recommend that l! only u. s. no. 1 cabbage be shipped—ask ...growers recommend that only u. s. no....

Growers Recommend That Only U. S. No. 1 Cabbage Be Shipped—Ask Rate Cut <By Staff Correspondent.) HARLINGEN. Jan.. 31.—Repres- entative cabbage growers of the Valley met in the office of the Valley Shippers association Satur- day morning and passed a resolu- tion recommending the shipment of only D. S. No. 1 grade small and medium sized heads and the shippers’ advisory board in turn passed a resolution requesting mem- bers to co-operate as much as pos- sible with the grower's request. The resolution passed by the growers, who were from all over the Valley, follows: "We, the undersigned duly select- ed members of the committee re- presenting the cabbage producers of the Rio Grande Valley, believ- ing that the cabbage market price can be stabilised by shipping ONLY U. S. No. 1 small and medium sized heads, respectfully petition the shippers of the Rio Grande Valley to adopt those as the only stand- ard grades to be bought and ship- ped and we pledge the support of the farmers in abiding by these grades in their harvesting and marketing activities. We further recommend to the growers of the Rio Grande Valley that they market theiiu cabbage through the shippers who adopt these grades. Ask Rate Reduction We also endorse the move of the Valley Shippers association in E. C. Nycun* To Be Buried At Corpus By Staff Correspondent! SAN BENITO, Jan 31 —Last rites were held at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon fqr Edward Clinton Ny- cum, 57. and the body was forward- ed to Corpus Chrlsti Saturday night for burial. Mr. Nycum dropped dead while at work Friday afternoon for the Humble wholesale oil station on West Heywood street, where he was foreman. He was found dead at about 3.30 o'clock. He had been In bad health for some time. Surviving him are four sons. W. C of San Benito, Jack of Corpus- Chrlsti, Shirley of Brownsville and Ben of Houston. Miller Radio Shop Shows 1931 Models The Miller Radio Parlor. Eliza- beth and Tenth, announced Sat- urday that the new 1931 line ot Philco radio models had been re- ceived and were on display. One of the newest radios on dis- play is an automobile radio, easily installed, which brings radio pro- grams while the car Is idling or running. Another model on display is a combination radio and phonograph which is said to be the latest on the market. A Philco Babv Grand recently perfected, is also a rapidly selling model with the Miller shcp, owners ftated. Capitol Theater Is Host to Newsboys John Panning, manager of the Capitol Theatre, was host to the route boys of The Brownsville Her- ald at the Capitol-Theatre Friday night, seeing Zane Grey s “Fighting Caravans", featuring Gary Cooper, and Lily Damita The Herald carriers enjoyed this frontier day picture very much GIRL IMPROVES fBy Staff Correspondent > RIO HONDO Jan 31 —Marta Atkinson, one of whose arms was amputated at the Valley Baptist Hospital in Harlingen following an accidental shooting at her home on the Atkinson ranch about 12 miles from here, is reported resting well A shotgun she was handling was discharged, the shot entering her breast and shattering an arm. She is 18 rears old. _ IMPROVES WAREHOIUE <By Staff Correspondent) HARLINGEN. Jan. 31—An addl- j tlon providing 3.000 feet of floor1 space is being constructed at the warehouse of F. G Jackson, whole- \ sale grocer, at 403 West street. J. W Jones has the contract f jr! the frame and sheet-iron addition Cologne Cathedral, a magnifi- cent example of Gothic architecture, was six centuries in the building. ___________________________ 1 The weight of the circulating J blood is 29 pounds. | Stickler Solution j i To. make a circle one-half the area of another circle. Mow the plan jberwn by the dotted line* above. Draw a square inside the large circle and then a circle ir*idc the square. The second circle w ill contain half the material of the brat c*- ck Then, to prove it, draw a square 1 around the t»g cede and it is obvious!* twice the sire ©f the mner vjuare—and ^ihe^atiooNKi^ initiating action to secure an emer- gency freight rate reduction which would allow shipment of cabbage from the Rio Grande Valley at a rate comparable with that of the Corpus Christi section." The advisory board of the ship- pers thereupon passed its resolu- tion recommending to their mem- bers as well as others to follow the grower's recommendations ae near- ly as possible and co-operate with them to the fullest extent. Growers were advised to cut only the best quality cabbage and have it sold before cutting. They were urged to call dealers and sell their cabbage before cutting and bring- ing it to market in order to avoid oversupply and further depression of prices. Growers at a recent meeting decided not to cut cabbage until it reached $15 a ton to the farmer. Specifications of the U. S No. 1 grades under to which it is pro- posed to restrict shipments follows: Small Pointed under 1 1-2 pounds. Domestic under two pounds. Danish under three pounds. Medium Pointed ! 1-2 to 3 lbs. Domestic 2 to 5 lbs. Danish 3 to 6 lbs. Large U. S No. l’s are not to be shipped under the proposal. ■— 11 "■ Announcements CARDS OF THANKS 11 WISH to express my sincere thanks to all my friends for their kindness during my illness. Miss Consuelo Garza. L-17 LOST 4FOUND i LOST- Police dog, answers to name Otto. Has six toes on hind feet. Reward. Phone 554. K-257 J. T. JOHNSON has a ticket to the Queen theater. Call before six to- morrow. LOST—White Russian wolf hound. Reward. 325 West 8t. Charles. Phone 1382J. L-13 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE—Essex coupe. 1929 model. New tires; good condition. Will sacrifice equity if sold this week. Phone 1417. DH-tf Employment HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper. Elderly white woman to take complete charge of home. Family consisting of father, girl of two and boy of ten. Preferably, but not necessarily. Protestant, but must be fully ca- pable of giving children proper care and attention. References exchang- ed. Give full information in your reply. Box K246 Herald. K-246 rMMEDIATELY-Ttto men to tratel and assist manager. Transportation furnished when necessary. Pay above average. Apply in person 216 Embree Bldg., Harlingen K-255 WANTED Men women, lg 50, qualify for steady government po- sitions. $105-1250 month; paid year- ly vacations; common education, ex- perience unnecessary, thousands ap- pointed yearly. Write. Instruction Bureau. 337, St Louis. Mo qulcklv. K-214 SIDE LINE SALESMAN wanted for largest commercial calendar house in industry. Only men considered that now carry novelty or art cal- endar line No accounts to collect Write Joliet Calendar Company. Jo- llet. III.L-10 RELIABLE MAN wanted to call on farmers in Cameron county. Won- derful opportunity. Make $8 to $20 daily. No experience or capital needed Write todav Furst A i Thomas. Dept G, Freeport, Illinois L-5 WANTED—Whit* woman or girl, care apartment, cook; 2 children. 12- 14; for 1 week. Call Valley View Apt. 4. before 2 Sunday. L-15 SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED bookkeeper ac- j countant wants full or hart time! position. References. Writ# K-239 Herald. K-239 MIDDLE-AGED colored man and wife desire positions: cooking, tak-1 ing care of orchard: consider anyi kind of work. P. O. Box 347, Don- na. Texas. L-llj YOUNG WOMAN with good educa- tion. working knowledge of typing and good at figures, desires clerical or office position. Will accept small salary to start. Box L-2. Herald. L-2 | Miscellaneous ARTICLES FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS grapefruit $1.25 per bushel, delivered. Phone 549W. K-242 GOOD CANE hay for sale. Bailey Key, phone 549W.K-245 WANTED Blacksmith’s power hammer. Cash. H. R. Clark, Santa Rosa. Texas. K-256 FOR SALE--Fine oranges, grape- fruit and tangelows at my residence on Fourteenth street. Prices very reasonable. Bert M. Cromack. L-12 GOOD USED STEAM press. 2 to 5 horse boiler, small washer and ex- tractor Telephone Frank Parrish ' 2009-F5. Harlingen. L-18 i Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY SAFE or safe-cabinet, and cash register, second-hand. Western Ice and Utilities Company, Box 45ft. Weslaco. Texas. L-11 Trees Seeds & Plants FOR SALE—Just received. Marglobe tomato seed; $3.50 pound. Rogers Giant Stringless beans, fresh stock, very cheap. Ask for prices. C. P. Barred a. J-128 POTATOES FOR SALE—Best Ne- braska Red Triumphs, seed and table stock. Downs Nursery, Alamo. Texas, on the highway. K-172 Business Opportunities WANTED—To rent, lease, or operate on commission, filling station in the Valley. Prefer company station. Best references and financially re- sponsible. Write L. F. Kubbs. Bre- mond, Texas. K-102 INVESTMENT—Man willing to In- vest $3000 and full time in a sound growing business with a good fu- ture. Salary $200 a month. Address P. O. Box No. 721, Brownsville. Texas. J-203 MONEY IN WHEAT-CORN $10 buys option 5,000 bu. Possibili- ties large profit. Rise-fall.. Free bulletin. Howard Grain Service, 166 Jackson, Chicago. L-3 Livestock & Poultry WILL TRADE rabbits and hutches for chickens. RIO GRANDE VAL- LEY RABBIT FARM Harltngen- Combes Highway. (A. R. C. B. A.) Licensed—Registrar. K-175 MULES, milch cows, pigs and farm machinery See G. E. Hart on 14 St.. El Jardin.L-16 CERTIFIED CHICKS—From 200- egg cockerels; bloodtested, leading varieties: prices within reach of all. Live delivery. Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms, Box 104, Brenham, Texas L-9 Financial WILL SELL five to ten thousand dollars worth of well secured real estate notes on improved property m^ar Brownsville on basis of 10 oer rent Interest. Address K-193 Her- ald for interview. K-193 AUTOS FOR SALE 1931 LICENSE PAID 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan .... $350 1929 Essex Coupe . $225 1929 Pontiac Coupe $450 1929 Ford Coupe $350 1929 Chevrolet Coach .$400 1929 Chevrolet Coach .$390 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 5425 1928 Chevrolet Coach 5275 1929 Chevrolet Sport Coupe $420 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 5300 1929 Chevrolet Couch $400 1929 Chevrolet Coupe ..... $410 1929 Chevrolet Cabriolet ... $350 ABOVE CARS COVERED BV OUR REGULAR GUARANTEE Tf Ton Wish You Can Trade Your Old Car In With Convenient Terms on Balance Stevenson Motor Co., Inc. 508 Elizabeth Street Telephone 1111 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS USED CARS Cars with thousands of unused miles— 1930 Dodge 8 Sport Road- sters 6 wire wheels with 6 heavy duty tires, run less than 3200 miles. Has all the appearances of a new car, and car- ries a new car guaran- tee. 303 La Salle Coupe—rum- ble seat. Completely reconditioned through- out new paint and tires. A real buy. Packard Phaeton in ex- cellent condition with new tires. 63A Cadillac five passen- ger sedan. Priced to sell. See These Cars Today at Dennett Motor Sales Co. Distributors Cadillac and La Salle Phone 555 Brownsville, Texas "Open Every Hour in the Year" j CLASSIFIED l! | Rates and Rules Advertisement* wtU be accepted dver the phone from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac- companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an “until forbid** order. A specified number of Insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject un- clean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions end cards of thanks In classified section will be taken at the regular classified rate. In other par* of paper reader rates apply. The publishers are not respon- sible for copy omissions, typo- j graphical error or any unintention- al error that may occur, farther than to correct In the next issue after tt is brought to their atten- tion. All advertising orders are ac- cepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced -lass', fled writer. To insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be In not later then 4 00 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or lees one insertion 40c Over 20 words, one Insertion per word . 3c Subsequent insertions run con- secutively. per word.1U« Minimum . 10 words By month, per word .30c No classified advertisement ac- cepted for less than .«0e LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per word .<c Readers, per Inch ....81.25 Second and third davs. Site per word; fourth, fifth and sixth davs 3e per word; 7 consecutive days 2VjC per word. Legal notices le per word each In- sertion. Livestock & Poultry j ——.—__ i H. H. CARROTHERS has a ticket j to the Queen theatre. Call before ! six tomorrow. YOU CAN now purchase pure bred, bloodtested baby chicks in the Val- ley. All breeds $10.00 per hundred Bring us your eggs to hatch; we will disinfect all your chicks for white diarrhoea at no extra cost to i you. Any quantity accepted. 3c per ; egg. Cameron County Chickeries. La Feria. Texas. K-101 iBABY CHICKS Clarks Master Breed Chicks pay best. Reds. Rocks, Leghorns. $10.00 per 100, Custom hatching 3c per egg. Bring eggs on Mondays. Roy E. Clark Seed Co San Benito. K-lft*» Real Estate OWNER offer* Central Valley or- chards at sacrifice Phone 202, Donna. K-134 FOR SALE—30 acre*. 5 miles S. W San Benito, good soil, no salt. I i mile off concrete, all In cultivation, i no buildings. Price $150 per acre j now. or will sell with contract for i all set In trees at $6500 Oo Contra'-t paid J. W. Fulirman, San Benito _K-181 PRETTY HOME—City; 5 acre* highway Both bargains. Easv terms. Phone 178. K-51 ALTOS FOR^ALlT The siren call of Spring is In- viting you—and your car. If you haven't a car, come in and pick out one of our Good Used ones. Very low prices. 1930 Dodge Roadster 1930 Dodge Eight Sport Sedan 1929 Dodge Standard Six Sedan 1928 Dodge Six Cabriolet Coupe 1928 Dodge Six Coupe 1928 Ford Coupe, Rumble Seat 1929 Ford Roadster, Rum- ble Seat 1929 Chevrolet Panel Truck 1929 Graham 34 Ton Panel Truck 1929 Pontiac Coach 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1927 Buick Roadster Come in and sec these wonderful i bargains. Must be seen to be ap- 1 predated. i Jesse Dennett, Inc. USED CAR MARKET 1222 Washington St. I SED CAR LOT Across from Herald Building BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS Real Estate W. E. COLLINS has a ticket to the EJueen theatre. Call before six to- morrow. FOR SALE 1000 acres of good tillable land. About 850 acres in brush, bal- ance prairie. The Bayside Irri- gation Canal is on orth strip of 90 feet In width and San Be- nito and Rio Grande railway on south strip of 50 feet width. Lies between Box Ranch and Laguna Vista tract. Good dirt highway connecting with con- crete highway Port Isabel, lo- cated about 9 miles southeast. See owner at office of Abney & Whltelaw. W. B. Abney. 1-104 A CHOICE GROVE A combination orange and grapefruit rrove Just outside of the city limits of Brownsville with under ground irrigation, city water, electricity, paved roadway, in restricted district. No flat rate bond tax nor drain- age tax. Optional three years care. The best investment in the Rio Grande Valley. For price* and terms call W. M. Egan, phone 216 or 1203-W, home Riverside Park. P. O. Box 1244. Brownsville. H-240 For Subdivision 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from tne high school and closer to Browns- ville than the exclusive Los E ban os Subdivision Winding resaca running through prop- erty offering natural lake front sites for subdivision rhls prop- erty Is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very at- tractive price. Also tract of 300 acres within city limits, adjacent to Missouri Pacific Lines on the south. Henson-Lomax A Houston and Brownjr*1lle De- velopment Co. OflO 0 ACRES real citrus land on pave- nent; 4 acres bearing trees; house, mm. well. $3500 will handle Sac- ifice price, and terms balance. Up- legraff, La Perla, Texas K-241 LOS EBANOS 1 1 ... \n elegant horn.1 in choicest loca- ;lon on Palm Blvd. Carefully plan- ned. thoroughly built. Inspection invited. R R. RAGAN Phone 985-W G-157 TO AVOID FORECLOSURE, Will *11 my beautiful, elevated, lake ront, loamv farm, free from canal charges and tax. near Brownsville, lighway and depot, one-third val- je. terms. Distressed. Box L-14. 'Jerald. Ir-14 FOB SALE OR TRADE For Sale or Trade Improved llo Grande Valley farms and trucking land, citrus groves. Tracts fr^m one to five hundred acres. Exchanges a specialty. Rocr 5 Cromack Bldg. Cooperative Realtors Phone 191 1-108 | Real Estate FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE—Or trade, by owner: Income properties. One apartment, six residences, some lots, some farm lands. 1-3 cash. Will trade for land north. Address Oscar Peterson, Glen wood Hotel. Brownsville. Texas. _K-55 | TO TRADE—320 acres Improved Oklahoma land for Valley land.' Want to buy grove near own. Ar- thur Nield. room 107. Casa de Pal- mas hotel. McAllen. L-6 ECHANGE Tulsa city property and farm lands for improved Valley farm Dr W. M. Wilson, owner, 1212 E. 18th. Tulsa. Oklahoma * _ K-123 LOTS FOR SALF Hotel Location Finest In Brownsville 2H5 foot frontage on Adams street cat-a-comer from Herald office JESSE DENNETT. Owner. Brownsville. 1 LOCATION of real estate on main avenues of traffic make returns on real estate purchased much quicker for the Investor. Investigate SUMMIT PLACE We believe it will pay you to do so. Terms. JESSE DENNETT. Phone *27. Brownsville. .1 * I Apartment House Site One City Block on Boulevard Directly in front of Valley-view apartments. Will sell all or part. JESSE DENNETT, Owner, Brownsville. H. L. VANDIVER has a ticket to the Queen theatre. Call before six tomorrov HOUSES FOR SALE A MODERN HOME Did you know you can buy a home in restricted Riverside Park today for less money and better terms than any future day in Brownsville? Five and six-room homes, ul- tra modem conveniences, locat- ed in the nearest restricted dis- trict to the heart of Browns- ville. CALL W. M. EGAN, i’hone 216 nr 1203-W. Office, Riverside Drive, Riverside Park. H-239 SACRIFICE Three new thoroughly modem 5 and 6-room houses, just com- pleted, in beautiful restricted Los Ebanoa Properties, joining Los Eb&noe. Also one in Vic- toria Heights. Small payment down, balaiue like rent See Mrs. Florence Stafford, own- er. 1719 Bayes street, Victoria Heights, phone 1187. J-91 Rentals APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT—Mod- ern. Phone 351. G192 JUNCO APARTMENTS Beauti- fully furnished. Modem in every respect, with gas, water, lights. Frigidalre. Reasonable rent. Phone 436._ K-192 FURNISHED 3-room modem apart- ment in duplex. Garage. 1133 West Levee, phone 818J.K-230 SMALL APARTMENTS, light, wa- ter and gas. $25 00. Also one half of duplex, both furnished and close in. 46 First and Washington. K248 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—Two rooms, kitchen, bath Electric ht and hot water included. $45 a month. W Elisabeth street. w*ik- ci Craig Company. K-247 *^^^<M*a***^'*M**M*,M*^*M“*“**‘——-—— --*kr~~rrrrrirrrvgfitmtttMjLrW' ANYTHING-— 1 can be found here; from house wife to husinesa magnate—our columns take care of anything ; you may want. Call the Herald and let us handle » j the smaller things as well as the more important :! in the Classified page. LOOK FOR YOUK ; J || NAME! # : !| Now Showing j| “Way for a Sailor’* 1i ; ; |! Queen... Brownsville ! is J MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Mr Allen 1417 Austin ,Ave. .Phone New The Equipment Co. u»ed Drive Belts for All Type and Sire* of Machines SODA FOUNTAINS FIXTURES SHOW CASES .:.:::=; ..:...-....-.:::--r==gaa ABSTRACTS ABSTRACT? -i.■ Valley Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title Title Insurance Complete Title Service in Hidalgo and Cameron Counties , , [ Brownsville Edinburg Phone 1184 Phone 93 —— .in i———— ... .. ... Dependable Phone 353 Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS Abstracts Title insurance >%• Cover All Lands la Camcroo County Po»l Office Service Station W. E. BIGHAM Washing Greasing Magnolia Products Excellent Service Phone 56 Brownsville drug store pHi Ij 11 If |IJ J |J j [(] [ \ EAGLE PHARMACY 843 Elizabeth Phone 26 A. W. Cunningham A. J. Rabel Cunningham St Rabel ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Embee Building Harlingen, Texas florists_ BOWYER, FLORI3T—Flowers and funaral designs. We telegraph flowers. 439 10th Lt. Phone 166. Rentals APARTMENTS SOUTH SIDE DUPLEX—Furnished. Garage. 1112 West Elizabeth St. Carlos G. Watson. K-260 FURNISHED APARTMENT on El- izabeth street for rent, reasonable. Phone 429, K-269 THREE-ROOM furnished apart- ment. modem; garage. 1243 West Elizabeth._ L-8 HOUSES 5-ROOM HOUSE with modem con- veniences. 352 Jefferson St. K-230 ADVANTAGES of efficiency apart- ment in cottage. West Brownsville. Rent $25.00. Modem 5-room house, gas and garage. $30.00. Phone 247. K-237 FOR RENT—Modem 4-room hor \ furnished; $25 00. 809 Elizabeth. L-7 5-ROOM beautifully furnished cot- tage. everything new. 1615 Garfield StK-231 FURNISHED-ROOMS FOR RENT—One nicely furnished bedroom with board. Oas heat. Phone 561. 101 Adams. K-141 COMFORTABLE bedrooms, hot and cold water. Reasonable rate. 1022 St. Charles K-232 ATTRACTIVE room with twin beds. Seal)' mattresses; comfortable fcr one a* two persons; all conveniences, close Jo town. 235 Washington, phone 621. K-252 ROOM AND BOARD HOLLINGSWORTH HOTEL Now located at 1308 Adams Room and board, heme cooking. Ph. 1411. D-48. HOTELS—CATES WHITE KITCHEN , ~ ' Famous for Its Cooking—Immacula£j& . and Service Ths popular place tor business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and Levee HUGHES CAFE ; h MEXICAN FOOD A SPECIALW Enrhilados. Tacos, Tamales. Cla- j brito, Chile Con Came, Etc, JOE HUGHES. 1207 Adams St *.-J* Floor Tile Tile Mantels, Weil Tile Tile Drain Boards Estimates Given Cheerfully Wn. Cameron & Co., lack Harlingen. Phone 490 RENTAL BUREAU 11111 Rollins Machine Co. ; CYLINDER AND CRANK SHAFT GRINDING MOTOR REBUILDING Phone 80 Harlingen BLUEPRINTING ALFRED TAMM Photostating, Blueprinting and Supplies ; ! Harlingen, Texet —i TYPEWRITERS t DAVENPORT TYPEWRITER E3^ CHANGE. Valley distributors rusw L. C. Smith "Silent 8" and Corona typewriters. Also repair all makes* Elizabeth street, phone 1105, Brownsville K-J BLILDEKS—CONTRACTORS'"* PROCTER, DUDLEY « FERGUSON General Contractors 528 Washington St Phone 6SV Brownsville. Texas

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  • Growers Recommend That Only U. S. No. 1 Cabbage Be Shipped—Ask Rate Cut