recruitment test

RECRUITMENT TEST HRP ASSIGNMENT ABSTRACT The assignmen t is about the recruitme nt test carried out for selection process in a company Made by- Jagruti Godambe

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recruitment test


ABSTRACTThe assignment is about the recruitment test carried out for selection process in a company

Made by-Jagruti Godambe Swati JainRoll no- 15 and 60 DIV- PG-A

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If you are currently applying for a job then the chances are that you will need to sit a recruitment and selection test as part of the process. These tests aim to provide a potential employer with an insight into how well you work with other people, how well you handle stress, and whether you will be able to cope with the intellectual demands of the job.

Recruitment and selection tests are only part of the selection process and you will still be asked to complete an application form, send in a copy of your resume and attend at least one interview. All of these things will tell the employer something about you and help them to choose the most appropriate candidate for the vacancy. Recruitment and selection tests can be split into personality tests and aptitude/ability tests.

The principle behind personality tests is that it is possible to quantify your personality characteristics by asking you about your feelings, thoughts and behaviour. Personality has a significant role to play in deciding whether you have the enthusiasm and motivation that the employer is looking for and whether you going to fit in to the organization, in terms of your personality, attitude  and general work style? Personality tests can be applied in a straightforward way at the early stages of selection to screen-out candidates who are likely to be unsuitable for the job.

Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your intellectual performance. These types of test can be broadly classified onto the groups shown and you may be asked to sit a test which consists only of ‘numerical’ questions or these may form part of a test which consists of questions of different types.

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Your test score is then compared with the results of a control group which has taken the tests in the past. This control group could consist of other graduates, current job holders or a sample of the population as a whole. Your reasoning skills can then be assessed in relation to this control group and judgments made about your ability.

Remember, recruitment and selection tests are only part of the overall assessment procedure. Employers will use them alongside interviews, application forms, academic results and other selection methods, so your your test result  won't be the only information looked at.

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Different tests depend on the job and company

Generally to determine the applicant’s ability, aptitude and personality

Ability tests ( how well an individual can perform tasks related to the job -eg typist)

Aptitude tests ( helps determine a person’s potential to learn in a given area – eg GMAT))

Interest tests –(people are likely to succeed in jobs they like - Strong Interest Inventory (SII))

Projective tests (interpretation/writing a story etc on ambiguous pictures-motives, frustrations, aspirations can be known –eg ink blot )

Intelligence tests-mental ability test - IQ

Achievement tests –(measure effects of learning –Standford Test of Academic Skills, California Achievement Tests)

Personality test- to assess personality, to

measure a prospective employee’s motivation to

function in a particular working environment

( 16 PF ,MBTI , Big 5 etc)

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personality Test:

Personalities Are The Greatest Contributors To Individuality - Although Appearance May Change Throughout Ones Lives, Personality Usually Doesn't. Everybody Has Certain Identifiable Personality Traits That Characterize His/Her Individuality.

Understanding Your Candidate's True Personality Will Allow You To Understand Your Candidates Better And Identify Whose Personality Is Better Suited For Your Requirement. Research Shows That Different Personality Types Behave Differently, Interact With Others Differently And Have Different Preferences.

Personality Test Evaluates Various Typical Areas Of A Person’s Individual Characteristics And Personality Traits And Helps You To Find Out What Your Candidate's Personality Type Is And Find Out How Suitable He/She Is For Your Job.

Computer Skills Tests:

In This Highly Technological Age, Computer Skills And Computer Knowledge Are Undeniably Important. As Technology Advances, More Developed Computer Skills Are Required To Accelerate The Results And Production In Day To Day Business Environment.

Thus It Has Become Very Important For Employers And HR Persons To Hire Employees Who Have Ample Knowledge Of Computer Skills So As To Offer Speed, Accuracy And Efficiency In His/Her Areas Of Responsibilities.

Computer IQ Helps To Understand Your Candidate's Level Of Computer Knowledge. Scorelogix Computer Skill Test Is Measured On The Following Sub-Dimensions:

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Knowledge Of Software Applications Knowledge Of Operating Systems Knowledge Of Information Storing And ProcessingKnowledge Of Computer Hardware Knowledge Of Internet Tools Knowledge Of Wireless Access And Devices.

Sales Aptitude Test:

All Sales Jobs Are Unique. This Is Why A Sales Person Can Be A Great Success In One Job And A Miserable Failure In Another. Some Jobs Need Assertive And Independent Types; Others Need Helpful, Service-Oriented Types. Some Need A Strong Technical Orientation While Others Are More Consultative. Some Have Long-Selling Cycles, While Others Are Shorter. The Key To A Successful And Productive Sales Force Is To Correctly Match The Person To The Job. 

Test For Sales Aptitude, Guarantees A Perfect Match. This Is A Combination Of Intelligence And Communication Tests. Managers Test:

To Assess An Individuals Behavioural And Personality Characteristics That Is Important For Success In Sales Occupations. 

In Today's Economy, Hiring Goal Achievers Is An Economic Necessity. No Longer Can Managers Afford To Hire Sales People Who Perform Below Expectations. 

Gives A Solution For This In The Form Of A Sales Manager Test Package. The Sales Manager Test Is Not Just A Personality Test Or An Ordinary Sales Test. It Is A Package That Predicts 

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• Assertiveness• Motivation• Self-Confidence• Patience• Customer Service Characteristics

Leadership Talent Test:

Changing Organizational Structures And Greater Workforce Diversity Has Drastically Changed Our Comprehension Of Leadership. Leadership Is Now Seen As A Relationship Between Leaders And Those Being Lead. We Now Know That Leadership Is Revealed In Many Behavioral And Personality Styles, From Charismatic Visionaries To Quiet Team Players. Leadership Can Be Measured In Numerous Dimensions, With Leaders And Followers Interchanging Roles As The Situation Demands 

The Recipe For A Successful Business Includes Leadership That Fosters Strong Connections Between Peers And Across Organizational Functions And Levels. 

Tests With DoLBe Theory. This Checks How The Person Is Originally And How Much The Person Learns And How Much He Puts Into Process What He Learns. This Also Gives Insight About The Managerial Skills Of The Individual.

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"When people talk about psychometric tests, they sometimes mean questionnaires," says Mark Parkinson, a business psychologist who puts together both for organisations. "A test is something with a right or wrong answer, which might be used to measure numeracy or literacy, for example, while a questionnaire would be used to find out about someone's personality." Employers may use one or both of these in the recruitment process.

The questionnaire is supposed to discover what kind of person you are in ways that you wouldn't necessarily admit to in an interview, with questions designed to expose how you behave and what motivates you. A good test will be set up to pick up on any inconsistencies and make it difficult for you to put on an act – there is a built-in "lie scale". An aptitude test is supposed to show how good you are at tasks required in the job and may measure how quickly you get to the right answer. The employer may have a minimum score you have to achieve, or be looking for the candidate with the best score, says Parkinson.


"If you're recruiting for senior people these days, you will usually do something called an assessment centre – this will involve an interview, a work sampling and a psychometric test," says Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University. "An interview on its own is a very poor predicter of ultimate success."

So too are the other elements, when taken alone. For example, looking at the quality of someone's work, without knowing how they cope with decision-making, makes it hard to know if they will be able to work in an environment where speed is of the essence.

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Parkinson says the results should always be validated at an interview. If someone comes across as sociable, they should be asked to give an example.


Parkinson says they are only any good if the recruiter knows what they are trying to measure and why. "Where they often fail is when people try to use them to assess things that you can't measure, such as creativity or leadership," he says. The recruiter needs to decide what kind of traits they think make a good leader and look for those.


"You can't actually 'ace' a psychometric test – the recruiter is using it to see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how they match up with the job requirements," says Cooper. He points out that while for some roles, scoring highly for sociability would be in your favour, if you were applying for a job auditing sensitive accounts or running a remote lighthouse, it might count against you.

However, while the other elements of the recruitment process should be taken into account, it could be that the employer is looking for particular results in the test, and rejects candidates who don't fit the bill. You won't have failed the test as such, but you won't get the job.


Some questionnaires now try and establish the "dark side" of your personality and how traits might be displayed if things go wrong and you find yourself under pressure. Arguably, Co-op Bank's recruiters should have used this one.