reading highlights unit 21, cursing foul language

Reading Highlights Unit 21, Cursing Foul Language

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Reading Highlights

Unit 21, Cursing Foul Language

Page 2: Reading Highlights Unit 21, Cursing Foul Language

Naughty language is universal in every language.


From our earliest years, we have been taught by our parents and teachers to avoid using swearwords.

Scientist believe that cursing is a bridge between different regions of our brains. They learn more about how these regions work together by studying the use of curse words.

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Both educated and uneducated people are wired to have a physical response when hearing bad words.

Foul language has often crept into many classic works of literature.

Using foul language can be beneficial for some people to blow off steam.

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Workers can release stress by cursing. Naughty language can hurt other people’s feelings. Therefore, consider the consequences before you use them.

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Eyes on Phrases

Line 1 We have been taught by our parents and teachers to avoid using swearwords at all costs.Ex. We will save his life at all costs.

Line 13 Studies have also revealed that most people are wired to have a physical response when they hear curse words.Ex. Most people are wired to focus on one’s appearance than one’s mind.

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P.62 Line 3 Salinger have used naughty language in their books to get a point across.Ex. He found it difficult to get his idea across to them.

P.62 Line 7 For some people, using foul language can be a way to blow off steam and prevent fights from occurring.Ex. But things have gone wrong all day, and I had to blow off steam at somebody!

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P.62 Line 7 For some people, using foul language can be a way to blow off steam and prevent fights from occurring.Ex. Our immediate concern was to prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings.

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Grammar/ Good uses

Line 1 From our earliest years ,we have been taught by our parents and teachers to avoid using swearwords at all cost.

avoid/admit/suggest/mind/dislike/enjoy/finish/practice/resist + Ving

Ex. They all avoided mentioning that name.

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Line7 Scientists believe that cursing may be a bridge between different regions of our brains.

S {think/believe/find/claim/say}(that)+ 子句

Ex. Some cultures believe (that) there is still life after death.

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Line8 They have found that when swearing …….

連接詞 + 分詞的分詞構句 { when / while / if / after / though } + Ving / p.p.

Ex. When hearing that he got the first place, John could not help letting out a cry of joy.

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Line19 Although our teachers have often warned us about cursing, foul language has often crept into many classic works of literature.

Although + 子句 1, 子句 2=Thought + 子句 , 子句 2= 子句 1, but + 子句 2 Ex. Although he is not rich, he often donates money to charities.

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Fill in the Blanks1.Eunice’s I of her temper( 情緒 ) has been excellent , as she’s kept her anger under control.2.The soldiers were told they had to stop the enemy’s attacks D ,or their country would lose the war.

3.The criminal( 犯罪的 ) was captured( 捕獲 ) by the police and forced to suffer the E of his actions.

4.The scientist says people are G be cautious( 謹慎的 ) and regard strangers with suspicion( 懷疑 ) in order to protect themselves.

5.It is feared( 害怕 ) that growing H between the two countries will lead to war.

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6.The TV show said the winner of contest( 爭奪 ) will be C in the next episode.

7.The student was punished for B at the other kids in his class.

8.Joseph’s F behavior upset everyone at the dinner party.

9.Eating fruits and vegetables is very A to your health, but eating greasy( 油 污 ) foods can cause health problems.

10.Lifting weight can be a great way to J when you are angry.

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Extra Info你情緒化的指數到底有多高?

1 沒表情的呆臉

2 生氣的大臭臉 3 皺眉的苦瓜臉

只有感情這件事情,會讓你動不動情緒就起波動,你情緒化指數 50% 。這類型的人在工作上很理性很獨立,不管有什麼脾氣盡量都會壓抑下來,覺得不可以太情緒化,因為這樣不夠專業,不過在私生活上就很容易情緒化,很容易為了感情的事情 使得情緒上下波動。

內斂的你,喜怒哀樂都往心裡藏,不想讓大家擔心,你情緒化指數 30% 。這類型的人很壓抑,他認為自己是讓大家依靠的,所以有很多的苦都往心裡藏,不過要注意的是他容易會有暴力的傾向

感情脆弱又敏感的你,很容易被外在的人事物影響情緒,然後就把情緒寫在臉上,你情緒化指數 99% 。這類型的人屬於感覺派,只要感覺一來的時候就會非常脆弱敏感,常常很擔心別人是不是不喜歡他?自己是不是不夠好…等等。

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