redefining magnetic properties from an aether physics perspective

Blog to be converted into an official white paper for submission. Opinions being requested. Thanks PROBABLE SOLUTION FOR VARIBLE NEAR EARTH PROBE SPEEDS BY THE FURTHER DEFINING OF MAGNETIC PROPERTIES FROM AN AETHER PHYSICS PERSPECTIVE Colleen Thomas BSN with contributions In pursuit of an understanding of the forces and properties of nature one is beset with a mess of subdivided scientific fields that apply inconsistent terms and descriptions that run counter to one another depending on the scientific discipline one draws information from. The magnetic force is treated as either an attractive or repulsive force in most disciplines but this does not bring full clarity to the property under consideration. In the interest of clarity in our understanding of the magnetic force and in the interest of demystifying confounding results of varying near Earth probe speeds itching the minds of NASA scientists it will be demonstrated that the magnetic force needs to be defined in terms of reluctance (same concept as electrical resistance) and permeance [A, B, C, D] (same as electrical permittance) in addition to attraction and repulsion. This current work will explain the advantage to NASA for utilizing the reluctance and permeance terms instead of just thinking in terms of attraction and repulsion only. The terms "attractions and repulsion" are best suited for describing ion electrical conduction, discussions of gravitational forces are better served using permeance and reluctance to give drag and acceleration better meaning and comprehension of what force is acting to cause these effects. On March 3, 2008 an article appeared in the online magazine titled NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes [5 ]. In the article scientists admit an utter lack of understanding as to why space probes approach the earth at faster speeds south of the equator than north of it. It was also noted in the article that within an as yet undefined distance from the equatorial 1

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Blog that will be converted into an official white paper once graphics are ready. I was invited to write a paper out of this for submission to Institute for Advanced Studies in the Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences. Call for papers is on now at for the read and any comments you share


Page 1: Redefining Magnetic Properties From an Aether Physics Perspective

Blog to be converted into an official white paper for submission. Opinions being requested. Thanks


Colleen Thomas BSN with contributions

In pursuit of an understanding of the forces and properties of nature one is beset with a mess of subdivided scientific fields that apply inconsistent terms and descriptions that run counter to one another depending on the scientific discipline one draws information from. The magnetic force is treated as either an attractive or repulsive force in most disciplines but this does not bring full clarity to the property under consideration. In the interest of clarity in our understanding of the magnetic force and in the interest of demystifying confounding results of varying near Earth probe speeds itching the minds of NASA scientists it will be demonstrated that the magnetic force needs to be defined in terms of reluctance (same concept as electrical resistance) and permeance [A, B, C, D] (same as electrical permittance) in addition to attraction and repulsion. This current work will explain the advantage to NASA for utilizing the reluctance and permeance terms instead of just thinking in terms of attraction and repulsion only. The terms "attractions and repulsion" are best suited for describing ion electrical conduction, discussions of gravitational forces are better served using permeance and reluctance to give drag and acceleration better meaning and comprehension of what force is acting to cause these effects.

On March 3, 2008 an article appeared in the online magazine titled NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes [5]. In the article scientists admit an utter lack of understanding as to why space probes approach the earth at faster speeds south of the equator than north of it. It was also noted in the article that within an as yet undefined distance from the equatorial plane there is a symmetrical distribution of averaged attainable velocities in both the approach and outbound trajectories of space probes that breaks down at some point becoming decidedly and inexplicably asymmetrical the further away from the equatorial plane in latitude a probe travels.

In the article named above NASA scientist John Anderson stated that the anomalies discovered in the velocity noted in five probe fly bys was humbling and perplexing to discover. Only two trajectories were given in the article, a fairly symmetrical loop flyby near the equatorial plane at roughly 30 to 32 degrees to the north and south of equator. The other probe detailed in the article neared Earth south of the equator and never crossed into the north, it only went further south and inexplicably picked up speed. In the absence of the other data from the other probes a proper understanding of magnetism allows me to predict what those other probes must have experienced assuming some or at least one of the other probes passed north of the equator more than those listed in the article.

It is theorized here that the reason the NASA probe Near picked up speed as it passed from 20 to 70 degrees south of the equator is twofold. As the Near probe approached the south pole it would have


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caught a ride along the ion stream headed into the south polar ion sink, since the probe acquired speed we can assume the ion stream was moving faster than the probe's approach speed and was pushed up to the electrical current's speed with the ion flow. It is further theorized here that the probe experienced very little drag on approached and no drag at all as it passed nearest the south pole then out and away from Earth because the permeance of the magnetic field in the south would offer little to no aether drag compared to the north. The reason for less to no drag in southern negatively poled regions of any node in space owes to their more subtle to relaxed transverse magnetic waves communicated into the aether of space within which they reside.


It is typical for physicists to speak of magnetic fields in terms of flux tubes or to describe flux in terms of lines of force moving away from a non-flat surface either inward toward the south pole ion sink (magnetic field dampener) or away from the north pole ion donator (magnetic resonator field inducer).

Taken from Diagram A

Regrettably it is not common across all disciplines to read works wherein the magnetic field is described in terms of the lines of magnetic force having an amplitude associated with their transverse wave motions. Treating magnetic lines of force as straight lines off of a surface into space has caused a critical error in our models setting the NASA team that studied the space probe anomalies up for an utterly dumbfounding experience. It is in fact the case that NASA scientists have many dumbfounding experiences owing to physics being side tracked by some of Albert Einstein's work that led people away from the pursuit of mapping out the physics and dare I say geometry of the aether.

One must extrapolate from a wide body of evidence across many scientific disciplines to discover that it is in fact appropriate to model magnetic fields in terms of the amplitude and frequency of their transverse wave motions because only very small fraction of the magnetic field has a none vibrating aspect along the most direct aspects of the south pole vector. Transverse waves cause a displacement


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force (a vibrational energy that is acoustical in nature) on the aether which translates into phonon energy or what we have called radio waves. Antimatter phonons have properties that are exactly inverse to the material properties of photons in that their magnetic force is quite subtle and weak displacing very little aether. it is submitted here that aether crush causes the small size of antiprotons and positrons as compared to their matter counterparts the electrons and protons. Because antimatter phonons have low vibrational energies from their more subtle transverse waves they excite the aether very little and have low thermal signatures compared to ordinary matter. Phonon bodies are known to have kinetic energetic outputs from non-zero to 1,000 Kelvin's, it is posited here that past that level of excitation these radio/acoustical bodies convert to photons and emit rather than absorb light (think piezoelectric effect as a frequency and amplitude change that converts acoustical emitters into light emitters).

It is hypothesized in this current work that electromagnetic cells within the solid crystal aether undulate toward and away from one another longitudinally owing to near field aether vectors that lie in the axial directions as well as above and below any given cell in the crystal lattice aether. It is postulated here that it is the vibrational energies within the aether that give electromagnetic forces their hydrodynamic qualities. The undulating motion caused by cellular attraction across aether quadrupoles cause consequent aether compression waves to evolve that radiate outwardly like ripples on a pond in the plane of the aether vector that is stressed in this manner.

The longitudinal compression and release of the solid space between aether dipoles owes to electrical attraction and magnetic spin direction agreement between the cells that are directly across the axial isle of the X shaped aether vector quadrupole. The compression force cased by the electronic attraction between each of the two opposing dipoles along the X axis quadrupole causes both inward and outward compression/distortion waves to form within the aether. The outward push of the opposing dipole being forced apart from the center of the quadrupole causes concentric distortion waves outwardly and up and down interchangeably from the aether vector undergoing simultaneous inward and outward compression. (BJ, here is where I need a moving image showing this undulating medium. Follow the links below to see how Dan Russell at Kettering Univ. modeled this only you try to show multi-plane interactions using coloration to distinguish between north south compression waves and east west compression waves above and below an aether vector. Three layers with three colors is sufficient to make the point very clear)

It is the contention here that the electrical field causes a push-pull pumping action longitudinally in the aether while the magnetic force causes an up down ripple to evolve, which is why the magnetic force must be modeled as a wave with amplitude and frequency that moves orthogonally to the electrical field. The solid crystal aether gives rise to the super fluid properties of electromagnetism owing to the vibrations that arise from compression and release cycles of aether quadrupoles that take turns pulling in toward their electrical mates across the vector well causing the other dipole to push back out in endless electromagnetic aether cycles.

It is contended here that aether bidirectional undulations create ripples in the fabric of subspace aether which is crystalline in physical properties and that subspace aether offers zero electrical resistance, has


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perfect electronic mirroring and rapidly dissipates thermal energy very much akin to the way diamond performs in these matters in the electronics industry. It is theorized here that the only way to properly model the quantum aether and all the forces of nature that arise from its longitudinal (electrical) and transverse (magnetic) wave motions is in terms of crystal physics [ E] [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].

It is posited here that the electricity is induced via alternating electronic coupling across aether dipoles along the aether's crystal axis and that the magnetic force is induced byThe evidence demonstrates that acoustical ripples radiate outward along a flat plane across crystal lattice vectors inducing eleaether compression waves as result of said coupling. cElectromagnetic fields are induced by the aether quadrupole ion pumps throughout the aether lattice. Where fields and forces intersect and entangle electronically higher order nodes are formed (atoms, molecules, stars, planets, galactic cores). It is demonstrated in the relatively new field of cymatics that it is in fact vibrational frequencies that is the organizing force that constructs matter into the familiar atomic form [13], it is suggested here that acoustical phonons are the apparent cause of all material organization in the universe. in either the sound or light emitting range.

It is hypothesized here that spin direction is a function of acoustical frequency and that aether vibrational impartsfrequency determines if the electrical charge on any given node will be of the in either the positive (right spin) or negative (left spin) type. Better stated it is spin direction and that said direction is that determines the electrical property of matter and that the direction is a function of aether vibrational frequencyd by the scoring around the aether cells themselves (think wire wound around a doughnut structure favoring either the left or right directions). Positive ions are spinning in the right handed direction while negative ions are spinning in the left handed direction owing to the angular momentum imparted upon them by aether the cellular vorticesex of the aether cell that giave rise to ions in the first placethem. Ions then would be the product of non-material compression energy spun into what we call matter though each is still just an energetic non-solid entity.

. It follows then that the buildup of matter would be a case of additive aether vibrational frequencies impinging on a vector in space that are agreeable in spin direction and electronically attractive. Weather an atom, planet, star or galaxy spins clockwise or counter clockwise would be a function of its magnetic aether resonance and little if anything else.

The push versus pull of the electrical circuit across aether vector wells in the middle of a quadrupole give rise to what looks to us as two kinds of matter that either emit or absorb light. Spin is likely may be maintained by particles owing to the contributing driving forces of surrounding between aether wells along the flat east-west plane of the lattice as well as those above and below and those in the axial lie as well, north-south axis. ' for matter and above and below the plane for antimatter. Three dimensional geometric vector rendering and electronics modeling would beis essential in understanding how this is accomplished by the aether.

A positive ion well right handed spin vector or sink if you will looks like a hexagram in thefrom the aether's point of view. Six sides around an aether vector contribute to maintaining a positive charge and freely moving magnetic field lines that trace out Hilbert space lines around the central flat plane vector


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of n=6 sides. Thus a positively charged vector in the aether touches upon six vector points around a central vector well (that is being converged upon from above and below the plane of charge as well), we call such a vector a carbon atom and diagram its electromagnetic properties as follows:.

Graphic by Colleen Thomas (BJ, I need this rotatable as well)

As stated before theThe relative size of electrons and protons is quite large compared to the antiproton and positron. This e to the fact that matter emit energy while antimatter absorbs it. The reason for the difference between matter and antimatter is their internal magnetic field resistances are inverse from one another (sis verses trans or pera verses antipara depending your background). Matter has highstrong magnetic frequenciesexcitement and is thus highly thermalizing of the aether. Antimatter is very subtle in magnetic harmonics weak magnetically speaking and as such with has low kinetic thermal energy compared to matter and as such offers little resistance to penetrating forces. It is because antimatter is always suffering the inrushing pressures from surrounding forces that it is small compared to matter.

The four primary ions of electron, proton, antiproton and positron spin according to the net effect of the quadrupole forces converging on their locations and derive their electromagnetic properties from those contributing forces from the subspace aether to the galactic scales [113 4 ]. Because the aether contributes to ion characteristics including charge and magnetic field spin orientation there is really never a monopole in nature, the circuit is always completed within the solid state aether that is inferior to the ion in scale. The aether should be viewed and modeled in terms of crystal electronics.



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The solid and planer nature of charge as modeled over a century of examination owes to crystal aether lattice geometry and the distribution of electrical charge throughout the aether [F] and its super-solid constituency. The liquidity of the aether's forces is owes to micro vibrations caused byfrom the pistoning quadrupoles that ripple through the mediumcaused by displacement compression waves that cycle back and forth giving the aether its alternating current property. In reality the motion is very tiny in terms of how far the four aether cells within a vector move and displace in the left-right, up-down directions. The vibrational energy caused by the compression and relaxation of the crystal aether is transferred from along a single plane from vector to vector so we observe of wave asA good representation of aether displacement waves is seen in theis video created by Dan Russell seen here in animation A. (BJ I need an original version of this since Mr. Russell never got back to me to give me permission to use his material). As you can see in the video the vector dots do not travel away like a ripple on a pond, they undulate back and forth either longitudinally or transversely but nothing really travels outward and away from the central piston very far at all. In reality the same compression and relaxation forces gives rise to both longitudinal and transversekinds of waves simultaneously, we simply name the longitudinal line the electrical force and the perpendicular transverse displacement the magnetic force. The differences in the measured properties between electricity (phonons) vs magnetism (phonons) is that owes to directionality rather than intrinsic property.the former sends compression wave energy outwardly while the other absorbs that same energy. In other words matter is correctly modeled with arrows indicating energy as outwardly mobile while for antimatter the arrows would be pointing at the particle as an energy receptor node.

The causal force of aether compression is via electrical attraction in the solid state aether AC circuit. The compression causes a distortion wave of vector displacement along the perpendicular axis.' Because the cause of both the longitudinal and transverse waves are the same the two forces of electricity and magnetism are married and inseparable from one another.


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It is hypothesized herein that the only difference between magnetic force and electrical charge is direction in relation to one another (a natural anisotropic effect inherent in any crystal lattice structure). The study of spin ice inspired the new term "magnetricity" to be coined as magnetic monopoles emerge in them proving that magnetism is carried on a point particle just as electricity is [G]. It is theorized here that the two manifestations of charge (Secrets of the Aether. David Thomson and Jim Bourassa) with their two manifestations of magnetic force are consequences of aether displacement along the X and -Y axis'. If this is so it follows that ions line up across and connect aether vectors in a way that causes longitudinal electrical flow along the X axis and that the angular magnetic concentric waves propagate up and down creating the Y axis, the action of which traces out Hilbert space (owing to aether Y axis displacement magnetic filed inducing or creating if you will harmonic phononss).

It is believed by the authors of this paper that Aan aether receptor vector for negatively charged bodies negatively charged aether vector has a pentagram geometry in the aether lattice. Pentagrams and hexagrams differ in that within a pentagram the magnetic field lines are frustrated creating a sink while in the hexagram zones the magnetic field is free and in motion creating resistance (see spin ice re field frustration, monopoles and magnatricity A, B, C). It would be fair to characterize the hexagram as harmonic and the pentagram as inharmonic vectors within the aether crystal.


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Diagram D

Veiw is from the top looking down on the vector (Hi BJ, I need this one made 3-D too, the underside and top side are identicle when looked at in side view, k forget the black dots, those only apply when

modeling atoms to account for nuclear ions inner and outer charger separation zones. Nature makes use of plasma double layers to protect differing ions with and without the nuclei. The inner blue line is the

frustrated magnetic field, the red is frustrated too, there are always two arms that comprise a magnetic field, one from the south pole and one from the north, each spinning in the opposite direction. Make that apparent in your rendering if you can or just make a node like an atom that traces that out as the

body spins, thanks love)

The yellow lines converging at center are above the plane of the red and blue A and B magnetic field lines. The odd number of vectors bracketing the lateral edges of the pentagram gives this vector a net negative charge. Since the vector has no magnetic motion it serves as a perfect sink for an influx of ions to pass through unimpeded. A hexagram shaped vector in the aether lattice has free flowing magnetic field lines and as such is resistive to penetration. This kind of geometric stacking creates a continuous flow from positive through negative domains throughout the aether and can be seen in larger aether nodes like planets. The author's aether latticeis model explains the hexagram and pentagram seen at the north and south poles of Saturn.


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Credit NASA

Giving what this author knows about chemistry the n=6 positively charged resonator aether vectors and ions and the n=5 negatively charged receptor aether sinks and ions implies that our consciousness resides within an artificially constructed piece of carbon and boron based nanotechnology of massive scale. Tests of boron as a nanowire should be fruitful when combined with graphene nanotubes. The


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adjustable band gap of boron no doubt can be exploited into fruitful technologies of seemingly endless potential and almost certainly should be used to extract free energy from the aether as its physical structure makes it an ideal sink for the negatively charged bodies of electrons and antiprotons.

There is free vibrational energy in the aether in the form of cold dark energy phonons (antiproton and positron ions) in addition to the hot light energy photon we do make use of in our current technologies. Phonon energy is an untapped resource that theoretically can be used for anti-gravitation, alchemy, healing and as an additional free energy resource. Theoretically it should be possible to build a geometric replica of the quadrupoleaether lattice to produce free energy right from ambient space since the quadrupole is a electromagnetic pump that produces charged matter and antimatter ionsions and phonon gas by trapping harmonic energy and imparting discrete spin on energy waves.

Photons and phonons are electromagnetic and thermal twins withof inverse properties from one another [1 15 4 , 1 6 5 ]. Note below how light emission and absorption lines along the electromagnetic spectrum form a perfect inverse of one another.

Light and sound speeds can be swapped interchangeably for wavelength for frequency (click asterisk * for Internet conversion program) proving thatrevealing thea relationship that directis inescapable. Photons and phonons are each wave energies but mirror one another in physical properties and can be converted into one another by either raising the lower vibration of phonons to convert them into a photon or lowering the vibrational energy of photons until they go dark. A good test of this model would be piezoelectric versus harmonic output from "nothing." Either light or harmonic radio noise should evolve and be measureable from an empty chamber by subjecting said chamber to high mechanical pressures or intense vacuum, or by heating or cooling that same volume. Alternating a chamber betweenPassing a high compression sound wave through a pressure and vacuum chamber should produce free ions if this model is correctenergy along the natural geometric lines of the aether outside the chamber along the natural X and Y planes of the aether (if it is indeed a crystal as suggested). I would suggest performing a test of this in the dark and in the light measuring for both light and radio noise at the same time.

It seems apparent from the continuous spectrum that all ions and atoms exchange phonons for photons by absorbing the low vibrational energy of the former and at the correct threshold emitting the later. The theory of photons crashing into atoms causing mechanical ejection of photons from atoms does not fit the evidence. Photons (a gas particulate on one hand plane and an undulating wave on the another)


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are dark matter absorbers and phonons (also a gas particulate on the one planehand and an undulating wave on another) are light matter absorbers, each emits electromagnetic energy in either the sound or light range [1 7 6 ].

In the aether out in the free space of the cosmos opposing charged ion rivers are pushed out of source quadrupole vectors and pulled axially outward by attractive vectors along the line of their excretion. Ions of opposite properties form flows through the crystal lattice sometimes seen as four rivers in convergence but in actuality they are streaming away from not into the quadrupole (Yao, W.F.  Peratt, A.L. ). The unevenly distributed areas created within aether vectors as seen in diagram B above may be the cause of the ellipsoid shape of the universe noted in the cosmic microwave background radiation [1 8 7 , 1 9 8 ]. When sufficiently excited space plasma reveals its underpinning aether structure is indeed a quadrupole [1 20 9 ] and an aether that is an anti-ferromagnetic cyrstal. The electrical circuit that is formed by space plasma is created on an ion by ion basis as they react to one another and to the subspace aether magnetic wells that gave rise to them imparting to ions the full range of degrees of freedom they enjoy..

The quadrupole lateral and linear video [seen here 2 1 0 ] are correct representations of proper aether motion based on close examination of hydrogen atom wave function, morphology evolution and charge evolution studies.

Below is a real time photograph of hydrogen evolution. Note the bright, high energy photon region is always sequestered from the dimmer phonon regions in all morphological constructs and that the X axis of the end product quadrupole favors the higher energy photon pyramidal regions to the north and south over the east-west plane where dimmer, cooler phonons reside in section d3.


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S1, Photons and phonons converge forming a +/- cloud.

S2, Magnetic ring forms owing to opposing charges getting organized. Discrete spin zones form giving rise to ion clouds of two types.

P2, Electrical gridline sequesters unalike charges forming two twin cells. Longitudinal electrical flow to left and right along the aether axis builds east-west spin preferences in the cells that still feel the tug from across the electrical grid from their twin.

S3, Atomic nuclei forms a 3 ion body with inner high energy zone buffered from outer lower energy zones by two magnetic rings formed in typical fashion.

P3, Subspace aether electrical grid cuts through revealing the aetherforms circuit within the evolving atom to creatinge four ion spin zones that are not yet stable.

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The quadrupole lateral and linear wave models by Dan Russell (see videos a, b,Hey BJ, same as before, I can't use Dan Russell's stuff so need them graphically reproduced) are a great tool for visualizing the pumping action caused by aof the quadrupole and the vortices they give rise to, please view them before going forward.

The linear quadrupole wave model in the above link correctly models the vortex that sucks vibrational energies through aether wells converting transverse wave angular momentum into ions at what is reported to be the constant rate of Coulomb's constant ( Secrets of the Aether 2004 pg 118. D. Thomson and J. Bourassa).

Note that in the video of the linear quadrupole wave formation that the north-south vectors have little wave action the further out from the center well you get. The solid angle shape of the aether is revealed in the following MRI scan of the brain in section G (still the brain but so hyper-vibrated that the underlying aether structure is revealed. The visible fabric of section G is all electrical charge, the patterns connecting the lines of charge seen axially undoubtedly are entangled electrical filaments ).


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Note the North South vectors are wider than the east west vectors just as with the hydrogen atom above in d-3

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Credit L.-S. Bouchard, M.S. Anwar, Physical Review B 71, 011430 (2007).

Section G above was taken and cut and pasted to makde to appear as a lattice below. The bright sections are high energy photon vortices, the dark sections are low energy phonon vortices. Entangled electrical filaments comprise the rest of the image:

By hyper-stimulating the aether with acoustical noise Anwar's team at SSC accidentally teased out the physical structure of subspace aether. With some adjustments an MRI machine should be able to generate an image with more layers view. Changing the angle at which the image is captured should reveal what the aether looks like from different view angles.

Going back to hydrogen, note the following graphics that reveal the pyramidal structure of aether subspace within which the hydrogen atom resides and takes its energy and morphology from:


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a. b. b undulates ↑↓

Hi BJ, I need this on to move too

It is the up-down piston action that causes waves to propagate away from the aether vector well that emits them. It stands to reason that where waves collide matter forms, the more angles in collision the more complex the atom that forms over the convergence zone.

Since wave fronts are comprised of magnetic vortex wells undulating back and forth in constant contact with subspace is electrical and electricity is distributed all matter is quantumly entangled with the aether and also with one another via their own intersecting wave fronts. and allIt follows then that information in the universe is distributed throughout on its ubiquitously distributed electrical charges and entangled standing waves (credit Secrete of the Aether). (view of standing wave particles in motion at

An ion such as an electron is pumped into and out of magnetic wells in the aether exactly analogous to how electrons move back and forth through magnetic potential wells in nano-tubes.


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On Earth, the evidence suggests that the positively charged north pole has a denser magnetic field than its electron/antiproton siphoning south pole partner. The cation and anion paring of the north and south poles establishes a bar magnet and establishes an electric circuit that generates a magnetic field around our planet. South of the equator the magnetic field (based on probe behavior) must be weaker with subtle transverse waves of low amplitude and longer frequencies rippling out into space. The north polar region must then have higher amplitude, shorter frequency transverse waves that are more resistive and therefore less penetrable to craft approaching from space above the equator. Based on this aether physics model Aan object moving inward obliquely would experience drag north of the equator while in the south where there is the less and increasingly lower resistance would be felt as a probe closes closer to the south pole. Not only would the space probes experience less drag below the equator they would also experience thrust if the rivers of ions headed into the south pole sink is faster than the speed of the probes themselves.

opposite effect of acceleration would be felt. I would be eager to see if the rate of drag or acceleration is proportional to just how far north or south of the equator a probe passes. It would seem to follow that the effects of drag versus acceleration would be more pronounced the further from the equator a probe passes.


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By examining the fact that valence electrons spontaneously rise and fall into high and low orbits as they obliquely orbit a parent atom it was extrapolated out in this writer's mind that the same weak versus strong magnetic field density applied on the planetary scale. The rise and fall of valence electrons can be thought of as a kind of atomic respiration where the electron experiences magnetic tension and relaxation above and below the atom's ecliptic pulling the outer valence electron in above the atom's equator and letting it out below it.

The evidence supports the idea that north of the equator the vibrational ripple in the aether has taller amplitude wave forms with more frequent peak to peak wave fronts radiating outwardly into space. It is theorized in this paper that wave propagation through the substrate aether gives rise to the property we call magnetic fields in the first place. If correct aether physics explains why it is that space probes approaching our planet too far inclined to the north of the ecliptic experience drag while those approaching from the south experience no drag magnetically and in fact are accelerated by the electrical ion flow of Earth's electrical circuit between the Sun's ion flow from above and the Aether's ion siphon from below in scale. The aether orients Earth's magnetic field along the subspace aether axis which is tipped at an angle as shown above.

The denser magnetic field caused by a vibrating aether would disallow or allow a proportional amount of penetration relative to the latitude and concomitant magnetic field density. Put in simpler terms the northern environment of earth's magnetic field is repulsive to space probes approaching it because space itself is vibrating outwardly against the probe while in the south there is less vibrational energy to offer them resistance. It would follow that the equatorial plane has the densest magnetic field offering greatest resistance to the aether that wants to crush in on all matter within it.

It is reported that earth has a large hole in its magnetosphere right now, roughly the size of four earth sized objects [2 2 1 , 2 3 2 ]. It stands to reason that said hole allows the earth to feel and accommodate the vibration of subspace aether and as a result theoretically should feel more pressure from inward movingaether crush "gravity" waves. A recent GPS study demonstrates that Earth has indeed sufferedies indicate that Earth is expanding in some areas while contracting in others and that overall there is a net shrinkage of our worldover the last couple of years [2 4 3 ]. These findings should be taken together as an overall tutorial into the proper aether dynamics as well as cue us to find the cause of the massive hole in our magnetosphere leading to many significant Earth changes including a loss of nearly 1/3 of our ionosphere [2 5 4 , 2 6 5 ]. , mMagnetic storms of extreme disturbances have ensued over the last two year as if Earth is trying to couple with another body other than the Sun. ,There was also a collapses Earth's thermosphere in 2008 and 09 [2 7 6 ] and there is something nearby bombarding or world with high energy in antimatter raysparticles from what NASA scientist calls "a mysterious nearby object." [2 8 7 ]. Let this stand as going on record in predicting that an antimatter emitting light absorbing dwarf star is very near us, perhaps within our heliosphere and headed inward toward Earth's position and that said body will be announced in less than 2 years, perhaps within months from now.It is theorized by the author that these antimatter rays are coming from a phonon gas giant planet four Earth sizes in mass. A phonon object would absorb light and be extremely difficult to see, such a body would be easily detectible with a radio telescope however and no doubt already has been but the implications of a close pass by such an object are so disastrous that the information is not being shared with the populace,


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perhaps to prevent a panic. FEMA has built a massive number of crowd control centers complete incinerators and purchased countless plastic coffins under REX 84, perhaps our government did not find the object in time to plan to save everyone and has instead planned for panic and massive losses of life.


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Works Cited

A. ^ Heaviside O., Electrical Papers, Vol 2 – L.; N.Y.: Macmillan, 1892, p.166

B. ^ Joule J., Scientific Papers, vol 1 – 1884, p.36

C. ^ Bosanquet, Phil. Mag., vol 15, 1883, p.205

D. ^ Rowland H., Phil Mag. (4), vol 46, 1873, p.140

E. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Volume 15, Number 4, 615-623, DOI: 10.1007/PL00011049

F. Thomson D and Bourassa J., Secrets of the Aether 2004 ed, Published by Aenor Trust. pgs 24, 36, 87, 88, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 119, 126, 132, 161, 163, 167, 272.

G. Nature 451, 42-45 (3 January 2008) | doi:10.1038/nature06433;

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Petroglyphs Yao, W.F.  Peratt, A.L.  Plasma Science, 2007. ICOPS 2007. IEEE 34th International Conference on Issue Date: 17-22 June 2007

15.[14.] %2Fiel5%2F4345408%2F4345409%2F04346239.pdf%3Farnumber%3D4346239&authDecision=-203

16.[15.] 17.[16.] 18.[17.]

Obama-can-take-bold-action-on-hole-in-Earths-magnetic-field19.[18.] 20.[19.] 21.[20.] 22.[21.]


Page 20: Redefining Magnetic Properties From an Aether Physics Perspective

