real time forecasts of inflation: the role of financial...

Luiss Lab of European Economics LLEE Working Document no. 81 Real time forecasts of inflation: the role of financial variables Libero Monteforte Gianluca Moretti June 2009 Outputs from LLEE research in progress, as well contributions from external scholars and draft reports based on LLEE conferences and lectures, are published under this series. Comments are welcome. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed are attributable only to the author(s), not to LLEE nor to any institutions of affiliation. © Copyright 2009, Libero Monteforte, Gianluca Moretti Freely available for downloading at the LLEE website ( ) Email: [email protected]

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Luiss Lab of European Economics LLEE Working Document no. 81

Real time forecasts of inflation: the role of financial variables

Libero Monteforte Gianluca Moretti

June 2009

Outputs from LLEE research in progress, as well contributions from external scholars and draft reports based on LLEE conferences and lectures, are published under this series. Comments are

welcome. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed are attributable only to the author(s), not to LLEE nor to any institutions of affiliation.

© Copyright 2009, Libero Monteforte, Gianluca Moretti Freely available for downloading at the LLEE website (

Email: [email protected]

Real time forecasts of inflation: the role of financial variables

Libero Monteforte(*) Gianluca Moretti(*)

LLEE Working Document No. 81 June 2009


We present a mixed frequency model for daily forecasts of euro area inflation. The model combines a monthly index of core inflation with daily data from financial markets; estimates are carried out with the MIDAS regression approach. The forecasting ability of the model in real time is compared with that of standard VARs and of daily quotes of economic derivatives on euro area inflation. We find that the inclusion of daily variables helps to reduce forecast errors with respect to models that consider only monthly variables. The mixed frequency model also displays superior predictive performance with respect to forecasts solely based on economic derivatives.

(*) Bank of Italy. This paper represents the authors personal opinions and does not reflect the view of the Bank of Italy. We are indebted to Eric Ghysels, Marco Lippi, Alessio Sancetta and Paolo Zaffaroni for useful comments. We thank partecipants to the Society for Financial Econometrics inaugural conference (SoFiE), V Eurostat Colloquium on Modern Tools for Business Cycle Analysis and the II Workshop in Computational and Financial Econometrics; in particular to Giovanni Barone Adesi, Luc Bauwens, Tim Bollerslev, Frank Diebold, Andrea Ghiringhelli, Menelaos Karanasos, Enno Mammen and Christian Schumacher for useful discussions. We are also grateful to Fabio Busetti for helpful comments at various stages of the work. Usual disclaimers apply.

1 Introduction

This paper deals with daily forecasts of in�ation. The need to forecast in-�ation as frequently as possible has become increasingly important for bothinstitutional and market operators. On the one hand, a timely update of themacroeconomic projections is essential for conducting a "modern" monetarypolicy based on the market expectations (see Woodford (2003)); on the otherhand, �nancial market operators tend to continuously update their expecta-tions as new information is released, and to exploit this information to modifytheir investment strategies.1 Since in�ation is available at monthly frequency,the common approach to forecast in�ation is to construct models based onmonthly variables that are correlated with future in�ation. Forecasts fromthese models can be quite accurate but not very timely since, by construc-tion, they do not account for any important information that might becomeavailable within the month. A solution to this problem is to look at �nancialindicators, such as movements in the yield curve or interest rate spreads, thatare available on a daily basis and that can give us some timely informationabout changes in the in�ation expectations. An alternative solution, whichwe present in this paper, is to combine the two approaches to construct anindicator of monthly in�ation using both monthly and daily data. More pre-cisely, we propose a mixed frequency data model that combines a monthlycore in�ation index, constructed using a generalized dynamic factor model,with daily prices of commodities and �nancial assets. The approach has theadvantage that it incorporates in the same model long run in�ation dynamics(as a mean of core in�ation index) with recent data re�ecting current andfuture in�ation expectations.The idea behind our approach is straightforward. Factor models have

recently become a popular tool to forecast macro variables. They allow usto construct economic indicators by handling in a parsimonious way the in-formation contained in a large number of variables (see for instance Stockand Watson (2006)). In particular, the Generalized Dynamic Factor mod-els, proposed by Forni et al. (2002), henceforth FHRL, by extracting a fewcommon long run components from observable variables, can explain mostof the variability of the data at low and medium frequency. Because of theirlarge-scale structure, factor models might not be very convenient to forecast

1Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) studied the reaction of asset prices to monetary policyshocks while Andersen et. al (2003) showed that U.S. dollar exchange-rate quotations arelinked to economic fundamentals.


in�ation in real time. On the one hand, they would require to frequentlyupdate a large database; on the other, since economic data is released atdi¤erent times, factor models are characterized by an unbalanced end ofsample (ragged-edge), and this can lead to inaccurate short term predic-tions. The latter is a well-known problem in the literature that might a¤ectthe forecasting properties of the models, especially for short horizons fore-casts (see Marcellino and Schumacher (2008)). The approach we propose totackle this problem is to use mixed frequency data models where, togetherwith a factor model indicator, relevant explanatory variables sampled at ahigher frequency are included. We consider a recent class of mixed frequencymodels, the Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models (MIDAS), proposedby Ghysels et al. (2002, 2006).2 Most of the early applications of MIDASmodels were on �nancial data but more recently there has been a few ap-plications to macroeconomic variables. Clements and Galvao (2007) use aMIDAS model to forecast monthly US quarterly macro variables, Ghyselsand Wright (2008), to track daily survey expectations on US macro variablesand Marcellino and Schumacher (2008) to produce monthly estimate of theGerman GDP. The use of asset prices to forecast macro variables is not newin the literature. In an extensive review Stock and Watson (2003) showedthat �nancial variables have a marginal predictive content but it is often hardto detect it. In this respect, our results can be seen as an alternative way toexploit this predictive content without altering the temporal structure of thedata.We run a few forecasting exercises to asses the forecast accuracy of our

indicator compared to standard monthly models and market expectations.Our conclusions are the following. First, predictions from our mixed fre-quency model outperform those of standard benchmark models based onlyon monthly variables. From this result we can infer that the inclusion of thedaily variables helps to reduce the forecasting errors. We then show thatthe daily forecasts of our model are also more accurate than those implied in�nancial market expectations extracted from the euro area HICP futures con-tracts. These contracts can be regarded as the most direct daily assessmentof market expectations on the euro area consumer in�ation.The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the link between

2Another class of mixed frequency models, proposed by Mittnik and Zadrozny (2005)and more recently by Aruoba et al. (2007), is based on a state-space representation wherethey use the Kalman �lter to construct high frequency unobserved indicators for the lowfrequency variable.


�nancial variables and in�ation and describes the economic derivatives weused in our analysis. Section 3 describes our mixed frequency models indetails. In Section 4 we assess the forecasting ability of our models comparedto VARs and market daily expectations. Section 5 concludes.

2 Role of �nancial variables

As mentioned above, if keeping track of persistent movements in in�ationis important to pursuing the task of price stability, it is also important forcentral banks and �nancial operators to monitor the evolution of currentin�ation in real time. This is usually done by looking at the informationembodied in high frequency variables, such as the yield curve, bond yieldsand quotes on HICP economic derivatives. not only are these variables for-ward looking and observed in real time (without revisions), but also havepotentially useful information about in�ation expectations. There is a largeliterature suggesting that �nancial variables can help predict in�ation. How-ever, the empirical evidence is still mixed and model dependent as pointedout by Stock and Watson (2003) and Ang et al. (2007).3 One of the reasonsfor this puzzle might lie on the di¤erent frequencies at which in�ation and�nancial variables are sampled. Speci�cally, even if daily �nancial data con-tain useful information about current and future movements of in�ation, thefact that in�ation is sampled at a lower frequency makes it hard to exploitsuch predictive power. Solutions to this problem are to either sample dailydata at a lower frequency by choosing, for instance, the last observation ofthe month, or to pre�lter daily data to convert it to a monthly frequency.Both these approaches may discard useful information and corrupt the po-tential relation between the variables. As we show below, it is possible toovercome this problem using a mixed frequency data model. This approachallows us to combine in the same model monthly determinants of in�ation,with the daily information coming from �nancial markets. In this way, weaim to capture the medium-low frequencies of in�ation using monthly regres-sors without discarding any useful information coming from �nancial data topredict short term movements in in�ation.

3Using a factor models Forni et al. (2003) showed some evidence for to the euro areawhile Giannone et al. (2008) for the US.


2.1 Economic derivatives

Economic derivatives are securities whose payo¤ are dependent upon macro-economic data releases. They were introduced in 2002 and have recentlybecome popular for their ability to mitigate some of the market risks foundin standard investment instruments. Since their yields are tied to future datareleases of a certain macroeconomic variable, they can be also considered asa good measure of the market beliefs about future realizations of the econ-omy. The use of economic derivatives to extract market expectations for USvariables has been recently put forward by Wolfers and Gurkaynak (2006)who concluded that their predictive ability is more accurate than that ofthe survey data. Furthermore, according to Beber and Brandt (2007) theycan also be used to measure the distribution of market uncertainty aboutmacroeconomic variables, and their e¤ect on stock and bond market.In this paper we consider future contracts on the euro area in�ation, de-

�ned as the yearly percentage change of the Household Index of ConsumerPrice (HICP) excluding tobacco, released monthly by Eurostat.4 These fu-tures, introduced in 2005, are traded daily on the Chicago Mercantile Ex-change (CME) and quoted up to 12 months of releases.5 Eurostat releases theHICP excluding tobacco for the current month around 15 days after the endof the month. Therefore the economic derivatives cover the current monthdata and the 11 months ahead.An alternative way to extract market expectations of in�ation is to look

at the so called �break-even�in�ation rate. This is de�ned as the di¤erencebetween yields of in�ation-linked bonds and those of �xed rate bonds. Wepreferred to use the future contracts, since di¤erently from the break evenin�ation rate, they are less a¤ected by liquidity and risk premium, whichare usually di¢ cult to disentangle from the expectation itself. Furthermore,in�ation indexed bonds are also in�uenced by microstructure and tax factorsthat are hard to quantify.

4The impact of tobacco on the overall index is negligible and estimated to be at most2.5%. The correlation between the two indexes is 0.94.

5For a detailed description of the contract see Grannan and Srinivasan (2007). Nowa-days there are more than 1.5 million contracts for the Euro Area HICP traded everyday. The bid-ask spread for these contracts is reasonably tight, implying a low liquiditypremium.


3 A two-step approach to model in�ation

As already mentioned, a key aspect of our approach is to model the low andhigh frequency variability of in�ation separately. In this section we describethe two components that, in our view, should be used for this purpose: acore in�ation index to model the medium-to-low frequencies of in�ation, anddaily �nancial variables to model the high frequencies.

3.1 Modelling long-medium term component of in�a-tion

In the last few years large-dimensional factor models have become increas-ingly important in the construction of reliable coincident and leading indica-tors to assess present and future economic conditions.6 Factor models allowus to represent parsimoniously the information embodied in a large data setby assuming that there exist few common factors that drive the dynamics ofdata. In particular, in the generalized dynamic factor model (GDFM) thesefactors are chosen in order to explain most of the variability of the data atmedium and low frequency. In this way, they disentangle the medium-longrun cyclical component from the short term dynamics in order to minimizethe e¤ects of idiosyncractic and transient shocks.More speci�cally, if xi;t i = 1; :::N is a panel of interest variables, the

dynamic factor model assumes that they admit the following representation

xi;t = �i;t + �i;t =


bi;j (L) fj;t + �i;t

where �i;tand �i;t are respectively the common component and the idio-syncratic component of xi;t: They are, by construction, unobserved, station-ary and mutually orthogonal. The common component �i;t is driven by a fewcommon factors fj;t which are possibly loaded with di¤erent coe¢ cients andlags. An important feature of the GDFM is that under the assumption thatthe variables xi;t are stationary, the common component can be representedas the integral of waves of di¤erent frequency, the so called �spectral repre-sentation�. In particular, by aggregating waves of di¤erent frequency we can

6Factor models have been used to predict macroeconomic variables in the US (e.g.Stock and Watson (2002)) and in the euro area (e.g. Altissimo et al. (2006)) and toproduce measures of core in�ation for the euro area (Cristadoro et al. (2005)).


decompose �i;t into the sum of a cyclical medium-long run component �Li;tand a non-cyclical, short run component, �Si;t; i.e.

�i;t = �Li;t + �


The core in�ation is an estimate of �Li;t; the unobserved component ofin�ation which drives persistent movements in the in�ation index.7 In thisway we can eliminate not only seasonality from the data but also the e¤ects oftransient and idiosyncratic shocks. A detailed description on the estimationof �Li;t can be found in FHLR (2002). The index is constructed using alarge number of both national and sectorial prices together with monetaryaggregates and other macroeconomic variables.8

A drawback of the model is that all the variable have been transformedto the same frequency, i.e. monthly. Furthermore, as mentioned above, theyare characterized by an unbalanced end of sample, as the data become avail-able with di¤erent lags. This can potentially a¤ect the forecasting propertiesof the model especially in the very short run. Few approaches have beenproposed to reduce the e¤ects of such ragged edge data and they have beensurveyed in Marcellino and Schumacher (2008). The approach we propose isto use the core in�ation index to extract the medium- and long run compo-nent of in�ation and model the short run component using high frequency�nancial data that are available more timely.

3.2 A mixed frequency model for real time forecast ofin�ation

In this section we present the mixed frequency model we use to forecast in-�ation in real time. We follow the mixed data sampling regression (MIDAS)approach proposed by Ghysels et al. (2002, 2006). The main feature of theMIDAS model is that it allow us to construct a regression model that com-bines both monthly and daily variables. The MIDAS approach assumes thatthe response to the high frequency explanatory variables follow a distrib-uted lag polynomial, in order to prevent overparameterization. For the sakeof clarity we assume the presence of only one daily variable in the model.

7In particular, for persistent movements of in�ation we refer to periodicity of at leastone year.

8A complete list of the variable used in the construction of the EA in�ation index canbe found in Cristadoro et. al (2005).


Speci�cally, if xdi;t is a daily variables, zt a vector of monthly variables (that

does not contain the core in�ation index), and B�L

1d ;�i

�a daily lag poly-

nomial, the mixed frequency data model we specify for in�ation �t is givenby

�t = �0 + ��t�1 +NXi=1


1d ;�i

�xdi;t + ��

Li;t +

0zt + "t

= �0 + ��t�1 +NXi=1



b (k;�i)Lkdxdi;t + ��

Li;t +

0zt + "t

where the daily lag coe¢ cient b (k;�i) are function of a small set of pa-rameters �, N is the number of daily variables and �Li;t is the core in�ation

index described in the previous section. Lkd is the daily lag operator which

ranges from the last day on month t up to K days before. This means thatL

1dxdt = x

dt� 1


is the last observation of the month t; L2dxdt = x

dt� 2


is the next

to last observation, and in general xdt� k


is the (d � k)th observation of themonth. In order to avoid spurious seasonality in the model, the loading �i isrestricted to be

�i = (1� �L) �iThe lag coe¢ cient b (k;�i) is assumed to follow a distributed lag functionthat depends on a small set of parameters �i; i.e.

b (k;�i) =f (k;�i)PKk=1 f (k;�i)

This allow us to reduce the number of parameters to be estimated in themodel. In general there are many ways of parameterizing f (k;�i) : Twocommon approaches are the exponential Almon polynomial, introduced byAlmon (1965), and the Beta polynomials recently proposed by Ghysels etal. (2002, 2006). The �rst assumes that f (k; bi) has the following functionalform,

f (k;�i) = e�i;1k+�i;2k


The exponential Almon polynomials can generate di¤erent shapes includ-ing increasing, decreasing, single and multiple humped patterns. The second


method of parameterization is based on the Beta density function de�ned as

f (x; b1; b2) = B (b1; b2)�1 xb1�1 (1� x)b2�1

where B (b1; b2) � � (b1) � (b2) =� (b1 + b2) and � (�) is the gamma function.The Beta density is a very �exible distribution that allows many shapedweighting functions including uniform, humped and sharply decreasing (in-creasing) patterns. The model can be estimated using non linear quasi max-imum likelihood. In order to improve accuracy, we assume that the loadingsof the daily variables and the parameters in the vector � are uncorrelatedand use a recursive two stage estimation approach.9 We use the model toproduce daily forecast of in�ation in the following way. First, we estimatethe model on a daily basis and then we use the estimated parameters to makepredictions on current and one-month ahead in�ation. More speci�cally, letsassume that we stand at the 15th day of the month t; say t(15): The infor-mation set available on that day consists of past values of the in�ation rate10

and the other monthly variables up to the previous month t� 1, and all thedaily variables up to the 14th day of the current month, t(14). Therefore,for the case of only one daily variable, the model we use to estimate theparameters is

�t�1 = �0 + ��t�2 + b1xdt(14) + b2x

dt(13) + b3x


+:::+ b(K)xdt(14�K) + ��

Li;t�1 + zt�1 + "t

Notice that if K is larger the 14, then we are including in the model K � 14daily observations of the previous months. Once the parameters have beenestimated, predictions for current in�ation ~�t are given by

~�t = �̂0 + �̂�t�1 + b̂ (1;�)xdt(14) + b̂ (2;�)x

dt(13) + b̂ (3;�)x


+:::+ b̂ (K;�)xdt(14�K) + �̂t�Li;t�1 + ̂zt�1

while one-step ahead prediction ~�t+1 are obtained by replacing �t�1 with thecurrent prediction ~�t and zt�1 with zt if available.

9The codes for this paper were written in Matlab and they are available upon requestfrom the authors.10The �ash estimate of the HICP for the Euro Area is usually released on the last

business day of the current month.


4 Two forecasting applications in real time

In this section we describe our three mixed frequency models for the EAHICP and assess their forecasting performance in two di¤erent exercises.In the �rst, we evaluate the monthly forecast accuracy of the three modelswith respect to other standard models. Then, we compare the models�dailypredictions with the forecasts implied in the quotes of EA HICP future con-tracts. Each model is supposed to capture di¤erent sources of shocks that,according to economic theory, should cause movements in in�ation. All themodels are characterized by the same monthly variables but di¤erent dailyvariables. The monthly variables are: lagged in�ation, lagged yearly changeof oil price and the core in�ation index lagged �ve.11 In particular, we chosethe core in�ation proposed by Cristadoro et al. (2005). The daily variablesinclude short and long term interest rates, interest rate spreads, stock in-dexes, commodity prices and exchange rates.12 More speci�cally, in the �rstmodel (M1) we include the short term rate and changes in the interest ratespread and in the oil future prices. The second model (M2) is designed tocapture recent shocks coming from outside the euro area that are not yetembodied in the lagged core in�ation. For this reason we considered changesin the wheat price, in the oil futures quotes and in the exchange rate. Fi-nally, the third model (M3) focuses only on the information coming from theinterest rates and it includes long term rates, changes in the interest ratespread and in the short term rate. We use monthly and daily data rangingfrom May 1992 to September 2007.

4.1 Real time forecasts of monthly in�ation

In the �rst exercise we compute the Root Mean Squared Forecast Error(RMSFE) of our mixed frequency models and compare them with those fromunivariate and multivariate models. In particular, among the univariate mod-

11This is consistent with the evidence in Cristadoro et al. (2005) that the core in�ationindex has its strongest predictive power at horizons of at least six months.12The short term rate is the 3-month Euro LIBOR rate while the long term rate is

the 10 year Bund. The interest rate spread is constructed as the di¤erence between the10-year bund and 3-month German interbank rate. The quotes of the future contractsand the spot oil prices refer to the Brent quality. The exchange rate is the e¤ective rate(EER22). Daily data for the �nancial variables are taken from DATASTREAM; Euro AreaHICP CME future quotes are extracted from Bloomberg, and monthly data for HICP andinterest rates, from the ECB Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW).


els we consider a random walk, an AR model and an ARMA model whoseorder is chosen with the Schwarz criterion. Among the multivariate modelswe choose two VARs: the �rst has the same monthly variables as our mod-els (in�ation, core in�ation and oil price) while the second also includes theshort term interest rate. We use ten years of data as burning period and thenwe run recursive forecasts for the monthly in�ation starting from May 2002until September 2007.Table 1 reports the RMSFE for all models: the mixed frequency data

models outperform all the univariate models as well as the VAR models.The average reduction in the forecast errors is more than 20% for currentand one month ahead in�ation. This result implies that the daily variablesimprove the forecast properties of the model. Most importantly, it is moreaccurate than the VARmodels. Although this improvement can be explainedby the larger number of variables in the mixed frequency than the VARs, ithas to be noticed that the former impose much stronger restrictions on thedynamics of the data compared to the unrestricted VAR models. Finally,amongst the mixed frequency models, M2 performs better, meaning thatforeign variables are quite in�uential to predict future movements in the EAin�ation.

4.2 Model forecasts vs market expectations

In the second application, we fully exploit the high frequency structure ofour models and run a daily forecasting exercise. For this purpose we comparedaily predictions of our model with the in�ation expectations extracted fromthe economic derivatives. In particular, we use the in�ation rate impliedin the daily quotes of euro area in�ation futures. Since these contracts wereintroduced in September 2005, we have over two years of daily data. For eachday of the sample we estimate the model and generate current and one stepahead forecasts of in�ation. As already mentioned, future contracts can beconsidered a good candidate for this exercise since they incorporate the latestnews on possible movements on in�ation that becomes available in �nancialmarkets (as Figure 1 shows they track euro area in�ation quite accurately).In Figure 2 we show the boxplot for the daily forecast errors of the fu-

ture contracts and for those of the three mixed frequency models. The leftpanel refers to the distribution of the forecast errors for the current monthwhile the right panel for one-month ahead. All the mixed frequency modelsproduce not only more accurate but also less volatile forecasts, especially for


current in�ation. The improvement is on average around 30% for currentin�ation and somewhat smaller for one month ahead in�ation as shown inTable 2, where we report the RMSFE for the models and the predictions ofthe future contracts. Di¤erently to what we showed in the previous exercise,M1 seems to perform slightly better than the other models. The evolution ofthe daily forecasts is presented in Figure 1 where we plot the daily forecastof model one (M1), the in�ation rate extracted from the quotes of the futurecontracts and the actual in�ation rate released at the end of each month.Apart from a couple of episodes when our model could not capture a suddendrop in in�ation, it seems that they track in�ation closer than the marketexpectations.We computed the Diebold-Mariano (DM) test to assess whether this im-

provement in the forecasts is statistically signi�cant. The DM statistics inTable 3 show that model predictions for current in�ation are signi�cantlymore accurate than that of the derivatives; however, there is no strong evi-dence for one month ahead. In order to asses the goodness of this result, wealso computed the Chong and Hendry (1986) forecast encompassing regres-sion to check whether our models encompass the information of the deriv-atives over future releases of in�ation.13 Speci�cally, we regress the dailyseries of in�ation �dt over a constant, the future contracts expectations D


and our model projections cMdt :

�dt = �0 + �1Ddt + �2cMd

t (1)

The results in Table 4 show a very di¤erent picture for the two forecast-ing horizons. For current in�ation, the coe¢ cient �2 is much bigger than �1con�rming that the model forecasts are more accurate than those extractedfrom the future contracts. However, both coe¢ cients are signi�cant sug-gesting that future contracts have a small but signi�cant predictive contentthat is not captured by our model. This suggests that we could further re-duce the forecast error by combining the prediction from our models withthose from the �nancial derivatives. For this reason in Table 5 we show theRMSFE for the combined predictions obtained with estimated weights andequal weights. Not surprisingly we �nd that by combining the two forecastswith the estimated weights we can brings a non negligible reduction in theRMSFE especially for the one-month-ahead predictions.

13As recently shown by Busetti et. al (2008), the Diebold Mariano test can be charac-terized by low size compared to forecast emcompassing tests.


5 Concluding remarks

In this paper we present a simple model to forecast euro area in�ation in realtime. It is based on a mixed frequency model which allows us to combinetwo components useful for short term predictions: a monthly core in�ationindex derived from a dynamic factor model that captures persistent changesin in�ation, and daily �nancial market variables which are particularly usefulfor providing timely information on the most recent shocks. Given the lackof daily models for in�ation, we assess the forecasting ability of our modelswith respect to standard VAR models and economic derivatives on euro areain�ation. We �nd that the inclusion of the daily variables helps to reduce theforecasting errors with respect to models with only monthly variables. Fur-thermore, it also outperforms forecasts from daily economic derivatives. Thepredictive ability of asset and commodity daily prices on current in�ationrate is consistent with a forward looking behaviour in the price setting mech-anism of �rms that could be interesting to study with a structural economicmodel.


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Table 1

Compound models

M1 0.158 0.226

M2 0.148 0.208

M3 0.163 0.216

Univariate models

RW 0.185 0.261

AR(1) 0.181 0.250

ARMA(2,1) 0.184 0.248

Multivariate models

VAR_MIDAS 0.169 0.234

VAR_ECON 0.173 0.244

Legenda:RW = random walk of inflationVAR_MIDAS= VAR(2) with inflation, core inflation and oil pricesVAR_ECON= VAR(3) with inflation, core inflation, oil prices and interest rates.

Note: in each entry Root Mean Square Forecast Error (RMSFE) is reported. Thefirst estimation period starts in may 1992 and ends in may 2002. Subsequentestimates follow the recursive scheme (keeping fixed the starting date). Dailyforecasts for M1, M2 and M3 are aggregated to produce monthly predictions.

Monthly forecasting accuracy

0 1

steps ahead

(RMSFE of recursive forecasts from 2002:5 to 2007:9)

Table 2

current month 0.166 0.123 0.132 0.140

one month ahead 0.233 0.219 0.224 0.211


Note: Each entry reports the RMSFE of the different predictors. The model's prediction errors refer to the recursive unconditional out of sample forecast form October 2005 to September 2007.

RMSFE of daily predictions

Econ deriv M1 M2

Table 3

MSE 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.010(2.883) (2.277) (1.618) (0.763) (0.434) (0.943)

MAE 0.044 0.037 0.035 0.015 0.028 0.032(3.754) (3.061) (2.786) (0.889) (1.748) (1.909)

MSE: test on the squared residualsMAE: test on the absolute residuals

Note: the test is on the difference between derivative and model prediction errors. The null hypothesis is that the expected error of the competing forecast is equal to that of the futures market.

current month one month ahead

Comparing predictive accuracy:

M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3

Diebold Mariano forecasting test

Table 4

Coefficients:constant -0.136 -0.188 -0.228 0.044 0.176 0.036

(-1.366) (-2.113) (-2.262) (0.296) (1.277) (0.241)

derivatives 0.297 0.351 0.414 0.389 0.388 0.384(3.083) (3.670) (4.017) (4.835) (4.650) (4.590)

model 0.769 0.634 0.691 0.609 0.517 0.588(9.749) (8.893) (7.821) (6.356) (6.442) (5.997)

Test a diagnostics:Wald F statistic 38.23 30.78 23.76 22.27 21.97 21.15P value, % 0 0 0 0 0 0

Test b diagnostics:Wald F statistic 3.37 5.74 6.23 15.86 12.33 7.65P value, % 1.8 0.0 0.2 0 0 0

Note: (1) test a: the null hypotesis is that future forecasts encompass model forecasts (2) test b: the null hypotesis is that model forecasts encompass future forecasts (3) in brackets: heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (Newey West) t-stat of the coefficients.

Forecast encompassing test : combination weights

current month

M1 M2 M3 M3M1 M2

one month ahead

Table 5

Equal weightscurrent month 0.166 0.124 0.127 0.130

one month ahead 0.233 0.192 0.195 0.190

Estimated weights

current month 0.166 0.117 0.123 0.128

one month ahead 0.233 0.191 0.195 0.189

Note: Estimated weights are those of forecast encompassing regressions (Table 4).

Combined predictions

RMSFE of combined daily predictions

M1 M2 M3Econ deriv

Figure 1Daily forecasts

Legenda:HICP futures= Inflation rate implied in the HICP future contracts (source: Bloomberg)HICP = HICP inflation rate projected on daily data (source: our elaboration based on Eurostat)m1 = inflation predictions of model 1

current month








3/10/05 2/11/05 5/12/05 6/1/06 8/2/06 13/3/06 12/4/06 15/5/06 15/6/06 18/7/06 17/8/06 19/9/06 19/10/06 20/11/06 21/12/06 25/1/07 27/2/07 29/3/07 1/5/07 1/6/07 3/7/07 3/8/07

HICP HICP futures M1

one month ahead








3/10/05 2/11/05 5/12/05 6/1/06 8/2/06 13/3/06 12/4/06 15/5/06 15/6/06 18/7/06 17/8/06 19/9/06 19/10/06 20/11/06 21/12/06 25/1/07 27/2/07 29/3/07 1/5/07 1/6/07 3/7/07 3/8/07

HICP HICP futures M1

Figure 2Box-Plots of daily forecast errors










Futures Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Current month












Futures Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

One month ahead