rany naser. there are reoccurring shapes, symbols and patterns that are placed in all visual forms...

Download Rany Naser. There are reoccurring shapes, symbols and patterns that are placed in all visual forms throughout the media. These Symbols originate from

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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  • Rany Naser
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  • There are reoccurring shapes, symbols and patterns that are placed in all visual forms throughout the media. These Symbols originate from as far back as Ancient Egypt. The most common Symbols that will be explored in this presentation are the following: Symbol Origins The all seeing eye originates from the ancient Egyptian sun-god Horus representing spiritual sight, inner vision, higher knowledge, insight into occult mysteries. The two columns called the Pillars of Hercules in Ancient Greece stood at the gateway to the sphere of the enlightened. It is a masonic symbol along with the black and white checkered floors. This depiction of the half man half goat god worshipped throughout history by different cultures and occults as satan is by 19th century French magician Eliphas Levi called the Baphomet of Mendes. Baphomet comes from the Greek words baphe and metis meaning absorption of knowledge. The pose and face of the goat is depicted heavily in our culture. This symbol represents the sun and Ancient Egyptian Sun god Ra. Originating from the second hieroglyphic symbol for the Sun god Ra, sun symbolism is one of the main symbols found in our world. While being a symbol of control and mass domination, there is a deeper meaning to this symbol that is heavily depicted from media to religion.
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  • Symbol Analysis -While being a symbol of control and mass domination, there is a deeper meaning to this symbol that is heavily depicted in all things from media to religion. -The triangle is one of the most powerful and overly used design shape in the media. -The triangle symbolism comes from the union of three attributes found in different religions and cultures such as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Christianity or Osiris, Isis and Horus in Ancient Egyptian tradition. -The Top of the pyramid which includes the one eye of Horus symbolism as well as the illuminating sun represent the Elites known as the Illuminati. Their separation from the rest of the pyramid represents their enlightened knowledge which they use for mass control over the building blocks of the pyramid, which is us. Freemasonry believe the blocks, which add up to 33 represent the 33 degree of masonry.
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  • Symbols in Cartoons
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  • Symbols In Music
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  • Symbols in Film and Television
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  • Symbolic Patterns The Simpsons (1997) Matrix (1999) 911 was pre planned predicted in these Film and TV show stills years before 2001. Godzilla (1998) Terminator 2 (1992) SuperMariobros (1993) Trading Places (1983)
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  • Symbols in Design Hidden Occult Symbols are placed in most logos we see everyday.
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  • -Transhumanism is a movement that claims to support the use of all forms of technology to improve human beings. -Transhumanism is already happening. Our minds are programmed to accept reality without question. With the fast movement in technology, our bodies will eventually have hardware such as micro chips and electronic counterparts replacing human organs. As our minds and bodies get programmed, The New World Order is moving forward using the Police State regime all over the world to enforce rules that people wont notice changing. -Robotic imagery has appeared in music videos, art, films, television, advertisements, magazines and much more as our generations moves towards a more cyber controlled society. - The movement has been pushed heavily by media mainly through celebrities. Transhumanism
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  • -These symbols are created by the Secret society known as the Illuminati. -Using symbols in their brainwashing tools, the Illuminati plant their imagery in everything we grow up to. -What these symbols represent is the total unity of ever aspect of daily life with a common purpose. The mass brainwashing of society and induction of the New World Order. -For example, these symbols are all linked together. The all seeing eye is represented in many different areas in life. Imprinted in everyones minds from different areas such as media designs, films, religion, politics and much more. -Our exposure to these symbols creates this illusion of reality where all these distractions prevent us from living out our souls real journey on this planet. -This forms a never-ending cycle for our soul. The Purpose of these Symbols
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  • The Illuminati Cycle Through symbols implanted in the media and culture Our minds are brainwashed to accept this illusion of reality. Our true journey on Earth thus remains unfulfilled. Keeping us trapped on this prison planet. The Illuminati hold the key to our souls journey on this Earth. Knowledge they use to enslave us, forcing us to repeat a never ending cycle.