realistic network models of distributed processing in the › pdfs ›...

Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech Shawn R. Lockery and Terrence J. Sejnowski The distributed nature of information processing in the bra~n presents a great challenge to systems neuroscience. Whether one considers the processing of sensory information or the control of motor responses, the output of the nervous system is a function of large populations of simultaneously active neurons. In all but the simplest reflexes, neurons are arranged in bewildering networks of parallel and feedback patli- ways, making a purely intuitive understanding of the system diff~cult if not impossible. Neural models and computer simulations are approaches to this complexity that could help us achieve a deeper understanding of dis- tributed processing. Useful predictions of a model must be directly related to the experiments that are performed. Since much of the current physiological effort in systems neuroscience is devoted to making single- unit recordings, models are needed that predict the responses of indi- vidual neurons. However, models sufficiently detailed to predict responses of individual neurons require a very large number of parameters, in- cluding the type and distribution of voltage-sensitive channels, the anatomical position of synapses, and the sign and strength of synaptic connections. Since the value of such parameters is generally not known, one approach is to study the effect on the model of systematically varying each parameter over its physiological range. In general, how- ever, this is not an efficient strategy because there are often too many parameters and their physiological range is often quite large. There are now a variety of network optimization algorithms that adjust parameters such as connection strengths in artificial neural net- works (Hinton 1989). The algorithms adjust each parameter in the network to reduce the overall error in the performance of the network. These algorithms differ according to the type of error information available and the way it is used to change the parameters. Optimization tech- niques are being applied to network models of known biological circuits where the number of parameters is too large to be studied individually. The implications of such models for our understanding of biological networks has been difficult to establish because of the many simplifying assumptions involved in the first generation of neural network models I I I In: D. Gardner (Ed.) 1 The Neurobiology of Neural Networks 1 pp 107-136 (1993) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press I I

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Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech

Shawn R. Lockery and Terrence J. Sejnowski

The distributed nature of information processing in the b ra~n presents a great challenge to systems neuroscience. Whether one considers the processing of sensory information or the control of motor responses, the output of the nervous system is a function of large populations of simultaneously active neurons. In all but the simplest reflexes, neurons are arranged in bewildering networks of parallel and feedback patli- ways, making a purely intuitive understanding of the system diff~cult if not impossible.

Neural models and computer simulations are approaches to this complexity that could help us achieve a deeper understanding of dis- tributed processing. Useful predictions of a model must be directly related to the experiments that are performed. Since much of the current physiological effort in systems neuroscience is devoted to making single- unit recordings, models are needed that predict the responses of indi- vidual neurons. However, models sufficiently detailed to predict responses of individual neurons require a very large number of parameters, in- cluding the type and distribution of voltage-sensitive channels, the anatomical position of synapses, and the sign and strength of synaptic connections. Since the value of such parameters is generally not known, one approach is to study the effect on the model of systematically varying each parameter over its physiological range. In general, how- ever, this is not an efficient strategy because there are often too many parameters and their physiological range is often quite large.

There are now a variety of network optimization algorithms that adjust parameters such as connection strengths in artificial neural net- works (Hinton 1989). The algorithms adjust each parameter in the network to reduce the overall error in the performance of the network. These algorithms differ according to the type of error information available and the way it is used to change the parameters. Optimization tech- niques are being applied to network models of known biological circuits where the number of parameters is too large to be studied individually. The implications of such models for our understanding of biological networks has been difficult to establish because of the many simplifying assumptions involved in the first generation of neural network models

I I I In: D. Gardner (Ed.) 1 The Neurobiology of Neural Networks 1 pp 107-136 (1993)

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press


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(Sejnowski et al. 1988). This chapter reviews our application of network training algorithms to a distributed processing system in a well-defined invertebrate preparation, the local bending reflex of the medicinal leech. The chapter starts w ~ t h an overvlew of two coinmol~ modeling strate- gies: compartnlental and connectionist or neural network models. Its central po~nt is that i t is now possible to combine the compartmental and connectloillst approaches to create realistic models with.large numbers of parameters Much of the chapter is devoted to exploring in detail a specific example of this combined approach using the local bending reflex as a model system. We first review the behavioral physiology of the local bending circuit and the conceptual issues that prompted our modeling efforts. The model is then presented in detail and its perfor- mance is evaluated in terms of a distributed processing hypothesis of the local bending reflex. We conclude by suggesting how additional


physiological constraints could be added to predict the identity of as yet unidentified interneurons in the leech.


Compartmental Models

In some of the most detailed simulations produced to date, compart- mental models are used to represent individual neurons. The morphol- ogy of each neuron is divided into a number of isopotential electrical compartments, with neighboring compartments representing nearby regions of the neuron, and currents pass between compartments via axial resistances (figure 5.1A). The voltage V in a passive compartment is given by:

where .r is the time constant of the compartment, R is the input resis- tance, and I,,, is the net transmembrane current (for more details, see Segev et al. 1989). Action potentials are achieved by locating voltage- dependent ion channels in axonal and somatic compartments. Synapses are modeled by putting synaptic conductances in dendritic compart- ments. The collective behavior of a large network of neurons is then investigated by connecting the model neurons together according to the known circuitry of the brain region of interest (figure 5.1B). This strategy has been used to study the emergent properties of models that incor- porate the cell types and connectivity of such systems as the hippocam- pus (Traub and Wong 1982; Traub et al. 1989), the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex (Bower 1990), and the neocortex (Bush and Douglas 1991). For example, Bush and Douglas (1991) showed that pyramidal cells with different intrinsic bursting frequencies in a model of visual cortex quickly synchronized their bursting as a result of global feedback

Lockery and Sejnowski

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Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech

Shawn R. Lockery and Terrence J. Sejnowski

The distributed nature of information processing 111 the b ra~n presents a great challenge to systems neuroscience. Whether one cons~ders the processing of sensory information or the control of motor responses, the output of the nervous system is a function of large populations of simultaneously active neurons. In all but the simplest reflexes, neurons are arranged in bewildering networks of parallel and feedback path- ways, making a purely intuitive understanding of the system diff~cult if not impossible.

Neural models and computer simulations are approaches to this complexity that could help us achieve a deeper understanding of dis- tributed processing. Useful predictions of a model must be directly related to the experiments that are performed. Since much of the current physiological effort in systems neuroscience is devoted to making single- unit recordings, models are needed that predict the responses of indi- vidual neurons. However, models sufficiently detailed to predict responses of individual neurons require a very large number of parameters, in- cluding the type and distribution of voltage-sensitive channels, the anatomical position of synapses, and the sign and strength of synaptic connections. Since the value of such parameters is generally not known, one approach is to study the effect on the model of systematically varying each parameter over its physiological range. In general, how- ever, this is not an efficient strategy because there are often too many parameters and their physiological range is often quite large.

There are now a variety of network optimization algorithms that adjust parameters such as connection strengths in artificial neural net- works (Hinton 1989). The algorithms adjust each parameter in the network to reduce the overall error in the performance of the network. These algorithms differ according to the type of error information available and the way it is used to change the parameters. Optimization tech- niques are being applied to network models of known biological circuits where the number of parameters is too large to be studied individually. The implications of such models for our understanding of biological networks has been difficult to establish because of the many simplifying assumptions involved in the first generation of neural network models

In: D. Gardner (Ed.) The Neurobiology of Neural Nehoorks pp 107-136 (1993) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

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(Sejnowski et al. 1988). This chapter reviews our application of network training algorithms to a distributed processing system in a well-defined invertebrate preparation, the local bending reflex of the medicinal leech. The chapter starts with an overview of two common modeling strate- gies: compartmental and connectionist or neural network models. Its central polnt is that i t is now possible to combine the compartmental and connect~onist approaches to create realistic models wlth.large numbers of parameters. Much of the chapter is devoted to exploring in detail a specific example of this combined approach using the local bending reflex as a model system. We first review the behavioral physiology of the local bending circuit and the conceptual issues that prompted our modeling efforts. The model is then presented in detail and its perfor- mance is evaluated in terms of a distributed processing hypothesis of the local bending reflex. We conclude by suggesting how additional physiological constraints could be added to predict the identity of as yet unidentified interneurons in the leech.


Compartmental Models

In some of the most detailed simulations produced to date, compart- mental models are used to represent individual neurons. The morphol- ogy of each neuron is divided into a number of isopotential electrical compartments, with neighboring compartments representing nearby regions of the neuron, and currents pass between compartments via axial resistances (figure 5.1A). The voltage V in a passive compartment is given by:

where T is the time constant of the compartment, R is the input resis- .

tance, and I, is the net transmembrane current (for more details, see Segev et al. 1989). Action potentials are achieved by locating voltage- dependent ion channels in axonal and somatic compartments. Synapses are modeled by putting synaptic conductances in dendritic compart- ments. The collective behavior of a large network of neurons is then investigated by connecting the model neurons together according to the known circuitry of the brain region of interest (figure 5.1B). This strategy has been used to study the emergent properties of models that incor- porate the cell types and connectivity of such systems as the hippocam- pus (Traub and Wong 1982; Traub et al. 19891, the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex (Bower 1990), and the neocortex (Bush and Douglas 1991). For example, Bush and Douglas (1991) showed that pyramidal cells with different intrinsic bursting frequencies in a model of visual cortex quickly synchronized their bursting as a result of global feedback

Lockery and Sejnowski

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Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech

Shawn R. Lockery and Terrence J. Sejnowski

The distributed nature of information processing in the bra~n presents a great challenge to systems neuroscience. Whether one cons~ders the processing of sensory information or the control of motor responses, the output of the nervous system is a function of large populations of simultaneously active neurons. In all but the simplest reflexes, neurons are arranged in bewildering networks of parallel and feedback path- ways, making a purely intuitive understanding of the system difficult if not impossible.

Neural models and computer simulations are approaches to this complexity that could help us achieve a deeper understanding of dis- tributed processing. Useful predictions of a model must be directly related to the experiments that are performed. Since much of the current physiological effort in systems neuroscience is devoted to making single- unit recordings, models are needed that predict the responses of indi- vidual neurons. However, models sufficiently detailed to predict responses of individual neurons require a very large number of parameters, in- cluding the type and distribution of voltage-sensitive channels, the anatomical position of synapses, and the sign and strength of synaptic connections. Since the value of such parameters is generally not known, one approach is to study the effect on the model of systematically varying each parameter over its physiological range. In general, how- ever, this is not an efficient strategy because there are often too many parameters and their physiological range is often quite large.

There are now a variety of network optimization algorithms that adjust parameters such as connection strengths in artificial neural net- works (Hinton 1989). The algorithms adjust each parameter in the network to reduce the overall error in the performance of the network. These algorithms differ according to the type of error information available and the way it is used to change the parameters. Optimization tech- niques are being applied to network models of known biological circuits where the number of parameters is too large to be studied individually. The implications of such models for our understanding of biological networks has been difficult to establish because of the many simplifying assumptions involved in the first generation of neural network models

In: D. Gardner (Ed.) The Neurobiology of Neural Nefworks pp 107-136 (1993) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

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(Sejnowski et al. 1988). This chapter reviews our application of network training algorithms to a distributed processing system in a well-defined invertebrate preparation, the local bending reflex of the medicinal leech. The chapter starts with an overview of two common modeling strate- gies: compartmental and connectionist or neural network models. Its central po~nt IS that i t is now possible to combine the compartn~ental and connect~onlst approaches to create realistic models with.large numbers of paranleters Much of the chapter is devoted to exploring In deta~l a specific example of this combined approach using the local bending reflex as a model system. We first review the behavioral physiology of the local bending circuit and the conceptual issues that prompted our modeling efforts. The model is then presented in detail and its perfor- mance is evaluated in terms of a distributed processing hypothesis of the local bending reflex. We conclude by suggesting how additional physiological constraints could be added to predict the identity of as yet unidentified interneurons in the leech.


Compartmental Models

In some of the most detailed simulations produced to date, compart- mental models are used to represent individual neurons. The morphol- ogy of each neuron is divided into a number of isopotential electrical compartments, with neighboring compartments representing nearby regions of the neuron, and currents pass between compartments via axial resistances (figure 5.1A). The voltage V in a passive compartment is given by:

where 7 is the time constant of the compartment, R is the input resis- tance, and I , is the net transmembrane current (for more details, see Segev et al. 1989). Action potentials are achieved by locating voltage- dependent ion channels in axonal and somatic compartments. Synapses are modeled by putting synaptic conductances in dendritic compart- ments. The collective behavior of a large network of neurons is then investigated by connecting the model neurons together according to the known circuitry of the brain region of interest (figure 5.18). This strategy has been used to study the emergent properties of models that incor- porate the cell types and connectivity of such systems as the hippocam- pus (Traub and Wong 1982; Traub et al. 1989), the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex (Bower 1990), and the neocortex (Bush and Douglas 1991). For example, Bush and Douglas (1991) showed that pyramidal cells with different intrinsic bursting frequencies in a model of visual cortex quickly synchronized their bursting as a result of global feedback

Lockery and Sejnowski

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Compartmental Models

Figure5.1 (A) Equivalent compartmental model of a pyramidalcell in visual cortex. Each rectangle is a single compartment whose length and width matches the length and diameter of the corresponding segment of the neuron (mset). Dotted lines indicate branch points in the dendritic tree. Length and wldth of compartments are shown on different scales, as the scale bar indicates. (Part A reprlnted from Lytton and Sejnowski 1991, w ~ t h permission of the American Physiological Soc~ety.) (B) Model of area CA3 of the hippo- campus using a network of compartmental neurons. Each neuron in the network is a simplified compartmental neuron comprlslng a soma and three dendrites represented by a total of 28 compartments. The soma and one d e n d r ~ t ~ c compartment (filled polygons) contain active conductances producing actlon potentials Excitatory connections (arrows) in the network were assigned randomly accord~ng to the probability of connections among neighboring CA3 neurons. (Part B reprlnted trorn Traub and Wong 1982, O AAAS.)

Chapter 5 Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech

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inhibition and intracortical reexcitation. Thus, synchrony between cor- tical neurons responding to coherent visual stimuli could be an emer- gent property of intracortical connectivity.

Neural Network Modeling

A neural network model trades the real~sm of compartmental models for control over the network's ~nput-output funct~on Network models are composed of simpl~fled neuronlike elements or uilrts connected by synapses of varlous strengths or zoer~lifs (see f~gure 3 2). Each unlt has a state or activity level that IS a functlon of ~ t s net input. The net input to a unit is the weighted sum of the ac t iv~t~es of the u n ~ t s from which it receives a connect~on. The output of a u n ~ t IS generally a nonlinear function of its net input or act~vity level. Many networks use a sigmo~dal function (figure 5.2A). T h ~ s approximates the relationship in real neu- rons between net input and fir~ng frequency, since weak inputs produce little or no activity (cutoff), and strong inputs drive the unit to its maximum firing rate (saturation). Variations in the construction of network models include the use of binary units that are either on or off (Hopfield 19821, and units that multiply their ~ n p u t s in addition to adding them (Durbin and Rumelhart 1989).

Model networks usually conta~n three types of units (figure 5.28; see also figure 3.3): (1) input units that receive inputs only from sources external to the network; (2) outp~it units that define the output state of the network; and (3) hidden units that receive inputs from sensory neu- rons and provide the inputs to the output units. A particular set of activation values on the input units constitutes an input vector and the set of activations on the output units constitutes the output vector. The input-output function of a network is the mapping or list of associations between input and output vectors, and it is a function of the weights in the network. The power of network models derives from the use of optimization algorithms that can adjust the weights to achieve almost any input-output function, a task that is next to impossible if attempted by hand in large networks.


Algorithms for optimizing weights fall into three classes: supervised procedures in which the algorithm is given a list or training set of desired input and output vector pairs (Rumelhart et al. 1986a), reinforcement procedures in which each input vector is associated with a scalar output assessment instead of an output vector (Barto and Jordan 1987), and unsupervised procedures in which there IS no assessment of network output. However, the distinction between supervised and unsupervised procedures is not absolute. Some ostensibly unsupervised algorithms turn out on closer inspection to contain an internal assessment of per- formance or monitoring. It is thus more useful to distinguish between


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Aspects of Network Models

Figure 5.2 (A) The sigmoldal input-output functlon for the neuronl~ke units used in many network models. (B) Feedforward network (C) Recurrent network (D) The network in C represented as a mult~layer, feedfonvard network in which layers correspond to successive points in time. Units connect between but not within layers. The recurrent network in the feedforward conflguratlon can be trained by backpropagation in much the same way as a feedforward network-by sendlng the error backward from later to earlier points in time.

monitored and unmonitored systems as well as supervised and unsuper- vised (Churchland and Sejnowski 1992).

Backpropagation is a supervised, unmonitored optimization proce- dure for networks with one or more layers of hidden units. At the start of optimization, the weights are assigned small values at random. An input vector is presented, and activity flows forward to the output units, determining an output vector. An error measure is then calculated by comparing the output vector to the output specified in the training set. This is repeated for each input-output pair in the training set. The weights in the network are then changed or updated by small amounts based on the total error produced by this pass through the training set. Each pass through the training set and its associated weight update is called a training cycle. After many cycles, a set of weights is found that reproduces the desired input-output function.

In mathematical terms, backpropagation is a form of gradient descent.

Chapter 5 Realistic Network M o d e l s of Distributed Processing in the Leech

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Weights are updated in the direction of the error gradient, and backpropagation is a way to estimate the derivative of the total error with respect to each weight. The total error produced on any pass through the trainlng set is a function of the weights. The derivative of this function with respect to each weight tells whether Increasing the weight will increase or decrease the error. Since our objective is to find weights that ~ninirnlze the error, we decrease the welghts with positive derivatives, and increase weights with negative derlvatlves. I t turnsout that the derivative of the error with respect to each weight can be calculated explicitly from the activity of the presynaptic unit, together with the net input and error of the postsynapt~c unlt (Rumelhart et al. 1986a). The procedure for n~ultilayer networks is called backpropagation because the error of the postsynaptic unit is calculated recursively in terms of the error of the units to which i t projects. In practice, this involves sending the error back from the output units to the hidden units. (For additional commentary on backpropagation, see chapter 3.)

Recurrent Backpropagation

Training networks with recurrent or feedback connections provides a special challenge because the effect of a weight on the error is different at different times (figure 5 . 2 0 . Several closely related algorithms exist for adjusting connections in feedback networks (Pearlmutter 1989; Pineda 1987,1989; Rumelhart et al. 1986a; Williams and Zipser 1990). The most intuitively clear version is called backpropagation through time (Williams and Zipser 1990). The idea is to convert the feedback network into an equivalent feedforward network by breaking its activity into discrete time steps (figure 5.2D). The activity of each neuron at each time step is represented as a single neuron in an equivalent feedforward network. The resulting network can then be optimized as if it were a feedforward network. This procedure is referred to as recurrent backpropagation to distinguish it from the original form of backpropagation (Rumelhart et al. 1986a) in which consecutive layers do not represent time steps. The original form is sometimes called static backpropagation.

Models of Real Circuits Optimized by Static Backpropagation

The first application of network models for real-life neurophysiological modeling arose from the insight that optimization algorithms originally developed for the study of cognitive processes could-he used to train networks to reproduce physiologically relevant input-output functions (Lehky and Sejnowski 1988; Zipser and Andersen 1988a). Analysis of the response properties of hidden units in such models often gave new insight into the possible function of neurons in the biological network.

Zipser and Andersen (1988a) used a three-layered feedforward net- work model as a means of investigating the possible spatial processing performed by neurons in area 7a of parietal cortex. The network was

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optimized by static backpropagation to compute the location of a visual stimulus in head-centered coordinates from the input units that signaled either the location of the stin~ulus on the retina or the angle of gaze of the eyes with respect to the head. After optim~zing, the h~dden un~ts In

the model network had compl~cated, nonl~near spatla1 recept~ve f~elds that were qual~tatively ind~stinguishable from the recept~ve fields of

area 7a neurons The correspondence between un~ts In the model a n d area 7a neurons provided a missing conceptual I~nk between area 7a and spatlal localization. In addit~on, i t provided a new hypothes~s concern- ing how the spatla1 receptive fields of area 7a neurons could partmpatc in the representation of head-centered spatial Information

In a related study, Lehky and Sejnowski (1988) optim~zed a network to compute the three-dimensional shape of an object from the two- dimensional pattern of light and dark on the retina. The model showed that receptive fields that seem designed for edge detection arlse In networks whose sole purpose is to determine three-dimensional shape. Their results pointed out that receptive field information in isolation IS

an unreliable predictor of the function of neurons in distributed process- ing systems. In later investigations (Lehky et al. 19921, the activity of complex cells in monkey striate cortex was recorded in response to hundreds of visual images. For each cell, a network model was opti- mized to reproduce the recorded responses when presented with the same stimuli. After optimization, the model gave accurate responses to novel stimuli, indicating it captured more of the input-output transfer function of the complex cell than previous analytical methods.

Anastasio and Robinson (1990) optimized a network model of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) to produce eye velocity signals appropri- ate to head velocity and stimulus-pursuit commands reaching the ves- tibular nucleus. After optimization, hidden units in the model received both head velocity and pursuit inputs, but to varying degrees, as has been observed experimentaIly. Their model showed that mixed velocity and pursuit inputs could be an integral part of a distributed vestibulo- oculomotor system.

Exploiting the advantages of an invertebrate system, Lockery et al. (1989) were able to measure directly the input-output function of the local bending reflex in the leech, a simple withdrawal response, by stimulating sensory neurons and recording the resulting synaptic po- tentials in the motor neurons controlling the reflex. Their model incor- porated biological constraints such as lateral inhibition between motor neurons, left-right symmetry among pairs of homoIogous interneurons, and solely excitatory sensory-to-interneuron connections. After optimi- zation to the known input-output function, the receptive and projective fields of model interneurons closely matched those of identified local bending interneurons. The model showed that local bends in response to dorsal, ventral, or lateral stimuli could be produced by a single population of multifunctional interneurons. More recently Wittenberg

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and Kristan (1992) have extended tile model to include a second with- drawal behavior-shortening. Their results suggest that at least two new types of interneuron involved in leech withdrawal behaviors re- main to be found.

Models of Real Circuits Optimized by Recurrent Backpropagation

Static backpropagation is sufficient for problen~s in which the b~ological network is, for all intents and purposes, a feedforward network. Idow- ever, the great majority of neural networks possess feedback connec- tions. Feedback connections require the use of recurrent backpropagation because such connections act over time. One place where feedback connections play a prominent role is in central pattern generators. Pearlmutter (1989) and Doya and Yoshizawa (1989) showed how recur- rent backpropagation can be applied to idealized central pattern gen- erators in which each neuron is a passive summating node. Rowat and Selverston (1991) extended this approach for specific cases like the gastric mill central pattern generator of the lobster, where the neurons have active conductances and electrical synapses. Lockery et al. (1990) ap- plied recurrent backpropagation to a model of the leech local bending reflex that included two important features omitted from the previous static model (Lockery et al. 1989): feedback connections and the time course of physiologically recorded synaptic potentials. The recurrent backpropagation model of local bending is described in detail below. The numerous feedback connections in the vestibulo-ocular reflex have prompted a number of models using recurrent backpropagation. Anastasio (1991a) showed that inhibitory feedback connections among vestibular neurons in the brain stem could be the site of integration of the head- velocity signal in the VOR. This model also reproduces the recovery of the response properties of vestibular neurons following ablation of afferent inputs (Anastasio 1992), and suggests sites of plasticity underlying the recovery. Recurrent backpropagation has also been used to construct plausible models of the complex firing patterns exhibited by cortical neurons during the performance of various memory (Zipser 1991) and motor tasks (see chapter 7). A further model considers the possible role of basal ganglia in switching between motor tasks (Brotchie et al. 1991).

Two other groups have constructed dynamic models of the VOR, but used optimization strategies other than recurrent backpropagation. Arnold and Robinson (1990) used numerical differentiation. In this technique, the derivative of the error with respect to a given weight is estimated numerically by increasing the weight slightly and measuring the amount by which error increases or decreases. After doing this for every weight, the weights are updated by decreasing weights with positive derivatives and increasing weights with negative derivatives. Quinn et al. (1992) used a global optimization procedure in which minima of the error function are found by finding the roots of polynomial fits to the error function (Bremermann 1970). Both of these procedures are computationally

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Training set

The Analogy Between Backpropagation and Curve Fitting

Figure 5.3 (A) On the left is a network with one input unit, one output unit, and one weight. The activity of the output uni ty is the product of the weight w a n d the activity of the input unit x. In backpropagation, the task is to find the value of w that best reproduces the training data shown on the right. Note that x and y a r e used differently in chapter 3. (B) Optimization of w by backpropagation. The circles are the data points

, in the training set. The number of iterations of the training set is shown to the right of each.w shown. A random initial value of up gives a poor fit to the data (1 iteration). The f it improves with each cycle of optimization (30, 100, and 200 iterations shown).

more expensive than backpropagation and so work best for relatively small networks.

Backpropagation and Biological Plausibility

The historical tendency to speak in terms of training when describing the process of adjusting connection strengths via backpropagation or other optimization algorithms has lead some to question the relevance of network models to biology. In fact, none of the examples above used backpropagation as a model for the process by which connection strengths are established in the animal during development (ontogenesis) or during evolution (phylogenesis). The interest is strictly in the end point of the optimization process. In mathematical terms, the task of optimizing a model network to reproduce a desired ~nput-output function is identical to a curve-fitting procedure in which the weights are the coefficients or parameters to be adjusted, and the input-output relations in the training set are the data to be fit. This point is illustrated in figure 5.3. Suppose

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we wished to fit a line starting at the origin through the data points in figure 5.38. In neural network terms, this amounts to supposing that the x coordinate of each point is the activat~on of an Input unit and the y coordinate is the desired activation of an output unit (f~gure 5.3A) I f the input-output function o f the output u n ~ t 1s I~near, then y = zox, and we wish to find the w that minim~zes the error In pred~cting for each x the corresponding y In the data set A random ~ n ~ t ~ a l value of zu glves a poor fit, but after 200 cycles through data, a sat~sfactory f ~ t IS achleved Backpropagation is best viewed as one of many techn~ques for finding an optimum set of parameters when f ~ t t ~ n g a funct~on. The issue of biological plausibility is moot as far as o p t ~ m ~ z a t ~ o n IS concerned. For example, linear regression is not biologically plausible, yet it is a per- fectly legitimate means of fitting functions to biological data. This having been said, approximations to backpropagation that have greater biologi- cal plausibility have been studied (Mazzoni et al. 1991), and some undesigned-for similarities between backpropagation and neuronal networks are discussed in chapter 3.

Combinations of Compartmental and Neural Network Models

With the introduction of recurrent backpropagation it is possible to combine the strengths of compartmental and neural network models. In a recurrent network model, the state of each unit is its activity level. However, if the state is taken instead to represent a voltage, then each unit in the network model is formally equivalent to an electrical com- partment in a compartmental model. In such a model, units communi- cate by passing currents rather than weighted activations, and the sigmoidal input-output function represents the relationship between presynaptic voltage and postsynaptic current. It thus becomes possible to use neural network training algorithms such as backpropagation to adjust connec- tions between compartments in realistic models (Rowat and Selverston 1991).



The local bending reflex of the leech proved to be an ideal preparation in which to apply the combined compartmental and network modeling approach to a real biological system. First, the reflex is subserved by a comparatively small number of sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons, each of which is re-identifiable from animal to animal. Second, the input-output function of the reflex could be measured with unusual precision by pairwise intracellular recordings from sensory neuron and motor neurons, providing a more realistic training set than is normally available. Third, interneurons in the reflex receive multiple sensory inputs and form a distributed representation of stimulus location, mak-

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ing it difficult to construct a model by hand. Finally, physiolog~cal estimates of the connect~on strengtl~s of interneuron inputs and outputs could be made. This allowed expllclt compar~sons between the connec- tivity of model and actual Interneurons.

Local bending is a dlrected escape reflex (figure 5 4A). In response lo a moderate mechan~cal st~mulus, the leech withdraws from the s ~ t e of contact. This is accompl~shed by contracting long~tud~nal muscles be- neath the st~mulus, and relax~ng longltud~nal muscles on the opposltc side of the body, result~ng In a U-shaped local bend Thus, a dorsal stimulus causes a dorsal bend, a ventral s t~mulus a ventral bend, and a lateral stimulus a lateral bend The local bend~ng reflex can be ellcited in a semi-intact preparation conslstlng of a single midbody ganglion and the associated segment of body wall. I t has thus been possible to Identify the sensory neurons, motor neurons, and a subpopulation of the inter- neurons contributing to the reflex (Kristan 1982; Lockery and Kristan 1990b; Nicholls and Bay lor 1968). Each ganglion contains sensory neu- rons responding to touch and pressure (Nicholls and Baylor 1968). Three pairs of T cells respond select~vely to touch on the dorsal (TD), ventral (TV), and lateral (TL) body surface. In addition, there are two pairs of P cells, which respond to pressure on the dorsal (Pa) or ventral (PV) body surface, respectively. Several types of motor neurons innervate the longitudinal muscles that control the reflex (Ort et al. 1974; Sawada et al. 1976; Stuart 1970). These include excitors and inhibitors of the dorsal longitudinal muscles (DEs and DIs), excitors and inhibitors of the ven- tral longitudinal muscles (VEs and VIs), an excitor of lateral longitudinal muscle, and the L cell, which has a combined dorsal and ventral field. The innervation of each motor neuron type is restricted to a single side of the body (left or right).

As a first step in understanding how local bending is produced, we focused on a representative subset of the sensory and motor neurons contributing to local bending (figure 5.4B). We used activation of P cells as sensory input to the reflex since dorsal, ventral, and lateral stimuli each activate at least one P cell, and the effect of P cells is greater than that of the T cells (Kristan 1982). Motor outputs were monitored by recording from DEs, DIs, VEs, and VIs. The lateral motor neuron was not monitored in these initial investigations because, for technical rea- sons, it is somewhat more difficult to locate and identify. The L cell was not monitored in this initial study because its response is much briefer than the response of the other motor neurons (Kristan 1982).

The simplified local bending network retains essential features of the complete network. The spatial location of sensory input is encoded on an array of sensory neurons, and motor output on an array of motor neurons, which are highly interconnected by both chemical and electri- cal synapses. The connection between sensory neurons and motor neu- rons is mediated by a layer of interneurons. In computational terms, the task of the interneurons is to compute the input-output function of the

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Sensory neurons




Left Right

L&) Motor


Dorsal 8 0 0 6 - bcal bending


interneurons -- inhibitory

Unidentified 0000- local bending , - electrical


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reflex: the mapping between each pattern of P cell stimulatron and the pattern o f motor neuron excitation and inhibition sufficient to withdraw from the stimulus. Synaptic transmission from sensory neurons to In-

terneurons involves act~on potentials In the presynaptrc neuron (Lockcry and Kristan 1990b), but transm~ss~on from ~nterneurons to motor neu- rons (and between motor neurons) does not, as In the vertebrate ret~na (Roberts and Bush 19811, synaptrc act~vat~on 1s a graded funct~on of presynaptic voltage

Measuring the Input-Output Function

We began our analysis with the input-output funct~on of the local bending reflex (figure 5.5; Lockery and Kristan 1990a). Us~ng a standard st~nlulus sufficient to elicit local bend~ng responses, P cells were actrvated, in pairs or individually, while intracellular recordings were made from all eight motor neurons in the simplified network. We examined In detail the motor neuron synaptic potentials produced by eight patterns of sensory input. These included four pairs of P cell stimulation (the left and right PD, the left and right PV, left PD and PV, right PD and PV), as well as each P cell stimulated individually. In general, the response of the network to stimulation of pairs of P cells was well predicted by the sum of the responses to the same two P cells stimulated individually. For example, the motor neuron VI, in response to ipsilateral stimulation of PV and PD, receives an IPSP that is approximately the linear sum of the IPSP produced by individual stimulation of PV and PD. However, there were exceptions to this, as in the case of the ipsilateral VE, which receives an EPSP in response to ipsilateral stimulation of PV and PD, despite the fact that the individual effects of PV and PD tend to cancel each other out. In this case, the nonlinearity of the response to the paired P cell pattern is in the direction that is behaviorally efficacious, since increased excitation of VE promotes withdrawal from the site of stimu- lation. Similar results were found for other patterns of paired P cell stimulation. Thus, the basic patterns of motor output underlying local bending behavior are produced by the linear combination of individual

Local Bending in the Leech: Behavior and Circuitry

Figure 5.4 (A) Local bendlng behavior The leech wtthdraws from the slte of contact by contracting longitudinal muscles beneath the stimulus, and relaxlng longltudtnal muscles on the opposite side of the body (B) Slmpllf~ed local bend~ng clrcuit The strongest tnput to the reflex is provided by pressure senstttve mechanoreceptors, the P cells, whlch have dorsal (PD) or ventral (PV) recept~ve fields Behavior IS produced, In part, by dorsal and ventral excitatory (DE, VE) and ~ n h i b ~ t o r ) (DI, VI) motor neurons The contr~butlons of longltudmal muscle d o t o r neurons 1 ~ 1 t h lateral prolectlve fields, as well as the motor neurons controlling clrcular and obllque muscles, have not been studted tn detatl input from sensory to motor neurons IS rned~ated by a layer of ~nterneurons, a subpopulatlon of whlch have been ident~fted

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Local Bending Input-Output Function

Figure 5.5 Synaptic potentials recorded ~ntracellularly from four motor neurons in re- sponse to single and paired P cell stimulation. The filled circles at the top of each column indicate which P cells were stimulated. Each row shows the synaptic potential recorded in the indicated motor neuron. Motor neurons have projective fields ipsilateral to the sensory neurons; recordings from contralateral motor neurons were also made but are not shown. The duration of the stimulus is shown by the bars below. All recordings are from the same preparation. Similar experiments were made for all possible patterns of paired P cell stimulation. (Reprinted from Lockery and Kristan 1990a by permission of the Iournal of Neuroscience.)

P cell effects, with minor enhancemeits due to a nonlinearity in the system (Lockery 1989).

Identification of 1nte;neurons

As a working hypothesis of sensorimotor integration in the reflex, we adopted a dedicated interneuron model in which each form of local bend- ing is under the control of a single interneuron, or type of interneuron. We imagined that dorsal local bending is produced by one or more specific, dorsal bending interneurons that are excited by dorsal P cells and receive no input from (or are inhibited by) ventral P cells. The unique pattern of excitation and inhibition of longitudinal muscle motor neurons is determined by the pattern of excitatory and inhibitory con-

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Identifying Properties of Local Bending Interneurons

Figure 5.6 (A) Morphology. Camera luc~da drawings were made from whole mounts of cells injected ionophoretically with Lucifer yellow. Identifying numbers were ass~gned according to themost common location of their ceIl body on a standard mapof theganghon (Muller et al. 1981). (8) Physiological properties. Within each panel, the top trace shows the response of the interneuron to the single PD action potential shown in the second trace. The third trace shows the response to the train of PD impulses shown in the fourth trace. In some traces, two or three sweeps (several seconds apart) are superimposed to show the extent to which latencies were consistent. Vertical calibration: first and third traces, 10 mV; second and fourth traces, 100 mV. Horizontal calibration: first and third traces, 20 ms; second and fourth traces, 400 ms. (Reprinted from Lockery and Kristan 1990b by permission of the journal of Neuroscier~ce.)

nections from dorsal bending interneurons to motor neurons. Similar types of interneurons are specific for ventral and lateral bends. Because one or the other of the P cells stimulated in lateral local bending is also stimulated in dorsal or ventral bending, the lateral bending interneu- rons must be capable of overcoming the effects of the dorsal and ventral bending interneurons. This could be accomplished by inhibitory connections from the lateral local bending interneurons onto other interneurons.

To determine whether local bending is produced by dedicated inter- neurons of the type we hypothesized, we sought to identify interneu-

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rons in the leech contributing to local bending and to determine thelr sensory and motor neuron connections. As a first step, we searched for interneurons contributing to dorsal local bending; that is, interneurons that received excitatory input from at least one dorsal P cell, and in turn

at least one DE motor neuron. Interneurons were inlpaled and a dorsal P cell was stimulated to fire a train of action potentials sufficierlt toelicit local bending (10 IHz, 0.5 s). Any neuron that received a n excitatory synaptic potential from the dorsal P cell was then depolarized by cur- rent injection while action potentials of the DE motor neuron were recorded extracellularly. Neurons that were excited by the dorsal P cell and excrted DE were considered dorsal bendlng interneurons. Each was filled with a fluorescent dye and its morphology was recorded. A survey of more than 70 ganglia yielded a sample of 235 dorsal bending inter- neurons. On the basis of n~orphological and physiological criteria (fig- ure 5.61, nine types of dorsal bending interneuron were repeatably identifiable from preparation to preparation. Eight of these were bilat- erally paired neurons and one was an unpaired cell; thus, each ganglion contained 17 dorsal bending interneurons. Each interneuron sent at least one axon into the interganglionic connective (figure 5.6A), very likely projecting to the adjacent ganglion where it may make both input and output connections (Wittenberg and Kristan 1992). As a group, the 17 interneurons send 16 axons into the anterior connective and 12 axons to the posterior connective. Thus, each ganglion potentially contains . functional processes of at least 28 additional local bending interneurons, bringing the number of local bending interneurons to 45. If the axons of local bending interneurons extend more than one ganglion, like other interneurons in the leech (Brodfuehrer and Friesen 1986), the number rises to 73 or more. Since it seems likely that a search for interneurons contributing principally to ventral or lateral bends would identify other interneurons, this number is expected to go even higher.

Each morphologically defined type of local bending interneuron was associated with a unique intracellular recording in response to P cell stimulation (figure 5.6B). Thus, interneurons differed systematically in the size and shape of the synaptic potential produced by single P cell action potentials, the presence or absence of P cell evoked action poten- tials, as well as in the presence of a fast or slow component in the response to trains of P cell action potentials sufficient to evoke the behavior. The presence or absence of action potentials is interesting because it suggests that the effects of some interneurons are mostly local, given the P cell stimulus intensities used, while others might have both local and distal effects. Similarly, the difference in fast and slow responses to trains of P cell action potentials suggests that longer sen- sory stimuli might select a different subset of interneurons than are selected by short stimuli, since the response of interneurons with sub- stantial slow components will be selectively enhanced. In principle, therefore, the heterogeneity among interneurons in their response to

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Dedicated interneurons

Dorsal Ventral Lateral

B Identified interneurons

excitatory . inhibitory

Connectivity of Hypothesized and Identified Local Bending Interneurons

Figure 5.7 (A) Hypothesized dedicated interneurons. Gray dominoes show the Input and output connections of a single interneuron. The upper third of each shows connectlons from sensory neurons to the interneuron; the mlddle thud shows the connectlons from the interneuron to the inhibitory motor neurons; the bottom third shows the connection

from the interneuron to the excitatory motor neurons. White boxes indicate excitatory connections; black boxes indicate inhibitory connectlons. Interneurons specific for dorsal, ventral, and lateral are shown. (B) Identified dorsal local bending interneurons. Symbols are a s in A, except that box area is proportional to the amplitude of the connection determined from intracellular recordings of interneurons or motor neurons. Blank spaces denote connections whose strength has not been determined.

sensory input could be the basis for differences in the spatial and tem- poral patterns of motor output as a function of stimulus intensity and duration, thus increasing the computational repertoire of the network.

The dedicated interneuron model predicts that dorsal bending inter- neurons will have input and output connections like those in figure 5.7A. To determine if this was the case, we measured the strength of the connections from each P cell to a given interneuron by activating each P cell individually with a standard intracellular stimulus and noting the peak amplitude of the synaptic potential in the interneuron. The strength of output connections to motor neurons was measured in a similar fashion. However, we were hampered by the fact that the motor neurons lie on the dorsal surface of the ganglion, while all but two of the interneurons lie on the ventral surface. At present, therefore, output connections are known only for cells 115 and 125. The connectivity of

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the dorsal bending interneurons was consistent with the dedicated interneuron model in that most interneurons received substantial excitatory input from both dorsal P cells, and cells 115 and 125 excited both DEs and inhibited both VEs (figure 5.70). [-[owever, the results were Incon- sistent with the dedicated interneuron model in two respects. F~rst, with one exception, each interneuron received substantial input from at least one ventral P cell. This means that these interneurons are active during ventral local bends, when their excitatory effects on DEs are Inappro- priate. This also means these interneurons are actlve dur~ng lateral local bending, when the effect on the contralateral DE IS inappropriate Sec- ond, the effect of cells 115 and 125 on the inhibitory interneurons was not always the opposite of the effect on the excitatory motor neuron with the same projective field; for example, cell 125 excites both DE and DI on the right side.

Motivation for the Model

That most local bending interneurons are active in dorsal, ventral, and lateral local bends suggested that the simple, dedicated interneuron model is incorrect. Rather, the interneurons appear to form a distributed representation of sensory input. In the distributed model, each form of the local bending behavior is produced by the simultaneous action of many interneurons, whose combined outputs produce the associated motor output pattern. The distributed model thus has the advantage that it can account for ventral inputs to dorsal bending interneurons (figure 5.7B) and the conflicts between interneuron outputs to motor neurons. In this view of the network, connections of an interneuron that are inconsistent with one motor output pattern are offset by behavior- ally consistent connections from other interneurons.

Although the distributed processing hypothesis was attractive, it remained to be shown whether it was consistent with the physiological details of the biological network. Specifically, was the distributed model consistent with the many lateral connections among the motor neurons, with the amplitude and time course of motor neuron synaptic potentials in response of all different patterns of sensory input, and with the type of interneurons identified?

Architecture of the Model

To test the distributed processing hypothesis, we constructed a model of the reflex and used backpropagation to adjust connection strengths between neurons (Lockery et al. 1990). The model comprised four sen- sory neurons (P cells), up to 40 interneurons, and eight motor neurons (figure 5.8A). Sensory neurons responding to touch (T cells; Nicholls and Baylor 1968) were excluded from this preliminary model, since their effects on behavior are small in comparison to the effects of the P cells (Kristan 1982). The number of interneurons represented, in round num-

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bers, an upper estimate of total number of local bending intcrneurons, based on the number of local bending intcrneurons identified to date within a single ganglion, and the number of axons from local bend~ng interneurons project~ng into theganglion from adjacent gangl~a (Lockcry and Kristan 1990b) Each of the eight motor neurons in the modcl rcp- resented one of eight types of longitudinal muscle motor neurons, in

which there are two to four neurons per type (Ort et a1 1974, Stuart 1970). These comprlse the excitors and ~nhib~tors of dorsal longitudrnal muscle, DE and Dl, respectively, and the excitors and inh~bitors of ventral long~tudinal muscle, VE and VI, respect~vely

All known chemical and electrical synaptic connections between motor neurons were included and connection strengths were determ~ned from previous physiological recordings (Granzow et al. 1985; see below). Weights of feedforward connections from sensory neurons to ~nterneu- rons, and from interneurons to motor neurons were adjusted by the backpropagation algorithm (Rumelhart et al. 1986a) so that the model reproduced the amplitude and time course of motor neuron synapt~c potentials recorded in response to single and paired P cell stimulation In eight different patterns (Lockery and Kristan 1990a). The training procedure was not allowed to insert connections between interneurons, since functional connections of this type have not been found; nor was the training procedure allowed to insert feedback connections from motor neurons to interneurons, since only one such connection had been identified (Friesen 1989b).

The present model is more realistic than the previous model (Lockery et al. 19891, which excluded electrical and chemical synapses that would introduce feedback among the motor neurons. Feedback leads to net- works whose activity evolves in time. Thus recurrent backpropagation (Pearlmutter 1989) was used instead of static backpropagation (Rumelhart et al. 1986a) to train output units (motor neurons) in the network to follow a predetermined time course. The present model is also more realistic because the response of model motor neurons matches the real motor neurons not only in amplitude, but also in time course. By incor- porating temporal dynamics, the model can predict the time course of synaptic potentials in the interneurons. (An additional discussion of dynamic recurrent networks is provided in chapter 7.)

Model Neurons

Neurons were modeled as passive, single electrical compartments hav- ing in parallel an input resistance R and capacitance C to ground. In later models, multicompartmental neurons could be used, but one compart- ment was sufficient for the theoretical issues raised by the physiological data currently available. The rate of change of membrane potential (dV/dt) was determined by the present voltage and the sum of the

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current introduced by synaptic inputs using equation, indexed by each neuron i:

where r, is the neuronal time constant, and 1; is the sum of the current introduced by chemical and electrical synapses. The use of single rather than multicompartn~ental model neurons is a simplifying assumption based on the assumption that the interneurons are nearly isopotential during the 500 ms long stimulus trains used in physiological experi- ments (Lockery and Kristan 1990a).

Trains of action potentials in sensory neurons were modeled as stepwise increases in presynaptic voltage. To reduce computation, action poten- tials within the trains were not represented individually, since the duration of the action potential is short with respect to the time constants for chemical synaptic transmission. The amplitude of the step was scaled to keep the range of synaptic potentials in the interneurons within the range observed in intracellular recordings (Lockery and Kristan 1990b).


Electrical synapses were modeled as ohmic conductances. Current in- troduced by electrical synapses was given by Ohm's law, and summed linearly according to the equation:

where g is the conductance of the electrical synapse between neurons I'

i and j. Within the ganglion, chemical synaptic transmission between inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons (Granzow et al. 1985), as well as from interneurons to other interneurons in the leech (Angstadt and Calabrese 1991; Friesen 1985; Thompson and Stent 1976), is a graded function of presynaptic voltage; it does not require the occurrence of action potentials, nor is it substantially affected by them. The synapse between inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons was used as a model for all chemical synapses in the network, since this connection has been most intensively studied. In physiological experiments (Granzow et al. 1985) a stepwise increase in presynaptic voltage in DI produced a slowly rising postsynaptic potential in DE. To account for the long synaptic rise time, synapse units (s-units, figure 5.8A) were inserted between pairs of neurons connected by chemical synapses. These can be viewed as additional compartments in which the state variable is synaptic activa- tion rather than voltage. The activation of each s-unit Sji was given by:

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Sensory neurons


Left Right

Motor neurons

J 10 m v

stim - 1 sec

Network Model of the Local Bending Circuit

Figure 5.8 (A) Four sensory neurons were connected to eight motor neurons via a layer of 10 interneurons. Neurons were represented as single electrical compartments whose voltage varied as a function of time. Known electrical and chemical connections among motor neurons were assigned fixed connection strengths (g and w in the motor layer) determined from intracellular recordings. Interneuron input and output connections were adjusted by recurrent backpropagation. Chemical synaptic delays were implemented by inserting s-units between chemically connected pairs of neurons. S-units with different time constants were inserted between sensory and interneurons to account for fast and slow components of synaptic potentials recorded in interneurons. (B) Response of the model network to stimulation of the left ventral P cell after synaptic connections had been optimized using backpropagation. Each tracing shows the simulated intracellular record- ing froma single motor neuron, together with the target response from thedata set against which connections in the model were optimized. To facilitate comparison of model and target synaptic pote'ntials, the latter have been shifted upward by 1 mV. (Reprinted from Lockery and Sejnowski 1992 by of the /ournal of Neuroscience.)

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where r,, is the synaptic time constant and f ( V , ) is a sigmoidal func- tion (0 I f(V,) 5 1) relating presynaptic and postsynaptic membrane potential.

The s-unit time constants combined the temporal dynamics of all the steps in transmitter release. Single s-un~ts were inserted between ~nter- neurons and motor neurons, and between pairs of motor neurons I'reliminary s~mula t~ons showed that the t ~ m e course of motor neuron synaptic potentials, whtch exhib~t a fast and slow exponent~al dccay, could not be produced by a local bend~ng model having only one s - u n ~ t with a single time constant at each connection. Therefore, two s-units- one with a fast and one with a slow time constant-were inserted between sensory neurons and interneurons. This was consistent wi intracellular recordings of synaptic potentials from interneurons in respon to P cell stimulation, which showed both fast, slow, and mixed fast and slow synaptic potentials (Lockery and Kristan 1990b).

In equation 5.3, the sigmoidal function f(V,) represented the many processes which limit synaptic current, including limits on presynaptic calcium accumulation and number of vesicles released, the saturation of binding of transmitter to receptors, and the reversal potential of the synaptic conductance. The form of the sigmoidal function was deter- mined by extrapolating from existing data on steady-state postsynaptic voltage as a function of presynaptic voltage at the synapses between two different inhibitory-excitatory motor neuron pairs (Granzow et al. 1985). Threshold for synaptic transmission was placed at the resting potential (V = O), consistent with the fact that the inhibitory motor neurons do not release transmitter at rest (Lockery and Kristan, unpublished). Total current due to chemical synapses lchem was given by:


where w.. is the strength of the chemical synapse to neuron j from I'

neuron i, and is functionally similar to the product of the maximum synaptic conductance and the driving force (E,,, - V,). Thus, in the model, currents from' chemical synapses added linearly. Combining equations through 5.4 yields the final equation:

Input Resistance and Time Constants

Motor neuron input resistance (20 MR) and time constant (10 ms) were estimated from the time course and amplitude of the postsynaptic potential in DE in response to depolarizing current step (1.5 nA) injected into DI (Granzow et al. 1985). Interneuron input resistance was assumed to be

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higher (40 MR) because the somata of most local bending interneurons are smaller than the somata of the motor neurons. For simplicity, the time constants for the interneurons were the same as for the motor neurons. The time constants for the s-units between motor neurons were chosen to reproduce the time course of postsynapt~c voltage in DE upon injection of a square step of depolarizing current in the presynapt~c motor neuron cell Dl. For simplicity, the same value was chosen for the s-units for the connection from interneurons to motor neurons T h ~ s connection was chosen as the standard synapse because ~t IS an estab- lished monosynaptlc connection (Granzow et al. 1985), the same t ~ m e constant was used for s-units between interneurons and motor neurons Time constants for the fast (10 ms) and slow (1500 ms) s-units between sensory and interneurons were fit by hand, uslng a s~rnplrfied model network comprising one sensory neuron, one interneuron, and one motor neuron. The values selected provided the best fit to the time course of the intracellularly recorded motor neuron synaptic potential in response to P cell stimulation.

Fixed Weights

The coupling resistance between pairs of electrically coupled motor neurons was calculated to achieve an effective coupling ratio of 0.1, in accordance with pairwise intracellular recordings from motor neurons (Friesen, unpublished; Lockery and Kristan, unpublished). Weights for chemical synapses between motor neurons were adjusted by hand to reproduce the steady-state response of the postsynaptic motor neuron to maximum depolarization of the presynaptic neuron (Granzow et al. 1985).

Optimized Weights

Connection strengths to and from interneurons were optimized by backpropagation to match the time course and amplitude of motor neuron synaptic potentials in the model to those in physiological record- ings. The synaptic potential time course of a representative motor neu- ron recording was adopted as a template (figure 5.88, upper traces). To construct the training set for backpropagation, the amplitude of the template was scaled to the average peak amplitude for each motor neuron in response to each of the eight patterns of single and paired P cell stimulation (Lockery and Kristan 1990a; figures 5.4 and 5.5). In accordance with the backpropagation algorithm, connections from sen- sory neurons to interneurons and interneurons to motor neurons were initially small and randomly assigned. For each iteration of the optimi- zation procedure, an input pattern from the data set was presented and the network's behavior was simulated for 100 time steps (10 ms/step). The time course and amplitude of the simulated synaptic potential in each motor neuron was then compared to the desired time course for

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the relevant motor neuron in response to the same pattern of P cell stimulation; this gave a measure of the instantaneous error of the net- work at each time step. This procedure was repeated for each pattern In the data set. Each connection in the network was then adjusted by a small amount as specifled by the algorithm and the process was repeated until the average instantaneous error was less than 0 19 mV

Weights from sensory neurons to interneurons were constratned to be posltlve, since no ~nhibitory connections have been observed between such palrs. No constraints were placed o n connecttons from ~nterneu- rons to motor neurons. After 10 to 20 thousand tterations, a good match was obtained between simulated and desired motor neuron synapt~c potentials (figure 5.88, lower traces) for each input-output relation in the data set.

Performance of the Model

To compare interneurons in the model network to actual interneurons, simulated physiological experiments were performed. Interneuron in- put connections were determined by recording the amplitude of the postsynaptic potential in a model interneuron while each of the P cells was stimulated with a standard current pulse. Output connections were determined by recording the amplitude of the postsynaptic potential in each motor neuron when an interneuron was stimulated with a standard current pulse. This analysis yielded strong similarities between the model and biological network. First, model interneurons (figure 5.9), like those in the real network (figure 5.7B), generally received three or four sub- stantial connections from P cells and thus received both dorsal and ventral P cell inputs. This means that interneurons in the model con- tributed to dorsal, ventral, and lateral local bends, as the distributed hypothesis holds. Second, individual interneurons had significant ef- fects on seven or eight of the motor neurons. As in the biological net- work, the effect on an inhibitory motor neuron was not always the opposite of the effect on the excitatory motor neuron with the same projective field. For example, interneuron 12 (figure 5.9) excites both the right-hand DE and the right-hand DI. Finally, the range of fast, slow, and mixed synaptic potentials recorded in the interneurons in response to P cell stimulation was also reproduced by the model (figure 5.10). An interneuron in the model responded with a fast, slow, or mixed synaptic potential depending on the relative weights assigned to the fast and slow synaptic processes represented by the two different connections between each sensory neuron and interneuron in the model (figure 5.8A).

The qualitative similarity between the connectivity and temporal response properties of model and actual interneurons established the central result that a population of interneurons resembling the identified dorsal local bending interneurons could mediate local bending in a distributed

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Model interneurons

From P cells

To Dl and VI

To DE and VE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

excitatory inhibitory

Input and Output Connections of Model Local Bending Interneurons

Figure 5.9 Model interneurons, like the actual interneurons, received substantial inputs from three or four sensory neurons and had significant effects on most of the motor neurons. Symbols as in figure 5.7.

processing system without additional interneurons specific for different forms of local bending. This constitutes a plausibility claim or an exist- ence proof (Crick 1989) that the actual local bending circuitry could operate as we suppose. This was an important result because before- hand we thought that dedicated interneurons might be necessary to achieve accurate amplitudes and time courses for each motor neuron in response to each pattern of sensory input. Note that a negative result- failure of the optimization procedure to find a solution to the local bending input-output function-would have told us nothing. This is because the true absence of a solution cannot be distinguished from the case in which the solution is simply missed by the optimization proce- dure. This is a general problem with optimization via gradient descent, since it can become trapped in a local minimum, i.e., stuck with a set

Chapter 5 Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech

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Data Model


Mixed r--- J i L I J :"oL

Stirn Stirn 400 ms

Recorded and Simulated Synaptic Potentials

Figure 5.10 Comparison of recorded and simulated synaptic potentials in intcrneurons in response to stimulation (Stim) of a single P cell. (Data) Physiological recordings are shown on the left. (Model) Simulated synaptic potentials are shown on the right. Inter- neurons wit.h fast, slow, and mixed responses were seen in physiological recordings; similar types were seen in the model after training. In the simulations, the trains of P cell impulses were modeled as a step increase in average membrane potential in the sensory neuron. (Reprinted from Lockery and Sejnowski 1990 with permission.)

of connection strengths that are only a partial solution to the problem. The danger of local minima can be mitigated to some degree by training many networks from different random initial weight values, and by using different algorithms (Kirkpatrick et al. 1983).

The construction of a complete and realistic model of the local bending reflex makes it possible for the first time to visualize the response of the entire network as it evolves in time (figure 5.11). This analysis showed that in the model almost every interneuron contributed to the rapid rising phase of the synaptic potentials in the motor neurons (figure 5.7 18). By contrast, the slow falling phase was under the control of many fewer interneurons (figure 5.11C). This observation suggests that, in the model, a single pattern of sensory input is represented by different patterns of interneuron activation at different times relative to stimulus onset and offset. Similarly, a single pattern of motor neuron excitation and inhibition is represented by different interneuron activity patterns at different times relative to the stimulus. The concept of time-depen- dent sensory and motor representations has received relatively little attention because models of sensorimotor integration have tended to focus on static representations. The idea of time-dependent representa- tions can now be tested by physiological experiments to determine whether the biological network exhibits a similar time dependence.

Comparing the response to different patterns of P cell stimulation showed that most interneurons contributed to more than one form of

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The Response of the Complete Local Bending Network as a Function of Time

Figure 5.11 (A) Resting. (B) Rising phase oi the response to dorsal stimulatio~l. (C) Falling phase of the response to dorsal stin~ulation. (D) Rising phase of the response to Iatertll stimulation. In each panel, the shading of the squares shows the voltage of the indicated sensory, motor, or interneuron, according tc> the gray scale at the left. The leech's prnlilc is shown in side vie\\!, v,.itll anterior to the k i t , and in top view, in whicl~ anterior is u p .

Chapter 5 Realistic Network Modtslr; ot Di5tributed Processing in the L c ~ h

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local bending, but each pattern of sensory input was associated with a unique spatial pattern of interneuron activation (figure 5.1 ID). The spatial pattern of interneuron activation is decoded by the pattern of synaptic connections to the motor neuron such that each interneuron activation pattern generates a unique-and behaviorally correct-pattern of motor neuron excitation and inhibition. An interesting theoret~cal question is whether distributed representations across as many as 40 ~nterneurons are necessary. Two possibilities arise First, the large number of ~nter- neurons may be required to accon~modate additional complexrt~es In the input-output function of the reflex. So far, we have measured the motor output in response to eight patterns of single or paired P cell stimula- tion, and these measurements were made at a single stimulus intensity and duration. Clearly, there are many more input patterns to investigate as one varies the number of P cells and the stimulus parameters. These experiments may reveal additional input-output complexities that ex- plain the large numbers of interneurons that appear to be involved in the reflex. Second, each interneuron may also participate in behaviors other than local bending. Indeed, cell 115 was initially identified as a member of the swimming central pattern generator (Friesen 1989a1, and both cell 115 and 125 have detectable effects on shortening (Wittenberg and Kristan 1992). Participation in other behaviors could force the connections of each interneuron to compromise between its different behavioral roles, necessitating additional interneurons to make up for the attendant functional shortcomings.


We have combined compartmental and neural network modeling ap- proaches to construct a realistic model of the local bending reflex in the leech. The model showed that identified dorsal bending interneurons are consistent with a distributed processing hypothesis of the network. The model suggests that subpopulations of local bending interneurons that remain to be identified-such as the ventral bending interneu- rons-are similar in kind to the interneurons identified so far. Addition of more physiological constraints would make the model more realistic, and could lead to specific and accurate predictions of the connectivity of as yet unidentified interneurons (Lockery and Sejnowski 1992). For example, we can now train networks in which one group of model interneurons is constrained to have all the known input and output connections of the dorsal bending interneurons. A second, undifferen- tiated group of model interneurons would then be free during training to develop connections that predict the complementary input and out- puts of the actual interneurons that act in concert with the identified dorsal bending interneurons. These predictions could then be tested by identifying the remaining local bending interneurons in the ganglion.

Backpropagation and other network training algorithms enable US to

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construct working models o f distributed processing networks that were not possible a few years ago. By using neural network units to represent electrical and synaptic compartments, i t is possible to make these models as realist~c as compartmental modcls tlicmselves. In the future, we can expect this approach to be applied to other Issues In systems ncuro- science, ~ n c l u d ~ n g mechanisms of central pattern generation In lnvcrte- brates and vertebrates, tlie processing of temporal informat~on, and the predict~on of sltes of synaptic plast~crty This chapter has focused on networks of neurons. However, the network modeling approach has potential biological applications far wider than the nervous system, since tlie units 111 the network can represent other biological variables, including environmental (Lockery and Sejnowski 1991) and develop- mental factors (Mjolsness et al. 1991), as well as aspects of the immune response (Vertosick and Kelly 1991 ).


Supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The Bank of Arnerica- Giannini Foundation for Medical Research, and The Mathers Founda- tion.


Chapter 5 Realistic Network Models of Distributed Processing in the Leech