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ربيع رمزيعلم المRAMZY RABEE غة انجليزية ماجستير لكاديميةة الفروع اهي كاف توجي1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE / LEVEL 3 0772147123 UNIT FOUR: SUCCESS STORIES MODEL EXAM PART ONE: READING COMPREHENSION QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Read the following texts carefully, and then choose the correct answer ( A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences below each text. The Arab world has many famous chemists in its history, but the person who is known as the founder of chemistry is probably Jabir Ibn Hayyan. He is most well known for the beginning of the production of sulphuric acid. He also built a set of scales. His scales could weigh items over 6,000 times smaller than a kilogram. 1. Jabir Ibn Hayyan was known as………….……………………. A. The founder of medicine B. The founder of mathematics C. The founder of chemistry D. The founder of astronomy 2. One of the achievements of Ibn Hayyan was………………………….. A. The production of drugs B. The production of carbon dioxide C. The production of calcium D. The production of sulphric acid 3. The effect of inventing instruments to measure weights was…………… A. The production of sulphric acid B. The founder of chemistry C. Building a set of scales D. Weighing objects up to one thousand gram 4. The underlined pronoun “his” in the text above refers to……………….. A. Scales B. Jabir ibn Hayyan C. The chemists D. Sulphric Acid 5. The word which means as “the person who starts something new” is…………………………. A. Scales B. Chemists C. Founder D. Chemistry

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QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Read the following texts carefully, and then

choose the correct answer ( A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences below

each text.

The Arab world has many famous chemists in its history, but the person who is known as the founder of chemistry is probably Jabir Ibn Hayyan. He is most well known for the beginning of the production of sulphuric acid. He also built a set of scales. His scales could weigh items over 6,000 times smaller than a kilogram.

1. Jabir Ibn Hayyan was known as………….……………………. A. The founder of medicine B. The founder of mathematics C. The founder of chemistry D. The founder of astronomy

2. One of the achievements of Ibn Hayyan was………………………….. A. The production of drugs B. The production of carbon dioxide C. The production of calcium D. The production of sulphric acid

3. The effect of inventing instruments to measure weights was…………… A. The production of sulphric acid B. The founder of chemistry C. Building a set of scales D. Weighing objects up to one thousand gram

4. The underlined pronoun “his” in the text above refers to……………….. A. Scales B. Jabir ibn Hayyan C. The chemists D. Sulphric Acid

5. The word which means as “the person who starts something new” is…………………………. A. Scales B. Chemists C. Founder D. Chemistry

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Ali ibn Nafi’, who was born in 789 CE and died in 857 CE, is also known as “Ziryab” or “Blackbird” because of his beautiful voice. He was a gifted pupil of a famous musician from Baghdad, and it was his talent for music that led him to Cordoba in the ninth century CE. He was the guest of the Umayyad ruler there. He is the person who established the first music school in the world in Cordoba, Al- Andalus, teaching musical harmony and composition. He revolutionized musical theory, and is also the person who introduced the oud to Europe.

6. The way in which led Ali Ibn Nafi to Cordoba in the 9th century

was…………………………… A. His work in Baghdad B. His beautiful Voice C. His talent for music D. B+C

7. Ali Ibn Nafi was most well-known as Ziryab due to…………………… A. His beautiful voice B. His work in Baghdad C. His talen for music D. A+C

8. The music school that was set up in cordoba was teaching…………… A. Musical harmony and composition B. Mathematics and astronomy C. Medicine and physics D. A+B

9. The musical tool which was introduced by Ibn Nafi was……………….. A. The piano B. The guitar C. The oud D. The flute

10. Ibn Nafi’ died at the age of…………………………………. A. 65 B. 66 C. 67 D. 68

11. The underlined word “that” in the text above refers to…………… A. His beautiful voice B. His talent for singing C. His talent for music D. His talent for composition

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12. The compound word which means as, “a pleasant sound in music, made by playing a group of different notes together”, is………… A. Talent for music B. Musical harmony C. Beautiful voice D. Umayyad Ruler

Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist, musician and astronomer. He made ground-breaking discoveries in many of these fields, but it is probably his work in arithmetic and geometry that has made him most famous.

13. The sentence which shows that Alkindi was an expert in many subjects is………………….. A. He made ground breaking discoveries in many of these fields. B. His work in arithmetic and geometry. C. That has made him most famous D. Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist,

musician and astronomer. 14. Two areas of knowledge made Alkindi most reputable.

A. Biology and geology B. Geology and chemistry C. Biology and geometry D. Arithmetic and geometry

15. The underlined word “philosopher” in the text above means…….. A. A postgraduate student of medicine B. An undergraduate student of philosophy C. The person who studies mathematics D. The person who studies chemistry

16. The underlined pronoun “that” in the text above refers to………… A. Ground breaking discoveries B. His work in geometry C. His work in arithmetic D. His work in arithmetic and geometry

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Ibn Rushd was a famous Islamic polymath who was born in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, in the twelfth century. During his lifetime, he was widely known and respected for his teaching and his books. Even now, nearly nine hundred years after his birth, he is still remembered as a great scholar, scientist and writer. In fact, he is even remembered in space because scientists named an asteroid, in honour of his great contributions to astronomy.

17. The period when Ibn Rushd was born was……………………… A. The 12th century B. The 9th century C. The 11th century D. The 10th century

18. The way in which made Ibn Rushd well-known was……………..

A. His Teaching and his books B. Known and respected C. His lifetime D. His work in arithmetic

19. The scientists called him an steroid because of………………….

A. his achievements in chemistry B. his achievements in music C. his achievements in mathematics D. his achievements in space ( astronomy)

20. The underlined word “asteroid” in the text above means…………..

A. a rock which orbits the sun B. a rock which orbits the earth C. a rock which orbits the moon D. a rock which orbits the land

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Megaprojects are extremely large investment projects, which are designed to encourage economic growth and bring new benefits to cities. Although megaprojects vary in terms of size and cost, they are all, by definition, expensive, public projects that attract a high level of interest and media coverage. Projects range from motorways, airports, stations, tunnels, bridges, etc. to entire city complexes.

21. Megaprojects which are created in many countries differ according to……………………. A. Economic growth B. The new benefits C. Size and cost D. Media coverage

22. Megaprojects are created in many countries in order to………………… A. Encourage pollution B. Encourage economic growth C. Bring benefits to cities D. B+C

23. The disadvantages of megaprojects are…………………………… A. Public projects and expensive B. Attracting high interest and media coverage C. Expensive and have positive effect on the community and

environment D. Expensive and have negative(serious) effect on the community and

environment 24. The underlined pronoun “they” in the text above refers

to…………………… A. Megaprojects B. Benefits C. Media coverage D. Size and cost

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The concept of a megaproject is always based on the benefits it brings to a community. However, many megaprojects have been criticised because of their negative effects on a community or the environment. This essay will look at these issues with regard to Masdar City, a megaproject in Abu Dhabi.

25. Megaprojects are designed acoording to………………………… A. The disadvantages that bring to the environment B. The disadvantages that bring to the community C. The advantages that bring to the society D. The disadvantages that bring to the society

26. Several megaprojects are judged with disapproval because………….. A. They have positive impact on the community B. They have positive impact on the environment C. They don’t affect on the community or environment D. They have serious impact on the society and environment

27. The underlined pronoun “it” in the text above refers to……………….. A. Megaprojects B. Megaproject C. Very large and expensive projects D. Community

Masdar City will run entirely on renewable energy sources. It is built on an advanced energy grid which monitors exactly how much electricity is being used by every outlet in the complex. Furthermore, in order to reduce its carbon footprint, the city will be a car-free-zone designed to be pedestrian. Electric, driverless cars will operate as public transport vehicles, and the city will be connected to other locations by a network of roads and railways.

28. One of the procedures to decrease the effect of carbon is………….… A. Using cars operated by petrol B. Using energy sources such as oil and gas C. Using cars operated by diesel D. Using cars operated by electricity

29. The city will be constructed on a system of wires to……………….. A. Observe the amount of water B. Observe the amount of carbon C. To provide the city will electricity D. To observe the amount of the usage of electricity

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30. Masdar city will be car free zone created for ……………………. A. People who are driving cars B. People who are driving motorcycles C. People who are walking D. People who are driving vehicles

31. The underlined word “it” in the text above refers to…………………… A. Advanced energy grid B. Masdar city C. Electricity D. Renewable energy

Energy will be provided by solar power and wind farms, and there are also plans to build the world’s largest hydrogen plant. A desalination plant will be used to provide the city’s water, with 80% of water used being recycled. Biological waste will be used as an energy source too, and industrial waste will be recycled.

32. Two Renewable energy sources that will be used to run entirely Masdar city are……………………….. A. Gas and solar power B. Wind farms and oil C. Oil and gas D. Solar power and wind farms

33. Masdar city will build a station to remove salt from sea

water…………………….. A. To provide the residents with salt B. To provide the residents with salt water C. To provide the station with salt D. To provide the inhabitants with fresh water

34. A type of waste which will be used as energy source is………….

A. Hydrogen B. Industrial C. Biological D. Salt water

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Choose the suitable item from those given below (a,b,c or d) to complete

each of the following sentences.

35. When we talk about………………., they can mean an improvement in

the average standard of living.

A. Negative effect

B. Carbon footprint

C. Urban planning

D. Economic growth

36. The need for effective urban……………is evident when we consider

modern day problems like traffic.

A. Growth

B. Planning

C. Effect

D. waste

37. We learn about shapes, lines and angles when we study………….. A. arithmetic B. algebra C. geometry D. philosophy

38. If we replace as much carbon as we burn, we are………………… A. carbon footprint B. carbon neutral C. zero waste D. renewable energy

39. The first musical school was teaching musical ………………..and composition. A. Harmonise B. Harmony C. Harmonious D. harmoniously

40. The first musical school was teaching musical harmony and ………….. A. Compose B. Composition C. Composed D. Composer

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41. Fatima Al-Fihri used her father’s ……………………… to build a learning centre. A. Inherit B. Inheritance C. Inheriting D. Inherited

42. Al-kindi was a physician and ……………..……. A. mathematical B. mathematician C. mathematics D. mathematic

43. Al-Kindi made ground …………..…………………....discoveries in many fields. A. break B. breaking C. breaks

44. Al-kindi’s work in arithmetic and ………………that has made him most famous. A. geometric B. geometry C. geometrician D. geometrical

45. Megaprojects are …………………….…….projects that attract media coverage. A. publicity B. public C. publicise D. publically

46. Masdar City will be the first artificially …………… city. A. create B. created C. creation D. creatively

47. Masdar city will build a ……………….plant in 2025. A. desalinate B. desalination C. desalinated D. desalinates

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48. While the project is being built, there is a ……………. of it. A. criticise B. criticism C. critics D. critical

49. ……………… should be made a priority of existing cities. A. sustain B. sustainability C. sustainable D. sustainably

50. Building an artificial ………………..city costs billions of dollars. A. sustain B. sustainability C. sustainable D. sustainably

51. Ibn Bassal was a …………………man. A. practice B. practical C. practitioner D. practically

52. Ibn Bassal worked out how to …………………..the land. A. irrigation B. irrigate C. irrigated D. irrigator

53. The ………………systems which Ibn Bassal put in place are still used in Spain. A. irrigation B. irrigate C. irrigated D. irrigator

54. Megaprojects…………………in terms of size and cost. A. various B. vary C. variety D. variation

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55. The Middle East is famous for the …………………. of olive oil. A. produce B. production C. product D. productive 56. Ibn Sina wrote …………………. textbooks. A. medicine B. medical C. medically D. medications 57. Fatima al-Fihri was born in the …………………. century. A. nine B. ninth C. ninthly 58. My father bought our house with an ………………….from his

grandfather. A. inherit B. inheritance C. inheriting D. inheritant 59. Scholars have discovered an ………………….document from the

twelfth century. A. origin B. original C. originally D. originate 60. Do you think the wheel was the most important …………………. ever? A. invent B. invention C. inventor D. invented

61. Al-Kindi made many important mathematical …………………. A. discover B. discoveries C. discoverer D. discoverable

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62. Who was the most …………………. writer of the twentieth century? A. influence B. influential C. influenced D. influentially 63. Petra is an important …………………. site. A. archaeology B. archaeologist C. archaeological D. archaeologically 64. I will be going to university to continue my …………………. A. educate B. education C. educated D. educational 65. In our exam, we had to ………………. a text from Arabic into English.

A. translation B. translate C. translator D. translated

66. Thank you for your help, I really ……………… it. A. appreciation B. appreciate C. appreciated D. appreciative

67. Have you seen Nasser's …………………. of postcards? He's got hundreds! A. collect B. collection C. collected D. collector

68. Many instruments that are still used today in…………………….were

designed by Arab scholars.

A. operational

B. operate

C. operations

D. operationally

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69. When do you ……………………………….. to receive your test results?

A. expect

B. expectancy

C. expectantly

D. Expectations

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Choose the suitable item from those given below (a, b , c or d) to complete

each of the following sentences.

70. The event……………………………………………………………………….

A. Which were held in London in 2012 CE was the Olympic Games

B. Which the Olympic Games were held in London was 2012 CE

C. Which were in 2012 CE were held the Olympic Games was London

D. Which were held in London in 2012 CE is the Olympic Games

71. The place………………………………………………………………………

A. Where took our class to the bookshop on Monday was the teacher

B. Where the teacher took our class to the bookshop was Monday

C. Where the teacher took to the bookshop on Monday was our class

D. Where the teacher took our class on Monday was the bookshop

72. It ………………………………………………………………………………..

A. Is The oud that was introduced to Europe by Ali Ibn Nafi’

B. Was the oud that was introduced to Europe by Ali Ibn Nafi’

C. Was the oud that introduced to Europe by Ali Ibn Nafi’

D. Is the oud that introduced to Europe By Ali IBn Nafi’

73. The way………………………………………………………………………….

A. In which made Alkindi most famous was his work in arithmetic and


B. Which in made Alkindi most famous was his work in arithmetic and


C. In which Alindi’s work in arithmetic and geometry was made him

most famous

D. In which made Alkindi most famous is his work in arithmetic and


74. The thing…………………………………………………………………………..

A. Which Jabir Ibn Hayyan invented is ink that can be read in the dark

B. Which Jabir Ibn Hayyan invented was ink that can be read in the


C. Which ink that can be read in the dark was Jabir ibn Hayyan


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D. Which Jabir Ibn Hayyan invented that can be read in the dark was


75. Abd Al-Rahman I………………………………………………………………..

A. is the person who built the Great Mosque in Cordoba in 784 CE

B. was the person who built the Great Mosque in Cordoba in 784 CE

C. was the person who the Great Mosque in Cordoba was built in 784


D. is the person who the Great Mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE

76. The floppy disk was invented,………………….meant that information

could be shared between computers.

A. who B. where C. that D. which

77. Tim Berners-Lee,…………………developed the World Wide Web, was

a British Scientist.

A. who B. where C. that D. which

78. People can buy watches…………….can do the same as mobile


A. who B. where C. that D. whose

79. Scientists have developed glasses……………..can do as the mobile

phones and more.

A. who B. where C. that D. whom

80. Most young people communicate through social media

by…………..they send each other photos and messages.

A. who B. where C. that D. which

81. Some students like to send messages…………….are under 140 letters

for anyone to read.

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A. who B. when C. where D. that

82. Students,………………..are studying English in Jordan, can see what

students in England are doing in the classroom.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

83. Filter is a computer program,……….………….allows and blocks the

passage of frequencies.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

84. The crime in…………….……….the criminal uses a victim personal

data is called identity fraud.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

85. Children,……………..had more a positive attitude, were usually in

better health 30 years later.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

86. The immunization team………..had been working to give drugs to all

Jordanian children, was a very great people.

A. who B. when C. where D. whose

87. There were remote areas of the country………..………..people had

been without consistent access to electricity and water.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

88. The successful healthcare system has been a major factor to

Jordan’s healthy population growth,……………..will result economic

benefits for the whole country.

A. who B. which C. where D. that

89. The growing popularity of fast food,…………………we didn’t use to be

as common as it now, will cause serious health problems.

A. who B. which C. where D. that

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90. Patients,…………….had been suffering from depressions, reported

great improvement after increased physical activity.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

91. Adeeb is going to travel to seven countries on a tour,…………….has

been organized by the Crown Prince of Dubai.

A. who B. which C. where D. that

92. The Sheikh hopes the tour………….he is sponsoring will give Adeeb

more self-confidence.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

93. Adeeb’s father,…….....................wears a prosthetic leg, couldn’t

swim in the sea.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

94. The heart monitor,………….………..attached to a car seatbelt, was

invented by Adeeb Al-Blooshi.

A. who B. when C. which D. that

95. The fireproof helmet,……………….has a built-in camera system, will

help rescue workers in emergencies.

A. who B. when C. which D. that

96. The brain implants…………..was developed by scientists will help

disabled people to control their prosthetic limbs.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

97. The brain damage,……………could be caused by dementia or stroke,

is a very serious illness.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

98. The new cancer drug,……………..is being trialed in the UK, will

extend the lives of cancer patients.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

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99. The sickness and hair loss ………………appear on cancer patients are

usual side effects.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

100. The new cancer drug works by blocking a protein,…………causes

cancerous cells grow.

A. which B. when C. where D. that

101. The KHCC will build an education centre………..will have teaching

rooms and library.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

102. Many people live away from Amman……………the KHCC is located.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

103. The new hand,…………………….was developed by Swiss and Italian

scientists, was a great achievement.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

104. The sensations,………………he felt with the new prosthetic hand,

was similar to the natural one.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

105. The new artificial legs, arms and hands will be available for many

people……………..need them.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

106. The person……………………..is well known as the founder of

chemistry is Jabir IbnHayyan.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

107. Ibn Hayyan built a set of scales………….could weigh items smaller

than a kilogram.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

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108. It was his talent for music………………led Ibn Nafi’ to Cordoba in the

9th century.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

109. The Businessperson………………daughter built a learning centre in

Morrocco was very rich.

A. who B. whose C. where D. that

110. It was Fatima’s sister,…………….supervised building of the Andalus


A. who B. when C. where D. that

111. It is his work in arithmetic and geometry………………..has made Al-

kindi most famous.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

112. Megaprojects,…………..are designed in different countries, are

large investment projects.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

113. Megaprojects...……………..attract high level of interest are public

investment projects.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

114. Masdarcity,…………………was constructed in 2006 CE, will be the

world’s first artificially-created city.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

115. Dennis is looking forward to the time……………..new prosthetic

limbs will have taken the place of today’s prosthetic ones.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

116. Masdar Institute ………………..students are committed to find

solutions for energy problems is a university

A. who B. when C. where D. whose

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117. Ibn Bassal worked in the court of Al-Ma’mun,…………..was the king

of Toledo.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

118. The book,…………………..explains how best to grow trees, consisted

of 16 chapters.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

119. The most famous chapter of all was the one…………….described

how to treat different types of soil.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

120. The irrigation systems,…………….…….Ibn Bassal put in place, are

still in evidence in Spain.

A. who B. when C. where D. which

121. in hot countries………….solar power is an important source of


A. ?

B. ,

C. ;

D. .

122. Friendly / green / are / environmentally / projects

The sentence that has the correct order of the words and phrases

above is:

A. Environmentally projects are projects friendly

B. Projects green environmentally friendly are

C. Are projects green friendly environmentally

D. Green projects are environmentally friendly

Page 21: RAMZY RABEE عيبر يزمر ملعملا 0772147123

RAMZY RABEE المعلم رمزي ربيعماجستير لغة انجليزية

توجيهي كافة الفروع الأكاديمية




123. In conclusion, the benefits of Masdar City for the community and the

environment greatly………………….any disadvantages.

A. autwiegh

B. outweigh

C. outweihg

D. uotweigh

Page 22: RAMZY RABEE عيبر يزمر ملعملا 0772147123

RAMZY RABEE المعلم رمزي ربيعماجستير لغة انجليزية

توجيهي كافة الفروع الأكاديمية




Model Answers

D 101. D 76. B 51. D 26. C 1.

C 102. A 77. B 52. B 27. D 2.

D 103. C 78. A 53. D 28. D 3.

D 104. C 79. B 54. D 29. B 4.

A 105. D 80. B 55. C 30. C 5.

A 106. D 81. B 56. B 31. C 6.

D 107. A 82. B 57. D 32. A 7.

D 108. D 83. B 58. D 33. A 8.

B 109. D 84. B 59. C 34. C 9.

A 110. A 85. B 60. D 35. D 10.

D 111. A 86. B 61. B 36. C 11.

D 112. C 87. B 62. C 37. B 12.

D 113. B 88. C 63. B 38. D 13.

D 114. B 89. B 64. B 39. D 14.

B 115. A 90. B 65. B 40. B 15.

D 116. B 91. B 66. B 41. D 16.

A 117. D 92. B 67. B 42. A 17.

D 118. A 93. C 68. B 43. A 18.

D 119. C 94. A 69. B 44. D 19.

D 120. C 95. A 70. B 45. A 20.

B 121. D 96. D 71. B 46. C 21.

D 122. D 97. B 72. B 47. D 22.

B 123. D 98. A 73. B 48. D 23

== 124. D 99. B 74. B 49 A 24.

== 125. A 100. B 75 C 50. C 25