recruitment policy bhel

 Personnel Manual Volume I ub-Section A: 1 B Page No. 1 BHEL RECRUITMENT POLICY 1. bjectives (i) To meet the requirement of staff in the Company, both in terms of numbers and requisite knowledge skills and attitude. (ii) To lay down the standard for recruiting employees from outside to ensure transparency and adherence to uniform standards. 2. efinition Unless repugnant in the text or context, the following are the definitions of words used herein: (i) Competent Authority means the Chairman and Managing Director or any other authority delegated with powers in this behalf. (ii) Appointin g Authority in relation to a sp ecific p ost means the authority declared as such in the delegation of powers. (iii) Employee means any pers on appoin ted b y the C ompany as regular or temporary employees other than on deputation or casual employment. The term also includes Company's own trainees. 3. nduction Level 3.1 ob specifications for Induction Levels of Executives and Non-Executives are given in Annexure I and Annexure II respectively. 3.2 ecruitment to various posts is normally made at the induction levels indication in the Annexure. The recruitment of posts at other than induction levels is normally met from amongst the Company employee. In exceptional circumstances, however, recruitment to posts at the Corporate Office, if candidate with suitable skill and experience are not available internally. 3.3 n the Executive Cadre, induction is normally at grade El by absorption of Executive/ Engineer Trainee on their satisfactory completion of training in accordance with the relevant training schemes of the Company. Direct recruitment to this grade is made only in cases where such training is not envisaged. All posts in grade higher than El including the Sr. Executive Cadre are normally filled from amongst internal candidates unless otherwise decided by the Competent Authority. 3.4 nduction levels for n on-executive categories in 'A' group salary grades (Technical) are as under: Unskilled group l* Skilled group Supervisory group O Appointment to induction level posts for A I and A III grades is as Temporary employees for a specified period during which they are to be first placed on daily-rated basis then on consolidated wages basis before regularisation in the relevant grade.

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Personnel Manual

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1. bjectives

(i) To meet the requirement of staff in the Company, both in terms of

numbers and requisite knowledge skills and attitude.


To lay down the standard for recruiting employees from outside to ensure

transparency and adherence to uniform standards.

2. efinition

Unless repugnant in the text or context, the following are the definitions of words

used herein:


Competent Authority means the Chairman and Managing Director or any

other authority delegated with powers in this behalf.

(ii) Appointing Authority in relation to a specific post means the authority

declared as such in the delegation of powers.

(iii) Employee means any person appointed by the Company as regular or

temporary employees other than on deputation or casual employment. The

term also includes Company's own trainees.

3. nduction Level


ob specifications for Induction Levels of Executives and Non-Executives are

given in Annexure I and Annexure II respectively.


ecruitment to various posts is normally made at the induction levels indication in

the Annexure. The recruitment of posts at other than induction levels is normally

met from amongst the Company employee. In exceptional circumstances,

however, recruitment to posts at the Corporate Office, if candidate with suitable

skill and experience are not available internally.


n the Executive Cadre, induction is normally at grade El by absorption of

Executive/ Engineer Trainee on their satisfactory completion of training in

accordance with the relevant training schemes of the Company. Direct

recruitment to this grade is made only in cases where such training is not

envisaged. All posts in grade higher than El including the Sr. Executive Cadre

are normally filled from amongst internal candidates unless otherwise decided by

the Competent Authority.


nduction levels for non-executive categories in 'A' group salary grades

(Technical) are as under:

Unskilled group


Skilled group

Supervisory group


Appointment to induction level posts for A I and A III grades is as

Temporary employees for a specified period during which they are to be

first placed on daily-rated basis then on consolidated wages basis before

regularisation in the relevant grade.

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nduction to SO grade in the Technical group is normally for the post of

Supervisor Trainees, who will undergo training for a period of one year will

get absorbed as Assistant Chargeman in the same grade, on successful

compilation of training.


n the 'B' group of salary grades (Non-Technical) direct recruitment when made is

at grades B I, B III, B IV (for Stenographers and Receptionists), B V (for Staff

Nurses), and SO

grade unless specifically decided otherwise by the Competent



ny departure from the above should be with prior approval of Corporate Office in

each case.


ources of Recruitment

Recruitment to induction levels and other levels, where approved by the

Competent Authority, is normally from the source mentioned below:

(a) rom open market through advertisement in the Press.

In addition, vacancies to be notified to —

Employment Exchanges as per the provisions of the Employment

Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959.

Recognized associations and agencies who maintain rosters of

suitable persons in different skills and specialties for promotion of

the interests and welfare of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes,

Ex-Servicemen and other similar special categories.

(b) From reputed Engineering/ Management Institutes through Campus



By considering departmental candidates possessing the specified



By absorption of deputationists from the Central/ State

Governments and other Public Sector Undertakings.


Recruitment of Specialists working abroad with experience in

cutting edge technologies of relevance to BHEL.


Any other sources as approved by the Competent Authority in

exceptional circumstances.

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ode of recruitment


nskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled and Supervisory Groups

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All posts in this group required to be filled by outside recruitment are notified to

the appropriate Employment Exchange in the manner as provided in the

Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 and

Rules. In addition, a notification is issued in the Employment News published by

the Publication Division of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,

Government of India and in other Dailies. In addition, the Recruitment notice is

displayed on the Notice Board. All the eligible candidates, who have submitted

their applications in response to the notification in the Employment News as well

as Recruitment notice and candidates sponsored by the Employment Exchange

are considered.


xecutive and Sr. Executive Cadre

The sources of recruitment for posts in these cadres may be decided by the

Competent Authority depending on the requirements of the posts. Normally, an

advertisement is issued in leading daily newspapers on an All-India basis to tap

fully the potential available in the open market. Simultaneously, a notification is

sent to Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of labour, New

Delhi, with a request to sponsor suitable candidates, if any, registered on their

roster. However where job is of a special nature which can be performed only by

certain types of specialized personnel, the Competent Authority may decide to fill-

up the posts by persons on deputation from the Central/ State Governments and

others Public Sector Undertakings. Where recruitment from open market is

resorted to, other sources available, as mentioned at 4(b), (e) and (f) may also be

drawn upon where considered necessary by the Competent Authority


reference in Recruitment


t is the policy of the company to help the Government in achieving its objectives

in respect of the socio-economic status of those belonging to weaker sections of

the society.4n order that this objective is realized, the Company doesn't spare

any efforts


to adhere to and follow the Presidential/ Govt. Directives/ Act

concerning 'reservation of vacancies and concessions allowed to candidates

belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Ex-Serviceman/ Physically

Challenged/ Minority Communities etc. All Units/ Divisions must ensure fulfillment

of the requirements of this regard and send periodical returns to the Corporate

Office as required.

6.2 Dependents of deceased employees

General guidelines to be followed for direct employment on compassionate

grounds are as under :


mployee dying due to accident during the course of and arising

out of employment — In such eventualities, existing practice of

consideration on case to case basis for sanction of vacancy (USW/ SSW/

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Artisan or Clerk) will continue keeping in view that none of the children or

the spouse of such employees is already employed in Govt. / Semi Govt. /

Autonomous Body/ PSU/ Organizations listed on Stock Exchange. Such

appointment will, however, be subject to assessment of suitability.


n other cases of death


n other cases, whenever Units are sanctioned vacancies of USW/ SSW/

Artisans and Clerk, up to 25% vacancies may be earmarked for being

filled-up from dependants of deceased employees (Spouse/ son/

unmarried daughter) subject to their meeting the job specifications and

consideration for suitability. If number of vacancies sanctioned are so low

that it is difficult to adopt above criteria for reserving vacancies, decision in

this regard may be taken by the Unit Incharge. In addition this

consideration is available provided none of the children or the spouse of

such employees is already employed in Govt./ Semi Govt./ Autonomous

Body/ PSU/ Organizations listed on Stock Exchange.

ii) ge relaxation may be allowed as under:


Employees dying due to accident

during the course of and

arising out of employment on

merits of each case.

b) In other cases — Age relaxation up to a maximum of 5 years.

iii) he reservation for various categories like SC/ST/OBC etc. may be

worked out for the total number of vacancies sanctioned and accordingly

filled—up. However it should be an endeavour to fill-up vacancies kept

reserved for dependants of deceased employees, to the extent possible,

from such candidates on prorata basis.

iv) separate written test may be conducted for dependents of deceased

employees in case return examination is being conducted for remaining

vacancies also.


separate panel may be prepared for dependants of deceased


3. otification of vacancies to Employment Exchange

This is obligatory to notify such vacancies to Employment Exchange concerned

indicating in the requisition that the vacancy(ies) in question are proposed to be

filled by the dependants of the deceased employees and that the submissions by

the Employment Exchange are not required.



In case, some of the vacancies kept reserved for dependants of deceased

employees remaining unfilled due to non-availability of suitable candidates, Units

are vested with the powers to fill-up these vacancies from other candidates.

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For purpose of this concession 'dependent' means only son, daughter or

spouse of the employee. 'Deceased employee' means an employee who dies

while in company service.


rocedural Details


ligibility of Internal candidates

Internal candidates possessing the requisite qualifications and experience etc. as

prescribed for them are eligible to apply and be considered on equal merits along

with others for posts at induction levels sought to be filled up.

7.2 ge limits


A candidate is considered for appointment only if his age, according to

Matriculation/ SSLC/ Higher Secondary certificate or the birth certificate

issued by the concerned authorities is above 18 years and below the

upper age limits laid down in the job specifications, provided that the upper

age limit may be relaxed as per rules in respect of different categories as

prescribed in Presidential/ Govt. Directives/ Act.


No person is normally appointed if his age is 60 years or above.

7.3 ppointing Authority

(a) The Chairman and Managing Director is the appointing authority for

appointments to posts at E5 and above levels expect that to which

appointments are made by the Government.

(b) For appointments to posts upto E4 levels, the appointing authority is the

authority delegated with the power in this regard.




onstitution of Selection Boards

Selection Boards are constituted by the appointing authority/ HR Heads to

conduct tests/ interviews and to select candidates for appointment to any posts in

the company from among those called for such tests/ interviews. Selection to

osts in the Senior Executive Cadre and other common Executive Cadre are

conducted by the Central Selection Board constituted for the purpose by the

orporate Office. For selection to posts falling within the purview of the Unit

Management, Selection Boards are constituted as required or as prescribed by

Corporate Office, provided that in the case of recruitment to Executive posts, a

member of the Central Selection Board is associated.


n officer belonging to different categories/ communities is to be co-opted on the

Selection Boards in terms of Presidential/ Govt. Directives on the reservation/

safeguarding the interests for different categories/ communities including


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ppointment Offers

An offer of appointment is issued to the selected candidate in the prescribed

format. This is signed by the Appointing Authority/ or the officer to whom the

power is delegated in this behalf/ nominated this purpose.

9.2 oining Time

Normally a person to whom an offer appointment has been made is expected to

join the services of the Company within 30 days from the date of issue of

appointment offer. However, extension in this period may be granted by the

Competent Authority depending upon exigencies of work, urgency with which the

post is to be filled up etc. If the candidate does not report for duty within the

stipulated period, the offer of appointment shall be deemed to have been


9.3 edical Fitness

Every candidate appointed to a post in the company is required to undergo a

medical examination by the Company s Medical Officer at the time of

appointment and is required to satisfy the medical fitness standards prescribed

for the post. This does not, however, apply to an internal candidate of the

company who has already been medically examined and declared fit at the time

of his initial appointment and such other candidates who come from Central/

State Government unless the Appointing Authority decides otherwise.

The Medical Examination and the fitness or otherwise is governed by the Medical

Examination Rules of the Company.

9.4 eference checks and antecedents verification

The character and antecedents of all the selected candidates shall be verified in

the manner prescribed by the Management.

9.5 oining Formalities

Appointees to regular scales of pay, on joining the Company to take up

appointment, are required to report to the Head of the HR Department of the Unit

concerned and furnish such documents as are required by them.

If on verification at the time of appointment or at a later date, it is found that an

appointee has furnished wrong information, he is liable for termination from the

services of the Company.

9.6 Seniority

Seniority on appointment is strictly as per the merit list drawn up to the Selection

Committee. After a candidate is inducted into the Organization he is given a

seniority status vis-a-vis his existing colleagues in the Company, based upon his

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date of entry into that particular grade and taking into account weightage, if any,

granted for his earlier service. Weightage for past service has to be approved in

each individual case by Corporate Office.

9.7 robation and Confirmation

All appointees in the Company are governed by the rules relating to probation

and confirmation as notified from time to time.


e-employment of Ex-BHEL Personnel

10.1 While prior employment with BHEL does not give any preferential right, the

Company may whenever considered appropriate give re-employment to its ex-

employees subject to rules mentioned hereunder:

The Head of the Division from where the candidate left BHEL should give

a proposal certifying his willingness to consider the candidate for re-


In case the candidate is to be re-employed in a Division other than the one

from which he left, the Head of the Division from where the candidate left

BHEL should give his views on his performance prior to leaving BHEL and

also the Head of Division in which the candidate is proposed to be re-

employed should give his concurrence to consider his candidature.

Re-employment of ex-BHEL personnel have been made with a view to

consider only such cases of ex-BHEL employees in which the experience/

training grained in BHEL is of a specialized nature and coupled with the

experience gained by such individual after leaving BHEL, they are


facie considered more useful to the Organization for the particular

specialization/ field of activity.

There must be a suitable budgeted vacancy existing in the particular

Division against which the candidate is to be re-employed.

The candidate will be interviewed by the Central Selection Board in the

case of Executive or an appropriate Board in the case of non-executives.

The Minutes of the Selection Board must be sent to Director (HR) for his


10.2 The grade and pay on re-employment should, in no case, be fixed in such a manner

that the re-employed person will be in a better position as compared to his

contemporaries at the time of his resignation from BHEL. The best terms and

conditions to be offered would thus be, what the candidate would have drawn had

he continued

in BHEL.


The above item refers only to the matter of pay fixation. All other benefits will be

applicable treating the candidate as a fresh appointee.

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Weightage for services rendered in BHEL as well as outside BHEL prior to re-

employment will be recommended by the Central Selection Board where

considered appropriate, reviewed by Corporate HR and approved by

Director(HR) in the case of Executives or the concerned Head of the Division in

the case of non-executives.

11. Interpretation and Changes

Notwithstanding anything contained above, the Chairman and Managing Director

or an authority to whom such powers are delegated, may modify, alter, delete or

add any clause or sub-clause to these rules as and when considered necessary

for the efficient conduct of the Company's business.

The Chairman and Managing Director shall be the final authority in the

interpretation of these rule and in the cases not covered by these Rules, his

decision shall be final.