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Reading Your A URA G UIDEBOOK L I G H T I N G U P YO U R B O U N DA R I E S ! Interpreting the Energetic Auric System for Significant Personal Power & Freedom By: Christel Hughes, C.Ht. nnn

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Page 1: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness


L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !

Interpreting the Energetic Auric System for Significant Personal Power & Freedom

By: Christel Hughes, C.Ht.


Page 2: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !

Your Aura and the 7 Main Energetic Bodies...

Reading Your Radiant Bodies


The word "aura" is derived from the Greek-Latin language meaning "hue of air" or "shine". We might say, "radiant or charismatic" when describing someone that has an influential aura about them. It has been known from ancient times that man possesses an aura. Pictures of holy people have been presented with a golden or white shimmering light above their head. This halo indicates that the person has purity of heart, healing and spiritual abilities. The soul’s potential for manifestation is evident in the radiant energy field around the physical body. Although the aura is located outside the normal spectrum of vision, clairvoyants can perceive it, because it is a real energy field, which can be measured.

The aura is multidimensional and consists of different vibrations. Not as commonly thought that the physical body radiates the aura, but truthfully, the aura upholds the physical body. The physical body is nothing more than condensed vibration, which cannot be seen with the normal eye.

The aura consists of the vital, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of a person and pulsates in radiant, translucent colors around the physical body. From the look and feel of the aura, you can make interpretations about the quality of the consciousness and the vitality of that person.

The different auric layers are made of different frequencies, which are woven into each other. They are in constant interaction.

Through Your Radiant Bodies of your aura, you energetically experience your environment, events and interactions. It is your home, housing all of your experiences as a storage unit would house your belongings. Let's go over the 7 radiant bodies and some specifics of each…

Page 3: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !


Your Ketheric Template

Your Celestial Body

Your Etheric Template

Your Astral Body

Your Mental Body

Your Emotional Body

Your Etheric Body


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Plus... Auric Deviations, Auric Positions & Auric Size


Page 4: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Your Etheric Bodynnnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The Etheric layer extends about one quarter to two inches from the physical body, and is bluish grey in color.

It is the blueprint of the physical body. It is composed of lines forming a “web” like structure upon which all physical matter such as physical organs and flesh is shaped and anchored. The Etheric body exists first, then all organs of the physical body grow onto that energetic matrix structure.

The Etheric body pulsates at 15 to 20 cycles per minute. If one was to clairvoyantly isolate it to observe it, it would look like a man or woman made of bluish lines in a constant scintillation, rather like spiderman.

All the chakras of this layer are the same color, that is from light blue to grey, depending of the sensitivity of the person. The more sensitive a person with a sensitive body the more blue in the etheric layer. Whereas a person with more of a robust, stronger body, will tend to have more of a grey shade in their etheric body.

Page 5: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Your Emotional Bodynnnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The second layer is finer than the first and is associated with emotions and feelings and is called the emotional body.

It extends from one to three inches out from the physical body. It is much more fluid than the first layer (the Etheric body), and does not follow the shape of the body closely. It looks like colored clouds of fine substance in constant motion.

This body interpenetrates the bodies that it surrounds (i.e, the physical and etheric bodies). Its colors vary from brilliant and clear hues to dark and muddy ones, depending on the confusion or clarity of the energy that produces them. Feelings such as love, excitement or anger are bright and clear, and feelings such as confusion or doubts are dark and muddy.

This body contains all the colors of the rainbow, which are the colors of the chakra system, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and white, in order from chakra one at the root, to chakra seven at the crown of the head.

While under observation, this body seems to be composed of blobs of colors moving along the etheric field, and during a therapy session, it releases blobs into the air, especially while expressing feelings such as love or anger.

Page 6: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Your Mental Bodynnnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The third layer is called the Mental Body, and is associated with thoughts and mental processes. It is composed of finer substances than the first 2 layers.

It extends from three to eight inches out from the physical body and is light yellow in color. The yellow becomes brighter when a person is concentrated and involved in mental processes.

This body is structured. It contains the structures of our ideas. Within this field can be seen thought forms. They show up as blobs of varying shapes and shades of yellow, with superimposed colors on them, emanating from the emotional layer. The color is the emotion attached to the thought form.

The more clear and defined an idea, the brighter and more defined is the thought form associated with that idea.

Those thought forms get enhanced and gain definition as we focus on thoughts that they represent. They can become well-defined forces that can then affect our lives.

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Your Astral Bodynnnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The 4th layer is the Astral Body. It marks the transition between the lower three levels associated with the physical world, to the next three layers associated with the spiritual world. This body is associated with the heart chakra. Everything within the physical layers must pass through the astral layer to be transmuted into spiritual energies. And it is true for the reverse. All must pass through the fire of the heart to be transmuted into physical energies or spiritual energies.

Through the astral layer, especially during sleep, we get to experience other realities with Beings that do not have a physical body. However, we usually do not remember it upon awaking.

The astral body does not have a well defined shape. It is composed of the colors of the rainbow, but are usually infused with the rose pink color of love. In the astral level, the heart chakra of a loving person is not green but pink.

Much interaction happens between people at the astral level. “Blobs” of energy can travel across a room and we can feel easy or uneasy about someone who is not even aware of us. Also, at that level, a man and woman next to each other who seem not to even pay attention to one another can interact and feel the attraction. It is a sort of “energy compatibility testing”.

Page 8: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Your Etheric Template nnnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The 5th layer is the Etheric Template. It is the template for the Etheric body, which in turn is the template for the physical body.The Etheric Template is the blueprint for the Etheric body.

It extends from about one and a half feet to two feet from the physical body. It is composed of transparent lines on a cobalt blue background.

In disease, the Etheric body gets disfigured. To help it get back into its original form, we must access the Etheric Template and do healing work at that level.

It is at the Etheric Template level that sound creates matter, and can be used as a powerful healing tool.

At the level of the Etheric Template, “negative space is created” for the Etheric body to create the grid structure to fill in, and create the physical body.

The 5th level of the Universal Energy Field contains all the shapes and forms that exist on the physical plane.

Page 9: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Your Celestial Bodynnnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The 6th layer is the emotional level of the spiritual plane. It is at this level that we experience spiritual ecstasy and unconditional love.

When we reach a state of being where we can see the light and love in all that exists (through meditation and other forms of transformation), and when we are in a a state of consciousness in which we are fully aware that we are one with God and with all that is in the Universe, we experience unconditional love.

Unconditional love flows when there is a connection between an open heart chakra and an open celestial heart. When this connection is made, we combine the love found in the physical realms for our fellow human beings, with the love of the spiritual realms that transcend physical existence and extends into all the realms of spiritual existence.

The Celestial Body extends to about two to two and three-quarter feet from the physical body. Its shape is not well defined and looks like gold and silver shimmering light that radiates out from the body, similar to the glow around a candle.

Page 10: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Your Ketheric Templatennnnnn


Reading Your Radiant Bodies

The Ketheric Template is the 7th level of the aura. It is also called the Causal Body. It extends to about 3 feet to 3 and a half feet out from your physical body. It is the strongest and most resilient layer of the body.

The Ketheric Template is the Mental level of the spiritual plane. When we bring our awareness to that level, we know that we are one with the Creator.

This layer is very strong, protective, and holds all the auric layers together into an oval shape that forms the aura. It is very structured and it contains a golden grid structure of the physical body and all the chakras.

This layer contains the main power current that runs up and down the spine connecting with the root of each chakra, and that is the cosmic force that nourishes the whole body. This power energizes each chakra on its way, and carries energies that are taken in through each chakra.The Ketheric Template carries past life bands that can be found around it anywhere on its surface. The band at the level of the neck is the life whose karma we are currently clearing.

Finally, the Ketheric Template carries our current life plan.

Page 11: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Behavioral wounds show up as marks on the outer layer of our energetic aura… they display the real time emotional and mental patterning reality. Just as our skin reflects the health of our physical body, the Ketheric skin reflects the health of our psyche and auric bodies.

We can look at the condition of the Ketheric Template and discover the behavioral patterns that are being reflected.

This allows for deeper emotional work to be done for creating a healthier boundary, because the Ketheric Template is our outermost boundary that touches the World.

Being in constant awareness and communication with our Ketheric Template will give us courage and re-enforce the truth about how much control we really do have to create a change in our circumstances.

Healing our energetic boundary is healing our subconscious blueprint so that we can become congruent with our Higher Self.

We are not our behavioral patterns... We are not our mind... We are not our emotional wounds...

We are our powerful and capable Higher Self...

Aura Deviations

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Dark spots



Flimsy edges

Hazy areas

Hot spots

Jagged edges


Aura Deviations







Bright spots

Cold spots

Page 13: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Reading Your Radiant BodiesAura Deviations

Dents: Dents mean that you do not feel safe or free to express yourself and your needs in your current environment.

Holes: Holes are signs of an area where your energy can leak out and where other people’s energy can come in. They mean that you do not feel strong or confident enough to hold a strong stance or belief in your Self. There is insecurity and low self esteem, which allows intrusions of others.

Buldges: A bulge indicates that a part of you is feeling trapped by your own self or others, or by familial or societal limitations. When a part of us does not feel free to be expressed, it gets indented, creating a bulge on the opposite side, in an attempt to make up for that loss of freedom and power.

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Reading Your Radiant BodiesAura Deviations

Rips: Rips as opposed to holes, are signs of injury to our view of ourselves, either self-inflicted or from the views that other people have on us.

Blobs: Blobs are an indication of stuck and stagnant energy. You may be stuck in a relationship that isn’t working anymore or trapped in an emotional or mental pattern that is causing hardship on your psyche and possibly your physical body.

Bright spots: Areas of bright light or color denote a portion of your being that is being examined, highlighted and healed at the moment.

Cold spots: Cold areas in your aura denote a part of you that has died off per lack of use. It also can denote an area of your life where people can enter and abuse you.

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Dark spots: Dark spots signify parts of you that are punished and harshly judged by yourself and others. Large areas of dark can denote deadness or complete unwillingness to accept that part of your being.

Density: Dense areas that have shape and edges are the presence of other people or beings in your aura.

Elongations: Elongations mean that you are reaching for something that you think is outside of your grasp.

Flimsy edges: Flimsy edges are an indication of illness or unhealthy state in the body. It is wise to examine sleeping habits, diet and exercise routine.

Aura Deviations

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Hazy areas: Haziness in your aura relates to the confusion in or in between aspects of your being. You may not understand or know how to express a part of your Self.

Hot spots: Hot areas denote a part that is getting more healing energy than the rest of your aura, from your conscious self or from the attention of another person. To have an aura that is in balance, we must have an equal amount of healing energy throughout all the parts of us that are equally deserving to receive healing.

Jagged edges: Jagged edges reveal a need to re-evaluate your boundaries and what and who you allow in. It is important that you use your discernment as to who and what is healthy for your aura and your being.

Pulsations: Pulsations in your aura that skitter around are a sign of being overly scattered and excitable. It can also be a sign of physical distress.

Aura Deviations

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Oriented in the Front

Oriented toward the Back

Oriented to the Left

Oriented to the Right

Oriented toward the Top

Oriented in the Center

Oriented at the Bottom

Too Small

Too Large

Aura Positions & Size

Page 18: Reading Your Aura -Guidebook - SoulMate · 2014-03-25 · From the look and feel of the aura, ... When we bring our awareness

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Oriented in the Front: An aura deviated towards the front means that you are projecting toward the future.

Oriented toward the Back: An aura deviated towards the back means that you are projecting toward the past.

Oriented to the Left: The left side is the Feminine aspect of you. It can be overly developed or squashed.

Oriented to the Right: The right is the Masculine aspect of you. It can be overly developed or cramped.

Oriented toward the Top: The top is your connection to Spirit, from the chest to the upper edge of your aura.

Oriented in the Center: The center is your daily physical life, from the chest to the knees and all the way around the body. Oriented at the Bottom: The bottom is your ability to ground, from the knees down to the bottom edge of your aura.

Aura Positions

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Too Small: Any less than 20 inches from your body is an indication of a reaction to an unsupportive or even harmful environment.

If you cannot seem to hold enough personal space in your life or relationships, it is guaranteed that you do not have the personal power you require for your highest growth and evolution.There are two very good reasons, that one unconsciously chooses to allow engulfing environments in their experience...

1)As a defensive mechanism that supports our fear of the future. If we are small, then we don’t have to step up to being and living out our Big life purpose. We can’t be expected to face the terrors of growth and change if we are a tiny, helpless being. So we limit ourselves and our ability to move forward.

2)They force our awareness into a smaller than normal area, which may keep us in or near our bodies most of the time. Small aura = Safety If we don’t venture out, then it won’t be as scary, but we won’t feel the Freedom to Be our Higher Self and live out our Greatest Goals and Purpose.

Aura Size

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Reading Your Radiant Bodies

Too Large: An aura that is too large is usually a mis-managed aura. It is all over the place... fidgety, bored and indicates an under used Spirit.

By too large, we are talking about an aura that is normally over 36 inches from the body. This denotes a huge amount of spiritual and physical energy that is essentially being ignored. The fear is enough to launch someone out of their bodies because they are afraid of living a structured path toward their purpose.

They feel confined by their guidance and claim to want Freedom... they are always saying that they want to live their purpose if they could just figure out what it is... but they aren’t staying still long enough or staying present long enough to actually hear their guidance and make a move forward.

They are scattered and anxious but pretend to be busy... so busy that they are unable to clarify their gifts. It is an unconscious excuse that is created and projected into the reality. They usually have a fear of being not good enough, they are insecure and afraid of being rejected.

Aura Size

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L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !



Reading Your Radiant BodiesAfter healing our energetic bodies, especially our Ketheric Template we are fortified and anchored in our divinity… We might feel courageous, confident and supported. This is not something artificial… it is not a put on… it is not a mask... it is not another persona… it is You, Whole and strengthened by utilizing your wisdom to heal yourself. Just as you can create physical health and have glowing skin, you can create spiritual health and have a glowing aura. The spiritual attributes are from within… and you continue to grow in your awareness and strength as you display your maturity level through interactions with others.

Choosing to live from a higher level of values allows for you to hold tight to your standards, instead of being reactive, closing down or restricting your energy from others, you become responsive, and appropriately hold your self and energy field for the highest good.

As your courage increases, your aura will become stronger and you will spiral upwards toward greater levels of Freedom and Love, powerfully taking up space in the World, feeling good about shining your light, and sharing your opinions with others.

You will be able to say "no" when it is for the best and notice how others are trying to manipulate you or circumstances. You must exercise your aura and establish your right to Be, doing so, simply by stating your claim to Truth and living your Truth.

The more confidence you have in your aura, the stronger it becomes… the stronger your aura becomes the more powerful you become.