ready-made clothing apothecary, … · simof, merchant tailor, and dvilcr i n mob's and...

v5- DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY JANUARY 30, 1875. NO. 7 /ITHEIRON ERA 0 EiXH BiTVHDkT 11 BENJ.H.YOGT. EDIfOB 1XD rxtOHIETOB. OiSao on Harm Straot near Blwkwel], Tjcmm UF OT/BSOIUITION iKYiKUDLf IXA.UVJ.XOt. Una Yaar, - - - - - - - 8100 Six Monti-jU- - - 1.00 j i r o o u i O " 3 f . ( - - - - - - - 6) * 7j>ASSACE TICKETS Liverpool and Quecnstown on tllufidlowlujftiUianmlilpJIijii.: 1VIUAN. . CUNA.KD, NATION AI* Mvcruool aud Groat Wcltera, Draft, on England all J IUiyel Bauk of Iraluid Ilio luwc.t ralua. E.LlNDSLEY.aBinil, UlackWufl Struct, Sorer, N. J. Slate Roofing . ..HikrulKnod ia propamd bj lougoiiwri- mi a thModgh bno«lfldgft of IIOOWNO - 'MO lo .oloot tbo butaod put on luJQUAItltVlNalo prom lit «tl.ullon> Uiu.ii, Uod, runilo, VirioMloJ, ulict and ilufl slato.wliolc.alo and rutail. " A s'5«I U>» 1U°' «l>l laul a Ultimo, J*UIIM P. STICKJ.B, Counsellor at Law •. &m MASTEK IN CMANCEtti, HOOKAWA Y. N. J. S. T.*" I-IAIIt DRESSING, Slmvliig uuiI Mm111 {lulling Eiftabliiliinont, In tliti building formerly oootmioil ly tho URJco, Hiuux SI.,»OTM, N. J. t '••-- -- K ]t ^Purtleiilnriitltutillun (,'Won to cutting Aml tli-uHHing laulofl' and cJiilJrun'i hair. Usun iiutkoJ, not undgtouml. * w J. J. VREELAND, and Builder, Jobbing prompt); intended lo. slmu over M.«J'« Ua« Mill, Ulackwoll St., Dovur N. J. (JmiliauU tokuu, nu4 maUrtal fiimlirfiod. - XTANSIOV liOUBB. Curlier of IlhekwoU and HuaMjx ,Bli,. DOVEB. N.ji . I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. HOMOS and Oarri*g** loLot. ' . TTTT T. LUPOUT, OounselioratLaw, AKDMAHTERIN OHA3$OEBY;, OIUco ia ilio, Nation*. Union Bank Building ZULOFVMBT.,, DOVER, H. J. O'BltillUOUK * ATTORNEYS& LAW, : Cur. Blackwdl Mid BUMUXfit/v' *; DOVER, N. J. O A. GILLKX, , General ' ' Furnishing Undertaker MClSiWtiD AUCTIONEER ANDOOMMIS- . BIONtftl OF DEEDU,. AD onion promptly atUmtlad to: UUL-KWKIX STBKKT, Dover, N. J. Carriages and Sleighs. OrBvcry: D««rli>l[ou. Cur. Dlsukwoll and Burgontit.,IMiVKK, K. J. Particular itloutiou poll] to ropalrlug abil fainting, a-lj rvovEit LMiunvrauY, * ' ' Aiasyi aud Analog of alltiugcrlptioniof ORES AND MINEKALS CjUlEFPLLY HADE. Allen Palmer & Son* Carpenters iND •• • • - Builders. DOVER,-if. J.''•' Jobbing promptly attended to. S. J. PALMEB, Arclillrnt. PIANOS, Organs and Melodeons Repaired and TUned (romjUj, in , aJ „„! oI Mortll rj)unl,'; ; AJ. '"" w. >. wiiKHrr, ... Doror, H.J DRUGS & MEDICINES c ii. DAtttirMPiiE,, ;: Druggist and Chemist MOEMSTOWH, N. J. J10 ^ Urn ENGINES tiltlR SALE I scooK,BnriJ(io,.,e.u. S Portable Hoiking Engines '»'» •" a u V a WAaniKQ aJ«K Will BaUii jiJ??? 1 *- Ol " »• aSn al 111. I.,ot IUI RAVING AND HA|R,C(JTT!NG ; HLQON, ••' t'USSEX STREET, jlH »Mal n and Domestic Sagars AlVrAHSOSHANr; l HUNIIIOSS Cards. n. A. UENKETT, M. D , 13. OMCEOPA THIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis., (OppouloDover Hank,) DOVER, N.J., Disoaacj of Womon and Children, and ot Iht Kjo And ]!ar spoulaltluo. OfficeHoura: Ho3and7(oH ]'. M, 1»Ml J.ULAWllBNCIi, SURVEYOR. Surveys, Levels nml Grades niaJo for Puliliuaiul lMvulo IwiprovuuiMi OKnos: SUSSEX STHEET, . [Hear tlio Cf-nal Jlridgo.] ty DOVEII, N. J, J. L. CURTIS, Manufacturer of Segars and LliALMl IN IMrOttliSD I'lPES, ' T01JACC0 and ClOAltfl, O))iioitlo SAHHIOM HOUSU^ MOIUUSTOWN. 3JJ TICKETS to anjfi™ LIVE1IPUOL, Qt LONDON, JllllBTOL, OAllUiW 4GLASGOW on tlio Whit* Hutr, Nalloanl, nua Slat, line. urtttcaiu.iiiiK, or any otucr lino II pro- forrod. Drartinn arcalBrltifn, ond ItojalLaiik ol Irol.aJ. p e r i l . JOHN LECWBII, Uuolt Bailor, UURHOX Htruot, UOVEII,rl.J O. B; GAGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. , , Offifo oil Sussex Street, Iu tlio bnUding formerly oootmioi. us tui offlco hy Heart Hahrian, llVit Hoar. UOVEB.N.J. i Collection,fcltooded(a will* dlliKonce. Alao, Agont Jur tha Lost Lifo ivud Fire Iimur- i W00DPORT HOUSE, THOMAS ItlUtillT, PiopiHIo WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. ilia wull-knawQ ptoporlj lioixoocntl/ljuoi X oilonuiiolr Improved andModorulzud,fur flie 6«oinioodntion ot Umic togking a. roticod imniUDr rail done. >. SltuaUid at tlio liflml of LakoH pBtoongit la onn or the most dostm- UepUccsciflaUndroiinrt ta to found within tlio B»nio dJiareonfNoff York. In lliomiilt otthc flnoitmaintain iconciyof HorUiurnHo Jomof, ultli fixcollmit hunt tug nnd flslifni, in J 6uo JrlvcM.-Uii not BurpasteJ bjaiiy utliorln tboloo«1itj-. * .DiKhtiiilicaiiislQiit/ at tlio tttil. I jwlc, ,1: Wont, ]t. ]{. trtlim w York Inilia inottitng. For particulars vi ibO ' MAI IRA C. COOPER, 'Mason and Builder. Contracts tifcen Tor all Unda of Msnon Work and Jobbing...-, ' .i : . LIME, PLASTER. AND, Famished at short iiotico. D under "Tlio [ran Bra OIHco," Dover, 17-4» Dentist, i Solo rropnutur fox alorriii Comity of FUWOIM'. - Patent III Ago, Cold Hllilug a {specialty.. luid KitronH Oilrlo Unu, Ac, ic, Ao. 4c. ALLIE'S HOTEL, Succasunna Plains, N. J. A. B. DECAMP, Pnp'r, m n i a HotcUmilu«.tudlu. Ilia muni lic*vitif> X .valley <Ju Horns County, and Id not mi ^crl by loeotlon for houllLftilnoiw. II ii c-, i4,.gnons toBolioolej'i Mouolalu, and «iui-dfoUnt iron. Badd'i Idko mid Lako Uojiat- cunj, tho country In tlio tbinily V"'-~ fftmoim for iti flaoinoaulain •concr/iiid lontdrivoB, Ai an Inland snminar rot rent it Ii among thobat. Mansion House. 100 YARDS FROMD. L. & W. DEPOT U'III. UltOW.V, Pio^'r. ExMlioot KCooinmoiioUaui fur tr»n»tont or permanaut bmnlotn, t!u>a ){vor> nnil boarding itslile ntlachca toIlio liuuio.' rsmongcri Inlicn Knd frail Uud.l'i Labo und L»to )la[utcuiig re^onalito cl\Mgo» 'iStf WILLIAM. SIMOF, Merchant Tailor, And dvilcr in Mob's and Children'a Ik-ady- <• H1J CMWClthi:/i ' AnnonncBii 16 tlio public t1mt h\» slock ofKL__._ compriiei an uauiual/ Uiio aiaortnusnt of Clolfit, Ftnoy CmLmertN. tmd VctUng*. by tbe Tint oat tofitwithout charge, or mtda ta orJor at the ihorteit notice. Alto canitantly on 'anaalnrBornricUofOonU'FurnlsliJnjGooJa. I particularly call alkation to my SPBINO AND BDMMEn STOOK, ( • iwInecaruhUJy volcotod and ofliirod >t iirieua i iall Ui» tiro*"* I ootulJcr laviair (n dlrocl impeUt.DDV.tfa Howark umlNev.Torkcloili- puiiliowllln-adil/iijHom that I >mati literal i tho moit literal. . ' Suiex Sirmt, Dd door from 43-xt i: i -t ] ' ' Miners' Q\\ Tim bmineai formcrlr curled on nndar (L rP"WHEiD*(I!tlietiatkTbokooWDn tho MINJEUS' OH. COMPMY Lubricating and Burning Oils for Miners' "Use. Ttieia OOi wo eipt'clalljf- idiptod to Milling ichlaeHMHlKOflUirwilood tuU. &i>onn, w, Neil's Foct, Lord; Lob., CI ] . . . . . . PEQRLE'S STORE." [ONE FRIGE-ONLY.) -pjOJIESTIO DETAIlTalEKr: aouTixo, vxu LOW ciiixo, nnrna £LMtKn, qDlLTl - noiwr ooin'iMq •irrnn^i'^niin iuun, ooTTP? '«R 'TqWTWi fURVVT V. '}, \O1TT11 1 AKO C U I U i n i . V i VM1 WKIB. •);,'. W, 8. BAiiiiirr, Goodaie & Voughfs Drug Stor< Wliorn ho R-lll bo pkaKoiltunlUmd loall cull lkcrtaininif to LiiprufmHinu, IJr.Jolmfitoulia, tuo cipunuwio «f Knvcu Yootii 1 clout arnilicntion iu tliopfaelluoorDuntlHli-jf, HTO (ifwliid) ha* liottn lo tho City rtDovor. Ilisvo lahciiHUL<c" ' inlnilii tbopoitelionoltlm Nitrous Oxide Gas, ithirli IB tlio lioslanoaitiutio now in mo fur tbt> iwUilust extraction «t tcolli. I also mo Ilio MOM ths, called tli« FLUID or CONIiEXBliD OAB, Tot liifillet,with JJOU, from uno dollar im, ai silver Iflyctnta to (iijudolhr. Itmintifni Sets of Teeth, Vppot Mid under, for *30, on tlio hlotit Ii JIEOTCII fiuciao Pbtca, wnrrautcd ta give (atirJfuoHon. I trAo p.BftBarohi rercrriiis to lliofollu*ic(,' Heitldinon: Ihn.B.O.Uiigw, Dr. J-CKinu, Dr. T. It. Orlttonilaii, M. II. DiuHrBO] W. U..Jolnitnton, Opposite segur's Now Bank, Ovct- (lotnlaic AVmigli'n Drug- Htflrc. JlOVKH. A. J. 1874. 1874. P.H.Hoffman, MERCHANT TAILOR, JUOIUUSTOWN, N. J M TF VOlHVANr AHUIT OF( tliiireillHUiTyou Bo lo P. II. I Morriutown, N. J. I F YOU WANT TOTAKE ALOOK TUJIQUQIl tliu FINE 1 CLOTHS, English itFrnieli Contings, FANOT OASBIMERES, -iNU- Black Doeskins, iOTO r. n. noFFiiAN, Moniitown, S. J. TP 10UWAST TO HOY HIV KIND OF Cloths and CassimereSj rory ahoap and bavo Hwm Cut Free of Charge, TO 1'. H. HOPVMAN, MOBBISTO1TO, N. J. otrlatoun, March 21, mi. SHAKP & KENT, ChainpagnQ Cider, Soda Water, Ginger Ale, &c. Bottled Ale & Porter OP 8UTERI0R QUAUTV, BOVEIt, N. J. ~\XTU, toapoutfallj inform tliopulAio tliitt, haT VV lnKpiirohBifld Ilio oatsbTdinuont of Wil sou &Unckev in tlio above bus! nets, wo Imvo mado Additional nnd modern Itnprovotnaintti Ii tho mnclifnoiy. 4a, and nil) oicouto »Ii orderi onlmatu) to uu wilit promptness ana caro, Uit- toniiir onriulrog el*o (lint wo aro enabled to ruruinr. a botiur srtiolo tliun any oitublWituoat [» thin part of lUoBUtc, * -. Ortlorx nor mail or olliomiws prouiiilly. ot- muua tg. E. filTAItP 131? U.UGNT. A NEW DEPARTURE. MdERlSON. THE TOBACCONIST, J3LACKWBLL STi (OITOIITK TIIK row arncE,) DOVER, N". J. H AVING purcliaivd tlic stock nn<l ROO.1 will or th* latotirni or imnt & muiuuDS, \r rondr to iunply lili.own onstoumra, m ja tbu onftliVlnta tlrm, with a anloiidid itockof BOOKS, PAPERS,.STATIONERY PI0TUBE8, FKAME8, Pens and Holders, Inks, MUSICAL MEEr, NOXIOUS, jrro., and nil tli4 loadiug bnvQJs ot SEGARS antlT0BA€C08, claltjr, ,' Drigr and O PoDcbol, eto. ^IBO Tndo » B INEad]lki Daily and Weekly Newspapers iur old frlonds 'mid CDabimsr* tohim at a GE0. W. WELSH, 253 Greenwich St., Nsi? York, Corner Park Place, FIMFH W A T C H E S , JETVEIJtY and SILVEHTVAKB. *X StEOAST LIKE QF FronoU Marblo Olocis and Bvouzea ' im'OIlTIiD THIfl FAXL, AT OOEICCLI UEDUCED IfItlOBS. N. B.-W»t-.i rcpilrinir » ipMJnlty, In wlildi '—n t,. w liontutwe, mjr repataUan Ii UNION FOUNDRY AND ' MACHINE SHOPS, M. Honglnui,, Proprietor, ROCKAWAY, N. J. Chill and Dry Sand .tolls, AmlnllldtuTiof ROLLING MILL, WORK, Engines, Pumping Machines, AM, SIZES OF GDAHIKG & PU1.LHY8, B1IMNO MACillNEIlY, Hoisting uf all ktndHa BpocfdUy, and txt Sr|Ol-tost JVoliGC. Turned and Groovedtn Order. GAS PIPES ANDFlXTUIlESaaTJL$DFl'i'Ti:n TO ORDER. BRASS CASTINGS OFKVE1.V DESCHIiTIOH. attoulioi) givoi) to WV.\\\\ WOItK, ' OJ3 T I C Tiio iloltad lluvr. God {> linocldn^, liver luiuiiiilug, At tl;o lioart's liirieo balled dnor, M'bkh wu'ru Iwliliiv. Dvcr locfcln;,', Asi\-oolUmvo(](ii](ilJ(Tor(!, Wliilu \ru ftm'tor licit tin.- 'idor. In a wtftcr toiio, . To Ilio fulloji j. •i'o IIIK wtnry mid tliu tun?, fjlillflioyuiiguoriiottlJUtiiiiinn '1111 lliU Hhirll VuiCc ll:1tl Uull'll. ]!,v liin mi'n-y, bj liiii cart', liiiqcltln™, KiKHiliiuj,', And r*i|iGatni;r, tiilliii^, calliuy, tlilnill" lirnyi '•Lsliuixjiilorl" H(!ar II, piioi Oii<'ii ividu tlio Rln-lwi.fd pi,rU Ifunvfl, wnrlui: o]»u iiufclilA Uud IHwulllugBtlhu ilunr. EEA-EIATIQH8. Tlio lnwt TjnLtor—A ViWy eon 'ilic hardest, kind ot wtio* Can JK)D])IO who mind tlioir P's nml Q's ha oallod TQ-Iinr puoiila ? Tho mallvo that tnkaa w. Jcreajuitm liomo every uiglit—A loco-motive. Hogsan) geuomily ivell-.lreMOilattliiH soiisou uf tlia jeur, A H.ffn ot inJig03tioii—" Gouc lo tliii- ucr ; lio brick iu Uvo tuinuUia." Iu tbo cairLLtjualto region of Culiforaia itifl reported Unit "ruiiicHUituinuutivo," Yi'Iiat aiUclca of lucruluiwltsa Uava to bo sold liaforo tlioy o;iu Us.bought?— Boots and alioea. Ttnio's rovougc—Having your watcli stop Iu tlia nigiit boc:»U30 youlailcd to wind it uji. "Pnrthlff Is pain," an tlio bnldlioaded inn Biiid wliou tha bnrbor go', ut liim with Ilia comb, Lnlto GlmnpiniQ ia 14 iliclios lowrr tlinu tlia real plain wbioll flUiTonnda it. It L* beau no p bus never b bioli flTound it. o tldo down bcfoi-u. A. SIMON, Merchant Tailor AN'L Fashionable Clothier, la now auitlud In Mi NEW STORE, Cor Blackv/ell % Sussex Sts. , i«q-. jr. andoubrato tho[mbllo tlio Largest audBest Sdoelcrt STOCK OF GOODS Ever boforo offered inthis -City, OCNaiSTTKaOfTUE mutual AKD KKouau aumm ASaiMEIlE8nil,l\T.TriKO3. I largo BtocV of READY-MADE CLOTHING Gouts Furnishiiig; Goods IU.T3, GAPS, TJ1UNHB, VA1J6EH, &c, At. Tito Culling DoiKUltncnt la undor tlio inpor- riilonof MR, I 1 , J, McOUIl.E, noil Idiomifor -Uascollaut abilities if. tliUnodftlty. Wettslc tHal of our capacity toploaid• jn oven nutlka- ,rof diTBB. ' " ' " A.SIMON. Cor. BUclmoll andKUSBCI Sti.. Dover, N. J. Dr. H. 15. Apothecary, Dickei-son Street, OPrOSlTE B. E. DEPOT, OBen tot alo a well aclcclctl attuk of 3 URE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, l'ATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TOILET And Fancy Articles ho., Ao. Physicians' Prescriptions Caroft]Hr cq,qr>[>t}mlci| n\ all hours, mms AND LIQUORS For Uojldml Purpoiu). Sweodish L6eohes A littlo girl upon her return fcutu n tliilJron'a party, boitig nslcod if HIIO had a KOO3 tirao, ropliod—"YUM ; 1ml Uicro wasu't much boj9 tlicrc." Pillars in clmroh powfl nrooften in tlio way. Yet tlio preacher- thinks it quito out ot ttii) way if lio tinea not fiuu tlio pillni-B ol tlio church in thoir pawa ovary Buuilay. Tliia wodcl vroatd bo &saudj desert of _jncHoinDiio.s3 if WDUIDB woro not \n-iv- ilcgod tn attend mictiau sales naA jmy iQio for nil ol<J bn^im . tban i> now liatnliev-Hut would «wt. At Liverpool nu ITIBU alrl, ngod thirty years, aueu a soldier forbroooii of protn- ieo, tbongb MIBJ lind nover soon ono ODother, butlind exclinugod pliotogi-npba and kept up soma ^rrcepondcuoo. A Leavenw.orth man. told a lie, and .en said—" I Uope to bo etruoli dondif I liavo not told tho (ruth!' Ho lnul BCflicoly twaBctl epeakiiig wbo« bo foil to tho floor—a nan htwipg, iiiockal Iiitn d o v r a . •"•" > ' ' * ' ' A Detroit editor hns oafjiblislied n bad. •eeodent liymorryinffaBiF] (jorapoaitor, .lio will always know wUetlinr it is neo- osflnry for him to stay down at tho office till 3 o'clock in tlia moruiug to " up tho forms.",, v ;: ^*- A singer, Applying lot au ougagemout, nroto to naimpressArio as falknrti: " I t\m a good muaishnn. I pin nil music nt furatsite," "Woll,"remarked the im- prcflsiiVio to nfrioml, u a\ia may ploy by note, but oho cortaialy spells by oar," The Ahbo Trofast solioitcd /or tbo offlco nf oliniihua to tlio Priuondo Qouti. ' ( J?iit I qever go to! masfl," foplicit• too IViuon. :" And I nerof colebrato.:it," ndded tlio Aube. " Iu tlint case yon linve tlie apiMjiiilineufc," responded the Princa, I'VoQcliTfomon tiro divided in opinion u to tlio revival ol boiipot-atriiigs, ono party wifllimg to litre bows under tlioir cbins, Trbi.Q tlio other aro content wiljli kcopiug tlioir benui uudor tlioir thumbs. Tho Paris, polioa hnvo njauukctotjj' of begging lyttota. Not ouly was there a good salo for tlioso, all iu variouB forma, bat a. -list at! tbe soft- lioarted oitizeus could bo purchased into tlio bargain; • - Iu .struggling: to mafeoa dnll-brnjuod boy understand wlint canecioiiao is, n teacher finally raked—." What mutes jou leol unpotplortnblo aftor you havo done wrong?" "TliobigicatliorstmiJ."focl- ingly replied tloboy, Frulii MI mtorciitingjuctiiro upon'X'oi llarsUall, dclivoreil vcceutly in IM\H villo, K.v., by UufordT.vymau, wo ipiol ttie caticlitdiUff uurlious, us Coilywa: "X have Baiii uo hud u<> homo. Thf was tniB, bucsiUNc ha \w\ in him ii-m of tha homo (junlitiaa. Ho could not ni v.'untd nut iiinlto n liujuc. Iieforo tin dentli of Dr. Lewia Alnrshnll ho guvo tc liia ikuslitei--m-lttt¥, Mr3.1'om Jilarsliall .luring hor Ufa, ono-fiftit uf tlio old Bucl 1'onil (nrin, cunaiiting of naovo tUiwi om JiuudroL, uciao,fiituutmlabout funr iui!o; flora ttio town of Voviiftillod, Upon th' trautftsmull hut coinftirtabla cottngu wi - crectoil nnd jiaul for byHie libiinilitv t>! the community, HuruMiu Marshall ru- (udiiil, uud thUi.liKia IID callud hia homo. Cut lie camo into town, ami romniuad divTi. ..I'd evon wcolw belovo rotnnnnu.— Uow he livwl nud what innnutr of JIfci ltelodit Ui.idoGtl diQtuult !•> iluortlm Iu Aupnut, 18G8, two yenra bufura lii vlwUli, Mr, Miirslirill in n cumiuiinicutioi to ono of tlio Lnuiaviilo pajioi^, had oo- C'.iiitJTi lo Hptnlt of himHi;l(, lining tbe third pors "J, whoa lio employed tho f<>I< Inngnngo: l i Vi to linvo l l ggo: o B t lin but caalo inVcrsuillcs with a\l political patties, nnil to ha niterly without wciglil. lnHueneo orBociul nuuitton in Woodfoi'd. A fii-vv cl liiH uiil f i f l i fv c n company, nnd-court hia conw(;uAtiou in \m nober intemils.' 'iliis was u Hnd pio- turo—drmvu by Iiis own ncu—and yot if linraty aid inatiti) to tliu fact* Tbo 'no bor intcrvnu' booamo lami /roipiont. Ho prow sod for wapt of company, for wmif of mental employmen t, for want of ju< tellcctual nasociiitioii. Uo would atoji tlid Bchonlboyaoii tlio a trout mid rtnj nud exjilaiuto them their Ltithi audOiwlc exorcises. Hp would gatlicr ni'mmd him a group of niou or boys—any ono for IU utidionco—mid rend to them from nn' cietit or modern hiatory, but moro ha- qucnlly from his own writing!), ^vliiuli bail liocu iiubliuliod in 1858 hy Mr. W. L. Burre. Ho would jmuso iu thiao utrcot readings *nnd explain, ciilici.'io, coudoinn or approve tho enbicct uf fan writer. Ho wiis cxcooiltugV fond o roaJiugfrom his oiru csaayu or articles published liotwten 1630 and 1850, and iofutiug out lioV,fiubaeciuout oventahud omoiiBtrntod bin wisdom or cunflrmod hia vtofffl. I now owu a copy of liis writiuga, wliieli I bavo oftcu* lent him, nuil which ho ponoil-iunrkod fhr nnd tlirough 1 . Bnriwg tlto hut four fivo yonrs of liia life he was entirely witli- out menus, nud lmd uo cinploytuout; a precarious uud liaziurdous cliatity sup- plied bii wants. Honlcptinnuy liigts in a clmir in tbe ooiunsou aittiug-room of» h utry tvern; iwm weather chenii ho ulp h r in tbe ooiunso aitg f ii country tavern; iuwurm weather o ulpyt on a voofton I-Biieli in thu court honso portico, nud during tho cooler nights of tho early Full fnllio Iwy-loffcof a public liver" slnulc. Ho felt liifj uf tu- atiuu nicuo kcouly tbnu one wight aup- noso, und would often speak of it with bitter sotlre, nnd with far more wit thnu it Ili fd b oth.or n t y Iliu food h tliesamo tnnmier us l lid H occsailiei Vidro Giipplie tliu ohavllj ofamaa er it a ffeod no lieravor i optod tiu oalj aud wlicnever it wna offeiod to Jiitn.— Ho aollcd ono day at my lioino ta liarrow tho book to whicu I bnvo befora referred. ho camo juat ot diuuar hour, ftud whou I httppenod toba nlono. I iuritcd him ta join ma. Ho docliuod, Btiyiug that several gentlemen \roio ou Ilio utrect waiting fat: him. toroad, them au avticlo from the lioolc, but ho ndtlcd :.'Uavo my diuuar for mo, aud I will return ttad get it.' Ha did'return in nn hour or two, d t ith it difltaU t t y W<X.) dairy- too Jougtli ot d Af aSt. IiRwrencQ^a^ty WX.) a ofl liitvo bean diaaussitig too Jougtli ot tituo a dairy oow B^atild go dry. . After two hours' uobata a vote wna taken, wliioh ! rcBtiltod in a itxweol.ti' vnflAtton tot oi\oli dairy cow, bogiuniug with tho flrut of January of eaeli year. • ' ' I will nud bequeath," said Pat, "ii my bolovod wife Bridgot nil my property without reserve, to myoldest Bon Pat- rick onc-bnlf of tho roniiiinder, aucl to Dounis, mj yoatigeit son, thfi rest Jf " ling Uloft, it miy go to Terreood ty, in sweet Ireland,"' ' British parson and oommarcial travolor, in the cam (BowrerB&tion Blow.) UEUOI question—" Wlint lino nro yon in ?'* otd. Parson tvuBwera, with a foint joko, Hint h is " ia the siiiritunl line." " Ha. La," tbti "Bll Hldlh'ttli so. Butrsiiy, wlmt'a-—- of n price you ' »« got gin up to."' <t X • * •• In Englnnti, tho wnist o( a indy'B dress iacnllcd tho "body." A young American girl, ou a visit, to onEnglish, aountiy house, which hnd thoreputation Of helug haunted, lind BubJaeJ hor nervou"noss suffloicnlly to fnirinto n slight slumhor, when there camo a go»t!o tap at tho door, aud a> aapnlolirn. raice wbisperail through Ilio keyhole, " I w m t to camo ih niiu got my body." "Grandma, da you know why I c a a BCO up ia tlio eky so far?" njiod Oliatlie, » littlo foiic-jeat-otil> of the ^cueraWfl lady who sat on th,e gurdoij scat knitting. 11 l^o, wy dear, why is it ?V (pi? ~— L A bending l^er eye. " ' • IjtUe.pol. "'Bconui q g tQ'di\tch of tlio prooioua thoro ii nothing is '," rapHcd th« young pliltosoplioij jp his nstronomical reaearoh, ami grandma her knitting. } \ An aged backwoodsman, was reproved by a clergyman for allotting his sons to go hunting on Sunday,' "Xoa onght to brinff np your children in the fuar of the Lord," B»id the minister. * "Fearof tho Lordl" said tfcc old man: 1 "That's what I'vo dono. . Don't one o'tiieta boys daro gwout doors Sunday Hhonti tv ; doable- barrel gun." Tlsia is tho \*ny one choir sings tlio-i first \crso " Joruaaloia, lay Imppy liomo:''. • • , Yin-ln-iali-^nK, Ylm-lu-nali-Umg, Ul-mitig jUi-bjua pftopa;, . •• Linc'Coiig s-'on kyi-x iro-tao, rtnnsuniuBjron-tto? Tho choir to wliieh vo' now rcfor ia composDii of ChiD&mcn ; but.Lhero nro plonty of American, choirs that can siug it juBtus BiuHy. : ;. When tha dock struck tvrolvo tha oth- sr night, Joo Daviy, ol D,«s IToinw, wlio n-ho wus sitting IID wit]\ n, ttead. tqati, tossed off a tioYfl of wWaty Rud settloil liisisolf ihv A Uftp, pretty aoon QUO Q( UIQ boya stapk his hoadilttto thu window and grafHy laiil, "Joorold para, I'm looking at ye," Joo onanedhia' oycB, grabbed a oh sir, andwUftoking tbo corpse arer tha head, eJDonlatfid-p"X'o'aral aro 5 Q; 111 teach ya ta ba aaariae of me, —n yo I" nnd, after bitting liim a fow tjtooa more, Joo sat do^ra lautloiiag, " I oned tlio old ensa one, any vay," it. Ha dide and ata with ati to l with ati npimtito difltauU to fiat iefy. Ho explained (iud csctUEotl his liSRrty meal by saying it ^as liia first food for tweaty-foiir lioui's, aud ho had uo Qzpcctatiou ot ABOtWev raeal for oqual length of time. But his iuBatl bfo tuir«t IOTdriuk samwtl alV tUis, JX. was sad, yes, it wospitiful, to follow him into Uvo oUoap, roii^h bar-room, and hear, Mm prostituta his genius nnd groat gifts toproduce coitso awl vulgar wit to , lot of thoughtless boys or ignor- irat awsn, aiid th«a brib» tliem into, (ur^ uisliing bim Hipinr. Fusaing tho Btreat in, and there wosCnpfciiu Mnrahnll quite dmntt, BUrronuded bynmuonnu IJois. teroue erond, uis clothing torn and sail- c\\, liia hat noshed nnd pulled down ovor his face, his fae^-itsolt blackened aud smeared mtu ink and soot. Hu loeroti nt tlia crowd fur a moment from 1'raeath uia sioneltioft'lint, nnd thon drow liiuisel( up majestically, raised, liientinaodslioul. dor ill a n^ast esnrcasivo gesture, nud wiH, in bitter nml ooutcuiptuoua tonea, •You romsnd mo of a lot of cowardly bantam ohickona picking upon tho liead of nn eagle with mtt wings l>rolton.' Tliia wna greeted with n shout of laughter, nnd tha wliolo crowd prapo^doil to drink,— Iindra'Uinn onao mot liim Into at niglit, alter crou the bar-rooms woro closet], wandering alone upon tlio street, with his hut off, striking hii forebctid with hia Ld lking up at tho.moon an<\ lllug himeelf n Ttinntio, i> atnr fjfiKor, nud dolivonpg an addrous to nn imagina- ry nudienoQ ia tlio ;licavomi. But let us -- ; *- ratler than oonsnro him. At many floora will ba oocupiod by tho Bovoml braochos o! tlio TJnitod States Courts. Tlio uttio will bo ocouiiied by the janitor, watcLinun and others ct-nuectetl with tho| building. Gr»nito, iron, biiok, eoncroto and glass ore tUo aomponcut parta wliioli, uuitod, malia uptbismagnifioontcdillco; thus excluding all ooiiibiiHtible matorlala., Tho cauciclu iiiduwallc wlifeh extends nronml the Ijuildiiig is a magnificent piocoof artificial stoue work. Tho urn- teriul iu laid in unbroken eboDta at four incites in tliickuess, and Biibseauontly marlted off in Woolis of any dceirau eliapo or dimeupions. Iho roof, whidi ia of elflto, ia exeeutccl iu a enporior'and acmo- whnt coatly ortiolo of dressed elate, coohI Blob of which is ono-haU inch tidbit at the lower edge, nud one-qunrtor inoli at tho upnor, Bud out in octagon form at tlteaornoiu Tlioslntaon ttioioof weighs about225 tous. Tuagmntta which givos BO much beauty and character to tho exterior, comes IromDixIaloud, JTaino, and is (IHiG the etono ussd) all dreascd at iho quarry, being cat nccuratoly to pocificirtion, nninbcreil ami lottorcd, ao k i l periotls of bis lifo ho urnda Ootorniinod nod oontinnod efforta- to oonquor his 1 thirat for liquor. Ho said tlint his con- tostwasnot puo of dnyuor nooks, but ol months aud yeora; that when tlio do- sire eorao on his Huflorings weio cnunlloil only by tli» torments of tbo lost. Ho drank tbo hottest tons nnd suoh substi- tutes as were suggested to him.' I re- tnotnbar onco to havo soaii him swallow moro than hi. ounoa of tliocxtraob of gin- ger, but slightly adultaratod wllli water, bnt all tono puq)03e. ' It was Uio stim- nlnting effocta of alcoliol that lio craved, and ho must linvo it or go mnd or die— Bisfailurn toconf].ner this'consuuiing passion for driulc assisted inmaking him n fatalist At jonglU' oxhnuatcd naturo guvo vnj, and ho WHS' stricken with his fiutilluess, Afriond informed him that ho mnat BOOH dio, and nskod him some quotation looking to a nroparation for an- other world. Ho promptly stoppod hitn and said, 'No, sir; uo. sir i 1 dp uot wish to pmy. I hnd no bund in coming into thia ^rld, Ifinvo failed iu all I over soriously ttttomptoil or desired in it 1 shall inuko no 1--,*^ bonenth tl»o no!! mcirk u.ltt tht xnonts for my depnrturo, nor for another existence, If God has managed the mat- i torso far, IshaUpcrmitHim to continue itaa host plenaus Him. 1 HodUniiaaod, tho liubjeot ond referred to itn,o niom-« After remaining eilc^t, tox saiQQ time, ai I *'-"ing.hS'tMd., 'Well, well, thia ia tha _.1Tts. '4Jdm STarahftU ia tlving, not hftviiig I Affiiitof clothes in' whioli to bo buried ; dying upon a borrowed bed, ooverad I with aborrowed shoot, inahonsd built: by charity.' Well; trail, it lA'meat nai' proper.' Aftor an honror nioro lio look-, cdturoughtha open window, aud cilUag I the attention of, thoso nround him to a solitary tree, standing in tho middle of a largo onott posturQ, hoenid: 'When I, ara dead barv mo beaaatU tUattrco in tho middlo of the fiald; I havo .boon crowded all my. lifo, and I do not wtsli to' be crowded after mydeath.' Ho said mote, but tvttor t\ tiino quiatly brentho. Ho vttia * " '* ' troc,-bat no, a^mc . passing tr&TOlor who rasU below. AH tboyCB.T8pnsJitiway, a n d t i a e aud die-' tanoo Eofton all things, his faulty, his vi-1 oca aad his misfottuaeB nro forgottau.—' Hois rcmcmboretl a| a brillinut; wU, a, moat acoompUuljc'l and foacinuting uxa-' tor, nnd hy somo ns nuoicollcnt aud toataed lawyer. Let EOono suppoao tbiit his wan a divHh ntfamo, thnl h.o gniu- ud only tampasas; aotorioty, or voA \\Q -, • - liration iron) liquors, irhilo ho .» ptodignl gift ol nntwro. 'Xbnt o far fram tha«truth. Air. Hnr- , .salt bis We a paiiont and diH- gont student, He cniuckl BHCOCSS only vihtn. cntitoly Itea siom tlriuit, nud niter laborious study. ' EcDry grcut attempt i mada •without propnTation, or under tlia influonoo of hia inostur posaion, was tnoio or losia nfailnra. Uo, hlco all tbo Bom of. inoii, had no roynl rond tofnrao, and on- ly found the pearls of wiai36m after a di unt search) or oajayed tho fruits of yh tory a woll-foaght content." f i r11-. tin: ITON cm.] Sew Yiirfc Cfly's Nciv Post M.lre. Tliia building occupies ouo ol tho niosi coojujfindiug bitea iu tbo wliulu mch-u pitliti, bciuff (iit;u.tod at tho junction }JL-uacl\vay and Pai-li Itaw. Tlio oilifi iu nf Ler t!io I>orit; alylo of arc itccLurc, niiil tho plan ou which tliin now structure h buils in iiot only noroi nniijuo, but combines with itit grcal Koliditj, IJBIO andflegiiuua. Only relative idea of its diinonsiuns con In obtained when it 13 nUtod tlmt it co n littlu over GIIU flora o[ gcouiid, nail ii aevuu Ht'nics high. It ha:j u frontago o; 310 foet oo Uroiiflwny, 320 foot ou ; Row, 200 fuut facing tho City Ho.ll aud 130 fuot facing tlio junction. Thin mukos a total Iionlugc of 950 feot, oqmCl to froulnflo of ntioiit forty ordinnry city buildings, or four complete bloats. Tlio (out fruutngea nvo trcntotl intlin s\m of nrehitGclurt!, nml pith tho'snnn nmount Of ilecornlion, so that thoro nre 10 ronr aides to tho structure. Tin mildiugoousifjt* of a csllur, bnacraunt four utorieu anil n. mnnaffnl roof with ittics, Tho hoiglit of tho collar is 12 fuot; basoinont, 17 foot j ilret story, 80 fcot i Bcooud ittory, 27 foot; Uiicd story, '22 toot 0 Inchon; fourth Btory, 22 fuot pndotUolOfoct. Tlin i»hola will thus hiwor 120 fciit nboyo tha siiiowitlki. while tha lofty domoa ovor (ha northern nnd soutliom parL<i will ritio inuoh higlior, Tlio TJirioua iiarta of tho building will Ua occupied ns foliowu: The cellar for fual onginos, ix'.t and eventually as tUo n, . nd eventually tatUo Iftud for tho puounialic tuba system which viTl fiiva direct coiniuuuicfttioii betwean tha gunonl post-olllce and its numofous lirnuoliea whtoli ura situiitcd in vaiioua pnrta of tho city, Tlio bnaomout, ona vast spattinant ooonpying tlio vjholo Bilf, will lo derated to tlio sorting of letters aud irapcra, aud tho getting ready ol tlio uiailn, which will givo constaut omploy- rnout (night and dny) te uowral fcumLrod mon. Tlio luoney-ordor, stamp rei iag, cud leRtateriiig departmonts wil located ontliBflrat floor, while tho oouy whicli Rnrronoda tl»j ewtiro interior will contain the ofiloeB of tho subordinate odlcors. There are uopartition walls iu tliio aeotioii, tliedomo, tbo ilooriugubove nod tlw courtyard wails aro supported by 107 mossivo aud ornnto columns, 18 inohcB in aiamctorftnil 30 loot iu longtb, and woighing 12,000 lba, each. This floorl cf tlio building laooivcs its ligut throug.i n larDO anil mogniilcent trinnirular n\mi hound, moro lofty nnd vigorous than auy ol tlio picscuing oats, carriol tbe animated ltog to tho tep of tho bouse, wliero it Btzzed, aud buzzod, and vhizxod hohind tho chimney, until finally it rolled off iiud lnntled jual in icout oE Mr. G, ITho spraognsido tho smoking thing on yelled formoio water. It came, Buck' otfu] after bucketful, was thrown upon tho man (mi keg us tlioy rolled over ond oror tlin ground, fllliug tho air with smolio and soot nud. OUBB words, until tho flro iu tbo keg and the curiosity in Mr. Q. -worn botb totally cztinguisnod. One Ear at a Time. Manyoitraordinnry poraons, whoL. figored in history as mon of action, have liAtl a propensity to do their thougUta mtliar than speak thorn, toconvey, or nt Joaol to onforuo, their moaningby oomo Bigiiliic&nt action rathor thin by words. Bir Wnltor Scott ralatea of Na- oloon thntonco, inn shsrp altercation -itli hii brother Lucian, not bain; allo •obow htm to ill's will, ho dulled on tlie a T Laud, exclaiming—"I duino. mgniilcont triangular glnea i second, third and fourth cirtion, Moh bl nbceil mi lottorcd, ao ck fiU its nlneo' perfectly dressing So proeisoly do Moh k fiU its lneo perfectly without after dressing. So proeisoly do tiitso blocks lit tlint n dozen men at tlie buildidff lay the Bton.cs na fast aa 800 men oaq prepura tliom at tlio fmnrry. Tl)oso tlooltH aro all brought hero bj a vpfiaol of pconliarconatruotiDO which vis built oapociully for their trocsportntion by the contractor. Tho various atones nro readied by means ot Ii hydraulic oloTators four ot which, aro for passea- gars, nnd tea for mall matter and other freight'. The pumpi which run the elevators aro supplied with steam icoux eight largo lioilcra of thirty homo power each ; tlioso putiipi olsa farca water into six lnrgo tonka ju the roof by means of ivhiuli uhoud of ffntor ia obtained-ia all tbe rooms, nml nu ample supply fur fire lurposes is always at hand. Tko toHotB ilso furnish steam for liontiug tho build- iug hy menna of nearly 1Q0 miles ol piping,' including coils, &o. This build- ing hug (lonsiltnGiI Jn its eooattuotioa nbout 950,000 culio yards of grnnito, 20,000 ynrdfl of concrete, 45,000 barrels of cotnont, 10,000,000 bricks and 0,fiOO,- 000 pounds of iron ; and Uaa cost tbu» fur over 85,000,000. Ground was broken iu tho fall of 16C9, but tho work was con- eniborrossod by tho lei 0QUgte33,^ntiltllByc^rl872.Bmco^7hich timo tlio work lias beou vigoroaBlr pushed forward. . When thla atn\cture ia com- pleted (wliioh will bo iu tha oouroo of a few months) it will bo, without doubt, tlio finest nnd moat imposing government buikliug iu tlio United 3tates outaiila uf tlio city of Washington. J. VT, D. .Ati Ingenious Tcrslniu ) London Graphic tolls iw thflt Monto Cristo'u asoapa fram tho cook in which ho vas Hang into tlio sea from tbe Chateau dlf liiis been imitated by an ingcniouBPcrBiau. Having inciiriod tba (1inrilef.suro of a high functionary at Shtmi, Mobmnmcil Wirzn was con- domnod to ho fastened up in nsack with u viper, a ooclti anil a cat, nnd after an boar's timo, when this happy family hnd improved their ftcrjunintanco, the sack inu ita contents were toho thrown into tlio river, fortunately lor Uohammcd Miiffti his oiccuttonera forgot to search bid pooket—which aontainod a small * life D.ireotly tbo mouth of the sack >s olosod upon him and his companions, le cut in half tha vipor, which, was, ..ready iQcircliug Lts log,, tho cook and ha cat were next diaiwtcbad, and our ^orsiim acoiipici. tho romaiuilor oE liis lonr by Biaulnting n violent flglit of these h r « nnimnlB, nnu giving favtli tho most ixcruciating 'cries oi agony. In ~ wa,tcr. d g i g y . In dno acVi nml nil TTCW oonsigood to ths tud then Mohammed Mirza, Iilillf t i ipoedtly Irooingliimsolf from too prison, gained tao otbav aido of tbe river, and imopoat-linsU) to Europe, for tha fuiuto voluntary exile from his fatlicriand, Tho Snnko and Pat, Thoro is fiotaotliing wholly i 'writes an American nabtaiistj iv. iho fleam of tho snnko's oye—it ii a look jenorolly of tbomoat mnlioioua nature. Jala havd tlio satno look whoii irrilntoil, A.t Bitch time3 thoro 13 n my of vicious ^ntolligouce in tho oyes of both cnt and innlic, nnd that they arc both of them Lnimntod by n donuh/ purpose is soon ellQUlil nny iu 1 ioir power. Abird baa boon seen to 1 whirl round and round iu n circle, near I bo grouud, uofc in tlio muni manner of lying, Imt with a Ehort, frightened, I [uttering motion, till it lull to tho em- j [noo, when it wns soon intho mouth of I ;ho aunlcu. Now, wo bolievo a cat is tlie j inly quadruped that will fnce n, annko. Wo have watobed a big tomcat stiro at a: largo Biiako for au Lour togcthor, pass I all tho time wtli his buck up, his hair on jntl, and hia tail gently waving to and fro ] thy sualto, nt the sumo time, gazing just as intontlj ou tho cat; but tbo inomoat tho oyca of bis felino nntngouist woro turued away (and tUoy turned lov nn Instant purponcly), tbe snnko glided iway' with all jxissibla doitiatcU; bnt puss wnaaftflr him, and, with a sin^lo •jound, aoiEcil Uitn closo (o' tho Ijiiok of iho liead andduspatcliDd liim. 1'ho sharp i-_i.t._r.i "•— ' * r iovortebnv ,-jd thdroit lay, -wriggling *tftnalwraing «ito, but purfectly lioworlcss, till it died. Mr. Mcujfor is a bvycr in Obicaiw, As may be Marred, t: - '•—•-— tho foc-Unc. UTCIJ Eer. A IdURliable story wtold hy tliu (I iMou Enquiref: Uevtinil months Biiice,antyiebciat uu nr tha little town of liouo. iu th county, which bad on board, umoi , other things, sevoral Ucg* of powdor.— One keg waa carried up to Mr. Oo Icy'a and kiclcad iiround the ynrd for mvcra d:ijs; but at lost the iu(juisitivuneJ3 Jlr. G. overcame his necufitouietl pru dcuco ami bo dctcrmiucd tu oxperimeu upon tiiai log. Tbn powder bad c*I;od aud bacotno, to all appaaraaca, asolii mns% but waa, 111 fact, streaked ai through with littlo vaiua Q[ dry powder, which tho water had effected very littlo. Mr. G. ftppliod a tarcli to tlio moutb of tlio keg, and, nftoi* cousidcra- bio Eornjiiag a»d poking, UIQ fico took hold a tow seconds beforo Mr. Q. let K Tlio Leg mado a «uil HUo au mfaut Vo- mivins, and bound ud uj> the hillJikou frtffbtcEtod cauuendwise It ii\ifi«4 ftcod cauu iind mnokod a d tl j endwise. It ii\ifi«4 fow moments waeu it i i th i t i l kd fo m e umda aitotlici' apring into the air, tarncil over sovenil times, aud inadufor Mi, O,, who by tUia tiute liacntao aoinawliat frightened, and began toyell for wator. TUia roused tUoentire family, Midwliilo Mr. Q, nnd lits clilost son wero vninly cudeavoriug to ccptwio tlio kag, imd kept busy avoiding it ia its porcgriua- ttona, tho other iucral)ori wore busy hoaving butotful flftor bucketful iu tho diti f th kiki U O oving but direction of bd kicking Uog. One d i th -b!e floor a le held in lit: made your fortunes. I cau aUftttor thorn ta pieces oaslor thnu I do that watcbl" Everybody lias liettcd tho story of Ctnuto tlio Qroit, vho, irhon bis zourticM weto extolling his iwwer and good fortune as a Liad ot ouinipotcuoa aver nature &i woll as men, quietlyor- 3orsd his tlirono to be ast on tlio so*- tjtaoh whoa tho tida was oat, and irntm Lto wavea camo rollingin, playing orouud hia teat, aud irreverently tliiflwinB water and spray ovur bin sacred persou, iw flLloatly »ltowed too jpsolnolo to xo- buko thuir silly flattery. A good fruUncs it tbi« *ytabofi»ta is icl&teu of Aloiander tho Qreat. An accusation was once tjil to him Bg&imt ono of Ms Wlna tha informer began his wt, •Alaxundor tamed ono eir di htm, and cloiod tba other firmly Lia b.»nd; impljioR that ho would form %just judgment, must not abandon luEasdE ftUogotuor totlio party who eels the first UGoring; but, while he givss ane e&r to tlie accuBallon, should rcaorya "is othar, vritliout bins or prspoisessioQ, 1 tlie delonco, If one sliould abut both •flfti-a when wo hero on injurious report, ia moat cisca no harm would ho done. But tlio leant thnt fairncia ta-, tiuires ii to lieep one e.oucil nnu roaorvo itTorthsotb'orsid?. Far vrho does sot know (tliongu mo«t pooplo oltcn forget) that (hero nro two sidos of every etoryi and fltato capitols, and haro tlio mystio ibbroviatiou "floii." affixed to their names. | Admiral Farrngut ouoo pleomntly onol ili joatinglv remarked, "that: uo maa r as througfily educated who [ had not; mjoyed a sailor's oxperieuoo." Tho •~"))o of the United HtaWs R\B begiu- [ to give practical pVoof of thinking —. believing, too, that no men ate ao fell iittcd to fill public, posts i}f honor hnd respectability., as tuose who hava )eoii trained to tho profession of prin- How Posuigfi.Staiups are 8Iadc, In printing, steel plates ar« used, on which two uusdicd iumpsaroengraved. Two mon are kept Lard at work cover- ing them with tbe colored inks and pass* ing them with largo rolling hand-presses, lhioo of Vacua littlo squads aro employed all tho time, although tea presses can be jrat into ufl9 in case ol necessity. After tljo small sheets of paper upon which ilia two hundred stamps aro ongrsvod hnvs dried enough thoy.'ara ueuliuto Anotnor room ana gammed. The gum UBedfor this purptwo is a peculor oom- position,' made of the ponder of dried potatoes nnd othorvogfitableo mixed with -«ter, which la hotter than any ether i&teriol, forisBtance, gain arable; which cmcki thopBporbodly. Th paper ii also of a peculiar t«itaro, aomowbat similar to that usod forhank-nbtoa. After hni boon again driort, this time on h. UH racks, wbieh sra fanood hy stotua-powor *or about an hanr, thoy ax« pnt hatween jlieotfi of pwteboard nnd pressed in hy- araulic-presBca, capable of appljiag 0 Tveigbt of two thousand tons,' The next thing it to cut the iboota iu half; •aoh slioot of course, when cat, contains a Lundred stomps. Thia is dona by a girl with & largo pair, of shoarf, cutting by 1 bund being- preferred to that of n»- clnWy, Trm'oh mothod would deitroj too many stamps. Theyarotlionpauod io two other iqaads, who, in as mkoj iperstions, perfonto tho sUseia botwoen tlie stumps. Koit thoy ara pressed once core, asd then packed and, labeled, and towed away another room', ptonam- —' to being put ia msil-ij&ga for dis- ihjng to fulfil ordon. If a single itamp is torn, or in any woy mntilatoi, tho whole shoot of one uundxtdug burned. \bout firo hundred thoosand aro homed very week from this causa. For tlie :>iut twenty ycaw not a alnglo elwot haa oa lost, Euch CUTS has boon taken oonnting them. During tha pcogrcaa if manufacturing, tbo oliootn nro counted, i times. Lracm F1HDSB3.—Oao of tbe saQdoBt ihases of Washington life, snysthe Star, dnily .presented at tho Ireo lunoh tv Saa of out largo hotels, Hera one sees laily gatlieroa, witU greed begotten of •tint, and .-winch debars'all the polite- ness BO bocootias: to ' an^ one at an eat- ng-table, men .whosa mission in Iif«-has, iBon itrfeaUd by.ths uncerteihHes of rar nnd . politics, ind whoso - names, hoiigli onoogreat, liavo siink>into oh-, icurity in tha rapid changes of: our nya- ,GEQ nf gorernment : Tbo General and ho statestnim of. yssterday eomo to the | )ar-roam, and flnrrsplUiouQly aeek that, ood which is iatonded for regular ona-i ,omo«. and they who onco looked upon t o barkeeper na a low-Uved individiifil, low approach Mia obsequiously, and avo him ancakingly vben ha do'tectai icm ia tho aot orpooketing tha crackr ja nud choose, what a and commeh-1 lary imnn tlio vieiBsitudes . of man who, mako lifo nrtiflcial I Tha froo Innch ta- Mo wns 0110 of tho iostitnttous tlint did ot exist in SbokcpcareVtimo, or olse ..'0 would hare bad from that groat mas- lor a most philosopliical frco-lanolior'a icliloqoy. With tho regularity titad, wiow and ica put iu nn anpeurunca ; in Janiuiry, tliruugliout tbe regiou iforth of tue Cbesax'oako, HO do also, ritftituoon niter tlionnnuul £Bi-mbIiuga at Catigraaa and t!ic Htato IjegisUturcs, appi ar liats of tho vucationa of Ilia lawmaker^, 'J.'bla year, usual, tbura IBa propAiidarnuca of lawyers aud priutcrs, wllli tbe tyuos rather ahead, for aomo timo past, Ilio marubcre af tho craft tvpograpliical havo boon gaining on tho efciuiup lights of tliubir, intbo CitJumtion ot tlio sov- ereign people;, when tho sovjireigrw wero Kclcfltitig iucnof offices of hoaor and trust;and iutlieirscliictinns the pconlo of tue United States diaplaybd ibeir na- iia.1 wiuduui. From tho miooBiiitios of " calling, tho mon luarnojl in tho law becomo adepts iu chicanery, snd almost witUout so mionilii.g to i3<>, 1thoy carry ilioir "Hharp jiractice" luto tlio legiala- •ive lialla, u«\l nliaost uuwi),tintfly—for Imbits is second nature—prcfjico it thoio. From tho convocations of shwcwod attor- -my idios i rciuitcil Credit grnb^, Pacific Mail, y luhsidios. Printora, on tbooftier liani larly thoso who havo curved Fromtho stand to tlio Editor' ' tho latter post bavo, by ns boon called to coma md other I—partiaii' thoir way dank, and icir fcllow- , . . _ iup higher, ico to tho plnccu of saiiatorfl and oBcntntlvcs—aro ncccsaa^ily Hlirowd For yeoii 1 primal . 4 - - .- . - partisan enuenscs lioyjew noiiapoaide torrorn, ind they looked .town with (fignity on ' o professional politicians wljo assaxua ha pnrty leaders; fgr tlio jriutor-odi- •on havo loarnnd, bi * lhat the press ianiigh —,, Hoareu ICUOTTH it baa built up nud torn 'own enough of thom eineo tho days 'hon Jolm Adams was an nsjiirant for ;hoPresidency. Nothing at al surpria- and inviirinbly liouost men. 11 ^ have Htood bealdcs ingi of power. For the jnutor- ig ciperienoo, 'mn platform 9. jj, therefore, is thoro in tbf> ciroum- Btanco that this year the priulors, in a more solid aoil loDgor column than ever before, have marcCed to tha Stil d tt il dL li Learn a Trade. I cover look at my old steel __r •ulo that I do not bless myti rliilo my strength lasts, I am ajit at tho leroy ol tho vorld. If my pin ie not /anted I can go back to the t/pooass ind besnre to find work; for I UnVncot tlio riulor's trada thoroughly—nei) i spap*r, >b work, book work, and preiji work, am glad I have &good trads. It ia as rook upon wbicb thft.nossoraor can . ind firmly' Thoro is health and vigor r.liotb body and mind in 11a honest 1 trade. It is tho gtrongeit and] suresti ^..^ —:t ol tho sellmodfl man. Oo iipta th« f>< -.-doray to tao printing office or tbfl^. ; •; wtizan'i bonch, or, if you please) to itxBU--' form—for, to be sure, trao forming itftV. trade, and a grand ono ot thiM. liy':""' irthflt^ myoa'f ' Yoa havB hoard, peibaps, of titlark- e, gnd ono at tniM. us a Buro foundation, and «fter iroach off into whatever profcss| rho bod faithfully lerrod StoyanlGurwd" :om bovhood to mnnhood. On, tba jwonty.firat nnnivorsary of bis hitthday, ho Tiont to^hifl master andtold ' lime was np, nnd ho cortainly «_ ., important i>romotioo in tho merfhant's^ service. But Stephen Girard s\ "Very well. Nowgo and ll trade." "•Wliat tmdo, air? 11 "Good barrels and butts n [emajia vrhilo yon lit*. Qo i._ ;ha ooopor's trade; ond whoa yc :nade n perfect barrel, bring it to The young man. went mray nud I ;ho tnde, and in time brought H master a splendid barrel of III lake. Oirard examined It, nnd gave tli< ir two thon«and dollaratoeit, and .. .. aaid to hint: • .'S= "Now, nir, I irant you in my nouat-S ig-toom; hut honcefortli yon will: lot boh onendeat upon ths wlu'ta of fltwiteii^ "irard, Lot what will onmc, you havo^ good trodo always in reserve." -£| TbeyouDgnir-neaiv tlio wisdom, and^: uoilcretood. Vp: Yoarj Ago, wlien tha latddlo-agei mari?.': '. to-day woro boj«, Horace Giesloy "•? wrote; , .^/. "It is a great source of oooiolatu a iof^- II that when tha publio shall bo tit >d of ^ is aa an editor, wo canmake- a sat BIW-^ >ry livelihood nt setting typa or 1 irm-.; ig; BO that wUilo our sirongth lasti, Voa:; wusand hlookloads, taking offenia at" nao article thoy do sat tmd&r&mnd, K mid not drive as into the poorbouse." : And ao m&y a. ma.'Dbecome troly infle-'.'•{ indent, '• • - • • '-~ii. OoiK TBODBLEQ.—Fromthe latast WJUgacDo received from tho Fenisyl- 1 iniacoal regions, it appoan that Iho minors aro faring badly, and it would 3m that tho outlook for tha bettering their condition is not ver£ fkttoLJiog hldi i r contion is not ver£ fkttoLJig, Chsy are holding meetings nightly, and re discussing tbo subject of tlio rojent iduotious, hoplug to leouro a modi lca- tht th li t h h th , pg a m tion, so that they can live through Tintor In Bohoylkitl county ne lca tho l DA&IKO BASK BODPKHT.—A. moat na ing and successful descent was made i on the First Notional Bank of Catb|i dl P Thd tinp, haB uimally been fmytliical. AweUatt«it ttetU ot tlio cut were tnroa gutho of tlio snnlio iu au instant, and A SuiomAi. SoonnoM.—Tba statomont hat i\ eooriiion, ^Uon drivan to bay by * cnomioa, and nnablo to 'neaps: ill kill itsnlC by a blo-w from iti venom- regarded ai - - - .odinitauco, ar, of tho suioido of. the insect baa iteiy been imWiahed ,by Dr. da Bel- time, Tho writer ntatos that, having captured a scorpion, ha converged the -\j% of tho sun on ita back bymeans ol buimncr-ulMs. Tho. iniecU become 3, ondiUnnlly raised ib faridotly nraRcd, ondilnnlly raised ib iirjc and struck itaolf, dying within hall a minute aftorwardB Au old geatietaan woot into the offioo of ona of tbo papers in St, John, N. B,, tha otbar day, and prosantod n KUp cnt from a London X'aper, nnnonnoing tho death ot a potaau woll kcowa ia St. Johns, aakjag to liavo it inserted, "aa there oroa eroat' anny ftionds of bia here who would liko to hear o( here w deatlu" oro a eroat anny ftionds of bia who would liko to hear o( hia r intor, la Sohaylkill county nearly : mr thousand miners arc idle, hut as} yet icy have conducted thomsdvoa in au ' orderly manner, and it is evident Mat "ley have been guid«d by trisa com sel. 1 the litiiigh rogion a largo nurabei aro lo hat have not resorted to violenc to lin their oails. In the Wyomingra- ORB the men aro still working, but lectinga aro Doing neld nightly, and tho iaoussion of tho situation and the uc- on pi wages has boon their prinopal lema, hut as yet they havo not arriyefl ; a decision us to what course thpy Will iursuo in tho future. I Tho men cenbroUy complaiu that pus redaction of thoproduotionofconl hurts "icm worso than the reduction of wages ' th'oy «ny that if th«y wero votkingon full timo thoy could nfford to stand Ihe reduction. I t al an o C a | e, Pa,, 00 Thursday at noon, wbilo teller, O, Ih Oonch, and tl k b t t di l tba teller, O, Ih Oonch, and aaotlar clerk wero absent at dinner, leaving iha cashier, Jos. Scott, clone ia the bank,— Mr, Scott is qaito nn old man, stifforag from illnoaa, aud is irory* feeble. TWo maa came in by a front door of tho baijtr, and one ot them asked for tha cUtngaof a $5 bill. Mr, Scoot stooped over to ootnply wKU tlio reqaost, "ffliea nno pi tho men grabbml him hy tbo head, pm- nlnj it to thodesk, and th*-other jump- ed over tba counter nnd bound and (TVT- K«l hita. Tbo rubbers tbeahastUy gath- •red up all tho •arrinor they could Duilt ftEaounUng to nboat 510,000, lortanaUfly overlooking a paekngo cantaining SUf,- 000,' Thaj were disturbed by a womiln coming to (he front door, and rotrealijd by a back door, crowing tbo »?er ou i«e, ami wera scan to enter aaletgb and drijo off. Two men Uftvo bocu arrcatad Mr. Scott thinks thcy_ aro tlio :" bot ci\tmoton«ar poaitivoly. Nevada, Stato ot tho prccio nda another apedo rcpre thd Sen&to. litft week Sharon, twin Silmr King J lted g M a Jouos, in Sil King elected gcm T ability, mode Ills ow hotr to keep it. hotr t ep , ona great prodi Btmus what hi good [Vo for thqm, and swell

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Page 1: READY-MADE CLOTHING Apothecary, … · SIMOF, Merchant Tailor, And dvilcr i n Mob's and Children'a Ik-ady-< • H1J CMWClthi:/i ' AnnonncBii 16 tlio public t1mt h\» slock of KL_

— v5-




OiSao on Harm Straot near Blwkwel],Tjcmm UF OT/BSOIUITION


Una Yaar , - - - - - - - 8 1 0 0Six M o n t i - j U - - - 1.00j i r o o u i O " 3 f . ( - - - - - - - 6 )


Liverpool and Quecnstownon tllufidlowlujftiUianmlilpJIijii.:


Mvcruool aud Groat Wcltera,Draft, on England all J IUiyel Bauk of IraluidIlio luwc.t ralua.

E.LlNDSLEY.aBinil,UlackWufl Struct, Sorer, N. J.

Slate Roofing. ..HikrulKnod ia propamd b j lougoiiwri-mi a thModgh bno«lfldgft of IIOOWNO- 'MO lo .oloot tbo butaod put onluJQUAItltVlNalo

ivll lroc. lv. prom lit «tl .ullon>Uiu.ii, Uod, runilo, VirioMloJ, ul ict and

ilufl slato.wliolc.alo and rutail." A s'5«I U>» 1U°' «l>l laul a Ult imo,


Counsellor at Law•. &m




Slmvliig uuiI Mm 111 {lulling Eiftabliiliinont,

In tliti building formerly oootmioil ly thoURJco, Hiuux S I . , » O T M , N. J . t '••-- --

K ]t Purtleiilnriitltutillun (,'Won to cuttingAml tli-uHHing laulofl' and cJiilJrun'i hair. U s u niiutkoJ, not und gtouml. * w

J. J. VREELAND,and Builder,

Jobbing prompt); intended lo.

slmu over M.«J '« Ua« Mill, Ulackwoll St.,Dovur N. J.

(JmiliauU tokuu, nu4 maUrtal fiimlirfiod. -


Curlier of IlhekwoU and HuaMjx ,Bli,.

DOVEB. N.ji .I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

HOMOS and Oarri*g** loLot. ' .


OounselioratLaw,A K D M A H T E R I N OHA3$OEBY;,

OIUco ia ilio, Nation*. Union Bank Building


O'BltillUOUK *


: Cur. Blackwdl Mid BUMUX fit/ v' *;DOVER, N. J.

O A. GILLKX,, General ' • '

Furnishing UndertakerMClSiWtiD AUCTIONEER AND OOMMIS- .

BIONtftl OF DEEDU,.AD onion promptly atUmtlad to:


Carriages and Sleighs.OrBvcry: D««rli>l[ou. •

Cur. Dlsukwoll and Burgon tit., IMiVKK, K. J .

Particular itloutiou poll] to ropalrlug abilfainting, a-lj

rvovEit LMiunvrauY, * ' '

Aiasyi aud Analog of all tiugcrlptioni ofORES AND MINEKALS


Allen Palmer & Son*Carpenters •

i N D •• • • -

Builders.DOVER,- i f . J . ' ' • '

Jobbing promptly attended to.S. J. PALMEB, Arclillrnt.

PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

Repaired and TUned(romjUj, in , a J „ „ ! o I M o r t l l rj)unl,'; ; A J .

' " " w. >. wiiKHrr,

. . . Doror, H.J

DRUGS & MEDICINESc ii. DAtttirMPiiE,, ;:

Druggist and ChemistMOEMSTOWH, N. J .


^ Urn

ENGINES tiltlR SALE IscooK,BnriJ(io,.,e.u.

SPortable Hoiking Engines

'»'» •" a u V a WAaniKQ aJ«K Will b»

BaUii jiJ???1*- O l " " » »• aSn al 111.




; H L Q O N , ••'


jlH »Mal

n and Domestic SagarsAlVrAHSOSHANr; l


n. A. UENKETT, M. D ,


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis.,(OppouloDover Hank,)

DOVER, N.J.,Disoaacj of Womon and Children, and ot Iht

Kjo And ]!ar spoulaltluo.OfficeHoura: . Ho3and7(oH ]'. M,

1 » M l


SURVEYOR.Surveys, Levels nml Grades

niaJo for Puliliuaiul lMvulo IwiprovuuiMi


. [Hear tlio Cf-nal Jlridgo.]

ty DOVEII, N. J,

J. L. CURTIS,Manufacturer of Segars and

LliALMl IN IMrOttliSD I'lPES,' T01JACC0 and ClOAltfl,



to anjfi™ LIVE1IPUOL, QtLONDON, JllllBTOL, OAllUiW 4 GLASGOWon tlio Whit* Hutr, Nalloanl, nua Slat ,l ine. urtttcaiu.iiiiK, or any otucr lino II pro-forrod.

Drartinn arcalBrltifn, ond ItojalLaiik olIrol.aJ. pe r i l .

JOHN LECWBII,Uuolt Bailor, UURHOX Htruot,



, , Offifo oil Sussex Street,Iu tlio bnUding formerly oootmioi. us tui offlco hy

Heart Hahrian, llVit Hoar.U O V E B . N . J . i

Collection, fcltooded (a will* dlliKonce.Alao, Agont Jur tha Lost Lifo ivud Fire Iimur-


WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.ilia wull-knawQ ptoporlj lioixoocntl/ljuoi

X oilonuiiolr Improved andModorulzud,furflie 6«oinioodntion ot Umic togking a. roticodimniUDr rail done. >. SltuaUid at tlio liflml ofLakoH pBtoongit la onn or the most dostm-UepUccsciflaUndroiinrt ta to found withintlio B»nio dJiareonfNoff York. In lliomiiltotthc flnoitmaintain iconciyof HorUiurnHoJomof, ultli fixcollmit hunt tug nnd flslifni, in J6uo JrlvcM.-Uii not BurpasteJ bjaiiy utliorlntboloo«1itj-. • *

.DiKhtiiilicaiiislQiit/at tlio tttil. I jwlc, ,1: Wont, ]t. ]{. trtlimw York In ilia inottitng. For particularsv i i b O ' MAI

IRA C. COOPER,'Mason and Builder.Contracts tifcen Tor all Unda of Msnon Work

and Jobbing...-, ' .i : .LIME, PLASTER. AND,

Famished at short iiotico.D under "Tlio [ran Bra OIHco," Dover,



Solo rropnutur fox alorriii Comity of FUWOIM'.- P a t e n t III Ago,

Cold Hllilug a {specialty..

luid KitronH Oilrlo Unu, Ac, i c , Ao. 4c.

ALLIE'S HOTEL,Succasunna Plains, N. J.

A. B. DECAMP, Pnp'r,

m n i a HotcUmilu«.tudlu. Ilia muni lic*vitif>X .valley <Ju Horns County, and Id not mi^ c r l by loeotlon for houllLftilnoiw.II ii c-, i4,.gnons to Bolioolej'i Mouolalu, and

«iui-dfoUnt iron. Badd'i Idko mid Lako Uojiat-cunj, tho country In tlio tbinily V"'-~fftmoim for iti flaoinoaulain •concr/iiid •lontdrivoB, Ai an Inland snminar rot rent it Iiamong tho b a t .

Mansion House.100 YARDS FROMD. L. & W. DEPOT

U'III. UltOW.V, Pio^'r.

ExMlioot KCooinmoiioUaui fur tr»n»tont orpermanaut bmnlotn, t!u> a ){vor> nnil boardingitslile ntlachca to Ilio liuuio.' rsmongcri Inlicn

Knd frail Uud.l'i Labo und L»to )la[utcuiigre^onalito cl\Mgo» 'iStf


Merchant Tailor,And dvilcr in Mob's and Children'a Ik-ady-

<• H1J C M W C l t h i : / i '

AnnonncBii 16 tlio public t1mt h\» slock of KL_ _._compriiei an uauiual/ Uiio aiaortnusnt ofClolfit, Ftnoy CmLmertN. tmd VctUng*. by tbeTint oat to fit without charge, or mtda ta orJorat the ihorteit notice. Alto canitantly on'anaalnrBornricUofOonU'FurnlsliJnjGooJa.

I particularly call alkation to mySPBINO AND BDMMEn STOOK,(

• iwInecaruhUJy volcotod and ofliirod >t iirieuai iall Ui» tiro*"* I ootulJcr laviair (n dlroclimpeUt.DDV.tfa Howark umlNev.Torkcloili-

puiiliowllln-adil/iijHom that I >mati literali tho moit literal. . '

Suiex Sirmt, Dd door from43-xt i: i - t ] ' '

Miners' Q\\

Tim bmineai formcrlr curled on nndar (LrP"WHEiD*(I!tlietiatkTbokooWDn


MINJEUS' OH. COMPMYLubricating and BurningOils for Miners' "Use.

Ttieia OOi wo eipt'clalljf- idiptod to MillingichlaeHMHlKOflUirwilood t« tuU. &i>onn,

w, Neil's Foct, Lord; Lob., C I ]• . . . . . .


aouTixo, vxu LOW ciiixo, nnrna£LMtKn, qDlLTl -

noiwr ooin'iMq •irrnn^i'^niiniuun, ooTTP? ' « R 'TqWTWi fURVVT V.

' } , \O1TT111 AKO CUIUin i .V i VM1

WKIB. • ) ; , ' . W, 8. BAiiiiirr,

Goodaie & Voughfs Drug Stor<Wliorn ho R-lll bo pkaKoiltunlUmd lo all cull

lkcrtaininif to LiiprufmHinu, IJr.Jolmfitoulia,tuo cipunuwio «f Knvcu Yootii1 clout arnilicntioniu tliopfaelluoorDuntlHli-jf, HTO (ifwliid) ha*liottn lo tho City rtDovor. Ilisvo lahciiHUL<c" 'inlnilii tbopoitelionoltlm

Nitrous Oxide Gas,ithirli IB tlio lioslanoaitiutio now in mo fur tbt>iwUilust extraction «t tcolli. I also mo Ilio MOMths , called tli« FLUID or CONIiEXBliD OAB,

Tot lii fillet, with JJOU, from uno dollar im, aisilver Iflyctnta to (iijudolhr.

Itmintifni Sets of Teeth,Vppot Mid under, for *30, on tlio hlotit Ii

JIEOTCII fiuciao Pbtca, wnrrautcd ta give(atirJfuoHon.

I trAo p.BftBarohi rercrriiis to lliofollu*ic(,'Heitldinon:

Ihn.B.O.Uiigw, Dr. J-CKinu,Dr. T. It. Orlttonilaii, M. II. DiuHrBO]

W. U..Jolnitnton,Opposite segur's Now Bank,

Ovct- (lotnlaic A Vmigli'n Drug- Htflrc.

J lOVKH. A. J .

1874. 1874.P.H.Hoffman,




tliiireillHUiTyou Bo loP. II. I

Morriutown, N. J.



English itFrnieli Contings,



Black Doeskins,iOTO •

r . n . noFFiiAN,Moniitown, S. J.


Cloths and CassimereSjrory ahoap and bavo Hwm

Cut Free of Charge,TO

1'. H . H O P V M A N ,MOBBISTO1TO, N. J.

otrlatoun, March 21, mi.


ChainpagnQ Cider, Soda Water,

G inge r Ale, &c.

Bottled Ale & PorterOP 8UTERI0R QUAUTV,

BOVEIt, N. J.~\XTU, toapoutfallj inform tliopulAio tliitt, haTVV lnK piirohBifld Ilio oatsbTdinuont of Wil

sou & Unckev in tlio above bus! nets, wo Imvomado Additional nnd modern Itnprovotnaintti Iitho mnclifnoiy. 4a , and nil) oicouto »Ii orderionlmatu) to uu wilit promptness ana caro, Uit-toniiir onriulrog el*o (lint wo aro enabled toruruinr. a botiur srtiolo tliun any oitublWituoat[» thin part of lUoBUtc, * -.

Ortlorx nor mail or olliomiws prouiiilly. ot-muua tg.

E. filTAItP131? U.UGNT.






HAVING purcliaivd tlic stock nn<l ROO.1 willor th* latotirni or imnt & muiuuDS,

\r rondr to iunply lili.own onstoumra, mja tbu onftliVlnta tlrm, with a anloiidid




Pens and Holders, Inks,MUSICAL

MEEr, NOXIOUS, jrro., andnil tli4 loadiug bnvQJs ot

SEGARS antlT0BA€C08,


, ' Drigr and OPoDcbol, eto.

^IBO Tndo » BI N E a d ] l k i

Daily and Weekly Newspapers

iur old frlonds 'mid CDabimsr* to him at a

GE0. W. WELSH,253 Greenwich St., Nsi? York,

Corner Park Place,



FronoU Marblo Olocis and Bvouzea' im'OIlTIiD THIfl FAXL,


N. B.-W»t-.i rcpilrinir » ipMJnlty, In wlildi'— n t , . w liontutwe, mjr repataUan Ii



M. Honglnui,, Proprietor,


Chill and Dry Sand .tolls,AmlnllldtuTiof


Engines, Pumping Machines,AM, SIZES OF



Hoistinguf all ktndH a BpocfdUy, and

txt Sr|Ol-tost JVoliGC.

Turned and Groovedtn Order.




attoulioi) givoi) to WV.\\\\ WOItK,

' O J3 T I C

Tiio iloltad lluvr.

God {> linocldn^,liver luiuiiiilug,

At tl;o lioart's liirieo balled dnor,M'bkh wu'ru Iwliliiv.Dvcr locfcln;,',


Wliilu \ru ftm'tor licit tin.- 'idor.

In a wtftcr toiio, .To Ilio fulloji

j .

•i'o IIIK wtnry mid tliu tun?,fjlillflioyuiiguoriiottlJUtiiiiinn'1111 lliU Hhirll VuiCc ll:1tl Uull'll.

]!,v liin mi'n-y, bj liiii cart',liiiqcltln™, KiKHiliiuj,',And r*i|iGatni;r,

tiilliii^, calliuy, tlilnill" lirnyi'•Lsliuixjiilorl" H(!ar II, piioiOii<'ii ividu tlio Rln-lwi.fd pi,rUIfunvfl, wnrlui: o]»u iiufclilAUud IH wulllugBtlhu ilunr.


Tlio lnwt TjnLtor—A ViWy eon

'ilic hardest, kind ot wtio*

Can JK)D])IO who mind tlioir P's nmlQ's ha oallod TQ-Iinr puoiila ?

Tho mallvo that tnkaa w. Jcreajuitmliomo every uiglit—A loco-motive.

Hogsan) geuomily ivell-.lreMOilattliiHsoiisou uf tlia jeur,

A H.ffn ot inJig03tioii—" Gouc lo tliii-ucr ; lio brick iu Uvo tuinuUia."

Iu tbo cairLLtjualto region of Culiforaiaitifl reported Unit "ruiiicHUituinuutivo,"

Yi'Iiat aiUclca of lucruluiwltsa Uava tobo sold liaforo tlioy o;iu Us.bought?—Boots and alioea.

Ttnio's rovougc—Having your watclistop Iu tlia nigiit boc:»U30 youlailcd towind it uji.

"Pnrthlff Is pain," an tlio bnldlioadedinn Biiid wliou tha bnrbor go', ut liim

with Ilia comb,

Lnlto GlmnpiniQ ia 14 iliclios lowrr tlinutlia real plain wbioll flUiTonnda it. It

L* beau nopbus never b

bioli flTound it.o tldo down bcfoi-u.

A. SIMON,Merchant Tailor


Fashionable Clothier,

la now auitlud In Mi


Cor Blackv/ell % Sussex Sts.

, i«q-. jr.andoubrato tho[mbllo tlio

Largest aud Best Sdoelcrt


Ever boforo offered in this -City,OCNaiSTTKaOfTUE

mutual AKD KKouau aumm


I largo BtocV of


Gouts Furnishiiig; GoodsIU.T3, GAPS, TJ1UNHB, VA1J6EH, &c, At.

Tito Culling DoiKUltncnt la undor tlio inpor-riilonof MR, I1, J, McOUIl.E, noil Idiomifor-Uascollaut abilities if. tliUnodftlty. Wettslc

tHal of our capacity to ploaid• jn oven nutlka-,rof diTBB. ' " • ' "

A.SIMON.Cor. BUclmoll and KUSBCI Sti.. Dover, N. J.

Dr. H. 15.

Apothecary,Dickei-son Street,


OBen tot alo a well aclcclctl attuk of




And Fancy Articlesho., Ao.

Physicians' PrescriptionsCaroft]Hr cq,qr>[>t}mlci| n\ all hours,

mms AND LIQUORSFor Uojldml Purpoiu).

Sweodish L6eohes

A littlo girl upon her return fcutu ntliilJron'a party, boitig nslcod if HIIO had

a KOO3 tirao, ropliod—"YUM ; 1ml Uicrowasu't much boj9 tlicrc."

Pillars in clmroh powfl nro often in tlioway. Yet tlio preacher- thinks it quitoout ot ttii) way if lio tinea not fiuu tliopillni-B ol tlio church in thoir pawa ovaryBuuilay.

Tliia wodcl vroatd bo & saudj desert of_jncHoinDiio.s3 if WDUIDB woro not \n-iv-ilcgod tn attend mictiau sales naA jmy

iQio for nil ol<J bn^im . tban i> nowliatnliev-Hut would «wt.

At Liverpool nu ITIBU alrl, ngod thirtyyears, aueu a soldier forbroooii of protn-ieo, tbongb MIBJ lind nover soon onoODother, butlind exclinugod pliotogi-npbaand kept up soma ^rrcepondcuoo.

A Leavenw.orth man. told a lie, and.en said—" I Uope to bo etruoli dond if

I liavo not told tho (ruth!' Ho lnulBCflicoly twaBctl epeakiiig wbo« bo foil totho floor—a nan htwipg, iiiockal Iiitnd o v r a . • • " • " > ' • ' • * ' ' •

A Detroit editor hns oafjiblislied n bad.•eeodent liymorryinffaBiF] (jorapoaitor,

.lio will always know wUetlinr it is neo-osflnry for him to stay down at tho officetill 3 o'clock in tlia moruiug to "up tho forms.",, v ;: ^*-

A singer, Applying lot au ougagemout,nroto to na impressArio as falknrti: " It\m a good muaishnn. I pin nil music ntfuratsite," "Woll,"remarked the im-prcflsiiVio to n frioml, u a\ia may ploy bynote, but oho cortaialy spells by oar,"

The Ahbo Trofast solioitcd /or tboofflco nf oliniihua to tlio Priuondo Qouti.'(J?iit I qever go to! masfl," foplicit• tooIViuon. : " And I nerof colebrato.:it,"ndded tlio Aube. " Iu tlint case yon linvetlie apiMjiiilineufc," responded the Princa,

I'VoQcliTfomon tiro divided in opinionu to tlio revival ol boiipot-atriiigs, onoparty wifllimg to litre bows under tlioircbins, Trbi.Q tlio other aro content wiljlikcopiug tlioir benui uudor tlioir thumbs.

Tho Paris, polioa hnvonjauukctotjj' of begging lyttota. Notouly was there a good salo for tlioso, alliu variouB forma, bat a. -list at! tbe soft-lioarted oitizeus could bo purchased intotlio bargain; • -

Iu .struggling: to mafeoa dnll-brnjuodboy understand wlint canecioiiao is, nteacher finally raked—." What mutes jouleol unpotplortnblo aftor you havo donewrong?" "TliobigicatliorstmiJ."focl-ingly replied tloboy,

Frulii MI mtorciitingjuctiiro upon'X'oillarsUall, dclivoreil vcceutly in IM\Hvillo, K.v., by UufordT.vymau, wo ipiolttie caticlitdiUff uurlious, us Coilywa:

"X have Baiii uo hud u<> homo. Thfwas tniB, bucsiUNc ha \w\ in him ii-mof tha homo (junlitiaa. Ho could not niv.'untd nut iiinlto n liujuc. Iieforo tindentli of Dr. Lewia Alnrshnll ho guvo tcliia ikuslitei--m-lttt¥, Mr3.1'om Jilarsliall.luring hor Ufa, ono-fiftit uf tlio old Bucl1'onil (nrin, cunaiiting of naovo tUiwi omJiuudroL, uciao, fiituutml about funr iui!o;flora ttio town of Voviiftillod, Upon th'traut ft smull hut coinftirtabla cottngu wi -crectoil nnd jiaul for by Hie libiinilitv t>!the community, HuruMiu Marshall ru-(udiiil, uud thU i.liKia IID callud hia homo.Cut lie camo into town, ami romniuaddivTi. ..I'd evon wcolw belovo rotnnnnu.—Uow he livwl nud what innnutr of JIfciltelodit U i.idoGtl diQtuult !•> iluortlmIu Aupnut, 18G8, two yenra bufura liivlwUli, Mr, Miirslirill in n cumiuiinicutioito ono of tlio Lnuiaviilo pajioi^, had oo-C'.iiitJTi lo Hptnlt of him Hi;l(, lining tbethird pors "J, whoa lio employed tho f<>I<

Inngnngo:l i V i

to linvol l

g g o : o B t linbut caalo in Vcrsuillcs with a\l politicalpatties, nnil to ha niterly without wciglil.lnHueneo orBociul nuuitton in Woodfoi'd.A fii-vv cl liiH uiil f i f l ifv c ncompany, nnd-court hia conw(;uAtiou in\m nober intemils.' 'iliis was u Hnd pio-turo—drmvu by Iiis own ncu—and yot iflinraty aid inatiti) to tliu fact* Tbo 'nobor intcrvnu' booamo lami /roipiont. Hoprow sod for wapt of company, for wmifof mental employ men t, for want of ju<tellcctual nasociiitioii. Uo would atojitlid Bchonlboyaoii tlio a trout mid rtnj nudexjilaiuto them their Ltithi audOiwlcexorcises. Hp would gatlicr ni'mmd hima group of niou or boys—any ono for IUutidionco—mid rend to them from nn'cietit or modern hiatory, but moro ha-qucnlly from his own writing!), vliiulibail liocu iiubliuliod in 1858 hy Mr. W.L. Burre. Ho would jmuso iu thiaoutrcot readings *nnd explain, ciilici.'io,coudoinn or approve tho enbicct uf fanwriter. Ho wiis cxcooiltugV fond oroaJiugfrom his oiru csaayu or articlespublished liotwten 1630 and 1850, and

iofutiug out lioV,fiubaeciuout oventa hudomoiiBtrntod bin wisdom or cunflrmod

hia vtofffl. I now owu a copy of liiswritiuga, wliieli I bavo oftcu* lent him,nuil which ho ponoil-iunrkod fhrnnd tlirough1. Bnriwg tlto hut fourfivo yonrs of liia life he was entirely witli-out menus, nud lmd uo cinploytuout; aprecarious uud liaziurdous cliatity sup-plied bii wants. Honlcptinnuy liigts ina clmir in tbe ooiunsou aittiug-room of»

h u t r y t v e r n ; i w m weathercheniiho ulph

r in tbe ooiunso a i t g fii country tavern; iuwurm weather

o ulpyt on a voofton I-Biieli in thu courthonso portico, nud during tho coolernights of tho early Full fnllio Iwy-loffcofa public liver" slnulc. Ho felt liifj uf tu-atiuu nicuo kcouly tbnu one wight aup-noso, und would often speak of it withbitter sotlre, nnd with far more wit thnu

it Ili fd both.or n

ty Iliu food

h tliesamo tnnmier us ll i d Hoccsailiei Vidro Giipplie

tliu ohavllj ofamaaer it a ffeod

H« nolieravor

ioptod tiu o a l jaud wlicnever it wna offeiod to Jiitn.—Ho aollcd ono day at my lioino ta liarrowtho book to whicu I bnvo befora referred.ho camo juat ot diuuar hour, ftud whouI httppenod to ba nlono. I iuritcd himta join ma. Ho docliuod, Btiyiug thatseveral gentlemen \roio ou Ilio utrectwaiting fat: him. to road, them au avticlofrom the lioolc, but ho ndtlcd :.'Uavo mydiuuar for mo, aud I will return ttad getit.' Ha did'return in nn hour or two,

d t ith it difltaU t t

y W<X.) dairy-too Jougtli ot

d Af

aSt. IiRwrencQ^a^ty WX.) aofl liitvo bean diaaussitig too Jougtli ot

tituo a dairy oow B^atild go dry. . Aftertwo hours' uobata a vote wna taken, wliioh

! rcBtiltod in a itx weol.ti' vnflAtton tot oi\olidairy cow, bogiuniug with tho flrut ofJanuary of eaeli year. • • ' '

I will nud bequeath," said Pat, "iimy bolovod wife Bridgot nil my propertywithout reserve, to my oldest Bon Pat-rick onc-bnlf of tho roniiiinder, aucl toDounis, m j yoatigeit son, thfi rest Jf

" ling U loft, it miy go to Terreoodty, in sweet Ireland,"' '

British parson and oommarcial travolor,in the cam (BowrerB&tion Blow.) UEUOIquestion—" Wlint lino nro yon in ?'* otd.Parson tvuBwera, with a foint joko, Hinth is " ia the siiiritunl line." " Ha. La,"

t b t i " B l l H l d l h ' t t l iso. Butrsiiy, wlmt'a-—- of n price you' »« got gin up to."' <t X • * ••

In Englnnti, tho wnist o( a indy'B dressiacnllcd tho "body." A young Americangirl, ou a visit, to on English, aountiyhouse, which hnd tho reputation Of helughaunted, lind BubJaeJ hor nervou"nosssuffloicnlly to fnirinto n slight slumhor,when there camo a go»t!o tap at thodoor, aud a> aapnlolirn. raice wbisperailthrough Ilio keyhole, " I w m t to camoih niiu got my body."

"Grandma, da you know why Icaa BCOup ia tlio eky so far?" njiod Oliatlie, »littlo foiic-jeat-otil> of the cueraWfl ladywho sat on th,e gurdoij scat knitting.11 l^o, wy dear, why is it ?V (pi? ~—L A—bending l^er eye. " ' •

IjtUe.pol. "'Bconui

q gtQ'di\tch

of tlio prooiouathoro ii nothing is

'," rapHcd th« young pliltosoplioijj p his nstronomical reaearoh, ami

grandma her knitting. } \

An aged backwoodsman, was reprovedby a clergyman for allotting his sons togo hunting on Sunday,' "Xoa onght tobrinff np your children in the fuar of theLord," B»id the minister. * "Fearof thoLordl" said tfcc old man:1 "That 's whatI'vo dono. . Don't one o'tiieta boys darogwout doors Sunday Hhonti tv; doable-barrel gun."

Tlsia is tho \*ny one choir sings tlio-ifirst \crso o£ " Joruaaloia, lay Imppyliomo:''. • • • • • ,

Yin-ln-iali-^nK, Ylm-lu-nali-Umg,Ul-mitig jUi-bjua pftopa;, . ••

Linc'Coiig s-'on kyi-x iro-tao,rtnnsuniuBjron-tto?

Tho choir to wliieh v o ' now rcfor iacomposDii of ChiD&mcn ; but.Lhero nroplonty of American, choirs that can siugit juBtus BiuHy. • : ;.

When tha dock struck tvrolvo tha oth-sr night, Joo Daviy, ol D,«s IToinw, wlion-ho wus sitting IID wit]\ n, ttead. tqati,tossed off a tioYfl of wWaty Rud settloilliisisolf ihv A Uftp, pretty aoon QUO Q(UIQ boya stapk his hoadilttto thu windowand grafHy laiil, "Joorold para, I 'mlooking at ye," Joo onanedhia' oycB,grabbed a oh sir, and wUftoking tbo corpsearer tha head, eJDonlatfid-p"X'o'aral aro

5Q ; 111 teach ya ta ba aaariae of me,—n yo I" nnd, after bitting liim a fow

tjtooa more, Joo sat do^ra lautloiiag, " Ioned tlio old ensa one, any vay,"

it. Ha d i d eand ata with ati to

lwith ati npimtito difltauU to fiat

iefy. Ho explained (iud csctUEotl hisliSRrty meal by saying it as liia firstfood for tweaty-foiir lioui's, aud ho haduo Qzpcctatiou ot ABOtWev raeal foroqual length of time. But his iuBatlbfo tuir«t IOT driuk samwtl alV tUis, JX.was sad, yes, it wospitiful, to follow himinto Uvo oUoap, roii^h bar-room, andhear, Mm prostituta his genius nnd groatgifts to produce coitso awl vulgar wit to

, lot of thoughtless boys or ignor-irat awsn, aiid th«a brib» tliem into, (ur^uisliing bim Hipinr. Fusaing tho Btreat

in, and there wosCnpfciiu Mnrahnll quitedmntt, BUrronuded bynmuonnu IJois.teroue erond, uis clothing torn and sail-c\\, liia hat noshed nnd pulled down ovorhis face, his fae^-itsolt blackened audsmeared mtu ink and soot. Hu loerotint tlia crowd fur a moment from 1'raeathuia sioneltioft'lint, nnd thon drow liiuisel(up majestically, raised, liientinaodslioul.dor ill a n^ast esnrcasivo gesture, nudwiH, in bitter nml ooutcuiptuoua tonea,•You romsnd mo of a lot of cowardlybantam ohickona picking upon tho lieadof nn eagle with mtt wings l>rolton.' Tliiawna greeted with n shout of laughter, nndtha wliolo crowd prapo^doil to drink,—Iindra'Uinn onao mot liim Into at niglit,alter crou the bar-rooms woro closet],wandering alone upon tlio street, withhis hut off, striking hii forebctid with hia

L d l k i n g up at tho.moon an<\lllug himeelf n Ttinntio, i> atnr fjfiKor,

nud dolivonpg an addrous to nn imagina-ry nudienoQ ia tlio ;licavomi. But let us--;*- ratler than oonsnro him. At many

floora will ba oocupiod by tho Bovomlbraochos o! tlio TJnitod States Courts.Tlio uttio will bo ocouiiied by the janitor,watcLinun and others ct-nuectetl with tho |building. Gr»nito, iron, biiok, eoncrotoand glass ore tUo aomponcut parta wliioli,uuitod, malia uptbismagnifioontcdillco;thus excluding all ooiiibiiHtible matorlala.,Tho cauciclu iiiduwallc wlifeh extendsnronml the Ijuildiiig is a magnificentpiocoof artificial stoue work. Tho urn-teriul iu laid in unbroken eboDta at fourincites in tliickuess, and Biibseauontlymarlted off in Woolis of any dceirau eliapoor dimeupions. Iho roof, whidi ia ofelflto, ia exeeutccl iu a enporior'and acmo-whnt coatly ortiolo of dressed elate, cooh IBlob of which is ono-haU inch tidbit atthe lower edge, nud one-qunrtor inoli attho upnor, Bud out in octagon form attlteaornoiu Tlioslntaon ttioioof weighsabout225 tous. Tuagmntta which givosBO much beauty and character to thoexterior, comes IromDixIaloud, JTaino,and is (IHiG the etono ussd) all dreascdat iho quarry, being cat nccuratoly topocificirtion, nninbcreil ami lottorcd, ao

k i l

periotls of bis lifo ho urnda Ootorniinodnod oontinnod efforta- to oonquor his

1 thirat for liquor. Ho said tlint his con-tostwasnot puo of dnyuor nooks, butol months aud yeora; that when tlio do-sire eorao on his Huflorings weio cnunlloilonly by tli» torments of tbo lost. Hodrank tbo hottest tons nnd suoh substi-tutes as were suggested to him.' I re-tnotnbar onco to havo soaii him swallowmoro than hi. ounoa of tliocxtraob of gin-ger, but slightly adultaratod wllli water,bnt all to no puq)03e. ' I t was Uio stim-nlnting effocta of alcoliol that lio craved,and ho must linvo it or go mnd or die—Bisfailurn to conf].ner this'consuuiingpassion for driulc assisted in making himn fatalist At jonglU' oxhnuatcd naturoguvo vnj, and ho WHS' stricken with hisfiutilluess, A friond informed him thatho mnat BOOH dio, and nskod him somequotation looking to a nroparation for an-other world. Ho promptly stoppod hitnand said, 'No, sir; uo. sir i 1 dp uotwish to pmy. I hnd no bund in cominginto thia ^ r l d , Ifinvo failed iu all I

over soriously ttttomptoil or desiredin i t 1 shall inuko no

1--,*^ bonenth tl»ono!! mcirk u.ltt tht

xnonts for my depnrturo, nor for anotherexistence, If God has managed the mat- itorso far, IshaUpcrmitHim to continueitaa host plenaus Him.1 Ho dUniiaaod,tho liubjeot ond referred to itn,o niom-«After remaining eilc^t, tox saiQQ time, ai I*'-"ing.hS'tMd., 'Well, well, thia ia tha_.1Tts. '4Jdm STarahftU ia tlving, not hftviiig IA ffiiit of clothes in' whioli to bo buried ;dying upon a borrowed bed, ooverad Iwith aborrowed shoot, inahonsd built:by charity.' Well; trail, it lA'meat na i 'proper.' Aftor an honror nioro lio look-,cdturoughtha open window, aud cilUag Ithe attention of, thoso nround him to asolitary tree, standing in tho middle ofa largo onott posturQ, hoenid: 'When I ,ara dead barv mo beaaatU tUattrco intho middlo of the fiald; I havo .booncrowded all my. lifo, and I do not wtsli to'be crowded after my death.' • Ho saidmote, but tvttor t\ tiino quiatlybrentho. Ho vttia * " '* 'troc,-bat no, a^mc .passing tr&TOlor who rasU below. AHtboyCB.T8pnsJitiway, and t iae aud die-'tanoo Eofton all things, his faulty, his vi-1oca aad his misfottuaeB nro forgottau.—'Hois rcmcmboretl a | a brillinut; wU, a,moat acoompUuljc'l and foacinuting uxa-'tor, nnd hy somo ns nu oicollcnt audtoataed lawyer. Let EO ono suppoaotbiit his wan a divHh ntfamo, thnl h.o gniu-ud only tampasas; aotorioty, or voA \\Q-, • - liration iron) liquors, irhilo ho

.» ptodignl gift ol nntwro. 'Xbnto far fram tha«truth. Air. Hnr-

, .salt bis We a paiiont and diH-gont student, He cniuckl BHCOCSS onlyvihtn. cntitoly Itea siom tlriuit, nud niterlaborious study. ' EcDry • grcut attempt

i mada •without propnTation, or under tliainfluonoo of hia inostur posaion, was tnoioor losia nfailnra. Uo, hlco all tbo Bom of.inoii, had no roynl rond to fnrao, and on-ly found the pearls of wiai36m after a di

unt search) or oajayed tho fruits of yhtory a woll-foaght content."

f i r11-. t in: ITON cm.]Sew Yiirfc Cfly's Nciv Post M.lre.Tliia building occupies ouo ol tho niosi

coojujfindiug bitea iu tbo wliulu mch-upitliti, bciuff (iit;u.tod at tho junction}JL-uacl\vay and Pai-li Itaw. Tlio oilifiiu nf Ler t!io I>orit; alylo of arcitccLurc, niiil tho plan ou which tliin nowstructure h buils in iiot only noroinniijuo, but combines with itit grcalKoliditj, IJBIO and flegiiuua. Onlyrelative idea of its diinonsiuns con Inobtained when it 13 nUtod tlmt it con littlu over GIIU flora o[ gcouiid, nail iiaevuu Ht'nics high. It ha:j u frontago o;310 foet oo Uroiiflwny, 320 foot ou ;Row, 200 fuut facing tho City Ho.ll aud130 fuot facing tlio junction. Thin mukosa total Iionlugc of 950 feot, oqmCl tofroulnflo of ntioiit forty ordinnry citybuildings, or four complete bloats. Tlio(out fruutngea nvo trcntotl in tlin s\m

of nrehitGclurt!, nml pith tho'snnnnmount Of ilecornlion, so that thoro nre10 ronr aides to tho structure. Tinmildiugoousifjt* of a csllur, bnacraunt

four utorieu anil n. mnnaffnl roof withittics, Tho hoiglit of tho collar is 12

fuot; basoinont, 17 foot j ilret story, 80fcot i Bcooud ittory, 27 foot; Uiicd story,'22 toot 0 Inchon; fourth Btory, 22 fuotpndotUolOfoct. Tlin i»hola will thushiwor 120 fciit nboyo tha siiiowitlki. whiletha lofty domoa ovor (ha northern nndsoutliom parL<i will ritio inuoh higlior,Tlio TJirioua iiarta of tho building will Uaoccupied ns foliowu: The cellar for fualonginos, ix'.t and eventually as tUo

n , . nd eventually ta tUo Iftudfor tho puounialic tuba system which

viTl fiiva direct coiniuuuicfttioii betweantha gunonl post-olllce and its numofouslirnuoliea whtoli ura situiitcd in vaiiouapnrta of tho city, Tlio bnaomout, onavast spattinant ooonpying tlio vjholo Bilf,will lo derated to tlio sorting of lettersaud irapcra, aud tho getting ready ol tliouiailn, which will givo constaut omploy-rnout (night and dny) te uowral fcumLrodmon. Tlio luoney-ordor, stamp r e iiag, cud leRtateriiig departmonts willocated on tliBflrat floor, while thooouy whicli Rnrronoda tl»j ewtiro interiorwill contain the ofiloeB of tho subordinateodlcors. There are uo partition walls iutliio aeotioii, tliedomo, tbo ilooriugubovenod tlw courtyard wails aro supportedby 107 mossivo aud ornnto columns, 18inohcB in aiamctorftnil 30 loot iu longtb,and woighing 12,000 lba, each. This floorlcf tlio building laooivcs its ligut larDO anil mogniilcent trinnirular n\mi

hound, moro lofty nnd vigorous thanauy ol tlio picscuing oats, carriol tbeanimated ltog to tho tep of tho bouse,wliero it Btzzed, aud buzzod, and vhizxodhohind tho chimney, until finally it rolledoff iiud lnntled jual in icout oE Mr. G,IT ho spraognsido tho smoking thing onyelled formoio water. I t came, Buck'otfu] after bucketful, was thrown upontho man (mi keg us tlioy rolled over ondoror tlin ground, fllliug tho air withsmolio and soot nud. OUBB words, untiltho flro iu tbo keg and the curiosity inMr. Q. -worn botb totally cztinguisnod.

One Ear at a Time.Manyoitraordinnry poraons, whoL.

figored in history as mon of action, haveliAtl a propensity to do their thougUtamtliar than speak thorn, to convey, ornt Joaol to onforuo, their moaning byoomo Bigiiliic&nt action rathor thin bywords. Bir Wnltor Scott ralatea of Na-

oloon thntonco, inn shsrp altercation-itli hii brother Lucian, not bain; allo

•o bow htm to ill's will, ho dulled on tlie

a TLaud, exclaiming—"I

duino.mgniilcont triangular glnea

i second, third and fourth

cirtion,Moh bl

nbceil mi lottorcd, aock fiU its nlneo' perfectlydressing So proeisoly do

Moh k fiU its lneo perfectlywithout after dressing. So proeisoly dotiitso blocks lit tlint n dozen men at tliebuildidff lay the Bton.cs na fast aa 800men oaq prepura tliom at tlio fmnrry.Tl)oso tlooltH aro all brought hero b j avpfiaol of pconliarconatruotiDO which v i sbuilt oapociully for their trocsportntionby the contractor. Tho various atonesnro readied by means ot I i hydraulicoloTators four ot which, aro for passea-gars, nnd tea for mall matter and otherfreight'. The pumpi which run theelevators aro supplied with steam icouxeight largo lioilcra of thirty homo powereach ; tlioso putiipi olsa farca water intosix lnrgo tonka ju the roof by means ofivhiuli u houd of ffntor ia obtained-ia alltbe rooms, nml nu ample supply fur firelurposes is always at hand. Tko toHotBilso furnish steam for liontiug tho build-iug hy menna of nearly 1Q0 miles olpiping,' including coils, &o. This build-ing hug (lonsiltnGiI Jn its eooattuotioanbout 950,000 culio yards of grnnito,20,000 ynrdfl of concrete, 45,000 barrelsof cotnont, 10,000,000 bricks and 0,fiOO,-000 pounds of iron ; and Uaa cost tbu»fur over 85,000,000. Ground was brokeniu tho fall of 16C9, but tho work was con-

eniborrossod by tho lei0QUgte33,^ntiltllByc^rl872.Bmco^7hichtimo tlio work lias beou vigoroaBlr pushedforward. . When thla atn\cture ia com-pleted (wliioh will bo iu tha oouroo of afew months) it will bo, without doubt,tlio finest nnd moat imposing governmentbuikliug iu tlio United 3tates outaiila uftlio city of Washington. J. VT, D.

.Ati Ingenious Tcrslniu) London Graphic tolls iw thflt

Monto Cristo'u asoapa fram tho cook inwhich ho vas Hang into tlio sea from tbeChateau d l f liiis been imitated by aningcniouBPcrBiau. Having inciiriod tba(1inrilef.suro of a high functionary atShtmi, Mobmnmcil Wirzn was con-domnod to ho fastened up in n sack withu viper, a ooclti anil a cat, nnd after anboar's timo, when this happy family hndimproved their ftcrjunintanco, the sackinu ita contents were to ho thrown intotlio river, fortunately lor UohammcdMiiffti his oiccuttonera forgot to searchbid pooket—which aontainod a small* life D.ireotly tbo mouth of the sack

>s olosod upon him and his companions,le cut in half tha vipor, which, was,..ready iQcircliug Lts log,, tho cook andha cat were next diaiwtcbad, and our^orsiim acoiipici. tho romaiuilor oE liislonr by Biaulnting n violent flglit of theseh r « nnimnlB, nnu giving favtli tho mostixcruciating 'cries oi agony. In ~


g i g y . In dnoacVi nml nil TTCW oonsigood to ths

tud then Mohammed Mirza,I i l i l l f t iipoedtly Irooingliimsolf from too prison,

gained tao otbav aido of tbe river, andimopoat-linsU) to Europe, for tha fuiutovoluntary exile from his fatlicriand,

Tho Snnko and Pat,Thoro is fiotaotliing wholly i

'writes an American nabtaiistj iv. ihofleam of tho snnko's oye—it ii a lookjenorolly of tbo moat mnlioioua nature.Jala havd tlio satno look whoii irrilntoil,A.t Bitch time3 thoro 13 n my of vicious^ntolligouce in tho oyes of both cnt andinnlic, nnd that they arc both of themLnimntod by n donuh/ purpose is soon

ellQUlil nny iu 1ioir power. A bird baa boon seen to 1

whirl round and round iu n circle, near Ibo grouud, uofc in tlio muni manner oflying, Imt with a Ehort, frightened, I[uttering motion, till it lull to tho em- j

[noo, when it wns soon in tho mouth of I;ho aunlcu. Now, wo bolievo a cat is tlie jinly quadruped that will fnce n, annko.Wo have watobed a big tomcat stiro at a:largo Biiako for au Lour togcthor, pass Iall tho time wtli his buck up, his hair onjntl, and hia tail gently waving to andfro ] thy sualto, nt the sumo time, gazingjust as intontlj ou tho cat; but tboinomoat tho oyca of bis felino nntngouistworo turued away (and tUoy turned lovnn Instant purponcly), tbe snnko glidediway' with all jxissibla doitiatcU; bntpuss wnaaftflr him, and, with a sin^lo•jound, aoiEcil Uitn closo (o' tho Ijiiok ofiho liead and duspatcliDd liim. 1'ho sharpi-_i.t._r.i " • — ' *riovortebnv

, - j d thdroitlay, -wriggling *t ftn alwraing «ito, bu tpurfectly lioworlcss, till i t died.

Mr. Mcujfor is a bvycr in Obicaiw,As may be Marred, t : - '•—•-—tho foc-Unc.


A IdURliable story w told hy tliu (IiMou Enquiref:Uevtinil months Biiice,antyiebciat uunr tha little town of liouo. iu th

county, which bad on board, umoi ,other things, sevoral Ucg* of powdor.—One keg waa carried up to Mr. Oo Icy'aand kiclcad iiround the ynrd for mvcrad:ijs; but at lost the iu(juisitivuneJ3Jlr. G. overcame his necufitouietl prudcuco ami bo dctcrmiucd tu oxperimeuupon tiiai log. Tbn powder bad c*I;odaud bacotno, to all appaaraaca, asoliimns% but waa, 111 fact, streaked aithrough with littlo vaiua Q[ dry powder,which tho water had effected very littlo.Mr. G. ftppliod a tarcli to tlio moutbof tlio keg, and, nftoi* cousidcra-bio Eornjiiag a»d poking, UIQ fico tookhold a tow seconds beforo Mr. Q. let KTlio Leg mado a «uil HUo au mfaut Vo-mivins, and bound ud uj> the hillJikoufrtffbtcEtod cauuendwise I t ii\ifi«4

f t c o d cauuiind mnokod a

d tl

jendwise. I t ii\ifi«4

fow moments waeu i ti i th i t i l

kd fo m eumda aitotlici' apring into the air, tarncilover sovenil times, aud inadufor Mi, O,,who by tUia tiute liacntao aoinawliatfrightened, and began to yell for wator.TUia roused tUo entire family, Mid wliiloMr. Q, nnd lits clilost son wero vninlycudeavoriug to ccptwio tlio kag, imdkept busy avoiding it ia its porcgriua-ttona, tho other iucral)ori wore busyhoaving butotful flftor bucketful iu thod i t i f th k ik i U O

oving butdirection ofbd

kicking Uog. Oned i th

-b!e floor ale held in lit:

made your fortunes. I cau aUftttorthorn ta pieces oaslor thnu I do thatwatcbl" Everybody lias liettcd tho storyof Ctnuto tlio Qroit, vho, irhon biszourticM weto extolling his iwwer andgood fortune as a Liad ot ouinipotcuoaaver nature &i woll as men, quietly or-3orsd his tlirono to be ast on tlio so*-tjtaoh whoa tho tida was oat, and irntmLto wavea camo rollingin, playing orouudhia teat, aud irreverently tliiflwinBwater and spray ovur bin sacred persou,iw flLloatly »ltowed too jpsolnolo to xo-buko thuir silly flattery. A good fruUncsit tbi« *ytabofi»ta is icl&teu of Aloiandertho Qreat. An accusation was once

tjil to him Bg&imt ono of MsWlna tha informer began his

wt, •Alaxundor tamed ono eirdi htm, and cloiod tba other firmlyLia b.»nd; impljioR that ho would

form % just judgment, must not abandonluEasdE ftUogotuor to tlio party who eelsthe first UGoring; but, while he givssane e&r to tlie accuBallon, should rcaorya"is othar, vritliout bins or prspoisessioQ,

1 tlie delonco, If one sliould abut both•flfti-a when wo hero on injurious report,ia moat cisca no harm would hodone. But tlio leant thnt fairncia ta-,tiuires ii to lieep one e.oucil nnu roaorvoitTorthsotb'orsid?. Far vrho does sotknow (tliongu mo«t pooplo oltcn forget)that (hero nro two sidos of every etoryi

and fltato capitols, and haro tlio mystioibbroviatiou "floii." affixed to theirnames. |

Admiral Farrngut ouoo pleomntly onolili joatinglv remarked, "that: uo maa

ras througfily educated who [ had not;mjoyed a sailor's oxperieuoo." Tho•~"))o of the United HtaWs R\B begiu-

[ to give practical pVoof of thinking—. believing, too, that no men ate aofell iittcd to fill public, posts i}f honorhnd respectability., as tuose who hava)eoii trained to tho profession of prin-

How Posuigfi.Staiups are 8Iadc,In printing, steel plates ar« used, on

which two uusdicd iumpsaroengraved.Two mon are kept Lard at work cover-ing them with tbe colored inks and pass*ing them with largo rolling hand-presses,lhioo of Vacua littlo squads aro employedall tho time, although tea presses can bejrat into ufl9 in case ol necessity. Aftertljo small sheets of paper upon whichilia two hundred stamps aro ongrsvodhnvs dried enough thoy.'ara ueuliutoAnotnor room ana gammed. The gumUBedfor this purptwo is a peculor oom-position,' made of the ponder of driedpotatoes nnd othorvogfitableo mixed with-«ter, which la hotter than any etheri&teriol, forisBtance, gain arable; which

cmcki thopBporbodly. Th paper ii alsoof a peculiar t«itaro, aomowbat similar tothat usod forhank-nbtoa. After hniboon again driort, this time on h.UHracks, wbieh sra fanood hy stotua-powor*or about an hanr, thoy ax« pnt hatweenjlieotfi of pwteboard nnd pressed in hy-araulic-presBca, capable of appljiag 0Tveigbt of two thousand tons,' The nextthing it to cut the iboota iu half; •aohslioot of course, when cat, contains aLundred stomps. Thia is dona by a girlwith & largo pair, of shoarf, cutting by 1bund being- preferred to that of n»-clnWy, Trm'oh mothod would deitrojtoo many stamps. Theyarotlionpauodio two other iqaads, who, in as mkojiperstions, perfonto tho sUseia botwoentlie stumps. Koit thoy ara pressed oncecore, asd then packed and, labeled, andtowed away i» another room', ptonam-—' to being put ia msil-ij&ga for dis-

ihjng to fulfil ordon. If a singleitamp is torn, or in any woy mntilatoi,tho whole shoot of one uundxtdug burned.\bout firo hundred thoosand aro homedvery week from this causa. For tlie

:>iut twenty ycaw not a alnglo elwot haaoa lost, Euch CUTS has boon takenoonnting them. During tha pcogrcaa

if manufacturing, tbo oliootn nro counted,i times.

Lracm F1HDSB3.—Oao of tbe saQdoBtihases of Washington life, snysthe Star,• dnily .presented at tho Ireo lunoh t v

Saa of out largo hotels, Hera one seeslaily gatlieroa, witU greed begotten of•tint, and .-winch debars'all the • polite-

ness BO bocootias: to ' an^ one at an eat-ng-table, men .whosa mission in Iif«-has,iBon itrfeaUd by. ths uncerteihHes ofrar nnd . politics, ind whoso - names,hoiigli onoogreat, liavo siink>into oh-,icurity in tha rapid changes of: our nya-,GEQ nf gorernment : Tbo General andho statestnim of. yssterday eomo to the |)ar-roam, and flnrrsplUiouQly aeek that,ood which is iatonded for regular ona-i,omo«. and they who onco looked upont o barkeeper na a low-Uved individiifil,low approach Mia obsequiously, andavo him ancakingly vben ha do'tectaiicm ia tho aot orpooketing tha crackrja nud choose, what a and commeh-1

lary imnn tlio vieiBsitudes . of man who,mako lifo nrtiflcial I Tha froo Innch ta-Mo wns 0110 of tho iostitnttous tlint did

ot exist in SbokcpcareVtimo, or olse..'0 would hare bad from that groat mas-lor a most philosopliical frco-lanolior'aicliloqoy.

With tho regularity titad, wiow and icaput iu nn anpeurunca ; in Janiuiry,tliruugliout tbe regiou iforth of tueCbesax'oako, HO do also, ritftituoon nitertlionnnuul £Bi-mbIiuga at Catigraaa andt!ic Htato IjegisUturcs, appi ar liats of thovucationa of Ilia lawmaker^, 'J.'bla year,

usual, tbura IB a propAiidarnuca oflawyers aud priutcrs, wllli tbe tyuosrather ahead, for aomo timo past,Ilio marubcre af tho craft tvpograpliicalhavo boon gaining on tho efciuiup lightsof tliubir, in tbo CitJumtion ot tlio sov-ereign people;, when tho sovjireigrw weroKclcfltitig iucnof offices of hoaor andtrust;and iutlieirscliictinns the pconloof tue United States diaplaybd ibeir na-iia.1 wiuduui. From tho miooBiiitios of

" • calling, tho mon luarnojl in tho lawbecomo adepts iu chicanery, snd almostwitUout so mionilii.g to i3<>, 1 thoy carryilioir "Hharp jiractice" luto tlio legiala-•ive lialla, u«\l nliaost uuwi),tintfly—forImbits is second nature—prcfjico it thoio.From tho convocations of shwcwod attor-


rciuitcil Creditgrnb^, Pacific Mail,y

luhsidios.Printora, on tbo oftier liani

larly thoso who havo curvedFrom tho stand to tlio Editor'' tho latter post bavo, by

ns boon called to coma

md other

I—partiaii'thoir waydank, and

icir fcllow-, . . _ iup higher,

ico to tho plnccu of saiiatorfl andoBcntntlvcs—aro ncccsaa^ily Hlirowd

For yeoii1 primal

. „ 4 - - .- . - partisanenuenscs lioyjew no iiapoaide torrorn,ind they looked .town with (fignity on' o professional politicians wljo assaxua

ha pnrty leaders; fgr tlio jriutor-odi-•on havo loarnnd, bi *lhat the press ianiigh — , ,Hoareu ICUOTTH it baa built up nud torn'own enough of thom eineo tho days'hon Jolm Adams was an nsjiirant for

;hoPresidency. Nothing at a l surpria-

and inviirinbly liouost men.11 ^ have Htood bealdcs

ingi of power. For the

jnutor-ig ciperienoo,'mn platform 9.

jj, therefore, is thoro in tbf> ciroum-Btanco that this year the priulors, in amore solid aoil loDgor column than everbefore, have marcCed to tha S t i l

d t t i l d L li

Learn a Trade.I cover look at my old steel __r

•ulo that I do not bless mytirliilo my strength lasts, I am ajit at tholeroy ol tho vorld. If my pin ie not/anted I can go back to the t/po oassind besnre to find work; for I UnVncot tlioriulor's trada thoroughly—nei)ispap*r,>b work, book work, and preiji work,am glad I have & good trads. It ia asrook upon wbicb thft.nossoraor can .ind firmly' Thoro is health and vigorr.liotb body and mind in 11a honest 1

trade. It is tho gtrongeit and] suresti ..^—:t ol tho sellmodfl man. Oo iipta th« f><-.-doray to tao printing office or tbfl .;•;wtizan'i bonch, or, if you please) to itxBU--'form—for, to be sure, trao forming it ftV .trade, and a grand ono ot thiM. liy':""'

irthflt^myoa'f '

Yoa havB hoard, peibaps, of t i t lark-

e, g n d ono at a Buro foundation, and «fter

iroach off into whatever profcss|

rho bod faithfully lerrod StoyanlGurwd":om bovhood to mnnhood. On, tba

jwonty.firat nnnivorsary of bis hitthday,ho Tiont to^hifl master and told 'lime was np, nnd ho cortainly « _ .,important i>romotioo in tho merfhant's^service. But Stephen Girard s\

"Very well. Now go and lltrade."

"•Wliat tmdo, air?11

"Good barrels and butts n[emajia vrhilo yon lit*. Qo i._

;ha ooopor's trade; ond whoa yc:nade n perfect barrel, bring it to

The young man. went mray nud I;ho tnde , and in time broughtH master a splendid barrel o f IIIlake.Oirard examined It, nnd gave tli<

ir two thon«and dollara toe it, and .. ..aaid to hint: • .'S=

"Now, nir, I irant you in my nouat-Sig-toom; hut honcefortli yon will: lot bohonendeat upon ths wlu'ta of fltwiteii^"irard, Lot what will onmc, you h a v o ^good trodo always in reserve." -£ |TbeyouDgnir-neaiv tlio wisdom, and^:

uoilcretood. Vp:Yoarj Ago, wlien tha latddlo-agei mari?.':'. to-day woro boj«, Horace Giesloy "•?

wrote; • , .^/."I t is a great source of oooiolatu a iof^-

II that when tha publio shall bo tit >d of ^is aa an editor, wo can make- a sat B I W - ^>ry livelihood nt setting typa or 1 irm-.;ig; BO that wUilo our sirongth lasti, Voa:;wusand hlookloads, taking offenia a t "nao article thoy do s a t tmd&r&mnd, Kmid not drive as into the poorbouse." :And ao m&y a. ma.'Dbecome troly infle-'.'•{indent, • '• • - • • '-~ii.

OoiK TBODBLEQ.—From the latastWJUgacDo received from tho Fenisyl-1

iniacoal regions, it appoan that Ihominors aro faring badly, and it would

3m that tho outlook for tha betteringtheir condition is not ver£ fkttoLJiog

hldi ir contion is not ver£ fkttoLJig,

Chsy are holding meetings nightly, andre discussing tbo subject of tlio rojentiduotious, hoplug to leouro a modi lca-

t h t th li t h h th, pg a m

tion, so that they can live throughTintor In Bohoylkitl county ne


DA&IKO BASK BODPKHT.—A. moat naing and successful descent was made ion the First Notional Bank of Catb|id l P T h d

tinp, haB uimally beenfmytliical. AweUatt«it

ttetU ot tlio cut were tnroa gu thoof tlio snnlio iu au instant, and

A SuiomAi. SoonnoM.—Tba statomonthat i\ eooriiion, ^Uon drivan to bay by* cnomioa, and nnablo to ' neaps :ill kill itsnlC by a blo-w from iti venom-

regarded ai- - - .odinitauco,

ar, of tho suioido of. the insect baaiteiy been imWiahed ,by Dr. da Bel-time, Tho writer ntatos that, having

captured a scorpion, ha converged the-\j% of tho sun on ita back by means ol

buimncr-ulMs. Tho. iniecU become3, ond iUnnlly raised ibfaridotly nraRcd, ond ilnnlly raised ib

iirjc and struck itaolf, dying within halla minute aftorwardB

Au old geatietaan woot into the offiooof ona of tbo papers in St, John, N. B,,tha otbar day, and prosantod n KUp cntfrom a London X'aper, nnnonnoing thodeath ot a potaau woll kcowa ia St.Johns, aakjag to liavo it inserted, "aathere oro a eroat' anny ftionds of biahere who would liko to hear o(here wdeatlu"

oro a eroat anny ftionds of biawho would liko to hear o( hia

rintor, l a Sohaylkill county nearly :

mr thousand miners arc idle, hut as} yeticy have conducted thomsdvoa in au '

orderly manner, and it is evident Mat"ley have been guid«d by trisa com sel.

1 the litiiigh rogion a largo nurabei arolo hat have not resorted to violenc tolin their oails. In the Wyoming ra-ORB the men aro still working, butlectinga aro Doing neld nightly, and thoiaoussion of tho situation and the i « uc-on pi wages has boon their prinopallema, hut as yet they havo not arriyefl; a decision us to what course thpy Will

iursuo in tho future. • I

Tho men cenbroUy complaiu that pusredaction of thoproduotionofconl hurts"icm worso than the reduction of wages

' th'oy «ny that if th«y wero votkingonfull timo thoy could nfford to stand Ihereduction. I

t al an o C a |e, Pa,, 00 Thursday at noon, wbilo

teller, O, Ih Oonch, and tlk b t t di l

tba teller, O, Ih Oonch, and aaotlarclerk wero absent at dinner, leaving ihacashier, Jos. Scott, clone ia the bank,—Mr, Scott is qaito nn old man, stifforagfrom illnoaa, aud is irory* feeble. TWomaa came in by a front door of tho baijtr,and one ot them asked for tha cUtngaofa $5 bill. Mr, Scoot stooped over toootnply wKU tlio reqaost, "ffliea nno pitho men grabbml him hy tbo head, pm-nlnj it to tho desk, and th* -other jump-ed over tba counter nnd bound and (TVT-K«l hita. Tbo rubbers tbeahastUy gath-•red up all tho •arrinor they could DuiltftEaounUng to nboat 510,000, lortanaUflyoverlooking a paekngo cantaining SUf,-000,' Thaj were disturbed by a womilncoming to (he front door, and rotrealijdby a back door, crowing tbo »?er ou i«e,ami wera scan to enter aaletgb and drijooff. Two men Uftvo bocu arrcatadMr. Scott thinks thcy_ aro tlio : "bot ci\tmoton«ar poaitivoly.

Nevada, Stato ot tho prccionda another apedo rcpre

thd Sen&to. litft weekSharon, twin Silmr KingJ l ted g MaJouos,

in Sil Kingelected gcm

Tability, mode Ills owhotr to keep it.hotr t ep

, ona great prodiBtmus what higood

[Vo for thqm, and swell

Page 2: READY-MADE CLOTHING Apothecary, … · SIMOF, Merchant Tailor, And dvilcr i n Mob's and Children'a Ik-ady-< • H1J CMWClthi:/i ' AnnonncBii 16 tlio public t1mt h\» slock of KL_

HIE IRON EIIA.;••:.?;.!. II. vo::r , VA\uv .nil rrop'r |_

Saturday. Jan. 30. 1S75.


hi::;i.rt.—A furtht

Tin- Tiiirtj

, j he Id i


I The eupi.lemeut to tlic li-»-•-——i-^-rr-rx I Delaware Jl. It. Company, U>

i i aptUl stork In five -mi

ctc;ase, •

tlicf..r ;.

i>caiiiu fttiu C/Jrn

c t l ;1-l.iy T.itU wliicli thL- i'i-r:---iileUi»piiRTtii : i ^12 J n n i a, . : . . , l . * _ , v . . . . - , - , , i , , , •

Ll ' ' " " ' V "cut lecture-L,£ I.:ILC!1^!J, c.

r'-i-:u i*i.iJ Mit'ji^-i-.-, 1-T t i t .


HOUSE.—Mr. Morrutr jtitruilucal afill am homing tlto lii*li"i>of Northern

c fl^i":il ilia-, *"* L j | r ' j ^ " Honry ntfrroJ a resolutioncast for iho l |1 . l t „ <,pucjai ci'wmitu-o of iiro bo ap-ro iLiily ic- i«.ine.l l>y tLie Spwiktrr^tobo called "a[•;,-•; V.'.JLHI- iVmuiiccii i>" t!je troctioii of the now" ,' Lunatic Asyhtra, :it Morriston-ii," vl ioic

:;:;.., C1-1-1;*' j , . , , , . i t s i l l \JC t J i nduc t , investigate:5 i i WIIXJ . ( l t ; ti"r t.j,urt from time l" lime tlifc comli-

f i t i ! more tii,n, i>ri'-jit:U tiii.t Etcfaiiticsjof the new

New JJnniiwick yestturday. Tlicnunurl reports wore road, sliowin^ tbntLore uro mur;ty-MX diviuioijs vt tbc

order in tliu State, rill in a fluimsliiiiji

Coroner Auiiraux, ot JAitcrsmi, litlJj iuijuctt TuisJu.v in the «i:.e of John

Howard, ft boy aged eightcou yeiinj nmliihic iiionlhw, win) died Tuufiilay niylil.Tlio jury ri'tumcil n verdict <<f deathfrom coiijK-stinn of t!io lungs, superin-duced by liquor and ci[iobure.

A tcmppr.iiieieriiFAdoria making tliillg.1Hvt-Iy in Millvillc. Ho lias secured tbo


s of llicv.l:-It- iii

Kjai i o!i t .n e .uly | f f l

.l.v.-tcd to ' tbv.ittc^ and! tliWet of a"


»t to ai-t to jirevent tlio burning of

; authorities to <MH to thei•; extinguishment of sitclt fires ft» may

' ' ' ' limits of the district ns manybe neefailure

yi penalty of S3 for

Gil]ipK1 meut to act to.lo ajj^inst j iorato tlio t rns tces t>f religious socie t i i s ,

c/.LJiaLi «-i li-o i : ; p e crowtledj H E S A T U . — M r . Cornish, a furiher eiip-

v i i k c c t l i v r . ]wrta of tbe r rocccd iugs Ij i lement to clinrler i f W a r r e n F o u n d r y

, -.1, ,„„; „ .ho « , l r »• cf m.-.t.n , »J ElJ'iSSR'iK tSjTfe'S;! . r a ^ jnr.-'ianttatbfl goncwlpub-. B t > U C T o l e i l t Assticiition to the inliaUt-

«a.c'.i starto i:sws;iaper3


i to ba u a relief in j a ] J t Y "of" tlic borough of

b. |"Warren c j u n t y

if a s c a n i a l wuich is tHrnat imdcr tbo Mr . H l l

[\f- of ptoDle villa CinEc-t cut it ou t of

i ' V b h

IaiiTf.iMhiVuronrpouatiii.Biivcro ru!il«Bettli.ilIn llif lireul, LuliIUh.pliu. and other _diiL-ai«' " • • TiimM and Lnn-i. Su intJieiuo OTtr

W[J]J bottle:Li'..ii Uiitriljuud every ;car for thre«

I t Drusuistf in tl! imrt» of tbo Uoitodj,»iidiniirtyl((WO lettcri from DrugeiiI*

G i th&t DO utucr

auOpWdid every .i all part* <UQ lottcri fi

- - . _.^i , iirinff that DO oiucriu tbeir i tur t i tolls aa well ar>d

cLTia BUI?1I dci?lltaiifc fAitsfikcliuu. AI. we &*k I*fur >; iu to Ro io j o w Driifcciflt, W. A. Youglit

fur lQtti. nud try it. ltcjjalftrsiiP75cti.

•. a a .I tbcie sJfi:r>ipcct. A:l l'.:Ui

c i-atie

.->cil W*! »hr cby tlio

;11 oflcrnl (lie followiug :.... That the Senate BOW iiro-tiecoriUucs -with tho net M Con-

3 to rcaJ pesi/cutitlcJ, "An «!t to "regulatelisd tlio ilisguatiuL' details arc, time and wanner of holding electioi

for Sanntm-j iu CUIILTCM," V. „Julv 25, 1SGC, to elect n United StatesSenator from the St.ito to succeed theHun. John P. Stockton, whoso term willi-spiro on tlio fourth of March licit,

L't Tho rusjlution wns adapted.->' Tho semto wa.i then opened for nom-

inations.Mr. Sewoll no initiate;! Hon. George

M. Roiieson.Mr. Abbott nominate J Hon. Tlieoduro

F. Itandolph.A billot *as then laUen, with tha fol-

Ion-ing rtsult.For Gt-frgr M. 1!.V..un_:U. »ra.

* » boing

cir-cio^sensa j.,-.'i»la nra t i r i l of thomatter. That llicr» will Lo no vtriToa is already car.c^ilel by many",ilie jurv, us c::o (•'. tlm onQULcl has ftl-rc.-,<ly sa i l , Wi-i a " g o o d ono for disa-ri-LOiaent," will fail to uni ts upoc «. vcr-iliet in uJr-uilv conceded ; that tho di-rcft c'aiiiiiiatiiitii siuil cross-oiaiuina*ticci "i l l bs t»diuas, i i blioim by tho

l s BO far ; ond that tho resulti•: the trial will fimply leave ?[r. Eccch-trcoirrirttJ nt thocliara*:;, in.the oycai f the general thiaiing world, oml l»o-iicrc-d iuncc'Dt only by tlio chosen fewr«hu are loiiiliy ]»ruc'laiming his iuuo-iciice in the fnee of iho charges broughtagainst him, ia also geuerallj conccd»il.He the result what it tiny, the entirematter in revolting to the public ; bcec too much of tho senudol al-ready ; Jlr. Kceclcr elands tu-day na asensational actor, waiting mornly fcr hisirord to entor upon the sccno, aad readyto ncbnn«-lci3co the rticoptiou he maj gotfrtini the audionca assembled with hisblandest Rtntlo, gratified at the thoughtthut ho 13 tho ccn'.rel figure in tie cast.It id not n epcctaclo to ECO ftmiuUtcr of Mr. Uuccher's acknowlcJgctlpromiuenca placed in such n position,iind the more sjioedily tho procccdinKSare completed, the better for both plain-tiff ond defendant,

If 3Ir. Beechers eounsol have the evi-iicnc1 to prorn him inuoceut, let it beforthcoming at outre, when their oppoiluiiity comes. Tbcrc ncod bo no venoion either fiide ; iliaaj-lain qnosticn <Ti-rncity or falsehood, and tho sooner itis Jiipcjedof the bettci for tho accused,tlio accuser, and tho \rurM.

For ( i g nHit! Hopkins, Jurrnrd, SewUirli, TotU,Schnltco, Suwfill, Taylor, (Prosidcnt),Thorn, Wilkij, Wood—11. Absent,

oHrt. Leaning ami Stouc.Tor TliDwlore F. liandolpb—

Alibrtl, Black well, Cornish, Djvtou,7'. Mr

Smith iiusonr.Tho President then ^declared that

Gt-orge M. Rol>e»on, having rewired amajority of tho volus ot tho SoiistorH, heis the cboico for Senator HO fur aa theis the choice tSenate is concerned.

HocsE.—Mr. Gill


fftrej tbe follow

THE ATTonxEr GESEHJOSBIP.—Gov-enior Bedle on Monday sent totlicScn-nte,nnd that body promptly1 confirmed thoHomination of Joel Parker, ru AttorneyGeneral. Thonomitiation was a surpriseto most penoui, euil to nouo marc thanto Governor Parkar himself, by whomit was entirely unsolicited and unexpec-ted. Uy the appointment Governoriiedlo givcx to tho ppoplo of the Htalo nnofficor, of WIIOEO jadgmeut, ability, andprobity, thtro c-innot ho*the slightestdoubt. Tho uppnintniont coining fromiha Bonrco it doca, and being BO proinjjt-ly confirmed, must be particularly grat-ifying to Mr. Parker,

Rcs:'r:l, That tie Houso now jiroceod,n ft««rdanco with tho act of Congreu,

entitled " An act to regulnto tho timesand manner of holding elections for Sen-ator in Congress, approved July 25,1600, to elect n Senator in place, of IIoii.John P. BtneUton, whoso torm of ofliooninicfl* uii the 4th day of March neit.—Vljich wns adopted.

Mr. Gill nominated Tbcodore P. Ran-dolph.

Mr. Kirk Eiuiniii:.U-d Goorge M. Ilobe-m.The roll was called and ifr. Ilonht.,.

roccired 10 votes and Mr. ltoboaoti 17votes—n strict party vote. Meurs. ¥o\m,Teed (iml \VooUruu* being absent.

Tin; spttiLcr declnred Mr. ltandolphi ckctcd ou the part of tho Eonao.Mr. Gill offered the following :

WUEKB.U, Litellipcncohanhecn rcceiihero of tlio election of Andrew Joliu-6on as United States Seuator of thoBtato of Tennessee; thercforo,Be il raolent. That the Democratic

IIouso of Atsetnbly Koud pieoting to tlioState of Tennessee in their selection ofsuch an Ma and incorruptible a rcprcfi-ftDUitivo iu tho National Council, aud

:joice that tho Senator just neloctod byJO fitato of licvr Jersey will have so

uoblo a culleu^uo iu tha Seoato of the

school room.'"If I should

Tun IIODSE ypEAKEBsira1.—SpcMicrIJlaiuL*, who is OIIO of tbo readjust nudmost brilliant wits iu Washington Boeiclynnd has the reputation ot saying inorobright tliiog^ than any member vl citherHouse, raised a laii(,'h u tc\t iluye nao ntthe esponse of the uuinoroue en u did ft tonfor tho Kpaakerihip. It linpponed byclinuoo thnt there wore gatharod abouthim Jicir, Cos, Fernando wood, Cljmer,find two or thioe others <nho uro looked•lion tis po&iiblo successors of Mr.Maine, find they begun to rnlly him upontho doleful prospects of tho Republicanpartv. He replied, "Gentlemen, I nmiikn'a cross-eyed BclioolmoHter up iu laycountry, in Mnine, who oxclairaoJ onolay, 'thnt boy I am now looking nt, I\miit him to rise itmnedifttclj* trad standnp in his place,' and Iventj-Bcven boysstood up BitnulUmeoiuily in diilersnt irnrtB*t n.fY niknni mum ' Koflf,11 aOdeil Mr.

*k wlio in to ho tho

next Speaker, atlaast savan of you gen-tlemen would look up at me at oiicc,"

' tlov. PAIIKJUI AT HOUE. — GOT, I'ariiolosed up liia business nt Trenton iThursday, and started for his homo iotho nftiruoou train. On bis crriral ntFrochold iu tliu ovouing ho was met at thodc«otl>y tho pnblio nuthoritiea, the TiroDepartment, and a large coueoursu ocitizens, who formed n proccssiou, aniwith torthligiita nud u baud of inu»ic,ttiiy escorted biui lo hia rflsideneo. Uorc.Tnrtco bobbins wndo a brief address olweleomo which was responded to by Gov,Parker. Cheers wtro then giftfl forlhtGoTornor, and Ibo assemblage rctirodThis ilcmomtration was ft aiiontnneouaono, tbo citizoiis goncrally, without dis-tinction of party, joiuing heartily iu themovemont lo du houor to their rtistirguished fellow citizen.

Under recent improvements i" postaltirrnngomonta great convenioneo ia sectred to Btores nna their remote cuatotnenGIOTOB, shawls, slippers, droecries, mgars, dry gooilH, candy, ornaments, tea,nnd anything not weighing orer fourponnils, can b« Bent quicker hy inailtlinn by express, nnd at a fractional coat,For two cents ono may send by mail n»arcol weighiug a quarter of a. ponncfrom Mniiio to Cfihfornift; eight ccnttwill carry n pound acrois too continent'io sid in thii wonilorfnl coononiy andcouTcnionco inaiigurotod by tlio Govern-ment, n Bpeoinl postal eartl tmrcel scalo,oi great nilvantngo to cToryboOy, nt tilhonso or oflico.lias been j>rudacod,

Thero i« said to ho HO roso without nthorn, and uo croso without a crown. I tje nhn wiid that the cross comes first amtho crown afterward. In King Alfonso'case tlio fact is reversed. Ho IIOR al-ready obtained Uio crown, and ia now soonxiona for tho crois that hn has gonoond luado lovo lo tho daughter of-tboGerman Prince Frederick Charles, nnd itiH PBI'LI ibo nnptiah will bo «oon nanour\-ced HifldoBire to pour n litllo worm-vrbod in bis vino shows that he ia no-fliinintctl witli tho world and recognizosilio tact tbat it iron't do to ha TO all Lap-iiioces hero below.

Oovcmor Eouslon and tho Coinraia-siouorB nppointcd to "investignto andascertain1' the debt of Alnbamn, ci&U up-on all persona holding bonds issned orendorsed by tbnt Blata to forward tothcmasEoonaapoBsiblfla Btatemont oftho ntnoimt, number, data; xato of intar-cst, time of maturity of each bond ; date«£ default in payment* of coupons;a ro-ferenM io (be act undar wbich Ibe State

•>d« were issued ; whether tlio bondsIj> "Id tinder a bonafida purchaso orL o n Kbccntion ; and if by hypothoca-fforo obB| whom, nnd'for what thoy

United fttatei.The rcaolutiou waa adopted, 41 to 17,strict party vote.

WEDSEHDAT:,SESATE.—Mr. Smith of Sussex, who

;as aliaenl ou Tucadny desired to liavohis vote repnrtcd for Sir. Ituudniph.

Hoc«c—Tho IIousu took a rucuas offTvo minutes to nliow tho mambera topny tueir reipLcts t? Hon. Augustus "W.'utler, :iicuiber oloct to tCongxcsg, who

liad appeared in the House,In joint mooting Theodora T. Itan-

olp received 49 votes for U. B. SenatorQ(l Gco. Ak Kobcsou 31 vutcf. Theliter was declared elected.

THE Aiit-LiNE HAUJIOAD.—Tho 3om--sut, Unionist BBVB : Tho projectors o

ho new lino of railway bettreeu NowITork and Philatlaliihia aro pnshin^ a-long tho work with corumcndiiblo vigor,greater prcgrciis having already beenmodathnn tlio general public aro awaref. Adopting the routo through thin

Htato pTcviouBly sunoyed and partiallygraded by the defunct National organi-zation, n pretty good start was iccured,and work is now being prosecuted onUna part of the lino as rapidly nfl tboetito of the weather will warrant. Fromits junction with tbo Central Railroados« mils west of Bound 33root, to thoDElowaro river at YardleyTillo, tlio line

divided ioto tbree divisions of ninoniilca each, nnd fully fivo hundred masaro now oiaploysil la theao divisions, thowholo baiug undor coutracL Tho chnr-ncter of tho work at present ii mostlygrading, although tho bridges hnvo near-ly nil been commenced, and it is intend-ed that that rend shall bo entirely com->lctcd and in running order by tho OIOBO

MISS Graccr-*-*-*$5,000 in tbo Jmmcr lias recorerodCharles W. Comptox Courta of Mr.<nftt*ker of Jfofl-orlr, fojrell-knoxTn nn-isfl'of «i(im*oga '"•^acli of prom-li of prom- of the keepers of tbo principal HI-luou« for viWiufs l»i»»r without licci»e,nd they wore heavily iiued in accurd-,nce with liw. Ho is still nt work, nudtridyetoii, is is believed, will bo hia ueitibJLciivL' point.

The machinery hall of tbc riiilndclphinCeutcnninl builtlingd was placet! undar

,._>tTuesday, Mr. 1'hilip Quigley..of•\VilnjingtontDef., whobuil t t the SanitaryFair b u i l d i n g there iu lBGJ.bciug tliocournctor. A tlonodouof 31,000 iun idofthe CuLtouniil eanso wns received bythe Board of Financo 'Wednesday fromMessra, I IOR k Co., printing press wanu-lacturer* ot Hew Xork.

Sonic ^30,000 revenue will bo collectedfrom tho apple-whiskey distillcis thisyc«r in tlio First Colfectiou District,which inuhidiis tho counties of Ctundon,Atlantic, Ulouccater, Raltmi, Cumbor-

;d, nnd Capo M*y. This ruvetme a t 7 0its per (inllau tni indicnttia a product

of about forty-throe thousand gnlloos.The npplc crop last year in West JerEoy

- illy liirgc, mul thu furmctn:iarl:ct for thoir fruits carried

t to tho

Ncus In a Nut Shell.

St. Tatrick's Church, in Hartford,Conn., Urn Hov. James Hughes, Vicar-Goueral of tho Catholic Dioceia, I ' M tar,

is destroyed by Bra Huuday. Tim hnuover £1CO,()OO,

Tho man who first eriuJ •T i ra , " nt thogreat Chicago conflagration, is going tinrounds. Ho baa a pair of crutches andi subscript iuu papor. P u t hint out.

Miiiua propojes to nbolish capital[iQuishn^etit. Tlio movcnient IA mnuonot %a much in tho interest of humanityai it is from n malicious desire to cticarothe New liiunptfhiro pccplc out yf theirLimo-honored aut i 30mcDt of coming overl o s e c a M a i n o mnn lunig every monthor two.

Brignoli is going to gul lU'd thousanddollars c« a toslimouial from hia nativetown. "With proper economy, and keeping account of his wauhbilti, it is to bohoped the silvery tenor will manage tosubsist on this earn for two or tbrooweeks, or possibly for an entire month.

The Association of Mutlodist i l in is tcrsof tlio Itucklmi'J District of Mtiiuo, IIIITOnunuiinously passed resolutions com-

tho cournc of Preaidont Gnmtin Louisiana.

Disturbances have occurred over thobaptism of children by t i n Old Ctth-clica iu two Tillages of tlio Canton of"enova, and tho presence* of ti-oops ii

iciiasary to preserve order.

TUo Post Office and Custom Hoiis.nildicR nt Kowport, It. I. , was dnmaged

by fire Thursday night, to Iho extent ofubout 810,000. The letters were tnki>ut of tbo post offico ia aafotr.

Jnines Keogau wns etabbed to duoth b jIhriHtopher SInlone, in Chienyo, on


IF TUU liav-o ltiicaiuitiiin, Goat, cr I.umli,f.;o )o It. A ('. Kilbort-'* drng fUuit slidmplo Lottie or Dr. Unrlun'ii llbeom;-it, frco uf tliars.-. or tlic rcfubr iU<It ii u t t u iuUrnill? linl is cut lain Iu (:unent relief wLilc all citf rnal siipiicMi

jr^l iIIII)]JIO buttlci is to M ' " .V"U »n opportauitj tuteit it frco of charge that you »»T Lo coimucoi!il will do >l> that u claimud f»r it. Try it.rrtjiarsd Lijr KoU-rt Killfiurc, Uovcr, N. J.

il JidDiioi ortlto XUroat, Cboit and Lunj;'be onlf Medicine of tUo Kind in Iho WorW.

A STJBSX1TUTB FOlt OODLITKI1 OIL,•manontlj cures Aillitan, Uronchitiu, Iiieut L'mnjuuijitlon, Lou of Voice, HbortiiMISroftlli, Catarrh, L'roap, Coufrlu, Culdn, .tti fsw ilays, liko magii;. I 'Eicttl rEnBorii.

AUo, Du.H. D. HOWE'S

Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier,hu-U HUTEES Troiti all otlitr ptcjiarntloua ul Iramucllato Action UJKJU tlioL I V E l t , KIUNliVS AND DLOOD.!i]iurvlj tcgctnhlc, c!can»t« Urn ijitom

ill iinpurilkt, buiMa It right anuaru up, »nikkomt pure, rielt Llu.nt. It ourettKcrnlnUB Di•oi cf all kiuda, rouorut L'onitijiiiUon, inculatui tho Bowtjj, riir "^Eiivoua Dtmi-, »I*at Vn*UTf," /'UaiNAiir Uisiuwvtid "UtioKrs Ujfl'K OossTnLTioBs," I lio l'Jth L'tiiturjto Urn! it.o<|iml.h V r bottle la \vortU it* weight In gold,•io 1'j.per bottle.

AUo, Du. 8. D. H O W E ' S

Arnbian Sugar-Ooatefl Liver PillsTIIOT cltanio tliu Llrnr &n<l Btotnacli, tinmclily rLinovliig Conttipatiou. Conlalo.ilumcl or any other Injarioui iufp-edlont, B_t i quickly upon thciu vTgkttt nilbuut pro-icing dtlicr palu or neakncii. Prlco l l p e iittlo. L'DiiBUini>tivcR ghould m o i l l t l i "

Satuidny night.

Captain II. A. White, leader of theConnecticut Colony in Russell couuty,Kaniuis, was recently frozen tg death

hou aaar his hi

Mary Iteyuolds nud & female necom-pliec, of HolHuoon, Mass., liuvo boon ur-roated for poisoning fivo iiifanta, ivliomUlcy had been nursing for pay.

During a nnarrel on Saturday night,at Luieoiter Ky., W. S. Miller, proprie-tor of tlio Lancaster Hotel, shot nndlitlled Wm, ltoehoBtor, a prominentcitizen.

Konrly 1000 pel-sons bavo been thrownout of employment by tho closing ofLaiidonburg's bosiory mills nt Fronk-forJ, Po., earned by tho failure of thoUnit,

W. A. Woake, colored, AuislantSecretary of State Louisiana, wns killedon Saturday night at New Orleans, iu aqunrrel with a colored State assessor,named Goorgo Paria.

Thoif L

of tho prosent year.

Tho Senate Committee on Territorieshftto under consideration tho project offorminfjanowTcrritory outoIthoEorth-•;rn hull ot Dakota, nud will rspart fa-.-ornbly. Three anmes hnva bcon i

M f r tbp new Territory (which71200 r i l ) Ojibcontain 71,200 squaro milco), Ojibway,

Algonquin, and Pembiun, Tbo commit-teo will report in favor of tho lost. ThoCapitol of tho nosr Territory will bo Bis-mark, c little town at tho present wes-tern terminus of tha Northern FaciQuIts il road. One of tlio roasona fur Ihderection of a now territory is that tbomembers of tho Legislature of Dakota,

tufnouat YauUtoir,. !,roii(linCia North-

Dakota, are obliged to travel 1,300or 1,400 niilcB to roach their destination.'Iho avarcgo annual coat to the FederalGoYernmeot of a Unitory ii about 827,-000, and the only question to bo dacidoc*is as to whotlitr it will lend a Itcpuhll-can reurosentativo, find vlietltor toero'iAny sight of itn growing into ft Itepubllcan State ono of tliosa dnyi. If no, nodoubt wo will h&vo & now territory in ftihort time

Applelon Manufacturiug Compivny_owull, Ifasfl, bavo Btartcd 250

looms, v.hiclj liavo been id[p for t<tnweeks, nud will employ, for tha rest ojtbo winter, 125 additional Landa,

Mrs. Horn Uquivr, wife of tho PiatrialAttorney of Carbondale, Pa., 'ooni-mtltod suicido on Snturdoy by hangingherself in a fit of insanity. She was42 years of age, aud leaves two children,

A special election was held in theFirst Congressional District of Illinoison Saturday, to flU tlie meaner in the>n>seut C'ougrosa canned by tho death ol'obu B. Bice. B. Q. Oalpold, Dom., was

otcctcil, ivithotit opposition,

B. E. Oaulfiold, Democrat, lias bcojlecteil to Congross in tbo First-Illiuoiu

District, Tin John B. Itico.

Counterfeit Uuited Statos legol Undernotes,-well erocutod, of tbodonominatitof S20, aro circulating in Montreal.

A Commitfoo of Congressmen viaitetPliiladtlpbia on Siitnrday to examinetbo plnua nnd progress of the Centennial

Tho total number of immigrants whojrrivcci ot Coatlo Garden, Muwjork, dur-ing tbo year 1871, is officially stated st

Tho boiler of a loeomotivo cxplodcuuearHardovillo, Ga., on Friday morning,injuring two firemen nnd tho engineer,tbo latter fatally.

A. O. Foratcr, Chief of Vollat ofSoran'ton, P*,, held for tho ram Jot of Mi 'Kenmtiy, ban been diuobarguu'j

and others hnring btuiiiitho Tcrritorinl capitol, »i

Tim Sannto Committee on Territorieshtivo under comidention tho project offorming a now Territory out of tbo nor-thern hulf of Dakota, nnd will reportfavorably. Throe nnmo<i haro boes sacgeistod for tho now Territory, (wbiclwill contain 71,200 square miles,} Ojib-way, Algonquin and Pombitia. ThoCommit too will report ia fnvor. of thol«it. Tho Cnpitol of tho iiew Territorywill bo Bismnrck, n little town'at thopresent western terminus of tbo NorthernI'nciOc llnilroad. One of tho reaions lotthe erection of anew Territory is thattbo inemliors uf tho L*jHi1oturo of Da-kota nud others havinrbuunoiaat Ynnk-ton, the Territorial capitol, residing inNorthern DskoU, uro obliged to travel1,300 or 1,400 miles to reach thoir dosti-nntion. Tho average annual cost to theFodornl Government of a Territory isabout twcnty-Eorenthontanddollan.

Tho Treasury Eepzrtmcnt is advisedof facts which ivdicnto that brg* quanti-ties of opium are smuggled annually in-to tbo United blatcj. Tlio ChincHo arosupposed to bo chiefly concerned in thebusiness,' nnfl many of their tricks bavobeen detected by tbo -ovenno oEUccri.Stitistics ahow, bowoTcr, that official

1 " inco is still eluded to a conslder&blivigilanioitcnt.

It la niftlaii to attempt to c lnnuns t rBtmwhile th* foooUin Is fmpiirs. SjBpepiis, coin*pUInti of tbi lirer or Udtujt, •roptiom of tbo' * ierafal», hesilsebsi, and aU dJioaies uis-

am impart blood, aro st oac* Temorod bjDr. .WiixSB'* OiLiromwu Vntioit HITTEE*,pnriflar of iba blood, and reiov »U>r of tho I J I

I t I t i norcr boon known la fill. i - in

Grand Jury having iguorod tbt bilagainst bint.

Johu B. Foy, a Juatico of tho Penci.ii Hartford couuty, Maryland, was billetb j n train on Friday, whiln driTipgacross tbo track of tbo rhindolphin,Wrilmiugtou nnd EalUmoro Itnilroad.

The President has nominated Titos,IMddle, of Pennsylvania, to bo Miniiteito Ecuador; B. H. Isnboilo to bo Pen-sion Agent at New Orleans, nnd \i. H.Chandler to ha Fonsion Agent at High-mond, Vn,

A bailor explosion ooonrred at tho St.Nicholas colhory, in Scbuylkill couuty,I1*., on Friday inoming, wliicli blow tinboiler honRo to pieces, killed GeorgeHosael, mid blow off tlio leg of nn un-known nun. The flietmm iq mir- :-and supposed to bo killed.

Hon. Augustus F. Alien, Congressman elect from thn.Thirly third Districof No* York, died nt Jamestown, oWednescIaT, Mr. Allen wa« originali liopubhcan, bnt bacamo n Liberal i1872, and wan elected to Cougreia, oitlio Liberal aud Democratic tickot, iiNovember lost, by n majority of 1,841rotas.

A colored Judy of Pitt Coanty, N. O.,lately became tho bappy mother of twhite baby, a mulatto nnd n black. one,nil nt n birth. Talk nbout amalgamation.Tbero it js with njonganco.

- Manning M. Knapp has been nominted bv Governor Bedlo, na hi* succcaso:ou tho lioDcb of the Supremo Court.

On Tuosdny tho Gcnnewooture olectt-d Andrew Johnson Uuit&States Senator (successor to W. '."Urownbw,) for six years from tho Uh iUnrcb.

Advices from Cliinasaj that a gramson of Princo Ton, undo or tbo decoasodEmperor, will probably Btu-cood to tbtthrone.

The Connecticut Prohibitionists bairinominated Henry D. Smith for Qoseruor, JoisoD. llaldvrin for LionUnantOovcrnor, and Enol P. Cowlcaj'for Secretary ol State.

The baggage uar and tbroo ooncncia passenger tain on tho Springflold ui-Tision of thoAtlanticnndPaciQaroilroad•vmi thrown from tbo track Mondflj by ftliroteti rail two miles cast of Hoscllo, Ho.John Densear, mail agent, had bothItnces dislocated, two others were BOTBTOly injured; and Borao ton or a doieiDtbors alishtly hurt.- •

SEVERE COLD.11 Con^b can 1» cured iu * few d»;» -

J tikin« Dr. ] luiW« YtgcUble C>uuhrun. II \t vurolr Vc£eial)tc IUJ ii out- of lie

•*t VL-UH^SIknowD forL'oUghi, ColJa, llroa-itih find nil slTuctioiit of tbu Tlircat or Luuer&l marli'iU lo L'oimQiaiitttia. Utint; ura itr;Hitig'tiattirc, it cmniut fill to t» cif (.TtiiH-fil iti all casf a vlwm tlio Lungi or ltruiiiul lulu's aic dflV-c cd ftom any cauio. baln-t boilluBwtoljo liaJ lllKb UI" CIUlitiEHubert Killgorc'ii dnij uluro, Povtr, N. J.


RUPTURE.For Itnntnro ttm "IHgcs" Hard Rubber Tni

, cuucodtil by all v hi) t»vo wurn llitm to Iio luut, cl.*iuc«t anil tiKkat trusi to wear tinmiulu. Tliat tliej; mo now btinu UM.I1 IU II

;ut Kngltili IiOK|iituU in prercrunco ID ntJior'i'ruBJ made II luMciunl retomniciiuulu>t Ilium Id iiiducij auy ouo ^bo IB ubligod ,

tear a trunfl to r.d OIIU. A full ituuk ui tin'tnuino "JUggi" Hurt! Bit blur Trumw t*

-u« l-citli HiiiKlo *nJ Joubtn, i ro kept bfKOBER11 ICILLGOItE,

ily lltli, lS7i. BUBMOX Ht., Dover, N. J.



nbovir, Drugfilsts. Bo

.sVl'V-HOWli, I'ropriotor,ilChaiulorf, St^No* York.

|<L'ttci'i) rcmui i i ine i incluiincii tlic Post Office, a t Dover, N J

January 'J'Jlb, 1875.

ior, llanDoUnd, CUrlcaKnstcrlronk,JunKorqiiion. I'MHoition, W. II.J IiOrplinn, QoorcoPi or) on, IJzziat'owen, HurriatlIcKilinc, I'alrickSmith, JamesBears, A&rsuSliick', noorcc—3

V*n Ileutun,To obtain any of thcio loiters uli) spplicin

mil cttlfor<>A<lTortiio<l Lettor" and giTC tbiInto of this lilt. A. IS&liltliU, r . U.

Collim, HelenaCour»(J, Ch«rtc«Donojliuo, Mury>'nnun SaniuclJL-ddDii, It.I In cl IB on, Hi the illcConvUle, Louyl'ctorson, Maryriltouccr, JoaoplilfnOan.^mcUlloburtiun, JoinKnodrcr, JohnUbackeUon, JOBCBlcvem, M. W.

;nUItCHFIELD-COLLIS-At Cbettcr, Ji:lOtli, 1B70, by Her. lit. F, Urowder, PeriCauiiL-nnsiJ> of lUckettitown, N. J., atMns. MAUT U. COIXII of Clieitor.


•Inn lately mbilitinp between Eilnrardon aud Uorgo U. Wifkiaioii, or I'ort Miii tho toifnty i>f Mnrrii and Ktato or N7, tinder llio flm) nimo of S»lif Salmon i

- j wna .lisioliod on iho 15t1| | I « eJanuary, 1875, by mutual consent, All pen onindebted to the Utu firm arc herebj roquaituio call »pd iottlo witb tbo tat« firm at tlto -'debted to the Utu firm arc herebcall »pd iottlo witb tbo tat« firm at tltoW i l k l , l.iingor ft Co,, at I'ort Mi

id, n tho iruQto or tlio said ilrra wifar colloctlou,





Frcnarca pUnj) and ipociQcatloni, ami stipcintoiidi tlio cuni(rnctlau of nutiltu B||il prlralL)Ulliliogi

DDlonBADklloildinK,Do«r Enclna UOUIB.



WARNE'S FLOUR DEPOTnt rjui«iin Flour 110 50 por bill.

I'urltj, rorr Lost, 10 50 nor ctrt., f 10 50 per hViola, iplonditl proooai. 1$ GO nor pyrl, 110 60Cbio/taV I'atcut Procoii, %i >5 por cv t., (10

—rbbl,_.,_ti!, splendid,** GOpercwt.. 13 60 per hItoanoko, Bnlondid, f 1 '3 por mt.\ M 25 "Half Lliln. flour, gomi, ftWbltoWlioat, per cA, iD o n b l o E i t r a , " " . - - - al l n c k n l i e i t F l o u r , p r r c n t , - 3W b e a L U l d d l i i i K i , • • > ! . . . !

1 Fowl , •• " r • » 2. a t B r a n , « • < . . , . 1

E u e k v l i o i t l i r a n , < > • > . . . !

Hol to i l C o r a H e l l , < • • ' - . , 3C o a r i a C u r Q U e a l . . . . • 7

Craoko i l C o r n f o r C M c k e n i , - • 'il h i r o l lyo , C o r n a u d O a t l ' o o d , - . 3

Oals and Corn brtbo liDibol.

A No. 1 article, wiling for 45 cents. I W i EKC

,_ .„ .. . „ „ „ , . , -it,,., shall loop conJ. S. WA11NE,iimEM ST., UO


Prof. OAIlDINUIt, • - - UuitiiBii UanagciJ. U. It AND ALL, - - - - filag* Manage]Woo. nECKLEIl, - - • Leader or OrclieitrA. L. 11£CKL£R, Tr« '


February 2d and 3d,

TICKET OP LEAVE MAN,witb Ibo fyllowlnR powerful eiat','


ff.H.Fstt- - - C . H . KIDDBB

- - - J. U. JUNDALL.P. H

. - - - . . llH

Jlaltby, - llutntATS«n WillougUby, - - - .Hi isAu.«Lt iMay EflwariJs, . . . . BlKsE»ni*.LxLSin Willouehlijr Mils I U B I E EnSlrS. WilfoHfih'lijr, - - . Mill I U B I E Eiwu

To bo followed ly MISS CECELIA AMOItlio joullitnlniUBlcalprodigy.inlio^wIcBt

•trumcHli, ria.;• iTHanoja . '

or Wood

"likrii f iT Ba'nfd["«.'GnFliif/ Tlio wholo to citludo nttti Jotan IIrougham'*.roaring fares


Don Ufantibl,Don Garcia, -

«ln1oTu?ULCnn-'" - " • HlsiAilwoTrtlsli

I^ufio, • " - " . \ - M %"| L M»riold ioptrrorni'

ittiaa'iComrfy or a

B U L L IN A CHINA SHOP.Vf. II. Ferrii as " Digt^ot," inpportod byuliolo Company.

MI83 CEOELIA ANQIB .In her Parlor Ki)tj)rt.*jnmtm/,To conchdo witb tbo scnamin; Iripl* fM"«


;t C. »arcoiH.rt as Uandy Ana;





uwannec Yellow Pine Umber,


CILOUE, CwiUil 820.0011,1)1)0. OFFICE ON SUSSEX ST


iicnti Kvrwcli nv ntstv «"• '1-nANKLTS OF PHILADELPHIA,

Capital £5,000,000.HATS




y..,r,( ,,f lUHw 'A- Stwsrk, OAItrETB, OIL CLOTHaJAKCASHIRE, Englnml,

Asst'tn S10,000,000., Tlu, Woodcu am

Willow Ware.The New Empire AVIIiIAMffl)CIia CITY, S. T.Assets $700,000.


Amte S30O.0OO.



lot-Air, Uiis & IJi.sii-burn-

iug Cooking Stove.-JIKliESTUAKISLlSTuVi: IS'HIE WOULD.Al^o, ft LtrGt) Aaurtmtiit of oilier HtvlcB

ot CoitUus HUivcs, Italic - l""'lwB*ovt», i c ,

FORSUMMER&WINTERUSEAltw, a cholto stock of

Hardware, Cutlery,us, Woodeu, CupiM-T, 1'laiu nml JapniiM


, FciihcAUD,

K, Lamps, 1'niuti oml Oilii't, l'nut'a Astral Ull (nou


Uopllng, Plumbing nndJol"VVorU proimnly tttoudea to.

Bonnell's Patent Straw Cutter,Tlio Licet ever tuaile.

lt'K Scales ut Munudtc-

i, n«K«

TASiVWnookun;, Hiret 1.I8TJ.


Merchant TailoAND

CLOTHIER,Blackwoll St., DoYor,

tof tlio"p(nic,"tlio subscriber lietniud tbunt burlug )iii HpriiiK and Hummer

Ktock of gonli until llto lattt fu« Oaw,aad loriunaloly fur bim tlio

Great Reduction of Pricesmil just taken iilstb ami pnrtliaBCH ncro mmcuor.linglr. liuliuonrrltadytuihovrtUo pubic tlio



of HOQ'B, Yoalb'g and Cbiiilnn'H

READY MADE 6L0THINGin Morris county. AUo, aflnollooof


Olotbs, OaEBimci'cs, Veatings, amOheviots for Suitings.

TAKE N O T I C E - © a

t wo pay oar caructl anil particular niton


letiutly ou band a full Uuu of

GENTS FURNISHING GOODSTbo prices ID all R<W*1B WO will Guarantee CB

ot bo enmpclcil Witb.


LLACKWELL STREET,ir to tlio Toil Oflko,

DOVER, N.Kelt da


ADJ0UEHED BHESIF §uCbancorycf Sow Jertry—H. fa. ForiiloPtorigasoil premiim. \yhoroin Isaac 11. Cowiu Pa Complainsnt, and Fulix A. Kontb&aud Sarah lili wifu, and Bimual T. L»wtoiaro Defendant!. llcturDabk- Uctobi-r Turn1371. NCKIIIHOUD k Sunn, Hulr'i.

in bolialf of td t Ul

q i U E gala in bolialf of tho atoTu purlieu nUni_X. oilfnuniod to Ulo plain at tho Mumlo:

Homo Hold, Iu Morriaton N JUOHDA

purlieu nUniUlo plain at tho Muml

, Morriatonn, N. J.,UOHDAi*, IXBltDAItY 15lli,

A. D. 1875, bctvrcon tlio hours or 12 3T . amo'clock 1' SI6 4f JKSSG HOFFMAN, Sheriff.



At (lie Old Sitmd on Sussex St,D O V E R , N. J .

r i lOC iul>acril>cn, liavliiR rn-ciitlj- /armedX. co-|iarttieraliii),IutlioliiiKtiie - • "ilonod, «uum ilUattbcyarcnt

" burial onliit licit r\>riimrtt)

ihg utmniitl

folUl burial onion wiili ihg utmniit iiromplniLTha very bost »|ip!ianco now lirnusbt tn lirain tlio pruiervatimi nr tlio iluaJ, and other lin

i o t i th btii il) b f l Iin tli p u i e r aprovuinonts in th|)OBICII1OQ and jiralatlaTaolory rotulH


DOVER, N- J.Daacnigncd bariuc loucd tL

X ii oniod liulil, ia now preparedboarders Trom ill dollati t^r wuekIns to rooms I iutcud to net a gml p

iii dollar* pir week up, atcon. — IlnteudtoHtsgODd tableau

leap t. retpeetablo Lome, Atiaattnclioil lo tliliatcl ia K wo& IJviTjr and Eiclunga KtablUorinana cartlaRea to Jot, and parties la1-to any part ol the count; at reasonable raicacood barli attacliud io tUa bouse wlicrotbu found cholco branO« or all klndi vl li'iuand tegua. Meals at M cti., and 60 ctn.Indglng. TIISUUDI KIT pait fivors fromciluona of Dotcr In inj hto bnnlnoin I Iibv strict attention to Usicuu to merit a r_

of thu iamo. s, L. I' kept br tin, , l i y . wl t l maj be fom


noreci kept btsntiTO lioitlcrs

w w t o r nwalh. Amiil at tbo (tables.

8. HaTfPjr been ctiRaROd in tlio hotel binc u bctoro, I flatter njwir ibat I kn t ioti of Ibo public snd iluU cndcsTor Vom In UTorj particular.

FOR SALE!IIIK old M. E. CIMKII, coiner of 'tiunsci n

ialo, Tlio buildinc Ii euotl andU«n*l)C nifor minj jmrpoioi: with mtto oxnonte CODMmadwitilo a factor; far mino factoring parpo»

apply to



X i toniion to my now it mi or Vaionllneijoit roceWed from llio foclury. Will jnjarsnieit ho Hock b a t c t than soy Urnwr sS ioV Sper cent, cheaper - t l aa h i t v t t r . S i l dooqnti t o t h o i i i ' l s .

W. O. DOKOaiJCE,' Uansioa liontc Block.

Choice lots in Dover,fur Biito cheap, ond


Freeman Wood,Ice nf llio PciliiO Olid PrtllCJ Migistl-a


0, L LEPOfiT,




For Sixty Days Only


I.A1S0K I'ilOTUGU.U'HS l'OK re.

SI , old iiric« 8 2 .


rilllF. work thall 1X atiy liert'loforo


in tlio Aria, mnnufaciurrs nnd nwcaaiMr<i, and am willing to practice >rbat I [t


and Ucinj; posseeaid of all tlm facilities f.i

turniiiff out firHttkBB work, anil liavinsn'mri'.

tlie EcrvUoi ul conrloons nud coropclcu

asBiatantit, I fi-el tonlliltnt lliat I q u RITC JO

latiuractjoij H CTITJ rcipvct.' Tlioio wlm wUl


•lioulii equip nf ty'VQt



a f,in,KTly.,1divr (J.r,i.



CiUMlliilll III' J loi l-

treal, Asscls $5,625,000.

Atlas of Hiuirord,

Assets $3S3,000

Couinicrciiil ol'N.Y.,

Assets SS 70,000'.

St. JfieliolnsofN. V.,

Assets $2S5,0OO

Glolic of Chicago,

Assets $('.(15,000,

l'liciilx of Newark,

Assets $110,000.

New Jersey Mutual Lite,

Assets $2,500,000,


, tliclr conacn-fttiv,)»foly c ionil them[ y

fUHarora aa alfortling full guurautoo for iniloin-nlt.r QKaiOHt lass, auJ tlia careful rrotcclloiany lulcrost tltut tun/ ba plnccj willi tliom.

All bnaiacss placcil irilh uionill bo liromptlyiltondvd lo, Ca[roRI>ouilGncu idlcllod. ]





It Iiilclicloai), Nuts of nil klndi. DcnianO

or gcxi<l» [inmi|il]y mut nt tbo itorouf



Imported and Domestic Cigars,

W. 0, DOSOQIII/'JJ'SSlaDaltiti llauBG lilocki


W. 0. DOXOOHUE'S,MittBimiirotisolllaek.


BOILER WORKS,P0BT8B F. 3IK0H, Proprietor.



TANKS and 0EE BUCKETS,constantly on hand. .

HKiAuiixu raomrPLv AITIKDED TOIMor lo Monll Con,,lr Jl.tUm i Ir.,, (1,

J^UlTlllai IULI.T1XO,

Hif . M>«Uin.r.Oil,,Jc." " U K >M 311.1., rmJcr.^u^o, Drill S IM,

Csnd lUrroiiK, s!iov^,,'j,;tk,, ic ,, . . voonnEia unos._ L _ . »->wi, s.







JIUTUAL EEXKFiT LTFE,Assets S30.000.000.

ffu f.o! wuM'iil from tho eonipaiiie* ire••nrfdilt from uiir lung fontitmaiioo ia Ibuusiticsfl, mul frcm cur itl<niul(J nct|

..Uli tiin1ir«ritcf», wtjiOFvW snpcrlitatiis I" I'1w"B Hwunnw. • » o r I i r u- A11 hut'

inidUd t i UH, personally or bj corrci-•e, will recu*c jirompt attention.

i), T. jEssi\*an. (sa-vi c. IL OAGE.

Groceries and Provisions

rttucvt)roconM,0.innw] OfMdi, Dried Frnllh,Ttan, (SifVeon, Hiijjar*, Hnlcci and o»or>-

tliiuj; in lUn Orotorf Hue.





to ufferal? (food* «t cloapcst raW,





AimitiBtiT, Vdvct, BnisMla, 3*li1y, Ingrain,WloKC, Wool, Lnlcii, Pag ind Hemp Carpel I.

LI n Jtiinu, Oil Cloths, ur KngliHU End Amor-till Liannfacttire; Mali, ItogB, Uruggcl), KUotlolullouJ*, Klinlc rixtnri-s, IJVO Oeesu I'oathcn,liHiwln, Curtain Maferisli, Ac.

\\\ milic ami lay Can*'. e u i a n i 1 l a? O i l

C'Uli, iimkuandliangKbidcs, and guarautouHit work well done.



Win. Hiirrim,WATCHMAKER,

Rl i

ECESTLY OF HOCKAWAY, bcgJ to in-form hit patrons and frinnda, and thupnb-,rncrully, tliat lie has removed Lin builncsi

Sussex Street, Dover, N. J.,ii llio irtiiltiiDff rornicrly occapicd bv liUbrotbcr.ju conliallj InvittB l.ia friomlfi and the publico Kivohiins call, fouling assured tliat lio canitisfr tlR'iu ID uvcrv particular. Tbcoxlomm:ri]HiiliiiMi iti tlio bDninaiB and tlio aid oruiccd-rut tools and niachlncB, cpablei him to oxointo OUT kind uf com piloted work. 25-U



EVERY branch ot tlio Ininino»» nowly fittedup—now anil Bom! liurKuv, now nnil cosy

tulllif,' carrUgL's. Binclu ur iluublo rigs Tar biroat rcnuoiitiblu ntc-H. iln,-s mruiuliuil rur VKU*UINUS, PAltTIEH. 1'UNEIIALS, EXCU11SION,Uc. Horsci buariluil by llio (liiy or wuek. '








Tor Iron Oreo nnd Mineral Property,


DOVER, N. J.\Vu.B.Dt0*iIP. '. FJJ. P. DsCiJIr,




MICHAHI, 'tVli^SU'S.'ILACK\VJ;I,L St., BOVE11, N. 1.

Or «.l,ln;.> bj mall. ' il4m



M" n''1':™ '," . """ te i ' , 'ConliMton- «ninins auodu, I'umu. oilK, Ului, Ac. Acii

ullinl Ini|>lencm«, Hood,, ftrlUlimi, ic ,

^ " 1 " 1 "

MRS. A. BEEIERIM now rtaOy witb all tlio

New Styles for FALL

O F : ' • '.'••:•. ' : , ;

Fashionable Millinery


Latest Styles 4 Newest designs

?'1 '"" lV-, l!"( '>P1»«cr»,Fcallimi.i I, hi".',' I-" , c o»— t c n l •

A lino a s i o r h u e n t of • ( ;

Chignons, Switches, Braids, &b.!

Al»o, a very J , rg, jnaiotj of

ZEPHYR GOODS;Ana u duo itrclt of

LiKlies1 riiriiisliing Goods.


M. SIGLER,Dooltr in ' '

Lohigh, Scranton, & Bituminous

COAL,croil In all F » " fl U« Oily Mid vicinity,

At the Lowtst fllurkct I'lices,In qmiitlitiL'B to suit tnirclitLBcn.

And llftiiufncturor of



Fire Brick & Clay,

Drain Tile,

.••• '• , . . . O v e n T i l e ,

Masons' Material; &o.CoDdKnllyon hnnfl.

On Bergen Street, near R. R.

Building Lots For,SaleOn tlio Road leading from


B y M . Sigler, ,AT LOW rnicra.

BEEMER&PALpR,Dover,'J5T.J. ' i


Wbulcwlo and Ilol.H d u l o n In

Scranton aud LeliighO <O A. XJ ,

Lime, Cement, Plaster, Wood,

NORTH RIVER, BRICK,. . &C, rtt tbo ., .


Coal of all Sizes ConstaiiUr ounndj and dclivcreil to unypart of the City or Vlclulty.

arc' tlio read/ W meat tbo brgoot ordori fur



d*^ m»y. bo aadroBMd tbrpnet iUfl V°*iOQiuoIockBox23, or loft at A. ]]6oniDr'H OIGL-OIn Dliokmll itrmt, i ibu : snu i t .

ORloa next lo G3gn & IWackwoll itroel.

i . BEESimi,' :

Headquarters of Morris County

^Rowers! r ml o O l i o c i t l l i o • ' • " • • • f . - * ' >


Alo bo found In (lio HUto. J luyo on Itaiul »ull aiMttmcnt or liantH, yitSSi awl El""1'"

Wty miilabl6 fur tfaii C«m«("o. irhlcli 1 nm 1'^wrad to furnUli-on'Bhort-iiullcc, and ot «low pricca m can bo found. • - •.

Furtloi wliliine la nnrcliafco nni requestiJ I"oiimliiomy itock. •• >• <•'£.'-y

HHOuata JIAl'Lli ATE.rdor. P

OrHtn loft at ToaSton), corner Wtrrtn »nJItlackvch itr(.<vln, Hover, will rocoivo jinHiii"alluntiou. r i i i . ' "• •


M.& I.- Searing

i!lioatiiUirorhiilllakru aud malorUIH rt

Jobbing, iij • 0e&er ai..

"ip Ebtii'if' $ STOKE."(ONE PIUOJ3 ONLV.)

tn.ES. ugtrutut^B, *A\Jt S E U ^ K I . ^cnoa3| • jPAC1H, POPLm, MEUIS03, \-EL\trS, BB*T Hfft

ixuTi), waiKiiat,': niAmJ,1 MIBLET , ( .DROCBH; BlHOLtiSDDijimLS.lllJj(«»r illAVVpu

w: s.' iiAaiiiTXvMOllBIOTOWlf.N'

Page 3: READY-MADE CLOTHING Apothecary, … · SIMOF, Merchant Tailor, And dvilcr i n Mob's and Children'a Ik-ady-< • H1J CMWClthi:/i ' AnnonncBii 16 tlio public t1mt h\» slock of KL_


""».I.,fcW.E.E.TIME TABLE.

'IliruiKli Mall, »•»* A. M- i OBWOBO Iliproaa,60 A.M.; « • • ' • » K » p t « « . 1 M P - « • ' , E« ' l»n

v,«(«M, 0.83 T. M.I Blnghimptaa Ezpr*:BBf

s sa V M • Haekuttatowq EaproBB, 7.301'. il.;i mw'W 10.HP. M.

it rt-EnbuTC lipodal, 4.80 A, M. ; DoTor K«-' 050 A. SI- J HacfcottBtoYin Wail, 7.3* A.

it • jlssloit Express, IU7 A. IT.; UlnfibamptonI h j r - u , IV P . « • ! Tl.roi'Rh Mail, 2.68 P . M.;

ni(Hl»tioii, 3.95 T. M.CHESTER. BRANCH :

•iHTWtltD. BTiTlDND. Zl:V.YMl>., w ' « M A.M. l ' . H ,

OHOH B-o.Jt cm

ll ii/ii McOnlul'orl UfDoter


Weekly Staiement oi Iron OreP i u a m o win HADKBTTOTOWM B O A M S , V

fll, & E . R . B . ™ Pi!NKaH.VAKii, p o nTHE PAST WHEK BMDIMO TflDRBDAVJ S V E K H M , .Tnuuury 2Bll>, 1875,

5o*»i ™ ;JI .»I»I«"- ' " • , .

" t o r n 2.500 U, .itrll.n. (Horta'a.CWju'a,

aoccaiuiiua, Vaualta aud Clioa.urJiiuollouStallain.l 1.7» 111

i(.»l:iill.1ivvn IS 13

Him lo UU Uma-ffloljh »•Lent cotanionws ViAtrattJ ]Tlia IOIIBIOHI lularoal .1 Scliooloj'n Hoiinlalu

HcKular nanllily mcotloff ol lVatrolIou II.*r , . i»>IMo«d. . r " —

Kuincbody isys t < -to Iho V00* Isro-cordul tbavo,

i todHl MMllag" »f> bBJwfluiaip iho Troi-LjteriaiiCliurchatOik Illdgfl.

llvr. Vr. BlanreH li «*H»ntf Hov.Mr.iwll In » mooting ROIDR OU a t Oonnsn Vail

iSZ£&to»m!k, lkv. H.K.UoolIltlo1l»«tor.All slioitld JMAIlunnnd UoiihiKton's now lot

ol v r lnp r i f i1.ig».fi>F of tlimto Toll 3toll Wasli-

Tltu How J«ri«y &JitorU! Awoetollon ha t aiinvililbu to vlill Schonley's Hounlftfll lioi

17JU IIOHIUHOII of NetfFnnndlauil ami vleluil/.n j iv (iietiiHulvcH In trottingtoatoliOB on Iho leonl Oreunnooi like.

Olio "lM«k Horso HoUI," Sfondliam, IIBIIron loaned to Henry \V. Tij[«r, vlio tikes po

Panlil Loiay, one ijt flucounty, ul<<d at bii reilfloneo, naar Mordhamon HalBTilay bit, sgoil oigbty-oigbl years.

Tho Froo Christian doDomlna>lo& iavo commcneou * sorlei ol warm 101W1) montioci 10ttio Union School House, M M Now

He*. B. Nelson, P . D., wmlor agent or ttioHelliodlit BooV Concert* In New. York,VrottU ta tbo U.E. Church, at Hooka*flsbliitb ti*«l;

Kifibacl Orimo* and Tlio run Walton ironty Injured Wednesday •ftomiKin of latt nook byii fulling onibaniment near tlw asylum gronrulat Morris Plains.

IJomiloii's big hog IB at last eclipsed. Mr, J.W. Jlrollmrtpn of (bin place cot up ono Ibaolhor diy which wnin-hod Cflfl pounds, Sflpocncl*Jionricf tnm tho Doonton porter.

llio official* of Ibo Palawsro, LaokiwtumVi'wtani lUilroad Ootnptny report that lliay iflaw rauntng »bool flio Imndrcd can of eoaijiisy aier tlie, agihiit 1,100 a jsar ngo,

T!io Iftdie* of the rro.bjldrian ChnrchCUciler will LoW » "YanVw '$t% Put)" kt tboresilience of Hr. Peter Ctarotftotd <tafYC|iinR,Fobmarj-Dl!i, All iro eordiilly luviW.

A bmo bill match wai pUjod <ia (lit K<ritttnm (5V»l!ng IUnl on Weilnetdiy.iawUlcHIIIQ Jliuk Olnb orthatpiacobcittfaevell-kDoiraJiofTliClnb lyafoorii of 20lo IS In Iiro Inofngi.

II vrm rumored ITtalMr. J.ccb Vnr» tt a of Mor-rlstommoaldbooffurcdlliiporftloiiorAltoinentnl msd« vacant fn «onteijaonoe ot (h« ei-

I plmtion or tbo torn of Mr. Qiltlirfit. AUi, it

irty from Morrliloim tndBoon-i, mmbciiDfl tVoitt 15 conplci, rlalted tliker hoUl N«w Eoundlana ott Wedtjeid*.Hilng atd roniilaoil tUorft »llniil.t. Elnott

| UdiwcrofroinMorrlitownananMiodlhiougb

A nnj dog in Pomplou tit twoUy-tltes 6th«%s nnd • Uttlo boy, and nt l»it was IcIUeil If(luiSobnlWof, ttliioh libliid bitten and wlilcli™ sltorwarJi killed. Tblf wlioloulc

I I^uuproducod »corner in tliocnnlno mirkplI in Voapton.

LAonaUon YIIUITM (nadototha Bef. 3. W.I Vonngt »t itoeUwiy, on WoanddayI to tbacmtll-poi Be»ro Ibo st•iirii im»Ilor th*n ntu»!, »nd HJO. donation*I iinuiinllDff lo abont «M, tuacfe imiUor thin

| tliif HQuH othfirnliohavB bean.

0no of iho nioil attira of tha premflUn ol• fl-hcnllnro In thU conntrrli Qoo. ShoppardI I V , ilnj., who roildii t t SUnlof, in thli•cDumy. The fourth annual rneollcff of tfcl"Viili CuUnrliti' Anoolttlon Dill bo Hold tt hi

" =(WW»noni.root,NowYorlc CHy.Pobn

V H Mr, Jolin 11. Bun yon hai naTgned thfl offie

unly, to bltQ offeat PobniMy 1*1. Mr. Urn-on has nada ono of Iho mott efficient Brtpatln

)?. » f a j ! n l 1 Uio county im (.for had, and fats r1H> • s i n i i , , , uopot n n n r a oihorniio tUn a Ionit; Bt'tfuctlloDai Inkreiti.

1 Tbo winy frlondi lof Her. and tfri. W. »_ . . <al*]7 souaoatod with llio Freo Method IsW U K I I ol Ujb, win l « , n with wgwt Ib~ r " "utybMaiaiinDilylll wilb tour—

b«r old UOBIB In rjuMl N, Y,, nlilih ilio"" ^ v —"•»«•<* mniiBin uiicBiii. i , ,Rl i i inar i"S • " ^" remi""1 ' " k" *«"». «»l alia• ' ^ •WMtol lMh. tuhor t t l i aa .

| » .W. I i , r B.m0u0 l l , | O , M m 4 h , n , » ,—•oi graumiQ of Prineotoa, ptaaohad two M

•"•la Ho ffaihlojlnj,H.J.,PcaabJt«rlilnli.a.l,l,,ihbar»reU.t. Tho8l«rapoa

• wittu a. among Iho hoal tliat hare bnan do.oallstlst tblldiaiiiiaicUau, and thatIfcco "ltm"> ™ U l » " ' » ! l" "I • U r «"

•"»>o«lKif,.t.m1( | j , , ' UiiVNail liai m."" ' i . . 'u l iatot tal ahmla'toplnioJloBa-

Ion.—."° '" t "•«**«• *0>.'a aloit, -CS™'1"1""0™'"!.'

w ^ p r a t / Idoal paloUnsa, I

ralao.!f»-">Hl««. P.

"«b1-«iidcib.r amnainignla Ibi» « I I U U t |

ton, to Ibo i1 " * «f [ H.U»MH.,tOTiBi

(•""•Wnjfor cart, art tayc,| ' ° .»»«»n hlrn, „ , . , u , ll(

. ^ *»» boar la mlud ilia Joctora>J Bout, ft. Ml A « t . a iriii• p . Wffl


Jiiilf;.i JIIIIII I, KBi i

iniy, io liU C.n'mi'ni t.f J.tln> I t .

sol tliia (Kiiturdiiy) ovoliin^. 'Jilt im.-mluri,bo dilTiirunt cc/ininuioa ttiu luiiirstcil by Iliuof to in.'ut nt tbu u!d Inuso nt HUVII uVlikli,mjit. Unim; U, l!i;i uuJliiUlioil HIIII«M( Un-tie t.ii! ri'Kuhr imiiitlilj itrilt fur Tlmi-uJay

llL- JKVulB.I^ .witli Uiolr t

ti having lino Hp.jrt in CJiidl-

ciirrcd ihiawOflk, Aliiimg IIIUHICBI BB-Iliat of litllo Cliarli'i Montague, nbu tinV, gwinjt tocarolcssnensu.i iho [mt'tof

iino oilier Imp , wai run into, nuil a aortmut In Lli forehead aburo tlio oyc.•Ayern, fcinillariy Itnoirn u "Aunt Polly,"

inirfoa nw-r Ibckaivay, i* 92 yenrx old, la?tivo mid hi jios,«osil(jii of exctlloill inrn-nillcB. Tbn otlior old paoplo lutbnt nut-

Ion ttuy bo BUinmsil us'followa;«01,iilialuiiI<le(i»tleinni., Aunt Nancycrllno mid Aunt Aunlo Slichlo, e»cb 80,ind Jim, Jolin G»rrifius, m tticir Stilli; Mr. and Mr*. Jobn Kclmj, over flj.i Tuctiilnj urtcrnoHJii tho ncholan of tlia 3>£.abbklli Hchoolof lbl« plac>?, Illling nbiut<e loads, |iald n ulclgliliiff Tin it to JInr.

iwn. Tlio new Luna IIu Aijluin wan Unit visit-l ,anil tholi i lorior IiiBpootcd b / t b o p n r t y , nf-

\ihlcli k drlvo vat takon llironj-li Uio atrooUUvrriHtonn, and tbu]mrt j returned liutno.—o Gomiuutta o( iVmagtimenli lipsiro m Mircin t l id r t l u t i l i to ttiouo wlio blmllf fur

I l ia 1*01-1 Slorrla corrcipoiulcnt of tlin Jcruny.inn saya; Oa li iuri i lay lirootfl^M JImkcj

it down lu llio Holaiifl niiuo, ami nlnntl tnlli--nitli one ot tbo uilnors, nlion a etono, irciRh'Bo.y.0 flvo bvriCrtd pDUiin^ catno tiiniTjllnc

otntbo top atilklDt; the plank on willdi tln'jera slnmling, Iroakliifj uuo of Mintor'K logi

ilio otlioi- dreadfully. Itafilwr drery fndiwtrirani yonnjr nion, and tlio onlyipportofhli moiber, Ibavo not board what

doctor! tliink tbo Injnrioi trill roault In.,t tlm nJJoamod jurlsli mootingortlia Prou-

'lorlati conRn>plIcii or.thinplace, bold in tboMonday evening tlio old eyntcm of

ilnu tbo HI.IIIIIJS cf tbQ church wnfl nbolliiid ell (lio eoi t i R6io dcehroil fi*o, I t wag ro-

lorMio tkomtmeyi ticcdsd for niiurcliici Ihli your by rnluutary mnnthly

irlpLloitH, Aiiilnconimlllco van njipulntad toIt thoniumboi-iof flio oongrogntton ami an-lalo tho amount itioli would coniribilllfcljr.Vo undoraland ibat Mr. M. H, Fuloy of thiscolnlciitbi to msiimo tlio position of laml-

trdof tboCbcaturnolol , urirlilob boluowpan i t i -r&ca.ioa by Mr. Hnguwn, who goes lo

dlosB to oay lia will iukUQ uu t'seollco'. lioit.hcipltablo uattira and bin ggtilat eoclal

ilosi hotel, fur mioli tbo Olioutur Homo nmy lit

i t i gwH ropulotioii will ID.caully. increased.

of a very pleasant party at Sli t . P .un tbe evening of tlio HJtli t int . , nlieuy Uortutiii Irioi.^ttt of tlmt ludf nmO{

V H^'irprl*J. Ufupurtio tliu will kiKtVU tiot-Uli tyof that Ud/ \raate"«\f HndoroJ to k«ionls, and tho largo putty (mqucij tloUuclvot

ly foiutintr, BIDKIIIS, danoios and other amili.0-nonti In tlio hall until A latn hour. On Mod-lay evening of this ffec/k nnollior jiarty ol tbcimouatuto Ttta bt ld pt tbia plauo. A labhprend wllU gnod things ocmiplnd tho r o n W ollio lu l l , and »ll otijojcd thcaiuulvuu ftfl UsvROT, Milton S, IlilUsr.n local pvoacliorootct] wiUi tbo Quarter]; CauforiMoo of tbu Hi-

ila V , P,.C||nrDh ami toililintjln l/ppor I l i -boriila, liai lioon jtionolilajr upon ovori third

itutli olflrt-flnvlllc, tlicpjauu in T?J»fcli buwilorn and bronplit up. IIo fcela tba( !io In•ouu ttn|)l,v paid In B9(J.[]ff good nacoinpllplied

hlsolil compaaluiiB lutiln. Tito pItto blra lor? mach Mifl laut Babbath af-

!or [ireftaliiug, tko cougtcgaltou piuannl&il liiuirltb a lino roll of grocabsokfl roquvsUng him li

fo l ibnr ainonjr llieni and expression iiopf t l j i t sofjlj nJIJ bo oanveticd.

Wo t«*i!i lh»t l))crtf nf* tp\ta i cumbor i>tor tlio, poaltjoti ill I13I1 Murin

'or tho iralom ia (!Ua «oatbi|. Will, ullfosirepfor tlio otlior candidates, wo caimol half think*log tbat dflicor Hymn uf. till* pl.ieo I' hDttod for the poiilloii.' IIu 1B mi eicoll'libcrmiu liiuioir. aud II thoru/uro annku loho nowailtj of proleetlng tbo flili from tliaandhla wbo unlawfully onploro tlicni. Ho hnso booa proton a foailusa nud ufllclmit ofQcortbo <liicbarge of anT duty, ami blti TIutfaoaa atncmlKiroftlio N. T. BUtoFJ'0 Aesoclntjqu gjrog liltu itiium&l potrera for

laklug nrro|U, BbiHiJiJ ha ho apiiolntod Lrill proro tbo tight por«on fq tlio rigb. t plaoo,

' i n s a VKIV iiv IUINIMJ. 1Oa *l'lnii«il{i.v. In ci.!iij.»iiy v.illi Mr. W. 1'.

Tin, HujL'tinif mli'iil (if Urn Jlaad i t .Variii([

OAIU Mi»L>, for Ibu i-Mirpiiwu ol UHIH*S.IIKKorUiii^iJul ttw dii.l nn ] BiH-innpremiw »f

nbiivii u.iuinl cmuiii'.uy. 'i'lik miim itiluil in iin:iiti:£ Coin iiv, ulmut t« ' j lailuu tvtvt:i KljuliujMi, mul ivitiiin a IC\T tiuuilrnd ynrdd'

tl lor four ur Jlvn yi iin |I.IHL ban bi'uii ovvnnl[vcfalinl by Mr. Wia. H. DuCaiup,Li' ttw uuiutl. uf t l u iilintt i* biluaU'ii t b » 'n hfiuiio, U'boru u JioiulUig mucliiiLO IK tu

ifBt;i] ibo uir-cuiDprccjjnr and tbo nn^iuc.itrutintf It. Tlio air c.niiijnjasfir CUIIHIHIH "f a

Ltii cyliiidiT mul ltd iJiutou, [.vouecteil ffltbouHc-actiuj,' coui[iruiiBlii}; cylludur ami Jttt

M O D , ttin cuimotliuu libine mado toonunnillia sauia wj*oUinti »l»aft by a tratili pin eom-iiuu lu liulli. Tbu uloniu unit U CUIKIIUQWI uf

Ins Flcuiii ongiiic, vcr/ luu^U Uko:lm mm in nun a t lli:< inucLbia xlmpt fn IIIIK

1, plcca! in nn olilirjun position ami 10if;c<l tlmt ct tbu of Ibo (jmatcst

; tliU8t(Jftiii l*lnn

Flai|il«r«.JI11. EnrroH:—When tbo icliool Lay is ro

a to ffiilo a compDullloD, porliopa tlirat qncit iou ltd haksiB, " W l u t uhall lwrJ

I" a,ndyoaroorret]KH.doi.l',in&Uotni)tii. writo a lattor to the Kiu, cxparionces HUJH

hlng of t l io ' icbool hofe trouble. Althoughnothing yery. prwlifflou or oicitfnj hai 00•enrrmt among ui duriny the 1](<I fotr iroold, y<porbspa It would bo best to gutlior uu (lio frag-ment! tbat liothluff bo lost.

Tbo first tliluff that occurs to tno OB at nill ining, ti a loUor tsliitli I bhTo ID my p<in, wrilleu awl uddrmet l lo mo by » young

lailj-.of tbia vllligo, coataimug tlia misioa urnnamlioro/ /I)o family of which eho fn * mom

r. I t cams PbotlMn M B wlso: Raving l»ci. rc i t fon tof t l i l i Tillage but tt 9l10rttimo.auiwltig a tlcolro to becorao acqnafutod trjtli alliho families roprceenlod Iioro, I look tlio Hboii,y\\t, tndoea, it w>i 1 liberty,) of nnliiiifl a Inpstiom I i"tV ovtry Ctny hwt tnaity brotbom anittlera be htvd. Tha ' t l r i l itrno I atkoil Uici iiisld bo did not know, but ULQ eeuoud timo

iked t t m thoBaraoquMlioa.hia replr was,think, tliat lio hail BOVOII or oJgbt Biittrs, Ludid not know hovniany brolhom. Ttio third titni1 wked tlio question it by gorao means n\

10 cart of lomo e l U i lorgor Blstors, who can-adsd to rolleYO wyperploxltybyBduiUnB nnid tollow'nS p' thy ua tc . By Riving i t 1 placoyour cotumni you sill coafor a upon me n a

ipoa my frtoaili ivhoiro cuntitittaliy "bur lngjno to Boo thoooulentB, Iiarlug.hoird of It [Hith i p i t trougli aomo of tiio inombord of tli<fbiolly who wroto It who ililak it A "atmiaer .The followins ia a copy of thn lottor van tan

• • • F U H O E R H , i a n . tUo 22d, 1B75.Mn. 3m i-IIearliiB that you nro v^r

lealronl to toiosr the names nnd 11 umber of tiniimttQJot one fnnt'tTjl«IllwtUo tltoin foryuuipeulal bcnent.RBl hw\> (|O bfotliqr tliat e i

rctaicmbcr tliu inmc« all at iino timo. No.GooroQ Utltcf, WCLIGV Vlillor, Flioho Miller, J01lilo Ulllor, Gharici i t j Hor, Loir is Miller. Noll

Dll-r, lM'-hr, Hcrllo Millor, Molllu 31H-er, Salmon Milter, Mary, uimlter t Mier Wlllloin Miller, I^ura Uillcr, Anna I I 'or, Jacob Miller, Walion ilillor, IMwo4illw, Qny Millur, Elia Miller, and wo talk

calllni; tlio younucit lUuusl) Adclkv l a wjlmulli Wliiplloa Margmut Aumtdta Juno i-lillor. Wo are the tjibo of Jacob, 2 i iu 11 '

itb Fu t lu r and Hot her, ami tho cat 's u and tbo das'* iiainu iv tbcap.ird, ami (hi

iRDOlblnK, for I W o lioard ui raiuilifB liar -Mrtyor more. •—-

P . a.—If our family fucroaioa niiy more Iwrito w d lot you too*.

I f any one doubU too anlhoutldly of tliiboiolotbr , tboy can bo roasaQrwi by <

mo and Hcoiug '.hooriRiual. I hnuv;\ tifttuo ira.1 Jacob, ba t I dlil not

tticj vitro SI iH scmber , and I take Ihlx < . .inl t j to thank tlioTonni; Ijdy irbo aft kind]lniislied mo ni tb tLo procioitB JnfonnaUOur charclicE, Bsbbitb ICIIPOIB and ltibl

lassoB arc all in a projporoui condition,think I n » y M M J Bay tboro 11 nut a villas"t t o slio ol oviri l a c a r BUtc vrbicli oonlnina

wn. TwocongToeiUons.Wotbodlatoli'lPWrtorliD, and on Ibo flalbatli both cliurcli

uo gonorally ffoll filled, and Iho greater jiaof each cougroffitloa ara cOiuroli momliori.

tlCCiblG fcalaro uf tlw aiel],t »oolulyHID Bltf 0 oUM U O B W 1>J H » . Doolltlle. ThCIMB b&> gie*t!y inccimiOi! in Intoruit, anil

r rolwr ainco Re*. Mr. DaollUlo comtaoulohofaftmpiig gB. M n , SoolllUo tubuhioVeir moral»p pf bet «l^Hr«Dil tboy n i r

ber bOtifnon tlilrly and fur ly-nnd It is » prolgenerally concDilcilniftiioilbot If Ibo ichobIOTO t lo teacher ilwy ar j likely to lc»m fa»tHdToral youDff men, niemlicrfl of l i o r c l n i , ]iro-

ised convBraloa ilutlos tbo Into m i v a . hot U s J I . E . Cbarcb. . ' IUOJUWOV every Sivlu

dtv QTcnlng *t tbu pirionaga t o i t a d y ihv.1Iciaan prcturaloiT to l]>° Habbnlb recilatlon.

J l Jolin UcWI]Ii»tna line Bold \il*t«nnCaaBtlimtbamh Vtiec, (d,«0. ISkn'tlorson bai boaj?bt tbr. property of

ltErBongltqftlodfthoiit i 1-1)6 rrom tblo

Tho loot! reporter ol the rbilllnfibur a Domcrill •ttcidl'tho rrullijterlau eliorflli ninl fin.bidt vltli tbo'iray In irlilob it In hentod. Ho•ori If tlio Boston nnd tlio IPUNIMB" dunll tibottoroMw WgottloV tbo churrii winn, theywill iirinu np whbrd ovorjLaay betousa it} ft flrocon)pftnj ai)3 Ujep) aft 110 byflrantn,

niJo ih»il cri^jjiii,; ot tliu Kllur utdo lUcuujjl. t l o

iwnrdtuliu.XI n-oul'lhc inipo-Hiblo for tin ivitlt ourliroltui

|iacu lu go into nil (lio inluuii atmii^xnvulBiliu t'uiujnL(ijor ami llio mutlioil uf coin-•t.iijf ibuiilr. D m atr com pros *Ing cyjirnluronipiwiiil ui liii'uo ruiltolitriu ISIIUIIH, wlilib

/ l ladcr; (he outer ttjwco i\ir.Miln ft ptHnikgd fur!io nlr aftar eon) [ireunion, mul ultra a vujeel fur

lee tiiig Any iiioJBlnru Hint Ihoru may b o mi all ' ; tho Iiinor spaco furuiu iiaunnijuu for tlioI t r^ l i i t l i coiiBlsntly pasniiB arouuil Iho airiiidL-r, mul L-UOII Ibo Jutiiiit heat In llio nir

tlio \vi>rkinK cjlSiidf-T in nlso t'lfnutwl liyulcr. TUo Mr U»tl,uUleil by rocoiviiiK vnlvuaio tbo comprtuiuir, Mid 1letod J_JJ a piston, tbruugh 0 pijic, into a.•fo rccdvor, from vbich It ni.ij bo useditaiilly, or luubaLdud till trantnd. From thininivilr It iu conduckd Ibrungb iron ]iipid mbbsr tuWa to tlio ddllu for tho^vutkiua tliuin, b tlio unmc mtunorwnduckd tu [}V!)!B.

For tbUniiriKiHO mnnt fcilvmtaKw at'br tompruBKud nlr u<rar stoiui. I u tbo t i n titaco tlio mr can bo dtorcil n'huti not ncedud,fliicli is finpoanlblnin tho aieo of nt«am. lV/ilijhty-flvojimitidii of prejflijro, Mr. J f i r r la

:kltim, tlm air can Lo furcoil tlir.nigli pip01 anditi!) work ilrllli tliree tliousauol"foot from tho

tsaor, ivliilu itcmn will ooiiOonao andicconio f oworScsii for USD befnr? H Imn p a n *Ui-oa hunaraa tiot. i i i tliu Iloosao Imitiol, ^

a inrormud, ah- IB cacii td 1 tlintoiico of !•IOB by tbls motb'id williout taxing itn pom10 iiriuo of tbo onglno and comprcitor inoration hero, tvhiuli will irork two No. 8 dnlta,>2,200; t tareor size, cipablo of

to ilrilifl, conts 13,500.]<&ud'ftLlUlufliiintllocl(prlllu,inauuriicturGd

tbo i&it|o t;il!.i|>Mi«, »io lmii.g TvorliCil bucoiincctlan wltli tlia ua^nrus^V, Wi w&y I

u. 2 BIZD, ivdKliii 2U(J lbs. , chills an tueli andilf boio, elgiitriiot iloop, and COBIB woo j 1;llicr, No. U >izi>, ivcli'lm £00 Ibn., drills a t<ich holo ten foot depp, and O R I S 1750, TlioyD neat Inokiiit; nffiilrs niuiintod npflti Irijioiln,0 cMtlly Ireintpurtoil mul can bo sot upit to work !u a \o iy fuw WOIMCIIIS. TWO0 aufilclciit to tako oj i^ga of ono. Mid Itbrilfl thomaii O»BJ Job at that. Occupyingullitllo 8pjico tlioy tan Lu norkoi] any whetft Biino whurc nion can work, mid ft person

is but to HUD ouo oporutod to bo convincod atheir vail mjporlotlty to llio ham! pdiror ntodi

ling. MHO»H thd i ' many odTunlagosln.biitrcipcct may \m iiotoil: Tlmy effuct a ea

ol Btcult for tbe tnliwr nscn tvlmnat ns a u itool olT tho top dt tlm drill u otT thololloni, irhile tbo (op o r tlio ilrlll couucctcd* tlilg inflpltjno fits securely tn a soekut

ami In uut worn a iiartlolifj lU^f drill i)ai|y•1 OH funt as timii power) 000 drill wlllimneliino will tin lit leant u\x thnoi na

tuclt drilling mtliont Bitai-ponlny as otio In tlio,u(l* ofantnn, ind 'inatca a pt-rfoctly trao

ronmi Jiolo, a tbiug iuiineeiti!,

The working of tlic drill lamudi tlio tonto asat »f tha Ii)fc'cruoll drill, hcluff a rapid, In;r.tll;p motion. I t ' i e liowovur, n much ICIB

-oinpliuatdl drill, |)io mncliliiiiry bohiffof i*uwparti, not liab.o to gut out of urder oftou, easilyrepaired lit uncli OHICB, and entirely IUBIIIO. Tlio

)int or (lia drill is ehflpod llko a truss, o r Torymcliliko Iho Idler X. Whaai tm uiicUino li

1 niollou II maliOB from SOO to' 900 stroke a paritiinio, and tha ncllon jiumpa tbo rolato out

lio hole. Us cijtacity for boring In a t loast for-:y foot onch ton hours, lnoluBin> of'delays foricttmg up, clmat'iiiff ot longtbs of drills, nndhating.Qatng Civra into tlie u toovi tH Mr. Hi i r ia vo

•itjjCfStid a toal with tba Ho. 3, or (mailer sboiri|l. Jfi cja,otiy noyon Uili)UtQB after starting 110-lncli liola VIM bnrad io n dcpHi ut thlrtaoiml a Inlf Inelics, uning but ana drill, wlilcl wiiot very b id l r dnllod. A minor i tandlng by said

" \rou\\\ IIHTO taken tiro men an liour to ba.-odiillod ibo earn* holo ami tliat tUoy would lift'

illcd ilx ct »«•»pa ilrills. Two nibiatts no;u&uuiyd in taking cut tbe drill Mil mibatitu

nga lengoroiio, tho mactilno vaangnlu glnit.ind In Itrclvo rnlnutce uioto tho liulo \ n

Icopcitoil flftofu and a half Inchon-making <otal depth of trto feet HvofacliDd J» -rcnty-oiiainutcDfrom tbo l ino of flret i tnrt ing, lacln.i,o ol Uio two minutoa taken for changinjIritli. Thin work wai dano on tho top oftopo, wlicn tl.o vela WAS wDrkcA a t a w l d t l i cml<r kbaut fcur fuct, a&d in an pro said to bo

Duiimllf bard.TliuBii drillfl ami coinproiisori Iiara ticou tu

jiomtion for po}$a fjii|o I|i Iho mines a t FortIlonry, N. 1., In Ibo Uoat&a 1'qnnpl, on, flipEaatojiAAraboyroad, nnd lu olhorlooalitfoi,

. t tMani lno tlioy li ivoboea a t work fur aboutno&b p*st, tills being tlioirnratappaami

liitfiuitnoil.ttoii.Js.hig locality. As tboy Turnnow foitoto t u mining iton ore, -no glv<

knoUt ofimr roatlura. Tbo niotliodjn cor-ly on intoruillng oup, judging from appeal

nnco, tinil *III probably l>o thorongbly In n u td toil by tlio mining men of this locality.TSio Oaecailo nlino sooma to lia on a raiifit) bj

Ueir, Tlio •vtin -ro-iei in wiflth frum four tifain-teen fcot, und tlio (jnnlilj of oro is aaW tibo vnry gnnd. U s location In iutatl iur a wil

l omniitia spot, audi t Joiivon Ita n a a i fd b

Pae t l i« finttic*.TLia bcliig tlio dauclue-flcbuol season, there

010 frequent cn(ort*ii|tiionlt. for oljlldr^i. ~'xlylcB which nlitafn fur utawn l i d IDS, ta a tlied o i lont .obhh) also for liltlu «lrlu. At'log-.m, suit for a mim of ton yonn, was a com-bination ol rfierry-colored Scllfcnno cashiuei

nl vslvct. Tbo ei i r t was of tlio' E'otlionnado with l h « o ^dc-i>!oltod flimucea. 51•oi-ilrosu was round T M I J C A of ,tli« volveliniiiiiil ititbtri|ilolmll,frIHRO. \TIIU a. )10 Hlpiliuuiioj ami tlm tijjlit fjleoyos \fIP Bidlicnno, Onlabnl ui th a aitj at TOJIA dicnu of wbito Trench cadimori

trltamed uround tbonWrtwlth six rovraof Inch'

Moii^uo, WHO iwlvrt ribbon. Tlio or t_, was a deoir, rcuml T J I S U E S of Moiiip

IIIDQ croE-grain silk, trimmed wUU ft fringedout Blilo.plAitctl liounca a t tbd lut tem, tulimiwd bohlinl unOur a bluo «ilk aosh, Thobiuijuo ivaiat Imd HUETIC&BII a; tbo bluo ailb, abluo Bilk rulT in tliu nc t i , a m i 1/luo Bilk cutTntho tight Blte»oa.' • ' ; " ' ' :

Aprolly Illtlo m l t van of white P r t n d i or-;indte, to ba norn over & tiUp of roio-colorcd

Jlk tatToian. Tboali ir twaitrimmodwUli th;«oQOUIICCB, QIICII tucked and trlmmod nitb Italianlaco—tbo uppermost flonnco IiftTlnff I d ownbcailiug and edgud a t ^ e top t ' • d " orenl iwas a pomlcil aproii, inad'a uf lozungo-ilittjpieces of French omhraldorod mttalln, dlriiby Italian insertion, and trlmrabd at tlia hoi-lorn wilb a, auuuco ot Italian laco—»aEneu.ia

do in tiko nuuucr , UniiUing wlllt a jtl&ln,_.,,li niuallu, wiib » HUCUB oagod frillItalian lieu In tbe ncc^, Tlio alcovca woro dn<lubodwllii a dqnaro of omlirdidary act In in

on,ouil laco n( tho bottom. jlocpni.mDyliUfiroiaiToroii Baslt'sud Birofd ofrono«d Bros-grain ribbon.

„ of www, palo primrose, , „-palo roHO color, pearl, larondor, lilac, Ooali »trcani oJiors, With short tloovna j lwy ha'from t i i tu ohjht butt Din, or no' buttons at albeing inailo hrgo onungh in ths arm to d mou anil LIT, AS liicy art, HOOD soiled and uuffar H»O, thcro is warmly ucod tftat at muearn bo cxtirclvcd In tho pnrcbaao'of ovDUinj 1(trout g t i f c i ; vbtlc fut noat nod lu»r, CICRDII:

noss' of fit, wo cttu'roconimonJ t t a 1<Trofonnflo, Jqnrln jfninp, l to i i lk r , Harrifl1

teamlt is atnd o lhcrcul i . AIo"*ir<dor and Olios;«im. Oood ' i i i glofes railI a|so io Jyod tp mJ-Tantago".

Pror. Xf.'.a. B. Tliqrnai'hai openbd an tromiHo an tbo riicobo O0I0 farni, oiiQ mOu xoutlcast of Sparta; * '

H.'(Jr*')ji*ry f(irfI5a.a2, at tlu: nuil m Wia.

.tn Qihl J.ilni W. ]>raliu fur MWi.03.Iho Uyur ami Tunainir, 'J'IHU. Coombo-djfiii,ty tunii indii'limiat fjr l;w|iinj; a.1-MW h o n ^ and »-!,., llncil tiO and VOHIH.'inn:; tjniim ]*ic>i>ui n->l thrill)' tu a liliu1; ultil (;av(i licit tur !)!<* U)i;nj;>taiiti' "11 tliu•fi-'iil.riivvj I-airich Jtimuai t-ui^ir.road .if Alirniti T,. ftaliiiiin VH tjii= ])., h. k

.iliwid Co., u n t i e d i>y un hNt in ek o( tlioatliji], HUH pimtiMiiiti) till IVbriurybtli.< cttsu ol l'liilip W. .Svv.tL'kli.nniitiur, Adliiln:ir, i e . , v n Tim'fuwii <J( liacticllsluwnVftaaU* fyv pUI-viiff, ». II. LHllu for Or-

atntiid bwn.Rivon July 00. IHOi, (myabloay after dato lo frcdi-ncb Slmrp or bo»rur,JUUII anmiif,' Iliu I'lU'ctti nf iIi'iiL'aictl. 'i'lilnv&i irioil (jtiuynar B.IICD, and imniicri i . i*^t fur phiuliff ort3,0&7-37. I

SUJI " '

vo th

a Court o& * writ t>f error, and:r totluL-ldu.l tha t tbo tuwi> b»t viaat tbo tuwi> b»t via pxkvfcr to

o nole. Tbu real doruml.uit is Mr.AdJmirituI till lo-Jay.

d J b kJ'lio Grand Jury bruku up on Mouthy aftur-011 oftor finding iblrty-lhrco bills or Indict-

> (Irauj JnniM rifpt-itlfuliy ro[ircaont to!uuil tbat tlm piuiK'tit ucctiniMOilationsijrjd liy t lu C'oiinty fur t'i)ii»lntiles, ciiiii-Mito anil wiliiUafWi. lmliiff iJuiiiH-n bufurorntiil .Tiirj-, uiu (itilk-oly lii^le(|ualu f»t Uiuircarryiiiif rjiu'f tlu> (juaineai bufuro tlioil Jury , "riiat tho waitliiK row 11 ia too. to accunimodato ibu puiuonn BUIQIIIOH-forii tha arnnd Jury, is not hcatud aiM notdiid ithii (iiniolcn. nun IK, ami it ting np-irl tu uu, nt IUU tinio, t'titit ladi'tn and afji-diuflnii ]jurioiii cuiilil lint roinni" '" *1-'

itlitluienlH niidu jiuhlio thus far a m :WiUimn T&;lnr, brunliliig ontl entering, Kot

lolm Koallpy, auuliult and tiOLUury. ttut Qull,

Julm 9CI . IT , asuunll and battery. Not eullly.(Juurgu lliuivu,niituiiUBiidliilUiry. KuV yu!l-

Fogorty, nianult and lattery, Nut

CburlcH Hfcuilcr. larcoiiy. Nut cm liy.Cbarba Moauler, aesauit nml lat[ur>-. Nutiilty.Ifoni-f I'm linn'Builty,

eaking nml ciitei-in

ni)il ljattury. Hut

'atrlck Cullin, anwialt ami batlory. Guilty.Jamsi M. CWIUJT, potlt Urcour.riiuu. Nncrondy, m ami It ami batlurj-. Nollilty.vano UoU^rt, nesnult ana hattory, Mot ffiiU

'ali'Itk Doouoy, iiloadml fjililty lo two In-lAmuntB; ".••a, tfim'l 1 < ami liusta on Uiu nno,d C20U b i l lh o t l i -

J^HU.Frank l lacor , Mto.haot Itcaliu, Win. Far rollid Jfliiiw, Wiltniu-:, riot. Not ifullly.Jufan WUKiim HJBOUK (util Lmttory. Guilty.

ml i iaftdcoit t t ,I.yJia II. Toy, disorderly huwa, Gufltj'.nuil 130 and custn.

l I d k d l l Gullly. F

Un, diaorilcrly lioitto. Quilty.

iVp.'oiivur, tlfnordorly liuuno. Quil t ; . Fined

[olm Durucy, i« t . t larcony. 'Uulity. Bou-meo dcforroJ.Thomas Conmlio, diBoitlorly liouac. Ouilty.

1. Creua, Kosliur? loTinxhip. Neliioiiffde. Wattiiuglou towiml'liMiod Jli t l i to. Foly,Jlitntct toiriislilp, worograutotl hotel Itconvcn.Ito Hpplicatloa of Ja(!(*s lUttlioirH Dr Ilconao

ilooti in nuQiiiwoy towndiip vai ro-fuiod,

COMUON I'tEAH AI'PBALS.3, Ilwir? Jo.mnon.nitpotloBt, VB. Ooorfio H,alw, ftiip^lbo. liounor nucil Jo'jinaoii boforoitica Ocltncit, for li«B|>st» by Chltluul Jobo-

un tipou lauds of l o o t e r , and Judgmentilcral BKainul JobuBou. Tlm Common r io t s

ivcraoil tlio jiidgraout of tbo Jui t ice, andnrotl judemoiit In favor uf appellant, Johni

AdaniiH lo (JniuiuU Sill oldRichard Dcndy, nn Irlsliman nbout S3 years

it Bfio, h trackman on tlio rntlrait], a tlomptod toicmiait Bukiilo ou HatnrJay OVOIIIIIR last, l>y

Wuisolf in tbo tonn lock-up, l l i oIrconutiwcos wtileti led U tUU m»li nt temptt solf-Jeslruollon aro t as near us wu cua loan

1, about i s rolloKB 1I t BonpB that Bomo timo nffoDoailyformti

ho »c(ju»inUDco of a yuung girl by the namAimlo Hlilnnci1. 'i'li is yonntr wouunt ]Uton j a o u o lioloro iier, " l u v o d n o t irlvely, but. veil," ami Tiamlocoiveil V>y tbo m m lu

iiok her to Now York, witli pui-poica of tUo•ulcit naluro, but aftor tlioir arrival *slitiloil it wouhl bo best to mar r ; her . i lo IIIOK>roro took her among souw of bis frlondf, atidmd, nr protoui^od to have, tha coroinony per-unncd , Ibo traman uovt thinks bo agalu do-

rod bar and tbat only a mock isrvlce wafaruicil. A s t o r l t.rao after hor cliikl wa

urn, and alia contjoijei to j[vn with Urn, on-iirlijf all kinOs of iilttroatmeQl a t Hia liMid*,II the 0I1IU was throo tnonlli* old, Hliou U

aho thOA loft him and for A timo paslIIIIB boon engagoil nsfl domestic In HID fiuullj

" OB IJ, Beomor of thla place, iu wlithlycitoetncdiB a vilmWo rwrvanlNOiaan of Moollont qns.itlci.

Aliout two v;vjlii K>nco Mr. H . P. Sanilorson,10 grocer of (,.*-< plica, had 9. M t n i n tir (bo arrcat ot ' "ady. BiltRlnfi that ho Ug.0

rod ffnotfi cf . .ui nndor 1*np; of tbo ivarmnt Doidy,or l is t woot, camo hotora Just i00 Qago

and surrtnilordil himself. Ho (Via placed fnup ovor eight, and on Ssturday morn-

ing van rolaMoa by tho Justice, bectuso biiliid no manay and his tlcltntlon flonl J only En-rolvo npon tlia cauuly tlia cost or keeping Wm,

it wliidi p o s d j floeiuod torolialu A-8awin as bo xftq tc|eai(») Jlcaily i?mit to tljo

if Wr. licomor, vharti bo doraaudal ad-mUtanco of bis wifo, saying t lu t bo nlsliod liarto cono back to him snd U*o willi Lira. &ben f u i c d to Mloif him to ontor t l o lioouo, wboro-

lio lUrotvlonafl to break through tho wjn-loir and f plit bar Uoiil opaa vrUU tnlocmer coming lo llio BDCRO ordurcd 1dm to RO

an-ay. ami ,H6 then mado tho boist tha t bowould kill her within tiventy-four II I IUH.Soumor Ijcjng absent bo cpnllnuod to hangabout |1}9 homo (luring tho tj»y, much to tbolorr&r or tlio iumatos. i n tlie

anogiid to gc^ ifori] tq Ofllcr Hyrsnii whi:earapaulotl I^or to U<u aSlco of J n t t l w Qagii wliotn slio nindfl hor cotuplaltjt.. and a, wu.nt m i (bun Issuod for Deady's arrest . Bolo

ifraid to roturn botno alono, lost iho ihouldmoot him, she romaiuJd ftt a i r . Bccmor's mark'nt wliik) Ofllaor Ujrnm bunted np tho cnljuil

M>D t titp hoiira a f ^ r Beaily badlvuon locItm oell ho tote tbo lining n n U r liii c

twilled it, l i u d o n o o n d a w u a d big (broat,fBBtonedtho other to tho dratioc ot tlio doorabout throe foot From tbe floor. He then li

umi mjdraado»TJoIonlilf, nnd cap;o rory qoar W

dood, Qqp of tl)o (ratqpB iu tha qnttidi, l)oa.4 •iii Hh'lisalos, *»') >the gntiQg n i l b a.hnifo cnt lilm .0010,

JXawliU ArralUgo vras a,t onto cMIod «iid »nra-nionoil Dr, CummuiB, who witli tlio UBULS.1!of bji tandors, auocooilod In rostorlng htmconfciomncia, afleratwutftD hnur 'abardlaboila tho oplulun of tho pbyslckii lw would baviboon dond hadho'bcqu BUiiwdod lo the s ta t in ,

fo(r mumBnta lonj.On Mondi j inpniuig Jditlco a i*" , fliailo on

a commitment »nd Ofllcof Bjreai I00V Doadjto Morrlitowu and puwod htm in l l» coniJill. I t Is to bo toped tbst thobruto niilkdpt in "dnMncovi lo" at .kmttlong ououglto toaeh him » IUBOII, /or tliorocab' bo 110 doitlmtonoBorockloBsorliiB otrn Ilfo would;bftvo liunltsicil to tako tbo-llfu bo thmalGUod,

Mli i t t ig OpctatlauM n t C'litater.ThoTcln oforoupon llio old Woodnull fan

at C h o t t r ta now bcins lully daTOlo|wtl,a tlio tEcacBt m u t t i . Tliin prepwtyd sumo (1« or sir yoica ago by H r . WoW

whu soldthoicaBB toA.P«rdeiJ; wbonflor ^oiIng i t 1 irlilto gfm if pp t i o n u u ho tliougltb a d r u n o u l . Tlio l»rral«noirownod by Mr.T. BkBllonftor, vho wok* tho vein, upoa tincall vnH, and IOSBCB tlia *«& and to Mr. JobiD , E t i m . Both o! tbosn Bontloineii iiro woi..„ M^a » licU YEta, live OTd t. half loot

wid th ,and ehJrathi iUhooKiU fti rich 111tlm I j ta te- tbo nvorago of tho aro boias

percent , of pnro Iron witlioutn Iraco of niliur.

Mr, Evans lifts BIBO under ICIUO anil ia irorklimiti tbor iirofictl.cB on Ibis ntno vdu, obotHomilus viatof Ctiostor, known a« the Forei

[1(11 mluoa, from wbica ("i Mft » i»n t 350 tio f r e r y r i c b a r o p a r mofltli. In all Slr.TSmb a t about loo'mcn otuployud, arid 19 eUlppabout 30 tons of ore per day, InclmiTO of Iwhich ID1 TBcclioa from, Mf. Bkollangor,1

ih«U »ialt Clictttpr hoforo loup, anil will »bonlr ia ytoii o ! t U

oforo loup, anil will (lionodcra « n o r o eomploto

o r i totBon «llk TUUU a,ro alt b u s ; ;" f I

•Xvxi in ihe SI. S.cburoh onWcdncsdty uvi u-

of our cliiirL-li. HU ettlijce., vrliidi wan vury•ibly, clearly mid practically Ircntod, wiKuti


lonpiukuriiitro'tucot] U» rjiibj^-t by imymKit Christianity WSK lito the learutl »f 111"•l|iturc«-bimll In (jiianllly ym cn-iiluully

t llHlilLotU Ut IH1L>1>1|3 Df tllU UUIill, Ullliila tJiiU lio aHHiiiilktud and nisda imu.

flrst [ii't1 (>af.'ii atid tboti tulca in iinttvldnslHnufioim. It Jaofounitinjf auJ ecu ion tin g

e gave Hdiui) general ubaoivulioiiu boaiiat'lltu kluo nfliln tliomo, t>tnnug wtiitb wuro

i t : Tha t Its m.M.ons to ftir-, jttt.})!eft tali oa, mmildH and oWnla i tlm ta-rn It flodB lU«ru. 80 likcw&o tbu ptiituw-

:& condition It mikew its adherents iwa iUaicleacy, and tliui Ariiui Ibciu to suckulbiiig buttor. Tliia, Ihni>)x.-akcr-iM[<I, HUBidftlly Iriio of Ibo tXc<s\\ jibilonojihy of thoilnuB of India, duthat now Hindoo jircaeb->xlollcd Ciulst amt in a ruligiuu in far moreflu.,' Urma tbivu ono la accuntomoil to hi'ur,

in from orthodox pulpiti . Likc^Iw with tho• and philuifoptiloH of otliercauntrkB.m t jxiiiit ivn3on the biiiuaultlL-ii. llviU-d Umt 0110 by ono tho LTIIUI funua uf

.(ton norHbljinnitoualduiH nrn being abullflb-Iniiiiolatiou on tho funeral bjro ofadunt.

l>ainl wai no more 011 enjoined terror tu tliui, Age received tbo rcupoct duo tt. Child-J hud (hrowD arouiwt i ta (0.rtK»ianl notcr bo-onjoycd-hi tliat Ibo mutbor still gnus tor G»iigos tu throw in Ibo clidd, but quicklyI c l i t i i t o n t afiain ami aiiws it. Kho thus

Inta tbat elia ban Jono bur duty, and tlio fo-H8 atilmalB of that rlror no moro /onatooinlt j . Jnggormut , nlao, baa lost bis buld

|ion Uto raHlifu. wuV^iSppers; tnuu aro 110icon thiovli ig tbcmsolvos anilur tbo

iiocU uf that miybtr bu.t now [io wot low car.—ami anolbcr of these glroneliuld* ti l l ,

tubiiiB woy for tbu ti-utliuaud practice of chrla

illy.Another indirect iuiluonuo of tho mlwioiis b

lot! upon tb,o gniiura) cWUuafltm of ibomilclu* and pcopb)*.' Aswan Juy off Ihoold

d*!m|)luUttiUot(il)3rhiroua»tatotif boinyi,rlalii wiuts mako IbL-uiAilvca felt, far \vMsli

hoy niunt put forth ouorgr a i i l occupytmulu stLtiBfyiuff tlioao n-atils, Bo alio with

iniBrB, clirlntlftully toiclica Jovo, brotli-and CMjiifllity, hiticD, mou muut Ito

I lalo a frauo of i:ilnd tn BOO and fiu!nets, Mid iliolr outiraHl ilcpurtniuut Ii

i«* imptovwj for tlio better. 'AVy i\'ill s*ol

iclvcs of [In.,..No hicouaidorablo fnlltir.iculs exerted apo»

lliotofM woaltb of Ihowfirlil, Iu inont caioailirhlUu nilBBloiiarlflB find tlio poopios to whom

iy aro scut uni t lod to inlm oiops, buildIIBOS and oouitruot elbor useful nnd necta-ry tblngN uttondant uyou a stale of elvilizt.-

It mbkes oat of & comnmlnff coumanl typroducing ouo.

Duly A fov years ego tUo SaudwliU Ielinjiroro still In lieatbondmii; mm the nholi ofhorn aro cliriailanhsod. Tlioir Imdo with tlth

untry almio ng^rcgatoe fivo inllliuu dullnrannally, | n 1W0 tho first enn mill was orcntodComUntinoplo by a clirlstlau mlsilonary.

kilo men look upon tboio rcsnlti will sntia-illou, In vars t ctieti tUoy fail to givo creditmro it la ilue. Had tlia churches, tbfttted tlm Uodltorrnriuftn Hoa, baea of aiiiorynpirlt, tboBUrrounilinff pnj,T.iifim would

waltoirod tlii»in np, bnt ih*ycrlod an iiifluenoo ovor all Africa; wealth,vlllzatloii, cjniniorco, Christianity, and allIngs Bttondant iinon UR intrcdiullan cndjiro-oui -would »OIT bo awompliBliod facts, Aircb; UTQB i n d inflnenccB In proportion to tbo111 lo nary a|iltit of tbo IndtTttluaU uDi»poiilii[

If tbst is noak and dead, tUo olwrcb too b[thcr dead nr irlil aeon die. • ' • >'I I la slated in cortafn quar ton that Christian J.i Is antagonistic lOflclonoosndlltcraituro,' JJtitioro nnfl by whom do yon find groiier or OTOUm l doToMor. to Bclonco a t . rojf«d» tbo oiplomof u.iko&Vfncounttbfl. Uogataiidli lTlng.n\ went tu fttt4 dWR and, «pow-wiic through

[Mu, ami wo hava tho MaalU at tUoIr v&luai lohbom •As to HlorMwa^tharV U bqrichcikid, and ono so woUflJodaa'lyHbdWQrlis 0

irbo tramlfttodUngliajot.iiindsdlotlouaand hi tamo iutt.&ym Inrotitodftlplia-

sts, to write Ungoigea n'ot 'yot rocordodor cbrlltlanitjr koncbee Hp.iDQbko ; ionly tha t wllofe l i lal BO anSpbrnloloni

t h i i / l l { d j t i iry, w\ Btrqft4yi U; i i i*rodwstna good' m-

l u India tliora lifi somiuary alsu c i e r t -1/; a l ad ing Intiucnce ttpun tbo prlneiplos,

rals, aud linblls of tho . proplo fn its ticigh.

Andlaatiy, t in inDiionoo of iufE»loa« ia Ilidl-rectly foil by Botornmunti and Biaton.' CrVolaud da!i9.i!ug ivnt aro t.brogi.tcu', nuil chriBtlaanjIsiioBMleiaroottcu wiltcUedtt d r i w u p n o wfurmi of Iswa to toko tlio nUde at ctdoneg.

IUB illently tto einplrof, U T * oad paopl1 ml on J mou Id thomsolTce to tho characteriristjtnity. Kor must wo forgot thoroOox ilanoe niMa tboio tbat pp labor tt)<l itifluon

othorfl lo nuapt and praotioo tlio glorious pro-eopta of Christ. Tbo mlmbnafy.cauBi) is (in

" tUo HUrsit. \ntfi\a of oaring loctarianinwloco It turns tho ntliorwlsodoitrcctlfo tuiidunittg ogalnst tlio common foo of curltttanUy,id unites tliono vho othornrlso would.boitcilendoi(ranged- '-. '._.' • 'Tlini, all Iblnga aro Boon to work together for

good, and for tlio glorious consummation of all,in tli*t tho Kingdoms ot thja world shall bpcoinotUa kingdoms of oar Qod and hia Christ, W(

ileltcj or tlia Revolution.o following has boon soot us with a roquWii

K. J.,. January i tb , 1S7D,o TUB lA-uiEfl ov NEW J E S I E I ;Hsving beou ippoiutod TUo-PresIduut' fotew Jcrtoy of tho Bqarfl. pf Jlanaffots ot tbc

IUJOUW of Iuilonondonco Hall, FliiladGlpbl,It b u boon thought proper tha t I should &d-droes tlm Indies of ttio BUto, cxpialuiiifr (hiobject ot tlia Hoard and anairorliiff such ti

nit ioiasmigli t puiilblybo tuado.Tlia ohjoct of tlio Bout ! la tho roator*tlon

iadopendonco Hall as fur an paitiblo to i t i orlg-lal stutu during tho Itavolutlao, and t t t histo-

rical f!!ii»(fi)tlon fur all time. ElTor^ bi

inaJo ruoBt (aecowfully lo ros|oro \\ybuilding iliolfto its original ftpposrwico andODonro It from too by tbo Qontlomon'ti CommWo, ivnd to tlio Uatoa bas boon glroa la oliargcUo ontamentalaon finil illnslration ot its hlalo-lo batU wlUi OR much or tho oclgtnal farnltuiH can bo found, portraits ot tba promi»c

man of that timo, relics and enriaaitlm o( tbaiovolntlonary period anil of tbo odmlnI

tloii of.tlio,)n,il<rcflidon( of thoQopubllc.

momon) dcfljiltoiy,wliai

ifod to nr boon uepd b1

n . • • ' • • •• "

nrnis unea during tLo RcTolutloii,UriRinst portraits of any partlculirlj iiroml

nout Son of Uiat p« iod . V

Vftluablo an<^ dcudtbat timo qr ^ntflrW,Q Jli , .

sli^tqilluatwto Wamo"do'ut"ute at ti(it'.,-.-.Wo doiirc, ooitflonuontly, to uiauo Inqplrj

tbroiiEbout tlio Htato for tudi relics, obtaliitliem at nurmftnoiit slftH fur tho Hall, u ]»ui'Jo, anil if not « KiriB,Hie Boird dtBlro <hc

-lit nutlUfter tbo Ciiitdn-...llb8pUeoa!lnRhB(.e«ii>i

undor lock and Vtf, tlio larger ones in.snitatiliplaces tn llionsiU vtbieli.igmnlt*! oVou'noT

11 attondantlncaoli room, and vipeelal po.belli nk'lit and day. Of cotlMo oach1 arti-

._ »QQ1. ti&*Uio ownsr* iiarao atloohiu ai:corliDcall's of ilepoalt,numborod mtd'Aiocrdcuamgircn (herefur. Vtryvatuablo artldoi haiBlTuady bw>a aotit.. 2Ituy i>I Ibo erlglcal cbtlrawhich bid been Beallcmd and w»r» hunloddown a* heir-looms in pnnto famllioB, havoboon roturnou—tbo oriatna. doak mioii wliichIbo Declaration wan. ilgnoil, (till itatida.In Iwontod placo. YlsitbH thranff Uio Ilall OTI.nun, Bieractng flto hundred 4U)1T/ cuonlug Ib.common interest all foul 1(1 tt.iiheu our «otllBbntJuitpogtm.'' *.t ': J-j !va,l ' '

K \M of tlio ai w\on iirom!*ea li doBirod tlimearly in trdor tbat th«U 'ciarCroom.nnrl of court- _.will gtcatty add to tbc imbllo inlorc«> nnii qli'icwotki AU o»p<iniio»of(tnn»pDrUtlbilioiLcklncarbpiilil'Vthaolty of l'hlladolnhla, t-rtlfioato uoias B'veti on tboToccfplof uichrtlela, «&rrastrug ita 1U0 return. . . . ,I liavo appolntotl n hdj \of, lUfalultoiiwj

iniily or proiuint/iil inilaonco in illlft rout partiof Iho Blita io ultt mo in ttin work s»a lliUBrender It tboroiifih nod otiniploUi,... '

Auyouo Iiavlnxr any articles suoli as tro d unill ptottio enrrftiipmfl with the ladjrllvlnB neaest to thorn ami will report Jh« Bim4 to mo.

i • ' • lourH Intly, ' "HELIX H. -

rioSBo adilroH Mm. Col. fl. N. Abool. Nt.Mn. OOT J.,A.,ra?sElig.heth ;.airs. Jac.Horberl, h«w

T..-B. Qrant, l'roiiaoiit qf tho (Irani LoeouifitWo Torbi, ratorson^ arrlyod from £qropo tb?tbcr daj,Ba6)U la itatod lltat nrmnscnini]kvta b,ocit made \o 0101 0 vyprli ittt a forceWO bbi F b l i

VxU. J^UToti: I aui mlly crnizid lo lind111 tlio La\ ur Jui. 2J,I, liint tiiere be

il it may oil bo »•.. 01 )aU; mul iudcud furun prvvlriirt, 1'nTri? bull lujtii a i^rcilotit b<']it ni> !:ciu ; bnl i) v.n» im.vtbiiif;

OMU but a rtflitsidtti! And if tliu i.;.1 HaiilurlJcIo ri'h-i-ii iu, liieu 1 -.1111 P-RIV.UI;f l an ia^ in auir.-rj nt tin in[,j.lity nftli..

ndocd .vim May liml any Hiimluv (jnilu n wpcclnblu I'uii 'r.'irall.ia In tbu Ino i-Umhi-nhkli Uiis placfi sti|»p<u ty; and Iho [ircuctiers

.ii}> jml|iKi in Uii; h\m>, citnii1. inuutillyj In ordoi11*» tnviv*i, t K IMI, pi'Ticuable

id sober men Into anything u!«u Imt whattro W a r u . Anil, an liofunj ululed, they

LVO not Ibbored In \aia, an (he Tory hfnujltU-udanco of tho otliur clmrcli ivxlly ulion1*.The cry ol hard times lisa really penetrated

to UB, and tt may lio lhat tbu afuruaniilamons iiro iv iltrect n 'snltof tliia dro:idful1 of tho tiitioa. Unly I am afraid that <mcbLTiIuns (lu uut ndd vtiiy much lu tlio >uni0/ real good, rcspi:clal;l<i and aolirr citl-

, : Tha Obi and veniraulo It. li. Oburubutiudu almost onifity ou HumiajH, and tlm'u and persons uf tliogo vbo once xutig,ad, or picacucd willtin Uu walla, aru fur llio

ust pArt UiiBliedurnKiYxd oiray I J olhor lotidnid sctiica. B*imu (lino last sum in or a guntlo-iii cninc tu uliaruli ouo, Sunday inuriiing, nil J

iliannc, (hut nuarly fifty years ago be waeiiverted In that, and undor gri'dtlolioii bo pointed out tlio sjiot. liy bit) ne-aiit ef tbat ocoarrciico bu soenind n^aln totUo clmrcb with tbuiio irbkh unco Uirrm^'cd

1 tjpaco. Tba (lanjilu lioro liiwo moKtly oul-roivu Hint old liabit or dmi-cl. noing, profcr-ig rather to Hunk aud talk of anything olttoinn of Guil. YotitiB to bo liopi'd tlmt ovonio>K> may sgtln ho Induced to tread in tha

eld vaj tliat tlioir falbcri trod, and irhlch

Tlta fi»rBo of Mr. Itlggs at Rtockbuhn l a s bum,ttod Up m<d vro hoard i t wni maVhijf niirfiorg.Tbo William's Mttia ettll tmndu ita tiro to bulilppod aivay, nnd f;uo;)s ttio wagons Koliig.

lip clattor and rat lio of euterprUiug Mr.ilt.)i.T'ii nhflDl end mill boa conned, for tlioDUUCSIJ l'VIgor hae Jocti«d it iu k e . Eicopt-r • tout NUI'VCHU1!-, wliich niakoi fjlad t*.Tin nf tl.Q ninny Bu'edoj ublub Iiro liaalndinK uf thi'lr fur atvay lion

id which makei *ll uLlicra suddenly viIlcitons fcr tliu wclfatu o* tba Btovo,'Un.odiicCTjiiuff tbo iWcKlyiid, iiotiiltiB i»-ulei ifstlf into tlii.'uo in uu 11 tain fuutiwnt would Lo nf inform focjrour columue.llutvuvor, Bliould aunthor HUCII a roimrliVepiijt m nbuYo iiioutlonod break out an;, I will Uccp you duly apprised, fur I (bluk" t lo world HtiUi.MinUn<iiliiKclfiuBiichniat-m Jloanwlillo wo bopo fur »nd cip&ct butler

tn. mill I must uut forgot (bat IIv. Vanrater iiotrhau charge of our school hero.

Tliu D i l l l l u K tV(i)ilc tif ICuilill, ,

Mr. llolicrt Jk-fbln, of 1'arlnjrrlllo, Ka ims ,foimtr resident and' merchant, of iMoCaliia-lllu, writes tbo following lottor to a prominentWaul of Urtvtr coiwrului; tliu ilvtlltutiou or0 jiooplo of Kani&B t

PAIlkELVlLLE, llAHHAB, Jatl. Ctll, IK7S,IJE4B Bin ; -1 havo Icon rcguci tc i i ly a number of people

LTO to nak you to Imliuo tba won and womenDuvcr and Tlcljilt/ to sund a box fif c]ot)ifng

|iliKUo-Btri«l:uu HUto> \ do not innko thisrtquuti. ttir my. wit hut do t t tlia Bruno as otbc

10 Imvo friends In tbo Hist, for tho rclltfa tbousmiilB ufauflarors who aro dosUtuto^.

lie Benson of tho y t a r trhott tlio thenuomotoffroqnontly liiafklnff tnari/degreua hdlowzoVo.iiurn bavo bmn a nimiuor of boms alreadynt from eevcral fiU.oi which haro provedontivco'opliible, Ijnt tliu want Is 6.111 roiy great.

Snina of lUotn coiitula mtn ' s , women'adilMron'8rninJl^ loont of itljain \inlng1; Beoond-hand RflrraontB; Wiiifo'now ck.tlt(us*v.-*nil<l no!bo Qlijccted to, tboy do not ink for them; twe-oiiiMiaud clolblDg which wiii protect them

lio cold irill bo Tory acccjitaule. Iau, lioworwi ono t|iiqg ILat iarcry mucb

noadod for TTOIHOU mul clitlilmn, and that d[Jeca of muslin.

I do not thlub any ui jon r posplo wouldabject dclDE^pmotl i lug^furi ib^ iKop\n .lttrocould'iBcy hut 000 lliolr" h&c«if * cuV^Uoaiifl.iko (Ids fcqwul, liojiluif j o u mi l uona a. boxOS other locaUllcB have done, fccliuff that sucha charity of tqno>1 to, us in our pr . iw.t ; I trait 1

ill'incoi With (inainploroirafJ. : ' 'Any boiei of thlu Mod that aro sddrosiod to

' E . B. Stoter, Lioulonunt Ooi-ornor, ant]Ihaltinau of Kunens Contral Itcliof Comraittoo,

; b J10 % taken id, Tlioir ut.ion uf (jrly-fl*o[•.'•H Imd been GoploiiHint, itinlhn TTJ5 K'j ilriiilyItaclioJ lohia wif.1, that upon her (ka tb hie

ED great as lo etimplutcly jiroatralous uynLitii, and CHUMO his (L11U1 B|I

Ly* Uicrcafter-«r witbln lesa IUBD one \nck

H 73yoirtf and lOi^oiitl.ti uf

irn in tiio northof In land , whence ho tamo tois country hi JHJ(trljviiiy tlio fiiat ji;ar in Not*'rl( city, anil nmio»i.i(r to Jlronklvn wliero holiilwl Biitocti yc iH . Ho canto to Ihivor In

3(7, and hna been t-ngigtii iu thu bakery hual-osi h t ro Binco tlmt tlma, during iviilob bo lias

icd a bigh rciiuUliou HA o»u ut tlm business'n of tho placo.t HCblou] occurs thot a coupla GO wellcorned by Uio wholo com in unity aro no sail-ily roniovc-d from tlia Bcouaswiti) ivhlcli they1 w> fiimilUr, and tliu ah iouou lua tuwn ur2 *\w\\ kindly hoarts Is a jmbllc loss andices avoid in Uu> vncinl lilo cf Iho place thaiI never be trbolly tilled,IVilliaui X. IOUUK was oua of iwlato' i ownbloninn—a man wlioso life nan an ciomplifl-:li)ii Df Ibo golden rillo so littlo fuUuWixI Insage of (jiiirij anJ gain, nnd wlioio mow or jII Kvo as a tnoilul of all Mint in jmro aud up-lil. Ila wan a mum bo r or tbn Preflbyterian

uitcli, end bin jiroFosaSoi. of chrlBllanlty traait a cloak for tho promotion ol worldlydtlvea. A rigid diKclpto nf tlia oflal atiBtlnuiM,' bo WHH iltv^ya foromdit ta a.11

iparanco eoululk-s tbat havo cxhitodiu1I11 toivn ftir miarlj thirty yean , and Toundod

upon tliu brosileit haslliuilnjf always, In puWio and in privulo, that

«f tobnivH ivao tbo primary causa lead-ip; la Itabitt ot Intcmportncu,AltlJoufili nalot tinitnoiiiuvrhat totlrc-tl, novorMug for pitlitical ^rofefmutit or imrBonol[in Ian t/, ho ims novcrtlicloaa fully appro-itfvoof Ilia i c t l Inturcvti of tlio town, audnt hi i active support to any measure produc-

J of public benefit. Iltallziiig tbo lullammA-cbsraoierof tbo materials In tlio bulldfnga

tho jilncisl.o wn» MIU of Ilia ..rut to ndvocaiointroductiaii of uur eiTuct.Ta Iiro depart-t , and prcflldod at ttio two mcotiuga vilileli

•ought Bhont tills l-oinli.lo was nlno a member of Acai'in LodKQ orsu JIaEonB, [11 wlilcli body, wo uoilurBtainJ,bnia thonfllco of Treaiuror for seventeenrB. In met this lodge n o n r bad but two

;ucmt>ai8 in ibis uluco, -Mr. Hathnnlcl MottiiotugtUo oilier.

A obrisllau in the liigUoflt aon»o of tbo term,.iroraotor of (ho public good, n fitaud to tom-iranco aud to education, a charitable mau and

indfrk-ml—In how tow nro thoto virluos tosunmiudup? Yet such was William L.

uuugi and population—for enomiclj bad ncno- inonni with ujiMi{ni.-d norroir binidduii Ksnoval by ioMi from among an.ThQ fuacral ECITIOCS wcro oinervuil on Wed'

iday aftotnoon in tlia Prceiijtorian Unnrch.lev> Sir, Miglo pronelilnj; an a

romolory boaido tlioso of hi» wifj, /uoOgatvnsprepeDt at (lio norvioei Inlurgo

H , nnd at tbogravo porfonncJ tbo lioftutifuluiu? common* cf tbo Order.

McCain, I'arltorvIIlv, Kaiiaaa," willco of chargos for frolgbt,Bolicvlng roil will thus obllgnyour old friond,» r a ( : . . ; i;' , .rrateroally yoari,• • • • * ' * ' • • ItonnrtT 1

Wo do not doubt t lmt tlio liberality of the)00[iloofDo.vor andvkliiityvrStl prompt then

to notid ruIIoT lo tbo pnonlu of tbli gtato itb'oncrops worn lotallv daalrojod inHtMnsgoa by Un£rasflboppcrn, which connumod «verr livinggroon thing and doprWod tlioiu of tlioir moansof aubilatouco. At tlia request of a number olour cittzeuB wo liaio been iiiduood to startaoiioT tdloi filnO for tbd WondDt of tbii peopleftlu,( State to fltd .lion in auppljlnff tbellany iwn,ts liaBhfo^ olqthlng. • All inch n.ofiojaid^as -will ib i pwrgptly focwVtdod to ' Iaou t ,

(for, fJlorer, Chairman of tlio Kanmu CoatriIEeliofComniittco, Bpil prjperly nrconntod for.

. ' i : . i —•—•' • «i » • • - - • • — — • ;• '• • •GiHtn W«a<llug ut BjinHo.

Major-init lire. Jolin' Bos* ol Bpnrta eclc-Lrstod thoir golduit weddic^ at tVljir icslilencoon Ibo crcnias of tlio JOlli inirt. 'After (tctcrib-ing tbo ]ilessaiit ocoaiioa HiwyioT tbls agodeouplo: ( . <

'JI10 aiiccglry of AfnJar'Ilosa' via Qc'rniau.iis father, 3ohn,Uons, was bora In Uuntordon3nntv, HW; Joraor, auti BObsoqacntly-i Old Snsssx Connty, in Hardwiok tpvroBliip.

Ho Batted ' In the Itov-olutioiury ^ftr,aad «u'onsftgod t» theor Princotou i in wblob hatllo bis nl(^lirQtlcr;LOTTIB Chamberlain, was kfllpd/Jubti BOM, thosubject ii( owe proiont fiVelclit VAI tbo oldoelif tiro Rimi, and v/ia iioro In tlio portion of ojd.usfios county, now known as Warron county;

Jtvnywy 2d, 1703, and at an early ago camevllU his father, tb tbla etmnty, hasllrod DTOI* siaooi Ho; bM , fill id, prciji.DO]

tho'mllitia of iho State, dad varloiother pocltioas of honor and pob.l(ii trnnt, tnrbicb tlio coiiQdenco *f [bo pooplo has placeddm.

Ills wile, Sllzaliolh B. Efiiton, v*i of ficolchnd Proncli doKcout, Her paternal gi

fallior cmiRratod from Bcotlnnd and sottlod liMotrls County, nnd bar uiatcnw.l firaiii

of FroDch arfsiii;v ltqr;fatU«r,J)ayU v n .n* rcft'rod iu Morris Couniy,anaEil«Abotli

traa born In Jtorr|a»own, Uocctulior 25th, 1709,Jlor ftthw auliBoqnently ram'oved to Montgom-

ry, Or tigo poqnty, Moif York,;Vhero slio.vasianidt'Jittflr licriallibVtt death slio, irlili Jiurlutbci'tt fftwi.J, loiuoTod ta liyrnui tortiiHli.p1 tbla county, Iho b,omo nf her

[10 was married.Thin ngod and rospoctod pulr Lava no IT llrcd

.1 fftWdil'Ufo da tho farin"npon which ihay'i'cnfreBl'do'for filty years, aiiil'inay tboy 'long live tocnjny In the future, as tboy luvo iu tbo.litbo ouloera and mpacl of ail yho bnow them,

Hnllroad Ifems!,'1

Tho lurvO'uhftfo been mado for tho propoaoODelaware, XAukairanna nnd AVoslora ^Itilipnr froin tliomalti'liiiodf flioHoonton bmnCliuto tboclty ofPiteraon. The liuooftlwill begin at Btony Hood, ran jiat-a.llQtnnil fitroe^, R^onnd^ll'i. r r .block belnbart tliVk' ana Priiico fits, (1St., opposite Ibo iUtlot St. U. i:, Cbureti.

A bill hai b a m Introduced, it; .tbey Now J01•aglalataro'tu £i(%lj(t} ib^'fiumuora andDalx-

vara Itallr9«d Cauipacy 4o tamo bootit to lhaVitiipwiho ilolit of ih

itafitoilltlofl. j , ,


m u i t pjend andili

. t'o^liiv .cngago^a^Htrons.lohb/uvKiHwuiiu^o^eat tba iu»a?d oftobwtcriEg » "ow Jerry companyul W*e«li

In tho ca*t> nf Ore? Igi-uit tho l)cUw»nutxk&wanm and \Teitcm' RAilrbja, 'tlio "KOTTJonar Bupvcma Court has lendcrsu a deciiioninttaining tha tower Court and g^ing ' '

One and twenty 1110a aracl i t rgc i fron), thq ^I).ol^irlorpt ^iviiiiPuuiHjlvaiila'rillirbad bii nccoiint nf-huilnDB^ciityKiliiytbo.quBpctwIonofoporBt.

I t )» offlelrfiy auctiauccd tbat tbu Morris a^iK u n lUUrond Coiniiony-rceontljibo"n.TfflEw' ; Loan and ^i'riiat ' Ctrust «i,Cttniol.dfl.ljcd • itjortGacoontlro .pf«iwrt)Y. tntl-'i}h/t\ f3,UK.[flsaeil i^nrHr ti In. fiiorti^it^o h\so boh.i\ t,iVon{hl?£(i\\ntii tnil Europe. _'liui i'rincliiaj.jutpri'it of obch bdud ii guaranty by tlio

nml Wostoni Railroad Con

row mid regret nl (Lu limo than that or:1. h. Tonntf, nbluh oriiiirreJ at bn. u-Hiilo4!iiii].iy evening but nt uli.-ml hn!f-ji:iHt 11

iil(i;i;d hi. 'i'li.i

I thair Inul hta n)(;ljt UJIO


Hard tlmeH prorall hero as claowhcto i ttamptupb Ibo slreoti begging for food and apoiid-what litllo mono/ .boy can gathor f«sruiil lubaccoj wugau «m low, many ai

it of omploymcnt, and In ono Joxlntco a di-irco ta deiiied. Bat brp.o project! aro also0 order or ttio thy; tud tboeir IB full notLiy or froat but alia villAgo cliartor, tvroroo cctuckrioit, tomixiranco charades, Kansmlloctlor, Iiioroaso of pair rants in ono or tbalurches; nn Episcopal sorvlce, atid s ITarlhiiot Lady) Washington Tea, Party. .Tlio corporation psrly aro ptisblnj bard this

for a filing.) charter, and haro forwanlodapllciitlon to Trenton to soonro tbo lacio.mbilo tbo opposition patty bv>o fonr»riloa

iroo romnmtrftuoos, baaliliii dalegivtci,tj cspoot to makq on fmproulon 0a1 both

Jomocrats anil rtepublicans in tha Lcgialtlurp.Boulh Btiuliopo talks up thoir corootory

ig»in, and a nuw application !B made from tlio,iaox tide fw a ipocial chirterfor tlio 1ijeot, Ucaumhtlo tba rocollcctlun of ol3 dli-lion aud tlio cllaiU of by-gcoft iitjBb»iitirolr died away, and tha eld utouad may

yet Bend furlii "voices of tbo.dstid" aabiitd not to be loft alout. "ITanj tiien ofmany minds" mako " m a n y man tbat can'tagroe." , . . , , . t . •

otractPil niuotlng has been In progrssi aUIQ MetliodUt Ohnrcb etuco tbo Orel weak InJan.tts.ty, nUcndoA by s o a o good fruits.

Now buUilinBsaroinprocois of crcfiilou nnitb, a'dos of tlio river, pronUnaut a t aonz* _..tbo )arg« storo or A. J. Drain in South 9Uu-

DUD. IJcHirs, Smith £ OroiT oipcct to buiJdhrgo M c k staro whero tbo puit ofllco nowandi, tbo old uullding to bo rontOYOd, furtherana Iho street en tlio oppoiiU aida. AnotherQifitnuae la partially promised far tlio trepa-aia lot, totiKen tiio liberty pola" ond VCintor-IU.O'J meat m u k o t . WlitQ all t a e u a•o fn btiat wo would, illcaafut? mow oaatoai-

Bens of fit, Qeorgc,ilu. EDITOR :—Tho offliwra and members ol

luo Lodgo, No. 14, of .tbo order of SaneUt. Oecrge, mat lo .ITcDarU's Hall on Wed-milayovcninif, tho 27th mat. Uio lodgo waaRely altcndcd, evincing the Intorogt tlio mom*[8 tako In tbeir nablo order. Aftor iho regn-1 toutino cf business tbd Grand Dlitrict Dop-r, lira. Tliomai Omm, instaliDd tbo followingIcors for tho eniuiug year.I'rosidout—Bonlamfa HunUtti,Vleo-1'wBldont-John Mo.-rtn..Hiciethry—ThouiBB B. Hay.Assistant Bocrotary—Jolm Liraaon.Troaiinrer—Joaiah Comlls, Jr.Tlio Financial Report for tbo losti«rm wasid, which showed tlmt' tho financial status of

10 lodgoia Increasing Tory Cut. AiRchariU-inetltvtloa tt tan ho trotlifuHy said that thin(jo alouda nocand ta SOQO In < tho Unitedlies. Our objoat ia (a Kixt fjr otoli other inn-iiiily, to soo that ofery brotboV Ia provided111 all tbo ncceawrlca nf lifo whan iu alcknoas

or distress, and to BOO that tlio widow sod fnlli-eriosiclilldroii.nrotirodfijr. Ourbeartagdforth

"1 our hands, and wo glvb EDsUelitnati arty melcomo into our ranks. "»•

Mint m i l . ' \ • • •Mn,KDrront WcuoUcodin j&m inuo twcoku sinco a, contribation from "PooiUontsB,"

llvlufj a briof suinniary of tha osercUaa con-icctodwlth our -'Christmas tree." Wo admitritU all candor that jaatloo was douo tho mat-

in tha arorcsnidarlicla, but wbib

tbla wo cannot foruoar ccpaarlng "Po-for tba rough treatment gi<

ibnio of car woll-mcaning friondB, Now vo arctitling to adtult ail ho B I J I about IongttiKitchcs, they may boi>iixouoq|{lil thay mt

bo (TTJI.Benough 1 but fu tlio namoof Jaalhono would nsk, l(Woro tho speeches us dry

1 (he contribution to tho BnAtf AffaJn' boivB, "TliQ olillilron grow tired waiting for the

;ncd tb ingi , " perhaps Iboy did, and wa at "iltnod la thtnk t l i u a pretty good sited boy by

name of "Potalionlae" WM t,bont as 1'on any of tbn am oil or iiifunU to gut btt e

iiao, bo la laboring u n d a r a b u l Rtatcof feeling bocauuo our ffotiliy friends would no.glvahlmachancoto "s i r his oratory I" "Shadi

Idem^doliverus, aro'wc-oTcr compelled t(& liiiyvTlDfi Owtli at his bands, fordoath.iilid bo to Hatou lo another conccutrntad 1

tort to "uiantat t tUo aatlvfts.11 Wo » y In icandor and eiuccrlty to "Pocahoutia" teco

iry honest effort to do good;oTan If tliddrpiBOa mado by gomo o r our brothron (alibo timo in qneBtfoh) woro not tsmpored nitllio cloqnocMOf Domoitiionoi, j o t tboy werejiromptci] \>f a dcelro to do good, fo r li tip* jmtvy ctlt this Bhnccwsiny, m d aty.a it an- un-

illodforoiTort, imtbdloTomc, there <a notu-og which calls for vindication sponor th in ~

hijurotl tltoti to do good.: :Wo ibinofotir he->po that in tatttrd our ftwoda wilt land a, ho..FT band instoad of cotnlnlug tbomsolvus

polty ridiuulo oTivortby men. • A K O ?

.ThosniHenaecidimti.iaei.Ui cf yontij Weley SlilU ban ceam] to he ttm absorbing topicconverftstlonaud Uionad event hasbccomoi

of local blntor; Ibng to bo roincinl.crod t>,t,- flowo willdonlitlosslilnd thoir burdciicf fn l lhar j tobosr ; h t rd Indeed innst

tlio h\m that falls upoa t i o widowed mothwlio i« thus btr&ft of tba wn on whom slio dcponded ood ttt whom msmj bottes conttWolcy i s spolion of by those who Uio^ litipwell as being a young-man o f g w d qualitlotalnd and boatt, b l c m d with •toady, Indus!]iaaliflhits,aUid rsfijicotcd by all who know himChofolluwlnRlstiii) verdict of Ibo; Coronor*iI m y : "Wotb'ornry'Bntnraoncullo jnVeitlgatoIho cautio ko{ tbo death of Wesley Kills find that' ceatcd! camo to his tUilli on JHU. 23d, Wfi,

llio breaking or onoothiorccap-pteoosoftbtistlc-worka of tbo Mount Hopo Miohig Com-Dy's iiiula railrnail at Ilotlcawar, M. J., thorn-

by precipitating tiro bailed uro cars dovn tinonibanlimmil." Wq furlhor ccnsnro tba Bail

ouut Uopo MlQhig, Company, who nwn th<Ilnind for crlmlualiiDglcciiupDrralttlng a rot-H, uuaifa.and untuttlt i tnt s l t a t t a t o k> bo(il, wben a tulatantial and safa 011,4 li \

dooiaiidwl for tlio proper protection of tludcemployees." TLo Jurymen wero: Jacob Stru-

]»1 , Jacob r , PUcklr, Alctandcr Hot-1 P o i , Albert V,. TabnaOgo, Pranl

Cool!,-B,imtiol Alatto^ Jacou L. alalUn, Julia'H U M ? AUBDII. Jcicjih n . U c a o b , Jehu

Jlilcliell. • , .

jllcr1* Oiwra Ila;\»o it i.iii.tiEod for TaciJa;BUII l\fo(]noi(Jn)- ovonliigi no i t hv a d t a i m

jiaiyfrom Koff York, which oflbrt for clinn; itn attraclivo'hill or cntortslnmcn

Tlie on»la lu all tha plays aro largo aud ot, as w.)U l a £ucn h? tho b ins , and. -Uio ]ila;:tfd M Q fir*i•class. Wn ragrot tin

notlco tbli TfeuU and rotor out locdort to' t.iadvortlioniun

Smull t'os.m uilmvngiiiil runion* in circuitf.i'i

smiill jwx in llaclia-J-'ay, whicli it iiulii.wlj bu torrectud. To hoar soinijiurUutiu woulilJuJ^e t tint the wboltfllict«l, wlJuli In (nr fcnni Mug tl>rhavo litkcji 1'uiiiH toapa'j-lsin.nui.tru^ l.iat tlcro nra nvverul ufLtto li

ijij'iriiy .wing out vf Uw u 'lit, cas.-ii, w.'II (,'Unnluil andFL'31 (.filuud uf llio diecasu in

Iu Dover tburtii^ uotr HOT I1T1B lliiTfs bcru, nIM within Uio corpuratiwi UiiiitM. Tlio ltev.

icr JlcC'ailyof Qt.Mary'a OUuruu, iviw nf-ud with varioloM, but wa am &hd to Informrcatlcrd Unit ho is IIO.V about cutiruly n >

••rtd. lit ' cuntneted tbo dlBcmc, va umior-id, tvlillu cngaii°d hi tlio laudable trurli ol

luititif,' liia punple.Ttio rumors (lint tbo doatli of Mr. fiuargo 11.•lilicua at Mt, (Top&, wliich uccarrodou Tuna-r, wau caastd by small p a t ara false. I t ia10 tliat bo h i d CUIItreated small pox, aud wasllutiid to toino extent, uut tLo nliyjfe>ans ila-iroIlml.liuCBUEourblsdc-uthtvaihciumorbBgoIbo mucoui membrane, tbc result ef a cold.G duceaticd WAuanoii of Mi'. Btopbenl, tlioSu-rintendent of tlio U t . Hoiw Mining Co., was aM R .nan of greaVprorolBD, and t special favor-

wltli alt who ktitut Iilsa. TLcie n ronomoroIGB at l i t . Hope, nor ig there lllielj to ho any,Iho greatest cato la Lting t.tluin to pwvaut

yapr.m.lor tliodiionuo.Wo duom It bust to spunk tba trulli i» refitrdIhimnittor. U u t pooplo niiy tuotf ^bat (lo-

ot cuntldcuco to plaeo iu tba many absurdon aHonl tbont Ibo country.

iltiiiit IhU time look uut for reports from thetcli (list rid it. Tlioy will nppoar from IbiiIO 011 u i th (olorablo rcguUrity, and, aa limy

•TO always duno will croato ilonbt nnd uncor-taty In llio winds uf conBumori as to whether

iu win liu n i f of no. Tbo flist corrtnpon-t heard fi-0111 auaounces tlmt f r a a the c&n-of tbo urcltanls of tbn I'eoinsalit nowhoiug

ado tho prosjwet la good for an cicullont cropid lot? prices noxt aoiscu. IIu i a y i :

lio irood is healthy ami strong, and thcroboon no wntt ior aluco tlio first of Novcm-

:r n a n n enough to start Ibo sup or ijwall Iboids. Whtlu llio BC%itQn has uadoubtodly been

wa, tlwro hava ho«n frosta and >%ht•czas, no frequently that vegetation ha t beenoronktl , and Uil« li alnayB comldorsd theipo of (lio pcaolT-groHfer.' In riding througb

I'oiitcsula ono uiuwcoatomod to tlio cci t i ra .10I tiiopcaob, .flien yiowiugtboorchatdB,

mid bo Tory lllrcly to rccelrfi a dUTwcnt im-_onion, U tlio orcbardi, frofQ a dlaUnco, era'red thot tUuy apiKsar to bo In blooin, b u t th i tinly ths wood, Thoia cipctioscou growerBubavoczamlaod (lu young trrjoa hiva pro-mcud it QB their Judgmont tliat tba germ ofif rDl thns lnno nay beon bur t , and by many1 greator dongor la bellorud to ho oror a (tor

Docombor, "., . '

TlmrMlay oveuiug of laM wt, sgtwi Star, Mr. J ^ p l i II. Jluainytliu lii-ly honda nf iiiiiliiiii.wiy with Missna Huff, nil ucilor«d. Tlio ciromony tmicu nt tlio rtJifUiita i-f tliL liriilu's falbci "xrfftu Kuir.lluv.J.W. Mj.'W, y^Htorolieu Cburdi fcd-iR-ai .ifllulatiiiy. Wbllo tbo •rumoiiy waw liuiug iicrr..iiuwHlio groom took•>n dm Uiilu a IUCJJ nl UI;I , i.uii iiriabiiit' ithalf, tiaudi-rl a jmrt tn llio biidr. Him do-

nud to ]>artxkv nml n|'jna.cil tJ f^l burt nti u.tUcoiDim; conJnot. AfU-r tbn riiiptial

:not wan tiad Oio ftimt cijimuciieed in good:nest ami Win Ut-pl np until Mr. tiuorgo Jloff,

_y tlnimoil tn &w« Irttu kipt iu tlio dark!.)egard i<> tbo weddiag, couiwoncoa 0. violent

nsnault uiwii bis \rifo. bbo replied tobii linock-nrKUiiiL-u' wiili a butcher kulfa diroalec]htad. A wjftlp wwiiml wen tho result.

_. . ..JloRtil nji horadraiitii-jo willi blows onho face, discoloring Jtis eyes considerably.

oBtffltuBiiiiik'rkmlanil stoppoit tbo flghtd all again wtnt ".nerry nu a li-irriago boll."loi io (he evening Sir. Huff, having loadedCQHuulurably inoro "flrawiUr," blow—'

JeunintUm'at a-xtu»\utu, "Tho businoBi of JonrnnUnn will continue ta

nlnviUog field for oxporimonts to thesebiro a largo amount of moLcy and n largounl of egotism.' A nun irbo, hnrtriff edited

ncwepftpor until bo iraa forty, ihonld agddianno once Iiimeoll & laviyer, would be rcgagd-SB a fool by tha legi! prcfosaicn; K»& jot vo

rton hear of lavrjots of foci; miking suddenretentions to Joumallim. Tlioro ii as. Idea,lat tho uiislnem of bditlng roquiroj 110 op-

pronUcoahlp; that editors coino forth from lawuffieoB and eoUogca fuUy armed, for. tlio profoi-»l0n,'llUaPi.ili.9 from' Ibo brow oTJovo. IHat mlaUka; «,er« la not iu America to-day a aln-

olonrnaUitofaitioual rcpntalSoo,' who Itaiitdcroicdninro tiraonndtaoroliir*! xfvcV to»profession than, with oqaaJ fltnaae&nd a]>-

plication, would aaro mudo hhn t good lawyeror a good doctor. "And jet nlaotj out of oiery

mdrea men yon'moot on tho at root will boel-\a abott carrying A hod or making a pair ofOOBI fllicfoaa,lh«oirlllprobably not boonstho anadrodwUctMi'tlacooreinfftohlsowD

|udtttneat,"odit any nowsptpii ia tho countrybettor than It Is edited, co mat car in*!&t

d gutstd lirtooji mliialuK io Icivo (ho

Urn. Kufliu Cnd ic t , rnliot of I'otor Candict,led h s t lvouk, In tlioDlth j o a r c f l iorago. Hlio

ridunt of Oranfio, ondl liadilllvud all hor clilldrvu, Mcq- l one, who is In

cuBln. ' ibo ucarout relatives ftl tbo /uuoralgrandcliililrun. BJlu-Iind ajtoiuolloiitraoiii-

irjr ttui(luqttl\vithtii a. jcar he* Tiwullioa wcroiuini[ialro,l. Tbo moat nwmorabto osant uf

1 iTAE wltueaaint'tho inarch of tbo rcvo-ryonny tlnougli aoutlt Oraiigo nvonuo

tbc timo lVanljington uvacuutcd Uurr ls tomt,id on tbat OL-caniyn Elio had Ibo felicity of*

[haiida uitli tboMnrtjuis Lafayoito audWE.M..I.K.I>II, Mrs. CouHlci Jind boon, wUun tUoiii wero fivo Rocon.lions of

)r finjily In tba company. Sbo had twoat j -Brand-children, fifty-four er8at-E«uia-chil-

11, anil iiinn freat-groat-grautl-cliildrott.Tho I I . E . Cburch, a t Blalrstown, ffaa dodl-itod laat Sahballi, Elsbop Junes aud I 'ro-iding t i l ler Opdjko wtue bulb absent on*count or skl.iiOBB, Itov. Dr. Buon prcacbodlaturdaj morning, nnd l'rof. Lul l s in tho

Being. At tlicsn dcrviec* (l,4D0 troro ralifld.L BabUatb laoming ' Ibo congTEgation wn»mil airing to tlio novc.te s tona . Dr . Donn,

readied again and called for tba balauco ofiu 12,200 aalied for by tbo l'astor, l\ev. T . 0 ,:oyhain, which was BOOH obUiuod aud tho,urch van tboti ilrdicated two ot debt. Prof.i(.t* proscbed ngaln on fiabbalh ovonlng.

bo onliro coil of the Cburcli, luclutllnff fur-l o w , l)tll and town clock, fa $11,800. T h audionca llooin ia cavpoled antl niBliloncamploto.—Flopijiter,

I t h dialed that one nniti.1 Uaghcr bad c o t -isod to tUo Riurduriig of. 0. u i w at Blootat-r j noveral jeara ago, dud thftt bo la now h e l lthe Sheriff of IMatlia, I'lorida, nwailliig tho

ctlon of tl.o mitliorltlea a t Bloomflbury. I t f«-noil-known fact tbat Bovnral years ago a n u na« mnrderoi] on tlio road botwoen Bloonubmyud I i t t l o York, ana tho gull ty party irm noTcrmad out.A flro was (Uscororcd la tbo paatoboird rcna-

:. J.HoDtloiton Sficmat MilllmrnTly TUurido-y moroiog, which ^viaoi Bncli

OB to result (c. tho almost oatlra da-traction of tha norlts. Tim building andlock, Talucd at about $30,000, aro a futd loan.STotoor Council, 0 . V. A . ft, hut detormlnod

> givo a grand mcoptlon in Bilker's Hall, Spar-, ou Tuoathy ovoning, P o l . 3d. Tho com*

milted havo cngagod Qrst-oiBBB mailo for tbobocaslon, and no pains will bd (pared lo glvo

guests a fluo OTonlng's unjoymont. •Ono nlglit last week nn army of fifty or sixty

ramps, ttrtnod ivith Btonei and d n b s , demand 'nJmttUae* 6ud eutortaininont lit tlw Vfnr-

1 County Poor Uqasc . Mr .Fromc, lhokcop*foariug tho domob'tloa of bis caatlo in caw)

rafiual, enlorlaliiod them.:«.' £lizabetli flwayze,.of Hopo, Warrottity, celebrated hor nintty-eocond blrthdajr

low days ago, Mrs. Snayzo Is tho motbor-in 'nnr of Dr, Titcb. of Uopo, irbo Is eighty-twofears old, yot aotlvo in tils profusion.


M u e o u s OraUlUr,A C&BQ tfbich .llmtraks Uio Immorality ex*UPB imoug eoroo of tboVcoldroa pwpld- ororris county has^lo Ilgttt. Oato

Allon irw arrettod on Saturday fot Msaallingwifo,JI EVancoa 'Allan." nlo Vromaii'

msitiou sola forth thai abont TltsDksgETlnglay fjato WcUJ And" boat b'cr;flna ibo behifr,t thaMimopragiiant; imlscarrfiiffd vru oanid

child having when born, tlio print of Allcit on itafoic!iB»a.vTDBCblia|dTTft» d)>poied

if In tba ntstit by a t o , Ho ssys VbM tbob d b b hb iroraan wai Bbnacd by boc^'Oret h u i b k o d /

rhu Li nlill lirbiET, but -trho fa\d loft lior iicforolio—Cato—" niitrriod" her, and tha t aUo wasja«ciiKizwlionBhowas "mar r i ed" to t l m : Theffotnan's deposition alup Boti forth tha t thotloctors bkvo tola,hor alto cannot rocoror, andthat tho cttuto of hor uUlmaU doath Is tlitibnuUd abflao. Allen w w lodged in Jail hBfaUlt.of t2,000 bail.Tlio ftbo?o Is teom tbo Paterson F r « i . Whe

ho parties arc, or whero tboy rosido, ia aome-rbat of a mystery.

M i u Emirtft Lestur, tbc, hading lnfly in thoIrouno nhioU appears Uoro oaWcJnoBday evenings nei t , t i n t d (0 I10 a \ c r y

Dr. Hicardo, of rasuoia, raconlty mululicavy tlaniageg fur alleged molpdctfco lidrcaBlng tlia arm of a Illtlo boy, (g now on trii

criminal chargo of assault with In ton t too'ooTor up tlio malpractlco. It In cloimod

ihnt Lo EBTO tho hd'niorphlno, ami tlioa jaidwould die. Tho child.sarvlvtd tbAt.nlghl,

rhloh aoomed to' greatly earprlio tbo Doctorupon hie arrival ths noxt rooming, Ths tuntnlgbt tbo BAma walcbor was called iu« tind lio

told Ihit tbo child would ccitaiulj' (lio tliflight, and tho morphine povtdon woro order

bo given again, Tlio Doctor' wont to atiJoilaSiDrantLtold liim iliat tlio child Wouli1 that t.!g.\t, and TOftJoairangemonts ni

the undertake!* for tfitiliuriaV.^lticarflo Ihituld tho watcher, lha uudertakee RHii tbeniolbcrof tho child, tlwl If tho cliitadkJ

itnovct tbo han&aBoi' a7"i£ woald boinHfor thorn todoso,- flu>reason t l s t tho

child did not 'dlo wai.lccau^i tbo'pow(lor#woronot all given na directed, ouly a portiontbora giTon, tlio attonilant and tba. molhor

aliTHcU bi 1ht> CXCCBIITO slzo'of tha doso.K lUt tbo cbUa did, not die/l ln. 8c

•cut for Dr. Wfttiou, on o'.d fatntlj plijiitian,examined tba wounded ormf and foam)

;bit ft Imd mortlQod and w*spartially decIbB Husk fair!; falling otT from tho bono. Thearm was amputated, and tbo unforlnnato Uttloboy [now ten ycirs old) rccororod and .wnabo court 100m DU Thursday., I t WBB allbgilialBr-lUcwdotuldDr. Vulsoit, In n sortirofosatonal conftdoneo that ho " linii giicm tbi

child tweuty-four grains of morphine,, mIhmi It took to kill Jim rial." \ .. ., " .

Tho SuHscxOoanty Fanners'alllkAssoctelwill mako a; ciTbrtbofoto tha la

0 during tha prcscn t winter to secure150 of 11 milk: inepection law. jTboy (lain

tlint llio ftdulkrallon of milk la carrlod BO fitby Ibo aui rctallan iorjtbo pnr-\itmo'« nr'c6inj*lilii>n as' creatly n i loiAir tlitTalaa of tho article u»l luato iti prodnction fa:lalDsnproHtalilc,' Tlioy v\\\ atlt Tot u~tabllihing dcpdla and proTiillng for ft tlioronjinspooUon of til milk befaro it p u n s Inta tlbands of tbo retailors, and nil milk that doi

it rcaall t curtiln'ntanduxt *JH ba thrownTlio ,iin|M!ctors and depot expengcu It itf V"posod to pay out of UCOQBO foon, wlilcli aro ~ 'cLllgitorj' ou Uio jle(..iirs. 'Tho Fanournfurnish tUo milk' m.(f{ily cojnpUin. t tat thproduct Is. no, aiiultoratod at rcieut tbul *supply, is itrntor thin tbo doniaiiil, puU h/ tlpropOMtl liilllt U Ihtoodud lo protect btttb tlfarainrs and tho public*! hrgo. It lafitUmatithat tbo total daily conimnption oriniikin N«iYork, Jortoy City and Hoboken is B2.DO0 quartaud llmt of tlda qtwuU.y moro than b»U i

I moro ot Ices s,duUeralQd.

1 tbo a

Hor. Edir»rd Boochor, brotlier ot Honry^t'nrd Beoclier, liia .vecopted (ho call of tho Pat*'-^•son Ooi>g»gational Church, and trill en te r" -poobJ»doWo» lu tha t pn lp i tne i t Snaday. ; •

oart, b i a been very ill t t hlsbomo in Noivton,'u i It is not probable tUat ho will U &bla to ro - >urn to IVoBlilogtou tbln Winter. * '~

K. Euunot Qo3Bliidk, tUe witty w d vws»t..o.local" of tbo W'arron Docioerat, bai pur- i

chased a balf fnloreet In ttint papor, ';

ytnnnimous call to Itav. H. Jt. Andorton, of

ilon, N. J.



REDtTOED PRICE. |IU t ho y a r d , o r •£


DOVER. N. J. I,A. Beemer, |


Blnckwoll SI., noor 8nMCJ, Doror, N. J. *|;


For dofioriptlcna of Property >u.d particularsl t t l fB

Insure in Companies"Wliicli Pay Losses,ring tlio last year tho following loaoea liavo

btoa imstaincd nnd proniplly paid byFREEMAN WOOD, Agont of tbo

. following CotupaaioB:HUDSON c o w r r *i,wor i O P L E ' S of Kowwk - - -1,700

3RKIA of Newark - - - 1/tWSKI.IK of Phlladoliihia. - - - 3,450

STAKDAI1D of Tronton . . . 1,000LONDON ana L I \ T £ l « ' 0 0 L and GLOBE 1,160

" \h of Liverpool - - 130

Total loiBoa s n s U b c d during tbo year (13,330

EEMAS WOOD, Agent,Elackiroll SI., next lo llicharda k Cc.'a Stole.

Morris Orphans' Court., 1375.

[n t l i o W t c r of ChaHcB A. Ofllcn, Admlnis-ttstor of Sitcli»Ql Uiluy, <loecase<i llnlo toshow cans* why thurc ibould nut be a gala ot

. lacdii. - - • •.OttMlUSS A. aiLLEN, Uw Ad rale In tro lor of\J Michael Ililoy, Jatn of ;i>a County uf Mov-iiB, docoaied, hayioL' ma do and cxliibittxl totbiH Coait, aniiir onth, a. lust and truu w-coiintof tbD penmnal estato and dobta of laid doe'd,as far at bo baa been able lo discord tho Bamo,by Mlilch U appears that tbo personal c»tnla or•aid doceojod Ti iimuQldent to pay all UU Juntdebti, and ntating th&t taid deeeaacd died seizedof laud*, tonomonti, borcditanicala, aud real•Uio, situate in tUo Coaaty of JIoi:i», andmylng tho aid of llio Court in tlio promises:!boztifaro. It )• ordered Ij Iho Court, that niltononi (ntarestod In tho IMUW, tonaniontB,ieroditamontB and real estato of mid dectmed,do appear hcloea tlio Jadfica of tliia Co art, attha Court Uoasa In MorrlsKmo, on SA.TUBUAVtbo twentieth day of JJarcti, A. D. 1875, nml•liovr e«nio, If any tho/ liavo, wlij BO much ortlia said Uad». tcnumcnti, horoditauicnU midreal cBbvto of tulu dcccisoa, shouia not bo mildas will bo DUfficicut ta pnv Mi ilbt

K S'WItLK S . W t ,

A truo copy from tlio minute*.

J I O L L K I l Si B A C K O F F ' S


D O V E K , N . J . 'all 1MB or F011E10S toil DOMESTIC

LIQUORS and SECARS.AIio, WACKTOmUTir. . I O U I i CO-'nealo-

l irelcdLssoI. ALKH,alINEll.VliY>'AT£K8,0to.

MOtlER'S OPERA. HOUSE,a. apadaaa Hall ta b j !«t fur aU ktnOa ol onl i r -talument.. «fl-ly

A flNE KALU TO LET.A flno Hal l , '33x40 fact, wall fiUotl u p , unit

A . aMe for necrot sctlpticn, i* oflcrcd 10 ICHB.I J «.O BBbscribor. Tl«» Half 1> iitmioil in >»'

gjjjta, o».pM i,y u» « ; * } £ '14-U

Page 4: READY-MADE CLOTHING Apothecary, … · SIMOF, Merchant Tailor, And dvilcr i n Mob's and Children'a Ik-ady-< • H1J CMWClthi:/i ' AnnonncBii 16 tlio public t1mt h\» slock of KL_

. H.DIekePson & Co.,liiivtt fully dtiinoiistruioil that their



COLOEED DEESS GOODS!is unequalled ty any in this vicinity. Always on Iiaud an es- assortment of

Dress Goods for all Seasons!HUNTS! CASSIJIEKESH SHAWLS!!!

nail in short, evcrj-tliiiig iu tie Dry Goods lino tUot tho ladies' need.

Builders' Hardware of every descriptionWOOD AND "WILLOW WARE




Wall-Paper and Window Shades.

Clover and Timotliv SEED,Plows. Bone Manure,

Super-Phosphate of Lime,Cement, Plaster, &o.



Tlio Indies' ami Gentlemen nill rdenso bear in mind tliat E. J. Roberta'

Patent Parabola Needles,'Tho very best in ...eWorld," silvery iu polish nnil graceful in sliopn; also Ital>ortu

Finest Itazor Steel Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and lluzors,Elegant of Finish mid Keen of Edgo.

Giro as a call. Wo arc EOUXD lo sell for LESS PROFIT tliaa nay other IIOUBOin Dorer,

Blaclnvoll Stroot, Dover, N. J.

M. H. MCKERSON <fc Co.

E. Hairhouse <& Bro.,Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry

P L A T E D "W .A. H. E5 .Always on Uanil, n Fino Assortment of



And Jewelry of every Description!Repairing Executed with Featness •




Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,


Mining Materials of all kinds.STEAM AND GAS PIPE AND FITTINGS


time, lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &e.ALSO, DEALEBS IN


STOVESl STOVES I!Reduction in Prices ai the New Tin Store at Port Dram.

m received n largo stock of Btovcs of CYiryticEcripUon, tro arc now prepared to sell Q,

All kinds or tho rcrylatcil ylcacf

Cooking Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stoves, ltangC£> &c.•VtSO

Tinwaio, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing.

. . A.T6ry finofcBoriincl.tof

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c,And * vtihttfot othor article., tunilly kopt [a a wellinpplkd Tin Store.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGNoallydone tQcli>fi»nptly>ticndodlo. Wogoarante. toglTfliatlifaclloa.

Desirable PropertyFor'Salfi.

LARGE HOTJSElLaa ono-bair aero 1r more lana, anitalilo forholol orpriratorealdeiiee, aituaie Qu

Washington Turnpike, Chester.P Vmulo.,«ppl>lo




McKinnon Brothers,MANUFACTURERS.

Tho Itockaway Ax«,io noil known ibrODRhontthu County and State Tor Its mpcrior maHrialand uiako, and pocnliarlly of Bbipo, II HOWbolnE manufactured morn «iUnalioly by thoinb»=ribor, KJ tliat partic, maj depend oponMr order, bolnc flUed promptly ind lo apyulcat. TJionnallijof th« Ale In o»ery retpect" t l d i d f l dit

Material is Superior,


Merchant Tailor,Blnckwell Street,

DOVER, N.J .T 0.. tube. plea,ora In .'rniomjdn* to IbeU . dtlxoni of DOYOT and ridaltj luat ho^•tai .utuonnw.lorBonDlaekwoll . tibiUock tt Latvia* wlioro he intend!conduct log a FlUST-CLJUJS.

Merchant TailoringEstablishment,

intl hai on baoil *, largo itbck of



DIA€tONAl,S.Alao anal line of tbfl Boat American OradM,*hleh ha will mak. op to order In Iho moat faah-lonebl. sljlel, at Iwnly per cant betar Breaa-Yajpdcoa. AUo a ona aavoluaaat of

Ready-Made Clothing:

Gents' Furnishing m






UUVLT, N . J .

Orders for Sawing and Planing

promptly cxccatcd.

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,albtfcn-tjllS.raot, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tlio la to t «ud rarmt lmpruvc.1 ntj-les, hiw»miti[c public and rrlrato buildiugi. A largo

msortmoiil of t W o t , clioKii for ccih.COOK, PARLOR, HEATIlia

STOVES, RANG-ES,&c. Alio a »arioly of





LEADKBS, anil all kiutl« of JoLbinc .niuylinoJono in thn best manner and at tlio aliorUBnotlco, lliylKit prices paid fur old Iron.

Copper leaJ ind povtcr taken in nohang,fur guixls.




Wines and Liquors.tor Itatty nimlici.1 mo. All wnrrnntcil

gt-iiu!no ana purfcctly puru.

Martell's and Hennessy's








11ASPIIEU11Y SYItUPSand ovcrr thing clw In tho line of tho trade.

1 A Boluctcd itock elroitEiaKAND D o u m m o BEOARS,

Wholesale Orders

NEW EBIOK B U I L D I N GDottU lule ol Iho Biter Bridge

D O V E B , 3ST.J.J3.






Liverpool, Qucenetown^ Olaa-IOW, JLondonderry, London*

Bristol or Cardiff.Tor riOKETS ami PwUcubra applj to





THOS. BOLITHO"TTT'OUIJ) roipoctfally annonnco to tlio peopleYV of tbli viciuit; that tio haa rotoruoil to

Dorer, n« lha

Age nt f tlio Delawaro Oyster Co.and faaa opened * plieo on


and is read; to aolllils old frionds, &g veil t snonr caslocncn, tbo Unott




U to oaabla mo lo keep » ednitanaupply. ALL oyaTEBH OPENED FMfCE FBOM THEBBEUti.

With many thanks for put favori, I bespeaktlu renowal of my old cattomtra, aud tho pit-rouago of tho general pablio.

T H O S . B O L I T H O .DoTir, October 8th, 18T1,


E. & 6. H. Ross & Breese,. Vox XXP Ian

Insurance Agents,Omce, Old Iron Bank Building


A. X COB, Collector,DOTEE, N. 3.

COMPANIES SEPBESEi/TMD.American Hatual Ins. 09., or Newark,

I.I,, Ajutuoru $1,100,000Mutual I u . On,, of HowarV,

I . } . , AlMttowr _ 600,003Hnmon'i Kntul Ini. Co., of Howarlt,

H. J., Auati onr 600,000Qflmanift Mutual Ins. Co., of Hewara*,

H.J., Capital, 200,000£tna Itunrauea Company, of Hartford,

Oam., Aaitti, 6,000,000Continental IniuranM Oomnaay, of Ha*

York. Capitol, 1,000,000Mutual Benefit Lift IOJ; 0o., ofHewaik.

I.. ' , , Aauti, 56,000,000


Capital, • §150,000.alknltun (,'lrou to 1L0 iiurcbaio mil u ln ulluiiilj ptni i>tlH>r H-cuiiticj; llio coUeotiou ofortijm nud JonmitiufiuiJor, drafts, chtvim, Ac



AtpHIUB DtEMna.9tf.

The Miners' Savings BankOF DOVKR, S. J .


CJIX por cant. intetcBt nlll bo paid on ilepO madn on or bciWo tlin 8r»fcloys of liUJUKE, BEPTTMUKII and DtcranEB.

ffj-Opoa Ailly Iriira 0 o'clock A. M. to 4o'clock v, v.


UEHRYUcFiltrJUI. rmident.EPHRAI1I LIKD9LEY, Tlcu Preildont.

JAY B. TREAT, Trcaaarer.Tor, Fob. 17,1873. IMf



Dealers in




Glass Wnrc,

WoodfeWillo-w Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gas l'ipc and Fittings,



I'owlei", Fuse mid Mining

Materials constantly on


Cor. Black well and Morris Streets.



THE CHEAPEST.Tho bindidmol, and tho Doit.

A1LEN, PAIiMER & SON,are now prtpared with cxtrm facllittea for pnt-!fac o* BM1H JIOOFJNO ID all ttia TarfoueomblaktianB of atylat and eolora which tn»T bdeslREOdor reqnlrod and which Hoofing Slato10 anlnentljr «|ualiQed to product),

Tho boit qoilitj of STato will bo mod anaoar writ wsmnUd to moduco .'.1 tho goodeffoett of a t.glat anil durable roof.

. AUB1I,PALMER*BON,16 tf Doiar.N.J,

1673. 1875.





wboro joa will Qnd a Uieo auortnunt lo Hiedfrom if all UEH3E3 sial BTVLE3.



MonnrsToiviv, s. J.



• DO VBt t , N,pl,'MI. KISIS OF

FBEBH MEATS,Vegetables, Fish.

Poultry, EtcIn Ihdi MaaatM, at Voolnab asd ItaUll. Allmoat »id in tbomaAit UJted at owaUvihUr-

oito. Tie OtraM prln li eaah paid forwfeiVOabaa'.udlMp.Ufe''Th«and.nIp]H),<latUn Unaalf that Uilrtj

T«an' cnMfiasM Is ifct biutuubu firm UrnatbainiirifcallliiwMc.amilialbiiaabbloatbainiirifcalalliiwMc.amiliabiiaabblo

ta,.nS..nan aa to tooip.1. »flh aoj, bolnMtoqaaUtyalidprice,. XcallisrtipMtftilljMtoqaa

Boror.reb. 3,1,1871.I.LIIDU1.



JEitfUV.Hucccmor to Seaur^-j Jluicl. tto tlic "Uuion IJuiiH jil Uover."


nd c IX- in HiKolfiB, ChuckM, Ac AIM> AKI-IIIB f«rUrafui oa tho Uninu il.mli nf I^.IKIMid 1'roTindal lluuk i'f Irulr.tnl.M. II. PICIiEIWON - - -WAltltKN UECiUIt - - -

U. II. DIUKEnsON, JUilNUENIIY 11AKEH, JAMKST. ll,OltlTTEHl>r.N. *<• <•- I

2«-lf H11ION MI^KIJ.

Dover Savings Institution,


HENIty liAKKll - -MAH1.UN If. D1CKE11S0JJWA1II1KS ttEOUIl - -

T 1. U a T K E b :lion IT* I'stfor. Juln llincu.ST. II. Dic-ternon, Jae. H*. /)n/ll«;rlw)Thus. Il.UrilUmlcti. TUB. II. Ko.nliU.ur,Ahu. WiL'litun, Clias. JI. Tunis,

Jus, Itoilorur, Ja«. A. (luoiiiik,David JunkiiiH, Wm, 11. Jlcliavii,Svhentot Ulvkerson, Martin V. II. rtouriliKiclmrd titciiluniR, liieliattl Junkinu,

Hubert F. Ornm.

'l'bifl Inutltutioii ia uuw mid <lor bnainuaii.

Oflico, In Jlovcr Batik.luluruiit aliall ctimniunuu ruuiilut; upou nilami diuwnitod oil tliu tlrst day uf March, June,

Beplrmbor itid Dt-uombur, which tvtr i ' - "Ural baiiren next after tlio ilcposil lu matte.WAMIEN SEOUlt • • - Trcasi

Pub. 11,187a. U f





Meals Furnished at All Hours.

Oysters Served in every Style,I l ies Stii, pi icd uy tlio H i m -

tired y r T 3 io iiaiiii.ltAKD DELIVEltED TO ALL P.UITS OV TIIK


:o:Mr. WAITERS luii fitted up npivrt-

nioa •• fortlio nccoiniiioJatiim of Ludica,

ICE CREAM SALOON.WAY'S 10 i:. ClIKAM niHl ovmy tliinB

aquisito fur

Parties, Festivals. raMQuiiila mtea,

flOT* AH orilnni i>i nuiptly to.


ma HOUSE iTinmii iHQ UOODB Dr o n oInscription, 'flio largoit, bctt and choapesMBortuout of





Ana gentlemen's FINE UNITING OLO^TJi,gonuluo llaaiiift aad Turkuv leather I,AD.EM1

JATOHELH- AC«it« tm CUKK'H GENUINEItORfiB (JLTPIMIIO HACIirNES. Clipringiltoari and Comlu, and all gooJi pertaining tuIho bQalacRS,





I".'; ' ,ro»riiitj|H liava a.1.1. .1 u vi-ry lar{,'o nJ-1 di.urn lu tliLir Mti.u', iin.|iii;li Ih.'.v n

into Il»"luJJfS"S orMlJi'di'vi'Wsl'irfi

ricu.iil Hals and Bonncis

1 llio liloit riijfu an.l lrlinm:il ivilli Ink-

Fine !ni|iortcd Flowers.

SYttvat t y B 'rttllMASS, jt<iiin.'iilH, H,lk mill \S,nill intwlo up to unU-

l (l tit••<( l

ili'niiil HTlt.VW HATHvt I-Y..I.K-H, Jt t O

. Sli-aw Hutu jmlV i t l

Fancy Goods Department,

S" raS"i',"'S™ri''Jlr'fi V.S' K.SK 'S»lUbl-i.>iN, fl]ii))uru nml Ihi't'iul Icicus,

till STAM IMS.ut¥ iluiuila

Mourning Department,Wbrro j-uu can limi all hi ink of


Taiu.dc Cloili, Sntlue Cloth, Ilaratlim Clotlil'riln-u'i (,'li/tli, t'aiitcm CUitli Imiiorifil Korco,U s i ' l . (."oril, Muiic!iunlrr I'.mfi.m, l'nrutm.'(lu,

nrKl'lolli, lleiirHlatiiilli, Auntralmi CMIClutli. L'iuliu.*i-c, Ural) rt'Elu, nll-HW-l \'WL.L'UII<>. Mack Merino, UruiadimH, llnm-lknUntil, KnipriMM Until, Italian Clotlt, LatK-u

' i, Uinrnls Clotli.

Black Alpacas a Specialty,



l i n V K I i . \ ' . .1.



e a m r f f i fIiuy.iiun Urcaa or m

iinin will be iiruwuta rnUorns that (Inyi t hi ll

'"Wo'caii nnil wi.lti-ll ytliaii y«u cantuy them

le m i far a Escli,ial with oiiQof lluilcininy scloet.amlalioburitii^ till ihu litw

TII15 WHITB tiOOUS BTOC.K_. jroyon will nmlii Tull linn of Saltwook, Ji

no), \hlmm IAKU, CninLrlr, Clr-a,u!ios, IIioijid, IJjiir CUTIIB. THI'LCLI MiiKliiu *licuCaintirliri, pliu-lirit>,iitrli'ti'1 Jew':i>r.-iii.lulicil Cunitiric, llifliiij) 1,-iwn, V n -ialuuiMl., Hwi a Mull, uliitu ami colurcil Tarle-

Ladies' Underwear:All Limh utlmlita1 mill cLSUrou'rl iimlp-l

'lultrgartnenta, 1,-iiHca' nnd MiuHen' | Cur not.ItiHJorv or ftH kiiKU ntiil HiECB, lln.ltriuL'an »'•Li.lo 'ilinn<l llo.o, nlilhlreii'a wliltf, coloredind ulr.pud liOHlury, Iwop uliirtu, Ac

Wo trill bojileastul tu have you ciatnlno omloud*. Williiot urgiijuu to buy, BIHI nllguodiiircliniD.1 or uu, not proving .atiifatUjty, wlm excliiuigcd or inuiicy rcfiiutlcd,

Q-ray & McG-uinness



Sjiiitli American


Lighie, Newton and Bradbury


Agenoy at Dover,At Prices as Cheap as they citii

bo liatl at tlio Jtrauufaclurcri.

Wm. Tre tlieway— darine tlio pait two j o i n gold irony or IbcilatlmtaeDti ia*oa about Dorcr, Itocliiwii'»ndalong tho liua of tho r&Uroail a t lUcl t l t e -

iowD, riiUliptbargli am, otlier nlacofl.ana Kipotlfullr Informi tho public that lio•till continuci tho •eoncy.ror tlielr sals.To pirliei wtntlDR k fluo lmtrtmii<iit ho

wonldMltthoirconitderatlon or tbo OrK.uaIa hUpoMeiilon bofaro colas oliowLun to Toroi will bu ronilti tolareboiera. Initillmentupiyslla i t lt.ttrra.1

Ai thoVijflie Ini l rntatntura nf thoTarTbeHtsi&i.ufftDtiii'ii, £ tlilriV 6 IQUS LdTcrtiiGincitL ict*ne forth tho rqn t i t l e i ia muerfliiouj, anil auktna iirapls m%\ of their merits at ttis dgoiicy,

At the Store of I). A. Berry,•0OV£U,N,J.



Boot and Shoe StoreOF D0TEII IiJ

WILHA1II LETCHEB'S.tailj oppoaiU l io Klllonal Union Bank.

AM ExcnxiMT SaLsanov cw

iaitors and Shoes for Ladles,Mii.ti and OUUm, anil

Men's Light 4 Heavy Boots.. unial « r io^ Tor ontj doicripUon ofwear.«3- llEPiinUlO pranpU; attond^ lo.

W.. H,Hogsc, $ign and Ornamental


HMQIXO, i n ,

don. « lhn«l« . . and jU.p.ich.ana on n

GOB. S u c m u . i n Smaar Bntxcn,


W l! predict & (uToinblQ ....tor. Why? IIUMUBU X

mil mnOunto.- , . . .. va nttrl.iuta

prusont warm wcatlicr t» an tbundaut m_ .our AI1QASU HAUli JttlllKIKCI nnil D\B1HKATIKO 1'A1H.O11 BIWU, Tlinntnulilyl&stuil latt noaflon and VQrruiiUul to I(II moru' aina tlinii any olhcr in tho market, tit

IMISIVM ivitli it nml kpup tlio toniiiohili: _ _ironcbliiR wlnler Jiiflt nhoro you want it,iUo, ITC ttavu in tjtocli tbo bevt

PAHLOB FURNACEmil over furtv dlflorfiit pattorna of TAnlOllUU, and (lOOXINO bWvES; pm SACE11AK0ES, C11ATES, lo .

WOOD and IB0N PUMPSu[ every yariolj, LEAD aud IUON PIPE.


Ooppur anil Iw,, lYftn.dono at lowm market n

mid Lamii Fiilurra. TiitiioAng, Outlers, A

U Agciitaf

GLINES1 -ROOFING PAINT.Wi-lcont" ouo and nil to nn eutniiiAtion o( onitudc.


GEO. W. DRAKE,Tho kri-ost and nioal sntccuful Dealer In

BOOTS and SHOESTbat over did Hutlucn In

M O R R I S T O W N ,

WINTER GOQBS,Which rarpaiioi anylblup in ttio lltio,

lu point or -


Superiority of Material,

Kror before enured.


E. O.Ladles, Misses and Children'sSHOES,

of atjlei and me" nroment" °"

;|icnpcr t lmn a i any otli

Sfort iu Dfavrii puiinty.

BuM>cv Boots mul Shoes,lid ttToniUpir lu Mia l |n u from tl,0

W««» popiilir



Noil lo •Wnabington Hall EailiUng,

Morristown, W. J.

lHO.Vnm! Bit ASS V.


'A T H I N G O F B E A U T >

A JOY FOREVER."A...1 11.0 l"'l'l» tt llio | u . l or Hi•iiunly mil Iliid Hmt it will luy liwiu l<' l>uliniiu MibLlulitial nirnitun', ^ (lie ""»v


Parlor, Dining-Booii]- A N D -


OFFICE OUTFITS, ETC.WIIMI vlll bo iliH|i{ihcil i.f at vriL-c thai \ri!

nutuuidli llir uallvt'4


....t In coll lo'liu cnn iuuL'il Ifial tu (!" firlficMr fiirnllitro «<nilil l»v tu faru .vorBJ.


. joumxa ANDliEl'AlUlRU

.11 it JiraiK-lica pronurlv nml dir,i|ily tlon'J'lic jiMitost IMIO iwi.l »tt<nitloii will, nn burui

UNDERTAKINGMillijrescrvctl with ur wjllmul ico, a!

irtcm" nolko. ' Jli'itiK IJOH^SML'II of nil tlio•ti'rn ftlniliaiiixM ]n.rt:iiiimf; In tho triulo.

W • miwniim. nova IIUIyciim. l^oitci'lv flmilictl ntiralcinr»iktiitTuL'iEEVu .. ,

New York.

W A, IlA'JCKLOlfK ALASKA (U-.AL, fir tint Hair, 'llio best flair Oil In »»

W A . HATCHELOK'H DESTI l-'WICK VO, hcanlirvliiif and nreHjrving llio Tcctli



iH cLibionlUixicTriiniilt«Oulk'-inlitoward llioso who r

o trt.-i-. r


i". a. l-Aivuiiii.

"roTt "TX-I E



•'Lie™ l!i<> ll.'kl nitli a lure.' utucU of

- AKD-




HOUSE cLomraa,pt all ilcncripUonx. Intcrlorlng IloolH of all tileading HtyleB and modorn imiirovoninalH, L'un(femU, Ilorso llni,h«B, llultor,, Tinm v

C A l l l l 1111AUCHT I I A J I I ; ,

unsurjiasBCd for strength nnd tluralillityhjiunHoa ami Cliatnnla BUIIH or wavb'on injI«BCH. A Urtju nuiiiliur or wtll rnkdo iilu of

SIH&IE and DOUBLE HARNESil>otb ll(;lil ami lioavy, en liand. All Idndy o:llarnenn mado to ordur of llio In-al tualunalu lij

A. TAYLOH,OcL 3l«l, 1871. DOVEH, K 1.

Marvin Dodcl & Co.!


Ncxinik, N .4 .

DRY GOODScry lUoerlplioa, mrilU a Binvoia dopnili|0 U9.0 df

TANCY.GOODSor all l:tmtfl, at our Uflnni low nrlccH,

vl.ltl.iB S.warl wll lnlmjj flnd IIIintorcalu scrri'd Ijy callini,'


Cent ra l Dry GoodsStore ,

059 BK0A1) STREET,



Hardware, Iron and Steel,NAILS, HAHDWAKE,



Wooden AVnrc midHoiisclicepiiig Goods.

PAINTS, o S s , GLASS,aud Mauufaclurcra' ArUclci concml,]-,

Lime, Cement , Plaster,

H.' PTSANDERSONl u fur Iho Fa l l . n i l W n . l cr B , i , | , d l lI" ™»Traj


OpiwBite DOFM bepot.

JAGErirS WANTED j ; . ; : - , ! " .

Coughs, Colds, HoarsenessAliil AH Tin1"*1* Din'"111-1-1


l'L'T Ul' ONLY IN J«*l*E «OXKH

A T1UED AND SUKE ItEMKDY.'„ Iij DrUKuMn b-nuwlly. in«l

U.K.- J(.ii: s Hoi.

H.isiri.Ksin- ml a cum- U

Hblo P.OUTFIT "OUTFITKNT I'liCR IV.. iisf'l » wiilnrery i,i.]jlil,,,il,raiil In lakii otifc.II.U ur mil- .olablitliitjl C, O.

' f II l i

JI: Cuii 1'iv l.) tliu riiibt i*n.ou. A r•iv t»r ail. mult! ur female, at vonr liuu

Z\Urn rSrS'i "™,\!V\lmrftkuil (ffu-o vimr ti'rri.'iry. II. .1. HALL iX (II S. IIHWAIUI fr., llalllui»rt', Mil. <"•

o & u s , j i lmi H iid I

!• yu,-j; -wEsa«:i.v W I W E M ,Marlivlti. SlurifB, l'itlnrta, ami 1nt fii.!iu o yttir r.itungo [lalil, li

>tuuUL'ii'ciiliitiuu in Uiruo j-tam. Bemiili- eojiy.

ADVEltTIKISQ : CUK.W: OODII ; lijulcAil pormnimt'lia «»:lrtijpl;ilc JJWBIII

tnintB (vitli iicwii|»ai«jrt f»r llio iiiHurtidivrtlnoint-'iilu, ulicul'l m-ml «»•«•«>••»• t« tie*.1 Iimvfll A L'II., JI I'ai-t How, New V9rl(, forliiirPAJIl'IHiKT-llOOK (iilncly-Hovoiitli td«ti), contalolnir U>tH ofowr 2,0(10 ncwiiupoi

nml t-etiinnlL'r), nli<m!ng tliu coil. luJatlJ to lunJiiif,' imjiciH in iiiauy fclUtcul n trfinfi.cloiid mluci.fH. frmn puUfuficn

, GiirniEDooK. *-ly

NEW YORK TRIBUNE.((Tlii» Lending Aint'iionii KnvKi-uin-r.

THE 11EHT AUVEIITISKW HEDWDaily, flu II year. KfiuMVculil y, (3. Wcdilv.

ur.uiK niiiE TO T J I E nuimouiinimi'ti Ciims und AdvuiiialuK 1 Inlet 1'rcly, in flulis nf ui) or muro, only t l , i»mtlaa«

AJdri' B Tut TIHLUM:, N. Y. J l y

A. HATCH ELOU'M HAIH DVE• ••' '<•< «••--'-tiillt. Uutabljnliu<t

t IJ.,Tunr.U)i('a cti.(7UUV, 10 itondKt,

'I" R Y t : | I H <«'"*IA», n larao, Uvc, rmnlly l . .1 n ' rull «r alorlo* tiud eootl remliiiB. N(

| E buc-lariniiiHin, iHiUtA, nUU, UUIVH HI

il IllrtB. for !1 fiptdineiis btfnrn vott lorgiiifjnliiiiHa SUp J'n-iiilnin. ABwitii lvnntml

'•yiUmu. l ib OjinmlsBlnns ))»!(!! II. "...JIIMIH, E3S WiwUlngtou Bt., lluulon, Mot

GUH Aivli St., IliibUUliliift, Pa. 4-lv

MASTER'S SALE!'it L'linncery uf Nnw Jorany-Bolirocii Henry

llmwii aiul Cordelia Uruwn, Lin wife, cont-

J'loititititii.Diia Ann Kvtrtn, Arilmr KvartftInrciis Jivuitn, Hnmuul Eu r ln nnd Lucim

Uvariu, (iL'R-iiJanlii. Uu Utcruu forlaiulri.

BY virhio of ami In inireuanco ul an onlur(lie (;<,«rt, wailo in " ' ' '

A. I>. XB7-1,1 uLalt Bull at l'ubl.a Yi-niliio, to tinliictifBl Iriililor, at tlio Mnunlon HDUHU Ilotuiin Jtorriulown, in Iho County of Murrlu, Hlntior KowJerBeY.ouSATURDAY, the Gtli Goy of FchrA. H. 1S75, liclwcon Iho tome of 13 IT. __..P. AI., that is lo say at 2 oVloi* In tlio aftoniomiuf Bold dny, oil tlium tiTO certain trnola or landnml tirnnlgcH, eituolc, Ijiog ami botnir In thoU'own ol llMiiton, Cminty o f Morriit, andorNawJeniPy, kouiidu.t aud ileucriWl L = .„lows: Tho tlrsl tract Iwplng at 5 point on thenor! [masterly *iclo ot Clturtli street, tlistamiiriT root nortl»tL't)t«tly frum tlio north Guruojor CliurcU Bin] Bprucu Btrcetu: ttiunoo (1) nortlicmtcrly nloiig tlio lino ot OliurcU atrcut om

null-oilfoct; tlicnw (2JhorllmeRtcrirotrli;lil.{;1OB to Cliureh slreet, QUO Lundrvduiity-four fi>ut; UicniU (3) suutbtrcal

^rslfdnlth Chnrcli Btrcot, ouo hundred 1.heuco H) BDutlienstorly at right OIIUIGI tCLnrcli strict, ono liuiiilrcd nuil tvratily-foufut't to tlio pUco of brgitmlng.

Tlio ucund tmcL bofjiiiH at tlio no rib (

or Church BIKI K|,ru™ Btrcota, ami ruua t1) northwoBtcrly nloiis Hpruco Btroot, oneluudrttl mill hvuuly*ruurruct; tliQiico (2) tiorLU*

(.nitorly at right angles to Hprnco Bfroof, Iirtjcut; tlimico (3) wutltcastorlj pamllol witul>ruL-o struct, lino liuutU-wl and twoiily-four*l to CliurcU Blrout; tlwico (4) nloiiK C'Lurcb:rcet, llfty tot tu tliu n lua ot Lt'slnn[nBl•iitalnln(t eiily-twn liunarcd iriuaro foot, to.uthcr with all and RincuUr Iho licrudltfluiontB

mid amitrr.ciistcet'K lo llicsald jfreiulics Iwjooe-lus or In any wii& anperlnin nix. -

„ _, , Master hi t'taii.Hornnlo\vn, Nov. K5tu, 1B7J.

SHERIFF'S SALE!II Chancery of Now Ji;rse7.-I"l, (a. For saleMiorleaKul pronilauii. WliGrolii J. UnwmJJ'ilUlB Conililalmut, and 2opacr H. L'ory atClara lily wlfu, ami *riiom,H TUUIIRD, aro Vloiiilniita. llctumalilo to i'obmarV Termv. ISID. AvavtiTua w. (.TOLEII, ffl.'

R V i l r l n or IIID above nl.l.d »rlt or HOH• U ' " ' • • ' " T O l>««aa. I analloinouifor u lnt M i l l ) cnCnp at Ito Jlaii.iou jlauso HoM,

Morrutown, K, J., onMONDAY, llio «lu ilaj or Folmiarj noil

A. 1>. 1»7B, bolwoen llio nonrnol l !M. a n au clock r . M., Hint U lo tny, at 3 o'clock In IliafllmicoB of ula da,, all i t ' . ' l i e ° ™ p ™ | „'»«a and allluji, lyinit and b l u e Inho 'Jmvualiip of Sit. Olive, in Iho County O

Horriy and Blnto o( New Jorecy. llelnE a nir

tract liouifjiuiuiiuisii iu DO convoys , „ .mul ImuniKil nu MIOWB: DeuinniitL' at

MM! !• a1» llio lws1nulnR curmrof tboabovmtiitlunud lol No. 1 and ruiw rroin tliBiun n

DM, vlileli italil jurt of tliu orlRlatAytalondra to bownyoyod IB fcfitiu

' ' r e d

W j linki; llicico (5) louBreta weal nluo chaiun and5 f r o f u!?1»?illf. oouWn


unubtoJlajTcrm, 1SH.ISAAOIlOlIAIKEjK!,].

llin o l . tatabaltoC 11,0 •!,„,. f,.r||D, „„,<,

'rK'£s.,;{S.i:tiii;«'i"'' " : s

JIOSDAI, l'Eli8UAUY l«t,


JAHUUIY Cth, 1H76.•u(tlie matter of lllcUard Jenkins, AilminiBlr»-Ord"r to i to i f f tS to i* 0 " 1 6 4 Bw"n«»t(p1i



P O R T ORAM, N. J .

5)r. J. Walker's CiiHfornln vin-CRlir ItittCrs ura n purely VeyoiaLlopicparntion, mado eliieflj from tlio iiotivohiirUBtomidontliolowerranKcaof theflipr-ra Nevada ncmntains of California, tboinediciuol properties of -wliioli are Rxtract-cd tlici'tlrom witliout tho oso of AICOIIQ],'Ilicijucntioiiianlmoat dailycakcil, "Wlmt!H tlio ciiiisa of tbo nnpntaUcbd EUCCCSS ofVKEOAB Brrnnia?" Oar wiawer 1B, thattlioy rcmovo tho cause of disease, and tlioptiueat recovers his health. They tu-0 tbagreat blood purifier and a life-giving prin-ciple, a perfect Benovfltor and Invigorntorof the fiyatom. Kevcrueforeintholiletoryof tlio world haa a modioiue bean com-pounded poftsaaAing tbo remarkable qua).t ifY^EOAnBiTiTnisiuliealinRtliditiesofY^EOAnBiTiTnsiuliealinRtliomdc

of every diHeaBO man ia heir to. 'l'iioy uto a•outlo PnrRiilivo aa wolt as a Tonic, rrfiu v-

,ng Conpeatioii or Iiiflanimation of i] luLiver ami Visceral Organe, iu Biliouu Dja.

3:3. . ~_K IIH'H will Pitloygood Jicnllli, ht

tiicm uso VISEOAU lliTTEno « a medicine,uiid nvoid tlio HSU of nlcoliolio BtimuInuLiin every form. ''• • '. .

R . j r . ntcuoNAi,n & cc*.tilii'lA *hi1 Cklii-H* A^imt4, Ball ir'inucEMCn, Cailrirrn. f.r . Wurililiiuluu diul Clmrlluu KU.., -Sui i . , , .

which CMI bo cured by 1timely 1'csort to this'^tRnd-«nl pi-upnrution,na hits boonproved by tho hundreds oftestimonials received by thopropriutore. I t ia acknowl-edged by many prominentphysicians to bo the mostrclinblo preparation ever in-troduced ibi' tho relief andeuro of all Lung complaints,nnd is ofibrcd to tho public,auuetioned by tlio oxporlcncoof over forty years. AVhonresorted to in genson it sel-dom fhila to efibct a spocdycure in. llio most, severecases of Oox\ghc, Bronchitia,Croup, "Whooping Cough,Tnflucnzn, Astlimn, Colds,Sore Tlivont, Piitns or.Sovc-nuss iu tlio Chest nnd Side,Liver Complaint, Blooding'at Mm Lungs, &c. •"Wietar's15nla:iin docs not. dry. iip,nCoiiyli, and. lcavo.tho oausobehind, us is tho cai o withmost prcpitriUions, but; itlooseiW;, tint I • cleanses tin?lung*, nml allays irntution,thus removing tliu eauiio oftliu complaint.

OETE W, FOWLH i'tJOHalEorton, Jbsa»A u d ] j t y D l U l I ) l t l



Pumalo Humaao Association,a t ALKXANDIUA, VA. •

MARCH 2 0 t h , 187fi.

MST p f C1Pud.Citftbam, . . ; .

t C t O t r t

1Q Oasli QlftB,W) Cash Girta,

100 Casb Uifli,1.000Cash Gift*,1,000 CtBli Oifta,

20,000 CnaU Qlfla,

hOirt.. . . . . . . . ; . . . . ;i , *LO,00OcacliilftB, fi.OOOcachirta 1,000 oaoh.. . . . : ' .V

600 utob..'... :.'/('I W J M O I I . . , , ; . . .COoacU .,



23,178 Cftgli Oifti, awoantiiiR t o . , . . . ,(1,000,000


PBICE OF T1QXZTB..loin T i c i i o t i . . , . . , . . . , . . ; . , . , i . / .ssatwftivoo r io trisjitliior c(ioUCoup'oii..'.*'.i,'',."'...,'.. 9 COiTloLoUfor; „ . . , . .100 00Tho Montpclicr Femalo Hmnanb ABwebllop,urtortd by tlio LcKl»l»turo of Tlrglma »ntlio Circait Court ofOrongo Co./proponeu by »Irjnd Qirt Concert to LHUb.iu]i and, cnilovf aHomo for llio old, Infirm, and Uottitnlo-"-lOlVlrGhiU" nt KontiHilloP. *'"> former

uco or l'Tcaidotit Jntica Midleon,

IUffords°in[i p.Mitiu'ro'to"i.yI'lJint I km weltqnalntod with a hrgo mnjorlty of the otBconi

f tho Ikloiitpoliur l'cmalo Ilnnuuie Aiioclntion,io rcHidu In tbo vicinity of p y ; tiume, aud 1test their intrllieenco anrt tliofr worth mJ-'• rapulMion xg RWjtlcmon, nn wull an llio

io coulliloiico,, inlluutico and' Bulut "is ilhaiaUf rtit'tvmtnttHl uuwng ihnm,L• JAMK31. KBHPRR, GOT. Virginia.EXiWDBii, Va.1Jnly.Wli,iB74, * • • I

-™-Jioiidtbciu us ifuiitfl'iit lioncr ood iutnurltT,.ud fully cutitluii to tlic coulldwico ol tliu uiit-i c . » • • • • - * • • • - • • » ' •

l t .W.IIDailEH,, . U.H.Jmls«EaBUTnDli.t.«rVa.

1' Urtljor rciercnct'H by itunnliBiuii: IIii Ki-ll one j Gilbert C. Walhor, ux^lovcruor of V».jin. KolHirt li. WitliCM, Liout.-flov. uf Vo. imlH. Senator elect: BumiturH and Ucmbon of

Htmilttaneoj ibMichcta may bo mflilo l.jui-iroji prepaid, pont-otfes munt'T-onlnron Wnfli-

:toii,I). C.orlivregfaluroa'Juttor.*"r full particulnrH, t<jstlmoaial»i itu., «cin*

orCironlar.' Addrem [ '• - • • ' • : ' •; ' • Hon.'JAMES BAEBOUB.

Pnis ' rM.P , JL'A., Ai.fruitbitu.Vi-•bio »}-cnt» nantcd ovt-rywliotO. • ' 6-1*

S3 io Sid'm>r flay. ,Acont>T wan[oi], A"imci of worliiog-pouiilo of both sotti , y.iunSu olii, malo more moiipy at work for us, itoir ovu locnlituH. ilurlliEt.itilrGpariiinumtiii1

r nil ttatlmtt Ihulu at any thine fclBo: Vtuofotraploymont lliat wiU na j •landionioij' for innour1- work. Pull parilcalwB • tormi, Ac, WB|"". Bend iu sour »a»IroB8 at:on«j.. W--3T. Now Is tUo timo, Dou'l forwu-

r liiiiilnoHti OiSQwhere, sntil'you hi™ Idirocd•liatwooUyr. O.HTntBON tt Co,',1 PortlmJ.


Veuk, N e r v o u s , o r Debi l i t a ted t |.HE you go LiNauio tJmt any cscrllon rCnuin1' j

» oraucmirt tlian yon foolfcipaWoorn.'.VfiiS;iiENTnt JUllUIlBllA, thu wondorlul T.«I"ntnoou&Ton, wl.lcb aota *) bnaoHaiMj °" <.'^' ."i1*0 o r E a n * »* i o impart TlfiMtu »vital forciii. ; • • •

, I I •• no alocliolio appotlzor, vlilcli Btimiiln^i ; ft aliort time, onWia lot tbo aulfrrur rail 'loWurdoiitlior.ra.Hury.bnt (t ia a vDRotal*

acting diroctlv flu tlio UTCT &n>l spiiMinaTM THE ltowiiJ« qie tB tbo i

"Putd their ttrntu; Hko'tlio AraliB^_• Ai.dBilonUyhteali.»ay."' ' ; ,bli la no,nun «jd untried discovery, bu t " "

long uaud ulib womlerful remoOial tenftfi» iirononnccd LT tbolilghcat nnrfl»jo n t W " tbo . tnoa t poweFfur-wnlo »n^

WUTO known." • - • i'.-• • •- 'r inlo by JQifeSXOH, IIOLV>WAV A

j j r n i ^ i g L f a r | t . • , ' ..'*-


i for CaUlggno toW.Y.EDWAimB,Aomr,