rapides gazette (alexandria, la) 1871-12-30 [p...

A. HEYMAN & CO'SOOLUMN. A. HEYMAN,& CO, 7Zarf aFRmNl,. OPPOSITB TOWS WHARP. YNW GOODB ! HEW O00OD ! The m.et eaWes stdCk ne tde weu. ie t4de mes pre•ers 9e tr f~ture rd'erenre. I TAKE GREAT PLEASURE ITN thmantig my ma customer and kiseds for the lib manner it which they have patronized me, and I would in this manner call atttention da buyers to the fact, that I possess the best advantageA for supplying them with every variety sad QO7ALITY OF GOODS, havinnow a large supply of rEW, FRE~fH, AND SALEABLE GOOD8( to sell t a L.ower Prioe than ever done before. My object is always has been, to sead out goods of only Xie First Quality, sad in this manner, meet with a hear- ty support, and a fall share of patron agL I would also remind my friends, and customers, that my stock consisting of -AND- GRITS FURBNSHIKNG GODS, me Imported bom Boos, and shoes, .DZl , LDAE, AND QOENTS inoze BlsoeO, FROM PHILADELPHIA, And a large lot of Boys, Gent's, and Ladles B•ddles, with a 3. ' Z3.UL as6ar.VaEr -OF- FPree t. Loem, Also a large lot of OONSISTING OF BEDSTEADS, WAHsr TAr D, TABLES, CHAIBRB, d~r., keeps constantly on hand, a well se- leoted stoek of WI LOW- WARB, ROUND APD FLAT IRON, A!ND All• of whit, I oer at ples. to DEPY COMPETITION. Ia aoncluslom, it will always afford ar maqh plemre ia ahowing my bigds through the stock, and it vil at semes, he my .. to execute all nd ao grades a•rm or oe00a O N~ r .TIr s SATInrFACTION .. tzr3 w " . NRWSPAPERB. NATIONAL S. z 1- n OAT AWEEKLY PAPER published at Chicag, devoted to reform in politic, business sad religion. The organ of o sect or party, bet speks for God, humanity, Justice annd Struth, fearlessly and plialy. A friend to all that is pure and in or aut •f the church. Costains erig at es of a high and chaste order of excellence; and also articles from some of the beet frieds, ofOod and man, in Sthis and other countries. Gives the nerws of the week in a condensed and attractive form. Otne Dollar and a half a year; six month• 75 cents; three months 40 cents. Address the Editor, E. C. EGGLESTON, 137 Madison Street, Chicago. Alexandria La. Jan. 7th 1871. THE PICTORIAL Phrenological Journal, [ d FIeST-"""* FAMILY MAGAZINE. "THE SCIENCE OF MAN," and his Im- provement, by all the means indicated by &:uI cz, is the object. lPhrelss ag.-The Brain and its Fune- tious; the Location and Natural Language of the Organs, with directions for cultivating and testraining thorn; and the ielations sub- sisting between Mind and Body described. Pklhlud an•'mI s-with all the "Signs of Character, and How to Read Them," is a spe- cial feature. Ethsel/g-or the Natural Hstvorv of Man, Customs, Religions and Modem of Lite in different Tribts and Nations, will be given. PAhsledg•d -- The Organization, .Sutrc- ture of the Human cody; the Laws of life and Health-What Wa should Eat and Drink, low we shoeld be Clothed, and how to Exer- cise, Sleep and Live, in accordance with Hy- gienic Principles. P rtrats, Sletches ass rBd era- pkIe.-Ofthe leading Mon and Women of the World in all departments of liu, are sio special features. Perestsl dsed 2r e -ere.-As a aguide in educating and training Children, this Mag- azine has no superior, as it points out all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders government and classification otemly posible but easy. Much general and useful information on the leading topics of the day is given, and no ef- forts are spared to make this the most interes- ti ng and instructive as well as the best Picto rial Family Magazine ever published. Es~abia~hed.-The Journal has reached its 521 Volume. The form is Octavo. It has steadily increased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was never more popular than at present. T2rse.--Monthly, at $3a year, in advance Single nunbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy to Agent. We are offering the most liberal Premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete List of Premiums. Address 8. R. WEILS, Publisher, 309 Broadway, New York. CBArLES A. DAlA. tdla. ikt gea th emeklu $. A New~sae, d e-ti Pissus Times. Intended for Psepl. New em BrLt. hemaisi Par• a sieeksnte. Mse•eam. aP. jeslamel Ma. Wores., TSikerss and a' 1 san oar of Romst Pt• and lth Wviae, Seae, sad Desugbter of sl sacs. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YIAR I 0111 unDSDm COPIE 1rm "56, Or less tl e Os Osat a Cop. L•t theme be 65 O w atsoreuy lod oae. SIM-WBEILY. 8NU, 5 A TYIAS, of Un o smon ass gsam charasr as TEB WEL.TLT. t w as aese rrDr of al•edmaem o sreadiesand faranIMu a sews 6 seeasmer•trsPwa greater b•awas, beasas I ema twoia wak tasted ealose osdy. TRI DAILnT IM, N5 A YTRAL .A pesmamuv 15Mmwsr.e.vi ta luanm eosatos m the woms- Peas. lade. I, sad teae I sn, . A tN ae e as es , emsyear. asmesVr. ew It r e s, oesh emar, .p.. t .v a Smee PI ,, es.e. p.....-. ... e ...., 9, 00, Fte es, med oneto traM. to ams a i• •~rr deaahr r emNmet Pive Copiesa........................ 00 Twnty Copies, and one extra, to Nam e Fify Copie, and one extra, to Name The full pot of the "Amerien lastitute Reports, published in both Weekly sad Semi- Weekly, are well worth a years ansisripto.. Pt'RLI D KV T TESDAY AND FRIDAT. One Copy One Year.................. 4 Twoe Copies One Yea~r. ............... 7 O receipt of 30, for TeaCopies, an extra Copy will be smt one year. the Seni-We y, ead one copy o the Tribune, gratis. DAILY TBI)3UNE S1o P&r Anum. Tua ms-CAH VNTO.L Address "liz T rmTIBUNEr DAILY AND WEEKLY. St. L•-.i•, L M, LOCAL ADVIRISBEMENTS ISAAC C. MIIER, J. FITZPATRICK I. C. MILLER & CQO OPPOSITE TOrW WHA-MRI Fronat 0 trete - ALEIANI•.l'a, LOUkt-NA. J MANUFA•CTUrtES OF COPPER, TIN h anxd Sbeet Work. Keep eosatl on hand a large assortment of Cooking and HaL- ( Stoves. The celebrated - C EA.RT2BR O.A. -AND- ] Brilliant Always on hand. Also a large supply of PUMPS, GAS PIPE, COAL GRATES, LIGHTENINOG RODB e Also the Faumes Ringen Was&hg iae•hme. - All orders for Tin-Ware, Repiring of Gut- ters, Valleys, ac., will meet with promt atten- tian. TERMS : STRICZL'. T CASH. June 10 714-t FOR SALE. St. Ienk .w. C elebr aed.A.le In pint bottle per doemn, sad is barels. FOR SALE. BY. W. & T. WHITTY. PFRONH STREET. AL1ANDRIA LA. FOR SALE. Woxaws, MENS, AND YOUTUS PLAIN AND PASHIONABLE BOOTS SHOES, AND SLIPPERS j FOR SALE BY, W. &-T. WHITTY. C Front Street, a Alexalria, La., .A.RI>E3WS OF41l&Z -OF- JUST Published, and now ready for delivery; C embracing all the new Parishes, and every- g thing else of interest in the State. Every man of business, and every head of a fanily should .;ae dhi map. Price, $11, per copy. it For sale by B R. armt, sole Agent for lEpides and the gadjoasng Paristhes. May 13-tf -GROVER & BAKER'S HIghest PsFr asii Eltsc 6fMt Beuing Machkas h1 PoIete of E.eUeence. Beauty and Elasticity of 8titch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. 01 Using both threads directly froa the spools. No fastening of seams by hand, and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The ream retains its beauty and firmness after washing and iron- ing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines exe- cute the most beautl~'al and permanent embroidery and ornaasental work. $ This Machine has areeived mere First Premiumn in the Southera States, than all the (1 others combined ; as well as taking the Impe- d rial Cross of the Legion of Honor, at the Paris Expo7ition, in 1867, thus attestng their sape- - riority over aflether Sewing Maehines SOUTHERN BALAPROOMS, 182 Canal Street, New Orleans. Levin & Ferguson, Agents, g ALEXANDRIA, LA. ci Where can be found an aseortment of Ma- chines and fixtures, Oil, Thread, Needles, &e. March 5 '71-ly. st .Se win q5iac1ines AT CI T PRICRB8!! IF v want a really .4* Eeshble, Ior WORK, and not fr oeaument, buy a The Oldest et R t Machme Nude. Sell 50 per eoat. more than any other A Machine Made. FULLY WABRANTID! - 5 Call and se their work. March 25 '71-t~ JOSEPH lee VOY, lWatchmaker lsad Jew elle. h Wtsces, Clecka, .Fewl ry, W. W. CH3BKPM o PINEVOILLE, LA. -- DEALLERI IN- DRY GOOD8, GBOOCERBI•S, HaS -AND- P-lantetaeno uSaw5 es. - We dIway keep a a a sga aupply o the beat Fm ly O e L Dee. M-ly. -3W, OATS, DRAW, EAT, For 8sle by July -s. JOHNS A. WJ JAM For eleb W&TWCUTTY. Jol e- tll IJUL "--" - T~W. - "T. W"ITtv W ir Po 10aox AGENTa . Arot Steaet, Opposite Town Wharf, ' Produce, and General Merchandise. , HAtaa E, COLLARS, T$ACE BACON, CLEAR SIDES, CLEAR RIB Sides, Uan, mreakent Sacs., For sale by W & T WUITrY. 1)V GOD~ Parma . OUAMBRES, PLOWS~,JAMES BL HALL%' PLOW, ISH, ACEREL,COD-FISH, HERRING Cannead Oyste Lobsters, Cnned Frut, Far ,Sal by W & T WHITIY. W AONS, IRON AXLES, THIMBLE Skein, allvis, Fa s ole by , W & T WHITT. P ORE, HEAVT MESS, DRY SALTED PORK houlders, Ramps, Joles &e, For Sale by & T WHITZY. lTRAPPIWO PAPER & TWINE OF EV- u Fory Otki For als by W & T WITfL. OODNEN WARE, TUBS, PAILS, WASH- We r eives, Peck Measure, Beckets, ho Fore eby W & T WHITTY. COFFEE, rEA, &e. For Sle by W & T WHITTY. FLOUR, CORN MEAl., BRAS OATS Hay, For Sale by W T WHITY. 1 ARD, PRIME LEAF, IN KEGS, & HALF Barrels, For Bale by W & T WHITTY. Smale by W T W HITTY. eOAP, CANDLES, STARCH, & GENERAL J Family Grooeries, For Sale by WA T WHrFrY,- We• est Case, Rattan, O&ee_ Rockiang Chairs, Children's Chais, Ceret Cd and Dining Tables, High and Low Post Bedi, he. c Fe sal by W & T WTHrrT. Feb 1-tf L.aoI. wt TPhis Z A MAN Can find at the store of Jonas Weirs as well an as•or'ted stock of goods, as canbe FOUND in the South such as Dry oods, Gro- ar"s, etc. e Prorietor Is not a man, but alive to his own, and the in- terest of the public. Those wishing to patronize him can do so, by calling ON him at his establishment, in the rear of the Ice House, on SECOND STREET, where will be found as cheap a stock of goods, as can be found IN ALEXANDRIA. Dec. 24 -1y. WT. CJ. P#L'•.•lO , DEALER IN FAMILY. GROCERI.ES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c. (ICE HOUSE HOTEL), FRONT STREET, De 6*wdds, t r t t L,. Feb 4 71-tf WA T ITr I TONAIS ROENTIAL, takes this oc- easion to inform his friends, and the public generally that he has just returned from the city, with a Iue and C(.ERETLL r ELECTED stock ofd•o, and is satis8ed that all these who favoe him with their patro•ge, will be ualted both in price ad quality of good. His stock camilt of DRY GOODs, (ROCERIE& HATs, CA PS, BOOTb, SHOES, And other artiles too namerea to meatiom, whicth he is ederlag AT REDUCED PRICE S. Dee.4-ly. To P~Atsa, o OTEmOs on amn avn, x wal•r or masa•. oRDERS wit 8h e at the low rate bi $ e Fmthemeand fest, delivered at the UtembeeT Ladi in lahvile. A diseat of t per cent e all rdas oter 10,100 feet will e aOwet. In ala, lengthoC ae sp•- ei•lly elerasd, ad evay one may rel p rieds orl bd with St e paad.i h. beat lumber lJ.i Anyse wabesd In Aeap will maI4 I a kr mylheiS wth W. J. Lse, DIVORCES. -0--o. UNITED BTATES legally obtalned in ery~ s wlae time as. are iI d.e p tect, and under the United Stesm s, for prss.s from say State or Country-legal every. where*deegri ~turlft 3,n-laUP - ea e -m amnd- Alexandrlia La. sept. 30th. teI. -'•,.• -, - ,, , -, ~ 1 .. . ....-- LOCAL ADVRTISIEMBNTS.N WOLLD inform his ld feads and esm- Sas, that he is at the emld stnm Me bar you ser d ame, -r heB, 6 kseps a had .eshb sapply at o-GOO3'•SIBI, whisk he wil sonobespafor ha. give ame sa. JOIS C .•IAI. C May 13 71-ly. VICTO.EX I Vil. W. PITBER, has rrtarned to exandria, after n absence of a year, and has opened a TONSORIAL SALOON, At bis old sta 1, in the lee Hrse Held. I waMd my to all of my old ntomese, and ais a aa nw ones as possible, that I will always be on hand to attend those who favor me with a call. Jan7 71-if. V. W. PORIUR. la T oEAS 3L. II kI4Dl , General News Agent, LATE PAPERS, BOOKB, PE$ODICALS, &e. Potn O:m1ao , .LBZd.XJA9 Id., s• a t Lt . HA8 FROM NEW ORLEANS, with an assorted stock of FANCY GROCERIEB Hi steLot consists of WI.AWW B z a Camsr, c 4a3sW , he AND A VARIETY OF OTHER #e DELICA CIR8, which he will bo pleased at al times, to die play to his eastomers. Attached to his store, there is a sad e preda himself uM l_•tJbe b that an be !bad a ' be Give Rey a Trial,. oc Dec. 24-ly. ds LUMBER ! LITMBER ! ! Tbh Saw Mill of tandesigned is ow Ia full qmeratilo, having at last get a of water to nake steam and am now pr to fill all orders, that are sent tome or my sapt, Theea . Rnggehl, at the Pest Oie*, Alezam- drs La., JAMES R WATESR. Jan. 14th-ly- Having returned to Rapides, odets h I~o fessional services to the citiens of Alexan dria and vicinity. a Omcf at 8. L Johnseos old stand. April I1 ly. :5'. BC'F~U t R**t, aesd shoesmeeer, SECOND STREET, ALEXANDRIAI Ls. (Opposite the Poet Offiee.) IC?, All work executed with neatness and dispatch. Terms, CA8H, on de- lirery. feb 11-tf. M. HEYMAN, CHENEYVILLE, LA, HTAVING dissolved partnership with Lev who was lately asociated with me in the M merciutile business at Cheneyvulle, La., I am now doing bueine.e for, and on my own mes count I have lately received from the eity a fine stock of DRY C00DS CROCERIES, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, As good, if hot sspesrw M s autbssh ta be foaud in other markets; which will besaid cheap for COh. Call and exaime my mertmeset, na Judge t yarralves May w '*-ly l LEVIN & FERGSION, WATONHMAKERS & JlWEULLt 8 -lAND DiALERS IN•.] Watches, Clecks, Jewelry, 8petem•is, And mFancy Gods. (ENUlNE M!ED8CHA1TM PIPB Ameriean and ~Eagisb Watches of best makers, constantly oa hanrd. StbBprsr Wr P. TS BL. sa rh w be is s t+ ssrve ap M4TtL Ar ALJL HOURs IN Tre DA, Call In and s me, or if I am nt y1rU always Mad see eme ao Isadt. at. arr w. w. IeauV35, PARISH BURVEYOR, A1ND BIPL B•TALE AGFT. These who avse eLs thei wys. pers of Stat, or Untida WSt md, and wilgktsm uht i MR lad P tio.; Iosatiagleads, warrts, eot. Ie will attes toS e Omaggi.l atjo h w. OB sses Masmi. Jla. at >st. (At Muu' OT4a pieL, Ma4rch II 7-tf. J. W. OSBORN,8 N$OJTc ~e~= aALLXA . rsrd H o ,, Boots and des, di"h. be W Nampo dr1 low a pri mes *medws t k but mb w'tm rsmp - NIt. a. sr h% arr r m)P~F~h-17 1i1 T$N INVIG I Hi a Wrin met" " J 'Netti ""`" Allt bfe b. " a ri t ad t MRetwMvay .. d , kw j mit t PLSYW'TIOX 5UIPJ'ZL ~~~5P1er *3f~ ific W A _ _ O r d s ~ i - 11 yorZ Mioem or Caxo ese Itasca W~mears L H 1. S'Tr W~o&LLb PA rl~lL~t i Brrr~ MUMS P.,wsa.. tnemfmg b ~. oa iI aa~E~~~~~ ena L rdLa~ ds j't tlna rc~ I min-----rI Ari V 1rrr!

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A. HEYMAN,& CO,7Zarf aFRmNl,.



The m.et eaWes stdCk ne tde

weu. ie t4de mes pre•ers 9e

tr f~ture rd'erenre.

I TAKE GREAT PLEASURE ITNthmantig my ma customer

and kiseds for the lib manner itwhich they have patronized me, and Iwould in this manner call atttention dabuyers to the fact, that I possess

the best advantageAfor supplying them with every variety



havinnow a large supply of


SALEABLE GOOD8(to sell t a

L.ower Prioethan ever done before.

My object is always has been, tosead out goods of only

Xie First Quality,sad in this manner, meet with a hear-

ty support, and a fall share of patron

agLI would also remind my friends, and

customers, that my stock consisting of



me Imported bom

Boos, and shoes,



And a large lot of Boys, Gent's, andLadles B•ddles, with a

3. 'Z3.UL as6ar.VaEr-OF-

FPree t. Loem,

Also a large lot of



CHAIBRB, d~r.,

keeps constantly on hand, a well se-

leoted stoek of




All• of whit, I oer at ples. to

DEPY COMPETITION.Ia aoncluslom, it will always afford

ar maqh plemre ia ahowing my

bigds through the stock, and it vil

at semes, he my .. to execute all

nd ao grades

a•rm or oe00a


.. tzr3w " .



AWEEKLY PAPER published at Chicag,devoted to reform in politic, business

sad religion. The organ of o sect or party,bet speks for God, humanity, Justice annd

Struth, fearlessly and plialy. A friend to allthat is pure and in or aut •f the church.Costains erig at es of a high and chasteorder of excellence; and also articles fromsome of the beet frieds, ofOod and man, inSthis and other countries. Gives the nerws ofthe week in a condensed and attractive form.Otne Dollar and a half a year; six month• 75cents; three months 40 cents. Address theEditor, E. C. EGGLESTON, 137 MadisonStreet, Chicago.

Alexandria La. Jan. 7th 1871.

THE PICTORIALPhrenological Journal,

[ d FIeST-"""*


provement, by all the means indicated by&:uI cz, is the object.

lPhrelss ag.-The Brain and its Fune-tious; the Location and Natural Language ofthe Organs, with directions for cultivatingand testraining thorn; and the ielations sub-sisting between Mind and Body described.

Pklhlud an•'mI s-with all the "Signs ofCharacter, and How to Read Them," is a spe-cial feature.

Ethsel/g-or the Natural Hstvorv ofMan, Customs, Religions and Modem of Lite indifferent Tribts and Nations, will be given.

PAhsledg•d -- The Organization, .Sutrc-ture of the Human cody; the Laws of lifeand Health-What Wa should Eat and Drink,low we shoeld be Clothed, and how to Exer-

cise, Sleep and Live, in accordance with Hy-gienic Principles.

P rtrats, Sletches ass rBd era-pkIe.-Ofthe leading Mon and Women ofthe World in all departments of liu, are siospecial features.

Perestsl dsed 2r e -ere.-As a aguidein educating and training Children, this Mag-azine has no superior, as it points out all thepeculiarities of Character and Disposition, andrenders government and classification otemlyposible but easy.

Much general and useful information on theleading topics of the day is given, and no ef-forts are spared to make this the most interes-ti ng and instructive as well as the best Pictorial Family Magazine ever published.

Es~abia~hed.-The Journal has reachedits 521 Volume. The form is Octavo. It hassteadily increased in favor during the manyyears it has been published, and was nevermore popular than at present.

T2rse.--Monthly, at $3a year, in advanceSingle nunbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten ormore, $2 each, and an extra copy to Agent.

We are offering the most liberal Premiums.Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, withnew Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and acomplete List of Premiums.

Address 8. R. WEILS, Publisher,309 Broadway, New York.

CBArLES A. DAlA. tdla.

ikt gea th emeklu $.A New~sae, d e-ti Pissus Times.

Intended for Psepl. New em BrLt.hemaisi Par• a sieeksnte. Mse•eam. aP.jeslamel Ma. Wores., TSikerss and a' 1 sanoar of Romst Pt• and lth Wviae, Seae, sadDesugbter of sl sacs.ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YIAR I

0111 unDSDm COPIE 1rm "56,Or less tl e Os Osat a Cop. L•t theme be

65 O w atsoreuy lod oae.

SIM-WBEILY. 8NU, 5 A TYIAS,of Un o smon ass gsam charasr asTEB WEL.TLT. t w as aese rrDr ofal•edmaem o sreadiesand faranIMu a sews6 seeasmer•trsPwa greater b•awas, beasasI ema twoi a wak tasted ealose osdy.

TRI DAILnT IM, N5 A YTRAL.A pesmamuv 15Mmwsr.e.vi ta

luanm eosatos m the woms- Peas. lade.

I, sad teae I sn, . A tN ae

e as es , emsyear. asmesVr. ew

Itre s, oesh emar, .p.. t .v a Smee

PI ,, es.e. p.....-. ...e .... , 9, 00,

Fte es, med oneto traM. to ams a

i• •~rr deaahr r emNmet

Pive Copiesa........................ 00

Twnty Copies, and one extra, to Nam e

Fify Copie, and one extra, to Name

The full pot of the "Amerien lastitute

Reports, published in both Weekly sad Semi-Weekly, are well worth a years ansisripto..

Pt'RLI D KV T TESDAY AND FRIDAT.One Copy One Year.................. 4Twoe Copies One Yea~r. ............... 7O receipt of 30, for TeaCopies, an extra

Copy will be smt one year.

the Seni-We y, ead one copy o theTribune, gratis.


Tua ms-CAH VNTO.LAddress "liz T rmTIBUNEr


St. L•-.i•, L M,




OPPOSITE TOrW WHA-MRIFronat 0 trete -


anxd Sbeet Work. Keep eosatl onhand a large assortment of Cooking and HaL- (

Stoves. The celebrated -C EA.RT2BR O.A.

-AND- ]Brilliant

Always on hand.Also a large supply of



Ringen Was&hg iae•hme. -

All orders for Tin-Ware, Repiring of Gut-ters, Valleys, ac., will meet with promt atten-tian.


June 10 714-t


St. Ienk .w.C elebr aed.A.le

In pint bottle per doemn, sad is barels.FOR SALE. BY.






Front Street, aAlexalria, La.,

.A.RI>E3WS OF41l&Z


JUST Published, and now ready for delivery; Cembracing all the new Parishes, and every- g

thing else of interest in the State. Every manof business, and every head of a fanily should

.;ae dhi map.Price, $11, per copy. itFor sale by B R. armt, sole Agent

for lEpides and the gadjoasng Paristhes.May 13-tf

-GROVER & BAKER'SHIghest PsFr asii Eltsc 6fMt

Beuing Machkas h1

PoIete of E.eUeence.Beauty and Elasticity of 8titch.

Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. 01Using both threads directly froa the spools.No fastening of seams by hand, and no wasteof thread. Wide range of application withoutchange of adjustment. The ream retains itsbeauty and firmness after washing and iron-ing. Besides doing all kinds of work done byother Sewing Machines, these Machines exe-

cute the most beautl~'al and permanentembroidery and ornaasental work.

$ This Machine has areeived mere FirstPremiumn in the Southera States, than all the (1others combined ; as well as taking the Impe- drial Cross of the Legion of Honor, at the ParisExpo7ition, in 1867, thus attestng their sape- -riority over aflether Sewing Maehines

SOUTHERN BALAPROOMS,182 Canal Street, New Orleans.

Levin & Ferguson, Agents, gALEXANDRIA, LA. ci

Where can be found an aseortment of Ma-chines and fixtures, Oil, Thread, Needles, &e.

March 5 '71-ly. st

.Se win q5iac1inesAT CI T PRICRB8!!

IF v want a really .4* Eeshble,Ior WORK, and not fr oeaument, buy a

The Oldest et R t Machme Nude.Sell 50 per eoat. more than any other A


5 Call and se their work.

March 25 '71-t~

JOSEPH lee VOY,lWatchmaker lsad Jew elle. h

Wtsces, Clecka, .Fewl ry,




-AND-P-lantetaeno uSaw5 es. -

We dIway keep a a a sgaaupply o the beat Fm ly O e LDee. M-ly.


For 8sle byJuly -s. JOHNS A. WJ JAMFor eleb W&TWCUTTY.

Jol e- tll IJUL"--" -

T~W. - "T. W"ITtv W irPo 10aox AGENTa .

Arot Steaet, Opposite Town Wharf,

' Produce, and General Merchandise.


BACON, CLEAR SIDES, CLEAR RIBSides, Uan, mreakent Sacs.,

For sale byW & T WUITrY.

1)V GOD~ Parma . OUAMBRES,


ISH, ACEREL,COD-FISH, HERRINGCannead Oyste Lobsters, Cnned Frut,

Far ,Sal by W & T WHITIY.

W AONS, IRON AXLES, THIMBLESkein, allvis, Fa s ole by ,


P ORE, HEAVT MESS, DRY SALTED PORKhoulders, Ramps, Joles &e,

For Sale by & T WHITZY.


For als by W & T WITfL.

OODNEN WARE, TUBS, PAILS, WASH-We r eives, Peck Measure, Beckets,ho Fore eby W & T WHITTY.

COFFEE, rEA, &e.For Sle by W & T WHITTY.


1 ARD, PRIME LEAF, IN KEGS, & HALFBarrels, For Bale by W & T WHITTY.

Smale by W T W HITTY.

eOAP, CANDLES, STARCH, & GENERALJ Family Grooeries, For Sale by


• We• est Case, Rattan,O&ee_ Rockiang Chairs, Children'sChais, Ceret Cd and Dining Tables, Highand Low Post Bedi, he. c

Fe sal byW & T WTHrrT.

Feb 1-tf

L.aoI. wt TPhis ZA MAN

Can find at the store of Jonas Weirsas well an as•or'ted stock of goods, ascanbe

FOUNDin the South such as Dry oods, Gro-ar"s, etc. e Prorietor Is not a

man, but alive to his own, and the in-terest of the public. Those wishing topatronize him can do so, by calling

ONhim at his establishment, in the rearof the Ice House, on

SECOND STREET,where will be found as cheap a stockof goods, as can be found

IN ALEXANDRIA.Dec. 2 4 -1y.




Feb 4 71-tf

WA T ITr ITONAIS ROENTIAL, takes this oc-

easion to inform his friends, and the publicgenerally that he has just returned from thecity, with a Iue and

C(.ERETLL r ELECTEDstock ofd•o, and is satis8ed that all thesewho favoe him with their patro•ge, will beualted both in price ad quality of good.

His stock camilt of



And other artiles too namerea to meatiom,whicth he is ederlagAT REDUCED PRICE S.


To P~Atsa, o OTEmOs on amn avn, xwal•r or masa•.

oRDERS wit 8h e at the low rate bi$ e Fmthemeand fest, delivered at the

UtembeeT Ladi in lahvile. A diseatof t per cent e all rdas oter 10,100 feetwill e aOwet. In ala, lengthoC ae sp•-ei•lly elerasd, ad evay one may rel p

rieds orl bd with St e paad.i h.beat lumber lJ.i

Anyse wabesd In Aeap will maI4 I

a kr mylheiS wth W. J. Lse,



legally obtalned inery~ s wlae time as. are

iI d.e p tect, and under theUnited Stesm s, for prss.s fromsay State or Country-legal every.where*deegri ~turlft 3,n-laUP

- ea e -m amnd-

Alexandrlia La. sept. 30th. teI.

-'•,.• -, - ,, , -, ~ 1 .. . ....--


WOLLD inform his ld feads and esm-Sas, that he is at the emld stnm Me

bar you ser d ame, -r heB, 6kseps a had .eshb sapply at

o-GOO3'•SIBI,whisk he wil sonobespafor ha.give ame sa. JOIS C .•IAI. C

May 13 71-ly.

VICTO.EX IVil. W. PITBER, has rrtarned to

exandria, after n absence of a year, andhas opened a

TONSORIAL SALOON,At bis old sta 1, in the lee Hrse Held.

I waMd my to all of my old ntomese, andais a aa nw ones as possible, that I willalways be on hand to attend those who favorme with a call.

Jan7 71-if. V. W. PORIUR. la

T oEAS 3L. II kI4Dl ,General News Agent,


Potn O:m1ao ,.LBZd.XJA9 Id., s• a t Lt .


FROM NEW ORLEANS, with an assortedstock ofFANCY GROCERIEB

Hi steLot consists of

WI.AWW B z a

Camsr, c 4a3sW , heAND A VARIETY OF OTHER #e

DELICA CIR8,which he will bo pleased at al times, to dieplay to his eastomers.

Attached to his store, there is a

sad e preda himself uM l_•tJbeb that an be !bad a ' be

Give Rey a Trial,. ocDec. 24-ly. ds

LUMBER ! LITMBER ! !Tbh Saw Mill of tandesigned is ow Iafull qmeratilo, having at last get a of

water to nake steam and am now pr tofill all orders, that are sent tome or my sapt,Theea . Rnggehl, at the Pest Oie*, Alezam-drs La., JAMES R WATESR.

Jan. 14th-ly-

Having returned to Rapides, odets h I~ofessional services to the citiens of Alexandria and vicinity. a

Omcf at 8. L Johnseos old stand.April I1 ly.

:5'. BC'F~U tR**t, aesd shoesmeeer,

SECOND STREET, ALEXANDRIAI Ls.(Opposite the Poet Offiee.)

IC?, All work executed with neatnessand dispatch. Terms, CA8H, on de-lirery. feb 11-tf.


HTAVING dissolved partnership with Levwho was lately asociated with me in the M

merciutile business at Cheneyvulle, La., I amnow doing bueine.e for, and on my own mescount I have lately received from the eitya fine stock ofDRY C00DS CROCERIES, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS,

As good, if hot sspesrw M s autbssh ta befoaud in other markets; which will besaidcheap for COh.

Call and exaime my mertmeset, na Judget yarralves May w '*-ly l


-lAND DiALERS IN•.]Watches, Clecks, Jewelry, 8petem•is,

And mFancy Gods.(ENUlNE M!ED8CHA1TM PIPB

Ameriean and ~Eagisb Watches ofbest makers, constantly oa hanrd.

StbBprsr Wr P. TS BL. sa rh w

be is s t+ ssrve apM4TtL Ar ALJL HOURs IN Tre DA,

Call In and s me, or if I am nty1rU always Mad see eme ao Isadt. at.

arr w. w. IeauV35,


These who avse eLs thei wys.pers of Stat, or Untida WSt md,and wilgktsm uht i MR lad P

tio.; Iosatiagleads, warrts, eot. Iewill attes toS e Omaggi.l atjo h

w. OB sses Masmi.Jla. at >st.

(At Muu' OT4a pieL,

Ma4rch II 7-tf.


N$OJTc ~e~= aALLXA. rsrd

H o ,,

Boots and des,

di"h. be W Nampo dr1low a pri mes *medws

t k but mb w'tm rsmp -NIt. a. sr h%

arr r m)P~F~h-17

1i1 T$N INVIG IHi a Wrin met" "J 'Netti ""`"

Allt bfe b. " a ri t ad t

MRetwMvay .. d , kw j mit t

PLSYW'TIOX 5UIPJ'ZL~~~5P1er *3f~ ificW A _ _ O r d s ~ i -11 yorZ

Mioem or Caxo ese Itasca W~mears L

H 1. S'TrW~o&LLb PA rl~lL~t iBrrr~

MUMS P.,wsa..


b ~.

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ena L rdLa~ ds j't

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