r.e.a.d. at somerset academy 4 th and 5 th period in every class

R.E.A.D. AT SOMERSET ACADEMY 4 th and 5 th Period in every class

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Page 1: R.E.A.D. AT SOMERSET ACADEMY 4 th and 5 th Period in every class


4th and 5th Period in every class

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R.E.A.D. is Reading Enrichment Activities Daily

Every day we will work on different activities to help strengthen reading skills

Mostly vocabulary and discussion activities

You are graded 5% of your 4th and 5th period class in R.E.A.D.

You will read about the same topic both days but get different information and activities

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Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday you will complete vocabulary activities

Thursday and Friday you will read an article and answer questions

You will record your answers in your R.E.A.D. notebook (keep one for 4th period and another for 5th period)

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Read Article

Complete Vocabulary Chart

Mini Science Project

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Mini Math Problem

Debating an Issue

Writing about the Issue

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Every 4th and 5th period there is 30 minutes before or after lunch depending on your lunch period

These activities include current events that are controversial or may be sensitive to others, so make sure to be respectful of others’ beliefs!

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What if I have PE in 4th or 5th Period? If you have PE, your coach will have you read silently for your READ

time. You are still responsible for the activities on the days you do not have

P.E. You will not get in trouble or lose points if you have a P.E. class during


What if I don’t like the topics in R.E.A.D? All the topics are chosen to be relevant to students in this school, but

you can always make a recommendation by emailing Mrs. Fye at: [email protected]

Be respectful of your teacher and your classmates while doing any and all activities in class.

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All classes have some reading and these activities are made to help you in areas you need.

We are all working together to improve and get ready for upcoming tests like FSA (the new test replacing FCAT), SAT and ACT.

Do your part and participate!

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On the next few slides, there will be an article with discussion questions.

Let’s practice discussions Remember to be respectful of others’ beliefs!

We will read some discussion questions before we see the article After we read the article, we will review the discussion questions and

have a respectful discussion about the topic in the article.

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We all make resolutions at the beginning of a new school year to do better than the year before, but what is really required of us to make permanent changes?

What are your goals for the new school year?

What kinds of skills will help you to be more successful in your academics?

What happens that causes us to give up on our goals?

What do you do to keep yourself organized with your school work?

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Top 10 Skills for Studentsby Clint Page

Time Management

You know the deal: There are just 24 hours in each day. What you do with that time makes all the difference. While high-school students average 35 hours per week of class time, college students log an average of 15 to 18 hours per week.Getting your "free" time under control now will help prepare you for managing that extra 20 hours a week come freshman year of college — when you'll need to study and want to socialize more than ever.If you don't already, start using a daily planner. This could be a datebook you keep in your bag, an online version you maintain at home, or both. It's easy to over-schedule or "double-book" if we aren't careful. Manage your time wisely and you'll get the maximum out of each day.

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If you've got them, great. If not — well, there's still time to develop them. Good study habits include these basics:•Always be prepared for class, and attend classes regularly. No cutting!•Complete assignments thoroughly and in a timely manner.•Review your notes daily rather than cram for tests the night before.•Set aside quiet time each day for study — even if you don't have homework or a test the next day!

Good Study Habits

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The Ability to Set Attainable GoalsIt's important to set goals, as long as they're attainable. Setting goals that are unreasonably high is a set-up — you'll be doomed to frustration and disappointment.

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Listen to your teacher and stay focused. Be sure that you understand the lesson. If you don't understand something, ask questions! You've heard it before, but "the only dumb question is the one you don't ask" is absolutely true. If you've been paying attention, it definitely won't be a dumb question.

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Good Note-Taking You can't possibly write down everything the teacher says since we talk at a rate of about 225 words per minute. But, you do need to write down the important material.

Be sure to validate yourself after a test by going back over your notes to see if your notes contained the answers to questions asked on the test. If not, you need to ask to see a classmate's notes or check with the teacher for help on improving your note-taking.

Studying with a partner is also a good idea, provided that you study and don't turn it into a talk-fest (there's time for that later). Note-taking should be in a form that's most helpful to you. If you're more of a visual person, try writing notes on different colored index cards. Music can also be a good memory aid as long as you don't find it distracting. Re-writing your notes daily is another strategy. If you really have a problem with note-taking, you might ask your teacher if you can tape-record daily lessons. Do whatever it takes!

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Completion of Assignments Teachers assign homework for a reason. While it may seem like

"busywork" at times, it definitely has a purpose. Put your homework to good use. Remember, you'll only get out of it what you put into it!

Review of Daily Notes Don't wait until the night before the test to review your notes. Go

over your notes each day while the lecture is still fresh in your mind. Add any missing pieces. Compare your notes with a classmate's notes. This isn't cheating — it may even be mutually beneficial. Review your notes each day to reinforce your learning and build towards your ultimate goal: MASTERY of the subject or skill.

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Organizational Skills Keeping yourself organized will save you valuable time and allow you

to do everything you need to do. Remember: "A place for everything and everything in its place." Keep all your study materials (calculator, planner, books, notebooks, laptop, etc.) in one convenient location.

Motivation You need to be motivated to learn and work hard, whether or not you

like a specific subject or teacher. Self-motivation can be extremely important when you aren't particularly excited about a class. If you must, view it as an obstacle you must overcome. Then, set your mind to it and do it — no excuses. Success is up to you!

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CommitmentYou've started the course, now you need to complete it. Do the best — and get the most out of it — that you can! Your commitment will pay off in the end.

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We all make resolutions at the beginning of a new school year to do better than the year before, but what is really required of us to make permanent changes?

What are your goals for the new school year?

What kinds of skills will help you to be more successful in your academics?

What happens that causes us to give up on our goals?

What do you do to keep yourself organized with your school work?

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Did you agree with the suggestions of the article? Why or why not?

Which recommendations from the article have you tried in the past? Were they helpful or not?

Does the article seem to represent a particular bias or point of view? Does it assume anything about the reader?

These discussion questions are meant to open your mind to thinking critically. Take your time and do your best!

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R.E.A.D. activities are designed to; Expand your thinking on diverse topics Expand your vocabulary Prepare you for content on standardized tests Bring awareness to current events

Use your time wisely and READ!