rebecca evans, lcgc indiana hemophilia and thrombosis center indianapolis, in

A Pilot Study to Measure the Effectiveness of a Neonatal Sickle Cell Screening and Comprehensive Care Program in Kenya Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

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A Pilot Study to Measure the Effectiveness of a Neonatal Sickle Cell Screening and Comprehensive Care Program in Kenya. Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN. Presenter Disclosures. Rebecca Evans, LCGC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

A Pilot Study to Measure the Effectiveness of a Neonatal Sickle Cell

Screening and Comprehensive Care Program in Kenya

Rebecca Evans, LCGCIndiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center

Indianapolis, IN

Page 2: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

Presenter Disclosures

Rebecca Evans, LCGC

The following personal financial relationships with commercial interests relevant to this presentation existed during the past 12 months:

• No relationships to disclose

Page 3: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

• An inherited hemoglobinopathy that results from a one amino acid substitution on the β-globulin molecule of hemoglobin

• Causes red blood cells to be rigid and form insoluble polymers

• Complications – Infection– Pain– Organ failure– Stroke– Anemia– Jaundice– Bone damage– Leg ulcers– Lung blockage– Death

Is sickle cell trait the samething?

Sickle Cell Disease

Image: Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah,

Page 4: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

1. Prophylactic antibiotics2. Vaccinations 3. Folic acid 4. Blood transfusions5. Hydroxyurea

Is there a cure? Yes, a bone marrow transplant; however, only about 150 have been successful worldwide.3

Therapies AvailableLeads to significant reduction in mortality1,2

1. Quinn CT, et al. Survival of children with sickle cell disease. Blood 2004;103(11):4023-7.2. Telfer P, et al. Clinical outcomes in children with sickle cell disease living in England: a neonatal cohort in East London. Haematologia 2007;

92(7):905-12.3. The management of sickle cell disease. National Institutes of Health. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. NIH Publication No. 02-2117. 4 th

edition. 2002.

Page 5: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

A Disease of Urgent Priority

In 2004 and 2005, UNESCO, the African Union, and the World Health Organization officially listed sickle cell disease as a disease of urgent priority in sub-Saharan Africa.

However, since then, very little has been done due to limited resources, expertise and advocacy.

1. UNESCO. General Conference, 33rd Session, Commission II. Paris, France. 20052. Assembly of the African Union, 5th Ordinary Session. Sirte, Libya. 2005.3. World Health Organization, 117 Session EB117/34. 2006.

Page 6: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

Identification of the Problem:Sickle Cell Disease in the U.S. versus Kenya

U.S.1-4 Kenya5,6

Incidence 1:365 African Americans1:16,305 Hispanics 1:200

Prevalence 72,000 – 84,000 208,000

Age at diagnosis Birth (Mandatory Newborn Screening)

Unknown (many die prior to diagnosis)

Therapies providedPenicillin, vaccinations, folic

acid, blood transfusions, hydroxyurea

Little to None

Average life expectancy 45-55 years 5 years

1.Hassell KL. Population estimates of sickle cell disease in the U.S. American journal of preventive medicine 2010;38:S512-21. 2. Rees DC, Williams TN, Gladwin MT. Sickle-cell disease. Lancet 2010;376:2018-31. 3. 4. Quin CT, Rogers ZR, Buchanan GR. Survival of children with sickle cell disease. Blood 2004;103(11):4023-7. 5. 6. WHO. Sickle-cell anemia. World Health Organization Assembly Journal 2006;6:A59/59.

There are limited facilities in Kenya that provide access to testing and NO broad-based screening programs exist.

Page 7: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

The Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center’s Link to Africa: A Twinning Program

• 1989: Indiana University and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH), located in Eldoret, Kenya, developed a Twinning Program to combat HIV/AIDS

• 2010: Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center and MTRH forged an independent Twinning Program Goal: Expand the non-malignant hematology program to include hemophilia

and hemoglobinopathy diagnosis and comprehensive care. Results:

• Through four site visits, Kenya’s only functional coagulation laboratory and comprehensive care program for individuals with hemophilia was developed.

• A lab to detect sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies was setup and validated and staff were extensively trained.

Present (October-November 2012): IHTC is currently on it’s 5th MTRH site visit.• The newborn sickle cell screening program will be piloted.

Page 8: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

~40 births/day at MTRH

(~73 with SCD/year) Mothers of these

infants will be educated about

the screening program and must provide informed

consent Free testing will be provided

before discharge

Logistics of the Neonatal Sickle Cell Disease Screening Program

Patients/families will be contacted by

phone within 1 week if positive for a

hemoglobinopathyConfirmatory testing will be performed at the patients 3 month

follow-up visit

Isoelectric focusing gel used for detection

Page 9: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

Education and Provision of Antibiotics and Vaccinations

• Culturally appropriate education will be provided to patients/families

• Prophylactic penicillin and folic acid will be provided free of charge up through 5 years of age

• Individuals will be given required vaccinations through Kenya’s existing immunization program

Page 10: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

• Newborn screening for every child born at MTRH= $508 total/year

Treatment costs for those diagnosed with sickle cell disease

• Prophylactic Penicillin= $12/person/year– ~73 diagnosed/year= $876 total/year

• Folic Acid= $30/person/year– ~73 diagnosed/year= $2190 total/year

• Vaccinations: provided free-of-charge through Kenyan government

The Economics

Total cost, including diagnosis and treatment, is $3574/year

Page 11: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

Outcomes Measures to Demonstrate Feasibility

1. Actual number of births at MTRH during the pilot study

2. Number of presumptive positive tests that had a confirmed diagnosis within 6 months of age

3. Under five mortality rate for the population that tested positive

4. Number of children in the pilot study placed on antibiotic prophylaxis

5. Number of families/caregivers educated on the diagnosis of sickle cell disease

Page 12: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

Public Health Implications

• Hypothesis: Implementation of a neonatal screening program in Kenya will decrease morbidity and mortality in children with sickle cell disease.

• The testing and interventions are economical and cost-effective.

We propose that this pilot program will demonstrate feasibility and serve as a model likely replicable in

other Africa settings.

Page 13: Rebecca Evans, LCGC Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Indianapolis, IN

Goals: Present and Future• Decrease morbidity/mortality of those affected by

providing life-saving screening, education and therapies.– Offer hydroxyurea to the list of available treatments (we are

currently working with pharmaceutical companies to make this possible)

• Extend the program to counsel individuals with sickle cell trait.

• Develop culturally sensitive neonatal sickle cell screening programs throughout other regions of Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa.