reanimation directive (revised)

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Reanimation Directive (Revised)


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This directive is a highly classified document. It is only to be handled and read by individuals of the highest authority and with maximum clearance levels. This is also a governmental and tri-service military document and thus affects all branches of government and the Empire’s Armed Forces.


Ordinis Sacra Inquisitionis

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Fundamentals of the Reanimation Directive (R-Directive)

The R-Directive is the code that is labelled to a specific set of orders that must be adhered to by all government ministers of proper clearance and likewise with military commanders if a pathogen, biological agent or weapon, or a genetic mutation (naturally occurring or otherwise) falls under the newly revised Stevidian Biological Category of having ‘Class-4 Regenerative Properties’, then every effort must be made to destroy the threat that falls under the said category. These efforts will be carried out under the command of an approved military officer controlling a specialised task force.

The R-Virus and its Origins

The Reanimation Virus, or R-Virus, is a biological contagion that can literally bring the deceased back to life. What was once the stuff of science fiction is in fact reality and poses the greatest threat to the Holy Empire since the Second War of Golden Succession and, as a consequence, places the every existence of humanity itself in grave danger.

In 2001, in secret and against the moral practises of the Church, a quest for medical perfection was being under taken. Illegal experiments we’re being undertaken in a secret laboratory in the old communist prison/gulag of Camp 4. If you are reading this document then you are fully aware that Camp 4, the vast surface and subterranean prison and gulag is still operational decades after the collapse of communism in Stevid. The prison complex’s underground prison cells and laboratories are huge and extend many hundreds of metres below the surface. It was in one of these laboratories where the R-Virus was first synthesised. Work on the virus did not include live specimens due to the abrupt fall of communism, but the experiments were allowed to continue in secret despite the change in government and ideology.

The Stevidian Communist Party had withdrawn overseas forces back to the home islands and instigated massive fortress city projects and military building programmes in fear of the unknown. The idea of turning Stevid into an impenetrable fortress island was the dream of the then Premier. However this dream of international isolation meant that the country would not be able to take the war to the enemy directly if circumstances were such that the enemy’s home would become a valid target. Nuclear weapons reduce a country’s industry to ashes and conventional weapons do the same but less efficiently. The Scientific Division as controlled by the Party was tasked to invent a biological weapon that could destroy an enemy’s population and not contaminate


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the local environment enough so that Stevidian forces would eventually be able to occupy territories once the population had been removed. The orders, while challenging, persuaded scientists to think outside the box and shelve any ideas regarded nerve and blood agents, radioactive weapons or more crude chemical or biological bombs like chlorine or anthrax. The idea on reproducing a ‘rabid dog’ effect on a population in order to wipe themselves out was put forward several weeks after the project was initiated. The project was to develop a weapon (chemical or biological) that would infect a subject and ultimately turn the subject insane or rabid and get them to eradicate other members of the population before the agent would ultimately kill the subject.

The virus labs used were deep underground and they were in a sealable section of the complex that was approximately a kilometre square; it also had no direct links to the surface and little in the way of connection to the rest of the underground facility except for one corridor and blast door able to seal the exit. The exit itself was where decontamination took place and where armed security and scientists processed prisoners/subjects before they entered or were lucky to leave that section of the facility. The subjects used were prisoners, and because of the thousands interned into the secretive underground parts of the camp, there was no shortage of specimens.

Details on how the idea behind the agent materialised into an actual biological agent is still highly classified and all material relating to the virus and its creation has either been destroyed or stored somewhere highly confidential. However the biological viral agent was created genetically by scientists in specialised laboratories in Camp 4, thus the Stevidian R-Virus is a man made pathogen and not a naturally occurring disease. It is important to remember that the current democratically elected government had sanctioned, at the time these experiments were being conducted, that research should continue to help develop a cure to the virus so as to prevent an attack on Stevid from occurring; to this day Stevid refuses to include biological weapons in its arsenal.

The first human to be exposed to the viral spores developed was code-named Patient Zero. He was injected with the virus directly in order to forgo any incubation period that might occur if he was simply exposed to the virus in a natural environment. The virus was developed to survive a total of three hours in an airborne or waterborne state after distribution from a controlled environment mimicking a living person before dying. If it entered a living host, an estimated incubation period of up to 24 hours would pass before the virus would take effect. This is why Patient Zero was directly injected- further testing on the incubation period would have been conducted at a later date.


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The subject was placed in a sealed room and 5 hours after being injected he developed a fever with body temperature reaching as high as 110F. His condition worsened with vomiting and minor fits that meant that scientists wearing bio-suits, had to physically restrain the subject to a medical examination bed within the cell the subject was being tested in. After 11 hours ‘Patient Zero’ lost all control of their body as all muscular activity ceased aside from minute twitching and minor spasms in the limbs. These effects surprised the scientists who now believed that the virus could be used to incapacitate victims instead of kill.However within 20 minutes of the loss of motor skills, Patient Zero became weaker and wearier and the scientists concurred with this visual observation as monitors displayed the subjects heart rate was rapidly decreasing. By the next hour the subject had slipped into a coma altogether; within another two hours scientists were about to enter the room when the patient fell into cardiac arrest and died with the scientists powerless to help. They left the subject under observation for an hour, convinced now the virus eventually kills through painful and horrific means. A post-mortem was conducted after the observation to fully understand the biologic impact the virus had on the body.

Three hours after death the corpse was undergoing a post-mortem. However during this process it was noted that the body occasionally twitched, this was also noticed by observers over CCTV and was recorded for further scrutiny. Doctors put this down to stray neurons firing in the brain but were still confused as to how this could still be happening even 3 hours after death. The post-mortem continued but no one expected the corpse to open its eyes and attack the doctor and two nurses conducting the procedure. The subject had appeared to have ‘reanimated’ despite being deceased for three hours, it’s ribcage open from the post mortem and flesh already starting to necrotise. Despite this however the corpse bite the doctor on the head and neck. The attack either killed her or rendered her unconscious as she collapsed to the floor shortly afterwards. The nurses too were attacked in a similar fashion and were left to their grizzly deaths, as a strict quarantine was in place in the morgue’s post-mortem operating room. All of this was witnessed and recorded on CCTV.

Guards were alerted to the morgue and entered only after a further hour of observation of Patient Zero’s behaviour. While watching via CCTV, images showed the now ‘living’ corpse eating on the remains of one of the nurses. The other two victims were showing signs of survival after the attack; the doctor was breathing but unconscious while the other nurse was still awake and clutching her injured neck - silent and eyes clearly showing fear. After witnessing the events unfold, lead scientists decided to ‘terminate’ the subject and the armed guards that had been called for opened the doors to the morgue and post-mortem operating


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room. The subject immediately attacked the guards who opened fire on the patient. The ‘corpse’ continued to shuffle forwards oblivious to be being shot several times in the chest and only relented in its attack when it was killed by a shot to the head.

The three victims of the attack were rushed to a specialist intensive care unit two levels up from the morgue and biological testing facilities. The two survivors showed similar symptoms to Patient Zero before reanimation, but this was overlooked in the ensuing chaos and those who did note the conditions but this down to a bacterial infection from the bite. Both surviving women died from their wounds but within 20 minutes of this, the remains of the devoured nurse had reanimated, obviously through cross contamination with Patient Zero’s bites and scratches. The living corpse wreaked incredible havoc having been largely ignored by doctors while they had been trying to save the two survivors from their wounds. The reanimated nurse attacked several doctors in intensive care before the area was evacuated; during this panicked exit several prisoners and staff of the facility undergoing medical treatment were left behind. CCTV of intensive care showed the nurse and doctor who had survived the earlier attack had started to reanimate and other patients who had been left behind had been left to a fate worse than death. Their weakened immune systems meant that infection was more rapid and died then reanimated within 30 minutes of being bitten or killed.

The intensive care unit of this particular medical facility still located hundreds of metres underground did not have full quarantine procedures and only had a few doors to keep people in or out. Not all of these were secured, soon around fifteen reanimated corpses were roaming the corridors of the medical facility and attacking anyone they came across. It became plainly obvious that human to human transfer resulted in more potent effects from the virus and killed fairly quickly, even quicker if the initial attack led to immediate death thus allow the virus to reproduce and take control without a response from the human immune system.

The R-Virus was quickly highlighted as the route cause of this biological outbreak and a hazard warning was announced. Camp 4’s Biological and Medical Development Wing top brass officials declared this a biological emergency and that the laboratory and medical sections of the subterranean prison complex were to be immediately evacuated (all 3 square kilometres of it). Staff and prisoners would leave first and finally the guards. However personnel were critically uninformed of the seriousness of the crisis and were not properly informed of how the virus was transmitted person to person. Bites and attacks were becoming very frequent with people helping ‘reanimated’ people


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thinking they were staff only realising too late. The whole evacuation was chaotic and ill disciplined, panic set in quickly that only added to the confusion and consequently led to more attacks and bites. Because of this it was decided that key staff were to put themselves in an even higher priority than prisoners in the medical wing, as they were deemed important while the prisoners would be ‘acceptable losses’. The prison cells were not in good conditions and the prisoners who opened all the cells instigated a mini break out. Guards then had to step in and protect the fleeing scientists and doctors by forcing the prisoners back away from the corridors and exits out of the quarantine zone several floors above them towards the surface. This in turn meant that the ‘undead’ were able to attack and infect fresh bodies.

Within hours the laboratory and medical section had been evacuated but the ‘undead’ were still clawing at the heels of the last person through the heavy doors that marked the end of the quarantine zone. The whole section had been over run with hundreds of prisoners left behind to a terrible and unthinkable fate.

This was nearly a decade ago and it is estimated that there are around 2,000 reanimated corpses populating the lower levels of the subterranean facility of Camp 4. Further research into documents of the tests revealed that the virus could not survive airborne or waterborne for more than a few minutes unless it found a suitable host. It was decided that quarantine restrictions would be kept in place indefinitely and this included shutting off the water supply and shutting down ventilation fans to the lower levels of the facility. The quarantine doors are under 24-hour armed security by no fewer than five guards at a time. No one in the country, not even the Monarch or ruling governmental leader, has authority to enter or call for the quarantine to be lifted. Rumours persist of faint and distant sounds of moaning drifting through the ventilation ducts. Rumours go from the plausible to the farfetched as some claim that prisoners may have survived and are eking out meagre existence in the lower levels constantly staving off the undead. But now nearly ten years on, rumours are less than certain about what really happened as few people remain at Camp 4 who actually bore witness to the event.

Within 42 hours, Patient Zero had reanimated after death and through the actions of this one corpse, caused part of one of the most secretive and tightly secure medical and testing facilities on the planet to fall into disarray; causing the deaths and reanimation of approximately 2,000 individuals. It is for this reason the Reanimation Directive is in place to this day.


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The R- Directive

If a controlled or an uncontrolled breakout of the R-Virus or foreign equivalent of the virus is discovered then it is the duty of any man or woman of the Holy Empire to report the events to a local government official or military attaché to the government. This may involve civilians or members of His Majesty’s Armed Forces that have no knowledge of the R-Virus, but such chaotic circumstances that arise from such events are hard to cover up and so reports from people not ‘in the know’ are likely. The same applies to any intelligence gathered by any of the four national intelligence services.

Once the R-Virus outbreak has been confirmed it must be eradicated regardless of international law, national sovereignties or moral principles. A small Special Forces task force will be sent in with enough equipment to eliminate the threat and put an end to all experiments and the route cause of the infection. In a case of a major outbreak, a full scale military task force will be deployed and will involved all three branches of the armed forces. Any and all people that have been bitten, come into contacts or showing symptoms of the virus are to be eliminated without hesitation and with complete professionalism. All precautions will be taken to ensure the safety combat personnel on the ground, in the air and at sea.

The virus is a threat to human civilisation and must be treated as such; likewise are those who dabble and toy with such a creation and continue to reproduce the virus and/or mutant strains of it. Those implicated in its creation or distribution are to be eliminated. No prisoners are to be taken to prevent any possible outbreaks in the future through verbal manipulation and transfer of knowledge. High profile targets that the Empire may have a vested interest in (in regards to the virus) may, in certain circumstances and only from direct written orders from the Prime Minister, can been taken prisoner and extradited back to Stevid.

All other concerns are secondary to this Directive. If you are reading this document then you are required to follow the directive regardless to any threat to your life, those under your command, civilians or loved ones. The virus must be destroyed with extreme force without any impaired judgement.Casualties of uninfected innocents must be kept to a bare minimum to prevent a furtherment of infection.


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One ghoul/undead/zombie/plague bearer is a threat to humanity and our continued existence on this planet. Infected individuals must be eradicated no matter the cost.

In depth cause of reanimation and symptoms

Like any virus, infection begins when the R-Virus makes contact with a target cell’s membrane. The virus then inserts itself within the cell and allows its genetic material to be assimilated by the cell. From this, the virus’ genetic material then takes control over the cell and uses it to produce more of the invading virus to further attack the host’s surviving cells. The R-virus goes further yet, the genetic material is extremely hardy and able to resist initial white blood cell and anti-body attack, but once cell infection, assimilation and viral reproduction begins, the virus deliberately inherits some of the genetic material of the host cells and uses it to camouflage itself against the body’s immune system. This is what allows it to overcome the immune response so efficiently, which then allows it to destroy the immune system totally.

The virus’ RNA sequence is very complex and aggressive. It kills the host cell almost entirely but still produces enough so that when in close proximity with other ‘dead’ cells, the cells can still be termed ‘active’. This energy, if a sufficient amount of cells have been infected by the time death occurs allows the basic motor neurons and lower brain functions to continue to remain active. It isn’t enough to completely reanimate the brain or any other organs, but it is enough to still keep an undamaged brain active. This ties in with immediate post-mortem studies on the brain that still show neurons firing even after brain death. The R-Virus continues attack the cells even when the host has died and will continue to do so until the blood coagulates enough to prevent the virus transiting through the body.

The limited energy produced by the infected cells is finite and this is especially so after reanimation because the body is technically dead. While reanimated corpses have only lower function brain waves and no concept of understanding their environment or own survival, the fact that it needs to feed it an inherent part of its own survival even if it doesn’t know it. Any living tissue consumed, while not digested, is partly absorbed by the body – the virus then attacks these fresh cells and uses them to continue to power the body. This means that over time a reanimated corpse that does not feed will eventually die when the infected cells lose all their energy. Studies reveal that because the amount of energy needed to keep these neurons firing is so low it could take years for a ghoul to ‘die’ again.


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During reanimation, while the corpse is still warm, the virus manipulates the brain and the body’s response to the infection once the battle against the immune system is won. It floods the brain with dopamine and hormonal rushes to make the person’s animalistic behaviour far more aggressive and visceral. This is part of what the virus does to insure its survival, by increasing the aggressiveness of the host and driving it to find living food, it increases the chance of infecting another host and ensuring the virus does not die out.

However, the fact that the host is still dead brings without long-term complications. Freshly deceased are the most dangerous, they are quicker and fuelled by fresh enzymes, hormones, dopamine and norepinephrine that makes them extreme dangerous and aggressive. But the longer the corpse ‘survives’ the slower it becomes. The energy produced by the cells is only enough to drive the most fundamental lower brain functions of movement, shallow noises/grunts, and the need to feed; everything else in the body is ignored. Because of this lack of energy, an older corpse becomes slower because the blood coagulates; it gets more lethargic too as the adrenaline and hormonal rush subsides as the brain no longer receives its dose. This then means that instead of walking or even rushing around when first infected, the corpse shuffles in a zombie-like fashion. The lack of nutrition and the fact the body is actually dead brings on the complication of necrosis. The body starts to decay –bacteria and insects will start to devour the corpse and will eventually destroy it. The stench produced can alert non-infected animals and humans and allow them to avoid the reanimated corpse. If infection does not completely destroy society, then survival is indeed a distinct possibility and reanimated corpses will, over the decades, die off completely.

The symptoms of infection vary from person to person and also depend on how they were infected in the first place. The virus can be an airborne pathogen but once it is inside a host body it changes to a fluidic transmission-type pathogen, this means that drinking water can also be a source of infection. If the virus infects a host through the unconventional means of either airborne transmission, ingestion of injection, then the symptoms of infection are painful and can last several hours or even days. Extreme high fevers and chills are the norm as the body raises its own body temperature to try and kill the virus. This will have little to no chance of destroy the virus as it is extremely hard to kill; the body would have to raise its temperature to impossibly high numbers to the point it would kill itself – it is unable to do this because of the inherent self-preservation instinct all living things possess. The incubation period in this time frame can be a few hours, the sign that it is over and the host because contagious is well they start to cough. Spittle, being a fluid, is infectious and the virus therein can infect other


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upon contact with skin. Eventually the body will die as the virus ‘kills’ the living healthy cells, the host will first fall unconscious before slipping into a coma shortly after. Death will follow within a few hours. Reanimation will have already begun but will kick into-over drive once the body dies and gives up defending itself. Reanimation into a walking corpse can occur within minutes or hours after death.

Symptoms upon being bitten differ from the above. The fever and coughing remain the same but occur within ten or twenty minutes after being bitten. The virus directly and quickly infects all the cells around the bite point. Once it has control over those cells the body cannot heal the wound and the infected blood will thin and not clot – this will hasten death through blood loss. The surge the blood the body starts pumping around the body means that the virus is transmitted around the body in mere minutes and full infection can occur anywhere between five and fifteen minutes. Death comes quicker too, combined with the blood loss, the body trying to fight infection and with the virus killing the cells; the host has almost 0% chance of survival. Death usually occurs within an hour of being bitten. Weaker, ill or unlucky individuals can die within twenty minutes and reanimate shortly afterwards – this means that in roughly 30 minutes after the initial bite, you can have a reanimated corpse that is still as ‘fresh’ as a living human being. These ghouls are especially dangerous in urban environments as they can hasten infection at lightening speed and cause widespread panic.


Rare variations of the virus have been observed under laboratory conditions and using computer simulations. The virus is very complex and unstable and prone, on occasion, to mutations. This is dependent on the host and other wildcard factors including if the host is currently fighting another virus or illness or whether the host has cells that are naturally occurring mutations.

The R-Virus mutations, therefore, are hard to predict and categorised – but frequently observed mutations allow scientists to catalogue them into the following sub-classes:

Howlers: Reanimated corpses have ‘naturally’ tightened sense of awareness – notably sight and sound. However the Howler is a corpse that has infected cells that produce slightly more energy than is the norm that allows, for reasons not yet fully understood, the lungs to continue functioning. While oxygen-carbon dioxide transfer is not conducted, the lungs partly fill with air as per the natural instinct governed by the brain (it is after all another low brain function) but the ghoul is able to expel it all in a rapid rush when it discovers food i.e.


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survivors. This makes the creature howl loudly thus drawing the attention over other reanimate corpses nearby. In urban areas these Howlers are especially dangerous as they can cause ‘herds’ to from incredibly quickly.

Twitchers: The standard reanimated corpse retains lower and uncomplicated brain functions only. While it is a miracle this can even occur, the functions are still extremely basic. Howlers are an oddity because an additional lower function is still active, but a Twitcher is all the more spectacular and incredibly dangerous – and exceptionally rare. Named so because of the abnormal and random twitching/jerking of the head and limbs, a Twitcher retains a form of ‘life’ other corpses don’t have. Twitchers still have a heartbeat, usually 4-5 p/min. This would make them technically alive if not for the fact that this mutation only allows for the blood to continue to circulate. All the other organs, bar the heart and the brain, continue to remain dead and decay but it makes a Twitcher incredibly dangerous and remarkable long ‘lived’. It is still categorised as dead but can actually run. It can’t in the literal sense by way of leaning forwards and pumping its arms, but in a more shambolic and uneducated way. It is also much more aggressive than its contemporary ghouls as brain can still produce dopamine and hormones so as to constantly retain its aggression. A Twitcher therefore never tires, remains aggressive and never gets lethargic or shambolic overtime so long as it feeds.


Imperial policy is to neutralise infected subjects immediately. In the case of being bitten on a limb, quick tourniquet application several inches above the bite area and immediate amputation can prevent infection spread and save the individual. Said individual must be quarantined for 48hrs before discharge to ensure they are free from infection and/or symptoms. If bite is more than 5 minutes old, subject is beyond saving.

Facemasks can and should be applied to the infected to prevent infected fluids escaping the host; goggles should also be applied to prevent infected tears escaping. Understanding that infection and subsequent death can take hours or days, saying ‘farewells’ is critically important even if the risk of infection is greater during intimate contact. Should the proper precautions be satisfied, visitors can say goodbye to infected loved ones. In the case of national emergencies and field hospital triage centres, this is impossible; infected are to be closely monitored but allowed to die naturally so doctors do not break the vow of ‘never kill’. However, upon death, reanimation usually quickly follows and so the brain has to be destroyed. In this grace period the body is still contagious but is no longer a threat from spitting or crying, therefore


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they can be approached and treated with dignity. A sharp, sturdy object such a knife should be used to pierce the temple or base of the skull to destroy the brain. Decorum and treating the body with respect is paramount in non-threatening situations. In situation where this is not possible that strikes or stabs to the brain should be used aggressively and quickly. Dignity should be ignored in favour of self-preservation under extreme and chaotic circumstances.

In all other instances outside a hospital or treatment centre, fending off walking dead should be done in similar but less dignified fashion. Body shots with weapons fire or physical instruments do not affect the reanimated corpses, only destroying the brain – the focal point of virus’ control – is the only true means of ‘killing’ the dead. This means beheading is still not effective, the brain has to be destroyed.

Containment is difficult if not almost impossible, but in urban environments it is easier to set up safe zones (blue zones) to secure survivors prior to extraction away from the surrounding red zones. Immediate action against an outbreak must be carried out by law enforcement agencies such as police and private security. Initial response should also be to bring the standing military to alert and calling of reserve forces. Military bases become immediate blue zones if clear of infection. Deployment of troops should begin in earnest to prevent urban population centres becoming overrun.

Channelled checkpoints allow trickles of survivors through but have to be enforced rigidly to prevent people storming the point. In the event of infected corpses reaching a checkpoint and causing panic, the check point is to be defended against both the dead and the living while preparing for evacuation and retreat.

Tactics of fending off the undead include channelling whereby ground is deliberately given up but draws the reanimated corpses into a narrow killing areas whereby their number count against them so they can be picked off more easily. While in open areas, numbers work in their advantage. Retreat is advisable to fortified or fortifiable locations; if this is impracticable or impossible then ‘square’ formations pioneered in the 17th-18th centuries to defend against cavalry are ideal as it creates a fortified position of all-round defence with bodies and no chance of infiltration. This is more effective with many individuals and surplus ammunition.

In the event that this tactics fail or the odds are impossible, retreat is the only viable option. Should this be impossible, the ultimate sacrifice should be made and taking one’s own life for the sake of not becoming a reanimated corpse is acceptable. The Church gives it’s blessing that


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this is not suicide as it prevents the infection spreading and it is a sacrifice made for the betterment of the human race and done selflessly in the face of pure evil and terror. Research

Following the uncontrolled outbreak in Camp 4 over tens years ago, research into the R-Virus and any form of pathogen, natural or synthetic, is banned and punishable with life imprisonment without trial by your peers. Research into human or animal reanimation is an absolute offence due to its unnatural effects and it contagious nature. It’s existence, and the existence of any of its offshoots be they natural or synthetic, pose the single greatest threat to the existence of the human race. To understand it is foolish, to control it folly, to use it is genocide. No good can come from understanding this virus; the only option available to humanity is to destroy it completely and utterly.

Research into pathogens that mimic the virus but do not actually kill the host are not covered by this directive as the infected do not ‘reanimate’, ergo they can theoretically be cured.

Directive Mandate

The Reanimation Directive mandate in the Holy Empire of Stevid and the world is absolute. Because of the effects this virus, or type of virus, on the world can and will be devastating, the directive allows the Holy Empire to deal with emerging, current or historical threats with military force. This order and mission to preserve human life and society takes precedence over everything else – all other concerns are secondary.

This directive ignores national sovereignty, thus it gives the right for the Stevidian military to operate in any country around the world where the undead roam without reprisals from the government. It does not require a vote in Parliament to authorise military action. This may subsequently lead to international war; it is the belief of this government that war is an acceptable and worthwhile endeavour to ensure all reanimated corpses are annihilated.

This decree to allow military action to take place extends beyond the fact that reanimated corpses exist to the point that research is being conducted. It is the belief of this government, outline in this directive, that no research into the effects of reanimation bring any good or betterment to mankind or our societies. Foreign research therefore can and will be targeted by appropriate military force from the Holy Empire. Stevid will therefore attack and destroy any domestic or foreign


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research labs, institutes, universities etc. that partake in the study of corpse reanimation.

Military force includes, but is not limited to air strikes, naval missile or naval supported air strikes, Special Forces or entire military formation deployments. Decisions of deployment types and the level area destruction require will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Reanimation Directive is created, published and distributed to authorised subjects and authorities of the Empire under the knowledge and auspices of the Stevidian Imperial Ministry of Defence, Imperial Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Imperial Home Office, and the Imperial Holy Office of the Inquisition.

OCR: - 9 3 6 4 0 2