recruitment function at qict


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Page 1: Recruitment Function at QICT





Page 2: Recruitment Function at QICT

Name of Organization Visited : M/s. Qasim International Container Terminal

Date of Submission : 21.02.2006

Person Contacted : Mr. Kashif MaqsoodAssistant Manager (Human Resources)M/s. Qasim International Container Terminal

Date, Place & Time of Meeting/Visit : 17.02.2006, Karachi, 12:00 AM

Submitted to : Mr. Shameel Ahmed Zubari

Submitted by : Syed Asad Mehmood _________________(MEN-2200475)

Abdul Rasheed _________________(MEN-2200394

Taha Akhiyal _________________(230445)

Asadullah Shaikh _________________(MEN-2200477)

Page 3: Recruitment Function at QICT

Table of Contents

I. Brief Introduction Qasim International Container Terminal …II. Mission Statement of Human Resources Function of QICT …III. Introduction to Jobs Opportunities at QICT … IV The Recruitment Process at QICT …V Conclusion – Suggestions …

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Brief Introduction of Qasim International Container Terminal

Qasim International Container Terminal (QICT) is Pakistan's first Dedicated and Most Modern International Container Terminal built at Port Muhammad Bin Qasim on a Build/Own/Operate (B.O.O.) basis.

QICT was a consortium whose members included P&O Ports, Mackinnons Pakistan, P&O Containers Pakistan Limited, the Commonwealth Development Corporation of UK, and the Pakistan-Kuwait Investment Company. The total equity of this consortium was Rs.455 million. Subsequently P&O Ports demonstrating their commitment to the project, bought out CDC and Pak-Kuwait. The equity of the Company was later enhanced to Rs.1.1 billion, which was fully subscribed by P&O Ports. Presently P&O Ports has the major share holding and other share holders include ITHL and APM Terminals.

Location Of Terminal

QICT is situated at berths 5,6 and 7 at Port Muhammad Bin Qasim. The total area of the terminal is 240,000 sq. meters surrounded by fast developing industrial estates which include: Export Processing Zone, Korangi Industrial Area, ICI Pakistan Steel Mills, Toyota,Suzuki,Nissan and Honda Motors, Engro Vopak Terminal LTD FOTCO Oil Terminal

The location of the Terminal outside city boundaries negates the requirement for containers to be transported through the city for upcountry destinations as well as ensures that industries located within and a short distance from the Port area have the added advantage of savings on transportation and other costs in exporting/importing their raw materials.

QICT is the ideal location for a purpose built container terminal with the added advantage of having the deeper draft of 11.5m capable of handling mother vessels. It has always been P&O Ports’ policy to invest in terminals outside city limits, thus avoiding traffic congestion.

Port Qasim offers innumerable advantages over Karachi, which has allowed it to develop as a true international gateway. Among these is the terminal’s location away from the congested city of Karachi. QICT is closer to vital up-country markets, although at the same time just two hours away from the Karachi Export Processing Zone and the Landhi & Korangi Industrial Area; the Port Qasim Industrial Zone is also a scant 5km away.

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Mission Statement of Human Resources Function of QICT.

QICT parent company P&O Ports has a global workforce of highly trained, productive, and competent personnel who gain personal satisfaction and reward from the association. Integrated with this, is a work context that fosters innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement.

With a global workforce of approximately 22,000 people, operating within differing cultural, social and political frameworks, P&O Ports believes in the recognition of diversity and are committed to ensuring that individuals or groups are not disadvantaged or treated unfairly. Openness, trust, effective communication and the promotion of high ethical standards are critical organizational values.

Like parent company, QICT considers its employees as the most valuable asset towards achievement of the company’s vision and objectives. Aligning the divers needs of staff together with the company’s services, profit, and growth objectives is one of the core functions of the QICT’s Human Resources team.

Recruitment and selection is the most crucial internal activity of every service organization. Poor recruitment and selection makes every part of the organization less effective. Excellent recruitment and selection can transform an organization in a short period. An organization with 20% turnover per year and recruitment and selection practices that hire mediocre employees can theoretically become fully mediocre within 5 years.

It is the firm belief of the company that attraction and selection of high caliber staff is essential to meet the challenges posed by the company’s new objectives.

The Recruiters at QICT kept perusing its objectives to ensure availability of requisites skills through attracting and motivating well qualified, experienced, and high potential individuals using transparent recruitment process, that makes QICT an attractive company for talented and motivated peoples in which high levels of personal and company performance are recognized and rewarded.

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Introduction of Jobs available at QICT

A- Administrative Jobs

These are routine but very important jobs, exists in every organization, from top to bottom levels (CEO to Office Helpers) and doesn’t varies with the nature of business of organization, thus, jobs for Finance, IT, Human Resources, Marketing exists here also. Being a multinational, its affiliation with major international port operatives, to meet quality concern, and to be a best container terminal in the presence of same level of competitors (KICT, PICT, AICT) QICT has to acquire and maintain peoples having best skills and proper professional educational background.

B- Port Operatives Jobs (Support & Service/Maintenance Staff)

The work:

Companies employ port operatives, they work in three main areas: stevedoring, passenger operations, and marine operations.

Stevedoring involves loading and unloading cargo and transporting it within the port. Specific tasks vary according to the type of vessel the stevedore is working on. On roll on/roll off ferries they drive vehicles that carry cargo or tow trailers on and off the ship, and use lorries and trailers to move goods to storage areas. If vehicles are being transported, they may also drive these on and off the ships.

On lift-on/lift-off container ships, stevedores load and unload containers using dockside cranes or the ships'' lifting gear. They also secure containers on the ship.

Other types of vessel carry dry bulk cargoes such as wheat or coal, which are usually loaded by elevator, and liquids such as oil, which are loaded by pipeline.

Stevedores may also have other duties such as basic maintenance of the lifting gear.

Hours and Environment:

Port operatives normally work an average 40-hour week. Because ports are open 24 hours, they usually work shifts of eight hours, covering a seven-day period. Overtime is common.

The work is outside in all weathers, but stevedoring also includes work in ships'' holds and cargo storage areas, which may be hot and cramped. This type of work can be strenuous with a lot of lifting, bending, and sometimes working at heights. Some cargoes may be dirty smelly or dusty.

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QICT has taken all measures to ensure a healthy and safe working environment within the terminal. All international QHSE&T Policies are implemented and checks and balances put in place.

Skills and Interests:

To be a port operative one should:

Be physically fit To be safety conscious Be good at following instructions and explaining them to othersHave normal color vision, as some cargoes are color-coded Be able to work as part of a team.Passenger operatives will need to enjoy working with people and, depending on the ferry routes, preferably speak a relevant second language.For those wishing to be marine operatives, any hobbies involving the handling of small craft such as sailing dinghies or canoes would be useful.


There are no formal entry requirements, but applicants will need to pass a medical examination.

The minimum age for entry is usually 21, although some ports may recruit passenger operatives from age 17.

Employers will usually require applicants to have a driving license. For stevedoring work experience of driving cranes, forklift trucks or Lorries can be an advantage, and engineering skills may be useful for carrying out basic maintenance.

Marine operatives would normally be required to achieve a sea survival, fire fighting, and boat handling certificates.


Cargo handling training varies depending on the employer, but there will normally be an introductory course lasting about two weeks covering all aspects of cargo handling. This initial training will include:

How to move equipmentUnderstanding signaling instructionsOperating forklift trucksHealth and safety training, including the operation of equipment, safe loading, and unloading and correct lifting techniques.

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Any further training will be delivered on the job under the supervision of experienced operatives. You will start with simple tasks before progressing to more skilled work such as supervising the loading and unloading of cargo.Similar programs would exist for marine and passenger operatives.

NVQs/SVQs Level 2 in Stevedoring, Marine Operations (Ports) and Port Passenger Operations are available, awarded by Edexcel.

Foundation and Advanced Modern Apprenticeships (MAPPs) may be available for people aged 16-24.


Port authorities or private cargo handling companies employ port operatives. As ports have become more mechanized and containerized, with companies loading cargo into containers at their own premises, there is more demand for crane operators and forklift truck drivers than for manual operatives.

Promotion is likely to be to foreman, then supervisor, superintendent, operations manager and general manager.

Employee Benefits

QICT offers a range of benefits to its employees that vary from country to country. As a minimum our remuneration structure is applied equitably, communicated clearly and reflects our commitment to: Attracting and retaining skilled personnel, Local competitive rates and economic factors, Industry and legislative requirements, Global consistency and internal relativities.

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The Recruitment Process

A- Recruitment for Temporary Positions

Position must be established as a "temporary position", meaning the position will be filled for up to two years. Position must be advertised as "temporary position." Applicant must be given a letter stating that the position is temporary and not eligible for rights under Reduction in Force policy. In the event that the incumbent remains in the position for two years or more, rights under Reduction in Force policy will apply.

B- Internal Promotion/Transfer Opportunities

All departmental heads may fill a vacancy by promoting or transferring an employee within the Company by posting the position only within the company. All qualified employees must be given an opportunity to apply, this is facilitated by: * Posted internally a minimum of 5 working days. Posting a notice in a place

accessible to all employees in the Function, including those in off-site locations. It is acceptable to e-mail notices if all employees have access to e-mail.

* Allowing an adequate amount of time for employees to respond. * Making the notice available in alternate formats when requested. * If, in addition to employees within the Company, the departmental head wishes to

consider applicants outside the Company, the following may apply: * Eligible employees from other Departments who are on reduction in force (RIF)

status may have preference. * An employee who is a person with a disability who cannot perform the duties of

his/her position and who is seeking placement in an alternative position as a reasonable accommodation.

Prior to posting, Recruitment concern will inform the hiring concern of any eligible individuals on RIF (Internal) status, their qualifications, and the steps required under the RIF policy.

Recruitment concern will notify the Hiring concern if the position is identified as underutilized, requiring that affirmative action recruitment procedures be used. The posting will be made available in alternate formats upon request.

C- Source of Supplies (Employees)

It is always difficult to generalize about the best source for any business, but being a port operative QICT Recruiters relies upon following sources:

1. Present Employees: Promotion from within tends to keep employee moral high, whenever possible current employees are given first consideration for any job openings. This practice signals QICT support and commitment towards betterment of their current employees.

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2. Advertising: Letting people know that the business is hiring is a key element in gaining access to the pool of potential employees. At its simplest, active job seekers frequently, consult these types of advertisement in daily local newspapers.

Company-wide Listing

Professional positions are advertised for a minimum of two weeks in the local newspapers. Support Staff and Service Maintenance positions are advertised for a minimum of one week in Local newspapers. Positions are also listed on the Company’s website www. qict and parent Company’s website www.p& The Human Resources Department in general and Recruitment staff in principle acts as a resource to management of QICT in developing effective position announcements.The following information must be included in advertisement: * A brief description of the work performed. * Necessary special skills and tools or equipment operated. * Required minimum qualifications, education, and experience. Note:

Preferred qualifications may be listed, however, the initial screening by HR will consider only minimum qualifications. Preferred qualifications may be used in making the final selection.

3. Employee Referrals: References by current employees provides excellent prospects. At QICT Recruiters are confident that current employees hesitate to recommend applicants with below average ability.

D- Screening

Recruiters at QICT hold and maintained Recruitment-Selection Plan Checklist, also appropriate for use for all selections, this checklist ensures that all steps in the recruitment and selection process also, are completed, from position review through completion of the paperwork necessary to put the employee on the payroll.

The application forms is the place to begin screening candidates for a job, it provides information on the person’s background and skills and is the first means of comparing the applicant with the job description. In QICT Recruiters, do not waste their times on applications who clearly do not meet the minimum requirements for the job.

The personal interview is the second step in the screening process. In QICT Recruiters, ensures that the interview should be guided but not dominated, as it is important to let the candidate speak freely.

Interviewers use following techniques to select right applicant.

1. Review of the job description before the interview

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2. Tries to establish friendly atmosphere.3. Conduct the interview according to time plan.4. Presents a truthful picture of company and the job.5. Avoid detail discussions.6. Discussion towards the next step of hiring process and the timing if person seems


Recruiters also use other screening techniques that include employment test and physical examinations; some employment tests measure aptitude, achievement, intelligence, personality, technical skills and honesty tests.

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Observations The recruitment process in QICT is not as independent and neutral as it mentioned as we thought, it is more or less influenced by various outside factors, like Authorities (Governmental Agencies, Port Authorities etc.). These authorities are well informed and impressed with the pay and compensation structure of QICT. Although, their influence has usually minimal impact on the process, due to the involvement of multinational factor of company and strong commitment of HR and Line Management, but influential role of local authorities do exist.

The HR peoples maintain computerized records of employee’s education, career and development interests, special skills etc., they used it effectively in selecting insiders for promotion, and deploying any opening, it is the policy of QICT management to give first preference to internal sources.

To make recruitment process effective, HR peoples also maintain, the historical arithmetic relationship between recruitment leads and invitees, invitees and interviews, interviews and candidate who are offered, candidate who offered and who accepted the offer. The HR people to know the effectiveness do this exercise.

QICT HRM’s database and network of contacts with professional bodies helps assure the best possible candidate pool, because they think that, recruitment is utilizing the best techniques available and spending lots of money on advertising is pointless if you do not attract any good applicants.

QICT recruiters concentrate and give it their up-most attention; they perform on time and within budget, because a recruitment and selection process that takes too long may cause any organization to miss the opportunity window, which generated the requirement for the position in the first place and/or cause to lose the best applicants.

We are unable to have information regarding pay scale and structure, compensation and salary increments methods and structure, due to business secrecy concern. Upon our insist Mr. Kashif, give us very sound reason, that is “Now a days, QICT is facing toughest competition, from Karachi Port based Container Terminal and shore based Container Terminal Operators. Some of them are very keen to now about QICT pay structure, HR Policies, and management styles; therefore, you peoples have to take permission from QICT functional head level authorities.” The boss of HR in QICT Brigadier (Retired) Ahmed is out of country for a month.