rbs 2206 v2

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  • 8/13/2019 RBS 2206 V2

    1/29Page 1 of 29RBS 2206 V2 Installation Specification, Revision 1.1

    RBS 2206 V2RBS 2206 V2Radio Base Station

    Installation Specification, Revision 1.1Installation Specification, Revision 1.1

    This document is availale on ! d"ive


  • 8/13/2019 RBS 2206 V2

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    $o Info"mation Tag

    $o Info"mation

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  • 8/13/2019 RBS 2206 V2

    3/29Page 3 of 29RBS 2206 V2 Installation Specification, Revision 1.1


    1 P"eface 31.1 P"ivac% Statement 31.2 (ocument Scope 31.4 (ocument Standa"d 31.3 (ocument Ve"sions 5 *pp"ovals

    2 Re7ui"ed Pictu"es 62.1 Shelte"8s Inte"io" Vie# 5 ainet Place 92.2 ainet:s Bod% ;2.4 ainet:s placement =, PS=s 5 ainets Base


    Yes No

    1 *ll the cales connected to the (>= must e laeled &p"inted laels'.

    2 The pictu"e must sho# all indicto"s &(s'.4 (umm% units must e placed in all the unused slots.

    3 The pictu"e must sho# if the cainet contains PS=s o" dummies.

    1 ale and Ate"nal ala"m ale must have p"inted laels.

    6 The fiAation sc"e# must e sc"e#ed #ith to"7ue &4030 m' in oth sidesof the cainet.



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    2.10 )VPs


    Yes No

    1 P"inted laels on all cales must eAist.

    2 *ll cales connections must e done in a p"ofessional #a%.4 *ll the )VPs must e fiAed Dell.

    3 The cales must have the suitale cu"ve &not to e ha"dl% ent'.

    The 9 ohm 1 ales must e tie #"apped to the metal a" at theottom, and then "outed st"aight to its position.

    6 The 9 ohm 1 ales must e shielded as much as possile.

    9 The 120 ohm 1 cale must e "outed as st"aight as possile.



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    2.11 B


    Yes No

    1 The B must e c"imped % the suitale sie c"imping tool.

    2 The heat sh"inE must eAist and sh"inEed % the heat gun.4 The ales must e totall% cove"ed % the connecto".

    3 The 1 cale must have p"inted laels.



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    2.12 lamp


    Yes No

    1 lamp:s plastic cove" must eAist and closed.

    2 lamp must e c"imped p"oal%.

    4 ainet:s g"ound cale must e c"imped to a lamp in the samedi"ection of main g"ound a".

    3 The unshielded pa"ts of the g"ound cales must e as sho"t as possile.





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    2.14 1 ? -u


    Input (>> a"dodeLInte"faceL

    )utput (>> a"dodeL




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    1 ? -u &ont.'

    omments Yes No

    1 Pictu"es must sho#L Input 5 output at (>>.

    The connection at JR) connection plate.2 *ll cales must have p"inted laels.

    4 The connection at JR) must e done in p"ofessional manne" and as thestanda"d.

    3 *ll cales must e aligned.

    *ll cales must have the suitale cu"ve &not to e ha"dl% ent'.

    6 (>> modules sc"e#s must e sc"e#ed #ell.

    9 ales must e "outed #ell in the cale guide in the (>>.

    ; The B must e c"imped % the suitale sie c"imping tool.

    < The heat sh"inE must eAist and sh"inEed % the heat gun.

    10 The ales must e totall% cove"ed % the connecto".

    11 The 1 cale must have p"inted laels.

    Replace Sample Replace Sample

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    )@T Snapshots &ont.'

    )@T Snapshot Pictu"e &4'

    )@T Snapshot Pictu"e &3'Replace Sample

    Replace Sample

  • 8/13/2019 RBS 2206 V2

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    )@T Snapshots &ont.'

    )@T Snapshot Pictu"e &'

    )@T Snapshot Pictu"e &6'

    Replace Sample

    Replace Sample

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    )@T Snapshots &ont.'


    Yes No

    1 Pictu"e &1' must sho# (etected -D Info"mation sc"een.

    2 Pictu"e &2' must sho# I(B Info sc"een.

    4 Pictu"e &4' must sho# RBS vent @onito" sc"een.

    3 Pictu"e &3' must sho# Radio onfigu"ation.

    Pictu"e &' must sho# *la"m Inlets vent @onito" sc"een.

    6 Pictu"e &6' must sho# (ispla% *la"m Inlets Info.

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    2.1 ainet8s og +ile


    RBS 2206 V2Cabinet's Log

    *dd og+ile

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  • 8/13/2019 RBS 2206 V2


  • 8/13/2019 RBS 2206 V2


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