reading 1-1: ethics in sports communication

Ethical Issues in Sports Communication

Upload: jsande6

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Ethical Issues in Sports


Ethics �  Ethics is what a person perceives to be right/

wrong, good/bad, moral/immoral

�  Ethics can be absolute – meaning that an action is either ethical/unethical without question (e.g. it is unethical to steal)

�  Ethics can be relative – meaning that an action is either ethical/unethical based on the situation (e.g. it is unethical to steal unless you need food)

Ethics �  There are a number of ethical issues in sports:

�  Gambling

Ethics �  Drug Use

Ethics �  Drug Use

Ethics �  NFL & Player Safety

Ethics �  Safety and Health Issues


�  College Athletics – Amateurism


�  Some scholars and journalists have argued that coaches and athletic officials have too much power.

�  They argue this can lead to incidents like Penn State.

Ethics �  Transparency with Public

Ethics �  Player Conduct Away from Competition

Ethics �  Domestic Violence

Ethics �  Statements by employees/

members that create public controversy

Ethics �  Interestingly, we’re seeing more issues with fantasy


�  Lots of money involved

�  Websites to adjudicate fantasy sports issues are now becoming quite popular

Ethics �  With ethics, sometimes our

personal ethics can be different from the ethics of the organization, or those who have authority over us

�  In those situations, either conform to what “higher ups” want, or can “blow the whistle”

�  This can be very risky for the “Whistle Blower”

Takeaways: �  It’s easy for us to make judgments about what is/is

not ethical, but when you’re the one “in the situation” can be complicated

�  Transparency – Very difficult to keep things confidential/private. In era of social media, issues will get out.

�  Argument then to be more proactive and transparent in letting public know how issues are being handled.