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Contact: Kevin Glass [email protected] Rates Congress 116th Congress, First Session 2019

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Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Rates Congress116th Congress, First Session


Page 2: Rates Congress - National Taxpayers Union


About NTU Rates Congress

Every year National Taxpayers Union (NTU) rates U.S. Representatives and Senators on their actual votes—every vote that affects taxes, spending, and debt. Unlike most organizations that publish ratings, we refuse to play the “rating game” of focusing on only a handful of congressional votes on selected issues. The NTU voting study is the fairest and most accurate guide available on congressional spending. It is a completely unbiased accounting of votes.

NTU has no partisan axe to grind. All members of Congress are treated the same regardless of political affiliation. Our only constituency is the overburdened American taxpayer. Grades are given impartially, based on the Taxpayer Score.

Taxpayer Score

The Taxpayer Score measures the strength of support for reducing spending and opposing higher taxes. In general, a higher score is better because it means a member of Congress voted to spend less money.

The Taxpayer Score can range between zero and 100. We do not expect anyone to score a 100, nor has any legislator ever scored a perfect 100 in the multi-year history of the comprehensive NTU scoring system. A high score does not mean that the member of Congress was opposed to all spending or all programs. High-scoring members have indicated that they would vote for many programs if the amount of spending were lower or if the budget were balanced. A member who wants to increase spending on some programs can achieve a high score if he or she votes for offsetting cuts in other programs. A zero score would indicate that the member of Congress approved every spending proposal and opposed every pro-taxpayer reform.

NTU believes a score qualifying for a grade of “A” indicates the member is one of the strongest supporters of responsible tax and spending policies. We are pleased to give these members of Congress our “Taxpayers’ Friend Award.”

A score qualifying for a grade of “B” represents a “good” voting record on controlling spending and taxes. A “B” grade indicates that the member voted for taxpayers most of the time, but slightly less than those who attained the grade of “A.”

A score qualifying for a grade of “C” represents a minimally acceptable voting record on controlling taxes and spending. To qualify for a grade of “C” a member must have a Taxpayer Score of at least 50 percent. While such score may be “satisfactory,” there is clearly room for improvement.

We also issue pluses and minuses for the grades of “B” and “C” in order to better recognize the differences in the voting records of members with these grades.


Taxpayer ScoresSenate House

30% Average 40%23% Median 15%98% High 95%2% Low 5%

Party ScoresSenate Democrats Avg. 8%House Democrats Avg. 10%Senate Republicans Avg. 49%House Republicans Avg. 75%

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A score qualifying for a grade of “D” indicates the member has a “poor” voting record on controlling taxes and spending.

A score significantly below average qualifies for a grade of “F.” This failing grade places the member into the “Big Spender” category.


NTU’s federal budget experts assigned a weight to each vote. A low weight was assigned to votes that had relatively little effect on the size of the federal budget, while a high weight was assigned to votes with the most significant effect on federal spending.

Weights were based solely on the relative effect of each vote on the total amount of federal spending. Consideration was given to the political effect of a vote on the future federal spending, even though relatively little spending might be immediately at issue.

Scores were computed by dividing the weighted total of votes cast against higher spending (or taxes or for lower spending or taxes), by the weighted total number of spending and tax issues on which the member of Congress voted. Average scores for each state were also computed using the weighted total of votes cast by each state delegation.

In computing these scores, we included only those votes on which the member actually voted for or against a bill, resolution, or amendment. Paired votes, announced positions, and absences were excluded. Because some members were absent frequently, cast certain votes to permit the usage of procedural tools, (or otherwise failed to vote yes or no), their scores, based on relatively few votes, may not accurately reflect spending attitudes. The members falling into this category are noted.

We analyzed every roll call vote taken in the Second Session of the 116th Congress and selected all votes that could significantly affect the amounts of federal taxes, spending, debt, or regulatory impact. A total of 43 Senate and 153 House votes were selected. We included votes cast on appropriations bills, authorization bills, budget target resolutions, tax bills, amendments, and certain procedural votes that could affect the burden on taxpayers. Votes that simply shifted equal amounts of spending from one area to another were excluded. Also excluded were votes where there was a significant difference of opinion on how to vote to reduce or control government and unanimous votes.

National Taxpayers Union Rates Congress, 116th Congress, First Session, 2019

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Jones 7% F

Shelby 32% DState Average 20%


Murkowski 21% DSullivan 35% D

State Average 28%Arizona

McSally 25% DSinema 8% F

State Average 17%Arkansas

Boozman 23% DCotton 41% C-

State Average 32%California

Feinstein 4% FHarris K. N/A N/A

State Average 4%Colorado

Bennet** 22% DGardner 31% D

State Average 27%


Blumenthal 3% FMurphy, C. 4% FState Average 4%


Carper 25% DCoons 3% F

State Average 14%Florida

Rubio 57% CScott, R. 44% C-

State Average 51%Georgia

Isakson N/A N/APerdue 42% C-

State Average 42%Hawaii

Hirono 4% FSchatz 4% F

State Average 4%Idaho

Crapo 58% CRisch 76% B+

State Average 67%


Duckworth 3% FDurbin 4% F

State Average 4%Indiana

Braun 95% AYoung, T. 38% D

State Average 67%Iowa

Ernst 59% CGrassley 45% C-

State Average 52%Kansas

Moran 40% C-Roberts 23% D

State Average 32%Kentucky

McConnell N/A N/APaul 95% A

State Average 95%Louisiana

Cassidy* 47% C-Kennedy, J. 74% BState Average 61%


Collins 17% FKing, A. 8% F

State Average 13%Maryland

Cardin 3% FVan Hollen 10% FState Average 7%


Markey 21% DWarren N/A N/A

State Average 21%Michigan

Peters, G. 3% FStabenow 3% F

State Average 3%


SCORE GRADE COMMENTS 80% or more A Taxpayers' Friend75 - 79 B+

Good70 - 74 B65 - 69 B-60 - 64 C+

Satisfactory 50 - 59 C40 - 49 C-20 - 39 D PoorLess than 20 F Big Spender* Score based on less than 90% but more than 75% of total weighted votes cast.

** Score based on less than 75% but more than 50% of total weighted votes cast.

N/A Voted on 50% or less of total weighted votes cast; score and grade not issued.

Based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy; see front pages for methodology.

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United States Senate

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Klobuchar** 21% DSmith, T. 3% F

State Average 12%Mississippi

Hyde-Smith 27% DWicker 26% D

State Average 27%Missouri

Blunt 23% DHawley 49% C-

State Average 36%Montana

Daines 73% BTester 13% F

State Average 43%Nebraska

Fischer 66% B-Sasse 78% B+

State Average 72%Nevada

Cortez Masto 3% FRosen 2% F

State Average 3%New Hampshire

Hassan 3% FShaheen 4% F

State Average 4%New Jersey

Booker N/A N/AMenendez 4% F

State Average 4%New Mexico

Heinrich 4% FUdall 4% F

State Average 4%New York

Gillibrand** 28% DSchumer 8% F

State Average 18%

North Carolina

Burr* 23% DTillis 48% C-

State Average 36%North Dakota

Cramer 24% DHoeven 24% D

State Average 24%Ohio

Brown, S. 4% FPortman 21% D

State Average 13%Oklahoma

Inhofe 46% C-Lankford 74% B

State Average 60%Oregon

Merkley 18% FWyden 17% F

State Average 18%Pennsylvania

Casey 3% FToomey* 81% A

State Average 42%Rhode Island

Reed, J.* 4% FWhitehouse 5% FState Average 5%

South Carolina

Graham 23% DScott, T. 76% B+

State Average 50%South Dakota

Rounds 28% DThune 25% D

State Average 27%Tennessee

Alexander* 25% DBlackburn 79% B+

State Average 52%

National Taxpayers Union Rates Congress, 116th Congress, First Session, 2019


Cornyn 61% C+Cruz 86% A

State Average 74%Utah

Lee, M. 98% ARomney 71% B

State Average 85%Vermont

Leahy 4% FSanders N/A N/A

State Average 4%Virginia

Kaine 4% FWarner 3% F

State Average 4%Washington

Cantwell 3% FMurray 3% F

State Average 3%West Virginia

Capito 24% DManchin 17% F

State Average 21%Wisconsin

Baldwin 4% FJohnson, R. 65% B-State Average 35%


Barrasso 66% B-Enzi 72% B

State Average 69%

United States Senate

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CaliforniaAguilar 12% FBarragan 12% FBass 14% FBera 6% FBrownley 6% FCalvert 62% C+Carbajal 6% FCardenas 12% FChu 12% FCisneros 7% FCook 61% C+Correa 12% FCosta 8% FCox 7% FDavis, S. 6% FDeSaulnier 13% FEshoo 11% FGaramendi 7% FGomez 15% FHarder 11% FHill, K.* 9% FHuffman 16% FHunter* 85% B+Khanna 14% FLaMalfa 75% B-Lee, B. 16% FLevin 6% FLieu 13% FLofgren 13% F

Lowenthal 14% FMatsui 8% FMcCarthy 67% C+McClintock 94% AMcNerney 8% FNapolitano 14% FNunes 74% B-Panetta 9% FPelosi N/A N/APeters, S. 12% FPorter 6% FRouda 6% FRoybal-Allard 12% FRuiz 6% FSanchez 12% FSchiff 8% FSherman 7% FSpeier 12% FSwalwell** 9% FTakano 12% FThompson, M. 8% FTorres 12% FVargas 13% FWaters 11% FState Average 19%

ColoradoBuck 95% ACrow 6% FDeGette 14% FLamborn 85% B+Neguse 14% FPerlmutter 6% FTipton 75% B-State Average 42%

ConnecticutCourtney 6% FDeLauro 7% FHayes 6% FHimes 7% FLarson, J. 6% FState Average 6%

DelawareBlunt, R. 8% FState Average 8%

AlabamaAderholt 66% C+Brooks, M. 89% AByrne 86% APalmer 89% ARoby 59% CRogers, M. 74% B-Sewell 6% FState Average 67%

AlaskaYoung 56% CState Average 56%

ArizonaBiggs 94% AGallego 11% FGosar 93% AGrijalva 15% FKirkpatrick 7% FLesko 85% B+O'Halleran 6% FSchweikert 88% AStanton 9% FState Average 45%

ArkansasCrawford 80% BHill, F. 68% C+Westerman 82% B+Womack 63% C+State Average 73%

United States House of Representatives



SCORE GRADE COMMENTS 86% or more A Taxpayers' Friend81 - 85 B+

Good76 - 80 B71 - 75 B-60 - 70 C+

Satisfactory 50 - 59 C40 - 49 C-22 - 39 D PoorLess than 22 F Big Spender* Score based on less than 90%, but more than 75%, of weighted total votes cast.

** Score based on less than 75%, but more than 50%, of weighted total votes.

N/A Voted on 50% or less of weighted total votes cast; score and grade not issued.

Based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy; see front pages for methodology.

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FloridaBilirakis 69% C+Buchanan 65% C+Castor 8% FCrist 6% FDemings 6% FDeutch 8% FDiaz-Balart 54% CDunn 67% C+Frankel 7% FGaetz 87% AHastings* 10% FLawson 6% FMast 69% C+Mucarsel-Powell 7% FMurphy 13% FPosey 76% BRooney** 78% BRutherford 61% C+Shalala 6% FSoto 7% FSpano 80% BSteube 90% AWaltz 75% B-Wasserman 8% FWebster 76% BWilson, F. 7% FYoho 84% B+State Average 42%


Allen 82% B+Bishop, S. 7% FCarter, E.L. 81% B+Collins, D. 77% BFerguson 76% BGraves, T. 77% BHice 90% AJohnson, H. 7% FLewis, J.* 9% FLoudermilk 84% B+McBath 7% FScott, A. 80% BScott, D. 6% F

Woodall 72% B-

State Average 54%Hawaii

Case 6% FGabbard** 8% FState Average 7%


Fulcher 86% ASimpson 56% CState Average 71%


Bost 55% CBustos 6% FCasten 7% FDavis, D. 10% FDavis, R. 50% CFoster 6% FGarcia 15% FKelly, R. 6% FKinzinger 50% CKrishnamoorthi 6% FLaHood 86% ALipinski 12% FQuigley 8% FRush 8% FSchakowsky 14% FSchneider 7% FShimkus* 80% BUnderwood 6% FState Average 24%


Baird 71% B-Banks 86% ABrooks, S. 64% C+Bucshon 77% BCarson 7% FHollingsworth 73% B-Pence, G. 64% C+Visclosky 6% FWalorski 71% B-State Average 58%

National Taxpayers Union Rates Congress, 116th Congress, First Session, 2019

United States House of Representatives Iowa

Axne 8% FFinkenauer 8% FKing, S. 85% B+Loebsack 6% FState Average 27%


Davids 7% FEstes 85% B+Marshall 76% BWatkins 82% B+State Average 63%


Barr A. 78% BComer 85% B+Guthrie 73% B-Massie 95% ARogers, H. 62% C+Yarmuth 8% FState Average 67%


Abraham** 80% BGraves, G. 77% BHiggins, C. 89% AJohnson, M. 88% ARichmond 11% FScalise 75% B-State Average 70%


Golden 10% FPingree 8% FState Average 9%


Brown, A. 7% FCummings** 9% FHarris, A. 86% AHoyer 6% FRaskin 14% FRuppersberger 6% FSarbanes 8% FTrone 7% FState Average 18%

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Clark, K. 8% FKeating 6% FKennedy 14% FLynch 6% FMcGovern 14% FMoulton* 7% FNeal 8% FPressley 27% DTrahan 12% FState Average 11%


Amash 95% ABergman 66% C+Dingell 8% FHuizenga 82% B+Kildee 10% FLawrence 7% FLevin 14% FMitchell 74% B-Moolenaar 74% B-Slotkin 7% FStevens 6% FTlaib 23% DUpton 50% CWalberg 72% B-State Average 42%


Craig 6% FEmmer 84% B+Hagedorn 72% B-McCollum 8% FOmar 30% DPeterson 19% FPhillips 6% FStauber 55% CState Average 35%


Guest 78% BKelly, T. 84% B+Palazzo 71% B-Thompson 8% FState Average 60%


Clay 9% FCleaver 7% FGraves, S. 78% BHartzler 64% C+Long 80% BLuetkemeyer 61% C+Smith, J. 87% AWagner 72% B-State Average 57%


Gianforte 76% BState Average 76%


Bacon 64% C+Fortenberry 52% CSmith 78% BState Average 65%


Amodei 71% B-Horsford 7% FLee 9% F

Titus 12% FState Average 25%

New Hampshire

Kuster 10% FPappas 10% FState Average 10%

New Jersey

Gottheimer 7% FKim 6% FMalinowski 6% FNorcross 11% FPallone 15% FPascrell 11% FPayne 8% FSherrill 6% FSires 6% FSmith, C. 32% DVan Drew 5% FWatson 13% FState Average 11%

New Mexico

Haaland 10% FLujan, B.R. 11% FTorres 7% FState Average 9%

New York

Brindisi 13% FClarke, Y. 16% FCollins, C.** 56% CDelgado 7% FEngel 14% FEspaillat 17% FHiggins, B. 7% FJeffries 7% FKatko 37% DKing, P. 47% C-Lowey 7% FMaloney, C. 12% FMaloney, S.P. 6% FMeeks* 9% FMeng 15% FMorelle 7% FNadler 11% FOcasio-Cortez 29% DReed, T. 57% CRice, K. 11% FRose 7% FSerrano* 10% FStefanik 45% C-Suozzi 10% FTonko 13% FVelazquez 15% FZeldin 72% B-State Average 21%

North Carolina

Adams 8% FBishop N/A N/ABudd 90% AButterfield 9% FFoxx 84% B+Holding 87% AHudson 82% B+McHenry 70% C+


United States House of Representatives


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Meadows 89% AMurphy N/A N/APrice 8% FRouzer 83% B+Walker* 87% AState Average 63%

North Dakota

Armstrong 75% B-State Average 75%


Balderson 77% BBeatty 8% FChabot 84% B+Davidson 89% AFudge 6% FGibbs 74% B-Gonzalez 66% C+Johnson, B. 72% B-Jordan 91% AJoyce 54% CKaptur 7% FLatta 86% ARyan* 8% FStivers 58% CTurner 57% CWenstrup 83% B+State Average 58%


Cole 58% CHern 87% AHorn 10% FLucas* 66% C+Mullin 86% AState Average 61%


Blumenauer 22% DBonamici 12% FDeFazio 15% FSchrader 15% FWalden 55% CState Average 24%


Boyle 11% FCartwright 7% FDean 8% FDoyle 13% FEvans 8% FFitzpatrick 22% DHoulahan 6% FJoyce 87% AKeller** 83% B+Kelly, M. 85% B+Lamb 6% FMarino N/A N/AMeuser 74% B-Perry 89% AReschenthaler 62% C+Scanlon 8% FSmucker 84% B+Thompson, G. 59% CWild 6% FState Average 40%

Rhode Island

Cicilline 8% FLangevin 6% FState Average 7%

South Carolina

Clyburn* 6% FCunningham 12% FDuncan 89% ANorman 91% ARice, T. 88% ATimmons 88% AWilson, J. 69% C+State Average 63%

South Dakota

Johnson 83% B+State Average 83%


Burchett 85% B+Cohen 13% FCooper 11% FDesJarlais 85% B+Fleischmann 64% C+Green 86% AKustoff 72% B-Roe 77% BRose 82% B+State Average 64%

National Taxpayers Union Rates Congress, 116th Congress, First Session, 2019


SCORE GRADE COMMENTS 86% or more A Taxpayers' Friend81 - 85 B+

Good76 - 80 B71 - 75 B-60 - 70 C+

Satisfactory 50 - 59 C40 - 49 C-22 - 39 D PoorLess than 22 F Big Spender* Score based on less than 90%, but more than 75%, of weighted total votes cast.

** Score based on less than 75%, but more than 50%, of weighted total votes.

N/A Voted on 50% or less of weighted total votes cast; score and grade not issued.

Based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy; see front pages for methodology.

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Allred 9% FArrington 88% ABabin 77% BBrady 76% BBurgess 84% B+Carter, J. 67% C+Castro 15% FCloud 89% AConaway 72% B-Crenshaw 70% C+Cuellar 15% FDoggett 19% FEscobar 13% FFletcher 9% FFlores 79% BGarcia 14% FGohmert 92% AGonzalez 16% FGooden 86% AGranger 63% C+Green, A. 11% FHurd 45% C-Jackson Lee 10% FJohnson, E.B. 7% FMarchant 83% B+McCaul 61% C+Olson 80% BRatcliffe 88% ARoy 90% ATaylor 89% AThornberry 69% C+Veasey 7% FVela 17% FWeber 83% B+Williams 82% B+Wright* 91% AState Average 55%


Bishop, R. 71% B-Curtis 88% AMcAdams 29% DStewart 78% BState Average 67%


Welch 14% FState Average 14%


Beyer 8% FCline 91% AConnolly 7% FGriffith 84% B+Luria 5% FMcEachin* 8% FRiggleman 81% B+Scott, R. 7% FSpanberger 12% FWexton 6% FWittman 81% B+State Average 35%


DelBene 7% FHeck 9% FHerrera Beutler* 51% CJayapal 15% FKilmer 6% FLarsen, R. 8% FMcMorris Rodgers 79% BNewhouse 60% C+Schrier 6% FSmith, A. 11% FState Average 25%

United States House of Representatives

NTU.org 9

West Virginia

McKinley 58% CMiller 70% C+Mooney 85% B+State Average 71%


Duffy** 77% BGallagher 75% B-Grothman 90% AKind 14% FMoore 12% FPocan 18% FSensenbrenner 88% ASteil 82% B+State Average 57%


Cheney 65% C+State Average 65%


SCORE GRADE COMMENTS 86% or more A Taxpayers' Friend81 - 85 B+

Good76 - 80 B71 - 75 B-60 - 70 C+

Satisfactory 50 - 59 C40 - 49 C-22 - 39 D PoorLess than 22 F Big Spender* Score based on less than 90%, but more than 75%, of weighted total votes cast.

** Score based on less than 75%, but more than 50%, of weighted total votes.

N/A Voted on 50% or less of weighted total votes cast; score and grade not issued.

Based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy; see front pages for methodology.

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National Taxpayers Union Rates Congress, 116th Congress, First Session, 2019

Page 12: Rates Congress - National Taxpayers Union

Since 1969, National Taxpayers Union (NTU), has been the “Voice of America’s Taxpayers.” The nation’s oldest taxpayer advocacy organization, NTU fights for lower taxes, smaller budgets, and economic freedom at all levels of government. As taxpayers’ lobbyists, we work to ensure that all Americans are able to pursue their dreams without the heavy hand of government holding them back.

NTU is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) nonprofit, advocating on behalf of taxpayers, not political parties.

Contact Kevin Glass, [email protected], (703) 299-8670 122 C St NW Ste. 650,Washington, DC 20001
