reality/tw…  · web viewthe word “martyr” simply means “a witness.” a lukewarm believer...

TWO INVASIONS ARE IN PROCESS RIGHT NOW ONE IS RIGHTEOUS and the OTHER IS EVIL Greetings from my new home in Texas! I’m in the middle of unpacking, but I feel I need to get this information to you. Two different scenarios are happening at the same time: 1) in Israel, and 2) in America. Couple this with the King of Jordan saying that he was ending part of the peace agreement with Israelis made in 1994, which means ousting Israeli farmers from the land they were granted in 1994 inside Jordan. Certain patterns are forming! King Abdullah of Jordan is being greatly pressured by Muslim wafts and muftis to oust Jews from Arab land. Jordan still maintains control over the Palestinian Authority and Temple Mount--so this is a major situation. Here I briefly share with you a few basics of what is going on right now in America and Israel. A righteous invasion and an evil invasion are happening at exactly the same time -- NO coincidence! Europe and the UK have already been invaded and taken over for the most part. America has been taken over for the most part, and so has Israel. Israel and America are now facing invasions, Israel plans one of their own, and America is trying to stop the greatest invasion of illegal migrant immigrants in American history. The portals of the dark kingdom’s entrance into this world are wide open. The tide turned and the portals began to be fully opened as the 120 years of the Spirit’s striving with the returned fallen angel and Nephilim hierarchy ended in the spring of 2016. At that time, in 2016, Yahuwah’s Spirit began to withdraw. Micha’el, the archangel, began to stand aloof, to step back (Daniel 12:1) also. Yahuwah’s protective mantle over America, over Israel, and over the whole world itself, has been removed. However! Yahuwah’s obedient servants whom He knows and trusts to carry out His end-time assignments will remain protected! There will be great bloodshed ahead, but true martyrs will be greatly rewarded (Revelation 14:12-13; Revelation 7:9-17) It is most important now to be spiritually prepared, rooted in knowing Yahuwah, hearing from Him, and being led by Him, for the times of the end have come and the fulfilling of all the 223 prophecies of the Word is in process, preparing for the return of Yahushua. A true martyr is one who has a choice. Our choice to stand with Elohim Two Invasions Are in Process Right Now One is Righteous and the Other is Evil October 23, 2018 Page 1

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Greetings from my new home in Texas! I’m in the middle of unpacking, but I feel I need to get this information to you. Two different scenarios are happening at the same time: 1) in Israel, and 2) in America. Couple this with the King of Jordan saying that he was ending part of the peace agreement with Israelis made in 1994, which means ousting Israeli farmers from the land they were granted in 1994 inside Jordan. Certain patterns are forming! King Abdullah of Jordan is being greatly pressured by Muslim wafts and muftis to oust Jews from Arab land. Jordan still maintains control over the Palestinian Authority and Temple Mount--so this is a major situation. Here I briefly share with you a few basics of what is going on right now in America and Israel. A righteous invasion and an evil invasion are happening at exactly the same time -- NO coincidence! Europe and the UK have already been invaded and taken over for the most part. America has been taken over for the most part, and so has Israel. Israel and America are now facing invasions, Israel plans one of their own, and America is trying to stop the greatest invasion of illegal migrant immigrants in American history. The portals of the dark kingdom’s entrance into this world are wide open. The tide turned and the portals began to be fully opened as the 120 years of the Spirit’s striving with the returned fallen angel and Nephilim hierarchy ended in the spring of 2016. At that time, in 2016, Yahuwah’s Spirit began to withdraw. Micha’el, the archangel, began to stand aloof, to step back (Daniel 12:1) also. Yahuwah’s protective mantle over America, over Israel, and over the whole world itself, has been removed. However! Yahuwah’s obedient servants whom He knows and trusts to carry out His end-time assignments will remain protected! There will be great bloodshed ahead, but true martyrs will be greatly rewarded (Revelation 14:12-13; Revelation 7:9-17) It is most important now to be spiritually prepared, rooted in knowing Yahuwah, hearing from Him, and being led by Him, for the times of the end have come and the fulfilling of all the 223 prophecies of the Word is in process, preparing for the return of Yahushua. A true martyr is one who has a choice. Our choice to stand with Elohim determines our eternal position and reward. We must be living martyrs! The word “martyr” simply means “a witness.” A lukewarm believer standing under a falling nuclear bomb is not a martyr. Their eternal choice has been made for them. If you try to control your own life, even a speck, you tie Yahuwah’s plans for helping you. We must submit out mind to the voice of the Spirit within our re-born spirit so that we hear His thoughts and obey His thoughts at all times. Please know that Yahuwah will take His hands off of you if you seek to control your life, or the lives of others, for unless He is Master of all, He is not Master at all! People tie His hands when they try to use intellectual reasoning to guide them. “Those that are led by the Spirit – they are the sons of Elohim.” (Romans 8:14) If you are truly born again, it began with repentance. We had to die to self in order to receive His life; we had to forsake our own will and carnal desires to follow our new Master. (Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:34-39) To hold onto a “free ticket out of

Two Invasions Are in Process Right NowOne is Righteous and the Other is Evil

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hell” and still live the cultural lifestyle of pagans is hypocrisy, but also a dangerous illusion. The whole of Scripture gives us very fine guidelines, but more than anything else the example of Yahushua gives us our mandate! He did nothing, said nothing, and thought nothing, except what His Abba told Him to do, say, and think. He is our example! We are not better than the Son of Yahuwah! I say all this from my spirit as “thus says Yahuwah!” He keeps His eyes on those who know Him, those whom He knows and trusts. Thus we must be truly born again, and then filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah, for it is in our spirit-temple that He dwells to fellowship with us, lead us, instruct us.Without submission to Him in everything, we are outside of His perfect will.

Here are a few articles and pictures about these two invasions: Israel is close to invading Gaza. It is a righteous invasion to remove the power of a very real enemy. Israel has had enough of empty talking, constant violent rioting by tens of thousands of Palestinian males on the border with Israel along with fire kites igniting fires in their wheat fields.

“Israel deploys Tanks Armor Seals Gaza with Cement Blocks” Friday, 19 October 2018 - Hal Turner Radio Show

“Invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli Defense Forces is now deemed IMMINENT.The Israeli Security Cabinet met Wednesday for many hours and when the meeting ended, even my former colleagues who provide me with Covert Intelligence could not get information. That has now changed. The Israeli Cabinet has approved a change in the `Rules of Engagement’ for the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) pertaining to the weekly riots and arson/missile attacks emanating from Gaza.  The new policy: ZERO TOLERANCE. … In support of the planned response, Israel is deploying Tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers (APC's) to the area surrounding the Gaza Strip. A photographer reports seeing at least 60 IDF tanks and APC’s gathered at one location on the Gaza border. The area around the Gaza Strip has now been declared a `Closed Military Zone" and is being sealed-off with large cement blocks…The IDF is setting up mobile bomb shelters near Gaza. Large amount of explosives: IEDs, grenades being thrown at Israeli soldiers on the Gaza border. Explosions are heard constantly.UPDATE 11:29 AM EDT -- Over 15,000 currently rioting on the Gaza border.” Yahuwah gave a vision and prophecy to Henry Gruver a few years back. Paraphrasing, Henry said that there would come a time when Israel would not put

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up with the continual rioting and wickedness in Gaza, the lies against Israel, the constant firing of bombs into Israel, and the world manipulation against Israel via the U.N. He said Israel would invade Gaza to clean out the evil, knowing many would die in the process. The world as a whole, led by the condemnations of the U.N., will immediately turn against Israel for “human rights abuses,” and most likely the U.N. troops, already in abundance inside Israel, would turn against Israel and try to take over. World condemnation would be the result. It is a Luke 21 scenario also – the takeover of Jerusalem by the U.N. The article below confirms, for if Israel does move into Gaza, the world will turn against her.

“Nation Will Rise Against Nation: Israeli Tanks Mass Along the Border as War Between Israel and Hamas Appears To Be Imminent” – The Economic Collapse – October 20, 2018 – Michael Snyder

Another extremely bloody border protest on Friday has pushed Israel and Hamas to the brink of war. The Egyptians had been urging Hamas to tone down the border protests, but that did not happen.  Instead, Hamas is pledging to continue the border protests for as long as it takes to end the Israeli blockade.  So Israel has a choice to make.  Either it can end the blockade, accept the endless violence that is currently taking place along the border, or invade Gaza.  The Israelis have already stated very clearly that the blockade will not end, because everyone understands that weapons and fighters will pour into Gaza if that happens.  So it looks like the choice will come down to living with the border violence or invading Gaza, and living with the border violence does not appear to be an acceptable choice either.  On Friday, 10,000 Hamas protesters showed up at the border fence, and 130 of them got shot during the violence that erupted… Israeli soldiers shot and wounded 130 Palestinians during protests near the Gaza Strip border on Friday (October 19), the enclave’s Health Ministry said.An Israeli military spokeswoman said about 10,000 demonstrators massed at the border and that some threw burning tires, grenades and explosive devices at the troops across the fence. Friday’s chaos followed more violence earlier in the week.  On Wednesday, a rocket that was fired from Gaza obliterated a home in southern Israel, and another rocket landed not too far from Tel Aviv. The Jewish people have been greatly outraged by these attacks, and their patience has worn very thin.

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In response to those attacks, the IDF hit targets in Gaza with airstrikes. In an article just a few days ago, I noted that Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman is now saying that he believes that war between Israel and Hamas is “inevitable.”  And on Thursday, Israel made a major move in that direction by massing tanks along the Gaza border… On Thursday Israel had ramped up armored forces along the Gaza border, a day after a rocket fired from the enclave destroyed a home in southern Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, vowed “very strong action” if attacks continued. In fact, it is being reported that this massing of tanks along the border represents “the largest mustering of forces since the 2014 war”…Reuters has reported some 60 Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers now stationed at a deployment area along the border as of Thursday, which is the largest reported mustering of forces since the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas.This would be a war that would not benefit anyone, but it is very difficult to see how it will be avoided at this point. Hamas could avoid war by simply ending the protests, but they have pledged not to do that.Israel can keep hammering Gaza with airstrikes, but that definitely will not stop the violence. The only thing that could permanently stop the violence is a full-blown invasion of Gaza with the intention of completely eliminating Hamas. But that would be an exceedingly bloody mission, and it could potentially spark a much broader Middle East war.The mainstream media in the United States has been mostly silent about this looming conflict, but the truth is that this is an extremely serious situation…If someone was constantly sending rockets, grenades and incendiary devices across the U.S. border, the American people would be screaming and yelling for the military to do something, and rightly so.Israel is not going to put up with all of this violence for much longer, but there is one huge problem.  If Israel invades Gaza at this point, they will be considered to be the “aggressor” by most of the rest of the world.  And in order to eliminate Hamas entirely, Israel would have to be ruthless, and images from the very bloody war would be endlessly broadcast throughout the Islamic world.  This could greatly galvanize Israel’s other enemies, and it could very easily spark a broader conflict. Israel is surrounded by nations that would love to see it wiped off the map, and if the right opportunity arose they would gladly join forces in an all-out attempt to defeat Israel once and for all.…And a major war in the Middle East would go a long way toward destabilizing the entire globe. We truly do live in apocalyptic times, and many are anticipating that global events will greatly accelerate during the months ahead… Watch Israel very carefully. The things that are happening over there right now are going to have very serious implications for all of us.”

“Israel warns that full scale war with Gaza is INEVITABLE as Israeli Security Cabinet mulls a massive strike against Hamas” by Jews News

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By: Ilanit Chernick/TPS “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman warned Sunday that war with Hamas in Gaza was drawing ever closer.Speaking at the beginning of the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday, Netanyahu said that `Hamas has yet to get the message that if it fails to stop its aggression it will be halted through other means and it will be painful, very painful.’ … Liberman told the Hebrew language Ynet website that `We have reached the moment – we must strike Hamas with the hardest blow. We have made every effort and exhausted every possibility… War is inevitable.’ … `Hamas has turned violence on the fence into a strategic weapon by which they hope to erode our ability to withstand and deter,’ he told Ynet. `We have reached the moment that we have to strike the hardest blow possible on Hamas…’ Nearly seven months of continued violence along the Gaza border have daily incendiary arson attacks that have destroyed thousands of acres of land in southern Israel and caused millions of shekels worth of damages. Violent weekly mass demonstrations along the border have seen Palestinian breach the border fence on several occasions, attack Israeli military positions and vandalize security infrastructures.” At the same time, today, October 23, 2018, U.S. President Trump has ordered our military to go to the border to face off the 7,000-10,000 migrants who have forced their way through Mexico to storm the U.S. border to let them in. Trump has ordered tanks and armed soldiers to the border. It’s reality! It’s a showdown against evil. “Trump vows to send as many troops ‘as necessary’ to keep growing migrant caravan out, asked how many troops he was willing to send, Trump told the paper simply, `as many as necessary.’ Fox News - October 23, 2018 - Infowars “In an interview aboard Air Force One on Monday, President Trump made clear there was no limit to the number of troops he’s willing to send to the border to address the growing migrant caravan quickly making its way through hot and humid temperatures in Mexico to the U.S. border. The president previously vowed to send the U.S. military, as opposed to the National Guard, to confront the group, which the United Nations now estimates is

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over 7,200 members strong. Dramatic footage over the weekend showed the caravan, which is at least 1,100 miles from the U.S. border, defying Trump’s warnings and smashing a border fence, as migrants flooded into Mexico despite the presence of riot police. Trump told USA Today in an interview that `people from the Middle East’ are among the thousands of migrants in the caravan, echoing remarks he made on Twitter Monday morning, when he complained there were MS-13 gang `criminals and unknown Middle Easterners mixed in.’ ” Definitely YES, Muslim Iranians, Syrians, terrorists from other Middle Eastern countries, and drug cartel gangs, are crossing the border among the “migrants.”This has been going on for a long time – back into the Obama Administration. This is how ISIS has infiltrated the U.S. and is now in 50 states. “Defiant Migrant Mob Swells to 5,000 Strong Says They Are Ready To ‘Storm the Border’ To Gain Entrance Into US” – Now the End Begins – October 20, 2018 A U.S.-bound caravan of thousands of mostly Honduran migrants who have been condemned as unwelcome by President Donald Trump, began moving into Mexico on Sunday, shadowed by hundreds of Mexican police en route to the border city of Tapachula. The migrants have defied threats by Trump that he will close the U.S.-Mexico border if the caravan advances and warnings from the Mexican government that they risk deportation if they cannot justify seeking asylum in Mexico.

by Geoffrey Grider October 21, 2018 “Despite Mexican efforts to stop them at the border, a growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border early Sunday in southern Mexico.” “Growing Invasion Force Overwhelms Mexican Authorities – Approximately 10,000 Now Traveling through Mexico to U.S. Southern Border” October 21, 2018 by sundance … “The heavily financed horde of Central American migrants has overwhelmed the token resistance from Mexican military and advanced north toward the Southern U.S. border. As described by the Associated Press today: “growing army of migrants resumes march toward US.” This is a well financed, well organized, left-wing political operation strategically timed to reach the U.S. border and coincide with the 2018 mid-term election.

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Estimates as to the number of economic migrants varies between 7,000 to 10,000 and the numbers are growing fast as they are now facilitated by, and joined by, ideological comrades within Mexico.   The ‘invasion force’ is now more than two-miles long. The group claims to be fleeing violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, yet the group has deployed violence against Mexican officials who are vastly outnumbered… President Trump has requested that Mexican officials stop the advancement of the massive group and praised any efforts therein.  However, it appears there is a disconnect between what actions U.S. officials think is happening – and the actual advancement on the ground.  Those marching toward the U.S. are no longer finding any resistance. Initially the group was between 3,000 and 5,000.  However, in the past 36 hours the numbers have grown considerably; seeming to double in size overnight.

TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) — A ragged army of Honduran migrants streamed through southern Mexico on Sunday heading toward the United States, after making an end-run around Mexican agents who briefly blocked them at the Guatemalan border…They received help at every turn from sympathetic Mexicans…”

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“…. We are going to get to the border of the U.S.,” he said. “I am not going to stop. I don’t care if I die.” “…Men from Most Violent Countries in World’ Are ‘Invading’ U.S.”Breitbart - October 22, 2018 Steve King warned against mass immigration to the U.S. from the most dangerous regions of the world, specifically Central America and South America:The violent death rate in Honduras is 94.7 per 100.000. Compare that to the violent death rate of Japan at 0.27 per 100,000. And, nine of the ten most violent countries in the world are south of the US border. 16 of the 20 most violent countries are also south of the US border. The remaining four are all small countries in Africa… these guys are all military age. You can put them all into the military. They are invading our country. They are just not wearing uniforms. They come from the most violent countries in the world.”

100 Terrorists Captured at the Gates of North AmericaBy Meira Svirsky Monday, October 22, 2018

Migrants from Guatemala push through the border with Mexico on October 19, 2018. (Photo: John Moore/Getty Images) … “Guatemala has long been recognized as a funnel for trafficking of illegal immigrants to the U.S. Migrants pass through Guatemala’s porous border with Mexico and on to the United States. Armed with this knowledge, migrants from countries where immigration to the U.S. is difficult, particularly those from the Middle East, have long used the Guatemalan conduit. As one investigative journalist who witnessed first-hand human trafficking from Guatemala to the U.S. wrote: `[Guatemala] is literally a superhighway for human smuggling of people from all over the world, including the Middle East. As a journalist in 2007, I traveled throughout Guatemala tracing their paths and interviewed numerous current and former government officials there about the Middle Easterners, Somalis, Pakistanis, and others coursing through toward Mexico. I also once visited a Guatemalan consular office in Amman, Jordan, where Iraqi refugees told me their human smugglers were sourcing visas for about $700 each.’ …During the Obama administration, when the borders were essentially open and migrants were receiving housing, food, medical treatment and a free education, migrants from

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Guatemala represented one of the largest influxes into the U.S. of any country.” REVIEW: Couple this with the reality of who is already inside America waiting for their orders from their leaders: Thousand of troops from China and Russia, drug cartel gangs, M13 and other terrorist gangs, ISIS in all 50 states, illegal criminals from not just Central America or Mexico but from the Arab world, too, with Muslims calling for the destruction of America, the destruction of the world’s food supply, famine, war, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, the oceans dying and all in it, the green things being burned up, and diseases being created in laboratories, chemical warfare, weather warfare, transhumanism, enhanced super soldier hybrids/cyborgs, electromagnetic waves, flesh-eating weapons by the Pentagon, and weapons that can speak into the mind, called “Voice to Skull” technology. I could go on but why… Our loving Abba is separating out His children from the religious fakes, the lukewarm, the carnal and the worldly, and the wicked. It is time to press into Him and be known by Him, so that we do not fall away when the pressure is applied. Serious times are speeding up! Blessings and joy, peace, and strength!In His love, YedidahOctober 23, 2018

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