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  • 8/6/2019 Ramu Conservation


  • 8/6/2019 Ramu Conservation



    Farm Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) include allanimal species, breeds and strains (and their wild

    relatives) that are of economic, scientific and cultural

    interest to humankind in terms of food and agricultural

    production for the present or in the future.

    There are some 40 species and 7616 breeds of AnGR that

    have been domesticated during the past 10,000 to 12,000


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    With the introduction of industrial farm

    production bio-diversity is vanishing atrapid rate;

    every year about 34,000 plant and 5,200animal species disappear, a rate 50-100

    times higher than the losses expectedthrough natural processes.

    About 1,000 of the 7,616 recognizedlivestock & poultry breeds extinct in thelast 100 years, and 300 of these aloneduring the last 15 years.

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    Another 2,000 breeds are at stake if nocounter measures for their conservation aretaken .India registerd 129 breed in NBAGRAmong the domesticated breeds 1-2 breedsare lost every week FAO reported that -World watch listdomesticated animal diversity 6300 breeds-belong to 30 species

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    Genetic Diversity in AnGR in India(Number of breeds)

    Species As per World Watch List As per Indian literature

    Cattle 70 30

    Buffalo 20 10

    Yak 5 NilSheep 62 42

    Goat 34 20

    Horse 7 6Donkey 3 Nil

    Camel 9 (+1 Bactrian) 8

    Pig 8 Nil

    Rabbit 3 Nil

    Fowl 19 15

    Quail 2 Nil

    Duck 6 Nil

    NBAGR, 2009

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    REASON?Economic and biological reasons:Scientific reasons:Historical and cultural reasons

    Environmental considerationEnergy sources

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    Economic and biological reasons:

    A. Genetic variation both within andbetween breeds is the raw material withwhich the animal breeder works.Therefore, any loss of genetic variationwill limit our capacity to respond to

    changes in economic forces for theexploitation of animal production infuture.

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    Breeds with specific qualities like ,Disease resistance , protozoan diseases

    Heat tolerance,

    Ability to survive and produce under stress

    low input and produce good product like



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    Future requirements of type and quality of animal produce (milk, draught power) maychange and this requires conservation of animals with better performance in specificproduction traits.

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    Magnitude of heterosis depends upon thebreeds crossed.

    For exploiting the heterosis in animalproduction, it is necessary to maintainbreeds which are complementary to eachother and on crossing result in maximumheterosis.

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    2. Scientific reasonsBreeds with unique physiological or other traits are of great value as they provide missing links in the genetichistory of a livestock species by The study of blood groupsThe study polymorphic traits.To identify the dna sequences causing the distinctive

    traits,Preservation of breeds with unique traits will beessential for long term research in molecular


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    To evaluate the magnitude of genetic change due toselection, maintenance of a sample as controlpopulation is very much essential.

    Investigations in different areas likePhysiology,Biochemistry,

    Genetics immunology, etc.Require maintenance of diverse populations.

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    Variety of populations are an asset forresearch work in biological evolution,behavioural studies, etc.Diverse populations form an excellent

    teaching material for students of animalscience, ecology, etc.

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    3. Historical and cultural reasons

    Conservation of historically important,culturally interesting and visually unusualand attractive population is very importantfor education, tourism etc. Further,conservation of breedsCan be a valuable material of nature and


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    Serve as research and teaching material inhistory and ethnography,Will be preservation of populations withdiverse sizes, colours and other morphologicalfeatures, for aesthetic reasons, and

    Need be done to take care of existence of different creations of the nature for posterity.

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    4.Environmental consideration

    Every organism has its own role to playwith in an ecosystem

    Loss of germplasm has adverse effect onthe ecosystem

    which is hazardous to the existing mankindDomesticated breed integral part of ourecosystem

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    5. Energy source

    India has number of good drought breedsof cattle used to perform number of agricultural operation before intensificationof the mechanized agricultureNon-renewable source of energy mayexhausted sooner or laterIn such condition animal drought powerwill be required

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    Status of breedss,.no Status Number

    1 Normal >10,000

    2 Insecure 10,000 5,000

    3 Vulnerable 1,000 5,000

    4 Endangered 100 1,000

    5 Critical < 100

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    Once genetic resources have beenidentified and characterized, two basicconservation activities can be followed,In situ

    Ex situ.

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    In situ conservation requires establishment of live animalbreeding farms and their maintenance. The generation andloss of alleles is a dynamic process that should bemaintained at close equilibrium through soundmanagement.

    In situ conservation strategies emphasize wise use of indigenous cattle genetic resources by establishing andimplementing breeding goals and strategies for animalsustainable production systems.Information for animal recording and breeding is wellestablished in developed countries through breedingassociations which zealously protect the interest of breedsincluding rare ones

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    Types of insitu conservation

    Active processbreed development and breeding

    programesPassive process

    only maintenance of animal in theirnatural environment

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    SITU CONSERVATION:1. Live animals can be evaluated and improved over the years.2. Genetic defects can be detected and eliminated.









    use.4. They are a gene bank for future use.5. They are a constant reminder that the needs of

    posterity must be considered.

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    Contin .,6. The herd may have some economic advantages (heat tolerance, disease resistance) which can be exploited and so render the enterprise economically viable.7. The produce from live animals partly compensates the expenditure, if not entirely.8. From aesthetic point of view, the live animals are,











    to see variety of animals and have some cultural value.

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    ANIMAL CONSERVATIONWhile fixing the number for preservation of a breed,The cost of maintenance, Availability of animals and rate of inbreeding should be taken into consideration.

    With small population size, the effective population size decreases and the genetic structure of the population is affected due to inbreeding and random drift.










    a minimum, but random drift over long periods may lead to a population very different in genetic composition from the initial one.

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    Cont..,Gene X environment interactions is another disadvantage.In situ conservation involves





    land,Buildings,Feed and fodder resources,

    Water supply,Labour,







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    Ex-situ conservation includes cryogenicpreservation.It is the storage of genetic resources, which the

    farmers are currently not interested in using.

    Ex situ conservation is based on the use of liveanimals populations wherever practicable,supported by cryopreservation wheretechnology exists or can be developed,combining within-country gene banks with

    global repositories.

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    Interested governments, norgovernmentalorganizations, research institutions andprivate enterprises should be encouraged tomaintain in vivo samples of breeds at risk,with national inventories being establishedand kept up to date so that the geneticresources are readily available for use and


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    1. If the preservation is to maintain populations without genetic change, it can be best done by cryogenic storage as it is difficult to breed many generations of animals without any change in thegenetic structure.2. The resources requirement for in situ preservation isquite large as compared to cryogenic methods.

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    1. Ex situ preservation using frozen semen delays therestoration of a breed as it can be restored in the futureonly by upgrading. But this could be overcome throughpreservation of embryos.

    2. Another important factor is the danger faced by a breedrestored from cryogenic preservation from importantchanges in the environment like germs, climate, etc., thathave taken place over the years.3. Variability in cryogenic storage of germplasm,accessibility to their physical location, ownership,behaviour of animal, response of germplasm to freezing

    and thawing techniques, and poor conception rate.

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    INCLUDES1. Preservation of frozen semen2. Preservation of oocytes3. Preservation of embryos4. Preservation of ovaries

    5. Use of embryonic stem cells or blastomeres6. Production of chimeras7. Production of embryos in vitro8. Embryo splitting9. Transgenesis

    10. DNA libraries

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    Semen preservation:Semen cryopreservation and artificial inseminationare important tools of animal improvement with vastscope of genetic improvement, conserving indigenouscattle resources because of their simplicity and

    relatively cheaper costs.Semen storage and distribution activities are beingcarried out in a few well known indigenous milch

    cattle.Still, many breeds like Amrithmahal, Dangi, Gaolao,and Punganur lack such facilities. Spermatozoa may also be collected from the epidydimis

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    Oocyte preservation :

    This method provides an opportunity for conserving

    females in the same way as sperm is conserved.

    The oocyte can be recovered by surgery, laparotomy or

    slaughtering of donor animals. The frozen thawed oocyte

    can be used for IVF successfully .

    The immature and mature oocyte from slaughteredanimals could be useful in near future for cryopreservation

    of genetic material of endangered breeds.

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    3. Embryo preservation:

    The main advantage of cryopreservation of embryo over that of sperm

    or oocyte is that it contains the complete genome.

    The embryo transfer technique coupled with micro manipulation,

    embryo sexing and splitting are more useful and economical to carry out ex situ conservation of animal genetic resources.

    This technique is very useful in conservation of genetic resources by

    rapid multiplication of superior or rare germplasm. MOET can be usedin resurrecting the endangered cattle breeds like Sahiwal, Punganur

    and Vechur.

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    Preserving of ovaries :

    The preservation of slices of ovaries in liquid nitrogenis a new technology which may be of great use in

    conservation of animal genetic resources.The ovary slices might be transferable into suitable

    recipients to obtain oocytes which can be fertilized.

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    5. Embryonic stem cell and nuclei :

    Preservation of embryonic stem cells could representan important method of genome conservation and

    would be helpful in propagating animals from a singleembryo of elite or rare animals belonging to

    endangered breed/species.

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    6. Chimaeras :

    Chimaeras mean the animals having body cell

    population with different karyotypes which have beenformed from two or more zygotes with different

    karyotypes.Chimeric embryos have been frequently made by the

    aggregation of cells from two individual embryos or by injecting cells from one embryo into the blastocyst

    cavity of another embryo.

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    So long as cells from both embryos are represented inthe inner cell mass, the composite embryo will developinto a chimaeric animal.A more important aspect of chimaerism in geneticconservation is the potential use for inter speciesembryo transfer.Using this technology sheep have been born to goat

    foster mother and vice versa.This would be especially important if it was a speciesrather than a breed of animal that was on the verge of


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    7. Production of embryos in vitro :

    This technology involves salvaging mature oocyte from ovaries of

    slaughtered animals and developing methods for theirmaturation, fertilization and in vitro culture for normal

    embryonic development.

    For conservation of rare breeds, such a method could provide an

    opportunity to salvage a few oocytes from the ovaries of rare and

    superior animals even after their normal reproductive life and to

    produce some blastocysts for conservation by deep freezing.

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    Embryo splitting :

    Embryo splitting is more advantageous in thecircumstances where only few embryos of particular

    genotype or breed or species are available.This technique of manipulating embryos could be

    helpful in producing more number of animals from afew stored embryos of rare and endangered animals.

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    9. Transgenesis : Recent developments in molecular biology have enabled introduction of specific genes into the animal genome.

    A small amount of DNA is injected into the nucleus of an egg soon afterfertilization.

    In some instances the DNA becomes integrated into the chromosomes and

    an embryo and foetus develops in which all the nuclei contain copies of theinserted gene.

    As any sequence can be spliced with any other (Anderson, 1986),

    transportation of genes across breeds and species is possible by recombinant DNA techniques.

    Successful microinjection of genes in mice embryo and their expression

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    10. DNA libraries :

    Theoretically, an animal can be produced from its

    complete DNA complement. However, at presenttechnical developments are limited to the

    identification and manipulation of only a few genes.But the direction in which technical advancements are

    taking place gives an indication that in futurebreeds/species can be reconstructed from their DNA


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    s.no species Breed at risk

    1 CATTLE Red Sindhi ,Sahiwal ,Tharparkar, and Gir, Kankrej and

    Ongole ,Punganur, Red Kandhari, Vechur, Bhagnari,Deoani, Lohani, Bengal, Hill, Kachcha Siri, Tarai,Umblacherry

    2 BUFFALOES Toda , Nilli ravi ,Bhadawari3 SHEEP the 42 breeds of sheep, all the breeds of Jammu &

    Kashmir and other indigenous breeds like Pugal, Nilgiriand Garole need immediate steps for preservation

    4 GOAT Beetal , barbari, jamunapari, surti,jhakrana, chegu,changthangi5 CAMEL Double humped, jaisalmeri,sindhi6 HORSE Bhutia,manipuri,7 POULTRY All breeds

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    INDIGENOUS LIVESTOCK AREThe intensive efforts being made to introduce superior

    germplasm to overcome the low production of the

    local genotypes, without any consideration to the local

    ecological and socio economic situation (demand for

    increased milk production and introduction of exotic

    milk breeds of cattle like Jersey,Holstein),

    b. No serious organized effort in maintaining the

    purity of the breeds .

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    Changes in cropping pattern and increased

    mechanization of agriculture with neglect of

    indigenous draught breeds of cattle.

    The global awareness for conservation of domestic

    animal diversity was touched up on at the

    International Conference held in Rome in 1936, which

    resulted in several recommendations being made in

    this regard

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    Steps taken in IndiaIn India the need for conservation of animal genetic resourceshas now "become clear, and the lack of necessary documentationand evaluation has been recognized. A National Bureau of Animal Genetics Resources and one for fish have beensanctioned, which will have the following functions:To undertake systematic cataloguing of animal germ plasm andto establish a data bank and information service on animalgenetic resources.Identification, evaluation, cataloguing and conservation of herds

    or flocks identified as valuable for purposes of conservationconsisting of important indigenous breeds of livestock andpoultry in the country.To undertake survey for the evaluation of merits or attributes of

    breeds discovered recently or threatened with extinction.

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    Formulation of criteria and parameters to enableidentification of animals and flocks of superior geneticmerit or worthiness for conservation. To take steps forthe preservation of germ plasm both as live animals orby setting up frozen semen and embryo banks.Documentation of pertinent information in regard toidentity of herds and flocks on a computer readable

    format.Processing of information collected under surveyscarried out for the identification of valuable animal

    resources material.Dissemination of information in a cogent manner toenable individuals and agencies to use information in

    regard to the available animal genetic resources,

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    Maintenance of national/international liaison with

    institutions concerned with similar work.Rendering financial assistance to universities, IGAR institutes and government and private bodies, wheremaintenance of such valuable germ plasm isconsidered desirable.Monitoring of the entire improvement programmeand maintenance of rare breeds/herds/ flocks in thecountry.Monitoring of new introduction of animal germ plasmand new synthetics.To stimulate programmes for improvement in the various breeds and to give adequate financial andtechnical support to these

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    Such information would allow the best utilization of genetic resources in cattle and buffaloes and otherspecie s.5. Properly designed selection experiments should becarried out for important indigenous breeds which are notinvolved in genetic improvement experiments throughcrossbreeding.6. Since sizeable populations of different crossbreds areavailable around a number of milk shed areas, suchpopulations should be utilized for performance recording

    and progeny testing of crossbred sires, in order to take fulladvantage of crossbreeding, progeny tested half bred bullsshould be used for the development of new breeds/strains

    adapted to the given environment.

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    7. The present evaluation of different breeds and breed crosses

    is being done only under intensive management system. Suchevaluation should be done under intensive, medium and low

    input (as close to the existing practices in the farmers fields aspossible) so that the most efficient genotypes for each of these

    management levels could be identified.

    8. A number of native breeds, strains or varieties are, or may

    be, in danger of genetic dilution through indiscriminate

    crossbreeding with exotic breeds. Such native breeds should

    be identified, so that they can be evaluated before this process

    leads to their essential loss.

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    Some native breeds are in danger of losing genes for

    high production because high performing animals are

    withdrawn from breeding populations for use in units

    of high production and/or subsequent slaughter (e.g.

    city milk production in India or slaughter animals

    closen because of large size). Such breeds should be

    identified and breeding units kept intact.

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    Strategies for CharacterizationIdentification and listing of all the available animalgenetic resources.Breed description and characterization to understand theirunique qualities and potential contributions.Prioritizing the breed for characterization andconservation based on their population structure,economic utility and genetic diversity.Establishment of breed societies for conservation of thebreed in-situ.Creation of data-base on indigenous animal geneticresources.Development of technology for collection and freezing of genetic material.Documentation and creation of mass awareness.

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    METHOD OF CHARACTERIZATIONDecide Mark the breeding tractSelect the random sampleConduct complte survey Collection of data General information



    Morphological featuresEconomic trait production & reproduction trait

    Manage mental system

    Collection of blood samples

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    Dna isolation high salt method

    Checking agorose gelSelcetion of primer specific PcrDna sequencing

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    Use of Characterization by Molecular Genetic tools

    Genetic distinctness of breed/ populationInbreeding level in the population

    Population bottleneck in the pastEvolutionary pattern of the breed/

    populationGenetic endangerment level