rebeca 2012 final


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Q1:) He was an American criminal, murderer. On the evening before his execution, he was served a last meal of steak, potatoes, milk and coffee and a six-pack of beer; he consumed only the milk and coffee. His uncle, Vern Damico, who attended the gathering later claimed to have smuggled in three

small, 50-millilitre Jack Daniel's whiskey shot bottles which he supposedly consumed. He was then taken to an abandoned cannery behind the prison which served as its death house. He was strapped to a

chair, with a wall of sandbags placed behind him to absorb the bullets. Five gunmen, local police, stood concealed behind a curtain with five small holes cut for them to place their rifles through. When asked

for any last words, he simply replied --------. What was so special about his reply?

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Q2:) The X brand dates back to 1851 in Rhode Island when Robert Knight, a textile mill owner,

visited his friend, Rufus Skeel. Mr. Skeel owned a small shop in Providence, Rhode Island that sold cloth from Mr. Knight's mill. Mr. Skeel's daughter

painted images of apples and applied them to the bolts of cloth. The ones with the apple emblems

proved most popular. Mr. Knight thought the labels would be the perfect symbol for his trade

name, X.

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Q3:) This man worked as a biomedical design engineer at the University of Utah, before starting his own company. He

designed something made from carbon graphite, stores

kinetic energy. In 1999 he established a non-profit

organization named Second Wind.

The design he created sold to an Iceland based company

Ossur. This design came to our notice

recently. Either give me his name or his

famous design?

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The Person is Van Phillips, designed the prosthetic

foot, which is now famously used by Oscar Pistorious

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Q4:) Connect(Exhaustive)

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JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Richard


The three president that Forrest will

meet in the movie Forrest Gump

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Q5:) This is Albert Bierstadt’s famous painting name “------- ---”, came to our notice recently with a

completely different purpose. How?

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“Emerald Sea”, codename of Google+ project

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Q6:) Nix vs. Hedden, 149 U.S. 304 (1893) was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that decided

that the X should be classified under customs regulations as a Y rather than a Z. The Court's unanimous opinion

held that the Tariff Act of 1883 used the ordinary meaning of the words “Z" and “Y", under which a X is classified as a Y. The Tariff Act of March 3, 1883 required a tax to be paid on imported Y, but not Z. The case was filed as an

action by John Nix, John W. Nix, George W. Nix, and Frank W. Nix against Edward L. Hedden, Collector of the Port of

New York, to recover back duties paid under protest.

What was the verdict given by Supreme Court of the United States ?

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Tomato as a vegetable, not a fruit

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Q7:) Connect:

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Claudia Dell

Rose Edna Torellio

Amelia Bachhelor

Jane Bartholomew

Evelyn Venebles

Jenny Joseph

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Age: 83Height: 5'4" (6'6" if ______ is taken into account)Hobbies: Watching cricket; Likes: Cricket (obviously); 'Tweeting' to all my friends; WG Grace (a great cricketer and very chatty still - for a statue).Dislikes: Lightning and balloons.Has his own clothing range. Was struck by lightning once and survived.


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Old Father Time in Lords

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Q9:) The story concerns the hijacking of five cargo ships in the Irish Sea. British Treasury secret agent Phillip Calvert is sent to investigate,

and narrates the story for the reader. Calvert manages to track the latest hijacked ship - the Nantesville, carrying £8 million in gold

bullion - to the Scottish Highlands and the sleepy port town of Torbay on the Island of Torbay (patterned after Tobermory, on the Isle of Mull). He boards the ship under cover of night and finds the two

agents planted aboard have been murdered. Chief suspect is Cypriot shipping magnate Sir Anthony Skouros, whose luxury

yacht, Shangri-La, is also anchored in Torbay.

This is a story of from a novel X written by a Scottish author Y, whose next novel was a famous 1968 movie Z starring Richard Burton.

Where have we seen the novel X in history of Bollywood?

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X= When Eight Bells Toll

Y= Alistair McLean

Z= Where Eagles dare

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Q10:) Connect(Exhaustive)

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These are the various imageries used in Lucy in the Sky with the Diamonds –

tangerine trees, kaleidoscope eyes, plasticine flowers, marshmallow pies,

newspaper taxis.

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Q11:) La Coubre (sometimes erroneously called "Le Coubre"), is a 4,310-ton French vessel was carrying 76 tons of Belgian munitions from the port of Antwerp to

another port and  exploded at 3:10 p.m. on 4 March 1960, while it was being unloaded. Thirty minutes after the first

explosion, while hundreds of people were involved in a FAR-organized operation to rescue victims and secure

the ship, a second even more powerful explosion occurred, resulting in many further fatalities. Although the exact toll of the La Coubre explosions remains uncertain,

it is estimated that there were at least 75 dead and approximately 200 injured. On March 5, 1960,  a

memorial service and mass demonstration was held at  Colón Cemetery, to honor more than 100 killed in the

suspicious La Coubre explosion the day before.

What happened there in the memorial function??

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The iconic photo “Guerrillero Heroico” was taken by Alberto Korda

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Q12:) Poeten og Lillemor i forårshumør (1961)Der brænder en ild (1962)

Kampen om Næsbygård (1964)School for Suicide (1964)

Me and My Kid Brother (1968)Mig og min lillebror og storsmuglerne (1968)

Olsen banden ser rødt (1976)

These are the most notable movies of a professional writter and a part time actor. While he was 15 years

old, he started his journey on 1 March 1928 and visited countries including England, Scotland, Canada, Japan, the Soviet Union, Poland and

Germany. In 44 days he made it back to Copenhagen to the cheers of a crowd of twenty-thousand. What is

his biggest contribution in the world of entertainment?

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Palle Huld, inspired the character Tintin

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Q13:) A very rare photograph of a lady with a world famous personality. Identify both

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Sylvia Nassar and John Nash

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Q14:) The first time was against Commercial Futebol Clube on 4thNovember 1959.The second

was against Gremio Porto-Alegrense on 19th January 1964. The third time was in a friendly

match with Joao Pessoa in 1969 & the last time was against the Baltimore Bays on 19thJune 1973. 


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Q15:) He is a Solapur based sculptor, who designed a famous structure inspired from

a world famous structure designed by Arturo Di Morica.

 He started work on it in October 2006,once the plans were finalised. “I first

showed them a draft clay model, which they approved. The five-foot-high and eight-foot-long model weighs over a

tone,” Said X. X took photographs from all around the country and studied their

anatomy to make a realistic model. When X finally completed the design in

November 2007, X told about his design that “this is a symbol of money and power. Which is why I retained its

‘charging’ pose. I gave it a ferocious facial expression and exaggerated the


Which sculptor is being talked here?

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Bhagwan Rampure and

the Bull outside BSE

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Q16:) Sometime in early 90s, Shubha News Photo Agency, run by Shubha Sundaram (once a father figure for budding photographers in Madras) called up a photographer named Haribabu as their client had requested an unknown face for the purpose.Haribabu took the chance and would accompany 4 others to the spot, and the plan would work like clockwork, except for one complication. Haribabu’s inability to take photographs from a safe distance proved to be the undoing of himself and his client.

what is being talked here?

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Haribabu was recruited by the LTTE to take photos of Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination.

However, he strayed too close to the suicide bomber, and hence died. His camera, however, survived the impact, and when the photographs

were developed, it led the police to the LTTE

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Q17:) The Fountain of Neptune is a monumental fountain located in Piazza Nettuno, in Bologna, Italy. It's a bronze figure of Neptune, extending his reach

in a lordly gesture of controlling the waters.

In the automotive world, what significance does this statue bear?

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Q18:) a painting by Eugène Delacroix commemorating the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled Charles X of France. A woman personifying Liberty leads the people forward over the bodies of the fallen, holding the tricouleur flag of the French Revolution in one hand and brandishing a bayonetted musket with the other. The painting is perhaps Delacroix's best-known work. The painting inspired the Statue of Liberty in New York City, which was given to the United States as a gift from the French. Other than this it has inspired something in

popular culture. What??

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Viva La Vida album cover of Coldplay

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Q19:) He is Richard Drew, a photographer and news reporter by profession. One of the 4 press member in the Robert Kenedy assasination. One day he was just covering a Fashion Week show and at the end of the day probably the most demandable person of this world for a particular iconic image.

Which iconic photograph?????

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Q20:) In an interview for Life, _______ was asked, "Which of your writings has pleased you most?" He answered, I would say that of all my books ______ has left me with the most pleasurable afterglow—perhaps because it is the purest of all, the most abstract and carefully contrived. I am probably

responsible for the odd fact that people don't seem to name their daughters ______ any more. I have heard of young female poodles being given that

name since 1956, but of no human beings.

Fill both the blanks

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Q21:) Connect:

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The missing name is Sierra Nevada. Tracks of Road Rash

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Q22:) Initially known as Kipferl, The legends include tales that it was invented in Europe to celebrate the defeat of

the Umayyad forces at the Battle of Tours by the Franks in 732, with the shape representing the Islamic crescent that it

was invented in Vienna in 1683 to celebrate the defeat of the Ottomans by Christian forces in the siege of the city, as

a reference to the crescents on the Ottoman flags.What is being talked here?

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Q23:) He is Jamal Al-Gashey, and is believed to be the last surviving member of an eight member group. In interviews, he said that he was brought up in conditions of great poverty, mostly in the Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon. His family was displaced in the 1948 war between the Arabs and Israel.  He is visible several times in videos and identifiable by his blue and white striped jacket. In 1999, Al-Gashey emerged from hiding gave a depth interview in the documentary film One Day in September by Kevin McDonald, narrated by the famous Michael Douglas.

Member of which group?

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He is the sole survivor of Black September, the eight member terrorist group, responsible for

Munich Massacre in 1972

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Q24:) Connect:

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The seven Vatican sins are:

1. ``Bioethical' violations such as birth control

2. ``Morally dubious'' experiments such as stem cell

research3. Drug abuse

4. Polluting the environment5. Contributing to widening divide

between rich and poor6. Excessive wealth7. Creating poverty

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Q25:) An AUSTRALIAN company is selling these T-shirts via a website named The company, which sells the products of

700,000 designers around the world, has 49 products available in the website

including shirts, cups, hats and stickers and children's clothing.

Basically the phrase found in the T-Shirt is based on the heated exchange between

Georgio De Falco and Francisco ---------.

Why was this T Shirt in news recently?

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The shirts carry the phrase "Vada a bordo, cazzo!" - which translates to "Get back on board, d..k!" - from the audio

recording of a heated exchange between harbour master Gregorio de Falco and captain Francesco Schettino, who

jumped out of Costa Concordia when it was sinking in the sea

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Q26:) Connect(Exhaustive)

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1) Zeus makes love with Io, painting by Antonio da Correggio

2) The Abduction of Europa by Rembrandt

3) The Rape of Ganymede, by Rubens

4) Callisto by François Boucher

The connect is the Galilean moons.

Another level could be that the moons are named after the lovers of


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Q27:) Connect:

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Chalti Ka Naam Gadi, Badti Ka Nam Dari, Chalti Ka Nam Zindagi. Only time all three Ganguly brothers(Kishore,

Ashok, Anup) acted together.

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Q28:) Thomas Alfred Ward was an Pakistan born ex South African cricketer who played total of 23 tests in his career.

After the dismissal of Sid Peglar, while facing his 1st delivery in test cricket Ward was hit on the pads and was

given out LBW, earning himself a golden duck on debut. In the 2nd innings after the dismissal of Reginald Schwartz,

he was against dismissed on the very 1st delivery, by caught and bowled by the bowler, and became the 1st and

probably only player in the history of cricket to achieve King Pair in debut test. But we remember this test match

not for him, but for someone else, whose record is still intact.

Who and What record?

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Jimmy Matthews, only man to take hat trick in both innings of a test match

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Q29:) Born as X on 22 December 1634 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, she was the granddaughter of Holy Roman Emperor

Ferdinand II. Her parents were King Ferdinand III of Hungary and Anna of

Spain, the sister of X's future husband, King Philip IV of Spain. Her father, who would become Emperor in 1637, was as yet only King of Hungary and Bohemia,

and was away for most of his wife's pregnancy campaigning in the Thirty

Years' War. At the death of her husband in 1665, X became Queen regent, and

she remained an influential figure during the reign of her son Charles II, the last

Spanish Habsburg. X died of breast cancer on the night of 16 May 1696 at

the Uceda Palace in Madrid, Spain.

How is she immortalized??

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X= Mariana and Mariana Trench is named after


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Q30:) Connect:

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Blackberry Models

1) Storm2) Pearl3) Torch4) Curve5) Tour6) Bold

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Q31:) This is a military base station located in Hope Bay named Esperanza Base, Built in 1952, The 43 buildings of the station have a combined space of

3,744 square meters (40,300 sq ft) covered;18,000 liters (4,800 US gal) of fuel are used annually by the 4 generators to produce electricity for the

station. Research projects include: Glaciology, Seismology, Oceanography, Coastal Ecology, Biology, Geology and Limnology. In the late 70’s captain

Jorge was head of the Argentine army detachment at the base. In late 1977 someone named Silvia Morella airlifted there and something 1st time

happened there in 1978.

What happened???

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Emilio Palma was born and he was the 1st man to be born in the mainland of Antarctica

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Q32:) What is happening here?

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Q33:) The person behind X, once in a Los Angeles

Bound plane was relaxing to a Frank SinatraSong ‘Strangers in the Night’. X in the song

Struck him so much that he named his Character after the line.

What/Who is X?

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Scooby Dooby Doo

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Q34:) She is the founding member of the band called The Evangenitals

along with opera singer Lisa Dee in 2003.

She is a vegan, a passionate advocate for animal & human rights, and an

active member of the animal protection organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA),

and a member of several environmental, animal rights, and

human rights organizations. She is a producer of The 1 Second Film.

She was brought to the attention of the general public in 2005 after being

featured in Sports Illustrated.

How is she immortalized in the world of movies???

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Julie Croquette inspired the

character of Maggie Fitzgerald in Million

Dollar Baby

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Q35:) Connect:

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Bernie Eccelstone and Flavio Briatore, the original two owners of QPR. Joshna Chinappa, first to

benefit from Mittal Champions Trust - an initiative by Amit Bhatia, Mittal's son in law. He is also the

vice chairman in QPR.

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