recruitment of consultant and program officers for details...

1 Recruitment of Consultant and Program officers for National Urban Health Mission Program (NUHM) Terms of Reference are place below: State Programme Management Unit(SPMU) 1. Programme Officer Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (PO-PME) State PMU Reporting to State Joint Director (Urban Health) /SPM-NUHM Remuneration Rs. 60,000/- per month Nature of Employment Regular Government servants on deputation / Contract Location Based in Hyderabad; Travel required across the state of Andhra Pradesh Duration of Posting Minimum 1 year( extendable for 2 more years) Purpose of the position The position is responsible for developing evidence based Urban Health Plans and Human Resource Management Systems for effectively implementing Urban Health Initiatives. Responsibilities and Duties Urban Health Planning Systematically collect, document and present information regarding Urban Health System, health needs and inputs to the decision makers; Analyze data from HMIS and its use; Study the status of urban health in the state and the systemic and technical barriers to achieving optimal urban health; Based on the evidence develop a prioritization strategy for improving indicators in the state; Build capacities at city, district and state level for making urban health plans using both epidemiological and HMIS inputs. This includes plans for budgeting and financial planning as required by the poor performing districts/cities; Evolve mechanism for engaging with Not For Profit and Private Sector; Prepare state level annual work plans for quality urban health services in primary and secondary facilities in the state and urban health infrastructure; Facilitate cities and districts in preparing similar work plans; Assist the State Programme Officer in undertaking an independent assessment of urban health issues and outcomes in the State including inter-city/district variations; Assist in identifying suitable indicators for measuring the performance of urban health interventions in the state and incorporate measurement of these indicators into integrated State HMIS; Prepare a district-wise annual status report on urban health interventions in primary and secondary facilities, analyze regional and inter-district variations and suggest appropriate measures; Human Resource Management Assess the adequacy, availability, capacity and performance of functionaries involved in the implementation of urban health initiatives at state/city/district level; In coordination with the establishment wing effectively manage the human resources for urban health; Coordinate and Converge Capacity Building to ensure improved performance of urban health human resources; Coordinate with other urban POs seek inputs to the planning process and human resource management; Converge with the department of urban development consider their inputs into the planning process; Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance the support available to promoting urban health indicators; Coordinate with training department from time to time for capacity building of various roles of Urban Health Attend to any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Programme Officer Urban Health/ CHFW Relationships Reporting: State Joint Director Urban Health Administrative and Technical Supervision: Consultant Planning and HR Technical Supervision: District Urban Health team Coordination: Other teams within CHFW and the urban health team Performance Review period Bi Annual Modality of Hiring From Open Market 2. Consultant Community Outreach Services (COS) State PMU Reporting to Joint Director Urban Health / SPM-NUHM Remuneration Rs. 50,000/- per month Nature of Employment Contractual Location Hyderabad with travel to districts Duration of Posting/Contract One year renewable annually Purpose of the position This position supports the Programme Officer to effectively implement urban outreach services and community processes. Responsibilities and Duties

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Recruitment of Consultant and Program officers for

National Urban Health Mission Program (NUHM)

Terms of Reference are place below:

State Programme Management Unit(SPMU)

1. Programme Officer Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (PO-PME) – State PMU Reporting to State Joint Director (Urban Health) /SPM-NUHM

Remuneration Rs. 60,000/- per month

Nature of Employment

Regular Government servants on deputation / Contract

Location Based in Hyderabad; Travel required across the state of Andhra Pradesh

Duration of Posting

Minimum 1 year( extendable for 2 more years)

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn The position is responsible for developing evidence based Urban Health Plans and Human Resource Management Systems for effectively implementing Urban Health Initiatives.

Responsibilities and Duties

Urban Health Planning

Systematically collect, document and present information regarding Urban Health System, health needs and inputs to the decision makers; Analyze data from HMIS and its use;

Study the status of urban health in the state and the systemic and technical barriers to achieving optimal urban health; Based on the evidence develop a prioritization strategy for improving indicators in the state;

Build capacities at city, district and state level for making urban health plans using both epidemiological and HMIS inputs. This includes plans for budgeting and financial planning as required by the poor performing districts/cities;

Evolve mechanism for engaging with Not For Profit and Private Sector;

Prepare state level annual work plans for quality urban health services in primary and secondary facilities in the state and urban health infrastructure; Facilitate cities and districts in preparing similar work plans;

Assist the State Programme Officer in undertaking an independent assessment of urban health issues and outcomes in the State including inter-city/district variations;

Assist in identifying suitable indicators for measuring the performance of urban health interventions in the state and incorporate measurement of these indicators into integrated State HMIS;

Prepare a district-wise annual status report on urban health interventions in primary and secondary facilities, analyze regional and inter-district variations and suggest appropriate measures;

Human Resource Management

Assess the adequacy, availability, capacity and performance of functionaries involved in the implementation of urban health initiatives at state/city/district level;

In coordination with the establishment wing effectively manage the human resources for urban health;

Coordinate and Converge

Capacity Building to ensure improved performance of urban health human resources;

Coordinate with other urban POs seek inputs to the planning process and human resource management; Converge with the department of urban development consider their inputs into the planning process;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance the support available to promoting urban health indicators;

Coordinate with training department from time to time for capacity building of various roles of Urban Health

Attend to any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Programme Officer Urban Health/ CHFW

Relationships Reporting: State Joint Director – Urban Health Administrative and Technical Supervision: Consultant Planning and HR Technical Supervision: District Urban Health team Coordination: Other teams within CHFW and the urban health team

Performance Review period

Bi Annual

Modality of Hiring

From Open Market

2. Consultant Community Outreach Services (COS) – State PMU Reporting to Joint Director Urban Health / SPM-NUHM

Remuneration Rs. 50,000/- per month

Nature of Employment


Location Hyderabad with travel to districts

Duration of Posting/Contract

One year renewable annually

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position supports the Programme Officer to effectively implement urban outreach services and community processes.

Responsibilities and Duties

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Develop planning and implementation documents

Assist the PO to develop annual work plansby collating district/city urban outreach plans and facilitate districts/cities in preparing similar plans;

Prepare a district/city-wise annual status report on urban outreach services, analyze inter-district/city variations;

Support implementation of work plans at state and district/city level

Coordinate with Capacity Building team for effective implementation of relevant urban outreach and community empowerment training programs;

Ensure proper liaison with MEPMA for formation of MAS and Community based monitoring and required mechanism for Urban Health Services.

Support monitoring and evaluation of indicators

Analyze monthly district reports on outreach indicators for identifying problems and performance feedback;

Identify poor performing pockets, undertake regular monitoring visits, identify the determinants of poor performance and provide report to the PO;

Prepare all reports and documents pertaining to outreach service/community processes statistics for relevant submission commitments.

Suggest and carry out operational research, literature analysis to improve implementation of urban outreach services and community processes;

Coordinate and Converge

Coordinate with other CHFW teams to improve implementation; Converge with the department of Woman and Child Development to ensure optimal synergies with urban Anganwadis; Coordinate with APHMSIDC to ensure procurement and distribution of materials; Converge with urban development department and city municipalities to improve the implementation of community level activities;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance support available to promoting urban health;

Attend to any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Jt.Director UH/CHFW.

Relationships Reporting: Jt. Director – UH Coordination: Other urban teams, teams within CHFW, WCD and Department of Urban Development

Performance review period

Six months probationary review followed by annual performance review

Modality of Hiring

Domain Experts From Open Market through Vacancy Announcement

3. Consultant Hospital & Clinical Services (HCS) – State PMU Reporting to Joint Director Urban Health

Remuneration Rs. 50,000/- per month

Nature of Employment


Location Hyderabad with travel to districts

Duration of Posting/Contract

One year renewable annually

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position supports the Programme Officer to ensure quality hospital services for the Urban marginalized population.

Responsibilities and Duties

Develop planning and implementation documents

Assist the PO to develop annual work plans by collating hospital level plans and facilitate districts/cities in preparing similar plans;

Prepare a district/city-wise annual status report on hospital services in urban areas, analyze inter-district/city variations;

Support implementation of work plans at state and district/city level

Develop/adapt technical material/guidelines for effectively implementing hospital management strategies;

Coordinate with Capacity Building team for effective implementation of relevant training programs to improve hospital services in urban areas;

Ensure timely indenting and distribution of materials, medicines and supplies to hospitals and outreach in urban areas in coordination with APHMSIDC;

Support monitoring and evaluation of indicators

Identify poor performing hospitals, undertake regular monitoring visits, identify the determinants of poor performance and provide report to the PO;

Prepare all reports and documents pertaining to hospital services statistics for relevant submission commitments.

Suggest and carry out operational research, literature analysis to improve implementation of hospital services in urban areas.

Coordinate and Converge

Coordinate with other urban teams, especially disease control programmes ensure seamless provision of curative services in the urban area;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance support available to improving hospital services;

Attend to any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Jt. Director UH/CHFW.

Relationships Reporting:Jt. Director – UH Coordination: Other urban teams

Performance review period

Six months probationary review followed by annual performance review

Modality of Hiring

Domain Experts From Open Market through vacancy announcement

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4. AO (Accounts & HR) Reporting to SPM-NUHM

Remuneration Rs. 30,000 per month

Nature of Employment


Location DM&HO Office

Duration of Posting/Contract

Annual renewable contracts based on performance

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position assist the SPO in all aspects of finance matters including budgeting, accounts &audit to ensure maintenance of referral transport accounts as per the state requirements.

Responsibilities and Duties

Human Resource Management

In coordination with the establishment wing effectively manage the human resources for urban health;

Coordinate and Converge

Coordinate with PO Urban Health Capacity Building to ensure improved performance of urban health human resources;

Coordinate with other urban POs seek inputs to the planning process and human resource management; Converge with the department of urban development consider their inputs into the planning process;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance the support available to promoting urban health indicators;

Coordinate with training department from time to time for capacity building of various roles of Urban Health

EEssttaabblliisshh aauuddiitt && aaccccoouunnttiinngg ssyysstteemmss,, pprroocceedduurreess aanndd iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnttrroollss oonn rreegguullaarr bbaassiiss ffoorr pprrooggrraammmmee ffuunnddiinngg

ttoo ppaarrttnneerrss aanndd ssttaakkeehhoollddeerrss;;

DDeevveelloopp yyeeaarrllyy ffiinnaanncciiaall ppllaannss aanndd bbuuddggeettss,, aanndd ttiimmeellyy ddiissbbuurrsseemmeenntt ooff ffuunnddss ffoorr tthhee eeffffeeccttiivvee iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff

UUrrbbaann HHeeaalltthh sseerrvviicceess;; SSccrruuttiinniizzee bbuuddggeett pprroovviissiioonn aanndd ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo hhiigghheerr aauutthhoorriittyy ffoorr aapppprroovvaall;;

AAnnaallyyzzee ddaattaa oonn ffuunnddss uuttiilliizzaattiioonn,, aauuddiitt ssttaatteemmeennttss,, ttrreenndd ooff eexxppeennddiittuurree,, ppaatttteerrnn ooff uuttiilliizzaattiioonn uunnddeerr UUrrbbaann


IImmpplleemmeenntt rreeccoorrddss aanndd rreeppoorrttiinngg ffoorrmmaattss ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt aallll ffiinnaanncciiaall ttrraannssaaccttiioonn aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aarree aaccccuurraatteellyy

rreeccoorrddeedd aanndd aaddeeqquuaatteellyy mmoonniittoorreedd ffoorr ddeecciissiioonn mmaakkiinngg aanndd pprroojjeeccttiioonn;;

CCoonnssoolliiddaattee mmoonntthhllyy aanndd qquuaarrtteerrllyy ffiinnaanncciiaall rreeppoorrttss aanndd vvaarriiaannccee aannaallyyssiiss,, aasssseessss tthhee ffiinnaanncciiaall iimmppaacctt ffrroomm tthhee

bbuuddggeett aanndd ssuuggggeesstt aapppprroopprriiaattee ccoorrrreeccttiivvee aaccttiioonnss;;

EEnnssuurree tthhaatt aallll eexxppeennsseess aarree iinn ccoonnffoorrmmiittyy wwiitthh eessttaabblliisshheedd rruulleess aanndd rreegguullaattiioonnss;;

MMoonniittoorriinngg rreelleeaassee ooff ffuunnddss,, rreecceeiippttss ooff ffuunnddss,, ffuurrtthheerr rreelleeaasseess;; EEnnssuurree ttiimmeellyy ssuubbmmiissssiioonn ooff uuttiilliizzaattiioonn

cceerrttiiffiiccaatteess aanndd aauuddiitt rreeppoorrttss;;

CCoommppiillee aanndd mmoonniittoorr ffiinnaanncciiaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn;;

CCaarrrryy oouutt rreegguullaarr iinntteerrnnaall cchheecckkss aanndd ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthh eexxtteerrnnaall aauuddiittoorrss mmeeeettiinngg aauuddiitt rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss aanndd ssuubbmmiitt

aauuddiitt rreeppoorrttss aass rreeqquuiirreedd aannnnuuaallllyy;;

AAtttteenndd ttoo aannyy ootthheerr dduuttiieess aanndd rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aassssiiggnneedd bbyy tthhee tteeaamm mmeemmbbeerrss..

Relationships Reporting: SPM (NUHM) Performance review period

Six months probationary review followed by annual performance review

Modality of Hiring

From Open Market through vacancy announcement

District Programme Management Unit (DPMU):

5. District Programme Officer Urban Health (DPO-UH) – District PMU Reporting to DM&HO of the concerned district

Remuneration Rs. 35,000/- per month

Nature of Employment

Regular Government servants on deputation / Contract

Location Concerned DM&HO Office

Duration of Posting/Contract

One year renewable annually extendable for 2 years

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position supports the Programme Officer to ensure quality hospital services for the urban marginalized population.

Responsibilities and Duties

Effectively implementing registration of vital statistics and issue of Certificates;

Compile annual Vital Statistics Report, Birth Report, Death Report, Infant Death Report, Infant Mortality Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate;

Implement the system for documenting international classification of diseases and hospital statistics;

Collate various evaluation reports, assessments and reviews carried out in the state to generate requisite health intelligence;

Assist the DM&HO in carrying out health needs assessment, health equity audit, health impact assessment, research and evaluation projects;

Assist the DM&HO in generating the annual health report;

Carry out capacity building sessions for other staff in statistics and epidemiological analyses;

Any other task as assigned by the DM&HO

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Relationships Reporting: DM&HO

Coordination: Other M&E teams within CHFW

Performance review period


Modality of Hiring

From Open Market through vacancy announcement

6. AO (Accounts & HR) Reporting to DM&HO of the concerned district. Remuneration Rs. 30,000 per month

Nature of Employment

Regular Government servants on deputation / Contract

Location Concerned DM&HO Office

Duration of Posting/Contract

Annual renewable contracts based on performance

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position assist the SPO in all aspects of finance matters including budgeting, accounts &audit to ensure maintenance of referral transport accounts as per the state requirements.

Responsibilities and Duties

Human Resource Management

In coordination with the establishment wing effectively manage the human resources for urban health;

Coordinate and Converge

Coordinate with PO Urban Health Capacity Building to ensure improved performance of urban health human resources;

Coordinate with other urban POs seek inputs to the planning process and human resource management; Converge with the department of urban development consider their inputs into the planning process;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance the support available to promoting urban health indicators;

Coordinate with training department from time to time for capacity building of various roles of Urban Health

EEssttaabblliisshh aauuddiitt && aaccccoouunnttiinngg ssyysstteemmss,, pprroocceedduurreess aanndd iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnttrroollss oonn rreegguullaarr bbaassiiss ffoorr pprrooggrraammmmee ffuunnddiinngg

ttoo ppaarrttnneerrss aanndd ssttaakkeehhoollddeerrss;;

DDeevveelloopp yyeeaarrllyy ffiinnaanncciiaall ppllaannss aanndd bbuuddggeettss,, aanndd ttiimmeellyy ddiissbbuurrsseemmeenntt ooff ffuunnddss ffoorr tthhee eeffffeeccttiivvee iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff

UUrrbbaann HHeeaalltthh sseerrvviicceess;; SSccrruuttiinniizzee bbuuddggeett pprroovviissiioonn aanndd ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo hhiigghheerr aauutthhoorriittyy ffoorr aapppprroovvaall;;

AAnnaallyyzzee ddaattaa oonn ffuunnddss uuttiilliizzaattiioonn,, aauuddiitt ssttaatteemmeennttss,, ttrreenndd ooff eexxppeennddiittuurree,, ppaatttteerrnn ooff uuttiilliizzaattiioonn uunnddeerr UUrrbbaann


IImmpplleemmeenntt rreeccoorrddss aanndd rreeppoorrttiinngg ffoorrmmaattss ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt aallll ffiinnaanncciiaall ttrraannssaaccttiioonn aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aarree aaccccuurraatteellyy

rreeccoorrddeedd aanndd aaddeeqquuaatteellyy mmoonniittoorreedd ffoorr ddeecciissiioonn mmaakkiinngg aanndd pprroojjeeccttiioonn;;

CCoonnssoolliiddaattee mmoonntthhllyy aanndd qquuaarrtteerrllyy ffiinnaanncciiaall rreeppoorrttss aanndd vvaarriiaannccee aannaallyyssiiss,, aasssseessss tthhee ffiinnaanncciiaall iimmppaacctt ffrroomm tthhee

bbuuddggeett aanndd ssuuggggeesstt aapppprroopprriiaattee ccoorrrreeccttiivvee aaccttiioonnss;;

EEnnssuurree tthhaatt aallll eexxppeennsseess aarree iinn ccoonnffoorrmmiittyy wwiitthh eessttaabblliisshheedd rruulleess aanndd rreegguullaattiioonnss;;

MMoonniittoorriinngg rreelleeaassee ooff ffuunnddss,, rreecceeiippttss ooff ffuunnddss,, ffuurrtthheerr rreelleeaasseess;; EEnnssuurree ttiimmeellyy ssuubbmmiissssiioonn ooff uuttiilliizzaattiioonn

cceerrttiiffiiccaatteess aanndd aauuddiitt rreeppoorrttss;;

CCoommppiillee aanndd mmoonniittoorr ffiinnaanncciiaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn;;

CCaarrrryy oouutt rreegguullaarr iinntteerrnnaall cchheecckkss aanndd ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthh eexxtteerrnnaall aauuddiittoorrss mmeeeettiinngg aauuddiitt rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss aanndd ssuubbmmiitt

aauuddiitt rreeppoorrttss aass rreeqquuiirreedd aannnnuuaallllyy;;

AAtttteenndd ttoo aannyy ootthheerr dduuttiieess aanndd rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aassssiiggnneedd bbyy tthhee tteeaamm mmeemmbbeerrss..

Relationships Reporting: DM&HO Performance review period

Six months probationary review followed by annual performance review

Modality of Hiring

From Open Market through vacancy announcement

City Programme Management Unit(CPMU)

7. Programme Officer Planning Monitoring & Evaluation (PO-PME) - City PMU Reporting to Commissioner of Municipal Corporation GVMC & VMC respectively.

Level/Grade Administrative Cadre- Asst. Director

Remuneration Rs. 60,000/- per month

Nature of Employment

Regular Government servants on deputation / Contract

Location City PMU in GVMC & VMC office

Duration of Posting

Minimum 1 year extended to 2 years

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn The position is responsible for developing evidence based urban health plans and human resource management systems for effectively implementing urban health initiatives.

Responsibilities and Duties

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Urban Health planning

Systematically collect, document and present information regarding urban health system, health needs and inputs to the decision makers; Analyse data from HMIS and its use;

Study the status of urban health in the city and the systemic and technical barriers to achieving optimal urban health; Based on the evidence develop a prioritization strategy for improving indicators in the city ;

Build capacities at city for making urban health plans using both epidemiological and HMIS inputs. This includes plans for budgeting and financial planning as required by the poor performing areas in cities;

Evolve mechanism for engaging with Not For Profit and Private Sector;

Prepare city level annual work plans for quality urban health services in primary and secondary facilities in the state and urban health infrastructure.

Analyze the indicators for measuring the performance of urban health interventions in the city and incorporate measurement of these indicators into integrated Monitoring System.

Prepare area-wise annual status report on urban health interventions in primary and secondary facilities, analyze state level variations and suggest appropriate measures;

Human Resource Management

Assess the adequacy, availability, capacity and performance of functionaries involved in the implementation of urban health initiatives at city;

In coordination with the establishment wing effectively manage the human resources for urban health;

Attend to any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Urban Health Specialists/ CHFW

Relationships Reporting: Municipal Commissioner Administrative and Technical Supervision: Municipal Commissioner respective corporation Technical Supervision: District urban health team Coordination: Other teams within CHFW and the urban health team

Performance review period


Modality of Hiring


8. Consultant Hospital & Clinical Services (HCS) – City PMU

Reporting to Commissioner of Municipal Corporation GVMC & VMC respectively

Remuneration Rs. 50,000/- per month

Nature of Employment

Contractual or Dy. Civil Surgeon

Location City PMU in GVMC & VMC

Duration of Posting/Contract

One year renewable annually for 2 years

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position supports the Programme Officer to ensure quality hospital services for the urban marginalized population.

Responsibilities and Duties

Develop planning and implementation documents

Assist the PO to develop Annual City Health Plan by collating hospital level plans

Prepare a hospital annual status report on hospital services in urban areas, analyze inter- hospital variations;

Support implementation of work plans at state and district/city level

Develop/adapt technical material/guidelines for effectively implementing hospital management strategies;

Coordinate with Capacity Building team for effective implementation of relevant training programs to improve hospital services in urban areas;

Ensure timely indenting and distribution of materials, medicines and supplies to hospitals in urban areas in coordination with APHMSIDC;

Support monitoring and evaluation of indicators

Identify poor performing hospitals, undertake regular monitoring visits, identify the determinants of poor performance and provide report to the PO;

Prepare all reports and documents pertaining to hospital services statistics for relevant submission commitments.

Suggest and carry out operational research, literature analysis to improve implementation of hospital services in urban areas.

Coordinate and Converge

Coordinate with other urban teams, especially disease control programmes ensure seamless provision of curative services in the urban area;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance support available to improving hospital services;

Attend to any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the PO UH HS/SPO UH/CHFW.

Relationships Reporting: Municipal Commissioner respective corporation Coordination: Other urban teams

Performance review period

Six months probationary review followed by annual performance review

Modality of Hiring

Recruitment from Government or Open Market through vacancy announcement

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9. AO (Accounts & HR) Reporting to Commissioner of Municipal Corporation GVMC & VMC respectively

Remuneration Rs. 30,000 per month

Nature of Employment

Regular Government servants on deputation / Contract

Location Concerned DM&HO Office

Duration of Posting/Contract

Annual renewable contracts based on performance

PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee

ppoossiittiioonn This position assist the SPO in all aspects of finance matters including budgeting, accounts &audit to ensure maintenance of referral transport accounts as per the state requirements.

Responsibilities and Duties

Human Resource Management

In coordination with the establishment wing effectively manage the human resources for urban health;

Coordinate and Converge

Coordinate with PO Urban Health Capacity Building to ensure improved performance of urban health human resources;

Coordinate with other urban POs seek inputs to the planning process and human resource management; Converge with the department of urban development consider their inputs into the planning process;

Interact with Development Partners and other stakeholders to enhance the support available to promoting urban health indicators;

Coordinate with training department from time to time for capacity building of various roles of Urban Health

EEssttaabblliisshh aauuddiitt && aaccccoouunnttiinngg ssyysstteemmss,, pprroocceedduurreess aanndd iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnttrroollss oonn rreegguullaarr bbaassiiss ffoorr pprrooggrraammmmee ffuunnddiinngg

ttoo ppaarrttnneerrss aanndd ssttaakkeehhoollddeerrss;;

DDeevveelloopp yyeeaarrllyy ffiinnaanncciiaall ppllaannss aanndd bbuuddggeettss,, aanndd ttiimmeellyy ddiissbbuurrsseemmeenntt ooff ffuunnddss ffoorr tthhee eeffffeeccttiivvee iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff

UUrrbbaann HHeeaalltthh sseerrvviicceess;; SSccrruuttiinniizzee bbuuddggeett pprroovviissiioonn aanndd ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo hhiigghheerr aauutthhoorriittyy ffoorr aapppprroovvaall;;

AAnnaallyyzzee ddaattaa oonn ffuunnddss uuttiilliizzaattiioonn,, aauuddiitt ssttaatteemmeennttss,, ttrreenndd ooff eexxppeennddiittuurree,, ppaatttteerrnn ooff uuttiilliizzaattiioonn uunnddeerr UUrrbbaann


IImmpplleemmeenntt rreeccoorrddss aanndd rreeppoorrttiinngg ffoorrmmaattss ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt aallll ffiinnaanncciiaall ttrraannssaaccttiioonn aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aarree aaccccuurraatteellyy

rreeccoorrddeedd aanndd aaddeeqquuaatteellyy mmoonniittoorreedd ffoorr ddeecciissiioonn mmaakkiinngg aanndd pprroojjeeccttiioonn;;

CCoonnssoolliiddaattee mmoonntthhllyy aanndd qquuaarrtteerrllyy ffiinnaanncciiaall rreeppoorrttss aanndd vvaarriiaannccee aannaallyyssiiss,, aasssseessss tthhee ffiinnaanncciiaall iimmppaacctt ffrroomm tthhee

bbuuddggeett aanndd ssuuggggeesstt aapppprroopprriiaattee ccoorrrreeccttiivvee aaccttiioonnss;;

EEnnssuurree tthhaatt aallll eexxppeennsseess aarree iinn ccoonnffoorrmmiittyy wwiitthh eessttaabblliisshheedd rruulleess aanndd rreegguullaattiioonnss;;

MMoonniittoorriinngg rreelleeaassee ooff ffuunnddss,, rreecceeiippttss ooff ffuunnddss,, ffuurrtthheerr rreelleeaasseess;; EEnnssuurree ttiimmeellyy ssuubbmmiissssiioonn ooff uuttiilliizzaattiioonn

cceerrttiiffiiccaatteess aanndd aauuddiitt rreeppoorrttss;;

CCoommppiillee aanndd mmoonniittoorr ffiinnaanncciiaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn;;

CCaarrrryy oouutt rreegguullaarr iinntteerrnnaall cchheecckkss aanndd ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthh eexxtteerrnnaall aauuddiittoorrss mmeeeettiinngg aauuddiitt rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss aanndd ssuubbmmiitt

aauuddiitt rreeppoorrttss aass rreeqquuiirreedd aannnnuuaallllyy;;

AAtttteenndd ttoo aannyy ootthheerr dduuttiieess aanndd rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aassssiiggnneedd bbyy tthhee tteeaamm mmeemmbbeerrss..

Relationships Reporting: DM&HO Performance review period

Six months probationary review followed by annual performance review

Modality of Hiring

From Open Market through vacancy announcement

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Domain wise Vacancy Announcements:

State Programme Management Unit (SPMU)

SlNo. Job title Number of Posts

Reporting to RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess Level/Grade


Nature of Employment

Location Duration of


Academic and Professional


Work Experience

Maximum Age


Personal qualities and behavioral traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 PO (PME) Programme Officer (Planning Monitoring & Evaluation)

1 Post State Programme Manager – SPM NUHM (JD –UH)

The position is responsible for developing evidence based urban health plans and monitoring Urban Health indicators for effectively implementing urban health initiatives.

Deputy Director/ Assistant Administrator

Rs. 60,000/- per month

Regular Government servants on deputation or Contractual, external recruit through open market

Based in Hyderabad; Travel required across the state

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Administrator with postgraduate degree in public health /statistics/ management

At least 7 years of experience within the department with minimum 3 years of urban experience for departmental candidates

50 years Ability to manage state wide implementation of interventions; Ability to be creative and innovative while addressing barriers; demonstrate knowledge and skills in Behaviour Change Communication

2 Consultant COS (Community Outreach Services)

1 post State Programme Manager – SPM NUHM (JD –UH)

This position supports the Programme Officer to effectively implement urban outreach services and community processes.


Rs. 50,000/- per month

Contractual, external recruit through open market

Hyderabad with travel to districts

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Postgraduate degree in Public Health Or Social Work Or similar field

At least 1 year of demonstrated work experience in the area of Urban outreach services.

50 years

Very strong interpersonal and communications skills, Professional writing and facilitation skills; demonstrated knowledge and skills in Behaviour Change Communication;

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Sl.No. Job title Number of Posts

Reporting to RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess Level/Grade


Nature of Employment

Location Duration of


Academic and Professional


Work Experience

Maximum Age


Personal qualities and behavioral traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3 Consultant (HCS) Consultant (Hospital & Clinical Services)

1 Post State Programme Manager – SPM NUHM (JD –UH)

This position supports the Programme Officer to ensure quality hospital services for the urban marginalized population.


Rs. 50,000/- per month

Contractual, external recruit through open market

Hyderabad with travel to districts

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Postgraduate degree in public Health Or similar field

At least 1 year of demonstrated work experience in the area of Urban Health.

50 years

Very strong interpersonal and communications skills Professional writing and facilitation skills; demonstrated knowledge and skills in Behaviour Change Communication;

4 AO(Accounts & HR)

1 Post State Programme Manager – SPM NUHM (JD –UH)

This position is responsible for managing funds, auditing, preparation of financial statements & UCs –for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of urban health programmes. Effectively manage the Human Resource for Urban Health, capacity building for improved performance of Human Resource. To maintain database of HR. To assist the PO in effectively generating financial statements, audit reports & UCs timely.

AO (Administrative Officer/ Accounts Officer)

Rs. 30,000/- per month

Regular Government servants on deputation or Contractual, external recruit through open market


Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Masters in Economics/ Finance/ CA knowledge of Financial Management Systems

At least 2 years of experience

40 years Ability to manage state wide interactions; Ability to be creative and innovative while addressing barriers;

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District Programme Management Unit (DPMU)

Sl.No. Job title Number of Posts

Reporting to RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess Level/Grade


Nature of Employment

Location Duration of


Academic and Professional


Work Experience

Maximum Age


Personal qualities and behavioral traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

5 District Programme Officer – Urban Health (DPO-UH)

13 Posts DM&HO of the concerned district

This position supports the Programme Officer to ensure quality data for effective planning, to assist the PO in effectively generating health intelligence and strengthening vital statistics and civil registration systems.

Administrative officer or Assistant Director(Admin)

Rs. 35,000/- per month

Regular Government servant on deputation or Contractual, external recruit through open market

Based at district headquarters and travel within the district

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Post Graduate in Statistics/ Public Health Mathematic/Commerce/Economics/Population Studies / Social Work

At least 3 years of work experience with demonstrated experience in the area of M&E

40 years Ability to manage state wide interactions; Ability to be creative and innovative while addressing barriers

6 AO (Accounts & HR)

13 posts DM&HO of the concerned district

This position is responsible for managing funds, auditing, preparation of financial statements & UCs –for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of urban health programmes. Effectively manage the Human Resource for Urban Health, capacity building for improved performance of Human Resource. To maintain database of HR.

AO (Administrative Officer/ Accounts Officer)

Rs. 30,000/- per month

Regular Government servant on deputation or Contractual, external recruit through open market

Based at district headquarters

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Masters in Economics, Finance/ CA

At least 2 years of experience

40 years

Ability to manage state wide interactions; Ability to be creative and innovative while addressing barriers;

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City Programme Management Unit (CPMU)

Sl.No. Job title Number of Posts

Reporting to RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess Level/Grade


Nature of Employment

Location Duration of


Academic and Professional


Work Experience

Maximum Age


Personal qualities and behavioral traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

7 Programme Officer – Planning Monitoring & Evaluation (PO-PME)

2 Posts Municipal Commissioners GVMC & VMC respectively

In addition to PME activities to assist the Municipal Commissioner for implementation of Urban Health Programmes.

Deputy Director / Assistant Director (Admin)

Rs. 60,000/- per month

Regular Government servants on deputation or Contractual, external recruit through open market

Based at respective City Corporations to travel within the Municipal Corporation

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Administrator with postgraduate degree in public health /statistics/ management

At least 3 years of work experience with demonstrated experience in the area of planning and infrastructure development, especially in slum areas

55 years Strong interpersonal and communication skills Professional writing and facilitation skills; Analytical and a team player

8 Consultant –

Hospital & Clinical Services (Consultant -HCS)

2 Posts Municipal Commissioners GVMC & VMC respectively

This position supports the Municipal Commissioner to ensure quality hospital services for the urban marginalized population.


Rs. 50,000/- per month

Contractual, external recruit through open market

Based at respective City Corporations to travel within the Municipal Corporations (GVMC & VMC)

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Postgraduate degree in public Health or Social Work

At least 3 years of demonstrated work experience in the area of urban outreach

45 years Strong interpersonal and communications skills Professional writing and facilitation skills; Analytical and a team player

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Sl.No. Job title Number of Posts

Reporting to RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess Level/Grade


Nature of Employment

Location Duration of


Academic and Professional


Work Experience

Maximum Age


Personal qualities and behavioral traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

9 AO (Accounts & HR)

2 posts Municipal Commissioners GVMC & VMC respectively

This position is responsible for managing funds, auditing, preparation of financial statements & UCs –for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of urban health programmes. Effectively manage the Human Resource for Urban Health, capacity building for improved performance of Human Resource. To maintain database of HR.

AO (Administrative Officer/ Accounts Officer)

Rs. 30,000/- per month

Regular Government servants on deputation Or Contractual, external recruit through open market

Based at respective City Corporations to travel within the Municipal Corporation need basis.

Minimum 1 year extendable upto 2 years

Masters in Economics, Finance/ CA

At least 7 years of experience within the department

45 years Ability to manage state wide interactions; Ability to be creative and innovative while addressing barriers;

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Application Format

Application for the post of ______________________________________

1. Name of the applicant (in Block Letters):_______________________

2. Father’s name (In Block Letters): ____________________________

3. Date of birth (with age in yrs):_______________

4. Sex : (Male/ Female) _____________________

5. Nationality: ___________________

6. Marital Status: _________________

7. Whether belongs to reserve category (Yes/No) Category details __________

8. Permanent Address:


9. Correspondence Address with Contact (Mobile) No



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10.Educational Qualifications:

Sr.No Educational qualification

Year of passing University/ Board

Special awards

11. Percentage of Marks

S.No Name Of the Qualifying Examination

Maximum Marks for entire duration of the qualifying in the qualifying Degree/ PG

Marks obtained in the qualifying Degree/ PG

Percentage of marks in the qualifying Degree/ PG

12. Work Experience

Sr.No Name of Employer Designation Duration Functions Performed

From To


I____________________ hereby declare that the particulars furnished by me in this application form are

true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any information is found to be incorrect, my

candidature shall liable to be rejected.

(Signature of the Applicant)


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NOTE: The filled applications should reach the office,