The liberalized energy markets e'perience, frst

    introduced in 3ngland, has subse@uently e'panded into other countries,

    which shows that globalization is a act that depends on politics. /cting assel-representing structures, actors and organizations connect dierent

    scales *rom national civil society to global civil society, rom nation-states

    to global governance. Thus macro-subects *industries, states, regions,

    frms, networks introduce sel-governance, good governance and politics

    dialog into global competition by means o e'port orientation. Thus,

    politics remain as a local resistance, and governance comes to the ore as

    a process hiding the politics *Karner and )alters, !""$9 6":-6("E0edersen, !""79 (""6-(""7.

    overnance is the driving orce o reorm process all over the world.

    Lonstitutional reorm proect which will govern the competitive

    government surrounds multi-actors *governmental, non-governmental,

    multi-level *3uropean, national, regional, local governance domain. The

    public policy ocuses on a competitive economy flled with market actors.

    4upranational actors impose competition conditions as the key element o

    economic policy. )hile the governance renders the public policy

    >democratic? with the participation o non-governmental actors, it

    discredits social solidarity *Lerny and 3vans, !""$9 6%-7#. 0articipative

    dialog model can be e'clusionist when it comes to characteristics o

    participants and individual dierences *&ayer at al., !""69 (:7, (%", (%7.


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    Civil Society, Democracy and Governance in Turkey

    It is said that civil society is weak in Turkey. 5alaycioglu *!""(9 67-6C

    points out, despite o three brie military interventions, >democratic

    regime is perceived as unctioning though there are criticisms o itse=ciency or eectiveness by the masses. There seems some evidence

    that voluntary non-governmental organizations *+s have started to

    receive relatively broad support rom the masses in Turkey. &ost

    specifcally, the maor earth@uake disasters o summer and all (%%%

    ironically helped promote civic associations providing social services to

    earth@uake stricken areas o +orthwestern /natolia.? /ccordingly the

    potential o civil society is revealed with the inade@uacy o thegovernment thatmaterialized with the earth@uake.

    In spite o recovery in opportunity structure *constitution, laws and

    regulations as a result o democratization under the 32 harmonization

    */c@uis, citizens are still beret o courage regarding political participation.

    4truggles o youth, women, public employees and other groups relived the

    limitations on political participation imposed by the Lonstitution, (%:!.

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    democracy, the urban middle class developed authoritarian aptitudes or

    ensuring their lie standards and styles. 0ost (%:" coup dHNtat liberal

    market conditions orced urban middle class to make a choice between

    non-patronage democracy or authoritarianism against patronage

    democracy o the urban and rural poor based on populist relations.

    Thereore, good governance practice becomes the irony o the

    government and a dilemma or Turkey *5alaycioglu, !""(9 7$-77.

    This dilemma has become more o an issue during recent years.

    overnment-military relations cause democratization and liberalization

    through the 32 harmonization regulations, and ollow a course led by

    >elects? *0olitical integrity? and >national independence? *in the Kausanne

    negotiations are the ounding political ethos o citizenship *IPduygu and

    5aygusuz, !""$9 $(, $$. 5emalist elites, the anonymous bearers o nation-

    state, established the political ethos o citizenship on >will o civilization?

    or which they asked or a national participation *5eyman, !"""9 !($-!(6.

    Lonservative cultural nationalist movement nowadays known with their

    Bergsonian views on the base o individual enterprise, liberalism andspontaneity is not positivist but has been one o the most important


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    promoters o Turkish revolution as >the will o civilization? since (%!"s

    *Irem, !""!9 %C, ("#-("$, (":. This ideological stream has become the

    binder o liberalism and authoritarian government together with Turkish-

    Islamic synthesis which is the o=cial ideology o Turkey. 0rolieration o

    identities rom civil society is realized under the authoritarian government

    mentality *zkazanP, (%%%9 !!-!#. Kiberalization, privatization and

    competition under the new route changed the state-economy interaction

    and mobilized potentials o civil society. It created the stage where neo-

    liberalism, Islam, secular Turkish nationalism and ethno-religious

    belongings are updated *5eyman, !"""9 !"C-!":.

    >Turkish-Islamic synthesis? could not provide or fctional integrity o thecommunity but together with the socio-economic actors during (%:"s, it

    turned into being the most important composition o secular and anti-

    secular polarization. uiding principles o 5emalist elites *republicanism,

    nationalism, etatism, secularism, populism, and revolutionism-reormism

    rom above constituted the base o institutionalism and re-

    institutionalization *5eyman, !"""9 !(7. The continuous base o re-

    institutionalization has always been the Turkish army, the watchdog o the1epublic. This act orms the parado' o 5emalism9 relying on the army or

    5emalist policy and ight rom the civil society caused the Islamic identity

    to spread in civil society and thus orming an obstacle or socialization o

    5emalist identity. The fctional-structural crisis between 5emalism and the

    civil society as a cosmic approach turned the civil society into the source

    o legitimacy under the memory o coup dHNtat. Together with overspread

    o identity, drawing the >line o identity? has become an e=cient strategyo democracy. therwise, civil society >creates a space or the presence o

    Islamic discourse as a pluralist mode o organization o the stateFsociety

    interactions *cit. rom 4aribay, 5eyman, !"""9 !!6E 5eyman, !"""9 !(:-

    !(%, !!(, !!#, !!C.

    The e=cacy gained by Islamic discourse within civil society put religious

    symbols orward together with increasing importance o individual

    autonomy within the ramework o neoliberal governance. Thereore it is


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    not incidental that neo-liberalism oered insights or Islamic policy, culture

    and economy. Increasing interest o Islamic section in Turkey towards

    >civil reedoms? and >human rights? under accession to the 32 can be

    assumed as a result o autonomous individual concept *okariksel and

    &itchell, !""69 ($:-(6!, (6C-(6%. overnance phenomenon in Turkey

    engaged with privatization and elimination o government monopoly and

    Islamic revival in civil society *4ezen, !""C9 #!"-#!#, ##".

    Government re$orm and criticism on governance in Turkey

    There is a long history o state ownership o industry in 3urope involvingnational and regional public corporations, state holdings in private sector

    companies and operation through local and central government

    departments. / maor e'pansion o state enterprises occurred in the

    interwar years and especially ater (%$6. By the late (%7"s a political

    consensus e'isted in )estern 3urope avoring the e'istence o a mi'ed

    economy began to change ater the 25Hs privatization program *0arker,

    (%%:9 ((. n the one hand, the pressures o liberalization o the 32markets and government budgetary di=culties put the governments into

    the liberalization processE on the other hand construction o 3uropean

    economic area orced them to develop policies at the 32 level. The

    3uropean debate on competitiveness associated with advocacy o

    deregulation and liberalization as the most e=cacious responses to

    globalization *1osamond, !""!9 (7: In this perspective, the 32 policy

    directed to shit the relationship between governments and state-ownedutilities has created an economic environment which has led member

    states to review the benefts o retaining state ownership *0arker, (%%:9


    The liberalization and deregulation reigning over 3urope is the source o

    inuence o public reorm in Turkey. The most remarkable criticism was

    made by academicians o /nkara 2niversity, 0olitical 4ciences 8aculty. The

    ocus o the criticism can be summarized as ollows9 0ublic reorm is a


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    part o I&8 stabilization program and aims 7,6 percent +0 *ross +ational

    0roduct surplus. The policy o downsizing the state or >fnancial

    deregulation? applied during the (%:"s now emerges as >state adaptation

    policy? or >political-administrative deregulation?. Thereore the localist and

    privatist governance is not a liberalization towards the needs o the

    country and people but the needs o capital *uler, !""#b9 ##. )hile the

    main target o the reorm is to circumvent /nkara, its point o support is

    the e'pectation and belie that it will ensure growth in local economies.

    8air distribution o country resources is essentially the duty o the

    government. The main actor that sneakingly corroded Augoslavia which

    appeared to be a perect harmonic integration o dierent ethnicities was

    the reign o economical instability *Isikli, !""#9 !-#. The reason or

    eective participation o T24I/D *Turkish IndustrialistsH and BusinessmenHs

    /ssociation and TBB *Turkish 2nion o Lhambers and Lommodity

    3'changes, etc. into law-making attempts regarding public reorm and

    acilitation o capital movement is the e'pectation or e'tending the space

    or the capital movements in accordance with >governance-state?

    rationale o )orld Bank. civilization?.

    >Livilization? bears such characteristics that may be interpreted as

    arrangement o public domain according to private benefts. The most

    remarkable e'amples o said >civilization? are Directorate o 4trategy

    Development and >4trategy Development Board? acting as consultancy

    authorities which are included into Basic 0ublic /dministration Kaw Drat.This Board together with the representatives o private entities and

    corporates are the elements o >governance? or >civilization o public

    domain? *5arasu, !""#9 7!-7!. 0rivatization and commercialization o

    basic public services are intended or civil feld. 4tateHs keeping its hand

    o a great many public services will result in direct or indirect privatization

    o services through local governments. The unds provided by )orld Bank

    or unding services that are transerred rom central government to localgovernments are signifcant indicators or this process. Together with a


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    e'ible employment system, rendering services through private sector can

    turn into a rule *3rdogdu, !""#9 ($-(6, !!. )ithin this ramework, the

    parallelism between localization and privatization o public services is

    remarkable. In this conte't, the purposes o Basic 0ublic /dministration

    Kaw Drat are in act not localization and democratization but to establish

    stations or privatization through the instrumentality o localization

    *4onmez and DinlerE !""#9 #$-#6. This very act can be seen in the way o

    depredation paved by the recommendation in the )orld Bank 1eports or

    integrating the coastal regions in to the >new? economic rationale *Duru,

    !""#9 C(-C!.

    The integrity o administration principle stipulated in the Lonstitutioncontradicts with the >public reorm?, because the central administration is

    in charge as the general supervisor, while the local administrations are in

    charge o providing service and organization limited to their geographical

    borders or meeting >common re@uirements? o local people. By means o

    a custody structure, the Lonstitution e'cludes possibility o dissociating

    the local administrations rom the general administration. The Kaw Drat,

    on the other hand, does not reer to >common local re@uirements? but frstreers to duties o central administration and then assumes the local

    administration as the general authority in charge. This does not include

    the relations regarding locality o re@uirements but it is essentially a

    general authorization or privatization o public services *5arahanogullari,

    !""#9 6!-6C.

    Democracy, Civil Society and Local Governance in Mugla

    Today, the economic globalization restructured the community and

    removed alliances resulting rom class structure. International production

    shaped the workorce hierarchically as permanent core workorce

    integrated with managing orces, as instable workers segmented

    according to ethnicity, religion, gender and geographic characteristics, and

    as the outcasts at the bottom. 2nder circumstances where alliances


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    within themselves are blurred, the civil society witnesses a bottom-up

    integration movement. Top civil society cooperating with global capital and

    its institutions, on the one hand, and segmented bottom civil society

    mobilizing the transorming potential on the other hand are the realities o

    hegemony struggle *Lo', (%%%9 %-((.

    The hegemony struggle within the civil society takes an important place in

    the feld o interest o theoretical approaches and current pluralism coming

    to the oreront within local democracy and civil society connection.

    0luralist, managerial *)eber and class *&ar' paradigms related to

    government assume the change process as a civil society phenomenon.

    0luralistic paradigm ocuses on the eect o individuals and individual-based groups on decision-making process o the government. &anagerial

    paradigm *)eber ocuses on the eect o bureaucratic structures and

    corporate domain on decision-making process o the government. Llass

    paradigm criticizes the pluralist and managerial paradigm or neglecting

    class aspect, and ocuses on capital accumulationFclass conict. The eect

    o private sector e'panded on the feld vacated by the government or

    liberalization and marketization purposes puts institutional approachesapplied in )estern welare-states into new contact points *4engul, !""(9


    &anagerial paradigm fnds its e'planation in public choice theory. The

    plurality and dierent polity e'pectations o local choices bring about new

    income groups, thus re@uiring the government to oer alternative

    serviceFta' packages to dierent groups. This means that the government

    is re@uired to supply or local demands with numerous local administration

    units. )hile said numerous local units will compete or getting the local

    people to their side, the local people beneft rom such competition by

    means o less ta'es and better service. 0luralist paradigm points out the

    necessity o a participative model under the regime theory in incorporation

    o current segmented and dissolved urban structures. The role o the

    government is no more to act as an arbitrator assumed by classic pluralist

    approach but to activate and coordinate the resources under increasingly


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    complicated relations. ne o the most important eatures o this

    approach is to accept the autonomy attributed to municipal authorities by

    managerial paradigm together with considering limitations o macro-level

    power relations and economical structures asserted by &ar'ist approach.

    In this conte't, while paying attention to structures and relations, the key

    decisiveness is implemented by multi-actors o the city. Thus, regimes

    advocating stabilization would predominate under power balance,

    alliances and e'tensive spatial division o labour. Llass paradigm has

    ocused on the concern o winning actual letist structures ater withdrawal

    o class conict in the )est and disintegration o the 4oviet system. Lircles

    which drited away rom &ar'ist structure are inspired rom pluralist

    approach which is based on radicalization and reinorcement o civil

    society against central government. 1adicalization o the democracy is not

    only the duty o working class but also belongs to non-governmental

    organizations which are assumed as the key elements o this process.

    &otivating the civil society, on the other hand, is under the responsibility

    o the *local government. The most important @uestion arising rom this

    method is >why the government should organize such a civil society?. This

    can be seen as a new democratic corporatism model. 2ne@ual

    development theory, on the other hand, remains in &ar'ist paradigm, and

    asserts that the capitalism does not only bring orth economic ine@ualities

    but also spatial ine@ualities. 1endering the une@ual development

    manageable is an obligation or nation-state. It is not possible or a

    homogenous state structure to cope with a non-homogenous spatial

    pattern. Thereore local government is not an e'tension o nation-state but

    a historical response which is une@ually developed against it with its own

    specifcities. It both undertakes regulative roles to get through socio-

    spatial ine@ualities and acts as spokesman o local powers. Thus each local

    unit is a stratifed socio-spatial ormation within the historicity o the

    positions in spatial division o labour held in dierent periods. This

    ormation has brought out a local *political culture. Kocal administration

    practices represent the centre, on the one hand, and become the

    representative o local powers on the other hand *4engul, !""(9 6!-6C.


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    Turkish Lonstitution o (%7( did not only provide udicial assurance or

    local administration but also commissioned the government with the duty

    o providing income sources to local administrations pro rata to their

    obligations. Turkish Lonstitution o (%:!, on the other hand, was drated

    on an environment where some circles, which have no aith in local

    administrations, were present. Thereore, it reects disbelie in local

    administration bodies *5eles, (%%#9 (6-(C. The importance o a

    constitutional ground supporting peopleHs rights on a participative basis is

    evident. /nother phenomenon that has e@ual importance is adoption o

    democracy as a lie style. 2ntil @uite recently, an approach which did not

    include any political ground or participation was predominant. 4tate and

    nation were assumed to be identical concepts. 1egimes where governed

    people do not participate into political processes are not deemed to be a

    part o democracy concept anymore. 0articipative processes that gained

    weight in political science re@uire making a distinction between political

    civil organizations and non-governmental organizations. Today, the

    regimes where non-governmental organizations are not represented in

    participation processes are not deemed to be democratic. /s long as the

    ine=ciency o the centre in providing public services necessitates in-site

    production and provision o services, e'isting traditional institutions or

    municipal administration remain incapable. Thereore, it aims to ensure

    e=cacy o participation services together with democracy training, and to

    reinorce local democracy. 8or realizing this aim, the actors such as the

    willingness o participants, promotersH aith in participation, non-deterrent

    eect o the size o community which is interested in the participation are

    important with regard to participation *5eles, (%%#9 !"-!!.

    /s in >the city ambient sets people ree? phrase, we can say that city lie

    orms a proper environment or democracy. In terms o e'perimental

    felds, local administrations have an important eect on tendencies o

    leaders and politicians that would govern the nation. Kocal administrations

    have played an important role not only or politicians but in development

    o contemporary participative aspects o democracy by encouraging publicparticipation. /s a ground where political activity eeling is rooted, local


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    administrations have played role in promoting the development o political

    culture based on participation *ormez, (%%(9 6$-7".

    It is evident that the disbelie against local administration should be

    overcome or ensuring them to have their real place in democraticdevelopment process *5eles, (%%#9 $:. 0articipative municipality practices

    do not date long back to old times. The municipal organization which is

    based on common beneft on local scale dates back to (:6$ when Istanbul

    4ehremaneti *the local administration acting as municipal constabulary

    which dealt with sanitary and landscaping works o the city during

    ttoman reign was established. Kocal administration system beore said

    date was @uite aint and ambiguous *rtayli, (%%"9 C"-C(. Themunicipality heritage inherited by the 1epublic was restructured by

    &unicipal Kaw (6:" enacted in (%#". >3ach city is a matter o state? said

    4ukru 5aya, then the minister o interior. This approach has played an

    important role on systemizing the central custody, and putting down roots

    o custodian mentality until now */lada, (%%"9 (!(. /doption o multi-

    party system in (%$7 resulted in political revival. 1uralQurban migration

    period, poverty and classifcation under wartime conditions turned citiesinto important political-social phenomena. The rural migration directed

    into cities and metropolitans resulted in the collapse o urban services and

    rendered the municipalities incapable o producing services *eray, (%%"9


    2rban problems coming to the oreront in parallel with the welare state in

    the )est caused urban-social movements to be the new actors o the

    participation. Thereore, urban movements have been taking an important

    place in social movements. &ovements similar to those in 3uropean

    countries were observed to take place in Turkey in the (%C"s, as well. The

    phenomena observed in Turkish metropolitan and rural areas were

    gecekondu *shantytown movements, land and house occupations, radical

    local participation e'amples *&unicipality o 8atsa and direct democracy

    practices. /s o (%:"s, solidarity-based movements were observed to

    become widespread within the ramework o social and spatial bounds.


  • 7/25/2019 Ramazan Gunlu Postdam Paper


    Beginning rom the end o (%:"s, these movements emerged as protests

    against urban regeneration proects and ine=ciency o urban services.

    Beginning rom the (%%"s, the civil society gained importance day by day,

    and opened the organization o civil domain into a serious competition

    feld. )e can say that political ideologies were rapidly polarized in civil

    organization feld. Livil society repositioned itsel against hegemony and

    counter-hegemony. 0olitical participation o non-governmental

    organizations under urban practices entered into a parallel or contrary

    split-up period under ethno-religious, socio-spatial and cultural manners

    *unlu, !""(9 $7%-$C#.

    /s a result o migration, citizentry associations become more importantollowing the new aspects attributed to network-type organizations. The

    network-type lie which introverted people into specifc identities and

    relations in abyss o public domain collapsed by liberalization and

    privatization turned the citizentry associations into a oothold strategy. /s

    a balancing element, they entered into the segmented chaotic urban

    spaces where dierent conicts o power relations were staged *5urtoglu,

    !"""9 #($-#(C. Thus citizentry associations placed themselves amongmulti-actors o urban lie.

    Livil society and participation has entered into Turkish lie as a practical

    matter ater the earth@uakes suered in (%%% */ugust (C and +ovember

    (! earth@uakes. Incapability o the government triggered intervention o

    non-governmental organizations, and promoted oundation o new non-

    governmental organizations. /cting as social actors o participation, non-

    governmental organizations participate into policy development process

    together with political actors. 1evised legislations in Turkey describe the

    participation thereo and recommend that such participations should be

    promoted. /rticle C7 to &unicipal Kaw 6#%# includes the provision that city

    councils will be established by the help and support o municipalities.

    2nder said law, the ministry o interior structured the participation by

    issuing >Lity Louncils uidelines?. /ccording to /rticle : o said

    uidelines, representatives o local administrations *municipality, general


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    provincial assembly, &embers o 0arliament o the relevant province,

    representatives rom political parties, representatives rom public

    vocational institutes, and representatives o civil society will participate

    into the Lity Louncil under certain ratios *Loskun, !""C9 ("C-((".

    Lonsidering &ugla Lity Louncil, which is active since (%%%, as an e'ample,

    it is observed that there has been no will to participate into this council,

    and what is more, those who call or participation do not have aith in such

    a council. 0olitical cultureHs not being promoting has a negative eect on

    unwillingness or participation. The participation is interrupted by certain

    reasons such as the weakness o local democracy, ine=ciency o

    participation consciousness and its education, novelty o participationphenomenon, absence o conditions which promote and encourage

    utilization o rights *okturk and 5avili, @uot. rom !""!, LoRkun, !""C9 ((-

    ((!. 8urthermore, the provision included in the uidelines stating that

    decisions made in the city council will be negotiated in the frst meeting o

    municipal assembly assumes that all public services in the city are

    produced by the municipality. This practice results in decreasing the

    e=ciency, thus participation. Institutionalization and changing localconsciousness would avourably contribute to participation *Loskun, !""C9


    /s a feld o participation and activity, 0rovincial

  • 7/25/2019 Ramazan Gunlu Postdam Paper


    dominance o public authority, ailing to ensure participation o non-

    governmental organizations which adopt a human rights-sensitive

    approach, lack o institutionalization and ailure to promote participation

    *4ahin, !""C9 $6"-$6!, $6$-$7(.

    The act observed in Lity Louncils and

  • 7/25/2019 Ramazan Gunlu Postdam Paper


    public policy. &odern-secular middle class and traditional-conservative

    sections conront in socio-spatial domain and politicize the separation o

    the society among rural policies */50 and environmentalFtourism policies

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