raw tobaccosnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-09... ·...

la Dally Joi Medio* Remitter in 11 • ii ii ) f itfrn in . intend J«i th« ft*te«l0« at MB- tftitA N. y f ait second data mall » " '•••• i"*W< "< ' * ' "\'l; Established 19W3 IncorpONrteU %906 .1. AL(JNZO tPWIS WAFERS TSrefflHbrit " Seo'y. TwaM., -tu ?po hte Ait ^ 6 a $ a i - W i l -oj , ells? *V^'* *"' '•" ~'"'" : " 9 On a bright gnttny,»oon like this, inched by vftlsl^. native brook's With comrade of his boyish, days, While, all around them s^emecD.ita THE OFFICIAL ir»£Vtf*»«Pj5ji Medina, Shelby, Rlrffleway and Published every day except Sun- daytfrjon,413 MaJn Sirtet, I M b a . ) II II HI |ii_wi MW'M'i l "i"iHiii'ii. l ••Hillllil Ii ipi»^iiiiiii|,i I * - " * .^ItMay, l^tffiber * :'?ljc<j(*dlng,1^» %trplciSr a : mzar-, W§^ WetsMs proofed fo* tiavel :b$;:a|r'or water. Contestants*! en.- dflr&aee flights' by plane over wa- UJi!^'H*S9.JIS«lyrAo.Jneet wi«i seri- 'oW'SEolJeEts "of- SxBJblion or drow- ning; .Ffcraings are igtfdi t a u $ .jBa^ijHi8n«fla < m &e«ft8i»dMHg •of •mater * ^|f^l|ti^ ;!Bhopffl be guarded ag- saSw&'la one of extreme ttpxitrHlift %afhfli%igSe^«Swei'' &iflte(M» -jthe^ffloette -dreamy mdad,< .„. , ,. . , , ., its ^mm^m^mxm l^ m m& ."• ««»««»«>»»=**; mile><b%-'the ^W&fa of surtflb • 1, ' !'• * .' iuWcrletlon prlea: jtf oily or 'Jtfiafni &:<tf % yljur; on « fc b 11 ratites &2|iB a yeSr. ~ VTAlfrlrJQ ThE HARDEST OKhe hardest thing Is 'Stali- ng wdr& i In the time "We fiddle around before getting iiWSr \my we Snight -%aVe the mioSt difficult^ob half none Things are* rarely as hard to do as we; %mk k&y tfre goihgltlAe, $fe , ; suffer anost So. anticipation. Irts really ferir that ftaeps us ^flora staitmg The water's fine _J wHSnlve gefln" W^TiasTfam (JoTiies whe'n w^ plhnie "fife ^vnnH Is colftest 'When \ve" daWdle —mrtHs^atar^tJapiier's WtleW («leep. Wrapped -in a-plumber # a gl ^ 2KS^^TSSSf. K-T» 4ee»5^ ^^ .«•"•. «f. «ia -%n11, "«ru1^ "OSiSber ^nd J«n«- Where"slowly--stray t h e s e " , U^&MS^^^T afeCtea ' ain> ^ . „ ., - ll^f^^S^tH^d^: many will ' * '^^ftliMftWth I* J .^y. tCV U ..*. ^ 6 T0b F^st From flie "OtfeiKia ORIfen iipai" « ' • T ' ;" ; PerW€Sa,%s36bia ( Jiy ^brfMbThg to Pouring fan.- grftn^^centefl .itide : > 94WMi8 --/aW w -i«si«v.^ij *,<J<,L*/ Of tMflAtftt^ip^^. dea^t .Wldefi ^ d ' ffiltt ^' '^ nfilfife '^ * B « ttt £Po -hejii; 4he;fbu^zara?s' whimperlnf, ihrlTBT . . . 7 Hovering sheye fou bighjandstiilt; The jtwittering^of thl bind Jtha" Swells -%ife4aay^oV^- ; Mt«Tfut*ate''aiy The cblrtred Aeh, wefe havittg ftn' argument atlcmt ghosts lOne of' faemfeiaiThe"t^ have seen& sphoitt; lis he fafeda the ceinettify *tW night before ^ * 'What VaS dls nele gK6s* S6in 1 wlxen you laTs' seen "hintf" ' aslted tlie doubting one. ' Jes' Pallia* behind, mletah; -fall-, in' behin' rapid " And sweeter sound their htumnlag" oonnecfced-with ^ils.jpquids, chemfc ?Than' theWoM-tfinStrefs •ecntAflg' , c f ^f£ lne flM^lI,I^»S J 'dWfih»a • • ' <w ' •!•- ,. #ommooities^gobaTor cleaners arid.; ^ In|s - tasrsti^bW^'fytife:' •••j; ScgHfoHBgeEs^fga'^WfflflBti fe%| le{f«jtol$tfgflaffflng'<flS5 late sya Tho Dansville Dally Breeze la 3 c'ehts &'Cdpyl 1(5 tentft isiiielc %, carrier. J P8pUlatldn legs jtiian ft* dina. ' k —'— jT'oHamicts,toxtoffflxtG; and HEATING All kinds of Roof, Gutter '\ ' nhdVlal t "#ork Mfedinji, " t . * . _ . ' -P-*: i f«wih- irrirjj ^ fc-?55U- ^Wllliftnfab%fit.' fofafelHuig *wKM ffter^eolUB 'One sfi6Wa^m#-tetgiffiBtiS Bftss bVIn- *esti—^^d^«S*^t--*egui>rH»!a«g| 'as ^ e ^ ' i & e -clergy rfiar v «xp%rleT(ee ^ontelpn, •and shohitl lao 1 *;tyeHfe- "before ^sstrmffig- ai(d Haa&rttfty ^petts of the late •*&•«&* cafifg hoiirsincljfiiBft-o* " t r l t i t ^ . -A lg*fefet aeal A "iM ne «xeW«ed nn all anWa/ land Sotoiig sWld Ue tdKen 46rl ?gi«ft't%d, fife eftotifes-anS'feelings. *of ©flieVs "Vill a c t * e eswy to 1«J ftferpftft, 4tfd "the attiiction will ifie- %o iieiSinliaT people, who wih-lle rfnMiire'a to Sfey %he eMotlbna M 1 ;e Gasify grilleti ^ ; ;t,''ae «e this «slipP5a^fc«||ipWo^#^ >Surgft)Hs should Use jfrecSutltfiig ah Mitijnfe.terlng anaetheStics ^a£d patients may have more intestinal ^ J t e d i n a , Democrat,^ "T&r iMK it was not' m WUUai^sfliS'ii^'^i 'S&_4 ft"' ' "'"^"""y^^y.;..^-^^.- .n-•.-•: ; « ? -^ - ffilat < William LattoHftJ ffemmanioatlons are sprint- * f \ j .•. •'^^—T~ . ^.imv-if^am^-nfm^ !r^w . 3L. , ^.*-^.'.-^-- -4- :^ ifir . ^e.^a»a,q^ n ^^ledlSL^ T.^ 1 - Falfe f ;* .aiia /hit JU»- ^f 1 ! i&fleoi 1 ^ - vfews of The -iSSe'diKa jpaily Journal. . * tatioa inay be expected especially/ '&&l' : ''"'kii : "Wl.>. •idtfi'i p"ssaattwgrauMng«& late mBwng ; From. Development News •mi •Qfoih ivMi lo'fi mtz ojtj ... _... day vo,-l Me •§j$a,MmiMgerla. Loading commenced the following day, andi the vessel fe ejected-to.olear^duii! tog the night o|",AugUsi 17 wiih L carg-o |f' tftfttifySfflifo &*w8. ll ffoM'eM ^ e t t - ^ b r V a e t t M l o l j ds yet ! "i'8t*hn'6uWeeai : - ! ' -H JTlife Si- i S.'Peliiiyw8r«8!rif t»e«)a"# glies.6h.. ||ine, |h« iseoond ^Ifi.. td; teach the northern .port thiti year ( :: »MMW'luf. if ^m-'^e^caip tie, 'wWftihmt mmffltofflm dlse for Manitoba "anfi'SalfStolier; *an J|)BJrfta This in ths. fltst Jfrest- tofis M, *m ®mn%t wat 'borii.ot ; 'tu'il fm"W ^®!>M ''^rM'Hxk^ a birthday,. are. IncWfiaSf^C^fei ;fe'i<Jfie'i'e-u, ^g^mMmk an# iman, , _, ... Tuei&ai, "rdpfe-grnet 6k<m& •• .. -.g^h^Sstats-:-' B'siiSe aonslderabl^ IntBreat andjaetiyitl in, dfiiry PW. 4ffii%^¥^^rn44hfi v e^e;fin#butp ^e1r.#rfes-a*|^llfee i & tp"aUHtfe«l>igfi| eT fiuring pyacHcaHy all of Septem' h o i ^ . isarg^rto rencb,. tta ^drdgoH: r^erractivity, may- Jm-^xpected lir' "v *mm*mm ft&fM J: \ 1 OtJAllt^iadeiil!l6n%eSpai«ft &vi& awa^ w»ftj ^h s»ite tff ? t J giSl<rf> 'aririne jiibyh <ft j STOW IBMBM A ,«MWI 4- PJffte.350 aw -+ >, ^" i,•.•!», i, I - «k « • I fc Ofl,V -1 I. tllY MtfiyiittrfUU >Bay ^ t . / , j T ^ ^ l B n y ^ d r t J ifl^,js|&; gi'ain'jibT^EioStianlj^riptto^o w^e the $|B^ca1i!g0 of.^6ii^"and oat; ^^/>0]^]r'tst4am^rfl ate.nW- jaM^ f HSnw4W&» ,'w<& »^ e 3l e ; Grelheojl'. fvfr i "SlI^oS^ jB^ieft glHpajj -'Bis fiai&M&cfa and iap"-n" ' hamed;^UaH #4e|iteJ.,.*fW<^ h#s' •been chartered to take durum wheat, iyMoh is^jjartijiutarly BUjt| ! able for macaroni^ I The Vessel "to t^ 10 '"rs* ^lnce ; th^ ji'oute Wa^oiJeffefl tb ife 'bhaHbred 4or a titop&m -airfeet fts'a -ebtfitry on^tHe feUi'bpb'aii'QdnWiieWt ^ 1 "^inds ^ o'f sl»bet'metal wot It expertly done. -> llotof and -gutter ^vork , a Specialty, Nfew TPii«ihcbs„1nstfl1ireii< Old ITurnaoes clewiiod and-j:ep(j<r. cd at Reivsohab'le Prices. EL G. Wheeled v 3li? feirk AVe. ^hoii'o 1"V ii. aatl LOZENGliRS i y.irtfta, Special «62- 10c iTroop 29 Meeting V 1 ] 1< • The regulai meeting of 31bjr Scoutb -Tioop-29* Wttl be h6ld Wednesday evenlng,|Septemb6r % at 7 o'clock ^t r Sii *Mai7's Audi- torium. countries are -likely to be strfiteed/ untU the- a 8 f^ 1&'3n^Rth'fn1* t ^ottJt>S&*h«a 'usttafl-'at this ante ,:Wa»fli,df 's"6ihie> 'ena tit proiain i Igfi'ee *>?'$& tesisrjfelli fi?fer ^m'&b&M^n l&e tivk^n W'.g»e"4ai'"fttdfetaa y sfaffer criticism or be threatened w*it^ ex #osnre; Children Jbora on this day may be some^i|t;O^Mult to control They may bIWB^a«*y%ijtwiira nhc% , .Ma^gnis ; fle La^ystte was born M l&}"'|a'|e; fZ5i, Others who % f | , f e*l|irBtedii% a," ir'fflday" n elude Jafte 'Addams I860, Jamous. £e<oial Wflyter^ifounder-of the tiuii ilsuse^ John Daiton, English che n^sl.S&aipnysicist.. * , 'fhis^ff^hXe''pa'iiy .Report _i>|n||LA^p^ Jk cents by-the may *e -eiiptalned thoroughly Start the season right by attending the fiist meeting ItlSS fetvel!p6>l 'niairkotg -aljout t h e in}a>: Sflie of iho -niottjih.: \••• I S»he«sfiect#*f,'a^ : .«iojJn|hg rttreHif \io|8ijSoMl (In^Or^ji'c^Ther^ •iaiaii ijicUnjStljin t& rjajislioit/Htols] (ies. •€*• rdinjainj'e, ^r;-<«l|n,c«) ^Vfer; thai *B«apapei'; -aitliij^s;"" pelrtaipfesfe: ii*i ; ••Bittple j£nd i n i e ^ ^ j v e A d n t e 'ISebij nutans,«ndt»'lfonie onltwb..'H" v. ijplfe .WbraMon.ot tlie. .o'fterh&hfiti (htuiiB iiionne %5 a 'MaltUity of «n^tt« ^onerosity Wnd 'WMi$g$tt§nt;'oJS' VaWes, lgadiBg to niaelaes «Hd un- necessary •etpendituie T)jer« ftiay be a sti*clr(g 4ifolinsttOB for com- foi"t and ipleasnto, Tfltlt 'afl&aire'to taaKb a good itatpretalon, socially) laud to pay •the price: bl 'doing ft, Caution and deliberation should >be niSed befofa Bpeudlng Do not -beeRj WnaulStioiS «r,iiy ibo much, sheas ^oplfti advioo gliPan, 'bhd, ^void doM- Ibgs with lawyeia^-caaMo^a, -biyjk- Gih, *oal«n»ierchrfritfl, loan BharkBt •fetbr Avbia^tttinjto" Jbotaa moss «Ji- •ages, lb-iityeVi^Tiantort, smerbhanU, blftttsrs, ana?olS!lrltatil6 ^lstltwtitfns, Hare sol^i fqt yealtiS for 30c pound ^(J-Wl^^f r ^efc, *(6pu/atlbw 4bo"t *arrfe as Medina.^ t ^hJonfe ftelibkkh^ll testfhib their regular meetings Wednesiblay evening in I O 0 fr hall —The Past Noble ©rattds Assoi! jation of the Orleans Dlstiiot. will hold tbeir" ntfeetirig ?n va.lbibn \K%d nesday^ept W&i -wafer. It -is free Jt^ls pfeea to the; CLARK. J&US mm *'lbtS'^ a ;ialt8' Ask*For Sunshine ; Furniture Polish Per BoTUe i 'd>^flM c<»n^8^n|)is^aaaies' J ^ t #ei^ _ '^ frtfetf t ,^i^, ..^Jgfiani ...i|l, t . f : J^8.psy, * ; , thought they 'haft t ^fe ; jpj%a37te *! l %la|es>.,-?fiiSJ^b|fe|{Sia'« $#$$$£• tb| j i*i^pr- v p^gti6s :Wi^.- jonjjjr ;'on^; carfc i ;«^p, 'ae|fato|iaf •.•S^feJftailStt ,^t.'*p.fej Niagara*0*lfeal^. ,i^frfc%;1|iey !:rew S^^^ftin^^iBins^micii; taStb' go*o^ Try fced ^rfcfe Sprihg has ' caused <h6,a ' ^ ^^^ange their tickets Fpple trie east ofThe house. "* ' V m T?l '^^^^^^f^ iSa#tj% ifamJiiSa%e foi ^ddng^esfe' against former United States Sena- t o r Raines M . s Wadsworth on thfe i & d j ? -slate and David Av White! uom A^SOCl^Tlt>]Nr Plon.1—Save 25c or inore, weekly. BSgln any 'time. ; ' iid(rge dividends credited twice 9 y^ear. ^ « Plan 2—Savings Book. Any/* Buns. Any time. 3%%. ^ 'ftah' ^liri'vesnrient si&are*,; ,"l,fbo up. t?B. j (Sorrow of us "to pnil^ r buy or toiprove the^ioin'e. *iay'l>y r J&an Sfo, l) Ask M l iCallln* t o XolvuiB __'$ r on. _ ASSOCIATSCSSr ffl W0xda-*j!»e the Law! '^a*i;jf%--sancfinn f or t^ 'wat&iay-'as it develops f^| The 'Socialist Candida TSffe-a-fco-the local *Mfr. ftr-itlbak nf CoMt ^ '6bngi>teS! ff lr st! Th-oTBaB E. Jusice ^ f f l t . . . a bonafde Soci^ t a u ^ t t n , the Democrat "the Sufsito Dvi! Se'f3 iMissitfa -has announces I 1S& out of 381 applic stenographer as eligible^ The J. Dany Jonrnal buyer and seller closer t , BfiAVteR'ana SEAL CC#pRED ,..^.*^.«.. I.J ..... A. -^..v ?.'.^j \..i •• m& ma Hi ——. Mliiidfa >3 -i u*fe *MMU« •iWdyiiiwftfateteikwiftri^^ IMlfin gjH^^^'tlf •'»< jJ'n^rt^I&flwiH^^ii^"^ Mac** BMC !£Bqs !HS3 ^SNWhdteiinkB Jftaw"— as for- 11*3*1 6y3J«rlan3 Ff<«er... in- tiMffoaik VfHfoh vandalism Wtt&xl W *s t h e " f e n f f of '%&& raw tobaccos place in cigarettes They arttoo/pt^cnt in Incides Me mildest ogarme tobaccos «A ^ i3bc^*wika—l%t t*«3rwWe«^araLudcy Strike as the A»S*^%ftatfe.'t1ie^(Jtfs,^litver tw^tehk the tweh di« «^«ttte in Ate |t3w ^^iiabth M i i d ^ o these fee tobaccos, after pioj^aging and Hi#^%, ktetfefen^wiiia^ benefit T*i«^%fajf ftrffcs"ift-cvei|^ty, town ao&lbalfailet "sa^ ^jit iudaes are such 4 *Itls toasted llffiStl^!^^^^^' * ** ********* ««•». * A riMHla *•*• ilillllllllll mi! /

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Page 1: raw tobaccosnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-09... · -%ife4aay^oV^-;Mt«Tfut*ate''aiy The cblrtred Aeh, wefe havittg ftn' ... the season right by attending the fiist

la Dally Joi Medio* Remitter

in 11 • ii i i ) f itfrn in . intend J«i th« ft*te«l0« at MB-

tftitA N. y f ait second data mall

» " '•••• • i"*W< "< ' * ' " \ ' l ;

Established 19W3 IncorpONrteU %906 .1.


Seo'y. TwaM., - t u

?po hte Ait 6a$a i -Wil -oj , ells? *V^'* *"'' '•" ~'"'":"9

On a bright gnttny,»oon like this, i n c h e d by vftlsl . native brook's

With comrade of his boyish, days, While, all around them s emecD.ita

THE OFFICIAL ir»£Vtf*»«Pj5ji Medina, Shelby, Rlrffleway and

Published every day except Sun­day tfrjon, 413 MaJn Sirtet, I M b a .

) II II HI |ii_wiMW 'M'i l"i"iHiii ' i i. l

• •Hi l l l l i l Ii ipi»^iiiiiii|,i I * - " *

.^ItMay, l^tffiber * :'?ljc<j(*dlng,1^» %trplciSr a : mzar-, W§^ WetsMs proofed fo* tiavel :b$;:a|r'or water. Contestants*! en.-dflr&aee flights' by plane over wa-

UJi!^'H*S9.JIS«lyrAo.Jneet wi«i seri-'oW'SEolJeEts "of- SxBJblion or drow­ning; .Ffcraings are igtfdi ta u $

.jBa ijHi8n«fla <m&e«ft8i»dMHg •of •mater *

^ | f ^ l | t i ^ ;!Bhopffl be guarded ag-saSw&'la one of extreme

ttpxitrHlift %afhfli%igSe^«Swei'' &iflte(M» -jthe ffloette -dreamy mdad,< . „ . , ,. . , , . ,

its mm^m^mxm l^m m& ."• ««»««»«>»»=**; mile><b%-'the ^W&fa of surtflb • 1, ' !'• * . '

iuWcrletlon prlea: jtf oily or 'Jtfiafni &:<tf % yljur; on « fc b11

ratites &2|iB a yeSr. ~


OKhe hardest thing Is 'Stali­n g wdr& i In the time "We fiddle around before getting iiWSr \my we Snight -%aVe the mioSt difficult^ob half none Things are* rarely as hard to do as we;

%mk k&y tfre goihgltlAe, $fe , ;

suffer anost So. anticipation. Irts really ferir that ftaeps us

^flora staitmg The water's fine _JwHSnlve gefln" W^TiasTfam

(JoTiies whe'n w^ plhnie "fife ^vnnH Is colftest 'When \ve" daWdle

—mrtHs^atar^tJapiier's WtleW

(«leep. Wrapped -in a-plumber # a g l ^ 2 K S ^ ^ T S S S f . K - T » 4ee»5^ ^ ^ . « • " • . «f. «ia -%n11, "«ru1^ "OSiSber ^nd J«n«-

Where"slowly--stray t h e s e " , U ^ & M S ^ ^ ^ T a f e C t e a ' a i n >

^ . „ ., - l l ^ f ^ ^ S ^ t H ^ d ^ : many will

' * '^^ftliMftWth

I* J .^y. t C V U ..*. ^

6 T0b F^st

From flie "OtfeiKia ORIfen

iipai" « ' • T ' ;";PerW€Sa,%s36bia(Jiy ^brfMbThg to

Pouring fan.- grftn^^centefl .itide: >94WMi8 - - /aW w-i«si«v.^ij *,<J<,L*/ Of tMflAtf t t^ip^^. dea^t .Wldefi ^ d ' ffiltt^' '^n f i l f i f e ' ^ * B « t t t

£Po -hejii; 4he;fbu^zara?s' whimperlnf, ihrlTBT . . . 7

Hovering sheye fou bighjandstiilt; The jtwittering^of thl bind Jtha"



The cblrtred Aeh, wefe havittg ftn' argument atlcmt ghosts lOne of' faem feiaiThe" t^ have seen& sphoitt; lis he fafeda the ceinettify *tW night before ^

* 'What VaS dls nele gK6s* S6in1

wlxen you laTs' seen "hintf" ' aslted tlie doubting one.

' Jes' Pallia* behind, mletah; -fall-, in' behin' rapid "

And sweeter sound their htumnlag" oonnecfced-with ^ils.jpquids, chemfc

?Than' theWoM-tfinStrefs •ecntAflg' , c f • ^ f £ l n e f l M ^ l I , I ^ » S J 'dWfih»a • • ' <w ' •!•- , . #ommooities^gobaTor cleaners arid.;

^In|s- • tasrsti^bW^'fytife:' •••j; ScgHfoHBgeEs fga' WfflflBti fe%|

le{f«jtol$tfgflaffflng'<flS5 late sya

— Tho Dansville Dally Breeze la 3 c'ehts &'Cdpyl 1(5 tentft isiiielc % ,

carrier. JP8pUlatldn legs jtiian ft* dina. 'k—'—

jT'oHamicts, toxtoffflxtG ; and HEATING

All kinds of Roof, Gutter •

' \ ' nhdVlal t"#ork

Mfedinji, " t .* . _ . '

- P - * : i f « w i h - irrirjj

^ fc-?55U- ^Wllliftnfab%fit.'

fofafelHuig *wKM ffter^eolUB 'One sfi6Wa^m#-tetgiffiBtiS Bftss bVIn-*esti—^^d^«S*^t--*egui>rH»!a«g|

'as e^ ' i&e -clergy rfiarv«xp%rleT(ee ^ontelpn, •and shohitl lao1*; tyeH fe-

"before ^sstrmffig- ai(d

Haa&rttfty ^petts of the late •*&•«&* cafifg hoiirsincljfiiBft-o* "trlti t^. -A lg*fefet aeal A "iM ne «xeW«ed nn all anWa/ land Sotoiig sWld Ue tdKen 46rl ?gi«ft't%d, fife eftotifes-anS'feelings. *of ©flieVs "Vill act *e eswy to 1«J ftferpftft, 4tfd "the attiiction will ifie-%o iieiSinliaT people, who wih-lle rfnMiire'a t o Sfey %he eMotlbna M1

;e Gasify grilleti ^ ;



this • « s l i p P 5 a ^ f c « | | i p W o ^ # ^

>Surgft)Hs should Use jfrecSutltfiig ah Mitijnfe.terlng anaetheStics ^a£d patients may have more intestinal

^ J t e d i n a , Democrat,^ "T&r iMK it was not' m

WUUai^sfliS'ii^'^i 'S&_4 ft"' ' "'"^"""y^^y.;..^-^^.- .n-•.-•:;«?-^ - ffilat < William LattoHftJ ffemmanioatlons are sprint- * f \ j .•. •'^^—T~ . • ^.imv-if^am^-nfm^ !r^w . 3L. , ^ . * - ^ . ' . - ^ - - - 4 - :^ifir. ^ e . ^ a » a , q ^ n ^ ^ l e d l S L ^ T . ^ 1 - Falfef

;* .aiia /hit • JU»- f1! i&fleoi 1^-vfews of The -iSSe'diKa jpaily Journal.

. *

tatioa inay be expected especially/

'&&l':''"'kii:"Wl.>. •idtfi'i p"ssaattwgrauMng«& late mBwng;

From. Development News

•mi •Qfoih ivMi lo'fi mtz ojtj

. . . _... day vo,-l Me •§j$a,MmiMgerla. Loading commenced the following day, andi the vessel fe ejected- to .olear^duii! tog the night o|",AugUsi 17 wiih L carg-o |f' tftfttifySfflifo &*w8. l l ffoM'eM ^ e t t - ^ b r V a e t t M l o l j ds yet!"i'8t*hn'6uWeeai: -! ' -H

JTlife Si-iS.'Peliiiyw8r«8!rif t»e«)a"# glies.6h.. ||ine, |h« iseoond ^Ifi.. td; teach the northern .port thiti year(:: »MMW'luf. i f ^ m - ' ^ e ^ c a i p

tie, 'wWftihmt mmffltofflm dlse for Manitoba "anfi'SalfStolier; *an J|)BJrfta This in ths. fltst Jfrest-

tofis M, *m ®mn%t wat

'borii.ot;'tu'il fm"W ^®!>M ''^rM'Hxk^ a birthday,. are. IncWfiaSf^C^fei ;fe'i<Jfie'i'e-u, ^ g ^ m M m k a n #

iman, , _, ...

Tuei&ai, "rdpfe-grnet 6k<m& •• .. -.g^h^Sstats-:-' B'siiSe aonslderabl^ IntBreat andjaetiyitl in, dfiiry PW. 4ffii%^¥^^rn44hfive^e;fin#butp ^e1r.#rfes-a*|^llfeei& tp"aUHtfe«l>igfi| eT fiuring pyacHcaHy all of Septem'

h o i ^ . isarg^rto rencb,. tta drdgoH: r^erractivity, may- Jm-^xpected lir'


*mm*mm ft&fM J: \

1 OtJAllt^iadeiil!l6n%eSpai«ft &vi& awa^ w»ftj ^ h s»ite tff ?tJgiSl<rf> 'aririne jiibyh <ftj


,«MWI 4-



-+ >, ^ " i , • . • !», i, I -

« k «

• I fc O f l , V - 1 I. t l l Y MtfiyiittrfUU

>Bay t . / , jT^^lBny^drtJi fl^, js|&;

gi'ain'jibT^EioStianlj^riptto^o w^e the $|B^ca1i!g0 of.^6ii^"and oat;

• ^^/>0]^]r'tst4am^rfl ate.nW-j a M ^ f HSnw4W&» ,'w<& »^ e 3 l e ; Grelheojl'. fvfr i "SlI^oS^ jB^ieft glHpajj-'Bis fiai&M&cfa and iap"-n" ' hamed;^UaH #4e|iteJ.,.*fW<^ h#s' •been chartered to take durum wheat, iyMoh is^jjartijiutarly BUjt|!

able for macaroni^ I The Vessel "to t^10 '"rs* ^lnce; th^ ji'oute Wa^oiJeffefl tb ife 'bhaHbred 4or a titop&m -airfeet fts'a -ebtfitry on^tHe feUi'bpb'aii'QdnWiieWt

^ 1 "^inds ^ o'f sl»bet'metal wot It expertly done.

-> llotof and -gutter ^vork , a Specialty,

Nfew TPii«ihcbs„1nstfl1ireii< Old ITurnaoes clewiiod and-j:ep(j<r. cd at Reivsohab'le Prices.

EL G. Wheeled v

3li? feirk AVe. ^hoii'o 1"V

i i .


LOZENGliRS i y.irtfta,

Special «62- 10c

iTroop 29 Meeting V 1 ] 1< •

The regulai meeting of 31bjr Scoutb -Tioop-29* Wttl be h6ld Wednesday evenlng,|Septemb6r % at 7 o'clock ^t rSii *Mai7's Audi­torium.

countries are -likely to be strfiteed/ untU the- a 8 f ^ 1&'3n^Rth'fn1*

t ottJt>S&*h«a 'usttafl-'at this ante ,:Wa»fli,df 's"6ihie> 'ena tit proiain i Igfi'ee m® *>?'$& tesisrjfelli fi?fer ^m'&b&M^n l&e tivk^n W ' . g » e " 4 a i ' " f t t d f e t a a y sfaffer criticism or be threatened w*it ex #osnre;

Children Jbora on this day may be some^i|t;O^Mult to control They may bIWB^a«*y%ijtwiira nhc% , .Ma^gnis ;fle La^ystte was born M l&}"'|a'|e; fZ5i, Others who % f | , f e*l|irBtedii% a," ir'fflday" n elude Jafte • 'Addams I860, Jamous. £e<oial Wflyter^ifounder-of the tiuii ilsuse^ John Daiton, English che n^sl.S&aipnysicist.. *

, 'fhis^ff^hXe''pa'iiy .Report *» _i>|n| |LA^p^ Jk cents by-the

may *e -eiiptalned thoroughly Start the season right by attending the fiist meeting


fetvel!p6>l 'niairkotg -aljout the in}a>: Sflie of iho -niottjih.: \••• I

S»he«sfiect#*f,'a^:.«iojJn|hg rttreHif \io|8ijSoMl (In^Or^ji'c^Ther^ •iaiaii ijicUnjStljin t& rjajislioit/Htols] (ies. •€*• rdinjainj'e, r;-<«l|n,c«) Vfer; thai *B«apapei'; -aitliij s;"" pelrtaipfesfe: ii*i;

••Bittple j£nd inie^^jveAdnte 'ISebij nutans,«ndt»'lfonie onltwb..'H" v.

ijplfe .WbraMon.ot tlie. .o'fterh&hfiti (htuiiB iiionne %5 a 'MaltUity of «n^tt« ^onerosity Wnd 'WMi$g$tt§nt;'oJS' VaWes, lgadiBg to niaelaes «Hd un-necessary •etpendituie T)jer« ftiay be a sti*clr(g 4ifolinsttOB for com-foi"t and ipleasnto, Tfltlt 'a fl&aire' to taaKb a good itatpretalon, socially) laud to pay •the price: bl 'doing ft, Caution and deliberation should >be niSed bef of a Bpeudlng Do not -beeRj WnaulStioiS «r,iiy ibo much, sheas oplfti advioo gliPan, 'bhd, void doM-

Ibgs with lawyeia^-caaMo^a, -biyjk-Gih, *oal«n»ierchrfritfl, loan BharkBt •fetbr Avbia^tttinjto" Jbotaa moss «Ji-•ages, lb-iityeVi Tiantort, smerbhanU, blftttsrs, ana?olS!lrltatil6 ^lstltwtitfns,

Hare sol i fqt yealtiS for 30c pound

^(J -Wl^^f


^efc , *(6pu/atlbw 4bo"t *arrfe as Medina.


—^hJonfe ftelibkkh^ll testfhib their regular meetings Wednesiblay evening in I O 0 fr hall

—The Past Noble ©rattds Assoi! jation of the Orleans Dlstiiot. will hold tbeir" ntfeetirig ?n va.lbibn \K%d nesday^ept W&i

-wafer. It -is free Jt^ls pfeea to the;



* ' l b t S ' ^ a ; i a l t 8 '

Ask*For — Sunshine ;

Furniture Polish

Per BoTUe i

'd> flM c<»n^8^n|)is^aaaies'J^ t#ei^ _ ' frtfetf t , ^ i ^ , ..^Jgfiani ...i|l,t.f

:J^8.psy, * ; , thought they 'haft t^fe ;jpj%a37te *! l%la|es>.,-?fiiSJ b|fe|{Sia'« $#$$$£• t b |

j i*i^pr-vp^gti6s :Wi .- jonjjjr ;'on^; carfc

i ;«^p, 'ae|fato|iaf •.•S feJftailStt , t.'*p.fej Niagara*0*lfeal^. ,i^frfc%;1|iey !:rew

S^^^f t in^^ iBins^mic i i ;

taStb' go*o^ Try fced ^rfcfe Sprihg h a s ' c a u s e d < h 6 , a ' ^ ^ ^ ^ a n g e their tickets

Fpple trie east ofThe house. "* ' V m T ? l '^^^^^^f^

iSa#tj% ifamJiiSa%e foi ^ddng^esfe' against former United States Sena­

t o r Raines M . sWadsworth on thfe i & d j ? -slate and David Av White! uom

A^SOCl Tlt>]Nr Plon.1—Save 25c or inore, weekly. BSgln any 'time. ;

' iid(rge dividends credited twice 9 y^ear. ^ « Plan 2—Savings Book. Any/* Buns. Any time. 3%%. ^ 'ftah' ^liri'vesnrient si&are*,;

,"l,fbo up. t?B. j (Sorrow of us "to pn i l^

rbuy or toiprove the^ioin'e. *iay'l>yrJ&an Sfo, l ) Ask M l iCallln* to XolvuiB

__'$ron. _


W0xda-*j!»e the Law! ' a*i;jf%--sancfinn for t^ 'wat&iay-'as it develops f |

The 'Socialist Candida TSffe-a-fco-the local *Mfr. ftr-itlbak nf CoMt^ '6bngi>teS! fflr st! Th-oTBaB E. Jusice ^f f l t . . . a bonafde Soci^ t a u ^ t t n , the Democrat

"the Sufsito Dvi! Se'f3 iMissitfa -has announces I 1S& out of 381 applic stenographer as eligible



Dany Jonrnal buyer and seller closer t

, BfiAVteR'ana SEAL CC#pRED

, . . ^ . * ^ . « . . I . J . . . . . A . -^ . .v

?.'. j

\..i ••

m& ma H i — — . Mliiidfa




*MMU« •iWdyiiiwftfateteikwiftri^^ IMlfin gjH^^^'tlf •'»< jJ'n^rt^I&flwiH^^ii^"^


BMC !£Bqs !HS3 ^SNWhdteiinkB Jftaw"— as for-11*3*1 6y3J« r l an3 Ff<«er . . . in-

tiMffoaik VfHfoh vandalism W t t & x l W * s the " f e n f f of

'%&& raw tobaccos place in cigarettes

They art too/ pt^cnt in Incides Me mildest ogarme

tobaccos «A i3bc *wika—l%t

t*«3rwWe«^araLudcy Strike as the A»S*^%ftatfe.'t1ie^(Jtfs,^litver tw^tehk the tweh d i « «^«ttte in

Ate |t3w ^^i iabth M i i d ^ o these fee tobaccos, after pioj^aging and H i # ^ % , ktetfefen^wiiia^ benefit

T*i«^%fajf ftrffcs"ift-cvei|^ty, town ao&lbalfailet "sa ^jit iudaes are such

4*Itls toasted l l f f i S t l ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' * ** ********* J« ««•». * A

riMHla * • * • ilillllllllll m i !
