redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food ... · perspective redesigning...

PERSPECTIVE Redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food and bioenergy demand Donald R. Ort a,b,c,1 , Sabeeha S. Merchant d,e , Jean Alric f , Alice Barkan g , Robert E. Blankenship h,i , Ralph Bock j , Roberta Croce k , Maureen R. Hanson l , Julian M. Hibberd m , Stephen P. Long b,c,n , Thomas A. Moore o,p , James Moroney q , Krishna K. Niyogi r,s,t , Martin A. J. Parry u , Pamela P. Peralta-Yahya v , Roger C. Prince w , Kevin E. Redding o,p , Martin H. Spalding x , Klaas J. van Wijk y , Wim F. J. Vermaas p,z , Susanne von Caemmerer aa , Andreas P. M. Weber bb,cc , Todd O. Yeates d,e , Joshua S. Yuan dd , and Xin Guang Zhu ee a Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit, United States Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; b Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; c Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; d Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095; e University of California, Los Angeles-Department of Energy Institute for Genomics and Proteomics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095; f CNRS, Unité Mixte de Recherche Biologie Végétale et Microbiologie Environnementale, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance 13115, France; g Department of Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403; h Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130; i Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130; j Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Potsdam-Golm 14476, Germany; k Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1081, The Netherlands; l Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; m Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EA, United Kingdom; n Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; o Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287; p Center for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287; q Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; r Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; s Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; t Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720; u Rothamsted Research, Harpenden AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom; v Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332; w ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Annandale, NJ 08801; x Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011; y Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; z School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287; aa Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra 2601, Australia; bb Department of Plant Biochemistry, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf 40225, Germany; cc Cluster of Excellence on Plant Science, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf 40225, Germany; dd Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; and ee CAS Key Laboratory for Computational Biology, CAS-MPG Partner institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China Edited by Richard Eisenberg, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, and approved May 28, 2015 (received for review December 18, 2014) The worlds crop productivity is stagnating whereas population growth, rising affluence, and mandates for biofuels put increasing de- mands on agriculture. Meanwhile, demand for increasing cropland competes with equally crucial global sustainability and environmental protection needs. Addressing this looming agricultural crisis will be one of our greatest scientific challenges in the coming decades, and success will require substantial improvements at many levels. We assert that increasing the efficiency and productivity of photosynthesis in crop plants will be essential if this grand challenge is to be met. Here, we explore an array of prospective redesigns of plant systems at various scales, all aimed at increasing crop yields through improved photosynthetic efficiency and performance. Prospects range from straightforward alterations, already supported by preliminary evidence of feasibility, to substantial redesigns that are currently only conceptual, but that may be enabled by new developments in synthetic biology. Although some proposed redesigns are certain to face obstacles that will require alternate routes, the efforts should lead to new discoveries and technical advances with important impacts on the global problem of crop productivity and bioenergy production. light capture/conversion | carbon capture/conversion | smart canopy | enabling plant biotechnology tools | sustainable crop production Increasing demands for global food produc- tion over the next several decades portend a huge burden on the worlds shrinking farm- lands. Increasing global affluence, population growth, and demands for a bioeconomy (in- cluding livestock feed, bioenergy, chemical feed- stocks, and biopharmaceuticals) will all require increased agricultural productivity, perhaps by as much as 60120% over 2005 levels (e.g., refs. 1 and 2), putting increased productivity on a collision course with environmental and sus- tainability goals (3). The 45 y from 1960 to 2005 saw global food production grow 160%, mostly (135%) by improved production on Author contributions: D.R.O., S.S.M., J.A., A.B., R.E.B., R.B., R.C., M.R.H., J.M.H., S.P.L., T.A.M., J.M., K.K.N., M.A.J.P., P.P.P.-Y., R.C.P., K.E.R., M.H.S., K.J.v.W., W.F.J.V., S.v.C., A.P.M.W., T.O.Y., J.S.Y., and X.G.Z. wrote the paper and participated in development of photosynthetic redesign. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. PNAS | July 14, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 28 | 85298536 PERSPECTIVE Downloaded by guest on December 26, 2019

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Redesigning photosynthesis tosustainably meet global food andbioenergy demandDonald R. Orta,b,c,1, Sabeeha S. Merchantd,e, Jean Alricf, Alice Barkang, Robert E. Blankenshiph,i, Ralph Bockj,Roberta Crocek, Maureen R. Hansonl, Julian M. Hibberdm, Stephen P. Longb,c,n, Thomas A. Mooreo,p, James Moroneyq,Krishna K. Niyogir,s,t, Martin A. J. Parryu, Pamela P. Peralta-Yahyav, Roger C. Princew, Kevin E. Reddingo,p,Martin H. Spaldingx, Klaas J. van Wijky, Wim F. J. Vermaasp,z, Susanne von Caemmereraa, Andreas P. M. Weberbb,cc,Todd O. Yeatesd,e, Joshua S. Yuandd, and Xin Guang ZhueeaGlobal Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit, United States Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service, University ofIllinois, Urbana, IL 61801; bInstitute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; cDepartment of Plant Biology, Universityof Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; dDepartment of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095; eUniversity ofCalifornia, Los Angeles-Department of Energy Institute for Genomics and Proteomics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095; fCNRS,Unité Mixte de Recherche Biologie Végétale et Microbiologie Environnementale, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance 13115, France; gDepartment ofBiology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403; hDepartment of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130;iDepartment of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130; jMax-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie,Potsdam-Golm 14476, Germany; kDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1081, The Netherlands;lDepartment of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; mDepartment of Plant Sciences, University ofCambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EA, United Kingdom; nDepartment of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801; oDepartment ofChemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287; pCenter for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis, Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287; qDepartment of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; rHoward Hughes MedicalInstitute, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; sDepartment of Plant & Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720;tLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720; uRothamsted Research, Harpenden AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom; vDepartment ofChemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332; wExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Annandale, NJ 08801;xDepartment of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011; yDepartment of Plant Biology, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, NY 14853; zSchool of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287; aaResearch School of Biology,Australian National University, Canberra 2601, Australia; bbDepartment of Plant Biochemistry, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf 40225,Germany; ccCluster of Excellence on Plant Science, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf 40225, Germany; ddDepartment of PlantPathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; and eeCAS Key Laboratory for Computational Biology,CAS-MPG Partner institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031, China

Edited by Richard Eisenberg, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, and approved May 28, 2015 (received for review December 18, 2014)

The world’s crop productivity is stagnating whereas population growth, rising affluence, and mandates for biofuels put increasing de-mands on agriculture. Meanwhile, demand for increasing cropland competes with equally crucial global sustainability and environmentalprotection needs. Addressing this looming agricultural crisis will be one of our greatest scientific challenges in the coming decades, andsuccess will require substantial improvements at many levels. We assert that increasing the efficiency and productivity of photosynthesis incrop plants will be essential if this grand challenge is to be met. Here, we explore an array of prospective redesigns of plant systems atvarious scales, all aimed at increasing crop yields through improved photosynthetic efficiency and performance. Prospects range fromstraightforward alterations, already supported by preliminary evidence of feasibility, to substantial redesigns that are currently onlyconceptual, but that may be enabled by new developments in synthetic biology. Although some proposed redesigns are certain to faceobstacles that will require alternate routes, the efforts should lead to new discoveries and technical advances with important impacts onthe global problem of crop productivity and bioenergy production.

light capture/conversion | carbon capture/conversion | smart canopy | enabling plant biotechnology tools | sustainable crop production

Increasing demands for global food produc-tion over the next several decades portend ahuge burden on the world’s shrinking farm-lands. Increasing global affluence, populationgrowth, and demands for a bioeconomy (in-cluding livestock feed, bioenergy, chemical feed-stocks, and biopharmaceuticals) will all require

increased agricultural productivity, perhaps byas much as 60–120% over 2005 levels (e.g., refs.1 and 2), putting increased productivity on acollision course with environmental and sus-tainability goals (3). The 45 y from 1960 to2005 saw global food production grow ∼160%,mostly (135%) by improved production on

Author contributions: D.R.O., S.S.M., J.A., A.B., R.E.B., R.B., R.C., M.R.H.,

J.M.H., S.P.L., T.A.M., J.M., K.K.N., M.A.J.P., P.P.P.-Y., R.C.P., K.E.R., M.H.S.,

K.J.v.W., W.F.J.V., S.v.C., A.P.M.W., T.O.Y., J.S.Y., and X.G.Z. wrote

the paper and participated in development of photosynthetic redesign.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.

1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. PNAS | July 14, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 28 | 8529–8536







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existing farmlands (4). If agricultural productionis to double by 2050, it will require at least adoubling of productivity per hectare becausecropland areas are shrinking, with little oppor-tunity to sustainably reverse this trend. Alas,growth in productivity of the world’s majorcrops is stagnating in most of the importantgrowing areas (5, 6).What limits crop productivity? For most

terrestrial crops it is usually the availability ofwater (7, 8), and, although there are somepromising avenues to modestly increase wa-ter use efficiency, there are few options fordramatically reducing the amount of waterrequired to grow a crop. The inability of pho-tosynthesis to efficiently use high middaylight intensities (9) also strongly limits pro-ductivity compared with hypothetical plantsable to use high intensity light as efficientlyas low intensity light. The slow catalyticrate of the carboxylation enzyme Rubiscois a major barrier to increasing the rate ofcarbon assimilation at the leaf level. Al-though current Rubisco properties may bean insurmountable barrier to increasingphotosynthetic rate to make full use of di-rect midday sunlight at the level of an in-dividual leaf, limitations due to Rubiscomight be substantially mitigated by improvedsharing of light within a crop canopy (10), byreengineering Rubisco (11), or by activelyconcentrating CO2 at the active site ofRubisco (ref. 12 and as discussed in Targetsof Opportunity).The remarkable gains in productivity of

the Green Revolution of the late 20th centurydepended on improving yield potential: i.e.,the yield obtained with good nutrition in theabsence of pests, diseases, and drought. Toa first approximation, yield potential is de-pendent on the amount of solar energyavailable during the growing season andthe efficiencies with which the crop cap-tures the photosynthetically active light,converts it to biomass, and partitions thebiomass into the harvested product (13).During the Green Revolution, increases inyield potential were driven primarily bylarge increases in the portion of biomasspartitioned into grain (i.e., harvest index),which is now near its theoretical upperlimit. Improved solar energy conversion ef-ficiency (i.e., photosynthetic efficiency) has sofar played little role in improving yield potential,yet photosynthesis is the only determinant thatis not close to its biological limits (14, 15). Forexample, the progenitors of modern crop plantsevolved in, and are thus adapted to, an atmo-spheric [CO2] of about 240 ppm. The acceler-ated rate of Rubisco-catalyzed carboxylation attoday’s [CO2] of >400 ppm has led to a kineticlimitation in the regeneration of the CO2

acceptor molecule ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate(RuBP), which will become increasingly limit-ing as [CO2] increases further (16, 17). Fortu-nately, there are a wide range of potentialavenues to improve photosynthetic efficiencyalong radically different paths than those dic-tated by evolutionary selection on extant andemergent natural variation.Research over many decades has produced

a sophisticated continuum of understandingof photosynthesis from the initial photo-physics of light absorption and excitationenergy transfer to gas exchange in leaf andcanopy. Recent advances in in silico model-ing and increases in computational powerhave been critical enabling technologiesfor understanding photosynthetic pro-cesses, which can be used to predict theoutcomes of various redesigns of photo-synthesis (e.g., refs. 10, 14, and 16). Theremarkable achievements in synthesizingwhole genomes (18) are evidence that am-bitious goals are within reach. Creative andradically new ideas for redesigning photo-synthesis are therefore worth pursuing be-cause even strategies that presently seemfanciful may inspire new thinking in un-imagined directions.

Targets of OpportunityLight Capture. A principal limitation of ef-ficient photosynthesis is that organisms ab-sorb more light in full sunlight than theycan use productively. The reason seems clear:high absorptivity provides effective captureat low light intensities, such as at dawn anddusk and on cloudy days, and it obviatescompetition from other phototrophs by ab-sorbing the light before they do. It is generallyagreed that the season-long solar energyconversion efficiencies for crop plants in bothtemperate and tropical zones typically donot exceed a few percent, which should becompared with the theoretical maximumyield of about 12% (15, 19). A large part ofthis inefficiency can be ascribed to the ab-sorption of more photons than can be usedto drive useful photochemistry. This excessenergy needs to be carefully extinguishedto avoid deleterious photooxidations. Plantshave a variety of mechanisms for safely di-verting excess absorbed energy, principally asthermal dissipation (9), but they represent asignificant loss in efficiency. If plants hadfewer light-harvesting pigments (e.g., chlo-rophylls and carotenoids) per photosystem(10) and fewer photosystems in their upper-most leaves, light might be absorbed morejudiciously, and a greater proportion of ab-sorbed photons converted to biomass. Thisavenue has been pursued for some years inalgae and cyanobacteria, often with notable

success (20, 21), but not yet convincingly incrop plants. Lowering leaf absorptivity re-mains a significant opportunity for improv-ing crop yield (10) although it is worthnoting that such highly efficient plants mightbe at a disadvantage under some conditions,compared with normally pigmented com-petitors, and could require careful planthusbandry to realize their increased yield.

Light Energy Conversion. The fundamen-tal thermodynamic principles controllingthe conversion of energy from sunlight tochemical or electrical potential energy havebeen defined and demonstrated in the last60 y. For reasons having more to do withbiological success than thermodynamic ef-ficiency, water-oxidizing (oxygenic) photo-synthesis uses only about one half ofthe sun’s energetically competent photons(<700 nm) and uses two photosystemsoperating in series (Fig. 1A) to span the re-dox space from water oxidation to NADP+

reduction and to pump protons to provideproton motive force (PMF). The two pho-tosystems compete with each other for pho-tons rather than one of them taking advantageof the near-IR region of the solar spectrum asdo many photosynthetic bacteria (19).Could a more efficient arrangement be

engineered? One option would be to replacephotosystem I (PSI) (Fig. 1A) with a reactioncenter and its associated cyclic electrontransport machinery from a purple photo-synthetic bacterium that uses bacterio-chlorophyll b in place of the chlorophyll aused by oxygenic organisms. Blastochlorisviridis is one example, with its antennasystem and reaction center acting in con-cert with the cytochrome (cyt) b6f complexthat would use light up to 1,075 nm (19) toprovide PMF. Further, if the chlorophyll ain photosystem II (PSII) were replaced bychlorophyll d (as occurs in the cyanobac-terium Acaryochloris marina, which useslight up to 730 nm) and if the reducedquinone produced by this photosystemdelivered electrons directly to a NADHdehydrogenase operating “backwards” as itdoes in purple bacteria (using PMF to drivethe production of NADPH from reducedquinone), one can envision the system ofFig. 1B. A photosynthetic membrane hav-ing this arrangement of energy-transducingcomplexes would have more than twice theenergetic efficiency of current oxygenicphotosynthesis (19, 22) if the appropriatewavelengths of light were directed to thetwo now very distinct photosystems. In-deed, as our understanding of quantumcoherence develops (22–24), it can beimagined that specific antenna could be

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“wired” to appropriate reaction centers. Ofcourse other possibilities can be envisioned,but even before the powerful potential ofsynthetic biology is brought into play, wecan initiate the research required to reengineerphotosynthesis because, as illustrated in Fig.1B, nature has provided us with energy-transducing complexes that, in thought ex-periments, could be combined in new tandemconfigurations to achieve a near-optimummatch of the solar spectrum to water oxi-dation and carbohydrate/lipid synthesis.

Carbon Capture and Conversion.Improving carbon uptake. A major limitingfactor in carbon fixation is CO2 transportfrom the intercellular airspace of leaves to thesite of carboxylation within the mesophyllchloroplast, entailing movement across sev-eral compartments (25, 26). Although car-bonic anhydrases are expected to play acritical role, their function in CO2 conductance

and delivery to Rubisco has yet to beclearly defined. Algae and photosyntheticbacteria have various CO2 channels andbicarbonate transporters to increase theinorganic carbon flux into the cells, butthese inorganic transport devices are notpresent in the chloroplast membranes ofterrestrial plants. Introduction of CO2 chan-nels and bicarbonate transporters into pho-tosynthetic cells of C3 plants and even intothe mesophyll cells of C4 plants is a logicalstrategy to improve photosynthetic perfor-mance (12, 27). Achieving a higher CO2

concentration in the chloroplast would allowthe endogenous Rubisco to be replaced by aRubisco with a lower CO2 affinity, but ahigher kcat (16), thus reducing the amount ofRubisco required by the plant and improv-ing nitrogen use efficiency. The lower in-tercellular CO2 concentration that wouldresult from higher photosynthesis wouldlikely speed its diffusive replacement from

the outside air, allowing stomata to be openless, with the added benefit of improvingwater use efficiency.Improving carbon conversion. A major pro-ductivity limitation for many phototrophs isphotorespiration, an energetically expensiveprocess in which the undesirable oxygenaseactivity of Rubisco leads to a net loss of fixedcarbon and metabolic energy. Nature hasevolved several strategies to suppress oxy-genation by sequestering Rubisco intocompartments in which CO2 is concen-trated. C4 plants [for example, tropicalgrasses such as sugarcane (Saccharum offi-cinarum) and corn (Zea mays)] use oxygen-insensitive phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyl-ase to initially capture CO2 as malate inmesophyll cells. The malate is subsequentlydecarboxylated in bundle sheath cells thatcontain Rubisco. Although this concen-trating of CO2 requires an additional in-vestment of ATP, there is an adequatereturn on this investment in the form ofmore biomass. A coordinated internationaleffort to introduce this ability into rice hasalready produced exciting results (28). Al-though significant hurdles remain, successwill open the door to dramatically im-proving the efficiency and yield of many ofthe world’s most important staple crops.We note that, although classical C4 plantsexhibit substantial spatial separation of thecarbon concentrating and carbon fixa-tion pathways within the leaf, there areplants that do this C4 metabolism (albeitsomewhat less efficiently) (29) within asingle cell (30), which has structurally sim-pler requirements and thus may be easier toinstall in C3 leaves.An alternative approach would copy

cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mecha-nisms, which are characterized by bicar-bonate transporters and the occurrence ofRubisco-containing microcompartmentscalled carboxysomes. Although plant chloro-plasts clearly originated from a cyanobacte-rial progenitor through endosymbiosis,none contain these devices, making theirintroduction an attractive target for im-proving plant photosynthetic efficiency. Animportant advance toward this goal wasthe introduction of a carboxysome proteinand functional cyanobacterial Rubisco intoa land plant that led to the aggregation ofRubisco within chloroplasts as occurs dur-ing carboxysome biogenesis (31).Attempts to reengineer Rubisco with in-

creased activity and substrate specificity havefailed, despite being guided by well-resolvedcrystal structures and detailed understandingof the reaction mechanism (11, 32, 33). Withseemingly little prospect for improving

Fig. 1. Schematics of tandem-photosystem, energy-coupling membranes for water-oxidizing photosynthesisand synthesis of NAD(P)H. The region of the solar spectrum driving each reaction center (RC) is indicated aboveit. Black arrows indicate reactions, blue arrows represent electron flow, and yellow arrows represent protonflow. (A) In current oxygenic photosynthesis, photosystem II (PSII) uses visible light (400–700 nm) to drive wateroxidation and quinone reduction whereas photosystem I (PSI) oxidizes plastocyanin (PC, or in some cases cytc)and reduces NADP+ (via ferredoxin:NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase). The Rieske/cytb complex connects the twophotosystems by catalyzing quinol oxidation and PC reduction in a Q-cycle mechanism, resulting in additionalPMF generation (represented by the yellow arrow through the complex). PMF is consumed by ATP synthase todrive phosphorylation of ADP (not shown). Cyclic electron flow involving PSI and the cyt b6f complex is notshown. (B) The PSII RC from A. marina (using light from 400 to 730 nm) delivers electrons from water oxidationfor quinone reduction whereas the BChl b-containing type 2 RC (operating out to 1,075 nm) and the cyt b6fcomplex collaborate to maintain PMF via a cyclic electron transfer loop. The NDH-1 complex consumes someproton-motive force (PMF) to drive electron transfer from quinol to NAD(P)+ whereas the rest is used by ATPsynthase (not shown).

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the kinetic and catalytic features of nativeRubiscos, it may be worthwhile to try to“evolve” a new carboxylase with differ-ent kinetic constraints from a different(perhaps smaller) protein scaffold. A smallercarboxylase would have the additional ben-efit of reducing the nitrogen requirement ofthe plant, a goal that might also be achievedby editing the existing Rubisco to removehigh-nitrogen content amino acids (such asarginine) (34).If Rubisco’s oxygenation reaction cannot

be significantly reduced, an alternative ap-proach would replace the native photo-respiratory pathway with more efficient

synthetic pathways. Three different pathwaysthat metabolize glycolate have been exploredso far (35, 36). Among them, the conversionof glycolate into glycerate via glyoxylate andtartronic semialdehyde can increase leaf pho-tosynthetic CO2 uptake due to both the de-creased energy demand of photorespirationand increased CO2 concentration in chloro-plasts (36). Another promising experimentalstrategy is to introduce new anaplerotic path-ways to recycle glycolate without an associatedCO2 loss, such as the 3-hydroxypropionatepathway that converts glyoxylate to pyruvatein some bacteria (37, 38). It might also bepossible to design entirely novel pathways,

including the hypothetical one shown in Fig.2, to reduce phosphoglycolate to phosphogly-colaldehyde and then combine that productwith dihydroxyacetonephosphate to makexylulose bisphosphate, which could bedephosphorylated to form the carbon reductioncycle intermediate xylulose-5-phosphate.More ambitious would be to import oxy-

gen-insensitive pathways for the key carbonfixation reaction to bypass Rubisco altogether.One could be the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle of aerobic Archaea (39)and another the 4-hydroxybutyrate/dicarbox-ylate pathway of anaerobic Archaea [althoughthis later pathway has at least one O2-sensitiveenzyme (40), and directed evolution may berequired to increase the O2 tolerance of se-lected enzymes]. The hypothetical C4/glyox-ylate cycle (41) may be easier to implementbecause it requires only four enzymes, al-though a pathway to convert glyoxylate, theproduct of this cycle, into a metabolicallyuseful intermediate would also be required. Infact, the second cycle of the recently demon-strated 3-hydroxypropionate bicycle producesa metabolically useful product by convertingglycolate to pyruvate (38). Another excitingapproach would be to design a completelyorthogonal pathway involving intermediatesthat are not shared by any existing path-way in the organism. By avoiding the in-termediates of native metabolism until thefinal step, this strategy should simplify regu-latory networks and minimize metabolic in-terference with native pathways.Initial work on new carbon-fixation path-

ways may be best performed with algae andcyanobacteria because they grow faster thanhigher plants, they are easier to manipulate,and their homogeneous cell cultures simplifymetabolite and other analyses. Some poten-tial carbon-fixation pathways produce acetyl-CoA, which could also be used for lipid(biofuel) production. If algae are to hostnew pathways, there is a choice between in-troducing enzyme-genes into the chloroplastgenome for higher expression and bettercontrol of gene placement via homologousrecombination, or into the nuclear genomewhere newly emerging gene-editing toolsmay be poised for breakthrough impact(more on gene editing in Enabling Technol-ogies). Inserted enzymes might be engineeredvia directed evolution or global and targetedmutagenesis, but high-throughput enzymeassays will be essential to screen or select fordesired catalysis outputs (42, 43). Systemsbiology, metabolic flux, and control analysiswill identify bottlenecks in pathways, and ex-pression of appropriate enzymes will be in-creased through an iterative process (44, 45).

Fig. 2. Proposed de novo 2-phosphoglycolate salvage pathway. Calvin cycle in red, photorespiratory pathwayin black, de novo 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG) salvage pathway in blue fonts, respectively. In the C3 cycle (not allsteps shown), Rubisco fixes CO2 to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate to generate two molecules of 3-phosphoglyc-erate. Approximately 25% of the time, Rubisco oxygenates ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, generating 2PG and3-phosphoglycerate. The photorespiratory pathway consumes ATP to regenerate 3-phosphoglycerate from twomolecules of 2PG. Photorespiration is metabolically inefficient, requiring eight enzymatic steps (here the aminodonor/acceptor is designated R), taking place across four different subcellular compartments, and resulting inan overall loss of carbon dioxide and ammonia that needs to be refixed at the cost of substantial additionalenergy (3 ATP and 2 NADPH per CO2, and 1 ATP and 1 NADPH per NH3). The proposed de novo 2PG salvagepathway would efficiently convert 2PG to xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate in three steps in a single compartmentusing only one ATP and one NADPH, without loss of fixed carbon. The three enzymes needed in the proposed denovo 2PG salvage pathway are as follows: kinase (step 1), reductase (step 2), and aldolase (step 3). Xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate is a stromal metabolite that is converted to the C3 cycle intermediate xylulose-5-phosphateby the cbbY protein (63). The capacity of the cbbY may not be sufficient to sustain the flux and may need to beup-regulated.

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Metabolic modeling will be critical foridentifying bottlenecks and unanticipateddiversion of metabolites, as well as forsuggesting possible solutions. If new inter-mediates are toxic, consecutive enzymesmight be tethered in a scaffold to encouragechanneling and minimize release of prob-lematic intermediates. If unusual cofactorsare in high demand (e.g., bicarbonate-dependent carboxylases use biotin), thenappropriate cofactor synthesis would need tobe up-regulated or even introduced to avoidcofactor limitation.

Smart Canopy. The smart canopy conceptenvisions an assemblage of plants that in-teract cooperatively (rather than competi-tively) at the canopy level to maximize thepotential for light harvesting and biomassproduction per unit land area. Although se-lection by plant breeders for traits such asyield in a monoculture may act at the pop-ulation level, natural selection acts at the levelof the individual plant to maximize the

genetic fitness of the individual rather thanthe fitness of the canopy as a whole. There-fore, engineering a smart canopy will requirea detailed understanding of opportunities forcooperativity among crop plants. How couldleaves in a “smart” canopy be engineered tobehave optimally for productivity, as opposedto success of the individual? Light flux andspectrum, wind speed, and humidity varywith depth into a canopy but also vary mi-nute by minute, depending on cloud move-ment, time of day, and wind gusts. Onevariable within canopies that plants are ableto sense is the ratio of red to far-red radiation(R/FR) (Fig. 3). Leaves absorb strongly in thered but transmit most far-red radiation, andthis absorptivity ratio is scarcely affected byvariation in the amount of incoming sun-light. The phytochrome system senses thisratio (46) so that promoters downstream ofphytochrome signaling could be used tomake smart canopies wherein leaves areadapted to the prevailing light conditions tobenefit total crop production.

What changes are desirable in a smartcanopy as leaves become increasingly shaded?Metabolic and biophysical modeling sug-gests significant benefits from three distinctchanges (Fig. 3). First, transitioning fromvertical leaves in high light in the uppercanopy to horizontal leaves in low lightdeeper in the canopy permits a more evendistribution of sunlight and minimizes satu-ration of the upper leaves and light starvationof the lower leaves (47). Recent insights intothe molecular basis of hinging in grass leafblades at the ligule and auricles provide ameans to produce controlled variation in leafangles (48). Secondly, the amount of Rubiscois a major limitation to light-saturated pho-tosynthesis, despite being as much as 50% ofleaf soluble protein (16). Canopy photosyn-thesis would be increased by deploying aRubisco with a high catalytic rate in the up-per leaves, even at the expense of specificityfor CO2 over O2, and replacing Rubisco witha high specificity form in the lower canopywhere light is limiting to minimize the di-version of the limiting light energy intophotorespiratory metabolism (16). Thirdly,upper canopy leaves are typically light-satu-rated, and reaction centers may be limiting.In a smart canopy, the leaves receiving themost light would form small antenna systemsfeeding many reaction centers. Reactioncenters are expensive to maintain and notlimiting in low light. Therefore, reactioncenter numbers should be decreased inlow light but antenna sizes increased andpigment composition changed to maxi-mize interception of light, which would beenriched in the green (46).The ideal architectural and metabolic fea-

tures of such a smart canopy need to beexplored for different crops using systemsbiology (49). Although optimal propertiessuch as height, leaf area index, leaf angle,albedo, and orientation will differ amongcrops or even within a single crop in dif-ferent environments, a number of commonfeatures can be proposed for individuals in asmart canopy. First, although semidwarfphenotypes were a major contributing factorin the success of the Green Revolution, newmolecular approaches to enhance lodgingresistance should allow increased can-opy height as a promising option to increasecrop biomass and thus grain yields on a perarea basis if the harvest index can be heldconstant. Furthermore, repositioning floralorgans and panicles inside the canopy wouldavoid shading photosynthetically activeleaves; indeed, this strategy is used bymany elite hybrid rice lines. Decreasing leafchlorophyll content in sun-exposed leavesis another promising approach to increase

Fig. 3. The heterogeneity of microenvironments inside a canopy. Light and wind speed decline toward the base of a cropcanopy, generating gradients in relative humidity (RH), CO2, and the red to far-red ratio (R/FR). In a typical canopy (Left), mostlight is absorbed by the upper leaves, which are dark green and often tend toward being horizontal. An optimized canopy(Right) would have lighter green upright leaves at the top of the canopy and dark green horizontal leaves at the base. Ahypothesized smart canopy would also be more efficient if the Rubisco in the upper canopy (protein diagram) had a highcatalytic rate that is replaced by a Rubisco with a high specificity in the lower canopy. The canopy would also be moreefficient with fewer antenna pigments per photosystem (cones) in the upper canopy, replaced by large antennas servingfewer reaction centers in the lower canopy.

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total canopy photosynthetic rate (10). Thisincrease would be achieved both throughincreasing quantum yield of PSII via de-creasing photoprotective energy loss andimproving light energy distribution insidethe canopy. This strategy could be combinedwith the optimization of light harvesting inthe canopy by using different pigments toextend the absorption properties to the in-frared spectral range and by exploiting thecapacity of the proteins to tune the absorp-tion properties of their bound pigments

(Fig. 1B). Chl d, which is red-shifted com-pared with Chl a, could be produced in thelower leaves of the canopy, which mainlyreceives IR light, thus increasing the light-harvesting capacity (50). A similar effectmight be obtained by mutating the proteinsequence of the natural antenna complexes toinfluence protein–protein and protein–pig-ment interactions to shift the absorption ofsome of the Chls to the red by up to 20 nm.This second option could eliminate possibleproblems due to assembly and regulation

with nonnative pigments because changingthe absorption spectrum of native pigmentsrequires mutations only of existing compo-nents of the photosynthetic apparatus (51).Given the difference in the light and CO2

environments inside a canopy, it wouldconceptually be beneficial to use differentphotosynthetic machineries for leaves atthe top of the canopy versus lower layers.Considering that C4 assimilation or othercarbon-concentrating mechanisms requireextra ATP for assimilating CO2, it is

Table 1. Tools and technologies relevant to engineering photosynthesis, their potential applications, and current limitations

Technology/tools Applications Limitations

Bacterial transformation Engineering photosynthesis in cyanobacteria No serious technical limitations in the most importantcyanobacterial model species.

Nuclear transformation Engineering of nucleus-encoded components of thephotosynthetic apparatus; expression of novelgenes and pathways. Development of syntheticchromosomes.

Lack effective strategies to avoid transgene silencing;lack effective strategies for high transgeneexpression levels (often significantly lower than withplastid transformation); lack sufficient characterizedpromoters, terminators, and chloroplast transportsignals; lack mature technologies to stablytransform very large DNA segments (>10 genes)into plants; lack efficient tools for site-directedengineering; lack sufficient information oncentromere and telomere sequences.

Plastid transformation Engineering of plastid-encoded components of thephotosynthetic apparatus; expression of novelgenes and pathways of carbon metabolism.

Small number of transformable species, which do notinclude cereals or other major crops; lack of robustand flexible regulatory strategies.

Mitochondrial transformation Engineering of mitochondrially encoded componentsof the respiratory chain to minimize respiratorylosses; expression of novel pathways of carbonmetabolism.

Not yet possible in any seed plant; currently possibleonly in the algal species Chlamydomonasreinhardtii.

Multigene engineering Engineering of protein complexes in the electrontransfer chain; engineering of carbon fixationpathways.

No serious limitations; can be performed via syntheticoperons in cyanobacteria and plastids and/or bycombinatorial transformation in the nucleus, butmature technologies to introduce very largefragments (>10 genes) into plants are needed.

Protein design Redesign of the electron transfer chain; Rubiscoengineering; redesign of carbon-fixing enzymes.

Computer-based structural modeling not yetsufficiently developed; limited success with rationaldesign and rational optimization of proteins; limitedunderstanding of protein dynamics.

Synthetic genomics Radical redesign of the photosynthetic apparatus viasynthetic plastid genomes and/or artificial(mini)chromosomes in the nucleus.

Incomplete parts list of the photosynthetic apparatus,its assembly factors and regulators; incompleteknowledge about dynamic (quantitative) changes inresponse to environmental cues; limitations insynthesis and efficiency of assembly of very largeDNA molecules (>1 Mbp) and in stability ofminichromosomes.

Design of logic circuits; development ofsensors for light intensity, light quality,temperature, and CO2 concentration

Smart canopy concept. Incomplete parts list: insufficient understanding of thestructure and organization of the genetic andmetabolic networks underlying photosynthesis andits regulation; limited knowledge about pool sizesof metabolites in different cellular compartmentsand subcompartments; incomplete knowledge oftransporters.

Phenotyping in the field Evaluation of design concepts under field conditionsand further optimization through mutagenesis.

Insufficient sensitivity of current imaging methods;lack of sensitive spectrometric methods for large-scale and continuous measurement of the dynamicsof photosynthetic parameters, dynamics ofradiation quality and quantity within the canopy,and growth of stands of many genotypes/transformants in the field.

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preferable to operate such carbon-concen-trating mechanisms only in the top canopylayers whereas the light-limited lower regionwould use only the C3 pathway. Such parti-tioning of C3 and C4 metabolism requires theengineering of a switchable system where aleaf in a nascent canopy initially operates alight-driven CO2-concentrating mechanismand later conducts C3 photosynthesis after itis shaded during canopy development.

Enabling TechnologiesDue to limited natural genetic variation in theenzymes and processes of plant photosynthe-sis, most of the limitations in photosyntheticefficiency will not likely be decisively over-come by conventional breeding approaches.Instead, key improvements will need to bepursued through genetic engineering andsynthetic biology guided by well-validatedmechanistic models. The implementation ofconcepts for radical redesign of the photo-synthetic apparatus and/or its regulation (suchas those discussed above in Targets of Op-portunity) will especially call for the in-troduction of dozens of transgenes—possiblyon synthetic chromosomes—and require ge-netic engineering at an unprecedented scale, aswell as public discussion of the costs andbenefits of such organisms (52). Genetic en-gineering of this large scale poses a number ofsignificant technical challenges (Table 1).Thirty years of transgenic research have

assembled an impressively large toolboxfor genetic engineering of cyanobacteria,eukaryotic algae, and land plants. Recentlydeveloped plant biotechnology and syntheticbiology tools have included synthetic pro-moters, artificial chromosomes, and largeDNA fragment assembly (of entire bacterialgenomes and eukaryotic chromosomes)(18, 53). Improved transformation methodsare poised for the redesign of at least someaspects of photosynthesis for rapid pro-gress. However, there are still criticalbottlenecks and unsolved problems (Table1). In photosynthetic eukaryotes, many ofthe key components of the electron trans-port chain (e.g., the reaction center sub-units of the photosystems), as well as thecatalytic large subunit of Rubisco, are en-coded in the plastid genome. Thus, manystrategies toward redesigning photosyn-thesis would be substantially enabled bytechnologies allowing the plastid genometo be engineered in a greater number ofspecies. In addition, plastid genome trans-formation offers a number of furtherbenefits, including (i) the capacity for high-level transgene expression, (ii) the conve-nient stacking of multiple transgenes insynthetic operons, (iii) the high precision of

plastid engineering due to the presence of anefficient homologous recombination sys-tem, and (iv) the greatly increased transgenecontainment conferred by the maternalmode of plastid inheritance in most crops,which largely excludes plastid (trans)genesfrom pollen transmission.Unfortunately, efficient plastid transfor-

mation technology is presently available invery few species. Despite significant efforts, thedevelopment of plastid transformation pro-tocols for cereals, the world’s most importantstaple crops, has remained unsuccessful (54,55). Major technical challenges include thedevelopment of suitable selectable markersand efficient tissue culture and selection sys-tems. In addition, the sometimes very highexpression levels of plastid transgenes wouldalmost certainly need to be managed toachieve optimal outcomes. Expanded researchefforts will be needed to further optimizeplastid transformation technology by, for ex-ample, increasing the number of transgenesthat can be effectively expressed and by en-suring proper folding and posttranslationalmodification of proteins expressed in theplastid. Overcoming these challenges will re-quire major investments in long-term re-search programs, which are presently notbeing made, at least not in the public sector.In the meantime, it will be appropriate to

test radical redesign concepts in establishedmodel systems, such as cyanobacteria and thegreen alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It willalso be essential to develop an intermediateland plant model as a chassis to implementstrategies for improving photosynthesis andto optimize the reengineered systems fortransfer to staple crops once the trans-genic technologies are sufficiently developed.A possible model could be a diploid tobaccospecies (e.g., Nicotiana sylvestris), whosechloroplast and nuclear genomes are readilytransformable. An intermediate land plantmodel would provide the ability to test theefficacy of different photosynthetic ma-nipulations in a closed canopy parallelingthat of major crops.Important new technologies (18) promise

to greatly improve efficiency and feasibility ofnuclear transformation (Table 1). Noveltechnologies, such as transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) (56, 57) andthe RNA-guided Cas9 system (58, 59), areenabling the precise engineering of genomes,including gene replacement and editing ofgenomic sequences within their authenticregulatory contexts. However, to take fulladvantage of these emerging tools, ourknowledge about the factors and regulatoryprocesses involved in the assembly andfunctioning of the photosynthetic apparatus

must keep pace. For example, the catalog ofprotein factors that participate in the as-sembly, stability, and degradation of thyla-koid protein complexes is incomplete, andmany key players remain to be discovered.Likewise, there are significant gaps in ourknowledge of the proteins and smallmolecules that regulate electron transferprocesses and the biochemical pathwaysof carbon metabolism. Developments inmass spectrometry to improve scale andsensitivity for quantitative and targetedproteomics are needed to improve ourknowledge of posttranslational modifi-cations and protein degradation (60).Although advanced methods in quanti-tative biology, systems biology, and newmodeling approaches (61, 62) will cer-tainly improve our understanding of thearchitecture of the genetic and biochemicalnetworks underlying photosynthesis andwill also aid the design of novel regulatorycircuits, the predictive power of thesemethods will remain limited by the stillrather large number of unknown variablesin the networks (Table 1). The mitigation ofthese limitations will require significantinvestments in basic research on primarymetabolism, gene expression, and their reg-ulation at all levels.

OutlookStimulated by the exciting new opportunitiesof synthetic biology, we have considered anarray of redesigns to improve photosyntheticefficiency and performance, with a primaryfocus on improving the productivity of foodand bioenergy plants. Our intent was neitherto produce an exhaustive list of all currentideas nor to focus exclusively on a new gen-eration of strategies. Rather, we sought tobroadly consider several potential routes toimproving photosynthesis. We confined ourfocus to the processes in chloroplasts al-though we are aware that important down-stream processes, such as the export ofphotosynthate from cells and leaves, can ex-ert strong metabolic and genetic feedback onthis organelle. We have indicated where thereis already proof-of-concept evidence for im-proved photosynthetic efficiency, as well asnotions for complete redesigns that are onlyconceptual, but which are consistent withwhat we currently understand. An impor-tant conclusion is that the implementationof many key ideas is limited by our ability tointroduce, position, and regulate insertedgenes. Finally, we emphasize that a centralchallenge to improving photosynthetic effi-ciency is knowing how alterations made tothe photosynthetic process at the level of thechloroplast will scale to a whole canopy,

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whose complex seasonal development ulti-mately determines biomass production andyield. Thus, an overarching continuum ofmodels that span from cellular metabolismto the agricultural field will be essentialfor successfully redesigning photosynthesis

to sustainably meet global food and bio-energy demand.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Haley Ahlers, whoworks on the Realizing Improved Photosynthetic Effi-ciency (RIPE) project funded by the Bill and MelindaGates Foundation at the University of Illinois, for

assistance with graphics. This paper was conceived atthe workshop “Redesigning Photosynthesis–Identify-ing Opportunities and Novel Ideas” held at the BanburyCenter, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold SpringHarbor, NY, May 13–16, 2013. We thank the Cold SpringHarbor Laboratory Banbury Center for hosting and theCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Corporate Sponsor Pro-gram for funding the workshop.

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