rational plan desktop products tutorial

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  • 8/3/2019 Rational Plan Desktop Products Tutorial


    RationalPlan desktop products Tutorial

    Table of Contents

    I. Starting up

    1. Setting up the application

    1. What is RationalPlan ?

    1.1. RationalPlan Single Project

    1.2. RationalPlan Multi Project

    1.3. RationalPlan Project Viewer

    2. How to install

    2.1. Windows installation

    2.2. Mac OS X installation

    2.3. Linux installation

    3. Customize the application

    3.1. Introduction

    3.2. Show/Hide Application Components3.3. General settings

    3.4. Tables settings

    3.5. Graphic settings

    3.6. Other settings

    3.7. Main Toolbar

    3.8. Project Toolbar

    3.9. Mail Toolbar

    3.10. Button Toolbar

    3.11. View Toolbar

    3.12. Shortcuts

    2. About files, versions and projects

    1. Create a new file

    2. Open a file or a version from server's repository

    3. Change file name and format

    4. Import and export project (only for Multi Project)

    5. Archive and restore project (only for Multi Project, not available in server mode)

    6. Publish project (only for Multi Project)

    II. Create a project plan - Guide steps

    3. Define project scope and risks

    1. Project initiation

    2. Define calendars

    3. Project risks

    4. Planning the project1. Create Work Breakdown Structure

    2. Schedule tasks

    3. Insert human and equipment resources

    4. Add materials

    5. Assign resources to tasks

    6. Level resources (solve overallocations)

    7. Add fixed costs for tasks

    III. Track the project plan - Guide steps

    5. Update schedule

    1. About % complete and % work complete

    2. Baselines

    3. Changing tasks completion value

    IV. Working with multiple projects

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    6. Multiproject environment basics

    1. Resources

    2. Projects

    3. Project Portfolio View

    4. Client Table View

    V. Printing7. Print preview

    1. Page navigation

    2. Printed information

    8. Print menu

    VI. Send emails to resources

    9. Setting email options

    10. Sending assignments to resources

    Part I. Starting up

    Table of Contents

    1. Setting up the application

    1. What is RationalPlan ?

    1.1. RationalPlan Single Project

    1.2. RationalPlan Multi Project

    1.3. RationalPlan Project Viewer

    2. How to install

    2.1. Windows installation

    2.2. Mac OS X installation

    2.3. Linux installation

    3. Customize the application

    3.1. Introduction

    3.2. Show/Hide Application Components

    3.3. General settings

    3.4. Tables settings

    3.5. Graphic settings

    3.6. Other settings

    3.7. Main Toolbar

    3.8. Project Toolbar

    3.9. Mail Toolbar

    3.10. Button Toolbar3.11. View Toolbar

    3.12. Shortcuts

    2. About files, versions and projects

    1. Create a new file

    2. Open a file or a version from server's repository

    3. Change file name and format

    4. Import and export project (only for Multi Project)

    5. Archive and restore project (only for Multi Project, not available in server mode)

    6. Publish project (only for Multi Project)

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    Chapter 1. Setting up the application

    Table of Contents

    1. What is RationalPlan ?

    1.1. RationalPlan Single Project

    1.2. RationalPlan Multi Project

    1.3. RationalPlan Project Viewer

    2. How to install

    2.1. Windows installation

    2.2. Mac OS X installation

    2.3. Linux installation

    3. Customize the application

    3.1. Introduction

    3.2. Show/Hide Application Components

    3.3. General settings

    3.4. Tables settings

    3.5. Graphic settings

    3.6. Other settings

    3.7. Main Toolbar

    3.8. Project Toolbar

    3.9. Mail Toolbar

    3.10. Button Toolbar

    3.11. View Toolbar

    3.12. Shortcuts

    1. What is RationalPlan ?

    1.1. RationalPlan Single Project

    1.2. RationalPlan Multi Project

    1.3. RationalPlan Project Viewer

    RationalPlan is a software family designed to assist project managers along the l ife cycle of their projects.

    It comprises three different desktop products:

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    a) RationalPlan Single Project

    b) RationalPlan Multi Project (as a stand alone application or client for RationalPlan Project Server)

    c) RationalPlan Project Viewer

    Rational Plan Project Serverweb interface (for administration and Company's data management) has its own

    tutorial and is not intended to be described below.

    1.1. RationalPlan Single Project

    This product is suitable to manage independent projects (no common resources, no interrelations between


    It has the most important features for aproject management software:

    associate general project information (name, notes, links, assumptions, constraints, risks) create, edit and delete calendars

    build schedules

    create and assign resources to tasks

    good cost management abilities

    project tracking tools (critical path, mark completion value for tasks, work and cost timephased


    export to Microsoft Project (.xml format) and Microsoft Excel

    import from Microsoft Project (.mpp, .xml, .mpx, .mpt)

    printable reports (to printer or to file - pdf format)

    feature-rich Print Preview interface

    1.2. RationalPlan Multi Project

    Is the right choice if you have to share company resources across projects and to manage interdependencies

    between projects.

    It has all RationalPlan Single Project features, and some more:

    resources data (work, cost, overallocation) are calculated considering their assignments in all projects

    allows links between tasks pertaining to different projects

    analyzes all your projects' data with Project Portfolio view

    connects with RationalPlan Project Server to store all Company's projects in a centralized place where

    they can be accessed concurrently by project managers and other stakeholders

    1.3. RationalPlan Project Viewer

    The Viewer is an additional tool developed to share your project in his original file format (.xrp), but it can be used

    as well to open Microsoft Project files (.mpp, .mpt, .xml, .mpx). Basically it is useful to any stakeholder that need

    to check and overview the projects' evolution into their smallest detail without making changes to the schedule,

    and for resources to see their assignments.

    The major features of the Project Viewer are:

    opens files created either with Single Project or Multi Project version

    opens Microsoft Project files (.mpp, .mpt, .xml, .mpx)

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    all original views and data are available

    export to other formats and printing are active

    view/hide critical path command is enabled

    2. How to install

    2.1. Windows installation

    2.2. Mac OS X installation

    2.3. Linux installation

    RationalPlan is a cross platform application, that means it can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix

    and all other Java enabled platforms.

    For purchased versions, when you start the program for the first time, a window will appear asking for a license


    Click on Browse button and select your licensed key file. The window will change as follows:

    Now press on Continue button to launch the application.

    2.1. Windows installation

    RationalPlan should run on any Windows version from Win98 above including Vista. To run it on Windows you

    should download or purchase one of the .exe files. After double-clicking the file, just follow the installation steps

    and make your own settings (for the destination folder and shortcuts) if needed.

    2.2. Mac OS X installation

    On Mac platform our RationalPlan product suite requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. No previous Mac version is

    supported. The package distribution is delivered as a .dmg file (Macintosh OS X Disk Copy Disk Image File).

    Just double-click on it and a window as below will appear that will contain a link to the "Applications" folder from

    Mac and our product file.

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    You can either run it by double-clicking on the second file or you can install it. For installation just drag and drop

    the application file (the one from the right) over the "Applications" folder. It will be copied there and you will be

    able to run it from there at any time.

    NOTE: If you are logged in on an acount without administrative rights before the file copy will begin you will beprompted to give your administrative user and password.

    2.3. Linux installation

    For Linux platform we deliver a .zip distribution file. The installation is of unzip and run type. All you have to do is

    to download one of the .zip files and after download is complete just unzip to the folder you want to install the

    application. You will find a RationalPlan.sh script that must be run from a terminal/console with this command:

    sh RationalPlan.sh

    The application should start.

    3. Customize the application

    3.1. Introduction

    3.2. Show/Hide Application Components

    3.3. General settings

    3.4. Tables settings

    3.5. Graphic settings

    3.6. Other settings

    3.7. Main Toolbar

    3.8. Project Toolbar

    3.9. Mail Toolbar

    3.10. Button Toolbar

    3.11. View Toolbar

    3.12. Shortcuts

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    3.1. Introduction

    When you start the application for the first time, the main components that can be noticed are:

    Menu (on its usual upper position)

    Main Toolbar, Project Toolbar(only for Multi Project version) and Mail Toolbar(right below Menu) Button Toolbar(in the upper right side)

    Project Guide (in the left side)

    Project Guide Details (in the middle right side)

    Active Window (in the lower right side) - currently set on Info (highlighted in the Project Guide)

    For other views, the Active Window might be splitted in two components (a table and a graph).

    In later project steps you will notice a View Toolbar(changing with the current view) below Main Toolbar. It

    comprises only the commands needed for the associated view.

    Also, at a later stage of your project a Details Window is available for task, resources and risks (it appearsbelow active window when is activated).

    3.2. Show/Hide Application Components

    Some of the previously presented components can be hidden/shown:


    In Settings menu, Toolbar... can be selected visible toolbars.

    Project Guide panel

    a) to hide Guide panel click on the red-circled button below (or in the View menu click Guide)

    b) click on the red-circled button below to Show Guide panel (or in the View menu click Guide once again)

    Project Guide Details panel

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    It can be hidden by clicking on the corresponding Close button as described before for the Project Guide or

    open View menu and click on Guide Details. To activate Guide Details open View menu and click on Guide


    Active Window

    For some views, the Active Window is splitted in two components (a table and a graph), each of them might be

    extended or collapsed by hitting the small arrows on the panes separating line.

    If the current view contains tables with risks, tasks or resources, a Details Window is available for them on right-

    click menu (on the table and graph area) or from the icon in the View Toolbar. Information contained in this

    panel is about the selected element in the table.

    3.3. General settings

    In Settings menu, Options, Schedule tab you can change the settings for the current project:

    a) Date format

    The easiest way to set a different date format is to select the appropriate one from the Date format: combo box.

    If none of the predefined ones is suitable for your needs, the date format can be typed directly, as the combo box

    is editable. In this case the following rules has to be respected.

    Date and time formats are specified by strings. The most important letters are:

    y - year (yy - '09; yyyy - 2009)

    M - month in year (MM - 03, MMM - Mar, MMMM - March)

    w - week in year (number)

    W - week in month (number) D - day in year (number)

    d - day in month (number)

    E - day in week (E to EEE - Wed, EEEE - Wednesday)

    a - AM/PM marker

    H - hour in day (0-23)

    k - hour in day (1-24)

    K - hour in am/pm (0-11)

    h - hour in am/pm (1-12)

    m - minute in hour (number)

    s - second in minute (number)

    For a better understanding see examples below:

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    yyyy.MM.dd (2009.03.01)

    yyyy.MMMM.dd (2009.March.01)

    EEE, MMM d (Sun, Mar 01)

    b) Hours per day, Hours per weekand Days per month

    The working hours considered to calculate dates for every 1 day duration declared for a task in the table (e.g. if

    set 10 hours, a task with 1 day in the Duration column of the Gantt table and a calendar with 8 working hours, like

    Standard calendar, will appear in the Gantt Graph as 1 day and another 2 hours in the next day). That is because

    the working time of a task is calculated from duration and the values set forHours per day, Hours per

    weekand Days per monthparameters. Graphic duration (in the Gantt Graph) will result from the calculated

    working time and the task calendar.

    Conclusion: the working hours in the task calendar have to be correlated with the values set forHours per

    day, Hours per weekand Days per month.

    c) Slack for critical tasks - a task is marked as critical if a delay with more than the slack value will change the

    Project finish date.

    Increase this parameter value if you want to see "in advance" the tasks that may influence the end of the project.

    By default, the slack value is set to zero.

    d) Duration units (y = years, mo = months, w = weeks, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes)

    e) Currency units - in this field you can edit any string to define the currency used in the application

    f) Force resources to use task calendar as default

    Marking this option the resources will work following task calendar instead its own calendar for every new task by

    default. In this case, if the task calendar have working hours which are non-working in resource calendar, then

    the resource will accumulate overtime hours (which are usually paid at a higher rate than standard hours).

    g) New tasks as fixed-units

    Use this option if you want all newly created tasks to have by default the fixed-units property set.

    h) New tasks as work-driven

    Use this option if you want all newly created tasks to have by default the work-driven property set.

    i) Define custom program

    Predefine here a working program that will be used as Custom program when setting special days in a calendar.

    In Settings menu, Options, Startup tab you can select:

    a) to see/hide the Welcome dialog when starting the application

    b) to check for updates when starting the application (for this option you need a proper Internet connection)

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    c) to lock or leave unlocked a file when open it (if a file is locked by one user, it still can be opened by another

    user, but without the saving option)

    In Settings menu, Options, Print tab you can change the printing settings related to company brand. More

    exactly you can change the company name and logo that will be present on printed reports. Supported logo types

    are restricted to .png images. Plus users will also be able to customize the dimensions for the top and bottommargins.

    3.4. Tables settings

    Click on the button in the upper right side of the table to customize it.

    Select in the drop down panel the columns you need to be visible. The selection made here is also applicable for

    printing and the reports that can be generated in PDF format.

    Below column titles there are three more options:

    Horizontal scroll (extends columns width to fit to window size)

    Pack All Columns (reduce all visible columns width to a minimum size)

    Pack Selected Column (reduce current column width to a minimum size)

    Drag horizontally and drop the column header to change column position. While dragging you can see its landing


    Columns can be also inserted (if not already visible) or hidden by right-clicking on table header and choosing the

    appropriate command.

    There are three custom columns available for users. After making them visible as explained above, to change

    their default names (Data1, Data2, Data3) right-click on the column header and select Edit name... command

    (available only for those custom columns).

    3.5. Graphic settings

    In Settings menu, Options, View tab select whether to view or not some graphic elements:

    vertical lines (project start - green color, project estimated start - yellow color, project finish - red color,

    current date - blue color)

    gantt selection (extends the table row selection in the Gantt Chart)

    horizontal and vertical gridlines corresponding to table rows and bottom units

    non-working time marked with vertical grey stripes

    focus point marker (a blue indicator on the chart header showing the fixed point when zoom in/out)

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    text on the right side of the taskbar (project code, task name, task duration, task work, task completion,

    task start date, task end date, assigned resources' name, assigned resources' code)

    Customize how the taskbars and non-working time are drawn with the Round/Normal view command found on

    right-click menu or double-click in graph area (available for Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, Resource Sheet). Round

    view is the default selection and it extends taskbars lenght to the beginning of its first day if task start datecorrespond with the working time start date (according to the Project Calendar) and similar for the task end date.

    A correction is made for the vertical stripes marking non-working time, too. Normal view shows taskbars and

    non-working time approximately as they are.

    In Settings menu, Options, Colors tab (or right-click in graph area of Gantt Chart, Bar colors command), the

    default colors for taskbars and completion bar can be customized. Select the element which color has to be

    changed (activities, phases, milestones, projects, critical, baseline or completion) and pick a color

    in Swatches tab or define its basic color values in RGB tab. As you set new colors, the modifications are made

    in the Gantt Chart, so you can see the results without closing the dialog window. The default colors can be set

    back by pressing the Restore default button for one element at a time, orRestore defaults for all elements at

    once. In Swatches view, recently used colors are stored.

    To change colors for specific tasks, see Details window, Colors tab. If the current task is a phase, that mean it

    has subtasks (activities, milestones, subphases), the selected color can be used for them too, by marking the

    corresponding checkboxes. To quickly get back to default colors for the entire subtree including the phase, click

    onDefault Subtree Colors button.

    3.6. Other settings

    In Settings menu, Options, View tab are also available:

    Show project task- view project as a summary task with grey color instead of black in all task-oriented

    views (WBS, Gantt Chart, Task Sheet)

    task outline (WBS code) - this option automatically introduce outline numbers to tasks (in Multi Project

    version, first outline level is project level)

    In Settings menu, Options, Startup tab are also available

    Welcome dialog- makes the welcome dialog visible when starting the application

    Check for updates - allows the application to check for available updates (if the computer has an

    internet access)

    Network file locking- prevents a file from opening by a second user over a network

    In Settings menu, Options, Servertab, define the URL where the server is installed. This adress is used byRationalPlan Multi Project when is exchanging information with the server.

    3.7. Main Toolbar

    New (file) - create a new file

    Open - open existing file

    Save - save current file/save modifications in server (when connected)

    Print - open print dialog

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    Print preview - open Print preview window

    Undo - revert the latest action

    Redo - revert the latest undo action

    3.8. Project Toolbar

    Current project: - select a current project from the combo box

    New (project) - create a new project

    3.9. Mail Toolbar

    Email assignments - send assignment information to resources

    3.10. Button Toolbar

    Project Portfolio - an overview of all projects and projects' data

    WBS View - designed to create outlined (tree) work breakdown structures

    Gantt Chart - a bar chart illustrating tasks' evolution in time

    Resource View - a view comprising two tabs: one for human end equipment resources, the other for

    material resources

    Task Sheet - a task-oriented view showing work and cost distribution in time

    Resource Sheet - a resource-oriented view showing work and cost distribution in time

    Client Table - here is the place to define clients and their associated data (address, mail, phone,

    contacts etc.)

    3.11. View Toolbar

    For each View (Project Portfolio, WBS View, Gantt Chart etc.) only the applicable commands are visible, from the


    Insert line - insert a line above the selected task/resource/client

    Insert subtask - insert a subtask (a task indented one level below the current one) = a subdeliverable for thecurrent deliverable

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    Indent task - move a task to a lower outline level; this task will become a subtask for the preceding task that

    was on the same outline level.

    Outdent task - move a task to a higher outline level.

    Move up - move a task one row up on the same outline level (among subtasks of the same phase)

    Move down - move a task one row down on the same outline level (among subtasks of the same phase)

    Expand all - expand all collapsed phases and projects down to the last level

    Collapse all - collapse all expanded phases and projects up to the first level

    Link tasks - create a finish to start link between selected tasks (when multiple tasks are selected, the tasks

    will be chained by links)

    Unlink tasks - break the link between selected tasks (when multiple tasks selected, all the links inside theselection will be broken)

    Go to selected task - start date of the selected task will be moved to the focus point

    Critical path - show/hide critical path

    Assign resources - open Details window

    Zoom in - change the timescale to see a plan in more detail

    Zoom out - change the timescale to see a plan in less detail

    Break task - split a task at the indicated point with the tip of the cursor's arrow( )

    Update completion - complete automatically all or selected tasks of the current project to the indicated date

    (by default is selected current date)

    Show/Hide leveling panel - toggle between view/hide Resource Sheet window below Gantt Chart (in this

    mode the resource leveling is a lot more easier)

    Set as current project - set the selected project as current

    Show/Hide details - toggle between view/hide Details window

    Work button - show work information in the right pane

    Cost button - show cost information in the right pane

    Projects button - show assigned project information in the right pane

    3.12. Shortcuts

    Ctrl-N - open a new file

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    Ctrl-O - open an existing file

    Ctrl-W - close current file

    Ctrl-S - save current file

    Ctrl-E - export data (in an .xls file)

    Ctrl-P - open print dialog

    Ctrl-Z - undo last command

    Ctrl-Y - redo last command

    Ctrl-Right - indent current task

    Ctrl-Left - outdent current task

    Ctrl-Up - move up current task one row (on the same level)

    Ctrl-Down - move down current task one row (on the same level)

    Ctrl-NumPad + - expand all

    Ctrl-NumPad - - collapse all

    Ctrl-X - cut (entire row if selected, or selected text in editing mode)

    Ctrl-C - copy (entire row if selected, or selected text in editing mode)

    Ctrl-V - paste

    Ctrl-L - link selected tasks

    Ctrl-U - unlink selected tasks

    Ctrl-G - go to selected task

    Ctrl-mouse wheel forward - zoom in

    Ctrl-mouse wheel backward - zoom out

    Chapter 2. About files, versions and projects

    Table of Contents

    1. Create a new file

    2. Open a file or a version from server's repository

    3. Change file name and format

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    4. Import and export project (only for Multi Project)

    5. Archive and restore project (only for Multi Project, not available in server mode)

    6. Publish project (only for Multi Project)

    1. Create a new file

    To make a new file you have three options, as follows:

    Press New button in Welcome dialog

    Select New command in File menu

    Click icon in the Main Toolbar.

    Important: A new file contains only one project for Single version, or a Project Pool for Multi version. For Multi

    Project version don't open a new file for each project if you want to have the advantages of the multiproject

    environment - one resources pool for all projects, interrelations between projects.

    2. Open a file or a version from server's repository

    To open an existing file do one of the following:

    Press Open button in Welcome dialog (there is also a button to open the most recently closed file

    - Open last)

    from File menu, Open, File... command

    Click icon in the Main Toolbar.

    RationalPlan Multi Project have the possibility to connect to a server and open a version (the latest or an earlier


    Press Latest version from serverbutton in Welcome dialog

    from File menu, Open, Latest version from servercommand (loads most recently saved version of

    the plan by an user connected to server)

    from File menu, Open, Older version from server... command (loads an older version for viewing and

    creating "what if" scenarios in a "read-only mode"; to start from a previous version and save

    modifications open the server's administration interface and revert to that version)

    3. Change file name and format

    To change the file name and format use File menu, Save as... command.

    Available formats are:

    .xrp (RationalPlan default)

    .xml (used to exchange projects with Microsoft Project)

    RationalPlan can open files created with

    RationalPlan (.xrp)

    Microsoft Project (.mpp, .xml, .mpt, .mpx)

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    Some project data can be also exported to Microsoft Excel from File menu, Export as...

    Important: As a conclusion, to exchange data with Microsoft Project, in RationalPlan export file as .xml and

    import them as .mpp, .xml, .mpt or .mpx.

    More than that, it is possible to Copy and Paste data from Microsoft Excel, iWork Numbers and Open OfficeCALC in RationalPlan files .

    For all views, reports can be generated and exported in .pdf format from File menu, Print to PDF..., orPrint

    Preview menu, Print to PDF... button.

    4. Import and export project (only for Multi Project)

    From Project menu, Import project... , can be imported projects from following file types:

    RationalPlan Single Project or Multi Project (.xrp)

    Microsoft Project (.mpp) Microsoft Project (.xml)

    Microsoft Project template (.mpt)

    Microsoft Project (.mpx)

    The imported project or projects will be added below the existing ones in the current file.

    From Project menu, Export project... , a project will be exported to the following format files:

    RationalPlan Single Project (.xrp)

    Microsoft Project (.xml)

    5. Archive and restore project (only for Multi Project, not availablein server mode)

    Use projects archiving to reduce the amount of managed projects, thus the current file size, by removing the

    unnecessary ones (e.g.: closed projects) and saving them in sepparate files. When needed they can be restored

    and inserted back in the working file.

    From Project menu, Archive project... , the current project will be saved as a RationalPlan Single Project (.xrp)


    From Project menu, Restore project... , a previously archived project will be inserted back in the ProjectPortfolio.

    6. Publish project (only for Multi Project)

    To make the projects available to other people involved (stakeholders) and keeping private some data in the

    same time, use Project menu, Publish project... .

    After selecting the project, in the next step you can select to keep private some data: Task costs, Task notes,

    Resources, Resource costs, Resource notes.

    In the next dialogue choose the location, the format (.xrp or Microsoft Project .xml) and give an appropriate namefor the file containing the published project.

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    Part II. Create a project plan - Guidesteps

    Table of Contents

    3. Define project scope and risks

    1. Project initiation

    2. Define calendars

    3. Project risks

    4. Planning the project

    1. Create Work Breakdown Structure

    2. Schedule tasks

    3. Insert human and equipment resources

    4. Add materials

    5. Assign resources to tasks

    6. Level resources (solve overallocations)

    7. Add fixed costs for tasks

    Chapter 3. Define project scope and risks

    Table of Contents

    1. Project initiation

    2. Define calendars

    3. Project risks

    1. Project initiation

    In the application Guide, Project category, there are a few steps useful for the early project phase.

    Click on Info to specify the following information:

    Project name - by default set on Project1 (is an editable field, so the name can be changed)

    Project code - if the number of managed projects or company internal procedures leads to such a

    necessity (e.g. for documents archiving)

    Project manager - assign a project manager to the current project Client - assign a client to the current project (select an existing client or create a new one by editing

    directly in the combo box)

    Estimated start date - if you have a certain date to start the project or just making scenarios (by default

    is set to the current date)

    Estimated budget - set an estimated project cost budget; this can be used to see how the projects cost

    evolves relative to the initial cost

    Project scope - you can define the project scope in this text box, so it will be quickly available at any

    time during the project (is an input data for later steps)

    Notes&Links step is the place where are stored information related to the project.

    Notes are used to remember important details related to the project. When you write a note it might be also

    necessary to add other information related to it (current number, date, circumstance).

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    A project involves a lot of information that can be referenced with a link (files, web addresses). Attach relevant

    descriptions to easily identify the link target.

    Assumptions and constraints are important input data in project plan definition.

    Assumptions are factors considered to be true for planning purposes and imply a degree of risk (e.g.: if an activityneeds a special equipment, the project manager may assume that it will be available).

    Constraints are restrictions which limit the project possibilities. A well known example of constraint is the budget.

    Assumptions and constraints must be taken into consideration in all aspects of the project planning.

    2. Define calendars

    Calendars are necessary to define working programs for resources and tasks.

    They can be created and modified in Project Guide, CalendarorSettings menu, Calendar.

    Company calendaris the calendar used by most of the resources. It is the default calendar for every new

    created human resource as the Project calendaris the default calendar for project's activities (tasks).

    Attention: Although the predefined calendars can be modified it is not adviseable to do it.

    If a resource needs a special calendar (on a regular basis, not just for some special days) select in Calendar

    editora calendar with as little differences as possible to the one you need, then press New button to create a

    copy of it (e.g. ifStandard calendar was selected, the newly created calendar name is Copy of Standard). Give

    it a suggestive name, as the combo box is editable. To make a day of the week as working/non-working you have

    to check/uncheck it. To change the working program, first step is to select desired week days (it is possible toselect multiple days using Ctrl/Shift click or by mouse drag) and change them at once.

    The rules to set working hours for selected days are simple:

    when edit a value in From field it cannot be lower than the value in the To field of the previous row and

    higher than the value in the To field of the current row

    when edit a value in To field it cannot be lower than the value in the From field of the current row and

    higher than the value in the From field of the next row

    Let us take an example. Suppose you have a resource that is working part time, from 16:00 to 20:00 hours. The

    best solution is to create a Copy of Standard calendar and rename it the way you want. Now select all weekdays from Monday to Friday and let's change the working program for them. All you have to do is delete all

    intervals and then add any interval that you want. More exactly select the first row (8:00 to 12:00) and press

    Delete key. You will see how it disappears. Do the same with the remaining row (13:00 to 17:00). You will now

    have one single empty row that you can edit as you like. In your case enter in the From column the value 16:00

    and press Enter. You will see that it will appear a new interval (16:00 to 16:01). Now all you have to do is to

    change 16:01 to 20:00 (double-click to edit). Press Enter and you are done.

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    For tasks it is necessary to make new calendars even for the slightest difference in the working time comparing

    to other existing calendars, as the tasks doesn't have the possibility to define its working time in Details window

    (this situation is far less probable to occur than for resources).

    Important: changing a calendar already in use will influence the schedule accordingly!

    To define a special program for certain days click on Set holidays, days off and other special days. Select the

    date in the calendar and modify its program or mark it asNonworking day. To quickly get back to the normal

    program, as defined before at Set working days, select Week defined program. Custom program will associate

    to the selected day(s) a predefined program that can be changed from

    the Settings menu, Options, Schedule tab.

    Delete the unnecessary calendars by clicking on Delete button. If you attempt to delete a calendar already in

    use, you'll be warned about that and invited to replace it with an existing one (select from drop down list and

    press Replace).

    3. Project risks

    Note the identified project risks and set their impact level and probability to happen.

    For the selected risk, think about a plan that will reduce the danger to miss the project's objectives and describe it

    in the Notes text box. Defining several risk response plans might be a good idea as their basis may change in

    time and so their effectiveness. Risks that do not require new actions (e.g. if a risk is accepted or mitigated) can

    be set asclosed in the Status column. Sorting the table by Status column allows you to focus your attention on

    active risks (marked as opened).

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    To sort the table by any of the columns, click on the column header. The second click on the same column

    header will reverse the sorting order.

    Hint: To quickly get back to a non-sorted table (this allows you to display the risks in the order you entered

    them), press Shift button and click on the table header area. Notes text box can be hidden/shown by clicking


    Chapter 4. Planning the project

    Table of Contents

    1. Create Work Breakdown Structure

    2. Schedule tasks

    3. Insert human and equipment resources

    4. Add materials

    5. Assign resources to tasks

    6. Level resources (solve overallocations)

    7. Add fixed costs for tasks

    1. Create Work Breakdown Structure

    A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a decomposition of a project into smaller components (deliverables)

    covering the total scope of the project.

    Starting with the final project outcome, the major project deliverables have to be identified. Step by step, the

    deliverables will be decomposed into subdeliverables, until the activities necessary to create them can be

    defined. To insert a subdeliverable or an activity (task) right-click on the corresponding deliverable and select

    the Insert subtaskcommand.

    The tree structure of deliverables and subdeliverables can be also achieved by listing them one after another,

    consequently indenting and outdenting them as necessary by using the corresponding icons in the toolbar (

    and ) or the commands in the right-click menu.

    An usual tree structure looks like this:

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    If necessary, the elements can be moved up and down on the same level in the tree structure by using and

    commands. For other situations use Cut (Ctrl+X) and Paste(Ctrl+V) commands.

    To attach notes to the WBS elements, the Details window is available (right click on a task, Task details, or

    select it and click on icon).

    2. Schedule tasks

    Put the activities (tasks) in their natural succesion order by defining their predecessor-successor relationships(links). This way, moving a task will change the successors position accordingly.

    To create links, move the mouse over the predecessor bar in Gantt Chart until the cursor appear and drag to

    the successor bar or select the tasks and click the icon (it chains selected tasks by links and works for

    multiple task selection, too).

    The default link type is Finish-to-Start.

    Double-click the link arrow in the chart to open Dependency details window. Now you can set the link's lag, that

    means the delay between the specified dates of the predecessor and successor (e.g. forFinish-to-Start, lag

    time is the delay between the predecessor's Finish, and the successor's Start). A negative lag is equivalent with

    a positive lead time.

    To delete a link double click on it and press Delete button in Dependency details window, or select tasks (it can

    be a multiple selection) and click the icon (all links between selected tasks will be deleted).

    A constraint to a task can be set by selecting its type and date in the Details tab in Details window.

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    The applicable constraints are:

    As Soon As Possible (ASAP) - the task will start at the project estimated start date (no constraint will be


    Start No Earlier Than (SNET) - the task will start at the selected date or later (if it is "pushed" by links)

    Start No Later Than (SNLT) - the task can't start later than the selected date, even if a link is forcing this(in this situation an error message may appear and the command will not be executed)

    Finish No Earlier Than (FNET) - the task will end at the selected date or later

    Finish No Later Than (FNLT) - the task can't end later than the selected date, even if a link is forcing this

    (in this situation an error message may appear and the command will not be executed)

    Must Start On (MSO) - the task will start exactly at the selected date

    Must Finish On (MFO) - the task will end exactly at the selected date

    Attention: Moving a task bar in the Gantt graph by dragging it with the mouse cursor will set a Start No Earlier

    Than (SNET) constraint on the task!

    Besides constraints, a deadline date can be associated to each task. If task end date becomes later than

    deadline date, a warning sign will appear in Info column.

    Estimate each activity duration and set it in the duration column.

    Some tasks could require different calendars from the project's one (e.g.: an activity that cannot be interrupted

    should have a 24-hours calendar, but the others follow a standard 8-hours calendar). Assign calendars to tasks

    by clicking in the corresponding cell from Calendarcolumn and selecting the right one. If it's necessary, define

    additional calendars at the Calendarstep in the Guide with the New command, or in

    the Settings menu, Calendar(seeDefine calendars section).

    Resources use task calendarcheckbox in the Details tab will force the assigned resources to work following

    the task working program. By marking this option the resources will work at the current task following task

    calendar instead of its own calendar. This makes possible to bring a resource to work even for its non-working

    hours (but working hours for task). Consequently, the resource will accumulate overtime hours (that can be paid

    with a different hourly rate than regular working hours - see Insert human and equipment resourcessection).

    The checkboxes Always keep assignment units as set (fix-units task) and Try to keep the work when

    changing resources/duration (make task work-driven) will determine task behavior when changing the

    assigned resources or one of the three variables (work, duration, units). For example, when adding a resource, if

    the first one is checked the work will be modified (units will be kept), but if both are checked the duration will be

    accommodated (units and work will be kept).

    Hint: the above mentioned checkboxes can be also found in the Resources tab.

    Edit notes to remember important details related to tasks.

    Hint: you may personalize Gantt table by adding or deleting columns, including custom ones. Right click on the

    header and insert new columns or click on the button in the upper-right corner of the table and mark only the

    columns you need (see more in Tables settings section) .

    3. Insert human and equipment resources

    Based on the completed work breakdown structure (deliverables and activities), the resource planning can start

    by identifying the necessary personnel and equipment.

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    Fill in the cost rate used for the working hours according to the resource calendar as Standard rate and the cost

    rate used for the work beyond the regular working hours asOvertime rate.

    By default, resources use Company calendar(no settings have to be made). In special cases, for resources

    having specific working programs (regular program, not just special days), select one of the existing calendars in

    the Calendarcolumn. If the predefined calendars are not appropriate, make a new one as indicated in Part II,Chapter 1, Define calendars section.

    Usually, there are small differences between working programs of the resources that have the same calendar

    (e.g. days off). Using the Working Time tab in details window, you may personalize the working program for

    each resource without making a lot of new calendars. Modifications that must affect all resources with the same

    calendar (e.g. public holidays), have to be made in that specific calendar (Settings menu, CalendarorDefine

    calendars step in Project Guide).

    If you have more than one resource of the same type (e.g. 5 equipments of the same type - excavators) you can

    type "excavator" in the Resource Name column and setMaximum units to 5 to indicate that.

    If a resource is allocating to a project (to all projects for Multi Project version) only a fraction of its working

    program, the Maximum units value will be sub-unitary.

    4. Add materials

    To complete the resource planning, the necessary materials must be identified. For each of them, set the price

    per unit (in this column just enter the number and the currency will be added automatically) and measure unit.

    The currency can be changed as explained in Part II, Chapter 1, General settings section.

    If needed, a code can be added.

    5. Assign resources to tasks

    In details window, select resources needed to complete the task.

    For human resources, the Units coefficient shows the fraction of its working program dedicated to the current

    task (e.g. if the resource has an 8 hours per day program and you set 0.5 units, the resource will spend 4 hours

    per day working at that task).

    For materials, Units gives the quantity needed to complete the task.

    While assigning resources, the work on task is displayed at the bottom (also in the table, Work column).

    To keep the work and modify the duration when changing resources (assign a new resource, remove a resource,

    change the units for an assigned resource), just mark theTry to keep the work when changing

    resources/duration (make task work-driven) checkbox (also at the bottom side).

    The work needed to complete a task can be changed in the corresponding column of the table. In this case, the

    task duration will be changed to accomodate the work and the assigned resources.

    6. Level resources (solve overallocations)

    Leveling resources is about balancing resources' work distribution, starting with solving overallocations.

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    This splitted view (Gantt Chart in the upper part and Resource Sheet in the lower one) is giving information

    about tasks and resources in the same time, making resource leveling an easy job.

    Basically, in Resource Sheet are visible resource-oriented data: working hours, assignments and issues

    indicated by colors. You will see overallocated resources(resources programmed to work on all the assigned

    tasks more than is possible, according to their calendars and MaxUnits values) marked with the red color and theresources that have overtime work(work scheduled beyond its regular working hours) marked in yellow. Also, the

    table indicates the assigned task and the time frame when the problem occurs.

    Depending on the situation, there are a few methods to solve the overallocations:

    1. Remove resources or decrease Units value for some of the resource's assignments until their sum does not

    exceed the MaxUnits value. If needed, available resources can be added (available hours are shown in green

    color). To do this in the current view select the appropriate task, open Details window for the lower pane,

    click Resources tab, and make the necessary modifications.

    Hint: To keep constant the task work, before any assignment modification select Try to keep the work when

    changing resources/duration (make task work-driven)checkbox at the bottom ofResources tab. Hence the

    duration of the task will change automatically to accomodate the work with the assigned resources.

    2. Move one or more tasks, if you consider the lack of resources as a constraint. You can also link tasks that

    require the same resources, although is not recommended. In both cases a note on the task would be useful to

    remind you the cause of the action.

    3. Increase the MaxUnits value (employ more resources with the same role), if the work has to be done in the

    scheduled time. In this case, the name of the resource should indicate a role rather than a specific human


    Hint: In Details window you can see resource/task details, depending on your currently selected element in the


    7. Add fixed costs for tasks

    Besides the costs with resources, a task may have other costs that do not depend on its duration. Introduce it in

    the Fixed cost column and set an accrual method inAccrual column: start/endif the cost is incurred at start/end

    of the task andproratedif the cost is distributed proportionally with task duration.

    In the Task Sheet view that appeared on the right pane, you can see the tasks cost distribution in time.

    If you have financial constraints related to the cash-flow maximum values, you can move or link tasks, delay

    tasks using a lag time, or simply redistribute resources, considering that the costs distribution is related to the

    resources distribution over time.

    Part III. Track the project plan - Guidesteps

    Table of Contents

    5. Update schedule

    1. About % complete and % work complete

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    2. Baselines

    3. Changing tasks completion value

    Chapter 5. Update schedule

    Table of Contents

    1. About % complete and % work complete

    2. Baselines

    3. Changing tasks completion value

    1. About % complete and % work complete

    % complete = completed part of task's working duration expressed in percents

    % work complete = completed part of total work (man hours) of the resource-task assignment expressed in

    percents - this is a more accurate tracking method

    Those two definitions shows that the % work complete value may differ from % complete value if the work isn't

    evenly distributed in time (e.g. if a resource have one or more days off while working on a task).

    2. Baselines

    At the controlling phase start, before making any modifications involved by the project tracking, it can be useful to

    save a baseline. This will help you to compare the schedule updated at a later stage with the planned schedule.

    From the Baselines menu it can be created (Save... command), deleted (Clear...), or compared with the actual

    project state in Gantt graph (Show.../Hide). You can save up to 10 baselines for each project.

    A baseline contains the following task data: start date, end date and %complete. It will appear in Gantt Chart as

    yellow colored bars (by default, but the color can be changed) under the actual taskbars.

    Attention: Because each project have its own baselines, if the current project is set on All projects, the

    commands related to baselines are not available.

    3. Changing tasks completion value

    Now it's time to update the schedule with the information about the tasks completion in terms of duration or work.

    In the simplest case, when the project evolves as planned, the completion can be updated by clicking on

    the Update completion ( ) command in the View Toolbar. In the next window select whether the completion

    will affect only selected tasks or the entire project, and the date for completion (current date by default). The

    completion values will be calculated automatically.

    If a completion value is related to a status date (date coresponding to the completion value), fill in the

    corresponding column (% complete for duration and % work completefor work) with the value given to you by

    the people responsible with the project execution. The completed part of the task is highlighted in the Gantt graph

    with a black line. If necessary, you can move the task so the end date of the completed part to correspond with

    the status date of the completion.

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    Hint: To increase the accuracy it might be necessary to change into another scale with smaller bottom units and

    make the adjustments because the task movement is posssible only by entire units.

    The % complete value for a task can be also modified in the Gantt graph by moving the mouse cursor in the left

    side of the uncompleted part of the task until the cursor appear and dragging on the right side to increase, or

    the left side to decrease it.

    By changing either% complete or% work complete, the other parameter will be calculated automatically.

    Part IV. Working with multiple projects

    Table of Contents

    6. Multiproject environment basics

    1. Resources

    2. Projects3. Project Portfolio View

    4. Client Table View

    Chapter 6. Multiproject environment basics

    Table of Contents

    1. Resources

    2. Projects

    3. Project Portfolio View

    4. Client Table View

    1. Resources

    For Multi Project version, the resources are common for all projects. That

    means Human&Equipment and Material tabs in Resources View comprises all resources declared for the

    company, not only resources assigned in the current project.

    Data displayed in Resource Sheet, including overallocation and overtime work are calculated consideringresources assignments in all existing projects, even though a current project is set (not All Projects).

    2. Projects

    To create another project in the same project pool simply press New button in Application Toolbar and build it

    starting with Info step in Project Guide.

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    You can move quickly from one project to another by selecting it in the Current project: combo box.

    Selecting All Projects you can see the whole project portfolio for task related views (WBS, Gantt Chart, Task

    Sheet). This way in Gantt Chart is possible to create links between tasks from different projects (as described

    inSchedule taskssection).

    3. Project Portfolio View

    Project Portfolio view (first icon in Button Toolbar) is a summary of all projects information.

    In Details window, general project information introduced

    at Info, Notes&Links, Assumptions&Constraints and Risks steps in Project Guide can be modified.

    A project status can be set in Status column. There are 4 options available:planning(not started yet), in

    progress (the execution is started), on hold(temporary stopped),closed(completed or ceased).

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    4. Client Table View

    It offers the possibility to keep a list of clients, their main data (address, site) and associated notes.

    In Details Window, for each client you can have a list of contacts (name, email, phone, notes).

    Part V. Printing

    Table of Contents

    7. Print preview

    1. Page navigation

    2. Printed information

    8. Print menu

    Chapter 7. Print preview

    Table of Contents

    1. Page navigation

    2. Printed information

    Printing is available for all views in Button Toolbarand corresponding steps in Project Guide (starting

    from Create WBS).

    To preview printed information go to File menu, Print preview, or click command in the Main Toolbar.

    1. Page navigation

    In Print Preview window, first commands in the toolbar are designed for page circulation:

    go to first page

    go to previous page

    go to next page

    go one page up

    go one page down

    go to last page

    ..../.... go to page no.

    An intuitive, visual way to go directly to a page is to activate (multiple page) command and click on the

    desired page. Exit from multiple page mode and return to the last visited page by clicking on single pagebutton .

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    2. Printed information

    To scale the information in pages, use the button of the combo box labeled Scale to: and select a zoom percent

    or type directly in its editable field. The number of pages will be modified accordingly. A Fit to page check box is

    also available in case the information have to be adjusted to one page dimension.

    The next button , if activated, helps to view header on all pages.

    A part of the schedule can be printed between From: and To: dates.

    Hint: To select the columns to be printed close Print preview and customize table by adding or removing

    columns as necessary (see section Tables settings). To print only Gantt Table or only Gantt Chart show/hide

    corresponding pane as indicated in section 3.2, Active Window paragraph.

    Page Setup button will open a new window with common settings for paper and printer.

    The next button is for printing action.

    is used to save the previewed report as a .pdf file.

    Close button will end the Print Preview dialog window and return to the current application view.

    Chapter 8. Print menu

    The printing process can be triggered from File menu, Print, or by pressing button in Main Toolbar. The

    button is also available in Print Preview window.

    As usual, Print dialogue allows to select the printer, pages to be printed, number of copies and to change printer


    Attention: changing the printer may lead to page setup modification!

    Part VI. Send emails to resources

    Table of Contents

    9. Setting email options

    10. Sending assignments to resources

    Chapter 9. Setting email options

    First you should go to Settings menu, Options, Email tab and introduce the information related to email server


    To customize the email template just edit in the Email template textbox. There are a few placeholders that can

    be used to position some data in relation with the remaining text.

    The available placeholders are:

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    #Resource - resource name

    #StartDate - beginning of the time period considered for the assignment data

    #EndDate - end of the time period considered for the assignment data

    #ResourceAssignmentsTable - table with information about assignments for selected period

    With every email, an .ics file is generated as an attachment. This is a standard way to store calendar information

    in a text file. The format is used for example by iCal on Macintosh and Google Calendar. Assignments can be

    defined as VEvent-s or VToDo-s, depending on your necessities.

    Chapter 10. Sending assignments to resources

    Project manager is able to send emails to resources working in a certain period right from the application by

    pressing Email assignments to resources button as shown below:

    If the settings for the mail server were not made before, you will get the following message:

    Even if you didn't make the necessary server settings, press OK to continue with sending emails by using our

    server, though it's not advisable.

    In the Email assignments window you can select the reference period for the assignments and the resources

    that will get emails. Even if a resource doesn't have any work in selected period, it is still possible to get a mail by

    checking Show all resources and the corresponding resource checkbox.

    Attention: Changes in the email addresses will overwrite those defined in Resource

    View, Details window, Details tab.

    Here is also an Email template textbox for email template customization. The customization made here is

    applicable only for emails sent this time! To make permanent chages in template you should modify it

    from Settings menu, Options, Email tab as explained in the previous chapter.

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    Guided Tour - step 1 of 13

    Define general data of your project

    | Next >>

    This is where the project starts. Usually a name and maybe a code are used toidentify each project. If known, a start date can also be set (though you can get backto this step at any time to set/change it). A short, concise description of the projectobjective could also be useful.

    Guided Tour - step 2 of 13

    Use notes and links to track project related information


    Notes are useful to remember important details.You can define links to other important documents related to the project (projectcharter, product description, project deliverables, project objectives etc.). Attachbrief, relevant descriptions that will help you to identify the link's target.

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    Guided Tour - step 3 of 13

    Define the project working time


    Use calendars to specify working times for resources or to schedule project'stasks.Calendar editorhelps to create custom calendars.To define special days, click on Set holidays, days off and other special days tag.

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    Guided Tour - step 4 of 13

    Note the assumptions and constraints


    During the planning phase assumptions are factors considered to be true, real, orcertain and involve a degree of risk (e.g.: if the project development needs a certifiedstaff in a certain domain, the project managermay assume that it will be available).Constraints are restrictions that affect the performance of the project. The budget isthe most popularconstraint, which limits the scope, staffing and schedule. In

    construction weather can be a serious constraint for project success.Both assumptions and constraints are important issues to be considered along theproject life.

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    Guided Tour - step 5 of 13

    Identify risks


    Identifying risks at the earliest stages of the project plan increases the chances for the project


    Set the impact level and the probability to occur and think about a risk response plan to

    reduce threats to the project's objectives. Describe all these in the Notes area below the table.

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    Guided Tour - step 6 of 13

    Create the project's work breakdown structure


    You should never start constructing a schedule for your project before designing a proper

    WBS; this is considered to be a poor practice.

    To put it in simple words, a WBS (work breakdown structure) is a decomposition of a

    project into smaller components (preferablydeliverable-oriented). The WBS is neither a

    project plan nor a project schedule (and its not about a chronological listing of projects


    To create the WBS you should first identify the projects majordeliverables. You should thendecompose those deliverablesinto smaller components until they are small enough to support

    definition of the activities. .

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    Guided Tour - step 7 of 13

    Define the project activities


    Identify the activities that must be performed to produce the deliverablescomposing the


    Sequence the activities by defining their dependencies (links, constraints) and estimate their

