rda finding your place - dublin core...2008/09/24  · finding your place on the evolutionary path...

Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path

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Page 1: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path

Page 2: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development !

2. Introduce and discuss the preliminary registration of RDA Elements, Roles and Value Vocabularies!

3. Discuss current RDA development progress and how the RDF/SKOS representation can can support the JSC's three metadata architecture scenarios

4. Discuss implementation planning and testing

Page 3: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

Introducing the Registry and the RDA elements, roles and vocabularies !

What's the relationship of this effort to the RDA work and to repurposing library legacy data? !

What are the challenges in managing and maintaining this data?!

Potential and challenges of a multi-language RDA !

Page 4: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 5: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 6: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 7: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 8: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 9: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 10: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 11: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 12: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 13: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 14: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 15: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
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Page 18: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 19: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 20: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 21: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 22: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

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Page 23: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

RDA vocabularies and concepts

Gordon Dunsire Depute Director, Centre for Digital Library Research

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Presented at the IFLA Satellite Meeting on RDA

August 8, 2008, Québec City, Canada

Page 24: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce

Database/format scenarios

Bib record (flat-file)



Content type:

Carrier type:



Lee, T. B.

Cataloguing has a future

Spoken word

Audio disc


Donated by the author

Name authority record


Subject authority record

Biography: …


Definition: …

Bib record (description)

Item record

Manifestation record

Expression record

Work record FRBR record

RDA content type record


Definition: …

Spoken word

RDA element record

RDA carrier type record

Future record

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Page 26: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 27: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 28: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 29: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
Page 30: RDA Finding Your Place - Dublin Core...2008/09/24  · Finding Your Place on the Evolutionary Path 1. Provide updated information on the progress of RDA development ! 2. Introduce
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