real time coaching staff manual 2014-2015...

Classroom Management and Real Time Coaching Staff Manual North East Ohio-Cleveland 2014-2015 School Year Compiled By: Carrie Lupoli, M.A, M.Ed Classroom Management Consultant

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Classroom Management and Real Time Coaching Staff Manual

North East Ohio-Cleveland

2014-2015 School Year

Compiled By:

Carrie Lupoli, M.A, M.Ed

Classroom Management Consultant

Table of Contents

Goals of this Manual .................................................................................................................... 3

What is Real Time Coaching? ...................................................................................................... 3

No Nonsense Nurturer Model and Real Time Coaching ............................................................ 4

Roles of the Management Consultant ......................................................................................... 5

The Real Time Coaching Cycle and Time Frame ........................................................................ 6

Referral Process ......................................................................................................................... 6

Considering RTC for a CM ........................................................................................................... 7

Interventions ............................................................................................................................... 7

Acceptance .................................................................................................................................. 7

Email Templates for MTLD to send ............................................................................................. 8

Email Templates for RTC to send ..............................................................................................11

Appendix 1: Rubric for Determining Number of Sessions ................................................... 13-14

Goals of this Manual

Being able to improve a Corps Member’s behavior management through Real Time Coaching is

an exciting opportunity in North East Ohio’s region. The ability to cue and coach a CM in real

time, while he or she is teaching allows for dramatic, positive and immediate change in a

classroom, thus resulting in bringing us closer to our North Star of 100% equity. A classroom

that is joyous, urgent and passionate coupled with content that is rigorous and engaging is not

possible in a classroom if it is not well managed. As effective management is at the core of any

transformative classroom, coaching Corps Members in real time is an exciting and beneficial

opportunity for the region.

This manual strives to inform staff members of the following:

• To provide historical information about the rationale for Real Time Coaching

• To provide a working knowledge of the No Nonsense Nurturer model and how Real Time

Coaching works within it

• To understand the Real Time Coaching process including how MTLDs can refer Corps

Members who would benefit from the program

• To provide staff with links to resources for interventions prior to referral, while waiting

for coaching to start and to support once coaching is finished

What is Real Time Coaching?

The Center for Transformative Teacher Training ( developed the uniquely new

approach to coaching that utilizes bug-in-the-ear technology enabling coaches to provide

immediate feedback to teachers in a non-distracting manner. Coaches are trained in the unique

protocols that significantly increase their ability to help teachers master the classroom

management skills needed to increase student achievement.

Unlike any conventional coaching model, the Real Time Teacher Coaching Model delivers

feedback at the point of instruction that is instantly applicable. Teachers experience

unprecedented guidance and support while coaches have a unique opportunity to

positively impact the teachers’ classroom performance.


• Immediate, non-distracting feedback to teachers using wireless “bug-in-the-ear”


• Instant feedback on application of research-validated classroom management and


strategies with real-time opportunities to course-correct

• Reflective discussion on the teachers’ classroom performance

This breakthrough model enables coaches to dramatically impact teachers’

classroom performance in days and weeks, not months and years.


No Nonsense Nurturer Model and Real Time Coaching

The No Nonsense Nurturer Model used to be known as the Behavior Management Cycle and

has been developed and copy written by the Center for Transformative Teacher Training. This

four-step model specifically gives teachers a system for implementing a solid, research based

behavior management program in their classrooms. Developed from Lee Canter’s experience

and research, the NNN Model provides language, protocols and clear directions to teachers on

how to get students on task, keep them engaged and result in 100% on task behavior.

This model is the first step for teachers in developing a strong foundation for a positive

classroom culture. It is from this model that teachers can build upon to develop their systems,

management and high expectations further.

The steps of the cycle are as follows:

Step 1: Give Precise Directions

Step 2: Positive Narration

Step 3: Correct Off-task Behavior

Step 4: Build Relationships (Although this is identified as a “step” in the process, it is important

to understand that this piece of the model must be infused throughout every aspect of teaching

and managing. It isn’t to be viewed as a separate step to be implemented after the first three.

Real Time Coaching is a technique used to support teachers in the implementation of the No

Nonsense Nurturer model. The coaching model allows for teachers to be cued on the steps in

real time, thus giving them the opportunity to see a direct result of such interventions. Without

the real time component to the coaching, teachers are left with an abstract context to

implementing a concrete protocol.

Roles of the Management Consultant


The Real Time Coach serves as a short term resource to the Corps Member in collaboration

with their MTLD. The MTLD remains the foundational support throughout the Real Time

Coaching process and stays on once the Corps Member is exited. The Corps Member, during

the RTC process will work directly with the Real Time Coach and the MTLD will be “kept in the

loop” in all correspondence. The MTLD should plan to observe a Real Time Session or sit in on

a conference at some point during the cycle.

The Real Time Coach will be responsible for documenting progress and collaborating with the

MTLD on CM performance. Exiting a CM will be based on the Real Time Coach’s assessment of

the CM’s culture of achievement and other criteria, in collaboration with the MTLD.


The management consultant will be available to MTLDs and CMs for advice on strategies,

execution, etc as it relates to classroom management, engagement, routines, procedures and

student investment. This can be scheduled between the consultant and the MTLD and can be

structured as an observation with follow up, watching and commenting on video or discussing

and brainstorming together.


Corps Members will be given opportunities for professional development at the start of the year

so they are set up for success. In addition, multiple opportunities for professional development

will be offered with regards to culture, management, relationships, etc.


The management consultant will offer training opportunities for MTLDs with regards to how

they can effectively coach management, culture of achievement, relationships or other areas

related to classroom management, procedures and discipline. These trainings would typically

be presented during TLD meetings but small group or one on one trainings can be requested as

necessary. In addition, MTLDs are welcome to sit in on RTC sessions for increasing knowledge

and skill around coaching management and culture.

The Real Time Coaching Cycle and Time Frame

Each Real Time Cycle consists of a Pre-Conference, the Real Time Coaching Session and a Post

Conference. The initial cycle will start with a baseline observation. Further baseline

observations will be conducted if a large amount of time (more than a week) has past between


Baseline Observation (1 time only): 10 minutes

Pre-Conference: 15-20 minutes

Real Time Coaching: 20 minutes

Post Conference: 20 minutes

Most Corps Members will require anywhere from 2-6 cycles before exiting. Based on the MTLDs

assessment of a CMs classroom on the referral application, a certain number of sessions will

be recommended by the RTC. Refer to Appendix for a guide on how the number of sessions a

CM will receive are determined.

Referral Process

Before a Corps Member can begin the Real Time Coaching program, a referral by the MTLD

must be completed. This form can be found online at Because the RTC program is limited in scope,

the region must prioritize Corps Members. For this reason, a complete referral form must be

completed. The referral form requires certain information about a CM, their classroom

management, structure and culture, as well as a sample video and other supporting


Logistical Information:

The referral form must have all contact information, school details and teaching

logistics. Included in this information is an attachment of the CM’s schedule.

Vision and Goals:

In order for the coach to have a complete context of the Corps Member, the referral

process also includes the CM’s vision and goals.

Guiding Questions:

The questions in the referral form allow the coach to have a complete understanding of

the needs in the classroom, what has been tried and the possible mindsets that could be

keeping the Corps Member from reaching his or her potential as a transformative

classroom leader.

Scoring Rubric:

The scoring system will give an objective way to prioritize CMs based on need and

willingness to be coached. Other criteria will factor into acceptance such as school

location, how the principal views the need of the CM and others. This scoring rubric is

one way to give the coach an objective measure when prioritizing need.

Video Sample:

A 5 minute video clip of the classroom at a time as close to the referral as possible, is

required. This gives the coach a visual understanding of where the classroom is, the

teacher’s skill and a basic understanding of the context from which the teacher is

working. A You Tube account for the region has been established. The videos should be

uploaded as “private’ with the link sent directly to the coach in the same email as the

referral form and supporting documents.

Number of Sessions: (New for the 2014-2015 school year)

Based on where a classroom is starting out on a measurement scale, the CM can be

referred for 2, 4 or 6 sessions. Sessions will run two times a week, if possible. If more

sessions are required after the initial approved amount, the MTLD and RTC can

determine if and when more sessions can be added. (See rubric in appendix)

Considering RTC for a CM

When determining whether or not a Corps Member should be considered for Real Time

Coaching, the MTLD can take into consideration a variety of factors. The MTLD classroom

management website ( is a resource for MTLDs

to use for observation forms, prompts and questions and other documents to help guide a CM

towards making the decision to refer to RTC. Important considerations around a CM’s culture

of achievement, willingness to participate in RTC and their retention risk are all important

factors that are taken very seriously in the referral process.


MTLDs are required to document at 1-2 interventions that have already been attempted in their

coaching process, and have not yielded results. Such interventions should be documented on

the referral form. Ideas and strategies for interventions can be found on for RTC.


A referral to RTC is respected and considered a high priority. It is not the intention to “reject” a

referral but it may need to be prioritized based on other referral applications. Although timing

will be based on the number of referrals and the number of cycles before exiting, referrals will

be started as soon as possible. The RTC will inform the MTLD as to the starting date.

Email Templates for MTLD to send

Initial referral email: From: MTLD To: RTC Hi Carrie, A RTC referral for CM NAME is attached and a video of their classroom has been uploaded to this link XXX. I am also attaching the CM’s school schedule and vision. Thanks, MTLD

Acknowledgement of Referral to CM of the Real Time Coaching To: CM From MTLD CC: Real Time Coach Hi CM, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to extend you the opportunity to work with XXX, our Real Time Coach in the region, for the upcoming few weeks. As you may know, Real Time Coaching is a supportive tool that is meant to give you in-the-moment input as it relates to management and classroom culture. Real Time Coaches specialize in pushing corps members’ classrooms further along the continuum of Culture of Achievement through successful and consistent use of the “No-Nonsense Nurturer” Model The time commitment for Real Time Coaching is minimal, but the pay-off is outstanding. The Real Time Coaching cycle framework looks something like this: Cycle 1: 20 minute pre-conference, 20 minute coaching session, 20 minute post-conference Cycle 2: 10 minute pre-conference, 20 minute coaching session, 20 minute post-conference Cycles 3 to the Final Cycle: Same as cycle 2. Real Time Coaching typically lasts between 3 and 7 cycles and is designed to help you rapidly improve in the area of classroom management and culture, regardless of where you start. This email serves to get the process rolling and give you some basic information about Real Time Coaching in general. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.. You may receive an email from the Real Time Coach in just a few days, or it may take longer to actually begin the Real Time Coaching process depending on the queue . Therefore, when you do hear from the coach, please complete the action items in her email within 24 hours so you

don’t lose out on this amazing opportunity! You are going to be blown away by the power of Real Time Coaching and I am really looking forward to celebrating that success with you! Best,

Email to Principal/School Leader from MTLD (For Principals who have not had a teacher go through RTC before) To: Principal and other appropriate school personnel From: MTLD CC: Carrie Dear Mr/Mrs XXMr/Mrs XXMr/Mrs XXMr/Mrs XX, As you may know, our North East Ohio region has the benefit of offering a Real Time Teacher Coach to our Corps Members. This coach, in real time with ear bud technology, works to cue and coach corps members rapidly improve in the area of classroom management and culture. As MTLDs, we make referrals for this beneficial resource based on a variety of performance standards we have identified. I have recommended CM NAMECM NAMECM NAMECM NAME as someone who would be a great candidate for this type of coaching. Our Real Time Coach is planning to begin this work with CM NameCM NameCM NameCM Name soon and I will be in touch with you regarding a start date. The Real Time Coach and I will work together during the process to ensure consistency in our messaging and expectations. I will continue to be your contact for the Corps Member and the Real Time Coach will connect with me regularly on progress. Typically Real Time Coaching will last for a couple of weeks and when a teacher has met exit criteria, I will continue to offer support while focusing on the progress made within the Real Time Coaching. I am attaching some documents on coaching as well as the No Nonsense Nurturer Model, which is the protocol from which the Real Time Coaching is based. You can also see a video about a Real Time Coaching session from the developers of this program, the Center for Transformative Teacher Training at Best, MTLD

A Situation may arise where a principal makes an urgent request for Real Time Coaching. In

the view to build relationships with administrators and schools, this request would

automatically prompt a referral for Real Time Coaching. However, the administrator will need

to be made aware that as a region we need to prioritize and schedule our coaching sessions

using a variety of criteria. Therefore although the Real Time Coaching referral will be

submitted, it cannot be guaranteed as to when the CM will be able to be coached.

Email Template to Principal or Referring Admin From MTLD CC: Real Time Coach Dear Principal XX Thank you for your email and for your request to refer CM to Real Time Coaching. It is an effective tool to quickly improve classroom management, culture and achievement. I can confirm that based on your request, I will be starting the referral process which includes gathering a variety of data and evidence from the classroom. I will started on this right away and will let you know when I have submitted the necessary paperwork. As I am sure you can imagine, because of the effectiveness of Real Time Coaching we have had to develop a system for prioritizing such support based on a variety of criteria. Due to this, I cannot guarantee the timing for when the coaching can begin. As I get a clearer sense of this, I will be sure to inform you. Until we are able to implement the Real Time Coaching, I will be working directly with CMCMCMCM on the classroom management concerns. The Real Time Coach in our region has provided us with a variety of effective resources to intervene with the CMthe CMthe CMthe CM until coaching can be scheduled. Thanks again for letting me know about your request and I will keep you informed of our timeline.

Email Templates for RTC to send

Follow up email to CM from RTC From: RTC CC: MTLD, Principal/Appropriate School Leaders To: CM

Dear CM NameCM NameCM NameCM Name I hope this email finds you well and I am excited to get started with Real Time Coaching! This email is a full one, outlining RTC, the process and next steps. The goal of Real-Time Coaching is a unique form of professional development that was developed by Lee Canter's Center for Transformative Teacher Training ( and has been proven to rapidly improve teachers' practice by using in-the-moment walkie-talkie coaching in conjunction with pre- and post-conference meetings. RTC is focused intently on improving classroom management, classroom culture and relationships with students with the ultimate goal of increasing student achievement. Take a look at a Real Time Coaching sample at I will be specifically coaching you through the No Nonsense Nurturer protocols (attached is a cheat sheet). This will take place in the form of RTC "cycles," which consist of a short (15-20 minute) pre-coaching conference, a 20 minute coaching session where I'm actually in your classroom, and a 20 minute debrief where we will talk about your reactions to the coaching session, build some skills, and next steps. Based on the current information I have received from your MTLD, you have been approved for you have been approved for you have been approved for you have been approved for 4444----6666 cyclescyclescyclescycles. Because of the limited time we are going to work together, it is pivotal that the time we have is focused and taken seriously so we can make tons of progress quickly! Once we start RTC, you can expect us to have 1-2 cycles and then I will conduct an observation to see how you are implementing the changes without me on the walkie. After that we will continue with the regular cycles of support based on the number of cycles you have been approved for. Because this support is intensive, efficient and so effective, I need to ensure your commitment to this development model. As a result, I need to establish a few norms for our work together: 1. I will send you a schedule for the upcoming week with specific dates and times for our work together. Your attention to these times is important. There may be times we have to meet during lunch, which of course you can eat and work, but our meetings must entail your undivided attention. Please plan your day according to our schedule so you do not have to do prep work for your classes while we meet. 2. You will be assigned deliverables to work on in between coaching sessions. We will also cover a lot in our very short debriefs. As a result, there will be much to remember and process.

Please bring a notebook to record our work together and to document the deliverables you will be responsible for. Typically deliverables are centered around specific practice in execution. 3. If you need to cancel a session please give me as much notice, over text, as possible. My schedule is extremely tight as I am between many schools in any given day. Cancelling a session is problematic unless it is an emergency as it is almost impossible to reschedule. Your school leaders have offered their support of Real Time Coaching and consider it a priority. If you need anything from me with regards to further support from your administrators, please let me know. As far as next steps, there are a few things: I am attaching some additional information here on Real Time Coaching for you to review as well as my vision for my work in this role. In the attachments, you will also see two self assessments. Please have these printed and completed before our first session together. I will develop an initial schedule for next week and will send this to you over the weekend. **If you don’t have a schedule you may need to ask for the schedule to be sent to you ASAP**

Looking forward to hearing from you asap!

Attach: cheat sheet, truths/myths. Research from CT3, Vision Doc RtC

Appendix 1: Rubric for Determining Number of Sessions