real estate- create more clients in 30 days

A Step-By-Step Marketing System for Creating a Consistent Flow of Income (Real Estate Edition) CREATE More Clients in 30 Days

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A Step-By-Step Marketing System

for Creating a Consistent Flow of Income(Real Estate Edition)


More Clients


30 Days

Business Success System

Dear Business Professional,

I BELIEVE that we create what we focus on. When we’re CLEAR on what we

want and we work a plan with consistency, THEN AND ONLY THEN will we

create a predictable flow of income.

With that said, many business professionals go about their days in defense

mode: fighting fires, haphazardly colliding with people, and beating themselves

up for not addressing EVERY item on their to-do list. I’m here to tell you there’s

a better way.

I developed Create More Clients in 30 Days for people who are ready to break

through their self-imposed earnings ceiling. It’s for professionals who want

more and crave a livelihood rooted in purpose.

I say CREATE clients rather than “get” or “attract” because:

I believe your next best client DIDN’T wake up today knowing they need

you or your service and

You have an opportunity to ensure they go to sleep tonight believing they

can’t live another day without you.

I encourage you to take this in with an open mind and to take action. The

alternative? Continuing to do the things you’re doing and get the results you’re

getting (Einstein’s definition of insanity!). Isn’t it time to CREATE MORE?

Let’s CREATE more together!


©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 1

Table of Contents

Pages 3 – 7 Introduction to Create More Clients

Pages 8 – 13 Creating a Memorable Impression

Pages 14 – 15 This Year I’ll…

Page 16 Your Money Formula

Pages 17 – 18 Selling My “Cake”

Page 19 It’s Who You Know

Pages 20 – 22 Applied Abracadabra

Pages 23 – 26 Time Management Magic

Pages 27 – 28 Book It “Book Ending”

Page 29 Meet Dawn Doherty


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Introduction: CREATE More ClientsUntil one is committed, there is hesitancy,

The chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation),

There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which

Kills countless ideas and splendid plans:

That the moment one definitely commits oneself,

Then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one

That would never otherwise have occurred.

A whole stream of events issues from the decision,

Raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen

Incidents and meetings and material assistance,

Which no man could have dreamed

Would have come his way.

~ Goethe

In the space below, write what Goethe’s words mean to you and how committed

you are (on a scale of 1 – 10) to shifting your behavior starting today.

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Introduction: CREATE More Clients“The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes

on making his own business better all the time.” ~ Henry Ford

They say that “numbers don’t lie.” With that said, here are some numbers that will

wake you up to changing your behavior NOW.

In his book The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work & What to Do

About It, Michael Gerber shares:

40% of business people fail in 1 year;

Of those who survive 1 year, 80% fail in 5 years;

And of those who survive 5 years, another 80% fail.

If 100 businesses started today, how many would still be in business in 5+ years?

How much must you net yearly to consider yourself a thriving business in NYC?

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Introduction: CREATE More Clients“It’s not your customer’s job to remember you. It’s your obligation and

responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.”

~ Patricia


Here are more numbers to consider. These come from a highly regarded sales

consulting firm:

48% of sales professionals say they never follow up with a prospect

25% of sales professionals make a 2nd contact and stop

12% of sales professionals make only 3 contacts and stop

ONLY 10% of sales professionals make more than 3 contacts

List 5 reasons why you don’t contact someone you’ve recently met at an open

house or the client you closed 6 months ago:

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Introduction: CREATE More Clients“When you show people that you REALLY care, they’ll tell EVERYONE they care

for about YOU.” ~ Dawn Doherty

Now that we’ve established that ONLY 10% of all sales professionals contact an

individual 3+ times, here are the stats that demonstrate WHY only 2.4% of all

businesses last more than 6+ years:

2% of sales are made on the 1st contact

3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact

5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact

AFTER 3, it explodes (and only 10% of sales people enjoy this success)

10% of sales are made on the 4th contact

80% of sales are made on the 5th – 12th contact

List 3 reasons why we don’t deliberately and systematically stay in front of people

we know or just meet:

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Introduction: CREATE More Clients“Whether you think you CAN or you think you CAN’T, you’re RIGHT.”

~ Henry Ford

The difference between those who do and those who don’t is the amount of fear

they harbor. Remember when you were 7? You played freely without a care in the

world. And you didn’t get distracted by what others thought of you.

Awareness around the thoughts that hold us back from taking action is integral to

us creating more clients. Replacing limiting thoughts with a NEW paradigm is

critical for our success.

Turn back to pages 5 and 6 and choose the strongest limiting thought from the

exercises you completed on those pages. Example: “I’ll turn people off if I

repeatedly reach out to them.”

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Replace the limiting thought with a better thought — a new PARADIGM.

Example: “When I show someone that I care about them, they choose to

deepen their relationship with me.”

Creating a Memorable Impression“Long after people forget what you’ve said, they’ll remember how you made them

feel.” ~ Maya Angelou

Most of us show up as how WE BELIEVE people want to experience us. For

instance, we’ve been conditioned to believe that a real estate agent acts a certain

way and we play the part we feel will help us land the business.

What makes us unique makes us successful. Instead of covering up our gifts,

passions and talents, we’re being called to LEAD with them. When we’re FULLY

SELF EXPRESSED we leave a lasting impression — this is our most energetic

state. Additionally, our interests and accomplishments allow us to CREATE

RAPPORT with those we’ll do our best work with.

What is 1 THING most people don’t know about you?

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If you were to poll past clients and people you most care about, “How do you feel

after we’ve spent time together?”, how would they respond?

Creating a Memorable ImpressionOur VALUES should be regarded as magnets for attracting relationships that will

serve us best.

List your values (the criteria for choosing clients you’ll do your best work with):

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What are the life circumstances, interests and other descriptors of clients with

whom you most enjoy doing business? Example: travel minded, sports minded,

first time buyers

Creating a Memorable ImpressionNow that you are clear on your values, what’s your gift? It’s the thing you do

BETTER than anyone else. It’s what makes you FEEL good and energized.

Example: listening deeply, unquenchable curiosity, “I’m the queen of connection”

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What do you STAND FOR? Think of Apple — they stand for innovation, improving

lifestyles and design. Our WHY is what gathers our tribe. List answers to this

phrase: “I believe in a world where…”

Creating a Memorable ImpressionWhen someone asks, “What do you do?”, how do you respond?

Our opportunity is to create engagement and break the ice. When we answer with

our professional category, we bypass an opportunity to create our next best client.

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Grab their attention: People make us successful. Create a “grabber” line that

serves as an instant conversation starter around what you do. Example: “I help

newlyweds get through their first year of marriage.”

What are the top challenges these people have as it relates to your profession?

Example: “They have trouble deciding without feeling they’ve compromised.”

Creating a Memorable ImpressionJust as no two snowflakes are alike, you have an opportunity to represent your

way of working through a “program” that is like no one else’s.

We all love opening night, magazine cover parties and other ceremonies for their

promise and excitement. You’ll benefit immensely by creating the same for your

business (plus it’s buzz-worthy).

To get with the program, you’ll create YOUR program. Who is it geared towards

and what is it called?

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Through what steps will you take people in your unique program that address the

challenges you listed in page 11?

Creating a Memorable ImpressionThere’s nothing more powerful than a tantalizing testimonial.

Saying “John is the best real estate agent ever,” and stopping there doesn’t serve

you as well as a testimonial that’s “served up.”

A “served up” testimonial has the following components:

What was life like before they began working with you?

What was it about you and your process that stood out, was able to get them

to their big result?

What was the big result they realized after working with you, and how has

this changed their life?

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Write a client testimonial for yourself below (put yourself in the shoes of a past

client or a future client you’ll serve this year):

This Year I’ll (fill in the blank)“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

~ Tony Robbins

Life is one big classroom. There is no good or bad, right or wrong…there just IS.

Knowing this, take what you experienced this year and leverage your lessons.

What are 3 things that happened in the past year that you can celebrate?

What are 3 things that happened in the past year that left you disappointed?

List the answers to these questions in the space below:

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This Year I’ll (fill in the blank)Look at the celebrations and disappointments you listed on page 14. What did you

LEARN from these experiences?

In the space below, state lessons you derived from them and state them like advice

you’d give. Example: Always be prepared.

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Based on your experiences from last year, what would you like MORE of? LESS of?

THIS IS MY YEAR OF ______________________________________________.

Your Money Formula“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE.” ~ Napoleon Hill

What do you REALLY want? I ask this question and get blank stares.

For you to call in what you want (I get EVERYTHING I want) you’ll get very clear on

what that is.

Jim Carrey used the “reticular activating” method (APPENDIX, page 31) for creating

his Hollywood dream. When we think in specifics, we call it in specifically!

Go to the “Money Matrix” sheet (APPENDIX, page 31) and complete the following:

I sell _______________ dollars of real estate annually. My average sale is

____________ dollars. I have ______ closings each year and my 12 month rolling

GCI is ___________________.

Complete the “Money Focus Visual” sheet (APPENDIX, page 33). EXTRA CREDIT:

Place this sheet in the center of a poster board and surround the sheet with pictures

of what you’ll call in this year (answers below).

List what you REALLY want below:

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Selling My “Cake”“If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.” ~ Unknown

When we hear from someone out of the blue and they refer business to us; when

we, by chance, pick up a new client; or when someone enters our open house

and makes an offer, WE ARE SELLING frosting and sprinkles.

These are unexpected wins that come from being in the RIGHT place at the

RIGHT time.

To create a consistent flow of income requires a DELIBERATE approach.

I call this way of being “selling your ‘cake.’” Go to the “Selling My ‘Cake’” visual

(APPENDIX, page 34) and populate the diagram with the following answers:

The people I do my best work with have the following life circumstances, interests

and experiences (refer to your answers on pages 11 and 12):

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Selling My “Cake”The reason these people hire me is to get the following results:

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The type of dwellings that match their new lifestyle are (describe in detail the type

of home/apartment, price range, neighborhoods, amenities, etc.):

EVERY WEEK: Print out properties that meet the desires of these clients. Preview

EVERY property that is active. Keep a physical folder containing these categories:


Under contract

Sold (past 3 months)

It’s Who You Know“It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.” ~ Henry Rollins

People make us successful. We reviewed the statistics of success in the first

section of this program. It was demonstrated that 90% of sales happen after the

3rd contact, yet only 10% of us go this far in our communications!

Our opportunity EACH DAY is to ADD to the number of people we know and

UPGRADE the level of our relationships.

Go to the “Relationship Bullseye” visual (APPENDIX, page 35) and get started

with identifying who will support you in CREATING WHAT YOU WANT:

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Applied Abracadabra“Words can inspire. Words can destroy. Choose yours well.” ~ Robin Sherma

What if creating more business were as simple as saying the RIGHT things? Well,

it is! When we know how to engage people and lead them to inquiring more about

us, then we go from “getting market share” to “making market.”

There is nothing more powerful in business than knowing what to do each day,

with CONFIDENCE and CERTAINTY, to create a consistent flow of revenue.

So how do you get started?

The work you have completed up to this point in the program will provide you with

EVERYTHING you need to have people lining up to do business with you!

The meaning of Abracadabra is “I create as I speak.” Here is an example

conversation for you to personalize that will lead you to setting up sales

conversations, what I refer to as “Coffee Tawk,” so you bring in 1 new buyer or

seller client EACH WEEK.

REMEMBER: Meeting in person and speaking over the phone are the methods

that “make market” — get out from behind your computer and pick up that phone!

(See APPENDIX, page 38, “Pick Up the Phone!”)

SAMPLE Applied Abracadabra conversation:

You: Hi, Jane. It’s Molly. I’m so happy to be speaking with you. It’s been a while. Is

this a GOOD time?

Client: Yes it is. I have a few minutes before my next meeting.

You: Great! I’ve been organizing my contacts and I came across your name.

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Applied AbracadabraSAMPLE Applied Abracadabra conversation (continued):

You: I remember the last time we met [plug in the details here].

Client: Yes! That was a fun event. I forgot how much fun we have together.

You: I also see [plug in what you learned about them on social media/the internet

and acknowledge/congratulate them]. You’ve always been an inspiration for me.

Client: Yes, same here.

You: I decided that I’m staying in contact with people who REALLY mean a lot to

me, and you’re one of them. With that said, what’s new and exciting in your life?


You: I’m excited to share what I’m up to. I’m working with newlyweds to ensure

they make it through their first year of marriage with ease and joy. I’m launching a

program called [plug in program details you described on page 12].

AYOTAC: Are you open to a conversation about where the best type of

apartments are for new buyers? If you or anyone you know can use this

information, I’d be happy to set up a complimentary consultation.

AND THAT’S IT! Create your sample script on the following page.

• Remember — pepper the conversation with their first name (there’s no

sweeter sounding word in the world than hearing our first name)

• Ask EMPOWERING, open-ended questions

• Stay away from heavy negative words (but, try, maybe)

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Applied AbracadabraYour sample script (review the “Market Making Language” sheet in the APPENDIX,

page 37)

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Time Management Magic“Managing your time without setting priorities is like shooting randomly and calling

whatever you hit ‘the target.’” ~ Peter Turla

When we create our IDEAL WEEK, then every minute of each day becomes an

investment in the business you intend to create.

The following practice will have you recovering a minimum of 100 wasted minutes

per day. That’s a 10X return on investment!

What you’ll do each day is take 10 minutes to plan what your ideal day and week

look like. (Suggested real estate “Ideal Week” and blank “Time Management”

forms can be found in the APPENDIX, pages 39 – 41.)

1. CREATE your to-do list: You’ll NEVER finish every item you list for yourself,

so give up on that false belief now! I keep a rolling list of items (I use Google

docs so I can access this from any computer or device) and highlight the 20%

of activities that will give you an 80% payoff. These are items DIRECTLY

related to creating 1 new buyer or seller a week;

2. CREATE more time: I encourage new clients to journal what they do each day

for at least a week. Together we’ll identify the “busyness” behavior that stands

in the way of us doing more business;

3. Develop your IDEAL WEEK: Using the example in the APPENDIX, create

your ideal week. Color code noting: personal time (pink); working IN your

business (green), working ON your business (yellow). It’s time to take back

your time!

4. Learn how to set habits the RIGHT way: In Charles Duhigg’s The Power of

Habit, we are taught a proven method for creating new behavior. After

approximately 21 days, your new habit will be the reward! (See “The Power of

Habit” visual in the APPENDIX, page 42, and watch the webinar I hosted at to master this method!)

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Time Management MagicThere are key activities, once committed to and mastered, that have real estate

professionals greeting each day with certainty and confidence.

Here’s a list of must-do’s aligned with “making market.” Take this list and create

your Ideal Week Time Block (blank form in the APPENDIX, page 40):

1. Getting reacquainted and reaching out to at least 3 VIPs each day:

Remember, it takes 12 times of individualized contact to secure yourself as the

go-to professional in your category;

2. Deliver your “grabber” line to 3 new people each day: Filling our sales

funnel and planting seeds lead to sustainable business;

3. Service active clients: Do something each day to wow them;

4. Set up “Coffee Tawk” meetings: Be mindful of lining up conversations that

lead to buyer orientations and listings presentations;

5. View the inventory: When we REALLY know our “cake” it becomes easy to

create excitement around it;

6. Host open houses: You’ll practice your pitch and line up prospects;

7. Increase your expertise: Read articles that align with what you offer and file

them for sharing/starting conversations;

8. Education and personal development: Learn new ways to master your

business (e.g., this program) and engage with someone who will hold you


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Time Management MagicSomeone once told me that “to plant and make room for the new rose bushes, we

need to pull out the old ones.”

Review your daily journal and how you currently spend your day. List activities that

are no longer serving you:

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Time Management Magic

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Successful people have a go-to set of habits that guide them each day. Go to

“Dawn’s Big 10” in the APPENDIX, page 43.

Review your “Real estate survival list” on page 26 and review “Dawn’s Big 10” to

establish a go-to set of habits you plan to bring into your life so you create the

business you WANT:

EXTRA CREDIT: Download Dawn’s iPhone app at

Book it “Book Ending”

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“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all

abundance.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

There is a powerful practice that will have you setting yourself up for success each

morning and celebrating at the end of each day. I call this process as “book ending.”

Here is where the “30 days” come in. The program we just worked through comes to

life and pays off when we engage in the following practice for 1 MONTH STRAIGHT.

You will create 30 copies of the “Book It” worksheet in the APPENDIX, page 44, and

place these in a binder. This practice will become second-nature and your fuel for

heightening motivation, upping confidence and securing certainty.

Here are the components of “Book It”:

1. Money Matrix Statement: Read this out loud each morning. Remember, we

only process 2,000 bits of the 40 billion bits of information thrown at us every

minute. Make sure we see the opportunities that surround us at all times by

programming ourselves to do so;

2. “Grabber” Line and “Coffee Tawk”: Review your “grabber” line and “coffee

tawk” 4-part conversation. Thank your dog for his attention afterwards;

3. 10 Minute Time Management: Set your calendar, review and highlight to-do

items, fit them into the intervals between blocks;

4. 3 VIP Individualized Contacts: Reacquaint, make an introduction, share an

article, acknowledge/congratulate. Keep the 12 touch program going!

Book it “Book Ending”

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“Book It” components (continued):

5. Put on Your Angel Wings: Prepare to bring a smile to the faces of everyone

you meet. Lead them into being interested about you and share your gift.

6. Increase Your Expertise:

Read articles aligned with the interests of your VIPs as well as those that help you speak

about your business with more relevance and confidence.

Visit apartments aligned with your market’s needs for firsthand experience.

7. Celebrations/Disappointments: List these and note the lessons you learned.

8. Review Your To-Do List: Go to your Google doc and add what you penned in

during the day and remove what you completed.

Doing this each day and filing these in a binder will help you:

Establish new behavior that leads to increased business

Maintain accountability with your coach/mastermind group

Fall asleep at night BELIEVING that this day was an investment in what you

intend to CREATE!

Meet Dawn Doherty

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

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I help accomplished professionals — real estate brokers, coaches, entrepreneurs

and small business owners — to create THRIVING businesses through mastering

business development.

Business is simple when we’re CLEAR about what we REALLY want, when we

BELIEVE in ourselves, surround ourselves with people who BELIEVE in us, and

when we work a program like Create More Clients in 30 Days.

Set up a complimentary “Coffee Tawk” with me at

Create your profile and get connected at


©Dawn D Inc, 2015 30

Page 31 Jim Carrey Story & Check

Page 32 Money Matrix

Page 33 Money Focus Visual

Page 34 My “Cake” Visual

Page 35 Relationship Bullseye Visual

Page 36 Pick up the Phone!

Page 37 Market Making Language

Page 38 Week Time Block Example

Page 39 – 41 Blank Week & Daily Time Blocks

Page 42 The Power of Habit Visual

Page 43 “Dawn’s Big 10” & iPhone app

Page 44 Daily “Book It” Tracking Sheet

Self Study Learning Archive

Jim Carrey Story

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Here’s how the story goes…..

When Jim Carrey was a fledgling comedian trying to make his way in L.A., he

drove his beat-up Toyota to the top of a hill. While parked there, broke, peering

out at the sprawl, dreaming of his future, he wrote himself a check for $10 million,

put in the notation line 'for acting services rendered,' and dated it Thanksgiving

1995. He stuck that check in his wallet. The rest, as they say, is history.

By 1995, Jim had seen the tremendous success of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,

The Mask and, my personal favorite, Liar, Liar. His per film fee at that point had

escalated to $20 million.

Complete the following statement:

I sell _______________ dollars of real estate annually. My average sale is

____________ dollars. I have ______ closings each year and my 12 month rolling

GCI is ___________________.

Go one step further and complete the check below. Make it out to yourself in the

amount of money you’ll make this year.

Money Matrix

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Here’s a sample matrix that will help you commit to the level of business you’ll do

this year. (Email me at for a copy of the spreadsheet.)

Focus on defining your target average price sale, the types of people you’ll

directly market to and where they intend to live.

Money Focus Visual

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I sell _______________ dollars of real estate annually. My average sale is

____________ dollars. I have ______ closings each year and my 12 month rolling

GCI is ___________________.

Here’s my list of clients (pen is closed/pencil is active) that will result in the sales

necessary to create the business detailed above:

Client Name Apartment $


My “Cake” Visual

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People I know who meet this criteria or who KNOW people who do:

My target market:

Average home price:



Key contacts who have the same target market:

Organizations they belong to, where they hang out:

Relationship Bullseye

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People make us successful.

Adding to the list of people we know and upgrading our relationships is our daily goal.

Keep a list of those you know in the following categories:


A – Intimates/Inner Circle

B – Friends/VIPs

C – Key Contacts

D – Acquaintances

E – Everyone Else

Intimates/Inner Circle: People, at least a %, who do ANYTHING for you and vice


Friends/VIPs: They energize and inspire you. You know a lot about them. They’ll

meet you in a heartbeat;

Key Contacts: They share your target market. Conspire and team up. Your alliance

will pay off in a big way;

Acquaintances: People you’re connected to that you don’t know as well as you


Everyone else: People who you don’t know that you could know!




Pick up the Phone!

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Inspired by a November 2014 Entrepreneur article, “Why a Phone Call is Better Than

an Email (Usually)”:

Interaction is energy: Here’s the least

to best ways of creating energy that

leads to wealth and happiness:

1. Email: especially broadcast

2. Phone/Skype: audible and visual =

higher understanding

3. Face-to-face

Market Making Language

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It’s WHAT you say that communicates how confident and certain you ARE.

We sparkle when we lead with deliberate and positive communications. Here are some

tips that will have you turning your conversations into conversions:

Replace “if” with “when”

Ex: When I land that client

Drop your should, need, must – replace with opportunity

Ex: There’s an opportunity for you to improve your communication skills

Maybe means no…Don’t accept this answer as a yes and avoid using this word

Ex: Can I interpret your maybe for a no?

Sure and fine are in most cases used to patronize….probe when others answer

with these words

Ex: What do you mean by fine?

Phrases that will leave others sensing insecurity: “I guess so,” “I’ll try,” “I need to”

Ex: I’ll complete that

Watch the use of “but” — it negates every word before it

Ex: Your dinner was very exciting, but you over salted the food

“A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any

language.” Sprinkle your conversations with your listener's first name today.

Week Time Block – Real Estate

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Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6A-7AWake Up/

Meditate/NewsWake Up/

Meditate/NewsWake Up/

Meditate/NewsWake Up/

Meditate/NewsWake Up/


7A-8A Workout Workout Workout Workout Workout

8A-9A Ready/Travel Ready/Travel Ready/Travel Ready/Travel Ready/Travel

9A-9:15A Kick Off Power Hour Kick Off Power Hour Kick Off Power Hour Kick Off Power Hour Kick Off Power Hour

9:15A- 11A

* Contacts (make 10) *New Leads (make 10) *Cards (10)* Facebook

review lists,comment,like

* Contacts (make 10) *New Leads (make 10) *Cards (10)* Facebook

review lists,comment,like

* Contacts (make 10) *New Leads (make 10) *Cards (10)* Facebook

review lists,comment,like

* Contacts (make 10) *New Leads (make 10) *Cards (10)* Facebook

review lists,comment,like

* Contacts (make 10) *New Leads (make 10) *Cards (10)* Facebook

review lists,comment,like

11:00 A - 12:30 P

SPECIAL PROJECTS: *Practice Scripts *Search

Properties for Clients *Prepare Marketing


*Sales Meeting

SPECIAL PROJECTS: *Practice Scripts *Search

Properties for Clients *Prepare Marketing


SPECIAL PROJECTS: *Practice Scripts *Search

Properties for Clients *Prepare Marketing


SPECIAL PROJECTS: *Practice Scripts *Search

Properties for Clients *Prepare Marketing


12:30 P - 1 PFollow Up/ Organize/


Follow Up/ Organize/ Emails

LUNCHFollow Up/ Organize/



topic, MastermindLUNCH

GROUP SESSION: Tech Thursdays


IN THE FIELD: *Previewing *Visiting

Alliance Partners *Showing Buyers *Showing Listings

IN THE FIELD: *Previewing *Visiting

Alliance Partners *Showing Buyers *Showing Listings

IN THE FIELD: *Previewing *Visiting

Alliance Partners *Showing Buyers *Showing Listings

IN THE FIELD: *Previewing *Visiting

Alliance Partners *Showing Buyers *Showing Listings

IN THE FIELD: *Previewing *Visiting

Alliance Partners *Showing Buyers *Showing Listings


*Hold at least 1 Open House

*Preview at Least 4 open properties

5:30 P - 6:00 PFollow Up/ Organize/

EmailsFollow Up/ Organize/

EmailsFollow Up/ Organize/

EmailsFollow Up/ Organize/

EmailsFollow Up/ Organize/


6:00 PM - 6:30 PM*Prepare Contacts for

tomorrow's calls*Prepare Contacts for

tomorrow's calls*Prepare Contacts for

tomorrow's calls*Prepare Contacts for

tomorrow's calls*Prepare Contacts for

tomorrow's calls

Time Block Templates

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 39

Week Time Block- BLANK

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 40

Day Time Block- BLANK

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 41

The Power of Habit Visual

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 42

Dawn’s Big 10

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 43

Live consciously. Make each day an investment in the life you intend to create!


Ex: Walk my dog for 30 minutes each morning listing to a meditation.


Ex: Answering the Tony Robbins morning question: "What am I grateful for today?”

Evening: What can I celebrate/how was this an investment in how I intend to lead?

Time management:

Ex: To-do list and calendar — tangible relationship with it.

Show those you know that you care:

Ex: Speak to your VIPs and know what their interests are.

Meet new people:

Ex: Share your energy on line at Starbucks…anywhere you go…Bab’s story.

Increase your knowledge:

Ex: Read relevant articles/books. View apartments.

Give back:

Ex: Doggie bag to homeless, formal charity.

Fun and enjoyment:

Ex: Plan girls’ night out…spa day.


Ex: Read to your children…quiet time with your spouse.

Health and fitness:

Supplements, gym, walking instead of cab.

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Book It

tracking sheet

©The Roos Cohen Group LLC 2015

©Dawn D Inc, 2015 44

TODAY’S DATE: ____________

Time blocked day/week/review to-do list

I read my money commitment aloud and reviewed my “why” (vision list)

I practiced my “grabber” line and reviewed how to speak about my business

Here is the list of 3 VIPs I reached out to individually

The NEW people I met today (I added them to my database)

Apartments/homes I viewed

Articles I read


Lessons learned

To-do list for tomorrow