ref id:a69029 the national cryptolog!c school · 2018-08-10 · over the am1ej forces nor an...

REF ID:A69029 THE NATIONAL CRYPTOLOG!C SCHOOL ro ed o ele se b N A on 1- - 14 ursuantto . . 1

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Page 1: REF ID:A69029 THE NATIONAL CRYPTOLOG!C SCHOOL · 2018-08-10 · over the am1eJ forces nor an Ol"cmU nrmctl force..~ general r.taff.1 Tl'fLE I-COO!~DnL\TJON FOR XATIOXAT.1 f.l;:


ro ed o ele se b N A on 1- - 14 ursuantto . . 1

Page 2: REF ID:A69029 THE NATIONAL CRYPTOLOG!C SCHOOL · 2018-08-10 · over the am1eJ forces nor an Ol"cmU nrmctl force..~ general r.taff.1 Tl'fLE I-COO!~DnL\TJON FOR XATIOXAT.1 f.l;:


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... . . REF ID :A69Q29 ' , .

__ .. UOtb Cougrcsa} COIJlr!~.t:c:E PB.DlT

Bel RD1oSlon • (Sureraed:ta Commltt:ia Print Publii.hec:I 111 lP;;G)

I'1A'i'IONJ1L SECURITY ACT OF 1947 (I'ub1ic r .aw 2:,s. 80t'h ConJ:J"C3!1. July 2G. 1047)

(81 Stat. 4!:95)

AS AMENDED TIIllOUCH: DECElfBF.n. 31, 19j1J. AND m­CLUDING THE HA'J.'IO!t<:AL si::cumTY ACT ,AJ.IEND-1.iEU'l'S OF 1919, PUDI.IC LAW 216, 81ST CONGR'l=:SR, AUGUST 10. 19.1' (83 STAT. &78): PUBI.IC LAW ·d!G: 82D CONGRESS. ,TUNE 28, 1~2. REOllG.t\NIZATIO~ PLA?l 3 OJ' :JO:iB; REORGANIZATION PI~\:S G OF JP:i8; A'.HD AS JN PAR'.L' :CEPEALED AND conn·u::n J!\ 1'1'J."LE 10 07 TIIE UNITED S'l'ATES CODE, BY l'l:J-U.IC I.A \I J028, B.S'i'fI CONGRESS, AUGUST 10, 1956 (70A S1'A'£. 11 1 A~D D1':· PAll'l'.MENT 01'~ l>EFENSE REORGA!\JZA•1•10::-.1 ACT O'? 193S, PUBLIC LAW SIH.99, AUGUS'.r G.1908 c·n RTAT. lit-I)

.... : .,.

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l'i'lnLed tor the u~e of th(. r,l'ftate Commlttro 011 Armed Senicas


UNft F..IJ R'J"A'l l".S

OO\'F.11~>11:rr 1•m..:Tr:5'•J oi·r1cr:

\\'.\Rlll~GTCIX : 111:.~


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Page 3: REF ID:A69029 THE NATIONAL CRYPTOLOG!C SCHOOL · 2018-08-10 · over the am1eJ forces nor an Ol"cmU nrmctl force..~ general r.taff.1 Tl'fLE I-COO!~DnL\TJON FOR XATIOXAT.1 f.l;:

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REF ID:A69029

CO~!.Ir£TI::J~ o:;: .1\UlUm s1:1t\".ICI:s

IUClL\ltD :C. BUC&J:LJ.., Geor~:a. C"1lairma>1

111.n:nr rLOOn I:Yrm. \"lri;-lnln J.YNI>ON H. JOL::.OSO:ll, TP:i::.i.

:C6TJ:S J"J:I•"At;\"J:R, T,.n•1t 141!!0 .iou:; bTC!WNl!:.I, )11 ..... ~,11•1>1 mc . .U:T SY?.SIXGT0:-0, ::i.n~ .11url M::..'i!tY :H. JACl"!;,0,:0:, \\"a~h:n.-;tN1 i;.,~ ~. J:mVJ.'<I', Ja., North

LI-:\"I:IU:TT S.\LTO:S-S"rAr.r., )l:i·~acb.J!lll'tt .. STl:'LJ:i; CRIUC;rs. Xeu Jllll":t .. blrl!' Jc.u.1•11 1-:. rr •• t~ 1.1::m:. \"e•1u•1n: :n.&1:G.\11!:0r Cll.\SJ~ Sl111"1i, "­:1-·n.a.:sc1:1 CAM:, So>utn IJ&'l..Ot.L • J'A~U:S :U. IJt::t•t•. Prur .. )lunl:i. lIJ.ltllJ.S WJ:J.Kl.11, I.!ollsO>

... 111.1.•:r r .. \fJ'COA.'::Z,. J'r •• Clr:rl;

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REF ID:A69029

·-~.;;.,o;;---::..- ......................... _~-. -~· ,,. ....... -~· .. - _ ....... , ....... , __ ..... ~

.. . . l\lA'fIO:i'\!l ... L SECUillTY AC'f OF 19·i'l

(Pn:,Iic r,,aw 2;;3. Eightieth Co11gress, July 23, 19!7) (6t Stat. 495)

(With ainendme:its t' December 31, 1s:;s)

Sllo:a- TI'ILI:

That this Act 1na.y be cited as U1e "National Security Act of 1917 .. "

TAB1.E OF COXTF.NTS Cec. 2. Dcc1sration of PoJlicy ____________________________________ _

TITr.R l-Coonrmu.T10~ 1·0K X.&TJOS.\L S1;cumTr

Rec. IOI. X~tionnl 8<."Curity Cot:ncil_ _________ :. ______________________ _

flee. J02. Ccmtrnl Intt'lligc.-nce .\J:,·ncy -----------------·-------------Sec._103. Ollil'.: of Chil ancJ Dcr'"'m,r l.foMli.1.:i.tion ____________________ _

T1Tl.F.: II-'l"m: DEPJLnniE!'l:T ov D,;;vz:N"sc

&-c. 201. nep.·ntmrnt e>f Dcff'n~----------------------------------­Sl'c. 20.?. f:<:t>1eh.rv C>f l>.cok•11c;e_. ---·--------------------------------Hee. 203. llt•Jmty "i::e<'ret'aiy of l?··forii'f?; -~: .. i:ttnnt &cretnries or Defense.;

Genc:r::i,l Coua.,••I; !\.l1htary .rWJ:£tnnts.--------------------Sec. 201. Ch.·ilinn r<'rsnnnt.'l.. -- ----------------------,.-------------Bee. 20:i. l">e1J.'Lrtm,.nt of thr Arm'\" (n-;ienI1•d in part>-----------------­Sec. 206. nrp'l.rtrm·nt of the X:i.v\· (reJ>"nh d in JIMI). _ ----------------Sl'c. 207. J'>1•J1nrtrnent or tl&e .\ir torre (rPJl<0:1lr-d in p'lrt) ______________ _ ~·c-. 20B.. lfnitecl St:1te" .\ir rorrc (r"J"':.l<:d in 1J'1rt). __ •• -------------­R.•e. 209, J:ffl't"li\-1• c!:itP or fra•1efr-rs (rt"Jl("AJl'd) •• ---------------------­f;l:>e, 210. Armrrl l~orCl'll l"nlit"~· C.'01,..,cil (n.-pt":i.lcd).-------------------­BPc. 2U. ,Joint Cbit'fzl of Str.rl (n·pcalc:d) •• --------------------------­flcc. 212 • .Joint Staff (n·pr:did; E.N~ a.pJlo•ndh:) •• ----------------------­Sec. 2J3. [~l1mitiom1 Un.1rdj .\holi-hc:d fuuctions trnn::C1•rre1I to Rt'crctAry

of J'>t•fenscJ'"''" ''PP"'ndh) ___ ---· ---- -- ---- •• ------------- .• E~. 214. [Rrsra1clz nn l>!!vdop•ntnt fto'LrclJ Aholi1h1•1'1 Cunctiomt tran:i-

Ccrl.'\:d to 8ct'ret:uy of I>efcn::-c (~c nJipcndh}. __ -----------

TJTLC lII-!\lr.sCJ;J.LA:N'EOt."S

Rec. 301. Com1>cm~tion of &-eret11ri"S° nnd Dt'pnty Set>rt-tary (rt"pPalcd iu psrt>--------------------------------------------------

~c. 302. Undr·r St'cretarir•'I nnd A11. .. i.;,l:111t f:f'crrtar:l's (n•r11•nlecl in Jia.rt) •• Rt'c. 303. Advi·snry committrr11 and JJ1r .. nm,1·I (u·pl'aled in p:ut) ________ _ flee. 30,, flt11t11-; or trtm .. fe•rrt•J ch·ili.m (Jt'r:.Onlll"I. ____________________ _

~ec. 305. Ra\ ing :·rovi.ion•----------· ---- -------------------------­Set>. 306. Trznu.r<·r or f1111d.;.·-------------- ·-------------------------~c. 307. Anfhnriz:Ltiun rnr 11p11roprfatfo11s ______ ,: ______ ---------------~"· 30S. J)t•finition'I •• _. __ --- ____ • _ ---- ----------- -----------------f:c.'C. 301). Sc•1mr31Jilif\" __ • ---------------: --------------------------­r"'·c. 310. J·~fll'Cth·e cJ!LtP ••••••• :. -- • ----------------- ---------------~C. 311. Sllcct"R:>ion to tlu.• I'zesidl'ncy ______________________________ _


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29 2~ 30 31 31 32 33 33 33 23 33.

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~-- ·- -· ··---~~ _ID: ~690~-~- ... --·- ll ;- --------- _____ ,...;._;--..~...;~----f' C) 11 .

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1'n1.u l'\'-Pno!lluT10~ ov Jo:cu:i.u:i.n· A:s-1> J!1·r1c·11:s1. y ·r1mouo•f I'rTAn1.r.,1nn !l.'l' o' tT:i.rvo:c:.i: lJLl'C:t.TAICT ASD 1''1.,l"AL P1~uc1.­J1l'IU:'J .A.SI> 0J<CA:H1!\'IZO'\!o

Sec. 401. Cml'I•lrC'lll'r or DL'J>'trh.1cnt. c•r DPfc•U4l'---------------------­f:e.;. 402. l\Iilit:1ry Dl•11:1r!u:1:11t lh1!~·t m·,I l"hc:1l OrE:11nb:1liom-D.·p..-ut-

mcntt1l C:urnptru:k·r.1 (n:rc:1J.:d :uul codif.t•d)------------ ----f:eo. 403. Pc rForm:nice Bndb•'t.. - -·- _ --------------------- ---- -----·-r .... .:c. 40i. Ob!ir,:itiu11 or .\p11rl'lpri.1lio11 .................... -- ···--------~. 405. W11rl..i111~·C't•1'it,\l J"m,d:s ____________ ---------------------·--SN:. ~Cli. M:m:1r;1:rn.-nr. ll'unrl1 _______ -------------------------------- -f-ec. 407 • .Adju:i:tment. or Acl'lllllltS •••••• ____________________________ _ Src. 408. ,.h·\ of ll•·imlmr .. 1•111l'nl11 •••••••••• : •• _. _____________ _ E~c. 40:>. Co:11111•Jl1 t .. t· of J>1-,bun.i111: J•"lll'ilitiE-;; _______________________ _ flee. •'10. J:c1.orth of I'rnrit:rh· (r•·111·11l1•'1 :iml coclili1•cl) •••••••••••••••••• 6l'c. 411. Ul'l>":Uiugmut ::.ivin0 Pro\i:.io11-s ___________________________ _

APPEXDIXI~S · 1. l'l:lra 1of19;;q _________________________________ _ II. Itcorg1mi7:1lion l'l:ln 6 or 10.:;3 _________________ --····· ----------

JII. opinion on Um 11n~~t'r ~u1d :i.11t11ority or the ~:l'n.-t~ry or DL•fou .. e. IV. Ncitiortil f;l·c:urity .\c:t. or 10-17, Puhbc l..:iw 2J3, 80th Coni;rl·...i,

July 2r., 1!>47 (61 S111t ·J!>.,) ••• ---------- ··--------------------\T. Nntion:>I f'"ccm ih· .'I.ct .An1t-zu!nu•nts· or HJ-1!>, }'ublic l .. 'lw 216, Slit.

·Con:;rua, .\ugi1-.t. 10, 1919 (fi3 Sr:il. :.78) ••• ·------------------· VI. Dep~rtrnent of J)t:fl•n .. e U1:ors:uziz11tion Act of l!l.'.io!J, Augu:.t. G, lD.'.iS ••

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r.fl1e .11mttcl" witllin lle=tl"Y l•z·ac~;:cts in tMs VU~licatkn arc PO?'• (ions cf the te;.:t of l~co1·ga:nizntfon Pfons Ncs. G of 19:>3, nm! 1 of l~jg7 iu-jI:tcd fa f.heh- entirety as appt>ndixes II nnd IlI.


SF.c. 2. In enacting this le.gisfation, it is tho intent of Con;?I"t:':;..i to t>r<'\0 ide n com1>rcl1cnsh·e pro;tra.m f 01· the !utm-.? ~nrit.y of tho United Sfatcs; to p1·0\•idc ior tho ~ahli!>hment of integr.1tccl poJi<"ie.c; and proccdures for the dep:irtmeuts, a~l"llC~~!I, a.ud !unctions or the Govern­:&:nent rclntin" to tbe 1mtio11nl securitv; to prol·ido n Do-11:irtmrnt of I>cfem,.I.'-, including il1e tJ1rcc miJit:uy Drynrtments of U,9 Ann~, the Navy (including nnvnl a"·mtion nml the Unite<! Str.tes :Marine Corps), nnd tlto .... \ir li'oree unck-1" tl:o dir~ction, nuthority, nntl control of tl10 Secrc-tar;y: of l>ef~nse; to provicle thnt t:a~h militnl'y department shall bo sep:irately orgnni7..:-d under its owit Secretnl"y m1d slu1 JI function unclcl" tho direction, nuthor­ily, an<l ('Ontrol of the Scercfary of n~fenso; to J>ro;·iclc {or their unified dircctio11 mu.ler ch·ilinn contro. of the Secretnn· of Defeu!-e but not. to m~r~o these departments or ~n-ic"ea; to proyirle for the estnbl1slnneut of unific-d 01· ~ec1ficcl comoofont commnncl~, nnd n clear nncl clire-ct Jme of connnnncl lo s1•ch comm:mds; to chminnto mmrecs­snry c1uplicntion in t!10 Depurtment of Defcnc:c, nncl p~r-1ic\1hu·Jy in tho fil'ltl c>f research nncl l'nl!incc1·ing liy vest­ing its 0\"Cl"nll clirectfon nml control in the St><'retnry or Dt-fense; to 1>rovicle hloro effectivt', efficient, nnd e.:onorni­cal nclrninistrntiou in the nc?pat·hncnt of D~fl·nsc-; to p1·0-' '\"'ide for the unified F-imtet?ic clircction of the cmuhMnnf. fo1-ces, for their ope1·ation undl'r unified com111n11cl, nnd for their ir1tcgrntion into nu efficient. tenm. or Janel, n:n·nJ. oncl nir forces hut not lo t'=<tahlish n ~inglo Chier or Stal.t over the am1eJ forces nor an Ol"cmU nrmctl force..~ general r.taff.1


NATIO="'i'AJ. f:J-:CUIUTl:' COU:s'CJJ~

SEo. JOl. (n) 'flacre is l1t'reby c.stnbli::;ht'cl n council to bo kn.owu fiS tho Nntion:i.1 Secm·it.r Couri<.'il (hc1-cim1fc..:-i" ill this Fcctio111·cf'crred to M tlu."' "Council"). .

Int'l!ntor Coi.sus.s.

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:tr.ATro:::>.L sccumrr Ac-r O":' J.0-17

'l'ho l'1'1'3iclcnt or thB Unilecl Sl:l.tca shnll J.'1'~;.idG 0\ t')l"

:me:.-ting of tho Council: /'roz1idcd, 'l'hnt in has nb .l'm:o hr. rn,.y dcnignnf:o n m~1'1bt•r o! tho Council tu pre.side in. pl.\.:··. • •

Tho function of tho Cow1cil shnll La to nch-i~a tho Prr3i­<lent with ic.,pi:!ct. t'> tl113 intl'gi·.1Lion o! domet-ti .:, iot't'iJrn, nnrl milita:ry ~>oliciS!S i-ehtting to tho 1mtio11:il security 'so P.S to cn11Mc tnll n,ilitm·y f-1."n·iccs nnd the u~hL•r cll."p:u·t-1nents. !1(l r.gcncfoa of tho Gove1 nment to cooprrnto moro cflecthdy fo. muttora im·oh·inf·~ tho n:itionnl s..:curit.y.

'l'ho Counril i;lrn.11 ba com1><>::1•c o!·-· (1) the I 11"rshlPnt;

· (2) the Vice l're::;ident; (3) theSecretni-y of Stnte; . (4.) th~Sec1etnryof Df'fcnst:i;

f '') I' a . 6) tho Director o! the Office of Ch·il nncl D:.-fcnc,a

J.rob1 liY.p.tion; s · (7) t}le Sccrctnl"ie.s nncl Umler Sec1-ctnriC"S of

other executive dl'pn.1-trm:nl~ uncl of the militnry de­Jl'll'fml'nts, when nppoiukcl by Lhe P1-csiclcnt l•y :mcl ·wit~ the nch·ica nud couc,l."nt. or fho Sem1lo, to servo nt Jns plraqm"l"." .

(h) Jn mlclition to p 0 rformi:1I! snt"h 0U1er iunctions ns tho P1-e:.iclcut nm\" dirc1:t, for the pm·p"=;c of mo1·c cfi"rc­tively coorllin:itiJ~g the poliric.i nnd Iunrtions of thr do­pnrtme-l)fs ancl ngeucil'S or tlu.• G0Yc1·nment l't'luting to tho nntionarsecurity, it. ~hall. F-nhjcct to tlie clhection of the I>rec;itll'nt, be the cluty of the Com•cil-. (l) to n~ec:a nnd nJJI>l'clio:c th£" objccth·es, com-

mibnents, nml ri:~l:!I; oft he Unitt•cl States in l't'lation to om· N'tunl nncl Jloh·nfinl milit:u y powE"r, in tho interest of unlfonnl &ecm·it\", for the purpo:.e of mnJ:.. hit: 1"l'co111ml'nclafio11s to tl~o J>,·,Biclcut. in counecliou therewith; nml · .

•nenrgp11IP:t.tlr.i1 l'hn T of 11\J:t, rliet>Urr Aw·11•t fl. l!':i1. nho\lql••., tl•" ::l.h1t11"1\ SrcurltF .Adl'l'lnl~tralln:a and r..trloll .. lu•,J r!1r rnrl'1i:-n C1111•r.1Uun11 .A1ll"tll•l,1r.1rll'n •

.. S, r. 2. Trl:.,Jrc (II" J"1·:.cT1••l'IB To Tdr: JJ1•rn11o1,,.-Tbere nrc hl"rl"bT trnr,rc:TI!'! to the Jllrrrtrir: • r

•'(a) All function .. "'"ti•.1 bs t11P )f11tn .. 1 S••cnrlty Al't nf 1!1:11. 11-. 1unf'nc!Pcl. 11r br •nr olbPI" 1tl'tnte l.1 U e r11r .. cr.1r rnr ).[11!11'\I R11 nrll.r•:•h 11 rr.r ln "' c-llnn :;01 of thKt .\l"t. br In thci M11t"1·,1 g,.cnrlt~ As:,.nr1 cn-11t .. ,1 1.y U1"1t Art. nr ln PllJ' •·rh•hl flt nilu e nr 1:11t .A11er1<1. hehullril!: thr rnnrllc•·•~ oC t'1" Jllr1•rtur rnr !\:nta..:il f:rr11rll>· 1 .. a m,.mfl,.r "~ t1H• !>&tl'>nal f.ic·1111t1 Co1111rll."' l'ur-u·rnt ti> ti"!.' JU'O\ 1~1 .. 1 " or 1-1'\ u ... , ... :.~H D 11•1 :iJ'i nC th• llulan\ f.ec11r!t7 .-\C"t nt 1r.:il. l'11bll.- '""' 1:.;.,, "'3•1 (.'n111:-rr ... (r.i &tr1t. i;:~s. i;:;r.1. arcJ :Bxrcuth.• Or.Irr J01HO ol .111ne 3•>. in:;-s. all t11nctlnr1~ II lllr c-.~rr.1!•1 >r••·rlll1••I nrP;•llnn,) Of tlll' Jllrt"l'tnr Of tl1P J-'11rl"lr:n (lptr.1tlr>1111 .A1h11lril•lr11lh>11. llDll 11,,.,. r .. r .. !l:o l"IJ•Prl'rl,>nR .Acl11•l'll•ho\ll'ln, rrrt> tr.11o •IPrrNI tn tl1r h1t1•rn•tlHn.1I ("11•1p.-rnllnn A•l11.l11l•tr.1tlnn In 11111 fitct•• 11~1• 1rt1•1rnt, tn lo" bra1!rocl h) n J•lrrrt1or. r1•t" .. n:i.nt In R• dlnll :1113 In I nnrl lb) caf thl' J:!x.-cuth··· O:'f.•r, the- oOrP 111 tl·I' 1>1r1 C"l.,r cat lhl.' l"1m•l•·n 01°Pr1ttlnn• A1l111l11l•tritlnn r1.•J tl•-1 '"" .lrr~hl:i "' th~ fllrr":"t.,:- n' thA l'or1•l1:11 Op,.r.1llr.n• A1!1nl11l• tr11tlr•"l 1->~···11· .. r ... 1111 t'1P fr,u·:IM1a C.~ U.11 lllreclur Jn !11• CJJ•'l'"lr~ 11< A rn.-nab1 r c.f lhr :o;.,Urrial 8 .. eurif,1 Co1:ric:ll V~'l'e t.'h,l•shc cl. • •

I ·.ll':•'ltlnn l'lan 3 (~PP. n) l'llf>tl•l1 'II u ... z.;':itlnr.'l1 Rr.-11rlh t:1"•011r.-, ~ l•n.,,r4 l\N:tlou ~ trnn~fern-,1 to the lllr11rtnr r f 1!1" Cll:w e of ll1•f.,nrr :!olnM117'1llcon all f11nrllu1.s er th• C'! nlrr'lllD er th .. ::11tl•.n11I SC'Ca"rlt:i: n~o:uurC'•ll ll1o'lr1I IP'tclnl'llnl!: tbn •• • rt••!l-!-r.1 t.; rl'C.'. 5), lnrlo•lln: I-I• (1:ncrlnn• u n n.• nr thr ~n:l .. :ial i':l."1°urlty ("n11nl'll. i;,.:l!nn -1 or Rro~.:nnlullnn l'la11 t ar lfl:IS. '"N'Cl\P .11117 1. 1:1:;., ,., .. .r\1•1•N\•ll:i: 1 J, •• ll.M•R•I·•• h7 J•.i:ille l.i:.., t:3-iC1, tr11n•f,.rrr1I l!lr t11:1rtl.,1•" 'l'.lth rt'•lli'rl In h"lnr:- a 111,.mhrr nt U1e­Natlnn1tl St.11rll1 Cou11cll ,., ll!e l•lndor ot Uac O:ilrc o! (.'h II IJ1•r,•1 •c anC: l,..l!D•lt lfot.lll•dlnn.

• l~e~nrnc:e tn Cb'llt1nn11 t•C M1:nlth.n4 llo••r•I. •nd C\i,lrin:on nf t:r~rarrh s11i'I ll·"~hp· nent r.nnr1I d"'l•t••il bJ f(Pnri:anl•rtl"D 1•111.1 6. 1r,:;1 (• .. c. 2 (bJ I ...... :.·b nlon11 .. 1i .. 111o.• C•ll!C'l•.I ot the Chalr1n1111 nt lb,. ?.luralll'>M Hn11rJ ar.11 Chlllrmnn nt tJ,p I(,.~,.a.r.•!i and lltU"l":>' ... :it (sto ap1.enill:i: I\') tr.,n.terrc.d thl."lr fuuct1uu1 to tlrl." S1."rr~111r1 ot l>. t .. a~l!I.

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'RATIOS.AL s:.:.:cUi?IT7& ACT Ol;- l 94 7

(2) t'.> considai." rulMe.1 on r.inlters of common intrrcc;t to tho c.lcpnrlmt-nts nnd n~cncics of tho Gov­l'lllnJ€'nt conccrm~tl \:ith tho nutin1111l &ccurity, nnd to mn.l:c i rcommcnd:ttion<J to tho I>1·csitlcnt in co&i­nrt'l ion t11l"rcn·ith.

(c) 'fhc Council shnll lm""e a staff to ho hcn<lcd by: n. ch·1hnn cx£'cuti\'c sccretm:y who slmll nppointcd by tlw Prc..~idcnt, nnd ,,ho s11:'!.lt receh·c compcn.sntion nt the i·ntc of [$10,000) [$1r.,0001 $20,000 n. yc:iu·.5 '!'Ins cxecu­tho scrrrttu·y, snhjccL lo tl1e dirretion of tho Council, is hereby n11tl1orb:cd, subject to tho ch·il-scn·ice lnws und tho Clnc;c,ific:1tion Act. o! 1!>23, f!S nmcndccl, to nppoint. nncl fi:c tho compl"ns:itic.n or such J>ersonnc:l ns mny b.3 necess:iry to J?Crfoi-m sui;:h. clntil's ns nmy ho in·escribrrl by tho Council in connection with the pc:rformm1cc of its funclion1.

(cl) 'l'hc Council shali, from time to time, mnkr. such rccommt"nrlntions, nncl ~m:h other repoi-ts fo the l"l'csi­<lent as it. deems nprop1·~ntc or ns the I>1·esidcnt nmy require.

• CEN''.l'R.\11 I:l."TEL1'.IGC:SCF. AGE~CY G

Stnrr aud. J;u•c-utlv.:> &i:cretJrT.

r.rcomnPn~ lion• 1111d ltcpart ...


81-:c.. 10-2. (n' Thero is berab estnbli'>had uncler tho Jlatla'1a.1 f'tett-,.... • l S t . .. -~ 1ltJ Act or ... ,n{lonn .. ccur1t • ounc1 n en ra 11 l' l"CI cc .1. ,,.ent•tt" 111n, r.zoend-'.;g •• ~If r-- 1 "'- 111 .. u1 wit i IL 1reclo1· o .en r:1 n e 1p:C"ncc wuo snn IJO Lie c.1.1ra.1 rnMU.-

hl'n~l thereof, nml with n. pci>uty Dir<'C!Or or Centr.11 In- ITi~1;~,~~1:~~:;{ telh~enco who shnll J!<".t ior, mul exercise the pc1wcrs of, IIP11111r

the ilii·cctor durh1g his absence 01· dbubilit~·· 'l'hc Di- A1rs~~~~·10. rector nncl tho DL'puly Dirccto1· shnll w nppomted hv tho G'f"stitt:"20-. -President, hy and with fJ:c 11dvi<"c and consent of the Scnah', from among th':'! c-onunir.sione<l omcers o! tho nrmt.'<l f:t>r\·irc.-:;, wlu•thel' in nn acth·o 01· rctiJ"C"cl shtfus1 or from-among imlh·iclm1l:; in ci\'ili:tn life: 1'10z•iclr.d, l1ou:evcr, 'l'hr1t nt uo time shnll the tl...-o }'ositions o! the Director nncl Di>pnty nirector Lo OCCUJ>il'cl simulhmc· ously hy commic:sionccl 'onicers of tho armed sun·iccs, whl"th<'r in nu ncth·o o:r rctirl"cl stntus. . (b) {1) H n comrni:ssio:1ed omc.:-rof tho cu·mcd s<>1:..·iccs is n.ppomtccl n=i l>iI-eC"to1·, or D<.>puty J>il·c.-ctor, lhcn-

(A) in thn im·formnnce o! his duties ns JJii·eclo1·, or Dl"puty JJirccfor, l1r shn11 bu suhjrd lo no supcr­visio11, control, rr;.h'it>tion, or prohibilicrn (mihtnn• 01· otht"ru·isc) ot1Ll'r tlurn \Wuhl lX> Op<'l'nfh·c with l'C3}>t'Ct to him iC ho wt"ro n ch·Hinn in no way con-nected with tho Dcpa1'lnwnt. of tho A1·my, tho I>c.-11nrlm<'11t of the Niwy, lha Department o! t.ho Afr

Cl>mml•~lo:u.! omc:oor ne 1>1-n.·rtcrr or 11~&>­uty Dlr..-ctor. •

• Sub.:.-c-Unn (n) Rl::ll'lll'r1! hJ'. rl'C'tlnn 3, ru"lll' r.n., 21&. '·•·t"ll•t 10, '"~=' (C3 ra .. t. UC::), 111 a111Pndrd trr, •••l'tlnn r;n1 (1:), l'i:bllc l.11w 11'-'.I tt:M Curat;ri•·•· Oc:ll•'t•r JO. 11151: suh•Pe<o tlnll (t') •Ul•I• "•d I•> 111•c:tl"ln :? 0f11), J'ublh: 3:,.,, Rl~I Ctinc:rt'-r'I, OC'lnb..•r 111, 1:•-1:> (03 M:i.t. t-~0), um!rr ,.],[ch ai.•b .. rl!7 tbP l'r,..h.h 11t ft,;r1I the 11al.-r.r er th• 1-:~t-c:utlro'rl'lU,t nt $1=101lJ 111•r rnn11P1: 11ubvrthon~ (b) and (II) !roJm sr,•tlnn JOI, P1.bllc r l\T 2113, JulJ :?11, 11147 (1~1 4£151. l'ur•lllll't tu 1'1!.-tln::i 10:1, l"ubllc: I nu c:..;, Pilla Cnni:rH•, tbe I'r••·l·'"lll li-.:.-J thi: 'l'll'lrJ' or the l!xecuthe beer. h1r1 ILt $:!0,000 '.e: l'DDUO er:1't'th·P Ju!.r 1, l!IM. ,.

•L.-cthm 102 ('1) am'I (bl 1.'lll'r:dcol b1 Pu!Jlll' JG, 5311 Coni:rec:s (CT Stst, 19, -J).

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i:m:•r:r L:it•..a. e~:?..

~tt.~Jc'!.Uc.o c ! c:-:..s.-!07= .. ~:..t.

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. .:.----=-=---~ -=- - - ·-.. :"---- .. ~ - _.., __ _

NATlON.\L E:J::CC'Rl"l"Y 01'"' 194 7

I;r.rec, er f.119 nrmed set·\·icea 01• n.riy co1npo11l 11t tl1m:C'r,.F • f~11cl

(]}) J,;, r.h"l!l m>L }>:>:-~a..c:s or c::ci'Ci~c 1111y s:1J>:?r­vi:a~:1, t':>=?t?:vl, l~~·,·:c::s, 01· f\!nclion~ (otk·r fl11111 such n,: he roF:.e·.~r., or ior; nuthori~f'<l m· clirl'C'fl•ll lb o::ercie'.!', r.? I>irc.·.:to,·, or Dt•puly 1.>i1·cclo:·) "itli rd­spcc_~ lo lLc l't"Jlle1l ~'-n·ires or rny!.'ro?of, tno D~r1'lrtment of tlm _\rmy, lho D.!p:.rtnu·nt of tho Na.vy, or- t!:9 J)3pilrtm~11t of the .Ail· Forcl', m· nny br.mch, bm.!:\\~ unit, or clh·ision fher.•of, or with rot.•· Ep-::?Ct to :my ot thcs IK'l"SOnuel (military 01· civilhn) of any ot lha fo1·er-oing.

{2) Jo~xcept :in JH"O\"Hiecl in p:ua~'l.·:1ph (1\, thi? np­pointme:it to ti:c oflico o! J>irl'c-for, 01· JJcimty Dir.:>clor, of n cornmis.:;io~1erl ofiirl•r c,f the 11rml'<l &Pr\"ic<'.-=, :rn<l hi.; ecccptanc<:' of nm! f.l?l"\"icc in such oniec•, shall in n'l' ''"'·Y oITccL nn•· sfa~us,, 1·:mk, or p:rnlle he um\' occ1•n,· c;1•

ho1cl in tfm nu•ittl !:e1·,·icf'S, or any l'molnml'nt: pnrc~ul..;il<", right, prh·ilegc:-, 01· bl•n<:fit ir.cirfo1~l to or nris11"1g out o:L r-:ay s11cl1 &hltus, cflicc, rnnk, or {'T::tdl'. .An,- ~ul!h C•llll· missioncrl ofi!''Cl" shnlJ, whiJe Sl'J"\"illj! in the


ofi!te of l>i­recto1·, or J>e,mty J)in"<:tm·. coul inuc to holrl r·mk anll gracfo not lower thnn t.hnt in which &en·ing nt th3 tium or his uppoii.trnenl nnd to ic-c'ei\"c U1u miJit:n..,. p:w 'lnJ rllovrnnct's {l'C':in• or·e,1, n;; thr. c·no;(' rnny be, iJ:cJml­fog JlC" .mmev :1 llownm:<') pnynble ft> n cnmmis­i::ionell of1kei- o~ hi.; gr:ulo nnd lc••1gth "of !':erT"ice for which tho J"l'l"'··L'l'~:.IR <lr:rnrtmrnl f.h.lll 1"3 icimhur~ccl {;om smy such :=;t!,\tuc;, ofl1cr, or r;rndc.-. ·.Any !':uch com­trnl J11tPl11gl.'nro .:\genr\·. Hl' nlr.o f>h'tJl k• p:,irl h\.· th .. C~Html Intt:llii~€'l1("P A{!t-ncy from sncl1 fnucl'> nn ni11mal compr-1rn.'ltin!1 a:. n rnh• eclnu1 lo the rornmmt b,,- whi1·l1 ~hP. comp;mM\fi >"1 c.:t:11J]i.,ht."I for such }Jo:.ilion 'P.xc·cerlor; tho anwunt of hi.:; nnuma) mililm':'· pay 11nd nlJo\\,lllCL',:;,7

{3) '}h9 01· l?l':1rlc · C"•f nnv Fllch C"c1m1ni· :;ionc,1 ofii.:-er 1-.h:1ll1 clm·~ng l lic perir>Ll in· ,., hit"h f.nch t"Om1nis­sicmecl o!~ice1· occnpirs: thi:.- olli•:e of I>ir\'.'clor of Ct·1,l rnl In­tt"llif~CHci', o::- n~putv I>h (>(•{o;- of Cc:ntml Jutellig1'1lC'P., h<> in l'!.ddition to tii;.o 'nnmh1•r<; nncl pN'c:'t•ntn~l·; othrr\' i~o c.uthori:t.ed rmcl tipprupri.1la!d 1'01· tho nrrnccl !-c1·,·ic-o or whi"h h<.- jq r1 l:lC'Jul:er. •

{c) J\ot with• tnnc!ing th!' pro~·ji:icm~ o! HC"ticm G c.f th!.' Act. of .A.U~l'::-t 21, mm (:1"{ :4t:1t. ;,:;r.), 01" fho p1m·i<:io11s o! l'.n~· cth<r 1.1w, tht' I>ircctor. o! C'<'ufl·,\J lllf<'lliga"ll.'O Jil:l:\', m his c~i<:r&".?tior•, h-rmin.1lc tl1l' l'lllJ>hl\'ll!ent or :m:.· ofai;.ilr or empln\ CL' of the .\(:t'ilC\' whc·nc\"rr )1:- shn11 ch••'lll• such t!:'11nhrntif.11 11ecc.-~·.a1·y 01· :~th·i•.:1bltl in the intezr.:;l.s

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of lhu United Stale~, Lut &ncl1 trrmin:i.tion s1m1I no~ ufi'er.t tb2> right ~r !'nch ofii"('1· or c-1&1pl•1ycu to !:l'£'h or nct'cpl em-111.-,ym:>nt m nny other c!rparhnl't1t or agency o:f the Gmr­et ,1i11c-nt if cll'-::lnrcd eligible for sul!h em11Joymr:nt by tho UnitC'cl flt:1lcs Ch·il 8~1·1·i<'<' Commi.e:sfon.

(<1) For tho pm·poso o: coorc.linnting the intrllig1mco D:i:r·-:\. ncth·ilies of the SM"<'rnl GrJ\"t.•;·nmrnt clcp:irhnc-nt:::; n:ul D/'cncics in the· intc.•t"t'st of 1mtion:iJ s.C'curit\•, il ~:h:•JI t.o t1io <lut~· of tho .Agcnl'y, mult•r the clh.:c.!ti:)n of tho'X:i-tionnl SPcurity Con11t'il- .

(1) lo r..clfr .... tha ~utio:ml Security Council in mn tte1·s concerning such intelligence nt'l h·i tics of the Go,·c11un<'nt cfopn1tJ11ents and 11gencic~ llS 1·efatc to m1ti 1m•l 11c-c11rity;

(9.) fu make l"l'l'Ommenclations to tho l\nfionnl So- I cm·ity Conncil for the" coo&llinntim1 o:C such intrlli­~nc.J nt'th.-itfos of the clepnrh11C'11t-s nn<l n:.,renC'i ··~ of the GoH•rnmenl u<; i·l'lnte to the nntiom1l H't'm·ity;

(3) lo corl'efatc :mcl e\·11lunle infl'lligence rclnting io the· i.ntion3} Sl'C'llrity, n.ncl 11ro\·idC' for the n1,pro­J>rinte clis<-rmin:ilio11 of snd1 mtelligcnet> ,., ithin the. Go\"C'l nmc·nt using whr1l' nppl'opi-h,tl•, £'!\!.:=ting n~C'n­cil's nnd fac:ilities: /'ro1.:itlc1l, Thnt lht' ~\gc-ncy i::lmll J bn\"o no polire1 £:.uhpeun, J,1w-r11!o1X'C'lnt'J1f. JlllW~l"::l, or intcr1rn!:.s£:£.m 1t; fm..tcfions: l'1or:iJ11cl {ul"flter, Tliii.t "fri6acparfnt(.>llfS lll!Cl oth(':" n;,tenciC'S o. tbe GO\"('l"n­ml'nt !>hnU cont'inue· ti) ccJ1ect, e\·11l1MfC, cor1-eJ:1te, anll di.:;.c:e1hinatc.- c!ep~n1 mentnJ intellil!enC'c: An<l p1·0-'Uitlc<l f m•t/;,cr, 'i'bnt tl1e J>irel'tor of C'enh·nl }ntclli- I ~-cnca shnll be l~puuc:.ible fo1· profecling int~llig\•nce / som-ccs nncl mi?tho·l~ fro:n unnuthorizccl cli.::cJo.-u1"l·; l

"l) to }J2rfnrm, f11;• thl' llt'ncfit of the t"XiFting in- J tCllif:o"CllCO agencirs, HIC h :ulclil iomll !!C'l'\"iC'C.3 or com­mon concern :i.s t lie,X:s t 1nnal St'cliril;}~ C'ounl'il cl~te1·­minc~ cm-;. he :nnre cfiicit'ntly accom1,l]o;Jwcl c.~mtr.111~·;

(6) lo l>t•rfm111 suc11 oth<.>r {uncl ions sncl clutiC'a :rel:ttecl to mtrlligt-11l'e ntrccting the nntionnl f:ecnrity os the Nntionnl Security Council may from lime to timo clii"t!<'t.

(c) 'J'o th" r:drnt l'<'t'ommN1dE>d hy the l\ntimml .f:':N'cr­ity Coun<"il nml npproved Ly th€.• Prc:;itlcnt, f;Uch inlPlli­gent>e or tho <ll'p:trh lt>nli; nnd ngl'nch:s or the Go\"Cl'n­JllPllt, except. ncs hC'r<.'in:!fter 1•rovi<lcd, 1clnting lo lhe nnfiomil securit1· Fhall h:• o~n to lhe juc:.pel'lion of tl10 J>h"Ccto1· of Ct•1it1"11l Intt•lligcnt'e, nncl sul'h intclli~nce ns 1'<.'lnt,•-; to tl1e nntion:ll s.ecmit~· nml l; EO!::C'~l'd l•y sud1 c!cpnrfmr!1ls nncl otlu.·~ n:?rnc1l's of the Co\"Cl'llmt'nt, e::cqJt nc; hr.rewnftl'r pro;;1<l»d, sh:rll I.a m:ic.le a\·,,il.lbfo to the })irector of Cc11~ml lnll'lJii~nro for cor·1~fatio:i, el"altmtiont Pnd cli~cminntion: Prorirl.:rl, h(lzcci·er, 'J'hnt ttpon the \Hitt en 1·c:qu\":..t or the Dirt'ctor of Cl'ntrnl Intel­lii~ent'<'1 tl1r l>ir<"ctor of th~ Fl'llernl Bm-enn of Jm·<'~fip-tion sh:1Jl umko m•ai1;1hJe to tlie DitectoJ' or Cl'Zltrol

tutPUh:~nCol! of f>tb"r 1•,.ri~\'t­L1 .. 11t .. 1n1•l Ai;o'llc:l•'hr.t Co\c:11:ucc.t..

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JI: ll••D'l1 In:d-1' ......... : '"L'-'~ "'•HJ', 'i.•eTr1l· !.:\!£">J ( :.

• J:;'°NflO:-:":~r. s=t:t::f!TY /.CT o;.·· J tl4 7

Jl\tulli'"'"'nco f>U..::11 fofo::.-mntion !o: cor11! l~ t ion, l'\"n hmt irm1 ond rlisst'n'!.iun.~ii:,u. ~ n.ay w l'.::E:mti:Ll tr.i the untion:!.l ttct .. ·ity.

{ f) Mliecti .. -c ">. l~en f113 !Ji.rector first r1 _poiuteu t:nclc:r s1~ll-.cctio11 {:·) Ji::c. to.ken c.:icc-

(1) th'' ?i::i.tio11al l11tr.lligcnco .Auth~l"ify (11 li'cd. Ilt:,g. 1:~37, 13W, 1:l'bnm.ry li, JD1li) 3hnJl cNt!:3 to c..-:1st • m:cl

(2j '.l'ha }1~1'SCnr.e-1, 1)l"OIJCrty, rtn<l LCCOrd~ of tbo Ce.ntrnl Jnh·lli~nc<" _..~ -~up m-o trau:;f&.-ncll to thu O:mtral l11~~·11ig1mc:: : •. :icy, mul such ["ro11p sh:1ll censo to c-:z:i•;t. .Any L ...... xpcndctl b:ilanccs oC npp10-p1·fotion...~ &lloc:itfons, or other fuml::1 :n.·niJablo or E"ulho:-iY.:?<! to l:cn1:u!c availa.b!e for sut'.'h Group sh~111 b3 aveibl>J.., and shnll ho authorized to bo mndo availablo iu like manner fol' cxpencitu1·0 by the Agency.

Ol!,F.ICr: o::;w ci\.·u • .A:SD Dl-:::F.f:xsi-; llOilILIZA.nox

l:SEC."i"ro:r L ~"1·a;o.::f~.,. of f11:<.etion.11 •o 11as Prc11ldn.l.-(e) !.!.' nie l:ere!17 tr:.u:!l!er.:e..l to tho I•reslclcnt o: the t:nue:l f.:t:ltCS all. !tnll'tlOib Tl'dtcd b;r Jrl\i (hlcl\ldint;•LtlClll l•"Rn) In tile !1.1110·.-;ioz: Tbe O!lire or DL•Ccn!>C 3[0!11llz1•tfcm, tho Dh~tor <'~ tha- O!Jt.:- of I>·~!"eri:te 1Ioblll·mllo:1, the 1-'eLlt!r.Jl Ch·ll lJ<:lcnsc Ad.miDhtrutic:J,, 11t11l tll~ Fede:nl Civil J>~!cn,.e. Adml:ih-t~tcr.. •

(b) '!'he Preo:Jclp.1t 1•1:iy f::-on t:mc to time delei;nle any or tit-= tnnet1.1n1J tr11ni.r1:::red to M:.• b.r sub&cc.llo:i ( n) or tlil.1 s!!Ctlc,:1 to t11•:r oRcer, l'(;t'l.~:. c·::- e"tl:pl••.)".t::i or tb,. t!Xccu!lvr bi·a'lci:I of tho C.oi;of:a•meu::, a:.:J 1r&•y Zlutil'lrJ:::I:' ai:c·h ofi:rer, Rgt'u<.·y, or cm1.10;,·c.> b u:del::ate nny ct n·rb rum:tionc; d~lrgnt.•J h1"bl111.

s~·c. 2. Oi:!ce of Dr:lt:Me om! Clr:illun .llob!li::ulio11-Cn) Sul'­j~t lt• tJ1e p:v1•,jo;io::is or th!:; rctlri:"&ml::nt11m plnn, nu~ om•"(' o! D::rcnso ?.lobihzntio:1 n:ml the 1--.. .. 1..,.ral Civil Ilct'e:1 .. c .\rlmlnlc:.!rn· tlon nr<' b~rf'by co·1~lllioJ.1te-I lo tor.a n nc~1 RS:•'1ICJ' lu tJ·p 1-::1.ccn­tlvc Offico o! thl!' l're,;h?•·ut '\\ bk-h 1.h.tll b!" k11ow11 ns tbe OS1• • .: ct: Deten'lo ant! Civill111 ~Iol.iiliz 1tiou, l•erclm•!tl!'r ro.rc:ucd to 11-; the ••omce".

(b) 'j"hPt'e- ·~mll ··~ nt lht" hr:nr.l "r Un• omr.c Q Diret'tor or tho Ollicc of v~rcri ... ~ rml Civfll3n :Mol•!hz<ltif>n, \'\bl Sb Ill bu nr>­p:>lr:te<l by tl1e I're.ldent l•y nnd \'.llh the advice nml cmmmt cf tbc Oennte m•c! 1-:i.l:I reccl11't" comJJCl!'>Ution nt the rut€' no1v or heteafccr ;prHcrl'llca "" J:l'W' fo1· the hcud.J or e:i:ecuth·c dl'J•l'lt· 1nents.

(c) 'i"htre n?:::ill 1•-:.- In l?le Omron D~p11ty DlrP.c~nr ot me Ofiet" ·of Uc.icn'!o m1Ll Clv: 1i:i.1 :To?>!lb:otl'>:1., ,. ho 11hnll be n1111•llnt.'<J l•;.' tbc Pre-csldent by l'll!l ,., IU1 tho nrh·ke l'lld c.on .. c.-nt 1.r tit!!' Sc1r1f1•, rho11 rPc:e-lve C'>i'l: Pr.:Qtlo:l c.t the rnte nuw r•r l1ero: 1!lcr r•r .. h

ccr1!•:1J l.i.7 ltl"'' ro::- the cri.Jer N:crcturh'> r.:Cl!r&ed ti' In .. ~.:ll•m JO~ or lht' rc:Ier!!I l::x••l•uth·c l'r.y Act ot rn·,u (:i U. S. C. 2.!0:J) ,• •!1.111 J ~•·to.:-ri\ Ruch fl!:lc~h>113 :t:J ,,.b.1U be· dcll.J.•1ted or ac; .. !gnrd fl'\ him pur .. unut to the 1•.•H'b,lr.119 c.~ tl!l-c rco1;:-11nlz.1t1011 1-:·111. nn•l 11!1.11! act as fJircctar ~m:J::g Ille r.b .. encP or dfc.:1blllty or tht' J>ir .. l:'t ... r or b1 t11l" ev .. r.t o! n \,\~&.:J J:.i tl1'? otllre c•f Dlre<:tnr.

• (<1) 'J.hl:.'ie r~:-!l l.l 1:1 th~ Ofllco U11f'"" ,\11~1,, Jll:-C'cto:-'I er t11e O! ot fJt:Cl!;::."'e 1'1!<? Civilian lfo:,IJI:r.ntl•m, t··u·h C'f '' lmm r;bnli t-:- l!f•;'lt)fnl,,.d 1•:1 t:.~ l'r .. · .. lcl1•nt l•Y :-nrJ Y.lth lb" nd1.l .. c.- ri:d couscnt o~ llle S·'n3tJ, s;b:ill 1€.'.o.el\"e co11111C11":itl11n ct th· r.1t 1.• r:'•\V 01· ht-rcn!ter prC1'.(."r[!.c-d l•y 1.lw !<•r n11<1ht.unt •~~retarlh <>! ext'<.11-

•c•c:tlo, 1<11, 1'11Mfc: T.'\..- ll~S. E'Uh Coo;:re.-R,, lnc:rra•P.J U.P anuurl co1:.ii'-n•atlor c;! t:. o J>~put1 JJlrecto:- to ':iu. 'i•)•I.

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th"i> dPp:-i.:ttncntir, nntl r.:::i:in r:!'T.:'orr.1 st:c.11 fm:cUov:: l'U r-l::i11 bo d.:-:"'gatc..1 01· ns!IJ;necl to h~1 I•Utsuaut to the J>."Vi Ji.lorJ9 or thlG ~r :.Jnlmtlnn plnn.


) 'J"l::!' onco l!.ntl the t:teNof •rl1::ill J•t>1·r,,rm r.u~h 1'11nctloroo; M the I•r:u:!cl;mt 1 !:17 trom Umo to tlrnP dcle~ntc o::­D::slgn lil..r.•to. !i.'il:! r.nlt.1 n:':'.:!["t.,:.- Ill:l.1 frr.-1 tlu:e to U111e 1·1:w::J s.u.:h Jirovi:.:ons l's he ~h:tll <:1.•m:i llJ•J>IOJ1.i:!.te autho;.izln::; lbo ~ .. ·1ror111nr.ce hy nu:; o3"cc.r, o:- b;.o any P?,"&:ncy O!" t:n!i!oyc!.', ct' th:> C!:l<"l" o!' Hl•Y ru11cllo:1 c:?:tlt-..;a:ed or s::sl~"lltd to th..i Ofl.iC3 o:.- t<:> the Directu.-.:G

St:c.103. ('l'hl' f1:nctlr•llil of tl•d Direl't°Ol" of the Omce or nl'fcms.~ :Moblliza.­

tlrin Pl"' lrl<'1l for In t1.lis sc:-c:ivn wen· t1·R1ht't••·re11 to the l'1·,,11[cle11t LY Ht•c.i 1;n11l:mtlr111 l'l:tu .No. 1 1•f lfl;ffi, nm! llu• Oi'lic.: c.! D..-Ce.ii;o lloblll7ntl•m wne ch:1n;;ecl to tbe O!D1.-e of ChU nncl I>e!cus-e llcoblllz.~tlcm.) •

(a) 'l'ho Director of the of D~!cnse lfol>ilizntion, subject to tho direction of the President, is m1t!101·h:etl, sul>1rct to t.hc civil-~r,·iea l::m·s Rnll the Cln&Sificntion Act of 19-!!t, to npJloint m~d fr<: t.h~ compens:\tion or suclt pcnso:ml'l ~s mnv l"e necesca.r7 to aF!.ist the Dircctoi· in c:u~r,yin•, out his "functi.):ls.

~b) It. shnll },3 tha :fllnction o! the Dh·cctor o! tlm ODtce of Dcfcni::o )fobilizc.iion to ach·i"'.e the Prl'siclcmt. concernii,g the coorclinnt!on of rnilit:i.ry, indu!;trio.l, end ci"r"ilinn mobiliz~1tion, iw·Iur1ing-

(l) polici:-s cc.!1cc.:rni:lg in<lustrfo.l nnd ch·iJinn mobilizn.tion in·· aide::- to nssm·u i110 most cficctivo mobilizatiqn mid ?ll:l.:ximmn t!filizntion of t11e Nm.ion's ID3.11pO~~er in tho e\·ent or wm·; .

. (2) Jn"Clzr:im.s for t1•e l'ffc...:.h·c use in lime of ,-:::i.1· of the XPhou's 11ntmal ::md inclu<;h·i:il resources :fo1· m'llitn.ry nncl ch·ilinn JlC::cls, for the mniut€'n:mcc nnd stahilii11tio11 oI the ch·ilinn ccomimy in time of war, nnc! for tho nc1ju~tment of su<"h c<"o:101ny to war nel'clS nncl conditions;

(3) poli<"i:>.s fot• 11-:iifrin;?, in time or war, t11e :1('.­tiv1tic:; of Ft-dei-."?.l nr-cm:il's nnd cll'pnrtml'nfs cngnr~d in or conce1·11PCl wit11 production, J.'l"Clctu·t·nwut, dis­tl'ibueion, or lransporfation of m1Jitm·J· 01· ch·ilinn. supj>liC's mnterinl~, nncl lwoclucfi;;

(-J) tho 1.!lationsl1ip >O?hlo"el'n potl'ntial H·ppJfoi:; of', r.ncl l.JO~cnti:tl 1·crJ•1irc-:11~r?t~ :f'<?r, 1!rnnpowt!r, ic­som·ccs, nnca proclu~tn-e fnc1l1hcs m hme of ,o;ar;

"(5) :policfo:i fo::- <:::fa\hli<.:hing re..;cr,·es of s~1-l\h.•gic nnc1 crit ic.'..l rn~tc1·fo.l, fol' llH; couY. rvn-twn of thcF-o ic~!?l"\"L'S; · .

(G) the sL1·:·~1.'·nc r~Jocntion of imlnstrfos, s£1n-ic€'.s, l,;(>Yt'rnrncnt, nn<f cconomie net h·ities, the continuous op.:o;.-.1:.ion c,: ,-,·hic:1 i:. ci::::.1mtinl to ths Xntion'~; E'.CCUl if y;

~c) 111 pc-rforming his functions, tho Directo1· or fl13 Ofi1co of De!cn!".a ~-fobiliz.1tion shnll utilizo to the 111nxi-


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>.rr•.,. ~.IVJ', .Air l"nrc•'"­nMtruJ· c'e­J.•r..rrr.·.utr.

D"i'-.rt''"nt oC I>o rrn ·"-­J.:x.c .1l1TI" J),.._ J,o'i:ri.~t!'ut.

J\..:;•1•1IC'nhllll7 c.~ tlU,. I\'.


i:A'l'10~ ... 1. ·s1:cunnY J\Cl' OF 10.a

mu•n 6:..tcnf, ll1..:i faciliti~s r.1ul I"l."SOt\l'l'-l'S of t110 dc:p~1t­numts rmd i·~~c·1ci-.:S or th3 GCJ"\·c.rnmeral.'

TITLE IJ-~'llF. DEP.Al!'l'lI.E~.;·.r OF DEFEIW.!!~

Src. 201. (:~) rl'hcre h 110:-rl'by e:stnbfo,11ecl, nc; nn­th·a l>l'pm {n.rnt t.f the Go\·c1·mnc11t, the n.~i1:-t1·t:11cnl no;! J).•f1•11:::.c, nml the SccH•t;u·y or lJt·fc11ro slmll L3 the hl·::.<l th<m:"!O!.

(b) 'I'he-rc &lu,11 !10 within the Dup:u·ti.1<'nt uC DefC'nro (1) tl10 J>~p:itfoicnt cf Hie Army, the Dt'p:trtmt'nt or th'3 l\1n-y, nnd tl10 Dc.•p::l'trui:>ut of thll .\h· li'or1.(•, nnd l':!dL st:ch clt•p:n·tin.-nf &1mll CJn nncl nfte1· the d:1lc of cn:•ct­mcnt. oI the ~\t\ticmol Seem it\' .Act .\mt•11dnw11ts of 10-19 l3 militi1r,r <lc>p~u tmrnt~ in li!.!n or tht>ir prio1· &latu<:. nc; H: .. <:cutivu l>l'('):u·hncnl':l_, ~mcl (2) 1111 otlm!" l!gcncies c1i>-r.tcd 1m1ler tit cl l of tin::. .kt. •

(c) Section J~S of thi:' I:c.·,·i.-ecl Stntutea, ns nmcnclt?u, is nmP.ndell to 1~:ul 11s follm.,s:

Soo. l11S. 'l'hC' p10\·i"ion:; of this title sh:11l ap11lv to tha following Exccutit·1· I>.•p·utmcnls: •

Fir~t.. 'l'hei Dt•}Mrtment c,f Stnt<!'. Srconcl. Tho l>1•partment of D~·r~nc::e. 'J'hiicl. '1'ho l'rpnrtmeul of tlao Trc:tSUl'\'. J1'ourth. 'J'h~ Uepn1"h11l'nt of Jnc;ticc. .. Fifi h. 'l'h'l Post Oflii:e D.?p:1 rt rnrnt. Rixlh. 'J'hr Tl~p:n fmen~ of lhn luft"rinr·. Sc\·<"nth. Tho 11.-p'lrtmcnt o! .\:!riculim"C • l~ighlh. 'j'h:\ n<?p:trtr11r•nt of ("c;.111mt"rc1\ l\i11th. rrhe D.:011nrtm1mt of V1hor. (cl) I~xcC'pt h• the extent inronc,islenl "ilh fhe 1u·o­

vis1om of tl1i;; ..,\c-t, the J>rm·i:.irinc; of tine IY of tlu.' Jlc.,·i:-l·cl Sh1lnh•s ::is now or hc1eaff\•r :iml'mlecl Lhnll bo opplic:\lJlc to f110 n~p:~rlm.:>n~ or l>~foJl'>e.1'.I

• •J:•n1·.:n1117ntln11 Pl"'I N'n. 3 ... r. ... cth·r l'U.11' 12. tn;;'l. r.1 ... u .. •1pcl n1 .. ~ it•nn,1 f;N•111lt:r r:.-i:-.-.1Jl't'1"lllC !'=ti rr•'· t'r1••l· cl U1P or.;,,... ttr J"t1•r1•r11111"' )fnt.111"""'"' n.ruJ t• ....... r. tr't •I .. u fnnrhnn'"

r:.: tl1"' (•t1"1Jrr11111 C'•f' ti.I' ~-,,l1n•1"ll f-1 C'llrltJ' J?r• .. >11rlP 1 J:011r1! lf) tl•.a fJlrrt'f1 1r f)F J>1 rl'll'-f1 MnMll•,tl•.n ,,.,,lu•lln:: C'l'fl 11•1 r11111:ll1111 .. ""'"I-hr.I I y "''"· :.1. ""'"II R .. C' .. rr:lln •1•'1hr:· rr•1 runrt1 ...... '""' 1111.,.: 1l•n·I' \I lrd b) :&ry •l<Hllt" ••• '"" lll1•dnr .. r II• r ..... ,. lfnblll,·att.rr: nr In r:11• fi-;li: .. or IJ .. r .. 11• • l!trblll• 111111 l•(•I\ •• ,. •l ln1 In 1:~· C"lllh •• o ..... r 1fllf11 nf .,,.,.,.1.1h··~ tr.. l"l:"O. "" ,..,,.,, .... r111r11'11 b) Uic• rnth .. Or,l1•r 1•ll"•l uf .\11.!•1-t 11. 1•1·,i, ""' :'1111111•'••.J Nr1•r!,1r. 1'1) ct 1'11:111,. r~,, • i'i~l. S1•! C"n·•,.:r1 =u 11r1,rnTr•I f-••,:ti: .... m• .. 1 3. 1fli I. ' "'"' i-n"'"''' •I ''' C"t1nt"n•1n th!• JPCti9n "1!1' J:N,.::Ollftl•'lt!n•1 l'l 1 I :s°n :J t nn•.-rul• r11rn&"r Jol•('!l"n 11)1 l1J' Plll\•n.':' out o.nh C'~t111•1 (,) 11n•\ I,, ti"1l1 1lrra1Un~ '11 1• 1rll11'l (hi, (Cl, nr.rl (ill"~("), lb), ru•1I (<'l, s< ... r•-..,.tlv.-1;-. nn•I 1.,,. rlrl~ln.: nut In s.1•t ...... nu:a fl.) n .. r111 ,,..z. ... 1::11.,t•d • c·1 ... 1r1•11n 11: 1h:-i );r.ti;.r1r• r.n•J Iii llr-:a tla••rrut' In ..... rtl.• .. • •·utr•-ctot' 111r th,. O:!&rr·C\:' I>· f1•11 ... ,.. ):11l1lll71H111':' ai.•1 J,:rlln;: r••rt.1h1 :JfhPr t"c"1nl, ''· 111:: 1 • ... , ,,.,_Ii• 1tr11•1 1r1J 1J•~ 1"11Ur..,. 1retln1r to J"r.••I n, fl•,fl. C:t•tl l'nJ'•'ll'Dt tiJ l~1nr;-1nl•11tlu11 l'IPll :s'n. t, 1'1"1'10 1t1"1l'lhl' .l11h 1, 1r,-;c:, :!3 I". I:. 411(11 ( ·.• "'"' •''"'h 1 ), "" n1 ... m:r.1 I•• l'I i.:r .. r."'' i;;; 7fl1, A1"i:11•t ~·11 19·,.-: o~ -:1"1. f'rl 1. 11n•I l~'C'1 .. cnr1 .... o.r:f"':- 1r1;1·s .1111-r :J 1 ·,-;'l. ~': .,. I: !",nr,1 n1 n11· ·,r',•d t.. r,,.c1:rhP nnJ ... r 1u7q2. ,., nr1111:, .... in. J'>.'i':t, ~3 J'. H. C'•il. 11111 l•h• rtr•: rt lh ... o:: .... ••t lh t.,., .... e- )J'r,f J:l71rl11··1 ' 1-r 1.L:.11-L .. d 'lr\I nil f11o1rtlr,1•" VI •ti d In him h,j. I 1 .r nr ll'tar;u1ln1rl1111 r.I rn \•rr1• t•11•1•fnr•~ ft,1 u ...... , ...... ,.,, r.r , ......... fo••C. 1 or U•f• 1·1 U•). s .. C'linn ~ c .•• nr t!u• P:1•1 ,.., .... .,U•l IC'•"I c.1 .. C.':\c.- G~ l>Prra,)P ?o!n'll\I"• !111•1 ~·1•! th•• 1'1 1IPrJI (•arll JI •(rll•"' •\•ln1h1l•tr.1 ll•>n In fn, ~ 1 I' I•\,• 1t.:'flr1'7 J•1 11h" l:"C1 .. 11th.• 0 ... , i' r: t"'111 l 1 r1•• hi• nt lu 111• ~ •11u r. ""' tl 11• 11C> 1~1C"" cf lJ1•f1"'n '"" r.•.•t Cn El11H )(1.1,111.1 ,Un'\··. l 111'11l .. 1 .. .., C:.\ ··~·, ~ •• ,~11•"1•11 u .... th.IP tn • n.:111 111 ftf ('h It A1 11 J•~ fflDff' !'l11b•1111U1u1••. !Cr"'l"t'un : 11•1 r.f U•11 l 1l 1n r"'t 1hll .. J1,.r1 I' ••1ur,.1 rur nt U•.- O'"'ir1• nf" Ch II rr.1! fl,•(1•1·~" l'ofohlll•all11,,". EIH'tl,>n 2 of J:ir1·11lh,. Or.J"r trli'73 1l"l"l:'Rl"1! r .. 1:10 Jllfl'i:lur tll r1•'JCibu~ h U1•f1•r:r11 t~ tbe l'h-.l<~"l•l t17 th.- S•rOTl•IDll~ O! l:jl.:)f,;'11111 'llhi:t l'hn ::11 S.

Nfl11t• ... cll11nr Cn) 11n11 (bl r11.rnl':·"I h~ •"l'tl!'n 4, l'uhllc T.A'IT 2tr. f.t•t C'nns:ri"'~ •• \m:n•t so. J!H'I> (G3 St•1t. GT&J: sul-•ecll •11.1 (.:) r111l l•IJ 111lrlo•.J lo) l'~ctlou .:. 111,..,,,.,

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'l'IIC SEC~A'r.l"' OF'DU.E:SSll

$1;0. 20l. (n.) r£bc;:-1:c; sli:l.H 'Lo a. Eecrttn.ry of Dcft'n~, .,.,·]10 slmll b'l o.pnointc~l frC1rn fr,;iHm~ lifo l>y thl\ P1"C!.i­clent, hy nncl w1t)1 tl1c nch·ic3 n:1cl com::mt of the Sc-n:ito: J>rot•lcled, rJ.'Jmt. P. pc·t-son who J1ns ,·,ithin tC'll Yt'llT.s l•c£'n on nc~h·c duly ns a commii:::ionetl o!lice~ in a. l~t·g~1l.u· compommt of tho nrm~cl f'ci"~!c~s slmll nu .. ba chg1blc fot.• t~ppointrut'nf us Scc1· o~ n~:c.ans .....

\b) r!'hc St'ctch':.r•.: or l>ofcm•e £.lui.11 bo the llrlncipn.1 f\&i1&tnnL to t11c I>r.~;ir1ro1:.t. in nll mnttcl's i·c1n~ iu~~ to tho DcpartJnent of D~·f,•,1;..p.· t:m!i't' the cfot'rtion of tho P1<'i::iclt'nt, nn~l ~u~!rct to fl'1€'_prm+;ion'.5 of this Act, h:l shll.ll )ia.\.o cl11'l'ct1011, nuthr:>:-:ty, ar.c! control O\"t'r tho Dep1\l'fme1~t o! Dcf€'11qe.11

(c) (l) \\rithin the :ROlicy enuncfotC'cl ii;t ~t'clion 2, ~ho S~crcfni)· of Defcmsc sh~U tn.l;:t> nprn-oJ>rrnto stc·p'3 (m-

. eluding the:> tt·:nu;r~r, :i.-c:is.qlgmnt."nt1 "•l•oht ion, nn<l com.ol· iclaliou or functionc:;) to p::-o.-iclo m tl1c D~pntmcnt of D.:-fc:nsu for more <'li"ccfin•, c!l!ci.-nt, n.nd f'conomical nll­ministrntion :md op:.-1-.ttion nnll to clir.linnte clnplicnfion. }Iowc\·c;·, cxccz1t aR cthei-wi:..t' flJ"Ovicli:-cl in t h:s E-ub~.:?ction, no {unction which }1as l1een c:=tnl>Ji$hE"cl 1Jy Jnw lo he pe1·­formc.:l b)" the J>C'p:trfm.?nt cf I>\•fi?Jl<"C, 01" :mv C1!f:ccr Ol' ng.'.lncy f11t>1 c-of, shn\l lM s11!,..t:mtinlly t r:rns°Ccr1·.-tl, re­l"-c;signecl, nlx1li,;he-cl;or·cl'ln:::oli1fatl'd until tho c:..pimtion o~ the fhoi:;t Jl<'I intl of f hit f ,. calcntl:u· <fa vs o! ccmtinuous S£'S..c;ion of Hie Conr.T•;s<J foJJ,.,wing r:1e cliite on wJ1ich tho St'Crcfor,· of Di?!ense rep!>rtc; t'he ~1e1 timmt clctnilo; of tho r:rtiou to h~ tnk"n fl) tlrn ..Arme-cl ~c-r,·irt':; Com:i1itfC't-s of tl.c Senn.ta 1•ncl of ti1-• Hou<:t" of ncp1"t•sc11f:1th·('~. If dnr­in~ such prriotl n r~::nl11tim1 is rt>rortcd hv cith!.'r of tho s:iill commiflct's Elnting tlmt tlie yn·opo.;~cl n<"tion '·:ilh 1.:-spel!t. tot ht> ll"t\l\~f C'1"3 ll'hc:.,igrnncnt, uljotit ion, or conc,ol­i:lntinn o! :my !unction s?1011)cl }>;) rcjcrtrcl bv th•J 11.'solv­in:r Jiou:-e h~cnno:;c (1) it conlC'mplr.l<=s t]1c trnnn(C'r, 1c­ns-:i:,..,11nr·nf, nl1r1Jition, or co:1~olic!:ition of n m11jo1· rom­b:ttnnt function noi.v or }~erenftcr ns.c;ignccl to tbo militnr,­f;t'r\·icl'5 hy scc.-tion 3n,1~ (h), :.012, t•rJl.:J, 01· 80G2 (c) of tiffo 10 or the t"nitc.l State:; Codt'. nncl (2) if cn1 rfocl out

·it woulrl in thC' j111lgmt-n~ <J! the: s..1id rri:.ol·,;in,, lfoueoc trncl to im_pait· thl' cfofon<:r of the l:nitc-tl £.rntcs, s"~ch trnridci-, 1·cac;s1pm1t'nf, :.bolil ic111, or con.:::oliclnt io:1 r.11:111 f nkc cficct n!tt>r (}i;) l'Xl_):intion oC fht' first }lC'Jiotl of forf\• cn]('nclnr days of c.>ut 111~io11c; !-~·~s:on or the Conur\•::s !nllowin" t110 dnto on which surh H'~o!nHon ioc; r,•p';;rtc•l; · hnt onf}· if, llC!h\t'C'll tl1t' c?ntu of i::•~l·h rC'j1nrtinrr lrl·<"ither IIouc:13° nncl tho C'xpiJ ,1tion of i::n.-h f o: iy!cJ:•.y p:.-liocl such rnsolution Im.<; not. ht-rn pns~t'd hy ruch Hou:! .....

r. .. erdnrrot JJ(t'.:1'.i;""• }, j•lWll•fl'll'Ut. J:.1:;~l·l1!t7.

Prlol."lp"Ll As· •l\t11nt tu !•~.,.'d"nt O'Q. V.·Cc11.H.


'J"rai.,r ... r o! C1:incUi.ns, etc.

t'om11:atnnt tur.ctlc.u.

T'>A St:i.l. 166. !!77. ~iS, -&~3.

Eftc-c:tlTa da ti'.

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G3 Sfo\t. 203..

'Wc.::s:on• &Cl! WE"o1S>On:I l•)'llt~·.J•.

.. .. .....

= .. . ·

]';.\TIO::ilAL BECiJ'lUTY Ar::! oz.~ 10 i 7

(~) li"or th~ p'llmi:sro of pnl"&1j.,>Tnr11\ (1)-{A)" cc .ttintiit.:; of ti:-.::::;.io!l sJmll l;o consicforecl f'.S

l;.4'(.~;:('n 0:1ly Ly cu r..•tjonrnmcnt of the Cong.reE".J a;'int"<1~· but

(!s) i:i tl~ocom:putr.tion or fhP. tl1idy-dn.y }>~riocl or t'h'l :fnrt:i,·-clny pei"1ocl theL"C: sh::i.11 he c:.-::t'l 1JCli:d tho duy'> ca whic11cithoe1·1Iousc is not in f.C'SSion bxnusa o:C an nt.ljo~rmvie-nt of 11•ore t.fo1n threa cl:iys to c dny ccrtmJ"t.

(3) {.\} 'i'11ov .. ·ovisionsofthisp::u·nz1'nph r.reennctect h7 tlie Coiml'c~s--. (i) ~S D.11 C:":'9?'CiSO of the 1"l1lcm:-1king powC'r of th .. •

S.!rmto ni1Ll the House of lit'prc-sC'nh\tn·ci;, i ... ;pcc­tin-ly?. m1cl r.s sueh tl>cy sl1a1l consiclt"rNl as 1 .. 1rt. of t110 rnles of ooch liouso, n."'Specth·ely, n'ld such n1lr.s L~'1.1J SUJl~rset!E' ()the&" niles only to the exlcnL tl1::?.t the.¥ nro inconsistent t11eiev.ith; nncl

(ji} ·with full recognitioll of the constituf ionnl ri.t-bt of eit! Jfo1L5t1 to clum[.:1~ sw+ l'111es (so far as n.-J:\ti'lgto tll:l p1"0C<•duro in such Hou~e) :it nm· fone, in tl1a same manner nncl to tlu· sum~ extent M·in the c:LSC of any otlier ru fo of &ttch l Iousr.

. (B) For tho purposes o!tl1is p:m,grttph,an\" resolnlio::l reported to. eitllcr House pm-sunnt to tht- J>iO\·if.ions of p:i.mrr.·apl, (1) he&"£'of, .e:b:tl fol" tlir J>Ul'pu:e of the con­siclnht ion of such r<>solut ion h~· t>i t Ji .. r J fom·l' he- h eutcll in t.11e !-..•nna manner l~S n l"l'O:Oluholl \\"it h 1 f!-:;pC'Cf to I\ l"COr­r.nni:z.'ltion ~fan repoz tecl by B commiltrc within thr llll'nn-111~ of tl1e I,coc1?1mh:ntion .Act rJf lfl 19 nc; in C'frcct on .July 1 l!l:iS (5 U- S. C.. 1337. et SNJ..) nnrl shnll be go,·ernerl hy · tf10 prnrisiOllS RJ>Dlicnb!e to thr: C'OllStrll'l'lltirm CJf UH\" f.nch rcEOlution by eitlirr Hon"'o of tht• Cm1grc:-q ns p1 ("·icJrtl b.:1sec:ions205 r.ncl 200 of such .\C'l.

(·J) Xotwiths.llmc'·,;~ the 1nm·ic;ions of parn,g1·apl1 (1) lioreof, t11e Secri?h\ry or Defon~e hue; t11e nuthMity to 11.ssig11:., or rens.<>i~n, to ona or nrnre dl'pnrl uwnts 01· i:-e1·\.·­

ices, llio clevelopmc:r~ mul upl't·ntionnl u:;c of JlC'U" '"'"'"P­.ons or ".\"<!':lpons sv~tcms.

(5) Xot,-.,·iths~ni11lins, otht"l" J>l"O\"i'>ion'" or thi~ &ul>:.C'c­tiQn, if the Pn•.i;illent <latl'rminr=; t!rnt il i=; 11<•t"t:>R==1\ry hP­cnusc of hostilities or imminent t11r\!nt of hoc;tj}jtic•:::, 1tny :£unction, incha};r.g tho-:a a:SSif'nt•<l tll them ilitsu·y f.N"\"irl!'5 by &ectiCl!13 3Q:j2 (1)), uOE~, !i!Jl:~, 11rul f;Q(j::°? (d of tit]p 10 o~ the Unitc,l 8tntt•s COlll•, 1uny lx-• tr:ir1.;ft•r1rc1, 1'i·:1c:­£ifnnl'll. or coni:olicl.ttNl :uul imhjl•ct to thl' '1t·h·l'll1inntion o t11e P1-~;.it!t•1it c:lmll z"l:'muin !.o t1:m.,rl•r1-c,1, 1"t'n~'li,:!11Pcl, oi· conl"olitlntcrl until thu termi11:1tion of ~uch h•1 .. tilitil'::. or tlm .. :it or hn-stilitie-s. .

(G) 'Ylwn\'\"N' the Scc1"t't1try or J>,•fl'JlC:C clrtcam1ine~ it will l;e ndnmtagrmr-1 to th£i Cio\'l'1"J1111rnt in te11ni:; of ef­ft'cti\'f"Jle:;s1 l'cnnmuy, 01· efiir·iru••\·, h<• s!mll p1·0\·irlr: fo1· the C:\E rying out or nny s~1ppl.); <;I' srrd~·t• m·th i~y !'nin-

• 1non ~,, 1111)1'1!' thnn one m1l1tnry cl"11:ntmrnt by n sm;dl'I

.. ... "'"'"" --·-----.. ---- -·-----------:--·--

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~~ : '• \

---REF---I-o-·-A-6-9-0-2 9 ------· --·-· ~ , . ;--·




I J ' I •() I I I I I I ' I ' 1 ; l I i I . l l { 1 1


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?;ATIOXf,I, SECUI:J'.1.'Y J.C'£ OF 19-i 'I

3·~::-ncy o:r such <Jtht'r c.rga.:1izr.tionai cntitb> r.s !10 dccm<J a~~px•. J:'or tlw. p_.u-po;:e.; of this p:u·agr n1,h, rmy f:11pply or ~£'1"\'l<!C nct1n*y C'O~mnm1 to wort~ than one military dt>?)fn·tmPnf sl1r1!i 110~ he conc;idt'rcd n 'rnnjor C(l;·Lhi11t f m:cti::--·1' ·within th:l meaning of parngrnph (1) h~rl'of.

(7} Each mili~ary <~~pnrhnl'nt (the Dr'p:u·tmenf.. of tl1::i

N::i.vY' to include U:c\.•l ~l.\'iation r•ncl tho United ~forln(' Corps) sh:\li he s£~pnratcly organized uncfor it.s <••Yn !:~rC'rct:ir:v nn1l ~.l1:1ll fundion uml:?r th'3 direction, enthoiity, nncl contrn! or the Sl'cxdary of D<>fc>nse. 'J'hc 2ecri'tary of r. mili!:u)' clt•pnrtm£:nt shnll he re,..ponsible to the Scc1-etary of Defc11se for the ope1 at ion of wch c!~·p:u·tm~nt :>swell ns its <·:Ucienry. J.::xc·epr: a5 otll('rwiso ~rccific~·ll.:;: provideu by bv.-, no .\ssistnut Secrc·tar-y of Defca!':o shnll have :mthorit-:r to i.:sue orcfor::; to n mili­t'.lry clep:i.rtnwut unbs.s (l} fhe Secn•f:uy of I >1.>f<•11·~ h:1s 5pl>eificr.lly cleler,nlcd in '';riting to sw·h :111 .\,..,..i:-.t:mt Sec­i.•tary th~ m1fhorily to i!'-.'1!e 5uch 01 dt:>r:> with '''·'P'-'d to a 5prcifa: subjet·t area, n11tl (2) snrh onlt•r:-: nrt• i~:med throu;:d1 th13 Set'rctury of !-.nch rnililnn· clc·p::rt111t'nt or his clesignec.. In thf' implcm<'ntation o'f thi-; p:11·:1:.::rnph it sl>:"\Jl b.- tl•e dutv of l':tc-h sm·h 8l•crNmT. Iii, ci,·ilian :\!"SiS!;rnts, :md tho ini}itm·y z1ersonneJ ill .Slll:h <h•p:ll t111c•nf to cooDl'rnte fnllv with p .. •1'l:>uzmp] of tht· { >!!i.·t• of the "' t& f I> .... • . .. ' . br-crc nr:r o t'iCllsa in n contmnou<. el101 t to :l<'lll!'\"£'

efficient. ·ndministmtinn of the nc·p:trtme11t of I ),•f('!I:-{' and cffecth·t'ly lo cni=l:>; ont the clir('cfion, :rnfhnrity, nrnl control of the s~crdurv vi Defense.

(8) No provision oft his Act shall he ~o con~truecl.n~ to }ln~v • .,.nt n SecrC"tury of :1. military clc>pnrlmc>nt. or a lllf'lll­

b<>r of the ,Joint, Chic·f.;; of Slaff from p1·e~·c11ti11!! to tl:c> Co1w1·cs.s, on J:is own initinth·e, aftci· fix·,..t HJ infon11i11~r the SC"crctn.iy of Defense, nny recommencl:1t ion:,; r£>lating­to the l>l'pnrtment of Defl'll'·C that lie- mny lll'"lll prc•pC'r. 1


(d) The Secretary _of lieft-n~t\ shnll ;inJmall.v su~>mit .L

wr1lkn rt.?port. to the Pre:>iclt'nt nncl the\ Cong1 es:; co.-er­iii.~ c-xpr.-nclitun-.;, work, nrnl accompJi.::l11nent~ of the Dc­pad11wnt of D£>fon~l', nccm:1paniNl Jn· (1) such recom­mendatirms as ha shnll deem nppropi·inlt·, (:2) ~('pamtc rl.'ports from tho military clc>partrnents <.l)n•r·ing t.l1<'it' cxp<i.11lit url's, work, nnrl UC'C'Ompli'l:;hnwnt!', :mcl (:3) iletn­ized ~tntemc>nts !-.hnwing- the s.n \".it![~ of public f1111c1::; nncl the ell'minafif,ns of l\llll('C(.'C:<::trj" dupJiCtllions ancl m·ei·­)appings th:it havc> l.t•1•n accompfo-liL'd i•nrsunnl to tho pro·.-i-;ion::; oft hie;; .Art.13

(c) Tha Hi·crl.'fan· of n.~ft•!1!..C ~hall C:lll"C n ~·al of oGirc to _b ... • waclc: fo1:" the }),•pat I mt>nt of J>,•"ft'Jl!-'t', of ~udt d•-,•igr1 nc; tho Pn•.;.i\l••nt !-.lm IJ n pp1·m·t',. :rnd jml i C'in J no! i<'e sh:ill l-u lak£.'n thl'lt'of. •


?!lllt-.ry ~~­JJ..Lttni~nt oi,• .. .[;.3.T:l~."lf.tL-!J.

I:.PiC"O.t'lhl"ndn­tl•ln:s t•J Co:1greii~.

Rl.'P.~rt:i to l'l"t.'~!tl~ut LHld Cunsrc-ss .


"Tl.I. ~uh.,.c:t.111 ""~ nnwn•l•••I t,, hl~ll<>n:; 1>f P111o!I.- f,I\\ !?IG or th~ fil~t Cun;:r"""· .\iu:11"'t tn. JHHl ffi-~ ~tat r,7 .. q: f11ftl1:••r .1mrth!1· ! It\" ...t•• U.rn:: (•11 nt ll11• 11· p"lrtr.h.nt tJf [I'".'•"•• U•·nr.:nr!ln\ll11n .. \ ... t r1r l!t:i~ ft:? :it I :,9,., ,:, r .. :-: <'. lT[n {c)). ~ lhl" KUh,i•,•[Jnn 9..l ... n:.1«"n1l.•J h~ ""'"rrl1rn :i 11( l't:.lrlJ1• f .. :1\ 1 .:!Jfl nr th•• ~l!tt ('ot:.:'l•':o!I.

A1•.:r1"t ill. l'.•I'~. f•ll ~t1•t. :.;._, • t'11fth••1 :uh• rh• .. r t1\ .. , .. ,1,.u :r •hl f•f tht• fl, s,1.1rr:ni"nt ot l'-!"1-~ l:•'1.•r:i:•.u1IJ.1tlu:1 .. .\ct vt 1h:.~ ('i:.! !-t::nt. !'il•i• ::; r. :-:. 1•. 1;1.1 lcllJ.

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•• ·:·1•1•·r I • 11 \ : •

.... :"" .. , ... I?::!~'r""~.t~Jr.;) (.,: U>~!'••r o: l '1 lll LI 01" J';?.:!!rT• l.:.J o!:!cerA.

.t .. "

1' :>P<>ln tm-1":1 t tu ;; uitl lA. b7 l"i:-.r: .. I•l~a.t ..

l'l:IM on lH"O· r-Iu!iuu lla:.

Cn.llt for IJ"&U ... t=\l lt":t \"w.".

Cn:,b.,tant c,,)f'.JJ: 11.ll..?.J.

--...... ·---~-~-·-

' 'NA'fIO-:iAI, S!·:c;um·n: ACT OI-' 1047

(f) 'l'he Scci'el:u·y of n~f('n::-~ m.w, ,,·itl1out bc•i11g re­Iio .. ·ccl 'cif hiH 1.:';pm1sibility then•f<.~r, nrnl 11111(•.s l•l'O-

._, hibit .. J Ly sonw specific prm:i<:ion of this AC't or otlwr S.(>Cci:ic provbion of Iav, prrform any fonct ion 'c::.!<·tl in lum through or wi: il the aid of snch oliic:ials or or~nnint­tiot!nl entities oft!·~~ Dep.n·tment of I>~fl·n::t! no; 1.m rnny designate .

(g) Unclf'I' !mch r.:>gubtirm.s ns he ~lrnll prcc:cribt>, the Scc1ctm·y of Dl'lt'll"~ with the npproval oi the J>r.:-s:ch•nt is flUtllClrizecl to transfer L!:'lWl't•n tlw nrn1Nl scrvicc·l, within tho uuthorizcd commi<.,;iolled strt>ngt h of t ht~ rt!­f.pcctivo rt·n:ices, onice>1-s hoklin:r commis·:ions in the: n~cc.Iical EC::rviccs or corps inc·ln11ing th~ rt>:·\·n·1.1 com­pon('llts f herl'.'of. • ~;o ofi!ccr f.l1all Le so t ran:-ferrcd with­ont {l) his consent, (2) the cou~ent of the sen·icc frClm '~hich the ti-nnc;ft•r is to be lll.Hh•, nml (:l) the con:,cnt of the ~<>rvice to wh.!cl1 the tr:m<-fcr is to b~ mnclt>.

(It} Olli.cC'!S tmnsforrcd hcr£'uncler ~h.111 bl• appointt'd by the Pr£>siclPnt ulont> to &11rh conunis!:ionrd grad£>, }lt'r­mirncnt n.ucl tcmporat Y, in the .nrmcd £:.•!!'\'ice tu which trnnsfen~d nnd lie gi\·cn &m·h pbce on the npplicahlu J>romotion fo;t of s11d1 !'('l"\'it•l' ns he !-hall dc:tc-rmim.•. Fc<lt'rnl St'tvire previou,.:ly ren<lcre1l by :u1y surh oflicer shall be c1·cdi! cd fm· pi·omn! ion, Sl'nioritv, aud 1 t"tirem('llt purpo::C';; ns if f>Crwcl in tl1,• :n·mc<l i:=cn·ice lo whic·h tr.rns­for1·ecl :tccorlU-ng .to the- pr·o,·i-;ions of h w '~o\'crning pro­motion, f.c-niorily, tmd'nt tlwn·~n. Xo ofiicrr upon ?i. t mnsfc:1· to nny scn·i.-£• frou1 whieh p1 cviou~Iy h•lnc;f<'rr<'<l ~liall lic- gi\'cn a J1iglic>r grade, or plac·e on lho i-pplic:ilJle z1romotio11 Ji-,t, th:111 whid1 hCJ cot:Icl h:n·c attni11ccl hncl ht· r<·111ai11c>cl coutimwu1>ly i11 the !'\cr\"icc to which retrau..,ferrc ... L .

(i) A\ny otii•:c·r tr.rnsft'r-rcd hl'h'm1t1ei- ~lmll bH crNli!Nl '~ ith Ow unn:-t.>Ll h•.n.·c to whid1 Jw \~·as entitletl at the time of lr:rnsfer.u ·

(j) \\rilh lhe nclvi·:c nncl n.;-:;i:;t::mce or the .Toint ('hil·f::; of St:i.IT the P1'C'::-idrnt, tJu·ongh the Sl'crctary of Dd(•IJ:::e-, slmll (.'Stalili;:;h tmilit> ... I or spl·cifie<l comh:ita11t co111n1:111<l-; :for tho p:-rfo1·rn:lllt'.:' of m1lit:u-y mi~.;.ionc:, n11<l i;l;,iJ) th•­tormim1 the forcl' stn~cturt' of !-ouch comhat:rnt conun:mc!s to bo com nosed of fo'rtt'S or the Dl..'parlnJE•nt of the .\rmv, the Dl·pn;-tmcnt of tiin X1ffy, lite Dt!p:1rtr11C'nt of tho .\Ir· Ji"orcc-, v.-hich shall then 110 11:;.:;i;!11t.><l to such comhatnnt comm:rncls hj the dC'p:trtmeats C-onrcrnrcl ior tht' }>N'­forrnancc of such rnililnry 1nission~. Sul!h cnmlmtant. comm:mch nre re:;pon!>il1le tot he Prc-.ith•nl and the Sccrc­lfll'j' of l>.::Ccu<-o fo1· !>m·h milit:ll)' mi-..,io11~ ac; 11uty w ns­signecl to lhcm hy tl~(' St'Creta\y or Def en<,(•, with tl1c> np­pr(lv~'l.1 oi the Pa•shlt•nt. Fo1·1•£>s n~-;ignl'cl to such u'1ilird comlmtant coi11m:mcl5 or spccifiC'd combata11t comm:rnds

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NATIOSAT.1 SECt!r.IT Y ,\Cl' OI•" 19 l 7

sJ1a.ll b;) tllldl'r tho .full Op{:l",!ltmm] C...">?11lll:lllc1 of ll.c1 COlll· w~m<for of tho unifi:.-d conLal:mt co;nmancl or fhe com­l 1.mdrr cf lhc spc.~i fi<!d con.h:tt:rnt. comm:mcl. ~\ ll fo1·n(':; twt so nssigm:1.l r.;main fm· :11l p~irposl's in their ze:-pPc­th:o clcpnrtmcn{s. Unclci· tlit\ cfo('ctiou, mtthorily, ml<l conttol of thCl Sccl'l•taty of I>.-fon·;~c:irh military 1l\·p~.rt­JJ~cnt shall bo re:;pon~.ilile for the aclmini.;trntion of the :for.:k'.-i ns:>ignc<l fmm. its d.:•partmcnt. to ~.uch C•"Jmhat: nt comni:mcl.:;. '.fho l'<'.;pon ... ihil;ty for 0.~ :,nppm·L of for·.:r.;:; r.s5igncd to coml>:i.t:mt commands i,lmll b::i yc.,tcd in one or mor" of the miHtary ck·partmt.>ntH us may ht' di1·cctul l.>Y tho St'ciclmy of D<!fon,,t'. Forl?{!S :t~::,ii:.-m'1l to t-ui:l1 u'i1iffo<l 01· spcciliecl comh:1tnnt comm:-tJJCl-; ~lull! h~· tI :1115· forrecl 1.hi:refrom only l,y n.nthority of and und('r pro­cedures <.';:tn.lJJi:;herl by th\} Secretary of J>eft:n::-e-, witl1 tho apprornl of tiio l'n~sitlent.1 -' •

[P£·r/r.rmn;zc,~ of f1111!"ti.0:1'.-'The Sccrcfnry of Def'E'•'"C l•iay £rt>lll time to tim~ m::tke Sllt11 }lr•)Yi<:!Oll» fl'! be !o.l!:tll d~·,m1 11ppr0>­JWlll tc fl ut i:11rizi11r; tllc- I•t rfnn•ia h<'C by :my othci" oflic t'r, c•r by :my n~··nc:y or t-mplnY<'<', c,f the ll.-J'.!I tmcnt of D.-f1•il'-C o! any function <•f the f-:c:cn:t.u;y, inc·l111li11~ :111y fuattio:i tr:111-.fC'11c:ll to tJ,c- St"l.'IC­t:1ry hy tlw proYi<;irm~ or: tM ... i.-r•;,1ti<>11 111.111. (Thii ln11-J:"U:tgc I'> from st"<'. r, o: 1?.(•orr::rni.mtion Pl:m :So. G, efrc<. th-c .Tune ~IJ. J!):i3 (GI t;.";!>) .)]

. [CEP.:.1.~Aix /.DIHTIOXii.I. I'UX{."GOx:; OF nm i:::r:cm:T.\RY OF DEFEXS~l

r•nrima:1t ft> section I·c·r I~e(•l '!.:mi:r.ntion Plan Xo. c:, CU€'dive ,T•me SO, rn:>3 (.'i.jl;Jt'll~;" JI), BIJ f1•uctious of (:u~ :'.\fonil io11<; Hu:ud, ti;c Hescarch and D.•H'l.>;1nic•:1~ i!ri:ir,!, iht> lh·frn~e ~lll•l'V ~I:tn­~:g('m<·nt ,\gcncj·, aaC: the I >ired er of Ir.::tnllation~ ,, 1.·1 c 'tnms­forrf'cl to t:1L' Src.-c t.:ry of Dt'fC'll<;C'. Ao; h :•1nfl'1 n•cI am! coclifil'd i.2 s.:-clitmc; .?21)1 and 2.1:;1 c•f '1 i!li' JO, t.'nitr-d :=-:talc<; Coil<.', lh;:­f1mcfi1):1o; 1!."btin:~ to flit: :.H11nitil'71-i lk1arcl n11d Hl"~c:trcil .:>nrl DcvP!c.pi1H'ut Ho.ird vc; c I f'JH·.1h>rl by i:l"ction 3c :rnd d of the "D.!parti.1ral t•f Dcf<·n,,;e 1:.::or1~ani.i:ntiun ,\ct 1!\:i<)", n1rpro' ell All:.!lll>t G, 19'iS. (Sc~ :•p!H.'nni'I: \'f.) f:ectirJ!I 2 (:!) of Hc•urg:wi­~alioa Pl-:n J'{o. 6, r1lm!i-.hrtl th!." )Innilion-; Jlo:1rd, lhe l~!'-.l":t1ch anrl HeH:!fJp:ncnt nu~.IG, :mcl th£' ofliCl'!; of C'l•:1irmn11 of lhe :'.\!t1-nition·1 •t•i:•Hl, Chriirr.wn ,,f the Hc~cni d: r1111l JJl'H:lopmcnt n:.:ircl, J)lrc:"ctt1r of tl .(!' Dt·fc;:sc Supply )1:1:rn:;:l'mC11t .\gene.>. l>E'puty Director of Defon .. e f;u;iply )l.111:>ger1c>nt .'igcnc;, nncl DirC'clor c.r lm.l:i!!:i:ioas. TJ-.e J,:11gm1g,• of th!'-.c r,cclion-=; r!'prc·· S!?ilf•; tJ;c function'! lr:>:i!-forr.'.:'•I from the Dl'foni-e Su;.ply :'\lan­r.::.?Ml'f1t /1~c;icy nm!, tile fu,1ctJ,m..:; of t:1l" Jl;rcctor of fo..,t:tlJ:i.. ti,,.,..,, lo fo2 S:ocrt't:uy c·f r1_.:-<'n,,..t• by ifrorg·mir:1tion Pl:•n Xo. 6. 'i'J1e f~!r.t ctf thC" J.1ni.,L1~;:c of the· rt·.::::,Ec1 he :-c~c!io:-1.; i ... th:lt con­tair.t'd in Public l.':1·:1 102.;, ~S~h Coilf!"ll''~• .t>PI•rO) eel .\u:~ur,t JO, 1r;;1;, an Act to 1c;·j•;f' :incl co.!ify ccrt:1in l:nn: rc·l:t!iri~~ to thl" Armed rorce:>. Ina<:'ntll:h l\') l'L•J.lic 10:!~ i'> ln•t ;>. I ('">l:lt<.'· t11ent of <'Xi">tir>g l.1w il i.; co:1~i,~crcd approp1 info to iu•.<>:-1 in thi.~ cor·1pi:r.tin:1 th:' 1•c, Hn.•rt i:-rrti:i;>H of thi· faw codif~ i•1r. tiw'-C functii;n·~ f r.111•fcrn·,1 t:> U•-e S:crct:u·y of Ih·fono:;" by Hc.ori:;:llli· J',~tion l'l:n Xo. G.


l j

"'Snh•~ctlnn (J) U~P. nc?.J,.,J tis r<'cllnn f, Chi oC the ll1•p:11 tr•1.-11t o~ H~!rnS!! Rcor,~:whJ.· tlr.n ,\ct o! 1:1:;3 (i!l :;JS) c:; t:. :;, C. l71n). •

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REF ID:A69029 ... - . . . . . . . . . ·-- -------· ·- ------- -- ------·· ---·--·---~·----------

l-1 2.;11.·noxAL fJECUJn'l'Y /.C"l' o:c· 1 ~-1 ·;

1A·!!~ fol~O'."/t!1:;' s~d;:J:1.:; ::tr~ ('!JCi:1ctl h1 t~~h 10, Un!tcd si~·~·~S C•;.:-~, i?~1:.1Hc I.n~"l.1028~ &! .. ? Co:n~rc:::s:

CA'i'AL:JGL.::..;~ .h!'<D S'.1'~\:·i~.\HDIZ.\.'J.'IOX

"S.·e. 2!~1- r.2fo'1JC ll~'i'.iiiy i:t:m::t~:u.::a~

(n) r.i''i:e S~1 e~'ltY <>r Dt:f'C'll3e f.l.mll tl,·~·IO'Ivii f~ l 'ur:io c,1tnlC1;:: rye t.!':1 nnd rcl:tteJ 11:0.;r:uu of st . .111c!arJl-:in~ supplies f1.11· th~ lJ~!'1.i"t..1.1el.Lt ,,_r JJt:fca~ci ..

(b) In <.-.ltitlo~:in.:. t!:ie s.-c::dary Sl'.~ll Dam~. <lescrlb:!, C'l:i.r.~lly, f:":'ll uuml:er c:11.·:1 !~1 :.1 ?('Cl.tH'ntly u·~{', brmght,,.:kcrl, <'l" cH 1-t.;lmtcd t•y foe D.?!•:ntm ~.:.t o! Deff'n ..c, i:o t111-t Ol\ly oar- c11~tluo­tit<~ t;:Ocibln:ttiCll' ot lcttt-r3 l•:" llll1!1{•l"nl:\ Ol' l>ri:?l, ldcutif\E.•,; the r2m;,, ltelll th•l:'p:;l•out the l>cpa:-trner.t or D~.r,•nse. Only 0:1e 111 ,,,ntif:c:atio!l 1.1::iy Le U<:Nl fur cnch item for i1il sup pt_,.- fu.1..:tinr>s ;:.-c,1:1 zmrcb:t"~ to .G.::i:il 1ll.:.~>O"':ll Jn fre fleM o:: othrr 1•1·i:.-.J. 'J. I:'~ catnlo," Ll:lY cc.·11:,!.~t or a nmnbc.-r of vo?m11c~, H~t·tic,r1s, or &up11k"- • h1.:-nl:.3. l't sh:iU lndurb 1•ll Heni11 o! ~'1l'l•ly nrhl, for enc.-h Item, fu.;'.ormatir,n ueet1ccl !•Yr :<ll!';•lY O!J·.:rn tioi:", suc·b 1:" d.:-"crl11th.: nncl r'?rform:inre <lntu, ~izl-, wci~ht, cuhJ;;c, P:ll"':n~lt1J' nncl 11·1<:klng ~it~. n staw~·1rll q11:111titati•.e i:lllt u! mc"tsnrcrncnt, mi.I o~hC'r 1e-1r,t "cl dnta t!1:i.t t::t? Seuctar_; cl.•tt·rml•\c.~ t~ 1•<} i:; .. !'itnhlc.

(c} Jn ~tana.i.dizlu;::- surplit"• the 8<.,·rel:ny Bball, to tlic hl;~h­c"';t e.cgrce 1n·.~~t!t.·:tl1It-

(l) f.t ·-·l'.>rdi:i:e- ltNn.l ll'>cd tli.r,1ughont tl1I' Df'i•nrtmcnt ot Dcfei"o.e by Gt?Tl'l'l;1l11g nml u<iin~ ~in1:lc- E-Jl'!l'ili.catiuns, c:-liml-1'1ating o.":erl:?;1jlln=:- nt'hl clup1Jc.1tr ~J ~'"·ificntir,H'-, :ll1cl 1·ec!u<"~l1.,"!" t'•e m.:iuber or s!:i•c,;; :-rnl klmli t'f itc1•1s. nre ;er1>?rall;, 11i.11-l!.'lr;

(2) ·1~f·rnu.11r.ll:::~ fo" metl1nrls or J>:icJ.lng, J•llck.1gJng, 111111 px•t -c~l::i;:: c;t:vnl.ll"•Ii/l'll Hi'1n<.; an•l

(Z) i.1.11'.t"·nt U·«• ol" tit;:- "t·: \"irt:>'< >~I:tl fllcllltie;; fot• ln­!=:>i?Ctla:;9 f P .... ~l.:J;? nnd :!ccep:in;:.: t': 1> .. 1t! jtc•111·:i ..

~C'. ~152. D;:;Hc.:b er s~crC'tary c!Dt{'l•r.sP 'A."1•u S1:-c1:et.ary c•r Deren""' i:-ball--

(1) tl"\·t:1n1• m•tl m:ii:itain the S\titl>lY C:ltl<lCI!~. r.ncl tl•e r.tnm1anli'.'"tinn 11i:o;;mm, cl.esi:ril•t~l i?l ~cction 2-l:il ol'. th:~ tlUe;

(2) <lht>et ani: crv:>r<linntc 11ro~rrs"ln~ u-.,~ or the supply c11f.1l'i~ !11 p,l[ ~uVi1ly l'.'111:cllo;i" within tlie I>~11:irhncat of D~ fetl'>~ !1vm the c.!.etcrL:lln:ition of requircuu::ut•l throu:;h fln:il <li•1pt>~:-1; .

(:?-) tlirPc-t, re\ fo;•;, nl!d nppiCn C.'--("'•) tJ:-r.: I!amlng, clescrl11tio~•. and }>:!Ueru o: l!e.scd1).

tfon o! nll lte:r1.;; (B) th~ Cl'rt·el!lni;-, C'onc;n1i1?:itlon, cl:i<,,c;ifk:itlon, nntl

ll.l'•~~·el"ln~: oz d"<..:rlptlu:i-1 of :ill Ht•m•-: r> :ill (C} n.e 11111,lkntlou rnll <1i<;trih:i..on o! tl10 &u11,;1ly

c.~talo:;; (·~)·1ln li:~l-n:i '~Ith lnul':::try nch·i.:ory grriup3 to cor1r­

cll11atto th•" llnl'lo11m1·at 1•f th• ~u1•1•l.r c.1tal11~: unc.I th.: st:•rul-1irdiimtin!l 1•::-r·;:-•1u:1 \\Ith the !ic-.;t 111·.1cticc.; or iuclu-;tzy f:lld t•J obtllh1 the fnl!t•,;t 111·:1c.:tknl1!c- 1·u11;•cr.1ti11:s nn•l 1•.trlil ip·1t100. ot. hl!.lu rt~y In <!.t1 ;·c.-lo11ir.1.~ th!!' su! .. f•lY cat·1?ob nnJ l!!e ~~.nU· ~1C:i::atlon l':"C'hL:tt!l:

c:;J c-.t:.h!i<l:, 1111!.li,~1. J('\"!•·w, nml r.•1"1-n, withiu tlie }l:?­l'rn!1nc:1t ,, .. l>L'~t'I~-...p, 111Hit.try ~1 .. -.1.illc·ntiun .. :, ~t:uulritll", ntu.l }l<,t-111! ri11ahfh'1l 1•r11.l111 f.;, an1l tt-.,,1\ c difll'n 111·,•.;; l·1'l'' ~eu t~H~ 1nl!ltar.r dtov1rtm;:>11t~. l•~:•N•U"', nn•l ~crv!ce.; \\!th r~,..,:•l'Ct to tl:t.'J:l;

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REF ID:A69029 ·------'------- --- . ··-- ----

(l1) a<-s!~n rc:"I>'JIJ<,Jhlllly r1 I{•; O~ th!? c:i.talfl~I11·; r,n,1 t~c r,tl'11tir.rtlh"1tlo:::i l•l<•;;r.11!1,. to t!.r u.ilitnry c.lep:.1 L!!O:-lit:<', Lur-::::111•;, iiud io<'n kl's with!n t11e De;i~u tm••:•t of J Jcl"m:;t't ,,?1('1Jl r>:-nct!c:il fHJ(l con~"'i~tt..:1~ ,-')!t!.t t!!:J1· c~tI :•city PuU. J~\te1-c .:t Ju th'>'>C s111•11llr1;

(7) e·.tnLH!--h tirn3 £~l~cd11!~ !o;;- ns::i~ume.rL~ .JJ1~H1e- ut:der d&;b!! {G} ; 11r1l

(8) m:it:e fln:tl (~t-r!-Icm•• i'1 rill m'ltt<:rs roncc;-nr<l with tho cnti:.login:: antl ~t!'«::.tio:t pro~~1·:iri~.i ..

S2~. ~433. Su1•1:l1 cafi'lo~ di.:;.trHn:tion a·.:d ueoa 'I11c ~l( crctnry of iJc-fcll~·e ~11=-ill clir.tri:·,t•t~! thei J>!l1·L~ of tii~ tn:&~.>­

Jily cut:~h•.; clebcrlbNl i•~ H·<.t!fJa :.!-l;:il o! this titic e., lhty ara co1~1pletc.1. E:.:!•.tin.:-: catnl"A'' ~!1:111 1,c r~pl.1cecl necorclin; to schr:du!i"3 c:.:tub!i.,;•pc! lry th:! S!!crct;iry. A fie!' 1 !'pl.1(''.:r>;~:it n=­otl1C!r 1,,•1jl11!y cntalv;; n~=·y l1:! u.::.ttl \";i~hh1 the l1E·J11.,·tLi~ent e>~ l1;:>fcn.:;..: \\ith tf'spelt to tl!e- J..imls Cl! itc·iw; co\·ered hy tii.1t 1•nrt. All p1opl"tty lt1pori:$ Uh4l it.~co1U!; ~l1:ill u .. .::e tilc-11(,u1cncln.t~~e, it('i-i mir.atm:s, 110<1 descr!1.ti'i'e tl:it::t ,,r tlte su11ply c:-talo:;. ~c..2-J~t Suv~ly c~t.,log: ne·1 "'?' ttl>so?.'!tC' !t;-n3 .

(n) .Artu· nny p:ut or tl.t:. i.-11;•11iy c.1t::ik •• ~ clescrl11-!c"1 In &ec-tlon :?4jJ of thi:> title i•; 1!i::-trihutc.l, .•ud wit~ l"d'l~Ct to tbe kinds of items CC.\'Cr~tl hy tl"aat part,


N•l.:1 the i:~·m<; li"tl'.1· in It m::y bo 11roC"ured frir rC\..ll?.~1·t.~1,t u..:::eo in. tl"E. .. J°1-'I'a1~:1n~nt or l)~fe:~n..:C?. Jio\\ .. _ Ncr. n mllitnry 1't•p:i.rtmr:1t 1:1:1:.- :•Cf1ulre :my .m::·w itl•m that !':! Jll•cC'~·i...'l.ry to c:1rry 0:1t its r.1i .. <.inn. A!< soou ns i::urh nn it!.'m Is :1c-quh e.1, it sh:ill lit! ~ ul•mitt!.'d t•> the: S'"-c1 !'tury for intlu<:iC•ll Jn the <'.ll:iln~ nnrl fl1!.' ::t:u.<l.1r.1i7.ltl<'ll l•!'•'~r.ll•l.

(h} (lu.;o!C'tt" ltl-.HS 1•i:1y be tl~·l~.1.::11 fro a th!! cntral•-'::;" at nny time:.

Sec. 2fj3. Hei-nrts to Conr.rcs~ (a} 'l'hf' ~<'l'l't•tnry <•f.. IJ1•ft>n ....... ::l1.11l :!'l'J:cl to tl•e Cormnittc~s on

• ..\r,nt.'tl ~c'r' 1( i':-t l'r tlle St:·11·tt€' :t~~,1 tl~e JI111!~e or l(~lH e~(\llh~th·C'~ u;i .T.1m•nry :n .mul .July 31 ,.r C>reh yt.>ai-. n 11ro~rc;s It.port on <·:i.t111u,;ln•~ 1111'1£-r thi.;· cl1aptN' fn1m f•:u•:1 J!lil![;lry d<>pnrtmer.t. l'!nd1 r,•pnrt ~hn!I C•l>l'r th':' f-i.<·I:l'1!lth P"'' ioil C'll!!i.I': "ith tJ,e l•U<'•'<lin~~ .J111w :~o o:· I•t-eei·1tl'::- ~-n, ,-..·hic:.c\·t>i· \;ti"> later. ~ftJe r<'1•1>rt s!:all <r>nt;i iu-

{ 1) tlu• m11nl•r-r· of H'Ctin:t" or J'.'1 tc; of th;:! ~u,1p!y catalog th:tt hn' t.."' l•t:'"1n 111:l1lb·ht. .... ?, :l.H'l tl" title~;

(2') the IlUlU?'C'I" or itca'!. hl·~rtit'i(':ttion Dll?nlipro; In tlle 1·:1tah•~ h.1 \l' i.•111:1<·1•.t. f<>r 1111 i:oll!ll'lY 11m 11oscs, former itc-111 itll"'lllilir:,tio!l<i Ol" ~to<."k (•r C':tt:ll.1~; Jlt'))?hl'r'"-;;

l3) thl• rt•t!Ulti••il ia the lltl~ll~r of HJl!U:tt•• itC"lll il1entifiC':l· tivn:t ; flllll

( ~) r.ny otlil'r tnronn~tinn tlrnt lll~ ~l'rrc:t.ny cr.nsirl<>rc; ,,·m lic·<:t Inform Cou~rc-<s or the :!'tntus o~ tlw c::itnloglng 1•1·o;r.nn.

lh) 'fh,• ~1'(•rrt.1ry s~:11! Jl'j•~rt t1> tlie C'ommlt!C'<:-!l ciu .\rme-.1 Sl•t"\'il""1 nf Ila• f.t·11:1ll' rm!l r:1e lI•W"~ or nl'iln'.•t>nl.1ti\ £'", 011 J.rnu:lr;.· :H :mil .Ju!y :n t•!" (':'di yt':tr, CIIl tlw l•lfl;:r..-.•s of th<" st:tnd.u,1i:;:.1tion rr1l~r:."l1.1 ,,, it11in .t~1e- tnilit:t,..Y <l1•;1nr!1l'Prt~. F!,t(•b r<'j•urt ._Ju•ll rm·t>:· lhP ~i:l:·mci:st~11 <'l'ill'l c•ntlin;: \\llh tllt' JHN'Nliu:;: Jum• 30 or J h'l'\.'Illlrcr 31, \, ll!d" ,·e::- \\ !'S lull'l", The rt'po:-t sli.111 l'0:1t.1i11--

(1) tlll' unmht•r o~ St'!•.1i-.1to l'-J'i.'t'lfic:ttio:is H1.1t li:l\"(• be-el\ c11n,,,Jhl:ttt"tl into ~h1:::it:" ~1-Ci:·ir!c-;.lth•n::; fl1r u.::~ throu~;huut the l>1:p:irt1111. ... nt ur Ih~f,•t''t.": •

(:?) tllt'' rr-clu,•ti11n in tlu"' nnn?~l{'lor c,; r.l;i:.l".l or kint!s o!" fte111s tl1:\t n1 I' g"t'l,\"i~!Iy ..::i:nil.n··:

(3) tlu~ tl11i1iic.1ti••ns e!iminalt'<i b scrvice.1, lii:l!lCE\ r11d !:>c•lliti.-~: nl'•l .

(·~) nny otlic-r lnform:ition th:1t th:!' St,•rt>t?.1y c0?1,lclers ,,.m f,p,t h1fur111 C'on;;r~·.;:; o!.' thl' pni~r,'J.3 of th~ rt:rnc!.1 rtl1;o;.1-t1n.1 1•1 •l~r:t111. • •

(c) 'j'},:.> !':L'l·rd.1ry m:1y i-omlilnc th~ rc1·:>~t:1 rcqnlri'u l•y su'!.>­scctlons ( 1\} :1Tnl ( h).

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16 r;>.·1·10:.;.1,.L s1:cunITr Ar::J.' OF 1 o-n

~o r1.0:11 11">i1("('C!'"'-U'J" rlupllrnllr•:i, tJ1£i .\11r•1l11l .. tr.i~c11· nt' Ccm­orcl r .:-n·!.~c.e nml n .. • flt'\. n•l11ry t ~ llt>frll'>I? t:l1•1ll coorcHnntc th:! c.1::1'<1z:n:; 1~·u~ t.ln111l.1?dl7atlr.•1 nctlvll;"i r>f the Gcnt"rr>I Sc1vk"<'o .l.!11.dn:~u:-ttuu aml u.u l>L·,a1.1rt11.1:11t 1>! l>L"!C!'ll .c.

I?O:':AL PitO:>J·:I:'"fY cstt.21.:31. I'~.armir:~ anJ com.r.11cti1m of p!11>Jic \lor!,H vrojcdo;

1•3 r11Uit r.ry d::>[lnrh.1e01l:1

. 'l'he f:~retnry c,r I>.•rcn"e s~nll 1..n:ilntnln 'llrect M1n·elll:•1.1cb 01er tho? })l:w•iln:; :mtl c1111 •• tr11ctlc.::i nr i•ulihc worI.'I 1•roJ~<'t ~ l•Y t'l?o mllit.wy c~< Mrt1•1e11t-:. 'l'hc Sc•(•rt•t:u·,y f;l1111l L<.'1?1> currt•ntly c.·1J !ully lrformt'l.1 r,r th!.' .. t:illu, 11r1lgr('.::s, nml co:.t or, 01111 othr-r J;;?ortluenL n1•1ttus conccrnin::, th•>'-e proJuc~to.

D::.PDTT $ZCJ:t•r.un· 01." m:rr.X~E; .\O:"-I:.l'l'.\NT 6F.(T.J':l'Al'm::I oi--1>;:;.1-·ies::.z; ::mr.t.1.'.\i~T ASSJST.\:S"l"S

s~w. 203. (:i.) 'f11l:l"C slmll 1,e l\ n~puty St>.::rct:u·y of D3f':!ns.:.-, ''ho shnll '"~ nppointE'll from ch·iHun Jifo hy U1B J:'ttsideut, IJy :mcl with the nch-i<'c nncl coni"cnt of the S::11!1te: J'roi·i<lc.-cl, Th:1t n. pc1~n who has within h•n :vc:o1·s bcc-n on ti<'fho dut\' 1•s I\ t'01nmi!>sio11ctl o!li<'~l" in a !iev.nbr com11011('J1t or the ni med f-Ct \"iCt'~ shall not he clig~bJo for "l'i'tlintmrut ns I>l•puty Sccrctni"J· of l?u· fc..:1~e. The JJi.:puty Sel·it•1my f-11:111 pe1·fol'm i:.11.:h <111llc=; &.llfl CX:C'l"Ci:c sur.11 J>OWC•J:!; ii:; the 8t'l.'ll•t:11·y or Di.:fc.-11 .. c 1n:i.t p1-cscrihe nwl •-hnll lnl.c JU t'<'l'llcncc in the Uc·p:u t­Jnl'l•L or J>l'fC·llC.C Jl~Xt nftcr the Bcc1·etar.r of J>cfrll'=c, 'l'ho D1?puty Src1 ('tnry sh:tll rot•t. fot·, nnll cxcrci"'O the 1•0,-;<:r::: or, th:.· St·<'l cal1uy of Dl•fl'nc:.B ilul'ing his nh.::enr.c or <lic:nbility. · ·

(b) (l) Thru.·~hr1II f,e r. Director orT>cft•nso Rt>sC'nrrh nnd l~n~~mC't>rin~ , .. Jio ~.JmH lie nppoii1lcll from ch·iJinn life by t11t\ PJ"C'r-.Hll'nt hy nml ,., ilh the nch·i··c nml consent of tho Sr.:n:ltc, ,., hr, ~\rnn tnkc prN ~·llt•w::e in the I>cp:u l­m.cnt of D=:fc•m:e nfh·r lh(' f.:-C'c1t·l11ry of DcCcn~(', thn D~pnly Sc("rcf:u·y or J>c(NHl, the S<:c1c.'(111y of the .\rnn-, the Se:c11.·tury of the Xan·y .nul the St'c1·chu·y of the .\1r Force. 'flu.• Dit·t>ctor prrfc1r111i; Mich cluties with rt'.:-prct to ll':'Nn-ch ni•d Cll(!im·cr ill'-' n<; tlu• 8t>C'r~tauy of I >c·f1•11 ... c J:rn.y p1 C.3("l"ih:-,- iuc1m1i11~, lmt not' limitt>d hlJ... UaC' follow­in;,?: !i) t.> l-c tl:c principnl iuh-il"=N' to tho ::;~..:11"'tnry of J1cCcn-e Oil fciC'Uf.ifi<' nml ll·ch:1icnl mntll'J"<; j (ii) to Sl1Jlf'l"­Vj~3 fLll 1c:t>arch nncl c1wint>::-rin~ ncti'\'itir:; in tht' 1>l!­}'artment c1f J>.•ftn-:c; nncf (iii) to tlirN.'t .mcl control (in­cluc?ing fhl!ir r.;.<:ig"JJJnc-nt o;,· l\·ll~i;.~nmrnl) J ef.1•:111:h mul c:ngint'::?l"ii:g acfo·itie:; thnt tho ::3C'C';·~·tnry or DofoJN) clcem-; lu rcr1uh~1 ct•utrnli1Nl m.mng.-mcnt. 'l'ho com-


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F'ns.:\tion of tho Dire:dor is thl~ iwcscril.Nl Ly hnv fo:~ th.) Sc<!ret·u icl> of tht' militnry departments.

(2) Tho Scx:u::t:u:y o! D(•f~u;v.} Ol" hi<; <k .. igm'I:', &L1bjcd tn t~lO npprovnl of lll~ 1'1i::;idt>llt 1 j:; authorized to (•llg:tgl} fo. b::isic r•:l::1 nppliecl. re';enrch projPcts C2{;Cnt ial to f ho rcspon~iLilifo.•3 of the D<!partme11t of Dl•fo11::e in the ficl•.l of basic nncl n1Jp1ied I <.>;;:et<rch nncl clrn•lopme:ut \;·hich }K:rtnin fo ,,·rapons ~;stE·ms 1:ml olhc-r mihr:uy rN1ni1·c· 1;1eJlfS.. 'l'ho S(·rretnn- or his clt·-;ignr<?1 subject lo th!'.' ap-

·pro..-al of tho Prcsi.d~·nt, is nulhoriz'i!tl to pcrfo:·m ns­f;ig·nccl rC'sr·:\rd1 nnd dt>vclopmf'nf, projects: liy ·corir n!ct y:1:h l>l"h·· bu;.ine:.s cl.ti ties, c1lncationnl or r<'se:no:-h in­stitutwns, 01· other :u~~·1cies of tho Govcrnm!.'nf, throll!::-h OilO 01" JnOl C Of flrn znilittlry dep:1rtlllPllt:>, Or by \!tiJi:t.ii1g employees uncl col! of tho Dep::u·tmi?nf, of Dc­:fc11::.c.•.

(3) rJ'hcrc is to lie npproprink;l SJ?ch .sums as r!1:1-Y b;:- nN.·~ss:u·y for tho p.m11o::cs of paragraph (2) of tms s11lr cct1on.

· (c) Thcr;'} f':hnll he H•\·cn .\c:.-i:-t~mt. Scrret:ui!.'"> of Dc­fcnsE·, who slir,11 be n}1polntcd from ci\"ilian life by flio President. liy nntl with tlw nch·ice nnd conwnl 0°f 010 s~nnlt'. Tho ~\.ssi.:;tnnf. Sccictarif:'S sh~lll pc·rform such Ca!{ il'S nncl t'::!.'rci5l' ~:uc:h prrn c·rs ns tlte $C'{'l"f·foric•s of D~fon~o rirny 1n·~crib~ nnd f.hall t:ike prcc<'<l<•11re in th1, Dt-pn.rtme>n~ of Defell':-,9 Jtftl·r th~ SN.:rcfnry of l>t!frw,e, tha Depntv Sr:c1l'lary of D!.'frn:-c>, th(l St•C"r<.'t:n·-r of flu~ A1111y, the Scl'z·ctnry" of foe X:rn·, the f~('C'1v!:1r:i of tl·i~ .Ah· J."oi-cc\ rill cl tho l)ir~dor of "Defon:::~ Hc:>::ca"i·ch aml I~np;inE>cring. -

(cl) Ofiicc&3 of the nrrni:-<1 !".c"rvirc:'; mny ht' drtnik·d ti> <luty ns n!"..:.:i<.t:111ts nml p;:>1-;;<mnl aicfo:, to tlw $c•ci._·lnrv oI I>t!f<.>n~·, Intl he sl1nll 11c1t cstal1lish n 1nilit:lQ" ~ta ff othrr thnn thnt !tI'Cl\-icled fm· by section 211 (a) (Jf this nct.16

['J'hc J'rr<.ll1°•1·t ma~ rrpp.?int f1or1 c-lvlli:l.'1 l!i~', f1y :incl'' Ith tl1e nrh·kc :nut ('O!l"'!'llt or ti11.l' ~N1:11t•. n Ge1winl Cnml<.£'1 <1! the l l.:?-­p:u ?mc·nt or JlC'fen!'>~, v. l:-1 E-hall I•<> the d1i~! lt•;;-ul <tjil'Ci' of the


1.tSuh--P.ctl":l ( ... l t~ r":-1111•.- ff'C"tloil ~r.2 Ctll,· T111h·1,.. 1 rn.· !!'i1. f"Oth C'on7rrrq J'n1y ~:;. lfJ~; f(i! ~tit .. :.1:;). Tl'• ntll.•.1 ti.) '-1ctl•1n 1. Pnl-1Ut J.1w :~1'; . . c:.J ... £ (.',,r1.:r1 .... -;, .A.J1rh !>. 1<,10 (ff\ Rt:•t.!"i0), l'i11 ... 11r]1•1l h; t.IC"'lh1•i (j c .. l. l 111t11ll l.n·,· :!1'i. <;1--t C--on::r4• ... -<. Au;-n1'f:t 10.1H\9 (G1 ~tnt. :.';"ri) ;- 11:h-.•t•tfon (h} \HUI 111 1 rhc.? Ii\• --rrr:nn fl C:l} t•f th•' l>i'•pl\rtnirht o! 1h·~•·z ,..;-o.

~ J~,,•1r:••1n ,,,\rt or 1'•JS. 1'1 1 ~1ifr T •t\. f:i-!;'l'I .Ani:n .... t fi 1!l:iq: Ct'~ !H.1t '.201: r1•r1c."'•ff,1n (e) I. rr1rm~r "'l""l•t!u11 :.>oi (.cl) u:" P1it,•:c- l.l'• ~1 ;;3 o!" Un.a ~t1rh C't111::rco.;•1, J1th 2ti 1'1i7 (fit f.:t1~t . ..fQ:;). ntt r.:urul1d f·j '•.:'<"~l•l:l r. (nJ. Pul11Jc L~ni ~1'i. '-l1oot Cc•n::rt:= ... ". Ai1::11.:t 1c1. l'J~:t (61 f:t •l. 5i<'}. fnrll1<·r P'l" nrl• ,, h· ••. rtlnn~ !) (.1) "'"l 10 (n l l•f thr n .. , •. nr1t.rnt or I)(>·

£11 11 ........ H,-.o•::n•1l• •than .. \ct u! lf•:,~.-1'11:rI!r I..nn· ~:-1-~11 1!1 •• \11~11 .. t r,- 1•1""1C:. h.l r• cl• t-T.:n.uiu:":" tl.i? u•ctl1U1 f~u· l ''(h)' h1 "Cr} .. f'illl l ~ C"h.u1:;:ln~ • tl111r 01 tn .. ,. ... ,, n•• .. \.:,f..,, f•1•r1t·~.1rlr.: cC J>i Crn-.\"". c r.rl r.1'cllr ;":" •·unt! thf'I 11.r• rt,.,r 11r r>1 t• ''~·" 1:"--•0 nr1.·?a .nr .. 1 l}11t"h1..,.rt1r·a:··. t"~tn~­SJ"'!ll0t":' J.J-t Jnr.J.· "''' J\P the ..\ .. ~[ ... t.u•t ~··cr• .. trir(r-.. (\f lh r1•n ... r. t.ut lu-111•\1 thro :;1•cr1•t.1r!P" ft {1, ... IlliH11r\" r!ri11:rt111rnt .. : ~H"'M'("t(.••1 (d) !-. r11rm ... r tolCtlnn ~l)'l (Cl. J111t1tll' L:iw :?~1. f."01h C1)ns:r11.•-1.;, :/u•y =:1>, l!)S7 (r.l ~.t.1r . .;r,:,l 1 ~ ur1•"n11'•11 hJ. "'''"t1u'1r,(11}.1''1b11c I.i. ... • ~IG s;;1•: Con .. ·r,.,, .. 'FC', A·1 ; 1.: .. t 10. 1'1H) ,,, : !'t,\t .. :;7~1. ff1I" h-r·.1t••1! 11 (11)

1' hJ hl"C'thH!. [) (11) or I>t•11url­

llr•nt or J)l'C• n..::1 1:1•1,)'·,••u,11"''11n .. \•·r nC 105~. Pnhllr l.1,\ t;;t-!i'lrt. ~<'ctl .• n 1:~ o' thr lh'J•trtr., .. :-it r.r 1•··r1nl"1• Hr-11r1.r1r.l1ntlnn .\rt r.t" 1n:".~. J.n=•Jl\t C. 10:t3.!~~ ti1'1.t tla"' 1•rn•,l .. tn·1~ n~ ~u:, .. 1•ctl1•U {.c} f'h•1ll h··~urn•' clr.'ecttr·c 1.!x DlCHJ.tl1q n.Ctr:r th& dnte O( t}11? C 11~\Ctl'h'"f!t o!' tlll.:r 1 \\\·,.

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lrA'l"lONf.J,, SECUltl'£Y A~'T O:·· 1 V-17

I)::;.::1 t1ncnl, r..11 ·bo i: :i:Jll r a:-tC&::::n ~,uc1s fn:nr:~io::1.; n ~ the Sec:."'lr­t:w;,- oz I>~i'<:::i .. • • 1.iy x.-0.>1 tim..: t<> time l'h'~c-1·iu;;-. He blrnll lL'­cd..-:? co:?tj,l::>:'i..1t!(•:1 rt th:! r •• t•: l•:c:,t>.rl:: ... d l•y l:H; for f':-.'>btzmt f :""Cl"1.'t.11 I,....; tlZ c~ct utl'":~ 1!.:i1~rtr,1c.·.:t~~.] 0 • (''"hi~ J••n::unge f;; !'rut'l

.. l :-cf!o-:. lo~ I!•?C>:'h~ll\~~~~tion l,l:i;l :-.;o. 0 {~ e ..... ··!1.::1eor.1tll..t Ii), (:fi.t"C"tL·c Jt" 1'~ 30, l!l'"'J.3 (fli St:.l.t... G:l~); ~.r::a·~ not n f~llt!<.:..t.:c :c:nenchn':?nt, ft C'ri.!>.Yle;uettt:J t!1i£J !..:?!.!lion.)

S!::C. 2Ct rJ.'h:) Secretary o.~ D~Tl'll!:C is m1thc1rizr-d, i::uh­j~.ctto the civiJ-servic~ }::i.·,.;s nud the Cln~ificntion Act of 1D2-3, ns r-.mcndccl, to nppoi~1t. unrl fo·~ the <'ornp:.-nsP.tinn of s11ch ci\·ilinn J>~r-·onn~l its may ho 11ccc.:::£:try !oz· the 1wr­!ormanc~ oft 1e functions er the Dep:'rtme11t of D,·fon-:c­ctJir:r tlnm tho::e or the Dcp:-:.rtm:-nt.s of the .Army, Xavy, nml /'.fr Force.J1 .

SJ-:c. 905. (n)1, fI:~fiealtU:. Codified in section 30E~ { n). of t i~le 10, Un ite•.1 ot::ttes Coc!e, as foBm' s:

'8 ~om. (?.) 'fh<.'rn is n S.-crctary or the .Army, wl10 fa L.cncl of the D:!iX~\tm~nt of thu .A1·my."] Jo

J.:l)"DJT10XM .• PitO\"j3!0:-tS co::.-T.\I:-.iED IX SECl'iO~ 3:112 /~1..:F. .AS .l:"0!.1.0WS:

(b) Tile: Secrct.1r.; l.s rc .. pr>n .. :1.le for !•l'•l h:i~ tile autbor!t.r t:f"CCSS:!i"Y tf; Cllflllttr.:~ l\il ~fin Ir& Of the l>cJ•.U tment Of tire? Army, int'l111li11~-

(l) 1'uncti•'"q ne-cc.~·.:-rry m:· :tl•i'l'OJ•t'inte fo\" tl:e tri\t11-l11;f, ('j)i"s.·,1ti'l:-.... :1U:11inl~t1 iltion, lrJ;~i"rli(~ll ! upJ,JOrt t1 Ptl inniut !7:ni:e.-, '• clt:irt', J'."('!'!ll~·IU~.!.::-, nml t-f."1•l'tiYl"uc.;:s of tlll' Army, ind1:iJ;n;; l"C"·C':irc:i arid df'\d•1f'lll•ml; 1111<1

(2) ~ m·J1 o~rer adh"itic,; aq ni:•y l•c 11re-c·ril,rtl hy t1'C' P1·c.-si<.Ici•t or ll:e SPcri!tJ.ry o! lJc.:~-1.-.c n .. :tu'.lwri7.l'l\ l1y l!n;.

I!e siJnU Jl:!-rf"o:-in Ltlt·ll other du~!cs: 1 l!lntin;, t<> .. \r!ny;, nml c.o:uluLt th1: l..m'>illl! ·"' ol'. the 111·1111:-t1•wnt In !.11Ll1 r•mnPCi", ns the Prt»l•lcI•t or the S!'C'rt·~:u·y 01' l>c·f,·rr~<" rrray prc·..;crilr:.

(c) 'Fhrt Sc.:1·c~:.ry 111ny : .... ~I:n f.Urh ,,r Iii•; (!1•tli><, as lw COil~\td~rs r1>;1ru1 1~i,"ta to the Grul 1:-r ~('-t·&eotary nt the .Atn'Y l'r.<l to th<: .\,,-:J< SL'Cr..)t.!rit·.~ o{ tlw .\1111.r. (Jllrd·r-i o! the .Army Eoli~lll, ll<: di:1.:dc1l by the ~t'l.:n·tm;r, rejiort on r.ny zuntter tr' flif' l':.'ccrct.J.ry, the l"111!C'r ~<• rl't::ry, or 1111 .\!.•i.,tm1t S...">Cr'°r••\·

(c,")' ~·ii~ S<.'C'nlary or, r.~ l•.: 11l•'Y I•H"« ril• 0 • the Fnrli:r f~ ..... 1·~tnry Oi" ran .A~:;t~,,tu?Jt Scc.rctnry ~.l1ull !.·UJ'-t"r\ f ... e ell JJJ:tltt·r:; l.:>lf!tiT1~ tt> -

(1) tl.~ I•" ·•cm·,'mt·nt llCti'l"ltlc>c; or the Dep~1rtmr-nt o( tl:e Army ;"1•r1el

r •E.":t!.0.1 C {n) ct 1J··1qrt-,c.1t e:C J, .. ! ... :11.:! p,..ur;: 1 .. JJ it;r>rt .-\rt ot l~!r!l (·,•c .At'l'\,:.r~&.:lx: \!.1') :.::1H• 0"l'il°':~·:s. the £!o11!1-;; .... t1on ,.,f c!ritl• 1 loy t." ""11!i'l r.ry 1•r.fl.c.- c~J!l"r1.

C: 0 .. ~r1 ti,IJ C1>r.r:::t"tlr"'l J•e S1"C. !ilS. 1'11!JU1· T .. •t.~ 't!"•·l'i'O,... I .. .l"r.f."l"l' ,.rct!1hl !,1).f (bl, l"uhlh.• I ... •t-.. , :?:.:" .. ,i..Qrh Cu:u:c•-.q"· J':.rl) :?~. J'li7 fCt fitnt. 403),

~~ ,.:):•t~ ... LJ 117 I 'cU0:1 C (~'}, l·u~Hc J,3y, .::1~, bjqt (:1,:. 1-:rl."::1!11, .J,,ul,:u ... t lQ, H•l'l (G1 ~t:it. •

:: ::,.f°"'"'"J""J b: ~~cu.,., :i1 o! th.:- .. '.ct ,,t ..1•1..: r--.t '.It>, 1r;:.·1 (70.\ f;r"lt. Cii~). r. . ''"J ,_, ctlnn & (.:'} tJ( th·• ln [1.!rf;i1t•rat r·~ IJ,•!1•::.r." J!••11:-~.1nh.:"1fhHl Act of l'l.;3 (72 ~tlt u1Jt·.''Ctl(1:1 3 1)13 (t:1) CJr tltlr l•J. t•. N C., ?t•l•,tl,l,.: r11 U1n tind•·r S.s"•rc tl\rY .1 111! .\ 1 .. cr"'.,:-t.,.._,,. "'" ar1?11J.t! h' r• 1I11c-ln: th·! nur11'1t•r ,,r .. \ .... 1f,..t.u.t S1..c:r,.t,1ru11 (rn1.1 fo11: t•> t rr ... 1.r.·I rJlmfr1\tl•1_. Uu• ri.~111lr .. :J•f':1t (ur 1!1• ... f•;:111.tir'.h on" nt t'J• 1n ~., :in .. ~~-1 ... ~•·r"r•• l~:".) fo: i.·1r1:s.:i.:?nl ~!:in"':;••1.1rut. •


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r -- - -·. - . -- -- '!3"E""Jf"==rD.TA;'a&P1.-"')-ft~.-----------· .... --- ·· -· - · ·.

C. -")·--------~ ~:<E-..iilil-"--------·--------· -- ·--

' ~

C ,r"\ • • .J

(2) 1•1:m'lln~ for tltc mo!Jil:1.1 Uon cC ri1·1teri.~t·1 miu bcli•!>t:irtl o:·o:-u11i:>:~tlrm-; <•.":-eutinl to tht• wm·timc ncc1!s c•! tl•e .l· .. r111;,·.

(<E.) 'lbc ~~crct•!ry, I!<; li.? con<.li?ers n11;iroprl•1Ce, Ill:IY nssign, <letnll11 tti'"d 1•rc~crll 1t! th.:!> dutie.;.o!·er.::. o:r ll!\! .i\1n.1y 11ntl cl·.ni~ll 112 ..... ·~0l!nt·l or tt~e Df!il:tl"i.IUC.i!t o! ti.1e ,...\rr:1y.

(:!:) ".fne Sc<·retury !'In~ C"lrnn;;r t11a title- CJ!. nny otlu:r oJ;jce:-, c::: or mi:,· ~·cth·Hy, of tiw lll"pnrt111u1t CJ! the .\rmy.

(3') ".ill·:!' ~,~crd:try Il:ny 11a'·o·!Oe i·c~ulution'J to carry 01:t hfo!t.:llctior.;., J>OWt'l"3, :iw! tlutic-s uwlr:r thi-i title.

(h) 'J.~c c..>:nl,Y.:n'-:i.:.1011 or U:e f5t-<"rttnry ls *:?2,CCO:.. a ycnl" •

(b) J •. .n h·>::>, ord1~1·t~, r<'gulations, ancl olher ndions ·reJ~tm;; f.o I: ·~ J)epnrt111enL of '\\r:ir or to any offic.:cr or ncti \.·ity ,~-11<.1 '~ tit le is ch:mb't'c! nndor this i-ection shnl I, i .. sofor :is thev are i10t incon::;i~hmt with the pro1:isions oft.his .l' ... cl, lri lo r::-Jute £0 tb Departmmt of the Army within the Dep:utment of Do.lens3 or to such of.iccr or :::cth·ity de;,ivnatl!cl by his or its new t.itla.21

(c) '111!9 term "Dcp~irtmcnt of tb~ .Army" ns used iH

t11is Act shaH lJ3 con=tI ue<l to mean the I5epnrtment of the .Anny at the sNtt of go,·ernment and all field ht>ad-9~:!rters., f orcr:s1 reserve components, instu 1Intion~,. ncthr-1twi:;, functions umlcr the con!.t·ol or superv1swn of tho Dep£irtmcnt oi the Army.21

{c1) 21 [Hez;en!ecl. Cc.difiecl in £ection 3011 of title 10, · {foiled State--; Code, ns fol!ows:

··'§ 3!:>11. Tho Sccrct:n:r of the .\rmy _!'ll1~ll have n i::eal for the Depai·tment of the .Ar1.1y. 'l'he cleSigJl of the seal mu<;t be appron'd by the President. Jutlicinl notice s!1all be tnken of tlie senl.:']

(c) =1 [Ht·p~alcc1. Codified in section 30G2 (b) of title 10,)JnitNl 8ta{E'S Code. r1s follows:

"§ 3062. (b) In et'nc'mI, ihe Army, within the Depart­mc1;l of. the .'trrny, i11clud£>s l:mcl and srrd<-c forces ~nu such :wialivn nncl wnter tram.port as m:1y be orga21ic tlie;C'in. _ Jt shall uo org.mizecl, trniuecl, 2nd cq1iippNl primnrilv for prompt and &u::.:tninecl comh11.t ia­cicleat. to oper.1tioi1s oa "lnml. It is respor1r;ible fo1· the

• pl"!.'pamtion of Janel forces· ncccssnr~· for the effec(i\·e prosecution of win· e:o;:cc·pt us (.ltherw1se nssigm1d nncl, in 2cr.ord:m"c ,·.-ilh i11t('_gmtt'd joint mobilization plans, for tho exp:m:;;ion of the penr:time components of the Army lo meet tho neecl:> of w•u·."]


.A11r>l!c:iMI1t; or Ja\•!1, ort?c:rL'. rt·~uJ., U'>:ir. nntl C•tb1•r :"\!'tlO:l:!J. or ll~;i.:ztm<.int o! ,..,.!.1.r.



S:i-;c. 20. n. (:1) Tho {Prm "Dc1,:u·tmt:.'nl of. tlu.• X:tl''"'" t>..•pnrtr.u•nt .. r .I tbe NIHY

1\s w=ed in this Act shull he const med to mean the 1>~- l>dinlthm.

s:. '..'.'Ile 11:>:1ount \·ts ch:in.;;oc•I rr.,iu "$1 r~CQO" to "$2'.?,QOO" b.r :cctlo::i G1 o! l'ubllc L4'7 f..j,·S/;l.

11 ~uh•~c:fo:i (t>} r.111r11ikll by ~rct1nn 12 fnl. l'uhllc ;,,,., 216, St•t Cnn;.T .. -:i. >.n~tut 1C>, 1!l m 11:~ ~t:it. !Jl!.); •nh-··crlu:i (C) frr1m r~ct!Q•t ::!"j, l'ublk r.•,\\ :?j3, 8Qrh Con:;re-•:, .Tnl)" 26, l!l-!7 (CH St it • .(();;), !:'uh~· ctl.:i:"' (Ill nnu (Pl r.>:1c:.:Pd b;y ncctl:rn G3 a! the J.c~ er A11.;1:at 10, l 9:irl (70.\ Sia t. G7t;).

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REF ID:A69029 ... -- ... -. -- . .. ... - ··-- .. --==-=----= ,.""'::..:.:.-__ :_ ----·=-........... __ , __ _

l'."\l'tmcnt. of tho N'nvy at fl10 !=~n(, of ~O\"C.'l"llUlCllt; tho -:.~nc.lqnnt·tc.•ra, Uuitt•<l Sh?fo-J )farinc Cc•i p-.; thu cntii u op:!ratiu~ fo1·ces o[ the Unitetl Stulc.·i> :\;t\ :r, incl•uling Ji:w:?l n•·mtim1, 11nd oI the Unit2cl St:tll'~ )Iiu-ino Co1p;, inclncli ·~ the l"t'"iCl'\"C ccmp!.':wnts of sm:h fo1"<'cs; htl field f!C"tn·itit•s, hc.•:?d'lum·l<'l·o:;, fur~e:i, h:1..,C"s, inr..tnllnlio·as, n~th·itir.;, mul :CtmctiL•ns tmcll'r the C(Jllt rol 01· supt-n·ision of tho D.?pnrhnenL of the Xnvy; nml tht> Unilccl Stutt!s Coast Gu:u-tl when 011e1·':\ting ns e 1>n1-t of the Xn''Y Jm1·­s1mut. to law .~2

SEC'i'IOX 5031 o:;o .,.ITLE 10. U!'\l1"Jm S'J'.\TECi com·:. PJCOYIUF.:$ . .'\.S FOI.1.0\'iS:

':i031. 8l!'·rl'fnr,; cir tl\c X11l'y: rc1111t1! .... lhi!lti~; tu1n1•e11 .. n­tton.

(n) 'l'hrre 1, n ~•'< rd:iry c•r t11e X:n·y, \\ 1111 j., tliP Jrt•:ul or the Dt-1m1·t111t".1f nr the .Xll\.)". llc t-bull 111h•i!11l~tt•r lhc u .... pnrtmt•rit (If Ilic Xu\".)" u:11ter Uu: dirL'\.'tiun, :mtburHy. 1•1111 emit rcil t)f tht.' ::o;l'<:I t"t .i::· •• t•C J >t·r•·n ... c-.

(b) 'J"ht> :-t~'C.'11.' t.;! the .Xu,·y o.lmU exec.Utt.' 1-11.-11 ur1lt•r-s nrs L& rcec•hf:'> !rub! t hL' 1'1 e-.hlc•r1r rl·h•t ht> to--

(1) the-1•rur1ir .. ·mt"11t ur mn·.11 i.turt.-s m111 mnlca•lnl ; (~) lht> <"•1:1 .. trnl"tfon. n1·1o1:u111mt, <-1111l1•uw11t, m"l em­

;vloy111N1t "r u.n nl \ c~elo;: nu11 (3) nil mntlPrs co1m1.-ctl'<l wltl1 tbe l >c1•.trt111rut or the

Xa\y, . (c) "l'uy .:St't.'n>t:uy nr t'hll' X:ny hll"I ('tJo;t1KlJ" nml clmr~e nr

nll l1•K1k'I, reuu'1I,, R?1•l 11thl•r 1•r"111:-rty o! I ht• l •l•J1:11 tri.c•ut • .(111 •J'he comrc:i~.ttiuu "r t!1.: Sccrt•t.n) <•! tbc Xzn·y f:;

$:?2,000,.. n ~-enr. •

(h).=-• [I?cpr::ilc1l. Coc.lific<l in section b012 of title lO, U1iite<l Stnh'.i Co<lu, :111 fo!low-s:

'·§ 5012. (n) 'J'hc ~an·, witl1in ihc Dl'J>nrlm<'nt. of tlic ~:n·y,_ i11dudt• ~ in guJie1·,,J, nu ml <'Om but nncl sct·Yice :£01·c .. c; D?l<l 1>uch :n·mtioii ns may he or1rz.mic the1 cin. 'l"ht l'avy ~hall li:-s oi·gnnb:ed, tr .lined, :md f!CJnip1Jed I>• iimn ih· for prompt nncl &u.,t:1inetl comb:1t inci<follt to opt.•rnlio1l.c; ct sen. J t is rcspon<;ible for the prcpnrntion o! UR.\':11 forct's nt'ces'!:tr:r for ihc e>ffl•ctin• }HO~c.-cntion of wn.1· ex­cept ns otherw1-.c n.,o;ig1w1l nn<l il'.I l--'i'nc1 .11ly J'(•c;pou~ihlo :£0~· mn-nl l"l'c·onn:tiN;:mct>, 1mfi5111Jnuu inc \,nrfoH•, nnd }1.otrction of s.hippin;:;.

(L) All mn·nl u\"inti"n ~l1all Le integr.tfr·d \\ ith U1e Jln\·cl S('l\"ice no:; pml thl'l'cof will1in th•) Dt>p:1rt11u~nt or the )\~avy. Ntwnl n\·foticm conc;i .. ts of com1mt und f:en·­foo ancl lrnining forcl's, 11ml in<'lmll•c; lancl-h:1i;rcl nnvnl m·intion, nir tr1•11c;port. e:>..""rnlinl fN· 11n\·:1l oJ't.'llltion-:;1 nll air \\"Cn\>Ons nncl nit· tc.·lmic111r:; hn!oh ell in t 10 op(•r:1t1om;

. iuul nct.n·itil'i:; of tlu.• X:n·y, imrl the entht! 1't'm11iwlc1· or th:> nerO'l!\Uti('nl 01°g:tnizntion or thu XtwyJ logctl11:1· \\ ith tho J>:!r:-onuel nrcc-.::-ary thcr, .. for. •

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:t;1:1·1oxAL s:r-~cunrn· 1.r::r o::- 1!H7

(c) 'J.'ho rfavy .shn11 clc.,·c!&z> nh"\.'l'ttft, 1.-c:ipons, tactics, lc.::lmiqu3, o~·~:miz:..t ion, r.ncl c:'}uipm:-nt of J1:i..-al cor.:'lb:.t aml r,pn•ice rlcments. l\foltct'S of j'lint con<'cr11 ''S to

~ theeo iur1cLion::; sh:tll be coorllinntcrl let.wl'l'n tl1c,. the Air J•'orcc, and tJ,o X:wy.

(<l) '.i'h3 N'::tYY i-:; rt'sponsible, in nccortfo.r.r.e with intC'.­Bt.1tccl joiPt. moLilizntion l>lnn~ fol' the t'X}>.m;.ion of Hie

• i,e;tcelime compo1u~nls o.f tho N'O.\.'Y to ml•et tho ncccls of · ,-;21r."] · ·

{ c).:. i [tbp~:tlcd. Cocl Hied i11 SN't io?ts 501~ ( n) · {b) , fr~i~~ lJ:t:"1;1. 1mcl (c) Rml i:i-1U2 (a) nncl (l>) of title 10 Unil<:tl Stnte.s Co:•1i•:- 1t1r111i ' • t.11Ll o:-;:111l::a.• Coclc, ns follows: tJ;:)D.

"§ i.i013. (:l) '1110 lfarin3 Corps:, within the Dep:\11.- • mcnt o! tbn Nnn·, shall ha F=o orgnnizl'tl n~ {('> iucln<ld not. h .. <>s than tlu"t:e <'oml>:it divisionc; ::uul three nir wia:~, nncl &uch other lnncl comh~it, R\"hltion, nncl other se1"'\·ic~s as mnv b3 organic tht'1X'i11. · 'J'ho ::'\forine Corps &lmll bo org.mi?.ccl, tl'ninccl, nml equip(le<l to provicle fleet mnrino forl'es or coml.>inccl arms, together with st,pportin:z nir co:;nponents, for se1·vice with the flcc-t in the seizme 01· de:Canso of nch·nncccl n:wal bnc.;es nncl for tho conduct of such l:incl opcr.n.tions ns 111ny be esscntinl to the pr~t'cu­tion or a nn.\"al cnrnpnif!n. In Rtlclition, the linrine CorJ.>S shall proYidc dctm:hmt>nts nml ori!:mizntinns :foi."

0 ser\·1ca on nrmecl \"e~c!=> of the ::i-;:r\·y slrnll prm.·iclo £ccu­'- rity dctttclnnrnls for' th3 ·protectirm of na.\·nl p1-c1pt-1 ty

r.t i1:w11l E.tations nncl h:i~es, nncl &hnll 11erforrn s1:ch other clutfos :is tho P1t-sicfont. iun \" clir~d. Ilowe,·cr, "Lhcso f!clclitionnl dulie:; 1nny not. dclrnct"fr<'m or intcrfcrn with

• \:10 orerations :fo1· wl1ich tho lim·ina Corps is primnl"ily orgnnizecl.

(h) rJ'hr: lforinc C"orp=; slmll cle\·clc.p, in coorclinntion \Tith tho'.Arm\" nncl the .\it· Force, tl10=-c- phMcs or nm­

.. plJihious oprintion'> 1l1nt. prrfain to tl1e tactics, tcch­niqull, f!.ncl cqnipmt-nl llf:l'<l },y Jamling forci'S.

(c) •1~ho :Mnrine Co11>s is respon~ihll', i"n n<'cor<l:mcc \\

0 it11 intt-gmtc<l joint mooili1.~ltion plnns, fo1· the cxp:m­.. sion of pencctinw components or tho lfax-ino Corp<; to

ml'rf. thr nt-ecls of wnr." c:s SIH03. (21) Excrpt iu timP or Wfll" or Jrnticmnl eml'r­

gency cleclnrecl hy C'on~reo:.s nftN· .Tune 2S J!l;;:?, t11C' au­thor1zrcl Ftrl'n~111 or tlll' ne~11a11· l1n.rinr corp!-=, c:•c1m1-inri r<'lhC'cl memhC't~, is 400,000. Howl'\·cr, tlrn; stren~rth

• m:n· h~ t-tm1pornrih- l'XC\!l•cl£.-rl nt nnv time inn fiscnl .)'l"31" if "tho <lnily M"Cl~'\gt' nm11h:.-r ht· tlmt y~ur not· cxc~cl ii.

(h) J;:xcl'pl in timo or \\:tt• or nnfiounl emrrgcncy - tlcd:u·..:<l L\' Co:ti'!I'C:;s an~·I." June 2q, 1~.;2, flu~ nmhorizcd

shength o~ the :c•gulnr lforin'} Co11>3 in mli::.fell t:u·m­bers, l'X<'lucling rc•thecl mlist~ci nu .. •ml>l'nl, i-; -101),000 fo&.CJ tl10 Rcllml !oh'\•ngth or tlu .... llnrino Corps in p<'l"iO:ltlcnt rcgu1..u· oOi ... ·l'rS othrr t1mn rl'lirccl l'<"guln1· nfli.r.Prl". How­cm~r, this Ft tt•ngth m:ty he temporn1 Hy e~cccllt"d at nny

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~· REF ID: A69o°'29-:.:..__ ----· -~··:..·.:.::: .. · .- ... _ .. __

D.?p&rfar•"'I~ of tLf' /.Ir S.'oro::-P. Ercrelar,.. al'" l•l'lnt.i.::at .:-r.

~J.PJ.'IOX,\L SECUnIT'i' AC"r 01'" 1a-17

th11s b n fi:icnl ye:'!.r it fl1.-s cfaity fl\"er:tgo 1111:nbc1· in th:lt yea.r dOt'S not exc~ed it."J

SEc. 20i. (n).:-> [Ucg:-:olcd. Coclifit'cl in M?cfion 6012 (nJ of title 10, Unill'cl ...;t:ttrs Coe!-·, n& follo·,.:s: .

'§ 8012. (n) 'fhl'n.• i~ :i. Scrrctau·y of the .\ii· J.i.,orc"' np­}lOinted from ch·iJinn lifo by thr l'll•:.ich·nf, by nncl with tl1e nch·il'O :111c1 con~l'Ill of t ht' St·n:1h•. The St'c1 cfal"\" ii; t11e ~1eml ot the Dt•1>:n·tme.nt of the .Ai1· Purce.'"] •

AD'llITIOXAL l'ltOVISIO:.;s C'OX'l'AJXlm rn SJ-!C''I IOX £012 Jan~ . .-~s FOi.LOWS:

• (b) 'j"he St'rretnry 1 .. r~pon,,iMe f,>r 111111 lmh thl! nntlunlty lleCe.'l'Jnry tt) (.'flncluct Dll nffnlr:il O[ tile lJL'llllrt1111:i:lt O( the .\Ir Ii'orcP, fnt'hulln;:-

(1) fnnrtinns l1C('t'0:.,:1r}" Clr ftl•llrOpJ rnte !nr the lr:llD­Sn:;', n11ei.at1.,ll'1, l'l!:11h.l:>tr11tln11, Jn;:htit 111 hUl•Jtolft m•11 Jn:ilntPn:int·e, wt>l:'.1r1", fl."'l·IIDl l'tlll<'.!I", uml l'II1'(.th t•ur:c-. <•: tht> .\Ir ]!•oll'i', fnrlu.lln:: r< .. ,.,, rdi mu1 dt•\ l'l111on1t'nt;

(2) 11om·h c•ther r..1 th·ltiC''I no; may hP 1•rt' .. t·rih1"ll J,,. UJ~ ·rre .. l•lent or tl1e St'C~·tnry of nc-rrra-:e 1u1 1mtb•)rJ:r;,1 b7 lnw.

Ile &111111 J•Prfnrm 111:eb Clt11p.· clutlpq rt'lnti111t to .\Ir Port"e flfi'RlN, nml ('Ullflllt"t tl.e 1 ...... Jn!'"h n[ t11P u .. 11:i.rt1111.•11t In c;nr Ji ni:mnl'r, ll't thl" l'rC':•irte:at or till" Sec.-rt'tnr) or J>efl·r•.:e DJ:IY l'i.'m-crlbP.

(t") 'l II«.' fC('l"('t:n:v IMIY n.; .. J~n 111wl1 of hlrt fu11c-ti1>11•, ro1>wer<..'u'":ul dutlc.; as. J\r- cnn .. hlt•1·,. n1111rop1lnte to thr l"mler 6t'Ct~t1n.r or the ~\Ir Pur<.e nml tY the .\ .. i.i .. tamt Sec rc-t:u il!'3 of U1e .\Jr l"orc-e. Offie-e-::-s: or tlae .\Ir J'Ol'\.'t' i.h.111, R'I dirL"t'h ll b.r tl1c f:r!ci.•t.1r.r, r ... r .. l1 t 011 :1:iy mnttri· ln lhe St'\, ti:u.• Uncler f:"C"i'\'t•1ry, Clr n 11 .\ .... i .. t1'11I Scc•r,•t:iry.

(rl) 'ttit' f;e1•rf'tmy or. n:1 be 111.:i;i.· J•T.., .. ('rlhr. th,. l"ll'lt'l' ~rf'-• l't'tPry or a11 ,\ .... 1-stn11t ~1"l'·rel11ry i.hull icu11cn be till 111:1U.:r11 relt\tiu:; lo--

(1) the 111«1C.urc111t>nl ncth l!lc-.; of tlao J>.:1i:i.1 lmtnt of th<> Air .I•'ori:e:

(2) 111111111111; f·•r the rno:-i:uxntlnn of mnl<"1 lnlo; rnrI lni:i. c!rlnl or .;11•:l?nti0 >11o; <•1st'ntlal t1.1 t11e wnrtlml' N~l'cli. of t"1e .fl r l'orc-e; nr11I

(3) 11ctit"itlc·~ of tho re.~t·I re co11111t•r.r11tis of the ~\Ir l't1rce.

(e) Tl11.• fill'cretnr;i.•, n-c ht• con1l1h•r'I n1•11rn11rl1ttP, mn:r """ s~n. detail, 111:11 11rP-c• rU.l' tho clntlr.-i ot the rul'mber" r1t tho Air Poree nn1J c::\·l!i:m 1•c•r ... 1t1m:J n! ll•o l>t•J1:i.rtmrnt 1.1! th• AlrFurtl!'.

(f) Thr: Fl'<"r~tnry mn:r Jlrf';;;czlbo regulntlnn"I to cnrry out. bl'I Cnnrtlm•"', l'°\\ l'Tll, nml •lt1U..•11 mulrr tl1l'I tlth•.

(!:) The c.>m1M'r1 .. :1tlon of the- ~t'cretnry Is ;:..11 .. coo"' 11. ) l'OT.

(b) Ilepl'al<;.1." (c) 'l'hu form "I>el':n·fnwnt oC. tho .\il' l•'o1cc" 11c; u • .::c<l

in this Acl ~11:ill b.: com.h·u~d to :ne:m the De1)nrt111cnt of •

•• nPt>i!~hl br rert11111 t.:i ,.r th• ,\ct"~ .\11.:1nt ic. t<l'i·~ (TO.\ Stilt. Gill). SJ Tiu: &'lnooint wa" c?.11.n~l'd tr1w1 '',Jl!>,•,IJO"" tn "i21,0•)0" b,J 1 .. .:t1011. 131 or l'ulollt: I"'''

l!;;..M! • ., JC.•pcaJ"CI b7 r:ctlon 12 (cJ, Pn?illc I.:\-: 2M. Slat Co1Jgr1 ••· Aui:11~t 10, 19-10 (r.3 S!ll.t.


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the Force nt tho ~e~'t of gov~rmnent nml all field he.-ir1cp=2rtcrs, forct'.":;, re.scn·o com11our-nta, in.3t11Ibtio:1s, i:.cti.·1Li1'.S, f1mction3 uncbr the col!trol or &Up.?n·ision o! th' D~r,::rtmc•nt <•i t!1e Air Force.

(<l}.::-a fHcnealed. CcJClifiecl in sections 8013 '(n) an<1 (12 of title 10, United St:i.t<:>s Code, as foJiows:

'§ SOl:.l. (n) 'l'hero ure an Under St>crct:iry of the Air Force nml t hr~.o Assi5tnnt Secretaries of th.3 .\ir Force in tlm tlepn.rtmc:>nt oi the Air Force. They shall b.; np­JJointl"d from civjlinn lifo by the President, hy nmI with ths, ach·ir?. nnd COilSC"llf. of the S<'ll:ttP.

"(b) 'l'bo compensntio?1 of the Under Sccretnry :md of the A:.sist::mt 8ccretaries is thnt p1e:;cribL'U by law for r-..ssi3tnnt ~ecr..-tarics of exeeutive ch:p:lrtrnentg:"] (Seo • sec. 30-J, and its foctmites, of this print, P- 20.)

{o).= .. [nepcaled. C(,'tlifiecl in H:cfom 801~ (c) oi tit1o 10, Unit€'cl Stnt~s Coc1t', ns follows: "§SOE~. (c) Tho Secret:uy, :•s ha considers npp!c.pri­, may nssign, detail, nnd prt•scrib3 the duties of thu members of the _\ir Force nnd civilian pcrsom1£>l of the Dcnnrtm~nt of tho Air Force."]

(f).=8 [Hcpealcd. Cocliric<l in ~crtion 6033 (g) of titlo 10, Uriitt-d States CocJe, ns folio\·:s: ·"s so:~:t (g) In ndclition to ih·j functions nncl clutic::i J~cr.formecl l1y it for t}1e l>t"p:u-t.mimt of the ..:\rmy, th'.) Xntional ( Hm~:rn shnll p~rform similar functicms t•.:ntl <lnties Im: tho D.:-parlmE'nt 0£ the .\ir Fore£', nnd sh!l.ll he the.> clrnimc.>l .of communication between the De­Jlartm('nt of t11e .\iz· Foree nncl tho St:1!l:'s :rnd Terrilories.., -Pue11·0 ltic<', the Canal Zouc, nn<l the Di-strict of ( 'o!mn­liir.. on nll mnttl:'r::l affceting tlw "Air Xatio!rnl Gu:n·l!."']

(g).~"' [TIC'pN11cd). Codified in section 8011 oftille JO, United St:tfl'::l Cod!:', as folJows: · . • ·

"§ SUll. Tho Scc·rl'f:n·y of the Air Force i:.hall h::n·e n seal for the D~part1riPnt of the Air Force. Tho c1£"sign of tho ~£>al must be nppron?cl by the l'1·esidc11t. Jmlic11I llC' shnll be takc>n of tho seal°."]

UNITi:O S"r.\TF..S AUt 1·onc-1:

Sr.c. 20S. (o).~~ [Hejl~al£'c1. Cotlifit>d in f£'clion 8062 {h) o! tit lo 10, United 8tntcs Coc!t\ ns follows:

'·~ iiOG~. (b) ThHe i'> a United Stntl>S Ah· Force within th0 Dt>partmi-nt.of the .\ir Forcc.•."J

(b).="' [Hept>nlrd. CodifiNl in section 'i-13 of titlo 10, Uniter! St:,ll•s Corle-, n.3 follo\\S: · .

"§ ;·-1~. Tho Chief of 8t:lfl' of tho Anny, the ('hi<.•f of l'fa·,·.11 Opc."r.:itior1", r.11d tho Chief of Staff of the Air I4'crc0 among themst>ln•.s nccording to cbtrs of ap-


"'' T!.:op~ilhl l1y Pt'C'tlnn :"·:l nt th.- Act or .t,.m;•••t 10. ln'ltl (7Cl.\ ~ht. 676) l fnrtn•?l" 1Lr:trnrl1 11 to re ld D • lr1<!h•nt1'J h~· ,..,,rtl~>'l '\ (c) o( ll1 .. [•:tr~l'l .. '"nt ot ll1•C.,.u-e l:t"n:-,.::'t.'"1l1 11tlo:\ >.~to! Jt)~.q ... .\ur-uoct c. 1 1 1:,~ <•:.? ~r 1t :i20l. The n1i1t•1·rlmrnt r1'<1:1':."~~ thP num~1r: ot /.,.,_ ... Fhr.?H:Ct E:PC'rC't"\:J .. '1. frnrn t, lo thra•1"' RIUJ f"ilr1h•1\f1•-1 fho:,1' rt'fi'1!r1•l lt'Ut O! dc~l,1-:~a .. 1t!D,& OJ\z) IJf t?:!t"l!l !UI a.n ). ... 1.slst11nt !' ... ~rCtCr) for rin ... n.:Jl\\ lf'\r"lJ;e[IH!:lt ..

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~trslcror r~I::: !ry a;e.:uo::.~el.

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:MATIO'!{AT~ s1-:cunrrY u::r. OF tn !.7

pointment to tll(lso omc'"..s.. :md i~nk nL~ve nlI ot11t?.1· of­fi~rn on tho acth·o fo;t of the .:.·u· .. w, Navy, Air l•'orcc, r..m! ?.Ia1foo Coifs, excr-pt. the Ch:lirm.:m o! tho Joint C!i.iefs of Stnff."" '

(c} All commissioned of.ict'rs, w~rrnnt offic.Jrs, and cnfo.tetl mnn, conunissioned, hoMi~ig wnrrnr1ts, Ol" cn­listecl1 in t110 .Air Corps, '{jnitN1 Stat<'s .Army, Ol' the Army ll ir Forces, simll },I!' trnnc;fc-l"rC'tl in lmmd1 to the United Stnfos .Air Force. .All other co111mi£siom:c1 ofll­cers, ·wa.rmnt officers, nnc1 enlisfecl mt'n, who am cmmnis· sionecl, hold wnrmnts, or nrc enlisted, in nny co:nponc:nf of tho Army of the t;'nite~l Statc-3 :rn<l who nrc uml~r tl1•~ authority or command of tha Comm:mding G£>n<:!i.d, :Army A1r Fore~::, slmH he contimll.t! under thr nnthority or command of the Chid of Sta.ff, UnitNl Stntt's .Air Forcel nncl under the juristliction of tit:~ Departrncnt of · the Air Force. Personnl'l ;·.-ho..~ £btus is nfft'ctc<l by this subsection shrill retain thrir c::d$ting commis3ions, war­rants, or cnlisl(•cl status in existing componC>nts of the armed forc£>3 unless otherwise nlterl'.'d or terminntccl in nccordunce with cxistin~ In\>: nr:cl they shall not be dt-emccl to lmrn been nppointe<l to n iun..- ot· different office or grMle, or to l1:tvc. nlcated theit· permanent or temporri.ry nppointmC'nts iu !lit c:.:isting corr:ponent oi the nrml:"d forces, rnfoly by virtue of nny chanrie in stntus undc-r this_ sub:::~ction. l\o such clumJ:!C in status slt:\ll P.lter 01'-prejudicc thei status of nnv bc1i•·idunl so ns­sig.necl, so as to di::p1·h·c hi1.1 of uny right, lwnl'fit, or pri\"i­lege to wliich he m:tv be entitfoll ;,mclcrexisting law.

!d} .23 [Ucpenl£>cl.j e).2

• Repeak·d.] f).21> f Hl"p(!aled. Coclifi('cl in S<'Ction SOG2 (c) of titll'

10, United Stntes Code, ns fo!lows: "§ SOG2. (c} In gcnc-rnl, the .:.\ir I•'orco inclncl('s twia­

tion forces both combat rmcl ~er\·ice not otlierwiso n.c;­signed. "It shnll be org:miz~li, trnim·cl, nnd cqnipp<'ll pri­nmrily for prompt nncl sustaint'cl offonsh·C' nncl dcft>nsivo n1r op·:irations. It is rcspon~ihlc for the preparation of • tho l\11" forces TIE:'CC.SSnL"V for fl1e efi"l'ctive pros,·cnfion or "·n.rexcept ns otherwi:;~ R!"."i~ecl untl, in nc~ordnnco with integrntC'd joint mnbiiiz:itioi1 pf:in::, for tl1(• e~pnnsion or ths penC"elime components of the Air Forcl> to meet tho needs or war."]

F.FFl~CTI\r: IU"l"E OE' 'Ti!..\'.S'SIT.T'..5 .. Sze. 200.20 [Rt>p~nlecl.J

>..ror.1m 1·or.cF..S r0t.ICY' c.otn\crr.

SJo!C. 210.=) [I:l:'~abl. C'odifit:>1l in secfir>n 171 (n)' nnd (b) of title 10, united St:lti's Codi.', ns follows:

,, R~N:l.l<'<! b1 F;~u.m :;:i ot thP :\ct nr .\n..:11•t 10. 1"':1•": (iO.\ ~t.1t. f.7t'll. :!l~ctlon '!!10 n• 1f",>Pl'l1Ptl 11 1 1! ('1'\1llfir1I \.n11 fnrth.-r Rlnt"':"H!1•1J hy P••\.th\n !' (cl r,f l'•'i':lr£1nrnr 9't fJ~·f'l'n...:r­Jtt-0~J;:'Hnl.r:'1.tlrtn Ar.t nf J'':i't, 1\) n·t•llnl! tl11• l•ir1vrnr ... r p.. .. f,.n .. .-. 1:~ ... ~:i.r.:h enrl J:ns;ln~"rln,:, rnJ. re.l~•l.;n:\tln.; "(C), (i), (SJ, (!I)," a~ '"(ti, cs1. l~l. llOl.-

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l'c.\TlO~h.L s:::cum:T"";( A<;J'J.' OF 1017

'\§ 171. (r.) rl'hcrc is in the Dc1nirtmc:nt of Deicnse an Armecl Forc.~s roiicy Council COI~'5isting of-

(1) t.ha Secrctnry of De.fens~, s1s Clrnirman1 ·with tho pow(•r of clccision;

i2l the D~puty Secretn.ry of Dafense. 3 'l'ho Secretary of the .Army; ·1- 'fheSccretur.f of tho Nr.vy; r. the Secretary oft he .Air Force· •)~ the Director o! Defonso :ind

Eun-im:crinn-; · {r) the Chnirmnn of tho .Toint Chiefs of Staff;

!8) the Chief of Sta Ii' of th() .Army; _ -· 0) the Chic! of Naval Opc::mtion.s; ri.ncl 10) tho Chief of Slitfl' of tho Air Ii'orco.

•'(b) 'i'he .Arm~<l Forces Policv Conucil shall ndviso tho Sec1·ctnry of Defense on mntfcrs of bro::td policy re­lating to the nrmecl forces nncl shnll consider and report on such other matter::; ns the Secrelnry of Dofonso n1ny <li re.:-t ."]

.TOI:ST C!IlEJ:'S 0:::' ST.\l"F

SJ:o:e. 2H (n).30 [Repcalcll. Codified in st>ctions 141 fa), (b), nncl (c) of tith 10, United States Codt-, as fol­lows:

"§ 1-li. (n) 'l'hE.'l"e arc in the n~p'h.rtment oi DdellSO tlw .foint. Cliic-f;; of St:fff <!011si:;ti11g of--

* (I) nChairm:m; -(2) the 'Chi£>f of Staff of tht' Army; .(3) the Chil'f of Xnvnl Operntions; nnd (·1) tho Chief of Stn.ff oI the Air Force.

''(h) The .Joint Chiefs of Slnfi' are the princiJ?nl mUi-. tary :ich-i:>c1·s to the Prc~idcnt, the Nnt1onnl Secul"ity Council, und lhc- Secretary of Defense.

'·(c) The Comm:md:mt of tho ~Ial"ii~G Corps &linll in­dicate to the Chairm:'ln :iny matter schcclulccl for con­siclemtion l1y the .Joint. Chiefs that directly concerns tha lforine Corl!s. linless, upon reqna;;t of the Chait1nan for a dctcrmmation, the Secretary of J>efcnso ch•tcrmincs thatst:ch n mntlcr dot>s not, conctn·n the :\forine Corps, tho Comm:rnclant shall nwet. with the .Joint. Chiefs of Stnff wh.?n that matter is u11dc1: conf,iclcr;i{ion. "\Yhilc· Lho nrnttcr is£>r considemlion ancl with respecG to it, the Commnncl:mt. ha-; co-equal st:itus with the mcmb.~rs of the.Joint Chiefs of Stall."]$

(b).~0 [Hrpealt.-cl. Cocli~h·cl in sectioJl Hl (cl) o! tit1c

.:rolnt C"lrle!s or StaU.



n11mt. CouspCl&ltlon.

•It n.l:.::l1t ""' tsr•t•cl tlmt uno.!t•r H•·or;::1nbntlfln l'l:in 6. J"nnA 30, I'l:'i3, sec:tfo11 I (11), r.7 ~tau. (;.;'"''· ti·•· r1:r1ctlun-1 Cl( ti:r Joint Ch!rr" llt ~t.itr \\ 11:1 rt.''J•PCt to t:utnnt;:ll!,I:' thll .lolnt ~r:ul'. :•1111 tbt" lhr•rt•'t" th-.•rl'nr. \\t.•rc trn.n ... rl'C'l•·•I tu lh? Cl1• of tlu· Joint Cbl,.t'i ur ~;r.,r:. (Sf'e" nt1[h 1!Ull't II.) L'nc!cr !Ct"CthHl To! !>,.11:trt'l'1,..n.t ot I>t't'C?D'"P l:t•nr,: inl .. z·1tli>•1 A!'t or l!l:i<i. (:1) (IJ r:{ thl~ ~ct"tk•n '!>.1~ urr.~11.!1•tl I•.;;r out the wor\f:1 ">\llO b.\-c Utl '\1.lf•• ...

'"' ih·1•••:tlt•tI b) 1o1't't!nn :;3 or the .\ct or ,\us,:n~t 10, I!l:;a (i'O.\ Stnt. 676).




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26 ~rATION1\L SECTiffl'Y ACr OF ~-947 l. 10l United Stut05 Code, ns follows: t

. ·.

;§ Hl. (cl) Subject to tho authori~y and direc~ion. of I tha President. nnd the Secretary of D2iem:c, the Joint Chiefs of Sta.ff shn11-

(1} v1·epnro strategic plans nnd provide f.or tho stmtcg1c dircc.tion of the armed forces; . r

. (2) p:-enf :n-e joint Io;~istic vlnns an<l i•~.:;ign Jo~istic l re5j,_lonsibi ities to the ar:-r.ncd forces in nccor<Hmc~'.).

· . with those plans; · (3) cslnLiish unified commands in strategic nrc::i.s; (4.) re\·iew the major mntcri_a.l nntl personnel rc­

quiremcn~s of the armed forces in accordance with strntegic r..nd logistic plans;

(5) formulate policies for .tho joint training of the armed forra:;; .

(G) formubte policies for coorclinutinp- tho mili­fat}" ctlucnti.on o:C members of the nrmed :forC'.~;

{7) provide· for r~)rescntntion of the. United Stntcson tho lfilitury .::1tnf.r Committee of the United·

·Ntttions in nc.:ordunce with the Chn.rtex- of tho Unitccl Nntio11.s; ~mcl

· · · · (8} pei·form such other duties ns the President or tlie Secretnry of Defen:..o may prc::crHi{i.")

(c).31 [Repealed. Coclifietl in sections 1-12 (n) nnd 142 (d) o! title 10. United State:>.:; Codi.', as follows:

"§ 1-12. ({t} J,'hc Chairman of the .Joint Chil"fs cf Staff · chall b--3 appointed Ly th£.': President, by and with the

advicu-·:mcl C')nscnt of the Scnnt~, from the oflic~rs of tho rt>gulnr components of the nnned forces.· lle sc1·\·es nt thi; plensuro of the Presidc>nt fo1· a (crm of two years, nml may be 1·euppointed in the s:1me mnnncr for cmc· aclcli­tir-n::tl term. IIowe·n?r1 in time of wur clcclarccl by Con­ft'?SS there is no limit on the nmnher of reappointments.

'·{d) The Chairman is entitled to lhc pny nf'<l allow­nnw; p,rovidcd by Ja."; fo1· the Chief of Staff o! t.he Army.'] .

(d).31 [Repc-ulecl. Codified in Fection H2 (c} of tit.le 10 United States Code, ns follows: /,¥ 1·12. (c) 'Vhil.a hoiding ofiice, the Chninnnn out­rnm:s all other officers of the ntmecl forr;c·s. Hcn\"C\"t'r1 he mnynot exercis3 military comnrn1hl over ihc Joint Chiefs o~ St.afi or nny of the armccl force.<;."]

(e).1:1 [Ilepeali:cl. Coclifi<'d in section J.12 (L) of title 10 United Stutes Cocle, ns follows:

f,~ 1'1·2. (b} In nc!dition to his other du lie.:; ns n membm· of the Joint Chief:'> of Staff, the Chnirmnn shall, subject to tho authority nnrl clirect10n of the P1·csiclcnt and tho Secretary of Uefem.c--

.. (1) pr~siclc o·.-cr the .Toint Cl1iefs of Btaf!; (2) 1n·o,·ide n7cncb for tho meetings of the Joint

Ch1efs of Stn!T niicl ns.c;ic;t them in cnrryin~~ on theit business ns promptly ns pmcti"nhlE>; nnd


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(3) in~orm tho Secretary of Defcm.e, nncl, "lvhcn tl10 Pre<;itlc11t o;:- the Secrot1uy of DcfonsQ co:15idcrs it r.pproprinto, the Prcsidl!n~, or thosG issues urmn which the Joint Chiefs oi Staff have not agreed."]

JOIN'l" 61.'AFF


S::-;c. 212.s~ [Itepcnled. Coclified in st?ction H3 (n.), ~~i~!~ .. m~n. lb), (c}, nnd (cl) of title 10, United States Ccd_e1 ns f.::iilow.s:

"fl 143. ~Toint Staff · "li•) There fa under tlic Joint Chiefs of Strd! a Joint

St aft consisfo1~ of not more thnn ·:100 ofliccrs ~efoctE-<l by th~ Joint Ch_iers of Stnf! with the approval of the Chair- • 11i:m. The Joint Staff shall be seledml in approximately cq11al nmnb<>1"3 from-

" !l) fhe .Army· " 2) tho Navy ~nd tho )farina Corps; anc.l ': 3) the Air li'orce.

Tho tenure of the members of the .Joint Staff is snlljcct Tentm. {<:>tho npfnro1.-nl of the Chnh·m:m of the Joint ChiC'f:> of S::nu nnc cxcC'Jlt in tim(.' of \\ar, no such tenure of duty m~y ba mrwe t inn thrt'.·c yl' Except in timl' of \nu·. officers completing a tQnr of duty ·with the ~Toiut Stnff m!;.y not ba rcnssigncCI lo thC' Joint Stufi for a. r-c~1·io;l of nn~ less thnn three year$ following their prc..-ious lour c.•f _duty on the .Joint, Stnfi, c:~cept that 5t'le>ctecl o!Hccr.; may be recalled to Joint Stnli'. ctt1ty in less than three years \vith the nppro,·nl of the ~ccrctary of Dt•fon~c_in each case. The uumhcr Clf such officers rcc-allcd to Jomt Stnff duty in Jess than three• yc>nrs shn.11 not e.-cc.:~ed 30 sen:in,,. on tl1c Joint at nny onf' lime.

':(bf 'I'ho Chairman of the .Joint Chiefs of Stafl' in f~[~g.;[.Sf. the ('111\<;Ult.ltion with tho Joi_nt Chiefs or Sta.ff, nntl with the i:tpurovnl of tho S<'crl'tory of Defensl', shall selt'ct the Di-l'l'~to1· of tho .Toint :"_;tali. Except in tinm of \\111'7 thl' tour cf duty o{ the Dirl'ctor mny uot exrl·cd thrrt' yt-ars. Upon tb~ compl.:-tion of n tour of duty ns Director of lhc> .Toint. St:1fi, tho Director, c-xcept. in tiraa of war, mny not bo i·pns.:;ignecl to the .Joint Starr. Tht> Director mu . .;t ha nn c.-filcer junior in e-rmle to cnch memlX?r of tho .Toint Chiefs of St1lfi.

"(c) T11e Joint f3tafi" shall perform such c1utie::. ns the Dt> ·~·­.Toint Chiefs of Staff or the• Chninu:m pre.:;r1·il>l'S. '!'he Chnirmnn of tho J"int Chiefs of Stnfi' mnnag-es the .Joint Staff and its DirC'ctor, on be-half of tho Joint Chiefs of Stn.IT •

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?.8 NA'l'IOXAL s::::cumTY ACT 0.1" 19-S7

"(<1) Tho Joint shall not opernte er he organiz ... ·cl r:.s nn overall .Armed ForC'l'S General Staff m1J shall have no c..-:~cutive ::i.uthority. The Joint. Stuff may b-~ organ­hecl nnd m~y i:long co?1Yentional staff line:; to suriport the :roint Chit'fa of Stnff in <liscl1arging tht'ir -n~igncd res1Jonsibilities." 33

Sro.213. (Scenppcnclh:I\y.) 'i'h!s i.:cct!ou is inltialiy cn:ictet! Jn l'ublic I-'l v.· 2:;.'3, 80th Coll·

r;'J, proYldetl for tlw es~nllli"hment of n :Munitions Ho:s11l in tl:c I>~11:ntment:. ol'. D~!en.~e. St-ctfon 2 {:>) ::.L•tl (b) of Hcorg:i:ni­::atfo::i !'Inn 6, efiectirn June 30, I!.1:13 (ti7 Stat .. GS!>}. (l:N> ap­J:-:?mli:;;: II), nboli.;het1 the ::l.1uniti:m.; Honrtl n111I the Oflice o! the Cl:~in"lnll or tlH! :'>!m1itlons }$o:it<l, secti0!1 l of l'l:iu G tr:111"fc1red. all fu111:tit>nS o! the ~runitions Boartl to t11e Se-cr1::t:uy or I>dN:~c. TMil section wns r£>11caled by M.ctiuu ;:;3 of tlJe • .\ct CJ! .\11;.ruo;t 10, ic:;G (00.\ Str.t. Oi"U), nn<l codifiell In sc.-.."1hm :>:.?01 or till!! 10, Uuitcd Stnte.J Ct>de-, ao; cotlifiC'tl In St.>< tion :?2•)1 of title 10, L"nitC'cl S'"!::\tt'.'.:: C'otle. It w.1s rC'Jl(':tk~l liy ,;cc-tion 3 ( <:) of tlie I>cp .. 1rt1.ient o! Defe11'iC' Reorg.miZ!!tion Act of W~ (l'u?,Jic L:iw ~ .. ;;-;;[l:J) (12 Stut. SlG).


ESEARClr A~D I>F.\".P.I.0~':311.:?'T HO.\l:D [r:t:PE..\U;n]

S:oo.21~;. {Sec appcnc1ix0

IY.) ~'ilio; secti'on ns luiti:illy en:ii::tc-d In Pul>lic Lmr ~!.;3, SOth Con­

gr2s:;i, 11ro;idC'<l for the cstnblishment c•!: n l~r.'sem c.-11 ancl l><?>eIQ1>­D1ent Uoar.t !11 the Ve11:irtmeot ,,r Dt'rc-n;:c·. -Section 2 (r.) r.nd {b} c,! HC'or~aniz:itirm l'lan 6, c-fiecth·c JLne 30, Hl;)3 (67 St:1t. C3.S) (sec RPI~ncliic H), fll1olii.l!ed tlw Hc:-E:-nrch and ne~·cl<>i•!!1N1t l~oard autl the Ci!lice of. Chairman o! the l':.t"::.c:iu·h and DuvE'l<JJ•· mcnt Bo:u·<l, !:-t'C'tlon 1 o! l'lm1 G tr:w:-foi·r( d 1111 !1mC'l irm-:; to the Secretary or Dt-fr nse. Thi<J 1>c.:tiori wm1 rC'1·e:i!cd lay ~c-cl fo!l 5:$ of the Act of Auf'J,,;t 10, W:;1; (<O.\ Stnt. li"itiJ, mul t.·r••liliuJ in H..!­tlon 23;:il o! tide 10, t:nitcd Stat('~ Cude, :is cut!ilit:d i•1 '-C'cti•m !~:!•Jl of t!tl.:: 10, t;nltt-<l Statt•s Code. It w1ts r<:J•t-11lc-d IJy .. c1tim1 3 Cd) or the Dc11:irtme,:nt of lll•fe:1,~e Ucorgn11Izatlo11 ~\ct of l!Jj.'i (I'uhlic L~w ~W) (72 ~tut. ~16).

"Tiu• lan;u.:!~e or Eectlon 212 n• orh;lrrnll) eu:ictl<! Ju the :s':itlon:il Security .Act of lOli (I'ulrlic Law 2:i3, ~fJth Cv11~n-;) h ,.ct tnrth In npprtullx I\" :it the 1•nu "f !hi~ 1•rlnt. l'ttn.Ualnt t'> &••ctlon 1 (b). (c). nr•1! (r]t •"If lt••1'\r;:.·u:l.t".!tiun l"J-iu ~(I. G'. rt:'ecth€" J'11u11 3!\ l~.;;3 (N'~ a~·r·tndlic .It). tl1•1 fo'lo\\ In..: ch:u1:. 0"".; \\ .. :~ 'ff Pct,.._: \'\·atb rE-~J·::ct to th I cs lorC'• t''Jn a~ o:l,;ln"lUy ennrted In tht· Sntl:>n:tl .Sl'cnrits Ac[ l'nd :t .... n:.c• :n•l• d hJr l-•"'&!tfo•1 7 (1..") o! J.'l.:Mlc Vn.r :?lll, <.t.t Coni.:r>"•" (t;~ tril'). !=t•cll•>:i l Cb1 vf "th•~ ph•1 rirrnlrl.-J fl)r tl:e r.""'ltct!O::l Of t:1e JJl:-r-rtor uf tbf? JC1Jr1t :)t.tff Ull'J Jrfq, l••DIU"C t•> t ..... JooUhj~ct to lht DJ•f•r()T:JI ot th;- f.ccu:nr:r or lJrfPll•P. Jly ~l'C'tl•Jn 1 Eel the ~··!<~Uon or ll'•:"'•loPr .. r.t !l:P J1.lut .f:1:1f{ and t=-:.etr tern .• r~ Ii J1H1 1 1t• a:nbjt .. Ct hJ U1•.' nr•1•rn\ .JI 11( t!.,. Chnlrr•.arJ or tiiP .Jui"lt l.hll"!:I or Stall'. J\y ~c.:tlon 1 (d) the Cun.-tlnn o! rn.111n;:in:: tl1P J1oh.t !:tnri nll'I lllrrctur \l':l~ trnr.irflt1't"1l to the CtlRliUHl.n ot thP Jf)lr1t Ch11•r ... or !-=t·1!r. ~t·.-::!•1::J :?!!! n11 DIJU"J'U!rrl \Hl-t re"{h"'.-..!~J er1J, ft>t:""t11rr ,. Uh the ch.1r1.:·""-~ cnnt•drud Jn 1:.-.or,: 1r1!z'\U11n l•J,1n !\n. U', "n; co<ll:letl !11 'l"ltle 10. L'nlt••d 1Hut<'3 Cr .. !•·. !=< l'tlnn r, r ,, I or ll•'i•'lrtm•·nt "r r1 .. frn>c fl~r· r;:i.u!z.~tlon AC't o! lfo::iS !urthcr 1Hn<11o.!vrl thb ~u·ll•in tv rt•l"tl 11• !w!!c:it,,t!.

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Sze. 301. (:1.) Th~ S!:!·:retn.;:-y of Dofe..-u,e slrnll rcc<'ivo t.h:l compl'.'ns:ition prcscrj!~d by fo.w for 11:.:acls of e::ccu-tfro d(ir, ~rtmcnts.3~ •

. (b) J'ho J)cputy Secretnry of :Ddense slinH recch·1) compmis:J.tion ~~t tha rate of l_:;:H,500) [$~0,000] $?2,500 21

I.\ yc:~r, 01· such other comr:?IlS:ltiott }JlUS ~~500 n: year as may hereafter ho pro¥idcl by l.w;- fo~ under scc1l:'lnric~: of cxccuti;e dcp:irt111~nts. (This M•ction wns :u:1Cnclcd hy section 53 of tho Act of..,'\ ugust 10, H>JG {70..:\. Stnt. Gi6), bi <lclcting the second sentence :relating to co1~1peus:ttion OJ. the SecrcU1ries of th3 ~Iilit:trs Departments, nnd is codified in title 10 of tho United St:i.tes Code for tI1e Sec-1·t'turies of the .Am1y, Xa.vy, nncl .Air J!'orc~ as follows: (Army} · .

"§ 3012 (h). 'l'he compensation of tho Sccz·cfary is [018i000] $:2·".?,000 3

,, ~ year." (Navy}

''§ t~03l (cl}. The comr~usntion of tho Secrctury is ($18,000) $~:~,000 35 :L"' (Air Force} · -

"§ 8012 (g-). The compensation of the St·cn:t:1ry is ($18,000l $~:!.000 35 a yen:;.?)

Sr,:c. 30~. 'fha compc·nsntioil of the As:-:idimt Sccro­faries of Dcfcn::c. fa- that pre~:rikcl hy Jnw for nssi::;tant sccrl'tnries of cxccutiv.:> dcpin-trnents.3

; 'fhe .Assi<;fant Sec-rctarie.::> shnll perfo1 m such clulil'S :is the Secrcl:'!r.}' of D:.-ff'nso mny prt·:,cribe.37

(This i:;ection was mMnde<l hy section 21 of the ~\ct oi Allf"USt. 10, IO:i6 (70.\ Stat. G~J). ncf ('rE'nce.:; thcrc·in to corn


pC'nc;afiro11 of tl1e l!nde• SccretariC's anrl .\i:;sistnnt Scc-1·et:tries of the military clcp:ntments nrc codified in titb 10 of tho United States Cot.lo for tho Army, X::ixy, nnd Air Fore..: n~ Iollcms: (Anm;} ·

';§ 3013 \h). Compe11snfion of tlrn l_";"ndcrSecrc>tnry aml of t110 A~<:1st,.nt St'crl't:irh·s i3 tlrnt Jll"t·!'"-CrihNl hy Jay;· for nssic;t1mt ~t'.cn~t:iries of cxccntivo dcp:trtrnents." 3.J

E!Perc!n:r r.r JJ-elf!ll • ~. Cc re. .. E' :? .. l,, .. \tl\)!J CJ!.

Il.-:;i:it;r s~<'re­t,. r1 ot Uef'cnc.e .crd :"'"t:°rt•turJLs Of .. ',n'1J'. 1:.i8T1r r:ul .\Ir l"orc,, Cnz.,pttiutl<>n o;.

A~0 1stn1• t S i.~r.:t::1tit-s o! I>•: .. n ... ea.hd t"rrtlo•r nnc.I .i\~ .. J·tfl.!IJt 61' " .. ri't.uir" ot Arr•1. :>:H·y, 11nd Air »"\.•t~e. Ccn1•cu•11 Uc>n or.

ta. Suh:,•"ctlou (a) n1.u nrlell l•./ P.••c:-tl,,n ~. Pu~•11r J.n',\. :H~. Slst ('~;J:!'rt-'-.!1, J.1,rll 2. 1f1 I~ (r.3 St1•t. ::111, f11rtl.1•:- :u11cn<.!1•c.I h> ~<'··tlnc1 10 <:.1. I'uMI<' I""' :!tr. <;t•t """<:rt'••, .\n.:n•t 11), ll>-&r- (ti1 Stnt .. :ii~J. ancJ 11ur·1~J."'1• 1 N1t.•11 In· ,..r!9tl''" JO::! (3,. l'11!1lu: J .. u~ ~;,. S-:lrh C:u:1· gr••hc;. J 11J.r 31. J!'•.:"li Ci() ~tut. ;·~•i). v.·I1S•·h 1•rru·f•l1•,J fur n ,.:11.1r.r l\C !!~:i.OC'O l'~"r n:1nur.1: 111~h ... rct;l"ln f"•) 11ui••:ul••1! h.> , ... , !111:1 1£\ hr). 1111hl•c I.•nv- :!'Jt~, ~l,..t (!n;u.:rr .. o:;; •• \u~u..1t 10. 10-&~l (1~:-1 ~tnt. :;;~). nruI Ftli•i•IN1 1rnt,.,1 11.; l'uhl'P r.ruv- 3i9. C:J~t Cu:1.:?th"4 n?1kh r•rr"\l1!l'J for a ~ntnr> of S:.1•>.f'»O lh•r n'1n1:11, n111l fnrtl .. ~r 1u11i,!t~1nrnt1"d hr se-=tl1lt\ 103 (n) (:;). Puhac r.llw ~:;I. S :th f"n:1i:r···~. July :11. H1.;1; fiO St.:it. i3C:), v.ltlcll lner ... :\'<•I b:i~k con·~~:i•:.tlon i--er tlUDU'll ftl $:?~ .'iOI) (1'\l" n ... •1111:J ~rC'ret.,rj ..

u r'l~rr! h> F'"Ctlun JI•:! (h). l'ul>l:c J.,1w ~:ii, S·Hh Coo;;-re.•s, J'l!IJ' 31. lfl:;r, (ii) St'lt. i3<...\, r,t .;22.000 S't-• n~n•i.m.

"r'h~·I Ill" P1·.-~ln:i toil (nl, (13) I'ubllc J.c.w S:H, SHb ConcrN~, ·1u!1 31, U•:;G (70 St1t. 7:1'<!. nt $~U.C'i'l , .. •r n1111:1m.

11 Arut.1h'11'rl by .S•'••r!'Jn :?t ,1~ t:1P .~ct nt .. \n""'·111t 1n. l!"J:'i6 (70.\ St'lt .. r.:?:>). ••('<l•1·1•1·.1•:>tlnn fnr !';P~rrt•~I .. ~ fh···! l:>y r~r.tfon 11)·~ ""' Ct:?) n:n (·Ml, I•uhllc:

!ft.w f''il. f:Uh (.'t'\J1C"r••:c11 •• .1nly :?t. t:li•} c7u !-t:rt 7'?~). nt ~:!O.fl(.i•'l ''"'?" annrnn. Cnrnr.,.n .. :1.· tl'>:i for .\«ht~nt ~r~r.•t:irl••• n! th .. •'<'J•:irtrr:rr::" li~ro.I II) •··-=tS.•n IOil (11 l ll'll. (:!O), 11n1l (21), l'uhlic I.:iw b:iJ, '-Uh C<ott;;r.:>11. Jul; 31, iti::.i> (70 !> i3S), zt $:.?0,0')0 , ... r !-nnu:n ..


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tll'lir.ltlo:l of r<.:S"I~.

(2'fo l' ~I) • • • '"3 ,j.::~~ (c). C'.)inpt•nc:.ation of tho U111h-r St·•·1r-tan· i<>

that. m-~.c-rih~<l. l)y law for ar.:..-:btant ~t·crl'tm ic::; or C"xi·cu­tiVl'- c1~1:~crt1nc-nts .. '• 3


".§ 50:H (cl). Comr"nc;ation oi tlH· .\ f.:l·c1c­tnrie;; is tha!. prescr·i·>l'<l hl law for u~ .... i:=~ant f:.t•,:n•taril.'::; cir e:{~cati...-e th•pa.rtmc:ui~;.' a~ (Air Por('e) · "s 8013 (b). Compl'11;:atin11 of tho l)tdl'l· St•c·n·f:11·,,­nml of th(' .h,,,i:-.t:rnt ~l'ct·r-t:u-it':; i-; that pit·-;erih,·il !iv Ja~,­for assist:mt l'-C1~•·et:u-ie.-> of t·xE•eul in• clt•paz·trnr-11ts.' ... )1•

. *Sr;c. :JO~t (a) The Director of tho Oifzrt:' of Civil, and Defr.nse ~fohilization,3~ llH' Dir1•c·tor of C~ntl«l Intcl­lig;:-nce-, an<l t11e Xntionnl S:?cnrity Conncil, ncti11g thrm1gh i~.; Executin~ Sl•c.·1-1't:iry, nre n11thori~1'(l to np­point 51!..:h :t(h-i"'OlT commiHt•t•:; nncl to c•mpl1n·, C'Oll'>i'-t(•llf ·with olhe;· proYislon;. of fhi-; .\d, Mll'h p1ir~-time acl­·vi"ory per!"mmd_as thc•y r~rny ch•t·m llCC'::-,,:..;m·~- in carryin,g­ont then· I"t'-->{>t'1'f1n.• funr:.-t1011:; mul thc>1 furict1011.:; c1f :1!!1:ll­cii::s ·uncler tht'ir control. Pc•rsm1-: Jwlcling- othl'r olfa.-c.::; or position-; under tliP rnitl'.l Stat£'"..; f1>r which thC'\. t'l'­

<'ein~ co;npl"Il<,;ttirm. whilt• ~1..,,·i11r a.<; ruc>mh!.'1-s of ·~nc·h <''JimnitlrP.;;,:;haH lN!l'in:' no :ulrlit10nal c-o:r•J>ei1<::1ticm for sud1 serl°iC't>. Otlwr mt-ml>!'1--; of ~11d1 <'ommittcc,, ;rncl othrr pn.rt·7timc :Hh·i<.(HT p!'r:-oi11wl so E'mplon·cl m:rr sen·e \Yi t}mut comp1:-n:::l t i1>11 01" may l"f·C'£'i W c·mni>l'll"':lf io;1 at ~ "rnte w">t to exeeecl $.>O fol' E':lC'h clnv of H"t \"ic(>, as cle~ermined hy tl1c :tppointin~ nntl1ority ...

(b) Sl•n·ict• of :111 indi\"iflual :t'> a mt•mhcr of :rnv i:;m·l1 udvi!'oz·y committl·e. or in nny otht•r pnrt-tiim.• <'ai>ar.ity for a dt>p:u·tn1C'11t or n;.rc>nc•\" ht>n•tmclt·r, ~hall 11ot. lit• ('Oll­

sidC"1(>d a-; EC'rvi1'(' ln·i11,td11g s1wh i11clh·icl11:1l witl:i11 tli::­provi:;ion~ of :=N:iion :!':il, 2::i~. 01· ~si of Tith• 1:-:. r11itt•1l tit:ilt.>:> C'o<h·, unll':-S the art of ~111'11 iiulid1h1al, '' l1i<·h hv suC"h sec-tion i:; rnaclo m11awful '' l1l'11 pt•1·fom1t·{l h\· ai1 i11didtln:11 l"t'fc·r1e<l to in !:>11d1 <.l'dirm, i.:; with 11•:-p;~·t to nny partirular uwth·r whi1·h 1lii-1·"1ly i11\·olvc>s a <lt"'part­m~nt or ngl•nc·v '' h ic·h :::1wh J>t'l~m '·' ach·i..;ii1g- 01· iu wl1 id1 snc:h <l<'p:u tml-nt r~r agr-JJC',\" j,; <lir(•f"tly illtt'll"·ll'<l.

• I-;uh ... ··t:tl•'U'I '.t l 11m.•"n1! .. 1l hy ......... u.,,, 10 , •• } . I'nl1JiP r ... nv. 2 lft Rl .:::t C'u:1zr1• ... oe: •• \ nt:rJ ... f 1 ''· ff°)l't (11:'1 ~.tLt. :t7~t Hll•l 1--11U1t:• :;:: of l'•" i111l of ,.\11~11,t 10. 1'•:i•i fiU .. \ ~f.1.t. f~'ifjJ. ,.ut.o.ecrtro•a (bJ fr••:•1 "'"t li1•:1 :=113 tp,,, J111f1Jf1• J,.t\ri.· ~-:::. ""tls ("ur1~r1 ...... • 7uly :?Ii:. J'q; ''U J.:.tut. ol!Jj).. l~•or.:"i.r.?7atlu:i 191111 So. 3 c n"••rth•· .tum" 1:!. 1"•:i!t. .1.hufl..,J,1•cJ rtu .. !'\:1t111n •I J.!c•t..•urh> 1-:.·····Ullrr,•"' H111r1!, ("r•·.1r 11 Ua•• ,,m,~,, or lh r. fl ... ,. ~[11hlll • 1flun nrul tr.111 .. rt rr.•11 1111 fs:Ul."t111n.; C1! t!ha C-~•.llrl'l:\n f'" ll"1• ~1f111:1.rl !-=-1•1•nrltl.• 1:1• onr,•1•"(. J:11,lr11 tu fh1• Jl&i"•t tnr ot" J:.·t ... r ... 1• ~I11l1!UT1tlon f..-'Cr-1•11'!.1-. ,, .. rt.Jiu r11nrorl11rh .1?ml1.c!u1l !·) 'Ill''" :.J. HOI v.111 ., .... (• rr.1ln F1l1lltl··•11J runrt:11:1.;. 1•.1 l•.1?,n.: 1?111 .. 1• \'•ft 11 In· :t1l\ a-t.1r11tP In tz.,, I •lrt 1•t11r ,.r J h t'1•u .. 1• )fnt•!llT 1Un:1 ur 111 nu' (J!'h"I• ,.r flt C· !1 .. 1• :\fnl1lll, 1rl11n pro\ 11?1•11 rur Ill 1-:, .. r11U•.1· Or1!1 r 10l!l~ or 1,,.,•1•Jn!11•r 1•; J!•iu JI"' .. 11p1r .. 1d••l .. , 1:~··•·1rh·11 Orrlri 11>1 ... IJ of .\11::11 .... t 14. S'• .. ·"1' • .nc ni1lf'lUf••1!. ~· 1 tlun C. n!" 1'1.f.lfl· 1. 1 .• ";"ifl. "'--:'•I <"un..:n•-.i1, :tr•t•r•"iu·1l ~•·i•t••:nf 1 t•i:: 1'1.i I \\:t"' t"'D.:h.l••I tn ("(JUf••n. ::!I" ""'•"":!11--: \1!c:1 J:1nr:.1ni71rlnn l"iLn ~n. :~ c.11!1 ... rlt11Uru: ··tt1•• l1Ir11•h•r f)f t1u• O:Tirt' t•C Hr·(· •1 .. 1• )f1ob1l17 :fl 1h 11 f11r •·th• Ch·1Irm 1n nr U1•' ~:1.rl11 1 11.I ~1·c-11r1r,,. It• .. .,•1r" 1 ~ U1l,\r1J:' It !11:-tl1,..r .•r• .. ••n•lr 11 '' •, .. , rfinn (l,., f,y h'h• rtl 11_.: Us•• corr••r•t rt•C1 :"l•n1•1• tu TUl.1· 1 ~ or tf·,. r1.Ura,J ~a I f1•..C Crn1t",

$.,, PJ lu• IL HOP .. "'fh·" U!rt ctr.r l•t t?a,. o:r.1,. t>l U· fr•n .. r '(r1hfll"tlt!r1!!'" n nc;, rf111n-::11! c.-~ .. ,.," .. Ul:-t•rtr·• a! rhP n1~., ... nr c h ll ft nil J J,•(1•11 ..... \Jof11l(11tl1tn" hJ !h'I tl11n ~ oC ltl"'ur.:.11•17 'rlnn l 1J1u1 ~o .. t. 1'l":~. 1•'T1•rth,. .71,JJ.'" 1, 1 !•:., f:?"I Jo"'. IL -1:-•!lI t ""' ntnt""n1l11l bJr J'u>1U1• I,.. .. \, c-.:;. ·'it::.:. J.11,~u"t 2•;, J!)j'J ('i:l. Stolt. S·11 ).

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l'L\'1'!0:\".U, n:cuI!ITl'" .\CT OP 1P47

· ['.fl:e fm·i';:r .. ing £-.»:tion was ~mwrnkcl lJy Sl•1·tion ;):} c,f tliu Aet. of _\ug.11:-t 10, H>:.n (ill.\ Stat. !i'ifl) hv <!e-leting­tk1 ief..:rC';~c~~ tlwrt'ill to th£> ~C't:l'i.'L:u·y of Defl'n..:o. ..\~; :\l'~llicnhlc to t!.t: s ... crd:u·.r of l>t:f,·11~~. th(' provh~illll!i of ti!ls section are cuclifi,·r! in !-1.'~tion li:J of tit lo 10, Fuited State:; Cuifo :is folio-,.;:,:

"§ 17:t (n) '!'he s .. ~n·tnry oi J>,•fcn<..t> mny c:-.t:thiish such mh·i::t1;,·y co!rn11itl!'l'.; aml l"mp!rn· f;Uch pari.-timo · n•Jvi!'E·1-s ns Ji,~ c-onsidc·rs •lf'l'P~:;;arv fo;.: the p~rforr1mll<'<) of hi;; fm1dio21s tmd thoro of t11e :1gl'ncics uwll'r hi:; co:1! rc.1. ·

(h) A }:t•r:-:sm wh<\ ~E'rvci; as u im·mhcr of n. committcl' may not b;:~ p:d~l for that H~l \"iC'{~ whil(?. holdi11!! ~noth~r pcr.:..ition or of.iee tmdt•r fhr {;uite•l St:ite.,; for which ho recC'ivt-s compc·ns;"1.tio:1. Otlwt· mC'ml1c•;-s nnd part-timo mh·i~.;:.-1s may ~ern~ withc~ut cm11peu~-ation or may bl' p:thl not more t h:in $;)0 for l'ach cln.y of f.C'rvice-, ns the Secr.1-tarv ch•termi ncs. :

(c) S:?cti:•~1r; 281, 28!3, and :!Sl of titfo IS <101,ot npply to :1. J>N"S•m L· ... c:!ll"'(' of hi:. ~(·1·vi1·l· on :i committee, C>L" a.:; :1 part-time mhi:-Pr, 1111111·1· !-ulY.{•1·tioa (n), unless lie•. pt>r­foun~ :m :let which i.:; 1.11lawfo) u111l"r 'Jim of tll:):;l' sec­tim1l> :rncI which rl'lntcs tn :~ nintt(•r dircdh· iu\'oh·in.g :~ clep:u·tulC'nt or :t,!!Pm:y whid1 lm is n<lt·i~i:1g· or to :i

mattl'r in which that llE'~>n!!mC'nt or ::!.;!l'llC"J" is dir~ctiy int<·1·p:;tetV"] · "': :

Sr<". :mt ~\.Jl tr.msfc1:; of ci dlian (ll'Z":"=Omwl 1111•.lt>l' this .Act. ~h:1H ht:- \.-ithout cl1a11gL' in t'hu::,..ilir·ation <>r <·ornp~11-safil)1J, but thE' J1{':LCl of :111,r ch•p.u·t111("111 or HJ.!l'ney to whirh ~m·h :1 tr.m..:f._•r il> 111:uh· il> :111thm iz(•d to rnal:\'.'.~mch chan~~s in the ti th.; :rnd dt·:-if~llal io11s micl J>i\'H·riln bllC'h chaHJ!l'.o: in tlw <!:itit•., of ~m·h pE'r,,ormd conimNi:-urat.• with tl1l'ir d:1i.-;ificatio:i ao;; lio may dt•t>.m nr .. ·c.;.;:,:u·y mid nppi·ozu·<~. 0

S..'• VJXG l'il(J\"I:;IU!'S

Sl-:e. :-;oJ. (a) .\11 laws, cml<.'r :-:, reguJ.1tim1:-;, mHl otht>r ndi1111:; :1pp1it·:1!111• \\ ith ll'"l't'1·l to any fmwtio:i. r.dh·ity, pN:::OJll1('1, pl'1}1t'J"ty, ll'l"Olll..:, OJ" utlw1· ll1iI1J': tr.111 .. frt-rP<I uudt'r chi.-; .\<'t, '>r with 1<'.-.J>f.'l"f to any olhct•r, dcpart­nwut, 01· agt·l:(·y, fro:11 which ~l!< h tr.111-.fer j:::; 111:11lt', ~h.1II, l'Xc-l'pt ti> tlw exh-11t r.•,..cim?"tl, 11101lilic1l, f.J1fH.'Ii>l'd1'll, IPr­mi11att-i!, or l!J;nlt• iunpplit:abfo uy or llll!h•r au! hnrity c,r law, h:J\"t• tl1I' i,.i:m::- t•ffl·c! m, if ~.1;d1 tr.w,f~·r lia<l 110L l.>'.'{'H 111ad1•; hut, :1ftt•1· :111\· £-!!l'l1 t1·a11:-ft.r, :wv ~nth l.iw, 011ll'r, l •'~•1 latio:1, M" o1 l.l'l~ m·t ioll ,-J. i,·Ji \ l'~t~·tl foudi1>11-. iu or otill'nvic:t• xl'latc;l to 11nv <•fliu.·1-, <l1•part111t'llt, or n~1.'ll<'Y fro:u wl1id1 s11d1 trn11.;"fe1· ''::1s rrn:1lt• !-hall, a:i n ppli1·:1h!!' ;dt h n·,1 wd to t lit• fund ion, :id i\·ity, pt'l':'Oll-

111•T. 111·011t•rt..,-, u·1·01d,.. or otl1l·f tlii1w tra11:-.ft'l"ll'U :uul tr• • • h

'l"r~,11'-!e-rr·~d l!~r ~DnPI, .:H,.ttn L•l.

J.1,{•.llc:iMJit7 er 1Vr.:1. 0'"1]i:rs. 1'l.' -u~u t'ni.·~ nrirl otb~r ' a.Ctll,:.u ..

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S2 ··.

J:;Oil'-b~te::l<!llt or:n<1:t-1o:r otl>l'O'pro­C~·=-~ln,c-s.

ApplkahllitJ" or e:i:l~tlr.s J'l\13 RU'3 iegc.ta t1u-!l s..._

?f/.i.TIOXAL szcumrr ACT 0::0, 10 1'1

• the e:i:font not inconsktcnt with other pi'O\"i!;:io:1s o! this Ac~ b~ <k:?m€!c1 to have '\."('Sfcd suc-h fonction in or rPlnte to tno ofi!cu, depa1tn1ent, or ngency to i;;fiich foe ti·a.1~­f(>r was m~Jo.

(h) No suit, net ion, or other p1c,r-eedin:z kt~f1:lly C"o;n­menccd hy Oi." ngnin.;t tlie h3nd of nny -<lr~p:ir~m.:nt or agcnc~· or ofha!." o!Iicer of tho United Stnt;:-.;;, m hi:; official c«1•ac;.ty or in rel.1tion ti) th"' clischn1·go of l1is oflicinl <1utie.>, slmH nbuto hy renson of tht\ tukin~ e!I<'ct or any transfer o;,· ch:mgo in titlo und~r tht' pzoyisim'S of thi°.1 Act; and, in tho c::iso of nny such t.r:i.nsfer, such snit, nctio?'l, 01· other pmceeding mny be m~intained by or egninst the snccesso.- of such hentl or other oflit";.-r under th':! transfer, hut only if the court shall nllow the Emme to be mnintnined on motion or snpp~en:ental p.:!tition fihd within tweh-o months after &1~..:h transfot· tnk£'s effect, sho\-;in!;"(n. iwcessitv fo1· the sm·.-iv:il of such suit, :?.Ction, or o~lier pmceecllng to obtain !:C~tlernent of tho

·<;,ue.stions in>olved. -(c} Not·withstancling tht> Pl'°'·isions of t11e second para­

irraph of &IX'tion 5 of title I of the First. '\1..:tr Powers Act't 19!1, the org:rnhmtion of thl' \\~ro.r D~partmcnt under t11e provision:; of Ex<'ct~frc:e ")rdc-1 Xumbc-red 0082 of Febrirnry 28, 1!'-12, :1s nwclified by J~xt'cutivc Orel<'?'· :X-11mbi'1;?cl Hi-~~ of :\fay l:l, HI rn, :md tl1e exi:;ting ozgnn­izQ.tion of the Depnrtnwnt. of lhe X ::ixy ur.der the pro­vision:; of Ex(•(·utive 01 dcr Xumherrcl VG:):> of Scplt'mhcr 2~, H>-15, inclitcling the ns.::;igmncnl of fund ions lo org.111-

- izntio:rnl nnits within tlie "\Ynr ancl Xn.-y Dep.n-tme:nts, ·--· m~y, to the extent clrterminec1 hv the f.~L"l'.:r<"lnn• of De­

:.,'':-·· fen .. ::e, continue in force for 1 wo J='enrs foJlr.>,\·i11g" the clnte of enactment or this Act excc•pl tot he c·xtf'nt mor1ificd lJy tho provision::. of thi<; .Act or uncler the unt11ority o! law.41

- .. (~

SF.c. 30G •. All une:;;pe:nclecl hnfo.nccs of appropriation:>, nllot'ntionq, nonnpp1 oprialNl funds, or othc:1· fon<lc; nv:til­eble or her('.lftN· mnde nrnilnblc for u.:;e l)y or on hchnlf

~- _ ·: of the Army Air Fo1cf's oz· officers tlw:-eof, c:Jw11 ln trnn.:;- -. -- _ferrecl to tho Dep:trtment. or tl1e .\ir F<,ri:-e for l.!Se in

Trc,,~r.·ror fuml" t.:>tbe De1•n1tm .. 11tc:f the ..!'.Ir ro • .:e.

cDnnt'ction ·with tlw c-xcn:ise of f ts fnwtions. SuC'h ot ht'r tme:<pN1rl~J bafanct'S of npprnprintions, nJfo,~ntion-:, llO!l­nppropriah•d fmvl~, or oth~r fun<ls n\·ai!:1lJ!!' or l1rreafter mn.cle av:'l.ilahlt~ for 11 .. c by the Dl'pnt·t11lr'J:f. of ,\.:u· or tho I~parhnent of th" • rmy in €'Xt•rci:::e of func-tions trim'>­f~i'L"etl to the Dl'p.u .~.1Pnt oft he .\i r Fon·~ m!rler tliic; .\d, n'S the Sc1•rdnry or Di:fell"C shnH dl"tf·: rnme, i::hnll h·:i tr:.m;.,f<"rrc-11 to thi:- ]},'p:trtmE'nt of tl1c .\ir Fot·c._. for u~c in co111•edion with th<' CXC'rc·i::e of its function-:. l!nex­lX'mled lial:mC'f"'> tr:m~fnrNl. 1111dl•r this ::er.~io~1 mr..y J,~ usNl for the iiurpo,;:c;:; for wJu~h the n11prorinatwns, nllo-

- -&1 J:"r.,-1 s•.::tlo::i 303, 'Publ!c Z..t~t 2:13, S!lth CQDS'tC•" J'cl;; 2•~. JOii (';1 St'lt. -!!)SJ •

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;ti".!..'l'LO:<i.U. SI-~Ct"nITr ACT or 10 n

catio11", (ll" other runu::; ·wc1 (! ori~innlly m:icfo 1wailab1c, o;:· {o;: llt:•i t'.:Xl'Cllllittac:i Oi."l!l!Sic.mi.:<.l by (ho e11actm1?nt of thi.s ·Act. Th<> tr~u;.::ifets h~::-ei.n nuthonzctl may be rnncb v. ith or witl1out. ,\·,n n!nt nctbn ns may b~ nppropl'iato from tiurn t.o time fr01:1 nny nppxoprfotion covered l.Jy this SL'C­tion to uny oth{'I" &uch nppropriation 01' to such new r.ccouuts c.;tnhli::.hed r11 tl1c l>ouks of'thc Ticnsmy ns mr.y bo determim~tl to Le ncL"(:.S.Snr,r to carry into effect i>rc1-,·ision~ of thi·; ..:\ct.t' ·

AU'rI!OJUZ.\"l w:..- ron Al'.i'l?Oi'lU.\'fJOXS . 81-:c. 307. TliL•re ~m.~ hereby authorized to bo nppro­

priatecl such sum5 ns mnv bl) neces5;n·y nncl to cnrry out the pro.-i:::iioiis ::md pnrpo;;es of thib ~\ct.0


Sze. 30$ .. (n) .As" u:c<l in thi!': .. :\ct, f.hc term "function" inclmfo.:; fund 10:1s, p()wers, ancl c.lulies. ·

(b) ~\s in this .Act, the term "Dt'partmc:nt of De­fPllSl'" E>hall Le clccmetl to indudc- thC' milit:n-y drp:H"t.­mcnts of the _\rmy, the' Xan·, nncl tl1e .Air 1•'01·cc, ancl nll agencies crcn.ted un~~i: title II of this .Act.41


Sl-;c. 30!"1. lf nny prO\·i!•ion of tlii.ti ~\ct or thC' apl)}i~n­tion thC'rt>of to miv pt'rson or circmnsf:mcM is }JC• ll in­\"aJid, the> ntlir!ity of the l"l'lll::iinc1Pr"of th<.' .Act :inrl of !he application of Such pl."O\"i<.ion to otht'r persons fiDll cir­ClllllSbUICl.'S ~hall not be nffectccl thcrel1y:s

Si:c.310. (it) Tho first !"e11lN1C<'o!!>edion202 (n) llml sections 1, 2, !307, 30S, 300, u11cl :HO shnll lake cff<.'ct im­mNli:~tc:>ly upon thl! C'll,tdllll'llf of this .. \ct.

(b) E:s:c<'pt us 1m.n·i1lt>cl in sul1sedion (a), tl1e p;·o­visions of thi"l ~\ct !-hall take effoct on "hiclw.-e1· of tha following- cl:l\"s i<: tlrn cnrlit·i·: The clay nfter the clay upon which ·thfl f:t'~tct:u·y of ])ef1'T1!"e fir:..t. appointerl takf's oflir.c>, 01· thC' sixl iC'th day n ftcr the elate of thll enact­ment of this .\ct.«G

St;CCl~"ISIOX '1'0 'I'JH: l'l:f:Sir>I-:XCY

SEc. 311. Pnr.1gr.1ph (1) .of tho sulJ:.~ctiou (d) of ~cc­tion 1 of thl'.' ..:\ct entitl::-ll ':.\n .. \C' prm·iclt' fo1· tho pl:'r­form:mco of t110 duties or th,} ofiice of Prcshk11t in C:l'iO

.... · ...

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/;.rlntlor.::i cutbor!:r.:itlon.

..... ~..-c:-t'tt r)"" oC n.r .. ·

.. Sue- 11 tn tile.! '~ncy.

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or tl'.A Ie!llO".'t?J, i·esit.>:nation, death, OI." inubi!ity bl\th of U1a l'rc.;;idc!lf; :md ; ice l';", ~pmo't·~J July 13, ~V±'l, !s ru~1cn~led Ly stdkin~ out "Secret;ry of \V°Pr" ancl i::i&>rtP•:.; m heu thereof ''>~Secretary of l)efonse", ant! by Et\:lkin.:; out "S~crutnry of th~ "S. a vy t.n

(I'iu:-=.-'.l.'!J.e !ollon lllg pro;·J;,ious of !'ul,,!fc !?!G, :F:lr.-bt.r­Orst C1mgre:;.~ nlthough not 1m1cnt! mcnt:; to nuy p.1rt&c•1l:ti" si:c­tlou,.; c! the Xntio:inl Sl•curity ~·ht <if 1:>-11, urc INrtinC'ut :)

Tba titlE-.~ of tlie Secretary o! IJefrn,,,<', the l::ic.!rctary or the Army, tht: St'Crc~m·y of tJ,e S:tvy, the Sl•cn•tury of tl1!! .\fr 1'"01·cC' th~ tr1•.!cr St-crct.n il•::. :Ulll the ~\~>'i~t:ir1t Scu·etnri~'i of the !Je: J1.'!r£.i:; of the .\rmy, ~a v.h nnd Ah· I·' ore-• ., shall uot 1 l ll.11111 .. t'i! b.,r virtl!<! of thi:J .'\.cl, nll(l tlie rc:tlll"-'intm~·tit o! the o.. .11.;; J1~Jll­lti.0 titfo:i. OU tl~C- eft"ccti'"<? llatc Of tl1is .\ct Sl'!.!I: 1' ,t }le l"l'­QUirc.l.. It ls llere!Jy <kd.ired to be the ir:Lt:ntfon r :: Cnt1;:rc>''l. tkli; .!'CCtion 203 (a) Of t!•e :\'ational ~ccurity Act or lf.l-li. ll~ nme1•<~l·tl J,y section G o! tlJi-; Acr, .1-l1all not Lt2 llc<·n:c...I to li:n-c crc:ti"<..'ll n 11c1v• or T>C'J•uly .Secrc-t.1ry o! Dcicn:-e Lut .i.!i:1U IJC' d.•.:-mcd to h:n t:? ·cm1thrn.:t.l In exi::t.•r1ce uucle~· :L new titlc, the Oliice or L"111ll•r Sccrct:u·y or J)t·fou..;c \\"LicL W:ls c;;tal>lii,llct.l f,y tl1('

•.l.ct cntit!etl ••.\n .\ct to ll.mcud the X:1tionul S1•turity .\<-t n! lnri to provide tor 1!.11 l"mlcr Scc.rct:1ry of D"fense·•, np11ro\·ctl .\Jlril :?, 10.l~ (l'u1Jli1: J..:1w :Jli, J;igbty-flr .. t ('on:;r.:-.;:1). 'l"Lc titlu o! the cf.i:cI:tl holiling the om("c or C:nl.IC'r Sl'l."I t•t:ny or l lcfo11~e C•il lhc e!'iE"cth;c <late of tlii-; .AC't i:h.111 he cb:i.n;;C'd to 11£.•j>uty S'C'!.retury or: Delf•n::e an!l Ule r.:-a1•1111intrucut or such omci,\l sh.\ll n1Jt be r<.oq,uircil.0

.bll J:!ws, o;i:dN·s, r<'gula.tiouc;,, nod other nctfons rf:l:1tiui: to the N'ntfo:i:?i .:lfillt:n·y J; ... t:1b!i,hirw11t, the De;1:irtmcut'i of t!:c .\r111y, tlie X:n·..r, or t11c .\ir E'o::-c£-, or t<l' nn.) otli('C:;:- or :icth·ity o! :-ur:?1 e.."t:i!.li.:<h1ue1it, or .i-ul"h department;;, slrtll, <::..c<'I•L Lo Uw <::'1'.lc:it f!1c~•:1.:;i"'Lt.>xit with tre 11rt)\ hltJm, of. tbi.:; .\ct, li.1 \"l' ti.w ... amc c:7't•.:-l as H' tbir. Act h:1•l not been Nl:tttcll; l•ut, nt:rcr tli,• ~:r,•.:thc ot t'th ~\ct, any Slll"b hw, orcJcr, rc<;u!~tio,1, or r·""'::' .'Ction \~hll'h •e~ted !m1ctio~1,; in or othcrwl-.c rel.1t(-cl lr> b'•Y c.!:icC'r, t!f:p.11 t-1nc:it, or!ii:hmN1t, 1-1liaU be tlcNned to ha v1: 'l":.ll"l :-ill h f1111r.­titm In or relate to the aflic.-et or dC1J1!U"tr111:;rt, l"'\:t•cn:h t.' or mili­t:tr!i', &ur:ceeding the oflkt·r, <fo11arti11ent, or cst:tl•!i:>.?w11•nt 111 "l•h h Etich !ut1ttion. \\'H'> Yl";!t'll. }"cir 1•ur11<>"CS o! t11ii sub-.c<:tion Uw J)~ll:'ll"tf:1c11t "of TJ1•f(>ll'C .!oll'lll l•t'..' d"t'l1•etl the llC'll.lrtll'l•nt 1-U<"C<"C'J­iD"' the Xaticmal :'>lilitary 1;,,.r:11.tli .. hmc11t, mu! the 111ilit:tr} tlcp.1rt­m~r.ts or • .\rmy, Na•)· and .\Ir Pori" c:l1'1ll be dPemcll tl.c t1,•1•ar1-111eDt•: !>UC:Ct-eJiilg n.c I·;:i.1.-<:uth c l>o?i•·lrtmrmt::i or. .\rwy, ~:l\"J, 11n1\ Air !-'or ... '(! ...

Ucorg.mb:ntl•m Plnn ~mnl1rre1l 8 or J~I!) .... .-hic-h \HIS tran~­rulttt·ll to the Crm,::re"s h,; thr: l're.;lde-nt on Juty l~. J!i:!}, 1111r-.u.,nt to tr.e p:m-;l.,!•>t1:> ol'. thc HC"organ11:~1ti<>n .\ct of 1!'•·11, i:h.111 1:ot tal;:e efi:l'<'t, nutwlth'>tanrling the J>W\ i'~t)llli Of l>Cctill:l Ii O! Slllh l'l:eor,;;:u1izatio::i. .\ct c.•f IM!}.'~

-·--..-.--··---..,... ..... ~~·--... 'lf"'T"..._..,..._... --- - ---


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'1'ITI .. B IV 411

l"Ho:-.1et1."'lo~; OJ:" Ecoxo:\11- AXJ> Et·Ticn::-;GY 'i'rn:Ot;G'I. Es·· TAHr.ISIDl i::~i'l' o:::· U:x1.n.rn:u BrmGET,u:r ,\XD Ii"I~t'.\I, P1wc1:uum:s .\:SD 01m.\:!\IZ.\'110:;s

Sm. 401. (a) Tl•eru is hcrehy estahlishccl in the De­J>artment o~ n~f1·n.::.~ the Comptroll.::1· of the Dcp:i.rtm~nt of Defense, who !:>h;\ll J.,~ onu of the .'LS.$1.::tnnt St•crctitrics of Deft•nse. .

(l>) 'l'he Comptroll('r shall nch·isc :ind nc..~ist. tlm Sec­rctnry of I~Pfen.:e in performing such bmlgetary ::mc1 fiscal iunrt1c.ns ns mny Im rl'quu~d to cnrry c,ut the powers co:1fcn·e<l upon the SccrC'tarv of D.:! by this Act, including hnt nrit limiteu to u;o~o specifi('d in this sullsC>ction. Suhjt·l·I:. to the autl:orit~·, clir·~cfion, nllCl C'on­trol of the Scc1·ctnry of Defense, tho Comptroller r,httll-­. (1) · supcrd.::e nml direct tho pl epamt ion of tho

budget cstimah-s of tho l>c:pnd:nH'nt of Defense; nncl

(2) c-:::hiMish, nml supN°\· tli£> e~~cention of­(..:\} principle,;;, policies. nncl proccch1r('s 1o be

followed in com1t'dio11 with or~~:mization:1l :rntl a.dmini;;;tr.tth·~ JqHth•r-; iclating to--

(i) the prcprfratioJ1 :rncl execution of tlrn l1ud_ge:...~, ..

(1i) tisc:al, co:o.t, opt>rnting, nnd c:ij_1itnl pl"O})i:'rty ac.-:ount ing,

(iii) progre:::s ancl statisticn! repenting, (h·) intc-rnal nuclit, nncl

(B) ro1idc:; nncl proccdun·-; rdnling to the c~pcnr11tnre and collection of funcls a<lminis­te•cd hv th() DcJinrfment of D~ft:>11Rc; m1<l

(3) e.:;tal;li~h un 1 form term i1101ogics, clas=.ifica.-tions, nncl pro.:rdun.'..; in nll sm:h matters. .

l!n.IT.\ltY Dr:l'.\RT:m:x-r Hi::rna:r .\~D F1:;c.n. Ow:ux1z.\­Ti0~-D:i-:P.\1:-r~n:xT.\r •. Co::-.r1'l.no1.1.f:r:s.

Sze. 402. 0 lRcpl'nlc·ll. CcdifiPcl in i\lent ie;'ll st•ct ions of tit.lo IO, UnitNI" Stafl's C'o\li.', rc•lating srz1amtcly lo tho Armv, Nav\·, awl .\ir 1''un:r; for pm·po..:l's of hl'evity only ·thnl. p; (ffhion rl•lat ing to the .\rmy whirh is cotli­ficlf in S£'ction ~01-1 of title 10, United Stall'.:; Cede> i!:! ri.'rl'.:-1 tc:cl h-:.' low: ·

· '§ 301-1. (n) SuhjC'ct to th.· authority, direction> :mcl cont1ol of the Sc·crrtnry or D.'ft·, thn Secretary o:f the Army sh~1ll h:n e tlll'


following mnltc.-t:> in thl' D..-:p~trt-

'"' 1"1tll!' ar··l •rctl<>'l tl1cr,.rir s•J.l•·<l t•) •N·tlnn 11, 1'11Mlc I nw 210. ':t•t C"or .. ·:• &•, .\u;:u•t 10. 1!\l'I (t~.1 f'tnt. :,;.;). :-..r. C.l'm1•.1r.1l•1·• tlllr' "• ~··ct111:1~ Jn l'L.bllc J .. 1\i, ~.:;3, S1Jth Con.;re~!, Jnlr :?•I. 1"111 (lil !'tnt 4'l:i) •

• ., lt1•11•·.1le•t Ii.)' ~~ctlon :;3 1>( th~ .\ct or .\u;n~t 10, l!l;;G jiO.\ Mat. Gi6).

.... · ... -.. - ·i::"·"'l-- __ ... ___ -·------~·---~

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J .. erto:t:ltu:.r:-e Zn.1dz,.:t..

.Authorlt,r to 1::.s~e- tr.r.H.l.&­frr.; c1>u &1lJUi1h1JCr&tS ot J!'llllt.•r.r dl"p:tr(D:lPI. t'.:• ep;.i=opri!ltfon~.

. ··.

NATIOXAL sr-:ccm1·y AC'l' 01'' 194;

ment of t:le Anny or£!a-.izecl nnd con.111cte1l co11.:h.fc11l ly with the 01 .. ~r.•ticms of t.hc Ofih.:e o! llw Comp~M1it1· of tha Departnie.'lt of Defense: · f 1) D1:dgeting.

2) Ac.::ouuting. • 3) J.>1·o~r£"ss awl .5htlh,tical rcporfoirr.

(-i) Inh•rnal audit. «=>

(5} Ar!minblr11th·c organization .5tzucfun·, nncl mnn:tgt>rial lJlTx.:edur~, i-clut ing to thu rnatte1'S co1·!'.'rt:d by clam:l!.s (lj-(4).

"(b) 'J.'lwm am a Com pt roller of thl' .Arnn· an cl :& Depul.y Comp~i-01le1· of the Army in the Department of th:;, .A.rmy. Th;'.?y slmJl lie appointed by the Seci<.'i.ary of the .A1 my. The Secrcf!lry may appoint either c·idlian ot· m:Iitary pcrso:mel to t11cse o1iic£:'.s. lf either the Comvtrol1c1· or· tha Jkputy Comptroller is not. :i. ch·i!ian, t.I.o othe1· mu;;t he a ch·i!i • .rn.

"(c) Subject to tl10 authority or th£" S<?cretary of the Art1iy, tha Comptroller is n:s11onsible for the matlN,; in the Dczn~rtmc:1t of tho .Anny 1ian!ed in subsl'ction (~\) {1)-(5).

'"(tl) 'rh3 Comptroller is un<ler tlm direction nnc7 supt>L·d:;ion of, and is dhectly rc:-pon!'.ihlc to, <>ither the s~rehu-y cf the .Armv, tho UnJer Sccrct:.n-y, or an Assisfant. s~·crc-t~ry. iicm C\"e1·, thi:; sub:;ection do<:,; not pr("Vf"!'lt the Co::'"il~Jlroller from li:n·ing concurrent l'l'Spon· sibility to tk ClHef of StnfT, the Yicc Chii.-f of Staff, 01· a Deputy Chid of St~ttr, if the Sccrntary so pzcscriLcs."] 5')

P.Ei:.ron:\r.\xci: n mxa::r

Sr.c. •103. (1>.} The lmclgel e::.timnfes of the Di.'pnrtrnt'nt of Defense s!mll Le preparec1,. pr~::~ntcd, nml ju-;tified, w~:e:-e prnct}caLici nml authm·ir.ed ptogi:uu::. ~hall ht: ncl­mm1:;tert!cl, m &lie t form ::m1l m:umcr us the Secz·etary of Dl'fonse, &uuject to tho au! hnrit \" nml dirt:>dion of I.he Presitlent, imiy detem1inc, !'-o ns ~to account. for, nncl re­pmi, the coc;t of perfoz w:mce or readily icll•ntifiahk func­tional prngmm:; :m<l adi\·il i(·..,;, with ~cgregal ion of op· cratin::; nnil cnpital pro:.rr.uu.;. So farm; prnctic:1hh', the budget £'Sliumtc-:> nml il'uthorizcd pmgrnm:; of the rnili­fary clep:nhmmt..; shall be ~et forth in i:caclily compantlJle form nnd sh:ilt follow n muform paltcrn. .

lb) In orc!cr to expt:l!ite the com·c·z;;ion from prl".f>.:•nt. LuClge-t nnd nci:ou11t irw methods to the co,;t-o!-:pcrform­r.uc~ method pn·~ril>~~1l in this title, the Sct:rt·ta1y of each milit:n·v c!c1:!'::trne11t, with tho nppz·oY:il of the J?rr.:>i<leut a;icl th<> 8ecrcl:'tn· of D.3fcn~e, is r.11tlwrizcll r.nd "direct.t?cl, until the e1lll of the scconcl war fuHowiug the dat.e of eu:u:tmcnt. of this Act, to make~ sud1 tra11sfori:; encl ndjui.tmcnts within the ruilitn1;y depa1·tmcnt of

e• Corr"•r•QrA!no;: Ne..:r e;irl Air F'or«"•' p:ovl•:on~ arc c•ml:!lnc.! In title 10, Un!tcd Sta.t~J Cc..ic. r,•.:£1~:>.3 :;oa1 r..1d EiJl~, r~:ti)'<'Ctl"S"e!7.

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·-- _ . . : .• ..nD.~ .. Tn.-•. <'7\- .c .a F.'I t'):._9-::.:::;;:-·· ••• ..,, I-·- --·------~~"""'°""'.,.......~il!i:. ;;r-1

.... __ ........ -.... - ... --.. ··--____ ...... _____ ,,... .... .,.I ...

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37 which ho is the lrt·.tll between nppnJprintions Pvnilahle for o:,Jigatioll !iy i::uch d1•p:irtm;!1L ii} :,uch 1nm111~r .n~ lie deems JlPl.'C.."'>:uy to cau.~o thc1 ol>J1gat1on and :Hlm1111::;lru­tion of fund~ ~ncl the rcp:Jr·t:; of cxpencliturcs to_r~;flyci. tho cost of p~r-fonn:rni::e o! ~11d1 prog-rnm<; nncl ncl.n·1t1c~· • l!cpoxls of tran.,ft'1"'3 :rncl ndju~t111l'nt.-; rnado pm-::mnnt t.o tho nutl:oritv of thi::; ~n}y..r~d ion blrnll };<l :undc curr..-ntl .,. °-Y tho Sc'-·1:etaxy or Dl·f~n~"-0 to the I'r~idcut. :iml tiio

r.l'i'Or!A fQ fh~ l'rl'dhlent r..nd Congl-ct1:J ..

Congress. . .

OzLICU.Tro~r OF .Arrn01•mN1•oxs

· S.Ec. ·10.J. In order" to prenmt ovc1·1li-nfts :mcl clc­fic-i£'ncit?s in nn:; fiscal year f11~· l\ hich npproprintions are J11 ult>, on :Lll(l n.fter tJ1e beJ!illillll~; of the next. fisc1"1l J'\lli.' fol11>11·ing the cfata of cnnctment of this Act npproprm­tions m:i.,1:• to tho D£'partrnent. of D<?fcn;.o or to the miii­hu-y c1ep·; \"tlllt=-nt~, m~rl reimb!u ">l'llle1_1ts therE'to, shnll be evniI:1ulQ for ohl1gat1on :mrl cxprruhturc only nftcr the Se.crefi1.ry of Dt}ie11·;e sh:'lll npfJI"O\"C' scl1C'd11h•cl rnt<•s of oh?iontion, or 1nodifi~ntio11:; t}wrcof: Pro1·lded. 'l'lmt notl'fing in thi-; F=edion shnll nfl"ed tho right. of the De­p:.irtni~nt of DeiL•n!=o to incur such clt•fic1e11cic>s nc; UmJ• ha no\> o;- 11N·c:-i:tc-r authorized Ly faw to he il!currecl.

. .., ... SJ:c. 405. (a) In orc1er :rr;fJl'l• effecth·cly fo control nnc1 for tha co;!. of }1rC"-;.6·arns :mcl work }Y.•1·formccl in ihe D.:-na1'trnC'nt of Di.:fc11-.C', tJrn Srcn:t~1n· of Dt-fellc.~} fo m1.tbo117.i-d to I"£'qniro the C'stablishi"nc>llt. ·or worbng­cc.I>itnl funds in th.:; D<:>partmP11t of Dd<'11se fo1· the pm·-pn">Ci of -- ·

(!}. fina11c:ing inyc.'ntories of su~h stor~:s, suppli<.'s, ma!enals, nnd (:qmpmcmt as he ll'fiY cle.:;1f!Jmtc; nncl

(2) I>I'o>.icling ,.,.orkin;? cnpitnl 0

for such iuclns­kfal-t.vp.J :icti,·ities, nud .for such comurnrcial-tvpc

· nct.ivities ns prm.-iclo cominon sC'l dee.:; within· or among the <~£'p~u·tmN1ts nncl :tgl'11ci~s of tlu.• Dl'part­mcmt of Dt.>fc..nw, ns 110 mnv de . .:;ign:itc.

Dcficlencle~ ..

\Yor'ktni;-l'apl· taJ f11nll:1.

(b) 'r/10 St'rrc>tm·y of the 'treasury is n110101izecl nncl dln.•13fNl to t>:.::t:ili}i..:h 011 tho Jnn!;:., of the 'l'rC'nc;11ry De· }>:irtm~nt nt lh£> I'l'•lll<>st oi t}rn SC'rretn1-r of DefC'nc:;c the wodcing-c:i.pita1 fund<; establh,Juxl pm ;unnt to the nu­thoi-ity o! thiss~ction.

\\·or:C[n::­C'11pltnl 1'11n<ls. U1•.rel::n•ltinu. on hnol..• 11! 'rr ... :1.c.,ury Dep:irthlenr.

•i::('ctlon C!"i, DPp :r-tmPl'f ot 0

DPf<r1•" 0

A;>proprl'1tlnn ·'ct, 1034 C-~l't ot .Aui;ust l, 11153, Put.II.: l-~'~ li''• (Ci ~t:it. :l:l7)) J•r"' 1'!~11 In l'~rt n• tc.lln., .. :

.. Th:;.t cnrrPr:t ar:•Ifr.1~1lt! lli1rrrnPil1•rlt1rtH nf tht» J>, .. p:irtru,"llct f'! T>rf1tn-~,.. lal'\j 1'~ C'rt"'1lftl"'L! ,.ltb ffl•lt.1") q n.-Soeli1,;:- r:- 1.n tl2p dl.1pwdtl11"1 of 1uJf'h FUr•r•llPx. g"no1J.;. nn,l 11•.1 t,..:-J, I n 1 nr ... n,..t r..,,.lC".-

11 unrlPr 1tf11c:.:: Cnruh ftr1r .. 11.trtr to JU'~tJ,-,;i ·~O ... ,.r fhf"I S:.1.tlun'lt ~ .... •1rrlty Act. Oil

a:11,.nr!1 •I: l1

ror. ldr1l /111·t1'"r, 'j"h1 t o'•lf~:•trc,nh rn:\y b"' l.u•111 r.,,J .ac11h1"t nntlf''tl t1•IM.· b



"•'1t nt• tn s.t1>r~ !nruJ.c In FIJrb nm11nnt, nnrl ror r:urb , .... r[,,,J-1 dr•t1•rmlnt•1I b.> th ... f;°f"'1•f('­f 1r1 rot J), .. :1•:1.cP, \1 Ith thr ftJ'f)fn\·11r n( th1,. J>i1"1-.C-f(\t' nf ti.,, !1'Urf'.l\U Of lhr flt1ih"'1":, to b,, n1"'•"''I• •n1 tn r.1:1l•:t •In rc><1:.irr1•,J n"C'k J•·,·r11 nnt lr.ron••l-trnt ""Ith pl11ni1pJ over11tlou~ In~ the 1ur.-~·llr1;: ti.en! ~P1r. \1 r.:-s;nrJ to f11cnl Jcnr lhnl!ntlo1111."

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~· f'SOI tf'+f"' , .. !,+,.;:a; ..j - ; ;:., .. 1t = .. •=-iii,. "'

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RE.F ID:A6~029 ! .-.. _ .. __ ... __ .,.,.,._ .. , __ --""·--------~-~---_...:._ ____ ~ -- .. -· ------- __ ._ _ _. ________ ._, _____ _ --~· ... -· .. --- ____ .....,_________ ----"-----~-------~ ----- _,,. ... _ .. __ ... _

-'"'\ ( _ _;



--... --·-·

38 N.'.TIOX.U •. SZCt:I!! n.- .... c·r O:r' 1 g 1 ;·

J:cp~rtn to tl'-.e P1·t:.;!i.?e-n~ 1u1<? Con ;:;res3..

Worl:lrr:!'­C.uplt.~I l-'undq,>!cal for.

L!n11t3Uon o~ dc.ftclcncJea.

.Alloc.nU0:1 c.!.' J'El';•Ol•=lblllty.

Co:it llc1ltn tlon.

Co•t Jl::1H'\~fon. J' 11 tilorH1 c.f f' .c:~r1?t1.ry o! ))~!tnn t:> .r.o;em actl•I· ti.._"":]'.

(~) Such fumh shnll Lc-{l} c.-h:;.rc-(t)d, '"he'll•, with tlrn cost of

f:tor.?.;;, st: pp! it'$1 matl"rin ls, nncl Nft1ip1nr;n{, lH"t:cu:r'°' ! 0.1.· cthm:·wiro ac•.1nircll, mnnnfactnrc·tl., r~·p,;.ircd, i-;­sn~cl, and corr.;ume.c! nml of ~crvicC'::; rezi1ll'r::d m· wod;: pc-rfom1ed, indu,ling npplicnlJlo n.Jmini:.ll"':llivc expcn:i.~s;

(2) rdrn~m·~d from avuiJr.blo npp1 opriation::; m· othcr;>iso credited for the co.:;f, of st.ore.;, snpplies, ml!.torfals, or equipment fm nish<:>tl nntl of scn-iC'c-; rcp<l~1·;,l or_ ,-;ork 1mrformed, including ~pj_llkaulu v.cnmrustr'.ltlYe e:\:pensc.:5.

Reports of tho conditior1 aml oper,1tions of sm·h .funds shall b:-:i mac1e anmrnU.y to thC'- Pic.sidcnt mul to tl1i} Con-g1·ess. ·

(cl) 'l'he Srcichtrs of Defense is nut.ho~·b:erl to p-ro­yitle. capit~l !or s1,1ch v;orl~ing-cn_Pit!!l fund by c~pitnliz­mg ~nn~ntones or:. lHmd an~l, with tl:u approv;i.l o.f tho Prp.~1dent, bv trnn:,;fcr, uni1l Ucccmbr 317 l!>:S.J:, from twexpcmled lml:mce.:; of nl!Y Pppropriations of the mili­tn::::y clcp'.l.rtmcnts not carried to the ~:mplu<; fund of tha 'i're:tsury: Proi-irlcd, Thnt. no deficiency :::hall be in­curr'tltl in ~my such appropdntio:n ns n ~!'>ult of imy s11eh tran<s!cr. 'I'o the e:.,:tent thtlt such methods do llof, iu tlm dctermin:i.Lion. of the Secretary of Defcn!:C", prO"l.-icfo ncfo­quate r.raoi:mts of wo:;·king ca.pitnl, tlrnru fa ht>reby nu­ to l•') r..pproJ?rintecl, out. of any mo=u•ys iu tho T11.'nsury nnt npT)roprmtecl for other pm posr•s1 such sums r:s may L~ necess~u·.v to provide aclequato woxkm~ r>apitnl.

(o) Suhject to the ::mfhorit~y aml direction of the Scc­rct..'lry of Defen!'"C', the Secretaries of the militarv clep:irt­llll'1tts slrn.11 ~ llocate responsibility ·within thPfr l:-i:'.-.pc d il"c tn\litr..ry d.:-partments for the ~cxc·cution of functimis which cncl1 rnilitarv departm<>nt is authorized by law to J>~rform in such a r;innne• n~ to effect. th~ most. c:co1:om ical rmd cfliciC'nt org:mizntion an<l opc·ration of tho activities rnd use of the inn·ntories for which workjng-cn:;>ital inncls nutlim·ized bv this SCC'tion.

(f) No gre:i.ter crrt f.Jia!l bu incurrecl l'.J' the requi.,i­tiouing- n;:ency fo;:-_ store>s, ~nppliu~, mntt•rz·;lc;, or c-quip~ ment dr ..... wn from IIl\"C'ntoz·w::, nml for S<'lY!CC'S rc·ncl<'l'Nl o .. ' l>or?c J>~rformea hv th3 incln::;trinl-typo or <'ommcrcfal­tfpe l'Cfzdtics for "'i\:hich worl:iug-cnp;tal fmHh; :1ru an­tlioriz..:!d by !his !:ertion, than lhe amount of nppropria­tion<J or :ftinds available for such pm1)o=cs.

(g) 'l'ho Secretan· of Dcfc•nc:e is anthorizi'd to i:·-.,u.::. repul::itions to go...-e1-i1 tho operation 0f ncti\·itie3 nnt1 u::a or''i!we11lori1?s authorized by this :::ection, which r<>,~ula­tions mn.v, v;hrncn·r he cktC'r·minf';:; tl1~ ll)t>asure,,; St't forth i11 thi:; f.ul,'>l'di<m tI> b,3 l"eqnirrtl hy tho need<> of tho ~ Dtip~rtmt~nt of Dafen:=:e, nnd whrn such rnr-:1sure3 nrn nuthorize1l hy b.w, 1~"rrnit, storr:-::, supplic· ., m:itrrfaJ:~, £ntl equipment. to l!e :-ol<l to, n~icl !'>crvic~~ lo lie rcmlcn•:l

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o-.· work pt-•·fo?mPl1 fr·:-, p 11:·1·l1a:::crs or us<:rs outshh~ tho 1 )lip:irtmcnt vf lJ..!fo:i::;c}. In such ca.c;'!3, the: wod:iiw­capital fo:ill-:> im.-ol ... ·ttl mny be) r1~im!mr::-cd Ly ehar:;:;-.:; eg:!inst npp10~n·i·•tc nppwp1 itt!.ions Ol" by pr.ym('uts rccoh·ecl in c~:::~1.

(h) 'l'h3 ~pri1.~i!;ed v!"Jue of nll stoi·c:;, snpplics, m'.l­t"1"l:!.ls, nncl c-,1~:ip.!!c:1t re:tnrne><l to such \;·01kmg-c:ip!lal :f1mcls fr01~1 ~t~y <lcp::rtm~:1t, ncti .-ity, 01· ngl'ncy, lil~:y b3 chnrgcd to t~i.: ·worki!>g-c·1~>:t:~l ::fund cc1IH'l'rnccl P ml the p!'<:CL~·ds thereof sh:iH be cn·uit~<l to tho ct?rrc•ut appro­rn·ir.tions cn:1ccrneJ; foe ::m101m(, so crc<lit('(l slmll be n.vnihibfo fr,:· cxp:m;:~ih:r~::; for th:; snm!l pU:"floScs uc; tho nppwprfatio11::J crcc1itcLl: Prodded, 'I'hat. the provi-.ions o! this sub:::•.:ction [:~1::.lJ l!ot pt·rmit credits to nppropl'in­tiou:; l1S t!!,:~ l:"CSt:lt Of C.Lplt:'-fo:ation o.f im·entories HU­t.hofr:CC~ by s~!bs~clio.1 (cl) oft~iis Si.'clioa •

. :\fax.\o.t::<>u:~-r 1-'usos

81':c.4.0G. '.i"hc .Act of July~~, HH2 (5G Sbt. v!5, c. ·13·.l:}, ns a.menclecl, is hercl>y further amended to icad ns follo;{'s: · . .

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'"(n) For the purpc:c of facilitating the cconomic:tl ancl efficient. co:uluct of opl"r:.!ti 1ms m the Dc·pnrlmcnt of D~fl'IlS'J \";hirh n.:rc fi-:t.1.nC<·U o•• two or mom '~pproprfo.­ticm:l wl1en~ tl?e co.:;ts of ~he Oj,Wmtions are not smcep­tibfo of iI!Ul~l.!~!i:1fo di::;t1·:hutiu;i 'l::> chnrgl?,1 to such n}?J>l o­priv..ticu1s, tirnre nrs }1eu·l1y est:iblishccl the Xnvy •• i:tn: ngcmc-nt Fn~d, t!M ..:\rmv·:\fon,!gl·JJlE'llt Fund, nnd tho .Air Fore·~ :Unn:.1gt'~rnmt.. }"'uncl, t'nch ,>;itliin, nnd un<lcr tho <lir;:-ctio;1 of thn resi:~ctirn Srcr.:-fm il'S of, tho D.:-­}1:-trtment" of Ciw Xrn·y, _\rmy, or .Air Fore.'!, ns tho cusa J~n.y i-i'l • • 'l'l1c:L·~ nxl" m1!horizf.1l to be nppropiintetl from tn~m to tu~ie E.t:ch funds w.; wny be nec,•s.<,,nry to nccom-

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1 I 5.

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.. the purpr•"-('S of th!) fmhh. ' "(b) The co:·pu-. of the :X:n·y ).fonngcment Fund ~hall

co11;,1c;t. of th~ smn nf $1,001),()0C) Jierctofme {r,1.11.:;fo:.·1t!cl to t.h'.l :X:v.-n.l Pr1,1·m·cmc:>nt Funll from the XaH1l Emer­f;Pncy Fuutl (l'i"XO~GO). ,,Jiid1 amount, nncl nll bala11cc3 m, nnrl obli;!"' :l.f!:linsl, :my accounts in tho Xavnl Procur.•mc11L Fund, arl• h.:·rf'b\" trnnc;forrNl tn thl.' ::..avy Mnnnr.;;•m"nt Fmh1; the cm pi.1:; of tlie . .:\ rmy )fan:1~~-1m·nt l•"'uncl &hall ccJ11 ... i:-t of thC' ~mm of $1,000,000, wluc:h sh'l.11 he transft•rrt!tl tlwrt-to from nny unoblig-atl'(l li:1J­m1co of m1y np•>:·op!·iation M·aih1hlc to lh<' J>epnrllllC'ilt. of tho ~'1..rmy; d1t> c01·p11<; of tli~ .\ir Foret? )f:mngC'mc:nt Funr! &lmH co:1:-ii~t. of lht' ~!ll11 of :~I,000,000, which shall h .. "I tr1m<,,f1'1T:!1l t!;:>r.'to frrim :tJW .'!llohlig.1Cetl lmlnnl'a of any upprop1iatiun nrnilabl.• !c) lhc D~pn.1·trnE'nL of th~ Air Fore,•; in e:i.c:i cr.~i; togt-tli:'l' \dlh $llt'h ndditiol!i'tl fund·; n<i mn.y frnm time t,_.. timo ht> nppl'op1 iatcd to ~.ny o{ !':aid :umb_ :\CC'OUUf~ foz· tlw iricli\·idunl opci:tlio!lS {O Ll' fin:i1wc<l unclrr th<" n• . .::pl•d i ~c 111:rn:1::;,•m£>11t fonds shall be- €'~fab!i::;h~1l mi Jy upon nppzo\·:1 I hy t lw Serrctnr.)' of D..:ft'n~e.

Crctllt !or r-.:-­ti.rnrcl sup­J.•ll "'11 ~ :1•? rq11l1•r1:~~nt. ll.1n l;-1 L1e;1t !1•1•1!••1 J.r111y1 :.;1,r.1u1J "'\It' t \ir..:o-.". r' r••,11-..1-rncut. Ct• •91>-l:tJn.

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40 T c~·aidUn':."\!'5' f.1oi.1 tun,h.

Ec:1trI::tlons. O! fUD(l"I.

A<lJcutr~eut o! LCCOUDtl!.


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Ii:\'l"I0~1'H• .SI-:Ct:Rl fY' .ACT OF 1947

"(c) I~xpentliturc-s may ho fr<'rn H:ti,I munag<l­Jm•nt funcl-; fr<..u1 tim~ to time fut· m:itet·ia~ (other than w::i.tcrin.1 fo~· &l<ick) nml for pN· nrd ccmtr.idt1al r;N·1ricc.s t!nder ~uch I+.'gu l:if ion-; us may h3 Jll"E'.f:I." .·ihetl bv tho Secn•tarv of lJl·forn,e: l'roddcc!, (1) Thd. no cbfo.:.1tion ~h:11l be i11<·1m·~d ng:i.iu .... t nnv sw.:h fonrl \•;hir:h b no!. ptopel"lv dl:l.I"f'."C:'alile to :l.\"ttilahfo fnnc1:; umh.·1· ;.n nppropdr.tion.of the d\.'partmet1t. within wliiC"h thE:' funtl is e.>tahlbhE'cl or, wht>I'C\'er necl:'~s.1ry to e!Tectu.ttc pur­IJOses authorized by thi..~ .Act to foml:s of :rnothet· d~p:nt­ment:. or ~ir~ency ... .-1thin th(~ Dl·p:i:·tment of Dofon">L·, nncl (~) t!mt. <'ach fund shall be- promptly 1cimbur!-:Rd from th<> appre>i»rinte nppropri:ttiolls of ~uch <ll•1mrtrnenf for f',ll c!-;pem itm'l!.s prop.:-1 h- chnrg~nble t h~1·cto. X othin;:! her~in or in m1Y other pro.-ision of law bhalI ho con~trucd to prcn·ut ad\:rnci"5 hy check or wnrr:mt~ or- reiml.urse­ment:> to nnv of s.."1.icl rn:mnh'cmC'nt funds fro111 nppro~)1·in.­tion.c; ot :.:m.iiI dep:1rtm~·nts-on tho h:u;is of the c:;timntc-cI cost of n. project, such l·slimntccl cost to h .. 1 revi~Nl and r1e~es::.:ny nppropri;.tion adjustments macla when · qnnte data beco:ue n.Y:?ilahle.

';(cl) Exc£'pl ns othen>ist- provided by Jay;, amounts nd\·:l.nced to the mann!.:..:-rnent funtls unc1er the pro\·i:;ion.s of this A\ct shaIJ be ~\=:1il:tb!t.• for ol,Jigaticm only during fpa fisc.1\ yent" m. wnk·h thl•y are n<lnuu:-ed: l'rm·Mc:r7, 'i'hn.t nofoing c9ntaine1l in this ~\ct shall alter' or limit tli~ rmthoriuc! period of :;x:1ilabi1ity of th•.." fmi;ls from \1•hidt such 1~d\"llllC'{'S are maclc. Final ncliustmr-nb. of ac\-.·itllC'eS in r.ccordnnet" with nctnn} C'O:::ts sh~•:JI f;t> £>1iected with the :ippro;>ri:tte fond:; for the fiscnl wnr in ·which such fun<1~ nre mh-anc(:d. ~ · "(e) 'fhe portion of the X:n-al .App:·oprinlion Act, 19-15 (58 Stnt. 301, 310). rdaling to tlio Xnl·nl Pror.:mC'-ment Ftm<l is hereby ri:-1•{'a1 e<l: ., .

s~:c. 407. (n) 1Yhen umler authority of law a. function


Ol" nn. ncth·ity is tmn:;ferr('cl or n.:;sii..'11ed frnm <'>111' cl~part­mt>nt or ngencv within the Depnrtnwnl of De-fo11.:c to :rnotlwr such clc·p:u tment or :1ge11C"y, the h:tl.ll!C'"i'.,; of nppropriationo; which are cletennmecl by the Secretary of I:fofon~·e to J~e availnb!e :ind n<·cl>::::;:1rv to flnnn<'e or dis­charge the :function or ~:ctivity f;O tr:ul':;frrred or as...::ig1rnd mav, ,..,·ith tho nJ:lproval of tl;o Prc:;i•font, l:l<:' tra.nsferred to, :'lml be a....-nil:lhIC' for u:;c bv, th£' clE'p:u:-tm.-nt or n;:!'.i.'11<'\• fo which .!'nitl function o:r ncti\.·ity is tr:m.;ft..1-rt:!d or ns­Sl!!ned fo:- nny purprr.::e for whic-h snicl fond.:; were origi­n~Hy nvailnh?t>. Iblnncc-:; so trnnsfcrrecl shall h-·~ cn:ditc<l tu ap},iicnhlo t'Xisting nppzoprintion a.cconnl or nc­c.:iunts, or to nrw ncm· ~1pproprmtion nccount O:::' :u:counts, which he-N"by authm·izl'd to be estfihlisht:'d on the

.- 1?ooks of tha 'I'ro:'nsu:ry l.kpnrt!nent, of tho tll•partnwnt

.. .. ---vw·-~-_......_..e--------------.,.--

f r1m=m:=~F•"'~ .. ~-"~iii:W.iiiil'!*11-i!il~~$:J·'1J"r.~.J'-!-'!:"'"::::·:..:·::,.!l-!!l&!!!!!!!!=z• :::· ·~m!i·~.,12!!!!!!!!!!!1! .......... ...:. ..... .,.,.~------------------------

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I;Kf!O~AL S:!:CtTP.I'l'Y ACT 01-' 1!>-17

or org:mi7.ation to , .. hi ch such fnuction or ncti \" ity is trrin-;fcne<l, nnd shall ho mergNl with fund·; in th:J r.pplirnblo c~=isting 01· Iie\, J:; e:stnbli:;he1l npprop1·i:ttion t?."~ount. or P<"..!'>tmfs r.nd th('l"l·:~fter ncco1mtl•d for ns one funcJ. Ihhmce~ tr,\n<;forrccl to exbting urcount.:; shaH f:<J subject OJ1ly fo ~.m:h limitations ns :H .! i::pt•1•ificnlly appli­cable to such nccountB nncl th••.'C tr;m~ft•necl to 1ww :•c­counfo shr..ll Lo subjc..:t 011h· to ~u.·h Iimitatio:1s n.s :ire a.pplicaLlo to tho nppropri~1tions f1 om which they :u-e tranc;fel'red.

(h) 'l'ho number of emplo;n·C':.:; which in the opinion of th•_. S(·crct:u:,r of Dl?few=t' i.; .requi1ed for sud1 tr:rns­frtTNl funct10ns or ncti,·itic-.s may, with the apprQvnl of tht' Direetor of the Bnrt•.ui of the Brnlgl't, UC'- dcclncfc·i.l from any pt'r~onnC'l mn:-.inrnm or Jimitation or th!, dc­p~rt111c11t or 3g"t'llC\" within th.) Dep11rtrm·11t. or Dl'f£'1150 from which &uch ft1ni·tim1 or :wtivit.v isl r:rnsfl·rrecl, aucl n<l1leil to any !':>llf:h }i(!l":,onnel ma~;:i11inm or limitation of the dep::u·t11i£·11t or ngt'ucy to "hich such function or a.cti\·ity is ti .msf crrecl.

0 '1f.".1fi.,ccll'lllt:fl:l8 11ro1•hfo11!.-(n} The Secrt:t.:u·y c•C Defo;:i·~ mny from til11,• t1> time c~Cut i-uch tr:1:;i-.fors \\ithin th•J D~part-111cnt of Ill:'!'-'i'-.:: ol'. uny of ti"? r('ru:-<l«, pruI>Crty, nrul 1~r~rnnt>l .Uff('('tc~l by thi. r1?0:-c: ol•i7-1tirin !• . .:UHl !lt!t'h trnn<,fon, of t:ll­e"pl'llt?t:cl b.!l'l!ICC:> (:n·.1iJal>!t•,<-.r trJ l>e l.llHtC :i\":til:tble fO':" u-.c hl conncctinu with nny :dit•c!l••l f111wfiou 01· ng('l!r"J" J of ll[IJ1r .. ;1rla­tio•.i..::, ull,,eutirtn:.-:, a11c.l oziu .. -r fun·l!') of l-uch IJ\."J>artutC'nt .. :ts ?~c dt~mo; nect!!>:-.1ry to c.u-ry out Lhc i•ru;-i·;ions or thlo; rt.'<lq;ariiz,tior. ~~~ .

"(b) Nothln;t" l1ert:!l!t l'l1:11l :ifi"e<:I: ll1<::- compr•n":-itl<>n or tht> Ch:.1!;:­nurn o~ the )Iilitary L!ni<;t!il Committee (C.:3 7G2)."3

..:\\",\IJ •. \lm.rrr OF H>

81-:c . .rtos: 'i'o cnrry out the purposes of this .Act, 1~­imbm~A>mc-nts made un<ll't" the :rnthoi-itv of tho Economy .Act; (31 U.S. C. GSG), and sum::. paid by or on Lehalf of p-arsom1c-I of nnv clepnrfment or oriynnization for ~et"\"IC'\.'S l'enderl'd oz· suj>plirs furni:;hcd, m:iy oo credit.eel to nu­thorized r.:-pfocing or othl·1· nccount.s. Fumls cre~lite<I to such ncconnts f-hall rt•11min nvnilalJlc for oblign.tion for tho samo p~.-iocl n!': the funcl::i in tl1r nccotmt so crl'.'dit<.•'I und each sm:li account shn.11 constitute one fund on the books of the TH•:ism·y D.:-p.u·tnwut.

Co::.Drox Usr~ or D1~mcns1:s-o F,\CH.1T11:s

Si-«:. 409. '1.'o thl' c-xte:it. nufhorizt'tl Ly tho Sccr<>tary of Ddt•nsi:-, cli;..hur:.ill¥ CJ!1il:'l'IS or t]1e D~part111ent8 of the .Army, Knvy, ri111l .Air Force mny, out. of ncconnts of nch·n11cc$ nn,il:'.hlo to them, uukt.' di.-;bm-:-:l'ments cover­ing 0Lli15.1tions nrisi11g in c'<JJil!C'ctic;n with nny fu11cfim1 01: a?tinty of :my othl'r depa~·f111l•nt; or or~nnization

-within tho Department. of Deft.11:-c: mid clmrgu upon

- • .,.,. -- • -_, .. I • ' "' II • _____ .... -


'Lrnnc::r.-..- of pe:~or.nel, Ac­countl1!I: tor.


'·' •s~cllo:i 6 c;! P.eo::;;acltdl<:>n !'l~:i. t ol Hi:'i3 (~T Stat. !i3G} {s:cc r:ppa::ut1:: l'I).

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}' '"t-rfV i .... ".J·r .. t~ .. -

nepcrh to tl•e Prt?l-ldPnt :ind ti:e Congre&s.

B.ep,.iil or 1:r con~lr.tcnt l.i\"-0.. C'1.ler9,, liCtl l.?ga]:1. .... tfonn..

---------~ -------------~--

K,\"l'lOX.\L m-:ct:nrn: ACT OJ:' l !) J 7

't"'Ot!ck•n, th<J proper tq1pl opriaf ion OL" :tp!JI"(l}Jdaf i(•llS of thu otlwr dcT:~z·tmc:ut or or .. ~.mizaf ion: I '1·oi·ic cd, 'J.' :Ill sairl e.-.:penrht1u:e.:; s.hall sub~eq1:enl h· l.k'1 aclju!>tctl in !~:'t: fo-1mmt oi. dishm~ing ofiicers" accounts.

RJ-:rmrrs 0.1:· 1'1:01•z.:irn.-

S;:c. -Ho.=-1 [Hl'pcnlcd. Codified in Sl'ction ~r;o1 or titlo 10, United Stnte:; Code, ns follow::;: · "s £i"Ol. (rt~- Urn.lei· n•gulaliom; prt·&rrik•d by him, the s~rd<ll'j' of JJidem-o shnll ha vu the rccol\l,:; of the fi:s:cd pronc.rtv, imJallations, mnjor Nfltipment, items, nncl ~to:.:ed supplied of tho mi!it:try cli;>partments m:tinl.tillN1 on h:>th ::i. c1u:mtit.1tin· and a monetary L:1sis, so f~n- ns pmctic:il;fo. • ':(b} ThC' Secretary ~hall ll'port once ::t. yc.>.tr to Con­gi·cs:;; uncl the Prc~icleut on properly records maint:!inetl uml~J- this :=t!r.tion.~']

RzN:.\J.IXG A:s-o S.\ n:s-o I>i:ov1sroxs

S.i::c. :J-11. .AU l:tws, ordc•1<;, nnll ri'gulat ions inconsi:,tent with tho }.il"ovi:::.ions of this titfo nrn zc-pealccl in..-.;ofnr ns they ~·re mce>n:.i-,lc·nt with ·lhe powc:1,,. clut ie~, nnd ro-

- spo:isil>ilitit>p~nacll'~l !1~1 ~Ly: ]>ro1·lc{ccl, TJrnt. thoJJOW<'l'S, <lnhe~, nwl rc::;ponc;1hll 1l 11's of tlrn 8£•cL·etn:·v of JC'fl•n ... e uutler this litle i=:hall L~ admini<..fc>rc!d in ·confor111aw.:o ,;ifo the }'0Ji1',:;,- Hll<~ l'CfjUirc·Jn('llfS for :tdiili11istr.1fio11 of hucl~ct:iry ~·mt fi:::-enl 11rn.lkr:; in tho Gon•rnmC'nt. gl'll­<.>rtl.ll""I--, inchi.lirg :JCco1rnlin~ :ind fin:mcinl rl•por!in!!, m11l that ~nothing in thi5 title i-.hall l>l' constrned ns (•liii1inat­ing or moclifring the powC'r', duti•'", aml r~:-po11-.ihilitic.-> of :my o~hor (1ep:1rtmC'!1t, ngt'Jll·~·, or ofiict•r of tho Gon•rn­Jll"Tlt in C()nnect 1011 \\1th Mich matters-, hnt no such d1•­p:n-tment, ugt-11cv, or ofiic-.?r ~hall ('Xl•n·ir-t• :rn.r f..m·h PO\\"l•rst d11tics1 oi· It?:-}>Olbiliilitie:. inn nmnncr that\\ ill i·enclt-r mefft:'ct1Yc tho prodsion:. of thi~ title.

e~ I:ep~leJ. by F~cUo:::i t.3 ot the- .\ct t•f ,\11;:11 .. t 10, 1{);,\5 (70.\ Stal. GiO) •


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REo.i:<:.\x rt. wwx J>z .. \x Xo. 1 oJ:· l o.;s 1•n·1mu><l hy tlie l'rt•>-i<lt•ut 111111 trun,mittPil to tllt' !-:r•11.1tt!' :11111 the UuU"t' o!

Ite11r1.:::eutnth c.:. iti C•m~~r~,.,; ai.'l'lllhll'•l, April :?4, 1U:i8, 1111r,11·mt to the i1ro­l"fiilo:i::; or thu I~t·ori;:111i.f.1tir111 At t l•! lt14'J, UJll'l O\"t!'d Jum~ .:!i>, l!J lD, n~ :imc111!cd

CI\'U.I.\X lromuz.\·rrox

S:-:crmx 1. 1'ran."1/er of f1mr/if'J;1':! to the l're~it!rnt.-(a) Th~re nre hert•hy trnn ... rerrNl to th£' P1t•,.;i1l(•1Jt of the rnitl•d Stall-:.; :111 functions vt-i:.le<l J,y law (i11dmli11:,r n·o1ga11ization plan) in tlll' followi11~: Tlie Oflice of J>cfen-<t> )fobilir..1tio11, tlw Dir<>ctor or tlw Ofrir:e of Dcft:11-,e :\Iohi1Lmtio11, the Fl•dl·1·al ('h·iI Dl'f1:n-;e .~\<hnini,lrntion, and the J.c,c1leml Ci\·il Dl·ft•11-<t:> .\dmi11i-.trntor.

(b) Tho Pr<.>::c-iclent m.n· from time to time delC'!!ate :u1y of the fm1c­ticms tr:111~fl·1-rt'll to hi1i1 hy ~nlJ:-ection (:i} of thi-; i:.edivn to nny ofiicer, nge11l·y, 01· l'lll plr1.\"£'e :Of t ht• cx!..'cuti n· lmm('h of tllE' Gon·rn­ml'nt, :md m:1y antlim·izt• ~11!'h oflicC'r. :1g-c1icy, or l>mplo) l'<) to le}-

. dt>h'tr.ite :mv of :-:ndt full(·tir111:< dl'lt•!!atf•d to him. • B;.L'. 2. iftiir·e of Ih'ft '"(' <1111! (fr;!i;w .1lo7.Jilizatio11.--(n} Ruhje>C't

to the prod-..ionc; of t hi,.. I't'01"µ_a11 irat ion pl:tn, the Oiiicr of ])._, ft•11-.c· :\Iohilization :illll the Fl·<lc•1al ('j,·il l>t·f1·n"'t.' .\1hni11i,!r.tti<in ar" hN"<•hy cc!11'0Ii<la!t•1l to fo1111 a JH'''' ag-c•11c·y in thC' E::'>.1•c·11t i\ t' O!liL<' of the PH•:::iclC'nt \\ hir-11 i-hall lil' known n:3 th<:' Ollil'c of Pd <'ll~C nwl Civili:m ~Ioliifo:atio11, l11•1l'i11aftL·r 1<•ft'l'l"C'1l to a-; tlm '•Ollie~ ...

(h) Th£'I't\ !-l1all hi:' nt t lw ht•:ul of tin• Olli1··· a l>iI"<'do!" of tht' Ollic·c of n.·fell!'C nml Ci\·ilia11 :\Jol1iliz:1tirm, who ::hall hC' :ippointt:'cl hy lhl' P1·e,.;ident h,· and with tlw :uh·i<"l' :mil <'Oll ... l'llt of the ~.·n:ill' arnl :;hall rt•cph·c co111i•l'll-<atio11 :it fhl' rafl' 11rm· 01· lll'r£'after 111l•,:;c1"ilJ::>ll hy law for th~· hc.-:vl-i of £>:-.t•cuti\ L' ch•p·1rt11H•11ts.

{c) Tht•ll' s-:hall Ii<' in tlw Olii<"C' a l>1•p11ly J>irc•l'tnr of lhc 0J1iC'c of lle-ft.•tt"l' :md Cidli:rn .Mobilization, who ~hall hl• appoinil'd hy thn Prei-:iclc.•ut hy a11<1 with tin• :ulvii·e nncl c·nn:-1.'nt of iht• ~<'nate, ~hall l't•ceivo t•o111p1•11:-:ation nt th<• raft• 11ow or hl'It',tftt•r J>ll'<:•:riht>cl h~r law for the un1h·1· !-C'L'n•t:tril·.; rrfr1Tr1l to in f-N•tioll 101 of tl1c• Fe1k•ral Exl•cutirn Pav .\ct of 1!>:1!i t:, \'. S. C. 2:.m:~). :<hall i•c•rfo1m ~iwh fmwtio11;; ns ~h.111 h1• clt·h·;r.1t~cl or :1~..;igm•1l fo him p1!r:-11:111t to the prov1sion;;;of thi..; n•o1'f.~:111i:1ztio11 pla11, aml :\l't as Dirl'l'fonluri11g thC'I nh~c·nca or <li:-ahil1ly of fhl:' l>irl•t·tor or i11 thl' e·:c.•11t of n vac:rncy in th£' ofiica of Din•ctor. .

{cl) ThNi.' i-;hall h£' in thl' Oni1'£' tl11Pr .\!-<:i::-tant DirrC'tors of thc­Ofli1•l1 of Ill•fl'll:-£1 :rntl ('h·ili:in )Iobilir.:1tio11. each of \\hom shall h£' nppoi:ift•cl hy thC' Pi·(• . .,i11E·11t hy nml with tlic :tlh·iec :mll c•mst>nt of


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4-l N.!.'i"IO:S-,\IJ SECr:mTY liC-1' o::· 19 4 7

t1w Scnn.te, sh::i.11 rec:J:'h-c compE.'nsation nt 111'.~ rnto no;-; or here:; fter p1-e<;c;·ibecl by l.1w for n:::::::istant ~ecrctni.·ie:; of cxecuth·c dE.'pnrtm!C'nt~, £\nd shnll perform such ·functi'Jll~ ns slmll he delegnf!:tl or nsc;ignccl lo him rJ~msmmt. to the yn1ni:.ions of this rl'o~-~~mil'ation plan.

(e} The 0!1kc nnd the Director therC'of $hnll I>i!i-f'crm &11d1 functions PS ths Presid .. nt rn~y fro;n time to timt'I dt.>kgutu or n;;5ig-n thereto. '.l'ho &aid Dire-ctor may from time ta thnc make such pnwi~;ions no; he sh:ill deem np1n·opriate nnthorizing· the pE.'rformanee hy nny oflh:~·r, Ol" by any ngen.:y or employee, of tl1c Ofike of imy £unct10n ilclr-gated or ri~ir;necl to the Offii:e or to the Director.

Si::c. 3. Regional dir.:ctors.-Therc nro ht>1"1:·hy c£lahlishecl in tho Oflico so r.:10.nv 11cw !1o::i1ions. not in excc..."'5 of h:IL N•isting at n11v one time, with tl1Q title I:c.-;.rion:tl J>irC"ctor.,, as the lJirl'dor of the Ofli<'e shnll from timo to tirnt· <letc-rmin:?. E:ich n~gion:\l Director·slmll ha nppointed un<ler tlw d:1<=:-ifi('d civil service, shall be the hc>ad of n rrgiona! o!ii.ce oi the· Oflir:.-c of J)~f~m.=e and Civilian )fohilbrntio11. slir~n perform such function;:; npptoprint3 to such iegicmat·omc~· ns may b~ dclega!C'd or n::-::i[!llNl to him pur:-tmnt to th" prO\ i::ions of thh; reorp;anizntion plan. r.nrl !'lrn.H >·cc<·i,-e compen,.:ation 'diich shall bo :lh.:cd fru!!l. time to time pur,.:mmt to the c-foc:::::iflcation lnws m; now or heren ftl'r um:enrk-cl cx•:ept t li:tt thr- comi>l'n-':•I ion may he fixC'cl without regnrd to tl1e rmmericnl lirnitations on po:;itirms :::i:·t f01 th in &."Cticn l.i03 of the . .:\c·t of W·.W, :w n.mC'ncfo<l (5 U.S. C. 1103). .

81:c. 4. ,lf c11Zber.jf!ip on ,\"a.tfonal SeeuritJt Comzell.-Tlw functions oZ tha Directo:r of the OH!r:e of n~forn=.e ~foLilizaticm with rt>.::pcct to b<.-ing 11 mem~•'<!r qf the Xntional Securits Council me exclw::!Pd from the scopo of tha prod::;io;1s of sc-etio::i 1 (n) of thi.:; rc•orprni?.'.1tion phm nncl m-e herc·bv tnins!errcd to tI:e Director of the Oftlc..i of lkfonsc r.ncl Civjli:m l\fobi

0 ion. SF.c. li. Oh1U fJejcn.rre A<h·E~ory Obunc-U.--Thi> Civil Dt>fon!=-e .Ach-i­

sory Council, crC'atctl IJ\- £ection 102 (n) of the Fe1lt"'H'l Ci,·il Dcft-n-;c AcL (50 U.S. C .. App. 2272 (n.) ), togetl1C'r with it~ fm1ctio11~. "is ht•rebv truns.fE'rred to the O.fiice of lJt>fe11::E' and ('ivili.m )fobiliz:ition. •

SEC. 6 • .tH11;!ition.-t.-!fhe ofiiccs of Fed£>ral Civil D::-fon"'"C' .\cl;uinis­t.mtor and D.:-puty .\.dmini!"trator- pro-.-iclecl for in ~cction 101 of the l?cdeml Civil n~fen.::c .\ct (50 "C". :-;. C. App. 2271) r.ncl the officec; oi tl1e Pir~ctor cf the Ofiir:c of I>~f Pn:..e ::\fohilizatinn nn<l n ... puty DireC"lor of the Omce of Defon~ )fobilizntion pro,·idr·d for in ~ection 1 of 'Reorg:mizntiou Pinn Xt:n1k•red ::. of rn:.>!3 (Gi Stat. 1i:1-!) are hc-rchy nboli$!1Pd. The Dirl"dor of the 0£itc of l>efcn:::e nnd Civilian ).fohill­z::i.tion £hall mal:o such pxovi.::irm<; 2o:; nrnv be m·c<>:::::::ar:r in ordN· to wind up a.ny outstnrn!ing nfi'"airs of tl1e ofiirt·s ':tholishNl hv 'this ~t>ction wliich ara uot othend!'-t" prm·icled for in tl1io; 1-corannizntion nl:rn.

S1w. 1. Recore!.~, j/ropub/. p<JrMnnel, and iliruls.-(n) Tho l'ecorcl~, propt'rty, pC'r:-onnt"'l. and "tmf'xpencled bal::rnct>.~, r..Yailahlc or to he mncla nvailnhll."', of :tppr<>prfotion<:=, nllnrations. !\nd other !uncl:; of th::i Ofilce. of Defl·nc:e :lfo°bilization nn<l of the FcllC'ntl Cidl Di~fen~c A<l~ ministr<ltion i:h:-.11, upon tl1~ tnJ~ing c:ffr-ct of the pr°'-i::;ions of tl1is n~or­giu1bmtion p!:m. b=-come H·conlo;, pr<>perty. p~r::onnrl, nnd UltC'xpe11dcd bnlnncC's oI t11c Ofiire of lJt?!t•n::c nncl Civilian l'fobiliziifion.

. (b) l~ccorcl~, proz~r!y. pe1~onnel, :rn<l unexpt'mll."'d hn.lnnccs, nY11il-ab!o or to oo mncle a·mihl>le, of npproprfations, allocalbn:i, and other

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. l'l'A'flo:.;ll.L SEC:l'la'I'x /.(;'£ OF 19·1 'l 45 fuml:; of t•ny ugcnc,;y (includini:; the Oflicc of Dc·fcns3 nncl Civili:in l\fobifo:afitm), reln.trag to !undions vesll'cl in or dclt-pttl'd or n:-:,i:~rh·tl to tho O:!:e(' o.{ D.:?fen::e l\fobiliz:1tion or tho li'ecll'l"lll Civil Deft•n:.e A<!r•:;ni:;tr:1tion immediately I•rior to tha t:ll:irw effect of the provi;;ions or thi<: l"t!,')!g:mization pl:tn, mnv be tmnsf£>r1::'°d from time to timt> to llllj cth•·• rigl'llCj" of tho GO\"l:l iunent by the Director or the lhu·e1u1 o~ the lSutl:;e-t under :rnthority of thi<> suh:;cction for u~, suLjt:>C't to tlie p;,-o;·is!o;:•s of the Hcorg:miz.ltion Act. of 1!).J.fl, us flt11!?1Hlcd, in connection with nuy of the saicl functious authorized nt time of tJ·:msfcl" umll'r this snb::ection to l.e pC'rfornu~;l by t11c trnnsfcr.•e agency.

(c) Su{"h further mt-:i~un·.s ::mcl di!=positions ns the Director of tho Hure:m of tl1c: nudget £hall determine to be- JlE.'Cl?!.=:mry in COilllcction wit11 Urn pro.-i::-ionc; of suh~cctions (a) ancl (b} of this St'ction' ~hall be car;:i::c1 out in snch m:mner as he shall dirl?d nnd lh' such ngt'ncies as be ~hnH d(';ignale. ·

S:i,:c. S. Interim 'Pro1:i<J"io1;i;.-Thc Presidwt may nulhoi'ir.o any pE"r­son '"·ho ini!11i.'ninlely \>rior to th~ cffoctini dntc of thi<; rl'mg:mization plun hold:; nn or:ice n Joli!=hl'cl Ly tcction 6 hl'rcof to hold any oflice establi!=11cd l>y !'C'Ction 2 of this zeorg.mization plun until the lnttc1· of.ic~ ic; fil!~d pm~mmt to the said seetion 2 or by rt?cr-ss appointment, ns tha case mny tl', Lu!. in 110 ew11t for nny pN ic;ll extend in~ moru th:m onc­hun1lred-:mcl-twenty clays nfter tl1c said effective date.

S::>:c_ 9. J:.'µ-::ectii:e c[,7fe.:.-The provisions of thi;; rl!O?p:anizntion pian shnH fake €.'fi°t.'<!t at the cletc.-1 mined under lhe pr0\'1sion; of i:;cct ion 6 {f~) oi the Til•orp;aniration .Act of 1940, as amended, or on July 1, rn:ts, wh~cltc"";er is bter: .

REozm.\NIZATiox- P.L..\~f Mo. 6 OF W53

(Ef:f'Cth"c June 30, 10:->3, 18 P. It. 3& !3, 07 Stat. 6.'3S)

St·cr10;:.; 1. Tra11<1fa.~ of f1111dion.1.-(n) All functions of the )funi­tions noartl, th~ HetcarC"h nrnl l>cH?lopment lkianl, the l>.:-tl•n,.:t1 Supply )fonngl':tll'nt Az;!C'lll"Y, mid thC' l>irector of Jn~tnH:i.tions nro lrcn•uy trm1sf.:-r1 <'ll to tlrl' ~('C'l"l'ta ry of n~rc•n:"(>.

(b) Tht- ~.('~i't'tion of tho Dill't•lor of thE' .Joint Srnfl' by tho .Toint Chief~; of Staff, nnd his temu e, shall b .. · suhjrd to Oae approval of the Secl<'tnry of DetC'n!'e.

{e} •lhe S!'lection of the memb.:>rs of tlrt• .Joint Stnfi' or ihe .Toint ChL•fs of St:1ff1 nncl tll('il" tenurl'.', shall be svbjcc.:t to tho npprovn1 of the Ch'.lii1n:in of the ,Joint Chiefs of Staf't". . ·

(tl) Tho functions of th<.' ~Joint Chid's of StnIT with rt'::pl'd to m:m.t~in~ tho .Taint Staff :rnd th1' Dirccto1 thl'rC'of art? hereby trnm;­fc1·1"i'll to th Cit:iirmnn of tht' .Joint Chiefs of Stnlf.

Sf,G_. 2. Abolition of fl!/t'Jl<"ic.~ OTJd fu11ctior1.<r.-( 11.) There m·c herd1y el>,1li~h('d the )funitions Board, tl\C Uesc·ar.-h and Den'lopmcnt Board, and tl1c Dl'.'fen:-"t' 8upply ~fonnp:~m~nt .Agc·ncy. _. (h) 'fhe oflil'C'S of C'h11i1 nrnn oi tho :\fonitiow; Board, Chnirmn.n of the l!f'!::t'nrch nnd Dt>\·elnpmc11t Bonrd. Director o{ tho ]),•fon:::o Supply ~!n:rngcmc11t .Agency, D~puty I>il"('dor oi the Dl?fl•n::o

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N.\'fIOX.\.11 SI::CliBirY ACl' CF 19 H

Snpp1y ~·1:w:t;!l'llll'llt _\g1'll('y, nrnl Din•dor of J 11::-t n llatioH:; m·i:-hcreby ubo]i,..!~eLl. · . {c) '1"hl' Se1·;:etar1; of lh•fl·n..:c ~JmH JH'C'\"i1hi for ,.,-im1i:1g up :my outstnm1in~ n.JT.iir~ {,£ tli.• ::-:ihl aholbhccl ll:,!t·m·:·. Lr,arcl::, am1 ofli.cC':;, :noto~hl'rwii-~ p20\ itlt•il fur in this l'l'Ol"g.rnization pfan.

( d) Th~ funt'I ion of :~11itl:m<.c to t lie lI:rnit io11o; noa1· • .l in comwc­tfon with ~tr.ltegic und lo;.d:;tic plan,., n-> rcquirt•1l by !-~e!ion ~1:; {<·) of tlu~ l\:ttimml ~ccurity .\d of HJ Ji, a-; :m1;:-nr1cL1, i~ ln·r~'hy aholi :ht•1l.

S1::c. 3 . .A .nl.1f1mt Ser'/'( !fll'ft•Ji of lkff'n.Sf'.---Bix :uld i~ im.a 1 .\~:.i:-:.tant Sccrcl:n·i~:; of Dl• f(•n.::c may bP 21ppoi11t1.•d from c-h·ilian 1i fo by the Presidl'nt, hy nnd with tl1t• arldce n111l c·oni-=c>nf.. of ihC' ~E'lrntt•. Ea('h Htch _\:,:;i:::t:mt S('l'i'l'l:try ~l1al; perform sud1 furn:tion;; a:.; thC' ~rcretary of Di:-fen~e may from timc- to tinll' prt'"'('rihE' :'nul (':tch ~hall l'l'l'l'in! compl'n:;ation ot tho mtc p1c~cribccl by l:tw for a;::,.,i:-.t:mt sect·ctarie.; of e:.::1u:utive ch-parfml'nt;::_ •

s~:c. -1. Ge11.Pral Cmw ~".'l.-The Pt·esitlt'nt m:iy nppoint. from ch-ilhn life, h..,- nml with the a1h·i('e and <'Oil!'l'J1t of tlw SE·ll:tte, n Gt•n"'1·al Couu.;;el of tl1e D..-partu•rnt uf JJ,·fl·u ... l'. who !-:hall h"' tht> l'hief legal of:!i:er- of t11t? Dt'pnrtm!'nt, aihl who ~h:11l pt"rfo1m stwh function<> ns tho Secretary of })efl'll!--0 may from time· to tim.! ph•:.c1·ili::~. He ~hall rec~h·o co:niien":ition :it the l':\fl' 111e~·rill':.·ll hy fow ft1r :i:::si<;i:rnt secretaries of executive d~pnrtmcnts. .

Sr:c. I•. Perf<>r11•m1ce of j1111rtlm•.<t.-Tl1:..' SPt'l't'l:iry of Defon"'C may ( ) from timl' tn time make ~mt h prnYi::;ion~ as lh' ::-hall (h'<'lll appropriate the p£•rfonn:i11cc by nuy other oHi•·t>r, or hy :my n:rrncy or emp!oyee, of the DL"p:trlmrnt of Dl•fcn~t· of :my fonc-tion of the Secretary, iiw1uc1iug n1•y 1'1mrtion tran-.frrrt•d to tlie" !°:L·cretary hy tht" pro\-i'>i:m:.; of thi-. l'C'organi;i:ation plan.


Si::c. G • .lliw·dlrwro1t.'f pro1·i.,fo11 . .,.--(a) Thl· St>t·rl'tary nf Dt•fo11~C' may from tim{• to tirnr C"fi°t>ct Mh·h tra11-.fo1·5 within tlw D.:-partment of J),,!'c-n-,e of :my of tJw ll'('()l'll.::, p1 opr·rty. :1!ll1 1w1-.om1t•l :i tl't•(·f1·1l hY thi;; r.?Ol':,!'1Ili7.:ttion plan, :rncl ~m·h tran-.frr~ of m1t•:q.l·111l1·1l b:il­ll.nces (:w:ii1.1hlc or tti lie -m:ulc> :n-.1 ilahll' ft>r u.~'! in c·on11rd ion with any n Ul'Ct('(l fm•C'f ion or ng•'llC')"} 0 r a pprop1·iat iom:, allcwat im1g,, :i ml oth~.- fnml,; .of ~nl"h Dt·p:11 tm<'nl. n-> he clt•£'ms nN:e::-snry to carry out the pwYi-~il)HS of thi:=: reorg:rni7aticm plan. •

(b) Xotl1ing- hc•rt"in ~hali nfl't·rt the cornpl:'u::ation of the Chairman of the ::!\filitary I,inison Committee (G~3 Stnt. 'iG2) •


Orrrc:r~ornn; Sr:cr:ET.\i:Y o:e D:-:n::->_!::F, lf' o-sld.ngfon1 D. 0., ,lfm·clt !"17", J[)J-1.

L~:G.\L Qpz:s-ro~ TIE -rn;.: Powi-:r: .\~n .\"C"THOJ?HY m-· TIIt:\:n.- o::~ D:·:n:x~E

At your •, WC' con-.hlcrl•cl tliC" _!::Cop<'. <111:, lity ancl clt'g"l'N? oi th".l power :uul nulhority of t}1r Rrc-rrtan· of llroft•Jl:-l' with rt>,;;p,'i:t to all c'.:ict•rs, org.miz.tti(1l\S nnd :-ig-rnci£•::; of t"hr ])l'jHll'tHU'llt. c:,f Dl•ft•n-.t', in­chi'dh!~ the> r.:·.::p»din? SN~t ,•f:u ii:':; of the> rniJit:i ry dPp.H I 1t1ent:;, the .1.>iut c1i:~~r-3 o{ Btaff n111l all (Jff,pr .-,f!i.•i:tl~. nm1'l'l'S anc1 P''l'""Ollll!'l or

-· ~: ... : J\· 1 1 1:-~t.!r•1:~ a ... n i~·l:ol,, .... ln'l of nll f'nn ..... !!rnt•nt J•:l!!..; t!tt•lt'uf

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'\Y'o Jmvo e:mrnint'c.l nll p<!Iti1:nt. staf ntes, tho legi-"lath e lH:a1 ings, C\:l.mtc.:; nnd r:•p01 ts leacli11g up to tho en.1ctm1?nt. of the Nation:i.l S 0 cnrity Aet :inll fQ i.he St!u.:-cqucnt ::nncw1mcnf:; theH'of, ha::.ic do-;u­n1~11ts in the c!l·lir,eation of JC,:,ponsibilii?c>s within tl1c JJepnrlui:rnt, such ~ts the Key 1\" f':::t and Xt•\\ poi t pap~rs, nmnerou;; !'-! l!d:c·:, r>pinions, l"f..ilOl"ts and comll1t'11f:11·;c>s on tl:c subjeci; matter nnd 1·:u·;ou5 'icws on tb3 operation of the Dr!p:1rtmcllt by im1h·i·.lnn1., folLliliar thc1·~with, im·lnding tho ll'tt..-1· to the PrC'sidt>nt by Secretary J.on·tt oi No:n!mher 1S,W~2.


In our opinion, the Srcrefa1·y of Dcfenf';e now Jms hy statute full and compldc antho.·ity1 subjl·C't. only to t11e Preshlcnt nnrl c,•rtain spcciti~ rc~t1·ictions ~uh~eqtwntl,:t• l!C'rcin Ji,,tccl, c1\·er the Dc!pa 1 l1ncn(. o:: ])1)­fer:::c, 311 it•1 ngl'ncic:;, subdi\·i;:;ion:;;, ancl personnel. 'l'o m:i.ko this sh~tcmC'nt perfectly plain, tlierc nre no s:ep:m1lely administered i•re­&crve.s in the Dt•p.utrnenf. of De-fen~c. 'l'he Scc1·ctaric>s of tl1£' militnn• dcp:rrtments, the .Toint Chief::; of Staff, all officers nncl ngcncic.s nncl all other pt'l'FO!ll1f'l of. the Dcp:~rfment nro ':unclcr·> the Secn·tm·y of De.fenc;e. Con:!;rCS-3 Jias clell'gatcd to tlrn Secretary of DdC'n!:c not on1y nll the nutlwrity nnc1 vower nomrnlly ~~iwn tluiht>nrl of an rxecn­ti \'e depart ml'n t, hut C'o11grC':-s has, in nd<lit ion, e:qll cssly given t l!c Secr'.!t:1ry of Dcfen::e even g1eatC"l' pow!."r ,.,hen it m::dl~ the Secrl•lary oi Defcmse "the princip:tl .Assi:tnnt to the Pr.:-.;;ickut in all matter~; r~fo.ting- to the D•·ri:n l1m'nL of D,~fc11::2."

To ic'pent, subject to ti1c :P'1~sident i•ncl certain c:.:prr:ss prohibitions ng::;.in:;t s~x:cific.11Iv cfoscrihcd nclions on the 'D' of the Sccu:ltu·y a•; contdnc-tf in the Sintional Src111"ity Act, M n"im·nclecl, th~ power"


nm1 nnthoritv of the Secrdnry of Dl•ft>ns~·is complete a11d f';uprernc. It Lh11k1?ts· nli ngl'ncics nnd nll organizations within thl' Dt.:'pm tn1cnt; it ic; ~ll}J!:'riol:" to the P'JWC'l' of all othC'r offiCC'l".S thereof; it extr·ncl::; to nll afi"nirs hnd all adi\Jtir<; o( tlw D.•nnrtnwnt; awl all otl1Pr n11tl10l'ities ancl rC>sponsibilitie.o; mn-..l he cxcrd~ed in consontmcc thl!rcwith."


It is always pr1.:o.:ib1e for irn1h·idu.11s \\·ho do not (lgrt:·e with the 1nu·pr>-'l'S mH1 intent of n ~latute to engage in S-C'mnntic !>ophi-.lry :rnc1 to try to !'q1h·rzt• m1infl-1iclt•<l lllC'tming.; out of won1s. )!any hn\·e clono so· in c:mn£'ction with lhc po,H~r uncl nulhnrilY of fl1u Sl·c:relary of Dcicn<>e. ~l:1t11!<Jry i11frrpn•tation i;; not :m e.3oteric pa1::uit n:-.ervo for \\oH1-i-..p1itlt·i~. It. i.:; WJt a ::mn~e of "orlls. It. iuvolw.;; nothint! r.10ro than 11 ·:::tr.:ight rm w:1r1l n11cl c1ircd cfi'orl to n:::c'(•rtnin the intent of th£\ l:rnmakP1:->. 1\yith•1·t to thf' N'nlional 8l·cul'ily ~\ct, the cong1·e~:;ion:1l inf Nit i-; l'le•1r :rncl mmii:::t:ilmlilr. N more i::; ncc-:.;;s:uy.

Since 'tiiis co1t~!l e=<:foual inh•11t is c:1t•ar, y;-orcl :::plitting should be i::topped. Jt i-.; mo<:t difiicult, }JE't h:lps impo;:·;ible, tCJ write. J.n·;s so as to pn•clmle the po-=!-ihility oI rnme indivilht:ll bi:.-ut upon iufl'llt·du:il ~yum::tc.ti··s from rai..::i11p: ~omC' s!'m.miir nrgum1:-nt. The courts havl' i·epr-:i.kclly cli..;ll';!·U·1l1'rl that ap}'road1 and ::;oaght th.:- !-lat utot·y i11trnt.

i'ho Nntio:i::i.1 f.:ccurity .AC"t c1r.1rly e::tnb1i:::hr:; nnd c!l'lrrmines thut thr- powe:r of !he [.: .... <-rt'tni·y of fl,•f('ll.:l' i'1 of the highl':::t ouler of mn;rni­tucl~ in tlw ll.•par!111c·ut o~ TJ,•fo11-e. The Jaw do£'~ this in such manner

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.43 NATIOS.~L si-:cunn·y • .\Cl' 01'' I 9 ·17

nnJ with .&tieh fln~dit.y rts to eliminate nuy reasonablo doubt. 'fhe c~ntutc f!.c.compfo:l~~ thi::i in three ways.

li'irst, the l.t\> <lesif,rnCtl's the Secrctm:y of Defenrn as tho '~heacl of en c::crufr~·e t~erartment oI tho OoverHmcnt." This phr.1so "heacl of nn P:.::ecnth·E.> dt-11:u-tmeut of tht> Gon•rnment'' was not a ('hauce expres­s-ion. It is n pI1mse of ':legtil art." Since Ju]y 28, 1780, this formi­J10Jo:ry fo1<; nhvays beC!n med by Congr.e,;::s in the st:ltdcs defining the

· 1·:.:spom;iliility nnd nuthoritv of the chief oflicer of ench cxecuti.,·c c!ep3.rtr;1ent. The phra~c '·head of rm e:-;:ecuth·o c1epatln1e:nt of tho Go~ernment" de!'cribt•.:;; the highest order of authority nml responsi­bility in s.n e>ecuth·e clepnrtment. Jn the vc1·nncul:i1·, this phra~9 mc:ins ''bo:::~." :For in:::t:mce, the complete authority of thf} ~ \ ttorn('v G<:.l:?ral o~ the Uniteil States OYer the D~partrr1ent or Justice ckpt'ntls on tl1is phmsc done. - · ·

The phrm:e '"iw:Hl of the cfopnrtment" cnrries with it in lr.H1itfon nncl in hw certain wcH-1~co7.ni7.!.'d connotations. Dy custom nncl by us:tf!'e tlw "hl':td of th<· executive deptu·trnl"nt" is a member of thi' Cu bi net of tl1e Prc-sicfont, :md ns such, is the oflicl"r of the <lep:u·hnl'nt most clost'ly

. assoebtecl \·.-ith thf' so1ircc or supr~mc po\TCI'. In law, the '·hr:icl of the executive c~epartru::-nt." ic; thl" one, amon;r nll officers in the entirl' cs­tnl1Jic::Iuncnt, who mn\· p1~scrihc rt•gnl:itions :for the IJOY('rnnncc of the n·hole dcpnrtmeut. 'flit> ba:;ic ~tatutc of l'iS!l pro\"iclt'S tlrnt the "hcncl of the <lc1,m·tment" (and thi:; rcfrr.s to nH clC'pnr!ment:;) lms th~ po>•C'r io: i;prescribe r('gubtions for tl1c go•·crn?11ent of the clcpnrt-111ent, tlic com!m:t of its ofiir-<·r~ nncl clr! k~. the c]i<=t1 ilmticm mid ]>e•r­:form:mco of its bi.!sir.ess, :md the c·ur;tocly, use nnd prescl"'rntion of the reco1 cl.:;, pnp1m:;, :mcl ilropertv sppcrtnining lo it." ~

Surh rerrulation~. ,,·hen not cont r:in· ton sp~.s_i ~<:: £rot.!i!?_i~!on of In~!J o-t: th~m::. h·es li.r;·e tl1e force amt efit-cf or'T~\v. 'l hc1~for{' "Tlie rrgula­tion.:; oft ie 1rnt or t 1? nepnrtmen e~11 .y mcl tl!Hler ont\1 nll oflit:'crs nnd ernp1o;;e<:·s of the dl'partment. of whatsoever nulhority, rank, or sfafifm. '.fbis right to go\·l'm the clcpnrtment nppi.'1 tni11s to no otl1er oflkcr !"a~·c tl1E' one cfosi[!natecl ns the ':h('ncl." In the D~p:?t·fmC'nt of Dt>fr.n!:'e on!v thP SPC·rc·t:u·v or Dden~e by lnw is "t hf' hC':ttl thereof:' uud llas the gener.11 :rigl1t to go'l.·enrthc Department of Defcust>.

Second, the Xntionnl Security .AC'l, ns nmended, specificallv stnles that tht': Secretary of Defon:::c ~lrnll ha rn ':dhect ion, authority nncl con­trol O'f"(>l" tll!.' I>ep.'.lrtnwut or l>E·fon:.r.'" Ol"iginally, lht': !-ofatutc ('OJl· t:!inE>d the word "irenem1" in frout of thE'::c three words of comrn::wcl. In the. pcricd l!Hl--19~ thi.:; word ''gcucrnl" was ~ei·,,ca upon by ~omc to 11rgt19 that tl10 dr:J.fters of the statute hncl intcn<l<'d to lin1it the nulhority of the Secretnrr of DefenS('. Such nrt;11mPnt wus ofn·iouslv without suh::;tancr-, liut to" make their intent doubly clenr, Congress in l~H!> str1:ck out tho \>or<l "g..-nrra1." The words "direction, nutl1oritv nncl confror' :.ue clenr cnou~h hy thcm:,ek£>s, but to makl' douht ini­po!'Sihl;:-, Chaim1:m Vinson, of the Hon::c. ~\rmed Services Committee, r,~nfrcl i11 the congre5":-io;1:i.l cl£'hn~es n<; follows:

"Thio; E"cntcnce giYinsr tho Secx l'tnrJ· cl irection, nuthority nncl control fo the he:>.rt of .thi:; leg-isbtion. c c. t: In orcler thnt thN·c cun be no clouht ns lo wnnt clirection, nut]1ority and control m<'an, I want to gh·e you fheir menuiug. · · "Direction me:m~ t11c ad of·go\·erning, mo.nng<m1ent., supc1·infencl~ . ".Auth~rity me.'lns leg~J power; a right to command; the right nnd

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NATJOX.\J, M:C:t:Hl"!'Y AC'l' c::

po·.H•r. of .n public oliiec>r fc> rc>quire oLedit.>IiCQ to h!s o:-.1N· fawfully m;md in th;)!'crJpC of !1i.:; public dut ie.:;.

"Co:Jl rol mPa us power or 11.uf hori: r to m:uwg~, to c1ir~ct, sup:!ri utend 1 r~g-tlati:-, clire:d, p;onrn, ntlminicte1:, or OY~r;e~-

"So m1uc·r thi~ !av.· the 8cc1C'tai v of Defense is to hnve cfonr-ct.t. au­tho:·i:y to z-.m tlrn] )ep:n tnH'nt 0£ ljufonst>."

Aftt>r s::rh fogi!:lativc hi:.tory, (':m nnvone 11oac~t1y <!onbt the con­gro?&..'>ional inte11l? If the ~cer(!f:u·y of J)deno;e has the poweL· to "go\"­c.-n, 111an,1ge antl &uperint~·ml''; if he h~1s the. ··Ie:.~nl prw;er· to Ct'~unand and tol"C'lttir.-:: obt•d1t•nrl' to hi.: l:twiul comm:md-;"'; if he hns tlw power to '~.rerrulate, to ::.dmini:::h·i-. um! ill O\"CI .;;run; ::me! if t hi<; power i;; t·p~·ci fi­c..'\lly ty it~ tE'rms cxt£>111Ier! th1·c1tt;.du:mt thtl lh•pai t 111e11t of Dl•frn-,l': ns it i~, th~n, thn Secrt•tarv of I>dcn!'e has SUJH"l'llle :-.nthority in the Dt>­partm.Pnt of J) aiHl hi.-; po\·;t'r is of the l1ip-hi~ . .;t. onl~r of mngni-tmfo tl1c;,·cin. " . · ·

Third, Congr~!.s in the Xational Security .:\r{ rnncfo f!!e. Serrda;:y of Defo:aso •1th.; principal a~~if'tnnt to the Prt•siclcnt in nll matt~rs re­lating to the D~parlment of Defon:::e." 'Ihe::3 ara words of po!ent m1tliority, for, the Presid.-nt u.nclN· the Constitution i<; the Conuna11d~r in Chi<:!. .And, tl1e Sceretnry of ])~fo11se is thus m:ulc the Comm:?.nder in Chief's d£.>puly in all 111atters relating to lhe Dep:trtmcnt. The le~is­fotivc bisto1·,y -of tl1i:; provi!:-ion ~11:-:o shows beyond the possibility oi chnl!('nge tlmt.. Co11g1 C':::s \Tns well owm-c o"f the <li;;;tbctiYc con:.titu­tion:1l comm~md rl'lat ion<>hi ps b~-t \;ee11 the P1·('ridc-nt 11 n<l c.:-1 ta in of!i­cEir.:; in the Departml'nt of D~fornc. Under this pvwer, then, the Secre­tary of D~·f.:!n!'c is the higlsc:it military or:iee:- of the D~p:u tm;:nt.

The fact that statutes han: been passed sub:cquent to the l n 1t1 :msencl­mcnts to tl1~ N2tion:il Secr1rity .Act which statutes coufer ~p.-.::ific au­thor;ti.:s on a Scc1·etary of n jl:u tieular military c1cp:trlt!,t>Ht. or other SHbQrdin:tt(} Ofli('er .. of th<:i J)~pnrtm<'nt clot's llOt d.:-tmct frOlil the Sll­

ptt>!ll'J autlJOrity of thl' $t?cret:1ry of DL!fon::e. Onc·p ~·rz>rernc authority is e;;tulili.;;hrd it nl'l.•cl 11ot Lo repcatr·dly mc1~tion.~cl. O!l the coatr.iry, it wo1ihl requiie n mo::t sperific and Pmph:~tic st.:tll'Ill·.·i.I:. to rl':-;tiict or cletnict. from t}ic supzc'llle :rntlwrity ('Ollft•z-rNl on tl1e :--l~l·1·ct:11y r,Z J>l.!­:fen::c in the h:-sic !.talute, the XutioHnl Security .Act,:!".; n1nr1HlN1.

f~imitatiollS 011 fltl' !>UpI'l'l)I{' pOW('l" of th{' ~jN•retary Of lJC'fcll!-(' are few nncl :u·e spt>cifh·ally <·atalot!l'd in tht• X:tti?nn.l 8l'l'urity .Act. Tht>y u~- .

(l} 111e Bc·Cl'C'tan· of D<.>f(•ll!"C mny not <"X<'1ci:::e his p<1wer so n;; to tr:insfer, rea!'sign, :tboli'-h, 01' c·01u-olill:1fe the comb .. tt.rnt fm1,•tio115 or tha military !'t>rviet-s. The seopt• :tncl <lc-fiuition of v:lmt is me:mt by '·comb:1tm1t fonrt ion" :1 re c11rd111Iv spell;:-d out in tl1e Jn w. Cong-1 ~s clitl not inteml that sud1 ~copl' h~


€'11l:1rg:Nl or dimini:Shed hy rt·n<ling into f.ho ~tatntc what i.- not. ~prcifico 1ly lheie.

(2} The SN.'l'€'t:1ry of J>,•ft•nH.' may not inrlireC'tly nc•·ompli<-h what is directly forbiclclen in the first parugr:1ph by eithi:>r:

(a) D~tailing or nc.signin~ ·pl'r:;omu.•l, or (Z.) ~foectin~{ the <'Xpt'tHliture of furnl-;. ·

(3) Tho Si·cl'l'tary oi Dcfrvso c:mnot m£.>rge fl1e tln·el~ milit.u·y cl~p:utmcnt.s or deprirn tlH! Rccretaries of t11o~t· clcparlment.s or thcil' leg:il 1 ight to nc1mi11ister thcir O!'k~::u1i:mtion~, .subject. lo his po-.n~r nnd nuthwity. · ·



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REF ID:A69029 I/'; ... ~~-: .. -=·=: --~-·-·0-::.::.:..:...:...:----_.;...:;;;.. __ ..;:..;;;_ ...... ___ ~_.~_-~-· --~.z.:_..::.; __ .:.::.: __________ _

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'1.'J1;:; prohibition is H:i11forc£'cl l.·y the nfiirrnativa provi:-.im1 t1i:1l "!hE> D.::•p:n tuienls of ihe ~\r111y, Xavy, :mcl ~\i1· Forco ~ha!! bti !>l•p:1r:tfl'h­r.~1111i11istcn·d l>.;.· tht-ir l e'f"'cl in• Secrl•h1ric.:> tinder t l1P d~ll'd ivn, mi­fority and (."C'Ilfrvl or the ~C'C.'rctarv of Dl'fe11!>e.'1 'l'h~1 nrgmnf'llt thaL the wor<ls "::.C'p,ti .ttcly ndm in i=>tl~rcd'' cll't rm:t :frum llie' '·dirl'<'l ion, nuthn1·ity, tuicl c·on{ror' of tho SN:1clary of 1Jl•fo11~::- is without. s11L­£t:1.11.:c on its f::cc nnd oh\·iouslv is con!rary to congrl·.-;si:mal intC"nt. "S~part~tely nclministl•rctl"1 sirnp1y n:e.m-; that the Sei.:rl'{ ary of Di'fpn~a cnnnot £>xe>;:·d.:c his supn~mo power so as to de::.troy tJrn f.{'tmrnto entities of·tht- thr~·o military cfopartmt'nts, or deny t11t>m tl10 1 ir{h1 to opcmte in thu i::pl1en•,;; m:..<;ig11c<l to th<•m hy the law, or dC"prin- t11C'it" Z"l''-I1t>cth·o Secretaries of th::!fr top nllrnini<,tratirn position oYer their respcdi,·c departments. ·

(-!) 'l'lm s~cretary o! DefeiJSO cannot us~ hi•:; fognl powcz· to t'St:th­lish 3 &ingfo comm:mclN· of n!l th~ Armed Forces; nn oper:iting- mili­fary supreme co::imancl over tlw . .ArmEd Forces; or a supr..-mc .Arml'cl 11,orcc.1 general !.-otnff. '!'his prohibition on th? excrch::3 of the Sec:rctan··s

d •J • • I. J • l .. ~ . l S ' po.,·crnn :iu •. 10r1!y1sc:;:prr~sN intwop aces mt 101,nf1ona ec11r1:y Act. It is p;-ovided for in the p•l.'.unhlc lo thl' £tntuto ::ncl in a phrnso to the effect. th:l.t "the S:?cretary may not ''t>:;lablish n milit.u·,y i<talf."

'l"hc fogis}n.ti.-c J1i~tory of the statute shows unmi:.tnbhJy tbt the prohibition '•lie shall not C':-fohli-:.h a military stnff" wns ne\"('~· intenclf'd by the Co11~rC'~S to opemte n:, a limitat itm on the prnn·r of tho Secre­tary of D<.1fensl' toestuhli:;h in hi!> own ofl:rt• !'>m.h staff 1111itc; or rrgPuciPs r.s hn felt miglit be ncce~!'.·u y to n::.: ... j:::t him i:i cnrryi11;.umt nny r.-spcmsi­bilitie!i to hir:1 unrl.?r law.· :The.Sccretai·y of l>.•ft:no::l' hn.s foll pOWl'J•, cxpres$ly gr:mh?cl in tl10 faw, to srt up &uch units r.ncl to :;tr~f: them ,~·ith c.>ither ci·:iE:m or militn.1 v pl'rsonnel :is he chno.:cs-. J~vcrvone famHinr with fi1e Lackgurnncl nn•l 1£'gisbtive hi;;tory or tlic Xn!fonnl Sccnrity At't l=now<:.: ju~t w}1nt Co:1:rr<'SS 111~:mt by thE" term ':militarv stnft'." The ~enern1 stntr type> of military control, nr:; it exio:;tccl in Gc1:­rmmy, hns be.:?>1 <.>xplainPcl, ch•finc>cl. ;rncl nttacl:e<l in C'on.Q"l"I'."''> oftl'n cnoup:h. That form of militnrv ~t:1ff j<; comp1£>1~·l.r c!ifit~1·i'i1t from tl1c employment Ly tl1e St·cr.:tary


0{ nc:~i~tnut~. cithl'r ns indh·itluah; ('Ir group:?cl into O!"~tmiz•.•cl unit.!', tn ~uh-i~e nncl M-si:>t. l1il11. Them is IJO Ji,nitation upon the type of p1·dblc>m or i-11hjt>l't matter which the SC"c-

- retnry nmy nc:c:igJ1 to suc11 a:::.,ic;t:mfs or 1111it::. Sul'h 1'1 obll'm'>, in tha Set>rt.ltnry's cfo:cn:·tion, ma¥ im;olvc engineering. stan<lnrclization, wcr.pons en1lu~firm, proJ:_'1":1rn :rcvie-w, phy:.ical nudi!s and inspections, o•· wlmh:?vt'r· el::c Om t_:ecretar y mnv d1oo::l'.

(5) The Ser1etarv of Dt·fc-n<:£'. ni:iy uot tran;;Ccr, rrnc:sign, nbolic:Ji, or co:1so1idatc n ~pecific function nc:~ignccl by thP Xational 8c•cm·ity Act o:r S1Jmc other Jaw to :mot}wr ollicer or 01:g:u1ir.ri.tio11n.l !-Pg"mC'nt of nu." D:-pnt lment. uull'~'l he fir::t rPports his fote>nclc>cl nc(ion to tho Armed Senices Commiti'f't' of the Conir1·l:'~s. It shoultl he notNl that only n r.:opm·t, nvt prim· npp:ro•·n1, is 1 C'<JUirE·<L

'I'h_i:; Jnngna!!O c!enr]y Jll"t'<;llf>P'J'-C3 that thP St•r1c-tary or n: .. fenc.r, n'> l1£'au of the Dt'partment of I~efon,.e, has tho :.uthori t v to I mtl' .. f l'r, l'"e~c;sign, nh0Jisl1, Ol" COll"'OJicJnto fu11ctiow; wit!Ji11 lhl' I)~pnrtllll:'llt, ns lon;.; ns th~ Serrehin· clri~s not violate one of ihl:' nbc-.·c s11cdfiecl ]irni­tntwus upon his ~·eneml pov;£.>r.

(6) 'fhe iollr,;in:::;-pro.,.·i.::ion of the fow i~ 11of 1eally n lim}t,:'fitm on tlrn powt'r of t!HJ Secretary of D.!fon~e, name~y the prov1swn t11::i.t

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XATlOX.\1. SECUHi'rl' AC'r 01' 19 J 7

no.t1_1ing iu t11e ~tnfntc sl1:1ll lie COlli:ll'UC'<l: "to .rr····~·i!t ~ SC'.:r~t:n,::.· of fl nf1ht,11T ch•p.irtment or a memher of tlM ,Jomt Clrn·f ... of Staf1 from pr£':~('i1fing to tlm Congt ,•:>:::,on hi,; O\\ n initiatin', afll'l· Iii ,.t, ~o iHform­rng tlrn ~ecn.•tary of D .. dcnsc, nny rccomnwndatiol\ rduling tr> the Dl'p;fftment of Dcfen::-1• that hl' may dC'~m prop<:r. ·

This :z:~·m·ision neeclc; nu f mt her C'fal>or:ttion. 'J."hc six forP~oing limitations 11re all the !-pt>rific restrictions pla<'Nl

npon the s;1pa·mc pow~1· of tl~c Sl.'i-rctnry of Defo11::t> to c:.:crci!:-e :inll nncl co:-nplel~ control OYl'r the D.:-partment oi J)~font.e.

Thm·e ri.'nmin.s for di'-L"Ussion only one~ further qi1e~tion, J)C'~S tl1a fad that. \T.ric;us faw~, ~om~ p:ic;:::cd 11.ftC'r the cna·~tment of tho Xntion:1l Securit.r Ad, ... -cc;!. GJH•cific ~tatntory nuthoritie>s in sub<Jrdiimt(} ofiiccrs of th3 Department in :rny way impair lho suprc-mc :mthm:ity of th<J Ser.1·el :uy of Defcme? .

'l'h>:-sc l:n";s Y<>sting specific stntutm:r a.nthoritie<; in suborc1in:i.te· owcers of t11e D~pnrtmcut in 110 way irnprdr the supreme ::mtliority of the Secr·ctary oYer the Dt~pnrtm('ut. '!'his is lrne i1:re:::pccfr1;e of the tirneofpns:::ag-e of such fav.-~.

· Gene:rnl p1ovisions of snpreirn' authority c1o 11ot lmv(• to b~ reJ>eatecl. As endl e:•c.-cnti..-r~ dt>pm tlm:11t of the Fecler.~1 Go\·cnmtent hns its o\~;n stntutor:.r l.t•mJ, its own inte1·nal n1lminii,frnti-.-c comm:md sfrnctnrc, its sepnrote i:,tntutory nuthoiitic<;, dutiei:;, nncl icsponsibilitics nnc1 its int1iv11lnal trnditinm:, cu~tom-;;, nnd n::a[~t'S, ~c; al:o has tl1e" Dcpartm.:nt of D<-fi:>n::o lwen cut frmn tl1e same~ clo~h. }'Jc<;iclenti:tl cxcchti-.-c 11owcr flows O\"("!" the $ep~_1mft> inckpcnclcnt dr•pnrtmcn~s nll'l c£:tahfo:h-1m~nts of i.he F('di.'r.11 Gov!'1·11111£'11t, is superior to, :yc:t pc·rm£'atcs fhc­v:}10J.:-. So nlc:-o t!ic eXC'Ct:frrn authority, direction, nnci CClilfrol or the Secrehn:r of Dzfen::.c flow:; O\"Cl" tlw.up•ncil.'::: nnc1 org.'inizaticms or the Depart11:ent of Ucfcn~e. Xo one nt this clntc in our cowtitutionr.l liii-,tory ,so:.1Jcl ~criom,ly :Hh-ancc fho ar~1ment. tl1:1t h~cnu-c spe:cific Jm~S \"f'S!; }).:u·ticulnr d11!i<':; rtl!d l"('5fJOll<;ibiliti£'S in the lJi.'a<ls of CXCCU­

tiYC cl('pa•·tment~, tl1£>ri•f.ire !ho PrC'.:i.1£'nL does not 11:rrn :md cmmot e:..:('rci::t"' suprN!W £'Xecutin.- power owr the entire fahriC'. Tho power cf th<.> Seeretnry of Defen"t> i-; in tlio same refatin• po:.-ition. •

In the ~hvly or the thPOi)' of cxecuth·e pov:cr in tht> Government: it is quite normnl rmcl c11~to1nnn· to fincl thnt pO\YCI~ of cliffc.•rcnt rnarr­nitm1c nro freqmmtly exc:rt·i~cZl in the snrne nrl'n nt th~ s~,mn linil'. Thi:1 is true £>\en tlwu;:rh tl1l' pow£'1· of one order of mnfmilthlC' i<; derh·ccl f1un'?--n $pel'ifie law, '\hN't'a~ th£' powl'l· of the hii!her order Of m:tgnitncJe rt'llf:.3 UpfJ:: f110 word:; of ge>th?r,11 impot t 01" CT"Nl uro21 tl1c sh ucturc of thC' or:.?:·mization if!'"-clf. Thrre is nothing iuh('rent1y st1·nng-<.>, nlien, or diffic·nlt in the concept of orders of magnitmfo in cxecufrrn power in the FNl<.>ral Gon•rnmPnt. Such orcl~·t'S <lo not mutually exclude l'nrh otli£'r 1101· clo they opl'rntc in sp£'cific comers or tiny !"eg1:1::-nt~. 'fh£'y op<.'ratt' togdher. Tfw hit!her orcll:'r, hm·;­cver, w}u•n it is exer~i"t•d in n r,-iwn nrt•a, is i:;npr.:·me nnd ovcrricfos the lcw.·t:'r m·•l::>r. In.,,,far n~ tl1(• 11rJ\'.l'.'r of tho Secrctnry of Defril"C is CO!li'N11i:c1, fh<-re i..; no lC';:.•11 si~nifi,~nnc·n in tht> fac-t th:d vnrim1::: bws }1nvo lH'<'n c-nnctNl from tim!.' tu ·time ,.e,,ting !'p~cilic anthoritiC':> in sul.:ordh.nie o'.ii<:C'rs of the Dt•partmrnt. Tho. time of pn:;sr.gc of the-:::~ 11>.ws j:; of no importance .


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'l'o l:-U1n1·1arizt•, we nr.• CJ; tl.c opinion tl1at the Xationai Sccur.ily lu·f, n:; am1·rHll•d1 gra~ils to t}sc ScC'n'tary oI DL·fcn::c snprl'1:w ~.ov.-t~r aud :rntlwrity to run th· :ifi.1ic.=o of tls<:l l>t.!i1tu·tmcnt of D.!fcnse :t'iHl nH its org:rni7.atiom :rnd a::crH.·ie5. l\'c belie,-<:' t11nt the p~· . ..-cr c-f t~w SccrE>tary of J).~fon~(' e:\t~·w1-; l•> aH 1.mtt1•1s nri;;illg- in tl.e Departmc-nt of\\'YCr kinll or 11atm ~: that lht> stat11Cc prov id~:> l h:Lt t 11;~ no we;:-.. 1. fl - - .••.. • Nm :iut 1011ty o - l 1e ::::-ccrd:-iry nre '&nper10r to tnc aulnor~t1r-.,; pos-rc:;scd by ahy other o:J.cia17 or inc•m'L--:?r of the Dl•1mrtm•"'nt; t1mt tho Sccretar,(s power in the Dl'p.?::-tnwnt is tha ..:uperior po\n•r ir n•,.:pccti•·e of '>Yhl:'n or h~w any other imli>-illnnJ's powN· was d.:-rn·Nl. 'l'he foaita-

• , • I!• - ' 1. l' t1ons on hw excrL"1::e c11. tiw ~.:c:retary s powt!I' UI c on,y 51X ant tnC'y nr~ if'tl('cific::!!.Ily defim:ll. 'r!1E:"i'-e- Jimitatio11s Im. ve Ul'\'l'l. disc\1-:;~,-J. in clctni( he•·C"iu. '\Ve:> do not bt>fo:.··;e thes were intended o:r the Congress to go b!}yo:id wl1nt y:c lrn:re outfo1c<l. •

H. S·I'!:n·F. JI:i=::-rm::c., Collm&l fc-rt1fo Oomr;dttce or:. .l)eparlme11t of I Jc fem~ Orga111.::c:.tio:1.

Ifomm Kl'~~-r, General Ooun;;~l.

· - - - Fr..:.\::-.-n: X. I3Row:s, ./le1?,:;fantGeaeralCou11~<Jel (Departmcntrrl.Programs).

_,. -[PtraLIC f~\':.-..: 2.53--80-nr Coxc:m-:ss]

[CI!.\?n:.>: 353--ls-r Szssro~]

cz. ·msi .JS A~·

'i'o 11rwnotc tl!e naUon:tl !'\-<:'ll'l'lty C.y !•'l'O'>·hl;n~ for a ~ccr1•!:1ry or Dcfon..:t•; 1'111· a i-:r.tlo1ml ~iilit:1ry }~~tnt.lh:l•m':'!Bt: for n 1H·p:1rl!Ucllt o!! the Army, rt Dcp'1rt· uc·i::l o! th:?- .Xavy, ::n•.l a Jl,•p:i.rtr:ir-nt o! th<.> Air Force: nml for tbe co·i~tll­nntion ct t?1e fl(•ti\·iti~~ or ti.?. ::'.'o"::itim111I )Islit:iry r: .. 1.aMi· lmw11t with o~l1er cle-i.~lrtm ~ut-; ::mu i.g~n.::c·,; or tbe Gon:·rim1N1t con.:e1 m:<l "iU1 tl:e nation."\] r.ec111·Ity •

. J:e it cnrtda! O!I tlu: 8c11ate aml Jlou.<Jc of Ncpre.ecntatlvcs of lite Unlte<l Staft·.'J o/ .Ama·lca, ir.. Cc.ngre!J'J a-Ul'll!"blcd,

That thi~ ~\ct m:i.y ho cited ns t1ie "Xntional s~eurity .\ct of l!H';1'.

'1'1Tu: Y-C'<:o:w1~aT1•x• Fo~ l'\1.-no:-01.L S;:ct:nHY"

f't-c. 101. X:111mi:il ~l'l'llrils C'o:;1>cil. f;,c. 1'>::?. ('(.on! r.:l rntC"lli~r-lll'i!' .\~1·:ir·y. tee. 10.1. };ntimml ~E>.:m lty Ht•-:uurt-.~• U.o~r1l.

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REF lD :A6.9029 -- .. _,. __ .. ______ ·.._.

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. NAT!(J);AJJ s1;cumr.l ACT OF 10·! ;·

':r:i:n:: II-·TuE N.11.·no~;J,J. :' \n::s'l'

S~. :.·r11. NaUon11l )£Jlltury I:;i;t:1bll,,,1J1·wnt . See. ~·1:?. Sc~ret.1ry 1:.r I>l·r~11~.~-S ·c ... 1 J. )Iilftnry A~:::dstnnt!j tu t11e Sc..crctnry. · S~·· . ..:1~1. Ch illuu 1-~r .. vm111l. SPc•. :•11;:;. !JL·pn1·tmcnt of. the Army. S.::-c-. lJ~partment or th!! XR\ y. . 8•.-c. !::0"{. ll\'i>.irtrn2'll~ o! the Air l'o:rce. Si~t.·. !:O:=;. t.iJ1 1CP~l ~t.!tc:1 .!ir l•"ort..:i-. Sec. 21J~l. :i-:r.., di vc t.::lte o! trau:-.! er.s. Pc-e. 210. \\"nr C'omn.:il. . S-:.-c. 211. Jo!ut Chier::; o! Staff. Sl~~ :.~i:• ... ioiut stun·. S~•:. 213. ~!u:i!tiu11:; Bonr1l. Sec. !?H. l~e:.Nl.rch rml IJ~1elt •. i'~oent 1;oar1l.

'l"lrL& III-)lisc:e:LL..'1.N!:OLB

Sec. :ml. C-c.lL'lJ:en:-.:;tion o! Se-.:retarlcd. See. 3(1?. Ulllll'r St'Crt?taric,; mul .\ -.siltt11nt Secrctarlei;. St-e. 30:t Ad\ i-.1ny co1mnittN,-1 1111•1 J>er!-.•mnel. See. :~1>!. :;rntu:,i or•tre::i chili:m z•erimrmel. Sec. :;o;;. $~\·in:.: prv\ io;lrms •. Sec. 3(' ... }. Tz:m-.!~·1· o! funcl:: . Sec. :mi .. .\uthori?ntion tor n11:1ro11rfo tiou:;:. ~ee. :~fl'>. Definition'!. -Sec. 3CJ. Scp$1r:1bi!ity •


. --. f::ec-. 310. J·:r;11cth e <l:i te. :· •Sec. 311. Successlo~1 to the I'r~,.ir.lenc.r • .. .. .,/ ::. · ....... ~ ... -

lJJ-.:(."J:..\f:.\TIOX or l'OJ.JCY

S::-:c. 2. In enn.:ting this Jc..gislntion, it is tli.e intent oi Con::i·e:-s to pro\·iclc n compr.'lic.•n<.:irn pro:,rram for the fut11re l"l'Ct:rit,y of the 'Gnite<l S{ates; to prodde for the cc..talJJi:.;lu~1ent of intcg_ntlcd policies ::m<l proceclun's for the df'p:trt111t•11ts, :i.~£·11c1ec;, :md functions of the G1wcn1-rnent 1 efot ini.: to tl1e 11a t iuual i:ccm i ty; to prm·icl!' t Ii rec militn ry di.>pai t­nwnt~ for tlie op('t·alion nnd nc1mi11istration of .tho .Army, lht' Xan· ·(inducling J1:ival aviation and the l"uitetl Slate-; ~Iarinc Corp;;), :mil tho .Air Force, with their n.:.:;igw:~cl comhnt uncl .f:l!I \"ice component:;; to p1m icle for tl1t'ir n11t}10ritnti,·c coorclinntion nnll uniliell direction under ch·ili:m control hut not to merg-o them; to proYide for the effec­tive :!lr.1tt•?;ic cl ii· dion of the nrme1l forcf's and for th('ir opemtion tm1fo:.· unified control and for their in!t·grnlion into nn cflicient team of land, naval, nncl nir forces.


}".jATIO~<ATJ f.l:~GL'J:t'l")." COUNCIL

·· Sr.c. 101. (n} There is hC'H'b'.· <'$-lnblishcd 11. cminciI to be known ns the Xntionnl SN .. mity Council (hereimiftcL··in. this sc.::tion 1.afoncd t..> as th3 ''Cmmcil"). •

"l'he Prc;;ident of Che United Stntc.·sshnll pr<'Ride o\·er meeting:; of tlrn Council: J>ro1·idcd, That in hh; nh,,.cuce lie mny clesig11:1to a mcmh.!r of the Co:mcil to prl• . .;idc- in la io; pl:H't!-

•rtie function of the Council ~lrall lie lo nch-i!'c tlJC Prl'Sident with I"e~pect to the intc•~mtion of dome:>tic·, fOI£>ign, nllll miJital'\" J>Olicif''> i-ebtitig to tht· national :::ccm ity so ~1:-. to cn:1Ll~· tht> militmy H'r\·1ct·<: arul


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5-i .NATIO~i.\L f.:-;C'Glt!TY AC1' OP 19 1 'i

tho o~· •r dC'11:n fment:; aM.l a:;t•ncit:-s of the Go\·ci·nmcnL to coopernt'} more ui't·~ti\ely in matter.·::; iin ulviz~g tho n:llional ~cc<1rity.

'l'he Council ~hall be ci.mpn,_•cl of the Pr\•::.hh-nt; the Sc:crdary of Sh>.te; the Srcrct:~ry oJ~ Ut!fr::....,.!', up11ointe' l untl·•r section 20:~; the Secre(~lI'.f of the .\rmy, referrel1 to in SE'ction 20;:.; lim Secrctnry of the NuYy; tlie Scczd:u·y of the .\ir Force, nppointe>d under section 9.01; the Chait·nrnn of the- X:itimrnl Bt·curitv l~Psom·ces . Bo:u d, appointN! under !:-cction 103; and snd1 of the folfo\\·in~ n:unccl oliice1s ns the Pr,•.sident lll<W dL"~ign.1te from time to time: The SecrE'tariC's of tJlC cxccnth·e c.lep:~rtmt-nll'l, lht! Clmirm:m of LIH• )fo:!incms Ho:1rJ npJJointt-cl under .section :H3, and the Chaimian of the Hc::.l•:1rch nnd D~rclopment Bon rd npp~1intc-d umh·r sc..:• ion 2H; but no such ~<tlcli­tional rnt'rnber bh:tll he. tlesi;.rnatl'd until the ndvit't> and com-cnt of 1.he Si:?nalc ha5 bcl!n ~iYNl to his appoi11t111e1it to tht' o!iice the holding oi ·whid1 authorize:; 11is!nation ns :i nwmb~r of I he Council.

(b) tn nLldition to performing i-ueh ot h!'l· fund ion::. as tho President ·mny dirt~t, for the pm-po~.! of more (•fft>cti\"t>ly coQrtlinating the poli­cie~ nncl fm~ctions of lhl' dcpa.-~l!lcnt~ :uul :i~,t·11e:-ics oft he' Govc1 nmt'nl rebting tv the mitiunnl St>C"m·it·i;, it bhall, :.uujcct to the clirecl ion of th!: !"1.·2siclent, b<.,} the duty of the 'CounC'il-

(1) to r.s:;e:;..::; nncl appraise the. oLjc·ctin·s, connnitnlE'nts, :rncl rbk:; of the {;11it~d States in 1 E'lation to our actual and potential military power, in tha int~·re.--t of untiou:tl ~ecurity, for t1.c purpose of makiug reeommencbtion-; tu the. Presitlent in connection therewith; end

(2) to cons:::c~er riolicies on matters of common intert-st to the dcpurtmez~ts mid rtf;.~hd1•.s of the Go\·ei·im1ent concernccl \\"ith tlao IH!.tion:-.1 se-cm·it.:r, :mtl to make recommendations to the Pre:$i<lcnt in COJlll:?l'tion'thcr~with. • •

( c) 'l'he Couneil shall htll"o u staff lo he hc.1dc<1 i1y n ch·iliun cxecntivo secJ"ctnry who shall b.l appointecl liy the P1·~·~iclcnt, :mu who ~hall rl'.'c:eh·e compt>n:;:ltim1 at tl".! rate of $10,000 n yenr. The CXE'Cttth·c ser.1ctnry, subject. 1.o the dix·cclion of the Council, is hci cby nuthorizecl, ~ubject lo the civil-~c1Tice lnw:; mid the Cla!':Sifh:ation Act of rn2:3, ns mnl'::mled, t<7 ~·ppoint and fix.Um compe1~sation. of such personnel as m.ay bn m:c~s~.try t~ pt·rform such <lut1Ps HS may be J>rt•scribt'd 1,y the Council in connectiou \\it h the pE'rform:rnce '>! its functions..

(d) 'l'he. Council sl1n.1I, from time to time, mn.l:e f:.uch recommendn.­tionst nncl sm:h other it-uorts to tlm Prc.:'itlt•nt as it. d('cllls appropriate or ns tlie P1·e$ident may· r-.?quire.

SEC. 10~. (r.) 'l'lie.1·e i~ hN·el)y established unclcr nm Nntion:tl Secu-1·ity Council~ Centml Jntelligenco .\gt'H''Y with:•. Di1cctor of Intellibence, ,, ho s~1nll l:e thr. ht-.ul then·of. ·Tho Ditcctor sht\ll }IQ

appointed by the President, by :md '" ith the n<.h-icC' nml con:::cnt of tho St>nate, f1om a.tnOl!" tl1r- colllrni"i~il)necl ofliccrs of th<' nrmed $t•rviL·es or fro:n nmo:1g im1i·.-hlu:1J-; in ci\ ili:rn life. Tho Dirt:-ctor shall rcl'l'ivc co:nr.-.::nsatiou at the r.1t~ of $1 !,r.oo :1 year.

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NA'l."ION .• I, bECURIT t ACT OF H>-17 55

Cb) (1) If :i commii;sionccl oflieer or the nrmcd !:.Crvicc:; ii; :11)1>oink;:l ns h1rector t~:en-- ·

(.A) in the per!orm:mcc of his cluties ns Director 11 0 slrnll }Jo snbjcct to no super\·ision, ('ontrol, rc!:itriction, or p1ohiL!tiou (111ili­tary or oth<?rwise) other than v.·ould be 01i::•ruti\'o 'dt It r(';p:-·ct to llim if he we1·u :i cl\"ilian in no way cmmcctt•1.l with the J )t•partmc11t of tlm .Arn~y, the Department of tlm N:L\·y, the Dt·p:u-tm!!nt of thn Air Ii'ui·ce, or the nrmccl &'r\·ices or rmy comppnc>nt thcrc>of; :111d

(B) he ::;hall not po..;...,ess or <.>XC'rci:;o any supt-rvi~ion, control, powNs, or fund ions ( ot he1· th au s1lC'h as ho posscs:::e~~, or is :rnf hor-· 1zed o;.· clir~ctcd to ex-t.•r.::i:::t', as Dirt•ctor) wit Ii rC':Spl•c·t .. } nrnwd sei·\·ic:?s or any compc111C'11t thereof, thl' J>i?partnwut of the Army, the Dcpin trnPnt of the X :n-y, or the J>i?partnil'ut of th"l ~\.ir Foi,:-l'l', or nny branc:h, hu1·cau, unit or division thcrc>of, or with re,:pcc:t to nny of the personnel (military or ch·ili:m) of nny of tlw fo1l'going.

(2) Exc·cpt us ptoYitl<:d in paragraph (1), the nppointment to the o!lico of Director of :l commi-::-:iont>d olli<'l'r of the Ul llll'rl ~cn·icc.;, nnu liis nccl•ptan<'l' of.and &en·ice in such ofiic.:C', sh:11l in no wny nffl-ct :my status, oflicc,, or grnclC' he may oC'cupy or holtl in the nrm<>cl !"l'l"\"­jces, or any einol111ne11t, pl·l't"fuisite, right, pri\·ilt-gL', or bt'm~lit ineidt•nt to or arising out of nny such !"tntu:::, o!lice, mnk, or gr.Hfo. .Any such commi;:;.::.;ioncd omcer shall, while SN"\"ing in tho oflicc 01: Di1ector, i-eccirn tha milif:ny pay :rncl nJlowanc\!3 (n.ctivc or retired, us the c:1s~ may be) imynhlc to n connni~.:;ioncd oflicer of his gmclc nncl length o.f service rmcl ~hall he paid, "from nny fund::; uvmlnl>Ie to d:•fr:iy tho cxpenst-s of the ~\gnncy, nnnnal compen~ation nt a r.1tc cqunl to the amount hy which $1-1,000 exceed::; the amount of his nnfm:il militnry pay nnrl nllowan~c~.

(c) Kotwith:-.tanclinp: the provii;ious of SC'etion 6 of tho Ad ot .Augui;t 2-1, Ull2 (:rr Stnt. f.:i3}, or the 1n·o,·h:ions of nny cithPr law, the J>irC'C·tor- of Central lutclligenee may, in his discn1tion, tcrmina!o the employment. of any ollkcr or employC'e of the .Agency whcnewr lie shall cleem wd1 termination nccc~sary or addsnhl<l in the i11tcres!s of t1 ·• United States, but such tcl'Ininntion shnll JJot. nffcet the right of :,n.:11 ofliccr or employee to ~ck or nccl'pt em1>loyme11t in nny otli ··,. <lcp:u·tment. or uge11cy of tho Go\·crnment ii dccl.irecl cligib!u for :.uch employment. l1y the U'nitccl Sti\tl!s Ci..-il 8ervkc Commi,.gion.

(cl) l•'ot" the purpo"e of coonlinntin~ the intC'lligC'nco nclidtil•s of tlie seveml Gowrnmt-nt clep:trtm<.>nts and agt>ncit'3 in the intl·resL of nntion:1l !"l'C'Uritv, it shnll he tl•c clut.y of the Agency, unc.ler the direction of tho X:1tionnl Security Council-

(1) to nch-i~o the Xationn1 Sccul"ity Council in mntt<>rs con­C£'rnmg such inte1lig1?11ell nC'fh·ities of the Government dt-p:i.rt· llHmts nnd ni:;encit:s ns rc>lntc to nnf ionnl ~t•curity;

(2) to ma~rn r('commC'nclntions to the Nutionnl Security Council ·for the ccorclinntion of such inlC'lli!_:l!nce nctivi.tiC'::; of the-depart­ments nnd agencit's of the GoYcrnment. as rl'l:tto to lh~ 11at101:nl S.."'CUt"ity;

(3) to coi-reltlfo nncl cvnhmtc intclli~eI1ce relnting lo tl1e nntionnl f'ccnrity, nml pro,·iclo for tho np1Hoprinte c!i.:;smnin:1tion oi such intc:lligence within the Go\"t>rnment, u.::int"r where nppro­

. printe cxi.::ting ngl'llch':; nncl facilitic;::;: I'nn•itlcd, 'fh:i.t tl10 AgN1cy r.lmll ha \."e no police, ~11bpN1a 1 law en fnrc~mt>nt powt>r$, 01· inter-

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56 NA'l'IO:i!.I. s1;ccmTY AC'J.' 01:· I !J-! 7

Jill.l-s~c<1rity fundions: Prol·«t!al, Th:!t thr!- d1•p.nt111ent•; nncl olher ngen-::it•.-; of th.- Go•,:ernnwnt shall continue to coll~·ct, cvr1.hmtC', co!'";:ei:lte, m1rl cli:...~erninatc dcpnrtmen tul intelli:~ence: And l'1·oi:;tled further, Tlw.t the IJirectoi- of C<>ntrnl IutcHl;!:''tlce slmll L~ ic~pouc;ihle ro~· p:-otcct illg intellig<.•n.:-e SOt!L'L:cs an cl meth­ods from unauthorized cli->C'losure; . (·l:} to 1n·rform, for- the L~11efit of the e~i::;tini~ intelligence nircncies, sm·lt mldit;onnl E('rvices of cormnon concei·n ns the N~tionn1 St'r.udty Council cletcrmin£>s c:m be- more efficiently nccompI ished central 1 y;

(5) to perform !:Uch other functions :m•l duties rcl.1tetl to inh~llig2nc.n n.fic.•cting the n:1tionnl i:ccurity ns tlie X ntional Security

. Council m~y from time to time direct. . (o) 'l'o tl11..' t>::.:tcnt n•commer.clcd hy the Xnli<m;l] S.:cm·itv Council

ancl :tppro.,·ctl by the Prl!,..iclt•nt, such inte1ligt>nce of tl1t' cleim1 tnH·nts aml ngcnl"iC'.s of the Guverrn111mt, E':i;<:t'pt ns b~reinit ft er Jlrovid<!'tl, rehtin('>" to th(> n:ltionnl ~ ... curiiy sh:tll b-.! opl'n to the i!lsp'C'ct1on Gf the Dircct;r of 0.•11tral I11tt>lli.f:.'t'llce, ancl such iutcHig-C'llC£> as rebte:> to the nntiona.l i>ecurity :in< l i:; po::-;:cs;;cd by s11d1 c1ep:ir(111c11ts nnd of her ngen~~it.>s of the GoYernmf'nt. C'xc·cpt ns herc-ina ft er prozicled, ~!1~!1] h-.! mncle :tV~•.ilablo to tl1e Dir('ctor of ('entr:il Intclii!!\"Jlt"l' for c.01TI'lntion. ovnhmtion, anrl cli~.::em ina t ion: P1·oritl C'l. /1 o•r.;: re•r. That upon the written rec1m·st of the Dir.-.ctor of CC>ut"l·nl I11tc!Ji!.;t'l1CC', the n;rtctor o1 the I"'edf'ml Bmt•nu of I1.n-c<;tig·ati()11 shall rn:lkt! nvaibblc to the Dh·N·tor of Centrnl Jntc:lligence i=uch info1·m:1tion for corr'l?btion. evahl3itio11, ancl dissemination n"' mny l>e c~cntial to the n::itiounl sec.ur1tv •.

(f} I~ffeeti\·e when the Di:-e<"tor fir:::( nppoinf<·d Ullcler sull"'e<:tion {a} lms t:i.k<'n offic,..__ . (1) <he :Kational Inteliig-c11C'c .'rn~ho_rity (11 Ii'l'd. Ileg-. J:~:ri,

13~!}, l<"C'hrU:tr\" !i, lfl!<:) i:ha]J C-£•a:=~ t\i l'XJ<:f; ar:t] (2) tiw pN·;·onnc1, propc:rty, and rC>t:orcls of the C('ntrnl Jn!elli­

gN1C"e Grol!p nrc frrmr;forrccl lo the Central I11tclligc-nce _\~l·ncy, nnd f.Uch Group !:-linH C'enc;e to exi:-t. ..Any unt>xp:-nclcd h:tl:rn<"~G of npproprintiom-, nlioration:::, or othi'r funr1;; ~lY:'1ibh!c or nuthor­izccl io he made nv:iilabie for such Grnup shall L~ nvnifo.Llc arhl shnll bf' nntlwriu·d to l>-.! mncfo avnilab1c iu like mHnner for ex­penc1itma by t1)e .:.\g<:11cy •

Sj:C. 103. (n) "i11ere is Jir:m.·bv est:;.hlished a :Xntionnl St-curitv Re­ronrcc.-s :Hoard (hNeinniter in tf1ic; !:cction referred fo n!> the "Jfor1rc1") to be compo::ed of thl! Chr..innnn of the Hoanl :'lnd ::uch hC'acls m· 1 C'prc­rentafrrrn Of the \"ariOll'; C:\('CUtiVc clc>p:11·fmenfs niJCJ in<lPpC•nclC'nt ngc>n­cf\'3 n<; .m:w from time to time b,, <le,.ign:i.tNl by the Pr£-:;id£>nt lo be mem~,{"IS of tn<- Ho:inl. 'rlH: Chair1i1:.n of t11r Doartl shnll },.'.) np- " }h)intec1 from civilian life by the- Pre~ic!ent, hy nncl with the nclvic.? nm1 con~t>nt of the Semite, rmcl ~hn1l i·ecci\·e compPns-:ition nt the rate of $1-i,WO a }-ear. .

(b) The Chnirrnall or the nf)w'1, i=nhjr-ct to C1i' clin•C"tion of' tho J?r,~~idrnt, i rnuthnriz£>d, c::tilJjr·C'f to tl1f' ci vi I-~ rrvict> J:nrn r.ncl the Cla -::,oi­fi<"af ion .Act of lfl9!3, n.:; n11wnclf'1l, to nppr,int nnrl fi;i;: fltf' Mll1J1rn:.nt ion

. c-f !'11("}1 p,>;;::.)m:-"'1 :ii, n•:i.v l•" 11C'r:r-:::<'lrY t" n:::c::i::t H1P J1r:r:11·c1 in c:u; vin::; Out i~~· i1i~1·:~; .. )n-'. • • · •

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(c) It. shall be the fondi'm of tho Board to nch·i:m tLa }~)"N~idc1•t r::inccrning foe coorl1in,!Hon 0£ military, indust;.inl, and ch·ili1rn rnobiliz,\tion, incluclinci- •

{!) policies cor.cerning inclustrinl and civilian nwbifo:ation in or<.er to ~nre the rn0::.t e!Tec~i~·a 111obiliz:Ltion nnd mn:...:i11rnin utili.1.~tio11 cf the Nation·.:; manpower in the f'Vt'n~ of;

(2) progr:•ms for tho £"ffec-ti \'e use in time o: ,,.:\r of the l'Tnlion's nntu;·,11 anc1 industrinl ie.:;ource.:; for military und ch ilinn ]1{·~.1.:>, fo~ the m:iinte:nntK'e nncl ~tabifo;ation of tho civilinn €:cono:ny in time of \·:ar, nnd for tlic nujustmcnt of such econo:ny to war needs nnd co:Jditions;

(3) policie~ for unifyiug, in time of wnr, the activilics oi Fed· ernl ngenci?s antl departments eng.1ged in or concernccl with p10-rluction, procurement, di&lribution, or transportation of militur,,f 01·civili:m ~t:pl>1ies, imi.terinl;:;, nml prctlucts;

(1) tJ:e relnlionship between potential supplies of: nncl poten­tial requh·cments ioi·, m!"~npower, re~':>m-ces, r:.nd producti"..-e .focili· ties in tiri1c o~ \rnr; . · {5) policies for <.>sh:.blishing ndcqn! reserves of sfrntegic nncJ ci-iti~ll niatcrbl, and for the consen·atiou .of thci:e r;:·scrn~s;

(6) the stratc.'p;ie i·elo:ation of induslric:::., sm:vices, go...-ernm~nt, and (?('Onom1c activities, the continuous operr.tion of i;;hich is es£en· tial totheXation'ssecurity. ·

{d) Jn performing its functioni::, the Bonrd shall utilize (o tl!e maximum t>::<:tN>t. tho "facilities antl rt:sources of tha dcpr.rtments and n::;cnciea o:f the Go-.-ermrn~nt;.:

'i'1TI"E H-'l'Hf.; 1L\;.f10:\.\T_, :\IILr1"'.AltY EST..Alr! .. ISIDH~XT

Sxc .• 201. (n) '.fhero is hercl>,Y established tho Nalionul :\[ilitnry F,c;bbli:;1n11e-11t, nnc1 the Sccr£>tary of J),dense shall be tltc hC>:.d thcrc·of. -

11 (b) Tlie Xationnl ),[ilitnr}· Ec;fablis1m1ent slinll cunsh;t of tlia


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De1):n·h1ll'.'?1t oi the Armj-, the Dt-partn'icnt Dr the Navy, nncl thC' D~partmc·nt. or the .\ir Force.', fop:~'ther with ·an of.her agencies crc.11£-d under tit IE' II oI this ..:\ct .

SEC. 21)~. (a) There ~hall he a St'cret:n.r of D~fL'n&E', who s1m11 ho appointed from civilinn liie b); tJ1e Prc~icleut, h.r and with the r.dvic-c 1m<l con:::£>nt of the St>nate: Pra1 1idcd, Th::?.t f~ pe1 :~on "ho l1:is

· within ten ve-ars ki•n on ncth·o llnty n:-; n comm1$:.:::ionNl officer in n. Hegnlar con1ponE'nt of tho nrm!.'<l $en·ic.'s sl1:11l iwL l•:! E'li~~ihlE' for iippointment ns Sect r-tar•; of DefonH•. 'l'ho SJcretary of 1><.>frn;::c sh:ilI ht- tl13 principnl :1.$..-;].::tant to the President in nll rnat!t'11l rebt­in~ to the J~a~ionnl f.('eurity. Fnt1.-::r tho clirE'ction or tho Pr~·:-:illE'at r,nc~ subj cc:-. to the pro•;i.:;ions of thi;:; .Ad he sh::i.11 ! .er.form thr- following dut1C'S:

(1) )~stnbli . ..;h p'nE'rnl polir}t's and pro~rams for t1it.1 Nntionn1 liilitnry Ji:stabh$hI!lE'nt and for all of t11'3 c1c.-pnrlmeuti:: nm1 ngc-nci£>s th:.-1 £>in; .. ,

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N"ATiOX.ll.T~ ~!·:CGmTY }.CT OF 194 7

{:?.} N:•:er('i~e: 1~~nE.'ra1 dirc·ction, authority, nml co1°trol O\"et :mch . . . . . ae1•:irrnh•Jlls anc ngl!nc1e::i; · · •

(!~) '..f:ike npprvfH iate :::.tep:; fo l'liminafe mmec.-e.-...:ary d11plic:1-tion 01· over1appin:.; in the fi...Jd.,, of prot un·ziw111, supply. lra1.,..p'>2"­fa(ion, stm·ug{". ht'nlth. nncl r<:'st•ard1;

I - {·0 Sur1£>n·i:·~ :mcl coorclinate the ptt>pnratiou of t11t• Jnuluet estimates of tnc d~pnrtment:; nurl ng£>11c1t';; compl'i ,in,:! ti1e Xatioi1a l ~filifurv E··":lhii-.hmcnt; fommlate :su<l <lef<'n11ini~ tho bmlg-t•t e::timates fr>J" i,;uhmitt:il to tlm Bureau of tho Bucl;.::c.t; nm! ~up.:-1·­vi~l" the f)m1p•t progr:nn~; of ~uc-h <lc·p.!J'tuwnts :md agl'ucil·S u11tlt•1·

··1 tl1~ npplk·abk- npt>1 opriat ion :!<.·t: · •

· Proi•idctt. That notl1in~ herein co11tn i11ecl ~liall J>l"C'\·eut !lie ~l'C'l"C'l:iry of thl· Army. tl1<' Sl·t'refn.ry of the X:w_!·, or the ~ecn•lary of tht- .\ir Forcd from pre~11ti11g- to the Pn·.:-:idc-nt or to the Jfo·et'for of th€' nuclgt•t, after fir~t SO inform in~ the ~l'Cf"l.'t:1ry ·of J>£>frm-c. nny report, or rcco1m1iend:•tion rl'lali11:! to hi-; depa1lmc·nt which hl' ma-r ckC'm necessary: Al/fl 1•1·m·idcd jurlher. That the l>L·p:nime11 f or the .:\rmi:. the ll(•pn.rtment of the Xav...-. and the Dt!-partmi'nt of the .\ir l"m~C' &ball ba admiui:-::tcr~cl ns incli\·idunl e:.:c~utin~ dC'par:nwnts Ly th<'ir respc<'tinl Secretarie.::; :md all powc--rs mid duties ichtin:r to s1wh

· clepnrtrnentb nof ~pec:ifit'a11.r coniez·rccl up()n the Sct'retm~.- of Dt•{en::c by this.Act ~hall Le l ctainNl hy t'ach oft liL•ir J",•:-pC'di\ ~ t:<'l·i·etariE:::=.


(b) The Seer<'t:iry of Dt·!'en:.=-£> i:lrnll ~111imit nnnu:1l wi·ittt.•n report.:; to t11e Prl:':::ic!ent :rnd tl1C' ('ongr£'!':5 t'on·i-ing- e:r.:pen,Iiture-;. woz k, n11<l nt:t>mnplishment~ of tl10 ),"°ational )Iilit;:lr_r ·E<;fnbli:-:lmwr1t, tog~·tllC.'r "\nth ~i:1ch rec:mmi:entlations ns he i:hall d£>{'J!l upproprintc.

(c) The Sect·c-tarv of I"h;feno:e f-liall (":llM' a !'l.'al of om~·~· to 11~ mncle for the X"nticmnl .:Hjliz:u·y E~tnhJi-.Junent, of ~uch <k--;ip1 irs tl1t> l'rC'.;i.


c1ent~hnll nppron·;:md jmlicinl 11otice i::hall Ji·~ tnken thereof. .

:un.n·.\nY .\t.:~I~T.\XTS TO ·nu: J::!-:Cm·:T.\I~Y

Six·- 20:}. Oiiiccrs of tl1c nrme<l ,r.:en·irf's mnv }1(" <l.-tailNl to <1i1t\"

l\S n:::si;;t:mts nnd }ll'l:.""Clll:tl nidC'.:> lo fh(' BP("l<'t:tr\· or Dcfc.m-C', hut lin shnll not e~f:1l1!ii,h n milit:1ry staff. ~

CI\."l~,YAN l'F..F:~:SXI:f,

·- - SF.c. 2oi. (n) The ~Pe1etary of Dt?frn::-p i.:; :rnthorir.(•11 to appoi11t • from ch·iE:m Jifr uof to c·xeee<l tl11 c·c ~1wci.1l a-.~i-.tants to nch·i:-l' m11l

2:;::s:i:-t him in tl1e pt-rform:m('C or hi~ <111tic·<=. Eat'h f.llCh ~pedal n:-:::i~t­nnt shn ll rt'CC>h·c com [1£>n.::1t ion at t I w 1·af <·of :=:J 0.1 >00 :1 )"•.>:tr.

(h) Tlie Senetary of n~fen:.:c i;; authorizi:·d, suhjl'l't to th<' d,·il­serl·icc fow::, :md th£> Clm:<:ific-ntion .\rt of 1!1~!l, ns a111P1HlNl. to appoint nncl foe the cmupt•n;;atirm of such o:lwr ci\·ilian prr~o1111(•l a.; 111ay he> ncce!'::nry for fl1e p<'rform:mct' of tl1e f1111c·tfons of thr Xatinnnl _:\filj. !:_iry EstalJli<.!mi~nt othC'I' than tJ1r1<-t• of tlae Ih•j1:l1·trnP11f<. of the .\rmy, •-li:n-y, nncl .\1r l•orcc. .

I>l'!I·.m-r:\n:::sT m· Tlrn .rn:uy

SJ-:<". 20:i. (a) The Jkp:utment of \\¥ar sl1:1ll lirr('afte1· ht• clr:"'lignnfrcl tl1e Vt•p:utmr-nt of th~ ~\1my, nncl the> title of .the 8t.'t'rt•fa1y of ·war 1-hnll I:(' <'h:rn:r"cl to .f-:rrr~·tary of tlir .\ml\·. Clmn~r<'s s:lw11 Ii" mnc!t­in th<' title.:; C>f rJthi>r of!i<"t•1·.;; null nl"th·itir·;i' of th{' lh·parhm·nt CJf the .Arruy ns tl:e Se..:n•fory o! the .Anny mny dE'tc:n!iine .

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. REF ID :A69029 '---·--·-:-::.·:-.:::-..::-;:- . .:::·~..;'.·.-:::-.::.·:=='"'-------------'""---~-~----~ ....... - .... __ _._,_




NA'fIOX.\L s1-:cr;mn.- A~r OI•' HM '1 5'J

°{b) .All h w~, orlh'1 ::;, J'\'[~t<latinrn:, nml of h('l' ucfions rrlatinv, to tho l>c-p:ll'ttnC'nt of '\\·nr or to :my o!lit·l•r or nctivity who~e title i:; c·h:-ing<'<l u111h·r tl1h; t-:r-c·tion :-;halJ, iu..:1Jf:11· ns tlwy me not i11rcm~if-fco11t with tl1c> }ll.<•Vi::liO!l'i Of tJij~ .\ct, }1l' dl•PlllPcl to l"t•Jafp {O tl1t1 J>~•p:tr!lllCllf Of the .\rmy lYith in the> X:tl ioimJ )Ii I it:ll'\" E:.f :ihli:-hnw11t or to ~uch oflic:cr or nl'fi·/ity dc:"ignnh-cl by hi'> or its 11c\1; title.

(c} 1fhe tN lll ''D.•1;:-irt1m•11t of tlw .\rr11y0

' 11;; ll"l'tl in this .\ct shall lit> con::trncd to mean thr l>1•parf111(•tlt of th!' .\rmy nt. th<.' ~t>nt of govc·rn­rncnt :rnd nl! fa•l<I Jw:11lrt1mrtl·1·::, fo:·cc.;:;, rl'H'l'\"C' coz11pon<·11t:-;, iu:..t:i!la­tion'<1 11cti \"it iC':::, an cl fm:ct iou~ urn for the cont rnI or supen·ision ot t lie Dl'parti.ieut of the .\nny.

(d) 'fhe Sl•cretury of the .\nny !-hall cnn:oc n i;:eal of oflkc to iit> made: for the Dl·partmt·i.t of thP .\I'll1y. of i,m:h <ll':-:ign as th{' Prc .. :,iclC'nt mnv npprm·e, nncl jnclil'inl r.otice ~luill I>·~ tnken th('reof. ~

{c) In geneial tht> t;uitccl St:ih•,:; .Army, within thn Dl'partnl('n"t. of the .\rmy, ~hall inC"lmlC' larnl c..:>1uhnt :mcl i;:ervice forcC's nncl St!<'h nvia­tion ~ml wnter tl":m<>pm t ns may be orr~nnic thcr~in. lt E>haU be org:.miwcl, trainE>d, nn1l ecp1ipprd primarily for p1ompt n11<l :ou:;tuinecl con1hnt incident to opr1at1rm;; on land. It i-hall he respon~ililc for the l>l"<"}>:tmtinn of l:mrl forcC'!' nt"cl·~-:::n·y for the l'ffe{·fivo p1·0:-C"c11t ion of \\nl" c-.xcept n<; othl'rwi~l' n·~,:i~m:<l :uul, in n<"c<mlancl' with i11t(·i~rntC'cl joint. mohifo:ntion plans, fm· tht> t•xpansion of pt•:wetime componb.ts of tlm .\rmy to nwet. the.- llPNls of \rnr.

DiW.\lrI'_\n:"T OF Tfn;,N.\\"Y

fo;J-:C'. 20!>. (:i) The ft'rm "l>~partuwnt of the Na\ v" ns u:,ccl in this Act f;"nlI b':} constrm.>tl lo llh':m thf' J k•partmP11t off he K avy at the s2at or gon•rnJTlC'llt; the ll\':Hlcp1arte1 ;::, t;uitl'd 8tatt'S :Marine Col'pS; the cnt11i' O£)er:tting for<"f"l> of th•• FnitP\l St:ifC'S Xnn·_, inc-lmling the nan1l m;i11tio~1, nnrl of the lJ11itl.'•l :-;tall'~ :.\Iarinl! Corps;; ml'lucli11g the rc:::t'r,·o componl?nts of such fo11.e.;: all fil·ld a"'tivitic.:;, hC':u!qu:u:tE'r:=:, forC"es, b:i "t':oi, in:-tallat ion.-, .:wth·i t iP..:. :uul fun ct ions under t ht:> co11{ rol or ~nper­.,,·i•;ion of tht' I>.·parhm•11t of thr Xavy; nnd the 'Gni: .... ,1 State.;; Coast Guard wlll'n opi'rating-a<; n part of the ~:ivy pm'fin:mt. to law.

(b) In gt"lll'r:tl thr l'11it<•1l ~.;t;ltt·s X::n·y, within thC' Depnrtm<'nfof the Knvy, ~hnll indmlc• tiantl comh:it :mrl ~crvir:e for•'P.:; nncl such a\·i:-ition n::; Zml'r lm or~:mic tJH'l"l'ill. It sh:tll he org:mir.l•cl, trai11£'d, nml eq11ippl'll 1;rim:ll'ily for prompt nncl :;n:;tninC'cl co111bat inci11c•nt to opemtionr.; nt. ~l·a. It ~hall ht• rl':;pum;il>Ie for the P'"l'p:tmtion of 1mval foll'Cs nl'c(',:,:ary for thP £'ffl•ctiv1• proc:C"cuti<m of war c>:Xcl'pt us other-

. wi:::c n-:...;;ig11rd, :md, in :1c·c·1wcl:mc·c with i11ft>grafrtl jni11I mobilization pfoni;;, for th£~ cxpan-;ion of tlrn pencC'time components of tho Xavy to 1m~.-t the nN•cl.;; of w:ir. .

.All naml nviatioa ~hnJI Im inh•p:mtecl with tho naval t-:er,·ic!' ni:; part t hNw>f wit hi 11 f h£' I ><·p:u f 111£'11t oft b• X:t\'i-". X:wnl n\"iat ion ~ha II conc:i:-;t. of cnmhat nncl H·n·i1•e nncl trni11ing :Corel'~, nnrl ~hall i11clmlr J:111cl-hn~c1l wrn1J al"ialirm, :tir tmnc;port e~·-rntial for 1rn\·:il opt'mfion::. all l\ir we:\pons :mcl nir frchniip1l's in>o1w1l in the opl'ration:; nml flC"til"itif's of tht' t:'nir(·~l St:itC's X:lY_v, nncl fli<' t•ntin• rc>m:ti111l<'l· of the nero111mtieal orga11i7.atio11 of the t:nitca ~tat<•s Xn,·y, tog-ethE'r with the }1t-11'om1e l nl'ct',:sa i·v t I 1rrt' for. ·

·The Xun· shall°hl• ~l'nrrullv rl,'spon~ihh~ for n:n-:il l'C'comi:tiH:-:uwe, nnti:-nhmar11H' \\":ll"fon•, :111<1 p1~1ll'dion o( :-;hipping.

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60 M.'1.T.W~;.u, l.JZGO.'.UT~ .ACT O:t' 19-.1 'I

'I'ho Hnvy 1,k:1.1l develop t•ircr::ti~, »en.pons, tnctic:;, h•chnique, m·g-.>..n­)::~1tion nnd cg,uipm~nt of nnv;il CO!lib~tt ri.ncl ~crvielJ E•l£>1nt•nts; matter:; of joint co!lccrn n:-; to the;;e functions sh~l.11 ba coordi:wtetl lx!tWC'C'Il Hrn Arm,·, the ... \ir Force, a1.d tliL> ::Snvy.

(c) "l'l~e United States :.\I:..rim} Cm·ps, ,-;·ithin the Di'par~mt:'ilt of iht> Navy, shall inclu·fo bnu co:nb~t nntl E:<;rvice forcei; nml such a~·intion !lS mny · b~ ·:"rg·n.nic tl!<:rcin. Tho :\foriuo CCJ;·ps shr..11 lie org!mizecl, trnined, ni:1l cqdpp<!d to.provide flc~t m:uiac fort'PS. of combined nrms, tor;cthc~· y;ith suppm tmg ai1· cornpone:1ts, fCli" scn·ic~ with the fleet; in ttie s2i~;11rs Oi." defense of ndv:mcecl n:n·al bas".'s and i"or the conduct. o.f such hnd opc-ratirms ns may L::: c3scntbl to tho prosecution of n unval c::unpai,ffn. Jt shall he the duly of the 1\foriue Co1-ps to cle\·elop, jn coo1·dinat1nn \\"ith the ..c't.rrny :mc.l t.he Air Force, these of amp11ibious operations which p1,1rtnin to the ·tac-tics, fr.chniquc1 nn(1 equipment cmJ.>Ioyec.l by landing for<'es. In nc1dition1 tno ~farine Corp;:; s1rnll pro·nde cletachnwnts m1<.l org-ani:t.ationo; for sarvico on t.rmcd. vessels of the Navy, shall providti sc>cnrity <h·tnch­ments for the protection of ni!'i·n.l property nt mn·nl stations nml ba::es, nnd shnll perform such othei· duties as the Prcsidc·ut rnny direct: Provided, Th~Lt such r:cl<litionnl duties shall not detract from or iuter­fsro with the operations for which the ~farinc Co1·p:; is primarily orgnnizl'.'d. The ~farine Corps f::hall ue responsible, in nccortl:mce ·1;1ith inlt>g1·aled joint. mohilizdion phins, for the exp:m<;ion of pt•ace­timacompommtsof the~forine Corps to meet the uccclc;of war.

Sze. 207. (a) 1Vithin the Xational ).!ilitary Eslnhlic:Jlnwnt there is hereby establi::.hcd an c:~ee-utive clep:u tment to b~ known ~~s the Deptu t­ment of the Air Force, nnd tt Secretary· of the .\i~· Force, ·who ~hall he the heacl thcri?of. '.:rlie Bcczetary of the Air F'orcc slrn.H be appoi11!C'cl from civilian life by the Pre.c:ident, by nn<l with the adt·ice Pnd con:;cnt of th\' St>natc.. ·

{b) Section 15S of tl1e IleYi.::ccl Statutes is ameudc-11 to indmlc the .. Dep::irtnwnt of the .. Force and 1110 prrwi~ions of ~o m11rh of tit I~ IV

c1£ t..he l~cYise<l Stntulce as now or l1c1 enftcr mm•rn1rd n<> i~ not incon­r,ist<'llt with this Act i:ihall he ajJplic:iblo to the Dep:ir tmcnt of tho :Foi CC'. •

(c} The term "Department of the- .Air Force" as rn=cd in this .\ct sh!11l be} con!':trued to me:nn the Departmr11t of the. .\ir Force at the rent of government nn<l 211 fip 1<l }i('aclquai·tci·s, for crs, 1 L'~C'n·c c<m1-ponents, install:iti011s, activitie~, and fundicms under the control or SlipN·\·ii::ion Qf the Dep'lt·tmt•nt of the.\ ir Force.

(d) 'fiiere shnll Le in foe J)epartmmt of thr .\ir Force nn U11clrr Becrcfary of tho Air Force r~ncl two .A!--;i:-tant Secretarit-s of th:.- .\ir Force,. \iJ10 ~hall .Lt! appointed from civilian Jjfe by tho P1esidrnt !Jy nnd '''Jth foe nc1v1ce nncl co1F<:·nt of the B<·natc.

(c) TJrn se;·emI o!':icer.s of the Di.?pnrtmc>nt of the .\ir Foz·ce sl.nll - p:-rfonn such functions r.s tJie Secretary o! tho .Air J.'orco may • p1 e.~c1 ibe. .

(f} So much or th:) :functloac; of t11e Recretnry of the Ju I~1Y r.nc1 of tha D<!pa.rtuwnt of the Am1y, including thn:"e of r.nv ofiic('r .1f &uch Dep:nt111e11~, as nro r-.!:~;igrn~d to or under the conhol of the

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REF .ID :A69029 .:_::..-.:~_=; ____ :.. ..... ..:.:..:_:.=: -.::=:..~--=---:=_ ~- ...... ,,...,...,,..~- .. "'"· ..a......r..t.. • .__._...v.....-_~-.-.o1.. .. - : . ... ·-·- ·---...:,.~ .... ,,.:...__ ..... _____ .....

() NATIOXAT, SbC'UilITY ACT 01·· 1 {) :1 i'

C'rJllm1:m1linrr Gt·llt'1·a1, Army Air Fo•·c:cs, or as am dt•t•ll1l'll by t!1..? fit·crl'tury of Duf1:ll!'C to La necessary or clc~irabfo for thn operntions of the I>cpart:ue;~t of the .\.ir For('C m· tho United Stat~.; Air FuH·:.o,

• i::h:1H bu trnu&fc:n-cd to niHl n•r-tl'd in the Secn•lary of the ~\ir Fou·c! nud fhc Depa1t11ti:!1t of t11c ~\ir Fore.•: l'roi·i<frd, 'fha~ tlie Xation:il Guar<l Bureau ~-hall, in n<ldition to th~ :functions nm1 <.lnti(·:; pcr­fonnr·d by it for ~!u\J)cpartmPut oi t11c ~\rmy, Im charged with &imi!.u·

• fnnctionr; nml duties fer the. l>ep:nt11wnt. o! the ~\ir Furcl', im·l ~h.ll1 bl~ the C'hnmicl of cmmmmic:tl ion hr·: ween tho Dcpartrnc11t of the ~\ir Force mul tlie ~~n~ral S:ate>.:;. on all nrnf tC'r:> J>t'l taiuing to the }dr Nntiorn1l Guard: .Ant! 7Jro1·irfrd j11r!l1cr, That1 in orlll'l· to pt'rmit :m orderly transft•t·, tlLn Sec1·ctary of J)._.ft•11c:c mny, during the tr.rn-,fe1: period hC'rciua(t('r prc,crili(•d, dircd tl1at Ibo ])ctmrtm::-nt of the Army ~hnll continue for nppropri:itc perir,c1.:; to <'Xt'l C'IC:C nny of such fune­tionc:, insofnr ns they refofo to the l).!pnrtlw:-nf of tlw _\ir Force, or the 'United Stntc,; ~\ir Fe.rec or their prop(·rly mid pe1~om1el. Such of the propt'l h·, p~r:;onnd, nn<l 1ccqrcls or llie J).•partuu.•nt of the _\rm:; uc:E'd in the l'Xerci:-c of fund ion.:; tr:m:;forrcd unrfor this ~uh.::l'cliou ns th<.' St?('rcfnr:r of Dt"fen~.e l"hnll <ietc·rminc shall be tmnsfcrrt•tl or aF-.c:;i~ne<1 to tlm J)e>p.n-tnwnt of tht· .\i":.· Fox ce.


(~) Tht• !~l.'cn·~:ll"y of tl:~ _\ir ForC'l' ~linll cau<:c n i::Pal nf o:ike to bo maclo for the JJ,·p:1rtmcmt of the .\i1· F(JI l'l'. or i-!!ch c1<'\'ic(• a!' the P~esidcnt ~hall nppi-ow, nnd jucli<'ial 11otice shall bl· t:1ken thC'rt•of.

• U!<ilTi.1> !'T,\TES .\lR rm~ct:

Si-:c. 203. (:~) The Unitl'c1 S{::ite:; .\.ir ForC'e is hereby <'SfablisliPtl uml('r the DL'p:trlml'nt o.f t11e .\~r For('c. The .Army .\ 1r Forces, tl1c Air Corps, Unif<'ct Stnfl',; ~\ l lllJ, and the Gl'neml J fo:ulqur!rtcr5 Air Force (.\ir Fon·c ComlJat ('ommand), slrnll bo transfrrz .!tl to the t;11ited Stnte-; .Air I•'orcc.

(h) Th~·n· shall Ii(• a ('hiC'f of Staff, Unift•d S!atE•,; _\ir Ii'or('r, wJ10 &lml· !Jo appoi11t('(l l1y tho PH·,:cknt, by ancl with the nd,·icc.nnd ccm.-cnt of the Sc•!•!ltt•, for n term of four yenr~; f1om :nnong !he 01!1cc1s of g<.'lll't·nl r:mk \\ Iio :ire a<;..:;ig:nl·rf to ''r co111111i~-,ioned in ll13 'C"nitt'Cl State-; .\ii· Fort·f•. lirnkt· tl1t• din·ction of the Sccret::i.n• of the Air l"orcl', tllll Chit•f of Staff. C11itNl Stale,:; .\ir Fon::c, shall cxcrci::c comm:rncl m·l'r th(' l'n it.·ll 8tal C'.:3 .Air Fon·(• a111l .!<hal! Le (•ha1·gp,l wilh tht> d11ty of carrying into exl'C.·ntion nll hrn ful onk·rs nnd directions

· "whid1 m·1y lie tr.1;:..;miffl'll to him. Tl1l' fu11_1.·tio11:-; of the C~nmnmling Genem1, o~ncml I!l'.ul1pmrft•r,:; .\ir Force (.\ir Fono Com!1.1t Com­in:m<l), nnd of tlw Clii.-f of tl1I' .\ir Cur}),:; :wcl of thl' Co1mn:rn11ing Gt•11t?ml, .\rmy _\ir Fo11·e~, f>hall lJc ti-.rn-. l'l'n:1l to the Chii•f of !':itaff,

~ G11itC'cl Stair~ ~\i1· Foret'. \\'hPn ~uC'h tmn<;for b:?come:: cffc<'tin~, tha ofGces of thr C'hit'f 0f tho _\ir Corp.~. l/niti·d States .Army, mvl . .:\%ir-L­nnt.-; to the C'i1il'f of flit-.\ ir Corp.::, I;nitl·tl SI all's Aru1y, l,>rn•·idcd for h,:r the _\ct of .Tm:P ·1, 1~1~1), as a111emlcil (·H Stat. 'i'GS), am. Comm~nd· ing (~l·m·ral, GNwml If•·:tdqnartt·i-.; .A_ir Fon"l', 11roddl•tl fo1· liy ~cction f, o~ the .Act of .Tum~ Hi, HJ;J(; (·!!I Stat. lf.:2:1), shall cea:-:e to c:d::;t. ~\"lule holding oflit•C' ns Chic-f of Staff, U!!itc-cl Stafcs .Air Fo;:ce, the 111cmnbl'11t ~=hall hold o g-ra<l~ mHl JC'cein? nltowancl'3 equintlcnt to th'>·'e p1e::.:riLcd by 1.iw for the Chi('{ of Staff, Unitcll States Army. . . .

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REF ID:A69029 / O _ _::..: _ _:..._.:~:.; _ _:.. __ . _,__-~--== '-'-'=~oco~--"--=-"---~-,

II . 62 NA>"IOXAL SEcu:mr 1.c·c OF "" 7 . I

Tlh~ Chief of Staff, Unitecl States _\rmy, the Chit•f of :K1t\":il Op.·ra-tions, und the ChiP! of Staff, llnitetl States .Air l<'nrc(', ~lml! lake 1·,rn':.;: nmou;~ thcrn.::eln?s nccorl1ing to t11ei1· rcl:ttive clntC's of nppointm?ut



ns such, nncl &hall ea .. :11 take rn11k nho....-e nll oth<•r officC'rs on the nct1...-o lbt of the Army, Xnvy, nncl .Air Force: l'roi•ided, Thnt uofhin~ in this Act shall have the clfort. of cl1:rngin:t i.hC'. re lat h·e muk of tho T-~t>~~nt. Chier .of Stnfi', Unikd Stntc·s ..:\.rrnf) nnd tho present o~~icr o.f }1m·nl 01>crntlon~.

(c) All co1mni::-.;;ionrd officers, wnrmnt oflir:c1~, nml r.nlic;ted men, ccmmissionrd, J1olclin~ warrm1t-:, or cn1i:.tec1, in the Air Corp~, Unit<'<l Sta.tes .Army, or the 61.rmy ..:\ir I•'orccs, i:-hn.11 be tr.m·;fcrrcd in branch to tho::i UnitC'd StutC's 6\ir Force. 6\11 other commis:;ionccl nflicers, wnr-rnnl. oflicers, nnd enliskil men, who nre commi::sion~cl, hoM wiw::-nnts, or nre en}ir;tccl, in nny compm1£'nt of the .Armv of the United States and who aro undet· the: nuthoritv or commnu(l of the Commnudil1g General, Army Air Forces, s!rn.Il°Le continued uncfor the m1thority or comand cf the Chief of Stuff, Unitecl Stntes .Air Foret.', and under tha juri!>cliction of the !>ep.1rtmeut of tht> 6\ir Force. Personnel whc~c sfati1s is affected by thi~ sub~ection slrnll ri.?tnin their cxi<>ting- c ommis­sions, wnrrm1ts, or enli.:;tr<l &tntus in existina c·ompmwnts of tht' armC'cl foices unless othe1·wi~..:..· nlterecl 01· terminated in nccor,lnnce ,,jth c:;:i ,;t­.ing Ja,\·; ancl th<.>y shail not he dcemc<l to h:n-e b~·cn np;ioi11t£'d ton uow 01" different office OL" gracle.· or to h:t\"O 'i":lt'c1fe<l thcu· pt>rmnm•nt Of'

· temporatT :.ppoinfm('nfs in nn C'Xi:>ting compo1wnt of the nrl!led - foreL?s, solely by l•irtue of nn)' change in status uncler this subsection.

No snl'lt change in status slrnll alter or prejnclice the statu-; of nny inclh·iclnal so asc;i~1~d1 so ns fl) <le:prive him of anv right, lmnefit, or prh·ilt•ge to whir·h he rna,y h.• ('llf it1ed unr!n ex isl i11g- law.

(d) Exct>pt. us otherwiso clir.:-cteJ by the Sec-iE'tm,r of thl' Air I•'m·cp, nll J>ropC'rly, records, insta1Jaticms, U!f~11cieH, r.clinlies, project~, nncl ci"ri inn rl'l'SOllll('} \lllrtl'l" t}H' jnri.::flictHm, ('Ollfl'OJ, a11tlir,rit.\-, Ol" COlll­D1nnd o the Commnncling Ocnr-ral, 6\rm.:o 6\ii· Force.;;, shnll be con­f.inul:'d to the ~mne extent nntlC'r the jnri:-clidion, c-ontl'Ol, nuthoritv, or comrmmrl, rl"spN:tiwh-, of the Chief of Stnff, r11ift!tl Statc•s 6\ir I.i'cm:c, in t11c I>epnrtmenf oft he 6\it· J.'orcl•.

(c) For a period of two ve~rs f1om the date of rnactment of thi:-; Act, personnel (hoth mili'tary :uul cidlian), propl'rty, iw·or1l~, instRilations, a::;encirs, nr.tidti:·s, nncl projN:ls may Im tram;fc-rr<.>cl hE•twcen tlie Dt•parf111r-11t of thl' .\nny nn•l fhe Dcp:irlml'nt of the 6\ir Force hy dirl"ction of lhC' ~E'l·retars of D<.>ft•nsl'.

(f) In gt·m•1·11l the ruitl'cl Stnf£.>s 6\ir For1•e r:.l1n.U inclmlt• m-·iati11u forces both ·cm11hat mul ~NTir.c not otl1t•rwic.:e n;;.:;ir-11,~d. It shall Ii<.' orgnnizrcl, frninecl, nn1l N1uippt>c1 prinmrif.\· for prm;1pt nnd si1slniiml Clffenc:ivc nnd tlrft·11~in~ ·air op.•rations. Th<• _\ir Forl'e shall he i·e­.sponsiLle fo!· tho im·par,1tio11 of t11e :iir :Corce.s nect•S$,11"V for tho cfiectirn prosecution of war c:>:cl'pt as otherwise a!;.r;ignccl :mcl, in nt::<'orclnnce with intrgmtl.'d joint 11111hiliratio11 pl:rn.::, fox· the c-xpnn•;ion of the peacetime components of tl1e .Air F01-ce to meet the· necc1s of wnr.

t-:1:-·1:--i:cn1rl-: uxn: or ·rn.\::->s:n:ns

· s~:C. 200. };1!clt (l"UIH!fol", U!>Sig'lllll£'1lf, 01" c1H1n£;C in St1~lt:s UllCfol" section 207 or section 203 shall tnkc efrcct upon such clnfe or dntes nc; nt:\y be prescril)('d hy tl;c f:er1etary of !}efrn"-c.

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REF ID:A69029. •4-=-----~~-- __ .. __ .._'"--=-....._ ... ,_...:J--. ~--- .. - -· .... ~ ' ' ___ ........ _ .. ---------------....--- ..... -- - .· ..... ,. __

XA'l"IO:>.'l.L f.ECTHITY .'1.C1' OF 1 U l i

1·:;,:c c·ouxcu.

Si:e. 210. Them ~1:.11! Le within tlm :Xafional :\Iili!:u:y E~.{::hE·-h­nl(•nt n \\·ar C<•tmril coi1i111J.-t><l of tlw ~t'<'l'{'{:u·~· of H.~fl'll"f'· ns Chair­man, ,·,l·o i.lia.Jl han} p1m.,-1· c>f dl!ei~icm; thu b('Crctary of tl:~· .\rmy: the Scc11·tary of tk' ::S-:i.·y; th· 8ec:1·l'!ary of the .\it· Force; tht.1 Chiei of Staff, Unit Pl? Stntl".-> .\ rmy; th• ('hid of Xarnl ()pemfit111s; nnc1 t1w Chief <>f St:d7, llnit,•tl S!:ttcs .\ir J'orre. The 'Ynr Comu:il ~.1mll ncl­'\'iso tho S.:crctnry of Di.:f('rn·,, on nrnlll'r::. of Lro:i.d poliey rnlafi11g to the nrnwtl forcl's, :uul ~imll con:-.i1l••r aucl rl'port on mt("h otliet· mati:cr.=; as t lie flt>cretnry of D:•ft•n:;c mny di I l't't.

S:i::c. 211. (a) 'l'hl'l"'.! is lll'rchy c·~:tablisl1et1 within thl" ~;ation::i.l ~lili­f:ln· Estah1is1m1ent th~· .foi nt Chiefs of St a ff, which shnll consi'>t of th 3

Chil'f of Stn.ff, Uni ti d S~ntE's .\ rnw; the Chief or Nnv:tI 0Fr.tHons; tlie Chief of Stafi, Un!lt'll St:tll's .Kir Fort'e; :mcl tlrn Chit"f oi St:tff tu tlie Comm~1•1t1rr in Chief, if there be ont'.

(b) Subj~rt tfJ tl1c m1thority :mll clirt'ction of the Pr.:>sidt>nl nnd tho Secrl'lmy ofl)<?fons~, it sl.all he the duty of the Joint Chief:> v~ Stnff­

{1) to ! tmtcgic pJnns :mcl to pro\.·hlc for the str.1h·gic · <lirectio:i oft he mi1it:u·y J'ort'c·1;

(2) fo prq).n.1 jo~nt logistic plans nncl lo :issign lo tlw militnry services logistic responsibilitic;:; in ncorclnnci.:- ,.,ith &m::h;

(3) to E'::tnhfo;h uuifi('(1 ~o;,111rn.ncls in str.itegic nrNt"> whc;, sud1 unifil'c1 comm:mds ~r~ in tht~ intc·rcst oi nntionaf~C'curity;

(·!) fo formnbt~ policic3 for joint tr:i.ining of the military forces; . •

{5} tn formu!.~ft" poJicies for coorclinnfing tlil• c<l11t'ntion of m21nbe1:; <1f thC" military forces; .

(6) to 1·c-view urnjm· maf<•rial nnd pprc;onnC'J 1'£'qni1·<'•nN1ts oi t11e m iii! ary forl'l';;, in ac-t•cm 1:1111·(' '\\ it h st m tl•gic nn<l logi-,t iC'.' pl:niE"; :mcl

(7) to pro;.-ide l ~uih•il 8t":ttc•-; 1c1n·e:::cnfotion on tht' )filitary Staff Comm~ltl't." of the rnitc·cl Xatio1H in :1{'t!Ot"C1all{'t• wi:h the prm·isionc. of I ht' Clm1 tPr of tf1~ i;nit(·d Xat ions.

(c) The .Toint Ch:l•f:; o! Siaff shall nt't. ns the prirn:i.pal mililary :uh·i"'('l's to tl1<' Pn·:-i,lt·nt nllll tlu• f:l'l"lf'larv of Dcfcn:::e nncl shall p•!l~­form s1wlt otln•r <lutiP . .:: a-; thl' PrP:.::ick·nt mi<l th<' Set'rf'fan· of Dt•fi>nc:c may tl i rC"cf or a:::; mny lit• p1 l'::l•rihPll hy 1:t w. •

'S.:e. 212. 'flwn• !>h:i.ll ht•, 1111ch•2· the .Joint Chirf:; of ~tafi. n ,Joint Stnff to cou::-i~t of wit t•> <'Xl'£'Nl one• hnn<l 1 <'d ollicers natl lo l><.> compo:-e<l of :tpl1roxi11r·1tE·ly cqunl 1111111h<-1.-; of ofii('\.'l"S from ~.1c·h of the thn•ti m·ml't scn·it-l•s. ThC' .foint ~tali", opt'rnting umh.•1· n Din·dor therrof :lppoin!('cl hy tl1(• .Joiut CJijpf., of Stt:ff, ~:hall pt>rform ~11ch dnti£-s m; m,iy h3 c1ir,'ctccl liy the ,Joint ('hief:-, of Staff. The Dilt•c·toi· f>h:11l Ln nn oflic('l· jm1ior in ~1·.~r1t' to all 11H·mher:=; of thc> ,Joint C'hi~fs of Staff:

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Ii I I 1 I 1' (j f NATIOX.'.J, ~1;cunrn.· I.CT m·· l !l-.~ 7 j I :t f

11 3IUNJ'l'IO:SS J:O.\W• t I! I 81:<.'. 2l!t (n) 'fhe1·c is herc·uy c~tnblii;hc:d in th(' National ::Military 1

Estal>li£hments n :::\iunitions Board {hercinaftt•r in this ::-•~ction 1'\}fo1 i-Nl


torsthe'1I~o::u·d"). II 1 (b) 'l'lie Bo:ird i:;h:ill b~ composC'cl or n Chairman, wl1c shnll Le Orn


l~enu thr!u•of, nnd r.n Unc~C'r Secn'tary or .A .. sishrnt fa·cn:lnry· from I e:nch of dtl' thr~.:- mHitnry dt'partr.wnts, to he clt>:::ig11atcd in each c11se Lv

!I I the S!!c1d:u·i~s of th£>ir re:-f'l'cli\"c dC'pmtment". The Ch:~irnma sh:ifl

bC".nppointcll from ciYili:m ifr b.r the P1·c::.ifh·nt, IJy nncl ,,·ifh tlw :uh-ice nnd con~cnt of tho ScnatL·, nnd &hall recch·c co111pcn:::ation nt the r.lfo

j of ~iH,C-00 :i yt•:n·.

I (c) II, &hall L'3 the dutv of tho Hoard u11dC'r the direction of the Sacreta1.·\.· of Dcfl'Me ancf in suppl)rt. of r:.tmt('gic nntl logistic pl ms

I prepan:cll>ytheJoiutChicfooi8tnfl'- · ( 1) to cNm:!in:ite the :1pp1 opriatc: ncth·iti~);; \dthin t lrn Xntinn'l.l

:Miiitn1y :E:;:t:ibli-~lun('nt , ... ·!th I'L'gard to imlu..:tri:il matters, int'lncl­I I

I. 1 I I;'°' li·J I

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ing the0

pro\:m·emcnt, pro~luction, :rn<l c1i:-tribution plans of the deimrtmt'nts ancl ngenciC'.a comprisin~ f ho EtituLli$]1mcnt;

(2) to plnn for the militni·y aspects o! jwlnstrinl mobilbmticm; (3) to l'~COil!Illc?icl it~~1ig"lllHC'llt of pr<••-'lll"t.'lllC'llt l"l'.:'('01tsil1ilitiC'S

·mliong- tlie !"f.'Wl';ll military fC'l"ViC'c·s mH1 to plan for l'-tamlardir.n­tion of f'pecilicn t ions n ucl for the grE.'a tc·.st pmcl ical.le nllocat ion of purchase al'tliorit,- of tC"c:hnit·al (•quipwC'11l nm! conmwn 11~0 - :cm1;:;on t11e b:1$i.; of :-;ii1,;;!c: p1 wun•nh.'nt;

(4) to p.reparo cstip-mte:s of potential production, procun'mcut, nncl pcr::ornlC·i for n::c in cY:tluation of the lo6i:.tic fensibility of strntC"gic opN·.,·: ions;

(5) to detNmint' rel:ti i \"l' priorities of the rnri01i::; SC'gments of the 1i1ilitary proC'Ul'('lncnt pt ogrnms; '

(6) to ~up1'rvi!:'t' snch sul.iordiPatc: H.f;Ntci;:-s as nr~ or rn:iy tr: creat<'1l to con::ich·r the subjl"cts foiling within the ~cClpc of the rcspo:isibilitie.:.; .

Cl) to make rccom1n<.·11s1ation<> lo iegronp. combin(', or cli:::solrn cxii::ttng intcr::ervicE:' :tf.P11cie.:; opernt ing iii the fields of pror11rc-

~ rnent, pt'~ion, nnd cli:,tribul1011 in ~nch rn:mm·r ns to prom oh: cfficieHcy rnd economy; · (S) to rnaint:ti!l liai:-011 with ofhE.'r tlC'p.11·t111l'llf~ aml ngc·ncies !or tlm propE>r cm r_elat ion o! militar,,· rer1nin·mPnts with the ch·il­mn N.·onomy, p.t rt 1i:ula 1 Jy 111 r<'gar<l lo the· pro<'lll'l'lllC'Ht or cl is­position of stl.\tP~ic arnl c·1iti<·al 111:1!(·1 ial und 1111' 111:1i11lc·u:l!H'!' of nclc·qunte rE.':>N''\"c•,; of such 11rntcl'i:i.l, nn<l to m.1k(' 1 i:?c:<>mm('nclat ions ns to polieb.:: in C'OmH·ction tht'rcwith;

{!l) to ni:::-c.>mhh, nncl l'C\'it'w m:t!C'rial mul }ll"l~onn(.'I r1~qui1·c­m.enh; prl':::t-ntl'll bv the .Joint Chil'f-; oi Staff nncl thr.r-1~ prl".=-l•ntccl hy tlu.• proc111C't ion, ·procul't'll:l.'nt, aml cli-=t ribut.i 011 :i~l'nciL•,;; n":::ignl:'d to llle('t military m:t'Cl::, nncl to mnkC' rt•commcnrlationq th('reou to the Secrcl:lrr of 1Jt>fl•!1sc; nml

(10) to pnform <=1:ch 0lhl"l' clulif'S ll~ the S~crrtnry nf JJ~fl'lli'(' mny direct. •

(cl) iYhen tho Ch:1ir111:m of t1rn Hoard first. nppoint!'cl hn.:; fnb'!l ofrice, the .Toinf. .\rmv ancl Xnl"\" )fn11itinn::; Board ~l1:1ll c.:>:•"£' ti) C':dst r.n<l n11 its rC'corcl" micl pc·1:::m1n~l ~hall ht! tr:m:,!t'1 red Co the )[m1ifion~ l!oard. .


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NA'i'IO::-Jf,T,, s1:cunITr Ac1· m~ 19·17 6., ., ....

(o) rl'he Set•rdnry or Dt'fcnsa sJmll riroYiclo fo9 Board with &nch p 1m:on11el nnd fncilitiC'S n.c; the Secretarv may <lctcrminc to ho rcquircc.l by the Board for the performnncu of its.functions.


S!:c. 214.. (ri) 'J'hcre is hereby c::;tablhhccl in the lfatfon:i1 ~1!ilitni-y I~st:.bli:;hment n. Hc:wr.rch m:d ]),.rn·lopnfrnt Boartl (hl'r('innftci.: in this i:cction rcit'rrNl lo ns the "Hoan1"). Thu Boatcl. shull b~ com­posed of n Ch::inn:m, ,.-ho s1wll bt• thc hC'acl tht>rcof, nud two I cpro­S£>ntnth·cs from cnch or the D('pnrtm.-nt::; ul tho. A1·my, r:nvy, nnd Air Force, to lie c1csi::;nntC',J by the SE'crctnrics oi t.hc1r respi:-ctivc Dep:i.rtments. The Chairman f.!rnll ·be uppointecl from civilhn Ijfo by tho President, by nnd with the nch·ic~ nnd consent or the Sen.1tc, and F-hnll icceh·e cohipcns::i.tion nt the rnte of $14,0u) :t ycnr. rrha purpo::o of tho Board shnll ho to nch-ist:> tho Sccrt:>tury of Defrn.;o ns to tha &tntus of E:cie>nUGc rc~cnfrh relative to the nntio.rnl !':>curity, mid to nssbt him in nf:i::urincr nclcquato provif,ion for resrarch rind d:)velopment on $Cientific. prolJ!€·nn re fating to t.Irn nntic.nnl S('cnrity.

(b) It sh111l bc- tho duty of the Bo:ucl, uncler the dil'cction of tho Sacrctary of Deft'nse-- ·

(1) to lJrepar~ n. cnmJJ1rte nnn intt'grntcJ progmm o! research nm1 de"T.·elop111t'nt fm.· milil~!t'Y purrm<=l':;;

(2) ·to nch-ic:e y;i{h rl•g:u·ll to trend::; in scic·nlific rC'i::l'nrcll rcbt­ing to n:\I ional &et:urity m.~t~ the mensures necessary to vssurc con­tinurd nncl incre:t~in:rprogrl'::s;

(3) to r~comme:d men!:it?1~s of coor'"linnticm of rcscr.1·c11 nnd c1(:velop:ncnt nmoi:;.;' Hi::.- military c~r,pnrf ment:-:, nnd r~l!o:!.1tion f:l?10l1g them of rcspom;ibilitics for sp::-cific progrnms of joint i.!1tt'rest·

(4) t~ fo1:mulnte pn1icy for tho Nntionnl :Military "fi.:qtnbfo;h­mcmt in connrction with ie::C'nrch nnd dcn•lopnwnf mattrr:> in­voh·ing ngE'nci<>s c.ulside the National J\!ilitmy E<:tnbli.-,hment;

(5) to consid~r th:l intcrn.ctinn of rer;rarch nnd dovclopmt>nt nnd strntCJ.,'Y 1rnc1 to nclvis3 tlw Joint Chiefs of Slaff in connection therewith; rmcl

(G) t.o p!·dorm such otl1c:r duties ns t11e Secictary of Dc:fonso mny (?itect.

{c} \Vhc•n thr Clmirm:i.n of t11C Tioart1 first appointed lms tnl:cn office, tho Jobt nesenrd1 nnd D.'.!vclop!11C'llt Bor:rd shnll Cl':lSI' to C:\i•.;t nnc1 nll its rrc,1rll~ rmrl pt>rsonnel shall be tmus[errl'd to tho 11e.;oatch nnd Dc•·clop111cnt Bo:ir<l.

(c1) 'l'hc Sf.•Cn'tnry of D:-fC'll!'l' f:.hnlJ provide tho Board with f:ttch personttl'l an<l fn,..iliti~·.;; r:s the SC'crc·fary mny c1ctf'rrnino to I.xi l'('quired by tho Bon rel for tl1c pt>rio1·m.mco of its functio!ls. ·

81m. 301. (:i) Tho Srr1t'fary or l1rfensC' slmll rcrC'i'l"c thE' compcnsn.­t ion .1 •1·\.':;r.rih.:-d h.:;r lint for hrads ol' l'xrcut in• clC'p::t.rf rncnt:::. ·

(h) The Sec1.~tary of thl' Arm:r, th~ f-'c·crclnry of the :N°n'l.·y, nnd tho f.~('.rcrtnry of tho .Aii" Forro s.!1:111 each receive tho compensation t>L ('SCt I b-:-d hy J.r.·: for J.t::.1cl:-: O ( CXl'Ct~t i \'C dl'{ •:ll t lllCl:t ~. '

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66 :'

. . S:.-~c. SC!}. Tho Um1at" Secretaries nnd .A~istnnt. Scet·etari(';; of tho­

Army, tha ?-fo•-.r, nnd thu ..' Force shall e>t'..d1 1-.•c,•ivo com,rcnsation nt thn rilte cf ~10,CG~ a y~:i;: a11•l &lmll p··rfmm su~h dut1::-:;; a:; tha ~ecr~fories o.r _t_hfor- I'e.3J:ccti.-c df'p.irtmcnt& m!l.y pre5c~ib3.

A!)\"lSO<?l,- c-0~:....<n"I;:iw ,\:'ii> l'E..'cSOXXJ-:r.

-- S:zc. 303. {n) Tl1a St!c:r~frn·y of D<>fen::.c, th~ Clrnirman of th~ N~tiom.J Secu.rity lksom-c.:-s Hollrd, nncl the Director or Cwtral InteJ1ij:!"ence uuthodzed to -~ppoint ro-uch adYi<-ory C'Ommittc:;s nnd to cmnloy, CO!l:!!istent wifo othe1· proYi::.ionc; of this Act, such p~u-t.-. ·1 ' I t 1 • • bm.e n.< n:;nr.y pcrsonm· ns t 1r-y may c.c~m·y 1.n cm:-r-ymg ont

then· respectln~ f nnrtions nnrl th.J fnucllons of ag<:>nC'1es u11tle• their wnti-ol. :Persons hol(ling other oflices or po:.itious under tlrn United Sta.t<!l5 for ,,..hic·h they l't'ceiv'b compensal ion ·while ser\"ing ns memh-::-:rs o.f sud: committeEs &hnH rt:'cei...-e no aclclitiona1 compensation for snch s.:i1Tic-~. Othe;,· member;; of ~nd1 commit~ee.s, and other p::u·t-timc ndi·isory p~r.:;o:mel so employ~cl may SCl'\"O without compen::ation or mny rt'<:ein~ corn1n•n::ation at a. rate not to exc1?ed $3;) for c:,ch cln.Y c1.f S~rvi~, t1S delt•J:mfoed by the appointing authority. u

(b) Ser¥ice of au i11divi1!11al :1~ a memh.-r of any ~uch mh·i:::ort• committee, OZ- in :Un.· ntflrr p:n·t-timt> l"~lpHcity for I\ chm:tl'fm<>nt o;,.. ngency he1"C·mulN·, i-:1rnn- not te 1·cm>;iclf'l'l~<l :1:::; ~1Tice b1~n::rin;! such imli\·hlual within the prm·i,;im:,; of -=ectim: 1(1!) or 11:} o! tho Crlminnl Cotlc (U.S. C"., 1!1-!0 e1l.:tion, titll' 18, st>c->. HIS nncl-203), or E=:::dion 10 (e) of the Contract HdtlE'ment .\l·t of HH.f, unb; . ., the net of such imlh·idunl, which bv such H·ctim1 i.s mad;,> unhrn·ful y;h£>n pc:rforinec1 by an imh..-ic1u:t1 x-efern.•d to i11 such ~l·ceion, i<> v;-ith LeST>•'CL to rrny particular m'ltter ·which direcflv iln-olvE's a. c1epnrtment ot• rigency which ~mcl1 p~r;:on is advi$i11g or"in which such department. or ri1,;~:ncv is dh~c:tly intcre:.ted. . . · · •


Sr..c. 30-l: • .All tr:msfors of ci\·ili:m p<>r£onncl unc1t>r this Act sha11 ho \\"ithout change in cb;,'>iflcation or <'Ompc>n:-ation, but the head of nnv de1>n1 tnwnt or agency to which 511eh ti t r:u~sfor is m:1do is nuthnriz~ct to mnl:c such ch:Lng('s in the title::; nncl clesignntions nncl prescribe: such clinn~es in the dnt1C'.:; of such p-:?i·sonnel cmnmE>nsur·nte with thf'ir cb:::;si­CicatirJn n..c; he ;;nay dc>cm ne-ces::mry mHl opproprintc. ,· j. _. ._ D. .. W!XG l'I!O'\"ISLON'S.

Sw. 30:>. (n) .Alt bws, ordPr~, rc-gu1atio11~1 :rncl other nctions app1i­C:'.21J1e with. t"i',;:pect. to nny function,· ncliv1.ty, pcr-::onn~l, property, i·ecorcl~, or clhc·r thmgs trnn:.ferrecl under this Act, or with re->?cc!:. to r.ny officer, ckp:i.rtm£>nt, or ng~ncy, from _which suC'h tr:rnsfot· b ni:tclt>, slmll, except to the ('Xt£>llt r<>..:cmdecl, mochfil'cl, sup:?I~Nlccl, tcriniln\tCll 7

oqnncleinapp!icahle by or under authority of b.w, hnvc thl' !:m~u· cffrct ts if such transf Pt' h:ul ll<;t ht>e:n mn.cle; but, n ftc-r nny surh l r.m'-f t·i". ~w::h l:nY, o:·<Jpr-7 r~J".'l!lnticin, or othrr ndion whirh \"t':-tl•il f1mdio11::; in or other\.-ic:c rel:ttcd to nny oflic·C"r, dE'pnrtme11t, or ag~11c7 !win

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,,·}1ic.-h sud1 t.-ansrt•1· ".\ ns made ~hall, in<;oiar as npplicnhfo ·with :rro~:_ect {.(1 tlu:~ foactio:i, ncth·i!y,, pr'!1•.-::rty, i:c.:01As or • thu·~l trnnsfo!"n~d nn<l lo th.-:: extent not mco:1sistent 'nth ot!u:r p:·o·ns1on:> oi.. H1is Act, l)c ch.~mcd to havo v~ted ::mch :function in or ~:1~~•:to to foo officer, l!:>p.n"!;nent, or agency to ,.-hich tha trr.nsfar wn.s !"M:\l::. ·

(b) :Ci o &uit, action, or other procc:2<linr- lo. wfu Hv coimr...•nc.ecl by <.J!: nf~n.inst the ht-<t~l vf. t~ny d?p:irtmc>1!t or agency o~ "c1thor· of t1n Unih~d Stnt(-s, m }us of.icrnl cup:1.c1ty or m rl.'lut1on to tl-:e du:char;;u --0i llis o.f.!d.ll dnt~e:~1 i-.lrnll ah:,tc by rt!ac:on of tho taking cl~·~ct o.i r..ny ti·.:rnsfer or clinns;e m title uw:ler the prC1vi&i.ons of t.\1i.s .:\.ct; ::mcl, itt t~t~ c:i!:e or. nnY. such tr,m!>icr, such suit, r..ctio11, or ether proc..'.?cuing nmy be ummt:uncd by er agamst the successor of 'Suen hetttl or oth~l~ o!iic..'.?r tmrler th.i trr.nsfer, but only if the co:rrt sh11.ll alfo\·; tho s::;no to bo mdnt:>.iHecl on motio!l or supplemental petition ftbll ,,-!d1i.n t\ .. clve n1onth& after such;for takes effect, f.hmvinci" :i rn~ce3S~L.r fo~~ t1m survh·nl of such suit, action, or other procec<lfog to obtfl 'in s~ttfo~ ment Of {1~(1 (!L1£.>3ti0ll'3 ill"V01Ved.

(c) ?;;"ot\•ith~tnm1~ng th~ l)l ovisions o:f the socom.1 p~n·,1t1~~)h ox f::""'""!'tion 5 of i.Hfo I o! the 1''irst, "\Ynr Po..-.-crs Act, lNl, fh~ e~i::;tlt•J of tha 1Vur D:!p.trttncnt unl1er tho provi:::io'1.s o! E:~ecu­tiv~ Ord!!,· :l'7urnhered 9032 oI rebrnnry 28, l!l:~2, ns modified by E:xccu­tha Ordel" Numl1.:irecl 0722 of :;"ifay 13, 19.!.U, mHl the existing orgn11i7.:i­Hoa of tha Dep!l.rlmcnt. of tha Nr.v-Y unc1c:r the pro\"i::.ions ot J~~ccutivo Ord~r Numhc-red !J63.> of Septcm'bc>r £D, 1945, inc1udi11g th~ n~ign-1:1:·1:~. of furn:tions to org.1ni:mlionnl u11its witliin the> \V~u· nnc.1 l{r.n' DetJ.1rtm::-nts, mo.y, to the e..;:tent dc.>terminecl b:; ths S2crctnq oi Doiensc, conti?ll!t) in force fo~· brn yc.:it-s !ollov:ing tlto a:\tC of cnnct­Int>nt of tllis Act c:::ct>pt to:the c:tlc.-it 1;1ot1ifil'll Ly tha p-:::r1-vjskms of thfol'...ct.o:i: umbr the~authorily of hi.w. ..

SEC. 30{'i. All uncxp:muet1 balances or r.pproprhtions, ni!oc.1tionc;, nonapp1op1·bti:>d fn11ds1 or ofher func1s avaihtblo Oi" Jwrr:"lftej: rnnclo ~vn.ilr.ufo for m.o by or on bchr..1£ o! tha Army Air l!"'orc~s or onicars tl1e:reof) sli:Lll bo trnn&ferrccl to th3 D~partim:nt of th~ .Air Force for us.o in conn::!ction with tho. exerc:isc o! ib fmictiou~. · S-nch other un­C'XJH.•n<lcd b:thincc,:; of npproprhtionc;, alloeatiolls, nonappn1priutccl funds, or ofl1er fu;-ids avnilnLic or hcrcnftcr mn1.lo uv:.;.U:ihlo for uso by tho D:p:1:;·trne11t. of \\'nr or the D~p:u tmcnt of the .Army in t':~ex·cisa of ft:nctions tr::msforz·ecl to tl.e Dep:ntmcnt of tho Air Force 11nc1cr tn:':l Act, r-s foe Sccrctnry of Dcfonso shall dctN mi Ht·, !=lrn.11 i,, tr:i.JJs­f.err:::il to tho D•'iJ:u·tmE-11t oi the Air Force !or u:oo in connectio:! ,._ ith the e:~ercis::i of its functions. Unexpended bnln11cc; tr.msferr~1l uncle:« this section nmy be use cl for tho pmyosC's for which t l1tJ r r p1 oprinticns, r.llocations, or other funds ,~·cro or1gin:illy rnr:.clc: n:railabll', or for 1ww c:xp~m1itures c.c~asioncd bv th::i enactment of this Act. Th~ trm~3fer.:i ) • 1 • 1 b. 1 "} '} -ieie•n nntnor1:c:2c mnv c mac a wJt 1 or wit 1out. \•ti1Tnnt Pelion ns m.'.l.y lJo approp1·i;-,fo from lime. to tim3 from s.ny npproprintion covered by this· S·"'d ion to any othel' suc·h P pproprint inn or to :=.u"h new uccounls cstabfo:hccl on the bcol~s of tho 'l'rcn&ur:r as may bo cfoti:rmiu~d to ho necessary to C<ffry into cficct provision::; o"! this Ac~.

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#) -"" I'.. • ,_, u f .... ' ~,,. ~ . i.-..

. ;..~?'_JJ;~\'Cj ~~~':t":; f.'•i\~~'t",..a

: · S:;o. 30'1. 'l'fo.•.re nre }H.'rel>y r.ut:i:oriz•!cl to b~ anpropriat.ed snch sum~ as m:•y l.-0} ncccssar.r ~tncl n1mroprfote to carry out the J'rl>\"isiond

1 ,. I • • ~ nm purpos~;; oi: t ii.s .ti.ct. D:.:?L~T£lO:X5

s~x~. sos. (n) As 1hN1 in this Act, fl1e tem1 "fn11C'tio?1·1 focludc.s iunct1ons7 powr::::, nncl cluties.

· (b} As us~·ll in this .'..ct, the t£>rm '·bmlgd·. J)ro::;rmn'' rcfets to :r-;-com­mendntio11s ns to the uppnrtionment, io t H? alloc:i.tion um~ to tho 1 . .-wicw of nllotzuents of upprorn·intcd funds.

E=?.PAF-'I. !:U.11."Y

S:::o. 300. H nny proYision of this .\ct o• the appliwtio1'.. focreof to any per::on or circunu,tnnees is hc>lJ in.-alid, the vnliclity o.f th3 ro­nminder of the ~\ct and o.i thC" npplication cf :::nch pi·t.n-i;ioa to otht>r

· panrJ11s nnd circum?t:ine<'s shall not lie nffoctcd then:l>y.

J::..:""Tr:c-rn..-:i:.: D.\n~

. SEo. 310. {::i.) r.rhc fh"£t sentcnco of ~£>dion 202 (n.) ~md sccl.ions t; 2i 307~ ~OS, 300, nnd 3.lO shnU i.ari:e effect imml:'di:itely u1•on tb~ cw1.Ct-menf .. of thi::; !\ct. -: :

{b) Io;:s.ccpt ns proYI~i."d in subst>cfion (:1), the ~nu.-ision.s oI this Act s!mH ta.·rn effect·on ,..,·hichc\·e1· of the following c:.avs i.:; th· e-.'.lrlicr: 'l'}i~ cfo.y nfte;,· tJ1e cln.y upon \Vhieh the Sc·cre:tary of 0

Defcn:-.:J f:rst nppointcc1 take.;; office, or the sixtieth (hy nftcr tl1c clltc oI the cnn.ct­meut of thfo .Act •

Ste. 311. J•1m.graph (1) of suho:C'tf it)n ( d} of :::cct io::i 1 of tJio Act cntitfod "An Act to provic!r: :for the performance of th~ dutic""S of tho offico of Prcsi<lcnt in cn£e of tlw i-emo-.-al, re;;:i;:?"nntion, clc::it!i. or in­ability both oi ihe J>rr.sidcnt a.ncl Vice P1·£.-.sirlenl."', nM:,rovcd .July 18, HH7, is nm~nde<l by ~triking out '·Secn·b~r.r oi l\'ar" :uul foc:c-rtin~ in lfau t__hcrwi "Sr:crctnry of Dt-fense", r.nd by striking 0~1t ':Scc.:-e-tary of the 7!.nvy,". . ~pproved July 2G, 1£147.

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[Punuc L.·.w 9.lG-8k1• Co::-.tGR1:-;s]

[C':.r.\n·=~i: 11D--lsT S1:c:s1ox]

rn. n. uG32J .:\N AC'l'

~o 'tt'<:rg:rnf~ ft~•·al m.m:;;:(':a<>:1t h1 the :Sntio:ml Hil!tn1y Ec,tn.1 ·11 •h~•'ettt. to prcuiotc cr:cnom;; mn! c-l:ki.!lll'Y, nnd for t•th·~r l'i!rpo:se~i.

. Be it CllflCle<Z by tlM Senate and n O!lSC of Re pre~c11tatives of the; United Slates -oj America fo (/o-nt;rccs a.isc:mblcd,

S1:CTI0~ 1. 'Ihi.:; .Act. m!'\y bn cit<'<l nJ the ".Kntio1ml St:curity Act AmcndmN1tc; or rn-Hf'. .

Sl:c. 2. fo'edicm ~!of tho Xnti011:ll s~curity ~\ct of Hl!i IS nmen<lcd to read n-.; fo!lo;·;s:

'~S?·::c. 2. Jn e11nctin¥ this legislation, ii is th(' inic11t o! Cong1·ess to provide:t c0:nprcl;emn·c p:·og1·:nn for the iutur~ !'CClirity of the Unitccl Stutes; to provilln for the t':-.l:tlJlh.hmcnt of iutC'grntccl pnlic-it>::,; nnd procedun.•5 for the dcpa1tl11Pnt, :ip:Pnci<'::, and funcli11m; of the Gov­crnnwut relating to tl1e nntiimal sc-cnrity; to provide tlirr·n militr.ry <ll'p:irtnwnt~. ~eparntdy ndm!ni:;tl•rcd, for the opc·ralion :rnd adminis­tration of the .\rmy, the ~nvy (inclucliH~ navnl ~n-iatiCJ:1 und tho Uuite>cl Statt•;:; ).fa1iue Corp-,), i~nd tho ~\l.r Fon.e, ,..,ith tht'ir ns::;ignccl co111b,1t :rnrl ~ .... r...-ic~ <·ompo:wntc;; to \H'oYido fo1· their nuth.:iritativc coordination and unilit•tl c1ir.c·dion Ulll1('I' civilian control of tho s~c·i·c­fary of Dt>ft>n"C' h1;t l:ot to nwr~·e tlll'm; to provic1c fo1• the cfJ'rcth-~ stratl'gic dii Pcticn of the urml'd force:; rinrl for ihl'ir op0 1 ntiOJl m1C1c;: unitic•d cont1·0J rmrl fcJJ' tlwir illtl•g1·.1ticm info :m cfiiC'icnt tC'am of lan~l, nc..-al, M1d air fore~,; kit iiot l•> t·Anhli!--h a singlC' Chil'f of Sl::ff o\·er the ri.rmed fotcl's 11or rm nrmt'd fcm·c•:-. g<'ncrn.1 staff (hut this i'3 110!. to Le: interpreted as applying to the Joint Chi,•fs of Staff or Joint St:iff)."


Cff,\NOI: IX CO'-fl'O!iI'!'lOX OJ-' 'l"'Hl~ ~.\TIO~.U. SECt:P..ffY COUXCIJ,

Sr:c. 3. Tl.e fo:.trlh pa.rag-1-.iph of !:l'cfion 101 (a) of t11c Xational Security .Act of lfl ~ 7 j..; nn:t·rnh•d to rL'nrl :ts follows:

"The Council $h.1JI 1:., cornpo~ccl of-"ll} the P1· .. ·:-i11t'nt; " 2) tho Yie..: P1c.;,idt>nl; " ;~) the Sec-r.:>l:iry of St:.11.·; · " ·.!} tho ,$r,·1ctnry of 1Jt:>foll5Cj " !i} flib Ch:iirm:m of thr. N a!ion:1l St'cnrity He~om·r;:>s Doar1l; 1 . r.w_

''·(O) '1'l1e Bt·crdari,•:; n!!d Uucl!'r 8L·r1~t:u·ie,; or oth•·l" cxccufr:;~ · ilep:n·tmeu!s e.ncl of th£> milit:u·y clt•partment~, thC' Ch!lim1:m of

th3 Munitions Ho.1lll, arnl tlie Clmmn.rn of the l!1'.:>ea1l'l1 and Dc\·dc.p:m•nt B0artl, whN1 npj>oiut•'ll hy tho Pr1·:.iclent Ly nl'•l with the ach·ic~ n!ld con!:-!.•11t. oft 1~ :Scnnte, to H''-'\"l' nt hi;;. ph•r.-'\ul c.'>

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CO!'.""\"l::it~I0:-0 OJ:" 'flH~ NA1"WX ,\J, ]>[IJ,t"f.\:IU~ i-:sT.\HI.rsu::;n:N'l' ;m l"O .\N l!..\:WUT!\".i:: DU.\lU'.lU:N"J.' .

S:;,:c. 4. S(·-ction 201 oi the National Security .Act. of 10-17 is cnn<:·nucd to rcsc1 ns follo'l":s: ·

"S:ro. 201. (1!) '.fhere is ht'rehy ei::tn?Jli.c::hecl, no; nn Executivo Dr-p:n-t­:mrnt oi the Go1;ernmcnt, the Depar-tment of DeicJ1se, fmd thc"Sc.rr;,-fary of lJ.:fon1:,c !':-hall be the head t11e1·t'of. · , . i!(b} There sli::iJl be u·ithin the Departmt-nt of D:!fonc:~. (1) tha Depnrtment of the .Army, the n~partment or the x:~YY, nncl tho Dc­p.~rtment of the Air !•'ore{>, nncl each such depnrtmcnt shnll on nnd aft'<'r tha cbtc of ennctmcnt of the Xntionnl Security Act ~\mernlme-nts c1f l!HO be militury departments in lieu of tllC'ir prior 5tntu~; as Ex('CU­tive Dcpnrtmeuts, mm (2) nll other agencie::; c1·eated under titlo II of tbis .Li.ct. .

"(c} Section 158 of the Hevisecl Statute.:.;, n.s mnenc!cd, is r.mendcd to r.::iul as follo,;-s: . ·

tt 'SEC. ms. The pro•·isiOIJS of this tit!e slinJI npply to foJio·.v-ln,I! E:.'\:ecuth·e Dt!partmt'nts: ·

.:: ,~,irst. The· J)~p:trtment of Stnte. "'Scconcl. The Dzprrtment or Def en~. · "'Thircl. 'l'lrn De-partment of the TJ·t•asury. '~'Fourth. The D~p:n·tment of .Tustice. "'Firth. 'I'hc Post Oilice Department.

. is 'Sixth. 'l'he Dep:\rtment of th{} Interior. "'Sm.-cntli. The Dep~Lrtmcnt of .Agricu1h11·c. "'Eighth. Tlle Dep[.:fment of Commerce. "'l\int11. Tha Dej>n:thm.•nt of r...~hor.' • ' 5( d) I~:.:c<:I?t to the extent iuconsi~tent with tlio provisiom;. of tl1is

.Act, the prm.·1sions of titfo IY of the Uevisc<l Statutes nc; now or ht·re­v.ft(>r amended shap be ripplicahl~ to the DepnrtJnent of Ddenst>."

. S1-:c. 5. 8£-etion 202 Qf llic :National Security Act of Hl-.i'l, ns · imH.•ncledt is further azmmclcd to reacl as fol lows:

. "Sr:c. 20-2. (o) 'i'here shall be n. SC'cretnry of Defe11~e, who shnll be nppointed from ch·ilian life by ihe l'n·sicleut, hy hll<l with the aclvica nnd consent of th3 Sennte: l'roi·fdcd, That u J>Pl"FOn who hn:i within ten yenrs hee:n on ncth·e duty us ft comnfr;..,io11ccl oflii:er· in & n['l,,'1il:12· component of the armed sen-


iccs shall uot. hl" <.'ligiblc for &ppointment s:i.s Secretary of Dt>fen~. · . -"(b) 'l'ha Secretnry o! Defcnc;e slmll h3 the principal a~.:;ii:;t:mt. to the President in all matters relating to the Department of Defense . Under the direction of the President, nncl subject to the prm·i:"=:ions of this Act, ho shn11 b:we direction, nuthority, ancl control oi;er tho I>epRrtment of Def ensc. ·

' (c) (1) Notwithstanding nny J>ther pro\ri'>ion of this Act, tlta com-bnt:mt functions assigned to the military Ei't"Yices hy scctiou;; 20a (c), ! £0C (b), 203 { c), and 208 (f) ]1erco! !>hall not b::i tt-ansfct·1·cd, I"!"l.S- i sip,n\!cl, nholi:.hcd, or consolidnlecl. "'I • "(~) .Military pe1·~onnel ~!\.nll uot ho so dctuiled 01· nssignrd r. ·,


f im1,rur such cm11b:i.taut funct1om1. f

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.·:.::: ==-==~R'EF--ID-::-A6.9 Q-29·· -~-p . 1.1t"'\ .. iiJ , lJ NATIO::;AT. s::::ct;r:rrr .. J\C'i' OF 19{7 71

jJ . · "(3) 'l'he S!:!cr<-t~.-y of D:·fenr;e sl1::i.1l 11ot c1irect tlle us~ nnd cr.penc1i­tu10 of i'm1ds of tlu~ D.::1;::i.rtment of Dderise i111md1 wimne-•· ll.!' to cficct the r1?.aults prr:hii>ited by P'•I<!grnphs (1) nml (2) of this subs~tiou.

"(4) Tho'nts or th<! Anny, Havy,. nnd ..:\.il.· l'orc<.> sh1\ll b3 s~p!!.ratilly nd11~inb~cn:•cl },} th(.'ir respective Secretaries umlPr tile <lin•<:tion, m1thority, nnd co:1trol of the St>crct.iry of Ddcn,:;~.



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"(fi.} Subject lo th<? provi:-iono; of p:i.ragr:\ph (1) v: thi-; i:.1.1b,;rction uo :function which has be<in or is h~reaitc1· nuthoriz...,c1 },y l:w; to be performrd by th~ Dcp~rtment of D<!Icnc;o shn.11 bo suLo,timtially trans­ferred, rt'~!">r:-.~nrd) al1olisher! or crm::.olitlntl:d until :i~tcr ti. r.epor t in n>p:nrd to :~ll p~rtirnmt cletn.ils s~1a1l ha.\·e b~:Jn rondc J_.y th3 Secrc:.bry cf l1eft.m ··to the Comrn?ttee.s o::i .Arme<l Scr~·icf!::; of the' Co:1gru;.;.

"{fl} Ko ~ro\.·ision of this Act ~hn.11 be so constru..?cl ns to prcvrnt a Secrett.ry 01 :i military cl~p:u·tment, or tL mt>mber o! the J oiat Chiefs of Stnfl" from pr~cnti11g to th!3 Congress, on lii3 o>m btthtiYo, ::::ftcn· .first. so informii~g the Dccr<.>t:l.ry of Dc:fons!!, n.ny r.:cmmncmfaticm rehting 1o tha Dt>k>:trlment c•f D..?:ien::.e that. hll m:iy ck~m p:;·opcr. .

"{d) 'J'he S~cre~ary of J)afen.:m shall not le::-~ often th·m H:mi­anmmlJy submit ,..,..ritten »epC'rts to the President nn<l tln Congres5 co•·erin.z exp<.>n<litnrc::;, work ::md nccomplishm~nts of tlw Dep:irt1:1!'nt of Ddei-::.e, uc-comp:-t1~ieCl by (1) such recommcnclutions m; he shn.11 <lc:?m npprop.~inte, (2) i:t-pm·ate reports from th3 military cfap:1rtments covering their c;q,enclitun--:;, work Rn<l nccomplic;hments) rmd {3) ite-mht•c1 st.1telll'!'1ts &ho·.vhi;:r the £-:wing-a of public :funds nncl the clim!,"l:~tians of um1eeess:.1ry i!t1p1ic.1tions nncl on•rl:ippin:rs th~:, b2en i~ceomp1ish:!c1 pursu:rnt to the pxovis!ons of this Act.

"(e) Thd S2c1·et:n·y of D~fe,i.H• shall cans:l n scnl of o!ifr.n to h; m<?.de :for the Depnri:nwnt of.D:?fens:?, ·of st:ch d<>sign ns the Pres!dent sh'l.11 ~Pl)rm·e, 1m<l jmliei.11 not ict~ ~hall bo fa ken thrreo.f. •

'{l} 'fhe Sel'1·etars of Defom.e may, without, beillf; relieved of his rC'sponsihilitv th~1-~for, and unless zn·ohibitc:l by some spedfi0 pro·:i­sion C\f this i\ct o~· other spt>cific provision"of law, perform m1y functioJ\ V£:Stcc1 in him through or with tlie nhl of such of.icmls ur o:r:.;.•.ni7.o.tionnl entities or the J).·p:ll trnent of DcfCil!>C ~ts ho ma.y <le;;iguo.•o.71

DI-:!•t;"l'"Y l.'l•:cm:T.'..HY OF" 11;-:1-·.1-:::-.-:-:r:; .\Si":IS'i'.\::>iT f.r:C~E"f.\ltIJ::i:l o:r· m:n:};"SP. j 31Ir.rr.\~:Y ,\S~.1~.-.-,~-.:·:.·; .\:S£> c1nr,!AX 1·~:n:-.ux?n·:r.

SEc. 6. (11) $e...'tion 203 of the Xntional Sccu:·ity Act of 19-..::'l i:i :r.mNHlNl to rcncl a<; follows:

"S!-:c. 203. (n) Th~re ~hall be a D<:puty SE·crrtnry of Defo11-:e, r.ho ~hn.11 b~ P.ppointctl from civifom life hy the Prec,icfont, hy aml ·with tha advice nucl con;ent of the Senato: Provided, That n. pM~on ;...-ho Ji:.i.3 within ten ycn1s li~en on :.ctin~ cluty ns n commissioned omcer inn l1egulrr compcmmt of • • · • nnnecl !-'~rviccs &hnll I!ot bo cli:;ibb for uppoi11l 11wnt ns D.•rmt.) ·rctary ot J)l!icn.::e>. The J):-puty 8ecrel:\ry ~hnll :reriorrn i-i11·h dut lt.· :m<l exe1 cise such poWl'I:; ns lh·~ Sc:cr<:tm·y o! De 1 :.-nc:e may pn·=-c·ribe alld sli:i11 tab! prccrclc>n~c in ths D.:w,i-rtrnen.t of D<?f cnse next f• f t:-r the ~.:-cret:l rs of J)dmc:e. 'J. ho Deputy .:>~crcUu·y

.shall net for, nnd e:~(·;·.:i!'c the po\·;ers of, the S('Cl d:i.ry oi D~.Lcnso dnrinr~ Jiis nlJ,,e11C't! 01· <1 i':abi Ii h·. ·

"(la) '1'h£>re !'-hall be thn C: .\<;si:-t:~nt 8t><'n·larit•s of Jh•feme-, Y:ho b:.- nppointNl from civilian lifo h~- the P1t•sicl£>nl, by nnd with tl1c r..chic-o nnd <'<>ll'>f'Ht of the 8c11atf'. 'l lw .\s:,i.,tnnt Sc>crctarir.s s.hnll

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'l2 l'-i'.\'l!OXA!. ST::CUHITY J.Cl' O:i:' 104 i

f'{'rfo11~1 !'uch duties nncl excrci~t~ !'m·h powers n~ t11e Secrclnry of ))3fon~e mlly p~::"t~rib<.'l .nnd shall tnko prl•ccdencl• m the D.•p:n tr,1~·1i!. c1f D:!fense after lhu &?c1e~P.ry of Dcfo11~c, thn D:•put~· Secrdary of Dafonse, the St•crdary or the .Army, the Scc1l'tnry oi the ~n.vy, :..n<l tim r-»,~r::-tm:r of tl1!l.i\ ir .Fe>rce.

"(c} OHic.e1s of the nrm('d si:-rYices mn~; he dt•t:1ilC1:l to club: as nssistar1h~ nncl pc>L""somi1 nicles to tho S!.'crctnx :r of JJ..!'fom::c, hut he slmll J1ot c.~fohli-.h :i militnry i:,taff clhci· than· that. pro\·itkcl :for },y t:£.-clion 211 (:-) of this .Act."

(!:>) .. ~~ction 20-l of the Xntionnl Security Act oi llH7 i~ nm('ncled to 1 ··i:<t :is follo;.;s:

''1:·~:c. 201. The f:-<"cret:iry of D<·fonse is nutl101 ir.ecl, sllhj('ct to tlic civi!-~r\·icc hws antl the> Clas~ifieation Act. of IV:?.3~ ns mnt'nJed, to nppoint ~m<l fix ti:e compcn!"atioa of such ch~ili:m pct~om1cl as mny ha JlC<.~{':';....::i.11y for the i1crfor1mmC'c of the funct:~ns of t!1c Dcpart1m·nt of lkfen"e othe1· th:m those of the D.-partmrnts of the .Army, Kn•y, Emel Air Force."

CREA'r!XO 'i'Jli; I·os.rnox O::? cn::.\U:J.f.\X 07 TlIP. ,JOIX'i' C"JIIi:r·:; or· ST'.\?"l' Jl:::l;'D i•r..F.scmnt::s-G .!US rova:ns ANI> nu·nr:..,;

S~. 'l. (a) ·sccti(ln 210 of the XatfonaJ .Security ..:\ct of HH'i" is nmencfo<l to l"E'ncl as iol!ows: . · . "Si~. 210. 'l'here sh:1ll be within the Dcpnrlmrnt of Deil'llf'e :m .f1.unecl Forces Po!icy Council compo;.t'd of tho SPcrelnry of Dcfoi.5£', ns Clmilmnn, who shall ha.-~ pow(•r of ch·rision: the Dc·put.Y !3l't'reh•ry of Dc:fen~e; the Scc<£.>tnry of the .Army; the Sccrdary of the N:.·;y; tl1e .Secretary of the .Ah'":fi'orce; tlw Chairm:m of the .foint Chil'fs of Staff; the Chief o.f Staff, UuitN.l Sta ks A\rmy; the Chief of Xn.•al OJH~rationc;; nncl the Chi(•f of St:1ff, Unit('<l States .Air Force. The .A.rmecl L'orcc.:; Policv Cotincil &hall advi~e tl1c Scci·t'tarv of D..?f t'll;:{"

on runtters of hmnc.i policy ri'lating to tho :i.rmcd for,"!c•:> m1<l :--:!1::11 consi<ler mnl report on Htch o{ her m:tl it'l-:'l a:3 the Sel'l'ctary of Ddca~ may dii ect." ·

(b} Section 211 of the Xntional Security .Act of Wli" is nmemk<l. to rend ns follows: · · .

"S}:C. 211. {r:.} 'J.'here is h£:rehy c;;tnl,Ji,.,hccl within the DL·p:trtm-:-nt of Defense th!.' .Joint Chiefs of f-:caff, which ~haJI conu:;ist of tJ1c' Chairman, who ~h:?.U 1,c the p1·t>sicling ofliC'rr ih£'1't'Of but who sii:lll h:ive no vote; tlio Cl1ief of Staff, Unilt'cl Stafl':i .\rmy. thf' Chic·f of N:wa1 Opcrntfons; and the Chie>f of Staff, r11il<'ll Stat('S A\ir 1"01·~('. ri'he Joint Chiefc; of Sta.ff shall be th£' prinC'ipal military :uh·i:=:er::> tr> tl1e President, the Xatimw.l Sect!rity CounciJ, nncl the


Bccrt>fary of Dcfemo.

"(b} Snbject to the m;tlwrity ancl clii1•ction of Oio Pl'e!>icl<•nt. rmd the 8£>cretary of Ddensc, the .Joint Chif'fa oi 8taft' i:;hnll perform the followjng duties, in aclilition to such other dutic:c; as the Pre:;ide11t or the Sc.-cretnry of Defen<E:3 rnny dirf'ct: ·

"{1) 'pr(.p,ir.ttion of strnt<'gic pJnns nntl pro\·i<;ion for tl1e ~r<lt<"~ic c1ir('..!fion of the military forC'!.'5; . nc2) preparr.tion of joint logistic plane; nnc1 ns..-::ignm('nt to tl1e militnr:r R>rvices of Jo~!i::;tic responsibiliti('s in ar.conl:mcc with such p1.r1.:1s; •

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:t..;::I ION '•L si-:cum·ry ACT OF 1 0 : 'l 73 "(3) establi,,1.mPnt of unifincl command.; in strntrgic nt·; "(-1) rc"Vil'w o: m:ijor 1" dcrin! nncl pct!!o1111t•l h'\}Uil'cment:; of

tlieuH!itiu-y fm·ct:> in :tcco1d:rnce wi1h rtr:tll'giC' nnJ logi::;tic plans; n(r.) forrnul.1ti.,n of })Olicil's fot· joint training of the ll!ilitnry

fol'<'i'~5 • "(G) formul:-.tion of policir.c:. for th.3 military

cdnc.\tioa of ra!rmlJcn::: of the mi1itar.r forcl':i; nncl "(7) provicling Unitd Stntc:; repn·scntatinn on tlm :lfilifnry

St" rr Ct·mmittea of the Unitl'cl Nations in nccordnnco with the pi:ovi&irms of the Clw.rtcr of thl' Unit•.!d X ati<m!':.

"(c) 'i'he Clmirman of the ,Joint Chirfa of Staff {l1Nc-innftC'r ref('rr~d to ~1s th!} 'Cliairltlan') :.hall b,• nppoint('cl by the Pr.·~-;i1?c!lt, hy and \">".lt h the ml nee :wd con::l!nt oi tho Sc.'ll:ttc·, from :tmong- the H('gnlar ofdccrs of th~ arm1·.:.l scn·icl's fo !':N"\"c :it the plca:-nre of the Pr,!.:;ldcnt for a term oft wo :i·c..'lr::i nnd ~hall Ixi c-ligibh} for one reappointment, by and with the nclvi('C :n~cl com:ent of lhti Sl'Imtc-, except in time of ,;u1· hereafter dt•clarcd by tl1~ Co:?grrc:;; when t ht·1ci:.hn1l bt> no limil:it ion 0::1 the m1wb~r- of !>uch :rr·nppoiutnwnt::;. '1'hc Ch:iirmnn :.hall n•crivc th~ Lasic p[ty :rnd husic :q1cl pcrson::i.I money nllowaucc::; p1·escril.;c<l by l:rn· for the Chi~f of ~taH", Gnit('(l Stall':> .\.rmv, nnrl such sp~cinl p~ys and hazardous cluty pays to wlii<:l1 he ma~= lm cnt it lcJ umfor other 1>rovisions ofl:n·;. ·

"(cl) The Chairm::m, if in ·the gradt- of genern.l, !<ll:11l lm nclclitiomil to tl1c munbcr of oflice1s in tlrn g:mdc o! gcnez·.11 proYi<lctl in tlw third· proviso of section fiO·! (L) o! rhc Oflicer Pc•1'f';o11ncl _\ct of 10-1'{ {Public Ln.\7 3Sl, Eightieth Co11g1I!~:>) .or, i! in the rank of udminl.l, sh:ill be nclclitional to the lH11JiL~r of oflicers hn.vinA" f.lie rnnI= of ndmiml pro­vitlecl in section -113 (n) <Jf snch _\ct .. 'Yhile l10l<li11g si'.:ch ho! slmll htk~ pl·ccN1cnce over nll other ofiic{'rs of the nrmecl ~cn·ices: Proz·it!cd, That foe Chairm:in i.hn11 not cxc-rcisc rnililnry cmnmnnd o .. -er tl1t> Joint Chiefs of Staff or over :my of the rni1it:uy se1-..ic,:)s.

"(c) Jn nduili<•ll to partiripating ns n mcmhcr of tht' .Toint Chiefs of Stair in th1} pcrformnnce of the du lie:, n'->igned in suh-,t:<'lion (b) of this ~ectio:\, the Ch:\irm:m !-hall, !>Uhjcct to th(: authorit \" :111d <lit·cc­tion of tlse President aml the Secretary of Defc.11sc, j1t>rform the followhig cluliL'S:

'•(!) !-crvc :is the pr.•sicling officer of th~ .foint Chi" rs of Stnfr; u(2) J>rovidl' :tgl'lllla for mcc-ti11gs of the Joint Chic>f& of Staff

mu! u::c:s1::-t tllC' .Toint C'hil'f~; of 8tatr to pro.::ccuh• thrir bu,,ine:;s ns p1·om1>t ly ns p1·ncticn!.ll•; and

' (3) rnform the Becrt•t:wy of D~fcn!'e nrn1, when npproprinlc ns clrtC'r'.!Jlinecl by the Pr~.•idc•nt m· the Secrl't:1ry of J)l'fe11::c, the l.,resicl~nt, of tho.:-(' i~:;ue; upon which ngrct'1mmt u1,10ng the Joint Chief~of St:d'L has uot hcc11 n•ad1c-c1.''

(c) Section 212 o! the :Xntionnl Security Act of Hll.7 i::; ame1idcd to rencl us follo·ws:

"SEC. 2E>.. 'l'l,cre f:ha11 hr, um1::-r the .Toint Chiefs of Stnfi', n Joint Stnfi to C'onsi3t of 1wt to cxcC'ccl two hun<lrecl nnd ten ofl~l'l'l'S nnll to l-o compo.-;<>cl of nppro:.-.:i?rl:itely NJ11:il n11111Le1·s o! ofiirt>rs nppointNl l,y tho .J'obt Chi<'f~ or Staff from l':lch of the thrt'.'e nrml'cl services. 'l'hc .Tcin!.. S~:i.IT, op~rnting un1for it Ditcctor thc>rc-of' appoint.eel by the .foint · Ch_ief:; of Stat~, ~ha ti P•'rform such dntil's ns mny he diz cC'tacl hy the .Tomt. Chh F:; of Sta ti". 'l"hc lfo·ector slmll Ii.: nn ollicer junior in gr:1clo tu nll m('ml..:-rs or tb• .Toiut Ch ids of Staff.''

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74 CUA?•O!!;G ·.ri1 c l:l:L.\'l"IO:'•Sl!U'' OJ,• Tnr: SI:C!tET.\UY o:;,· In·:~·}::S".:>E TO 'I"Ji!::

MU!.:'l'l"IOXS no1.::t>

S'l-:c. S. Sec·tion ~13 of Cho!:;" ationn1 Sccurit-y Act of 101'l is imw~tkd to l".?ntl l'.S follows:

''Sze. 218. (a) 'Thi:-ra is ho..-eby c:;tt•.blisllecl in the Depnrt~n:~nt of ))3fon&o r~ ~fonitions Bont·c! (hcrtJina!tcr in thi.3 &ection rd!med to f!S the 'Bo::i.rd'). ·

,;~b) 'l'he Board s}::i.11 be com_Poscd of rs. C1rnirmnn, ·wi10 ~Jw.11 l';o tlio heao. thereof and who sbnll, sttlJJCCL to thli nut hori ty of the Secretr.r.r of Defense :mcl in 1·c.:.pcct to such mr.ttczs imthori;:l}cl by hiw, h~vo L!la power of decision upon falling within tho jurisc1id ion (.'"If tl~O Board, and en Under E<?cretary or A~sistn.nt Secreiary from e:~ch of. the three military clepartmm:l:;, to be d.:?signatea in e;ic-h c::s..i bv t11e Sa(lretaries of thl'ir respecti\·o departmcn~s. The Clinirm:m sl1~1l lxi r-.ppointcd from ch·ilinn life by the Pre.;;idC'nt, hy ancl with the- nch-iC'i:: nnd conSt>nt of the Sen:i.te, c.nd c;hnll rcceive co;npens::1.tion r.t i.Ita r.-..ts o! ~;14,COO u year. ·

· c:(c) Subject to t11c ::mtho"°:ity nncl dir<?ction oi the St?cretnry of D2f'ensc1 tho Bdurd sl1:l1l p~rform the following duties in support of strategic nnd logistic plans and in con~ommce with guidance in foo.::a fields proYiclecl by the Joint. Chiefs of Staff, and such olh~r c1utfos i.s i·ha Secretary of Defense may pre:;cribe: · ·

"{l) coordination of th!' npproprintl" activities with rl"!rl1rd to industri:ll matters, including the prOC'm·cnFmt, prnducti~)n, a.m1 distrihntion plaus of th<) Department of Defcn~e;

· · "(2} pfanniug for the military a5pects of industrial mohili-zatio!l; •

"{3) a~.signm::nt of"prornrcincnt resl?om%ilitit•s n~non7 the imvcr&1.l military depa::tmf'nts nnd pJ:mnmg for st:mdnrcli7~1fion oI specifications nncl for thl' f.TNtfc.>t pr:,cti<'nhle nl!oc.1tion of pm·­chn.:;e authoritv of tcchniMl equipment nnd colJlmon t;'m itl'niS on the L!tsis of si11g1e> procm ement;

"( 4) i>rep:u·ation of e~tirnntcs of potc•htinl pmduci ion, prorurc­meut, nnd perhonncl for use in evaluation of the logi!,tic feasibility of strntegic: operations; ·

11 (5) ch•termin:ition of refati-:(' prioritil'S of the Y:\l"lO\lS f('~· nwnts of the military prorlll l'lllC'11t J•rogTnmc;;

"(6) supcn·ision of Htch suhonlinnt(' ng<'nrir;; ns :u·c or mny h:l crt>nfrd to con!':ifh•r the ~ubjrcts faHing within the seop1' of the"s rt'spon!'ihilifo•s; .

"('j) H"J!'l'Ollping, co:nbininp-, or c1i~solving of cxic:ling infei-­SCI"\"ico ngrncic-:; op:-mtini; in thC' fil'11l;; of pi o•.:Hrl'ilH'nt, produc­tion, r.nd di~tl'ihution in such manner as to promote ('ffici•-nC'y nm1 economy; .

"(S) ·m:tint£>nanc-c of li:tii.:011 wit11 othrr <11,-parflw•nfs nnrl np:C'Ti· cies for the pi-oper corrC>lation of military 1Np1irNnrnb: with tlir• ch·ilinn C'conomv, particuJm 1\- in regnrd to the procmc111cnt or cfo:po~ition of ~tmtt-gic umf critical matcl'ial nnrl the n1ninte· nnnce of ndc•qu."!.lo reserves of ~nch mntcrial, nml wnking- of n•c.· omme?nclations as· to policies in connc-c·tion thrrC'with; nrnl

'"({}) assembly nn'l revh'w vf miiterinl nncl p:-r~onnrl reqnirc· . rnents 11re::entecl hy t110 .Joint Chiefs or Staff nnd hv the procluc·

· · · tion, J>rOCUl"eme11t1 and distribution agencies nssignecl to meet.

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r11ilihry Jl('N.1s, niil1 l:litl::ing c,f rccoin1nemlalons thereon to tha Secre~ury o: Dof cnc::::-.

"(tl) y,~heu t; -:! Ch:i1;.·1m·n of Ow Bonrd nppoil1t<?t1 h::.s t!.bm offic-::i, tho Joi11t ..:.".rmy rind :·:rn·y )fonitioll::I Ho!1.rd d1r~1l c::-n.M: to exi:oL P.nd nll its records pnsom1cl f-:!-rn.11 b~ tm11sforrt::d to iho :i:~ftmitior.s Boa.rc1. .

i'(ej '.fhe Sccz-ctrny o.f D=:l'cmm :..1m11 provk1o tho Board \""'lit.h sue~~ parson:lel and faci!itu!:; i!s th::i Z::c:~ .. tmy rnny cJetc:;.·mine to be rqui.1.·ecl by the lload for the pcrfor~~nco of its :f unctio:r?.s." .

C.H.A?-to:nso 'l"liB J!Efu\'l'IO:i!:.lll~ OP TlI.:1 s;.cnM'rl:..!t:t.• OF DE.1''!-~Nb-~ TO 'A.:b:C It~::S.£..:\RC..U: L. -:::n DZr:t.:r,OI'~rI!N'i: 1.~0J.:'tl>

SEc. 9. Secfrxt 2H of !:h~ ::r [ttiqnri 1 Sectirit.y Act. oi 1!) 17 is cmandcc1 to as follo\;s:

"Sl·::C. 21·:!:. (n) Thero fa here.Ly in tJ10 Departm<!nt of Defense n Ueseard1 nncl D~wcfr'~p:.nent Board (lit>rcindter in thiz ~o:?c-~­tion referred to nc; th~ 'Bmu·tl'). The 130[1.rd shall be cornpos~l ol :::i. Chnirrn:m, who f.hJ.U t.:i fl.e head therco.f and '::ho shall1 subject to th::: nuthority of the Secrc.t.n-y o:: Dt!!cn:.e nnd in respect to ~:.ich mnttcrs nuthorizecl by him, have the po·,\·er of decision on mattm·3 >l.ithin the juriscliction o.f the Board, nncl t\>e1 l·cp1es.:e?1b.tivcs from. e.:ich of the Depadm?uts of the Army, Nnvy, und. Air li'orce, to bo clcsi~n~te.l hi.· th~ Secretarie.,; of their Jc;;poetin~ D~'p.1rt1m•Hh. Tho Chn.1rnrn.11 sh';1ll b:3 r..ppointecl from civifom lite by !ho Prcsirlent, by nncl. v:ith tho ntlvi-::~ nnd C<':1scnt of th-::i Senate, and s1mll receive Cl')'Jl.­J>f'i1sation ut the of ~l-1,0GO n. ycnr. The purpose or tha Donrd r.lwll l.>e to mh·i-.::i the S.?crebr'; of Defons3 ~.,to the st:ittis of ~cicntific r.:.:s•arrh rt'lative to the m.tio;1:'11 security, nm1 to assist hirn in nssu?'ing nd('(juak p!Ovisi'm for re;;:::::rch antl dernlop111cnt. O?l scit·ntific pro!:i­lerus x-elnt ing to the n·1tio11al r:ei:!u1-ity.

''(b) Snhjert to tl:t' nuthc•rity nncl direction of the Secrt-tury of ])t'f cm=e, tht' Bo:n cl sli:t 11 perform the fc.llowi;ig du tit's und such othc!" clutics ns the Sec:·ctnry of Dt•f l·ns~ rim..,- pre:::;cril.:o:

"(l) p1·cp:1mtion of n: comp)ctc and intt>grntecl progr.1.m or i·est>ardurnd clc·..-elopmt'nt for military purposes;

"(2) mh-ising with i egar<l to trend'3 in scientific research rcht­ing to m1tio11al !:l'C'Uritv a111i t hl' mea~;lll'l..'.-i nc<"'e>.s.san· to o co11tim1t'll :rn:l in.:1 l' p1<•!!"l"I'~ . .;: ~

••(:3) com,linatinn of J£'·l=.11·d1 :iml <ll'\'.?lopnwr1t. nmong tl·~· 1nilitary cfoparfnwnl~, nncl nl!oc-ntion nmong thcrn. of responsi­bilitit:>3 :for~pt'.'1'ific prog-mm:;;

':(-1.) :iotrn11lation of polil·y for th<:' D:•pnh11C'nt of Dcfcm:e i:1 com1=:-ction y, ith re::l!:?rch :'111<1 c1Pwlopn1C'nt. matters iin-oh·inz agl:ncil'S ont~i'l(' ll•o D:.!p:1rtmt'11t of J)pfl·llH': t:ncl

"(5) cow.idt-mfion of the intemdion of l'(':SC'tn-ch rind dc\·t>lop­m£'11t nnrl i::tr.1f<';.!i". :m<l :irh·.i,.;in~ thl'' ,Joi ?t ChiPft. of Slaff m collne>ction tlu•t ewith.

"(c) \\.hi>n the Chairman of the Board fir~t n11pointe>ll has tukt•n ofi:l'C', thl' Joint. Hl':-l'!ll'eli and]),•\ e1opmc•11l Boan.I &h:1ll Cl'a.::£' to ('xi.::t. a11 1l 11ll it<; rt•corll.:; nmI z1t>r;:o?Juc? ~!mil be trnn:;fC'ired to thC' He::enrch and J)l'\ dop111ent Doanl. - .

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I ~·5 NATro:.;-.tL si-:cumrY .\CT m· l!IH

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"(rl) 'l'ho St'cri:?tary or n.-.ft>n<:e !;hall pro"iilo the Ho.trd \:ith ~UC'h 1•'·r.-•;llm~l :rnd faciI;t iE's as the St?crpt:u r m:i y delt>t·mitrn to he rcr1uit1.:cl l:..:; the Boar.I :ior the p~do1 :um11co o.f its fm,clions."

co::1u·1::sS.\'!'IOX (I:? SI-:CZ:i:r.\1:r o~· 1,.:1:7:xs;-:, IlEl'li"rY sr.c:m·.T\RY Or' JII:l:"l!!'-"S:·:, s1-:cm:T,\l:!.!-:S OJ:-' )!li.I'f.\.RY !Jr:L•.\l~r:.'IU:XTS, .'1.:-i'D COX!>UI.'l"AX'J\l.

SF.<::. 10. (v..) Section ~01 of the Xnlional Sccudty .Ad of HJ-1'l is nmenclcd to rend as folln· ... -s:

"S:i::c. 301. (a) Tim Se<'retary or J)denc;l" sh~ll re~civc the compcn.­S:\lion prl·Scrib~tl by l:tw for he:tds of executive departments.

"(b) The Dt'pttty Sccretony of Defcm-e f'hall r~·ccivc compcm·n.tiou nt th3 rate of SH,5GO a yc~1r, or sn<'h other (·ompt'n~nlion plus i;;:mo ~ year ns may hc·~"\'?nfter l:e pro•·it!ccl Ly Jaw for under sE'crctiu:ies of executive c1£'nls. Tho ~'ccrt'luiy of the .Anny, tho Sccrcta..:y of the X1wv, nnd the Secr1>ta1v of the .Air Fo1ct· shall each rt:'c-t'ive com­p:msntioii at lh::! rnte of $H:ooo n yC>ar, or surh olhc1· comp:>nsntion ns n1ny hcreaftc>r be 1)roviLled by .fa·,y for under &ecrctaries of e..'\.ccul.ive dez1nrtrncnts."

(b) Section 303 of tLe Xntional Security Act of Hi-:1:7 is mnendcd t.o rencl as fol]o,\·s: ·

"Sr:c. 302. '!'he Ju:sic,h1nt Secrt?luri<-s of Defcnf:o nncl tho Und!:'r Scc­rr:h1rie3 and Assistant. Szcrttaries of the _\rmy, the Navy, nncl the Ail: Force slrn1I cnc11 iecein: comP..::;n$nfion nt the rutc of $10.330 n Year o;: nf, tho I"llfe hereafter Jn·c~Ci"l~£-<l by law fol' nssisl11n{ t.CCJ"Ct:\ries Of c:;;:t'cuth·c d<'p::lrtmcnts shall p::.>rform such dulics as the ie::pcctivo Secretaries rna ·; p1·e.::cri!.r.·."

( c) Sectio:-i. '303 (!t) of the X at ional Security Act of J DJ.'; is mm:nde<l to l'C'ncl ns fo]fows: ·

':(n) Th3 Secretary cf Defcn::c, the Chni1·mnn of 1he Xntionnl Security n::':::ourrcs Bo:-ird, the Director of Ccntml lntetli;:!:t>llci:-, and the X nt ion al Security Coum:il. net ing- t h1·ough its Exc>cu ti \"t' .Secretary, nro:} nutl.orizc·cl to npoJJint ~ueh :irh i . .:nry c·ornmitt1•t';; u111l to r·mplov. consistcut with ofh~r p~·ovi::iG>us of thi.'> Ad", ~!1ch parl-ti!ne ~uh·i:::ot:y per~cinnel ::is they mnY <k-:rn nf!cc::.::arv m cnrrymg out the-1r rc:-'=pccli\'o function:; nnd tI;t• fui1ctio?1s of :i.gE'ncic>:; uml<>t· tlif>ir control. Per:;cms l101cling other o!;lc('3 or po:;itions undl'r the Uni!c:cl States !or \Yhich they rl.'ceive comp.enc:n.ti'.>:1, whil~ ~crving as mnmbt'i'S o( such com.­mittN~s, ~1rnll 1 t-c:eivc no u1l<litional compt'ns:ition 1'or snch ~l'i·vicc. Other m..-rnhers of such c0111mitlC'cs and other p:u t-time aclvi,ory pl"r­sonncJ so E'mployecl mn:; se1 ni without compi:'nsnt ic.11 or may l:Ccci..-o compensntion nt n rate not to l:'Xrt-cd $:.iO for each day of ~c-n·ict•, as determined lJy the appointing authority."

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Nt..'i."IOX.\I• S1~CUR11'7 l:.C1.' 01'' 19 17 77 Rl:oI:a nar..n•o:; o;,• Ii'rnc.\l. ~.!A::-..\0;;:~1 <:NT 'fo·n! J~cu-xo:::.tY . .i.:P>


Si::c.11. The N"ationnl Sl·cudty Act oI 10.1:7 is nmcnc!e.l by insert!ng nt the end tl•c1 cof the ir.Hvv. ing ucw till·::::


'~Pno:.ro1·10!.; o::· l~<·o:s-o:iry .-..xo EFrtcrc;.c)· Tnt:oumr Ecn·.rnr.tsxr~n:x·r OF U:s1ron::u: UD'GETAin: .. \:.;u F1::iC.\L Pi:oci-:m;m:s A:-;I> 01~11.\xI:1:\­TJoxs

"SEC. ~01. (n) 'l1ierr::i is lmcLy est::ih1is1m1 fo the Dcp:ittn-:nL of Dcienso the Comptr.>11cr of the ] >opartment of Defcm,I.!, who ~1nl1 U:). ono of the .Assist1mt. Secri:tnries of Dcfon~d.

"(b) Th,~ Compt10lkt· s!wll mhi"e nnd n~ist. the Sccr.:tn:ry of De­fense in I>1.-:rio1·2n111g sni.:h bmlgdnry and fis(•nl :functir-w~ as m:iy t~.) i-equirccl to c::r.rry out th0 f{•W('1'3 conferred upon tho 8.:?.:-t etnr.Y o.t Defonse by this :\ct, in<'1nding but not limitt·cl to tho;::e sp~cifiell .in this &nbs<:>dion. Subject to tho authority, clirccti.on, llnd cc:1trol of th~ Secrct:!t:f' of D::-fcn:::.~~, tho Comptroller ~ .. lrnll-- . .

H(l) stw~rvi;::e n.nd cli1cct the prep:n·ation of f.1,'.l Lmlget e.:.:li­tn:-Ltcs of the J )ep~n tme11t of Ddcn::c; and

"(2) c.'5t!!l>lish1 mlC1 s.~2p.:·n·is,J the exccn{ ion of-. ':(f .. ) pri11ci:;!ce, policie::;, nntl proce<lnres to ho follo-.n~c1 b.

connectk·n '\ ith-prg:miz:.1.tional and·a rn.itte•~ refo.tinr~ to-- .

t!(j r ti1e pr~p:irntion nncl cxccutivn of illf.; budg('fs, "(h) Jisccd, co::t, op::irating, ancJ. cnp:itti.l property c~­

co11n~inrr, u(iiit J••o:;-ress ::mcl stntisticnl reporfo1g, '"(i¥} mtcrnal :mdit, nnd

"(D) policies nml procedures :relatiug to the e:.:pendituro and coHcction of fonds nclministcrccl hy tho Departm1;nt. of Dei:.."ns~; l\ncl ·

"(a} e~tnLli.;h 1mifor111 tcrmi11ologics, clnssi!k~'1.tio~1s, nnc1 pro­cechu~.s in nll i;uch rnnlter.s.

"}Iu.irAl~Y Dr:t•.\t:uu~:.;-.r Hn'Gt::'r A~m I•'r~c.u, Or:G.\XIZ \TIOX­Dr:P.\I: r.m·:~.;-r .\I, Co)t Pn:ou.n:s

<ist~c. ·!O:l (n) 'TJ1c S('crd:lry of C'nch militnry depnrtnu.·nt, s111ljec:t. to tlu:, mtthority, di1wtion, nnrl control of the ~ccrelnry of Dcfon-:;c-, shall c:iusc butlgrt in;~, ncl'mml ing, pror,rcss and ~tnt i:,.l ic-i1l reporting, intl'rnal nudit :uHl n.lmini:::tr.uivt- org:rni7:tti<•n stn1ctm t- a11c1 rn:rnnge-1·ial p1crl'llure.:: r.•l.1tin!! tht-1.:-to in the dep:lrtrnC'nl. of which he ic; tho

,. l1cad to l> .. ~ cirg.i.;.1i:·.~11 ~ml condnctecl in a mnnnN· con~i::;tent. with tho 01~rntiom of thv of tho Comptrolll:'r of tho D • .mart111cn::. or D~frn.,::-, ~


':(li) 'J l1£'te j,., Iicrchv c-;;fn}ilishN1 in each of t}1-:- three military ckp::irfml'nls f.. Co:l~1fll)lll'1· of th<> Army, a Comptrolll'r cii t11c Nnvy, c·~· !l. Comptiolk•1· o~ the ~\ir Fm~c, as npproplialo in. the dcp:ntmcnt..

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concerned. 'l'here ~hn1l, in eacl1 military c1l'partm.Jnt, nho h-3 n Dc1>ut; Comptl·o1lt:'r. ~uhj£·d lo the nnthoi"ity of the rc.•5pectirn clepnrtmt~nt;I .Secretaric·s, the cvmptl'ullers o.f the mi1it:!i7i" c!cp:i.rtmenls hlmll Lil 1·esponsihie fnr nll bud··!l·ting, :-cco.unting, pi·ogres::; nnd stati.;ticnl l·eportin~, nntl internnl n"m!i~ in their respt'ch"rn departments nncl fo:: thi' nc1mmi;:h·.1tive strnctmo nnc1 mnnn~crial procc·.lurc,J )·elating thei-£>to. The Seci:etnri~s of the milit:1rJ clenaztii1011ti Tn:l] fa tlieil· di.::CH:tion nppoint. t'itht:r <.-i'•·ilian or militar~· personnel as cornptiollc-rs of the military c!ep:trt11u•nt~. Departml'ntt~l comptrolbrs slml be und~r the diredi<m nnd i:,tipt•r\·ision. of, ::rnd dirC'ctly rc.:;ponsihfo to, eithl'r the f~ec1 t'tnry, tl ... l~111l.·1· ~'£>aet:ny, or nn ..:\:;c;ist:mt Secri;tary of the i-.:?:;pecti\·~ milit:.ry cl-•purlmenti.;: l'roL·itf ed, That uothing hcr~in shall prt>clml'" the compti1,l!£>r fro111 hn...-in~ concurrent tt>spo1:<:il1ilily to a Chief of Staff or n Chief pf X:wal Opcmtious. a Yfrc Chief of Staff or a Yice Chit>f c;f X:trnl Operation~. or a Deputy Chh•f of St:dT or n Deputy Chief of XamJ Opf'1:1tio11!':, if the Sccrt'tary of the mili­fo1y clep:i.rtillent cont~rnNl sl1bnlcl !:=o pn-crihe. "·hert.' the clt•p:~rt­meutal comf•'tt e>ller i.:; not a (•i·,'ili.111, the 8£•c1 E.'fnIT of the <kp:irtment COllCerHecl s mll ·:lppoint ll ch·ilian m; Deputy cm;1ptrolkr.

"SF.c. 40:t (n) The bml;!c·t c:-timat1>., of the J)epartnwnt of Defenrc sh.tll },~ prep:ncd, p:·t.':-(·ntl•<l, a111l ju-tifit-cl, wh1•1°l' pradic:.\hle, ~mil :rntl1orizl'd program:- :>h:t1i hE' :idmiHi:-tl'l'Nl, in such form :rncl m:tnllC'r a~ the Secr~tary of D\!fen:;:e, suhject to the· authnrity nncl direc­tion of tlw J>resirfoat, may c!l'tl'l mi11e, HJ n;: to ncc·o1mt f<Jr, nrnl n·port, the cost of p.-•rform::mce ·of n•a<lily iclPnlifiaJ.h· ftmctk111.1l pw~rmiv:; rmd :wtiYitif'.:::1 "t":ith f:.('~n·g.1tion o: operating nncl c"pital IH'\">6rams. So for ns pmctic:,ble, the lm1l;;Pt ('-:-tiirntt<'s nml autliol"i:t.('d progr.uns of fre milit~iry dl.'pa1-f1i.e>n!::; shuJl bt• H·t forth i11 readily compambh.• furn1 :•ml ~hall follow n um form p::ilt(•rn.

'· (b) J.n oi·<ler to expedite the com·er:-:ion from prC'!:.-ent bucl:!l'i an cl ne~ouuting- mf'thr,~ls to the c6::t-oi-pcrformnucc method pre::c·rilK·<l in tl1is title, the Secl·e~:u:y of cn~h milit:1ry deparfmc11t, with the npproval of tl1a !'resident nnd the Et-cretary of f),•fcnc:e, is Huthorizt'cl nncl c1irectccl, ui!I i1 the (·ncl of ti.i:l Hcond ~·c·ar folio'\ inp; thE' elate of c•nnct-

. Jncnt of this _\.ct, to m:ike such trnuc,fl'r,:; ancl nclju~tmC'nts within thr niilitnrv clrpartment of \\hi ch he i-> lite l1eac1 J:._·t wct>n nppropri:lt ion-i avnib.lile for oblig~tio:n hy sm.!1 dt•p:u tmeut in huch num1w1· n5 liE' deem; nC'ccssary to cnu~~ the olJiigutio1,1 nncJ admi11bt1ation of :fund::; alld tl1a reports or e::rn~m1iture.J to reflect the- cost of }K"rform~mcc or such; nnd nctiviti1:.s. Reports of trfm.,for~ nnd ndju,.;tment:; nrnde pur::u:rnt to tl:e nutl1ority of this ~uh-:cction shall ho rnacle cunently by the Secrct:try of DefPt';:e to the President nr:d tho Congrel>.q.

"O~r.Toxr::o:-; OT A·a·:;:m·m.\·1 wxs . · ':Sl:o . .{().1. In order to pre-vent owrclrn fts nnd clt>firii'1~cir:> in nny r~-.cnl year for y;h!ch np1n·on~·intioI1.:; rire rnnc!l', on nncl nft{·~· tho b<·~in­nin.r~ of thc 11e:xt_fi"c-al yc:ir fol!o:sing the daf P of E'nnctmt'nt of thi-;; .\ct nppropri:i.tions ln:i.d.- to the·Dt•p:lr I 111e11t of Dt·fe11c:c or to th~ 111ilitary depnrtmenf$, n11Cl rcimhm:-{':nP11t:-; thcrt>to, ~hall l~ n:niil:th!e for ohh­gatio:1 .nnd C'Xpcmlitu1 .s 011ly nfl E'r the Secretary of 1':! fousa shall

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1:rN£lOXA.'!., s:c:cum1·r 1.c1· 01-· 1D;.7

nppro...-e sdwcl11Iec1 rntcs of obligation, o:· rnodificntions thereof: l'ro­t•hfrfl, That nothing iu this sectiun shall affi'ct. the right CJf the Depurt­rnE.'nt of Def(•m--c to iucur f.uch deficic11cic;:;. as m:iy be no\-; or hetcaflN' authori:c:cd l)y bw to be incurred.

"Vt o~naxo-C.\J>rr,\J, li'"CXDS

"81:0. 40:t. (a) In order uiorc t'fiectively to control nncl ncco.m1t for the co.:;t of prog1·'.lms nnd work p::rforme<l in the l>L•p·\rhnrnt oI Defense, tho 8~·.:-rct:\rV of Deiellrn it: nuthoaizetl to require thE' cstnb­lishmcnL of worki.1g-capitn.l fnucl-; in the Department. of D~fcnsc for the purpo$C of---

'·(1) financing inventorie.;, of i:.uch ~tort>s, supplic.:>1 mntrrfals, ancl c-quipmrnt pc; lie mny llesig11ate; n11d .

"(2) f>rm·icling working capital for ~nr:h inclustrinl-t:rpe acfrd­ties, nJlC for !"m:h com11i.•1cial-typc nctivitic:::. ns providei common SPrl"iccs within or nm9llg' the. depart111Pnts nnd ngimcies of the Departm~nt of D.;!fr·n.0 e, as lie may dt'signntc.

"(h) Tim Secn•t,11) .. 0f thc> 'l'll':t!'t1ry is authorized und dircctccl to estal1li:::.h on the },rmks of thl' Tre:t!"ury Dl•partment nt. the req1m;;t of tho $:-crctary of D,•fcn<:c> the woi!d11g-cnpital funds estnlili:;l•cll pnr­E·Uant to I he authnritv of thi!" Sl'Ct ion.

"(c) Such imul.:: ;,!1:111 be..- · · "{1) clmrgt•t1, when npproprinte, with tho co.;t of stcires, sup~

plif'::, m·1tcri:1l-;, nnll eqt11pm1·nl procur<'d <>r otlwndSl' ncqnirl.'d, rnanufacturf'cl, l ep.lir<>,l, j.::..ut·d, 1111d con:::umr<l nncl of f.en·ice..; i-.-nclC>1·ccl o:· work i1erform<'1l, iuclmling appJic.rbl,• ndministrii.-ti;;c c:..:pc-n<-t·<:·: nml . . .. • .

"(2) rc-imhun.•cl frnm :IYailahfo appropriations or ofli<'rwi"c . ci·editE'd fo1· tht' co:t of !"tn1i>.:;, su\>p]ie.;:, matrrin!s, or equinment furnishf"cl m1cl of !"cn·ices renclc>rc-c or work perfonnc ... 1, inciucling applicable nchnini!"tr:i.t in.• e.lipc11:0cs. .

Rc1iorts of the COnllition and operntions of such funcls slmll be nM<le mmually to the Pn:-~irlcnt :mcl lo tho Congress.

''(cl) 'l'hc Sec1ctary of lJL·fr,1~u is :rnlhorh·ed to prm·ide capital ~for such ''orking-c:!pit:1l funrb: bv capitalizing invf'ntoriE.'s on lrnncl nrd, with the approml of the I're5iclent, l;y tr:u1sfer, until J)pcember 31, 19iH, from unc:q>enuNl b:!]:rnces of nny appropriations of tlrn military clcpartmc11ts not. carriccl to th(' surplus fund of the Treas11ry: l'ro-1:ldal, 'fhat. no dl'ficic·nry ~hall liC\ incnrrecl in nny ~11cl1 r.pproprbtion ns n. result of :my H1cl! tr~m~frr. To the cxte1it that ~udi mctho<ls clo 11ot, in the cl~tcrmin:il io!1 of the Secretary of DcfE'll~C', provi<le m1equr1te amount.., of working cnpitt1l, there is l1cr~by auth')rizccl to he nppropri:l.lctl, out of :rny mniwys in tho Trcm:,nry 11ot upproprintt>tl ior ollrnr.1)nrpo~c>:.:, such sums n.s mny be ncc{'ssary to pro,·ide r..tlcc1u:ito worlrmg cnp1tnl.

"(e) Subject to the authority mid direction of the Srer£>tnr.7 of ))~feIISt" thCI f3t-crctari£>S of the military dcpnrtmcnts ~,~1'\ll nlloc:tto rcspo11sii>ility will1in their r~'sp:-ctivo n1ilitnn· c1epn1 tments for the execution of functions which cnch militnry drp~rt111cnts is rrnthcd;:ccl Ly Jaw to pi:>rform in such n manner ns to clTecL tha inost economical find efficicn~ org.mizntion nnd op('r:.ition of the ncth·iti£>s nud 11:::0 of th~ i11\"c-:1torie.s for which '\ C?rkmg-c.i.pital fund'> nre :mthoi·izccl by th 1:-J f'CCt 1011,


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so ~T.h.'l'LOX.'l.L SECu!!ITY A.Cl' O"!?' 1 D-17

"(f) No greater cost sl1aH lm inctmecl hy tl1e 1cr1ui:..i1ioninr: nr·l'l1cy f. l' • I · 1 f . ' . or :!'-tore::;, s11pp.H~s, nmfc1·rn. :-:, or c11u1pm<:>I1t < rawn ro111 mv1•11toz H':>, nncl for H'rvb·!.<; rcnden•tl or pt·rfo1·mr•l liy the i11d11sfdaI-typl' or commerci~l-tvpe nctivitil'5 :fo1· 'dtich working-capital fond:; :n·o eun1orizl"cl hy thl•, ~.-ction, than the :rn:mmt of :tppropn:ttioa:; l)f.' :funih

. :lsnilaule :for such pm po:;c;;. · "(id 'l'he Scc1·t•tnry of Dt'fen::c is nuthori?.l'<l to i-=,,;ue l"l'.f!'lll:ttinn:; f:Q ~m·,•111 tho operation of netivities n111l u:.r of inv(.'ntoril's smlhorizcd 11y tliis section, which rt'gufation.:; may, whC'11en•r he. <ll•fermim•s the iue:umrcs set forth in this &uh:;l'ction to bi~ rC'rp1irl'.'ll lJy the nrc·cl.:; of the Ue11nrtim:ml of Dcicn->e, und wlum ~uch me:1:mrcs nn· nufhoriz1•d hy hw, permit stort'::, supplic:~, nmft•ril!f.:, :ntcl (''1ui\1Inl'nt to hl' sold to, and set·vicl's to Im rendered or wmk perfo1nwt for, purcha~-:t·1-s or users outside the Dep:1rtment of Dt"frn-e. Jn .such <:iFC'.::, the wm·king­C:-!pitn.1 f nncls invohecl may he reimbur:-f'rl hy charges against n•1pro~ prmte appropriations or by payment•; r.?c·eivcd in ca-:h. ..

"'(h) 'i'lse nppr.1i,ed value of all- &tOit'F?, :::npplies, rnatcrinl<=, aml equip:i_ne1~t !eturnctl to such wo1 king·-capital funds !~·0?11 nny clep!!rt­m~nt, nct1v1ty, or ~1gc·ncy, may be chargN1 to t]1c wo1 kmg-capit:il :fond concernecl ::m<l t!ie proceeds thereof ~h:1H 'be credited t"o lht} current epproprir..tions concN·ncd; the nmou11t.s !>O cnditcd i:.hall be nvnil.1Lfo for expemlitm·cs for the same p 11r:pos{':> ns the appropr-iat ions c1·et!ited: P1·c;?:idc'd, r.fhnt the prm·i~ions of tl1is sub;;cction shall not p~r'illit

0 credits to appropriations as thr l't'.mlt or capitalization or i1n.·~ntoric-:; s.utl1orized by suti::cct ion { d) o.f:t his ~:cct ion.


"Sw. 406. Tho .Act of .foly 3, 1D 12 (:iG St:if. Gl5, c. ·!S.!), asnmr:ndccl1 is :hereby further nml'"ndl'cl to rcncl ns fo1lows:

'"{a) For the purpo~e of facilitating flic economical ::incl <'fficient conduct of oper.1t ions in tl1e l>l'partuwnt of Dr.! fcm-e wlii<·h are Cina need by fr;o or more nppropriafiou::; whrre !lw co-;fs of th~ op<'mlions :i:I) 110t smceptilile of immediate di:;trihut ion ns chnr:~<'.S to such nppn1pria­tions., there nrc hereby c!'>taulished th~ XM .r :'.\lnnngcment Fund, tl1c Army ::\fanngcment Ji'uncl, and th<' .Air Force :".fom1.p•mcnt Fund, cncl1 witlJin, and under the cfo cct ion of the rc:.-pecth-c Scc:i-etnries o( the D.?p:irtments of tho Xnvy, ~\1myt or .Air Force, nc; the cu!'>c mny be. There are nutlwrizi:'d to lie :rnpropriatc·rI fr(Jm time lo time such funds asrnav be nece-:,sarv to :tccomjllbh tl11• purp0-l'.~ or the fow.J.:;.

';'(h) Tlie c<>rp'i1s of the X:t\'Y ~fa11ngt•mr11t r··1111cl si1alI C0115i::t of t'hc sum of $1 ,000.000l1crt>loforc1.muo;frn cd to f he X:\\·al Procm·cmcnt Fund from the KrLvnl Emer,gcncy Fund (liXO:mo)., ,•.hich nmount, nncl :lli h:ilances ini nn<l ohligatirm<; ng-ain~t, :my :v:c~unt-; in the Xa\':tl Proc-url'mcnt Fund, nr~ hercl1y tmn~fc1·•·Nl to tho ~:n-y ~fanngl'mt'11t Fund; the corpus of tl•e Army ~tfaw1g-rmrnt Fnnrl slmll con<:bt. of tho sum o(Sl,000,000, which ~l1nll he trnn-;forrr·cl tlicrclo fzom anv unn!.1li­.J'!:l.terl hnlance of nny npp1 opriat ion ava i !able to tlir lJ.•znu i 11H.'nt of the Army; the coi"pt1:5 of lho .\ir Foi ce ::'\fanaf!('lllcnt Fund !>hall consist o! the smo of $1,000,000, which f.hall he tr:mr-f<·rr<'<l thc·rrfo from nny unol1IigatrcI li:i.lance of :my nppropriutin11 :wailal1lc to tl1e D<·p:irt:ncnt of the Air Forre; in ench cn~c ~o~ethC'r wilh ~m:h ncl<liti011nl funds ns

·. l!lay .froin time to timo lJ~ nppropri:\tctl to nny ?f ~irl funds. Account::i

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!'i • .\.·nuXAL SI.-:C'C.rrtf"l'Y OJ:' Hl-17 81

for tlie inrliviclua! (•pPrat io;:<; to 110 :in:rnccd nmkr the n·~pc>ctivo m:ln· n~~cl!lt'11t fornl,; !:-lm!l Le c::.tal,fo,11t•d 011ly upon l1pprov:il by the Sccie­tan· of Di•fl•n:-c•.

'l''(c) Expt:,ucliti.1-es ma;>: ho rn:ufo from s:-tic.1 m:magcrnt'nt funds fr0m tmm to tuw.! for mn.tcrml {ofhl'r than nmtcrrn1 for block) nncl for pt>r:-onal nml contr:tcf 11.11 scr•:it'.:'..; l111<lt'r such r£>gul:tti(1JlS ris may bo prl':crili(•cl liy the :)ccrclary of Dl•frn<-u: l'roi·ldccl, (1) That no obliga­tion ~hall Ir~ iw;urL"cd a:.,:-.tir,::t auv such !uncl whieh is not iiropci·ly chargL'aulC' to n•·ailalilc fuml-; um°IPr an uppropriaticm of tlll! clc1i:u L­Jlll'ilt within which thl• fund i,.. (•,,talJli.,hcd or, whcncvC!r nr•· .. <..-.a1·y to t'ffrctuatc pm·prJ:,Ol'S nuthorizt?tl fJy tit is Act. to funds or nnotl1 ·r c.lcpnrt­:.wnt "!" ngC"ncy within tlie JJ.~parfmC'nt of Defcnsl..', and (2) that each i·md ~hull h,1 promptly ieimonr:-e<l fwm the appropri:ttc t>.ppropri.l.­tions of st:c:h cl.:'p:u tment for nll c:qx.'f!<lifm·cs properly clmrgc:ih!e tlwrcto. No~i1ing hl•i.·l'in or in :my other provision of Iu.w shall IJ~ co:1.<::trued to pr.!vcnt. nrlrnnct.•s Ly check or warrant, or reimbms.:-­menfs to ~my of said m:rn:1g(•me11t. fuml:-; from appropriations of saicl clcp:trhnent•; on the h.;.~j~ of the ci::tirnnt<'tl cost of n J>l'Ojcct, such esti­mated co-3t to U..} n.n i!;.!J nncl ncce~ary npproprhtion adjustments made whc-n nclequa~c dab h('cOtn3 a\·ailahle. .

'"{d) Except as othrrwi::.~ prnvill~d by l~nv, amounts advnncccl to the m:rn:t;.!'c·mcnt fond., uncli>r the pro'l-·ic::ions of lhis Act shnll be nvail­nblc for obligation only during- the fi:.cnl ve:ir in v:hich they rlro ach-:m<'ccl :·Proz:idal, Th2f 11ot"l!:n1~ contninc(l in this .Act shall nltt•l.' or limit th!.' autho:::-iz:::d prriod Qf av:~ilnlJility of the funds from ·which such r1c1vnnces nrc macle. li'fofil n<lju!:ttmcnts of ~tclvnnccs in nccm c1-nnco with nctual!l.ll he efl'cct.ccl ·with tha ::tppl·opriato ftmtb for the fiS{'nl year in v:hich such Iunds are adv:mced. •

u '(c) 'l'hc portion of t~10 Naval Appropriation Act, H>15 (fiS .Stat. 301, 310), rd1?ting to tho N::rnI Procmcmpnt I<'1mcl is 1wrcby rcpo;-.nlcd.'

"li.D,TUSTIU:XT 01'' .AccOUN"i'S -

"S~c. 40'/. (n} '\\'111.>n un<ler nuthority of Jnw n !unction or n.n activity is tranc;fort·c<l or n~,,i~ncd from one dt·piirtmcnt or agency ,-;ithin tho Department of l>C'fl·n~c to :rnother such department. or agency, tho halancL's of nppropriations wlsich are dclcrmint"cl by the Secrehny o!

. Dde11S<' to lie :iv:1ilahJe nncl JIC'ce.<,.,n1·y to lirnrnce oz· di:::clmrge the func­ticm .or nctidty EO tro.msfol"!·ed or ns&igncd m:ly, with the npproval of the Pre:;iclent, fJt' ti a;1c:frr1 rcl to, and 1.c nv:1ilablt.• for u::o bv, th~ depnrt. ment or n:r~ncy to \\ hich s:iid f1mctim1 or acth·ity is lr:msfcned c•r n~sign£>cl fur arw purpm:e for whic·h saicl funds \\c1·e originally a\·:til-able. D:iln;1rc:(!-O tnm~fCITl'Cl ~h:tJl lx: Cl'Nlitccl to nny npplienble l':.;:i<;L· ing npp1·op1 ial ion nceo1111t or accounts, or to nny Ill'\\" npproprintion account 01· :ic·co1mt::, \vhic•h nic lit'r<-liy nuthoriz:}cl to l1H £'5lahlit.h~c.l

- Oil th<.' bo.Jkc; of the Tn•nc.ury Dt•p:trtmt"i1t, or thC' ch•partmt>nt or organ­fa:ition to whic-11 !=nch function or :;,l'{jyjty is tmnsforrt'd, nnd shnll be I~lC'll~L'Cl with funrl:; in the appHcahlc c·:dc,tinrt or nc·wly c;;tnbfo::h<.'d ...'!.pproprin.tinn n<'c·mmt ot· n<'.:ounts nncl tht"I't•~ftel' ncco1mtrd for r,s ont" fun<l. Hal.wci><; tra11sfl't 1ecl to (•:d:.ting 11ccounts shrill Lt1 subject only to ~lll'h limitations ns ::tr~ ~pecifiraJly npplicnhle to such nceounls nnrJ tho..:c tnm-.frrri"<l to urw n<'ro1111ts !<hall ho suhject only to HH'h limitation.-; :is nn• applicnLie to the nppropriations from which tht>y a11.: t1.1n'-f1~rrect.

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B~) ... NATIOXAL S!:ci:m:r ,.. A(.,'T OF l 04 i

'1(l->} 'fhe m1mht>r of empl•>yt:i:..,:; ·which i:i U:c opinion of the Scc:re­

f.:l.i ...... o: Dafrnsc i:::: r~quirtd for ~ech tl:1ndcrrcd fnnctionc; or nc-th·itii·s m[lv, ,,ith the npprov~\l of the Direc~or of tiie- Bnrccu of th~ Budgt•t, ho Clcdi.:ctccl from any pcr:;~imei ·rna::;:immn or limitation of the clc­p::n·tmc-nt or ngency within foe Dc:-p:1rtrnrd. of D~fonc;o from which snch function vr r..cth·ity is !I .m;;i.?"ri c<l, nnd aclclrd to :my such }Wr­so;rnel Jll:?.Xirnurn en· li1111tation or the ch•partmeut Or Uf;CllC.)" to :which sccb :fm1dionorncth·ity istnmsic·n'1::'ll.

. "S?:::c. 40S. '.lo cnrry out the purposf'S of this .\C't, reimbursements mr!de undm· the nuthority of lha Economy Ad (31 U.S. C. GSG)·, :md r.nm.:i i•.iicl by or on be!1:i.lf oi pr!rsonnel o: ::.ny dt>p:irtment or orp!.d-7.:\ti::i:1 for ~crvirea rendcreJ or suppli~.:; furnished, may be cre<lited to ~1ut'horizo replacing or other P.t~oilnts. I 1'unds cr~ditcd to such nccounts c~rnll :; r ..... ·r1!labb for oLJigr!tioa ior the same period ns the fonds hi th., 2ccotmt so credilecl m:d each Euch m:count slrnll constitute o:-ia fm1d on the books oft he Trea::ury Dep:irtment.

'~::=x:c. -10:>. To the extent :rntlirJrizeJ hy the Sl'cretary of Dcfcn:;t", disbursing ofli~ers of the lJt•partments of the .\rmy, :S:i·.-y, au<l .\ir

0 J?orce may, out. oi accou11ts.c;i nclva1ic·l'::; :rniil:tlJ}e to them; m.1ke <lis­lnu·::-(>ments con~rii.g obli~atim1~ :ari:;;in;r in comwction wilh :.11y func­tioa o:.- ncth·ity of :rny otht•r <ll'p.irtmr:nt. or organhmti<m within the De;>artrnent of Dt'i.em;~ :?ml c·h:uge upon vouc:lii-rn the prop~r :tpjwu-1;rmtivn oi: npp;·opriat ions o~ the oi h<'r dl.!p;u·tnwnt or <H ga 11 izution : Prc,-;,•hled, Tliat ::JI &.1i<l expN!ditmL·s 5h~dl suh,;eqnently hi: ~ulj11:.:;fcd in settIP1mmt of of:;cN.::>' ncC'otmts.

· ''S:F.c. ·HO. The $ecretary of De-frnse slmll cau::.e propC'l ty 1.·cconls to ba maintained in the three milit,u·y dl.'partm£>nt:., &o far ns prnctic:thk·, on both a qmmtitntirn nnJ iuo~~et:try La!:Ji<:, under r<>gulatio115 which Im

... £.hnll p1escril1e. Such pro:rert\· rt:-cor<ls ::,hall include tho fixccl prop~ erfy, mstallations, .md nmJor itPms of equipm£-11t us w('ll ac; the sup­~ies, rnatt--rinl~, nncl eqniprne:it. hr·M in store hy the ::urned ~~r\"ir:.::.:;. ~he Sccrctnn· shall 1enort rmnu.1Ily thereon to"the President ancl to

, J""9. ., ..

tn~ •_;ongrcss: r:R!-~}~\Ll::-iO. A~J) s ... ....-1~0 Pi:onsro::-;s

c:szc. ~11. All Jaws, orc~crs, and regi.:.htions illcon~i~tcnt n·ith the l'rovisions of thi~1 titlu me rapcaled in.f.ofar as they n H1 inconsi:-.tent wlt..!"l the iiowcr:;, d11fo·~, fl!lcl iesponsibilities cn:1cted hereby: Pro1•irh·.d,

_.. ThHt the 1'0v;e1;,::, cbtie.;;, an<l 1.?Sf»'n~ibilities of the ~rc1et:ny of D.!­fonse 1mcfor this title sh:ill u3 ~~<ln1ini-ztc1c:J in conforrn:rncc with tho policy nucl requirt?ments for :ulmini:-;trntion oi l:.mcl~l!tr~r\." nncl fl,,,cal mntters in tho Gon•rmnent gt?ne1·:illy, inclmiing nccotinti11[.; awl flnn.n­chl rc11orting, 1rnd thnt nnthing in this title sh.1ll Lo con~trm•d ns c1imin:1tirip- or moclifying- tiv~ puwcrs, rlul ics, and I e.,ponsibil it it's of nny 0U1£•r dep:ix·trnellt, :tgt:'riry, OL' oflicct· of the Government in connectioa

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'\Tith such 1:1::i.ttrrs, but no snch de1m.rtment, ngoncy, Ol" o!':icer- :;haH <:oxc·z-cise nny s·uch i;owN·s, cluti"..;, 01· rcspou,:;ibihtie;:; in a m.:mne1· tha.t ·will rencle1· im~Hectivo3 the provisions of this title.''

SEC. 12. (1".) r1•110 Nntionnl 81•curi!y Act of HH7 is n~nenc.kd l1.1 (.;triHng out the tlmn ''Xationa1 )iilit;u-y Estnbfo,hrmmf', w'!wr!:'Ye:- it np;.:cnrn in such Act, nml ins~rting in lieu tJierl!of "Dep:n·tment of Dcf~nse''. · .

(lr) Section 207 (n) of tho Xationn • ;Jecurity .Act of 10-1:7 is nmen<lcd to r.::~d ar; follows:

"S::c. 207. (11), 'Yithin the n~pnrtn~;:mt of Dert'm=e there is k·reby est~hlished a m11it:ll'y depn.rtrnent to b3 known ns the Depnrtnumt of tho Air Jt,orcc, nncl the ~:ecrctnry.of th<:>_\ ir li'orc'! who shall IJe the h<.':ul thereof. 'l'he Secrct:1ry of th£::. ~\ir Force shnll be uppointcd from dvili:i.n li fc Ly tho Pn·sidt•nt by nncl with tht- :uh-ic:e nncl consent of the Sen:itl'."

(c) Section 207 (h) of the Xntio:1:il Se~nrity ·~\ct of W-17 is rep<":ilec!. (<l) Tht> first Sl:'I1tence of ~l'c:tion 20S (a) of thB x~ltionnl Security

. .Act of 1017 is nmcmlcd by ~triking out the word '"unlll·t··· nnd inserting in lien the1·eof the word "within"'.

(c) Section 303 (b) of the Xntionnl Security .\ct of H>-11 is amended

C fo l'l's~d ns follows: "': = " ) "(h} .As us£>cl in tl1is .Acr, the term 'Departm<'nt oi Di-fon:;e" slmll he

dr~mecl to include tlia military clep:utmt'nts of the .\rmv, the :Xan·,


aml tlic Air Force, mid all a~;cncie-; created und£'1· title II-of this _\ct:'· "("!)The till cs of the Secrt•tary of Dcfcuc:e, the Sccr..-t:n·y ortho _\rmy,

th() Seeretnry of tho XnYy, the 8ecre:tu1y of the .Air Fore<:>, the Umfor &cretnriC".s and the !:iccretnnes o! tlll' D.·pnrtm::nts of the .Army, Nnvy, nnd .Air ForC'e, the Ch:1irm:m of tho ::\Iuniticns Bo:"xcl, nnd the Chairm:i.n o! the Ht'::.•nrd1 :mcl DavC'lopmcnL Board, s1rn11 not, h3 clmnged by Yhti1c of thi ~.Act, nnd the renpp'ointmcnt of the of.ici:ils holding such titles on the cffectiYc date of this .Act sli:tll not h~ requirrd. It is hereby c1£>cl:m~d to Le the intention of Congrt>ss lhnt section 203 {n} of the X:it ionnl Securilv _\ct of H>-17, ns nmrnclC'd by scc-tio=1 G oi this Act, sh:.111 not bo clceme<l to ha vc crl'atNl :1. rn:iw offict' of D··rn!fy E~retar:;r of Defcnf:e hut ~hall he cll'cmt>d to have continued in <':~bt-e11c~1 tmc1cr n Ht'w titlt', th!:' Onicc of 'G111lcr SC'crctnry o:f Defon:::e .,. hich was cstnlilishcd hy thl' .Act t'ntitl~d ".\.n _\ct to nmend the Nnt iorml

. S<.curity Act of llH7 to provicle for nn Under Socr1:tury of Dc:iit?n:::c"~ n;.•p•oved April 2, 1049 (Public L'lw 3G, Eighty-fir::;t Congr~ss). The

" tde of tha official holdin~ tl1e Ofllce of t:'nder Scc·1·etnrv of Defons:o on the effecfr..·o elate of this .Art shall be dinn~ccHo Dt'ptity Sccr(.'tt~ry -0! De fens~ r.ntl tlie 1 eappointrn('llt of such ojlic1:il sha 11 not bo requit Nl.

I ~ (g) All lnws, orc1crs, reg-ulnt'..ons, nncl other actinns reb.tbr- to tho

}fation:il ~Iilitnry 1'~stnhlishnicnt, the D~partm"nts of tho .Ar1~l':, tho Nn.y, or the Air l-i'orce, or to nny ofliccr or nctivity of s11l'l1 t'3tn11li!:h­ment <'r such dcpr.rtmcnts, shall, e::s:cept to U1e e::.:;f<'nt inconsistent with

.o I

tho prO\·isions of thi<; Act\ hnvo tht- cfTcc.t ns if this Act lincl nc.t 'Leen; but,· nftrr t 10 cffectiYe of thic; Act, nny snch 1:-..,-;-, oi:_clei·, regulation, 01· other action whidt \"e.St('d functions m or- other­w1~e rebtccl to nny ofliccr, dcp:u tment1 or <?Stitblislurient, sh::>.11 h:>


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REF ID :'A6902 9 ,.

N.o\1'IOXAL SECGiUTY J..C'f 01-" l 9,{ 7

deemed to linve \'C<'ted such iuuctioa in or relaCc to tho o!licer or cfop.u t­mc.1t, c;1.ccuth·e or rnilitai·y, succe.cding th~ ofliccr, cleparlmcnt, or cstuLlishrncnt in which such funclioa wns vcstNl. li'ot· inu·po.:"s of this subst'ctinn the DL'j1:trtment of Dden:::o shall i·.! dt'cmcd the dcp:irL­nicnt succeeding the National .:\IiJit:u·y J~stnlJfo .. hmcnf, m1cl lho Mili­tary departments of .Army, Navy, :~nd .Air J<'orc1t1 slrnl? be deC'mNl tho clep!!.rt_n!e~its succeeding the Exccuti'ro Dep:u·tmcnts of .Army, Nnvy, r.nd Air l• orce. . (h) Section !:!08 (e) oi t11c X:>.lion,.1 Seem ity _\ct oi 10 .l:'i is nmcm1ccl by substitntiug the -.-.. ·orll ='thrc~" for the word '"t \\ o'' 11ppt>aring t h:!J't:in.

(i) l?cor~•rnizntion l'lan Numbered 8 oi HJ!!), v.-hich was lrnns­rnittcd to tlic Congze.::s by thl' President on July.IS, HiHl, pmsunnt. to tho provisions of the l:cor~1nization .Act o.f 1D l:!J, shal! not tnkc ef:iect, notwithstanding the proVJsions of ~ection 6 of such l~eorgimizntivu Act. oHV .!:fJ. '

llpp1·ovccl.August 10, HH9.



"Pt.""VLl.C L..\'\Y SJ-.509 85t1i Congress, II. n. 12:111

Angnst. o, w::;s -1; :

To pi·-0mote tte nntton::il cr·fc:i;..o by pro.-iuin~ for"rcorr:nrihnticm o! the D~1mrtmont o! D~rcus~ •• me. !or!!'r purpv~.s.

.Pepnrtin~nt ot Derc•n•e ltt'.:>r­c>1nlr,1 th.l:t Act <iC 1 O:iS.

Be it enar:.tctl l·?!_ the Bcnatc ancl Tf omc of llcprcscnfa­ih.•e'l of the [/nitcd Stales of .America in Oongr.::ss asscm.­blcd, Thnt tl1is Act mny be cited n::; the "Dupartmcnt. of Defen~ l:corganiznlion. .Act. qi ig.:.s-·.

C3 &t:'t. G79.

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AlCE~IJ!NG 'l'B.E 11:;cr,..\1°~\TIO:S- Ol:' l'OLICY

S:r::c. 2. Section 9 of the Xuticmal Sccurit~· Act of lflJ'i, as nmcnded ( 50 U. S. C. ·101), is i urtlwr amentlcd to rc:u.1 ns follmvs: ~ ''St:c. 2. In cnncting this lt'gis1ation, it is the intc-nt of Congress to prv\·icle n. comprrhrn-.h·c pmgmrn for the future security of the l:nitecl St:1tt•,;i fo p1ovitle fot· the estnhlishmcnt of int<-gr,\t<:d polit·ic::> :rnd JH'O<'e<hn·e:; for tha departments, ngcncic . .:, nntI fo1wtion-> of the Go\"l~rn­ment rclatin~ to the natioanl seem ity; to prnviil£' n D.-:­pnrfmcnt 01 Dr!fons(', i11clmling the thrC'c military Dep:utmcmt.:=s of the ~\rmy, the X:n)· (inclucling naval nvintion and lhe Unit<'d .Statc::i .\f:mnc Corp.,;}, nncl tho Ah· Force tmrlc-r t!m di1t'ction, nuthm·ity, nnd contrnl or

· tho St'crcttuy of Defcn<:c; to pro\·i1Ic that each military clop:~rtment sl:all he !'::L'pnratcly or£:-:111izC'5l m1!lt•r its owi1 Secretary and shnll fun<:twn uncfor q1c clircC'f1on, nuthor­ity, and control of the Secretary of JJe fcnsc; to l>I ovide for their unified direction under ci\·iliun contro or the

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REF ID:A69029

SC'<'l'C't:iry of ])13fl.n~t' buf.11ot {o nwrgr. tlie,;o clepar{nH'nts -01" ~l \'iCl'Sj to IH"O"."icle for t!w e::tnlJHshrnl'llf or nnifiNl or ~J'C'rili!'d comrnmHlc;, and n clc.1r nnd dirl'd )me of com111n;ul to such C'C•:rmnnmls; to <·liminntc un­ut·1.·es.<.::iry cl11J1lir-ation in thr J)l'l•:irtmeut.of I>.-fon~e, nncl 11:1rticnlnrly in tho fic·lr1 of I"P-~C':1rch nncl ent!iill'C>l'ing hy vc·~ti11:! its on·mll clitl'l'fiou nnrl c1111trnl in thC' St'crctn1·y of D1·fl.'nsc.>; to prm·ille rnr,re efft·<:tiw, dlic-i<"nf, nnrl ('('O­

nomir:il ac1111in1..;frntion in the• lh•p:i.rtmt'nt of lJc•frn<>c; to prhYirle for the unifiecl !'.lml('g-ic clirc·ction of the com­b:itnnt forces, fol' their 01•cr:i.tion unclt'l" unifictl com­mnnd, nncl for their intt•g1·ation i11to nn l'fficient tl'nm of l:mrl, nn..-nl, anrl nir fore<·,;; lmt not to esluhli<;h n single Ciii<"f of Stuff O\'t'r tlie nrmecl forces nor nn overall nrmrd ful."ces general ~tnfi'." . STRF.:XGTUI:XIS"G ·rnE Dll:F:CTTOX, Ali'rI!flltI1"Y, AXU COX1 I:Of,

oi;· Tnr. si-:cm:TArtY OP m:n::-rni::


S;.:c_ 3. (n) Section 20-2 (c) of tl10 Nntir.mnl Security .Act of 19·17, n..c; nmcncled (ii U. S. C. lifa (c) ), is G3 St::.t. c;so. amc-mfod to r<'ncl os follows:

"(c) (1) )'Vithin tho poliQ- emrnciated in ~<'dion 2, ~~,~~~~~tc.. he Sl'crctni •· of Def!'nse i:;hall tnko approprrnto &!('p:;

. £indmlin:r tlm transfer, rf:'m;;sig-mm•ut, nbolit ion, and conMlidation of ftmd~mm) to 11rm·hlc in the Dt'parl11wnt of J)~ fon:-c f 01" lllOlC effect in•, ('fiil'it•nt, :md C'COl10lll icil} nc1rnini~trntion and opei-.1tim_t :mcl to climin:1fu clnpJica­tion. IfowP\"<'1-. c>xccpt nc; · othnwi;:e providt"<l in this suh::C'<'fion, uo innt•ti-rm whirh hm; been t'~fahlic:hrd In· l:iw to be pc>rformeil hv tlm ·l>.·parlmc>nt of Dt>fC'll'-l'. o"r • nnv ofli<:i'r m· ng('ncv thr·rl·of, i-h:1ll f'<.'~ul1-t:mliaIJy lr.111c;­fe1:r£'d. J"C'n~sig11r\1: nboli:-hc>ll, or co11'"-0]iclall•cl u"ntil th(' cxpi1·.1fion of th(' fit-::;t pPrirnl of thirty cale11dar days of continuous ~N.;~irm .of tlit' C'ongt('i>S followin:r 1 lir· d:lt(• on which the SN·1 l't:1n· of DC'fl'IJ-:i:> J'(•porti-> tl1t• pt'rt inc>nl

·details of tho ndio1i to b(! tn!.:t•n to the .\rmc>rl· S1•n-i<·es Committcc-s of th~ ~<'natr :mil of the Hon·.(• of Hcprn­seutnfi\·e.s. - If <1m·i11g i-ud1 111•1 irnl n r,•,:0J11tio11 i!'. rc>­portctl by ('itlwr of tla· s:ii1l c·ommitlcl'S i:,tnti11£r that tho propo.::l.'d action with u.• . ..;p<'<"t to !110 tr:mc;for," rcn~:-.ign-1mmt, abolition, or c·un~olicbtion c•f any_f11ndion should l>o h'J

0 cctc>J b\.· tlw rt·~old1w Tiou~o hec·au.::<\ fl) it con- c..,:nb~hnl r .J .... fcnctlon. tempbl<'S the tnrni::fC'l-. rl•ai::-:ig11111r11f; nholil ion, 01· ron-


solidation of n m:1jor c·omh:1t:mt. function now or liC'ro-·nflt'r n~:-;ignl'd to tht' rnilitan· sC'n·ic-i:'s by s<'dion 30n3 (b), r.012, ;;01:~, oz· ~or:~ (c-) ·of ti Ile 10 °0£ thl' U11itt·d 'TOA m 1t. rna.

277, 2"itl, (:)3. States Col1t>, nnd (2) if c:inic>1l out it would in tho jwl~-Inl'nt of the E>:iicl H':o:ol\"ing Hou::i.• h'11<l to impair the cfofen.-:c of the Unilc•ll 8t:llc•f:, st11:h trau<;fl'r, rc•ns<;ig-n-mt>nt, uho1itio11, or c·011.:::01ida!inn sh:tll takC' c·fTc·d nftN· tho c-xpir,ition of iht' fil':-t J'l'l'iotl of forty l'~llt'IHlar dnys 1;r.eclh!' t'lnte.. of c·ontinuou') !-:C'!i..'iion or the· ('011g1t':-..~ followill:! tl11• <latl' on \\hich such rc>::;olution is r~port(•tl; hut only if, bo-

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twt.{'n tho <lnta of Sll<'h reporting in eithet· Hm1:'.f_, l'.n<l the oxpi::-ntion of such forty-clay period such re:;o!utiou b.:~ not Le.en pas...<:ed by I!oubt'. - -

"(2} li'orthe:purpOSl'Sof p~n·ngraph {1)-"(A) co::i.tinuit.y of Et's.:>ion slmli hn conddt'red ns

bro!i:en onlj' by im ndjournment 6{ tho Cong-1.'t'.;;s sine--~; b~ .

"lB) in the comput.:i.t.ion of the thirt.y-cfo.y period o:o- t11e fo1-ty-chy pedod them sluill be e:x:clmled tho­c.fays on wl1ich either House is not. in f>essioa because­or Rn ndjournment. of more thnn tluee dnys lo n. clay C·~l"fain. .

"(3) (-\) Th-a p1-o\·isions of this paragraph en-F..ctoo i,,. :he Cm1aress- ·

''{' > r-.snu~xerdse oft.ho rul('nmking power of tl1a­Sem•.t-c: aml ti1e Hornv.• or ltupre~ntnt1v('::, rcspcc­th·eh·, ancl ns suclt thc·y shnll be considcr-<'.'cl i1s part. of tf~e ru!t>:s of c:lch I iou:$e, 1~:.:pec{ i \"t>ly, nncl such · niles shqll supersede other rulE':> only to tho (•xtmt that t11e;y are: inccmsi:>tent tht'1"t'with; mul

'•(ii) "'ith foll recognition of thG constitutional ri,g-ht. of either Honse to change such rules {so far :l!->

l".clnting to the procednm in su<'h House) nt nny tim1.>,. in tho S..'"lme mn.nner n11cl to the s:tmc cxtL•nt ns in the. c:?se of any other n11e of such l Ion--c>.

"(B) :For tlio purpo~e.:; of.thi::i pnr:tg-1-:1ph, an,;- re~oln· tion reporfo(l to either Ifou-.e pursu:mf, to the 1n·o\·i~ion:-"1 of i1nn1g:1-:lph (1) here-of, shc.11 for tho purpO".>e of Un" consicler:ltion of Sll<'h rr·.solution b,· eitht'r JI01N• ht• tre.ntl.~l in the s~m10 manner ns ll. reoolulion with 1"C',;p('1·t

·to a reor:r:mization pl;m l"t'portccl b\· n. committt-e within Ga Stllt .• 2oa thl." me~ning- of the Hcor,:rani:1.:i.tio


n .\ct of l!).J!J n.; i:i effect on July 1, l!'l:iS (5 r. S. ('. J!l:Jz c>f S<·!].) nwl sh:tll be ~'0¥C1"11etl Ly tho pro\"i.;ion:; uppli1·nhfo to thr <'Oll'iil­er:ltion. of any !'.nt'h rewlution hy E•ith€'r llon~e of lht• Congn.--ss as prot·idl'<.1 by &l'ctions 20:; uncl ~me; of swl1 Act. · ·

\'ie11(X>n& and 'renpons •111· t~inl.

"(·1) Xotwith::.tmhlin~ tl10 provi::.ion:; of p:ll"ll!.!l":\ph (1) h~reor, the Sc~u·t:ti·y of l>t•ft'll"'t' Im<;. thr nnfho~·ity to ass1~n. or l'('.1~ ... 1g-n, to one or morl' cleput tm<'nfs or sen·icli, thE' clt>•rlopmrnt nn<l opPrnt i01w I u ... e of m,,,. WE':'l)>Oll~ or wraporn: i;.y~tem..;.

! ';(5) Xotwithc:!nncling- otlll'r prm·i..;io11~ of this suh­f'ection. if thC' Pn•<:ii!t•nt <lc•tc>t·m111t•:; that it i..; tll'<'l'·1':~rv bc('l\tl.::{' oi hn::-tililil'~ 01' imminrnt thrr:tt or h11~tiJ;ti1·~. nny .funrtio11. i~1c-lmlin'.r tho::e n.::·~i!!n£'1l to tl1c• r1ilit:1ry

.... .: .~. ;. sen:ic~·s by sccho~1s. 30G2. (b), r.012, ilOl~. nt11l snr.2 (<') of hfle 10 or tht> t.mfl·d ~tnfl'-i C'odc\ m:w hot rnn:-frrrl'Cl,

· rc-n~:;i;..111Nl or c•>n~lidatE'cl ancl subject t;) tht> 1\t'trrminn-. tion of the Pre::i<l1•11L s11all lNnain M tran~fl'ri"r4l. rra-;­

Si!!nE't.1. orron;;:olicl:1fC'c1 until tho tt>rmination of sw•h hns~ ·· tiiitiC',;;.or t11re.1t of ho.;:tilitiC':;. . ·

~~fi~~f1~mlce "(G) '\"h\'llP\Cr the Sccn•tnry of DrC1•n:::c clctt't1nh.e,::; it will lit" adnmfa!,'t'OUS to the Go\'C"I"llll\l'nt in termc; t>f

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NA"J.'IO;-iAL E::::cumrr /."Cr OF 1047 . efrcct.ivone~.s, l'COnomy, or efficiency, he slmll provido for tho cnrrJil!(' out of f.mJ suv.ply or snrvico r.cLh·ity com· 111on to more than. ono military denflrlmcnt by n singla tl•':ancy or sti.Jh o~h:!r or3.111l:?.:1 tional cntitic3 ns lie cleoms nppropria.t-'3. J.i'or the pm1lo:;.:-s of this parngrnph, any 6upply or scnico 1.1dh·ity common to mom thnn one m1htr.ry de1nrtmc11t. s'!1:i.U not, h-3 considcretl P. '111ajor combn.t..'l.nt. f nnction' wifain th9 meaning of (l& h;:)reor.

'(ij military c1epn.rtment (the Dcpn.rtmrnt of tl10 Navy to include 11:wr.l m·intion and the United St1ttc3

·:Marine Corps) slrnll be z~pari?.tely m."gnnizcd unclt•1· its own Eecretn~ nncl shn.ll !unction under the direction, nuthority, nnu cc•ntrol of t!1c Secretnry of Defense. The Secr.}tnry of a milita.ry department shall b::i rcsfionsibk to the Secretnry of Dcfon.s!.} for tho operation of such do­po.rlmant t>.s ·well ns its cfliciency. J1~"':copt ns othcr,~iso spocificaUy pro,·idetl by Jp;w, np Assistant Secretary of Dof eurn ~hall k~vc n.utho:ritv to i=;sue orders to n. military d~partmcnt unles~ (1) the Secretary oi Dcfcnso hns spo­cificnlly c1c1egntcd in writing to snch an Assistant Secre­tary tho authority to issue Stl('h orders with respect to a specific subject 111-ca, and (2) such m·clers aro issued tnrongh the Secr£>tary <'f such military dcpartment or his c1esirrnee. In thE.' implementation of this J>nrn~rnph it shnl'i' be the dnty of each f'i.l~ch Secretary, J11s civ1linn r.s­sistnnts, and tlio milit:nY 'PE-rsonnel in such dcparfmc>nt to cooperate :fully lyith p~n;onnel of the Office of the Src­rctnry of D.:-fousc in n. continuous c>!Tort to achieve efU­cient ndministmtion of t11e Dep:trfmN1t of Defonsc> n11cl efiectivc·ly to carry out the direction, nuthority, and con­trol of the Sccrc:t:ir..r of !Jl!fenc:t>.

"(8) No pro\·h:ion of this Act sh:tll b£' so construed ns to pre\"cnt ::i. Sccrct:1n· of n. milita1·y department. or n member of the Joint Chief:.; of Statr"from pri:>sc11ting to the Congress; on his own initjati\"C, nfter fir!:>t ~o inform­ing the St'Cl"('fary or Defe11c;e, any rccommt'ndatious relat­ing to the Department of Dd<.'usa thnt he mny ckc:m prop~r."

C!>) St'ction 202 (cl) of the Xnt~oua1 8ct"m·!t:r ~\cl of 1947, ns nnll'ndccl (5 U. S .. C. Hfa (d)), JS further nmcnckd to l"l'nd ns follows:

"(cl) 'l'hc Scc1-ctary of J>efenc:I? 5]1nll nnnually submit. n written report to the PrC'.~idt'nl. nml the Congress coY­ering expernlitm·e:-::, work, aiul nccompfo .. }1mt·nts· of the l>t:>partmc11t or Dl!fl'lll>e, m·comp:rnh:-<l i,,. ( l) such r~com­menclatirmo; us ho shall dC'Plll ~tpproprlatt•, (:?) i::epn1·~1!c rt'llorts :from t hC' military <lC'p:trl llll'nt::; con·1·mg t hC'i r <:X· penclitm·ci:;, work, ~rncl ncco111pli .... Ji111l'nt~. nncl (!f) itC'rnized St:\tl'llll'llfS shrm·ing thC' ~:n·inp; of public lumls nncl tho cl,,imi11atio11-, of mmcc('~.<;:try .. d11pli1•11tio11;; nnd O\."l'rbp­l~mp; that hnn' lwcn nccompli~hcd ptu"l>unnt to the prod­stons oft his .Act." ·


lfajor CGi:i'b~t­A"t tu net:"~"'.

Mlllt;Ui' de­p!irb'.Jc .. 1t or­&;.1n1~.n.tton.

F.eco1mnt>nll'l­tlo11s to Con­&1ee.s.

C3 Stat. ISSO.

RPports to l'rcsh.lent 011<1 Cong re~~.

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(_~l=~-----S-S ___ -·-·--·-· -~;--~-~: A69029" . - . - ----·- -- - ...... -------

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0 :! NA'r!0~.;.'1.L f'ECU:nn.- ACT OF 1!}-17

,., ~

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/:.rmy. C1llef of S!e~

l',,. p. ~18.

7!>~. St.:it. 23l.

C.'"hf~r or l'i:..,.:.1 OpNat.lon3..

l'or-t. p. Mtt •

Marl'?!.' Corpq. C.>::,.rr.3nddnt.

·' I'o11t. p. 5Il' ..

'iOA. Stat. ~ll2.

J.1~ :rorco?. CbJe.t ol St..&fl.

- -- --·-·-=·~------•JI"" ... -"'.-~--

(c) B~ctio:>. 2:101 of title 10, Unit('d Stn!es Ctidr·, i3 rop':t!~d and the ::i.nalysh; oi cliaptc1· l:H of title :w i:> p,mondcll hy ~triking ou~ the folkl\>iug itl'm: . · "2201. Ger?.-:.1:a! functions of Sccrd:try of DL"fcnso."

(cl) Secticm. 2:J51 of title} 10, United States Co~1~, is l"c}lcitled antl tlw nnnlv!'is of ch:tptl'l" 1:m of titld ltJ is smendcd by the fo1lowh1g item: "2-'351. Poiic;y, pbns, and coordination."·

C!.AI".lt:").'"I~:G 'l'ltz CU.\IN' oi-· CO:'.I::\I.\:XD on:rt ::-.:i:u.n· ... ~~¥ O:I'BIUi."l'IO;.;s

Si.:~c. 4. {a) Section 3031 (d) (·1) o! titlo J.O, L":nite1l St.n~ Co<.h, isumemlc<l f.o ic::lu as follo,-;s:

''(~} C:."\or;:-i::m sn;1crvisiu11 ovt'r si1ch of tho n:em­bor.s tmd orgimiz::ttwns of the .Arnw :is th~ Scc-td:u-y of th~ .Army cct~rmines. Such suj.iervision sl~-tll b"J C::'.i:erci=c.d h :::i. manner consi::.tcnt with tho full or,::r:.~­tion:i.I co;mn:m<l vested in u11i lied or l>pccificd com­bntm1t commanders pur~uant to section ~02 (j) of the I•; ntional s~cul'it.y .Act of 1f.l 1'11 ns :uncndNV:

(b) 8ectio:i 5031 (c) of title 10, Umtcd States Code,. is nmnmbd to rend as foliows:

'' ( c) Unller Lhe din·ction oft h(' SC'Cl"(•{nr-v of tl1C' :':'tt,·y, th~ Chief of l';"n•.:i!l 01>emtio11:; shall c·x('rci~ i;.upt•r;.·i;::~~·n o•·cr- such of the mf'mt1crs nn<l orga11iiatio11s of the X:n.-y nncl the .l\faz:h1e Corp:r :l.5 the S('crc-tnry or tho :Na•·~- ue­termiues. Such. supe1·d::ion f:.lrnll he excn.:i-;.('d in n in:m­ner- consi.stcnt wifh t11c fuJI opcrn!ionnl comm:rnd ve:.=tL'd in 11nificd or spC'ciflE'cl comhat:mt cmnm:mtlf'rs pur:-11:rnt to section 202 (j) of r!io Xatiollnl ::;~curity _\ct of 1~1.r;·, ns m11C'n:J, d.~'

(c} Section 5~01 of title 10, UnifC'<l State..<; Co...k-, is amended by adding at tho encl l.l1ercof a new .5UUSC(.~ion (cl) to rl·:~ci r.s follows:

"(<l} Unc!1•;,· tht' <!ire.~tion of the Secretary of t1ic Navy, the Cowwanchmt. CJf the :\fari11C' Cm p<i sh:iH f•X­crci::;e snpervi:-.ion {ln~r snc;h ..,( the· rncmlX:"l-S and orµ.111-izntion::i of the )!ari11t! Corp;; an~! ~in .t n5 the St'Cl e:t:u-y of tht\ Kuvy c!cterminc.:;. Such Mtpc·n i<:ion fih:tll l.M t":-.:­ercisoo in n. l!HHllH:r c:nn·,i~len{.. with the full opcmti<.>ll:ll co:nmantl VC'sietl in uni!le<l or ~pC'1•iflcd comhatant ct'.irn­nurndN·:; pm~uaut to scctio1\ 202 (j) or tho! Sccudty .lictof J!H7, ns nm<>;Hlc·d.17

(d) {~l:rn:,c (5) C•f &edicm SO:H (d} of titlo JO, United St!ltt>.s Cod.il1 i& l<"nnml,.~r~d "(!)" :wd n111.eudcd to r'-"!ld. c.s fo~f rn·.·s:

"(4} cxC'rci=--e supcrvio;ion m·cr such of the mr·rn­tr~rs a11cl organizatiom; or the _\it· Ji'ot<'<' n~; the Scr1-e­t.·wv of: the Air For<"o d!.'t£•rminc:::>. Such snpH...-i:;;rm s~uill be c:·:~.-ci~tl fo n. manner consh=tl'nt with the fuil 01lm·afiorn1l commn11cl vc:,tccl in 1mificd or

Page 94: REF ID:A69029 THE NATIONAL CRYPTOLOG!C SCHOOL · 2018-08-10 · over the am1eJ forces nor an Ol"cmU nrmctl force..~ general r.taff.1 Tl'fLE I-COO!~DnL\TJON FOR XATIOXAT.1 f.l;:



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NATI.ON.AL SECU!~I'fY .AC:r 01-' l 9·17

specified coml>atunt c<mun:i.nclcrs nnrsmmt to section 20-2 (j) ·•I: the 1'fotiou~l Security .Act o:f 1V4't, r.s nmcmdcd.' ·

(e) St'ction 803-!: (d) is :~mcncfoc1 by striking out.c1::tm;') (4) nntl bJ rc-wunbt!rin~ clau:,~ (G) and (7r as cfaus~.3 " ( 5)" n.ntl " ( 6) 11

, respcctn· .!ly. · · (f) (1) Section 8074- (n.) of titb 10, United;

Co<l.ti, i<; 1:mcnded f.o ie:ul ns fo!lo;-;s: · "(u.) 'J.'h:l Air I•·or~ sh::i.ll be divided into such orga.n­

iznt.1011s ns tha Sec:rch1.ry of the .Air Porc<J may prcscr1lxi-." · (2) Sub"'ections (b) nnd (c) of sect.ion 80't'-1 of tit.lo 10, Unitccl Stntes Code, nrn rt~pealccl, and subsection (d) is re<lesi::.,'lrntcd ns ~ubsection "{b) ". ·

(g) Section 3032 (b) (1) of titfo 10, Units~d St:-.~ Code, js mncmlcd to rr:i<l ns fo11ows:

n(l) prepno for such employment of the Army, for such recruiting. org:mizinJ!, supplying, equipri11g, tr.lining, serving-, mobifodng, and de­mobilizing of tho .Army, nc; will assist in tho­tion of any pcnyei·, duty, or function of tho 8ec1·et.a1y or the Chief of Staff;".

(h} Section so:3~ (b) {1} or titl.:i 10, Unitc.U. Sta too Code, is nmendecl t.o rcncl ns :follo·.\·s: .

"(1) pl't.'}><HO for s;:ch en1ploymcnt of tho Air Fo1·cc, rmJ for such re.:-rniting. ori;n.nir.in_g. supply­ing, cqnit>pin~. tr:i.ining. se1.,,, rnohihzing, nnd clemobilizmg of the .. Air ·Force, as will m'lsic:t in tho execution of nhy powm·, cluty, or function or the Secre~ary or tho Chief of Sta.IT;".·

CL..~lUl:"YISG TIIJ; OrtG.\:~·az_\TJOX -\~l) DU'J"lt:S OP TITE JOIX'£ S'l".u-:r·

Po;it, SJ. G18.

70.L\ 5t."tt. ~05.

70.\ St:.t. ~Ill>.

Oer.l!i111 1!1r!:le;, Arn,;r 131.:i. •i.

10:, St~t. lGl.

· Sze. 5. (a) Section J.rn of titlo 10, St:il(}S C-0uc, ..-o.\ St:\t.'l. i-> nm encl eel t.o lead ns !oliows: "§ 143. Joint. Stnff

"(a) Thero is unc1cr the .Join(. Chic:f:=; of Staff t?. Joint Staff consi~ting of not moru th:m ·100 olTICE:'1·:; !"ekctc>d hy tho Joint. C!.iefs of Staff with tht• :tpprm·al of tho Chair­ninn. 'l'lu"I .Toint. Staff shall bl" ~Hectl'd in approxim:\tely cqnn.l nm11Lors from-

"( I) the Army; "(~~) the :Nav.v ancl the )forine Corps; nncl "(3) tl1(• Air Force.

Tho tenure of the memh·...'1-:; of tl1r- .Joint Staff is sulJjrd, io 'l"c:io:"" 01e npp1 oval of tl1e Chairman of tl1e .Joint Chipfc; of Staff, rmtl exc£>pt in time of wur. 110 ~uch ft.'nnrc of duty mn.y l'O inoro thnn three Y(':tl"S.. E:\.c~·pt in time or Wlll', oflicors com11lding {'. fottr of dulv wilh the Joint Staff may not. lv ~rissignt-<l to fl,o .Joi1\t. E:tntr for n period of not. Jess than thrt~o ypars following- thC'ir Jll'C'\·io11.; tour of duty on ilm .Joint Stn r;, {'XC'<'pl. th:it f't'kC'tc·1l oflic·er:; mny bu re-


callecl to ,Joint Staff <lnfy in l.:?s.-; than three yl'!im; with tho nppt·C?·:al o( tho S.:?ct·l'l:uy of lJl!fl'n::-0 in ca:-:e.

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. ·- .... · .·-·:

J'l:-r-cf..,r of t'he J'c:tit ~lhfl..


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... -· .. ·. use 11111...

{:,,l"J t>-"t hJl t ~1'>::'.'!l.nd:s.

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REF ID:A69029

.'flrn nmnl'l?;: of ~•ic-h o'..::c<."!rs iw:.·:i.1Icc1 tn .Joint Std}' duty :i.n less til:'m t ht";'.::\J 'Jf::".!"3 ::.ball lH;t e;;:cc.ed 30 .:~1·vin~ CHI il.e Joint f;tP .. fi u.t nnv one tin?3.

"(b) Tho Crit.irrn.:m cl t!10 Joint Chi=::f's oi Stnf; in con::;uft{'.tion. with.ti1n ,foint.. Chiefs of St:1ff, nnd ,;·ith the 1!.pprovd of the f1ccr~tn.ry of D.:!fe115c, &li:i.ll S<'luct.. tho J)iroctor of th;) .Yo!Ht StaJf. J<:;~ct'pt in tim:1 of ·w1tr, tho t.m~r of duty of t!::::1 Dhedor- may not e:-:c.c-ed tlm::l yearn .• Upon tI\O c.o1an!e~ion of a to-at· of. duty ns II i;:-cctor of the ,foiut Staf\, trto Din;ctor, e::c~pt i.1 time oi .,-;n~·, ll!f(f not oo re..'15.Signed to th~ ,Joint. St:iff. The Dircd in· mu;,t lm zm officer j:mior i:1 r;racla to c::!ch rnember of ti.~ Joint Chfofs of Str.ff.

"(c} 'l'he Joint. St!!.fi' sh:-.!I l~ei"'form such duth~ P.S the cfoi.nt Chfoi"s cl Stai: c=- the Chairman prescrilr.-ft-,. 'l'ho C1mirmnn of tho Jo!nt Chi?:fo of Staff mnnnge.s th·3 Jobt St~d! nncl its Di•c.!~o:..·, on behalf of th2 Joint Chiefs of s~~ .

"(cl) 'l'1'w .To!.11t Stu.ff s'h::ill not opE>i-ate or bo 01·g1rni:~cd as an ove::.-ail l:i..rrn2<l Fo::-c.cs General St:-:.ff nnd shall l1n.vo no' executive nut.hority. TI:~ .Joint Stnff may ha organ­i.~cil aml m::i.y op.:1·:lta o.lo=ig conwntional &tafT Jiu~s to supyort. tl:n Joh~t.. <;l:iefo of Staff in di:.;d1m·gi116 thl.'ir · nss1 •rnecl 1·e.<;pm!s1 b1ht H.'"-'i

(b) S<'ctio:i. 2V-J oZ t!10 :Xcti.on:ll Security Act, of J!Hi, "ns mncnded) is ame;1c:l.'d hj· ™.!ding f.:.t the eml thereor tim fol!o\v-ing new si.:;~ectio:;1:

': (j} "\YHh tlm advic2 n.nd --~5istanC"e of the.Johit of St:lfi tha !:>ms!d~!it, through the Secr,;br.J of Deicn::.'.11 shall est:• T1Ji:,h 1mi:t<.>1 l o~ ::pt'cifi•·d coi:.1l.n~tn11t conmmnds "fo1· tho p~rform:mce or militn.ry mission:;, and shall <lc­h•rmine the fo:n:·e s-tructure of snch coml•:Ltnnt comnir~nch to ba ~oillp{J~~ll o! fm ix . .; or t11e Dc1>artment. of the ~\rmy, t110 D.-parfl!H'nt of t?1e Xnvy, the D:~pr~rtm('nt. of the .Air li'orc<>, which shall thrn lie ussigne« to such co:nb:it.nnt. commnnd:; hv tJrn <lep:u1ments conc{'rnc>d for tho per­iormrmco of st:ch mi1itnn· mi<:..-;ions. Such comh:~tnnt commands ~·H, i·espo:1-.;ib!~ fo the Prl.'sic1£•nt nnd the Secre­bry of D::-fcns:1 fo;.· S!~c..:1i. rn.ilit~ry mi->:;ions r.s may L'-0 nss1gned to them J;y th£t Se:cr...tary of D.:fcu;:;e., 'vith tho npl?ro;al of the Pre.s!dent. }'"orces ::issign<!d to such uni­fien romhat:mt comm-i:,ds or spccifa:cl coml.:itm1t. com­m:mcl~ sh:i.11 l'i'l un~ler thi! foll operational co1nmancl of tlw comm~i'!t!l:'r of th~ unified comb:1tm1t cornmnncl or the comm?..ncla of ih3 sp2cificd combntani comm.uicl. All forces no!: ~o l'!..c:signetl n::·:n:iin for nll purpose-s in f ht>ir rc.spectirn c!t-p:?.rt:n-~:!ts. U1icler the dirtction, nufl101·ity, m1tl cont1ol oi the Secrt-t:u:,:; oI De!i.:n:;-0 e.ich milihtrJ c~::>p!l.rtment shnH t,3 re~r...cmsihlo for the tJ.drnini5hation c• • • ]"" • l h o~ t11a 10.-ccs ~s;g;1N iro:n its <-<p:trfrne-nt. lo sue. coJ.1·

b:i.t.ant con1mnn cl-=. The 1":!3p0!1:->i .1ili t y for f ho su npoz t of forces n.-,signcc1 to comb~t~mt comminch. shall lx' ;!t?;;tcd in 0!13 or More of tho military cl~pa.rtmc-nt.:; as may},~ di-



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REF ID:A69029

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XlA'I'iO:-;.u.. ~ECJ:nrrY .ACT o:: l IH 1

.AUTJI(IRJ.7.iNO TIH~ n::r;E:o.\.·r:o:-i_c::· I>trrIE3 IJY" 'l'HE 1.rtr.tT•1.nY ez"tVICr: CllJE~'l:J


S:oo. 6. {n.);.13035 of titb 10, Unit.:-d Stntr.:s CoJ13, ·TO.A st .. t. w~. b mncn~ed by ~c1rJin;j at tirn end there:;.! u new subsection. { ..:J to ris !o!lows: ·

'{c) Tho Vil!e Chief o! S;'l.ff }ws such authority Pnd 't'le<> C-c~t ot <lutie.s '>ith res1;cct to the Department of th!) Anny N~ th.3 i;t.,.l.

C!lie.f of Stn.11, with the aT.Jprovnl of tho o! tho A1my, m::i.y <leh·~1l:) to or p~·<?scrib;> for him. Onler$ is-wccl b_y the Vice Chief oi' in performing- i::uch <lutie.;; h!l.Yt.1 th~ sa:n~ afed ~·s those issued by the Chia.f of Stnff."

(b) Section 50SS (b) of titla 10, United Statw Code, is WA s ... t. 2;;.."1.

nmE>nd:!d to re:•tl ns fo:!o..,-s: "(b) 'l'hc Yi~~ C~ief of Xav.'.l.1 01.}er11.tiot1s has l;Uch mt· Vic.:- ci.tcz or

t} . d d . . • ]) . I i1 1'T!1:~.o.l O~til-10r1 ty an ut1c..:; w1tu :::cs_;>::>ct to t. 1~~ :po.rt mr:-nt o t..10 tiolle.. l~avy as the Chi<>f of Na.val O..l')erations, with thn v.p­:prov:1l o~ tho S.:eidtu·y of tl.c !-, :!1·y, may cl.-lcgato rr1 o~· prescrib3 for him. -Orders i~ued by t.ha Vico Chi'.}f of 1\nvul Op:.>mtio,1~; in p<.-:-forming snch duties h::i.vo tho eff ec1; as tl.cso ~u~cl by tho Chief of :N !W:\l Op:m\tio:1." ..

(c) St'dion !:i202 of title 10, Unitec1 States Co<le, fa 'lo>.. St1t. ~~­amended hy ncldir;g at the i:-nd thereof n new r.ub5ection (cJc to renchs foBo-i·.-s:

'(c) The Comm::mchnt Ji::u, such l.'llthority .As\1~timc Co.-..­and duties with r.:sr,e.ct. lQ ih·~ :~farirrn Corps ns tho Com- c:\L<lo.::it.

m:mdnnt, ''ith the a1,pro·.-nl of lho S<>~rclarv of the Xn.vy, may delegate 1-0 oi- prescribe for him. Orders issued by tho As..<=istant; ij1 performilJP such duties hnvc the Mme c-IT.-ct as tho;c-~1 is5ued by tho i..;omrn:rndo.d."

(cl) Section 80:>5 of titb 10, U1;itetl St:itl's Cotlo, is 7'M. Stat. o11n2 2m£-ndt'<l by adding nt tho cntl th£>reof a now sub.;ection (cli to r<":Hl nc; foll::>ws:

'(d) Thu Vice Chief of Etaff h'.ls s~td1 authority r.mI <1utic:; with t'(·;;prd. lo tho Dcp:i.rtm~nt.of the.Air Force :is tha Chief of Staff, with th::i npprnrnl of tho Sc-crl'lary of tho Air Ii'orco, may to or pz c<:cribo for him. Orders i!"'!":.urd by tl10 Yico Chief of Starr in JHll'forn:ing sn'-'h clutil's ]1'\vo tlia snnm efi'l'd as thoso i~h~uecl by tho Chief oi" ·

C'L.o\m.?n~~ THE :r.o;.~~ 07 ·nm CHAm:;:.\~\ 01' '.i'i.ll!l JOI:-.""T Ciil!:::'S (1}• ST,U'F

S•:c. 7. Scctfon 1 a (n) (1) of title 10, Unitf:'d Stnl<.'S 70.U:ht. G. Oxle, is amencled by striking out the word'i ",who has uo \'Oto".

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'iOA. 15S.

'li).\ 278-~.

- .. _.... - -'------·

:t.r.\'l'IO::.TAL sr:cumTY ACT 01''0

19·1 i

ra-;Dt:'CING ·r1r:t: li'U~!In-;n O!-· .A&~I&1· .. \~T ~E("l"~: .. T .. \j(tC'3 o~ .. • 1'D"Lt'l"A "ill" D:.:C:!',\.Jn"JU~:-O·! :3

Sz.:c. 8. (~) Section 3013 (n) of tit lo 10, Unit.e-d St&.tes Cede, i!> nmc;tclcd f.o rcatl ::is follow:;:

"{:\) 'l'h~re nro rm Under SE'<"rct.u·y of' tT:e Army and three ..c\.!o-:-;istr.ut Secretari('S or tlie .A1·my in tho Dt•pnrt­xnent of the .Army. rrh;}y shnll be nppointe.l from civil­ian Ii Ic hy the P1 e:1iclent, by nncl with the arh-ke cud con­£ant or th~ Sw:itE-."

(b) (1) Section 503-1 of tillo 10, United Stat~s Co;.le, is nmcncled to rend as follows: · "§ Ii03-l ... A.ssistnnt SccrctnriC's of t]1c Xrrn.-: nnpoint­l!l~nt.; duties - .. ·

"(n) 'l'heie are three As.:1istant Se-cretarie~ of the Nnvy in the Department of tho Nn. .... ·y. They shnll h.:· apiiointeCl fx_:o!n civ1li:m lifo by tho President, by and "t>itl1 tho nd­v1ca rmd conswt. of tho Senate.

':(b) 'l'he .Assistant Sccrt'.'tnries &hnH p·.:-rform sucl1 <!utiPS as tho Secret:ny of the X !\'\"Y prc.o<:cril_..::;:}'

(2) Section 50J:.> of title 10, lJnitccl Sta<<.S Codo, is ropea!e<l.

_1 C)

(3) The annlysis of clmptc1· 50:; of title IO, Unitctl Sttitcs Code, is nmencled by ~triking out. th·~ folio\dng items: ••503-1_ A~:-lstant Sr-c:r<:t:trit>s c.f tlle :.'\'al'y: nr1point:::..-t•fJt; rlutics;


s \

, .. ••a033.. .A!1-Sl!<tartr ~ccret:u·y of trc !i:n-y for Air: :lf'I>Oiutrat"Ul:;

•. duties; cum1•en».ttion."

nncl by inserting tho following in lieu fTiM"CQf: ..5031. .A!'!'I.,tant S-::-cret:tries of the Xm;y: nppoiutr:-:!":-.t; <latl<'s:

'lOA Stnt. 459. (c) SE.'otion $01~ (a.) of "title 10, T:nite:d :3~:1k•;; Cocll', is nmen<l<'d to read ns follows:

5 USC 171c.


"(E) Thez·e an linclei· Secretary of tl1': .\ir Force nnd three .As.:;i~tanf. f.~ccreta1·it-s of tho _\.ir F<>rce in the Dc-parf.nwnt of tho .Ah· Forc.C'.. Thf'y shnll l~: ::ippointe<l from civilian lifo by tho Prc-:,i<ll'nt, by ai.<l with tho

: advice nml con&.-nt of t.ho Senate."'

ESTACLlSHlXC~ '!HI·: rnm:c-roJ~ OP 11r:fi:!\SE l:F-5f:.\l:CH .\XT> E:>:'GlX?·:EnJXG

S1~c. 9. (a) Sec:tion 203 of the Xntional s~unty _\ct of 1!1-17, ac:; amended, is amended hv reclc>.;.i::~1:ttiu~ suh.,ec­tions "(b)" and "(c)" as suh.;ect.ions ';(c)"' :rnd "{cl)", respectively, ancl hy inserting a new suh<;ectfo:1_';(h)" as follows: · .

"(o) (1) Thereshnll oo 1i J)i1·Pctorof D,"?fl•n::c nc>:;<>arclt nncl J~nginPering who shall l~ nppointPd frr~m rivilinn lifo by tho Presirfont~ by nml with th" arh· ::nil ("On~·.C'nt. of the Senn.tC', who ~hall take pn•cNlrnc:o m tb~ l>rpnrt.­mcnt of Defon"-0 art<'r the f-:N:n•tnry or IJ.~fl'u::c>, the Deputy Secretnry of Th1feu::;e, the SC<:'n·tary of tlio ~hmy,

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-tl:o S:'.'Cretnry of tho Na.vy, nn.~1 tho Seci-cbry or tho .Air Forcr-. 'l'ho Director perfori 115 sw~h clutic.'> with l't'.&pcct f'> icwm·ch c:111.;inE>.('rin~ n::; the S-t".:rctary of Defcn50 m:-iy pr~"'crih"', inc nclinci, L:1t zwt to, tho follow­hw: (i) to bo th11 priu.cipa! nclvi~('r to tho St>-erclnry of I >Jfon:;o on scientiffo imcl t~dmbil n1aUN-s; (ii) to s11por­yj50 all rE'i''t'nrch nnd engi1!1..';:riul~ acti,,·iti~.s in the D<!part­J:1Cnt. of Dcfonse; nncl (iii) to <ln:~d and control (inclt:cl­ing their a&sigmncnt. or r1::u,.sig11mcnt) rcsenrch ancl r~ginecring nctidtic·:s that the Secretary of Defc11so c~cems to require ccntmlizcd m:rna~m('nt. r.fhe compen­sation of tho Dir.•ctor is lh~t prc.;crihecl };y lnw for tho· Sc-cretariC".o: of ths miJitnry dE>p:irtmen!s.

"(2) Tho SC'cret:try of J)efonsc 01· his designce, subject to the uppro~nl of tho Pn·:;'i<lt"nt, is authorized to cngn.go in basic nncl nppJic1l rN=em-ch proj('cf.s l's.c::£>ntial to tho i-cs}X>n::.iuilitic..s of tho D~p::i.rhnent of Defenso in the fiPlcl of b:z..c::ic nncl npplied rl:c::P:1r<;i:1 nud clC'n•loprncn{. which pt>rtain to W(•:tpons sy.:.tem-;; and other military r~uirC'JnC'nts. 'l'ho St•crctary or his cle-sig-i1eC', subject to tl10 npprm·n.I of the Pr('sid<!nt, is :rntl1orizC'd to 11crform assi;;.'Tlcd re.:::e:uch ::md development. projC'C'ls: Ly contrnd; v.-ith privat~ husinC'SS entities, eclucation:il or research institution.::., or otht'r ngcncit's· of tho Government, thronr~l~ CJne or moz·o of th~·military depn.dmt'nt~, or by ut.ilizmg t'mployces and corL<;ult:mts of the DL'pnrtment of Defl'il!"e. ·': : . '"(:l) Thcrn is nutlrnrizecl. to be nppropri:tlccl snch sums

ris m:_:i.y ba nce~::!>:u-y":for t!1e pmJ>O<s1:-s of paragrnph (2). of tlns su hsecl 10n." .

(b) Section 'l of Pnblic T~~,.,.. 85~'32~i, clntocl l"cbnrn.ry 12, 19::iS, is nmcnd('d to rl"ad !l.5 follows:·

"SEc. 7. The Sr-cr£.>tary of Defense or his clC'signee is authorized to cng:1::,ro in st:ch udvanc('d projects essential to tho Dcfenro Dt•p:wtment"s respon.sibilitic:::; in the field of bnsic nncl appliecl re;;C':m:h nnd dc\·clopmC'nt which perlnin to "i·;cnpon.:; S\"$f<.'ms and military requirl'ments as tho BerrC'tn.ry of ]).,f<'nc::o may clotr:rmine. after consulta­tion with the Joint Chil"fs of Stnli'; nncl for n period of oneyenr from the cff1?ctirn d:itc of this Act, tho Secretary of Defon;;e or his cl('signe:i: h; further m1thorizec1 to engage in such adrnnced s:p:ice projC'cts ns may be <lcsignntc<l by the Prl'.'Sic1C'I1L

"X othing in this pro,,-i:;io11 of Jn~- slrnll pr('cludo tl1a Secretary of Dt•fen:>c from a~igning to tho military de­partments the duty of eng:~ging in rc:;eurch ::i.ncl cle\·clop­nwnt, of weapons systrins nC>C'e.:s::i.ry to fulfill tho comb:itnnt functions nssignecl oy bw to such milit:u·_y clE.'j,l!l rt 1111"11 t-;.

''l'lic SN'l'-'tarv of Def Pn.:::o shall p,,::;:;ign nny wen.pons sy~t<'ms den•lop;cl to sud1 milit:u·y department. or clc­pm·trn('nfs for (liOll1wticm nnd opNationnl control ns he

.111:iy <h•h•rininc. '

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Aufo, p.11. pro}· ecta. etc.


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SE-C. 10. (:i.} ·euu::3Ction (c) of rr-ction 203 of the !fo­tiond Sccni"i~.Y ..... '..ct of: 19-17, y.s l'mcn<lctl (5 .u. S. C.

-~·: ·- .·; l'l!c), t'!S reclcsr.;;-n1tetl by ~ct.ion !> (o.) of this l~ct, is .- ' ~ .. t.ncnde<l ns f oJ lo\'i"S:

(1) By striking out the worcl "tlu·~" Pncl inse-rting t'h-o.';•.-orcl "seven11 in pfaca thereof.

(9.) By strikfo6 tbe '•orU. ":mtl" nft..':.'r the v;o:;:-c1 "Nn-..-y,n. •

(3) J.>y insa;:tingtne ·h·ords ", ~nd the Director of De­fen~-;i Hesen.r·ch :ad Enginec.ring., aiter the "rYorcls "..c\ir Forcan. .·

(b) Section 3 of neorgn.nizntion Plan :?-:-o. G of H>:.i3 (61 St~f. 6:3S) is ~pca!ed. .

. A'OTHOR!ZJXG TU:.! T~~\:S.!>:r'EJ."1: Ol:' Ol""!~Icl:P.S n~7!"VlIX!'-i" T!!l:~

... ; : .6'.R:OH:.D FO~Cl-:.S

SEc. l:t. Chnpter 11 of title 10, United State:; Code, is amem!cd ~s folicr;;·s: •

-: .•; ,'. .•. (1) By ndcling tlm iolJo;--;fog new item nt the end of the ~nf'.Iysis: .

~: . · · • ... 118. Commlss!v:n:;l o!:!cc;-~: trnn!<fE:zs lietw(.-1:11 Army, Nnvy, Air .: . • .• ' J:'orce, anu !>farine Cor-,.>.~." .

(2) By r.drlin~ the following new 5!!ction ut Um cud:

"§ '116. Comm:£.sio:1ed officers: tr:m:;fers bel\rnt-n Ju-my, Nr.v.f, .. Ah· Force, and ~fari11c Corps

"Notwithstnc<ling :my oth£>r provic:,ion of Jaw, tho President m,.y, ·within ni.:tl:orizccl stn·ngths, tmuc;fo&' nny commi~.::;!oned officer with his cor:c:ent irolll the Army, 1fa•·y, Air l"orce, er )farina Corp:; to, nncl nppoint him in, nuy othei:'" or tho-:e :iz·rrn~cl :force:::. 'I'hc Secretary of Defom·o shnJI cslalJlish, hy rc>gufotionc; approYcd by the Presidt"nt, poEci~s and proccclnre.; for such trnnsfors-ancl npJ;t)intrnen{s. Xo ofiicer tr::mc;f::-rrt>cl in11 :;unnt to this nuthority slnll ha nssi~1:eJ. ]JreccclPnce or relnti\ c rank high<>r than that which h..: held.on Urn dny prio.- to sudt transfer."

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S.1::c:. 1~. Sr.diem 3011> of tith 10, Un!trc1 Stnt{\.; Code, is>mlell by rt-di:-~ign:-.ti11g snh~~rtio;1s "(ti.).", "lh) ", r-1~<l "{c)" p_c; sub:.;~ctions '·(l:l)", "(c)'\ nrnl '(cl)'\ r£S;>:>~­th·t-ly, -f~l!tl by ini:crting fl. new sub:~Ccllt';l_l_ (~.) to l"er.:1 US follO'.n;:

u(a) 'l'her~ h ~ N:'.tiC'l1:i.l Guard Bnrer.u, ,~.-liich is P.

Joint B.m:nu of the Depaitmt·n~ of th!) Army rmc! the Denart.nient of tho .Ai:· For\.!~, headed by n chi11i who b t.ha .. ad1;h~r to the Army Chit•f oi Staff :mcl the .Aiz· Force Chit>f of Stnfi on N~tionnl Guard Tho Na~

· tioirnl GuarJ Rt:?'.?~ltl ls the chnnm:-l of cornmunicntion heL~Ycen the d£>partrnents co11cernccl mid the se'l·c:rnl State~-., Territories, J~ico, 1he Cnn3l Zone, and fhr: District of Columbia on dl mnttm-s pertninh1g to tho National Guard, tha Army Xntional Gm1.rcl of the Unit!!<l Sta.tes1 nnd the Air !fo.tion'..\I Guard of the United Stnles.n

1:1'~.e--r:G'h\"'I: D.\'l'E

8'.f:c. 13. Sect.ions S ancl 10 of this Act shall h'-'COlfl!' cf­fecf:iva .>ix months uf tcr tho <lato of ennctrnent of thi1; .A ct-

Appro·;cd Au~nst 6, J.95S. 0

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