reclaiming citiies

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  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 1

    I u e # 0

    A U T H O R

    C a r l o D e l c l

    R e e l C i t i e a n d t h e

    R e v a n c h i t l i t e

    R C L A I M I N G T H C I T Y

    If municipal platform are to ecome a

    tandard earer of ocial jutice and

    democrac, autonomou counterpower will

    have to e developed from elow.


    n a world flooded new of

    fluctuating market, tagnating

    economie, outraged multitude and

    0 . U I L D I N G P O W R P A G 1 2

  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 2

    inurgent violence, it i a if anthing can

    park widepread revolt, whether it a mall in

    Turke, the price of a metro ticket in razil or

    a quat eviction in arcelona.

    The imultaneit of thee event oftenocure the voice in the crowd, reducing

    them to inditinguihale frequencie in a wall

    of noie. Yet, if we tune out of the roader

    context of gloal unret and tune in to the

    local level at which protet are taking place,

    we can hear a common theme underling


    That theme i people eeing their ailit to

    decide what kind of communitie the want

    to live in perverted facele procee that

    are far removed from their realit and

    unaccountale to it. It i a ituation Marco

    Revelli refer to a the new diorder of

    gloalization, which refract and divert an

    attempt to trace a continuum over the

    uniform patialit of the old world great

    ditance and national pulic phere. Within

    thi diorder, the cit i once again emerging

    a the ke terrain in the cartograph ofemancipator truggle.

    It wa in a imilar ituation of ocial upheaval

    that Henri Lefvre defined the concept of

    the right to the cit. In the wildcat general

    trike and decentralized occupation of Ma A Y F I L M L O G

    U C R I L O G I N

    M A G A Z I N

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  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 3

    3 1 2

    1968 in France, the ociologit aw a common

    demand for a tranformed and renewed

    acce to uran life. Year later, David

    Harve revived Lefvre idea, writing that:

    For Murra ookchin, thi collective power i

    emodied in the hitorical notion of the cit, a

    notion that uranization i ultimatel at war

    with. In that war, the delierative ocialit of

    the politic practiced the cit i detroed

    through the impoition of tatecraft a

    centralized power, uordinating the ocial

    organization of life to the technical logic of


    Revelli complement thi idea when he claim

    that the maive infratructure of highwa,

    railroad, potal, electric, telegraph and

    telephone network recode ocial pace (i.e.,

    the phical and non-phical pace of

    human interaction) a a pulic pace

    T h e r i g h t t o t h e c i t i f a r m o r e t h a n

    t h e i n d i v i d u a l l i e r t t o a c c e u r a n

    r e o u r c e : i t i a r i g h t t o c h a n g e

    o u r e l v e c h a n g i n g t h e c i t . I t i ,

    m o r e o v e r , a c o m m o n r a t h e r t h a n a n

    i n d i v i d u a l r i g h t , i n c e t h i

    t r a n f o r m a t i o n i n e v i t a l d e p e n d

    u p o n t h e e x e r c i e o f a c o l l e c t i v e p o w e r

    t o r e h a p e t h e p r o c e e o f

    u r a n i a t i o n .

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  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 4

    contructed and controlled within the order

    of the nation tate.

    In oth of thee framework, pulic pace i

    conceived a overeign power a the

    mooth pace linking node in the gloalcircuit of capital. The optimal tate of that

    pulic pace i one in which all of the value

    produced within it oundarie adhere to the

    norm that ind the capitalit order, while an

    alternative form of value i expelled.

    Inofar a the nation tate eek tohomogenize the diverit of it population

    under a ingle identit, it i the ideal

    intitutional form for carring out uch a tak.

    Yet the identit that utain a nation tate i a

    curiou one: ditant and atracted from dail

    life in the local realitie it eek to encompa,

    it i ultimatel local to nowhere. Herein lie

    the diruptive and emancipator potential of a

    radical municipalit politic. Through it

    proximit to the realit of cit life, it confront

    the tatecraft of the overeign.

    C I T I F O R T H C O M M O N G O O D

    ince the indignadofirt urt onto the cene

    in 2011, pain ha een a laorator for

    ottom-up organization and empowerment.

    The movement not onl managed to et the

    political agenda framing neolieral

  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 5

    auterit and tructural adjutment a

    contrar to aic notion of democrac, ut

    alo generated countle neighorhood

    aemlie and amplified pre-exiting

    aeml-aed movement, uch a the

    Plataforma de Afectado por la Hipoteca (the

    PAH or Mortgage Victim Platform).

    However, the ailit of thee movement to

    gather upport from the vat majorit of the

    countr population did not tranlate to

    much in the wa of intitutional change,

    depite their effort to ue all of the formal

    mechanim at their dipoal. A people grew

    increaingl frutrated with the indifference

    of the political cla, man egan to perceive

    an intitutional gla ceiling.

    A a


    2014 aw


    emergence of everal radical municipalit

    electoral platform that not onl poke the

    In pain, 2014 aw theemergence of everalradical municipalitelectoral platform thatnot onl poke thelanguage of the pot-

    2011 ocial movement,ut alo contained omeof their mot familiarface.

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 6

    language of the pot-2011 ocial movement,

    ut alo contained ome of their mot familiar

    face. Compoed of prominent activit,

    communit organization and ome political

    partieut effectivel diolving the

    organizational logic of the lattertheir goal

    wa to activate citizen control through a

    ottom-up politic of proximit and direct

    democratic practice.

    Thee citizen convergence candidacie

    were remarkal ucceful in the 2015

    municipal election. In Madrid, arcelona,

    Zaragoza, adalona, antiago de Compotela,

    Irua, A Corua and the countr

    unemploment capital Cdiz, cit

    government are currentl run prominent

    ocial activit.

    Perhap the mot notale example of the new

    municipal agenda i arcelona n Com, who

    pearheaded the wave of municipalit

    candidacie when Ada Colau, the popular

    anti-eviction activit, announced that he

    would enter electoral politic if it entailed

    catalzing a proce of radical citizenparticipation.

    The firt tep wa demontrating popular

    upport for the idea. Colau aid he would run

    onl if the platform (called Guanem or Let

    Win arcelona at the time) gathered 30,000

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 7

    ignature in upport of the move, with half of

    thoe coming from reident of arcelona and

    half coming from the ret of the panih tate.

    The latter condition wa intended to confirm

    the idea reonance in citie eond


    In their firt three month in office, arcelona

    n Com have alread made a numer of

    audaciou move with important political

    implication. The alarie of elected arcelona

    n Com official were capped at 2,200 per

    month (jut over three time time the

    minimum wage). For the firt time, citizen

    were ale to vote for individual ditrict

    repreentative. Monument to notale figure

    with tie to the lave trade are eing taken

    down and the King of pain likene i et to

    e removed from cit hall.

    tep are alo eing taken

    to preure the regional

    and central government

    to cloe the cit

    immigrant detention

    center, and a network ofrefugee citie i eing

    etalihed to confront

    pain candalou refual

    to let people in. Finall, the new cit

    government ha challenged the local hotel

    and tourim loie, whoe power at the local

    In their firt threemonth in office,

    arcelona n Comhave alread made a

    numer of audacioumove with importantpolitical implication.

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 8

    level i difficult to overtate, introducing a

    one-ear an on new tourit accommodation

    a well a appling heav fine to unlicened

    tourit apartment and promoting their

    converion into ocial houing.

    Cruciall, the new cit government are

    taking tep to avoid acting a mere iland of

    reitance in a hotile tate. To mark their firt

    one-hundred da in office, their maor met

    in arcelona for a two-da encounter and

    workhop called Citie for the Common Good:

    Winning haring xperience of Change.

    The event wa attended thouand and

    culminated in the deciion to form a network

    that will not onl work to reolve municipal

    iue ut alo confront other level of


    On the econd da of the encounter, working

    group were et up to tackle technical iue

    related to governing a municipalit and

    opening up opportunitie for temic change,

    a necear tep given that the vat majorit of

    the new repreentative have little to no

    experience in intitutional politic. The majortheme of thee eion included fomenting

    citizen participation, ocial innovation,

    tranparenc and accountailit through

    pulic hearing, popular conultation and

    citizen initiative.

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 9

    Participator udget were another major

    goal expreed the repreentative. We

    need to turn excitement and common ene

    into concrete, pecific action, aid the maor

    of Corua Xulio Ferreiro, who argued that

    the reel maor hould e the pole of a

    political vanguard that project the

    municipal viion on a gloal cale.

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 10

    A N U P H I L L A T T L

    The goal epoued the radical municipal

    government in pain are certainl amitiou.

    Their firt one hundred da in office have

    een characterized a promiing pragmatic

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 11

    approach to implementing a old polic

    program coupled with the occaional

    flamoant geture, like Jo Mara Kichi

    Gonzlez replacing a painting of the King of

    pain in the maor office with one of Fermn

    alvochea, the nineteenth-centur anarchit

    maor of Cdiz.

    ut the

    challenge facing cit government are man.Again, the cae of arcelona n Com i

    illutrative. Le than a week after election,

    the upper rank of the cit police handed in

    their reignation. The were upet that one of

    the new cit government main

    repreentative i Jaume Aen, a prominent

    human right lawer who ha helped

    proecute Catalonia igget corruption

    candal, uncovered cae of torture cit

    police and frequentl defended quatter, ex

    worker, anarchit, participant in the Gaza

    freedom flotilla and Guantanamo prioner.

    A a political move, it wa remarkal imilar

    to the New York police union action

    againt Maor ill De laio, whoe relativel

    mild remark regarding the murder of ric

    Garner were le flattering than what police

    have ecome accutomed to hearing from

    The challenge facingpain radical citgovernment are man.

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 12

    elected official.

    Moreover, the are alo facing an intenel

    hotile media landcape dominated media

    group who clearl ide with the

    etalihment. The mot widel readnewpaper in arcelona i the conervative

    dailLa Vanguardia, which elong to

    pain oldet media holding, the Grupo

    God. Primaril controlled the famil of

    the Count of God, the group alo own a

    tremendou portion of the Catalan televiion

    channel and radio tation.

    The ret of the cit media landcape i

    ditriuted among the etalihed panih

    media group. Meanwhile, independent media

    outlet have mall audience fragmented

    diverging opinion on the new

    repreentative deciion to enter intitutional


    Finall like mot of the radical municipal

    platform, arcelona n Com are currentl

    governing the cit from a minorit poition,

    meaning that man of their deciion mut e

    approved the other partie in order to e

    implemented. Though the radical left pro-

    independence Candidatura dUnitat Popular

    (CUP) i otenil an all, the do not hold

    enough eat to make a majorit. Thu, an

    deciion mut count with the upport of at

  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 13

    leat one etalihment part.

    All of thee diadvantage were on dipla

    during a revealing dipute that took place

    during the ummer of 2015. In the week

    following the new government inauguration,arcelona main commercial and touritic

    area aw an increaing preence of African

    treet vendor, pecificall in part of the cit

    where the were previoul le viile. It i

    unclear whether thi increae wa impl due

    to a higher numer of tourit (their main

    clientele) or if, a ome treet vendor have

    claimed, cit police told them to ell in thee


    Over the following week, the Grupo God

    ran dail report portraing the ituation a

    the reult of a chaotic tranfer of power. Thi

    wa not the firt time the had done thi. The

    lat time a left-wing coalition governed

    arcelona,La Vanguardiaran a erie of

    front-page torie depicting treet vendor,

    protitute, homele people and quatter a a

    prolem of ocial hgiene and uran and

    moral deca.

    Their narrative wa a paradigmatic example

    of what the geographer Neil mith refer to a

    the revanchit cit, a vengeful reaction of

    elite againt the uppoed theft of the cit,

    characterized a deperate defene of a

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 14

    challenged phalanx of privilege, cloaked in

    the populit language of civic moralit, famil

    value and neighourhood ecurit.

    Againt the reaction of the

    cit revanchit elite,ociall marginalized

    group have practicall no

    collective voice.

    Againt thi reaction,

    ociall marginalized

    group have practicall no collective voice.To defend their interet, the are forced to

    delegate political action and rel primaril on

    the protet and pulic tatement of activit

    and NGO, who are often ditant from the

    ocial realitie of the population targeted

    ocial cleaning.

    Further complicating the ituation, the lack of

    contact and enormou gap etween the

    realitie experienced African treet

    vendor and average citizen ha allowed

    inidiou mth to take root in ociet and

    proliferate unchallenged. The mot perniciou

    of thee i the idea that treet vending

    network are controlled o-called mafia,

    a notion that i frequentl parroted in the

    media aed purel on anecdotal claim.

    Coupled with their lack of elf-repreentation,

    thi make it epeciall difficult for the treet

    Againt the reaction of

    the cit revanchitelite, ociall

    marginalized grouphave practicall no

    collective voice.

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    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 15

    vendor and imilarl marginalized group to

    advance a counter-hegemonic narrative

    concerning their work, much le engage in

    meaningful collective argaining.

    Nonethele, arcelona n Com repondedto the conflict with a tematic effort to look

    for a ocial repone to the prolem faced

    treet vendor, a oppoed to a police

    repone to the prolem of pulic order

    decried the media and the police. The

    convened a negotiating tale that rought

    together cit police, ocial organization,

    activit, NGO and treet vendor to look for

    a jut olution. It wa the firt time treet

    vendor were recognized a legitimate

    interlocutor the pulic adminitration.

    Their effort, however, were motl drowned

    out the hotile rhetoric of theetalihment pre.

    When no agreement wa reached at the

    negotiating tale, the conflict dragged on.

    Then on Augut 11, a enegalee treet vendor

    named Mor lla died under quetionale

    circumtance during a police operation inalou. The conflict ecalated dramaticall and

    a riot roke out in the center of the touritic


    Intead of reponding to the tene ocial

    climate thi generated relaxing preure on

  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 16

    treet vendor, arcelona police continued to

    act aggreivel, reulting in everal clahe.

    Finall, when a cuffle roke out in a central

    metro tation and ome vendor reponded

    throwing rock at the police, four police were

    injured, a well a four vendor and one

    tander. Diappointingl, arcelona n

    Com reponded deploing riot police in

    the cit center to diuade the vendor from

    gathering in the area where the had een


    T H P O W R O F L F -

    R P R N T A T I O N

    The ucce of the revanchit campaign

    againt African treet vendor outline the real

    ditriution of power in a major cit. With no

    majorit, a hotile media landcape and a

    tatu quo in which the dominant ocial

    norm utain an unjut ocial order, even a

    government made up of ocial activit with

    ear of experience in ottom-up organizing

    and civil dioedience can e puhed to make

    deciion that reinforce the order the eek to


    Perhap mot unettling i the ailit of the

    police to condition the political agenda. The

    potentiall diatrou repercuion of

    allowing the police to impoe it own ideolog

    on governing intitution cannot e

  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 17



    arcelona i to ecome, a arcelona n

    Com tate in their program, a tandard

    earer of ocial jutice and democrac, thi

    cannot e achieved decree. Autonomou

    counterpower mut e developed to

    challenge dominant cultural framework and

    force the cit government to advance the

    interet of it mot marginalized reident.

    In the revanchit cit, thee reident areoverwhelmingl thoe whoe povert i

    criminalized: ex worker, treet vendor, the

    homele, treet artit, mall drug offender,

    addict and o on. There i a preing need for

    autonomou platform that allow the

    aforementioned collective to repreent

    themelve without having to delegate theircollective voice to other. A roader

    movement for the right to the cit could alo

    e a tep forward. However, it i alo poile

    that uch a movement would end up

    aoring marginalized voice in an attempt

    to link them with middle-cla interet.

    If arcelona i toecome a tandard

    earer of ocial juticeand democrac, thicannot e achieved decree.

  • 7/24/2019 Reclaiming Citiies


    2/21/2016 ROAR Magazine 18

    Another critical challenge i the media

    landcape. Independent media have een

    ucceful in periodicall reaking important

    torie. ut the have not een o ucceful

    in promoting a counter-hegemonic narrative

    eond their limited audience. uch a

    narrative, or erie of narrative, will need a

    much tronger foothold in the media

    landcape if the are to produce and utain a

    cultural hift.

    Thankfull, promiing initiative are emerging

    in arcelona. The firt i a elf-organized

    network that watche over the area mot

    favored treet vendor, filming their

    interaction with police to prevent aue andchallenge duiou police report. The econd

    i a coalition of neighorhood aemlie and

    local migrant right collective that i

    working to amplif the voice of the treet

    vendor themelve through elf-organized

    local event in the cit center.

    I G N U P F O R O U R

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    The latet content

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    Independent media have een working with

    thee platform, dimantling the maintream

    media toxic narrative through rigorou

    invetigative journalim. The have alo

    received the occaional ump from arcelona

    n Com utantial preence on the ocial

    network and een their meage echoed in

    cit hall oth arcelona n Com and


    It i ea to e dicouraged the uphill attle

    of the new municipalit platform. ut it i

    important to keep in mind that the current

    ituation wa unimaginale in pain four

    ear ago. Toda, expectation are highand

    it i a good time to e audaciou.

    M O R


    C a r l o D e l c l

    C a r l o D e l c l i a o c i o l o g i t , r e e a r c h e r a n d

    e d i t o r f o r R O A R M a g a z i n e . H i r e e a r c h

    i n t e r e t i n c l u d e i n t e r n a t i o n a l m i g r a t i o n ,

    o c i a l t r a t i f i c a t i o n , f e r t i l i t , u r a n o c i o l o g ,

    o c i a l m o v e m e n t a n d c u l t u r a l t h e o r .

    N X T M A G A Z I N A R T I C L
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    ROAR i an independent journal of the radical

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    from the front-line of the gloal truggle for

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