references - link.springer.com3a978-1-4757-3559-8%2f1.pdfreferences [as] abramowitz, m. and l....

References [AS] Abramowitz, M. and l. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Stan- dards, 1964. Reprint, Dover Publications, New York. [Ad] Adams, R. A., Sobolev Spaces, Academic Press, New York, 1975. (Vol. 65 in the series Pure and Applied Mathematics.) [Agm] Agmon, S., Lectures on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Van Nostrand, New York, 1965. [AG] Akhiezer, N. l. and l. M. Glazman, Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space, Ungar, New York, 1963. [ATS] Alekseev, V. M., V.M. Tikhomirov, and S. V Fomin, Optimal Control, Consultants Bureau, New York, c1987. [AY] Alexander, J. C. and J. A. Yorke, "The homotopy continuation method: Numerically implemented topological procedures," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 242 (1978), 271-284. [AlG] Allgower, E. and K. Georg, "Simplicial and continuation methods for approximating fixed points and solutions to systems of equations," SIAM Review 22 (1980),28-85. [AGP] Allgower, E. L., K. Glasshoff, and H.-O. Peitgen, eds., Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 878, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981. [Ar] Aronszajn, N., Introduction to the Theory of Hilbert Spaces, Research Foundation, Okla- homa State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1950. [At] Atkinson, K. E., A Survey of Numerical Methods for the Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind, SIAM Publications, Philadelphia, 1976. [Au] Aubin, J. P., Applied Functional Analysis, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1999. [Av1] Avez, A., Introduction to Functional Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Differential Calculus, Wiley, New York, 1986. [Av2] Avez, A., Differential Calculus, Wiley, New York, 1986. [Ax] Axelsson, 0., "On Newton Type Continuation Methods," Comm. Applied Analysis 4 (2000), 575-595. [BN] Bachman, G. and L. Narici, Functional Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1966. [Bac] Bachman, G., Elements of Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1964. [Bak) Baker, C. T. H., The Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations, Oxford University Press, 1977. [Ban] Banach, S., Theorie des Operations Lineaires, Hafner, New York, 1932. [Barb] Barbeau, E. J., Mathematical Fallacies, Flaws, and Flimflam, Mathematical Associa- tion of America, Washington, 2000. [Bar] Barnes, E. R., "A variation on Karmarkar's algorithm for solving linear programming problems," Mathematical Programming 36 (1986), 174-182. [Bart] Bartle, R. G., The Elements of Real Analysis, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1976. [Bart2] Bartle, R. G., Elements of Integration Theory, Wiley, New York, 1966. Revised edition, 1995. [Bea] Beauzamy, B., Introduction to Banach Spaces and their Geometry, North Holland, Am- sterdam, 1985. [Bee] Beckner, W., "Inequalities in Fourier Analysis," Ann. Math. 102 (1975),159-182. [Berb] Berberian, S. K., Introduction to Hilbert Space, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York, 1976. Reprint by American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rl. [Berb2] Berberian, S. K., Notes on Spectral Theory, Van Nostrand, New York, 1966. [Berb3] Berberian, S. K., Fundamentals of Real Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999. [Berb4] Berberian, S. K., Measure and integration. Macmillan, New York, 1965. 429

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[AS] Abramowitz, M. and l. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Stan­dards, 1964. Reprint, Dover Publications, New York.

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[AG] Akhiezer, N. l. and l. M. Glazman, Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space, Ungar, New York, 1963.

[ATS] Alekseev, V. M., V.M. Tikhomirov, and S. V Fomin, Optimal Control, Consultants Bureau, New York, c1987.

[AY] Alexander, J. C. and J. A. Yorke, "The homotopy continuation method: Numerically implemented topological procedures," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 242 (1978), 271-284.

[AlG] Allgower, E. and K. Georg, "Simplicial and continuation methods for approximating fixed points and solutions to systems of equations," SIAM Review 22 (1980),28-85.

[AGP] Allgower, E. L., K. Glasshoff, and H.-O. Peitgen, eds., Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 878, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981.

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A-orthogonal, 233 A-orthonormal, 233 Absolute continuity, 413 Absolutely convergent, 14, 17 Accumulation point, 12 Adjoint of an operator, 50, 82-83 Adjoint space, 34 Affine map, 120 Alaoglu Theorem, 370 Alexander's Theorem, 36.') Algebra of sets, 421 Almost everywhere, 396 Almost periodic functions, 76, 77 Almost uniformly, 397 Angle between vectors, 67 Annihilator, 36 Approximate inverse, 188 Arzela-Ascoli Theorems, 347ff Autocorrelation, 293 Axiom of Choice, 31 Babuska-Lax-Milgram Theorem,

201 Baire Theorem, 40 Banach limits, 37 Banach space, 10 Banach-Alaoglu Theorem, 370 Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, 41 Bartle-Graves Theorem, 342 Base for a topology, 362 Base, 5 Basin of attraction, 135 Bernoulli, J", 153 Bessel functions, 179 Bessel's Inequality, 72 Best approximation, 192 Bilinear functional, 201 Binomial Theorem, 262 Binomial coefficients, 261 Biorthogonal System, 82, 192 Bohl's Theorem, 339 Borel Sigma-algebra, 384 Borel sets, 392 Bounded above, 6



Bounded functional, 81 Bounded map, 25 Bounded set, 20, 368 Brachistochrone Problem, 153,

157ff Brouwer's Theorem, 333 Calculus of Variations, 152 Canonical embedding, 58 Cantor set. 46 Caratheodory's Theorem, 387 Category argument, 45, 46, 47, 48 Category, 41 Catenary, 153, 156, 169 Cauchy sequence, 10 Cauchy-Riemann equations, 199 Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality, 62 Cesaro means, 13 Chain Rule, 121 Chain, 31 Characteristic function of a set,

395 Characters, 288 Chebyshev polynomials, 214 Closed Graph Theorem, 49 Closed Range Theorem, 50 Closed graph, 47 Closed mapping, 47 Closed set, 16 Closure of a set, 16, 363 Cluster point, 12 Collocation methods, 213ff Compact operator, 85, 351 Compact set, 8 Compactness in the weak

topologies, 369 Compactness, 19, 20, 364 Complete measure space, 387 Completeness, 9, 10, 15, 21 Completion of a space, 15, 60 Composition operator, 252 Condensation of singularities, 46 Conjugate direction methods, 232 Conjugate gradient method, 235

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Conjugate space, 34 Conjugate-linear map, 90 Connectedness, 124 Continuation methods, 238 Continuity, 15 Contraction Mapping Theorem,

177,333 Contraction, 132, 176 Convergence in measure, 408 Convergence of distributions, 257 Convergence of test functions, 249 Convergence, 8, 11, 17 Convex functional, 231 Convex hull, 12 Convex set, 6 Convolution of distributions, 285 Convolution, 269ff, 290ff Coset, 29 Cosine transform, 300, 321 Countable additivity, 386 Count ably compact, 227 Counting measure, 382 Cycloid, 153, 158 Degenerate kernel, 176, 357 Dense set, 14, 28, 36 Derivative of a distribution, 253 Descent methods, 225 Diaconis-Shahshahani Theorem,

361 Diagonal dominance, 172ff Diameter of a set, 185 Differentiable, 115 Differential operator, 24, 273 Dini's Theorem, 350 Dirac distribution, 250, 256, 260,

268, 283 Direct sum, 80, 143 Directed set, 363 Directional derivative, 227 Dirichlet Problem, 167, 198 Discrete space, 46 Discrete topology, 362 Discretization, 170 Distance function, 9, 19, 23, 34,

64 Distributions, 246, 249 Dominate, 32


Dominated convergence theorem, 406

Dual space, 34 Eberlein-Smulyan Theorem, 59 Egorov's Theorem, 397 Eigenvalue, 91 Eigenvector, 92 Elliptic, 211 Embedding theorems, 330ff Equimeasurable rearrangement,

403 Equivalence, 4 Equivalent norms, 23, 27,39 Essential supremum, 409 Euclidean norm, 4 Euler Equation, 155ff, 164 Euler-Lagrange Equation, 155 Extended real number system, 381 Extension of a function, 31 Extremum problems, 145 Fatou's Lemma, 403 Feasible set, 243 Fermat's Principle, 162, 164 Finite dimensional, 5 Fixed point of Fourier transform,

301 Fixed-Point Theorems, 140, 333 Formal adjoint, 279, 280 Fourier coefficients, 72 Fourier projections, 42 Fourier series, 42, 167 Fourier transform table, 292 Fourier transform, 24, 287ff Frechet derivative, 115 Frechet-Kolmogorov Theorem,

350 Fredholm Alternative, 351ff Fredholm integral equation, 175,

178, 190 Fredholm theory, 356 Fubini Theorems, 424, 426, 427 Fundamental solution of an

operator, 273 Fundamental set, 36 G8 set, 46 G6del's Theorem, 30 Gateaux derivative, 120, 228 Galerkin method, 198

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Game theory, 345 Gamma function, 293 Gaussian elimination, 172 Gaussian function, 318 Gaussian quadrature, 223 Generalized Cauchy-Schwarz

Inequality, 84 Generalized function, 246 Generalized sequence, 364 Geodesic, 13, 164ff Geometrical optics, 162 Goldschmidt solution, 157 Gradient, 117 Gram matrix, 197 Gram-Schmidt process, 75 Greatest lower bound, 6 Green's Identity, 277 Green's Theorem, 161, 200, 203,

205,210 Green's functions, 107ff, 215 Holder Inequality, 55, 409 Hahn decomposition, 420 Hahn-Banach Theorem, 32 Half-space, 38 Hamel base, 32 Hammerstein Equation, 225 Harmonic function, 199 Harmonic series, 18 Hausd.,orff space, 362 Hausdorff-Young Theorem, 309 Heat equation, 318ff Heaviside distribution, 250, 254,

256,257, 283 Heine-Borel Theorem, 19 Helmholtz equation, 320 Hermite functions, 309 Hermitian matrices, 104 Hermitian operator, 83 Hilbert cube, 351 Hilbert space, 61, 63 Hilbelt-Schmidt operator, 83, 96,

98 Homotopy, 237ff Hyperplane, 38 Idempotent operator, 189, 191 Implicit Function Theorems, 135ff Infimum, 6 Initial-value problem, 179ff


Inner measure, 390 Inner product, 61 Integrable function, 405


Integral equations, 131, 141, 357 Integral operator, 24 Integration, 399ff Interior Mapping Theorem, 48 Interior of a set, 363 Invariant measure, 385, 392 Inverse Fourier transform, 30lff Inverse Function Theorems, 139,

140 Invertible, 28 Isolated point, 47 Isometric, 35 Isoperimetric Problem, 159, 161 Iteration, 176 Iterative refinement, 187, 188 Jacobian, 118 James' Theorem, 60 Jordan decomposition, 417 Kantorovich Theorem, 127, 130 Kernel, 26 Kharshiladze-Lozinski Theorem,

377 K uratowski-Ryll-N ardzewski

Theorem, 342 Lagrange interpolation, 193 Lagrange multipliers, 145, 148,

152, 159 Laplace transform, 24, 287 Laplacian, 198, 275, 297 Laurent's Theorem, 315 Least upper bound, 6 Lebesgue Decomposition

Theorem, 415 Lebesgue measurable set, 389, 391 Lebesgue measure, 391 Lebesgue outer measure, 382 Lebesgue space, 4 Lebesgue-Stieltjes outer measure,

382 Legendre polynomials, 76, 77, 377 Leibniz formula, 265 Limit in the mean, 308 Linear functional, 24 Linear independence, 4 Linear inequalities, 344

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Linear mapping, 24 Linear operator, 24 Linear programming, 243 Linear space, 2 Linear topological spaces, 367ff Linear transformation, 24 Lion, 154 Lipschitz condition, 120, 178, 180 Local integrability, 251 Locally-convex space, 370 Locally-finite covering, 345 Lower semicontinuity, 22, 226, 340 Lusin's Theorem, 408 Malgrange-Ehrenpreis Theorem,

273 Mathematica, 126, 205, 230 Maximal element, 32 Mazur's Theorem, 372 Mean-Value Theorem, 122, 123 Measurable functions, 394ff Measurable rectangle, 421 Measurable sets, 384 Measurable space, 384 Measure space, 386 Measure, 386 Metric space, 8, 13 Meyers-Serrin Theorem, 330 Michael Selection Theorem, 341 Min-Max Theorem, 346 Minimizing sequence, 226 Minimum deviation, 192 Minkowski Inequality, 55 Minkowski functional, 334, 343 Minkowski's Inequality, 410 Mollifier, 249 Monomial, 6, 261 Monotone class, 422 Monotone convergence theorem,

401 Monotone norm, 14 Moore's Theorem, 373, 375 Multi-index, 246 Multinomial Theorem, 263 Multiplication operator, 252, 268 Multivariate interpolation, 313 Mutually singular, 415 Natural embedding, 58 Neighborhood base, 367


Neighborhood, 17 Net, 364 Neumann Theorem, 28, 133, 186 Neural networks, 315 Newton's Method, 125 Newton, I., 154 Non-differentiable function, 13 Non-expansive, 19, 185 Norm, 3 Normal equations, 200 Normal operator, 100 Nowhere dense, 41 Null space, 26 o-notation, 119 Objective function, 243 Open set, 17 Order of a distribution, 253 Order of a multi-index, 247 Ordered vector space, 150, 152 Orthogonal complement, 65 Orthogonal projection, 72, 74, 193 Orthogonal set, 64, 70 Orthonormal base, 73 Orthonormal set, 71 Outer measure, 382 Paracompactness, 345 Parallelogram law, 61, 62 Partial derivative, 117, 118, 144 Partially ordered set, 31, 363 Partition of unity, 282 Pascal's triangle, 268 Picard iteration, 181 Plancherel Theorem, 305ff Point-evaluation functional, 29,

193,214 Pointwise convergence, 11 Poisson summation formula, 298 Poisson's Equation, 203, 210 Polar set, 370 Polygonal path, 13 Polynomial, 261 Positive cone, 150, 152 Positive sets, 418 Pre-Hilbert space, 61 Product measures, 420ff, 425 Product spaces, 365 Projection methods, 79, 191, 194 Pseudo-norm, 370

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Pythagorean Law, 62, 70 Quadrature, 175, 219, 222 Radial projection, 19 Radiative transfer, 186 Radon-Nikodym Theorem, 413ff Rank of an operator, 197 Rapidly decreasing function, 294 Rayleigh quotient, 149 Rayleigh-Ritz Method, 166ff,

205ff Reflexive spaces, 58 Regular distribution, 252 Regular outer measure, 389 Relative topology, 363 Rellich-Kondrachov Theorem, 331 Residual set, 47 Residual vector, 188, 229 Residue calculus, 315ff Riemann Sum, 218 Riemann integral, 43 Riemann's Theorem, 18 Riesz Representation Theorem, 81 Riesz's Lemma, 22 Riesz-Fischer Theorem, 63, 411 Rothe's Theorem, 338 Saddle point, 347 Schauder base, 38, 204 Schauder-Tychonoff Theorem, 334 Schur's Lemma, 56 Schwartz space, 294 Selection theorems, 339ff Self-adjoint operator, 83 Seminorm, 370 Separable kernel, 176, 357 Separable space, 75 Separation theorem, 151, 342, 343 Sigma-Algebra, 384 Sigma-finite, 414 Signed measures, 417ff Similarity, 103 Simple function, 397 Simplex, 345 Simpson's Rule, 223 Sinc-function, 289 Sine transform, 321 Singular-Value decomposition, 98 Skew-Hermitian operator, 101 Snell's Law, 163


Sobolev spaces, 325 Sobolev-Hilbert spaces, 332 Span, 5 Spectral Theorem, 93 Stable sequence, 80 Steepest Descent, 124, 228


Step function, 406 Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, 359 Strictly positive definite functions,

315 Sturm-Liouville problems, 105ff,

203 Subbase for a topology, 363 Subsequence, 8 Sup norm, 3 Support of a distribution, 282 Support of a function, 247 Supremum, 6 Surjective Mapping Theorem, 139,

142 Szego's Theorem, 44 Tangent, 119 Tauber Theorem, 38 Tempered distributions, 321ff Test function, 247 Topological spaces, 17, 361 Totally ordered set, 31 Translation of a distribution, 270 Translation operator, 38, 252, 328 Tridiagonal, 172 Two-point boundary value

problem, 171, 208ff Tychonoff Theorem, 366 Uncertainty Principle, 310 Uniform Boundedness Theorem,

42 Uniform continuity, 16 Uniform convergence, 11 Unit ball, 7 Unit cell, 7 Unitary matrices, 104 Unitary operator, 101 Upper bound, 6, 31 Upper semicontinuity, 208 Variance of a function, 310 Vector space, 2 Volterra integral equation, 141,

182, 183, 185, 189

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Weak Cauchy property, 88 Weak convergence in Hilbert

space, 87 Weak convergence, 53 Weak topology, 368 Weak* topology, 368 Weakly complete, 57 Weierstrass M-Test, 373


Weierstrass non differentiable function, 259ff, 374

Weierstrass, 11 Wronskian, 106 Young's Theorem, 332 Zarantonello, 183 Zermelo-F'raenkel Axioms, 31 Zorn's Lemma, 32

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Ilk (JRn )


Ilxll oo

IIxl11 JRn



LIU fog

eoo or eoo



Co LP R(L) L(X, Y)


(x, y)

# z z+ z:t N dist



Point-evaluation functional, 29, 43

The adjoint of a mapping L, 50

Dimension, 5

The real number field

The extended real number system, 381

The complex number field, 3


Space of all polynomials of degree at most k in n variables, 263

The space of all polynomials in one variable

Sup-norm on JRn , 3

e1-norm on JRn , 3

n-Dimensional Euclidean space, 3-4

Kronecker delta (1 if i = j and 0 otherwise), 71

Space of continuous functions on a domain S, 3, 14, 348ff

Space of all infinitely differentiable functions on JR, 247

Restriction of a map L to a set U, 59

The composition of functions, f with g, 27

Space of bounded functions on N with sup-norm, 4, 12

Space of summable functions on N, 14, 34

Space of p-th power summable sequences, 54 Space of sequences converging to zero, with sup-norm, 12

Space of p-th power integrable functions, 409

Range of operator L, 51, 191

Space of bounded linear maps from X to Y, 25, 27 Inner product in JRn, 263, 288

Inner product, 61

Number of elements in a set, 39

Set of all integers

Set of all nonnegative integers

Set of n-tuples of nonnegative integers.

The set of natural numbers {1, 2, ... }

Distance from a point to a set, 9, 19, 23

Space of polynomials of degree at most k in one variable.

Surjective mapping, 49, 193

Special convergence for test functions, 249 Implication symbol

Convolution, 269


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444 Symbol Index

X Characteristic function of a set, 395

X* Conjugate Banach space, 34

..L Orthogonality symbol, 64

..L Annihilator symbol, 52, 65

r,1 Fourier transform of f, 288

r--+ Mapping symbol ----' Symbol for weak convergence, 53

III A III Norm of a quadratic form, 84

(;;,) Binomial coefficient, 261 1) Space of test functions, 247 1)' Space of distributions, 249

S the Schwartz space, 294

0 Empty set, 17

\72 Laplacian, 198

:3 "There exists"

V "For all"

n Intersection of a family of sets

U Union of a family of sets

"- Set difference, 22

& Logical AND Wk,P(f?) Sobolev space, 326 Vk,P(fl) Sobolev space, 329

C;:(f?) 331 Hk(f?) 332

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149 RATCLIFFE. Foundations of 185 COX/LITTLE/O'SHEA. Using Algebraic Hyperbolic Manifolds. Geometry.

150 EISENBUD. Commutative Algebra 186 RAMAKRISHNANN ALENZA. Fourier with a View Toward Algebraic Analysis on Number Fields. Geometry. 187 HARRIS/MoRRISON. Moduli of Curves.

151 SILVERMAN. Advanced Topics in 188 GOLDBLATT. Lectures on the Hyperreals: the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. An Introduction to Nonstandard Analysis.

152 ZIEGLER. Lectures on Polytopes. 189 LAM. Lectures on Modules and Rings. 153 FULTON. Algebraic Topology: A 190 ESMONDEIMURTY. Problems in Algebraic

First Course. Number Theory. 154 BROWN/PEARCY. An Introduction to 191 LANG. Fundamentals of Differential

Analysis. Geometry. 155 KASSEL. Quantum Groups. 192 HIRSCH/LACOMBE. Elements of Functional 156 KECHRIS. Classical Descriptive Set Analysis.

Theory. 193 COHEN. Advanced Topics in 157 MALLIA VIN. Integration and Computational Number Theory.

Probability. 194 ENGELINAGEL. One-Parameter Semigroups 158 ROMAN. Field Theory. for Linear Evolution Equations. 159 CONWAY. Functions of One 195 NATHANSON. Elementary Methods in

Complex Variable II. Number Theory. 160 LANG. Differential and Riemannian 196 OSBORNE. Basic Homological Algebra.

Manifolds. 197 EISENBUDIHARRIS. The Geometry of 161 BORWEIN/ERDEL YI. Polynomials and Schemes.

Polynomial Inequalities. 198 ROBERT. A Course inp-adic Analysis. 162 ALPERINIBELL. Groups and 199 HEDENMALMIKORENBLUMIZHU. Theory

Representations. of Bergman Spaces. 163 DIXON/MORTIMER. Permutation Groups. 200 BAO/CHERN/SHEN. An Introduction to 164 NATHANSON. Additive Number Theory: Riemann-Finsler Geometry.

The Classical Bases.

Page 19: References - link.springer.com3A978-1-4757-3559-8%2F1.pdfReferences [AS] Abramowitz, M. and l. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables,

201 HINDRy/SILVERMAN. Diophantine Geometry: An Introduction.

202 LEE. Introduction to Topological Manifolds.

203 SAGAN. The Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions. 2nded.

204 ESCOFIER. Galois Theory.

205 FELlXlHALPERINITHOMAS. Rational Homotopy Theory.

206 MURTY. Problems in Analytic Number Theory. Readings in Mathematics

207 GODSILIRoYLE. Algebraic Graph Theory. 208 CHENEY. Analysis for Applied
