“real change”. av -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

“Real Change”

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Page 1: “Real Change”. AV -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

“Real Change”

Page 2: “Real Change”. AV -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

“Real Change”

AV -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

Page 3: “Real Change”. AV -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

Positive thinking can only bring about limited solutions. Real change comes when you move past thinking, to an unshakable trust of God’s work in your life.

Page 4: “Real Change”. AV -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

Highlights from the Message: “The Secret of The Third Coming” – ministered on 5/8/2014

~Glen Dyal~- The secret to the Third Coming is “CHANGE.”- When you’re moving you have to change.- When the conditions change then you have to change.- There should not be any struggle to change.

Page 5: “Real Change”. AV -- change (6) 1) to change, to exchange one thing for another, transform

II CORINTHIANS 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.

Vail – AV -- cover (5)1) to hide, veil, i.e. to hinder the knowledge of a thing

When Paul was given the message of the Second Dispensation, there was a vail that hindered the people from entering into the knowledge of the Second Coming. That vail was the old message of the First Dispensation. The vail of the First Dispensation held the people back from entering into the ministry of Moses as that ministry transformed itself into the Second Coming.

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Even unto this Day, we see yet another distraction or a hindrance upon the people, as the ministry of Moses has transformed itself again into a New Message of a New Dispensation, bringing about another change. The vail of hindrance that’s upon the people today is the old message of the Second Dispensation, keeping them from having any interaction with the Full Word back on the scene, as Moses is being read from the Third Testament. 

The great change in this Day has taken the Church from an age of partial understanding into an Age of Full Understanding, as the knowledge of the Full Word was hindered by a partial understanding coming down through the ages.

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Not until we entered into the Third Coming, were we able to fully interact with the ministry of Moses, as the vail of blindness (or limitation) was removed through submission to its ministry. No longer are those who have surrendered to the Call, are they hindered from being able to understand, as real change brings about understanding.

If our thinking can’t change for the better, then our understanding will never change. There has to be a continual revealing of God’s Word in order for our understanding to transform to a higher level.

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II CORINTHIANS 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

Turn – to be converted or to turn back   Before a person can see or come to an understanding, the vail of blindness (the limitation) has to be removed. A vail of blindness is the absence of understanding… It takes a REAL CHANGE to remove the vail of blindness in order to bring the needed understanding.

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II CORINTHIANS 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty. is = exists (present)Liberty = freedom

The ministry has set the captive free by removing the absence of understanding! If liberty exists (if it is present), then the absence of understanding has been removed in order to see and feel the very substance of our real being, which is the Spirit of the Lord, or, the Theophany. When the Spirit of the Lord or the Theophany exists inside of human flesh, there also exists the liberty to understand and feel.

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~Donald Parnell~"IS" is always. It can't be anything else but the "Present". It is a wonderful thing to be in the "IS". Your Brother Donald Parnell was always "IS"! And that is a great thing. Now I know there is something greater than being "IS".

On February 8, 1954 Brother Donald Parnell was birthed into the "FEELING" of "IS". I've felt "IS" and grown to understand "IS" for 60 years now. I did it by entering dimensionally the "FEELING" of "IS".

I put "IS" on and it feels good. It is nice! It is exciting! It is amazing! It is sublime! Emotion runs deep in feeling "IS" and it creates. The Giver creates the Receiver and then fills himself up with the "FEELING of love. I now "FEEL" the "IS"; the God that I am.

To "FEEL" "IS" is much greater than being "IS".

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II CORINTHIANS 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, [even] as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Once the vail or the absence of understanding has been lifted from the face it is then that you are able to look into the mirror of God’s Word to the age and be changed into the same image from glory to glory. When the Wordman receives change in glory through experience, it also changes the fleshman. “Looking at oneself in the mirror of God’s Word to the Age is what allows change.”

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We are changed/transformed into the same image of the Wordman from glory to glory, [even] as by the Spirit of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord is the ministry working in the Body to bring change/transformation. The ministry is constantly bringing about change by speaking the Word of the hour to change/transform us from glory to glory.

~Donald Parnell~We are going through a redeveloping right now. Our new creation is still a shadow, but more up-to-date.

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59-1231 AND.FROM.THAT.TIME_ JEFFERSONVILLE. IN THURSDAY_91 Oh, I remember Congressman Upshaw, setting in a wheelchair for sixty-six years. That night yonder in California when the Holy Spirit come down and begin to speak, he met God, and from then on he could walk without his crutches.

I've seen the time where cancer eaten people, laid with nothing but a shadow, and the doctors had passed by, and said, "They're gone." Their loved ones gather in to say the last words that they could to them; encouragement, but they met God. And from that time on, they were changed. They lived different.

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Comment: From the time that we met the Son of David Ministry in flesh, it brought about a real change, causing us to live different by bringing God present tense into every aspect of our life.

The problem of today is that most so-called Christians haven’t had a real change in their life to make Christ present tense in their walk. They haven’t had a new birth to transform them into a new walk..

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59-1231 AND.FROM.THAT.TIME_ JEFFERSONVILLE. IN THURSDAY_ I can see the foul woman yonder on the street. I can see the drunkard yonder in the alley. I can see the hypocrite yonder in the church. All those different kinds of people, each New Year, turning a new sheet and trying to do something different, try to make restitutions and do so forth. Let them meet God one time, and from then on...


Comment: Change has everything to do with the Word of the Hour. If the “change” (or the Word of the hour) is actively functioning in you, it will change you from glory to glory!! It will continue to reveal new things.

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59-1231 AND.FROM.THAT.TIME_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN THURSDAY_ 94 Jesus preached to those from then on that set in the regions of the shadow of death. And I say tonight, if a man wants to have a real change come on him, let him come face to face with God and meet Him one time, then he can say, "From then on, from that time on, I was a changed man. I know by experience."

Comment: Receiving a revelation is to have an experience, and having an experience is something that’s personal. You can’t go off of someone else’s experience and give a witness to something that hasn’t happened to you. Having an experience is a result of being involved. If there’s no involvement, how can there be any experience?

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Today, meeting God face to face is to meet God’s ministry preaching the Third Testament. Meeting God’s ministry through the preaching of the Gospel will bring about a real change, therefore bringing about a personal experience or a revelation.

Meeting God face to face isn’t looking through a glass darkly, but it’s having a clear understanding by coming in contact… Having contact is having a connection. The only way to meet God by experience and have a connection is to meet Him in the field of the Third Coming. It has to be by experience.

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59-1231 AND.FROM.THAT.TIME_ JEFFERSONVILLE. IN THURSDAY_ In a little while, the church will be gathering here around the altar. You'll be consecrating your lives anew. You'll be giving up things, and laying things on the altar. Brother, let me give you some advice. If you've never met God face to face, let me tell you something: You stay at that altar. Just stay there until you meet God. Then you can point your finger back to that New Year night, not and say, "I turned a new page, I made a new vow," but, "From that time on I met God, and life was changed, and things were different, and everything's become new to me again, from that time on." The time that you meet God.

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Comment: When you meet God on a field that you never been on before and He introduces something new, it changes you and it’s new from that time on. The old is old, but the new is new.

The time that you meet God face to face through the preaching, through fellowship, in worship, everything becomes new again.

Ever since coming into the Third Coming, many, many things have become new, simply by meeting God face to face with skin on Him.

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64-0629 THE.MIGHTY.GOD.UNVEILED.BEFORE.US_ PHILADELPHIA. PA V-3 N-22 MONDAY_ 137 This little family, we find. I told him this little story, which come to my mind just now. That, one night it come up a storm, and mother said to Junior, said, "Now, you go on upstairs, son, and go to bed.“ Said, "Mama, I'm scared," he said."Ain't nothing going to hurt you. Go on up and go to bed."138 Little junior laid up there, and the lightning flashing around the windows. And the little fellow got so nervous, he'd stick his head under the cover, and he could still hear the--the lightning, or see the lightning flash on the windows, and--and hear the thunder roar. So he said, "Mama!"And she said, "What do you want, junior?"Said, "Come up here and sleep with me."

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139 So she come up the steps, like any good, loyal mother would. And she came up, and she took little junior in her arms. And she said, "Junior, mother wishes to speak to you just a moment.“ Said, "All right, mama."140 Said, "Now you must bear this in mind. We go to church, constantly. We read the Bible. We pray. We are a Christian family. We believe in God." And said, "We believe that, in storms and whatever goes on, God is our protection."141 He said, "Mama, I believe every bit of that. But," said, "when that lightning is so close," he said, "I--I want a God with skin on It."142 So, I--I think, not only junior, but all of us feel that way. When we get together, when we pray one for the other, God with skin on It.

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~Glen Dyal~- God is Love… we are Him.- Never be critical of no one. Love will do what other things won’t do. Know how much care that you have for one-another.