ran hierachy v7v1

About Royal Academy of Nonsense The royal academy of nonsense aim to bring happiness to the lives of many. We aim to make people laugh in anyway. It can be dark humor, crazy ideas or just being ridiculous. We believe that making people laugh is a CSR effort. Its free endorphins. Updated in Mar 2012

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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About Royal Academy of Nonsense

The royal academy of nonsense aim to bring happiness to the lives of many. We aim to make people laugh in anyway. It can be dark humor, crazy ideas or just being ridiculous. We believe that making people laugh is a CSR effort. Its free endorphins.

Updated in Mar 2012

How are individuals ranked

Here’s the criteria. It can be changed if you can prove that laughter will be guaranteed. As we have just launched the academy, we welcome any criticism. As this is created by XT, she reserves the right to crown whoever had made the effort to make people laugh or touched people in a positive way This ranking system does not take into consideration the real age of the person.

Zeus of Contemporary


Hera of Fine Romantic Nonsense

Gods and goddess of Nonsense

Hierachy of Royal Academy of Nonsense (RAN)

Pre and Post Mensa


Lady and Knights

Celebrity Nonsense

Zeus of Critical Contemporary


Hierachy of Royal Academy of Nonsense (RAD)

No One Yet

Hera of Fine Romantic Nonsense

Lin Xueting

Gods and goddesses of Nonsense

God & Goddess of High Tec Nonsense Rank 1 : Elder Bro and Younger Bro Rank 2 : Uncle Tom and Russell , Uncle JJ, Sabrina and Melvyn

God & Goddess of Caring Nonsense Rank 1 : Mum and Dad and Grandpa Rank 2 : Mama and Caroline Rank 3 : Auntie Helen , Uncle Wee Tian and Uncle Roger, Hong Shan’er Rank 4 : Siu Yun, PeiShi, Meiyan, Tze Wei, Mingli Tan, Karen Lim, Baoping / Lavenne’s family. Terence Tan

God & Goddess of Beauty and sweetness Rank 1 : Auntie Susie , Jacq and Zellyn, , Aunt Angela, Amanda, Hong Jie Ying,

God & Goddess of attractive crazy quirkyness

Rank 1 : Cheryl Ho and family

God & Goddess of Intellectual golden Grimmes

Rank 1 : Susan Kwa and Jonathan, Terrie Wong

God & Goddess of faithful elegance

Rank 1 : Meiyi and Daniel, Elwin Chan, Samantha Lo Rank 2 : Linda Loh and Jeff

God & Goddess of Chivalry Rank 1 : Ong Chiew Hoon & Jess Quek

Celebrity Nonsense This ranking system is created in gratitude towards Celebrities who use their nonsensical nonsense to make the world a better place, thus inspiring others

Zeus hyper creativity Nonsense Ellen Degeneres

Respectable humour etiquette nonsense First Lady, Michelle Obama, Simon Cowell

Super crazy Brown Duck Nonsense Anne Hathaway

Inspiration and courageous Nonsense Adam Levine, Christina Auguilera, Itzhak Pearlman

Grace Nonsense Natalie Portman, Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, Angelina Jolie

Pre and Post Mensa

Patricia Limanouw

This ranking system is created in gratitude towards “MENSA”. Listed below are demi gods with special crowning

Demi-goddess of insight and business and moral values

Deepika, Vikram, Bharad, Jeff Seah and Family

Demi-god and goddess of FON Wisdom, spreading words of god in humour Robin Wong, Peter Murray

Demi-god and goddess of sexyback Laurent and Santina

Demi-god and goddess of gorgeous drummer

Demi-god and goddess of gorgeous nannies

Hwei Min and family & Renee

Mélange I have friends I have met in University or French class or through serendipity. They are delightful god’s gift

Demi-god and goddess of Passionate Quirky-ness

Demi God and goddess of sublime care The Willmotts, Sol and family

Mirka & Ravi

Knight and Ladies

Aaron Lee Wei Ren

Knight and Lady of Confidence Shot (their few words made a positive change

in perception)

Miko David, Stuart Clark, Terence Chen, Magdalene Tan

Knight of Crisis Management Cedric Dias

Knight of technical nonsense creator for creating bimbo counting system

Lady Quirky Peilin Lee, Chenyi, Jacqueline Tan (Clear Channel)

Knight Quirky Yew Leong, Edward Wong, Joshua