reaching a frontier f a paradigm shift · eco-logical developments. ecological sustainability will...

Re-Branding India: Reaching a Frontier f a Paradigm Shift ‘Synthesizing Brands through so- cial integration and infrastructure for rapid economic growth.’ -An ‘open-source concept.’ Current Template by Syed Abid

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Page 1: Reaching a Frontier f a Paradigm Shift · Eco-logical Developments. Ecological sustainability will shift into OOH contextual advertising the new frontier of OOH. The future of advertising

Re-Branding India:

Reaching a Frontier

f a Paradigm

Shift ‘Synthesizing Brands through so-cial integration and infrastructure for rapid economic growth.’ -An ‘open-source concept.’

Current Template by Syed Abid

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Structure of Contents:An alternative 3Urban 4Innovations in ecological environmental 11-12Education...............................................................................page13-14Cinema/Television/Fashion...................................................page15-18Networks/Organizations/ 19-20Mass 21Meet the Design 22Mass Transit 23Environmental 24-26Branding and 27Legislature in the ‘green economy’(not inclusive in this docu-ment)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Reference Section(s) 28-31

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Air Quality, an alternative outlook for a pure future

India is the land that has taught people all over the world how to breathe through Yoga, Medita-tion and other techniques. With India’s car expected to double in the next 5 years. Is India prepared with the current figure of 14,049,830 vehicles on the road with an increase in rate of 17% rate per year¹? The future of air in India will be of complete purity free of carbon emissions and of supreme qual-ity. With clean air, fitness levels will rise, opening health awareness’s, proper diet and a whole stream of uplifted mental/physical energies and an outward upgrade to external aesthetics. This also will generate a society that will develop tastes for more sporting, extreme sports, and a society driven by local athletics goods services that are catered to the mass. The advent of electric cars and hydro fueled cars are now in close reach but years ahead into mass production and years into availability for the masses at an economical price. Meantime, main auto mak-ers need to standardize their diesel gas emissions through must needed filtration add-ons to existing models as well as banning certain models off the road. With effective R&D, Tata can create state-of-the-art models that are innovative and could be marketed to other countries at a premium.

In-country production of vehicles should provide safe, healthy, comfortable journeys for pas-sengers and for the local environment. Diverse prod-uct lines geared towards eco-friendliness can provide state of the art: construction machines, disposal ma-chines and those that can shovel mass quantities of waste from inner-cities through re-cycled programs. Co-creation of new brands through major auto mak-ers can provide necessities for the masses and even-tually be export quality. With huge amass of fortunes commercial vehicle brand make through auto productions, a centre for Economics, Business Strategies and Centre of Learnings, Communications and Engineering can be co-founded jointly with established universities providing campus extensions and state-of-the art research equipment and world-class professors. Cultivation of ingenuitive intellectual re-sources are needed to create state-of-the-art quality research in such fields of: construction, aeronautics, safe-diesel emissions, safe-factory emissions, factory machinery, innovations in mechanical engineering, branching into transportation logistics, education that will even be pro-active in urban renewal and reduce cost of healthcare with improve qualities.

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Urban Branding

OOH (Out Of Home), the new dimension in Eco-logical Developments. Ecological sustainability will shift into OOH contextual advertising the new frontier of OOH. The future of advertising will be an environmental shift working with brands and city planners with co-existence for a sustainable sur-rounding. Contextual advertising such as billboards will have a percentage going towards eco-logical developments and surroundings. These contextual or new media mediums work as a bubble coverage for sustainability. You no longer have OOH contextual/new media advertise-ments without reason to serve a purpose. Their only purpose is, not to intrude mainstream consciousness but to enhance living standard and at the end of the day improve our universe. Transport organizations, platforms and shel-ters that can be created by advertising sponsorship in return for their poster/billboard or newmedia ads being illuminated. Infrastructure developments and maintenance can be cultured in this manner. Adver-tising on transport infrastructures can be compen-sated by using a certain percentage for developments and maintenance. Special areas such as trails and parks can be sponsored. Vast multitudes of architec-tures, parks, nature trails, stadiums can be construct-ed and maintained by donors and sponsors as we’ll explore further on in this paper.


Brands With Weight


Radius of External Environment

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A Nation as a brand Zones are areas that need to be categorized for further zoning developmental growth strategi-cally placed for area management and placements of brand growth in specified localities. With maintained and well networked paths for tourist walks, informa-tion kiosks for photography,lounging, promotions and stay. Zoning can be done in micro-perspectives such as creating leisure zones, boating marinas, beach front developments and waterfront develop-ments. Again each area should have logos, proper maintenance staff, repair crews on standby and design standards should be set at the highest stand-ard with least cost expenditures with simplified, clean beauty. Each state should undergo standard upgrade procedures for prompt immediate responses. Here brands take part in creation, maintenence and pro-mos. Tech Zones/Cyber Cities/India’s Silicon Valley: India has made a leap from agriculture to tech skipping the mass industrial stage. This could have been worsened air quality by industry yet the drawbacks are that symbiosis created between mass tech and mass industry are not as potent and such technology have to be imported. Auto vehicle manu-facturers on the other hand can capitalize on this by using their established auto firms to create a symbio-sis. In this fashion, tech firms can benefit by implant-ing more tech’s into industry. More subsidies and juicy incentives should be given for startup companies to set foot into the Indian tech market giving an innovative edge in an enormously fast growing market. Contexts for such buildings should provide abundance for start-ups and ease in expansions. Attractive subsidies should be provided for start-ups as this gives fertile grounds for project developments and exponential job crea-tions for an skilled energetic youth segment entering the workforce. Attractive packages for foreign investors should be offered as exponential employment oppor-tunities will lead to more niche intellectual markets that can be served to local companies. Having more skills that can be exported while maintaining local presence and IP (intellectual properties) that be sold/bartered/traded/acquired to companies for cross-enhanced IP as well as solutions provider.

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Spiritual/Thought/Experimental Valleys

Spiritual Valleys such as Auroville are pro-viding spiritually comforting environments in ex-perimental formations. A lot of research goes on in environments like these as Individuals come to seek higher connections with the cosmos, enjoy the ambi-ance of the environment and work together in creat-ing a sustainable environment with people from all over the world living cohesively. Innovators, thinkers and collaborators merge in these idealistic environ-ments to converge in what will become one of many areas that organically grow for the betterment of the world.

Nature Reserves

India has some of the most exotic creatures in the world. Outdoor parks need more tourism and tourist attractions with buses and organized tour guides are needed to provide scenic out-door adven-tures. These zones need to be cultured and promoted properly, providing tourism through awareness at world-wide travel agencies. India needs to have its nature reserves on the map for tourist destinations around the world. Proper investments on develop-ments, maintenance, animal care, shelters, hotels and national/international awareness of Safaris should be provided by brands working with the local commu-nity. Study of animals can be conducted in these environments and restoration of endangered animals in these healthy environments. Trading endangered animals in black-market (including exports to over-seas zoos, circuses and the likes) should be banned. Providing fertile breeding grounds with labeled and monitored animals in an controlled environment should be the goal of these Safaris. Nature is a high-commodity in India and not only is natural animals an attraction but the vast open deserts, mountains, rivers, jungles,waterfalls, canyons that are all part of exotic India that should be promoted heavily with the help of brand exposures.


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Sporting/Training Zones

These areas are made for making athletes of the future. Grounds need to have air quality meas-ured to the highest. Training zones will have fertile grounds to train some of the most seasoned athletes that the future of India will house. Nature paths can be sectioned for marathon runners and regularly maintained and promoted for future events. Sponsors can help maintain paths, stadiums, fund training for athletes and future events. Colleges/Universities need to diversify pro-grams and have coaches brought to train in specified areas for tomorrows athletes. Such zones can grow with help of private funders, governments and spon-sors. Students should also be trained in athletics as well having technical diversities in leisure activities.This is the future campus of the sub-continent, deliv-ering excellent education as a knowledge hub.

Winter Tourism/Winter Sports Zones

Snow resorts of the future will have poten-tials that no country could possibly match. An joint facilitated motion to create an viable active sporting system will have active brand cultivation in this area providing fertile grounds for future seasoned winter Olympians. Training can be provided by construction and funding of training academies through brand sponsorship for future professionals. This is not just for the elite but also incentives for local individuals who should be involved in the process rewarded by co-operation through economic development and skilled future Ice Champions. This has huge economic implications for win-ter travel and tourism, sporting equipments, added skills and talent to local population in return for co-operative provision of fertile grounds for national and cross-national promotions of winter sports in spirit of peace and economic prosperity. Again respect to the majority of local civilian population and culture through awareness at hotels, travel agencies (Brochure, Public Service Announce-ments, Signs) as a place of sports, activities, height-ened athleticism, thriving restaurants, cafés and sim-plicity in design frameworks can provide aesthetic shops through economical design. Governments too can help in providing funding for area maintenence, security, airlifts and safety. Localized areas such as Quebec, Canada for example contribute 1.5 Billion


dollars annually in winter sports activities¹ as eco-nomic implications are vast. Simplicity in design frameworks can pro-vide aesthetic shops through economic design. This will provide long-term standing and stimulate local growth. Specialty stores for ski equipments must provide locals with knowledge of products for rent/purchase. Certified skiing lodges, with certified lending of equipment that meets standards must be held by service providers. Adequate knowledge is a must necessity and without such knowledge through training a ski lodge must not be activitated for safety concerns. Authorities should be proactive in maintain-ing extremely tight security and safety. License board authorities need to gather and work on providing adequate training for certification on equipments, lodging and work with local designers on maintain-ing up-to-par standard store fronts. These standard rules should not be strict as thriving industries/ trades is the objective brought by local co-operations for safety, aesthetics and long-standing models for further developments. Solidi-fying and maintaining current structures. Value is increased through added-value*. Sponsors, donations and know-how skills in coaching would be ideal in key activation points for such activities. Brands, companies, governments and individual investors can play key leverage start points for entering such ‘niche activities’.

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Dunes/ Desert Valleys

Eco-tourisms are to benefit through vast cul-tural heritages, Desert Safari’s, Desert Marathons and Race Car Rally’s promoting tourism, developments through sponsorships and cross-cultural relation-ships that can be bridged with local co-operation of such events communities can thrive through eco-nomic tourism.

Inner City Zones/Central Business Districts (Zones)

Inner Cities should be segmented and micro-managed. Fresh air movements, garden spaces for Zen moments should provide an aura of relaxation and healthy breathing. Creating a vibrant context that is stimulated in the imagination is what needs to be strived. Having these eco parks in heavy com-mercial districts would alleviate stress levels. A place of contemplations and ease.

Fashion Districts With heavy emphasis on innovative store dis-plays, these zones will flourish with dominant pres-ence. It should inspire, it should be lit with India’s new seasons in fashion. There should be an abun-dance of fashion that meets the tastes of everyone. The goal is to attract innovative talent to contribute to an upstart in making India, a fashion capital in the world with exotic prints and spectacular staging. Education is vast with international designers learn-ing exotic print making techniques through locals.

B-zone (Bollywood Zones)

Creating a bollywood zone just for promo-tions of film making, this will house stores that sell objects featured on big screens at high-value. A lot of expensive props constructed can then be utilized, sold and exhibited in these areas. Auction houses make a small commission for hosting, promoting, marketing and getting ‘investors’ to buy items. The money does go back to production houses that own the property and thus, when hiring artists to con-struct props and sets, higher budgets can be actual-ized. Such zones will consist of restaurants owned by entrepreneurs who want to provide extremely enter-taining venue for the likes.

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Alternative Energy Sources

Cities, towns and villages need to be properly lit and functioning through-out the day without any electrical outages. Alternative sources to generating electricity should be delivered. Generating electric-ity through wind mills that are constructed locally with the help of engineering ingenuity. India can also create new ways of harnessing renewable energies and export ‘innovative renewable energies’ to other countries. Vast hydro-projects should be constructed to meet growing populations and census should estimate growing populations in areas and create adequate power outlets to meet future needs. Power outages should become a thing of the past and goals need to be set to achieve full ‘powertivy’. Power systems should reflect ‘Shakti’ and symbols of rapid growth and progression into the 21st century. Joint government research facilities and universities need to find new ways of harvesting alternative energy sources. Heavy emphasis needs to be on re-energiz-ing, and creating a global model of achievements. Renewable energy is the future of India with great alternative to energy as nuclear waste man-agement is sophisticated and risky. More expansive hydro-powered plants will need to be created to tackle energy solutions. Through government subsi-dies brands can obtain funding for renewable ener-gies used in product manufacturing that take vast energy from domestic consumptions*. Bloom Energy can provide a cleaner alterna-tive using cells made from ocean sands, a secret ink and a combination of renewable energy efficient for residential and tech industries. Dr.KR Sridhar Princi-pal founder came up with the concept in 2001. Dr.Sridhar and his team were charged with building technology to help sustain life on Mars usingsolar energy and water to produce air to breath and fuel for transportation. They soon realizedthat their technology could have an even greater im-pact here on Earth and began work on whatwould become the Bloom Energy Server. Since the first commercial customer installa-tion in July 2008, Bloom’s Energy Servers havecollectively produced more than 11 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, with CO2 reductionsestimated at 14 million pounds – the equivalent of powering approximately 1,000 Americanhomes for a year and planting one million trees¹.

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Human Capital

Re-settlement for the poor in vast urban squallers, providing basic housing infrastructure to many of the unemployed poor by relocating them is a necessity by offering job incentives. Organizational talent needs to be cultivated within India and should hire top-notch thinkers to contribute to national or-ganization. Entrepreneurial private ventures can fill the void by creating exceptional services with trained employees and proper tools. Human Capital is an untapped, underutilized resource that needs to reach its full potential. Humanized working conditions, with proper tools, clothing, food, healthcare and shelter should be provided with ethics board created for healthy work environments. As a result productivity and employee morals contribute for the betterment projects. Ethics and rights need to be respected.


To fill this void, work can be directed for maintenance, gardening, recycling, security, non-military assistance such as humanitarian relief efforts in a catastrophe. Training, guidelines, discipline and uniformed organized mobilization are crucial. Areas and growth can be directed towards arts, education, print/fabric/accessories-making and areas applied beyond creative imaginations through entrepreneuri-al incentives. Proper tools should be provided to save time (applied ergonomics), provide ease, efficiency and enhanced quality. Proper skill sets for training with certification and housing for these people should be created withbriefings by cities mayors on how to provide relief to the cities growing needs and to abol-ish sites where garbage exists to create absolute 99.9% city beautification. Mass urban developments, renewal and maintenance should pave way for more jobs. Con-struction, agriculture, industries need to grow and job creation for these people created. Health factors need to be looked at and studied as well as lifestyles and living need to be improved for these people.


Upgrades and provisional tools, software pro-gramming and safety gear for fast, efficient safe work. With proper humanized tools, workers can apply ergonomic metrics that boosts national productivi-ties. To ensure employee morale, safety and comfort, having humanized standards will uplift the nation into a meta-morphosis never seen before.

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Brand can do alot in support of joint com-mittees and scientific (joint with university pro-grams). Organizational bodies with brand support could oversee and promote safety standardizations of Water, Air, Education, Recycling, Food and Health, Safety, Security, Tourism, Sanitization, Construction, (along with audit beaurus/Anti-Corruption agents) to maintain Electricity, Transport, Infrastructure Overseeing/Development and Entertainment. Research and Development funding could be provided by brands to carry test in laboratories and continous funding for new equipments to Uni-versities. Government run labs should continuously fund research, proper institutional setup, logo crea-tion, proper manuals, statement-of-organization, its mission/vision and have fitted staff according their credo. This goes to all functioning facets as a nation.Scenario-planning and role-playing is very important to cope with future calamities. “Prevention is the best medicine”- Zen monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. A full nationwide grid should be split and handled state-by-state area-by-areas nationwide, having each and every corner monitorized, sectioned and planned. This is the urbanized ‘grid key’ that will unlock the ‘grid lock’ that is so an obstacle in main-taining ‘flow of standards’. Think-tanks can imple-ment promo materials, know-how as governments to-businesses as well as attractive innovative solu-tions for that inspire motion.


Sanitization experts need to chart the num-ber of wells and come up with fresh ideas on how to utilize wells. Implementation is not localized to only major cities but the key is to strengthen villages and towns so that they may grow properly. Every place and eve-ryone is inter-dependent on each other. This is very important to understand and the key to developing India and strengthening it for the future. Innovative solutions in distribution of waters in rural areas for agricultural irrigation will need to be sought after. With plumbing and water treatment strategies nationwide. Villages will eventually be-come towns that eventually one day become thriving metropolitan cities in the future.

“..We’ll stop for a quick commercial break and then we’ll come back to the traditional systems. The govern-ment thought this was a very backward area (rural) and we should bring a multi-million dollar project to bring water from the himalayas. This is why I said this is a commercial break..”-Anupam Mishra: The ancient ingenuity of water harvestings TEDIndia Nov 2009

‘Shanghai in 2020’ -Shanghai Urban Planning Museum

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Foods and Health

Brands of the future will play a huge part in health standardization, as awareness of certain environmental calamities such as flu-virus outbreaks and how cities, villages and towns should mobilize in an event of an outbreak. Scenario planning is crucial and role playing should be carried out in all fields not just this. Gastronomic Experiences should be en-hanced in restaurants nationwide. City boards work-ing along think-tanks could approve initial start-up architecture and conceptualizations as well as meet-ings on planned safety standards. Food districts need to be maintained and outer areas should also be maintained us much as inside restaurants. This gives ambiance to the whole area. An uplifting experience all together.With standardized branding and remote vendors registering to the government, consulting firms such as RKCR/Y&R¹ that offer pop-up creative and con-sulting services to local businesses in the UK could possibly be active in such innovative ways. Standardization on outdoor food vendors, and standardization in amounts of ingredient ad-ditives (oil, sugar, fat) should be monitored and an awareness of relations between diet and health should be created, to create awareness promoting ac-tive living and various diseases caused by fatty foods.Proper distribution of foods should be created that are lab tested. When exported it will bear signature quality that eventually raises the price on food items when traded and ensuring the highest health stand-ards.

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Educators will have to reform lesson plans for the future with teachers that are willing to open hearts, minds of students and to broaden their learn-ing capacity to its fullest limit. With a host of intellectual thought-pools that will generate new ideas for development, attrac-tion will be on diversities in culture that collectively boosts intellectual growths. Attracting talent should be the goal that will lead to more jobs created and addition of skills. Cultivating “creativity” should be empha-sized in schools starting in entry-level education and maintained through-out students learning experi-ences till adult hood. The mere word “creativity” should not be taught but implemented and practiced through segmented learning modules that emphasize improving writing skills through expressive story writing, arts and so forth. This eventually creates a work-force that will house “occupational diversities” in the community. Organically growing a youth seg-ment to think “independently”, encouraging “lateral thinking” applications. Creative economies contrib-uting to 7% of the world’s GDP¹, India’s contribut-ing future will be a great factor in the creative global landscape. India has a firm mathematical, medicinal and engineering base in its educational systems. Having more design schools is could eventually stimulate design sense amongst a growing population. Such functions can be applied to infrastructure develop-ment, housing, schooling, universities and create an eco-system emanating vibrant structures that enhance visual stimuli that inspires the mind within citizens to ‘create’ and contribute to a fantastic ambi-ance. That is the future of India.


El-Sistima for India! “El Sistema is a tested model of how a music program can both create great musicians and dramati-cally change the life trajectory of hundreds of thou-sands of a nation’s neediest kids. El Sistema’s approach to music education emphasizes intensive ensemble participation from the earliest stages, group learning, peer teaching and a commitment to keeping the joy and fun of musical learning and music making ever-present. Sometimes referred to as “passion first/refine-ment second,” the El Sistema methodology is in marked contrast to much of music education training outside of Latin America. The backbone of El Sistema student training is preparation for participation in orchestral ensembles, which are at the soul of the Núcleo community and culture. Of equal importance is choral singing and various other ensembles, which adapt well to a diver-sity of musical genres and origins.”¹ -El-Sistima Methodology:

Abreu, a 69-year-old retired economist, trained musician, and social reformer founded “the system” in 1975 and has built it with religious zeal, based on his unorthodox belief that what poor Venezuelan kids needed was classical music. There are 300,000 kids. There are 176 orchestras for chil-dren, 216 for young people, and 400 more ensembles, orchestras and choirs. The graduates of El-Sistima have even played at carnegie hall and hollywood has expressed interest in these young talents for future films!²

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Electronic Education

India can near it’s sight as setting itself as a benchmark in this field, with readily available e-books for students under one tablet. This could ease book loads and provide students with wealth of knowledge at the tips of their fingers. Educators may take advantages of virtual infrastructure and may rapidly create innovative leaps that simplify yet amplify their teaching modules. With readily available e-books for students under one tablet ease of book loads can provide students with wealth of knowledge at the tips of their fingers. Educators may take advantages of virtual in-frastructure and may rapidly create innovative leaps that simplify yet amplify their teaching modules.

Meet Neeru Khosla, Technologist/Co-Founder, Executive Director of CK-12 Foundation:

Neeru Khosla is an pioneer in e-educational systems starting her own not-for-profit organization ‘CK-12 Foundation’, which is undertaking a quantum leap in the way education is conducted with tradi-tional textbooks in classrooms that are now shift-ing into customized digital text book applications called ‘FlexBooks’. These ‘FlexBooks’ can be opened through any electronic medium and educational facilitators can choose the range of topics within the databases to customize books suited for their classes needs as they see fit under their ‘open-source’ model. According to Neeru Khosla Co-founder: “The CK-12 foundation has also worked with NASA on projects and is currently focusing on curriculum for the state of California. Their focus is on stand-ard aligned, high quality, modular content for High School and Middle School in the areas of Math and Sciences.”¹ CK-12 also makes it easier by providing ‘A Teachers Edition FlexBook’ that provides solutions, assessments and resources to help teachers navigate the open-source software.² With advent of the I-Pad traditional textbooks will be near obsolete in future classrooms. CK-12 is paving the way where students can have all the wealth of knowledge under one e-book that could one day be implemented to other parts of the world in remote regions where educa-tional lesson plans are innaccessable. -CK-12 foundation is based Palo Alto, CA for more:

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Legends in cinema, television and fashion industry should collaborate and create schools that teach their crafts. India houses some of the most talented directors, actors, choreographers and writers in the world. Regional talent combined with govern-ment and private funding can create some of the best and leading educational facilities that teach dance, acting, directing, scriptwriting, multimedia, editing, sound production and arts. Creating a mile-stone in Indian cinematog-raphy history, solidifying India as an entertainment capital by nourishing in-country talent and providing faculty of experienced professionals passing a craft they love. Infrastructure development need to be fo-cused by leaders in the film industry treating India as a film set, where aesthetic beautification (urban,natural,religious,historic,athletict) in-line with story will enhance the value of films. Refined and restored for global distribution, this is a global ‘big-screen’/ ‘wid-er-perspective’ initiative to attract potential investors and in-turn restoration for more future productions. Private organizations need to be more pro-active in financing of experimental films and creat-ing pools of resources for creation of design studios, funding of artistic films that speak to the masses and providing jobs as well as craftsmanship that India so talently have. This also cultivates expressions of freedom and thus, freeing independent film makers from Bollywood-genre base and ending monopolies by creating innovative expressions through private finance that will provide funding needed for qual-ity mass distributions and exposures. Government, private and international investors can provide state-of-the-art developments of new production facilities, research and development for new alternative tech-nologies, filming, audio and methodologies.

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The new censor board of India/Media/Prime-time

The new censor board of India will weigh productions of movies based on refined intellectual properties and scripts weighed on intellectual values. Quality assurance is the primary goal of the new cen-sor board of India and insuring that audio/visual ex-posure to an audiences consciousness be streamlined based on quality of its purest kind, allowing the mass to be educated on a subject and entertained at the same time maintaining India’s identity and culture. Housing a hub of intellectual assets that is nourished internally, cultivated, grown organically so that the elite mass can be inspired to create goals higher than their dreams ever set-out to and hopes to achieve that. Pre-visualization is important and creating state-of-the art television viewing that em-phasizes higher quality of life, creating state-of-the-art designs in outer infrastructure and creating an environment that is beautified. Instead of having to film overseas, film mak-ers could even be more pro-active in urban planning and rural development veiwing programming that emphasizes on higher quality of life through pre-vis-ualization can ‘edutain’ the masses about standardiza-tion, ecology, creating a stable environment, dealing with current issues such as pollution, urban/ecologi-cal planning, and how to improve them through 3-D modeling, design and collaboration.

This will be conducted in conjunction with artists, designers, architectures, scientists, ecologists, writers, producers, directors and visionaries to cre-ate programming that will be aired prime-time and have mass appeal, including creative celebrities that are highly opinionated and informed about what is happening to their environment. Incentives need to be offered to create top-notch in-country production houses that keep local talent that flourish on the local scene. Alternatives entertainments should encour-age active engagements in sporting activities, yoga/meditational, spa, restaurant-outings, lounges and whole vastness of recreational activities that can be catered to this segment of audience. Advertis-ers/sponsoring can be re-located, targeting of these demographics at these locations: restaurants, fitness centers, cafes, lounges, associate clubs, nature re-serves encourage a more enhanced natural quality ensured leisure activity that has none logo-ic/adveri-tising associations that is only recognized through tributes (plaque, area naming, recognitions through entries of such sort).

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DVD Regulation and Piracy Control (Internation-al/Domestic distribution)

Imaging consultancy teams will need to be dispatched at overseas Indian film distribution hot-spots to create a chain bollywood system for regulat-ed flow of mass digital movie distribution, marketed for quality assured ‘Bollywood genres’. Joint-acquisition of existing local retail space by Indian market leaders will implement a prompt effective lead in line with customs control regulation. Pressure will be on local authorities to curb pirat-ing by joint awareness programs to up standard of DVD releases and control of Indian markets (locally/internationally). This is very important and lucrative market that needs to reach its full potential. Profit distribution/Economic Implications: Assurance of quality mass production and distribu-tion of DVDs (locally/internationally). Film makers can cover production through gross profits and use percentage of net profits for future endeavors getting the best minds in collaborative- production. The value of future films will increase as standard in-creases drastically. Key active players would have: Customs excise department in foreign countries combining forces, Bollywood Union, Government legislatures and international diplomacy working together with joint promotional anti-piracy awareness programs and action to tackle this growing issue. The key is not aggressive raids to upset the market but by initiating alternative platforms (chains/franchise) then closing in on other vendors.

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Retail Level

At retail level promotions can be conducted for DVD release such as actual celebrity DVD pre-mier at key international markets at the level of movie premiers. This will take a while but is needed to up-value for DVD releases (cinematic/DVD’s, audios) as well as an aura of production-integration through public relations activities. In store ambiance for bollywood retail stores will alter the way purchasing will be conducted with merchandise, audio, P.O.P and promo for future re-leases, television soap operas collection, cook shows, reality programming, award shows. On-site manual and staff training will be provided for prospects and pay will be substantial. Knowledge of Bollywood industry is a must to work at these places as well as keeping up with trends. Flagship stores will be initiated worldwide for foreign distribution penetration. Profits from the store will aid domestic talent financially needed for driven performance through market stimulation. Bollywood Marketing: Contextual advertise-ment such as posers will have to be upgraded. Lit framed posters at local restaurants, pubs, malls and local hangouts could be the new marketing for Bol-lywood film makers. Cluttered posters on walls will eventually to be replaced with effective marketing and new media. Packaging could be effective in design distri-bution as inspiration David Suzuki’s ‘The nature of things DVD’: “.. Packaging is made from 100% post consumer recycled material, is printed using vegetable based ink products, is biodegradable and uses “green initiative” shrink wrap that requires 25% less plastic.”¹ This is the power that brands of the future play.

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Creations of new organizations for investments need to be created. These organizations need to have two key contributors.

The first contributors:

The financial supporter, being various private organizations, individual sponsors, government, or through social philanthropy(ists). These are key players that contribute to create with a vision, pools of capital that will allow organizations to flourish in their causes and work towards a united goal. Their goal is to provide contributions for thriving produc-tivity and selection for areas of growths.

The second contributors:

Active organizations that monitor flow-of-capital into the right hands. Comprehensive research on effects of productivity stemming from budget allocations will be monitored by Board-of-directors which will lead regular meetings, monitor cash-flow, report profitabilities, manage accounts, hold trans-parencies for (share-holders, public, government) , focus directions on growth and plan future endeav-ors. Through such organizations, key players can network with other organizations to form a joint-task-force that work together and speak together. These organizations may team up and form effective alliances on future endeavors and can profit highly. Collaboration may exist in forms of services, exchanges of infrastructures (buildings, equip-ment, technological hardware, communications, proprietary designs, software’s), and joint-research, to minimize expenditures; arouse competition for internal peak productivity and exchanges for shared knowledge. Thriving centre’s for hosting such events should be sponsored by media conglomerates and will benefit parties that are involved to create net-work opportunities featuring the best minds in the business. Entertainment professionals should cater to this field by providing quality entertainment in a professional atmosphere. Philanthropic organizations can help in sectors of educations and donate considerably to Universities, Schools, Libraries, and Research Labs. Further developments can bring breakthroughs in medicine, communications, welfare, infrastructure

developments and the likes, not just in financial fundings but in intellectual donations, tools, man-power and appropriate resources.

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Donations in skills, talent, services and trad-ings should be given product/service manufacturers. FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) manufac-turers and farming/agriculture sectors can donate a slight percentage of sales or goods towards helping those in need. Philanthropic organizations can then apportion the goods and funding to cater to the mass inaccessible to basic foods and goods. Audit-ing will be conducted on philanthropic organizations by companies and funders that donate goods with annual/fiscal reports that can graph effectiveness of such measures. Having an entrepreneurial conference where featured star emerging entrepreneurs with new busi-ness paradigms explore potential growth through proof track of success/capabilities for launch success through measurability’s, business sustainability, profit margins, and outward benefit models for society as a whole. Pools of investors can place their bets on hot entrepreneurial prospects for future business for a slice of share through financing. This will could be an annual festival or a quarterly held festival that will attract capital from private and even government in-vestors an atmosphere in time for investors who get a share through their willing investments and enjoying a slice of it. More centric models should encourage growth of innovation and contests to fund innovators through programmed initiatives. Foundations for nationwide ‘productiv-ity coverage’ of the future will have entrepreneurial incentives having banks offering local community start-up opportunities. This not only should be limited to banks but companies that scout areas for resource usage, application and provide training/ skills and seeds to utilize areas giving them utilable knowledge as well as tools in exchange for value.


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Mass Communications

Energy levels are reflected by the amount of communications and the co-ordination of commu-nications that are transmitted across the country and it’s linkage with other parts of the world. It is very important to realize that India as a ‘thought-leader’ needs to be heard and in order to be heard, smooth transition of voice need to be achieved. Creating more subsidies by the government to fund private telecommunications companies to create tight knit network systems that can be reached to wider mobile phone and home phone users seamlessly. Private companies can merge together, create joint towers and can share towers, allowing start-up companies to break into markets to provide cost-efficient and affordable rates.. Certain tax incentives can allow growth of other tower constructions covering perimeters of the entire country. Private firms can merge and collabo-rate with international telecommunications firms to provide innovative technologies with universities on solving issues of provision of seamless voice trans-mission. A goal must be set by leaders in Indian com-munications to set a deadline by which entire cover-age of services of mobile phones and home phones are met and are operating seamlessly, with clear audio and full connectivity.

Data transmissions have heavy repercussions for the future of learning and economic implications though e-commerce: E-trading platforms will provide jobs for the masses. Vast diverse products in India are available for the masses and novelty goods items should be prepared for prompt exports globally. Economic im-plications for e-commerce are tremendous and give entrepreneurs cost-effective measures by creating exquisite designed virtual infrastructures. Providing a premium on products for domestic properties is important. E-commerce will provide jobs for a lot of people willing to sell specialty goods, designs, arts, entertainment, jewelry, literature, music, cause, intel-lectual properties and vast multitudes of goods to name a few. Web designing will be a thriving indus-try and eventually more graduates from web design will be employed and many seeking prospects of edu-cation in the field of web designing. The implications of vast intricate networks, with ‘well lit’ designed

structures that will illuminate virtual infrastructures with a wealth of knowledge and international trading of goods, international projects and peak productivi-ties that maximize sales.Mainstream Commerce: Mainstream commerce, can profit greatly with fast speed internet transactions. Electronic information processing can be done pro-viding ‘ergonomic metrics’ maximizing productivity. This involves every facet of trading commerce done. ‘Speed as an asset’.

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Meet the Design Faculty

The design faculty of India is going to be more proactive than ever in revamping government services as well as private firms. Contributions in having economical design measures that are simple and esthetic. This is a Civil Engineering feat of magnitude propor-tions that can be applied nationwide through each state renovating or re-constructing ex-isting models. Again it is very important that air quality be maintained in order to sustain its healthy design looks. Designers, governance, architects, engineers and technicians all working simul-taneously to serve two parties the private/public enterprise and have the end user expe-rience the highest quality that the world can share. Design faculties will forge collabora-tive unities with brands, companies, private investors and designers to come up with state of the art comfort in travel journeys, public service sectors infrastructures. More involvement through active in communities contributing to ecosystems such as the recent selection by the Indian cabinent for a new symbol of the Indian Rupee cre-ated through a contest which had 3000 sub-missions and the winner receiving 2.5 lakhs. Such contest will propell active participation much needed for growths in creative econo-mies.

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Mass Transit (alternatives) / The ‘Grid Keys’

Innovation in Mass-Transports In ‘The Nature of Things with David Su-zuki’¹, world renowned environmentalist Dr.Suzuki talks about renewable energy being used as a central hub for mass transport dispersions citing examples of Calgary Transit’s C-Train light rail system that is 100% powered by wind power supplied through Enmax’s Greenmax Program.² This is the core strate-gics of the future of transits. Having core central hubs that disperse energy for peak maximized productiv-ity. Mass mobility is a challenge that needs to be tackled innovatively. Moving people from point-to-point in urban centers like Mumbai can be simpli-fied through diverse modes of travel that encourages green movement and minimalism of self-catered auto travel that is congesting streets and polluting the environment. New underground and above ground mono rail links will give an edge to the city. Providing comfortable transportation and upgrading diesel emissions is necessary through diesel filtration add-ons to existing models and eventually having evolved vehicles in the future with 0 gas emissions. Under-ground tunnel networks could be the ‘new solution’ with fresh air being adequately pumped from above. Again auto-standardization goals need to be met nationwide. Brands/Companies can invest in creation of organized depots and station maintenance. This is the core essence of initiative movements that brands will play in the making of the 21st Century. With joint program with government authorities in let-ting brands take a lead in infrastructure organization though sponsorships with the help of universities studies. With proper investments, cities will reap the reap the benefits for future generations to come!

Calgary’s Transit C-Train

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Cultivated Resource

iii ii i

Sustenance for the future An cultivated resource is sustainability in the way we nurture nature and handle growth based on a centric model of harnessing nature in aspects of contextual product packaging, products, FMCG, disposal/handling, energy, transportation and infrastructure. Resourceful in substituting synthetic products that harm the environment to creating products that are diverse in Bio-Organics to save nature that leads to risk aver-sion. Bio-organics will limit what we borrow from nature and when we return, we can re-use or organically dispose. Brands of the future will better serve communities through packaging and active social responsibili-ties pertaining to disposal methodologies. Government incentives and subsidies enforced can better equip brands for future sustenance.

Risk Minimization Minimizing risks in environment will lead to long-term effects in macro-perspectives. With utiliza-tion of green natural energy and BioDiversification in natural rescources the conservation resource model can be used to cultivate (for instance) more forestry and innovations in farming and agriculture. Proper allo-cation of natural resource will create sustenance that will reduce levels of toxicity caused by carbon emissions and reduction in land space for waste which can be used for further natural developments as well as reduc-tion in health spend that attribute to lack of sustainable practices.

Green Economy An outward growth in national productivities will boost national productivities and reduction on na-tional spending for environmental damage control, land allocation for waste, reduction in precious resource gathering for production and time to sort waste processes. The key reductions through BioDiversification will benefit companies as they will use natural healthy processes to create products that the end user can surely be satisfied and adds value to overall experience. The economic implications are vast and naturalistic states will be restored, increasing tourism and increasing net revenues through re-usable BioDiversified lines of prod-ucts and Organic contexts that house exceptional products.

Ecology, Science and Branding, Eco-Sphere in the 21st Century

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Brands in action

Retailer giant Walmart is starting launch-ing a program where each product is systematically labelled called: ‘Ecolabel’. Ecolabels will be based on carbon emissions by each product.¹ Measurements will state: environmental im-pact of their products such as sustainability ratings, measure greenhouse gas emissions, solid waste pro-duction, water consumption and production ethics.² “The sustainability index will create a more transparent supply chain and drive product innova-tion, CEO Mike Duke told 1,500 employees and sup-pliers gathered at the company’s Bentonville, Ark., headquarters..”²

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Material Construct: Organic Bio-Diversities in the 21st Century



FFMMCCGG ((FFaasstt MMoovviinngg

CCoonnssuummeerr GGooooddss))





Eco-Banking/Green Banking/Eco-


Auto Sectors



Mass Transit Dispersions




Commercial/ Residential


Renewable Energy


Note: colors and size not in order of importance.*

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‘Synthesizing Brands through Social Integration’

Digital Platforms


Infrastructure Developments

Wellness/Fitness and Athletics

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‘-End of first draft.-’

“Brands of the future..”


‘Open Source’


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Reference Section(s)Note: The concept of branding in this context is not to add logos everywhere or intrude mainstream consciousness but provide in-direct funding through think-tanks and natural brand recognitions through co-operations with local communities, goverments and joint-universities for sponsorships, funding, manpower and co-hesive study implementation programs for unified success with brands as drivers of economies. Here think-tanks work towards both virtual and tangible infrastructures through synthesis of brands through societal integrations. The following images have been given credit as they are to Share — to copy, distribute and trans-mit the work to Remix — to adapt the work for modify. As this document is not-for profit. Mass com-mercial duplication and copy is not recommeded without consent of the image providers. Celebrities and brands shown in Images do not endorse this document in any ways but are for visual illustrations.*

An alternative outlookReference Page 3 Page 3Yoga-georgem287 Car-Paul Martin Eldridge /

Innovations in ecological environmental conservationImages Page 5Michal Marcol /


Images Page 6Auroville- courtesy of Auroville.orgTiger Safari-brian.gratwicke -

Reference Page 7 Page 7 (clockwise)Windsurfing-tibchris kevindooley Olympics-cheukiecfu, Cheuk-man Kong,

Images Page 8Dakar Race- Walk near foutain Meanest Indian


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Reference Page 9 Page 9Windfarm-dan / FreeDigitalPhotos.netHoover Dam-Susie B / FreeDigitalPhotos.netSolar Panels- RaeA Desert Vu

For Spain’s Heliostat energy Energy- BloomEnergy BloomEnergy

Images Page 10Housing-Cheung Fan Machine sniderscion Laying Sand Bags- 8zil Machine Salim Virji Machines faizzohri Machine EvaUppsala Vests puregin

StandardizationReference Page 11 Page 11Shanghai 2020 - eugene Pump- bigpenguin2000

Reference Page 12Ad-Age: A Pop-Up Agency for London’s Mom-and-Pop ShopsRKCR/Y&R Takes Big-Brand Experience to Local Entrepreneurs¹ Posted by Teressa Iezzi on 08.31.09 @ 04:08 PM Images Page 12Food on green leaf malakins

Reference Page 13El-Sistima Methodology:;contentBody

Images Page 13El-Sistima in action-Astroturfer

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EducationReference Page 14In-Conversation with Neeru Khosla, Phone interview conducted: 3rd December, 09 at 9 AM pacific.¹², June 02, 2008³Images Page 14i-pad- myuibe myuibe Khosla- TEDxNYED leeleblanc

Cinema/Television/FashionImages Page 15MOCAP- danceinthesky Screen- the JoshMeister

Images Page 16

Images Page 17Big B- DVDs-Backview Bollywood el shack del hombre

Reference Page 18

Images Page 18Shah Rukh Khan- photos4dreamz

Networks/Organizations/PoolsImages Page 19Ted Talks Green Bio Fuel-jurvetson

Images Page 20Stock Market- Perpetualtourist2000

Mass CommunicationsImage Page 21Mobile Phones-neon-circles

Mass Transit (alternatives) / The ‘Grid Keys’Reference Page 23“Dr. David Suzuki”. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation¹²

Image Page 23David Suzuki- Grant Neufeld uli harder

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Reference Page 25¹²

Images Page 25Courtesy of

Images Page 28 cap from: “Nostradumus. The man who saw tomorrow”Self constructed logo of record-Syed Abid

Many thanks.. More to come.