reducing distances - removing barriers

Reducing Distances - Removing Barriers the use of ICT in building global awareness amongst young Europeans

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Reducing Distances - Removing Barriers. the use of ICT in building global awareness amongst young Europeans. What do we mean by economic development?. is it simply GDP per person? or should we look at a wider interpretation? what of access to clean water - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Reducing Distances - Removing Barriers

Reducing Distances - Removing Barriers

the use of ICT in building global awareness amongst young


Page 2: Reducing Distances - Removing Barriers

What do we mean by economic development?

• is it simply GDP per person?

• or should we look at a wider interpretation?

• what of access to clean water

• what of access to elementary education

• or calorie intake

• let’s broaden awareness of the fundamentals of poverty

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Why not look at World Bank Human Development Index?

• it takes into account other variables which include access to clean water, literacy and health provision

• more informative in an analysis of poverty and its causes

• then researches ways of generating economic wealth

• then researches the forms of civil society that would make distribution more likely

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Some sites to visit-general information on development


[email protected]


•– This site gives information in English, French

and Spanish

• other sites available on request

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Other issues

• fair trade

• human capital

• micro loans

• capital flows

• civil society

• the labour market of the future

• aid

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Other issues - 2

• debt

• big business

• intellectual property rights

• ICT developments

• arms and super power involvement

• the effects on indigenous cultures

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Fair trade

• what do we mean?

• farming subsidies

• customs unions

• super power politics

• employment protection - in developed economies

• employment generation in developing economies

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Power in the market place

• what do we mean by power?

• how is it achieved?

• how is it kept?

• growth of MNC’s

• link of aid to trade

• influence in domestic politics

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Why is global trade increasing?

• the search for new markets

• the desire to gain lower cost bases

• the need to build economies of scale and other efficiencies

• securing markets in strategic locations

• standardisation of products/tastes

• eradication of trade barriers

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Global trade - 2

• need to achieve and maintain competitive advantage

• BUT - what of standards of employment?

• health

• waste control

• tax and civic responsibilities

• transfer pricing

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Global trade - continued

• are we seeing a global culture emerge?

• logo inflation

• sponsorship of cultural events

• branding of sport

• branding of youth culture

• branding of identity politics

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Global Trade - 3

• Why not visit:––– www.corpwatch,org– uk–– the work of the Danish Human Rights Centre

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Human capital

• what is it?

• how do we add value to individuals?

• should we leave this to skills transfer?

• how can young people help?

• labour v capital intensive

• foreign exchange costs

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Some sites that look at human capital

• – low cost added value schemes

•– the official site of The Royal Economics

Society, which has a large section on developing human capital.

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Micro loans

• what are they?

• use in rural and urban economies e.g Vietnam, India and South Africa.

• use with women only banks

• revolving credit and the multiplier effect

• added value

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Capital flows

• what influences foreign direct investment?

• where is it going?

• what should it be directed towards?

• main contributors

• main recipients

• where does the profit go

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Civil Society

• increasing importance of:– accountability– involvement– transparency– lack of awareness amongst my own students as

to the development of their own civil society

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Civil Society - some sites - 1

• – promotes accountable government

•– a UK based charity that views development from a

non-political stance

•– an organisation that promoted responsible use of

modern technology to boost accountable development

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Civil Society site - 2

•– the umbrella organisation behind the campaign to

reduce debt and other market irregularities

•– a portal that has information in a number of


•– an Indian based organisation that specialises in the

rights of women

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Civil Society - 3

•– an organisation that specialises in work directed at

closing the gaps between rich and poor.

•– a Third World network that represents many

organisations working in development slcgg

•– the organisation run by Zainab Bangura in Sierra


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The labour market of the future - an EU perspective

• increase in global trade

• increase in job dynamics

• dismantling of social exclusion

• building of skills bases that cross countries and continents

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Labour Market - 2

• ubiquitous learning environments

• wireless connections

• collaborative learning

• knowledge based economies

• new ways of examining competence

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• types

• strings attached

• what should be its role?

• biggest givers

• largest receivers

• again what of arms

• import substitution v export promotion

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Aid - 2

• some useful sites:– [email protected]–– www.tradeaid.ork–

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Aid - 3

• data bases:– - Swedish site––––

• The Virtual Developing Economy - game. Please ask for information on other games and simulations

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Big business - 1

• implications for MNC/Fair Trade debate

• advantages v disadvantages

• sustainable development?

• sites

•– Proctor and Gamble

•– fair trade and strategies towards global responsibility

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Big Business - 2

• more sites which may be of interest:–––––– [email protected]

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Intellectual property rights

• growing importance

• examples of Cocoa in Ghana and Basmati rice in India

• where could this be going?

• what type of controls do we want?

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Conflict Resolution

• new area for education

• blood diamonds

• drug trafficking

• break down in nation states

• new global order

• new global problems

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Some useful publications

• BBC World Service

• Washington Post

• India Today

• Jeune Africa

• Times of India

• West Africa

• Nairobi Times

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Some useful Agencies

• FAO - Rome• OECD - Paris• UNDP - Geneva• UNICEF - Paris• World Food Programme on• Danish Agency for Development Assistance• Swedish International Development Co-operative


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Some topics for discussion

• how to engage young people in collaborative learning programmes?

• how to encourage exchanges of knowledge?

• how to inform about the reality of lives in developing countries?

• the use of games and simulations

• what kind of world do they want?

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Discussion - 2

• developing our role as facilitators

• how will education be delivered?

• can we reduce barriers and the distances between us?

• does more unite us than divide us?

• developing global citizenship

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Further Information

[email protected]

• Africa - an overview

• Case Study on Sierra Leone plus questions and in-class topics

• A personal reflection on Sierra Leone

• A brief economic history of the world post world war two

Thank you