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Redland Christian Academy Student/Parent Handbook R.C.A. “Falcon” Redland Christian Academy has served the South Dade Community for over 40 years, offering quality

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Redland Christian Academy

Student/Parent Handbook

R.C.A. “Falcon”

Redland Christian Academy has served the South Dade Community for over 40 years, offering quality education in a Christian environment. As you read this handbook, we pray that you will support the Christian principles set forth and experience the truth contained in the scripture: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).



Christian Philosophy of Education………… Page 4

Mission Statement………….………………. Page 4

General Information……….…………. …… Page 5

School Programs…………………………..., Page 6

School Policies and Procedures…........ …….Page 9

Classroom Policies……………….………… Page 15

Standards of Conduct…….……..…….…… Page 20

Dress Code…………………….…………… Page 27

Academic Standards for Graduation… …….Page 32

Conclusion………………………….… …….Page 33




“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom.” Proverbs 1:7

Christian Education must begin with the realization that God is the source of all truth. He is in all and for all. He is our frame of reference as we learn from the world around us. Therefore, His Word holds a position of priority over our philosophy of education. The Christian philosophy of education is the teaching of facts that are based on the truth and the Lord Jesus Christ and that we do all for the glory of God. Its purpose is to convince the student of the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Its goal is to nurture, admonish and encourage the student to live a life of service, fully dedicated to and dependent on God in every area of their lives (Ephesians 4:1-6). The Scripture clearly states in Proverbs 22:6 and Deuteronomy 6:9-12 that the parent holds sole responsibility and privilege of stimulating the joy of learning for their children. The parent in turn authorizes the school to assist them in the education process, hence, the Christian school.


1. To guide each student toward a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2. To instill in students respect, responsibility and reverence for God, others and self.


3. To build a strong relationship with parents as we work together to reach the educational and spiritual goals for each child.

4. To offer a quality, God-centered educational program.5. To provide a learning environment in which the student

may develop spiritually, academically, socially, mentally and physically.

6. To meet the individual needs of the student through proper placement and continuing guidance.



Welcome to Redland Christian Academy. Since the mid-1970's, we have given parents an opportunity to send their children to a private school which offers smaller classes, traditional learning styles, and most importantly, God-centered teaching. R.C.A. is operated by members of the Homestead Church of Christ and is governed by a board of directors. R.C.A. is FULLY ACCREDITED by the Florida Independent School Association and is a member of both the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the National Christian School Association (NCSA). R.C.A. is incorporated as a 501C3 non-profit organization by the State of Florida.

The efforts of our entire staff are directed toward providing the best educational environment and facility for your children. Our goal is to provide every student the opportunity to achieve success academically and spiritually. The curriculum we use at R.C.A. helps us attain that goal.

In addition to our fine academic curriculum, each student will have daily Bible classes. Each student will also attend daily or weekly chapel services, taking time out to praise God and give Him the glory.

Thank you for trusting us with your child's education. Let us know if you have any concerns we can help with. Your suggestions and input are important to us. Together with the Lord's help, we can achieve success.

Mr. Daniel CarrilloSchool Administrator

School Motto: “Training students to live for Christ today,


So they may live with Him for eternity.”

School Mascot: The Falcon

School Colors: Red, white, and navy blue


Redland Christian School offers a full academic program from Pre-K thru High School. The pre-kindergarten program presents the child with readiness skills and basic math concepts in the context of God's creation. Hands on activities provide a meaningful connection between learning and the real world.

In our Elementary grades, the curriculum is integrated with the basic Christian belief system to help furnish the children with an understanding of God's world and their place in it. They read, write, explore and experiment. Our student to teacher ratio is 20:1.

Our Junior and Senior High School trains students to become adults with strong moral convictions and also provides an excellent secondary education. Students are encouraged to pursue a college-preparatory track.

Redland Christian Academy is fully accredited by the Florida Independent School Association which is recognized by the State of Florida. This means that the work your child does here and the courses he or she takes are recognized and accepted by schools nation-wide. In high school, this means your child’s courses and credits will be accepted by all institutions of higher learning.


In addition to our normal academic program, R.C.A. offers the following programs and services.

Before School Care Program: Redland Christian Academy offers Before School Care from 6:30 to 7:45 AM for the convenience of our parents who must leave for work before 7:45. Since all staff members except the Before School Care teacher attend a teacher’s meeting until 7:45, any student arriving to school before 7:45 will go into our Before School Care Program regardless of age. The cost for Before School Care is $2.00 per child per day.

After School Care Program: Students should not remain on school grounds after 3:15pm except for pre-arranged activities or after school care, regardless of age. The After School care program runs from 3:15 to 6:00 PM sharp. For liability purposes, students are not allowed outside/inside school grounds without supervision by school staff or parents.

Fees: 3:15-6 PM 1 child $6.00, per day2 or more siblings pay the same fee as

one.2 or more days $20.00, per week.

An additional fee of $1.00 per minute will be added after 6:00 PM. The purpose of the late fee is not to raise funds for the school, but to discourage parents from being late. Please be considerate and pick your child up on time.

R.C.A. is not responsible for the safety of any child who avoids going to morning or after care, whose parents tell them not to go, or who sneak out unnoticed.

Tutoring: Tutoring is offered after school in most subjects. If you are interested in having your child


tutored, please see your child’s teacher or inquire in the school office.

Intramural Sports: R.C.A. is a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association and offers an intramural sports program for students in grades 6 - 12. These sports may include soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, baseball, cheerleading, track, etc. There will be a fee of $75.00 for sports to cover the cost of referees, equipment and bus transportation. Uniforms, if required, may be extra.

Lunches: R.C.A. offers hot lunches every school day. Parents are encouraged to apply for possible free or reduced lunch in the office. If not approved a menu will be sent home every two weeks and you may choose what days your child buys lunch. Lunches must be paid for in advance. On days you choose not to purchase lunch, your child may bring his own from home. If your child forgets to bring his lunch to school, he will be allowed to “charge” a ham and cheese sandwich for the day. Payment for this charged lunch must be made the following day. Please do not send microwave lunches.

Chapel: Chapel is a time that students, faculty and staff can commune with God. We expect chapel to be entered into respectfully and reverently, creating an atmosphere conducive to worship. While there will be appropriate time for laughter and commentary, disruptive behavior will result in disciplinary action.

We welcome parents to our chapel service, but respectfully request that you do not disrupt chapel by picking your child up while chapel is in progress.

Fundraising: From time to time throughout the school year, we hold certain fundraisers. Participation in these


fundraisers is not mandatory, but is very welcome. Redland Christian Academy strives to keep our tuition prices as low as possible, but in doing so, we sometimes have to go without some of the extras that make for a better school. Fundraisers are a way to make up the difference and allow us to purchase some of the extra equipment that makes our school more enjoyable for the students without having to raise our tuition prices. Please try to help with the fundraising whenever possible. It will help keep your tuition costs down.



Admission Policy: Redland Christian Academy seeks to enroll students who are interested in a Christian Education. It is imperative that perspective students understand that admission to R.C.A is a privilege and that if, at any time, student conduct or cooperation with school authorities is not in keeping with the school’s requirements, the administration reserves the right to terminate any student’s enrollment at its discretion.

Following is the criteria needed for admission:

I. Behavioral standards:a. Student must display a desire to attend R.C.A.b. Students and parents must demonstrate a

willingness to support the goals and objectives of the school.

c. Previous schools should be able to verify that the student is of good character.

d. Student should have acceptable scores on standardized tests.

e. Perspective students and parents will be interviewed by the administration.

f. Fulfilling these criteria does not guarantee admission. Final decision for admitting a student rests with the administration.

II. The office must have the following on file for each student:

a. Admission application b. Financial policies formc. Emergency contact cardd. Birth certificatee. Social Security Cardf. Immunization records and medical recordsg. Physical examination formh. Recommendation letter(s)i. Records from previous school


Tuition and other payments: School tuition may be paid in full or broken up into installment payments. All tuition payments are due on the first of the month and are subject to a 10% late charge if they are paid after the 10th of the month. This policy is strictly enforced. We are aware that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. If this is the case, please contact the office and let us know when we might expect payment. We will be glad to work with you.

Please be aware that once tuition payments are over 30 days past due, parents may be asked to withdraw their child(ren) from R.C.A..

In the event that all accounts are not paid up at the end of the school year (tuition, lunch, after/before care, books, etc.), final report cards and transcripts will be held until all payments are made. Students with pending balances cannot enroll for the new school year until all debts are satisfied. Protection of Personal Property: Students who bring personal items with them to school do so at their own risk. R.C.A. is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Make sure your child labels the items he/she brings to school. We do have a lost and found bin in the office but there is no guarantee lost items will be returned.

Protection of School Property: We solicit the assistance of everyone in our school's community in keeping our school beautiful, clean and safe. Parents will be held responsible for any intentional destruction of school property.

Cameras and Audio Equipment: For security and disciplinary purposes, R.C.A. utilizes security cameras throughout the campus that are equipped with voice


recorders. These cameras and recordings are sometimes used to investigate improper behavior on campus.

Withdrawal: If for any reason it is necessary to withdraw a child from school, the school office must be notified at least three days in advance. This is necessary to complete report cards and any transfer papers for your child's new school. All accounts must be paid in full before any paperwork is released.Emergency Contact: Emergency contact cards, health records, and student information need to be on file in the office. If you move or if your telephone number is changed, NOTIFY THE SCHOOL A.S.A.P. School records must be kept up to date so that you can be reached in an emergency. In the event that neither the parent nor the emergency contact can be reached in a medical emergency, the Dade County Emergency Rescue or the doctor named on the emergency contact card will be called.

Telephone Policy: The telephones located in the main office and in the teacher’s lounge are completely off limits to all students. If a parent needs to be phoned because of illness or injury, the office staff will make the call. Students are not permitted to call home for forgotten homework, progress reports or report cards. Students in grades 6 - 12 will not be permitted to call home for forgotten lunches. Students will be permitted to call if after school programs are cancelled, such as tutoring, sports, clubs, etc.

Illness: The importance of regular attendance cannot be over emphasized, but children should not be sent to school when they are ill. If your child has a cold, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc., please keep him or her at home. When a child becomes ill during the day, and it appears that he/she would be best cared for at home, the parents will be called to come and pick up the child.


Injury: Every student who suffers an injury is sent to the office. The supervising teacher will fill out a report. When necessary, office personnel will administer basic first aid. Parents are notified as to the type of injury and they make the decision whether or not to pick up the child from school. Emergency Rescue will be called for injuries that require the type of care that school personnel cannot offer, and the parent or emergency contact will be notified.

Medication: Only school office personnel are allowed to administer medication to students and only if the parent delivers written instructions to the office and signs a permission form provided by the office. State law requires that prescription medicine administered by office personnel be in the original prescription container. Absolutely no medications, including over-the-counter medications, are to be possessed by students. Upper grade students may be expelled for carrying medications to the classroom.

Pediculosis (Head Lice): Unfortunately, outbreaks of head lice are a common occurrence in South Florida schools. The hair on students’ heads will be checked periodically for lice. Students will be sent home if school personnel suspect head lice on the hair. The child cannot return to school until treatment is obtained and there is no evidence of lice. To prevent an outbreak, parents are asked to examine their children's hair weekly.Early Dismissal: If students are being picked up before the end of the school day, the person picking them up must report to the office. Each student must be signed out. If someone other than the parent is to pick up a child, it is the parent's responsibility to inform the office. No child will be dismissed to anyone whose name has not been cleared through the office. Students who drive to


school must have parents’ permission to leave early and must sign themselves out in the school office.

Parents and Visitors: Between the hours of 8:00 and 3:00, all visitors, including parents, must obtain a visitors’ pass from the office upon arrival and before visiting the classroom. This ruling is for the safety and protection of our pupils and teachers. If your child forgets his/her lunch or other items, and you feel it necessary to bring them to him/her, please come to the office and the office personnel will see that these items are delivered to your child.

Cafeteria: All students, in all grades, will go to the cafeteria with their class when assigned. The tables are to be cleaned before anyone is permitted to leave the lunchroom. Everyone sitting at a specific table is responsible for its cleanliness. Students will be assigned specific cleaning duties in the cafeteria on a rotating basis. No students are exempt from these duties.

Teacher’s Lounge: The Teachers Restroom is completely off limits to all students at all times.

No Smoking On School Grounds: Please be aware that smoking on school grounds by students, parents or visitors is prohibited.

Parking Lot Procedures: Please follow the following procedures for dropping off and picking up your children:

In the mornings, children may be dropped off in the north parking lot, this is the parking lot near the school gym. You are to enter the gate and stay to the right. Both of our parking lots are one-way. On the south parking lot, near the portables, enter the long stretch slowly and turn right. Stay to the right for drop off. The


center lane is for moving traffic when you drive away. Under no circumstances should you drop off children from the center lane. There are designated parking spots for waiting.If you want to park your car and come into the building with your children, you must do so in the south parking lot. This is the parking lot near the school office. You should stay to the right in the parking lot and park in the proper parking areas, then escort your children into the building. Please do not block the flow of traffic in the center lanes.

In the afternoons, the sixth through twelfth grade students will be in the gym and may walk to their parents’ cars. All other students will be in their classrooms. If you need to pick up younger children, you will need to park your car in either parking lot and come into the building. Please remember that both parking lots have one-way traffic in the mornings and afternoons.

Weekly Newsletter: The office sends home a weekly newsletter with each student. We ask parents to read the newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events and programs. This newsletter is also sent home via email to all parents who have provided us with their email addresses.

Emergency Crisis Plan: Our school has emergency weather alert equipment in the office. In the event of a tornado or other severe weather, students will be brought into the central hallways away from windows and doors. We will be closed for tropical storms or hurricanes.

In the event of a crisis the outer gates will be closed until all clear or further instruction from authorities is given. In the event of a crisis at Turkey Point, students will be held in the auditorium to be picked up by their



Concerns: We understand that at times parents may have strong concerns about a matter. Since the school is a ministry in the name of Jesus Christ, we strongly suggest that the following Biblical guidelines be kept in mind as the matter is approached. (Matt.18: 15-17)

1. Keep the matter confidential and schedule a meeting with the staff member involved in the matter. An open and honest discussion among people who are sensitive to Godly principles will most often reach an amicable solution. Once the matter is discussed, be forgiving.

2. If the matter is not resolved, schedule an appointment with the school administrator.

Both parties will discuss their view of the issue with the administrator. This should be done in a spirit of humility, prayer and willingness to submit to the Lord’s will in the matter.

3. If the matter is still unresolved, a formal letter is to be written to the Board of Directors. They will review all the facts and make a recommendation.

Everything that is done in a Christian school must be done in a Godly way for it is God’s will that we live and work in harmony. Jesus said, “…love one another as I have loved you….”



Attendance: School is in session for approximately 180 days each school year from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM every day except Wednesday when we dismiss at 2:00 PM. A child must attend regularly if he/she is to succeed academically. Barring unusual circumstances, any student in Kindergarten through 12th grade who accumulates fifteen (15) or more unexcused absences for the year will not be promoted to the next grade. A note must follow every absence from the parent indicating the reason for the absence. Excused absences include: death in the family, illness of the student, or a doctor's appointment. Absences from class for any reasons other than those named above are considered unexcused absences. Family activities which take a child away from school may be excused if arrangements are made with the teachers in advance,


class work and/or homework is assigned in advance, and work is completed on or before the day the student returns. As a normal procedure, work that is turned in late will have one letter grade deducted from the grade for each day the work is turned in late. This procedure will apply to all class work and homework that is turned in late.

Tardy Policy ( Tardy to school and tardy between classes) Students cannot learn if they are not in the classroom. Therefore, we have found it necessary to institute the following policies regarding tardiness:

In the morning - Students who are not in their homeroom before the first period bell rings are tardy. Students arriving after morning homeroom MUST report to the school office for a tardy slip. If there is good reason for the tardiness, parents must send a note with the student and the tardy will be excused. Reasonable excuses for tardiness include illness, car trouble, appointments, etc. Office personnel will determine if the tardy is excused. Parental cooperation in the matter of punctuality and attendance is required.

In between classes (grades 6 through 12) - Students are expected to be in their seat in class when the class bell rings. Students who are late to class will be signed into a tardy log in the class. These tardies will be tracked. Five or more tardies to class can result in an afterschool detention.

In grades 6 through 12, five unexcused tardies (both in the morning and in between classes) will result in an after school detention. Continued tardiness will result in more severe consequences.


Any student, in any grade, who receives 4 or more tardies arriving to school will be ineligible for a Perfect Attendance award at the end of the school year.

Homework: Homework assignments may be given Monday through Friday. The time to complete an assignment may vary from student to student depending upon the child's work habits and degree of difficulty. Homework is an essential part of our instructional program and a means whereby classroom lessons are reinforced and students are helped to develop a sense of responsibility for their learning. Parental assistance and support are essential. This is not to say parents should do the work for the student, but it is important for parents to be there for support. Parents need to demonstrate the importance of homework by checking their child’s assignments in their homework planner on a daily basis to make sure the homework is complete. An assignment is considered late if not turned in when due and will have one letter grade deducted from the grade for each day the work is turned in late. Should there be any question concerning homework assignments, please contact your child's teacher.

Generally, no homework will be given on Wednesdays, except make-up work. This is to encourage your family to join us for Bible study held here Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00.

Materials and Supplies: Students must have sufficient supplies available for each class. Borrowing books, paper, pens, pencils, etc. is discouraged. Paper, pens and pencils may be purchased from the office between classes only. Students will not be excused to purchase materials after the bell has rung.


Grades and Report Cards: R.C.A. utilizes a web site that parents have access to view their child(ren)’s grades on an ongoing basis. Parents are given instructions on how to access this web site at the beginning of the school year. Grades are given for achievement and conduct. Please check this web site often to stay informed about your child’s progress and grades. Progress reports are sent out on a regular basis. If you notice your child has a failing grade, it is strongly recommended that you call to make an appointment and have a conference with your child's teacher immediately.

Report cards are published and uploaded to the web site every nine weeks. If you have absolutely no internet access, please work closely with your child’s teachers to track his or her progress. You may also pick up a copy of your child’s report card in the office at the end of each grading period.

Grading ScaleA+ = 97-100 A = 94-96 A- = 90-93B+ = 87-89 B = 84-86 B- = 80-83C+ = 77-79 C = 74-76 C- = 70-73D = 66-69 F = 65 or below

Note: To be eligible for Honor Roll, students must earn all A’s and B’s for every subject, including conduct.

Yearly Promotions: Preschool students are promoted to the next grade when they have mastered the necessary skills and both the teacher and the parent feel they are ready to be promoted.

Elementary and middle school students are promoted to the next grade upon successful completion of all subjects. A student who fails Language Arts or Math


must successfully complete summer school in those subjects or an approved equivalent before being promoted to the next grade. We reserve the right to retain any student who fails two or more core subjects.

Students in grades 9 – 12 who do not successfully complete a course will need to repeat the course the following year.

Conferences: Teachers conferences should be arranged only by appointment at the request of the parent, teacher or administration. Please schedule an appointment by writing a note to the teacher involved or calling the school office. Please schedule conferences after school hours. Do not try to have a conference when dropping off or picking up your child. During this time, teachers must be permitted to devote their attention to their pupils. No conferences can be held while teachers have direct responsibility for children.

Field Trips: Teachers and parents will accompany students on educational field trips. Most trips include bus transportation. However, parents who are driving their own vehicles and transporting other students must adhere to the following requirements:

1. Bring a valid driver's license and current auto insurance card to the office to be photocopied.

2. Obtain, read, and sign the chaperone form located in the office.

3. A written note or verbal permission from the parents of any child being transported must be verified in the office before any parent can transport other children.

When serving as a chaperone, your primary responsibility is to provide adequate supervision for all students, and we ask that you do not take other children


from home or siblings from their class to attend the field trip. We also ask that you display the utmost Christian behavior and professionalism while chaperoning a trip. Please remember as a chaperone, you are an example to our students and our community.

If a student exhibits poor conduct on a field trip, that student may be excluded from future field trips. It will then be the parent’s responsibility to provide day care for their child while the class is on trips. Our expectation for student conduct is the same on a field trip as it is in the classroom. All school rules, policies and procedures apply on field trips.

If you prefer that your child not attend a particular field trip, please note that you will have to provide that day’s care for your child. We do not have extra staff members who can care for a child who does not attend a field trip.

Athletic Program: R.C.A. is a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association and we participate in the following scheduled sports programs provided we have enough student participation and coaching staff.

Girls Volleyball Boys VolleyballGirls Basketball Boys BasketballGirls Softball Boys Baseball

Participation in Sports is open to grades 6 through 12. Participation requires a doctor’s physical with the appropriate physical form submitted to the athletic director, payment of the $75 sports fee per sport, a minimum academic GPA of 2.0 and the student may not have an “F” in any class. (The grades of students with documented learning disabilities will be reviewed on a case by case basis, but the student must still carry an


overall 2.0 GPA.) If a student involved in the sports program earns a “D” on a report card, the student’s coach, teacher and parents should work together to help the student bring his/her grade up.


Redland Christian Academy insists on maintaining an atmosphere where optimum learning takes place. In


order to maintain that environment, we must insist that students abide by certain standards of conduct. First and foremost students must demonstrate a Christ-like attitude. This attitude should be reflected not only in their studies but also in their conduct.

The following behavioral guidelines come straight from God’s Word.

Biblical Guidelines for Student Behavior

Respect Authority: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. God has established the authorities that exist. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rules hold no terror to those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good.” Romans 13:1-4

Be an Example: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” I Timothy 4:12

Pursue Excellence: “Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8

Be Honest and Truthful: “Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”


Ephesians 4:25

Practice Clean Speech: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:32

Rights and Responsibilities of Students:

All students at R.C.A. have a right and responsibility to:

1. A quality education in a stable, safe environment;2. Attend class daily and on time;3. Be prepared for each class with appropriate

materials and assignments;4. Put maximum effort into their lessons;5. Be properly dressed in school uniform;6. Exhibit respect toward others and toward school

property;7. Obey ALL school rules;8. Cooperate with staff in the investigation of

disciplinary cases and volunteer information related to serious offenses; and

9. Take home all school-related communications.

Rights and Responsibilities of Parents:

Every parent of an R.C.A. student has the right to:

1. Appropriate and timely communication from the school and teachers;

2. Participate in all appropriate school functions;3. Conferences with the appropriate school personnel

in matters relating to their child;4. A safe and nurturing atmosphere for their child; and5. Fair and equal treatment of their child.


Every parent of an R.C.A. student has the responsibility to:

1. Support the doctrine, philosophy, and goals of R.C.A.;

2. Actively support the administration with the implementation of the behavioral standards;

3. Keep informed of school policies and academic requirements of school programs;

4. Make every effort to provide for the physical and medical needs of their child;

5. Bring to the attention of school personnel any learning problem or medical condition that may relate to their child’s education;

6. Make sure their child attends school regularly and promptly;

7. Be sure their child is appropriately dressed at school and for school-related activities;

8. Teach their child to pay attention and obey the rules;9. Encourage and lead their child to develop proper

study habits at home;10. Participate in parent/teacher conferences to

discuss their student’s school progress and welfare;11. Sign and return academic and disciplinary

communications from the school;12. Discuss behavior reports, progress reports,

report cards, and school assignments with their child;

13. Participate in school-related organizations;14. Maintain up-to-date home, work, and emergency

telephone numbers and other pertinent information at the school; and

15. Follow the prescribed “chain of command”- Teacher, Administration, Head Administrator, School Board- in pursuing issues or seeking to resolve disputes.


BEHAVIOR INFRACTIONS: The following infractions are categorized from minor to severe and are meant as a guideline for enforcing the expected behaviors. Minor Infractions:

1. Inappropriate (disruptive or distracting) behavior2. Disobedience 3. Failure to do class work or homework on time4. Dress code violations5. Chewing gum 6. Possession of cell phones and or any electronic

device as well as headphones will be confiscated.

7. Use of electronic game devices during school time

8. Eating or drinking in class without permission9. Having visible tattoos or any body piercing

(except earrings for females only)10. Wearing excessive jewelry (“excessive” shall be

defined by school administration) 11. Inappropriate writing on textbooks or classroom property 12. Coming to class unprepared (no books, paper, pencils, or gym clothes, etc.) 13. Five tardies to school or in between classes

The consequences for minor infractions will include the following based upon the teacher’s decision: a phone call to the parent, extra work assigned, time out or isolation, restriction of privileges, or confiscation of property. Parents will be notified and expected to assist if such behavior persists. If after communicating with the parent the behavior has not changed, more serious consequences will follow.

Consequences for gum chewing, uniform infractions and cell phone usage will often be an after school detention, usually the following


Wednesday. If the student cannot attend the detention it will be rescheduled for the following week. If the detention is not satisfied within two weeks and in-house detention will be administered.

Major Infractions:1 . Repeated minor infractions2. Chapel misbehavior3 . Disrespectful disobedience4. Disrespect to any person or property 5. Dishonesty6. Cheating on school work or tests7. Forgery of parent or teacher signature8. Skipping class 9. Using obscene or indecent gestures 10. Fighting or harassment of any kind11. Vandalism of school property or personal property

Consequences for major infractions will result in a written referral to the office, a conference with the administrator and other consequences which may include: after-school detention, Saturday detention, extra work assigned, phone call to parent, time out or isolation, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion.

Cheating: Cheating is a very serious offense. If a student is caught in the act of cheating, he/she will receive a zero for the assignment. Cheating includes sharing homework papers, plagiarism, copying during a test, using a cheat sheet, etc. Also, the student who willingly allows another student to copy their work or give someone answers is cheating and will also receive a zero.

Severe Infractions:1. Stealing


2. Fighting3. Threatening or belligerent behavior4. Possession or use of any of the following:

Tobacco products Drugs Liquor Fireworks Firearms Knives Spray paint Indecent literature Lighters or matches

The consequences for severe infractions may include a minimum 3-day suspension or expulsion.

Profanity: Profanity is in a category by itself because it will not be tolerated at R.C.A. The consequences for profanity are swift. The first time a student is heard by a teacher or staff member using profanity, vulgarity or the Lord’s name in vain, they will serve a suspension from school. The second offense will result in the student’s permanent expulsion from R.C.A. We will not tolerate such excuses as “I couldn’t help it” or “It just slipped out”. If the student can not help what comes out of his mouth, then that student does not need to attend Redland Christian Academy.

Drugs: Drug and alcohol usage is absolutely prohibited at R.C.A. and will result in immediately expulsion. R.C.A. reserves the right to search the belongings of each student including the students’ vehicles, lockers, book bags, purses, pockets, shoes and socks, etc. to enforce our No Drug Policy. R.C.A. also reserves the right to utilize Drug Dogs to search students, their belongings and vehicles if necessary and to require a student to be subjected to drug testing at random or as a condition of their continued enrollment at R.C.A.


Cell Phones: Students are to turn in cell phones to their homeroom teacher. Any student seen with a cell phone will have the phone confiscated and the parent must come and pick it up. If a student must carry a cell phone to school for use after leaving school, the phone should be turned into the office or the student’s homeroom teacher upon arrival at school to be held until the end of the day. R.C.A. will not be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. *Parents should not call or text students during school hours.

Student Drivers: The following steps must be taken in order for a student to be allowed to drive to school:

1. The student must provide a copy of a valid driver’s license to be kept on file in the office. Restricted licenses and learner’s permits are not acceptable.

2. The student must provide a copy of his/her insurance card to be kept on file in the office.

3. The student must receive written permission from the office.

4. Students must sign in and sign out of the office if they are student drivers.

Once these steps have been taken in the appropriate order, the following rules apply to student drivers:

1. Students must park in the parking spaces designated for students.

2. Students are not allowed, for any reason, to go to or sit in their vehicles during the school day without written permission from their teacher or the office.

3. Students are not permitted to leave for lunch.4. The maximum speed in the parking lot is 10 MPH.

Any student perceived exceeding the speed limit or driving recklessly will have their driving privileges suspended.

5. All student vehicles parked on school property 32

may be searched at any time for unauthorized items. 6. Students may not transport other students in their vehicles without written permission given to the office from both students’ parents.

Boy/Girl Relationships: Seventh through twelfth grade students may hold hands in specific circumstances. In order to be allowed to do this, the following procedures must be adhered to:

1. Obtain written permission from their parents on a form supplied by the office, which will be placed in their file.

2. If they are given permission, they will be allowed to hold hands at lunch and at recess outside of the main building only.

3. Students are not to hold hands in the hallways or classrooms under any circumstances.

4. If, at any time, couples display affection by any means other than holding hands (i.e., kissing or physical contact), this privilege will be immediately revoked and they may face additional consequences.

5. If at any time, a teacher requests that a couple not hold hands, then that couple shall honor the teacher’s request, without an argument.

NOTE: It is imperative that students in attendance at R.C.A. understand that their reputation is very important. Once a student or couple has established a reputation of sexual promiscuity, it is very difficult to alter that view amongst his/her peers. At R.C.A., we expect that our students will maintain the highest degree of purity and morality, both on and off campus.

For this reason, any student who becomes pregnant 33

or causes someone to become pregnant, will be immediately dismissed from R.C.A.

Students or couples who are openly promiscuous will also be dismissed from R.C.A.


Uniforms are mandatory and must be purchased through” or through “Creative Threads” no other company. All uniform shirts, polos, blouses and jumpers must have the Redland Christian Academy logo professionally installed. Jackets and sweaters must be a solid Navy Blue color , no stripes, name brands or other shades of blue are allowed.*Non-RCA jackets, coats and sweaters must be removed when students enter the school building.

Please Note: Students who come to school dressed inappropriately will be sent to sit in the office until their parents can bring them the appropriate clothing. Jackets, coats and sweaters that are non-RCA will be confiscated.

Below are the uniforms to be worn at the different grade levels:


Mandatory Uniform: (Must be purchased)Plaid sailor dress

Optional Uniforms: Red, white or blue polo shirtsRed long sleeve polo shirtNavy, khaki or plaid skortsNavy or khaki shorts Navy or khaki long pantsNavy fleece school jacketNavy school sweatshirt

PRESCHOOL BOYS (K3-K5):Mandatory Uniform: (Must be purchased)

Long-sleeve white dress uniform shirtNavy long pants

Optional Uniforms: Red, white or blue polo shirtsRed long sleeve polo shirtNavy or khaki shorts Navy or khaki long pantsNavy fleece school jacketNavy school sweatshirt

Preschool Note: Each preschool student should bring an outfit to be left in the classroom for the entire year in case of a bathroom “accident.” This outfit does not have to be a school uniform but may consist of a simple t-shirt, shorts and underwear.

ELEMENTARY GIRLS (GRADES 1 THROUGH 5):Mandatory Uniform: (Must be purchased)

Plaid jumperWhite puff-sleeve with plaid trim (1st -

3rd)White polo shirt (4th - 5th grades)

Optional Uniforms: Red, white or blue polo shirtsRed long sleeve polo shirtNavy, khaki or plaid skortsNavy or khaki shorts Navy or khaki long pants


Navy fleece school jacketNavy school sweatshirt

ELEMENTARY BOYS (GRADES 1 THROUGH 5):Mandatory Uniform: (Must be purchased)

Long-sleeve white dress uniform shirtNavy long pants

Optional Uniforms: Red, white or blue polo shirtsLong sleeve red polo shirtNavy or khaki shorts Navy or khaki long pantsNavy fleece school jacketNavy school sweatshirt

GIRLS 6TH - 12TH GRADES : Mandatory uniform: (Must be purchased)

White ¾ sleeve blouseNavy skirt with plaid sash

Optional Uniforms: Red, white or blue polo shirtsRed long sleeve polo shirt

Light blue ¾ sleeve blouse Khaki or plaid skirt - NO SKORTS

Navy or khaki uniform pantsNavy or khaki uniform caprisNavy fleece school jacketNavy school sweatshirt



Mandatory uniform: (must be purchased) White long sleeve uniform dress shirtNavy long uniform pants

Optional uniforms: Light blue or white Island Shirts Red, white or blue polo shirts

Red long sleeve polo shirtKhaki long uniform pantsNavy fleece school jacketNavy school sweatshirt

Dress Down Days: Our dress down uniform will consist of the R.C.A. “Spirit Shirt” and jeans. Jean shorts or long jeans may be worn from preschool through 5th grades. Only long jeans may be worn in grades 6 through 12. Uniform pants may also be worn if desired. The R.C.A. Spirit Shirts are available in the office.

Physical Education Uniforms: Students in grades 3 through 12 will dress out for P.E. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the day’s grade for P.E. Students must wear the appropriate P.E. uniform which must be purchased from Sunshine School Uniforms.


1. Belts for boys are strongly encouraged but not required.

2. Boys are not to wear their pants too low on their waist. Any R.C.A. staff member may request a boy to pull his pants up higher and tighten his belt. Refusal of a student to do so will result in consequences.

3. Uniforms will be kept clean and neatly pressed. Shirts will be tucked in completely at all times (with the exception of the boys' Island Shirts and girls’ ¾ sleeve


blouses) and must be buttoned up with the exception of the top button.

4. Only white short sleeve or sleeveless undershirts may be worn under the uniforms shirts. No long sleeve undershirts or t-shirts may be worn with short sleeve uniform shirts. The red or blue long sleeve polo shirts are available for cooler days.

5. The length of girl’s hemlines will be no shorter than two inches above the knee. Office personnel will determine if a skirt hemline is appropriate.

6. Shoes must be worn at all times, be practical and have non-scuff soles. For safety reasons, no sandals, high heels, cowboy boots, slippers or backless shoes may be worn.

7. Boys’ hair must be neatly combed and may not hang in their face. Boys’ facial hair must be neatly trimmed and groomed.

8. Body piercings, including tongue rings, are not allowed at school except earrings for girls. Excessive jewelry (including heavy necklaces or noisy bangle bracelets) are not to be worn.

9. Boys may not wear earrings to school. Any boy who comes to school with an earring will be required to remove it immediately.

10. Students may not wear hats, caps or sunglasses inside the building.

11. There are to be no visible tattoos or writing on the skin.


12. Girls in the 7th through 12th grade may wear light make-up only.

13. Hair and hair pieces may not be dyed a color which is not considered natural hair color.

14. Outer jackets, sweaters and or sweatshirts may be worn to school

if they are solid navy blue in color. Non RCA jackets, sweaters and coats must be removed when entering the school building.

15. Skorts are for girls in preschool and elementary school through fifth grade only. (6th through 12th grade girls may not wear skorts nor shorts.)

Dress Code For School Functions When Uniforms Are Not Mandatory:Occasionally we have school days or extra-curricular activities when it is not mandatory to wear school uniforms. These events include sports games, dances, proms, etc. At these times we expect students to dress in clothes that fall within our guidelines for modesty and Christian appearance.

1. All skirt hemlines are to be no more than 2” above the knee.

2.No short shorts, halter tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, tight clothing or bare midriffs will be allowed. No cleavage should be showing.

3. Shirts must have sleeves and not have any inappropriate graphics or wording on them.


Students must understand that they are to follow our dress code at all school functions, whether during the day or evening, on campus or off campus. Students who attend school functions dressed inappropriately will be asked to leave.

Please keep in mind when you are out in the community, if you have on an R.C.A. uniform, you are a representative of our school. Please make us proud!


College Preparatory CourseAs Required by Florida State Colleges/Universities

Credits Required

English/ Language Arts Credits 4Math Credits (Alg1 and Geometry required)

4Science Credits (Biology 1 is required) 3Social Studies Credits (to include U.S.History)World History, Amer. Gov /Economics) 3Personal Fitness/Physical Education /Health 1Fine Arts 1Tech/Computers/Vitual Class 1

Foreign Language (must be 2 consecutive years)2

Electives (includes Bible classes required by RCA) 8

Total Credits 24


Elective courses may consist of physical education, computer, art & music (when available), teachers aide, etc. Elective courses may also consist of additional math, science or social studies classes.

In addition, R.C.A. and Florida state colleges require students acquire 75 community services hours in high school. Please check with the college you plan on attending to see what their requirements are for community services hours. R.C.A. offers a number of ways for you to acquire your hours such as after school tutoring, teachers aides, after school care aides, etc. Check with the school office if you are interested in earning your hours at R.C.A.


Our rules and regulations are meant to be as thorough as possible, however, school policy may be altered at any time by the school administration if it becomes necessary to do so.

We hope we have answered all your questions. If there are any areas you are unclear about, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call our school office. We will be glad to assist you in any way we can.

As a Christian school, we stress church attendance because it is necessary for spiritual growth for the entire family. It will be to your advantage to study the Word of God and see what He has to say about how we should act


as His children. If you do not have a regular place of worship, please feel free to visit us on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Classes for infants, children, teens and adults are available.

In addition, if you have any needs our church family can help you with, please do not hesitate to let our office or one of our staff members know. We will be more than happy to help.

