recap of vector calculus - arraytool...2015/05/01  · recap of vector calculus s. r. zinka...

Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary Recap of Vector Calculus S. R. Zinka [email protected] Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering BITS Pilani, Hyderbad Campus May 7, 2015 Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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  • Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary

    Recap of Vector Calculus

    S. R. [email protected]

    Department of Electrical & Electronics EngineeringBITS Pilani, Hyderbad Campus

    May 7, 2015

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary


    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Norm (Absolute/Modulus/Magnitude)


    Given a vector space V over a subfield F of the complex numbers, a norm on V is a function ‖‖ :V → R with the following properties:For all a ∈ F and all~u,~v ∈ V,

    1 ‖a~v‖ = |a| ‖~v‖ (positive scalability).

    2 ‖~u +~v‖ ≤ ‖~u‖+ ‖~v‖ (triangular inequality)

    3 If ‖~v‖ = 0 then~v is the zero vector~0 (separates points)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Norm - A Few Examples

    Euclidean Norm

    • On an n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn, the intuitive notion of length of the vectorx = (x1, x2, . . . , xn) is captured by the formula

    ‖x‖2 :=√

    x21 + x22 + . . . + x2n. (1)

    • On an n-dimensional complex space Cn, the most common norm is

    ‖z‖2 :=√|z1|2 + |z2|2 + . . . + |zn|2. (2)

    Taxicab Norm / Manhattan Norm

    • The name relates to the distance a taxi has to drive in a rectangular street grid to get from theorigin to the point x. It is defined as

    ‖x‖1 :=n

    ∑i=1|xi| . (3)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Norm - A Few Examples

    Maximum Norm

    • Maximum norm is defined as

    ‖x‖∞ := max (|x1| , |x2| , . . . , |xn|) . (4)


    • p-norm is defined as

    ‖x‖p :=(



    )1/p. (5)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Norm - The Concept of Unit Circle

    x 1x 2 x ∞

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    Addition & Subtraction










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    Dot or Scalar Product


    The dot product of two vectors,~a = [a1, a2, . . . , an] and~b = [b1, b2, . . . , bn] in a vector space of dimen-sion n is defined as

    ~a ·~b =n


    aibi = a1b1 + a2b2 + . . . + anbn = ‖~a‖∥∥∥~b∥∥∥ cos θ. (6)


    • ~a ·~b =~b ·~a (commutative)• ~a ·

    (~b +~c

    )=~a ·~b +~a ·~c (distributive over vector addition)

    • ~a ·(

    r~b +~c)= r

    (~a ·~b

    )+~a ·~c (bilinear)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Dot or Scalar Product - Physical Interpretation

    Projection of~a in the direction of~b, ab is given by

    ab =~a ·~b∥∥∥~b∥∥∥ (7)


    If~a ·~b =~a ·~c and~a 6= ~0, then we can write: ~a ·(~b−~c

    )= 0 by the distributive law; the result above

    says this just means that~a is perpendicular to(~b−~c

    ), which still allows


    )6=~0, and therefore

    ~b 6=~c.

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Cross or Vector Product


    The cross product~a×~b is defined as a vector~c that is perpendicular to both~a and~b, with a directiongiven by the right-hand rule and a magnitude equal to the area of the parallelogram that the vectorsspan.

    ~a×~b =(‖~a‖

    ∥∥∥~b∥∥∥ sin θ)~n (8)Properties

    • ~a×~b = −~b×~a (anti-commutative)• ~a×

    (~b +~c

    )=~a×~b +~a×~c (distributive over vector addition)

    • ~a×(

    r~b +~c)= r


    )+~a×~c (bilinear)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Cross or Vector Product - Physical Interpretation

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Cross or Vector Product - Why the Name CrossProduct?

    ~a×~b =

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣x̂ ŷ ẑax ay azbx by bz


    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Scalar Triple Product


    The scalar triple product of three vectors is defined as the dot product of one of the vectors with thecross product of the other two,

    ~a ·(~b×~c

    )=~b · (~c×~a) =~c ·


    ). (9)


    • ~a ·(~b×~c

    )= −~a ·


    )• ~a ·



    ∣∣∣∣∣∣a1 a2 a3b1 b2 b3c1 c2 c3


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    Scalar Triple Product - Physical Interpretation





    If the scalar triple product is equal to zero, then the three vectors~a,~b, and~c are coplanar, since theparallelepiped defined by them would be flat and have no volume.

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Vector Triple Product


    The vector triple product is defined as the cross product of one vector with the cross product of theother two,


    )=~b (~a ·~c)−~c

    (~a ·~b

    ). (10)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Vectors - Independency & Orthogonality

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Remember Complex Numbers?

    Cartesian Polar

    Euler’s formula is our jewel and one of the most remarkable, almost astounding, formulas in all

    of mathematics - Richard Feynman

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Typical 2D Coordinate Systems

    Cartesian Polar

    x = ρ cos φ

    y = ρ sin φρ =

    √x2 + y2

    φ = tan−1( y



    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    2D Coordinate Transformations



    [cos φ sin φ− sin φ cos φ

    ] [AxAy




    [cos φ − sin φsin φ cos φ

    ] [AρAφ


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    Typical 3D Coordinate Systems (RHS)
















    x = ρ cos φ

    y = ρ sin φ

    z = z

    ρ =√

    x2 + y2

    φ = tan−1( y


    )z = z

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    Typical 3D Coordinate Systems (RHS)


    x = r sin θ cos φ

    y = r sin θ sin φ

    z = r cos θ

    r =√

    x2 + y2 + z2

    θ = cos−1(

    z√x2 + y2 + z2


    φ = tan−1( y



    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Cross Product of Standard Basis Vectors








    x̂× ŷ = ẑŷ× ẑ = x̂ẑ× x̂ = ŷx̂× x̂ = 0̂

    ρ̂× φ̂ = ẑφ̂× ẑ = ρ̂ẑ× ρ̂ = φ̂ρ̂× ρ̂ = 0̂

    and so on ...

    r̂× θ̂ = φ̂θ̂ × φ̂ = r̂φ̂× r̂ = θ̂r̂× r̂ = 0̂

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    Dot Product of Standard Basis Vectors








    x̂ · x̂ = ŷ · ŷ = ẑ · ẑ = 1x̂ · ŷ = ŷ · ẑ = x̂ · ẑ = 0

    ρ̂ · ρ̂ = φ̂ · φ̂ = ẑ · ẑ = 1ρ̂ · φ̂ = φ̂ · ẑ = ẑ · ρ̂ = 0

    r̂ · r̂ = θ̂ · θ̂ = φ̂ · φ̂ = 1r̂ · θ̂ = θ̂ · φ̂ = φ̂ · r̂ = 0

    and so on ...

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    3D Coordinate TransformationsCartesian⇐⇒ Cylindrical









    = cos φ sin φ 0− sin φ cos φ 0

    0 0 1




    = cos φ − sin φ 0sin φ cos φ 0

    0 0 1


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    3D Coordinate TransformationsCartesian⇐⇒ Spherical


    = sin θ cos φ sin θ sin φ cos θcos θ cos φ cos θ sin φ − sin θ

    − sin φ cos φ 0




    = sin θ cos φ cos θ cos φ − sin φsin θ sin φ cos θ sin φ cos φ

    cos θ − sin θ 0


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    3D Coordinate TransformationsCylindrical⇐⇒ Spherical









    = sin θ 0 cos θcos θ 0 − sin θ

    0 1 0




    = sin θ cos θ 00 0 1

    cos θ − sin θ 0


    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Would you like to see a few more coordinate systems?

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Parabolic Coordinate System

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Curvilinear Coordinate System







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    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

  • Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary

    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cartesian - ~dl

    ~dl = dxx̂ + dyŷ + dzẑ

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cartesian - ~ds

    ~ds = ±dxdyẑ (or) ± dydzx̂ (or) ± dzdxŷ

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cartesian - dv

    dv = dxdydz

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cylindrical - ~dl

    ~dl = dρρ̂ + ρdφφ̂ + dzẑ

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cylindrical - ~ds

    ~ds = ±ρdφdρẑ

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cylindrical - ~ds

    ~ds = ±ρdφdzρ̂

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Cylindrical - dv

    dv = ρdρdφdz

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Spherical - ~dl

    ~dl = drr̂ + rdθθ̂ + r sin θdφφ̂

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Spherical - ~ds

    ~ds = ±r2 sin θdθdφr̂

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Infinitesimal Differential Elements - Spherical - dv

    dv = r2 sin θdrdθdφ

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    The divergence of a vector field ~F at a point P is defined as the limit of the net flow of ~F across thesmooth boundary of a three dimensional region V divided by the volume of V as V shrinks to P.Formally,

    div(~F (P)

    )= ∇ ·~F = lim



    ~F · n̂|V| ds = limV→{P}


    ~F · ~ds|V| . (11)


    • ∇ ·(

    k1~A + k2~B)= k1∇ ·~A + k2∇ ·~B (linearity)

    • ∇ ·(

    w~A)= w∇ ·~A +~A · ∇w

    • ∇ ·(~A×~B

    )= ~B ·


    )−~A ·



    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Divergence - Physical Interpretation





    ∇ ·~F = ∂Fx∂x



    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    If n̂ is any unit vector, the curl of ~F is defined to be the limiting value of a closed line integral ina plane orthogonal to n̂ as the path used in the integral becomes infinitesimally close to the point,divided by the area enclosed.

    curl(~F (P)

    )= ∇×~F = lim



    ~F · ~dl|A| n̂. (12)


    • ∇×(

    k1~A + k2~B)= k1∇×~A + k2∇×~B (linearity)

    • ∇×(

    w~A)= w∇×~A−~A×∇w

    • ∇×(~A×~B

    )=[~A(∇ ·~B


    (∇ ·~A


    ~A · ∇)~B−

    (~B · ∇


    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Curl - Physical Interpretation

    ∇×~F =(



    )x̂ +

    (∂Fx∂z− ∂Fz


    )ŷ +

    (∂Fy∂x− ∂Fx



    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    In vector calculus, the gradient of a scalar field is a vector field that points in the direction of thegreatest rate of increase of the scalar field, and whose magnitude is that rate of increase,

    grad (w) = ∇w = ∂w∂x

    x̂ +∂w∂y

    ŷ +∂w∂z

    ẑ. (13)


    • ∇ (k1v + k2w) = k1∇v + k2∇w (Linearity)• ∇ (vw) = v∇w + w∇v (Product Rule)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Gradient - Physical Interpretation

    ∇w = ∂w∂x

    x̂ +∂w∂y

    ŷ +∂w∂z

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Solenoidal and Lamellar Fields


    In vector calculus a solenoidal vector field (also known as an incompressible vector field) is a vectorfield~v with divergence zero at all points in the field:

    ∇ ·~v = 0. (14)


    A vector field is said to be lamellar or irrotational if its curl is zero. That is, if

    ∇×~v =~0. (15)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Curvilinear Coordinate Systems - Divergence, Curl,and Gradient

    ∇ ·~v = 1h1h2h3


    ∂q1(h2h3v1) +

    ∂q2(h3h1v2) +



    ∇×~v = 1h1h2h3

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣h1 q̂1 h1 q̂2 h1 q̂3




    h1v1 h2v2 h3v3

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣∇w = ∑







    • when (q1, q2, q3) = (x, y, z) =⇒ (h1, h2, h3) = (1, 1, 1),• when (q1, q2, q3) = (ρ, φ, z) =⇒ (h1, h2, h3) = (1, ρ, 1), and• when (q1, q2, q3) = (r, θ, φ) =⇒ (h1, h2, h3) = (1, r, r sin θ).

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Second Order Derivatives - DCG Chart

    ∇2w = 4w = ∇ · (∇w)

    ∇×∇×~A = ∇(∇ ·~A


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    Scalar Laplacian - Curvilinear Coordinate System

    ∇2w = 1h1h2h3














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    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Open and Closed Surfaces

    ‚&˝ ˜

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Divergence Theorem


    Suppose V is a subset of Rn (in the case of n = 3, V represents a volume in 3D space) which is compactand has a piecewise smooth boundary S. If~F is a continuously differentiable vector field defined ona neighborhood of V, then we have


    (∇ ·~F

    )dv =


    (~F · n̂

    )ds =

    ‹S~F · ~ds. (16)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Divergence Theorem - Physical Interpretation

    [F (y + ∆y)− F (y)]∆x∆z =(∇ ·~F

    )vol1× vol1

    [F (y + 2∆y)− F (y + ∆y)]∆x∆z =(∇ ·~F

    )vol2× vol2

    Sum : [F (y + 2∆y)− F (y)]∆x∆z = ∑i

    (∇ ·~F

    )voli× voli

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Stokes’ Theorem


    The surface integral of the curl of a vector field over a surface S in Euclidean three-space is relatedto the the line integral of the vector field over its boundary as



    )· ~ds =

    ˛C~F · ~dl. (17)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Stokes’ Theorem - Physical Interpretation


    )1· ~ds1


    )2· ~ds2

    Sum : ∑i

    ˛i= ∑



    )i· ~dsi

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    1 Vector Algebra

    2 Vector Calculus

    3 VC - Differential Elements

    4 VC - Differential Operators

    5 Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems

    6 Summary

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Important Vectorial Identities

    • A · B = B ·A = ‖A‖ ‖B‖ cos θ• AB = A·B‖B‖ B‖B‖

    • A× B = −B×A = (‖A‖ ‖B‖ sin θ)~n =∣∣∣∣∣∣

    x̂ ŷ ẑAx Ay AzBx By Bz

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣• A · (B×C) = B · (C×A) = C · (A× B) =

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣Ax Ay AzBx By BzCx Cy Cz

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣• A× (B×C) = B (A ·C)−C (A · B)• (A× B) · (C×D) = (A ·C) (B ·D)− (B ·C) (A ·D) ***• (A× B)× (C×D) = (A · B×D)C− (A · B×C)D ***

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

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    Coordinate Transformations (Point)

    x = ρ cos φ

    y = ρ sin φ

    ρ =√

    x2 + y2

    φ = tan−1( y


    )x = r sin θ cos φ

    y = r sin θ sin φ

    z = r cos θ

    r =√

    x2 + y2 + z2

    θ = cos−1(

    z√x2 + y2 + z2


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    Coordinate Transformations (Vector)


    = cos φ sin φ 0− sin φ cos φ 0

    0 0 1




    = cos φ − sin φ 0sin φ cos φ 0

    0 0 1



    = sin θ cos φ sin θ sin φ cos θcos θ cos φ cos θ sin φ − sin θ

    − sin φ cos φ 0




    = sin θ cos φ cos θ cos φ − sin φsin θ sin φ cos θ sin φ cos φ

    cos θ − sin θ 0



    = sin θ 0 cos θcos θ 0 − sin θ

    0 1 0




    = sin θ cos θ 00 0 1

    cos θ − sin θ 0


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    Differential Elements

    Cartesian Coordinate System:

    ~dl = dxx̂ + dyŷ + dzẑ

    ~ds = ±dxdyẑ (or) ± dydzx̂ (or) ± dzdxŷdv = dxdydz

    Cylindrical Coordinate System:

    ~dl = dρρ̂ + ρdφφ̂ + dzẑ

    ~ds = ±ρdφdρẑ (or) ± ρdφdzρ̂dv = ρdρdφdz

    Spherical Coordinate System:

    ~dl = drr̂ + rdθθ̂ + r sin θdφφ̂

    ~ds = ±r2 sin θdθdφr̂dv = r2 sin θdrdθdφ

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

  • Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary

    Divergence, Curl, and Gradient

    ∇ ·~v = 1h1h2h3


    ∂q1(h2h3v1) +

    ∂q2(h3h1v2) +



    ∇×~v = 1h1h2h3

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣h1 q̂1 h2 q̂2 h3 q̂3




    h1v1 h2v2 h3v3

    ∣∣∣∣∣∣∇w = ∑






    ∇2w = 1h1h2h3















    (q1, q2, q3) (v1, v2, v3) (h1, h2, h3)

    Catersian (x, y, z)(vx, vy, vz

    )(1, 1, 1)

    Cylindrical (ρ, φ, z)(vρ , vφ , vz

    )(1, ρ, 1)

    Spherical (r, θ, φ)(vr, vθ , vφ

    )(1, r, r sin θ)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

  • Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary

    Important Differential Identities

    • ∇ (vw) = v∇w + w∇v• ∇ (A · B) =

    (A · ∇)B + (B · ∇)A + A× (∇× B) + B× (∇×A)***

    • ∇ · (wA) = w∇ ·A + A · ∇w• ∇ · (A× B) = B · (∇×A)−A · (∇× B)• ∇× (wA) = w∇×A−A×∇w ***• ∇× (A× B) =

    [A (∇ · B)− B (∇ ·A)]− [(A · ∇)B− (B · ∇)A] ***• ∇×∇×A = ∇ (∇ ·A)−∇2A• ∇ |r| = r|r| ***• ∇ 1|r| = − r|r|3 ***

    • ∇.(


    )= −∇2


    )= 4πδ (r) ***

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT

  • Vector Algebra Vector Calculus VC - Differential Elements VC - Differential Operators Divergence & Stokes’ Theorems Summary

    Important Integral Identities

    • ˝V(∇ ·~F

    )dv =

    ‚S~F · ~ds (Divergence Theorem)

    • ˜S(∇×~F

    )· ~ds =

    ¸C~F · ~dl (Stokes’ Theorem)

    Vector Calculus EE208, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT