red & blue in solomon's temple

Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple  jwr47 Red & Blue for Boaz and Jachin In T heosophy In Theosophy some of the symbols 1  for Boaz and Jachin have been painted red and violet-blue – suggesting a representation of the red & blue blood. Generally the red J-pillar is arising from the sea and the violet-blue (to be more precise the violet  border color of the rainbow) B-pillar from the soil. Apokalyptisches Siegel 4; painted by Clara Rettich according to Rudolf Steiner's ideas, Stuttgart 1911 Licence  Creative Commons „Namensnennung, We itergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen“ . Boaz is known as the pillar of strength or severity and represents the Sun. Jachin is known as the  pillar of beauty or mildness and represents the Moon. Boaz and Jachin are built into the architectur e of all masonic lodges. 1 Apocalyptic seal (1911)  and Jachin and Boas and Adam Kadmon in center of Jachin and Boaz. Androgyne of male and female, as above so below .  Fig. 1: Apocalyptic Seal 

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In Theosophy some of the symbols1 for Boaz and Jachin have been painted red and violet-blue – suggesting a representation of the red & blue blood. Generally the red J-pillar is arising from the sea and the violet-blue B-pillar from the soil. Boaz is known as the pillar of strength or severity and represents the Sun. Jachin is known as the pillar of beauty or mildness and represents the Moon. Boaz and Jachin are built into the architecture of all masonic lodges. From the triad-concept (of two antipodes and a shared union symbol) it should be clear that we are using a trinity symbol of three pillar & three vowel symbols. Although in the course of time the divine name tended to expand to seven vowels it originally seemed to have been restricted to three elements (I, A, U respectively in Hebrew Y, H, V).Intrinsically all flags using red and blue (plus a third symbol such as white or a virtually veiled spare place) seem to be using these symbolic pillars from ancient eras, in which the people must have been scared to death that they would be smashed by a falling sky and needed protection by real pillars or their vocal or colored representations.


  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple


    Red & Blue in Solomon's Templejwr47

    Red & Blue for Boaz and Jachin In Theosophy

    In Theosophy some of the symbols1 for Boaz and Jachinhave been painted red and violet-blue

    su!!estin! a representation of the red " blue blood#

    $enerally the red J-pillar is arisin! from the sea and the violet-blue %& to be more precise the violet

    border color of the rainbow' B-pillar from the soil#

    (po)alyptisches *ie!el4+ painted by ,lara ettichaccordin! toudolf *teiner.sideas/ *tutt!art 1011icence,reative ,ommons 23amensnennun!/ eiter!abe unter !leichen Bedin!un!en5#

    Boaz is )nown as the pillar of stren!th or severity and represents the *un# Jachin is )nown as the

    pillar of beauty or mildness and represents the 6oon# Boaz and Jachin are built into the architecture

    of all masonic lod!es#

    1 (pocalyptic seal %1011'and Jachin and Boasand(dam admon in center of Jachin and Boaz# (ndro!yne of male and female/ as above so below#

    Fig. 1: Apocalyptic Seal
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple


    In the website The Three Pillars of 6asonry8 I found some of the antipodal definitions for the

    pillars/ which also meets the conditions for the *ephirot9

    First pillar Second pillar Third pillar

    (broken central pillar)

    Boaz%or Betah:;' - Jachin-

    %meanin! Yahestablishes)4%veiled' *un

    ?eavens %topped with a !lobe

    representin! the heavens'

    @arth %topped with a !lobe

    representin! the earth'


    *tren!th @stablishment ?armony %balance'

    Aoric %stren!th' ,orinthian %beauty' Ionic pillar %master'

    6ale emale $od

    Birth %silver pillar' Aeath %blac) pillar' Ceiled %path of )nowled!e'%?i!h Driestess in Tarot'


    %outer rainbow.s border'

    ed%crimsonE scarlet'

    %inner rainbow.s border'

    Durpleas a miFture ofblue

    and red%or the sun.s


    Cowel%s'9 I/ Y Cowel%s'9 G/ Cowel%s'9 (/ @/ !/ H/

    rom other studies I added the vowel symbolism to the table#

    *ometimes the attributes are miFed up and reverse polarity such as9

    The pillar of Jachim represents the solar/ masculine/ active/ positive/ eFpansive principleof li!ht+ the pillar of Boaz represents the lunar/ female/ passive/ ne!ative/ containin!

    principle of dar)ness#

    *amples for symbolic polarity are found in a video clip9 6ystery *chool esson 89 aw of Dolarity

    The attributes of colors represent antipodes/ which in theosophy define Jachin as red and Boaz as

    blue# ?owever there are other definitions which su!!est to assi!n the male warriors and emperors to

    red colorsK#

    The color symbols also may be found in the Bible# The most important color symbol in Jewish

    reli!ion may have been te)heletblue#

    Durple and scarlethowever dominate in LThe Parallel LivesL by Dlutarch# In fact purple alwaysseems to have been the ultimate royal respectively imperial symbol#

    8 The ThreePillars of 6asonry - Boynton 6asonic od!e

    : The *ecret of *olomon.s Dillars9Jachin and Boaz4 The *ecret of *olomon.s Dillars9Jachin and Boaz

    Jachin and BoazK LTheParallel LivesL by Dlutarch# - %& *ymbolism of Durple and *carlet in $ree) and oman *ocieties',d.bGE,d.bGE,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.ZGU,d.ZGU
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple


    Uniting Male & Female

    The 1Kth century *efad abbalistic enaissance ennacted the prayer before performin! 6itzvot

    Jewish observances/ unitin! Tiferet-Beauty/ central principle in the male emotions %Meir (npin' with

    6al)uth-in!ship/ the feminine *hechinah79

    Lor the sa)e of the union of the ?oly ne Blessed be ?e/ and ?is *he)hinah/ to unitethe name N-? with C-? in a perfect union/ in the name of all IsraelL

    The tas) of man is restorin! union %Nichud' to the 6ale and emale Aivine manifestations# ithin

    the Tetra!rammaton %N?C?'/ the first two letters N-? si!nify the ,oncealed orldEGpper Gnity

    with $od/ and the latter two C-? si!nify the ,reated orldEower Gnity O#This formula reveals the

    concept of the male " female antipodes#

    This concept of bipolarity is common in oman and $ree) reli!ion as well# The vowels have been

    used to symbolize the pillars/ which had to prevent a collapse of the s)y 0#

    If available in these namin! conventions the pillars always had to be represented by the sacred

    vowels# ?owever the Jewish alphabet does not easily reveal its vowels# @specially the name Boazcannot be simply replaced by a vowel#

    ?ebrew reli!ion used the pillars J and B for the antipodal symbols# In oman concepts the I and G

    %& IG-piter' and in $ree) concepts @1Pand G %resultin! in the s)y-!od Meus' have been used#

    In the traditional form/ vowels are indicated by the wea) consonants(leph%'/ ?e%'/ Cav%'/ orNodh '% se"#in$ as #o%el lee"s/ or matres lectionis11# This idea has been introduced in all

    principal civilizations18#

    In a similar way the @uropean vowels (-@-I--G in the ancient oman alphabet served as a

    symbolic device for the ?absbur! emperor rederic) III %1410:'/ who habitually si!ned

    buildin!s such as Bur! iener 3eustadt or $raz ,athedral as well as his tableware and otherobjects with the vowel seQuence/ which just was another vowel acronym of the ?oly 3ame


    The vowels %which symbolized eternity' also played an important role in desi!nin! the most

    important14of all words/ which %eFcept the divine name N?C?/ IG-piter/ etc# of course' is the e!o-

    pronoun1/ which consists of the vowels (/ @/ I/ / G/ but also H1K/ N17/ etc#

    7 *ephirot

    O Meir (npin0 The orld.s Dillar in the ords

    1P The @-Inscription at the mphalos11 ?ebrewRalphabetSCowels

    18 The *acred Cowels in Dronouns notes"n the *ymbolism of the Cowels (-@-I--G

    1: The (#@#I##G-device of rederic) III14 (ccordin! to 6orris *wadesh %Cowels for @ternity'

    1 The ,reation of est-@uropean Dronouns

    1K H for Hternity - ( orld made of ords" %The ,reation e!end encoded in a word

    /@tymolo!y for Ay/ Tiwand %5IU'

    17 The N had been introduced as a vowel in between I and G %The N-Droceedin!s %The N-ey to the @n!lish @!o-Dronouns',_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple



    rom the triad-concept %of two antipodes and a shared union symbol' it should be clear that we are

    usin! a trinity symbol of pillar " vowel symbols# (lthou!h the divine name tended to eFpand to

    seven vowels1Oit ori!inally seemed to have been restricted to three elements %I/ (/ G respectively in

    ?ebrew N/ ?/ C'#

    The Booz and Jachim pillars

    ri!inally from 18:P up to 1K44 the Booz and Jachin10pillars had been installed at the entrance hall

    of the Vrzbur! ilian-cathedral# They had been desi!ned around 18:P as eQuivalents to the

    Jerusalem temple/ which accordin! to the le!end had been created by ?iram of Tyre#

    Both pillars had been inscribed with their names Booz and Iachim respectively8P# The ori!inal red

    paint may be observed at several locations# ther colors are very scarce or missin!#

    The Iachim node-column has been eQuipped with a sin!ular more complicated O-strin!sE4 level

    )not/ whereas the Booz pillar uses a 4-strin!sEtwo dual level )nots#

    The traces of red paint are clearly visible at the )nots of the Iachim pillar in the Vrzbur! ilian-


    own photograph

    1O The ?ermetic ,odeF II" n the *ymbolism of the Cowels"5The 6ystery of the *even CowelsU %1001' Joscelyn

    $odwin10 Jachin has been eFplained in $en 4K/1P+Boas in ut 8-4#

    8P Jachin and Boas Bibelwissenschaft#de%$erman'81 *ymbolism in the Vrzbur! @piscopal esidence

    2: e! traces at the "achi# no!e$

    col%#n in &'r(b%rg12*+),d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple


    Exodus !"#

    .6oreover/ thou shalt ma)e the tabernacle with ten curtains/ of fine twisted linen and

    blueandpurpleand scarlet/ with cherubim of cunnin! wor) shalt thou ma)e them#.

    This trio of colors/ .blue/purpleand scarlet./ is thus listed to!ether some :P times in the Bible# They

    are in the in! JamesW Cersion of 1K11/ translatin! the ori!inal ?ebrew terms# Te)helet has become

    .blue.+ (r!aman .purple.+ and Tolaat *hani .scarlet.# 88

    Red & Blue in $olomon%s Temple

    There was a two-leaved door between it and the ?oly Dlace overlaid with !old %8 ,hr# 4988'+ also a

    veil of te)helet %blue'/purple/ and crimsonand fine linen %8 ,hr# :914+ compare @Fodus 8K9::'#

    The color scheme of the veil was symbolic# Bluerepresented the heavens/ while red or crimson

    represented the earth# Durple/ a combination of the two colors/ represents a meetin! of the heavens

    and the earth#

    The blue s)y may have symbolized the male and the red earth the female element#

    *ource %detail'9 the fourth *eal9 Jachin and Boasby,lara ettich

    88 Durple Ayein! in the (ncient 6editerranean orld - Te,helet8: *olomons Temple 99 BrisbaneFree#asons

    Fig. *: The seals o- a bl%e #ale pillar s,y) an!

    a re! -e#ale pillar earth),d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU,d.ZGU
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple


    Red & Blue in 'raeco(Roman culture

    I investi!ated the color symbolism in $raeco-oman culture by analyzin! LTheParallel LivesL by

    Dlutarch for Quotations ofpurpleand scarlet/ which seem to be the most prominent symbolic colors

    in $raeco-oman culture84#

    The use of blue is not recorded in LTheParallel LivesL althou!h others recordpurpleandblueas astate monopoly9

    ,aesar and (u!ustus restricted the use of the dyes to !overnin! classes# 3ero %d# KO ,@'

    issued a decree that !ave the emperor eFclusive ri!ht to wear purpleorblue!arments#

    Gnder ,onstantius %::7-:K8' the restrictions were slac)ly enforced#In :O:/ an edict by

    $ratian/ Calentinian/ and Theodosius deemed the manufacture of hi!her Quality purple

    andbluea state monopoly#8

    3ot a word is bein! said to the crimsonandEor scarletcolors#

    *ince Dlutarch wrote around 1PP (#A# he can hardly be considered a primary source for the earliest

    be!innin!s# (t the same time/ he appears to have been very careful in his research/ and may be the

    best source now eFtant for early eras#

    rom the earliest eras of oman history %the ife of omulus' the leader wore purple9 a scarlet

    tunic and a to!a bordered with purple# @ven children did wear a robe bordered with purple#

    (s a remar)able fact The life of Julius ,aesar does not contain any reference to purple# If Dlutarch

    had searched for any divine attribute to honor ,aesar he would have been able to invent some

    purple robe for the divine emperor#

    ( !reat number of colorin! codes for purple and scarlet/ but none for blue could be detected in the

    historical records of Dlutarch# Durple seems to be the imperial and divine symbol/ such as the purplevestment of the !oddess Aemeter# *carlet may have been a male symbol for warriors#

    in!s and !enerals ma)e their appearance in a purple robe/ but the )in!s wear a royal diadem and a

    purple robe# In a battle the )in! and the !enerals wear scarlet coats# The usual si!nal of impendin!

    battle was the display of a scarlet tunic %probably as a male symbol for a male warrior'#

    84 *ymbolism of Durple and *carlet in $ree) and oman *ocieties8 The *cience of Te,helet,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple



    In ?ebrew tradition te)helet %blue' seems to have been the most important of the three basic color

    symbols blue/ purple and red9

    *pea) to the children of Israel/ and bid them ma)e frin!es in the corners of their !arments

    throu!hout their !enerations/ puttin! upon the frin!e of each corner a thread of blue# (nd itshall be unto you for a frin!e/ that you may loo) upon it and remember all the

    commandments of the ord/ and do them+

    rom the start/ the colored !arments were !reatly revered/ as can be attested to by a 6inoan

    priestess fi!urine dated 1KPP B,@ which has what appear to be dar) blue decorations on her attire#

    The dyes were rare and valuable/ and wool colored with them was worth up to 8P times its wei!ht

    in !old# These precious dyes were reserved for royalty+ they colored the robes of the )in!s and

    princes of 6edia/ Babylon/ @!ypt/ $reece/ and ome/ and to wear them was to identify with


    The eleventh century Biblical commentator/ ashi/ eFplains how loo)in! at the frin!es reminds oneof all $odXs commandments# That which is to remind us of $odXs commandments is not the tsitsit/

    but rather the thread of blue/ the te)helet8K#

    *tran!e as it may seem blue has been banned from oman ,atholic litur!y87/ which su!!ests it

    should be considered as a female symbol#

    *amentation for Tyre+

    The biblical teFt amentation for Tyre eFactly describes what has been important those days in

    antiQuity# The list also includes the state of the art/ includin! materials/ soldiers/ payments and

    special Quality descriptions#In my study to identify the reli!ious symbolism I especially searched for the color specifications#

    The only colors which %in analo!y to e#!# @Fodus 894 and 8 ,hronicles :914' had been specified in

    amentation for Tyre are white/ Blue/ Durple and ed#

    Medie,al color sym-ols.

    (ntipodal:Pred and blue symbols had been applied in architecture and artwor):1#

    Cowels had been intended and desi!ned to stabilize society in analo!y to the N " B-pillars of

    *olomon.s temple# The N-vowel had been desi!ned as an andro!ynous symbol:8#

    ed " blue have been used in idu)ind.s Tomband in the tombs for the first BritishE@n!lish royalfamilies in ontevraud::#

    8K The *cience of Te,helet87 itur!ical %and oyal' ,olours

    8O amentation for Tyre80 Blue and ed in 6edieval $arments" Blue and ed in 3otitia Ai!nitatum

    :P *ymbolism in (ntipodal ,olors

    :1 ed and Blue in (rchitecture and (rtw### " eystones to eli!ious (rchitecture"*ymbolism in the $arden ofAeli!ht

    :8 *ocial Initiation and *tabilisation:: Blue and ed in 6edieval $arments" The ?ermetic ,odeF II - Bipolar 6onotheism,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE,d.bGE
  • 5/24/2018 Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple



    ,hec)in! triad structures in fla!s we mi!ht easily identify the most prominent color symbols red/

    blue and the yellow central sun in 17O9 The fla!.s desi!n in red/ blue and yellow by rancisco de

    6iranda %for ,olombia/Cenezuela and @cuador'/ which obviously had been inspired by J##


    6iranda.s and $oethe.s color combination clearly corresponds to the triad of three pillars blue5?eavensU %Boaz/ red 5@arthU %Jachin and the yellow/ 5veiledU 5*unU#


    In Theosophy some of the symbols:for Boaz and Jachinhave been painted red and violet-blue

    su!!estin! a representation of the red " blue blood#

    $enerally the red J-pillar is arisin! from the sea and the violet-blue %& to be more precise the violet

    border color of the rainbow' B-pillar from the soil# Boaz is )nown as the pillar of stren!th or

    severity and represents the *un# Jachin is )nown as the pillar of beauty or mildness and represents

    the 6oon# Boaz and Jachin are built into the architecture of all masonic lod!es#rom the triad-concept %of two antipodes and a shared union symbol' it should be clear that we are

    usin! a trinity symbol of three pillar " three vowel symbols# (lthou!h in the course of time the

    divine name tended to eFpand to seven vowels:Kit ori!inally seemed to have been restricted to three

    elements %I/ (/ G respectively in ?ebrew N/ ?/ C'#

    Intrinsically all fla!s usin! red and blue %plus a third symbol such as white or a virtually veiled

    spare place' seem to be usin! these symbolic pillars from ancient eras/ in which the people must

    have been scared to death that they would be smashed by a fallin! s)y and needed protection by real

    pillars or their vocal or colored representations#


    ed " Blue for Boaz and Jachin In Theosophy##############################################################################1

    Gnitin! 6ale " emale###################################################################################################################:


    The Booz and Jachim pillars############################################################################################################4

    @Fodus 8K91#####################################################################################################################################

    ed " Blue in *olomon.s Temple####################################################################################################

    ed " Blue in $raeco-oman culture#############################################################################################K


    amentation for Tyre#######################################################################################################################76edieval color symbols###################################################################################################################7



    :4 @tymolo!y for la!s"6emories of (r!entina/ ,olumbia and Cenezuela

    : (pocalyptic seal %1011'and Jachin and Boasand(dam admon in center of Jachin and Boaz# (ndro!yne of male and female/ as above so below#

    :K The ?ermetic ,odeF II" n the *ymbolism of the Cowels"5The 6ystery of the *even CowelsU %1001' Joscelyn$odwin