recognition pays


Post on 22-Oct-2014



Economy & Finance

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Page 1: Recognition Pays
Page 2: Recognition Pays

Employee Recognition• Dramatically Impacts

Profitability• Improves Your Bottom Line

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Recognition Leads To Higher O.M. By more than 6% Operating Margin = Sales After Cost Of SalesLast Years Sales $_______ X ____% Increase = $______

Source: Discovery White Paper “Recognition Pays” by O.C. Tanner Company / The Jackson Organization 2005

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• Lower Fixed CostsLower Fixed Costs• Higher Gross MarginsHigher Gross Margins• Higher EfficiencyHigher Efficiency• More Pricing FlexibilityMore Pricing Flexibility

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Recognition Increases R.O.E. By More Than 3 TimesR.O.E.= Net Income Divided By Net Worth (Equity). This Indicates The Highest-Level

Indicator Of Company SuccessSource: Discovery White Paper “Recognition Pays” by O.C. Tanner Company / The Jackson

Organization 2005

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• Increase Your ProfitsIncrease Your Profits

• Increase Your Financial Increase Your Financial LeverageLeverage

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Recognition Increases R.O.A. By More Than 6%R.O.A. = A Useful Indicator Of How Profitable A

Company Is Relative To Its Total Assets.Source: Discovery White Paper “Recognition Pays” by O.C. Tanner Company / The Jackson Organization 2005

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• Enable You To Use Your Enable You To Use Your Assets More EffectivelyAssets More Effectively

• Generate Higher EarningsGenerate Higher Earnings

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• Recognized Employees Are – More Engaged In Their Work– More Focused On Client Satisfaction (Client

Dissatisfaction Is The #1 Reason That Clients Leave)• Care More About The Success Of The Team And

The Companies Success• Employees On Average Leave To Go To Another

Company For Less Than A 5% Raise In Pay, Which Is Less Than 1 Cup Of Starbucks Coffee Per Week.

• The Main Reason They Leave Is Because They Don’t Feel Rewarded.

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It’s Easier To Keep an Existing Customer and Increase That Business Than To Look For New Business

60% of Business Comes From Existing Customers

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• Most People Find Another Service Provider Because They Feel They’re Not Treated Well.

• They Feel Neglected, Or Abused.

• Unhappy Employees Don’t Treat Their Customers Well.

• If You Treat Your Employees Well, They Will Treat Your Customers Well

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Customer Service and Quality of Merchandise Are Directly Related To Employee Satisfaction On The Job.

Source: The Loyalty Connection: Secrets To Customer Retention And Increasing Profits. Bob Thompson March 2005

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When Customers Were Asked Why They Left And Found Another Service Provider, 68% When Customers Were Asked Why They Left And Found Another Service Provider, 68% Said The Reason Was Related To Poor Service, Or Being Poorly TreatedSaid The Reason Was Related To Poor Service, Or Being Poorly Treated

Source: The Carrot Principle by Gostick and Elton

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