reach for the top evan sauve. i am thought to have been born around 2100 bc, in the city of ur. i...

Religious Figures Reach for the Top Evan Sauve

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

Religious FiguresReach for the Top

Evan Sauve

Page 2: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.

I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic philosophy.

I have two sons: Isaac and Ishmael, from whom Jews and Arabs (respectively) trace their lineage

I am a biblical figure, and before I changed my name, I was known as Abram.


Page 3: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was born in 563 BC, in India. My father confined me to a palace,

with a life of luxury and ease. Eventually, I sneaked out of the palace.

I found a sick person, a geriatric and a corpse. Due to this, I became determined to find an end to suffering.

Neuroscientists are confirming that my teachings regarding mindfulness meditation are accurate about the inner workings of the mind.

Gautama Buddha

Page 4: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I am a Jewish rabbi, born in 5 BC. My teachings were challenging to the

political and religious figures of the time, which made me unpopular, resulting in my execution.

I am thought to have been born in Bethlehem, perhaps only lived about 33 years and I am portrayed in many very famous paintings.

I am a descendent of Abraham, Isaac and David, my life is the premise of the New Testament and many refer to me as the son of God.

Jesus of Nazareth

Page 5: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was born about 600 years after Jesus’ death. Like Jesus, I am a descendent of Abraham and I preached beliefs which formed a religion that is still popular today.

Unlike Jesus, I was a descendent of Abraham’s son Ishmael.

I often contemplated and questioned the common beliefs of my age, and prayed in a cave just outside of Mecca.

In this cave, an angel offered me the Koran, the word of Allah, and charged me to “Proclaim”. This was the beginning of Islamic faith.


Page 6: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

In 1095, I convened a council after Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus approached me for support.

I gave an effective sermon to bishops from across Europe. There are five transcriptions of this speech.

Although these transcriptions differ significantly, they agree that I spoke of the violence in Europe, the willingness to help the Greeks, the righteousness of pilgrimage and the blessings for those who joined the fight.

This speech led to the retaking of Jerusalem, which was accomplished on July 15th, 1099. I died two weeks later, before the news had traveled to me.

Pope Urban II

Page 7: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was born in 1412 and I had a short life, ending in 1431.

Today I am considered a saint. I am also considered the Maid of

Orleans. As a child, I apparently heard voices

in my head. I claimed these voices were of Saint Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret. In 1920, I was canonised by the Roman Catholic Church, and today many French (and others) celebrated my feast day on May 30th.

Joan of Arc

Page 8: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was born the year Joan of Arc was canonised. I later became a pope.

Bill Graham said about me, “Few individuals have had a greater impact – not just religiously but socially and morally – on the modern world.”

Although my name at birth was Karol Wojtyla, you probably know me by a three-part name (two names and a number.)

I traveled more miles than all previous popes combined. I had a bulletproof Popemobile.

My names are two of the Beatles, and my number is how many Beatles are still alive.

Pope John Paul II

Page 9: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I am most revered in Judaism, but I am also fundamental to Christianity and Islam.

In Biblical narratives, I am associated with the twelve enslaved Hebrew Tribes journeying from Egypt to Canaan.

After wandering 40 years through the desert, I died within sight of the Promise Land.

Atop Mount Sinai, I received the Ten Commandments.


Page 10: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

A fanatical adherent of Judaism, I attempted a genocide of all Christians when Christianity was a new thing.

Dramatically, I converted to Christianity myself.

Despite having never met Jesus of Nazareth (before his death), I wrote a third of the New Testament

My birthname was Saul of Tarsus, but I changed it.

The fact that non-Jewish people are allowed to be Christians is entirely due to my teaching.

St. Paul

Page 11: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was a fisherman before becoming a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth.

In Biblical narratives, I am depicted as impulsive.

My name was Simon, but Jesus called me a different name, which meant “Rocky.”

Catholics consider me the first pope.

St. Peter

Page 12: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was the product of a king of Israel and a woman he saw bathing on her rooftop.

I wrote the bible’s book of erotic poetry and many of its proverbs.

I became king after my father, and was known for great wisdom and fairness.

I was also known for allegedly having 700 wives and 300 concubines (servants with privileges) in my lifetime.


Page 13: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I was a shepherd before becoming a king of Israel.

I came to prominence by hitting someone in the head with a rock.

Before I was king, I was given permission to marry the king’s daughter if I took one hundred enemy foreskins as dowry.

I was known for my skill as a warrior and lyricist, and am credited with writing many of the bible’s song lyrics (psalms)

I stole one of my citizen’s wives after seeing her bathing on her rooftop, from my palace.

a famous sculpture of me depicts me as beardless and uncircumcised, despite being a Jewish patriarch.


Page 14: Reach for the Top Evan Sauve.  I am thought to have been born around 2100 BC, in the city of Ur.  I am thought to be the first proponent of a monotheistic

I am a Jewish patriarch. I was one of many sons,

and was sold into slavery to Egyptian slavers by my jealous brothers.

I was known for my ability to interpret people’s dreams. This eventually made me second-in-command after the Pharaoh of Egypt.

I supervised the relocation of my people to Egypt during a drought.
