real magazine issue 5

LOCAL PEOPLE LOCAL STORIES LOCAL BUSINESS FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 14/11/2014 ~ Issue 5 WIN see inside Dinner for 2 Here Come The Girls.... One To Watch.... It’s Dinner Time.... This Weeks Issue.... ....and Much More

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14/11/2014 ~ Issue 5

WINsee inside

Dinner for 2

Here Come The Girls....

One To Watch....

It’s Dinner Time....

This Weeks Issue....

....and Much More

Out & About Helen McCarthy from Rathcormac

takes Real Magazine to Shanghai

Anne Marie O’Halloran, Bartosz Mieszala & Lisa O’Brien

at the Halloween parade in Douglas Village Shopping Centre

Cian Walsh, Dillon’s Cross Val O’Sullivan, Brendan Long and Joanne O’Sullivan

having a coffee in ‘O’Crualaoi’s’ in Carrigaline

Val Dempsey, Carrigaline

Eily Walsh, who recently celebrated her 90th Birthday

with her five children, Sean, Eileen, Plunkett, Seamus and Paula

Sean McGivern, Donnybrook, Darragh O’Brien, Grange

Noel O’Malley, Douglas called into Real Magazine

Girls from the Munster U15s School Squad, Maria O'Sullivan, Clare Nevin (Lakewood Ath.)

Rachel Compagno (Douglas Hall) Sophie Touhy (Hollyhill) Courtney Histon (Passage) Michelle O'Driscoll (Wilton) and Jessica O’Mahony (Douglas Hall)

Alex Jones, Sundays Well

Molly Murphy, Midleton



REAL Magazine, Unit 14, Morris House,

Douglas Cork Ireland.

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at time of print, however no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions.

The views expressed in the articles herein are not necessarily those

of the publisher of REAL Magazine.

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Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Co. Cork.

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to this issue of magazine.RealWe spent a lot of time out of the office over the last two weeks, firstly there was first BirthdaySubway’s party, followed by the Halloween parade in

, then on TuesdayDouglas village shopping centrewe had our coffee morning to raise awareness of

and also to try and raise some much needed EDS funding for , we’d like to thank Lauren Walsheveryone that turned up on the day and those people that couldn’t attend but managed to contribute anyway, also a huge thank you to everyone thatdonated spot prizes we’ve mentioned all of them inside. Then without much chance to catch our breath we were off to Carrigaline to attend a 65thbirthday bash that doubled as a retirement party, itwas back to Douglas after that to meet Mrs Beecherand the Choir in , the girls are off to Regina MundiBelfast to compete in the all Ireland School Choir competition 2014 on Sunday 16th November, so here’s wishing them the best of luck! We also met up

and interview her for our ‘One toNiamh McCarthy watch’ pages, Niamh is a fantastic role model for allyoung people and definitely one to watch, we still had time to include all the usual features, Puzzle’s,Dinner party recipes, Amazing facts, 20 questions,Vernon Mount, Gardening, Motoring, Photos, thisissues win dinner for two competition and so muchmore...

The girls from

Regina Mundi’s

Choir in rehearsal

Callie and Marcelloat the

Coffee Morning

Niamh McCarthychats over a coffee

Cork City Council has now agreed to allow free on street parking in Douglas Village onthe 3 Saturdays (6th, 13th & 20th of December ) in the run up to Christmas. In addition, parking will be free between 10am and 12am each day from 8th - 31st Dec.

Good News

Beat the holiday rush get your ad in early for our

Christmas issues

Beat the holiday rush get your ad in early for our

Christmas issues


StoryMy Memories of Vernon Mount Part 4

By Kevin O’Sullivan

In 1979 the term Moto-X became official. Maico (West Germany) became the ‘new’ bike. On the national scene, Allen Wilson was winning the national championship. Des Morris was gone international, firstly to Australia where he topped the South Australian titles, then onto Sydney competing with all the state title holders, followed by a short stint in the U.S. where the local Maico agent helped him race in Houston, Texas.Next it was on to the world series, where Des raced in every round as a privateer with a little help from the U.K. Suzuki importer Brian Goss.His good friend at the time, Tony Skillington was his travelling companion and mechanic. They were competing with factory teams from all the major manufacturers, this culminated in an Irish international event in 1980.Tony Skillington even at this early stage had his mind set on Vernon Mount hosting a world championship event. This was eventually achieved but not until the 90's when we had not one, but 3 rounds in 1993, 1995 and 1996, after the ruling body the F.I.M. (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme) realised Vernon Mount was one of the best Moto-X circuits in Europe. Tony who was now also a rider at senior events took over the running of events at Vernon Mount for the next 20 years and was rewarded by the F.I.M. by being made an international steward for every round of the World Championships in countries in both hemispheres. This year Tony has been appointed the top official in World Moto-X. Back at Vernon Mount, the 70's continued into the 80's with more classes including school-boys, involving the next generation of Galvin’s, Tivy’s and Wilson’s etc. To be Contuined...

Allen Wilson

Des Morris

Action at Vernon Mount Pictures courtesy of Munster Intercity Classic Scramble

For more memories of Vernon Mount and Moto-X visit Munster Intercity Classic Scramble on Facebook 4

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An Encounter with the Number

Twelve is available locally in

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available in bookshops following the official launch in thDouglas Library on Saturday 15 November at which

all are welcome. Janet O'Leary has spent many years

working in education with children, firstly, as a

Montessori teacher and later, with teenagers in the

secondary school sector.

She has also written a number of short stories, one of

which was long-listed for the RTE Guide/Penguin

Ireland competition in 2011. Janet lives in Carrigaline

in Cork and is the mother of two grown-up children.

This is her first novel for children.

Douglas LibraryDouglas Village Shopping Centre

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Douglas Village Library Douglas Village Library At The heart of the Community

Book Launch At Douglas LibrarySaturday 15th

Below: Molly Heaphy O Brien

with Mom


with her mother Helen

Right:Ollie and

Thomas Lyons

Far Right:Shane and Christine Foley

share a read

Above: Sinead and Ella at the Library

Right: Enjoying a recent event

at Douglas Library



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People One to watchOne to watchThe London 2012 Paralympic games certainly was a successful time for team

Ireland as they returned home with 16 medals, in doing so they not only raised the profile of Paralympic athletes here in Ireland but they also set the bar high for the next generation of Paralympic sports stars. So with ‘Rio 2016 Games’

fast approaching we met Carrigaline native Niamh McCarthy, Discus-thrower and one of Paralympic Ireland’s Fast Track Squad to

talk about training and life in general.

You’re on the fast-track to the Paralympics in 2016, so barring any upsets, will you be definitely on the plane? The simple answer is No, but I am very close to qualifying for the senior panel, the criteria will be decided at the end of November, so I’ll know exactly what I need to do, if anything, to be included on the senior panel, the next big event for me is the world championships which take place in ‘Qatar’ next November, so that’s the first hurdle, If I am selected for that, that would probably suggest selection for the Paralympics. So is that scary that you may never get there? Or is the challenge of getting there just as exciting? It’s scary because I’ve been training for it two years now and it could be all for nothing, well not for nothing because I’ve been to other competitions... But the Para-Olympic games... That’s my main goal, and if I don’t make it... I wouldn’t say scared but pressure yes, good pressure. It must take a lot of hard work, how often do you train? Currently I’d have about five different training sessions a week, minimum, which would involve the gym, I do Yoga for general flexibility, injury prevention and then there’s the throwing itself, which I do once a week, but that will increase to twice a week and then the closer I get to competition the more I train. So how did you get into the discus?The whole thing started because there was a talent search in UCD in 2012, they were looking for new talent after the London games, so you go and try a few different sports, a bit of this a bit of that, they handed me the Discus and said “Throw that” which I did, then they took my name and said they’d be in contact if they wanted me, there was four hundred people that day and ten of us were selected... To be honest I didn’t even know what a discus was!Are you the only athlete in the family or is there a history of sports?I’ve always done a bit of sport, my dad was quite a good cyclist, he cycled really long distances, Mother not so much... I was never really brought up sporty I kind of did it on my own.So was it easier to get into sport because you Dad was sporty?No, I kinda done it on my own, it was all totally foreign to me. Are you in college?No not a the moment, I’ve deferred, this is my second year of deferral.Are you working?No not at the moment, I’m currently seeking employment. So what were you studying in college?I was doing science Which other sports star do you admire? And Why?Orla Barry, (Bronze medal winner at London 2012 Paralympic games) Because she’s someone I can talk to, someone I can get wisdom from, you don’t usually get to speak to the people that do what you do, you know, at that level.

Niamh in Competition with the IrishWheelchair Association (IWA) in CIT8

Apart from training, what do you do to relax when you’re not training?Skydiving!Now I have to say at this point in the interview we didn’t see that coming at all.Skydiving? To relax?That’s what I do some weekends.How many jumps have you done?Seventy, I’m coming up on my three year anniversary shortly, I do a lot of jumps on my own, it clears yourmind because you focus on that one thing, it doesn’t matter what else is going on... Do you have one bit of advice for any young upcoming sports stars?Know that it’s not easy, there’s commitment involved, sometimes you have to sacrifice seeing your friends, because you’re training or something, I’ve had to miss work, I’ve deferred from college just so I could devote more time to it... But the rewards are worth it.What would you say to yourself if you could go five years and meet yourself?Take it seriouslyStaying in or going out?Ooooh... well when I think of going out I don’t think of mad wild nights, I like going to a nice bar and sitting down for a chat with friends, so I’d say going out.TV or Music?Oh no? Em? MusicFavourite band or singer?The KillersDo you have any pets?I do, two cats, two dogs!So which are you a dog person or a cat person?Oh a cat person, my cats are very loyal to me, they’re as loyal to me as any dog would be.

And finally do you think as a Paralympic athlete, despite heading for Rio, you get the same respect as other athletes?Yes... Yes probably more respect, because the Paralympics is such a big, big event there’s not one person in the world that isn’t aware of that... It’s quite a heavy sentence to tell someone yes I might be going to the paralympics, but when you do they are quite impressed, so yes I get the respect.So is going to the Paralympics something that’s constantly on your mind and does that make you nervous in competition or qualifying, because it is such a big thing?I do throw better in training than in competition, I needed to throw two A-Standard throws this year in order to qualify for the senior panel, I’d thrown one earlier in the year but then missed a few competitionsthrough injury, so when it came to the last competitionof the year, my last chance to throw another A-Standard, I was very nervous, I was shaking, verystressed... I threw it though... I threw it longer than I needed to! At that moment that was what I had to do.Yes, the Paralympics is the goal, but I can’t focustoo much on the future because I’d miss toomuch of the now... I live for the now.

Niamh has funded her own training for the past two years but is currently looking for sponsorship. If you are interested in discussing this further please contact Niamh at [email protected]

Skydiving to relax!Niamh McCarthy, Discus-

Thrower & Sky-diver

Interview by Real Magazine. Pictures by Real and Niamh McCarthy9

Discovery Science Festival Science Superheroes

The Power of Science

Discovery Science Festival Science Superheroes

The Power of Science

Grab your capes and utility belts and fly to Cork as one of the biggest events in the Irish Science calendar gets underway. In its 10th year, Discovery Science Festival, run in partnership with Science Week Ireland, features a line-up of events at City Hall which is set to excite attendees ‘to infinity and beyond’! This year’s theme, ‘The Power of Science’will also give students between the ages of 8 and 17 years old the chance to channel their inner Super-hero through various school outreach programs

which will take place from November10 to 21.

The Festival will be running competitions through their Facebook Page and website this year.Festival Dates: November 10 - 22 2014Outreach: 10- 21 NovemberCity Hall Exhibition & Workshops: Families: Saturday, 15 November and Sunday, 16 November, 2-6pm.School groups: Monday 17 & Tuesday 18 NovemberAdmission €3.50pp/€10 (family of 3)

Science Superheroes; Cathy Cussen, Shahla Aslam, Oisin Rutgers Kearns and Senan Rutgers Kearns Photos by Clare Keogh

City Hall,


10th - 22nd


City Hall,


10th - 22nd



Where were you born?In Bern, the capitol of SwitzerlandDo you have a nickname? What is it?ManniMarried? Single? In a Relationship?In a happy relationshipDo you have any brothers or sisters? If so how many?Two sistersWhat’s your favourite food?Salad and Fondue What’s your favourite TV show?Flipping VegasWhat’s your favourite movie?Dirty DancingWhat’s your favourite team?FC BaselWhere’s your favourite place to go on holiday?New York What’s your favourite month of the year?May

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?You are as old as you feelWhat’s the best thing about your home town?The river ‘Aare’What’s your biggest fear?To loose something I loveWhat’s the one thing you’d definitely have to have on a desert island?Chocolate SauceWho do you admire most in the world?My Girlfriend and my DaughterCould you survive without your phone for a day?Oh yea, no problemIf you could have a superpower, what would it be?Reading people’s mindsWhat was the very last thing you bought?ClothingWhat one word would describe you?“Swiss” If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be?Oh? I’m busy enough just being myself!

Manuel Loosli, owner of Love Raw Kitchen in Douglasanswers our questions...


Douglas Village, Cork





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I decided to grow my ‘Mo’ on a whim, I hadn’t eventhought about how I’d go about getting sponsorshipI hadn’t thought it through at all, I just knew I wantedto take part in the annual moustache growing festival,I wanted to do my bit for mens health issues... Even though being a man I hadn’t a clue what those issuesare. There are ‘rules’ to taking part in Movember, youcan’t just not shave (I’ve printed them below) so I didstart clean shaven on October 31st and then left the top lip untouched from the 1st on, now given that I’mfair haired (or ‘Foxy’ as my kids say) no one reallynoticed for a few days, I have a brother-in-law who if he didn’t shave for a day would resemble Roy Keane’s beardy face, but not me, three days in people are still looking at me and saying things like “You look different, did you get your hair-cut?” Everyone that isexcept my business partner who doesn’t have any problem supporting the charity, but just doesn’t like my, and I quote “Dirty looking stubble” But I persevere and by day 11 I have a fully moustached toplip and I’ve taken the time to shape it into an upsidedown U coming down each side of my mouth, althoughreading through the rules I’m not sure if that’s allowed.

But I like it, I wear a shirt &tie everyday, sothis little bit offacial hairmakes me feellike a rebel,even if its onlyfor a month.Of course it’sall pointless and a waste of groomingif you don’t raise some money and a lot of awareness about men’s cancers, specifically prostate and testicular cancer, so please if you know a ‘Mo Bro’ dig deep and help him out and all you moustache growing brothers...Well done and take a bow.1. Once signed up at each Bro must begin the 1st of November with a clean shaven face.2. for the entire month of November each Bro must grow and groom a moustache.3. Don’t fake it. No beards, no goatees, no fakemoustaches.4. Use the power of the moustache to create conversations about men’s health.5. Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a truegentleman.

For more information or to donate see Movember Ireland, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Flickr


Starters: Easy Chicken Caesar Salad

Ingredients 4 thick slices crusty white bread3 tbsp olive oil 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts 1 large cos or romaine lettuce, leaves separated4 Smoked streaky rashers For the dressing Medium block Parmesan cheese for grating and Shaving (you won't use it all) A good quality low fat Caesar dressing (available in most supermarkets)

Time 25 mins. Serves 4 (allow one chicken breast pertwo people, so adjust accordingly to increase servings)

MethodHeat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Cut the bread into small bite-size squares with a bread knife. Spread over a large baking sheet or tray and sprinkle over 2 tbsp olive oil. Rub the oil into the bread and season with a little salt if you like (sea salt crystals are best for this). Bake for 8-10 mins, turning the croutons a few times during cooking so they brown evenly.Grill the rashers under a hot grill, turning occasionallyuntil slightly crispy. Rub chicken breasts with remaining oil, season. Place pan over a medium heat for 1 min, until hot, but not smoking. Lay the chicken on the pan (it will sizzle if it’s hot enough) and leave for 4 mins. Turn the chicken, then cook for 4 mins more. Check if it’s cooked by poking the tip of a sharp knife into the thickest part; there should be no sign of pink andjuices will run clear.Shave a few strips of the cheese with a peeler. Tear thelettuce into large pieces and put in a large bowl. Cutrashers into small pieces. Pull chicken into bite-size strips and scatter half over the leaves, along with half the croutons and some of the rashers. Add a gooddrizzle of the dressing and toss together. Scatter the rest of the chicken, croutons and rashers then drizzle with a bit more dressing. (depending on how you likeit) Sprinkle the Parmesan on top and serve straight away.

Starters: Garlic & basil CiabattaIngredients1 tbsp mayonnaise, 2 tbsp butter, softened 1 bunch of basil (or a half teaspoon of dried basil)1 small Ciabatta, 2 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese 2 garlic cloves, crushed (or half a tea-spoon of garlicpuree, available in most supermarkets)

Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 3 mins. Serves 4.

MethodHeat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Heat half the oil in a roasting tray, then brown the steaks on both sides and set aside. Toss the potato, onion, carrots, remaining oil and half the rosemary into the roasting tray, then lay the steaks on top. Brush the steaks with the mustard, scatter with remaining rosemary and roast everything for 20 mins until the potatoes are softened and the lamb cooked.

Mains: Pan-fried salmon with watercress, polenta croutons & capersPrep time:10 mins. Cook time:20 mins. Serves 4Ingredients250g cooked polenta, either bought ready-made or made from the grain (follow pack instructions and allow it to cool and set on a tray) 50g plain flour, 3 tbsp olive oil, 4 boneless, skinless salmon fillets approx 140g/5oz each, 200g watercress, washed and thick stalks removed, 2 tbsp capers in brine, drained, squeeze lemon juice.MethodCut the polenta into approximately 1.5cm cubes, toss in flour and fry in a little oil until slightly coloured.

The Dinner party - Made easyAs we head into the party season it’s time to get out the good plates & the fancy tablecloth and invite your friends and family round to your place for a dinner party. These dinner party recipes are just the thing to

impress your guests on these

MethodHeat the grill to high. Beat together the mayonnaise, butter and garlic until smooth. Chop basil (or if using dried basil) stir through and season with salt and pepper. Put the halves of the Ciabatta, sliced lengthways, on a baking tray and spread with the butter. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan, then grill for 2-3 mins.

Mains: Lamb steaks with rosemary sweet potatoesPrep time: 10 mins. Cook time: 30 mins. Serves 4Ingredients2 tbsp olive oil, 4 lamb leg steaks, 3 sweet potatoes, finely sliced, 1 red onion, halved & sliced, 2 mediumcarrots sliced, sprig fresh rosemary or 1 tsp of dried, 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard.


Keep warm. Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Heat the remaining oil in a non-stick pan and fry the salmon portions for 1 min on each side until lightly golden, then transfer to a non-stick baking tray and cook in the oven for 8-10 mins. Test the fish to see if it is cooked by pushing a cocktail stick into the top of it. If the fish offers resistance, then it is not fully cooked and will need further cooking. When cooked, remove from the oven and set to one side.Dress the watercress with a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Scatter the polenta croutons and capers over each salmon fillet and serve with the watercress.

Desserts: Lemon creams with blackberriesPrep Time:20 mins. Cook time:5 mins. Plus overnight chilling. Serves 4Ingredients4 gelatine leaves, 425ml milk, 1 large lemon, grated zest and juice, 425ml double or whipping cream 100g caster sugar, plus 1 tbsp, 300g blackberries.MethodPut the gelatine leaves in a bowl of ice-cold water for 10 mins to soften. Put the milk, lemon zest, cream and sugar in a pan then heat until it starts to bubble gently. Simmer for 2-3 mins. Remove from the heat, take the gelatine out of the water, shaking off any excess and add to the pan, stirring until the gelatine has dissolved.Leave to cool, then stir again and pour into ramekins, cups or individual pudding basins. Put on a tray in the fridge overnight to set.Mix the blackberries with 1 tbsp each of lemon juice and sugar. Loosen the edges of the creams with the tip of a small knife, then turn them onto serving plates, and scatter around the blackberries and sauce.

Desserts: Mini Banoffee piesPrep time:15 mins (plus chilling time) Ingredients112g digestive biscuits, 60g butter, melted, 200g Nestlé Carnation caramel (can be bought in most supermarkets) 150ml double cream, 2 ripe bananas, finely sliced. To serve banana chips (optional) chocolate shavings.MethodCrumble the biscuits into a blender and blitz until you have fine crumbs. Add the melted butter and pulse again to combine. Spoon the mixture evenly between 4 individual fluted, loose-bottomed tart tins (9cm).

Press the mixture in firmly – you can use a teaspoon for this - and refrigerate for at least half an hour.Spread the caramel over the base of the tarts not quite to the edges. Arrange a layer of bananas on top of the caramel. Whip the cream until is has just reached soft peaks. Dollop onto the tarts to give a pillowy effect.Remove the tarts from the tins. Place one banana chip into the centre of each tart and scatter with chocolate shavings.

Top 6 dinner party tipsHere are our top 6 ideas:1. Resist the temptation: To cook some exotic Japanese dish that you're not even sure how to pronounce and had never laid eyes on until you opened Google five minutes ago. Cook something you're confident with. Don't try a recipe for the first time (unless you are, in fact, Nigella).2. Keep your balance: When planning your menu, avoid too many heavy dishes and think about how they go together. Would you fancy eating quiche, followed by pie, followed by tart? Too much pastry, too much stodge! You might want to choose a theme too, like Italian or Spanish food.3. Avoid nasty surprises: Not asking your guests if they have special dietary requirements doesn't make them go away. If only. Check with people upfront if there's anything they can't eat and make at least two of the courses suitable for everyone to save you work.4. Plan your time: Do a timeplan and think about what oven/hob space you're going to need. If your starter, main course, side dishes and pud all need time in the oven it's going to be tricky.5. Relax: Avoid anything that's going to keep you in the kitchen too long. You don't want to have massive gaps between courses and then emerge from the kitchen flustered, covered in food and having missed half the conversation.6:Prepare ahead: Avoid a last minute flap by cooking at least one course, from start to finish, at leisure and ahead of time. If it’s something complicated, that's definitely the one to choose. You'll be surprised at some of the dishes that can be made ahead. Consider each course and think about which bits you can do beforehand. If the answer's nothing, you might want to choose something else. More recipes next issue. 13

Pictures byDeclan Forrest

Rugby Photography

Picture by Brendan Kenneally

Dolphin J2 v Kinsale

Dolphin v Cork ConPictures by

Declan ForrestRugby Photography

Sundays Well U18



The rise of RACKHOUSE PILFER is unstoppable. They are a stomping, fiery and exciting band and have been getting rave reviews with their brand of

rootsy Americana.

Rackhouse Pilfer return to the Rockies Club on Sat Nov. 29th.Rackhouse Pilfer return to the Rockies Club on Sat Nov. 29th.

You can catch them in action

at the Blackrock National

Hurling Club, Church Road,

Blackrock, Cork,

on Saturday Nov. 29th.

*No Cover Charge*

GLOW FestivalFri 28th to Sun 30th Nov Fri 5th to Sun 7th Dec

Fri 12th to Sun 14th Dec Fri 19th to Sun 21st Dec

Over 150,000 people are expected to flock into the city centre this year for Glow, A Cork Christmas Celebration, which is presented by Cork City Council. The family-favourite festival, which takes place on

th stGrand Parade from 28 November to December 21 , Fridays to Sundays, is set to be more magical than ever before. Visitors and locals alike will enjoy a Christmas themed food and crafts market, a free lifesize Christmas book attraction, Ireland’s largest Ferris Wheel which has stunning views of the city’s skyline, live entertainment, and a Carols by Candlelight event, to mention just a few of the highlights.

Pictures by Clare Keogh




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BALLINORA CROSS, WATERFALL, CORK. - TEL: 021 481 08 62 - FAX: 021 487 11 82 - EMAIL: [email protected]

Facts Amazing Facts About half of the population of Australia can claim Irish ancestry On average, there are 50,000 spiders per acre in green areasAlmonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose familyYour foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index fingerBy law, beer commercials in America are disallowed from showing people drinking beerTigers have striped skin, not just striped furAbout 5% of all Soccer injuries occur during celebrations after scoring a goalIn 1972, Vesna Vulovic, a flight attendant, fell 33,000 feet in an aircraft explosion and survived. She now holds the Guinness world record for the highest free-fall without a parachuteAt Brennender Berg (“Burning Mountain”) in Germany, underground coal has been on fire since 1688In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10 Nowhere in the bible does it say there were three wise men, just three giftsYou speak about 4,800 words a day

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was the only person in the world to have survived two nuclear blasts. He was present in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the nukes were dropped. He died in 2010, aged 93Synesthesia is a rare condition in which the senses get cross-wired. Stimulation of one sense causes stimulation of another. If you have synesthesia, you may see colours when you hear a sound, or you can taste words!‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ is the fear of long words.One tree can provide enough oxygen for 2 people to live off of for their whole lives.The width of your arm-span stretched out is the length of your whole body.The farthest you can see with the naked eyeis 2.4 million light years away! That’s the distance to the giant Andromeda Galaxy. You can see it easily as a dim, large gray “cloud” almost directly overhead in a clear night sky.

The Regina Mundi College Choir is comprised of forty members drawn from all six year groupsin the school. This enthusiastic and dedicated group of students rehearse weekly under thedirection of music teacher Mrs Rose Beecher. The primary criterion for membership of the Choir is a passion for singing and a desire to participate in the musical life of the school.The Choir enhances life at Regina Mundi College by performing at many school events. Amongthese events are the Annual School Mass, Christmas Carol Service, Graduation Events andvisits to the school by dignitaries.The Choir engages in a community outreach programme and performs annually at Christmas Eve Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Rochestown. The Choir also performs at charity fund raising events in the local community.The Regina Mundi College Choir was formed in 2008. They have competed successively inFeís Maitiú and The Cork International Choral Festival. They entered the All Island Choircompetition in 2012 and enjoyed being selected to compete in the Regional Final. The schoolcommissioned Mr. John Gibson to compose a song in honour of the late Éana Ní Dhubháin, ouresteemed former Deputy Principal. The moving lyrics were written by a former by a former Irish teacher in the school, Dr. Liam Hodder.

Talent Regina Mundi College reach the Grand


Clodagh DeadyAisling DeeganDearbhla FahySusi FitzpatrickHeather FlanaghanZara FraquharLydia HayesClaire HealyLaura Healy

Vicky JudgeAlly KeeganOrla LynchAlina Mayer WhitlaMegan McAuliffeLauren MurphyAisling MurphyRoisín Murphy-KentAoife O Mahony

Jessica O SheaKaitlyn O CallaghanRebecca O CallaghanAoife PlasterVicki PurcellRoisín WallAmy WilliamsMeabh Willis

Andreya AlleyneGreta BaradinskaiteKatie BrennanJane BuckleyJennifer ByrneLouise CoombesStephanie CreamerLucy CunninghamAnna Curtain

Heading to the Titanic Belfast for the Grand Final in The School Choir Competition 2014 are the following:

Director: Rose BeecherAssistant: Nicole MurphyAccompanist: Mr Gary Beecher

The Choir:

Final in the School Choir Competition 2014



“I read with interest your recent piece about MichaelJackson’s concert in Páirc Uí Chaoimh back in 1987and it reminded me of another concert in Cork that I’d been lucky enough to be at. My friend and I had gone to the Lark by the Lee ( a free open air concert hostedby RTE2 FM and whatever the local station was at thetime, long before 96FM or Red Fm) it was a lovelysunny Sunday afternoon in 1985, I don’t remembermuch about any of the other bands that were on that day, though if you Google it, it says Cyprus Mine, Porcelyn Tears, The Stargazers, Freddie White and Friends played that day, I do remember despite being18 I had Chicken Pox, well when I say I had ChickenPox I was just getting over them. After being confinedto bed for the previous two weeks I jumped at thechance to go to the ‘Lark.’ We walked out to the Lee fields from town and sat on the grass listening to the line-up of bands and various RTE and local Djs that were there to entertain us.Then it was finished. A large section began to leaveheading back down the Carrigrohane straight intotown, suddenly there was a buzz went through thecrowd, something was happening, a surprise guest,the girl standing next to me, told her friends it was U2, they were playing in Cork as a thank you to all the Cork fans that had supported them in the early days. I told my friend, but he was sceptical, U2? playing at the Lark by the Lee? On the back of a

truck? U2 who’d only a month earlier stolen the show at Live Aid?We were about to leave, walk back into town and get the bus home, but we decided to wait a for a while and see what was going to happen, within minutes ‘Dave Fanning’ appeared on stage and announced that there was indeed a‘Special guest’ and there they were, Bono, the Edge, Larry and Adam belting out ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ and ‘I will Follow’ some of the crowds that had left began to turn around and come back, a handful at first, then as the word spread what started off as a trickle turned into a full on rush and from where I was standing I could see people running back down the road. Everyone afraid that they'd miss out on the show.U2 only played a handful of songs that day but the day itself has gone on to become part of Corklegend, if the amount of people that say they werethere, actually were there, it would be the biggestgig U2 ever played. I was there though, me with my Chicken Pox face singing along at the top of my voice. Chris De Burgh(when he was a credible pop star, long before ‘Thelady in Red’ ) also played the Lark by the Lee as a surprise guest, either the following year or a few years later, I was at that one too but it didn’t comeanywhere near the day U2 played in the Lee fields.

Joe McCarthy was 18 years old when U2 made a surprise appearance at ‘The Lark by the Lee’ in the Lee fields in 1985, here he recounts the events of that memorable day

U2Play at the Lark by the Lee August 25, 1985Play at the Lark by the Lee August 25, 1985

I Will Follow Sunday Bloody Sunday Gloria Pride (In the Name of Love) Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan cover) 40







5 9 5 41 4 8 2 76 25 2 4 1 3 9 6 2

3 6 5 1 4 8 7 6 9

Puzzles7 2 5 9 1 4 6 3 8

8 3 6 2 5 7 4 9 1

1 9 4 6 3 8 5 2 7

6 1 3 7 2 9 8 4 5

4 8 9 3 6 5 7 1 2

5 7 2 4 8 1 3 6 9

3 6 7 5 9 2 1 8 4

9 4 8 1 7 3 2 5 6

2 5 1 8 4 6 9 7 3

Across1. Hanker (5)3. Lariat (5)6. Decimal base (3)8. Conundrums (7)9. Garret (5)10. Dull pain (4)13. Long narrative poem (4)14. Commence (5)17. Vegetable (7)18. Novel (3)19. Nursemaid (5)20. Synthetic fabric (5)

Down1. Abominable snowman (4)2. Serviette (6)3. Indolent (4)4. Choice (9)5. Marine mollusk (6)7. Sustenance (9)11. Time of year (6)12. Gentle breeze (6)15. Untrusting (4)16. Aquatic bird (4)

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20


As I watched the dog chasing his tail, I

thought "Dogs are easily amused." Them I

realized I was watching the dog chase his tail.

Lazy People Fact #5812672793You were too lazy to read that number.

If someone asks you to spell "part A" backwards, don't do it. It's a Trap.

Bank Robber: "Give me all your money. Otherwise you are chemistry! "Bank-teller: " Don't you mean history? "Bank Robber: "Don't change the subject! "

I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted the paypackets.

The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

If you can stay calm while all around you is chaos, then you probably haven't completely understood the situation.


I t ’s F R E E N O Excuses Be T H E R E !














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Teenagers 1. You are somewhat better looking that you think you are. 2. You are somewhat more popular that you think you are. 3. Your parents are somewhat more cool than you think they are. They are somewhat less cool than they think they are. 4. Your parents are sometimes wrong. You are wrong more often.5. For any given "grown up" activity, somewhat fewer people are doing it than you think.6. For any given "grown up" activity, somewhat fewer people are doing it than say they are doing it.7. People are not thinking about you. They are thinking about what you're thinking about them.8. You are entering a period of chronic, low-level insanity. You will look back on your teen age years and realize this. All teenage girls are insane.9. Teenage boys are worse. They are stark, raving, often droolingly insane, and generally remain so well into their twenties. 10. There is nothing wrong with your breath. 11. Your body smells just fine.12. Noses never hit. Braces do not lock. Teeth sometimes hit. Lips chap, but it take a long, long time. You now know absolutely everything about the dangers of kissing.13. No teacher ever hates you. They just don't think that way. The good ones will love you a little or a lot. The bad ones will have the same emotion toward you that a factory worker has toward objects flying past on an assembly line.14. Your parents don't hate you. Your parents love you more than you can even understand now. 15. If something is illegal, there is probably a good reason.16. The things that you think will get you into trouble probably won't get you into as much trouble as you think, but will still get you into trouble.17. When you enter a room and everyone is laughing, it isn't about you.

“Some Advice”

Stripes For Life my EDS Journey

Lauren Walsh has a very rare illness called Ehler Danlos Syndrome (EDS) She spends weeks away from her home in Ireland, in hospital in the UK. All because there are no EDS consultants in Ireland. A lot of this travel is self funding. Real Magazine was proud to host a coffee morning in Marcello’s of Douglas on Tuesday 4th of November, to raise funds for Lauren’s ongoing treatment.

You can help Lauren and her Family by donating.Bank Details

AIB Bank Sort code 93-43-48

Account Number 50281-188Coffee Morning For Lauren Walsh

Stuart & Deirdre O Mahony Chrissy O’Mahony

Carol MurrayTony Field

Cllr. Joe Harris Marcello Liotta, Lisa O Brien & Gary Mooney22

A Big Thank You to All the Sponsors who kindly Donated the Amazing Prizes

PeopleMarie Piper Gregan & Rose Mooney

Tanya McMahon & Aisling O Sullivan

Bernadette Burke

Marie Gregan Piper

Marie O’Brien

Stuart O’Mahony

Pauline Collins

Aisling O’Sullivan

June Barry

Ger HanrahanChristine Sarl

Owen McCarthy

Tanya McMahon

Majella O’Sullivan

Spot Prize Winners

17 Douglas West, Cork.Tel: 021 489 76 33


17 Douglas West, Cork.Tel: 021 489 76 33


C.A.C.I.Beauty Salon

8 Tramway TerraceDouglas East, Cork

T e l : 0 2 1 4 8 9 5 7 0 2

Body Beaut i fu l

Unit 2 Barry House,East Douglas VillageTel:021 483 5006

HAIRWORKS4 Douglas West, Co.Cork.

Tel: 021 485 77 33Village Green,

Douglas West, Cork

Brown HouseDouglas Village, Co. Cork

Tel: 021 489 09 51

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The Fingerpost, Douglas, Co. Cork.

Matson’sWine Store

Cooneys Lane, Grange

Fine Wine&

Craft Beers Tel: 021 485 76 55



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Kinsale Road Business Park, Kinsale Road, Cork

Tel: 021 432 28 88

MotoringFrom time to time we receive the occasional, pleading enquiry about sourcing second hand car parts.And while we don't stock second hand parts, fielding enquires about them is perfectly fine. Why wouldn't you try and save money where possible? We understand that 'value for money' is the most important thing to consider when making any purchase these days.However, where some car parts are concerned cheap does not equate to value for money. And second hand parts most certainly do not represent a good investment in terms of quality and long-term value.We may be stating the obvious here, but used parts, as a general rule, have endured wear and tear. Sometimes the level of this wear and tear is insignificant, depending on the part in question. However, the level of wear and tear certain parts have been subjected to is definitely worthy of consideration when deciding whether to purchase new or second hand components. In such instances it is highly recommended that you have a professional check such items before purchasing for reuse. Now, given that in many cases the reason for making a second hand purchase is to save money, it is worth considering this: with a mechanics fee for inspection highly recommended, and a significantly reduced guarantee, coupled with the fact that second hand equipment will in most scenarios require replacement at an earlier stage than new, higher spec parts, is buying second hand really an effective cost-saving action?In some cases the answer is most definitely a resounding NO! What parts in question therefore should you give serious consideration to buying brand new to get the most value for money? We've compiled a handy A-Z list below of the components that you should NEVER skimp on:

A: Air Bags, Air Filter, Air-bag Sensors.B: Ball Joints, Battery, Bearings, Brake Discs/Rotors, Brake Light Switch, Brake Pads, Brake Shoes.C: Catalytic Converter, Clutch Disc, Cooling Fan Switch, Cylinder Sleeves.D: Distributor Cap.E: Engine Bearings.F: Fuel Lines, Fuses.G:Gaskets.H:Head Studs, Headlights.

New vs Second-hand Car Parts – False Economics?

I:Ignition Coil, Ignition Condenser, Ignition Points.M:Mass Flow Sensor.O:Oil Filter, Oil Pressure Switches Sensors.P:Piston Rings.R:Radiator Hoses.S:Shifter Bushings, Shock Absorbers, Spark Plug Wires, Spark Plugs, Strut Bearings, Strut Inserts.T:Thermostat, Timing Belt, Timing Chain, Tyres.V:Valves, Voltage Regulator.W:Water Pump, Wheel Bearings, Wheel Cylinders.



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Gardening"Andrew Quinlan of Carrigane Landscapes brings us part five of his six part guide to building a landscaped garden."

Laying the paving slabs:After following our guidelines up to this point the next step should gorelatively smoothly. Now that were out of the muck a good tip is to power hose the area down to minimise staining while laying your new pavement

Looking at the area on the ground now might give the illusion that it is smaller than you previously thought. If this is the case take measurements and find a similar size area (perhaps in your neighbours or friends home) before making any decisions. Proportion is one of the main components in any design

There are so many different types and colours of paving to choose from it can be overwhelming, luckily they can be laid one of three different ways,Dry sand and cement mix (3:1)Wet sand and cement mix (3:1 also known as mortar bed)Paving grit Paving brick is always laid on paving grit (exceptions may be steps, edging, etc…)Paving that needs to be grouted needs to have a sand and cement bed.If the slabs are uniform thickness you can lay them on a level dry sand and cement bed, if they not uniform use a mortar bedAsk your local stone yard for advice on which option suits you bestLet's assume for this exercise that your slabs are a uniform finish. This means a dry sand and cement base. If our slab is 50mm thick we need to level our sand and cement base 50mm below our finished level. Remember you must ensure your slabs are falling away from the house and into the drain or soakway.Once your base is levelled you are ready to start paving. Step back and think where is the best place to start laying the paving? You cannot walk on your level base. Is there a pattern? Check out our website or Facebook page to see our portfolio and patterns we might have used (While you’re there help promote us by clicking the like and share button)If you have your pattern the paving should sit together like a jigsaw. Use your level and ensure the paving is falling to allow the water flow where you have designed it to goYou may need to use a hammer to bed the slab. This is done by gently tapping them until there is no lip between the slab being laid and the previous slab. If you don't have a paving hammer use a piece of timber to protect the paving When the slabs are laid you will possibly be left with some cutting. You can hire a concrete saw from your local tool hire shop. Ask for advice on necessary safety equipment to be worn. This should be used only by trained persons. At this stage your paving should be laid. Wet down the area clean any cement footprints and allow the moisture into the sand and cement bed. By now your body should be telling you to rest, so put up the feet (or carry on your list of chores) and leave the paving set.

Next week we will discuss the grouting process and how to choose appropriate planting for your design.







Andrew O’ Sullivan Tel: 085 888 92 90 / 021 462 98 50

Grenagh, Co. Cork

E m a i l : a o s c o n s t r u c t i o n @ g m a i l . c o m


When I heard this story, I asked if I could re-tell it to show that there are really good people out there.People

Marcello’s Family Restaurant, Tramway Terrace, Douglas East (Formally Bully’s) Cork

OPEN: Mon~Fri 9am to 10pm ~ Sun~Bank Holiday 2pm to 10pm

Tel: 021 489 24 26Tel: 021 489 24 26Marcello’sF A M I L Y R E S T A U R A N T

Morning Coffee

Home Baked


& Scones

Lunch &




Marcello Liotta has been living in Ireland for the past sixteen years. He previously owned a restaurant in Bandon and this is where our story begins.While in Bandon, a regular customer and by now a great friend constantly told Marcello he should move his business up to Cork, to let more people see what a talented chef he was. His name was Dan Walsh. Exited by the idea, Marcello would explain that due to commitments in Bandon, such as the lease etc. it would be impossible to entertain the notion. This did not stop Dan, who tried and tried to change his mind. His dream was to open a restaurant with Marcello in Cork.When circumstances changed for Marcello and he was finally in a position to surrender the lease, he and Danspoke again of the move to Cork. It just so happened that around this time also the premises formally knownas Bully’s in Douglas came up for lease. The plan went into action.Marcello travelled to Italy to perfect his skills in Italian cuisine and returned to Ireland ready for the challengesthat awaited them in opening a new business. However, the news he came back to was heartbreaking - Dan had died. Not only had Marcello lost a great friend and had the grief of his loss to suffer, but he now had no business or prospects. After Dan’s funeral, he was trying to decide what to do, whether to stay in his now beloved Ireland or go back to Italy. Either choice would mean trying to start alone again. But Dan had not finished with his or Marcello’s dream. Dan’s son Aidan called Marcello to say his Dad had a bucket list and ‘Marcello’s Family Restaurant’ was on it. The family honoured that list and so the restaurant opened its doors recently in DouglasVillage. In honour of Dan Walsh, Marcello has

designated an area of the restaurant to him. Why not call in and see it for yourself. While you are there, I would recommend the coffee and cakes.

Natasha, Callie Walsh & Marcelloat the recent Coffee Morning heldin Marcello’s in aid of Callie’s Daughter, Lauren Walsh who suffers from EDS.











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Donnybrook Commercial Centre Kids Tues:7.30~8.30 / Fri: 7.30~9.00

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We Cater For Kids On

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PeopleSubway in Douglas recently celebrated

it’s 1st Birthday witha customer

appreciation dayReal Magazine went along on the day to take some photosand meet some of

the hardworking staffthat helped make it

a success.

1st Birthday PartyCraig Hourigan, Hollyhill & Siobhan O’Mahony, Douglas

Avril O’Driscoll, Bishopstown

Aaron, Catherine & Dylan O’Callaghan Claire and Pa from Red FM

Mathew, Gillian & Ethan O’Driscoll, BallincolligDeclan, Laura & Aisling, Togher

John Saunders & Murli Chandwani Julie Oates, Age-Action

Real Magazine wentalong to Carrigaline

Public Library onThursday morningwhere David Treacywas celebrating his

65th birthday.David was also

retiring after 40 yearsservice with the Library.

A large crowd had turned out on the day

to wish David good luck in the future.


PeopleDavid Treacy’s

Birthday &

Retirement Party

Halloween Parade

David Treacy, Birthday boy!Michael McGloin, Carrigaline

Eamonn O’Leary

Singing and dancing at the Halloween Parade

David, Deirdre, Éabha & Cathal, Carrigtwohill

Mark, Yvonne, Jamie & Emma, Douglas Corky from CCFC

Isabelle McAvinue Enjoying the Halloween Parade 31



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I decided to grow my ‘Mo’ on a whim, I hadn’t eventhought about how I’d go about getting sponsorshipI hadn’t thought it through at all, I just knew I wantedto take part in the annual moustache growing festival,I wanted to do my bit for mens health issues... Even though being a man I hadn’t a clue what those issuesare. There are ‘rules’ to taking part in Movember, youcan’t just not shave (I’ve printed them below) so I didstart clean shaven on October 31st and then left the top lip untouched from the 1st on, now given that I’mfair haired (or ‘Foxy’ as my kids say) no one reallynoticed for a few days, I have a brother-in-law who if he didn’t shave for a day would resemble Roy Keane’s beardy face, but not me, three days in people are still looking at me and saying things like “You look different, did you get your hair-cut?” Everyone that isexcept my business partner who doesn’t have any problem supporting the charity, but just doesn’t like my, and I quote “Dirty looking stubble” But I persevere and by day 11 I have a fully moustached toplip and I’ve taken the time to shape it into an upsidedown U coming down each side of my mouth, althoughreading through the rules I’m not sure if that’s allowed.

But I like it, I wear a shirt &tie everyday, sothis little bit offacial hairmakes me feellike a rebel,even if its onlyfor a month.Of course it’sall pointless and a waste of groomingif you don’t raise some money and a lot of awareness about men’s cancers, specifically prostate and testicular cancer, so please if you know a ‘Mo Bro’ dig deep and help him out and all you moustache growing brothers...Well done and take a bow.1. Once signed up at each Bro must begin the 1st of November with a clean shaven face.2. for the entire month of November each Bro must grow and groom a moustache.3. Don’t fake it. No beards, no goatees, no fakemoustaches.4. Use the power of the moustache to create conversations about men’s health.5. Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a truegentleman.

For more information or to donate see Movember Ireland, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Flickr


Starters: Easy Chicken Caesar Salad

Ingredients 4 thick slices crusty white bread3 tbsp olive oil 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts 1 large cos or romaine lettuce, leaves separated4 Smoked streaky rashers For the dressing Medium block Parmesan cheese for grating and Shaving (you won't use it all) A good quality low fat Caesar dressing (available in most supermarkets)

Time 25 mins. Serves 4 (allow one chicken breast pertwo people, so adjust accordingly to increase servings)

MethodHeat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Cut the bread into small bite-size squares with a bread knife. Spread over a large baking sheet or tray and sprinkle over 2 tbsp olive oil. Rub the oil into the bread and season with a little salt if you like (sea salt crystals are best for this). Bake for 8-10 mins, turning the croutons a few times during cooking so they brown evenly.Grill the rashers under a hot grill, turning occasionallyuntil slightly crispy. Rub chicken breasts with remaining oil, season. Place pan over a medium heat for 1 min, until hot, but not smoking. Lay the chicken on the pan (it will sizzle if it’s hot enough) and leave for 4 mins. Turn the chicken, then cook for 4 mins more. Check if it’s cooked by poking the tip of a sharp knife into the thickest part; there should be no sign of pink andjuices will run clear.Shave a few strips of the cheese with a peeler. Tear thelettuce into large pieces and put in a large bowl. Cutrashers into small pieces. Pull chicken into bite-size strips and scatter half over the leaves, along with half the croutons and some of the rashers. Add a gooddrizzle of the dressing and toss together. Scatter the rest of the chicken, croutons and rashers then drizzle with a bit more dressing. (depending on how you likeit) Sprinkle the Parmesan on top and serve straight away.

Starters: Garlic & basil CiabattaIngredients1 tbsp mayonnaise, 2 tbsp butter, softened 1 bunch of basil (or a half teaspoon of dried basil)1 small Ciabatta, 2 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese 2 garlic cloves, crushed (or half a tea-spoon of garlicpuree, available in most supermarkets)

Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 3 mins. Serves 4.

MethodHeat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Heat half the oil in a roasting tray, then brown the steaks on both sides and set aside. Toss the potato, onion, carrots, remaining oil and half the rosemary into the roasting tray, then lay the steaks on top. Brush the steaks with the mustard, scatter with remaining rosemary and roast everything for 20 mins until the potatoes are softened and the lamb cooked.

Mains: Pan-fried salmon with watercress, polenta croutons & capersPrep time:10 mins. Cook time:20 mins. Serves 4Ingredients250g cooked polenta, either bought ready-made or made from the grain (follow pack instructions and allow it to cool and set on a tray) 50g plain flour, 3 tbsp olive oil, 4 boneless, skinless salmon fillets approx 140g/5oz each, 200g watercress, washed and thick stalks removed, 2 tbsp capers in brine, drained, squeeze lemon juice.MethodCut the polenta into approximately 1.5cm cubes, toss in flour and fry in a little oil until slightly coloured.

The Dinner party - Made easyAs we head into the party season it’s time to get out the good plates & the fancy tablecloth and invite your friends and family round to your place for a dinner party. These dinner party recipes are just the thing to

impress your guests on these

MethodHeat the grill to high. Beat together the mayonnaise, butter and garlic until smooth. Chop basil (or if using dried basil) stir through and season with salt and pepper. Put the halves of the Ciabatta, sliced lengthways, on a baking tray and spread with the butter. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan, then grill for 2-3 mins.

Mains: Lamb steaks with rosemary sweet potatoesPrep time: 10 mins. Cook time: 30 mins. Serves 4Ingredients2 tbsp olive oil, 4 lamb leg steaks, 3 sweet potatoes, finely sliced, 1 red onion, halved & sliced, 2 mediumcarrots sliced, sprig fresh rosemary or 1 tsp of dried, 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard.


Keep warm. Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Heat the remaining oil in a non-stick pan and fry the salmon portions for 1 min on each side until lightly golden, then transfer to a non-stick baking tray and cook in the oven for 8-10 mins. Test the fish to see if it is cooked by pushing a cocktail stick into the top of it. If the fish offers resistance, then it is not fully cooked and will need further cooking. When cooked, remove from the oven and set to one side.Dress the watercress with a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Scatter the polenta croutons and capers over each salmon fillet and serve with the watercress.

Desserts: Lemon creams with blackberriesPrep Time:20 mins. Cook time:5 mins. Plus overnight chilling. Serves 4Ingredients4 gelatine leaves, 425ml milk, 1 large lemon, grated zest and juice, 425ml double or whipping cream 100g caster sugar, plus 1 tbsp, 300g blackberries.MethodPut the gelatine leaves in a bowl of ice-cold water for 10 mins to soften. Put the milk, lemon zest, cream and sugar in a pan then heat until it starts to bubble gently. Simmer for 2-3 mins. Remove from the heat, take the gelatine out of the water, shaking off any excess and add to the pan, stirring until the gelatine has dissolved.Leave to cool, then stir again and pour into ramekins, cups or individual pudding basins. Put on a tray in the fridge overnight to set.Mix the blackberries with 1 tbsp each of lemon juice and sugar. Loosen the edges of the creams with the tip of a small knife, then turn them onto serving plates, and scatter around the blackberries and sauce.

Desserts: Mini Banoffee piesPrep time:15 mins (plus chilling time) Ingredients112g digestive biscuits, 60g butter, melted, 200g Nestlé Carnation caramel (can be bought in most supermarkets) 150ml double cream, 2 ripe bananas, finely sliced. To serve banana chips (optional) chocolate shavings.MethodCrumble the biscuits into a blender and blitz until you have fine crumbs. Add the melted butter and pulse again to combine. Spoon the mixture evenly between 4 individual fluted, loose-bottomed tart tins (9cm).

Press the mixture in firmly – you can use a teaspoon for this - and refrigerate for at least half an hour.Spread the caramel over the base of the tarts not quite to the edges. Arrange a layer of bananas on top of the caramel. Whip the cream until is has just reached soft peaks. Dollop onto the tarts to give a pillowy effect.Remove the tarts from the tins. Place one banana chip into the centre of each tart and scatter with chocolate shavings.

Top 6 dinner party tipsHere are our top 6 ideas:1. Resist the temptation: To cook some exotic Japanese dish that you're not even sure how to pronounce and had never laid eyes on until you opened Google five minutes ago. Cook something you're confident with. Don't try a recipe for the first time (unless you are, in fact, Nigella).2. Keep your balance: When planning your menu, avoid too many heavy dishes and think about how they go together. Would you fancy eating quiche, followed by pie, followed by tart? Too much pastry, too much stodge! You might want to choose a theme too, like Italian or Spanish food.3. Avoid nasty surprises: Not asking your guests if they have special dietary requirements doesn't make them go away. If only. Check with people upfront if there's anything they can't eat and make at least two of the courses suitable for everyone to save you work.4. Plan your time: Do a timeplan and think about what oven/hob space you're going to need. If your starter, main course, side dishes and pud all need time in the oven it's going to be tricky.5. Relax: Avoid anything that's going to keep you in the kitchen too long. You don't want to have massive gaps between courses and then emerge from the kitchen flustered, covered in food and having missed half the conversation.6:Prepare ahead: Avoid a last minute flap by cooking at least one course, from start to finish, at leisure and ahead of time. If it’s something complicated, that's definitely the one to choose. You'll be surprised at some of the dishes that can be made ahead. Consider each course and think about which bits you can do beforehand. If the answer's nothing, you might want to choose something else. More recipes next issue. 13

Pictures byDeclan Forrest

Rugby Photography

Picture by Brendan Kenneally

Dolphin J2 v Kinsale

Dolphin v Cork ConPictures by

Declan ForrestRugby Photography

Sundays Well U18



The rise of RACKHOUSE PILFER is unstoppable. They are a stomping, fiery and exciting band and have been getting rave reviews with their brand of

rootsy Americana.

Rackhouse Pilfer return to the Rockies Club on Sat Nov. 29th.Rackhouse Pilfer return to the Rockies Club on Sat Nov. 29th.

You can catch them in action

at the Blackrock National

Hurling Club, Church Road,

Blackrock, Cork,

on Saturday Nov. 29th.

*No Cover Charge*

GLOW FestivalFri 28th to Sun 30th Nov Fri 5th to Sun 7th Dec

Fri 12th to Sun 14th Dec Fri 19th to Sun 21st Dec

Over 150,000 people are expected to flock into the city centre this year for Glow, A Cork Christmas Celebration, which is presented by Cork City Council. The family-favourite festival, which takes place on

th stGrand Parade from 28 November to December 21 , Fridays to Sundays, is set to be more magical than ever before. Visitors and locals alike will enjoy a Christmas themed food and crafts market, a free lifesize Christmas book attraction, Ireland’s largest Ferris Wheel which has stunning views of the city’s skyline, live entertainment, and a Carols by Candlelight event, to mention just a few of the highlights.

Pictures by Clare Keogh




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Facts Amazing Facts About half of the population of Australia can claim Irish ancestry On average, there are 50,000 spiders per acre in green areasAlmonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose familyYour foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index fingerBy law, beer commercials in America are disallowed from showing people drinking beerTigers have striped skin, not just striped furAbout 5% of all Soccer injuries occur during celebrations after scoring a goalIn 1972, Vesna Vulovic, a flight attendant, fell 33,000 feet in an aircraft explosion and survived. She now holds the Guinness world record for the highest free-fall without a parachuteAt Brennender Berg (“Burning Mountain”) in Germany, underground coal has been on fire since 1688In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10 Nowhere in the bible does it say there were three wise men, just three giftsYou speak about 4,800 words a day

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was the only person in the world to have survived two nuclear blasts. He was present in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the nukes were dropped. He died in 2010, aged 93Synesthesia is a rare condition in which the senses get cross-wired. Stimulation of one sense causes stimulation of another. If you have synesthesia, you may see colours when you hear a sound, or you can taste words!‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ is the fear of long words.One tree can provide enough oxygen for 2 people to live off of for their whole lives.The width of your arm-span stretched out is the length of your whole body.The farthest you can see with the naked eyeis 2.4 million light years away! That’s the distance to the giant Andromeda Galaxy. You can see it easily as a dim, large gray “cloud” almost directly overhead in a clear night sky.

The Regina Mundi College Choir is comprised of forty members drawn from all six year groupsin the school. This enthusiastic and dedicated group of students rehearse weekly under thedirection of music teacher Mrs Rose Beecher. The primary criterion for membership of the Choir is a passion for singing and a desire to participate in the musical life of the school.The Choir enhances life at Regina Mundi College by performing at many school events. Amongthese events are the Annual School Mass, Christmas Carol Service, Graduation Events andvisits to the school by dignitaries.The Choir engages in a community outreach programme and performs annually at Christmas Eve Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Rochestown. The Choir also performs at charity fund raising events in the local community.The Regina Mundi College Choir was formed in 2008. They have competed successively inFeís Maitiú and The Cork International Choral Festival. They entered the All Island Choircompetition in 2012 and enjoyed being selected to compete in the Regional Final. The schoolcommissioned Mr. John Gibson to compose a song in honour of the late Éana Ní Dhubháin, ouresteemed former Deputy Principal. The moving lyrics were written by a former by a former Irish teacher in the school, Dr. Liam Hodder.

Talent Regina Mundi College reach the Grand


Clodagh DeadyAisling DeeganDearbhla FahySusi FitzpatrickHeather FlanaghanZara FraquharLydia HayesClaire HealyLaura Healy

Vicky JudgeAlly KeeganOrla LynchAlina Mayer WhitlaMegan McAuliffeLauren MurphyAisling MurphyRoisín Murphy-KentAoife O Mahony

Jessica O SheaKaitlyn O CallaghanRebecca O CallaghanAoife PlasterVicki PurcellRoisín WallAmy WilliamsMeabh Willis

Andreya AlleyneGreta BaradinskaiteKatie BrennanJane BuckleyJennifer ByrneLouise CoombesStephanie CreamerLucy CunninghamAnna Curtain

Heading to the Titanic Belfast for the Grand Final in The School Choir Competition 2014 are the following:

Director: Rose BeecherAssistant: Nicole MurphyAccompanist: Mr Gary Beecher

The Choir:

Final in the School Choir Competition 2014



“I read with interest your recent piece about MichaelJackson’s concert in Páirc Uí Chaoimh back in 1987and it reminded me of another concert in Cork that I’d been lucky enough to be at. My friend and I had gone to the Lark by the Lee ( a free open air concert hostedby RTE2 FM and whatever the local station was at thetime, long before 96FM or Red Fm) it was a lovelysunny Sunday afternoon in 1985, I don’t remembermuch about any of the other bands that were on that day, though if you Google it, it says Cyprus Mine, Porcelyn Tears, The Stargazers, Freddie White and Friends played that day, I do remember despite being18 I had Chicken Pox, well when I say I had ChickenPox I was just getting over them. After being confinedto bed for the previous two weeks I jumped at thechance to go to the ‘Lark.’ We walked out to the Lee fields from town and sat on the grass listening to the line-up of bands and various RTE and local Djs that were there to entertain us.Then it was finished. A large section began to leaveheading back down the Carrigrohane straight intotown, suddenly there was a buzz went through thecrowd, something was happening, a surprise guest,the girl standing next to me, told her friends it was U2, they were playing in Cork as a thank you to all the Cork fans that had supported them in the early days. I told my friend, but he was sceptical, U2? playing at the Lark by the Lee? On the back of a

truck? U2 who’d only a month earlier stolen the show at Live Aid?We were about to leave, walk back into town and get the bus home, but we decided to wait a for a while and see what was going to happen, within minutes ‘Dave Fanning’ appeared on stage and announced that there was indeed a‘Special guest’ and there they were, Bono, the Edge, Larry and Adam belting out ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ and ‘I will Follow’ some of the crowds that had left began to turn around and come back, a handful at first, then as the word spread what started off as a trickle turned into a full on rush and from where I was standing I could see people running back down the road. Everyone afraid that they'd miss out on the show.U2 only played a handful of songs that day but the day itself has gone on to become part of Corklegend, if the amount of people that say they werethere, actually were there, it would be the biggestgig U2 ever played. I was there though, me with my Chicken Pox face singing along at the top of my voice. Chris De Burgh(when he was a credible pop star, long before ‘Thelady in Red’ ) also played the Lark by the Lee as a surprise guest, either the following year or a few years later, I was at that one too but it didn’t comeanywhere near the day U2 played in the Lee fields.

Joe McCarthy was 18 years old when U2 made a surprise appearance at ‘The Lark by the Lee’ in the Lee fields in 1985, here he recounts the events of that memorable day

U2Play at the Lark by the Lee August 25, 1985Play at the Lark by the Lee August 25, 1985

I Will Follow Sunday Bloody Sunday Gloria Pride (In the Name of Love) Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan cover) 40







5 9 5 41 4 8 2 76 25 2 4 1 3 9 6 2

3 6 5 1 4 8 7 6 9

Puzzles7 2 5 9 1 4 6 3 8

8 3 6 2 5 7 4 9 1

1 9 4 6 3 8 5 2 7

6 1 3 7 2 9 8 4 5

4 8 9 3 6 5 7 1 2

5 7 2 4 8 1 3 6 9

3 6 7 5 9 2 1 8 4

9 4 8 1 7 3 2 5 6

2 5 1 8 4 6 9 7 3

Across1. Hanker (5)3. Lariat (5)6. Decimal base (3)8. Conundrums (7)9. Garret (5)10. Dull pain (4)13. Long narrative poem (4)14. Commence (5)17. Vegetable (7)18. Novel (3)19. Nursemaid (5)20. Synthetic fabric (5)

Down1. Abominable snowman (4)2. Serviette (6)3. Indolent (4)4. Choice (9)5. Marine mollusk (6)7. Sustenance (9)11. Time of year (6)12. Gentle breeze (6)15. Untrusting (4)16. Aquatic bird (4)

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20


As I watched the dog chasing his tail, I

thought "Dogs are easily amused." Them I

realized I was watching the dog chase his tail.

Lazy People Fact #5812672793You were too lazy to read that number.

If someone asks you to spell "part A" backwards, don't do it. It's a Trap.

Bank Robber: "Give me all your money. Otherwise you are chemistry! "Bank-teller: " Don't you mean history? "Bank Robber: "Don't change the subject! "

I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted the paypackets.

The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

If you can stay calm while all around you is chaos, then you probably haven't completely understood the situation.


I t ’s F R E E N O Excuses Be T H E R E !














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Teenagers 1. You are somewhat better looking that you think you are. 2. You are somewhat more popular that you think you are. 3. Your parents are somewhat more cool than you think they are. They are somewhat less cool than they think they are. 4. Your parents are sometimes wrong. You are wrong more often.5. For any given "grown up" activity, somewhat fewer people are doing it than you think.6. For any given "grown up" activity, somewhat fewer people are doing it than say they are doing it.7. People are not thinking about you. They are thinking about what you're thinking about them.8. You are entering a period of chronic, low-level insanity. You will look back on your teen age years and realize this. All teenage girls are insane.9. Teenage boys are worse. They are stark, raving, often droolingly insane, and generally remain so well into their twenties. 10. There is nothing wrong with your breath. 11. Your body smells just fine.12. Noses never hit. Braces do not lock. Teeth sometimes hit. Lips chap, but it take a long, long time. You now know absolutely everything about the dangers of kissing.13. No teacher ever hates you. They just don't think that way. The good ones will love you a little or a lot. The bad ones will have the same emotion toward you that a factory worker has toward objects flying past on an assembly line.14. Your parents don't hate you. Your parents love you more than you can even understand now. 15. If something is illegal, there is probably a good reason.16. The things that you think will get you into trouble probably won't get you into as much trouble as you think, but will still get you into trouble.17. When you enter a room and everyone is laughing, it isn't about you.

“Some Advice”

Stripes For Life my EDS Journey

Lauren Walsh has a very rare illness called Ehler Danlos Syndrome (EDS) She spends weeks away from her home in Ireland, in hospital in the UK. All because there are no EDS consultants in Ireland. A lot of this travel is self funding. Real Magazine was proud to host a coffee morning in Marcello’s of Douglas on Tuesday 4th of November, to raise funds for Lauren’s ongoing treatment.

You can help Lauren and her Family by donating.Bank Details

AIB Bank Sort code 93-43-48

Account Number 50281-188Coffee Morning For Lauren Walsh

Stuart & Deirdre O Mahony Chrissy O’Mahony

Carol MurrayTony Field

Cllr. Joe Harris Marcello Liotta, Lisa O Brien & Gary Mooney22