re-discovering joy

ReDiscovering Joy, Wonder and Play What Really Matters

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Presentation for Fraser Heights Secondary School in Surrey, BC


Page 1: Re-Discovering Joy

ReDiscovering����������� ������������������  

Joy,����������� ������������������  Wonder����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  Play

What Really Matters

Page 2: Re-Discovering Joy

Digital Learning ConsultantDigital Learning


Who Am I?

Page 3: Re-Discovering Joy

Community Builder


Digital Learning ConsultantDigital Learning






Who Am I?

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Does����������� ������������������  Joy����������� ������������������  Matter����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  HS?

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With regards to creating a video like that do you:

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With regards to creating a video like that do you:

A. Do it because it's not only fun but likely does address some curricular outcomes but you might have to look them up later. Fingers crossed.

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With regards to creating a video like that do you:

A. Do it because it's not only fun but likely does address some curricular outcomes but you might have to look them up later. Fingers crossed.

B. Do it and to heck with the outcomes, doing joyful things with students is important.

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With regards to creating a video like that do you:

A. Do it because it's not only fun but likely does address some curricular outcomes but you might have to look them up later. Fingers crossed.

B. Do it and to heck with the outcomes, doing joyful things with students is important.

C. Do it but perhaps as an extra-curricular activity because you're not sure where it fits with a robust curriculum but still think it's important.

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With regards to creating a video like that do you:

A. Do it because it's not only fun but likely does address some curricular outcomes but you might have to look them up later. Fingers crossed.

B. Do it and to heck with the outcomes, doing joyful things with students is important.

C. Do it but perhaps as an extra-curricular activity because you're not sure where it fits with a robust curriculum but still think it's important.

D. Not do it at all.

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Feel-Bad EducationThe Cult of Rigor and the Loss of Joyby: Alfie Kohn

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"Why are our schools not places

of joy?"

Feel-Bad EducationThe Cult of Rigor and the Loss of Joyby: Alfie Kohn

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"Why are our schools not places

of joy?"

Feel-Bad EducationThe Cult of Rigor and the Loss of Joyby: Alfie Kohn

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"Why are our schools not places

of joy?"

Feel-Bad EducationThe Cult of Rigor and the Loss of Joyby: Alfie Kohn

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Feel-Bad EducationThe Cult of Rigor and the Loss of Joyby: Alfie Kohn

I’m appearing to accept an odious premise—namely, that joy must be justified as a means to the end of better academic performance. Not so:

It’s an end in itself.

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"Learning should be a joyand full of excitement.It is life's greatest adventure;it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of noble and learned men." Taylor Caldwell

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Does your classroom or your office have room for joy?

Have we resigned ourselves to the idea that joy is elusive or not important for learning?

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Be aware of wonder.

Remember the little seed in the styrofoam cup:

The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

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Do your students come to school to wonder?

How do you model wonder and awe?

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“...the pattern has been that as children grow up and become more proficient at making sense of the environment in which they live, their world seems to become more stable. Thus, as a child grows and becomes accustomed to the world, the perceived need for play.”

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“As we watch the world move to a state of near-constant

change and flux, we believe that connecting play and imagination may be the single most important step in unleashing the new culture of learning.”

“...the pattern has been that as children grow up and become more proficient at making sense of the environment in which they live, their world seems to become more stable. Thus, as a child grows and becomes accustomed to the world, the perceived need for play.”

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“Don’t watch guys teach you. Watch guys learn. They don’t know the answer. We’re in the journey together. Now the audience are participants. And we see not only the result but the process.” Marco Torres

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“Don’t watch guys teach you. Watch guys learn. They don’t know the answer. We’re in the journey together. Now the audience are participants. And we see not only the result but the process.” Marco Torres

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"If people did not do silly

things, nothing intelligent would ever get done."- Ludwig Wittgenstein

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How are you making play an intentional part of your day? Of your students day?

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What����������� ������������������  Really����������� ������������������  Matters����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  You?